Land Reforms in India - Bhoodan Movement & Vinoba Bhave

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w $ polity | Q 21
8 months ago
[Land Reforms] Bhoodan, Gramdan, Jan
Satyagraha 2012 & other Non
Governmental Movements: Achievements, obstacles,

@Al l :Happy New Year, resolve
to study hard, revise harder,
crack the exams and get your
dream jobs.
1. Prol ogue
2. Bhoodan Movement
(Donati on of Land)
1. Bhoodan:
Mechani sm/procedure/features
2. Bhoodan: Posi ti ve
3. Bhoodan: Obstacl es, Li mi tati ons, Probl ems
3. Gramdan (Donati on of the Enti re Vi l l age)
1. Gramdan: Concept/Pri nci pl es
2. Gramdan Mechani sm
3. Gramdan: Benefi ts
4. Pardi Satyagraha, Guj arat, 50s
5. Great Land Struggl e, 1970s
6. Land for Ti l l ers Freedom (LAFTI), Tami l Nadu, 80s
7. Land Satyagraha, Chatti sgarh, l ate 80s
8. Bhu-Adhi kar Abhi yan, MP, 1996

ARCHANA { Sir can u
please suggest a site to
refer to for international
events. Eg for polity
prsindia.. } [Di saster]
Cl oudburst, Hi mal ayan
Tsunami i n
Uttarakhand, Dopper...
very best guys for d final
result... If I get CISF then
only I am planning to join
it... } [CAPF] UPSC
decl ares Wri tten Resul t
of Assi stant...
20/07/2014 .PLEASE VISIT
NWR REGION http://ssc-
proceed=yes ... } [SSC-
CGL-2013] Re-exam on
Arti cl es
Studypl ans
Downl oad
7/4/2014 Land Reforms in India: Bhoodan Movement & Vinoba Bhave 2/23
9. Janadesh, 2007
10. Jan Satyagraha 2012
1. #1: General Demands
2. #2: PESA rel ated Demands:
3. #3: Forest Ri ghts Act (FRA) rel ated Demands
4. Outcome of Jan Satyagraha 2012?
11. Mock Questi ons
Prol ogue
So far weve seen: British Tenure system, peasant revolts and
three main land reforms after independence viz. (1) Zamindari
Abolition (2) Land ceiling (3) Tenancy protection Acts.
In this article, well check some peoples/NGO/Civil society
movements for land reforms in India. Their
achievements/limitations. by the Naxalbari related matter ignored
here. Youll find neat coverage ot it under September competition
under internal security folder cl i ck me
In the next article well come back to government actions:
cooperative farming, consolidation of land holdings and
computerization of records.
@Mai ns 2013 Pl ayers: If runni ng out of ti me and fi nd thi s
arti cl e too l engthy then j ust read Bhoodan+Gramdan+di rectl y
20th Jul y, Downl oad
al l ...
TILAK { Where you have
problem ??? }
[Reasoni ng] Syl l ogi sm
(Al l Cats are Dogs):
Method, ...
BRIDGE { I opted my
tier-1 exam centre as NR-
Delhi(2201) but they
alotted me HARIDWAR....
and then my tier-2 was
conducted in DELHI only....
am I eligible... } [SSC-
CGL-2013] Re-exam on
20th Jul y, Downl oad
al l ...
DEV { mrunal when will
you post science and tech
for ias pre..... }
[Current]May W2/P1:
Envi ronment &
Bi odi versi ty: Pol avaram
Proj ect, ...
MAJID { Sir, i do not
know if it should be put
but thought it would be
better if link for OFCDs was
also put in. so... }
Pol i ty- Form20, EVM
Total i zer, Pramati
Judgement, ...
KUSHAL { Statement II.
Marked price is never
lower than Selling price. In
case of shortage of goods
selling price can be higher
then market price Sir,... }
[Apti tude] Concepts of
Marked Pri ce and
Successi ve...
DEEPTI { Fantastic
7/4/2014 Land Reforms in India: Bhoodan Movement & Vinoba Bhave 3/23
Jan Satyagraha 2012 and ski p the topi cs i n between.
Bhoodan Movement ( Donati on of Land)
First Bhoodan in village Pochampalli, Nalgonda District, Andhra (the
hotbed of Telengana movement)By local Zamindar V. Ramchandra
Reddy to Vinoba Bhave.
