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Management of hypertension with fxed dose
combinations of candesartan cilexetil and
hydrochlorothiazide: patient perspectives
and clinical utility
Thomas Mengden

Sakir Uen

Peter Bramlage
Centre of Vascular Medicine,
Herz- und Gef-Campus, Bad
Nauheim, Germany;
for Cardiovascular Pharmacology
and Epidemiology, Mahlow, Germany
Correspondence: Thomas Mengden
Centre of Vascular Medicine,
Herz- und Gef-Campus Bad Nauheim,
Ludwigstrae 41, 61231 Bad Nauheim,
Tel +49 6032 9995906
Fax +49 6032 9995501
Email [email protected]
Abstract: Hypertension treatment and control is largely unsatisfactory when guideline-dened
blood pressure goal achievement and maintenance are considered. Patient- and physician-related
factors leading to non-adherence interfere in this respect with the efcacy, tolerability, and
convenient use of pharmacological treatment options. Blockers of the reninangiotensin system
(RAS) are an important component of antihypertensive combination therapy. Thiazide-type
diuretics are usually added to increase the blood pressure lowering efcacy. Fixed drugdrug
combinations of both principles like candesartan/hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) are highly
effective in lowering blood pressure while providing improved compliance, a good toler-
ability, and largely neutral metabolic prole. Comparative studies with losartan/HCTZ have
consistently shown a higher clinical efcacy with the candesartan/HCTZ combination. Data
on the reduction of cardiovascular endpoints with xed dose combinations of antihypertensive
drugs are however scarce, as are the data for candesartan/HCTZ. But many trials have tested
candesartan versus a non-RAS blocking comparator based on a standard therapy including
thiazide diuretics. The indications tested were heart failure and stroke and particular emphasis
was put on elderly patients or those with diabetes. In patients with heart failure, for example,
the xed dose combination might be applied in patients in whom individual titration resulted
in a dose of 32 mg candesartan and 25 mg HCTZ which can then be combined into one tablet
to increase compliance with treatment. Also in patients with stroke the xed dose combination
might be used in patients in whom maintenance therapy with both components is considered.
Taken together candesartan/HCTZ assist both physicians and patients in achieving long-term
blood pressure goal achievement and maintenance.
Keywords: chronic heart failure, stroke, diabetes, angiotensin receptor blocker, patients,
physicians, persistence, compliance
Hypertension is a highly prevalent risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke,
heart failure (HF), renal disease, and recurrent cardiovascular events. It has been shown
to reduce the number of life-years lost and the number of years lived with disability
by 64.3 million globally.
The European Society of Hypertension (ESH) classies
optimal blood pressure at 120 mmHg systolic blood pressure (SBP), and 80 mmHg
diastolic blood pressure (DBP).
A therapeutic reduction of elevated blood pressure (BP) levels has been shown to
decrease cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.
For the pharmacological management
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of hypertension, lowering BP below 140/90 mmHg in all
patients is requested. Specic patients, those with diabetes
mellitus or chronic kidney disease, need further BP reduction
(130/80 mmHg or 125/75 mmHg, respectively).
However these BP targets are difcult to meet despite the
availability of a number of effective antihypertensive drugs.
Consequently hypertension control is largely ineffective as
the achievement of guideline dened treatment targets with
about 20% of patients in Europe and up to 50% of patients
in the US being nally controlled when treated.
BP target
achievement is even worse in patients with comorbid
disease like diabetes mellitus.
Patient perspective
Hypertension is a rather unspectacular disease with unspe-
cic symptoms that are, from a patient perspective, in many
cases not perceived to occur in relation to hypertension.
Patients therefore are reluctant to accept physicians recom-
mendations to adopt life-style changes (weight reduction,
reduction of sodium intake, and increased physical activity),
which are the recommended rst steps in the treatment of
It becomes even more difcult to convince patients for
the need of action when antihypertensive pharmacotherapy is
introduced. A number of patient-related factors leading to non-
adherence like frequent dosing,
drug-related adverse events
health beliefs,
drugdrug interactions and associated
medical conditions interfere with the patients willingness
to take drugs as prescribed. For an overview of terms used
to describe adherence see Figure 1. Actually approximately
half of the patients on antihypertensive drug therapy
discontinue therapy by the end of the rst year.
Hence, from a patient perspective, there is a need for
effective, highly tolerable and convenient medication
that does not interfere with daily life while controlling
hypertension-associated risk.
Physician perspective
Recent data suggest that also physicians attitudes and
treatment strategies hamper the effectiveness of current
In a recent global survey in a random sample of
primary care physicians, 41% of physicians aimed to reduce
BP to acceptable levels only, although generally agreeing
with guideline recommended treatment goals. Physicians
further believed that 62% of their patients had their BP
controlled. However, in fact only 6% of patients with hyper-
tension in the UK had their BP lowered to the recommended
In France, Germany, Italy, and Spain only 13% of
hypertensive patients have their BP controlled.
The physicians needs in the treatment of hypertension
are partially overlapping with patients needs. However, in
the face of low patient compliance, the chronic nature of the
disease, and increasing budget constraints, a possible solution
seems to be difcult to determine.
Treatment patterns
Globally about one-third of patients receive monotherapy,
one-third dual combination therapy, and one-third 3 or more
Drug prescription
Persistence (days)
(% days with correct dosing)
Figure 1 Terms used to describe adherence.
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antihypertensive drugs. The NICE for example calculated
that 36% of patients in the UK receive monotherapy, 38%
dual combination therapy, and 26% 3 or more drugdrug
In a recent drug utilization analysis in
primary care in Germany, 29.2% of treated patients received
one, 43.7% received 2, and 27.2% received 3 or more anti-
hypertensive drugs.
According to the aforementioned study
40.8% of
patients in Germany received ACE inhibitors (ACEi), 36.1%
beta blockers, 31.7% diuretics, 22.3% calcium channel
blockers (CCBs) and 14.1% angiotensin receptor blockers
Frequent drugdrug combinations were ACEi
or ARBs in combination with diuretics, CCBs, and beta
blockers which is mostly in accordance with recent guide-
lines in which 4 out of 6 recommended combinations are
ACEi/ARB based.
The 2007 ESH/ESC guideline recognize 5 major antihy-
pertensive drug classes thiazide diuretics, CCBs, ACEi,
ARBs, and betablockers to be suitable for the initiation
and maintenance of antihypertensive treatment.
VII guidelines
on the other hand recommend using thiazide
diuretics rst. Both guidelines agree however in recommend-
ing the use of particular drug classes based on the presence
of compelling indications.
ACEi and ARBs are recommended for the largest variety
of compelling indications (for a detailed overview see
Table 1), with only minor compelling contraindications in
patients with pregnancy, hyperkalemia, bilateral renal artery
stenosis, and angioneurotic edema (ACEi only). Therefore
both drug classes are used, as illustrated by data from different
drug utilization studies,
in 50% to 60% of patients.
Drugdrug combination therapy
According to the ESH/ESC guidelines,
the following
drugdrug combinations have been found to be effective
and well tolerated in randomized efcacy trials: Thiazide
diuretic plus ACEi, thiazide diuretic and ARB, CCB and
ACEi, CCB and ARB, CCB and thiazide diuretic, and beta
blocker and dihydropiridine CCBs. Thus, 4 out of 6 recom-
mended dual antihypertensive combinations are ACEi/ARB
based (Figure 2).
The ACCOMPLISH study triggered a lively discussion
about the relative importance of drugdrug combinations.

