Field Investigation

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Chapter 3 Field Investigation

3.1 Overview
This section addresses subsurface investigation that includes drilling and excavation
of test pits as part of a geotechnical feld investigation. It is organized by activities
and policies involved prior to, during, and after exploration.
3.2 Activities and Policies Before Exploration
A geotechnical feld exploration plan should be formulated as described in Chapter 2.
The geotechnical designer assigned to the project is responsible to coordinate with the
Region or Washington State Ferries (WSF) Project Offce (project Offce) to prepare
the way for the feld exploration crews to implement the feld exploration program. The
geotechnical designer also functions as the primary liaison between the region or WSF
and the Field Exploration Manager (FEM), to keep the FEM informed as the region
or WSF completes the necessary preparations to begin implementation of the feld
exploration plan.
Specifcally, the geotechnical designer should do the following before submitting
the fnal feld exploration request to the FEM:
1. Make sure senior Geotechnical Division management agrees with the proposed
exploration plan (see Section 1.4).
2. Make sure that the project offce has provided adequate site data to locate test holes
and key project features on paper and in the feld.
3. Make sure that the project offce has asked for (preferably obtained) an environmental
assessment of the site to determine whether or not there is potential to encounter
hazardous subsurface materials. The geotechnical designer is responsible to have a basic
knowledge of previous site use as well.
4. Make sure that the project offce has asked for (preferably obtained)
an archeological assessment of the site to determine if there is potential
to encounter Native American or other artifacts.
5. Coordinate with the project offce to make sure any right-of-entrys needed are
obtained for the proposed drilling.
6. Coordinate with the project offce to make sure the necessary permits are obtained
(especially with regard to wetlands and other environmentally sensitive areas).
7. Coordinate with the Field Exploration Supervisor (FES) who will be assigned
to the project, and the project offce, to conduct a joint feld review
to evaluate access and other issues related to setting up and fnalizing the feld
exploration program.
8. Act as the liaison between the Field Exploration Manager (FEM) and the project
offce to make sure the FEM knows when all the tasks have been completed
and to inform the FEM of the results so that the exploration program can
be properly estimated.
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Note that to obtain permits and right-of-entry, a preliminary feld exploration plan
will likely be needed by the region (or WSF) before the fnal exploration plan
is completed and turned in. Therefore, the development of the feld exploration plan
may require a somewhat iterative process. Once enough feld exploration plan details
have been developed, the geotechnical designer should request that those who will
be directly negotiating with local owners to obtain right-of entry (if needed) invite
the FEM or FES to assist in those negotiations. This generally makes the negotiations
go much smoother.
If the geotechnical designer recognizes, either through an environmental assessment
or through general knowledge of the previous site use, that there is a potential
to encounter hazardous materials during the geotechnical feld exploration,
it is important that the geotechnical designer make the FEM aware of this as soon
as possible in the development of the exploration plan. The potential to encounter
hazardous subsurface materials can completely change the approach, cost, and
scheduling for the site exploration activities.
A preliminary feld exploration plan is also needed for use as the basis for
conducting the joint feld review mentioned above. This feld review should
be used to determine how each individual exploration site will be accessed, the
type of drill equipment best suited for the site, areas for utility locates, required
traffc control, and to identify any permit, right-of-entry, and environmental issues.
Adjustments to the specifc locations of exploration points can be made as needed
during the feld review to address the above issues.
During the feld review, the FES will stake the borings if they have not already been
located and if right-of-entry (if needed) has been obtained. The FES should also
assess the traffc control needs for the exploration work at this time. The FES will
coordinate directly with the Maintenance Offce for traffc control. After staking
borings, the FES is responsible for calling all utility locates a minimum of 48 hours
prior to the start of explorations.
Once the fnal feld exploration plan has been completed, the FEM will provide
a cost estimate to the geotechnical designer to complete the feld exploration plan.
Once the expenditure for the feld exploration has been authorized, the geotechnical
designer must then notify the FEM to commence with the feld exploration. Once
the exploration plan has been executed, any subsequent requests to modify the plan
should be provided in writing by the geotechnical designer to the FES. The FES will
respond with an updated estimate and schedule for requested plan change.
If the geotechnical design is to be conducted by a geotechnical consultant, the
WSDOT geotechnical designer who is overseeing the consultant task assignment
or agreement is responsible to make sure that the consultant accomplishes the tasks
described above and to assist in the coordination between the consultant and the
FEM. If the consultant needs changes to the feld exploration plan, the geotechnical
designer is responsible to provide input to the FES or FEM as to the acceptability
of the changes. The FES or FEM is not to act on the requested changes to the feld
exploration plan without input from the geotechnical designer.
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While the geotechnical designer is responsible to coordinate between the project
offce and the FEM or FES regarding permits, right-of-entry, hazardous materials
assessment and archeological evaluation for the site, and adequate site data to locate
the exploration points for exploration plan development and for location in the feld,
the project offce is ultimately responsible to perform these tasks or see to it that they
are performed.
Currently, WSDOT has a fve-year blanket Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) for both
marine and fresh waters statewide. Once again the FEM or FES should be involved
early in the process to defne all technical questions for each project. For all barge
projects, the drilling shall be in compliance with the provisions described in the general
HPA from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDF&WL).
The FEM (or as delegated to a FES) will assign the project to a drill inspector(s)
and a drill crew. The drill inspector will then initiate a meeting with the geotechnical
designer to discuss the objectives and any particulars of the exploration plan. Either
the FES or the drill inspector should notify the geotechnical designer of the anticipated
start date of the requested work.
3.3 Activities and Policies During Exploration
The drill inspector will maintain regular contact with the geotechnical designer,
especially when unanticipated conditions or diffculties are encountered, signifcant
schedule delays are anticipated, and prior to terminating the exploration and installing
instrumentation. The driller is required to complete a daily drill report at the end
of each workday. This is also required of any contract driller working for WSDOT.
The drilling inspector is also required to complete a daily inspectors report at the end
of each workday. At the completion of each workweek these reports shall be turned
in to the FES and put in the project fle. Examples for both the daily drill and inspector
reports that show the minimum required documentation are included in Appendix 3-A.
Exploration activities during drilling must adhere to the Geotechnical Divisions Best
Management Practices to mitigate for sediment/erosion control and spill prevention
(see Appendix 3-B).
Methods for advancing geotechnical borings should be in accordance with the
following ASTM standards:
D6151-97(2003) Standard Practice for Using Hollow-Stem Augers for
Geotechnical Exploration and Soil Sampling
D5876-95(2000) Standard Guide for Use of Direct Rotary Wireline Casing
Advancement Drilling Methods for Geoenvironmental Exploration and Installation
of Subsurface Water-Quality Monitoring Devices
D2113-99 Standard Practice for Rock Core Drilling and Sampling of Rock for
Site Investigation
Hollow-stem augers are not to be used for assessment of liquefaction potential; wet
rotary methods should be used. Further, care must be exercised during drilling with
hollow-stem augers to mitigate for heave and loosening of saturated, liquefable soils.
Chapter 3 Field Investigation
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Sampling of subsurface materials should be in accordance with the following
ASTM standards:
D1586-99 Standard Test Method for Penetration Test and Split-Barrel
Sampling of Soils
D3550-01 Standard Practice for Thick Wall, Ring-Lined, Split Barrel, Drive
Sampling of Soils
D1587-00 Standard Practice for Thin-Walled Tube Sampling of Soils for
Geotechnical Purposes
D4823-95(2003)e1 Standard Guide for Core Sampling Submerged,
Unconsolidated Sediments
In addition to the methods described above for sampling for soft, fne-grained
sediments, WSDOT utilizes a thick-walled sampler referred to as the Washington
