LNG Study Final 10.27

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The document discusses the ability of the United States to compete in the global LNG marketplace and assesses related challenges and opportunities.

The report assesses the ability of the United States to compete in the global LNG marketplace.

It mentions challenges and opportunities for the US in the global LNG market.

Ability of the United States to Compete

in the Global LNG Marketplace

An Assessment of Challenges and Opportunities

October 2008

American Gas Foundation
400 North Capitol St., NW
Washington, DC 20001

Ability of the United States to Compete
in the Global LNG Marketplace

An Assessment of Challenges and Opportunities

October 2008

Prepared for the American Gas Foundation by:

Benjamin Schlesinger and Associates, Inc.
The Bethesda Gateway
7201 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 740
Bethesda, MD 20814

Copyright American Gas Foundation, 2008. All rights reserved. Some materials herein
may be the copyrighted works of others produced with permission of the copyright holder.


Legal Notice: Benjamin Schlesinger and Associates, Inc. (BSA) prepared this report for the
American Gas Foundation. BSA prepared the study in conjunction with Poten & Partners, Inc.
and Altos Management Partners, Inc.
Neither the American Gas Foundation, BSA nor any
person acting on their behalf:

1. Makes any warranty or representation, express or implied with respect to the accuracy,
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2. Assumes any liability, with respect to the use of, damages resulting from the use of, any
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3. Recommends or endorses any of the conclusions, methods or processes analyzed herein. Use
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Further, BSA has not been requested to make an independent analysis, to verify the
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information provided by others. As such, BSA cannot, and does not, guarantee the accuracy
thereof to the extent that such information, data, or opinions were based on information
provided by others. Any projected financial, operating, growth, performance, or strategy
merely reflects the reasonable judgment of BSA at the time of the preparation of such
information and is based on a number of factors and circumstances beyond their control.
Accordingly, BSA makes no assurances that the projections or forecasts will be consistent
with actual results or performance.

American Gas Foundation

Founded in 1989, the American Gas Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization that focuses
on being an independent source of information research and programs on energy and
environmental issues that affect public policy, with a particular emphasis on natural gas.
For more information, please visit www.gasfoundation.org or contact Jay Copan,
executive director, at (202) 824-7020 or [email protected]

Benjamin Schlesinger and Associates, Inc.

Benjamin Schlesinger and Associates, Inc. (BSA) is a leading management consulting firm
specializing in all strategic aspects of the energy industries worldwide. In their core practice area
of natural gas, focus includes economic and regulatory analysis, market research, spot and
futures trading, gas rate development, and related technical and environmental analyses. Recent
restructuring and emerging spot markets in the power industry has expanded their practice to
encompass electricity, with particular focus on those electricity issues impacting the natural gas

The use of the term BSA in this section refers equally to its subcontractors, Poten and

industry. For more information, please visit www. bsaenergy.com or contact Ben Schlesinger,
president, at (301) 951-7266 or [email protected].

Poten & Partners, Inc.

With a long history extending over 65 years and more than 160 professionals located on four
continents, Poten provides a broad portfolio of services to clients - ship and commodity
brokerage, project development, commercial advisory, consulting and financial services. Potens
LNG and natural gas consulting team, with more than 30 full-time professionals and five senior
advisors, provides strategic advisory services along the entire natural gas and LNG value chain
from gas reserves, pipelines, liquefaction plants, shipping and terminals through to trading and
gas marketing.

Altos Management Partners, Inc.

Through its top-drawer analysts, Altos conceives and provides unique decision technology,
methods and models for resolving complex, real-world engineering-economic decisions. Altoss
World Gas Trade Model (WGTM) links together regional gas supply-demand-transportation
submodels to create a comprehensive, integrated analysis tool of unparalleled usefulness to the
LNG industry. The Altos WGTM provides answers to such critical questions as: In every
producing basin in the world, what is the forward price of gas, and how will it evolve into the
future? What volume of gas will the market be willing to absorb at that price, i.e., what is the
size of the gas market at each producing basin worldwide?


A. PURPOSE ...................................................................................................................................................1
B. MAJOR FINDINGS ....................................................................................................................................1
C. BACKGROUND .........................................................................................................................................3
D. WHERE WE ARE TODAY GLOBAL LNG SUPPLIES .......................................................................6
E. MAJOR REGIONS IN THE LNG MARKETPLACE ............................................................................. 10
F. OUTLOOK FOR LNG PRICES ............................................................................................................... 17
G. ANALYSIS OF GLOBAL AND U.S. LNG MARKETS ......................................................................... 22
H. LNG AND ENERGY POLICIES ............................................................................................................. 35


Figure 1 - Asia-Pacific Basin LNG Markets .............................................................................................. 11
Figure 2 - European LNG Terminals ......................................................................................................... 14
Figure 3 Countries Shares of European LNG Imports in 2006 ............................................................. 14
Figure 4 - North American LNG Import Terminals .................................................................................. 15
Figure 5 - Average Prices of LNG Delivered to East Asian Utilities, 2004-07 ......................................... 17
Figure 6 - Average Prices of LNG Delivered to Spain from Seven Suppliers, 2004-07 ........................... 18
Figure 7 - Monthly Prices of Gas in U.S. Markets versus Crude Oil, 2002-08 ......................................... 19
Figure 8 - Global LNG Trade in Long-Term versus Spot and Short-Term Markets ................................. 20
Figure 9 World LNG Production by Country through 2016 ................................................................... 23
Figure 10 - Global LNG Demand by Region to 2016 ................................................................................ 24
Figure 11 - Gas Demand and LNG Imports in Asia, North America and Europe to 2016 ........................ 25
Figure 12 - U.S. Gas Demand by Sector to 2016 ....................................................................................... 27
Figure 13 U.S. Gas Supply Sources to 2016 ............................................................................................ 28
Figure 14 - Canadian Gas Imports to the U.S. by Pipeline through 2016 ................................................. 29
Figure 15 Projected Annual Average Henry Hub Gas Prices through 2016 ........................................... 30
Figure 16 Direct U.S. LNG Imports by Country of Origin through 2016 .............................................. 32
Figure 17 - Direct U.S. LNG Imports by U.S. Receiving Terminal through 2016 ..............................32
Figure 18 - U.S. LNG Imports by Month in 2005-07 ..........................................................................33
Figure 19 - Average Monthly U.S. LNG Imports, 2007-2016 ............................................................34
Figure 20 - Diversity of LNG Supplying Countries ............................................................................36


Table 1 - Four Legacy U.S. LNG Import Terminals ............................................................................................ 3
Table 2 - North American Onshore LNG Terminals Under Construction (as of March 2008) ........................... 4
Table 3 - Current LNG Supply Projects by Basin and Country in MMtpa (Bcf/day) ......................................... 6
Table 4 - Liquefaction Projects Under Construction as of March 2008 .............................................................. 7
Table 5 - Global LNG Projects in Advanced Planning Stages ............................................................................ 8
Table 6 - Potential Additional Global LNG Projects ........................................................................................... 9


A1 U.S. Gas Demand by Sector, 2007-2016 (Bcf/day)
A2 U.S. Gas Supply by Source, 2007-2016 Bcf/day)
A3 Worldwide LNG Production Capacity, by Stage of Project, as of March 2008 (bcf/day)
A4 Gas and LNG Demand by Basin, 2008-2016 (bcf/day)
A5 Direct U.S. LNG Imports by Country of Origin, 2007-2016 (Bcf/day)
A6 Average Prices of LNG Delivered to East Asian Utilities, 2004-2007, $/MMBtu
A7 Average Prices of LNG Delivered to Spain from Seven Suppliers, 2004-2007, $/MMBtu
A8 Monthly Prices of Gas in U.S. Markets versus Crude Oil, 2002-2008, $/MMBtu
A9 World LNG Production by Country, 2007-2016 (Bcf/day)
A10 Canadian Gas Imports to the U.S. by Pipeline through 20016, Bcf/day
A11 Projected Annual Average Henry Hub Gas Prices through 2016, $/MMBtu
A12 Direct Use LNG Imports by U.S. Receiving Terminal through 2016, Bcf/day
A13 Total U.S. LNG Imports by Month, Bcf/month
A14 Average Monthly U.S. LNG Imports, 2007-2016



The American Gas Foundation (AGF) commissioned the firm of Benjamin Schlesinger and
Associates, Inc. (BSA) to analyze the adequacy of the worlds liquefied natural gas (LNG)
producing capacity to meet the needs of the United States (U.S.) natural gas industry and to
assess the current and likely future competitiveness of the U.S. in the global marketplace over
the next decade.

The overall goals of this study were to:

1) Provide an analysis of world LNG availability, import levels, regional demand and prices;
2) Evaluate the adequacy of U.S. infrastructure (pipelines, distribution, storage) to
accommodate increased LNG imports;
3) Project future market mechanisms for the global LNG industry particularly long-term
versus spot contracts and oil-indexation versus domestic gas prices and identify what the
U.S. will need to do to obtain their needed LNG supplies;
4) Assess state and federal regulatory developments that have stimulated LNG imports, as well
as measures that may be needed in the future to enable the U.S. natural gas industry to
participate in the emerging global LNG markets; and
5) Analyze geopolitical risks that may impinge upon LNG supplies and offer mitigation
strategies for the U.S. natural gas industry.

BSA is an independent management consulting firm in Bethesda, Maryland, specializing in all
strategic aspects of the natural gas and energy industries since 1984. BSA teamed this effort
with Poten and Partners, Inc., the nations pre-eminent specialists in LNG trading, strategic
information and technology, and Altos Management Partners, Inc., developers of the industry-
leading tool for economic forecasting in the natural gas field, the World Gas Trade Model
(WGTM). Together, BSA, Poten and Altos are referred to in this report as the BSA Team.


U.S. LNG imports in late 2007 and through mid-year 2008 have been less than 50% of year-
earlier periods as a result of stronger year-on-year demand in Europe, particularly Spain, and
cargo diversions from the Atlantic Basin to Asia. These diversions, many at exceptionally
high prices, have been needed to offset supply shortfalls caused by startup delays in Pacific
basin supply projects, production declines in Indonesia, and increased demand in Japan due
to the shutdown of a major nuclear facility following the July 2007 earthquake.

In the short term, until worldwide LNG supplies increase more substantially and U.S.
demand requirements increase as projected, the study shows relatively little LNG headed
toward this country. The high, albeit volatile, level of U.S. natural gas prices makes shale
and other domestic unconventional gas supplies economic. The development of these
unconventional supplies will enable the U.S. to meet demand as LNG goes to other markets.


In the medium and longer term, far more LNG will be available to meet U.S. buyers needs.
Nineteen gas liquefaction trains at twelve LNG complexes on four continents are now in or
nearing their construction stages. Together, these will increase by more than 50 percent the
availability of LNG in world markets in the next decade. Sellers in 8-12 countries will be
providing LNG to the U.S. market by 2016, with the largest two suppliers likely to be
Trinidad and Nigeria.

The U.S. will need increased LNG imports to supply growing gas demand for electricity
generation in new U.S. power plants and to help the nation comply with climate change
strategies. LNG importation to the U.S. is expected to surpass that of Europe within the next
decade, although the Asian market for LNG will remain the worlds largest in the meantime,
especially as China and India increase their LNG imports.

Long-term sales and purchase agreements are the norm in the global LNG business to enable
the industry to raise the significant amounts of construction capital it requires. Therefore, it
may be necessary for buyers, including importers of LNG into the U.S., to maintain a
substantial portfolio of long-term contracts to ensure predictable LNG supply levels.
Reliance on spot LNG cannot ensure reliable supplies for U.S. utilities for the foreseeable
future because spot LNG typically consists of cargoes that have been temporarily diverted
from their primary destinations under existing long-term contracts.

Oil-indexed gas prices will continue to be the norm in Asia and Europe. However, if crude
oil prices remain very high, e.g., around $100 per barrel or more, continuation of this practice
could reduce worldwide gas demand. This, in turn, could lead to a situation where spot and
short-term LNG prices could clear far enough below parity with high oil prices to form an
independent gas market apart from oil, as natural gas routinely does in the U.S. commodity

In summary, as the worlds LNG supplies grow and global energy markets stabilize, the U.S.
will find that it is more than able to compete in global LNG markets. Even though others
will sometimes pay higher prices, the U.S. will offer sustained prices sufficient to support
LNG projects from around the world. Additionally, the U.S. will be a desirable and
dependable destination for LNG because of the sheer size and depth of its gas markets, its
world-leading underground gas storage infrastructure, and the innate flexibility of its
commodity gas trade.