Jayaprakash Narayan withdrew from active politics to join the
Bhoodan movement
Bhoodan movement had two components:
1. Collect land as gift from zamindars and rich farmers.
2. Redistribute that gifted/donated land among the landless farmers.
Bhoodan: Mechanism/procedure/f eatures
1. (Hierarchy) Vinoba: Sarvodaya Samaj=> Pradesh Bhoodan
Committees in each region=> local committees and individual
social workers @grassroot.
2. He and his followers were to do padayatra (walk on foot from
village to village). Persuade the larger landowners to donate at
least one-sixth of their lands.
3. Target= 50 million acres. (~1/6 of total cultivable land in India)
4. When a Zamindar/rich farmer gifts/donates a land, the Bhoodan
worker would prepare a deed.
5. These Deeds forwarded to Vinoba Bhave @Sevagram for
6. Bhoodan Worker took help of Gram Panchayat, PAtwari (village
accountant) to survey the beneficiaries and land fertility.
7. First preference given to landless agricultural laborers, then to
farmers with insufficient land.
8. A date was fixed, entire village gathered and the beneficiary family
was given land.
9. Those who receive the donation are asked to sign a printed
application requesting for land, after which they are presented
with certificates of having received land.
10. No fees charged from the beneficiary.
11. Beneficiary was expected to cultivate the land for atleast 10 years.
He should start within three years of the receipt of land.
compilation thnku so
much. . }
Pol i ty- Form20, EVM
Total i zer, Pramati
Judgement, ...
KUSHAL { Respected sir
In question no 9 Statement
I. Marked Price is always
higher than Cost price ==
isn't if person want to clear
stock he... } [Apti tude]
Concepts of Marked
Pri ce and Successi ve...
asked him whether the
current batch is for 2013,
he reiterated 2014!! May
be he was himself not
aware. } [ACIO] Resul t
for ACIO 2013 exam
decl ared, ...
Congrats Rishi Sir.... Wish
You very best luck.... }
[Topper's Intervi ew]
Raj arshi Raj Varma
(UPSC-2013 /...
saurabh..thanks 4 d info.. I
think the batch that has
begun cannot b of acio could b of acio
2012 reserve list batch... }
[ACIO] Resul t for ACIO
2013 exam decl ared, ...
Norman lewis k alawa koi
Aur option nahi hai kya
vocabulary improve krte k
liye } [Studypl an] SSC-
CGL Engl i sh Vocabul ary,
Grammar and
7/4/2014 Land Reforms in India: Bhoodan Movement & Vinoba Bhave 4/23
12. These Rules/procedures were relaxed by taking local conditions,
cultures in account.
Many state governments made legislation to facilitate donation and
distribution of Bhoodan land. Example: Andhra Pradesh, Bihar,
Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Orissa, Punjab,
Rajasthan, U.P., Delhi and Himachal Pradesh.
Subsequently, the movement was widened into Gramdan. States
again passed special legislation for management of Gramdan
Bhoodan: Positive
In the initial years the movement achieved a considerable degree
of success, especially in North India- UP, Bihar.
By 1956: receiving over 4 million acres of land as donation.
By 1957: ~4.5 million acres.
The movement was popularised in the belief that land is a gift of
nature and it belonged to all.
The donors of land are not given any compensation. This
movement helped to reduce the gap in haves and have-nots in
rural areas.
This movement was un-official. The landlords were under no
compulsion to donate their land, it was a voluntary movement.
One of the very few attempts after independence to bring about
land reform through a movement
Promoted the Gandhian the idea of trusteeship or that all land
belonged to God.
Communist leader E.M.S. Namboodiripad
the Bhoodan and Gramdan movement stimulated political
and other activity by the peasant masses
has created a favourable atmosphere for political propaganda
and agitation
for redistribution of the land
for abolition of private ownership of land
for the development of agricultural producers cooperatives.
Bhoodan: Obstacles, Limitations, Problems
After 56 movement lost its momentum.
Comprehensi on:...
saurabh..thanks 4 d info.. I
think the batch that has
begun cannot b of acio could b of acio
2012 reserve list batch... }
[ACIO] Resul t for ACIO
2013 exam decl ared, ...
SANTOSH { Ruchi gupta
jee, Supreme court
'collegium' will be the
penal authority in selection
of Judges of Supreme
court.Here What executive
did is ethically seemed to...
} [Current]MayW2/P2:
Pol i ty- Form20, EVM
Total i zer, Pramati
Judgement, ...