It was designed to test whether benazepril 40 mg combined
with amlodipine 10 mg would result in stronger cardiovas-
cular event reduction than benazepril 40 mg/HCTZ 25 mg.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria favored the selection of
patients with compelling indications for the use of CCBs.
The composite primary endpoint of cardiovascular morbidity
and mortality was reduced by 19.6% in patients receiving
benazepril/amlodipine versus benazepril/HCTZ (9.6 versus
11.8%; hazard ratio [HR] 0.80, 95% CI 0.720.90). The
secondary endpoint of death from cardiovascular causes,
non-fatal myocardial infarction, and non-fatal stroke was
reduced by 21% with a HR of 0.79 (95% CI 0.670.92).
Side effects were generally however more frequent with
amlodipine than with the thiazide diuretic. Unfortunately
no similar comparative study of the ACCOMPLISH type
exists for patients with compelling indications for thiazide
diuretic use.
At present the evidence base is weak for
deciding which patient would benet the most from either
Law and Wald have suggested combining ACEi/ARBs
with a low dose of any of the other drug classes to maximize
BP lowering efficacy while maintaining a placebo-like
This recommendation was based on the meta-
analytic observation that both ACEi and ARBs maintain a
particular low AE prole in doses up to 4 times standard dose.
On the contrary all other drug classes (CCBs, betablockers,
thiazides) showed a steep incline of side effects at higher
doses, while the tolerability was good at half-standard or
even at standard dose.
The common approach to control BP in hypertensive
patients is to titrate monotherapy to full dose and to add
another agent if BP is still high (Figure 3, green). Drugs
might be exchanged if there is indication of non-response to
a particular agent. More recently the ESH/ESC guidelines

introduced the concept of rst-line combination therapy at
low dose in patients with marked BP elevation, low target
BPs, and high or very high cardiovascular risk (Figure 3, red).
This has been shown to be effective and safe and tolerability
of rst-line combination therapy is excellent.
Requirements for antihypertensive drugs
In summary, from a patient, physician, and societal
perspective there is a clear need for drugdrug combinations
which provide effective BP lowering, and display a low side
effect prole and a high adherence of both physicians and
patients with treatment. This would enable BP control to
be increased considerably and would in turn not only save
on hypertension-related morbidity (stroke, ischemic heart
disease) and mortality but also on costs.
It has been calculated for the UK that achieving a systolic
BP of 140 mmHg on a large scale would decrease stroke
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Table 1 Compelling indications and contraindications in the use of antihypertensive drug classes