The worlds first LNG export terminal was built in Arzew, Algeria, in 1964 to enable gas export
to Europe and, later, to the U.S. The first and
only U.S. liquefaction and export terminal,
located in Kenai, Alaska, was built in 1969 to
enable exports of LNG from Cook Inlet
producing fields to Tokyo, Japan.

LNG importation into the U.S. began nearly
four decades ago. Table 1 lists the first four
existing U.S. onshore LNG import terminals.
These were products of a bygone era in the U.S.
gas industry; merchant pipeline companies built
them to help alleviate chronic gas shortages that
afflicted much of the nation in the 1970s.
Shortages were the result of federal field price
controls that depressed U.S. production, and
these ended in the early 1980s as gas
deregulation took effect under the Natural Gas
Policy Act of 1978.

As U.S. domestic gas supplies stabilized in the 1980s, gas prices fell and remained as low as
$1.00 to $3.00 per MMBtu throughout most of the 1990s. LNG was economically unattractive at
these prices, except during peak periods. As a result, shipments of LNG to the U.S. fell far
below contract capacity in the 1980s and 1990s. European buyers purchased part of this quantity
under long term contracts, but Algerian liquefaction capacity withered as production trains were
shut down. By the 2000s, gas prices were rising in the U.S. and the North American market
became an awakened giant from the perspective of numerous LNG suppliers, whose ranks had
swelled by then to supply Asian and European markets. At the same time, technological
improvements in LNG technology drove down costs so that LNG became a viable alternative in
North American markets.

Table 1 - Four Legacy U.S. LNG Import Terminals

Source: Poten & Partners, Inc., BSA.

LNG Import Terminals
(Present Owner)

Initial Operation
Current Capacity
(Bcf/day, sustainable)
Everett, MA (Suez) 1971 0.7
Cove Point, MD (Dominion) 1978 1.0
Elba Island, GA (El Paso) 1978 0.8
Lake Charles, LA (Southern Union) 1981 1.8
Why LNG? Why now?
There has been an increasing tendency worldwide for
new gas reserves to be discovered far from where
they are needed, including, in many cases, overseas.
To enable transportation across oceans, natural gas is
liquefied for more economical shipping. In other
words, LNG is nothing more than natural gas that has
been chilled to a liquid state for more compact
transport aboard ships, where it takes up only 1/600
of the space that it does as a gas. In this liquid form,
LNG is then transported aboard specially insulated
cryogenic ships at mid-2080, there were more than
280 LNG tankers operating in the world. After it has
been received and brought onshore, LNG is then
turned back into its normal gaseous form
(regasified) and put into conventional gas pipelines
for delivery to customers.


Today, the U.S. relies extensively on natural gas for its energy needs (23% of total primary
energy) by fuel, gas use in 2007 was second only to oil and petroleum products (40%). Gas
heats 64 million U.S. homes and apartments, and is used in 5.5 million commercial buildings and
industrial and manufacturing plants of all sizes. Gas also powers 20% of annual U.S. electricity
generation, second only to coal, and rapidly gaining. LNG is still a very minor part of the U.S.
natural gas supply mix, averaging 2% to 3% in the past three years.

Table 2 - North American Onshore LNG Terminals Under Construction (as of March 2008)

Source: Poten & Partners, Inc.,BSA.; at mid-2008, the Clean Energy LNG terminal at Pascagoula, MS
was also under construction.

Now, however, conditions are changing. Two new offshore receiving facilities have been
established based on specially designed LNG tankers with on board re-gasification capabilities.
These floating regasification vessels are connected via sub-sea pipelines to the U.S. gas
transmission grid. Beyond these, and at considerably greater scale, five new LNG import
terminals are under construction in the U.S., two major new terminals are nearing completion in
Canada and Mexico (see Table 2 above), and more are planned. Gas producers in North
America have historically kept pace with demand growth, which has been modest overall.
Indeed, several large new natural gas fields have been discovered in the past decade; these have
driven an increase in U.S. proven reserves to 211 trillion cubic feet (Tcf), up 27% in the past
decade. Especially large gas reserve growth has taken place in the Rocky Mountains and the
Barnett Shale region of northeastern Texas. Technological advancements have also reduced the
cost of developing unconventional gas supplies which in the past was too costly to produce. U.S.
natural gas production has not peaked and will continue to grow, at least for another several
years. But nonetheless, U.S. gas demand is poised to grow 3.3 percent annually through the next
decade, and will reach the unprecedented level of 27.7 Tcf per year by 2016 the nations
previous record consumption level of 23.5 Tcf, in 1973, will likely be surpassed by 2010.
Because gas-fired electric power plants burn so cleanly and efficiently (up to 70% in combined-
cycle combustion turbines), and can be sited, constructed and installed relatively quickly, natural
gas is the centerpiece of the worlds efforts to maintain clean air and reduce emissions of carbon
dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the next decade while renewables, nuclear and other
solutions are being developed and commercialized.

LNG Import Terminals
Expected In-
Target Capacity
(Bcf/day, sustainable)
Ensenada, Mexico (Sempra) 2008 1.0
St. John, NB, Canada (Irving/Repsol) 2008 1.0
Sabine Pass, LA (Cheniere) 2008 4.0
Freeport, TX (Cheniere) 2008 1.5
Cameron, LA (Sempra) 2009 1.5
Golden Pass, TX (ExxonMobil) 2009 2.0


The four U.S. legacy terminals were constructed on a cost-of-service basis, and three of them
continue to be regulated and terminal capacity was contracted (long-term) to users following
rigorous open access service conditions of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
only Everett among the existing terminals was grandfathered from open access requirements.

New LNG import terminals in the U.S., however, fall within the FERCs policy established in its
approval of the Hackberry (Cameron) LNG terminal, namely, all are exempt from open access
requirements that would otherwise require auctioned capacity rights. As a consequence, unlike
U.S. gas pipelines and storage facilities, owners of new terminals need file cost-of-service rates,
they need not auction capacity, and they may assume capacity rights themselves or through
affiliates. This exemption, which was codified by the Congress in the Energy Policy Act of
2005, will remain in effect through 2015.

Although LNG has been around for decades, it has never formed a very significant part of the
North American gas industrys portfolio of supplies.
Now, however, the U.S. is poised to
expand its involvement in LNG markets, with 11 Bcf/day of import terminal capacity under
construction that will triple U.S. LNG receiving and regasification capacity by year-end 2009.
Even at todays relatively low volumes, the U.S. is already a significant potential player in the
global LNG market. The simple truth is that LNG is now often competitive with domestic
production a fact that was not true a decade ago, and hence North America will be able to
attract supplies once near-term supply bottlenecks are relieved.

Existing capacity at the three open access LNG terminals in the U.S. is booked under long-term contracts;
access is available through capacity releases or potentially upon expiration of those agreements.
New England, the exception to this statement, receives one fourth of its gas energy supplies from the Everett
LNG terminal, on an annual average basis.



Table 3 through Table 6 provide a comprehensive inventory of current, in-construction, and
planned LNG liquefaction capacity worldwide. Through the progression of tables, it should be
noted that these listings are subject to increasing interpretation and judgment, and arise out of
explicit definitions and caveats as footnoted in each case.

Table 3 - Current LNG Supply Projects by Basin and Country in MMtpa (Bcf/day)

Source: Poten & Partners, Inc. database, 2/2008. Note: Existing plant capacity is based on design
capacity plus any de-bottlenecking or expansions carried out at the plants.

First, current global liquefaction capacity (2007-08) by country and by major global LNG basin
is shown in Table 3. Current estimated worldwide LNG liquefaction capacity is 189 MMtpa or
approximately 24 Bcf/day. The Atlantic basin leads the worlds liquefaction capacity with 76
MMtpa (9.7 Bcf/day); Nigeria, Algeria and Trinidad & Tobago are the dominant LNG liquefiers.
The Pacific basin follows closely at 67 MMtpa (8.6 Bcf/day) with Malaysia, Indonesia and
Australia being the leading liquefaction countries. The Middle East basin has 47 MMtpa (6
Bcf/day) liquefaction capacity with Qatar being the dominant LNG provider. Qatar also has
emerged as the largest LNG producer globally with 30 MMpta (3.8 Bcf/day) liquefaction
capacity. Atlantic LNG Company of Trinidad and Tobago and its shareholders have provided
the most LNG supply to the U.S. since 2000 and have been very active in the LNG market since
its inception in 1999. To date, Trinidad and Tobago has exported over 1,000 cargoes. They
primarily export volumes to Spain and the U.S. (including Puerto Rico).

Liquefaction Project 2007 2008
Atlantic Basin
Algeria 19.6 (2.5) 18.6 (2.4)
Egypt 11.9 (1.5) 12.1 (1.6)
Equatorial Guinea 1.8 (0.2) 3.2 (0.4)
Libya 0.9 (0.1) 0.9 (0.1)
Nigeria 18.3 (2.4) 20.1 (2.6)
Norway 1.0 (0.1) 4.2 (0.5)
Trinidad 14.8 (1.9) 16.4 (2.1)
Subtotal, Atlantic Basin 68.3 (8.7) 75.5 (9.7)
Middle East
Abu Dhabi 5.9 (0.8) 5.9 (0.8)
Oman 10.4 (1.3) 10.7 (1.4)
Qatar 28.1 (3.6) 29.9 (3.8)
Subtotal, Middle East 44.4 (5.7) 46.5 (6.0)
Pacific Basin
Australia 15.2 (2.0) 15.4 (2.0)
Brunei 7.2 (0.9) 7.2 (0.9)
Indonesia 21.3 (2.7) 19.3 (2.5)
Malaysia 23.4 (3.0) 23.7 (3.0)
U.S.A. 1.4 (0.2) 1.3 (0.2)
Subtotal, Pacific Basin 68.5 (8.8) 66.9 (8.6)
Total, All Basins 181.2 (23.2) 188.9 (24.3)


There is currently 101.2 MMtpa (13 Bcf/day) of liquefaction capacity under construction
worldwide, as shown in Table 4, with expected start-up dates ranging between 2008 and 2012.
Completion of these facilities, expected within the next three years, will expand current global
liquefaction capacity by more than 50%. The greatest construction is taking place in the Middle
East (53.5 MMtpa or 6.9 Bcf/day) with the bulk of the new capacity residing in Qatar. New
construction in the Pacific Basin is a distant second at 31 MMtpa (4 Bcf/day) with Russia,
Australia and Indonesia being the dominant new LNG liquefaction countries. The Atlantic Basin
is a distant third, with current LNG construction of 16.9 MMtpa (2.1 Bcf/day) in Nigeria,
Algeria, Angola and Libya.

Table 4 - Liquefaction Projects Under Construction as of March 2008

Country, Plant Name
Expected Start
Nameplate Capacity,
MMt/y (Bcf/day)
Atlantic Basin
Nigeria LNG 2008 4.2 (0.5)
Algeria Skikda 2011 4.5 (0.6)
Libya Brega 2012 3.2 (0.4)
Angola LNG
Algeria Gassi Touil
5.0 (0.6)
4.7 (0.5)
Subtotal, Atlantic Basin 21.6 (2.6)
Middle East
Qatargas II 2008-2009 15.6 (2.0)
Yemen LNG 2009 6.7 (0.9)
Qatar RasGas III 2009-2010 15.6 (2.0)
Qatargas III 2009-2010 7.8 (1.0)
Qatargas IV 2010 7.8 (1.0)
Subtotal, Middle East 53.5 (6.9)
Pacific Basin
Russia Sakhalin LNG 2009 9.6 (1.3)
Australia NWS 2008 4.4 (0.6)
Indonesia Tangguh LNG 2009 7.6 (1.0)
Peru Camisea 2010 4.2 (0.5)
Australia Pluto 2011 5.0 (0.6)
Subtotal, Pacific Basin 30.8 (4.0)
Total, All Basins 101.2 (13.0)
Source: Poten & Partners, Inc. database, 2/2008. Note: Plants are considered to be under construction when
an engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract is signed between the contractor and project sponsors.
Poten monitors construction progress throughout the construction process to assess a reasonable start-up date and start
of commercial operations. Plant capacity is based on design specification reported by sponsors and contractors.

Discovered in 1971, the giant North Field (~900 Tcf) the worlds largest non-associated natural
gas field will fuel Qatars LNG growth plans. Qatar has turned to LNG to monetize their
assets given their low production costs and vast reserves. Qatar has two LNG export ventures
(Qatargas and RasGas). By 2010, Qatar will emerge as the undisputed King of Liquefaction
with fourteen trains (10 Bcf/d) online (An LNG train is the term used to describe the liquification
and purification facilities in an LNG plant). Given its central location, Qatar will provide
supplies for Asia-Pacific, India, Europe and the U.S. With worldwide supply contracts, Qatar


should be able to link prices between the Atlantic and Pacific Basins, with potentially broad
implications for the worlds LNG industry, i.e., unprecedented flexibility in the ability to
exchange Atlantic for Pacific LNG supplies and vice versa, thus enabling competition on a
broader scale than heretofore.