undisturbed sampler. This sampler is lined with 2-inch (I.D.) extrudible brass tubes.
The sampler is intended for stiffer fne-grained deposits than what would be suitable
for Shelby tubes.
Down-the-hole hammers are not allowed for use in performing Standard
Penetration Tests.
Samples should be handled in accordance with the following ASTM standards:
D4220-95(2000) Standard Practices for Preserving and Transporting Soil Samples
D5079-02 Standard Practices for Preserving and Transporting Rock Core Samples
Disturbed soil samples should be placed in watertight plastic bags. For moisture-
critical geotechnical issues, a portion of the sample should be placed in a moisture tin
and sealed with tape. Extreme care must be exercised when handling and transporting
undisturbed samples of soft/loose soil; undisturbed samples must also be kept from
freezing. Rock cores of soft/weak rock should be wrapped in plastic to preserve in situ
moisture conditions. Rock cores should be placed in core boxes from highest to lowest
elevation and from left to right. Coring intervals should be clearly labeled and
separated. Core breaks made to ft the core in the box must be clearly marked on the
core. All soil and rock samples should be removed from the drill site at the end each
day of drilling and transported to the laboratory as soon as possible.
In situ testing methods commonly employed in geotechnical investigations should
be in accordance with the following ASTM standards:
D2573-01 Standard Test Method for Field Vane Shear Test in Cohesive Soil
D5778-95(2000) Standard Test Method for Performing Electronic Friction Cone
and Piezocone Penetration Testing of Soils
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Groundwater monitoring and in situ characterization methods commonly employed
in geotechnical investigations should be in accordance with the following
ASTM standards:
D5092-02 Standard Practice for Design and Installation of Ground Water
Monitoring Wells in Aquifers
D4750-87(2001) Standard Test Method for Determining Subsurface Liquid Levels
in a Borehole or Monitoring Well (Observation Well)
D4044-96(2002) Standard Test Method for (Field Procedure) for Instantaneous
Change in Head (Slug) Tests for Determining Hydraulic Properties of Aquifers
Additional information on ground water investigation and monitoring is provided
in Mayne, et al. (2002).
As a minimum, groundwater levels should be measured/recorded prior to the daily
commencement of drilling activities and upon completion of piezometer installation.
Subsequent monitoring is at the discretion of the geotechnical designer. Prior
to constructing a piezometer, the boring should be thoroughly purged of drill fuids
using clean, potable water. The geotechnical designer should provide design input
on the construction of the piezometer, specifcally regarding the screened interval and
seals. Piezometers shall be constructed in accordance with Washington Department
of Ecology (DOE) regulations (RCW 18.104 /WAC 173.160) governing water wells.
Following completion of the piezometer, the piezometer should be repeatedly surged
or bailed to develop the well screen and optimize hydraulic connectivity with the
formation. Furthermore, the piezometer should be sealed within the aquifer of interest,
not hydraulically linking multiple aquifers.
Slope inclinometers are routinely employed for slope stability investigations.
The installation and monitoring of slope inclinometers should be in accordance with
the following ASTM Standard:
D6230-98 Standard Test Method for Monitoring Ground Movement Using
Probe-Type Inclinometers
Explorations using hand equipment such as augers and drive probes may also
be useful for some geotechnical investigations, such as to defne lateral and vertical
extent of soft/loose, near-surface deposits. The WSDOT portable penetrometer
consists of 1.75 inch diameter rod which tapers to a rounded 0.5 inch tip over a
4.5 inch length, and which is driven in the ground with a 35 lb weight dropped
from a 25.5 inch height. Detailed procedures for portable penetrometer testing are
provided in Appendix 3-C. Standard Penetration Test correlations for the WSDOT
portable penetrometer (PP) are approximated as follows:
Soil Type SPT Correlation
Clay # PP blows/4
Silt # PP blows/3
Sand/Gravel # PP blows/2
Chapter 3 Field Investigation
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The excavation of test pits can provide valuable subsurface information not
determinable or well characterized by test borings. Extreme care should be exercised
around open excavations, and access within them should adhere to Washington
Administrative Code (WAC) sections 296-155-655 and 296-155-657.Prior to de-
mobilizing, the drill inspector should ensure location information (e.g., station,
offset, elevation and/or state plane coordinates) of all the explorations are recorded
on the feld logs. If exact location information is unavailable upon completion of feld
activities, a sketch of each exploration location should be made indicating relationship
to observable features (i.e., bridge/structure, mile post, etc.). This information should
be provided with the feld logs to the geotechnical designer. In addition to providing
feld logs for all explorations, required documentation for test pits should include a
scale drawing of the excavation and photographs of the excavated faces. Sampling
methods and in situ measurement devices such as pocket penetrometers should also be
documented. Detailed requirements for boring logs are provided in Chapter 4.
3.4 Activities and Policies After Exploration
Upon completion of subsurface explorations, a fnished log for each exploration
is to be sent to the Department of Ecology (DOE) by the FES. In addition
to subsurface conditions encountered, the log must include location (address, county,
and - Section/Township/Range) and installation information (well #, type
of instrumentation, seals, and screened interval).
Unless otherwise requested by the geotechnical designer, all explorations and resource
protection wells (piezometers and inclinometers) shall be properly decommissioned
prior to construction as per DOE requirements (WAC 173-160-381,500 and RCW
18.104.048). The construction Project Engineer is responsible for notifying the FEM
at least 72 hours prior to required time for decommissioning.
Upon completion, the drilling inspector shall transmit recovered samples to the
Geotechnical Division lab and provide both the original copy of the feld notes and a
fnished log for all explorations to the geotechnical designer.
3.5 Standard Penetration Test (SPT) Calibration
Calibration to determine specifc hammer system effciencies shall be developed
in general accordance with ASTM D4633 for dynamic analysis of driven piles or other
accepted procedure. Measured hammer effciencies for WSDOT drilling equipment
are summarized at a link found at the following web address:
3.6 References
Mayne, P. W., Christopher, B.R., and DeJong, J., 2002, Subsurface Investigations
Geotechnical Site Characterization, Publication No. FHWA NHI-01-031, National
Highway Institute, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC, 300 pp.
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Appendix 3-A Daily Drill Report Form
Daily Drill Report
DOT Form 350-152 EF
Revised 7/2007
Project No.
Drill Drill No.
Structure Line Landslide Materials Source
Hole No Size Angle From To Soil Rock Total
Item Hours Item Hours
Mobilization and Demobilization
On Site Moving/Rigging
Drill Site Preparation
Soil Drilling
Rock Drilling
Reaming Hole
Placing and Removing Casing
Hole Stabilization
Install and Maintain Water System
Water Delay
Water Haul: Mileage
Equipment Downtime
Standby for Hole Survey and Other Delays
Installation of Instrumentation
Special Testing
Travel Time
Core Boxes Piezo Pipe Slope Incl Cement Bentonite Additives
Support Equipment No. Job Yard O Serv.
Reg. OT Comp Total
Shift Start Shift Finish Service Codes
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Daily Drill Report Form Appendix 3-A
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Appendix 3-B Portable Penetrometer Test Procedures
The WSDOT portable penetrometer (PP) is a feld test used in highway and small
foundation design. The test may be used in both cohesive (clay) and cohesionless
(sands & gravels) soils. The test values (i.e., blow count per foot of penetration) are
dependent upon the effective overburden pressure of granular soils and shear strength
of cohesionless soils. However, since all equations and correlations related to use
of blow count values are approximate, sound engineering judgment is necessary for
accurate interpretation of the test results.
The PP test is a derivative of the Standard Penetration Test (SPT), the most widely
used method for determining soil conditions in the world. The SPT is both a dynamic
penetration test and a method of obtaining disturbed samples. For the SPT test, a split-
spoon sampler attached to drill steel is driven downward by the impact of a falling
weight on the steel. In the SPT test, a 140 lb. weight falls a distance of 30 inches
per blow. In the PP test method, a 35 lb weight falls an approximate distance of
25.5 inches. In the SPT test, as a split-spoon sampler is driven downward, it flls
with disturbed soil. In the PP test, no sample is obtained as a solid, cone-shaped tip
is driven downward by a falling weight. However, the PP method requires excavation
of a test hole, and samples should be obtained with each change in soil strata.
Performance of portable penetrometer testing requires two groups of equipment.
The frst group is associated with preparation of a drilled borehole, backhoe test pit,
or hand-excavated test hole. This group includes the tools used to dig the hole, with