Bank i ng Sec t or
09-Jul : IBPS RRB 2014
21-Jul : RBI asst .(only
SPORTS quot a)
11-Jul : Jharkhand Gramin
(Sep13 RRB Score)
11-Jul : Puducherry Gramin
(Sep13 RRB Score)
Comm/ HR/ CA/ MBA
30-Aug: Accountant NIFFT
11-Jul : HR officers,NBBC
I T/ Comput er
30-Aug: IITD Delhi system
25-Jul : programmer
Lucknow Med.Uni.
25-Jul : programmer
Lucknow Med.Uni.
17-Jul : I T jobs NI HFW
15-Jul : System Op.Raebareli
10-Jul : Karnataka PC
7/4/2014 Land Reforms in India: Bhoodan Movement & Vinoba Bhave 5/23
Slow progress
While nearly 4.5 million acres of Bhoodan land was
available- barely 6.5 lakh acres was actually distributed
among 200,000 families (1957)
In some cases the donors took back their land from the
Bhoodan workers for certain reasons.
This created doubts in the minds of some people about
the continuity of the movement.
village leaders, or allotting authorities, demanded money
from the poor for recommending their names for
allotment. As a result, many underserving villagers also got
land e.g those already having land/ those involved in trade-
Bhoodan movement created land hunger among
landless.Some of them applied multiple times in the name
of wives, children etc. to get more and more free land.
bogus land
big landlords donated those land which were unfit for
cultivation (or under court litigation). Such donations
served no real purpose.
Disputed land
Sometimes Bhoodan workers would even accept
disputed land as gift. Without verification.
Later the Matter would be stuck in court litigations and
beneficiary would get nothing.
In the later phase, Bhoodan workers got associated
with one or another political parties. Some of them
tried to use the Bhoodan organization as a means to
gain political clout and dividends at the time of
Thus as the years passed, Bhoodan workers lost
credibility and respect among villagers=>land gifts
Since Bhoodan workers became political agents, Some
landlords / Ex-Zamindars donated land as bribe to
Bhoodan workers- with hope of getting favourable
returns e.g. ticket in local election, road-contracts,
building contracts etc.
08-Jul : Ludhiana PC operator
06-Jul : IT engg. in CRIS (need
03-Jul : I I T-GNR Soft ware
Engi neer s
23-Jul : MNI T Jaipur
Tech.asst .
15-Jul : ONGC West ern
Tech.asst .
11-Jul : Powergrid Sr.Engg
11-Jul : NBBC Engineers
09-Jul : OI L Drilling Engg.12
03-Jul : I I T-GNR
03-Jul : AFCAT Airforce
01-Jul : WAPCOS Engg.
30-Jun: CPRI Engg. Banglore
Pol i c e/ Def enc e/ I nt el .
21-Jul : NDS(I I ) 2014
14-Jul : BSF Para-
14-Jul : BSF Mot or
t ransport
07-Jul : BSF ASI/H.Constables
06-Jul : Doctors in BSF
03-Jul : AFCAT Airforce
Spec i al i s t
15-Jul : ONGC
account ant s(2)
09-Jul : HR Officers BEL
Medi c al / Al l i ed
18-Jul : Doct ors in HAL
14-Jul : BSF Para-
07-Jul : Haryana Doctors
06-Jul : Doctors in BSF
03-Jul : Doctors in various
central org.
30-Jun: Delhi Doctors
30-Jun: Medical Officer
30-Jun: AIIMS Jodhpur
7/4/2014 Land Reforms in India: Bhoodan Movement & Vinoba Bhave 6/23
And if they (landlords) were not given such favours-
theyd forcibly take back the Bhoodan land from the
beneficiary later on.
Mere allotment of land=insufficient. Because landless
farmer also needed seeds, fertilizer, irrigation etc.
Often the beneficiary couldnt arrange loans for these
District officials were slow and inefficient in finishing
the formalities of Bhoodan land transfers.
donated land remained idle for a number of years and
the revenue for it had to be paid by the donor.
1. The average size of land given to beneficiary=0.5 to 3
2. Result: land fragmentation + diseconomies of scale +
disguised unemployment without any noticeable rise
in agro-production.
3. Bhoodans main purpose was to serve as a brake on
the revolutionary struggle of the peasants
4. Thus idea of Bhoodan= reactionary, class
Missed the
bigger picture
5. Bhoodan based on Gandhian idea of trusteeship. Some
Socialists wanted this movement to realize the
potential of trusteeship and launch mass civil
disobedience against injustice.