The final category of liquefaction plants consists of planned future capacity, including
liquefaction projects in advanced planning stages versus all others. Table 5 lists projects with
start-up dates between 2012-17 while Table 6 lists projects in less advanced planning stages, i.e.,
that may enter service between 2013 and 2020. The projects in advanced stages encompass 65
MMpta (8 Bcf/day) of liquefaction plant that, if constructed, would increase current capacity by
another 37% in addition to the 50% represented by projects currently under construction. The
projects in advanced planning are predominantly in the Atlantic basin with the great majority in
Nigeria. Australia in the Pacific Basin holds the remaining projects that are in advanced
planning stages. It is noteworthy that all projects in this category are potential future suppliers to
the US. No projects exist in this category in the Middle East. It is noted that, given the cost of
an LNG project including upstream production, liquefaction and shipping; projects are typically
constructed only after nearly all of the LNG is sold under long-term contracts. Therefore, market
availability is a key consideration, including potential markets in the U.S.

Table 5 - Global LNG Projects in Advanced Planning Stages

Country, Plant Name
Expected Start
Nameplate Capacity,
MMt/y (Bcf/day)
Atlantic Basin
Nigeria LNG 2012 8.5 (1.1)
Nigeria OK LNG 2014-2016 11.0 (1.4)
Nigeria Brass LNG 2014 10.0 (1.3)
Nigeria OK LNG 2016-2018 11.0 (1.4)
Subtotal, Atlantic Basin 40.5 (5.2)
Pacific Basin
Australia Browse LNG 2013-2014 14.0 (1.8)
Australia Gorgon LNG 2014-2016 10.0 (1.3)
Subtotal, Pacific Basin 24.0 (3.1)
Total, All Basins 64.5 (8.3)
Source: Poten & Partners, Inc. database, 2/2008. Note: Please see Table 6.


Table 6 shows the potential future LNG liquefaction projects by basin and country. These projects
represent 126 MMpta (16 Bcf/day) liquefaction capacity and are located in 13 countries within all
three LNG basins. Once again, the projects predominate in basins that represent potential LNG
supply to the U.S. with the Atlantic basin leading the pack followed by the Pacific basin with
Middle East being in the last category.

Table 6 - Potential Additional Global LNG Projects

Country, Plant Name
Expected Start
Nameplate Capacity,
MMt/y (Bcf/day)
Atlantic Basin

Egypt Segas 2013 5.0 (0.6)
Egyptian LNG 2014 3.6 (0.5)
Equatorial Guinea 2015 4.4 (0.6)
Algeria Gassi Touil
Trinidad Atlantic LNG
4.0 (0.5)
5.2 (0.7)
Russia Shtockman 2017 10.0 (1.3)
Algeria Gassi Touil 2017 4.0 (0.5)
Lybia 2017 3.2 (0.4)
Norway Snohvit 2018 4.3 (0.6)
Angola LNG 2018 5.0 (0.6)
Venezuela LNG 2020+ 4.7 (0.6)
Subtotal, Atlantic Basin 53.4 (6.9)
Middle East
Iran Pars LNG * 5.0 (0.6)
Iran Persian LNG * 8.5 (1.1)
Iran Pars LNG * 5.0 (0.6)
Iran Persian LNG
* Iran Qatar (post moratorium)
Intl oil company sponsors of proposed
Iranian LNG projects have delayed
development of Pars & Persian projects
8.6 (1.1)
Subtotal, Middle East 27.1 (3.4)
Pacific Basin
Russia Sakhalin LNG 2013 4.8 (0.6)
Indonesia Tangguh LNG 2013 3.5 (0.5)
Australia Sunrise LNG 2014 5.3 (0.7)
Australia Ichthys LNG 2016 6.0 (0.8)
Papua New Guinea 2017 5.0 (0.6)
Australia Gorgon LNG 2018-2020 10.0 (1.3)
Australia Ichthys LNG 2020 6.0 (0.8)
Subtotal, Pacific Basin 40.6 (5.2)
Total, All Basins 126.1 (16.1)
Source: Poten & Partners, Inc. database, 2/2008. Note: Re Advanced Planning and Potential, project
sequence and suggested start-up dates are based on Potens assessment of Front End Engineering and
Design contracts (FEED); Final Investment Decision (FID) by the project sponsors, signed EPC contracts,
gas resource availability; strength of project participants; sponsor announced plans, and expansion prospects
of existing plants. Judgments are also informed by assessment of EPC contractor resource availability
compared to the LNG plant construction backlog. Poten also estimates the Cost of Service based on
proprietary calculations to determine the cost ($/MMBtu) to produce LNG and supply projected markets,
considering LNG demand.


LNG liquefaction capacity will rise dramatically, with considerable diversity by location over the
next decade. A 50% increase in LNG supply is anticipated within approximately the next three
years when projects currently under construction are completed. A 100% increase is anticipated
in the next decade if many of the planned projects in both advanced stages of planning and future
potential reach fruition. The sharp increase in LNG supply will have wide implications on how
it is priced and traded.


The LNG global market has traditionally been divided into two distinct markets: the Atlantic
market and the Pacific market. The Pacific market covers buyers in Asia Pacific (Japan, South
Korea and Taiwan), India, China and the nascent markets of North America West Coast
(NAWC). The Pacific market is currently supplied by liquefaction ventures in Indonesia,
Malaysia, Australia, Brunei, Alaska, and the Middle East.

The Atlantic Basin market, covering European and North American buyers, is currently supplied
by North Africa, West Africa, The Caribbean, the Barents Sea and Middle East LNG ventures.
While there is some short-term trade between Atlantic and Pacific LNG markets, long-term
trades are largely regional.

It is important to note that the growth in Middle East supply in recent years, particularly out of
Qatar, has made the trade much more global. The Middle East is ideally located to serve both
markets. In addition, Qatar, with huge reserves of natural gas, has invested heavily in
developing multiple LNG mega-trains, all of which are scheduled to commence operation
between 2008 and 2010. This incremental capacity to the world trade has an inherent flexibility
as far as destination, and Qatar Petroleum, along with foreign partners, has targeted European,
U.S., as well as Asian markets for these volumes. To achieve a solid understanding of the
industry therefore requires today a global perspective and a familiarity with specific regional

The major LNG market regions are as follows:

Pacific Basin

Pacific Basin buyers (see Figure 1) have dominated the world LNG industry for the past two
decades. Gas and electric utility buyers in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan rely heavily almost
exclusively in some cases on LNG; Pacific Basin markets now include China and India as well.

Total Pacific Basin imports for 2007 are likely to exceed 110 million tonnes per annum (tpa), i.e.,
14.2 Bcf/day, or about 62% of total world trade. In all likelihood, LNG demand in the Pacific
Basin is going to continue to increase in the coming years.


Japan, Korea and Taiwan are the long-standing LNG buyers in Asia; they together consumed
55% of all LNG sold globally in 2007. These countries have limited domestic energy resources
and rely heavily on imports of crude oil, coal and liquefied natural gas. Moreover, none of the
three have access to pipeline natural gas supplies other than minor domestic production in each
country volumes. Therefore, natural gas in all domestic markets residential, commercial,
industrial and electric power generation relies almost entirely on LNG shipments. Because
they use LNG so extensively in high priority markets for which there are no available substitute
fuels, Pacific Basin buyers tend to contract for LNG under long-term sales and purchase
agreements (SPA).

Figure 1 - Asia-Pacific Basin LNG Markets

Source: Poten & Partners, Inc. 2008.

Japan is the worlds largest LNG-buying country, importing 38% of the worlds total LNG in
2007. About 35% of LNG imported into Japan is consumed in the gas utility sector. Japan has
no national gas transmission system. Rather, eight gas distribution companies serving Japans
major metropolitan areas import, store and vaporize LNG; they distribute and sell gas to
residential and commercial buyers within their individual service areas. Demand growth in the
residential and commercial sectors is driven primarily by market growth and increased gas
penetration within existing gas distribution areas. A secondary factor is the sale of regasified
LNG to smaller city gas companies outside the distribution areas of existing LNG supplied cities.


Nascent gas deregulation in the industrial sector allows the gas companies to sell at market
prices to industrial buyers, and to potentially face competition for sales to these customers.
Demand increases in the industrial sector are driven primarily by economic growth, including
manufacturing for both domestic consumption and exports.

Japans electric power sector consumes about 65% of total LNG imported into the country.
Here, ten electric power companies (six of which import LNG) with defined service areas
dominate the generation, transmission and distribution, and sale of electricity. Electric power
companies also purchase power from independent power producers (IPPs) and third party
generators, from whom they also face competition in sales to large industrial electricity

Japans primary sources of power generation are nuclear for base load, coal for base and mid-
load, and oil or LNG for mid and peak loads. Electric utilities have experienced operating and
maintenance problems at their nuclear plants. Recently, a significant rise in Japans LNG
demand resulted when the Chuetsu earthquake in July 2007 caused a suspension of operations at
the 8.2 GW Kashiwazaki Kariwa nuclear complex. Public and government concerns about
nuclear power could slow future growth of nuclear power and raise LNG demand.

Korea has emerged as the worlds second largest LNG buyer. Nearly all LNG is imported by
Korea Gas Corporation (Kogas), which owns and operates three large-scale LNG receiving
terminals; Kogas also owns the national transmission system that connects to Koreas main
metropolitan areas. Regasified LNG is used heavily in the residential and commercial sector
with 60% of LNG going to gas distribution utilities. Of the countrys retail gas demand, 75
percent is in the residential and commercial sectors and 25 percent is industrial, thus explaining
Koreas highly seasonal demand pattern. The non-gas utility component of Koreas
consumption of regasified LNG, approximately 40%, is used in power generation, where
subsidiaries of Korea Electric Power Company purchase re-gasified LNG from Kogas.

Taiwans LNG business is operated by CPC Corporation, a government-owned energy company.
With 80% of LNG going to power generation, demand in Taiwan depends on electricity
generation fuel consumption and the generation mix among nuclear, coal, oil and LNG.

A pressing need for Japan, Korea and Taiwan is to replace the LNG from expiring Indonesian
contracts that will not be renewed or renewed at lower contract quantities because of declining
gas reserves at both the Arun and Bontang liquefaction complexes. This is driving Japanese
utilities, Kogas and CPC to seek new LNG supplies from liquefaction facilities that are presently
under construction and/or planned.


China and India are relatively recent LNG importers, with China commencing in 2006 and India
in 2004. Both countries have large populations, high economic growth rates and growing energy
demand that cannot be completely met by indigenous production and existing pipeline supplies.
Moreover, both governments play a major role in natural gas pricing, thus there is no clear,
transparent natural gas market in either country. Consequently demand projections for China
and India are tenuous.

China has two operating LNG receiving terminals, three under construction, and one more
approved. However, plans to construct as many as five additional receiving terminals to support
plans to increase LNG imports have been mooted. LNG receiving terminals are located in
prosperous coastal regions, and supply natural gas for power generation and town gas
applications. In 2006, natural gas accounted for only 3% of total energy consumption in China,
and the IEA projects that gas consumption will grow to 4% of total energy by 2015. The
Chinese government is more optimistic about the gas demand growth rate and that domestic gas
production and LNG imports will grow to meet demand. Chinas initial long-term LNG supply
contracts with Asia Pacific suppliers were concluded at very favorable prices compared with
other Pacific Basin contracts. However, Chinese oil companies, CNOOC and PetroChina
recently executed long-term LNG purchase contracts with Asian and Middle East suppliers at
prices that are reported to approach crude oil parity.

India began LNG importation in 2004 through the Dahej LNG receiving terminal, which is
owned by a consortium consisting of four Indian public sector corporations, Gaz de France, the
Asian Development Bank (ADB), and public shareholders. LNG supplies for this terminal were
secured from Ras Laffan LNG under a long-term contract understood to have favorable, although
rising pricing terms. A second LNG receiving facility currently operating in India was built,
owned and operated by a consortium of international energy companies, but this facility is
reported to operate at low throughput rates. A third Indian LNG receiving terminal was under
construction to supply the failed Dabhol Independent Power Project (now owned by Ratnagiri
Gas, a consortium of public corporations and Indian banks.)