a hand auger employed most frequently in a PP test application. A list of equipment
used for excavation of a test hole with a hand auger follows:
Shovel with pointed end for breaking up turf and vegetation at the surface.
Posthole digger for assistance in establishing the test hole excavated using the
hand auger.
Hand auger to include: auger, pipe extensions ( 3 feet lengths), and handle.
Steel bar to loosen up hard pack soil and assist in the removal of rock or gravel
from the test hole.
Tarp for collecting representative samples of soil strata.
Field notebook and pencil for recording location of test holes, numbers and
descriptions of distinct soil layers encountered, and other information relative
to a review of site characteristics and
Sample bags with ties for preservation of samples of material encountered with
changes of soil strata.
Marker for writing on sample bags or tags to delineate test hole and depth
of sample collection.
Pocket or rag tape to be used to locate the test hole relative to some reference point,
grid, or proposed alignment and for measurement of depth below surface of distinct
soil strata and depth of exploration.
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The PP device and accessories form the second group of equipment required for
geotechnical investigation of proposed highway or small foundation designs. A list
of the equipment necessary for this group follows:
Portable penetrometer to include cone-shaped tip; drill rod sections (A-rod -
1.75 in. pipe OD & 22.5 in. lengths); falling weight section (length of bar for
sliding weight up and down); the 35-lb weight; and the coupling devices used for
connecting the tip drill rod sections falling weight section falling weight stop.
Pipe wrenches (2) used to loosen connections when breaking down
the portable penetrometer.
Lathe or another straight-edge useful for establishing a surface
reference elevation.
Construction crayon or marker used for marking three 6 inch intervals on the
penetrometer in order to clearly delineate displacement as the penetrometer
is driven into the ground.
Rags to wipe down equipment, removing moisture and dirt, prior to packing
away equipment.
Test Procedure
1. Using a shovel or other hand tool, strip away sod or surface vegetation and set
aside for future restoration of the location. Using a posthole digger or a 6 in
diameter or greater hand auger, dig down approximately 2 feet, noting the depth
of topsoil, subsoil, and other changes in soil strata. Describe soil conditions such
as color, texture, and moisture content of the soils encountered in the bore log.
Collect samples for lab soil classifcation, grain size determination, or Atterberg
limits determination.
2. Assemble the PP device for evaluation of soils near the surface. Use threaded
coupling devices to connect the cone-shaped tip, drill rod sections, and falling
weight slide section.
3. Measure the distance from the bottom of the test hole to the surface and record.
From the tip of the penetrometer, measure this distance on the body of the testing
device and annotate a reference line on the body of the device. From this line
measure and mark three intervals, each 6 inches in length.
4. Lift up the PP device and place the tip at the bottom of the test hole. Insure that
the bottom or base line mark lines up with the approximate ground surface.
Place a lathe or other straight edge on the ground surface so that any downward
displacement of the PP device may be measured accurately.
5. Lift the 35 lb weight up and lower it down on to the upper, slide portion of the
testing device. Screw on the threaded stop at the upper end of the slide section.
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6. Performance of PP testing requires a minimum of two people. One person should
be responsible for steadying the PP device in the test hole, counting the number
of times the weight drops, and watching the reference line in order to stop the
process every time the device is displaced downward a total of 6 inches. The
second person is responsible for raising and dropping the weight in as smooth
and controlled manner as possible. Raising the weight upward of ffty times per
6 inch interval can prove to be a workout. Additional personnel can be employed to
relieve the person responsible for lifting the weight and assist in the manual work
requirements of test hole excavation.
7. For each blow, the 35 lb weight drops a distance of approximately 25.5 in. The
number of blows required to drive the cone penetrometer through three 6 inch
intervals is recorded. The count for the initial 6 inch interval is noted but isnt used
to compute a test value because it refects the seating of the PP device. The sum
of the blows for the last two 6 inch intervals is recorded. This sum of the blows
represents the blow count for that 1 foot interval below the surface.
8. Upon completion of PP testing at a specifc depth, the device is unseated by
thrusting the weight against the stop at the end of the slide. Repeating this action
should loosen the tip and permit removal of the device from the test hole.
9. Employ the hand auger to remove material disturbed by the action of the
PP. Place this affected material on the tarp and obtain a sample for lab testing.
Associate PP test results with material sampled from the proper test hole and
10. Continue advancing the auger into the soil, emptying soil and repeating the
procedure until the desired depth is reached. Advances from one PP test to the
next lower level test are usually in 2 feet increments. Monitor the condition and
properties of the soil, noting any changes in strata. Obtain samples as necessary.
11. To prepare the PP device for the next test at a lower test hole level, remove the
weight stop, 35 1b weight, and slide section to permit the attachment of additional
drill rod sections. Re-attach the slide section to the penetrometer. Measure the
distance from the bottom of the test hole to the surface. Mark this distance on the
body of the testing device by measuring from the tip and annotating a base line
corresponding to the distance on the PP device.
12. With assistance, lift the PP into the test hole, properly seat it in the center of the
hole, and insure that the base line corresponds with the ground surface.
13. Lift the weight up and onto the slide section and screw in the threaded stop at the
top end of the slide.
14. Perform PP test procedure and sampling as described previously.
15. Monitor changes in soil strata as the hand auger advances downward in the test
hole. In general, sample only when there are obvious changes in soil strata.
Use engineering judgment to guide whether additional sampling and testing are
warranted. As the degree of geologic complexity increases, the degree of sampling
and testing increases as well.
Appendix 3-B Portable Penetrometer Test Procedures
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Figures 3-C-1 through 3-C-8 illustrate the equipment and procedures used for
conducting the Portable Penetrometer test.
Figure 3C-1. Perform a field reconnaissance of the site of the geotechnical investigation.
Insure that the proposed design is tied to an established coordinate system, datum, or permanent
Figure 3C-2. Hand augers used in conjunction with the PP test.
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Perform a feld reconnaissance of the site of the geotechnical investigation. Insure that the
proposed design is tied to an established coordinate system, datum, or permanent monument.
Figure 3-C-1
Figure 3C-1. Perform a field reconnaissance of the site of the geotechnical investigation.
Insure that the proposed design is tied to an established coordinate system, datum, or permanent
Figure 3C-2. Hand augers used in conjunction with the PP test.
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Hand augers used in conjunction with the PP test.
Figure 3-C-2
Portable Penetrometer Test Procedures Appendix 3-B
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August 2014
Figure 3C-3. Porta-Pen equipment. Clockwise from the top left: tape measure above cone-
shaped tips (2); 22.5-inch lengths (9); threaded coupling devices used to connect PP components
(10); threaded coupler used to stop weight (1); falling-weight slide section above pipe wrenches
(2); 35 lb. weight; and threaded coupling devices used with small cone tips (not shown).
Figure 3C-4. The vicinity of the test hole is cleared of vegetation using a shovel or posthole
digger. Left photo shows using the auger to advance the hole to the desired depth . Right photo
shows placing soil on the tarp prior to sampling.
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Porta-Pen equipment. Clockwise from the top left: tape measure above cone-shaped tips
(2); 22.5-inch lengths (9); threaded coupling devices used to connect PP components
(10); threaded coupler used to stop weight (1); falling-weight slide section above pipe
wrenches (2); 35 lb. weight; and threaded coupling devices used with small cone tips
(not shown).
Figure 3-C-3
Figure 3C-3. Porta-Pen equipment. Clockwise from the top left: tape measure above cone-
shaped tips (2); 22.5-inch lengths (9); threaded coupling devices used to connect PP components
(10); threaded coupler used to stop weight (1); falling-weight slide section above pipe wrenches
(2); 35 lb. weight; and threaded coupling devices used with small cone tips (not shown).
Figure 3C-4. The vicinity of the test hole is cleared of vegetation using a shovel or posthole
digger. Left photo shows using the auger to advance the hole to the desired depth . Right photo
shows placing soil on the tarp prior to sampling.
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Page 3-C-5

