1. The document describes the Jade Body Gong form, which exercises the spine through stretching, pausing, and relaxing movements to improve health and promote longevity.
2. The form focuses on opening four acupuncture points on the back - Wei Lu, Jia Ji, Yu Chen, and Bai Hui - which are said to have various health benefits like rising yang qi, connecting the upper and lower spine, unifying the body and spirit, and communicating with the outside world.
3. The movements involve stretching the spine in four directions - forward, sideways, downward, and upward - while breathing naturally and straightening the body to its full length. Pausing and then relaxing allows the joints to retain
1. The document describes the Jade Body Gong form, which exercises the spine through stretching, pausing, and relaxing movements to improve health and promote longevity.
2. The form focuses on opening four acupuncture points on the back - Wei Lu, Jia Ji, Yu Chen, and Bai Hui - which are said to have various health benefits like rising yang qi, connecting the upper and lower spine, unifying the body and spirit, and communicating with the outside world.
3. The movements involve stretching the spine in four directions - forward, sideways, downward, and upward - while breathing naturally and straightening the body to its full length. Pausing and then relaxing allows the joints to retain
1. The document describes the Jade Body Gong form, which exercises the spine through stretching, pausing, and relaxing movements to improve health and promote longevity.
2. The form focuses on opening four acupuncture points on the back - Wei Lu, Jia Ji, Yu Chen, and Bai Hui - which are said to have various health benefits like rising yang qi, connecting the upper and lower spine, unifying the body and spirit, and communicating with the outside world.
3. The movements involve stretching the spine in four directions - forward, sideways, downward, and upward - while breathing naturally and straightening the body to its full length. Pausing and then relaxing allows the joints to retain
1. The document describes the Jade Body Gong form, which exercises the spine through stretching, pausing, and relaxing movements to improve health and promote longevity.
2. The form focuses on opening four acupuncture points on the back - Wei Lu, Jia Ji, Yu Chen, and Bai Hui - which are said to have various health benefits like rising yang qi, connecting the upper and lower spine, unifying the body and spirit, and communicating with the outside world.
3. The movements involve stretching the spine in four directions - forward, sideways, downward, and upward - while breathing naturally and straightening the body to its full length. Pausing and then relaxing allows the joints to retain
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Jade Body Gong
Dr. Liu Dong (Translated by Yanling Johnson, polished
by Dawnlee) The spine is the support of the human body, and where the Du Channel goes through. According to the Chinese medical theory of Collateral and Channels, Du channel is in charge of the yang qi. The five solid organs, the Six hollow fuorgans!, and the twelve "ing channels all depend on the Du channel relaxed gently to nourish. Thus, when treating all #inds of diseases, the Chinese medical doctors will focus on treating the bac#. $n %ei &ing 'The $nternal Classic(, it says, )To treat one hundred kinds of illnesses, start with treating the back." Chart of the Du channel*s function+ Chang qiang ',-.( /ao shu ',-0( /ao yang guan ',-1( 2ing men ',-3( 'S. 450( treat mainly+ mental problems, intestines, 6idneys, gynecology and obstetrics 'including diseases due to giving birth( 7uan shu ',-8( &i 9hong ',-:( ;hong shu ',-<( &in suo ',-=( '5. 4 T>( treat mainly+ mental problems, the spleen and stomach, liver and gallbladder, epilepsy, blood illnesses ;hi yang ',->( 5ing tai ',-.?( Shen dao ',-..( Shen 9hu ',-.0( Tao dao ',-.1( Da 9hui ',-.3( 'T< 4 C<( treat mainly+ headache, lung, heart, febrile disease,illnesses related to internal secretion, stro#es The secret of Taoist longevity is to exercise the Small @eavenly Circle, unloc# the four acupoints on the bac#+ Aei lu, &ia "i, /u 9hen, and Bai hui '%i wan(.
Wei lu is the beginning of the Du channel, and it is called the )Cising yang point.) Ahen this point is opened, the yang qi will rise, nourish and warm up the whole body.
Jia ji (T) is the middle point of the 03 "oints of the spine. $ts function connects the upper spine and the lower spine. Ahen this point in opened, the person can en"oy longevity and enter into the immortal state. So it is also called )Shen dao) the )Spiritual path.)