Development of natural gas discoveries offshore Indias east coast and expansion of production
from fields offshore Indias west coast will soon lead to increased indigenous supply, which will
ramp up to approximately 4 Bcfd at relatively low prices. Nevertheless, Indian gas demand
appears robust as natural gas competes with oil products in peak power generation and fertilizer
manufacture. Petronet LNG, operator of Dahej LNG terminal, has imported significant
quantities of spot LNG in recent years and plans to increase long-term imports.

A number of other Pacific Basin countries have shown interest in importing LNG to either
replace declining domestic supplies or to supplement existing pipeline gas and meet growing
natural gas demand Chile, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Pakistan, Singapore and Thailand are all
prospective LNG importers.


Atlantic Basin

Atlantic Basin LNG markets are in the midst of a period of rapid demand growth, with highly
competitive procurement. Figure 2 illustrates the locations of existing and planned LNG
terminals in Europe, while Figure 4 presents the comparable array of existing, planned and
proposed LNG terminals in North America, including those located in the U.S., Canada and

Figure 2 - European LNG Terminals

Source: Poten & Partners, Inc. 2008.

Figure 3 Countries Shares of European LNG Imports in 2006

Source: Francisco de la Flor, Enagas, Role of Liquefied Natural Gas to
Enhance Energy Security in then UNECE Region, Geneva, 1/22/2008.


Despite the fact that LNG trading in the Atlantic Basin began in1964, the Atlantic LNG market
is still in its relative infancy. Until the late 1990s this market was quite limited, with Algeria and
Libya supplying France, Spain, Italy and Belgium. Even smaller volumes were delivered to the
four existing U.S. LNG import terminals located at Everett, MA; Cove Point, MD; Elba Island,
GA; and Lake Charles, LA (see preceding section). Atlantic Basin growth commenced in
earnest in 1999, when the Atlantic LNG (Trinidad) commenced operation with sales to Spain and
the U.S., Nigeria LNG began LNG deliveries to European buyers, and Algeria ramped up
production following completion of a major renovation of its liquefaction facilities. Spain,
which imports 46 percent of all LNG bound for Europe, (see Figure 3) is the most LNG-
dependent country in Europe and was a foundation customer for both Atlantic LNG and Nigeria
LNG. With Spains gas market freed for competition, LNG buyers have assembled a supply
portfolio that includes contracts with Trinidad, Algeria, Nigeria, Egypt, Norway, Qatar and
Oman; and Spanish companies have constructed three new receiving terminals since 2000.

Figure 4 - North American LNG Import Terminals

Source: Poten & Partners, Inc. 2/2008.


However, steady growth in established markets such as Belgium, France, Italy, Spain and
Portugal, coupled with higher growth rates in the UK and US where LNG is supplementing
domestic and imported pipeline gas should result in the Atlantic Basin representing about half of
the global LNG market in
the 5-8 year time frame,
driven by increased U.S.
purchases. Indeed, rapid
growth in Atlantic Basin
and Middle East LNG
facilities is already
straining material and
manpower availability,
raising construction costs
and causing delays in the
availability of key
equipment, material and
qualified engineering-
(EPC) contractor services.

In summary, LNG markets
have evolved and
prospered in the Pacific
Basin, driven by gas and
electric utilities and their
service requirements that
could only be met by LNG
imports. Some portions of
Europe are highly
dependent on LNG as well,
such as Spain and France,
for gas utility
requirements and growing
electricity generation
needs. As the U.S. enters
both of these markets
with increasing purchases,
its increasing demands
will be met by a growing
list of suppliers.

Escalating capital
investment requirements
of the kind described in
the inset have not been
unique to the LNG
industry, but have
afflicted the entire energy chain. As very high oil prices have pushed developers to install every
1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
Start-up Year
Expansion projects
Liquefaction EPC costs (2007 $US/ tpa)
Source: Poten & Partners
Greenfield projects
The Cost-Price Dilemma
A key worry in the LNG business is rapidly rising engineering and
construction costs for new LNG facilities of all kinds, including
liquefaction trains, import terminals and tankers. Using its
models, Poten estimates that the $/tonne cost to construct new
liquefaction capacity has increased on the order of 3 to 4 times
between plants that started operating in 2004 and plants that
would enter into construction now for a 2012 start up. Indeed,
soaring costs have forced some projects to go back to the
drawing board to re-evaluate their engineering design and
construction plans.

In other words, in spite of todays exceptional energy prices, LNG
developers and lenders cannot diligently anticipate continued $90
to $100 per barrel crude oil or concomitantly high gas prices into
the future. Instead, they conservatively assume a lower future
price path for fuels. Severe cost escalation has, therefore, raised
concerns that future LNG prices may not remain high enough to
support project economics of new liquefaction plants, and that the
resulting delays in development of new plants may keep enough
new LNG supplies off the market to prolong the current market
tightness. It is tempting to expect that if and when oil prices
decline material, equipment and labor costs will also decline, but
instead, cost declines may lag lower long-term price expectations.
Thus LNG project sponsors will continue to be trapped for the
foreseeable future between low projected revenue and high
construction costs, at least until the current construction backlog is


alternative possible, pipeline costs have risen, as have oil and gas production equipment,
refineries, EPC contractors (engineering, procurement, and construction) indeed, all energy-
related materials, construction and personnel have grown tight in the current environment. The
consequences of escalating capital costs in the energy industries remain to be seen. Potentially, a
large decline in world gas prices could delay or defer planned LNG production facilities,
reducing LNG available for growing markets, but that seems unlikely. Furthermore, while oil
and gas prices remain high, LNG suppliers are weathering this spate of heightened capital costs;
however, a sudden decline in gas prices worldwide could strain the ability of LNG suppliers to
service the debt component of their LNG supply chain investments, let alone reduce returns to
their investors.


Pacific Basin LNG Prices

LNG prices in the Pacific Basin are primarily indexed to crude oil, specifically the weighted
average price of all crude oil imported into Japan, which is called the JCC. Figure 5 shows
average prices of LNG imported into Japan, Korea and Taiwan; and the JCC to which LNG
prices are indexed.

Figure 5 - Average Prices of LNG Delivered to East Asian Utilities, 2004-07

Source: Poten & Partners, Inc., 2/2008.

While Japanese prices currently lag those of Korea and Taiwan, negotiations are underway with
Japanese buyers on how to incorporate current high oil prices within existing LNG price
formulas. If we assume that Japanese prices rise to the level similar to Korea and Taiwan prices,
we would estimate that Pacific Basin prices would be at about 90% of crude oil heating value
parity. This is a reasonably conservative estimate of the average of contract prices under long-
term LNG Sale and Purchase Agreements.


In the long-term, ample supplies will fundamentally alter the way that LNG is priced in the
Pacific Basin. The region will likely transition from an oil-parity pricing mechanism to a market
based prices where gas-on-gas competition sets the price. As total supply far exceeds regional
demand, competition among suppliers will likely set the price. This phenomenon was last seen
during 2001-2003, when LNG suppliers accepted S curves and crude oil price caps in the
crude oil indexed pricing formulas used in Asian LNG contracts.

Market-based prices are already setting values in short-term or spot LNG. As described above,
gas demand of the utilities in Japan, Korea and Taiwan is relatively inelastic, particularly in the
short-term. Therefore, when the utilities are short LNG supply, they pay whatever price is
necessary to secure spot cargoes. At peak times, this price has even exceeded oil parity. As a
result of their portfolio of long-term contracts, however, the immediate impacts upon their
consumers of such high-priced spot LNG purchases is somewhat muted.

Atlantic Basin LNG Prices

European LNG import prices (other than UK and Belgium) are indexed to crude oil or oil
products. Therefore, prices in those regions are best understood by reference to oil prices.
Figure 6 contains a graph of monthly average Spanish import prices of LNG purchased under
long-term contracts in the 20042007 period that also includes the monthly Brent crude oil price.
Again, we see that LNG prices follow the crude oil price trend, averaging about 65% - 70% of
crude oil parity over the period.

Figure 6 - Average Prices of LNG Delivered to Spain from Seven Suppliers, 2004-07

Source: Poten & Partners, Inc., 2/2008.


U.S. LNG Import Prices

In the context of North American gas commodity markets, U.S. LNG prices are a direct
reflection of US natural gas prices in the vicinity of the LNG receiving terminal where the LNG
is imported. The following are seen in Figure 7:

U.S. gas prices bore a strong relationship to crude oil in the early part of the decade, when oil
prices were relatively low, i.e., below $50 per barrel.

Later, in more recent years, there has been no gas-to-oil price relationship at all in the U.S. as
crude prices have risen to levels well above market clearing prices of natural gas
consequently, as gas prices in the U.S. lagged generally below prices in Europe and Asia,
LNG shipments that might otherwise have been bound for U.S. markets have tended to land

In the Boston area, as an example, wholesale gas prices have borne a strong relationship to
Henry Hub prices, not to oil, throughout most of the year. During winter peak heating
seasons, however, Boston area gas prices characteristically peak to levels far above both
Henry Hub and crude oil, since gas pipelines to the region are operating at or near full
capacity and peaking gas supplies must be withdrawn from higher cost infrastructure
components principally underground storage at considerable distance, LNG peaking plants
(not necessarily imported) and propane-air plants. At these times of very high local gas
demand and prices, the region becomes an especially attractive destination for LNG cargoes.
As a result of the infusion of LNG in local markets, Boston area gas prices are
characteristically favorable compared to prices in comparable East Coast regions without an
LNG terminal, e.g., the New York metropolitan region.

Figure 7 - Monthly Prices of Gas in U.S. Markets versus Crude Oil, 2002-08

Source: BSA, 2/2008, from Platts, NYMEX.


Because of its commodity-based gas markets, the price of LNG into U.S. terminals necessarily
must be competitive in local markets. Too high a price will result in rejection of the LNG in
deference to other supplies, e.g., from domestic resources, while too low a price will pull LNG to
buyers offering greater netbacks outside of North America.

Emerging Trends in LNG Pricing and Trade

From 2000 through 2007 worldwide LNG trade grew at a 6.3% annual rate from 103 to 158
million tonnes per year, i.e., from 13.3 Bcf/day to 20.3 Bcf/day (see Figure 8). In the same
period, short-term LNG trades grew rapidly at nearly a 50% annualized rate and increased from
2% of total trade in 2000 to 23.4% of total trade in 2007. Therefore, short-term trades have
grown at over 12 times the rate of the long-term transactions. Preliminary indications for 2008
confirm continued growth of spot and short-term sales in world LNG markets.

Figure 8 - Global LNG Trade in Long-Term versus Spot and Short-Term Markets

Source: Poten & Partners, Inc. database, 2/2008.

Some spot and short-term trades are based on spare or un-contracted LNG production capacity at
supply projects. However, in recent years more spot and short term trades have been based on
diverting and re-selling LNG that is under a long term contract to a different destination and
buyer. This sort of transaction is explicitly contemplated in some modern LNG Sale and
Purchase Agreements, and is known as destination flexibility. In contrast, some LNG sales
contracts are silent or implicitly prohibit such diversions. Logistics considerations play a role in
whether diversions are permitted and are practical. The party responsible for shipping LNG
from the supply point to the destination typically secures enough ship capacity to transport
contract quantities over specific shipping routes. Diversions that require more ship capacity are
not practical unless uncommitted ships are available for short term charters to cover the larger
shipping requirement.


The impetus behind diverting LNG cargoes is to sell LNG to the market that provides the highest
net-back available at the time to the producer.
The U.S. has been both a recipient and supplier
of diverted cargoes depending on prices and shipping costs to the U.S. relative to alternate

As the global LNG business expands, it is reasonable to expect that spot trades will also expand.
With more production and export facilities, more LNG receiving terminals, and more ships; there
are additional opportunities for spot LNG transactions. Moreover, recent long-term LNG sales
contracts have included more destination flexibility than was seen in the past.

Spot and short-term trades are often a function of unforeseen or unplanned events. For example
the shut down of a major nuclear generating complex in Japan following an earthquake raised
LNG demand for power generation and required the affected utility to purchase spot cargoes to
supplement quantities the utility had under long-term contract. Events such as low rainfall
resulting in reduced hydro-electric power availability, or unseasonably cold temperatures can
increase LNG demand and prompt purchase of spot cargoes. Conversely, warm winters and
abundant rainfall can make some of a buyers long-term contract quantity excess to its needs.