Figure 3C-3. Porta-Pen equipment. Clockwise from the top left: tape measure above cone-
shaped tips (2); 22.5-inch lengths (9); threaded coupling devices used to connect PP components
(10); threaded coupler used to stop weight (1); falling-weight slide section above pipe wrenches
(2); 35 lb. weight; and threaded coupling devices used with small cone tips (not shown).
Figure 3C-4. The vicinity of the test hole is cleared of vegetation using a shovel or posthole
digger. Left photo shows using the auger to advance the hole to the desired depth . Right photo
shows placing soil on the tarp prior to sampling.
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The vicinity of the test hole is cleared of vegetation using a shovel or posthole digger. Left
photo shows using the auger to advance the hole to the desired depth. Right photo shows
placing soil on the tarp prior to sampling.
Figure 3-C-4
Appendix 3-B Portable Penetrometer Test Procedures
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August 2014
Figure 3C-5. Photo of PP device in the process of being assembled. The threaded coupling
devices on the left side of the box are used to connect the cone-shaped tip to lengths forming the
body of the penetrometer. The lengths forming the body of the penetrometer are then connected
to the section on which the weight slides.
Figure 3C-6. Marking a base line on the body of the penetrometer. This will line up with the
top of the test hole. In addition, also mark three 6 inch intervals, measured from this base line, to
track the downward displacement when the falling weight is applied.
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Photo of PP device in the process of being assembled. The threaded coupling devices on the
left side of the box are used to connect the cone-shaped tip to lengths forming the body of the
penetrometer. The lengths forming the body of the penetrometer are then connected to the
section on which the weight slides.
Figure 3-C-5
Figure 3C-5. Photo of PP device in the process of being assembled. The threaded coupling
devices on the left side of the box are used to connect the cone-shaped tip to lengths forming the
body of the penetrometer. The lengths forming the body of the penetrometer are then connected
to the section on which the weight slides.
Figure 3C-6. Marking a base line on the body of the penetrometer. This will line up with the
top of the test hole. In addition, also mark three 6 inch intervals, measured from this base line, to
track the downward displacement when the falling weight is applied.
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Marking a base line on the body of the penetrometer. This will line up with the top of the test
hole. In addition, also mark three 6 inch intervals, measured from this base line, to track the
downward displacement when the falling weight is applied.
Figure 3-C-6
Portable Penetrometer Test Procedures Appendix 3-B
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August 2014
Figure 3C-7. PP testing in progress. Lathe is used to mark the surface of the test hole
excavation. In this instance, one person is steadying the equipment, another is lifting and
dropping the 35 lb weight, and a third is observing downward displacement and counting blows.
Figure 3C-8. This PP testing can be tiring. Photo shows another person providing relief for the
falling weight task.
WSDOT Geotechnical Design Manual June 2006
Page 3-C-7
PP testing in progress. Lathe is used to mark the surface of the test hole excavation. In this
instance, one person is steadying the equipment, another is lifting and dropping the 35 lb
weight, and a third is observing downward displacement and counting blows.
Figure 3-C-7
Figure 3C-7. PP testing in progress. Lathe is used to mark the surface of the test hole
excavation. In this instance, one person is steadying the equipment, another is lifting and
dropping the 35 lb weight, and a third is observing downward displacement and counting blows.
Figure 3C-8. This PP testing can be tiring. Photo shows another person providing relief for the
falling weight task.
WSDOT Geotechnical Design Manual June 2006
Page 3-C-7
This PP testing can be tiring. Photo shows another person providing relief for the falling
weight task.
Figure 3-C-8
Appendix 3-B Portable Penetrometer Test Procedures
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Portable Penetrometer Test Procedures Appendix 3-B
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August 2014
Field Investigation Best
Management Practices for
Appendix 3-C Erosion and Spill Prevention
The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) is dedicated
to protecting the environment when conducting feld exploration projects. This memo
outlines the erosion/sediment control and spill prevention best management practices
(BMPs) that will be followed for all drilling activities.
The two distinct scenarios for drilling include pavement and vegetated areas. The
variety of erosion and sediment control BMPs may vary between the two scenarios,
but the philosophy of minimizing site disturbance, reducing waste materials, trapping
sediment, and stabilizing the site, remains the same.
Disturbance Minimizing BMPs:
Select the smallest rig capable for the job
Use elevated scaffolding for driller and assistant when necessary
Waste Reduction BMPs:
Re-circulate drilling slurry
Minimize volume of water for drilling
Sediment Trapping BMPs:
Baffed mud tub (sealed with bentonite to prevent fuid loss)
Polyacrylamide (PAM) for focculation (must meet ANSI/NSF Standard 60)
Silt fence (trenched, below drill, and on contour)
Sand bag barrier (washed gravel, below drill, two rows high, and on contour)
Straw bale barrier (trenched, staked, below drill, and on contour)
Catch basin insert (pre-fabricated type, above or below grate)
Storage of slurry in locked drums
Site Stabilization BMPs:
Seed with pasture grass
Straw mulch (2 maximum for seeded areas)
All BMPs will be installed and a thorough inspection for sensitive areas (wetlands,
streams, aquifer recharge, etc.) and stormwater conveyances will be conducted, prior
to starting drilling activities. At no time shall drilling slurry or cuttings be allowed
to enter Water Bodies of the State of Washington.
When sensitive resources or conveyances to these areas exist, all slurry and cuttings
will be stored in lockable drums and disposed of off-site. If not, the slurry will slowly
be infltrated into the ground using surrounding vegetated areas and the cuttings will
be stored and disposed of off-site.
Removal of sediment control BMPs will be performed immediately after drilling
is completed. Place trapped sediment with cuttings in drums. If signifcant soil
disturbance occurs during drilling, the BMPs will be left in place until the site
is stabilized with grass or mulch.
WSDOT Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03.10 Page 3-C-1
August 2014
The drill crew will have a copy of the Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA), issued by the
Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) on-site for all work
adjacent to or over water. The Supervisor will discuss the requirements of this permit
with the crew prior to each project. All of the provisions in each HPA will be strictly
followed until the completion of said project. The previously defned erosion/
sediment control philosophy and BMPs will be implemented in these conditions
The approach to protecting surface and ground water is focused on prevention.
The drill shaft will be flled with bentonite clay to prevent mixing of aquifers and
eliminating the route for surface contaminants. In addition, the following Spill
Prevention Control & Countermeasures (SPCC) BMPs will be used when applicable:
Minimize Risk:
Visually inspect equipment for leaks or worn hoses on a daily basis
Fix equipment leaks as soon as possible to minimize cleanup
Use proper equipment to transfer materials
Reduce the overall volume of fuel and chemicals on site
Remove as many sources of spills as possible from the site when not working
Use environmentally-friendly chemicals whenever possible
Store all chemicals with lids closed and keep containers under cover