Yu !hen are the points connecting the spinal cord and the brains. After these two points open, the person*s body and the Shen will be unified. )"i wan) is also called Tian #en The Gate o$ %ea&en. Ahen this point is open, the person will be able to communicate with the outside world. $t is said the purpose of the Taoist types of meditation is to open this point so that the Shen can travel in the space, and human beings then can live as long as the stars, the moon and the sun. Drom the anatomy point of view, this point is where the lower thalamus 'pl thalami( is, and it is called the )biological cloc#.) There are changes in the human body between daytime and nighttime. The body temperature, blood pressure, breathing, the pulse beats, blood sugar, internal secretion, etc., all change precisely according to the natural changing of the day and night, increasing and reducing. This, is called the ad"usting function of the hypothaiamus . Thus, the regular ad"ustment of the biological cloc# 4 the hypothaiamus, plays a very important role in preserving health. The spine relates to health and healing. 2odern science has proven that to exercise the spine can improve metabolism and induce the immune system. $ have closely observed for a long time the longevity animals such as turtles, cranes and the dragon 'family(, their habitat and characteristics, movements, breathing and the way they loo# for food, etc. $ found that they have one thing in common+ they all move their spine frequently. Ebviously, this is their longevity secret. So, $ imitate the way they move their spine and the way they breathe, designed the &ade Body ,ong. Dor many years, $ have been cooperating with scientists, doctors in China, &apan, Drance, $taly and @olland, etc. to do experiments. $ gave off qi to the mice, at the same time, $ stretched, paused and then relaxed their bodies with tui na method to treat their spines. These experiments have proven that all the mice*s immune system was induced, effectively especially in treating and anti cancer. The &ade Body Dorm is to exercise the spine by stretching, still, and relaxing to promote the bloodqi circulation to increase the immune system. $ wish my friends who practice the &ade Body Dorm will gain vigor and strength as the dragon, be graceful and lithe li#e the crane, and en"oy longevity as the turtle.
The spe'ial part o$ this $or# To exercise and cultivate the heart and nature: The practitioner should feel free and easy besides practicing, the mind wor#, the breathing method, the sitting meditation, and the guiding qi. They should transcend and be free from all the obsessed ways or rigid forms, but directly wor# on the deepest part in the heart. They should be "graceful, beautiful in manner and have a dignified, mighty force inside, retain peace in turmoil, and to experience and have a good understanding about the precious life) ' exact from the ancient poem(.
To regulate the breathing: This form has three steps, they are+ no breathing, following the breathing, and forgetting the breathing. The )no breathing) does not mean to stop breathing but pay no attention to it. Enly when paying no attention, the breathing will become natural, and will get into a long, soft, gentle and continuos qigong way of breathing. Dollowing the breathing+ thin# of the breathing way of the turtle, crane and dragon often. Dorgetting the breathing+ as if you are breathing as if not, li#e the way that a baby breathes in the mother*s womb.
The movements: To stretch 4 each movement of this form has the movement of stretching. $ts purpose is to pull and open the spine "oints. To pause and be still 4 this is following the stretching and is based on the stretching. The purpose is to retain the "oints loosened. To relax 4 This is a sudden movement after the stretching and staying still. This sudden loosening up can ma#e the body rebound and stimulate each cell, so the cells can effectively increase the ability of transforming the qi. To exercise the spine li#e pulling a bow, first, you need to pull the )bow) to its utmost length, and pause for a second, then suddenly let it go as if the arrow is shot. A poem for this+ The foundation of longevity, $s oriented to the spine, Ahen exercising to stretch the spine, $t should be li#e pulling a bow and shooting the arrow.