Conditions favoring use Compelling or possible contraindications
Thiazide diuretics Isolated systolic hypertension (elderly) Gout
Heart failure Metabolic syndrome
Hypertension in blacks Glucose intolerance
Beta blockers Angina pectoris Asthma
Post-myocardial infarction A-V block (grade 2 or 3)
Heart failure Peripheral artery disease
Tachyarrhythmias Metabolic syndrome
Glaucoma Glucose intolerance
Pregnancy Athletes and physically active patients
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Calcium antagonists (dihydropyridines) Isolated systolic hypertension (elderly) Tachyarrhythmias
Angina pectoris Heart failure
LV hypertrophy
Carotid/coronary atherosclerosis
Hypertension in blacks
Calcium antagonists (verapamil/diltiazem) Angina pectoris A-V block (grade 2 or 3)
Carotid atherosclerosis Heart failure
Supraventricular tachycardia
ACE inhibitors Heart failure Pregnancy
LV dysfunction Angioneurotic edema
Post-myocardial infarction Hyperkalemia
Diabetic nephropathy Bilateral renal artery stenosis
Non-diabetic nephropathy
LV hypertrophy
Carotid atherosclerosis
Atrial fbrillation
Metabolic syndrome
Angiotensin receptor antagonists Heart failure Pregnancy
Post-myocardial infarction Hyperkalemia
Diabetic nephropathy Bilateral renal artery stenosis
LV hypertrophy
Atrial fbrillation
Metabolic syndrome
ACEi-induced cough
Diuretics (antialdosterone) Heart failure Renal failure
Post-myocardial infarction Hyperkalemia
Loop diuretics End stage renal disease
Heart failure
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incidence by up to 44% depending on age group considered
and ischemic heart disease incidence up to 35%.
that a reduction of stroke incidence of 9% and ischemic heart
disease of 4% across age groups might actually be achievable,
the annual saving to the NHS would be 255 million for
stroke and 25 million for ischemic heart disease while
investing 58 million into drugs (net benet to the NHS
222 million) (Figure 4).
The xed drugdrug combination of candesartan cilexetil in
a dose up to 32 mg and HCTZ in a dose up to 25 mg fulls
Thiazide diuretics
ACE inhibitors
Calcium antagonists
Angiotensin receptor
Figure 2 Four out of 6 recommended dual antihypertensive combination therapies include blockers of the reninangiotensin system.
Notes: Red, recommendation including an angiotensin receptor blocker; green, recommendations including an ACE inhibitor.
Reproduced with permission from Mancia G, De Backer G, Dominiczak A, et al. Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension: The Task Force for the Management
of Arterial Hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). J Hypertens. 2007; 25(6):11051187.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Choose between
Mild BP elevation
Low/moderate CV risk
Conventional BP target
Single agent
at low dose
Previous agent
at full dose
Switch to different agent
at low dose
If goal BP not achieved
If goal BP not achieved
Previous combination
at full dose
Add a third drug
at low dose
Two-drug combination
at low dose
Two- to three-drug combination
at full doses
Two- to three-drug
combination at full dose
Marked BP elevation
High/very high CV risk
Lower BP target
Full dose
Figure 3 Combination therapy as an escalation option and as frst-line therapy.
Notes: Green, 2-drug combination therapy as an option for treatment escalation; red, 2-drug combination as a frst line option in patients with marked elevation of blood
pressure and high cardiovascular risk.
Reproduced with permission from Mancia G, De Backer G, Dominiczak A, et al. Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension: The Task Force for the Management
of Arterial Hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). J Hypertens. 2007; 25(6):11051187.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
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most of the above-mentioned requirements for improving
BP control and related morbidity on a larger scale.
Candesartan is an ARB that is administered orally as
candesartan cilexetil; it is rapidly and completely converted
to candesartan, the active compound, during absorption
from the upper gastrointestinal tract.
It is characterized by
a strong binding afnity to the angiotensin II type 1 receptor
and its slow dissociation. Its binding to the AT
receptor is
insurmountable, meaning that it cannot be overcome by high
concentrations of angiotensin II and, under physiological
conditions, may even not dissociate until the AT
is recycled.
Twenty-four hours after administration to healthy volun-
teers, the angiotensin II inhibiting activity per milligram of
candesartan was stronger than that shown by other ARBs.

The trough-to-peak ratio is almost 90% (mean of all doses
available). After a missed dose of candesartan, losartan, or
placebo, 48-hour post-dose signicant reductions of BP have
been observed with candesartan 16 mg daily but not with
losartan or placebo.
Candesartan, applied as oral monotherapy, results in
a strong dose-dependent reduction of both SBP and DBP
between 4 and 16 mg, levelling off at 32 mg, and reaching
its maximum at 8 weeks after treatment initiation.
In a
direct comparison of 16 mg candesartan and 20 mg enalapril
candesartan was signicantly more effective in reducing SBP
and DBP (13.5/8.7 versus 9.9/5.8 mmHg; P = 0.008).

It was also shown that BP returned to baseline after a missed
dose of enalapril (7.2/4.5 mmHg) earlier than after a
missed dose of candesartan (11.4/8.0 mmHg; P = 0.0002).
Candesartan (up to 16 mg) and losartan (up to 50 mg)
were compared in an 8-week study.
Candesartan reduced
diastolic BP by 8.9 and 10.3 mmHg with the 8 and 16 mg
doses, respectively, while the BP reduction with losartan
50 mg was 3.7 mmHg, the latter comparison reaching
statistical signicance (P = 0.013). Twenty-four hours after
the ingestion of candesartan 100% of the peak SBP/DBP
lowering effect was preserved (trough/peak ratio about 100%
both systolic and diastolic) while only 70% of the losartan
effect was preserved (trough/peak ratio 70% both systolic
and diastolic).
These data were essentially conrmed by
Lacourciere et al which also demonstrated, that after a missed
dose of 16 mg candesartan, the effect was well preserved
after 36 hours, while the effect of 100 mg losartan was
signicantly reduced.
It is tempting to speculate that differences in effectiveness
of these ARBs may reect pharmacologic and pharmacoki-
netic differences. The elimination half-life of candesartan
is longer than that of losartan and its active metabolite.
Candesartan cilexetil produces clear dose-dependent anti-
hypertensive effects, whereas it has been difcult to dem-
onstrate this property for losartan.
HCTZ mainly acts within the lumen of the distal nephron,
blocking the luminal transmembrane-coupled sodium
chloride transport system. The mechanism by which thiazide
diuretics reduce BP is however not completely understood.
It has been proposed that during long-term therapy, thiazides
act by reducing total peripheral resistance probably through
a direct vascular effect.
It is important to note however
that in vivo vasodilation was achieved at higher doses than
those reached during long-term oral treatment.
treatment in patients with hypertension induced changes in
Additional drug costs
58.4 million
Savings from
reduced IHD
25.2 million
Savings from reduced
280.4 million
Net savings from
intensified treatment
221.9 million
Savings from
reduced stroke
255.1 million
Figure 4 Cost savings in the UK by intensifying antihypertensive drug treatment.
Notes: Optimizing antihypertensive therapy in the UK will cost 58.4 million and will prevent costs due to prevented stroke/ischemic heart disease (IHD) of 280.4 million
resulting in a net beneft of 221.9 million.
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plasma volume, cardiac output, mean arterial pressure, stroke
volume, heart rate, and total peripheral resistance.
HCTZ has a half-life of 8 to 15 hours on chronic use and
a duration of action that is slightly longer.
HCTZ 50 mg
twice daily for 12 or 36 weeks, after a 4-week placebo run-in
period, lowered mean arterial pressure in 13 patients with
untreated essential hypertension and DBP 100 mmHg.

