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The most complete plant design suite for the AutoCAD platform!

CADWorx Iour Modules are supplied with the Iollowing capabilities - !"# !% #&' (!)*

! 2D and 3D Piping
! Structural Steel
! Equipment
! Ducting/Cable Trays
! Automatic Isometrics
! Piping SpeciIications
! Bills oI Material Creation
! Live Database Links
! Bi-directional Links to Stress Analysis
! Automatic Stress Isometrics
! Model Review and Walkthrough
CADWorx PIPE (Additional Modules)
! NavisWorks +,'-'.#',
! NavisWorks /01-& 2'#'3#45'
! Isogen

CADWorx Equipment
! Parametric Equipment Modeler
! Vessels, Tanks, Exchangers & Pumps etc.
! Bi Directional Links to
Pressure Vessel Analysis

! Intelligent Process Diagrams
! Industry Standard Symbols
! User deIined Project Databases
! Bi-directional Database Links
! Database Reporting
! SpeciIication checking capabilities
! Legacy Diagram Conversion

! User DeIinable Templates
! LOOP database table generator
! LOOP database table editor
! LOOP generator
! Links to Autodesk`s wiring diagram module


By leveraging the latest in AutoCAD, CADWorx maximizes the size oI plant models that teams oI
designers can work on simultaneously, while making it easy to learn and use the program, even Ior
beginners. These perIormance and Iunctionality capabilities are made possible by minimizing Iile
size, Iast load and save times, eIIective management oI external reIerences (XREFs), and highly
reIined user interIace Ieatures.

CADWorx Iully supports and is adaptable to the Iollowing industry sectors: process, power, water
treatment and the hygienic industries including the Iood, pharmaceutical, biotech and
semiconductor sectors.

CADWorx - Easy, Open, Scalable and Language Independent.

The CADWorx suite is quick and easy to set-up and get started. II you know AutoCAD you are on
your way to having your projects Iast tracked Irom conception to delivery. CADWorx allows you
to deliver on time with ease!

CADWorx tightly conIorms to the open standards oI the AutoCAD platIorm. Meaning your
deliverables will reach the largest possible market and will allow the greatest interoperability with
other leading applications in the AutoCAD market Ior integrated, error-Iree designs.

CADWorx provides true economies oI scale Ior projects with budgets ranging Irom the $1000`s to
$100`s oI million. Workgroup size does not

Language Support
CADWorx is supplied with the worlds most commonly used languages. User modiIiable language
Iiles enable users to localize the package to their region allowing them to work and create
deliverables in their own language.

2D and 3D Piping
CADWorx PIPE allows you to work in 2D or 3D mode with Iull intelligence. Quick 2D plans can
be converted into 3D solids at anytime. Working in 3D with CADWorx PIPE is a rewarding and
pleasurable experience. Intuitive and easy tools like the CADWorx PIPE`s point and shoot UCS
system means that design in any plane is easy and quick to do. Because CADWorx PIPE uses
standard AutoCAD solids it has some oI the best perIormance, smallest models and greatest
compatibility in its class. II ease, perIormance and collaboration are important to you then
CADWorx PIPE delivers!

Structural Steel
CADWorx PIPE has steelwork capabilities built-in. A Iull range oI international steel shapes and
catalogs are supplied. CADWorx PIPE`s steel utility allows straight or curved steel members to be
placed on routing lines or at any place in the design. Editing member`s sizes, lengths, coping and
notching against adjoining members are also easily done.

As with CADWorx PIPE`s piping components steel members can be linked to static or live project
databases Ior Iull and comprehensive bill oI materials reports.

The equipment capabilities built into CADWorx PIPE allow the creation oI any 2D or 3D
equipment shape. Vessels, pumps, tanks, and exchanges can be quickly created to complete the
design model Ior review and interIerence checking.

Ducting/Cable Trays
HVAC Ducting and Cable tray shapes can easily be created with routines built into CADWorx
PIPE. Square, rectangular, round and oval shapes with transitions are selected Irom a single
intuitive dialog box. Key dimensional inIormation is retained to allow users to easily and quickly
design Duct and Tray runs with the minimum oI input.

Automatic Isometrics
CADWorx PIPE provides the industry`s best automatic isometrics and does so with ease.
Isometrics can be generated Irom within individual piping layouts or Irom project databases.
Intelligent stop marks lets users speciIy sensible break points Ior consistent drawings Irom revision
to revision and reissue. Whether using line numbers Irom the database or selecting items Irom the
drawing, the soItware makes isometric generation a breeze.