(teps o$ the $or# Freparation+ &ade standing mediation Close the eyes and relax the xin 'mindGheart(, and the tongue touches the roof. 5ay the hands on the sides under the lower abdomen, the middle fingers and the thumbs touch, the rest of the fingers are naturally and slightly curly. The feet are parallel as wide as the shoulders, the #nees are slightly bent, relax the waist and hips. Breathe in the natural way, your xin 'mindGheart( is as peaceful and clean as the "ade that has no flaws. Aait for saliva. Ahen there is saliva, swallow down to the lower dan tian. 'Digure .(. 2ovements+ To offer the clean-as-jade heart unselfishly To o$$er the heart unli#itedly 5ift the two arms slowly as high as the shoulders to the sides, the middle fingers and the thumbs are still touch. ,athering qi, the hands are carrying the qi, the arms bring the hands bac#, sending qi to the chest ' to Shan 9hong the middle point between the breasts(. Turn the palms facing upward and stretch the arms forward and let go the middle fingers and the thumbs, stretch forward as far as you can as if offering 4 a gesture of unlimited offering 'Digures 0, 1 and 3(.
To o$$er widely un'onditionally Bring bac# the arms and hands beginning with bending the small fingers first, then the ring fingers and the middle fingers, and form empty fists in front of the chest at the Shan 9hong point. The two fists face each other. Then you parallel stretch the arms to the sides, apart as shoulder high, let go the fingers starting from the small fingers first, one by one the fists become hands. Stretch out as far as you can a gesture of infinitive offering widely 'Digures 8, :, < and =(. To o$$er deeply with no li#itation 5oosen up the two arms, bring the hands bac# to chest 'Shan 9hong point(, turn the fingers facing downward. /our arms stretch downward as deeply as you can 4 a gesture of offering infinitively deeply. /our whole body is straightened.
To o$$er in$initi&e high Bring bac# the hands again to the chest 'Shan 9hong(, the fingers facing each other. Slowly crossing the fingers, move the arms above the head and turn the palms facing upward. Stretch the arms upward as far as you can, a gesture of infinite offering high 'Digures >, .? and ..(.
The )ey points o$ the #o&e#ents o$ a, b, ', and d. To do the four types of offerings, your arms should be straight, your head is as if holding something on the top and you stretch the nec#, at the same time, your feet should step hard to stretch the whole body. $n this way, the spine and whole body will be straightened to its utmost. Fause for a while, then, suddenly you loosen up the whole body with the #nees bent slightly, then bac# to the regular standing posture. The breathing should be natural. Ahen stetching, inhaleH when loosening up, exhale.
e. To 'leanse the body as 'lean as jade 5oosen up the fingers with the two arms still above your head, turn your palms facing the head. 2ove the hands to the bac# of the head, the bac# of the nec#, then move from the shoulders through the armpits to the chest, and then bac# through under the armpits, to face the bac#. Continuously you move the hands to cleanse downward. Ahen you move the hands, you thin# the qi from your palms are cleansing your body. The Cleaning steps are+ the bac#, the waist, the legs, and the feet, then up. Both the hands move from the upper bac# all way down to the heels I to the outsides of the feet I to the toes I up along the front sides of the legs I to the middle of the chest 'Shan 9hong point(. Cross the arms in front of the chest with the palms facing the shoulders, and both the hands guide qi to clean the sides of each arm, #eep moving to clean the wrists and fingers, then, move the arms upward and straight above the head. Then you clean from the beginning step again, move your hands to clean the bac# of the head and so on. Cepeat the whole Cleansing step, 1 times. 'Digures .0, .1, .3, .8, .:, .<, .= and .>(. %atural breathing and thin# to cleanse the whole body.
The )ey points The whole body is relaxed, the hands that are carrying qi should move on the surface of the body without touching. The practitioner can repeat ).) three times. After this exercise, the practitioner will feel the mindGheart peaceful and the body will feel light and relaxed.
To breathe to guide the qi Ahen a turtle breathes, he stretches his nec#, Ahen a crane breathes, she stretches her spine, Ahen a dragon breathes, he waggles his tail. The natural curl of the nec# is protruding forward. Ahen the turtle stretches forward to exhale, his head will pull the nec#. @e inhales to bring bac# the nec#, a counter movement of the cervical vertebra. The chart+ 'the chart at the bottom on p.8.. The words on the left are+( The cervical vertebra nec# bone 'on the right side, the words are+( $ts counter reaction The turtle stret'hing the ne') to breathe a. Separate the hands from above the head, form the )&oin @eaven with the Jarth) gesture. The two hands are as if holding a qi ball, move slowly toward each other, until the thumbs touch. 5ay the left hand on the right, the thumbs touch, cover the palms on the /u 9hen points 'the lower bac# of the head, right at the bottom of the bone(. The body is li#e a turtle carrying his shell on the bac# 'Digures 0?, 0. and 00(. Breathe in the natural way.