Compared with the mean baseline value (177.2 mmHg),
these reductions were significant throughout the study
BP reduction with candesartan/HCTZ
versus placebo
Fixed dose combinations of candesartan and HCTZ are
available in various doses. Candesartan 32 mg once daily
has to be regarded as a high dose (4 times standard dose).

HCTZ 12.5 and 25 mg have to be regarded as a half-standard
and standard dose, respectively. Therefore the available
combinations full the requirements suggested by Law and
for maximizing efcacy while maintaining a high
The extent of BP reduction with candesartan/HCTZ
depends on baseline BP and the dose used. A variety of
combinations including 2, 4, 6, 8, 16, or 32 mg candesartan
and 6.25, 12.5, or 25 mg HCTZ, respectively, has been
tested in clinical trials versus respective monotherapies
or placebo.
Uen et al for example demonstrated that
replacing previously ineffective antihypertensive drugs by
candesartan/HCTZ in patients with uncontrolled arterial
hypertension signicantly reduced both BP and ST-segment
depression during daily life.
Taken together these studies
have consistently shown that combinations of candesartan
with HCTZ, administered orally once a day for 4 to 52 weeks,
induced signicant reductions in SBP and DBP from baseline
in patients with mild, moderate, or severe hypertension.
In a recent study by Edes et al (baseline DBP 90114 mmHg),
mean reductions in SBP and DBP were signicantly greater
with candesartan 32/HCTZ 25 mg (21/14 mmHg) than with
candesartan 32 mg alone (13/9 mmHg), HCTZ 25 mg alone
(12/8 mmHg), or placebo (4/3 mmHg) (P 0.001 for all
The proportion of patients with controlled
BP (SBP 140 mmHg and DBP 90 mmHg) at the end
of this study was also signicantly greater in the candesartan
32/HCTZ 25 mg group (63%) than in the other treatment
groups (P 0.001 for all comparisons).
Bnner investigated the efcacy of candesartan 32 mg
in combination with HCTZ 12.5 or 25 mg in patients not
optimally controlled using candesartan monotherapy.
A total
of 3521 patients with treated or untreated hypertension and
sitting DBP of 90 to 114 mmHg were included. After a single
blind run-in phase (2 weeks candesartan 16 mg followed by a
6-week treatment with candesartan 32 mg) 1975 patients who
still had DBP readings of 90 to 114 mmHg were randomized
to an 8-week double-blind treatment with either candesartan
32 mg alone or in combination with HCTZ 12.5 mg or 25 mg
respectively. Mean BP (153/97 mmHg at baseline) was
further reduced during the double-blind treatment phase by
6.1/5.6 mmHg in the candesartan monotherapy group, by
13.0/8.8 mmHg in the xed combination with HCTZ 12.5 mg
group, and by 15.5/10.0 mmHg in the xed combination with
HCTZ 25 mg group (P 0.01 for all between treatment
comparisons) (Figure 5).
Bnner et al tested the first-line use of candesartan
16 mg/HCTZ 12.5 mg in 166 patients with no prior phar-
macotherapy for a treatment duration of 6 weeks.
pressure was reduced by 38.1/29.4 mmHg with 40% of
patients achieving a normalization of BP. Tolerability was
good showing that rst line combination therapy is feasible
and safe.
BP reduction with candesartan/HCTZ
versus losartan/HCTZ
Ohma et al compared xed dose combinations of candesartan
16/HCTZ 12.5 mg and losartan 50/HCTZ 12.5 mg in patients
insufciently controlled on previous monotherapy.
BP at
randomization was 159.5/98.4 mmHg and 160.5/98.5 mmHg,
respectively. After 12 weeks there was a greater reduction
of BP with candesartan/HCTZ (19.4/10.4) than with
losartan/HCTZ (13.7/7.8 mmHg), the differences being
statistically signicant. Twelve patients withdrew in the
candesartan/HCTZ group (8 due to AEs), and 17 in the
losartan/HCTZ group (12 AEs).
Knig compared candesartan/HCTZ and losartan/HCTZ
in a 6-week study.
Twenty-four-hour postdose mean seated
BP was reduced by 32.2/21.1 mmHg (systolic/diastolic) in
the candesartan/HCTZ group and 23.8/14.9 mmHg in the
losartan/HCTZ group (P 0.001). Blood pressure reductions
48 hours postdose were 25.6/16.4 mmHg for candesartan/
HCTZ and 9.2/4.2 mmHg for losartan/HCTZ, with differ-
ences between treatments being highly signicant in favor
of candesartan/HCTZ (16.5/12.2 mmHg; P 0.001). Both
treatments were well tolerated.
ARBs are generally regarded to be a drug class with high
Persistence with antihypertensive
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medication (including candesartan) was compared between
different drug classes and between substances within one
drug class in an Australian analysis covering the years
2004 to 2006.
The database yielded information relating
to 48,690 patients prescribed antihypertensive medication.
The median persistence time was 20 months, which was
also the median persistence with ARBs or ACEi. The
median persistence with CCBs was considerably lower
(median persistence time 7 months; -57%, P 0.001).
There were further differences in persistence between indi-
vidual drugs in the respective classes, the best outcomes
being with candesartan and telmisartan (10%20% better
than the other ARBs considered), perindopril (ACEi; 25%
better other ACEi) and lercanidipine (CCB; 25% better
than other CCBs). This high persistence was reected in
the recent DIRECT trial in that about 80% of patients
were compliant with 32 mg candesartan even when being
nominally normotensive.
Candesartan/HCTZ is generally well tolerated in
patients with mild to moderate hypertension. Combined
data from 5 randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled
clinical trials indicated that AEs during candesartan/HCTZ
therapy (up to 16 mg/25 mg once daily) are uncommon
and only few were serious.
Among patients receiving
candesartan/HCTZ or placebo the incidence of serious
AEs was 1.6 and 2.1%, respectively, while 3.3 and 2.7% of
patients discontinued treatment because of AEs. The most
common AEs were headache, back pain, dizziness, and
respiratory infections.
Recent trials indicated that the AE prole of candesartan
32 mg in combination with 12.5 or 25 mg HCTZ is
comparable to the aforementioned observations.
et al reported about 1% serious AEs that were independent
of whether monotherapy with candesartan or combination
therapy including HCTZ was considered. For metabolic
parameters, a slight increase of serum ureate and serum
creatinine was observed with the xed combinations while
other parameters were essentially unchanged (Table 2).