Therefore, LNG buyers who purchase sufficient LNG to meet their base load requirements must
recognize that if unplanned events occur elsewhere in the world, cargoes could be diverted to
that higher priced market; unless the buyer negotiates a contract with no or limited destination

In summary, LNG markets consist largely of long-term take-or-pay contracts between suppliers
and buyers. Spot markets, which now comprise one-fifth of the worlds total LNG trade, are
evolving mostly in the Atlantic Basin, with supplies made available by diverting contracted LNG
to willing third party buyers. In the Atlantic Basin, most European and North American buyers
have access to alternative sources of pipeline gas and are not entirely dependent on LNG, thus
LNG spot trading will remain more of a factor there than in the inelastic Pacific Basin.

Net-back in this context refers to the ex-ship LNG sales price minus costs of shipping and processing from
source to terminal, thus the actual return to the producer.



The present and future competitiveness
of the U.S. in the global LNG
marketplace is assessed in this section.
In particular, it reviews forecasts of
aggregate worldwide liquefaction
capacity in the next 10 years, i.e.,
including projects that are in operation,
under construction, and proposed for
development. Regional gas supply-
demand balances were prepared using
the WGTM model (see box at right) for
the worlds major natural gas
consuming and producing areas, and
forecasts are based on projected natural
gas prices in the U.S. and in the Atlantic
and Pacific basins. This analysis
process was designed to assess the LNG
supply that may be available to North
American gas markets on a competitive

World LNG Supply

Given the tightness in the current
market for LNG, the obvious question is: Will future supplies be available to satisfy the growing
worldwide appetite for LNG, including that of the U.S.? After all, rapidly expanding economies
in Asia will need more LNG to meet their growing energy requirements. Since they have little or
no domestic supply alternatives, they have to pay whatever it takes to procure the necessary
supplies (as described in preceding sections of this report). For example, Asian buyers paid
record prices over $20/MMBtu for spot cargoes during the past winter (2007). Furthermore,
European natural gas producers are also struggling with resource depletion, forcing them to turn
to LNG for incremental supplies.

World Gas Trade Model (WGTM)
The WGTM computes monthly prices and flows for
every market hub over a forty year time horizon based on
market fundamentals. First developed in 1990, WGTM
simulates regional interactions among gas supply,
transportation, and demand points to determine market
clearing prices, flowing volumes, reserve additions, and
pipeline entry and exit values through 2040. WGTM
represents all major geographic areas (each with
production, hubs, demands, terminals, etc.)
interconnected by pipelines and LNG tankers. All
significant existing and prospective LNG trade routes,
liquefaction plants, regasification plants and LNG
terminals are represented. Gas-on-gas and interfuel
competition is modeled in each region. In all, WGTM
comprehends nearly 1,000 regions, supply curves, ship-
ping corridors, pipelines, storage fields, and more (sim-
plified in the illustration below). The North American
Regional Gas (NARG) model is embedded in WGTM.


Propitiously for the U.S., worldwide LNG supplies are increasing (as described earlier) and will
be able to satisfy Asian and European demands with plenty more for the U.S. Although the cost
of exploration and production (E&P) and the cost of constructing LNG liquefaction facilities
around the world have increased dramatically, there are still sufficient margins in order to make
new supply projects economic. One must understand that much of the supply is located in
countries with few alternatives besides LNG export to monetize their energy resources. As long
as netback prices are sufficient to cover costs and provide acceptable returns, LNG exporting
countries will continue to have an economic incentive to expand their LNG export capacities.

Figure 9 World LNG Production by Country through 2016

Source: Altos World Gas Trade Model, 2/2008 Base Case.

Figure 9 shows projected liquefaction export volumes by country through 2016 based on
competitively driven worldwide regional gas demand and supply analysis in the WTGM. Global
LNG supply more than doubles from 22.4 Bcf/day in 2007 to 49.4 Bcf/day in 2016. The supply
base is diverse by 2016 the largest increases come from Qatar, Nigeria, and Australia, which
respectively supply 22%, 15% and 13% of the global market. Each possesses large gas resources
that have limited outlet other than LNG, hence, each may either export gas as LNG or keep it in
the ground in net present value terms, this would be tantamount to losing much of their gas
resources. Their prudent decision has been to build LNG capacity as they have been able to,
with the understanding that their net realization from LNG sales will be high enough to support
their capital investments plus value for the natural gas resource. In all, Atlantic Basin countries
are projected to provide 15.7 Bcf/day of LNG or 32% of total LNG production and the Pacific
Basin countries are projected to produce 17.2 Bcf/day of LNG representing 35% of projected
global production. The Middle East comprises 13.2 Bcf/day of capacity representing 27% of
global production.


World LNG Demand

Based on the study analysis, world LNG demand will experience sharp growth through 2016. As
increases in production make more LNG available to energy hungry economies and displace
higher cost sources, LNG trade will flourish and comprise a larger piece of the energy worldwide
energy balance. As Figure 10 shows, most of the worlds LNG demand growth will take place in
Asia and North America, rather than Europe.

Figure 10 - Global LNG Demand by Region to 2016

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016


North America

Source: Altos World Gas Trade Model, 2/2008 Base Case (update).


Dynamic Asian economies require LNG as a primary source of energy. Newly emerging LNG
markets in China, although still small, will more than likely see exponential growth over this
period (see Figure 11). South Korean demand is projected to increase by 50% through 2016.

Figure 11 - Gas Demand and LNG Imports in Asia, North America and Europe to 2016

Source: Altos World Gas Trade Model, 2/2008 Base Case.


Based on the study analysis, LNG purchases of Japan, currently the largest buyer of LNG, will
also grow steadily. Total Asian demand is forecast to grow by 75% from 2007 to 2016.

The fastest LNG demand growth among the three regions will occur in North America. As more
import terminals come on line to accept LNG supplies that will become available, North
American LNG consumption will grow more than eightfold from current levels to almost 17
Bcf/day in 2016. LNG will nonetheless still comprise only about 20% share of the total
continental market, although it will be a vital and growing component.

European LNG demands, on the other hand, are projected to increase over the next several years
and then begin to taper off. The reason for the modest growth is that there will be greater
competition for the LNG supplies that will be directed towards Europe and greater competition
to serve the European market. Unlike the other regions, Europe is economically accessible from
several major supply areas including supply basins in Russia, the Caspian region, and North
Africa, as well as domestic European supplies and LNG imports. There are a number of major
new pipelines either already under construction or being planned, such as MedGaz from Algeria,
Nabucco from Turkey, and Nordstream from Russia.

Regarding Russian gas, European gas buyers are understandably concerned about the increasing
intensity of their reliance on a single source of supply. Supply diversity is becoming an
important goal for the continent for this reason, and LNG represents a way to spread purchases
more widely. Nonetheless, Europes pipeline suppliers are expected to compete successfully for
sales to the continent. Consequently, absent an enforceable European Union decision to require
its members to secure mostly LNG supplies to further diversify their gas supply portfolios,
supply from pipelines discussed above are expected to absorb most of Europes demand growth
in the time frame of this report.

U.S. Demand Forecast

The U.S. natural gas industry is poised to enter a decade of robust growth. Motivated by
looming environmental regulations, the electricity sector will select natural gas as the fuel of
choice for power generation for a decade or more while equally major alternative sources of
electricity supplies can be developed and made available at commercial scale. More stringent
regulations to limit emissions of NOx, SOx, and carbon appear to be on the horizon. These
regulations will not simply be a tax, but are designed to change behavior by driving out high
polluters and replacing them with lesser polluters. When costs of emissions are factored in,
natural gas fired plants, especially combined cycle plants, will be the most economic choice in
most regions.

U.S. energy markets are already moving in the direction of stricter carbon emission limits in
anticipation of likely regulations. For example, TXUs acquirers in 2007 cancelled construction
of 9.1 GW of coal-fired power plants in face of regulatory uncertainties. Not only will
regulations affect choice of new builds, they will also affect the dispatch order of plants to meet
load. Once these regulations are in place, they will bias the generation mix towards lower
emissions gas-fired plants. Hence, as Figure 12 shows, total U.S. demand (end use consumption)
increases sharply because of rising demand for natural gas in the electricity sector. Total U.S.
demand rises from 58 Bcfd (21 Tcf) in 2007 to 76 Bcfd (almost 27 Tcf) in 2016. About 75% of
the demand increase is due to growth in the electricity sector. The other sectors are projected to


grow at a steady but low rate. The key question is: Where will the incremental supplies come

Figure 12 - U.S. Gas Demand by Sector to 2016

Source: Altos World Gas Trade Model, 2/2008 Base Case.

U.S. Supply Forecast

In the past decade, natural gas prices have more than doubled to levels never before sustained.
High prices are indicative of scarcity. In fact, North American market has burned through much
of its traditional low cost, conventional gas supplies that had fueled the economy for decades,
e.g., in the approximately $2.00-$3.00 per MMBtu range. The U.S. is not actually running out of
natural gas, of course, but it is running out of cheap supplies and is transitioning to harder to find,
costlier to produce unconventional gas, such as coal-bed methane, tight gas, and shales.
Consequently, domestic gas production in the U.S. will be challenged to keep up with its
vigorous demand growth rates.


Figure 13 shows the total projected U.S. supply by source, including domestic production, net
pipeline imports and LNG imports based on the analysis by Altos using a customized version of
its World Gas Trade Model for this study. It shows that U.S. production will continue to
increase, rising by an average of 2.1 percent annually through 2016, but there will be greater
reliance on LNG imports in order to meet the robust demand growth discussed above. Near-term
production increases will come largely from Rocky Mountain and Gulf supplies. Rocky
Mountain gas production will be spurred by increased pipeline capacity including the Rockies
Express (REX) pipeline, due to be extended to Ohio in 2008 and fully in-service there by 2009,
which will help alleviate the chronic takeaway capacity constraints that have hampered the
region. High prices will stimulate production of shales and other supplies in Texas and
Louisiana. In the slightly longer term, deep offshore supplies, especially offshore Louisiana, will
boost production.

Figure 13 U.S. Gas Supply Sources to 2016

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

US Supply and Import Requirements
LNG Imports
Net Pipeline Imports
San Juan
Rocky Mountains

Source: Altos World Gas Trade Model, 2/2008 Base Case (update).

In total, U.S. natural gas production will not peak for several more years. However, the notions
of peak oil or peak gas are misguided. Production rate is not simply a matter of resource
availability. It is an economic outcome. The total production rate is determined by cumulative
economic decisions that take into account prices, resource potential and costs, and competing
supplies. In fact, the growth of LNG imports will displace higher cost domestic production,
causing an ultimate decline in production. Without LNG imports, North American production


would continue to increase throughout next decade, limited only by demand elasticity, and at
prices higher than otherwise projected.

Imports from Canada

The prolific Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin that stretches across Alberta and British
Columbia and is the source of the vast majority of Canadian production is in a state of permanent
decline. Years of heavy production have largely depleted known reserves and the cost of finding
and producing new fields is rapidly rising.

Furthermore, Canadian demand will continue to grow, primarily due to increases in electricity
generation and production from oil sands. Canada possesses immense volumes of oil reserves in
form of oil sands, a mixture of oil-rich bitumen, sand, clay, and water, and thus ranks second in
the world only to Saudi Arabia in terms of recoverable oil reserves. To produce this vast
resource, natural gas is used as fuel to steam the oil sands to extract synthetic crude oil.
According to Canadas National Energy Board, oil sands production currently uses about 4% of
WCSB gas production and this percentage will likely more than double within a decade.

The bottom line in that declining gas production and rising demand in Canada together portend a
sharp decline in exports to the U.S. In recent years, about half of the total Canadian production
(6 Tcf/year) was exported to the U.S. As Figure 14 shows, however, Canadian exports are
projected to decline by nearly 50% from current levels in the next eight years. It is interesting to
see how the flows are affected. Export pipelines into the Midwest show a sharp decline, but
flows into the western states are fairly stable. Clearly, Canadian supplies will be relegated to
high-value regional markets as lower cost supplies in more distant markets displace them. The
Maritimes and Northeast Pipeline is the one exception. Its delivered volumes will grow in the
future, even with a decline in Canadian gas production near Sable Island, but that is because the
Canaport LNG terminal will open in 2008, targeting Northeastern U.S. markets.

Figure 14 - Canadian Gas Imports to the U.S. by Pipeline through 2016

Source: Altos World Gas Trade Model, 2/2008 Base Case.


U.S. Price Forecast

U.S. gas prices will remain high by historical standards, as described above. With the depletion
of low cost, conventional supplies that supplied the market for decades, the U.S. has transitioned
to a higher price regime. North American natural gas resources remain sufficient for decades
more, but prices will have to be elevated in order to induce the necessary investments to bring
the supplies to market.