The )ey points o$ the #o&e#ents Ahen forming the )&oin @eaven with the Jarth,) your eyes should be closed and not )loo#) up, let the thumbs move close to touch by themselves. Ahen the thumbs touch, the left palm is facing forward, the right palm facing bac#ward. Ahen the left hand is on the right hand, this is the &oint of @eaven and the Jarth.
b. Bend the upper body forward at a straight line, stretch the nec# and bend the #nees. Ahen feeling the nec# has been stretched, straighten the #nees with the nec# continually stretching forward. Then bend the #nees and waggling slightly to straighten the body and stand up, at the same time, bring the nec# to move bac#ward and then straight. Cepeat < times. /ou will feel the bac# getting hot 'Digures 01, 03, 08 and 0:(.
Breathing+ when stretching forward, inhaleH when waggling to bring bac#, exhale two times. This is+ when bringing bac# the nec#, exhale half, when straightening the body, exhale the rest, in the way of turtle breathing.
The )ey points o$ #o&e#ents* Ahen you stretch the nec# forward and bend the upper body, the movement should be done slowly, to fully feel the pulling to open each of the vertebra 'spine "oint(. Ahen you waggle slightly to bring your nec# bac#ward, you should not do it in a violent way 'this depends on the individual health condition(.
B. The 'rane way o$ breathing to stret'h the ba') The curl of the thoracic vertebra is bac#ward concave shape. Ahen the crane exercises her wings, she is expanding the chest, which is pulling the thoracic vertebra forward and also upward and downward. 'Chart on p. 8:( 'the words are( The thoracic vertebra is pulled forward, upward and downward.
a. To continue with the above movement, straighten your body, ta#e both the hands off the bac# of the head and bring them from above the head to the front. 2ove the hands to the front of the head to guide qi downward to the chest 'at Shan 9hong(, and form the &oin @eaven with the Jarth gesture 'the same as in the Turtle section(. The left hand is facing outward and the right palm is facing the Shan 9hong point, the thumbs touch. Breathing+ in a natural way, the mind is at three levels+ the left hand feels the bac# of the right hand, the right palm feels inside the chest. This is @eaven giving off heat to the earth, and the earth giving off qi to the human being. Epen the wings and form the &oin @eaven with the Jarth. 2ove the left hand to the shoulder side, stretch out, level, and gradually the left arm is pulling into a )soaring wing.) At the same time, you pull the right hand to the right shoulder. This is to )soar the right wing,) 'Digures 1<, 1=, 1> and 3?(. At this moment, you should feel fully the 'upper bac# spine( and the thoracic vertebra are totally open at the "oints. Stay in this posture for a minute 'Digure 3.(, then loosen up the whole body. Bring both the hands bac# to the chest to form the @eaven and earth ,esture again, then move the right )wing) to the right side of the shoulder to )soar.) The movement is the same as the left. Jach side )soaring the wing,) you repeat 1 times. 'Digures 30, 31 and 33( Breathing+ when stretching out, inhale, when bringing bac# the hands, exhale.
The )ey points Ahen soaring the left and the right wing, your head is stretching upward and your #nees are straightened, your feet are stepping on the earth hard. Ahen loosening up, the movements of bringing bac# the arms, slightly bend the #nees at the same time. Crane soaring The hands form the @eavenearth ,esture, and cover the chest. Then both your hands move from the chest to go under the armpits to the bac# and stretch the arms li#e a crane flying. /our head should be straight and your #nees become straight, and pull your thoracic vertebra to its utmost. Fause for a while, then move the arms bac# to the front, at the same time, shiver the body to gradually move bac# to straight. /our two arms also continuously move and bring your hands bac# to the chest and the whole body stands up. Cepeat the stretching arms through under the armpits and shiver the bac# < times, your bac# will feel hot 'Digures 0<, 0=, 0> and 1?(. Breathing+ when stretching the arms bac#, inhaleH when bringing the arms to the front, exhale through the mouth, the way that a bird breathes.