Edes et al reported a rate of serious AE for the xed dose
combination that was even lower compared to placebo
(0.2% versus 3.1%), with overall AE rate ranging between
23% and 25% for placebo, HCTZ, candesartan, and their
Mengden et al compared drug regimen compliance
(DRC) with antihypertensive combination therapy in patients
whose BP was controlled versus uncontrolled after 4 weeks
of self-monitored BP measurement.
Whether switching
one drug of the combination therapy to candesartan/HCTZ
(16 mg/12.5 mg) in uncontrolled patients with and without
compliance intervention program would improve BP normal-
ization was also evaluated. It was found that normalization of
BP was associated with superior drug regimen compliance
in previously uncontrolled patients treated with a combina-
tion drug regimen. Switching still-uncontrolled patients to
Candesartan 32 mg
Candesartan 32/HCTZ
12.5 mg
Candesartan 32/HCTZ
25 mg
Figure 5 Blood pressure reduction with 32 mg candesartan alone or in combination with 12.5 or 25 mg HCTZ in patients not suffciently controlled on monotherapy.
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candesartan/HCTZ signicantly improved BP control and
stabilized a declining DRC.
Patient types
Patients with heart failure
Heart failure is a frequent comorbidity in patients with
hypertension. It is characterized by a decline in systolic or
diastolic function, the latter being a typical complication
of long-term uncontrolled hypertension. The xed dose
combination of candesartan/HCTZ has never been formally
tested in this patient population, but the benets of blocking
the RAS and enhancing diuresis are basic concepts in the
treatment of HF.
HCTZ is recommended for the treatment
of patients with HF in doses of 25 mg to initiate treatment
and maintenance doses of between 2.5 and 100 mg daily.

Candesartan is recommended to be started at a dose of
4 or 8 mg daily and uptitrated to a target dose of 32 mg.
The basis for the recommendation of candesartan was
the results of the CHARM trial program.
candesartan was tested in patients with systolic HF given
either on top of an ACEi
or in cases of ACEi intolerance.

A third trial investigated the effect of candesartan in
diastolic HF (HF with preserved systolic function).
7601 patients were randomly assigned candesartan (titrated to
32 mg once daily) or matching placebo, and followed up for
at least 2 years. In the overall CHARM trial program 82.8%
of patients in the candesartan arm and 82.6% of patients in
the placebo arm received diuretics and a further 16.9 and
16.6% respectively spironolactone.
In CHARM Alternative (candesartan given instead of
an ACEi) treatment resulted in a relative risk reduction
(RRR) of death from cardiovascular cause or hospital admis-
sion for worsening HF of 23% (ARR 7%, NNT 14, over
34 months of follow-up, adjusted P 0.0001 (Figure 6).

In the CHARM Added trial (candesartan on top of existing
ACEi therapy) candesartan cotreatment resulted in a 15%
RRR of cardiovascular death or hospital admission for CHF
(ARR 4%, NNT 25, over 41 months of follow-up, adjusted
P = 0.010).
The CHARM Preserved trial (candesartan in
patients with HF but preserved systolic function) candesartan
did not show a signicant reduction in the risk of the primary
composite endpoint (adjudicated death from cardiovascular
causes or admission with HF) but did show a signicant
reduction in the number of patients admitted to hospital
with CHF (ARR 3.3%, NNT 30, over 37 months follow up,
P = 0.017).
In summary it appears possible to initiate drug treatment
of HF with both combination agents at low dose, uptitrate
Table 2 Laboratory values at baseline, and mean change (SD) from baseline
after 8 weeks of treatment