6. The Sarvodaya Samaj, however, on the whole failed to
make this transition: to build an active large-scale mass
movement that would generate irresistible pressure
for social transformation in large parts of the country.
All these loopholes, slowly and steadily, made the movement
1999: Bihar government dissolved the State Bhoodan Committee
for its inability to distribute even half the Bhoodan land available
L egal
07-Jul : Haryana Attorney
Sc i enc e/ Agr i . Gr ads .
30-Aug: Lab Attendent NIFFT
25-Jul : Himachal
14-Jul : IHBT Himachal
10-Jul : Karnataka lab
10-Jul : Karnataka Horti.Field
10-Jul : Scientist MP
05-Jul : DRDO scientists
05-Jul : SAIL technician
03-Jul : NIFTEM technician
04-Jul : Scientist Tamilnadu
003Jul : Dehradun
04-Jul : Assistants Tamilnadu
Spec . Ot her s
07-Jul : Haryana Town planner
Mi s c . Des k j obs
30-Aug: clerks NIFFT Ranchi
31-Jul : NGT
21-Jul : NI T Warangal asst .
10-Jul : NI T Pat na Asst .
15-Jul : NI FT,Gandhinagar
15-Jul : Raebareli Deskjobs
07-Jul : Drivers AMU
03-Jul : I I T Gandhinagar
L ec t ur e/ Pr of .
07-Jul : AMU
02-Jul : Baroda Univ.
War ni ng
DONOT wai t ti l l l ast
date. Onl i ne Form Part1
stops worki ng 2-3 days
b4 deadl i ne.
DONOT forget/mi spl ace
regi strati on/rol l
number/hal l ti cket after
7/4/2014 Land Reforms in India: Bhoodan Movement & Vinoba Bhave 7/23
over the past thirty-eight years.
Thus, Vinobas lofty ideal remained more as a philosophy and was
never realized fully.
Gramdan ( Donati on of the Enti re Vi l l age)
1952: by the village of Mongroth in U.P.1955: Orissa, Koratpur
At a later phase, this progamme was extended to other states in
Bihar, Maharashtra, Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh,
Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Kerala.
Gramdan: Concept/Principles
1. Gramdan may be defined as an experiment in collective village
2. Original idea comes from Gandhis reply to Jamnalal Bajaj: it is
far better for a hundred families in a village to cultivate their land
collectively and divide the income therefrom than to divide the
land any how into a hundred portions.
3. Vinoba Bhave popularized ^this concept of Gandhi.
Gramdan Mechanism
The villagers have to sign a declaration saying, We are vesting the
ownership of all our land to the Gram Sabha of the village.
1. This Gram Sabha/ Village council will unanimously nominate ten
to fifteen persons who will form an executive Committee.
2. This executive Committee will be responsible for the day-to-day
administration of the village.
3. The decisions of the Committee will be ratified by the Council.
In other words, Gramdan=A Gram Sabha like institution collectively
owned and managed entire land/farms of the villagers.
Gramdan: Benef its
1. In an ideal gramdan village, there will be no landowners, and no
absentee landlords.
2. The labourers will give all their earnings to the village community,
exam i s over.
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which will then distribute it according to needs.
3. Thus, gramdan acts as the ideal unit for putting the principles in
the practice, From each according to his ability, to each according
to his needs.
By 1960 Approx.Gramdan Villages
Orissa 1900+
MH 600
Kerala 550
Andhra 480+
Madras 250
Gramdan movement was considered superior to the Bhoodan
movement because:
land fragmentation, inefficient cultivation,
distribution of poverty, decline in marketable
surplus , donation of uncultivable land, legal
and other difficulties of redistribution, etc.
Nope Economies of scale
Benefits only the person who gets the land
Sarvodaya of entire village.
Everyone benefits.
possible to correlate
with economic planning
in the country.
2nd FYP recognized
that Gramdan village
have great significance
for co-operative village
Li mi tati on of Gramdan? Gramdan was successful mainly in villages
where class differentiation had not yet emerged and there was little if
any disparity in ownership of land or other property. E.g. Tribal
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villages. But didnt find cooperation from other villages in the plains
or villages near urban centers.
Pardi Satyagraha, Guj arat, 50s
1. Socialist workers: Iswarbhai Desai, Ashok Mehta.
2. Kisan Panchayat: a non-political body with no affiliation to any
political party.
3. Tribals from Pardi and Dharmpur Taluka
WHEN 1953-1967
1. 75% of the agro land was owned by 100 big landlords.