The )ey points o$ the #o&e#ent The posture of the body acts the opposite to the arms. Ahen the arms stretch bac#ward, the body is pulling forward to stretch the thoracic vertebraH when the arms move bac#, the bac# is leaning bac#ward to shiver the thoracic vertebra.
+. The dragon breathes to waggle his tail The physiological character of the lumber vertebra is protruding forward and the sacrum is concave bac#ward. 'chart on p. :., the circle, the word above means )waist), the down bellow means sacrum(. To waggle the tail into vertical circles and at the same time moving upward is quite helpful in stretching the lumber vertebra.
a. Continue with the above movement, bring your two hands bac# to the chest, and guide the qi into the lower dan tian. Dorm the @eavenearth ,esture as before, you feel the sensation between the palms and in the dan tian. Ahen you feel some sensation, cover your palms on the abdomen where the lower dan tian is 'Digure 1.(. Breathing+ natural, the mind is at the lower dan tian.
The )ey points Ahen the palms are at dan tian area, press and push slightly, massage and push to the lumber vertebra.
b. Ahen you are pressing the two hands at the lower dan tian, you lift up your hip, straighten the #nees and pull to open your lumber vertebra. 2ove the hipbone to pull the lumber vertebra forward, at the same time, bend the #nees. Continuously lifting the hip to ma#e vertical circles and move the lumber vertebra < times, until the whole body feels hot 'Digures 10, 11 and 13(. Breathing+ Ahen lifting the hip bac#ward, inhale, when moving forward, exhale. Jxhaling in the )xu) sound li#e the dragon exhaling to play with his pearl!, which comes from the bottom of his lower abdomen. This movement can move the lower abdomen GGin rhythm. Feal!+ in Chinese fairy tale, a dragon has cultivated his own )pearl) which is as important as his life stored in his abdomen. /anling
The )ey points The whole body is relaxed, the body is straight, using the bending #nees, straightening #nees movements to lead the hipbone to move in hori9ontal circles.
'. The dragon dan'e Ahen your body feels hot, lift up your left arm to move bac#ward. The whole body moves bac#ward and your waist is the spindle. The whole body is moving to its utmost limit. Ahile your left arm is moving bac#ward to draw a big circle, at the same time, your right arm starts lifting in the same way as the left, to the bac#ward and leads the whole body moving, also the waist is the spindle. /our right arm is moving into the utmost circles as the left one. /our whole body is moving li#e a great dragon, left and right dancing. Cepeat as many as you wish. 'Digures 18 and 1:(. Breathing in the natural way. $t is li#e a dragon dancing freely through the white clouds in the blue s#y.
The )ey points Ahen lifting up the left arm to move left and right, the elbows should be the center, which pull the whole spine to move and turn. The movements should be slow, continuous, and the two arms move cooperatively. Ahen the Step ,-, is finished, your bac# will feel hot, because the blood and qi are circulating well in the whole body. .orget your physi'al e/istan'e and the world, as i$ entering a state o$ the 0##ortal
(ha)e o$$ all the dirty 1i Continue with the above movement, after doing the Dragon dance for a while, then you bend at the waist and shiver the whole body. This movement should be fast, repeated several times, then slowly you stand up and straighten your body. Breathing+ you should inhale first and then bend down. Ahen shivering, you exhale thoroughly through the mouth, thin#ing to send all the sic#, dirty qi into the earth.
The )ey points Ahen the whole body is shivering, the two arms are the axle, move up and down in a fast way. The 0##ortal stro)es his whis)ers After standing up straight, you bring both the hands up to the chee#s, then you use the index, and the middle fingers and the thumbs to smooth out the )whis#ers.) The fingers move downward slowly and you try to feel the pleasure of en"oying longevity 'Digure 1<(. Breathing naturally, your eyes are closed with a smile, your mind is feeling the fingers smoothing your )whis#ers) as if they felt so fine, long and endless, as if you are getting into the $mmortal state. Du organ+ viscera, the six hollow organs and extraordinary fuorgans