Candesartan 32 mg
n = 653
Candesartan 32 mg
12.5 mg HCTZ
n = 654
Candesartan 32 mg
25 mg HCTZ
n = 664
S-urate (mol/L)
Baseline 334.5 (84.6) 335.2 (82.6) 339.1 (80.6)
Change 5.1 (52.0) 27.4 (52.3) 43.9 (57.8)
S-potassium (mmol/L)
Baseline 4.5 (0.4) 4.5 (0.4) 4.5 (0.4)
Change 0.0 (0.4) 0.1 (0.4) -0.1 (0.4)
S-glucose (mmol/L)
Baseline 6.0 (1.4) 6.2 (1.9) 5.9 (1.5)
Change 0.0 (1.0) 0.4 (1.0) 0.0 (0.9)
S-triglycerides (mmol/l)
Baseline 2.0 (1.4) 1.9 (1.8) 2.0 (1.5)
Change 0.0 (1.2) 0.0 (1.6) 0.2 (2.2)
S-cholesterol (mmol/L)
Baseline 5.8 (1.1) 5.8 (1.1) 5.9 (1.0)
Change 0.1 (0.7) 0.0 (0.8) 0.1 (0.8)
S-creatinine (mol/L)
Baseline 79.8 (15.8) 79.9 (14.8) 80.3 (15.4)
Change 0.0 (10.5) 1.8 (9.8) 4.5 (13.1)
Baseline: after a run-in phase with 16 mg candesartan for 2 weeks and 32 mg candesartan for 6 weeks.
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candesartan and HCTZ as warranted and, should the doses t,
switch to a xed dose combination of candesartan 32/HCTZ
25 mg for maintenance treatment.
Patients with stroke
Stroke is a frequent, serious, and nally costly complication
of hypertension. Candesartan was tested in 2 trials with
respect to this indication, one testing the capability of
preventing stroke or related disabilities (SCOPE,
section Elderly patients), the other testing cerebro- and
cardiovascular endpoints in patients with a history of stroke
ACCESS was designed to evaluate the safety of early
antihypertensive treatment in patients with acute cere-
bral ischemia).
Patients with motor paresis and initial
SBP 200 mmHg and/or DBP 110 mmHg or mean
BP of 2 measurements 180 mmHg and/or 105 mmHg,
respectively, were included. The trial was stopped prema-
turely after the recruitment of 349 patients due to an imbal-
ance in endpoints. Cumulative 12-month mortality and the
number of vascular events differed signicantly in favor of
the candesartan group (OR 0.475; 95% CI 0.2520.895).
There were no cardiovascular or cerebrovascular events as
a result of hypotension. Treatment was started with 4 mg
candesartan daily on day 1. On day 2, dosage was increased
to 8 or 16 mg candesartan if BP exceeded 160 mmHg
systolic or 100 mmHg diastolic. In patients in the cande-
sartan group who were still hypertensive on day 7 (mean
daytime BP 135/85 mmHg), candesartan was increased
or an additional antihypertensive drug (HCTZ, felodipine,
metoprolol) was added. The control group received placebo
for the rst 7 days and 8 to 16 mg candesartan throughout
the rest of the study.
In the ongoing SCAST trial (NCT00120003) candesartan
is tested in patients with stroke (ischemic or hemorrhagic)
and SBP 140 mmHg. Patients receive 4 mg candesartan
on day 1; 8 mg on day 2; 16 mg on days 3 to 7. Dose adjust-
ment in cases of SBP 120 mmHg, or symptomatic fall in
BP are mandated. From day 8 therapies can be supplemented
with any antihypertensive agent including diuretics.
Taken together there is good evidence that early cande-
sartan treatment after acute stroke might be able to prevent
vascular events and mortality. The xed dose combination
might be useful after several days of candesartan mono-
therapy uptitration after which HCTZ in low dose is added
to maintain or achieve BP control.
Patients with diabetes mellitus
Antihypertensive treatment in diabetic patients is complicated
by the fact that baseline BP readings are usually high, while
having to meet lower BP goals (130/80 mmHg in most
ARBs are benecial within the context of diabetes
because they have been shown to delay the development of
diabetes more than any other drug class (Figure 7)
and to
be at least neutral or even benecial with respect to metabolic
parameters. As has been shown in a number of clinical trials,
the reduction of cardiovascular morbidity following antihy-
pertensive treatment is usually, but not always, pronounced
in patients with diabetes.
Candesartan reduced the number of patients developing
diabetes in the CHARM,
and ALPINE trials.

When administered to a group of hypertensive subjects it
p = 0.032 p < 0.0001
p < 0.0001 p = n.s.
p = n.s.
p = n.s.
p = 0.010
p = n.s.
All-cause mortality*
Hazard ratio
0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2
Hazard ratio
Cardiovascular death
or hospital admission
for CHF

Figure 6 Results of the CHARM trial program.

Notes: *p for heterogeneity 0.37;

p for heterogeneity 0.33.

Reprinted from Pfeffer MA, Swedberg K, Granger CB, et al. Effects of candesartan on mortality and morbidity in patients with chronic heart failure: the CHARM-Overall
programme. The Lancet. 362:759766.
Copyright 2003, with permission from Elsevier.
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reduced C-reactive protein and increased adiponectin and
markers of insulin sensitivity, as measured by QUICKI
(Quantitative Insulin-Sensitivity Check Index).
It also reduced BP effectively in diabetic patients.

Bramlage et al demonstrated in an observational study in
primary care that candesartan 16/HCTZ 12.5 mg lowered
BP effectively in patients with and without diabetes.
absolute amount of BP lowering (27.2/13.4 mmHg)
appeared to be dependent on baseline BP but did not
differ among patient types (diabetes, metabolic syndrome,
or neither condition).
Microalbuminuria in diabetes is strongly predictive
of nephropathy, end-stage renal disease, and premature
cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Effective preven-
tive therapies are therefore a clinical priority. The effect
of candesartan in the prevention of microalbuminuria was
tested in a pooled analysis of the DIRECT trial program in
which normotensive patients with type 1 (n = 3326) and
2 (n = 1905) diabetes were included.
Due to the study design
the incidence of microalbuminuria was low in this analysis
and no differences in the risk for albuminuria were noted
(HR 0.95; 95% CI 0.781.16). Pooled results showed that
the annual rate of change in albuminuria was 5.53% lower
(CI, 0.73%10.14%; P = 0.024) with candesartan than with
placebo. Studies conducted by Trenkwalder
and Mogensen