2. These landlords were not interested in farming. They kept the
land as such- so grass automatically grew and sold profitably in
Bombay fodder trade.
3. Local tribals would get labour work in such fodder-farms for only
1-2 months during harvesting. They remained jobless and starving
for remaining months. While the landlords made decent profit
with almost none investment or efforts.
Redistribution of land was not on their agenda. (Themselves
declared it)
Satyagrahi would enter in the private land and start tilling to grow
foodcrops and court arrest.
Tribals to boycott grass cutting work. even outside labour would
not be allowed do the work. Picketing. As a result, the grass dried
up at many places.
With time, movement found support from public and political
Bhoodan and Gramdan movements also started but failed thanks
to poor response from landlords.
Resul t? Al most #EPICFAIL because:
1. 1960, Gujarat created out of Bombay state. New state government
made some promises=>Iswarbhai and other Satyagrahi joined the
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Congress party. Hence momentum/pressure was lost.
2. 1965: War between India Pakistan. The CM (Balwant Rai Mehta)
died in plane crash. New CM (Hitendra Desai) did not show much
interest in fulfilling promises made by previous CM.
3. Landlords went to Gujarat Highcourt court. Although HC rejected
their plea, but state government did not show any urgency to
implement the agreements.
4. 1966: Ishwarbhai Desai decide to quit congress and launch a new
Satyagraha, but he died. And others were unable to provide
effective leadership/direction to the movement.
5. 1967: A new agreement between the government, the landlords
and the Satyagrahis. But the implementation carried out at a
snails pace.
Great Land Struggl e, 1970s
WHEN 1970s
Bhartiya Khet Mazdoor Union, All India Kisan Sabha and
Communist Party of India
Nearly 15 lakh agricultural workers, poor peasants, the tribals,
workers and the poor from the towns
Trade unions and students, the youth and the womens
organizations came forward and directly participated in the
TYPE militant mass movement
to highlight the fact that land is concentrated in the hands of a few
landlords, former princess, zamindars and monopolists and to
alert public attention to the urgent need for radical agrarian
1. Occupy the government lands, forest lands, the land belonging to
landlords, monopolist, black marketeers.
2. Start cultivating on ^above land
3. Landless fi ght for full ownership of land
4. Tenants fi ght to reduce rent
5. Tribals fi ght for tribal land grabbed by forest contractors and
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moneylenders from the plains.
6. Urban poors fi ght for vacant land for housing
7. Everyone fi ght to get radical amendments to the present ceiling
laws and distribution of surplus land.
PHASE What Who?
Occupying government land
and forest land
all the states, except Andhra
Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Manipur
and J & K,
Occupying huge farms of
landlords, former princes,
Monopolists like Birlas etc.
all states, except Assam (due to
heavy flood) and Kerala (due to
Mid-term election) participated.
Overall, More than 2 lakh acres of land was occupied, more than
lakhs of people arrested.
1. While Bhoodan movement silently faded away from public
memory and political arena silently, but the great land Satyagraha,
created ripples in the public mind and ruling party.
2. Before the land struggle, the Union and the state governments
never felt the urgency of solving the land problem. But now, Every
state government came out with figures & plans to distribute
wasteland among the poor.
3. For the first time, land distribution started in actual practice, and
some landless people got Pattas of land.
4. Birlas were exposed as the biggest land grabber of India. Their
farms in Uttaranchal and Punjab were distributed to farm
5. Government appointed Central Land Reform Committee to
address agrarian inequalities in the country.
Land for Ti l l ers Freedom ( LAFTI) , Tami l Nadu, 80s
LAFTI was founded by Krishnammal and her husband Jagannathan in
Features/Acti ons by LAFTI
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1. Earlier we saw how rich farmers in Tamilnadu transfereed their
land to fake trusts/charitable organizations/ schools, hospitals
and dharrnashalas to avoid land ceiling.
2. LAFTI organized people against such illegal holdings and pleaded
government to takeover such land and redistribute it among the
landless poor.
3. Highlighted the loopholes in the land related acts. LAFTI
petitioned the President of India about the weaknesses in the
Benami transection ordinance and how landlords evaded ceilings.
4. Negotiated with banks and landlords for a reasonable price for
the purchase of land. And then redistributed it among landless.
5. Generally, the nationalized bank charged a high rate of interest
(14%) for offering loan for the land transfer projects. LAFTI
appealed to the government of India to reduce interest rate to 4%.