Have secondary containment devices underneath potential spill sources when
applicable (e.g. 5 gallon bucket)
Maximize Response:
Each drilling operation will have at least one emergency spill response kit on site
at all times
Know who to call in case of emergency spill
If an incidental spill (less than 1 gallon/small equipment leak) occurs, immediately
collect contaminated soil and store it in label storage drum. Do not mix soils with
different contaminants together. Report spill to your supervisor, as they are aware
of reporting requirements.
If a major spill (more than 1 gallon) to water occurs, control the source of the leak
if possible and contact the Washington State Emergency Management Division
(800-258-5990) and the National Response Center (800-424-8802). If a major spill
to soil occurs and there is immediate risk to human health and/or the environment,
control the source of the leak if possible and contact the Washington State Department
of Ecology (800-407-7170). Then contact your supervisor, as they are aware
of reporting requirements.
Field Investigation Best Management Practices for Erosion and Spill Prevention Appendix 3-C
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August 2014
Department of Natural Resources
Memorandum of Understanding: Drilling
Appendix 3-D Operations State Owned Aquatic Lands
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Department of Natural Resources
Appendix 3-D Memorandum of Understanding: Drilling Operations State Owned Aquatic Lands
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Department of Natural Resources
Memorandum of Understanding: Drilling Operations State Owned Aquatic Lands Appendix 3-D
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Department of Natural Resources
Appendix 3-D Memorandum of Understanding: Drilling Operations State Owned Aquatic Lands
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Department of Natural Resources
Memorandum of Understanding: Drilling Operations State Owned Aquatic Lands Appendix 3-D
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Department of Natural Resources
Appendix 3-D Memorandum of Understanding: Drilling Operations State Owned Aquatic Lands
Geotechnical Field Investigation
and Contaminated Drilling
Appendix 3-E Waste Management Procedures
Requirements for handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous materials encountered
during geotechnical drilling are provided at the following website:
For convenience, the documents located at that website are provided below:
WSDOT Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03.10 Page 3-E-1
August 2014
Geotechnical Field Investigation and Contaminated Drilling Waste Management Procedures Appendix 3-E
April 15, 2014 Page 1 of 5
This document has been produced as a guide for Washington State Department of Transportation
(WSDOT) personnel involved in geotechnical exploration drilling where potential environmental
contamination may be encountered. This guide provides simple procedures to support WSDOT personnel
in planning for, storing, and disposing of potentially contaminated material generated during drilling
activities. Information in this document will be incorporated into WSDOT manuals, such as the Design
Manual (M 21-02), Geotechnical Design Manual (M 46-03), and the Environmental Manual (31-11) as
A decision tree included below as Figure 1, illustrates a simplified step by step process to follow in
preparing for and dealing with geotechnical drilling waste. The following sections will provide further
explanation of the decisions associated with each step in the process.
As described in the WSDOT Geotechnical Design Manual (GDM), a geotechnical field exploration plan and
an environmental assessment (per GDM, Chapter 3) is done prior to drilling activities. As part of this
environmental assessment the WSDOT project engineer (PE) assigned to the project will:
Review NEPA/SEPA environmental documentation prepared for the project, such as the
Hazardous Materials Analysis, Technical Memorandums, or NEPA/SEPA checklists (i.e.,
Environmental Classification Summary). For more information regarding these reports, read
Chapter 447 of the Environmental Manual and/or contact the Regional Environmental Office.
If environmental documentation does not yet exist, the project PE shall coordinate with the
WSDOT Regional Environmental Office to review environmental information on the Department of
Ecologys (Ecology) Facility Site Atlas Database and conduct a field reconnaissance of the drilling
site to identify recognized environmental conditions (as defined in ASTM E-1527).
Identify known or suspected contamination on the geotechnical drilling crews soil investigation
checklist drilling work order request. Information will include a briefly describe the location and
the type (e.g., petroleum, metals, or solvents) and concentrations (if known) of contaminates that
may be encountered.
If the drilling activity is suspected to generate contaminated material, notify owners, operators, and
facility managers of the site. Also, coordinate waste characterization sampling with a WSDOT Hazardous
Material Specialist or an environmental consultant.
Encountering contamination is more likely when drilling at sites historically used for commercial or
industrial purposes, however an environmental assessment can better evaluate the potential risks and
determine if suspect contamination is on site and warrants special handling and disposal. If there is no
reason to suspect contamination on the site, field screening during drilling activities is appropriate.
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Appendix 3-E Geotechnical Field Investigation and Contaminated Drilling Waste Management Procedures
April 15, 2014 Page 2 of 5
During drilling activity, WSDOT personnel observe drilling activities and generated waste for indications
that contamination may be present. Field screening observations include visible sheen, material
coloration or staining, or odor.
If field screening indicates that contamination may be present, the material must be placed in labeled
55-gallon steel drums or other suitable containers for storage pending characterization and disposal.
Containers must be in good condition and kept tightly closed to keep rain out and prevent spills.
Proper labeling includes a legible Hazardous Materials/Analysis Pending label that clearly identifies the
project site, substance, boring location, boring depths and identification number(s), date and contact
information. Labeling is extremely important to support sampling methods (as described below).
Drums or other waste containers must be stored at a secure WSDOT facility or appropriate fixed facility
under the control of WSDOT. Waste containers must be either isolated from the public, or stored in a
location where the drums do not compromise worker or public safety. The WSDOT PE will determine the
proper storage location in accordance with the following stipulations:
All waste generated at a facility operating under a RCRA ID#
Dangerous Waste permit must be
left on-site pending lab results. Arrangements must be coordinated with the RCRA site facility
manager for specific storage and disposal requirements.
Potentially contaminated drilling material generated at a secure/safe location (i.e., fixed facility
under the control of WSDOT) will remain on-site where the drilling activities occur.
Potentially contaminated drill cuttings generated from areas that are not under the control of
WSDOT (i.e., left in unsecure or unsafe areas) may be transported to a temporary secured
location for analysis and disposal within 90 days.
The preferred location for accumulating containers of potentially contaminated material is on-site where
the drilling activities occur, but it may not always be safe or practical to do so. In these instances the
containers may be transported to a nearby WSDOT maintenance facility with prior approval of the
maintenance superintendent. It is the WSDOT Geotechnical Divisions responsibility to ensure containers
are in good condition, properly labeled, with lids tightly closed, stored in a safe orderly manner and
disposed within 90 days,