have however shown that candesartan is effective in lowering
the level of albumin excretion in patients with hypertension,
diabetes, and already existing microalbuminuria. Taking a
much higher than recommended dose of the hypertension
drug candesartan was shown to effectively lower the amount
of protein excreted in the urine of patients with kidney disease
in a study by Burgess et al.
269 patients with persistent
proteinuria despite treatment with 16 mg candesartan were
randomized to receive 16, 64, or 128 mg daily of candesartan
for 30 weeks. It was found that patients taking 128 mg of
candesartan experienced a 33% reduction in proteinuria
compared with those receiving 16 mg candesartan by the
end of the study. There is however a missing link between
microalbuminuria reduction and morbidity and mortality
endpoints which have so far been reported only from post-hoc
analyses. A respective study is however already underway to
provide this link.
Important in this respect are the results
of the GUARD study that combined an ACEi with either
amlodipine or HCTZ and demonstrated that with HCTZ
the nephroprotective effect of benazepril was preserved
while it was reduced when amlodipine was chosen as the
combination partner.
The DIRECT trial program was a series of clinical
trials investigating the effect of candesartan on the develop-
ment and progression diabetic retinopathy who were either
normotensive or had treated hypertension.
consisted of three randomized, double-blind, placebo-
controlled multicenter studies designed to investigate the
potential for candesartan in halting the progression of, and
possibly prevent, diabetic retinopathy. Results showed that
candesartan was benecial for patients with type 2 diabetes
who had established mild to moderate retinopathy, because
candesartan had an additional, BP-independent effect on
improvement of retinopathy (Figure 8). Candesartan was
also shown to be indicated for patients with type 1 diabetes
Treatment Odds ratio
(95% CI of incident diabetes)
ACE inhibitors
Calcium-channel blockers
0.50 0.80 1.00 1.25 2.00
Favours treatment Favours placebo
0.822 (0.6790.999)
0.889 (0.7651.036)
1.051 (0.8931.263)
1.250 (1.0551.503)
1.347 (1.1331.632)
Figure 7 Development of diabetes results of a meta-analysis.
Reprinted from Lam SK, Owen A. Incident diabetes in clinical trials of antihypertensive drugs. The Lancet. 369:15131514.
Copyright 2007, with permission from Elsevier.
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without retinopathy, in order to reduce their risk of developing
In summary there is an abundance of evidence for the
use of candesartan in patients with diabetes or a high risk for
developing such. Data on the use of a xed dose combination
of candesartan/HCTZ are scarce, leaving it unproven that a
combination treatment is likewise benecial. Data addressing
the dysmetabolic potential have however shown that the
metabolic prole of HCTZ is neutralized when adding cande-
sartan. Because of the need for multiple drugdrug combina-
tions there is a clear need for combination therapy including
diuretics, which are favored in common co-morbidities of
diabetes, eg, CHF or diabetic nephropathy.
Elderly patients
The pharmacokinetics of candesartan were investigated after
single and repeated once-daily doses in a trial by Hbner et al

of candesartan in the dose range 2 to 16 mg in both younger
(1940 years) and elderly (6578 years) healthy volunteers.
The area under the curve (AUC) and maximal concentration
) of candesartan showed dose-proportional increases in
the dose range of 2 to 16 mg candesartan after both single and
repeated once-daily tablet intake, indicating linear pharma-
cokinetics in both younger and elderly healthy subjects. The
time to peak candesartan concentrations after tablet intake
was consistently approximately 4 hour at all dose levels. Only
mild AEs were recorded, with headache the most commonly
reported event, and no increase in the number of reported AEs
was observed with higher doses of candesartan cilexetil.
Results of the SCOPE study implied that candesartan
treatment reduces cardiovascular morbidity and mortal-
ity in old and very old patients with mild to moderate
Candesartan-based antihypertensive treat-
ment may also have positive effects on cognitive function
and quality of life. SCOPE was a multi-center, prospective,
randomized, double-blind, parallel-group study. The primary
objective was to assess the effect of candesartan 816 mg
once daily, on major cardiovascular events in elderly patients
(7089 years of age) with mild hypertension (DBP 9099
and/or SBP 160179 mmHg). The main analysis showed
that non-fatal stroke was reduced by 28% (P = 0.04) in the
candesartan group compared with the control group, and there
was a non-signicant 11% reduction in the primary endpoint,
major cardiovascular events (P = 0.19). Signicant risk reduc-
tions with candesartan in major cardiovascular events (32%,
P = 0.013), cardiovascular mortality (29%, P = 0.049) and
total mortality (27%, P = 0.018) were observed in patients
who did not receive add-on therapy after randomization,
and in whom the difference in BP was 4.7/2.6 mmHg. Other
analyzes suggest positive effects of candesartan-based treat-
ment on cognitive function, quality of life and new-onset dia-
betes. Results of SCOPE strongly suggested that candesartan
treatment reduces cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in
old and very old patients with mild to moderate hypertension.
Candesartan-based antihypertensive treatment may also have
positive effects on cognitive function and quality of life.
Subgroup analyses from the CHARM study in patients
with HF showed that older patients were at a greater absolute
Changes in the ETDRS Scale at study end compared to baseline
P = 0.005
DIRECT-Prevent 1






P = 0.03
DIRECT-Protect 1
5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 0
P = 0.003
DIRECT-Protect 2
Figure 8 Results of the DIRECT trial program.
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risk of adverse CV mortality and morbidity outcomes, but
derived a similar RRR and, therefore, a greater absolute
benet from treatment with candesartan, despite receiving
a somewhat lower mean daily dose of candesartan.