As Figure 15 shows that average annual gas prices at the Henry Hub in Louisiana will remain
over $7/MMBtu. A sharp dip in prices is expected from the high 2008 price levels over the next
several years as the high prices stimulate domestic supply production and LNG imports will
grow as world-wide LNG supply increases. However, even with a massive increase in LNG
imports, prices still remain high and do not fall to historical levels. These prices will make the
U.S. a premier market for LNG.

Figure 15 Projected Annual Average Henry Hub Gas Prices through 2016

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Real and Nominal Henry Price Forecast
Henry (Real)
Henry (Nominal)
Nominal price includes 2.5% inflation

Source: Altos World Gas Trade Model, 2/2008 Base Case.

Figure 16 shows that forecasted LNG imports grow seven-fold from current levels to meet
expanded U.S. gas demand. By 2016, LNG imports grow to about 13 Bcf/day, capturing about
16% of total U.S. demand. Within a decade, a number of new terminals will be in service,
including those presently under construction (as listed in Table 2) and some additional U.S.
based terminals that will also be built by 2016:

Golden Pass


Sabine Pass
Northeast Gateway (in Boston Harbor)
Pascagoula, MS
One new LNG import terminal assumed to be completed in the Pacific Northwest.

All of these terminals are either under construction today (2008) or at least have regulatory
approvals in hand and appear likely to be completed within this time frame. In addition to the
foregoing, LNG terminals in northwestern Mexico and coastal Canada will also be completed.
Other potential U.S. terminals were offered to the WGTM but the model decided not to build

Once the East Asian utility-driven markets have contracted for the limited albeit high-priced
supplies they need, then the U.S. will become a premier destination for world LNG supplies by
virtue of its size, market flexibility and price. This is a large departure from its historical role as
a minor player in the LNG market. However, unlike in the past, when abundant North American
supplies drove down prices to the point where LNG imports were generally uneconomic, the U.S.
market will be able to absorb and support the large growth in LNG imports foreseen in the
future. The U.S. natural gas market is by far the largest of any single country in the world and
there is a huge upside for LNG. In contrast, Japan and Korea, which are currently the largest
buyers of LNG, rely on LNG for nearly all of their natural gas demand; therefore, future LNG
demand growth is limited to replacement of expiring contract quantities and organic growth of
their natural gas markets.

Sources of U.S. LNG Imports

Projected LNG imports to US by exporting country are shown in Figure 16 (see Page 31). The
figure shows that, while U.S. demand rises 34% from 58.2 Bcf/day in 2007 to 77.8 Bcf/day in
2016, the market share of imported LNG to supply this demand rises from 3.6% in 2007 to 16%
in 2016. Nigeria is expected to be the largest LNG supplier to the U.S. followed by Trinidad,
Algeria and Qatar. In all, imports are expected to come from eight different countries, with all
but Qatar located in the Atlantic Basin.

In particular, Nigeria has a transportation cost advantage to the U.S. over more abundant Middle
Eastern supplies, i.e., the U.S. is Nigerias best market for LNG because it is closer than Asia
and its gas demand exceeds that of Europe. While the best market for Qatar will be Asian
markets, Qatar will produce enough LNG to supply U.S. and European markets as well. The
world LNG market a decade from now will be markedly different from the current market in
which there are many LNG receiving projects chasing after limited supplies.


Figure 16 Direct U.S. LNG Imports by Country of Origin through 2016

Source: Altos World Gas Trade Model, 2/2008 Base Case.

LNG imports to the U.S. are shown in Figure 17 by about a dozen import terminals. The East
Coast and Gulf Coast import terminals are expected to receive 95% of projected imported LNG.
The remaining 5% is expected to be imported in the West Coast.

Figure 17 - Direct U.S. LNG Imports by U.S. Receiving Terminal through 2016

Source: Altos World Gas Trade Model, 2/2008 Base Case (update). Note: chart excludes LNG received in
Canada and Mexico that may enter the U.S. on pipelines.


The decisions inherent in this analysis reflect the fact that shipping is the largest variable
component of the cost of LNG supply chain. For example, shipping a cargo of LNG from West
Africa to the Gulf Coast costs around $1.00/mcf; but the same cargo would cost $1.50/mcf to
transport from the Middle East. Because of the higher cost (and voyage time) of longer
shipments, LNG is often thought of as being segregated into two separate basins, as described
earlier in this report. The Atlantic Basin consists of the US, East and Gulf Coasts, Trinidad,
West Africa, and Europe; and the Pacific Basin comprises of Indonesia, Russia, Australia, Japan,
etc. The Middle East has the flexibility to supply both the Atlantic and the Pacific Basins.

Because shipping distance matters in the economics of LNG supply, U.S. is likely to receive its
LNG supply predominantly from Atlantic Basin countries unless selected countries in other
basins have an unusually low gas production cost which would tend to improve the net-back
economics for that country.

Seasonal LNG Markets

As world LNG trade grows, markets in diverse regions of the world will become increasingly
connected. A true world natural gas market, such as one in oil, is unlikely to ever develop for
natural gas due to its high cost of transportation per energy content. However, markets will be
inextricably linked as LNG supply sources and receiving terminals become more abundant, and
LNG contracts include more flexibility to divert cargoes. Already price arbitrage is taking place
in the Atlantic LNG trade, as described above, as spot cargoes seek terminals offering the highest
margins. In addition to BTUs, LNG deliveries also transmit price and volatility signals from
other competing markets. Consequently, monthly LNG deliveries to the U.S. have varied
significantly, as shown in Figure 18.

Figure 18 - U.S. LNG Imports by Month in 2005-2007

Source: Altos World Gas Trade Model, 2/2008 Base Case.


Looking at Figure 19, it is seen that LNG imports to the U.S. have tended to peak during the
summer and shoulder seasons, not during the winter when U.S. demand and prices are the
The reason for this phenomenon is that LNG cargoes were diverted to Europe and Asia
where prices were more favorable to suppliers at the time. Compared to Europe and especially
Asia, the U.S. has greater storage capacity relative to its demand. Given their cold winters,
Northern Europe and Northeastern Asia have more seasonal demands than does the U.S., which
also has large regions with mild winters, and are constantly tight on winter capacity. Since the
world LNG supply market was so tight, supply was bid away from the U.S. in deference to these
other markets. Even when U.S. prices peaked during the winter of 2005-06 following
Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, LNG imports actually declined as prices were even more attractive
in Europe and Asia. It may be that the fear of the U.S. being unable to compete for supplies in
world LNG markets owes in part to the observations of recent history. In contrast, during the
summer, when there is insufficient demand and storage capacity in Europe to fully accept
domestic production plus contracted pipeline and LNG volumes, LNG cargoes are diverted to the
U.S., largely due to its large electricity market and available storage capacity.

Figure 19 - Average Monthly U.S. LNG Imports, 2007-2016

Source: Altos World Gas Trade Model, 2/2008 Base Case.

The WGTM projects the historical pattern will change as more LNG supplies become available.
The U.S. will continue to be a prime destination for summer LNG cargoes. However, more LNG
will be delivered during the winter months when the U.S. need is the greatest. Asian countries
that have no other alternatives will bid whatever is necessary to meet their demand, but there will
be adequate supply to maintain LNG prices low enough to make it competitive in the U.S.
throughout the year.

The exception has been a peak in LNG deliveries to the Everett terminal in mid-winter, as described elsewhere
in this report.


LNG will play a significant and economically viable role in comprising the future U.S. gas
supply portfolio to meet its projected gas demand. LNG supplies to the U.S. are likely to be
from a variety of sources, the transportation and regasification infrastructure are likewise likely
to be in place timely. It is expected that the combined economics of the LNG chain will be
competitive in meeting the US gas demand. This conclusion rests on the finding in this study
that the availability of global LNG is likely to double from the current levels in the next ten years.
With US gas demand rising and North American gas supplies not keeping pace, imported LNG is
projected to fill the gap by providing 18% of the gas requirements for the US by 2016. The US
market share of available global LNG is projected to be about 26% (13 Bcf/day) in 2016, which
is a reasonable and sustainable level. Finally, because of the sensitivity of shipping costs to LNG
economics, most of the imported LNG into US is likely to come from countries in the Atlantic
basin with deliveries taking place at the import terminals located in the East and Gulf coasts of


This section addresses a number of questions surrounding the emergence of LNG as a major
component of the nations natural gas supplies, and its energy supplies in general. For clarity,
the question and answer format is used.

How will global LNG spot markets evolve and how will these affect U.S. markets?

LNG spot markets are evolving to occupy a substantial share of the Atlantic LNG trade.
U.S. gas buyers and sellers, consumers and suppliers, households and industrial gas users
all benefit from the flexibility and price responsiveness inherent in this relatively free trade
in LNG as long as they have and continue to cultivate the alternative of domestic gas
supplies. In addition, spot markets expand the range of sellers to U.S. markets, thus
contributing to supply diversity, hence security.

As described above, LNG spot markets will be centered in the Atlantic Basin for the foreseeable
future, with some growth in other regions as well. For more than two decades, U.S. gas markets
have functioned largely on a commodity basis in a mixture of spot and contract markets, with
pipelines acting as transporters on behalf of shippers. This system has served the U.S. quite well
by virtually eliminating gas shortages from the list of the industrys concerns when markets
grow tight, clearing prices rise to attract the necessary supplies, and when markets become flush
with gas, clearing prices fall to attract extra demand to soak up the glut. All this happens fairly
quickly within a liquid trading environment. As a recent example, high prices in the early part of
this decade have stimulated enormous additions to proved reserves from Texas Barnett Shale and
other higher-cost producing fields.

Similarly, spot trading of LNG is evolving as SPA buyers and sellers agree to divert LNG
cargoes from contracted destinations to higher-value markets, often at relatively short notice.
Consequently, even though the industry functions within a commercial context of long-term
contracts, spot flows are common. These provide comfort to the U.S. gas industry accustomed to
reliance on spot gas trading that LNG supplies can likewise respond to market pressures.


What are the geopolitical risks inherent in increasing U.S. reliance on LNG?

LNG importation is expanding the U.S.s spectrum of fuel supplying countries, thus
diluting reliance on any one of them, and reducing our concomitant geopolitical risks.

As seen throughout this report, LNG is coming to the U.S. from a wide variety of countries in the
Caribbean, West Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. Some major LNG supplying nations such as
Norway, Peru, Australia, Qatar, and Trinidad are relatively new to the U.S.s list of fuel vendors,
i.e., they generally do not sell us much crude oil or petroleum. Other important suppliers, such
as Nigeria and Algeria, are already key sources of crude oil and petroleum products. Still other
countries are major oil producers, but are not expected to sell LNG to the U.S. for many years,
e.g., Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Russia. Thus, in all, LNG importation is expanding the list of fuel
supplying nations, not generally relying on our oil suppliers, and is thereby contributing to
commercial diversity and competition among sellers.

Figure 20 - Diversity of LNG Supplying Countries

Moreover, LNG liquefaction is extraordinarily capital intensive, as has been seen in this report,
thus lender pressure will form a relatively greater pressure on suppliers to maintain flows,
despite any civil strife that may take place internally.

What are the major infrastructural risks inherent in LNG, e.g., shipping hazards, transit
bottlenecks, and the like, and how will these affect the reliability of U.S. fuel imports?

Infrastructure risks along the LNG supply chain are mitigated by maintaining a diverse
supply portfolio on a national basis, and by expanding U.S. market-driven storage capacity.
Both of these developments are consistent with the direction the U.S. gas industry is
presently taking relative to LNG.

To answer this question, one must step back and review the elements of the LNG supply and
distribution chain. As described at the outset of this report, natural gas is often discovered in
remote areas with limited local or regional markets (sometimes this is referred to as stranded
gas). When these discoveries are large enough, and they are located reasonably near navigable
ports, they may be suitable to support development of an LNG export venture. Produced natural
gas is processed to allow pipeline transportation to a liquefaction plant, where it is processed


further before liquefaction and storage. LNG is loaded on specially designed LNG carriers
equipped with heavily insulated tanks and transported at approximately -256
F and near
atmospheric pressure.

Ships unload LNG at shore-side receiving terminals where it is stored in large insulated tanks
before it is vaporized for send-out through natural gas transmission and distribution pipelines.
(In some cases LNG tankers with on board regasification units are used in lieu of shore-side

From this brief and simplified discussion of the LNG chain of physical assets, one can see there
are several key additions to the LNG chain compared to production and distribution of domestic
natural gas. The liquefaction, shipping and receiving / storage and vaporization steps occur in
facilities that are specially designed and constructed to provide safe and highly reliable service.
North Asian buyers in Japan, Korea and Taiwan have little indigenous natural gas production,
but nevertheless have well-established utilities that distribute gas and gas-fired electricity to their
markets, based on natural gas derived almost entirely by LNG.