A RCRA ID number is issued by Ecology for facilities that generate, transport, transfer, recycle, treat, store, or dispose of certain quantities of
dangerous waste, as defined in the Dangerous Waste Regulation WAC 173-303. The PE should ascertain from the property owner or facility
manager if the proposed geotechnical drilling site has a RCRA ID#.
WSDOT Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03.10 Page 3-E-3
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Geotechnical Field Investigation and Contaminated Drilling Waste Management Procedures Appendix 3-E
April 15, 2014 Page 3 of 5
The type and concentration of contamination must be identified through representative sampling
methods to determine a proper disposal method.
If contamination is observed during drilling activities, or if the site has known contaminants a WSDOT
Hazardous Materials Specialist or environmental consultant must sample waste material prior to
disposal. The following WSDOT Hazardous Material Specialists who retain the necessary training, and are
qualified to collect samples include:
Jenifer Hill (360-570-6656),
Trent Ensminger (360-570-2587)
Marisol Novak (360-570-6696)
Labeling waste containers at the time of drilling is extremely important to manage sampling costs.
Proper labeling, knowledge of the site history and the methods used to generate the waste can allow for a
targeted sampling strategy with specific laboratory analysis. For example, proper labeling and a site
boring plan can help determine whether to sample all containers or a select group of containers. It can
also help determine whether to have the samples tested for one specific analysis (i.e., metals) rather than
a complete list which significantly increase costs. Although the disposal facility dictates the lab analysis
required prior to acceptance, often demonstrating knowledge of the site, previous lab data (if any) and
the process that generated the waste can provide enough justification where the disposal facility will
allow for limited sampling work (which is documented in a waste profile sheet required prior to disposal
The disposal method for waste generated during drilling activities is determined by the wastes
designation and physical form. If the waste is in the form of a liquid or sludge, other disposal methods
may be necessary. The regional WSDOT project PE, Geotechnical Field Manager, Hazardous Material
Specialist, and Maintenance Facility Superintendent is responsible for complying with the laws that
govern waste disposal.
Solid waste material can be designated by the following three categories:
Clean Soil
If contamination is not suspected and field screening did not indicate the presence of contamination or if
laboratory testing results are below regulatory cleanup levels, the material may be considered clean soil.
This designation may allow for disposal at the site of origin, or an appropriate WSDOT facility, in
accordance the jurisdictional health departments solid waste regulations. If material will be placed at
another location other than the site of origin, then approval shall be obtained from the site manager prior
to delivery.
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August 2014
Appendix 3-E Geotechnical Field Investigation and Contaminated Drilling Waste Management Procedures
April 15, 2014 Page 4 of 5
Solid Waste
If laboratory analysis indicates that concentrations of any contaminants of concern are greater than the
appropriate regulatory cleanup level, but the laboratory results do not designate the material as
dangerous waste per WAC 173-303, the material is considered Solid Waste. Solid waste which is not a
liquid or sludge-like, may legally be disposed of in a permitted landfill or with one of the many permitted
businesses that accept such waste. Regional offices are responsible for identifying and determining the
acceptability of solid waste for disposal in their region.