Adverse effects were more common with candesartan than
with placebo, although the relative risk of adverse effects
was similar across age groups. The benet to risk ratio for
candesartan was thus favorable across all age groups.
In summary, given that diuretics are frequently indicated
in elderly patients there appears to be a role for xed dose
combinations of candesartan/HCTZ. But again evidence has
been acquired with free combinations of candesartan with
other antihypertensive drugs including thiazide diuretics.
Economic evaluation
The addition of candesartan to standard therapy for CHF pro-
vided important clinical benets at little or no additional cost
in France, Germany, and the UK, according to a detailed eco-
nomic analysis focusing on major cardiovascular events and
prospectively collected resource-use data from the CHARM-
Added and CHARM-Alternative trials in patients with CHF
and left ventricular (LV) systolic dysfunction.
Results of a
corresponding cost-effectiveness analysis showed that can-
desartan was either dominant over placebo or was associated
with small incremental costs per life-year gained, depending
on the country and whether individual trial or pooled data
were used. Preliminary data from a US cost-effectiveness
analysis based on CHARM data also showed favorable results
for candesartan cilexetil. Two cost-effectiveness analyses of
candesartan cilexetil in hypertension have been published,
both conducted in Sweden.
Data from the SCOPE trial in elderly patients with
hypertension, which showed a significant reduction in
non-fatal stroke with candesartan-based therapy versus
non-candesartan based treatment, were incorporated into a
Markov model and an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio
of 12,824 per QALY gained was calculated (2001 value).
In conclusion, despite some inherent limitations, economic
analyses incorporating CHARM data and conducted primarily
in Europe have shown that candesartan cilexetil appears to
be cost-effective when added to standard CHF treatment in
patients with CHF and compromised LV systolic function.
The use of candesartan cilexetil as part of antihypertensive
therapy in elderly patients with elevated BP was also deemed
to be cost effective in a Swedish analysis, primarily resulting
from a reduced risk of non-fatal stroke (as shown in the
SCOPE study); however, the generalizability of results to
other contexts has not been established. Cost-effectiveness
analyses comparing candesartan cilexetil with ACE inhibitors
or other angiotensin receptor blockers in CHF or hypertension
are lacking, and results reported for candesartan cilexetil in
a Swedish economic analysis of ALPINE data focusing on
outcomes for diabetes require conrmation and extension.
The xed dose combination of candesartan and HCTZ is
a valuable addition to the armamentarium of drugs in the
treatment of hypertension, because of its high efcacy in
reducing BP, its tolerability, and the high compliance of
patients with treatment. Comparative studies with losartan/
HCTZ have consistently shown a higher clinical efcacy with
the candesartan/HCTZ combination. Candesartan/HCTZ
therefore assists both physicians and patients in achieving
long-term treatment goals.
Data on the reduction of cardiovascular endpoints with
fixed dose combinations of antihypertensive drugs are
scarce, as are the data for candesartan/HCTZ. However many
trials have tested candesartan versus a non-RAS blocking
comparator based on a standard therapy including thiazide
diuretics. The indications tested were HF and stroke, and
particular emphasis was put on elderly patients or those with
diabetes. In patients with HF, for example, the xed dose
combination might be applied in patients in whom indi-
vidual titration resulted in a dose of 32 mg candesartan and
25 mg HCTZ which can then be combined into one tablet
to increase compliance with treatment. Also in patients with
stroke the xed dose combination might be used in patients
in whom maintenance therapy with both components is
ACCESS, The Acute Candesartan Cilexetil Therapy in
Stroke Survivors; ACCOMPLISH, Avoiding Cardiovas-
cular Events in Combination Therapy in Patients Living
with Systolic Hypertension; ACEi, ACE inhibitor; AE,
adverse event; ALPINE, Antihypertensive treatment and
Lipid Prole In a North of Sweden Efcacy Evaluation;
ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; ARR, absolute risk
reduction; AT, angiotensin; AUC, area under the curve;
BP, blood pressure; CANDIA, CANdesartan and DIuretic
vs Amlodipine in hypertensive patients; CCB, calcium
channel blocker; CHARM, Candesartan in Heart Failure-
Assessment of Reduction in mortality and Morbidity;
CHD, coronary heart disease; CHF, chronic heart failure;
CI, condence interval; CV, cardiovascular; DBP, diastolic
blood pressure; DDD, dened daily doses; DIRECT, The
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DIabetic REtinopathy Candesartan Trials; DRC, drug
regimen compliance; ESC, European Society of Cardiol-
ogy; ESH, European Society of Hypertension; HCTZ,
hydrochlorothiazide; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; HF,
heart failure; HR, hazard ratio; JNC, Joint National Com-
mittee; LIFE, Losartan Intervention For Endpoint reduction
in hypertension; LV, left ventricular; MOSES, Morbidity
and Mortality after Stroke Eprosartan vs Nitrendipine for
Secondary Prevention; NHS, National Health Service (UK);
NICE, National Institutes of Clinical Excellence; NNT, num-
ber needed to treat; OR, odds ratio; QUICKI, Quantitative
Insulin-Sensitivity Check Index; PRA, plasma renin activity;
QALY, quality adjusted life year; RAS, reninangiotensin
system; RRR, relative risk reduction; SBP, diastolic blood
pressure; SCAST, Scandinavian Candesartan Acute Stroke
Trial; SCOPE, Study on COgnition and Prognosis in the
Elderly; UK, United Kingdom; US, United States.
The preparation of this manuscript has been nancially
supported by Takeda Pharma, Aachen, Germany. Takeda had
no role in outlining, editing or determining the nal content
of this review. This was left at the discretion of the authors
who take full responsibility for its content.
TM, SU and PB disclose receipt of lecture honoraries and
research support from Takeda Pharma, Aachen, Germany.
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