A single dialog conIiguration utility lets you precisely deIine how your isometrics will look.
Settings Ior user borders, automatic dimensioning, tagging and bill oI materials are easily set.

Piping Specifications

CADWorx PIPE includes over 65 detailed, ready-to-use speciIications accessing 3500 component
dataIiles carrying parametric inIormation on over 40,000 components and more are continually
being added!. In keeping with the global capabilities oI CADWorx PIPE, speciIications and
dataIile are available in imperial, metric and mixed metric Iormats in various materials and to
major US, European and Asian regional standards.

The powerIul speciIication editor included within CADWorx PIPE allows you to create and modiIy
speciIications on-the-Ily or outside oI a drawing session. Ease and Ilexibility allows ease oI
speciIication creation and modiIication to ensure consistency and accuracy in your designs.

Bills of Material Creation
Because CADWorx components placed in the design are intelligent, accurate user conIigurable bill
oI materials in the most popular database Iormats can be created at any point in the design process.

Live Database Links
CADWorx PIPE lets any number oI users connect to a common external database during the design
process. Model additions and subtractions Irom any workstation are constantly monitored, and
ODBC links within CADWorx PIPE ensure that the model and external databases are always Iully

Bi-directional Links to Stress Analysis
You can output any part oI a CADWorx PIPE piping system to stress analysis in native CAESAR
II Iile Iormat. Similarly routing, support and system modiIications made in CAESAR II can be read
by CADWorx PIPE directly into the design. This link between CAD and analysis still remains a
unique Ieature that no other CAD/Analysis oIIerings have been able to oIIer at any price!

Automatic Stress Isometrics
CADWorx PIPE can also use CAESAR II output results data to easily create stress isometrics.
Once a stress isometric is drawn a custom dialog helps you select analysis results to be added to the
isometric. ThereIore you get automatically generated stress isometrics that are Iully dimensioned
and annotated with accurate input and analysis data that your clients require.

Model Review and Walkthrough
6154-7!,8- Ior CADWorx provides real-time design review capabilities oI even the largest 3D
models and is supplied with every each seat oI CADWorx PIPE. Intuitive tools allow the
navigation, collaboration, presentation and coordination oI your 3D models. Movies (AVI`s) and
review comments are easily created Ior general distribution.

CADWorx PIPE (Additional Modules)

NavisWorks +,'-'.#', - enables users to attach materials to items in the review model Ior near
photo realistic representations.

NavisWorks /01-& 2'#'3#45' perIorms world-class interIerence checking, saving signiIicant time
and money in the construction phases oI the project and reducing design liabilities.

Isogen Irom Alias, UK gives the option oI creating automatic isometrics in the world`s most
popular isometric Iormat. Isogen Ior CADWorx is supplied with all the conIiguration switches that
Isogen users need Ior Iull isometric conIiguration.


CADWorx P&ID enables users the Ilexibility to create process diagrams with varying levels oI
inIormation and with the minimum oI eIIort.

Intelligent Process Diagrams
CADWorx P&ID works in two modes. Firstly users can draw intelligent process diagrams
without additional inIormation adding inIormation as it becomes known. These P&ID`s can later
be linked to external project databases. Secondly users can draw their diagrams with additional
inIormation linked to external project wide databases.

Industry Standard Symbols
CADWorx P&ID is supplied with an extensive symbols library to major US, European and Asian
regional standards. Additional symbols or assemblies are easily added and are automatically made
intelligent. II you wish to use your existing symbols it is easily done plus they will enjoy all oI the
beneIits oI CADWorx P&ID`s built in symbology. CADWorx P&ID`s built-in tools automatically
add additional symbols to menus without then need to maintain slide libraries or learn AutoLISP.

User defined Project Databases
CADWorx P&ID provides a dynamic solution Ior deIining the structure oI project databases that
requires no database knowledge and ensures that project database and drawing inIormation is
always linked. Unlike may packages CADWorx P&ID uses industry standard ODBC links to
ensure that access and perIormance with project database are kept at the highest levels and are
always compatible with the latest innovations in computer operating systems.

Bi-directional Database Links
Data integrity is never compromised however many drawings are linked to your project databases.
All parties can share and modiIy data Irom within a CADWorx P&ID session or within the Project
database. CADWorx P&ID makes sure that drawings and database are always in sync!