The Department of Ecology ( and can provide updated information on permitted
businesses, their location, fees, and restrictions.

Dangerous Waste
It is highly unlikely that geotechnical drilling waste would ever designate as dangerous waster (per
WAC173-303). However, if laboratory analysis indicates that waste designates as dangerous waste,
disposal will be coordinated through a contractor that is licensed and permitted to handle, transport and
dispose of dangerous waste. With the assistance of a WSDOT hazardous material specialist, regional
offices must obtain a RCRA Site Identification Number using the Ecology Dangerous Waste Site
Identification Form before offering dangerous waste for transport. A few exceptions are permitted for
small quantity generators, as described in WAC 173-303-070(8). A separate identification number is
necessary for each site from which dangerous waste is shipped. Because Ecology requires annual reports,
limiting the number of storage sites for potentially dangerous sampling waste will reduce documentation
It is best to legally dispose contaminated drilling waste as soon as possible, but it must be disposed
within 90 days. For Solid Waste and Dangerous Waste, copies of the following disposal documentation
shall be retained by the generating facility for a minimum of 5 years:
1. waste profile sheets, and associated sampling reports,
2. waste authorization or other type of permit documenting a disposal facilitys pre-approval for
acceptance of material (if a facility requires such),
3. shipping manifest or bill of lading indicating the amount of material hauled to disposal, and
bearing the disposal site operators confirmation for receipt of the material.
WSDOT Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03.10 Page 3-E-5
August 2014
Geotechnical Field Investigation and Contaminated Drilling Waste Management Procedures Appendix 3-E
April 15, 2014 Page 5 of 5
Figure 1
Decision Tree
Page 3-E-6 WSDOT Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03.10
August 2014
Appendix 3-E Geotechnical Field Investigation and Contaminated Drilling Waste Management Procedures
Do visual and/or olfactory field
screening methods indicate
potential contamination?
Is the site a secure facility or is there
an appropriate staging area where
drums can be stored that does not
compromise public safety?
Secure drums and submit samples
for disposal characterization
Identify nearest WSDOT secure area
for staging of drums (If drilling is
completed at a RCRA permitted
facility, the waste must be managed
in accordance with dangerous
waste regulations)
Is contamination suspected
in the area where drilling
activities will occur?
Have contaminants
been characterized?
Waste generated is characterized as:
Use a licensed contractor
(transporter) to transport the
drummed material from the site to
an approved disposal facility in
accordance with WAC 173-303
within 90 days
Dangerous waste
Use appropriately trained WSDOT
personnel to transport the drummed
material from the site to an approved
disposal facility or to the nearest
secured WSDOT facility and
coordinate the disposal of the drums
within 90 days
Problem waste (solid waste)
Transport and dispose of soil
cuttings as clean waste
Clean soil
no no
WSDOT Contaminated Geotechnical Drilling Waste Management Decision Tree
WSDOT Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03.10 Page 3-E-7
August 2014
Geotechnical Field Investigation and Contaminated Drilling Waste Management Procedures Appendix 3-E
Environmental Assessment Form for Geotechnical Drilling Activities