6. Requested government to waive stamp-duty and registration fees
for transferring land to landless.
7. Started its own banking scheme, titled LAFTI Land Bank, by
involving 10000 landless families. These 10000 people deposited.
Re. 1 per day or Rs. 10 per week or Rs. 500 per year for five years.
8. With this money and help from the government in the form of
exemption of stamp duties and registration fees, LAFTI planned to
transfer 500 acres of land per year to the landless families.
Land Satyagraha, Chatti sgarh, l ate 80s
1. Land ceiling act were not implemented because nexus between
the land mafia, landlords, bureaucrats, politicians.
2. Under governments land distribution schemes- the landless were
provided with Pattas (land ownership document) but landmafias /
rich farmers / forest contractors did not allow them to physically
occupy the land.
3. State Government made it mandatory for all the landlords to give
back tribal land to the tribals. But these landlords would appeal in
higher courts and matter kept pending for years.
4. The tribals lacked the money and means to fight such legal
battles. State government didnt come to their help.
5. Most of the landless were SC/ST. They were forcibly pushed out of
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their ancestral land, working as bonded labour because of
indebtedness to the rich landlords or village traders.
6. By 1980s, there were 4000 bonded labourers in Raipur district
1988: Land Satyagraha launched in Raipur district. Spearheaded
by bonded labours
Slogan Action
Zamin Ka Faisla,
Zamin Par Hoga
(All land issues will
be settled on the
land itself).
Staging dharnas (sit-ins), hunger strikes on the
disputed land.
All the concerned officials, including from police to
Patwari, Tehsildar to magistrate should come the
disputed land and settle the matter.
Zamin Do Ya Jail
Do (give us land
or imprisonment).
Peasants would court arrest and go to jail in a
peaceful manner.
1993: thousands of villages courted arrest
Finally government officials refused to arrest
people as there was no room left in Jails.
Chakka-Jam Blocking traffic on the mains roads.
Jaun Khet man
nagar Chalahi,
wohi khet ke malik
ho (land to the
directly plough the fields with or without
government intervention.
At almost all the places, the poor, landless, and
small farmers went in large numbers with their
ploughs and bullocks, to register their claim over
the ancestral land.
At some places people were able to register their
control over the land, whereas in other places the
official, in connivance with the landlords and the
powerful politician, forcibly dispossessed the
people from the land.
The land Satyagraha initiated a new dimension, a new movement,
among the people to take control over their resources.
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Bhu-Adhi kar Abhi yan, MP, 1996
Ekta Parishad is an NGO from Madhya Pradesh (1984). On principles
of Samvad, Sangharsh, Rachna (dialogue, struggle and construction).
They conducted survey in MP and found two main problems faced by
1. Land belonging to Scheduled tribe was illegally sold to outsiders
thanks to land mafia, forest contractors and corrupt bureaucrats.
2. Non Occupant Patta Holder leased their land poor farmers
(occupant cultivators) and exploited them via high rent and
random eviction.
Ekta Parishad has launched a peoples movement with the following
3. Give Patta (land ownership document) to occupant cultivators.
4. To oppose the policy of inviting tenders from private companies,
instead of giving land to the landless.
5. To enforce joint ownership of husband and wife on the property.
(recall the lack of gender equity in land ownership)
6. Scrap the afforestation programmes funded by the World Bank.
Because the money was misused.
7. To resolve the problems of settlement of revenue land.
Result? Government appointed a Committee but it was meaningless
Janadesh, 2007
By Ekta Parishad and sister organization / civil society / NGOs
~25000 landless tillers, labourers, Dalits and tribals, who have
been deprived of their land rights, marched from Gwalior to Delhi
to assert the land rights of the poor.
1. Enact national land rights act.
2. setup national land authority.
3. setup land reforms council
4. fast track courts for land reforms
Result? These demands were met at least half-way by the
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government, but implementation and follow-up was poor.
Jan Satyagraha 2012
About Ekta Parishad (NGO) so far weve seen:
Ekta Parishad had been working for Land reforms in MP since
the 80s.=>State government setup committee just for eyewash.
They organized Jansandesh. Government agreed but
implementation was poor.
they consulted with many other NGOs/organizations to form a
broader alliance for land rights.
trained community leaders and activists from the weaker
sections to run the next peaceful movement
started Jan Satyagraha Samvad Yatra over 24 states to hold
public meetings and dialogues with people.