Operational disruptions in natural gas production and liquefaction plants, or severe weather at
loading ports, on sea passages and at unloading ports can introduce delays in ship arrivals at
unloading ports. However, as described in foregoing sections, U.S. supplies of LNG are likely to
remain well diversified, with shipments coming from North Africa, West Africa, the Caribbean
and Europe, in addition to the Middle East. The effects of short-term operational delays on U.S.
supply should be limited through the combination of U.S. LNG supply diversification, LNG
storage at receiving terminals, and in-ground natural gas storage. However, longer-term
disruptions of large quantities of LNG would be a concern. Qatar will produce a larger share of
worldwide LNG and a growing share of US imports with the attendant concern of possible
disruptions to ship transit through the Straits of Hormuz. However, the LNG disruption would
be less of a concern than the disruption to world oil markets, which currently derive about 45%
of their supplies from the Middle East.

A separate issue is the risk of project delays that reduce projected start-up of new supply projects.
These are delays and not cancellations or disruptions of supply projects, but they can reduce
supply availability in the short-term. Delays have come in two forms, which were discussed
earlier in the infrastructure section of this report.

First is delay in projects taking investment decisions as a result of increased capital costs
compared to projected revenues. This can postpone the start of construction while
engineering designs and plans are re-evaluated.

A second risk consists of unforeseen protracted construction periods for new LNG
projects, including production, pipeline and liquefaction facilities. Strains on engineering
and construction resources are delaying project completion, which is a shorter-term


How should state regulatory bodies and gas utilities think of impending growth in LNG

LNG supplies entering the U.S. will generally be priced to meet local market conditions.
Gas utilities, like other LNG buyers, will need to enter into long-term contracts to
participate in the business, and can use these agreements as a way to protect the interests of,
and minimize cost risks to, their customers.

The energy regulatory community, including both the state and federal levels, appears to
recognize the impending rise in LNG importation. In most states where LNG is received directly,
or where import terminals have been proposed, regulators have paid considerable attention to a
host of issues, including siting of terminals, carriage of regasified LNG from terminals to
markets, and inclusion of the gas as part of the mix of gas supplies sold to consumers. Examples
of states that have considered these matters include California, Maryland, Massachusetts,
Louisiana and others.

In general, the discussion of LNG pricing earlier in this report (Sections D and E) points out that
LNG entering the U.S. is going to be priced at prevailing local market indicators reflective of
market values wherever the gas meets the grid. In other words, because of the continents large
domestic gas production, LNG will as a rule be a price-taker for the foreseeable future. As long
as this is the case, adding LNG to the mix of gas supplies will act to reduce local area gas costs.

There will inevitably be exceptions to this rule, however, since an LNG tanker is not a gas well,
but instead, could be diverted to higher valued markets, e.g., Europe of the Far East. Thus, when
LNG cargoes are received during times of peak local gas demand, economic pressures could act
to increase, rather than decrease, local market prices. It will, therefore, be up to gas utilities and
their state regulators to ensure that contracts for LNG are written in a way that protects ultimate
gas consumers.

What are the overriding commercial strategies of the key players who might compete with the
U.S. for LNG supplies in each region?

Pacific Basin markets tend to be dominated by gas and electric utility buyers who rely
critically on LNG, while Atlantic Basin markets tend to be dominated by buyers who can
also access major supplies of pipeline gas. Consequently, Atlantic and Middle Eastern
markets are experiencing a greater degree of price competition, which is likely to intensify
as buyers in North America increasingly participate.

Pacific Basin LNG buyers, which predominantly include Japan, Korea and Taiwan, have limited
natural gas supply options other than LNG, thus their primary market focus is to secure and
maintain long-term, reliable supplies to fill projected demand. They each hold a portfolio of
long-term (20+ years) LNG Sale and Purchase Agreements (SPA) with Pacific Basin and Middle
Eastern suppliers that provide supply diversity and reliability. These contracts bind buyers to
take-or-pay provisions, but also allow limited ability to divert cargoes to alternate destinations.
As noted earlier in this report, these buyers purchase LNG under short-term contracts and spot
cargoes to top up their supply portfolio and to meet unanticipated demand. Moreover, long-
term LNG prices in this region have been near parity with crude oil, with short-term and spot
cargo prices even somewhat higher. Therefore, with strong service obligations to their


customers and a focus on securing reliable supply, significant buyers are not expected to rely
substantially on LNG spot markets in the future.

LNG buyers in India and China, relatively new to the industry, have a similar focus on securing
supplies to meet growing market demand. To date, these buyers have been far more interested in
securing both short-term and long-term supply rather than diverting cargoes to alternate
destinations / buyers.

European LNG buyers predominantly include Spain and France (together, 75% of 2006 LNG
purchases in Europe). Transatlantic arbitrage is a topic of growing interest in the European LNG
industry, as evidenced by a presentation by Gaz de France (GDF) at the LNG 15 conference.
The opening paragraph states LNG Transatlantic arbitrage has become a fashionable subject of
LNG players and experts. But, in fact, very few are doing it, even at a modest scale. GDF
argues that based on its analysis of 2005 data, that 13% of world LNG trade was spot or short-
term and less than one quarter of that volume (or 4.5% of global LNG trade) was in arbitrage
transactions. Indeed, European LNG gas and electric utility buyers purchase LNG under long-
term take-or-pay contracts as part of a supply portfolio that includes pipeline gas. Some newer
Atlantic Basin LNG long-term contracts enable buyers to divert cargoes from the originally
anticipated market to alternate markets for any or all of the following reasons:

The original market is fully supplied by pipeline and LNG contract volumes;
The LNG buyer can meet its market obligations purchasing lower priced alternate
supply, allowing it to divert LNG cargoes to higher priced mark; and/or
The buyer has explicitly purchased LNG with free destination to enable it to engage
in arbitrage activities.

When examining short-term and spot trading activity, it is difficult to distinguish the source of
cargoes among the three broad categories listed above. However, it is clear that the U.S.
received large quantities of short-term and spot LNG in 2005-2007, and that a substantial
quantity of this LNG was contracted long-term between Atlantic LNG and Spanish buyers, but
diverted to the U.S.



A1 - U.S. Gas Demand by Sector, 2007-2016 (Bcf/day)

Residential Commercial Industrial Electric
2007 13.002 8.059 19.265 17.689
2008 13.214 8.278 19.431 18.265
2009 13.310 8.434 19.816 18.840
2010 13.422 8.581 20.577 21.781
2011 13.544 8.778 20.306 24.722
2012 13.678 8.959 20.508 27.663
2013 13.728 9.137 20.537 28.440
2014 13.784 9.281 20.944 29.217
2015 13.840 9.422 20.669 29.994
2016 13.916 9.539 20.792 31.763

A2 - U.S. Gas Supply by Source, 2007-2016 (Bcf/day)

Louisiana Texas
continent Permian
Juan Other
2007 9.4


6.4 6.1





2008 10.0


8.1 7.3





2009 10.0


9.3 7.5





2010 10.4


11.4 7.4





2011 10.3


12.0 7.7





2012 10.7


11.6 7.7





2013 11.5


11.6 8.1





2014 12.0


11.7 8.3





2015 12.4


12.1 8.4





2016 12.7


11.7 7.8







A3 - Worldwide LNG Production Capacity, by Stage of Project, as of March 2008 (Bcf/day)

in 2008
Planning Potential
Atlantic Basin 10.061 1.587 6.067 7.787
Pacific Basin 8.919 4.107 3.200 5.413
Middle East 6.196 7.133 0.000 3.613


A4 - Gas and LNG Demand by Basin, 2007-2016 (Bcf/day)

Asia Europe North America

2007 35.556 14.418 48.327
2008 38.133 15.842 49.484
2009 40.080 16.731 52.287
2010 41.864 17.150 53.470
2011 43.334 17.938 54.660
2012 44.986 19.228 56.044
2013 46.571 21.521 57.344
2014 48.160 23.226 58.730
2015 50.124 24.443 60.233
2016 52.278 25.377 63.743

A5 - Direct U.S. LNG Imports by Country of Origin, 2007-2016 (Bcf/day)

Algeria Angola Trinidad Egypt
Guinea Nigeria Norway Qatar Other Total
2007 0.00 0.00 1.46 0.33 0.00 0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.08
2008 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.10
2009 0.00 0.00 0.70 0.00 0.00 0.70 0.00 0.01 0.00 1.41
2010 0.00 0.00 1.03 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00
2011 0.00 0.00 1.48 0.00 0.00 1.52 0.00 0.50 0.13 3.63
2012 0.37 0.34 1.48 0.48 0.05 2.10 0.00 1.70 0.00 6.53
2013 0.37 0.40 1.48 0.48 0.05 2.91 0.00 2.20 0.00 7.90
2014 0.24 0.58 1.62 0.48 0.28 3.70 0.00 2.19 0.00 9.09
2015 0.44 0.68 1.62 0.48 0.34 4.50 0.00 2.32 0.07 10.45
2016 1.32 0.70 2.00 0.48 0.36 5.68 0.00 2.19 0.04 12.76


A6 - Average Prices of LNG Delivered to East Asian Utilities, 2004-2007, $/MMBtu

Japan Korea Taiwan
JCC, 3-
Jan-04 4.76 5.01 5.50 5.25
Feb-04 4.82 4.99 5.52 5.34
Mar-04 4.90 4.97 5.39 5.35
Apr-04 4.93 5.46 5.79 5.50
May-04 4.93 5.55 5.81 5.64
Jun-04 5.06 5.96 6.15 5.95
Jul-04 5.09 6.05 6.05 6.13
Aug-04 5.18 6.14 6.28 6.32
Sep-04 5.45 6.32 6.81 6.56
Oct-04 5.54 6.39 7.28 6.74
Nov-04 5.51 6.65 7.71 6.98
Dec-04 5.70 6.36 6.91 6.90
Jan-05 5.44 5.81 6.51 6.81
Feb-05 5.60 6.45 7.22 6.77
Mar-05 5.61 6.28 7.34 6.93
Apr-05 5.69 6.83 7.30 7.50
May-05 5.75 7.45 7.26 8.07
Jun-05 5.70 7.55 6.81 8.46
Jul-05 6.05 8.12 7.34 8.73
Aug-05 6.24 8.44 7.91 8.97
Sep-05 6.41 8.13 8.23 9.53
Oct-05 6.45 9.16 8.31 9.91
Nov-05 6.60 8.59 7.96 10.03
Dec-05 6.47 8.77 8.17 9.76
Jan-06 6.57 8.22 9.95 9.57
Feb-06 6.99 9.16 9.82 9.76
Mar-06 7.18 8.19 9.56 10.12
Apr-06 6.74 8.65 8.13 10.40
May-06 6.93 9.06 8.71 10.71
Jun-06 7.13 9.38 8.13 11.09
Jul-06 6.89 9.70 9.41 11.47
Aug-06 7.36 10.00 9.67 11.77
Sep-06 7.68 10.10 9.54 12.01
Oct-06 7.22 9.98 9.70 11.81
Nov-06 7.24 8.50 8.75 11.13
Dec-06 7.37 9.51 9.63 10.37
Jan-07 7.14 9.63 9.67 10.14
Feb-07 6.92 8.87 8.98 9.87
Mar-07 6.89 8.85 7.80 9.78
Apr-07 7.11 8.73 7.54 9.81
May-07 7.25 8.70 9.44 10.41
Jun-07 7.14 9.14 9.47 11.00
Jul-07 7.29 9.08 9.79 11.48
Aug-07 7.72 9.99 9.93 11.85
Sep-07 7.93 9.68 9.59 12.06
Oct-07 8.57 12.45
Nov-07 9.15 12.95