Database Reporting
Using your Iavorite ODBC compliant database means that it is easy to create exactly the reports
that you require in the Iorm that you need. Valve, equipment and process line reports are included
and can be easily adapted to speciIic user needs.

Specification checking capabilities
CADWorx P&ID has piping speciIication checking capabilities built in. II you wish to add
speciIication capabilities to your process diagrams that match those oI CADWorx PIPE you can do
so. Now your process diagrams and piping designs can use the same checks that ensure that the
correct design criteria are always used.

Legacy Diagram Conversion
Your old drawings and the inIormation they contain can still be useIul! CADWorx P&ID includes
powerIul routines that make linking valves, vessels, mechanical, instruments and process lines
easy. Once linked criteria is setup all subsequent instances oI that item are recognized and their
inIormation automatically linked to the correct database table. II you want to document your
existing plant, CADWorx P&ID is your tool!


When hundreds or thousands oI instrument loop diagrams are required, CADWorx LOOPS makes
it easy.

User Definable Templates
Users can quickly deIine their LOOP template drawings to their precise speciIications.

LOOP database table generator
CADWorx LOOPS reads text or attribute data Irom user templates and automatically creates
instrument loop tables in the project database. An intuitive dialog box lets you rearrange table
column orders or widths. No database knowledge is required!

LOOP database table editor
CADWorx LOOPS is supplied with a powerIul loop database table editor that allows engineers to
input engineering inIormation into the instrument loop tables.

LOOP diagram generator
CADWorx LOOPS will automatically extract loop numbers Irom the instrument tables in the
project database to allow the user to select the loops Irom which individual loop diagrams are to be

Links to 3
party packages
CADWorx LOOPS open architecture allows users to create templates that let users include any
attributed data they require. This means that templates can be created with inIormation that other
packages such as 3
party instrument or electrical modules need Ior intelligent processing oI
CADWorx LOOPS diagram inIormation.
CADWorx Equipment

CADWorx EQUIPMENT is a parametric equipment modeler that is easy to use and Iull Ieatured. It
enables users to quickly and easily create 3D equipment Ior plant design.

Parametric Equipment Modeler
COADWorx EQUIPMENT works on a hierarchal basis in which once a piece oI equipment is
deIined it component parts such as nozzles, vessel head, shells, supports etc. can be selected and
their parameters parametrically deIined. Once deIined equipment component inIormation can be
modiIied or redeIined via the equipment modeler dialog or by double clicking on the item in the

Vessels, Tanks, Exchangers & Pumps etc.
(More inIormation needed here)

Bi Directional Links to Pressure Vessel Analysis
You can output your equipment created using CADWorx EQUIPMENT to COADE`s PVElite
Vessel design analysis package in native PVElite Iormat. Similarly any piece oI equipment created
or modiIied using PVElite can be imported into the CAD design using CADWorx EQUIPMENT.

Hardware/Software Requirements:
Intel Pentium processor (or equivalent)
MicrosoIt Windows (95, 98, NT 4.0 or later)
Operating System
32 Mbytes RAM (recommended)
60 Mbytes oI disk space
CD ROM Drive
MicrosoIt Internet Explorer (4.0 or later)
AutoCAD 2000 or later

CADWorx Licenses:
All CADWorx soItware licenses provide the Iollowing as standard:
Complete program (each CADWorx program is licensed separately)
One complete set oI program manuals
Technical newsletter subscription
Phone, Iax, web site and e-mail access Ior technical support

Full License Provides:
Perpetual single license with no limit on the amount or duration oI use
One Iull year oI automatic upgrades Irom date oI purchase
Eligibility Ior annual extensions oI automatic upgrades
Eligibility Ior discounts on additional CADWorx Full License purchases

2004 COADE, Inc. All Rights Reserved. CADWorx, CADWorx PIPE, CADWorx P&ID,
CADWorx Equipment and CAESAR II are registered trademarks or trademarks oI COADE.
AutoCAD and ObjectARX are trademarks oI AutoDesk. Windows and ACCESS are trademarks oI
MicrosoIt Corporation. NavisWorks is a trademark oI LightWork Design, Ltd.

12777 Jones Road, Suite 480
Houston, Texas 77070 USA
Phone: 281-890-4566
Fax: 281-890-3301
Toll Free: 800-899-8787

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