Ekta Parishad founder P.V. Rajagopal started Jan Satyagraha
Yatra (foot march) from Gwalior on 1
October 2012.
Their plan was to reach Delhi with 1 lakh people by 28
But Jairam (rural ministry that time), agreed with their demands
and hence Yatra stopped @Agra.
Jan Satyagraha 2012 demanded following:
#1: General Demands
1. Bhoodaan Land= do physical verification again and take back land
from encroachers/ineligible persons.
2. Womens Land Rights: To ensure that land owned by a family is
recoded either in the name of a woman or jointly in the name of
the man and the woman.
3. Revisit land ceiling laws- implement them effectively.
4. Identify of lands encroached by ineligible persons and restore it
back to original owner.
5. Identify tribal lands alienated to the non-tribals and restore it
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6. Use MNREGA etc. schemes to doing irrigation projects, land
development, wasteland restoration etc. activities.
7. If government acquired land for industrial projects but it was
untilized=>give it back to poors.
8. Written Records of tenancy to help tenant farmers get bank loans.
9. Protect/provide burial grounds and pathway to burial grounds,
especially to the most vulnerable communities in the villages;
10. Land record management in most transparent manner
11. Statutory State Land Rights Commissions to monitor the progress
of land reform.
12. State governments need to run campaigns to give land to
Nomads and settle them permanently.
13. Protect the land rights of following vulnerable groups
Tribal Groups
Single Women
HIV Affected People
Siddhis (Gujarat &
Slum inhabitants
Leprosy affected people
Physically /Mentally Challenged People
Tea Tribes
Salt/Mine/Bidi Workers
Pastoral communities
Bonded Labourers
Internally Displaced People (due to
#2: PESA related Demands:
1. Harmonize state revenue laws with PESA 1996, to give gram sabha
the power over land matters.
2. For any sale/mortgage of land in the village- Gram Sabha must be
notified in writing.
3. For any changes in land records, Gram Sabha must be notified in
4. authorize Gram Sabha to call for relevant revenue records,
5. conduct a hearing and direct the SDMs to conduct hearings and
restore illegally occupied land
6. Expand the list of Schedule V villages to include more eligible
villages under PESA
7. Enforce in letter and spirit, the Samata Judgment in all acquisition
of tribal land for private companies
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8. Governments need to make amendments in State laws that are in
conflict with PESA within a period of one year.
#3: Forest Rights Act (FRA) related Demands
1. bank loan facilities for land grander under FRA
2. Give land rights to tribals who were earlier displaced due to
National Parks and Wild life Sanctuaries
3. Settlement of Forest Rights before land acquisition related
projects are started.
4. The primitive tribal groups dont have any documents/evidences
to prove their occupation of land/residence. So they must be
exempted from furnishing of evidence of residence as required
under Forest Rights Act.
5. Orange Areas in Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, where large
extent of land is under dispute between Revenue Department and
the Forest Department =>settle this matter immediately.
Outcome of J an Satyagraha 2012?
Jan Satyagraha leaders agreed to discontinue their march, after Rural
ministry agreed to setup Task Force on Land Reforms to implement
the following agenda:
Agenda Union government agreed that:
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Land reform is state subject but we will come up with a national
land reform policy- with inputs from state governments, civil
society and public.
like MNREGA and Forest rights act, well come up with new laws
1. giving land to poors in backward districts
2. guarantee 10 cents of homestead to every landless poor
household in entire India.
well advice state governments to implement their existing laws
to protect the land rights of SC/ST.
well work with States to run Fast Track Land Tribunals/Courts
for speedy disposal of land dispute related cases particularly
involving SC/ST.
Rural ministry with work with Tribal ministry and Panchayati raj
ministry + state governments for implementation of PESA 1996.
(but then why were you sleeping all these years?)
Tribal ministry has issued revised rules for Forest rights Act
2006. Well ask States to implement them quickly.
well ask states to setup joint teams of forest+Revenue officials
to do the survey of the forest and revenue boundaries to
resolve disputes
Mock Questi ons
1. Critically examine the philosophy, the concept and the working of
Bhoodan and Gramdan movements in India.
2. It is far better for a hundred families in a village to cultivate their
land collectively and divide the income therefrom than to divide
the land any how into a hundred portions. Comment.
3. Write a note on the Lacunae in Bhoodan and Gramdan
4. Bhoodan was an experiment in Gandhian idea of trusteeship.
7/4/2014 Land Reforms in India: Bhoodan Movement & Vinoba Bhave 19/23
Lucent's General Know...