A7 - Average Prices of LNG Delivered to Spain from Seven Suppliers, 2004-2007,

Algeria Egypt Nigeria Oman Qatar Trinidad Brent
Jan-04 3.82 4.22 3.80 5.32
Feb-04 3.95 3.83 3.81 3.65 5.25
Mar-04 3.78 3.77 2.89 3.50 5.72
Apr-04 3.82 3.63 2.81 3.50 5.71
May-04 3.86 3.49 3.68 6.39
Jun-04 3.82 3.73 3.16 3.89 5.98
Jul-04 4.08 3.59 3.30 4.04 6.50
Aug-04 3.88 4.03 2.84 4.02 7.27
Sep-04 4.07 3.83 2.83 4.03 7.35
Oct-04 4.37 4.14 3.44 4.41 8.47
Nov-04 4.67 4.09 3.58 4.66 7.33
Dec-04 4.66 4.26 3.44 4.73 6.73
Jan-05 5.35 4.50 4.08 4.71 7.57
Feb-05 4.97 5.34 4.56 3.25 4.89 4.85 7.73
Mar-05 5.07 4.68 4.93 4.46 4.93 4.66 9.03
Apr-05 5.33 4.38 4.76 4.23 4.88 8.82
May-05 5.30 4.80 4.45 4.90 8.27
Jun-05 5.07 4.24 4.50 4.53 4.48 9.24
Jul-05 5.07 5.31 4.93 4.89 9.78
Aug-05 5.80 5.04 5.15 5.17 5.29 10.88
Sep-05 5.68 5.42 4.85 5.07 5.18 10.70
Oct-05 5.53 4.57 5.08 5.84 9.96
Nov-05 6.15 4.48 5.52 5.11 6.11 6.14 9.39
Dec-05 6.61 5.07 6.07 4.85 4.90 6.28 9.67
Jan-06 8.47 6.13 7.16 6.83 6.52 6.63 10.71
Feb-06 6.24 7.01 6.38 6.34 6.35 6.56 10.24
Mar-06 6.09 6.10 6.42 5.69 6.56 6.47 10.55
Apr-06 6.85 7.06 6.18 5.72 6.52 5.75 11.95
May-06 7.14 6.36 6.71 6.89 6.33 11.87
Jun-06 5.87 6.57 6.29 6.84 5.03 11.66
Jul-06 7.13 6.71 5.99 7.43 7.23 12.53
Aug-06 6.92 6.65 6.81 6.11 7.20 6.21 12.45
Sep-06 7.63 6.82 6.85 7.50 3.91 10.54
Oct-06 7.23 6.70 6.79 7.22 6.38 9.83
Nov-06 7.11 7.72 7.08 6.31 7.24 6.79 9.99
Dec-06 6.90 9.20 7.52 7.65 6.34 10.62
Jan-07 7.06 9.70 6.93 7.96 7.36 9.13
Feb-07 7.07 7.57 6.49 6.94 6.98 9.79
Mar-07 7.33 6.69 6.31 6.77 5.71 10.55
Apr-07 7.25 6.59 6.13 6.13 6.34 11.48
May-07 6.29 6.05 5.55 6.80 5.02 11.43


Jun-07 6.54 6.51 6.13 6.06 6.14 12.08
Jul-07 6.91 6.21 5.88 5.96 6.29 6.38 13.08
Aug-07 12.03
Sep-07 13.12
Oct-07 14.00
Nov-07 15.72
Dec-07 15.46


A8 - Monthly Prices of Gas in U.S. Markets versus Crude Oil, 2002-2008, $/MMBtu

Henry Hub
Crude Oil
(WTI) NY Metro
Jan-02 2.56 3.52 4.92
Feb-02 2.01 3.29 2.58
Mar-02 2.39 3.67 2.76
Apr-02 3.47 4.46 3.73
May-02 3.32 4.75 3.66
Jun-02 3.42 4.25 3.70
Jul-02 3.28 4.63 3.72
Aug-02 2.98 4.72 3.53
Sep-02 3.29 4.99 3.64
Oct-02 3.69 5.27 4.13
Nov-02 4.13 4.62 4.87
Dec-02 4.14 4.55 5.20
Jan-03 4.99 5.41 6.84
Feb-03 5.66 5.84 7.71
Mar-03 9.13 6.41 11.99
Apr-03 5.15 5.20 5.69
May-03 5.12 4.35 5.70
Jun-03 5.95 5.02 6.48
Jul-03 5.29 5.05 5.87
Aug-03 4.69 5.29 5.08
Sep-03 4.93 5.43 5.32
Oct-03 4.43 4.90 4.89
Nov-03 4.46 4.91 5.01
Dec-03 4.86 5.13 5.80
Jan-04 6.15 5.65 7.96
Feb-04 5.78 5.66 10.84
Mar-04 5.15 6.12 5.84
Apr-04 5.37 6.25 5.85
May-04 5.94 6.43 6.41
Jun-04 6.68 6.80 7.29
Jul-04 6.14 6.15 6.74
Aug-04 6.05 7.37 6.53
Sep-04 5.08 7.29 5.45
Oct-04 5.72 8.54 6.14
Nov-04 7.63 8.78 8.20
Dec-04 7.98 8.35 9.02
Jan-05 6.21 7.87 10.03
Feb-05 6.29 8.09 9.98
Mar-05 6.30 9.01 7.03
Apr-05 7.32 8.97 7.92
May-05 6.75 9.04 7.27
Jun-05 6.12 8.83 6.60
Jul-05 6.98 9.83 7.58
Aug-05 7.65 11.03 8.30
Sep-05 10.85 11.28 11.40
Oct-05 13.91 11.55 14.97
Nov-05 13.83 10.90 15.23
Dec-05 11.18 9.68 13.29


Jan-06 11.43 10.00 15.21
Feb-06 8.40 11.68 9.71
Mar-06 7.11 10.40 7.85
Apr-06 7.23 11.02 7.74
May-06 7.20 12.50 7.68
Jun-06 5.93 12.24 6.49
Jul-06 5.89 12.07 6.50
Aug-06 7.04 12.50 7.83
Sep-06 6.82 12.52 7.44
Oct-06 4.20 10.69 4.54
Nov-06 7.15 9.94 7.82
Dec-06 8.32 10.52 9.74
Jan-07 5.84 10.60 7.48
Feb-07 6.92 8.79 10.34
Mar-07 7.55 10.17 8.40
Apr-07 7.56 11.03 8.21
May-07 7.60 11.17 8.28
Jun-07 7.59 11.12 8.32
Jul-07 6.54 12.59 7.34
Aug-07 6.11 12.41 6.90
Sep-07 5.59 12.59 6.03
Oct-07 6.42 14.14 6.87
Nov-07 7.27 15.69 7.92
Dec-07 7.20 15.00 8.54
Jan-08 8.00 16.55 11.29


A9 - World LNG Production by Country, 2007-2016 (Bcf/day)

Trinidad Algeria Egypt Qatar Oman UAE Angola Nigeria
2007 1.974 2.801 0.782 4.018 1.485 0.748 0.000 1.941
2008 2.322 2.657 1.020 4.827 1.534 0.708 0.000 2.618
2009 2.285 2.657 1.089 7.243 1.319 0.499 0.000 2.684
2010 2.157 2.657 0.871 9.503 1.107 0.294 0.000 2.684
2011 2.093 2.657 0.889 10.607 1.078 0.399 0.000 2.916
2012 2.281 3.241 0.958 10.896 1.262 0.562 0.339 3.568
2013 2.555 3.248 1.107 10.946 1.521 0.690 0.578 4.515
2014 2.771 3.260 0.994 10.777 1.488 0.732 0.684 5.734
2015 2.856 3.535 0.958 10.821 1.534 0.777 0.697 6.789
2016 2.981 3.537 1.025 10.874 1.500 0.838 0.682 7.545

Australia Brunei Indonesia Malaysia Russia Other Total
2007 2.175 1.037 1.951 3.343 0.000 0.107 22.361
2008 2.344 0.985 2.764 3.393 0.326 0.081 25.578
2009 2.360 0.892 3.365 3.441 1.157 0.127 29.118
2010 2.307 0.806 3.330 3.467 1.222 0.000 30.404
2011 2.539 0.834 3.414 3.497 1.311 0.126 32.361
2012 3.167 0.892 3.417 3.520 1.188 0.053 35.345
2013 3.989 0.892 3.605 3.567 1.357 0.490 39.061
2014 4.696 0.808 3.830 3.522 2.174 1.837 43.307
2015 5.510 0.810 3.789 3.515 2.197 2.547 46.335
2016 6.492 1.026 3.797 3.561 2.301 3.206 49.363


A10 - Canadian Gas Imports to the U.S. by Pipeline, 2008-2016, Bcf/day

Pipeline GTN Alliance
Northeast Others Total
2008 1.122 1.643 1.967 1.629 0.361 1.110 7.832
2009 1.142 1.599 1.967 1.737 0.348 0.937 7.730
2010 1.333 1.619 1.911 1.283 0.334 0.828 7.309
2011 1.189 1.242 1.900 1.070 0.296 0.703 6.400
2012 1.233 1.284 1.673 1.000 0.412 0.741 6.343
2013 1.314 1.410 1.511 0.859 0.427 0.781 6.301
2014 1.363 1.429 1.432 0.806 0.443 0.788 6.262
2015 1.363 1.508 1.150 0.598 0.443 0.752 5.816
2016 1.363 1.439 0.882 0.348 0.464 0.430 4.926

A11 - Projected Annual Average Henry Hub Gas Prices, 2008-2016, $/MMBtu

(Real) Henry (Nominal)
2008 6.15 6.15
2009 6.37 6.53
2010 6.04 6.34
2011 6.42 6.91
2012 6.54 7.22
2013 6.84 7.74
2014 7.09 8.23
2015 7.12 8.46
2016 7.27 8.86


A12 - Direct U.S. LNG Imports by U.S. Receiving Terminal, 2008-2016, Bcf/day

Point Everett Cameron
2007 0.533 0.235 0.765 0.547 0.000 0.000 0.000
2008 0.682 0.436 0.765 0.547 0.487 0.000 0.000
2009 0.778 0.411 1.376 0.547 0.318 0.000 0.000
2010 0.837 0.320 1.376 0.547 0.671 0.000 0.000
2011 1.013 0.320 1.376 0.547 0.871 0.000 0.000
2012 1.243 0.494 1.376 0.547 1.335 0.000 0.000
2013 1.539 0.490 1.376 0.547 2.117 0.000 0.000
2014 1.698 0.560 1.376 0.547 2.256 0.000 0.000
2015 1.951 0.601 1.376 0.547 2.256 0.000 0.000
2016 2.064 0.664 1.376 0.547 2.255 0.000 0.000

Pass Sabine
Northwest Pascagoula
2007 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
2008 0.000 0.000 0.347 0.132 0.000 0.000 0.000
2009 0.000 0.000 0.326 0.132 0.000 0.000 0.000
2010 0.000 0.000 1.111 0.134 0.000 0.000 0.000
2011 0.133 0.039 1.994 0.162 0.000 0.000 0.000
2012 0.373 0.181 2.197 0.185 0.000 0.000 0.000
2013 0.425 0.209 2.174 0.188 0.000 0.000 0.000
2014 0.830 0.454 2.507 0.221 0.000 0.000 0.000
2015 1.166 0.660 2.797 0.256 0.000 0.000 1.147
2016 1.298 0.726 2.937 0.266 0.000 0.765 1.147

Channel Total
2007 0.000 2.079
2008 0.000 3.395
2009 0.000 3.889
2010 0.000 4.996
2011 0.000 6.456
2012 0.000 7.932
2013 0.000 9.065
2014 0.000 10.449
2015 0.000 12.757
2016 0.000 14.045


A13 - Total U.S. LNG Imports by Month, Bcf/month

2005 2006 2007
Jan 57,829 39,466 53,441
Feb 53,538 38,737 44,101
Mar 45,885 33,228 86,848
Apr 47,567 58,792 98,742
May 52,628 67,271 94,319
Jun 56,377 61,705 86,587
Jul 53,141 57,550 98,344
Aug 43,630 52,122 87,471
Sep 51,824 40,004 41,654
Oct 59,576 36,185 31,939
Nov 57,977 47,236 26,539
Dec 51,288 51,240 NA
Total 631,260 583,536 749,985

A14 - Average Monthly U.S. LNG Imports, 2007-2016

Point Cameron Sabine Freeport Other
Jan 0.679 1.422 0.475 1.589 1.506 0.939 0.343 1.080
Feb 0.679 1.520 0.521 1.589 1.547 1.092 0.300 0.900
Mar 0.679 1.248 0.384 1.589 0.999 0.538 0.114 0.230
Apr 0.679 1.046 0.316 1.588 0.971 0.459 0.204 0.182
May 0.679 1.047 0.314 1.588 1.005 0.475 0.287 0.154
Jun 0.679 1.121 0.463 1.589 1.117 0.613 0.372 0.262
Jul 0.679 1.252 0.555 1.589 1.266 0.795 0.457 0.404
Aug 0.679 1.322 0.600 1.589 1.338 0.834 0.521 0.463
Sep 0.679 1.226 0.451 1.589 1.216 0.748 0.424 0.313
Oct 0.679 1.265 0.388 1.589 1.229 0.742 0.342 0.292
Nov 0.679 1.316 0.410 1.589 0.987 0.680 0.212 0.357
Dec 0.679 1.467 0.490 1.589 1.549 0.907 0.300 0.900

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