Project: (PE or design team leader to insert project name)
Location: (PE or design team leader to insert address, mile post or latitude and longitude)
Charge Number: (PE or design team leader to insert charge number)
Schedule for work: (PE or design team leader to insert timeline)
Environmental Coordinator: (PE or design team leader to insert name and phone number)
PE or Design Team Leader: (PE or design team leader to insert name and phone number)

Key Questions for PE or HQ WSDOT HazMat Specialist:

1) Have you reviewed and incorporated the Contaminated Drilling Waste Management Procedures
published by the WSDOT Environmental Services Office on April 15, 2014? A copy of these procedures
can be obtained by contacting Jenifer Hill at (360) 570-6656 or [email protected].

2) Has NEPA/SEPA environmental documentation been prepared and reviewed for the project, such as
Hazardous Materials Discipline Reports or Technical Memorandums, Phase I or II Environmental Site
Assessments, or SEPA checklists (i.e., Environmental Classification Summary)?

3) If environmental documentation does not yet exist, has the project PE or the Design Team Leader
coordinated with the WSDOT Regional Environmental Office to review environmental information on
the Department of Ecologys (Ecology) Facility Site Atlas Database and conduct a field reconnaissance
of the drilling site to identify recognized environmental conditions (RECs) (as defined in ASTM

4) Is the property used for a commercial or industrial use (and/or is the adjacent property used for
commercial or industrial use?)?

5) If the property is a commercial or industrial, is it registered as a resource conservation and recovery
act (RCRA) facility where hazardous wastes are produced, stored or are present within subsurface
(i.e., contamination in soil or groundwater)?

Identify Known or Potential Contaminants of Concern: (PE or design team leader to insert potential
contamination type(s) (e.g. petroleum, metals, or solvents) that may be encountered by the drilling crews
during field work)
Areas of Concern at Drilling Site: (PE or design team leader to insert a description of areas where drilling may
encounter contamination or where RECs have been observed)
Health and Safety Requirements: (PE or design team leader to insert personal protective equipment
required and potentially needed for drilling activities if contamination is encountered)
Generated Waste Handling/Storage/Disposal: (PE or design team leader to insert project specific
procedures for generated waste during drilling activities, refer to the Contaminated Drilling Waste
Management Procedures for guidance)
Utilities Clearance Information: (PE or design team leader to insert One-call and/or private locating

Environmental Coordinator: ___________________________________ Date:_______________

PE or Design Team Leader: ____________________________________Date:_______________
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August 2014

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