Objective General Eng...
Lucent's Samanya Gyan
Quantitative Aptitude...
5. Evaluate the impact of Bhoodan and Gramdan movements as
measures of land reforms. In what way Gramdan was superior to
Bhoodan movement?
6. Discuss the significant movements initiated by people for land
reforms in India after independence.
7. critically evaluate non-governmental initiatives in the area of land
8. Explain the four significant outcomes of the great land struggle
9. Write a note on the demands and outcomes of Jan Satyagraha
Pr evi ousl y i n t hi s
cat egor y
Consol i dati o
n of Land
Hol di ngs,
Cooperati ve
Farmi ng,
Computeri zat
i on of Land
benefi ts,
l i mi tati ons
protecti on
Acts i n Indi a,
benefi ts,
obstacl es,
l i mi tati ons,
i mpact,
7/4/2014 Land Reforms in India: Bhoodan Movement & Vinoba Bhave 20/23
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Tags: Land Reforms
eval uati on
[Land Reforms] Cei l i ng on Land hol di ngs: Reasons,
Impact, Obstacl es, Li mi tati ons, Achi evements
[Land Reforms] Post Independence: Abol i ti on of
Zami ndari , Reasons, Impact, Obstacl es, Li mi tati ons,
Fi rst Amendment
[Land Reforms] Rol e of Indi an Congress i n Land
reforms duri ng the Bri ti sh Raj , Gandhi s Vi ews on Land
Reforms, Al l Indi a Ki san Sabha
04/11/2013 at 13:54
Sir please tell my cgl teir 1 2013 marks my roll no is 2201158469. I didnt crack
the tier 1 but I want to know how much marks I got? My Id is
[email protected]
04/11/2013 at 18:10
Geetanjali. Your score is 78.

04/11/2013 at 14:36
Mrunal bhai , My best wishes for a Happy New Year to you and your ever
increasing list of subscribers.
dr pavan
04/11/2013 at 21:49
thanks to evry one for their contribution to oct. monthly writing competition.
your information is verily helpful. thank you.
04/11/2013 at 23:07
apart from land reforms welfare what are the
others area where such movements can be initiated ?
7/4/2014 Land Reforms in India: Bhoodan Movement & Vinoba Bhave 21/23
parul rai
05/11/2013 at 08:33
I m from Nagpur but my center is hyderabad
Anyone taking mains exam in hyderabad???
Wheres ur center..
shailesh surve
05/11/2013 at 09:57
happy new year sir
very nice article
thank you
pankaj verma
05/11/2013 at 11:51
May u Live Long:
I have been following your blog for two years now and its a fact that topics
covered on your blog r much better in comprehensiveness and
contemporaneous than those of coachings and books in the market .Besides
,your writing skills and presentation is so lucid and attractive.Thanks a lot for
ur endeavour.Hope u will continue with your benevolent work
05/11/2013 at 11:59
No more articles till new year???
05/11/2013 at 12:41
cant we me mention abt naxalbari mvt here ?? as it ws initially started to
initiate land reforms??? please tell I m comfused
05/11/2013 at 15:41
yes you can. More details: internal security folder under this google
drive link
05/11/2013 at 16:09
hieeee.. i read ur crrent affairs notes for p.0. there was a word spelled
majoori .. wat was that??
06/11/2013 at 21:46
the word means majduri(labour
05/11/2013 at 20:10
Sir plzzz publish some more articles on ethics???? All these articles are really
beneficial for us.. reAlly thanx
7/4/2014 Land Reforms in India: Bhoodan Movement & Vinoba Bhave 22/23
06/11/2013 at 13:58
sir, thanks for providing such materials to aspirants. but sir, how to organise
your posts for revision just before exams. kindly help, as taking print of all
posts is a tedious and costly job.
07/11/2013 at 18:34
anyone having center at rohini sec 23 would like to share cab from karol
08/11/2013 at 09:43
Hi Mrunal !! Can I find archieve of all/ most of your articles at one place in PDF
form ?
12/11/2013 at 13:48
thank u sir.
ashish sharma
14/11/2013 at 02:38
happy new year sir :)
04/12/2013 at 00:14
Mrunal bhai,
Accept my humble pranams for this article. Solid 10 marks attempted thanks
to this piece. :)
anugya singh
31/01/2014 at 21:25
dear sir ,
i am not able to download current affairs material 2012 from this site for
international relations topic !! can u give me a fresh link?
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