TSR 1142 - The North

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c 1: Avcragc Tcmpcraturc by Mnnth and RcgInn

-40 and lower 1 - -
-39 to -30 12 - - -
-29 to -20 2, 11 1 -
-19 to -10 3, 10 2, 12 1 -
4, 9 11 2, 12 1, 2
5, 8 3, 10 3, 11 3, 12
6 4, 5 4, 10 4, 11
7 6, 9 5, 9 5, 10
- 7, 8 6, 8 6, 9
7 7, 8
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
-9 to 0
1 to 9
10 to 19
20 to 79
80 to 89
90 to 99
100 to 109
110 to 119
120 to 129
130 +
1 Hammer, 2 Altruriak, 3 Ches, 4 Tarsakh, 5 Mirtul, 6 Kythorn, 7 Flamerule, 8 Eleasias, 9 Elient, 10 Marpenoth, 11 Uktar, 12 Nightal
1, 12
2, 11
3, 10
5, 9
6, 8
2, 12
3, 11
4, 10
5, 9
6, 8
Temperature Subarctic Arctic
Tab!c 2: Caravc! Travc! TImcs by 5ca In Days
From Fireshear Gundarlun Ice Peak
Fireshear - 2 1
Gundarlun 2 - 2
Ice Peak 1 2 -
Leilon 5 4 6
Luskan 1 3 2
Neverwinter 4 3 5
Port Llast 1 3 3
Purple Rocks 6 3 3
Ruathym 5 3 3
Tuern 6 4 4
Waterdeep 6 5 8
Leilon Luskan
5 1
4 3
6 2
- 6
5 -
1 3
2 1
6 6
5 5
8 7
2 7
Neverwinter Port Llast Purple Rocks Ruathym Tuern Waterdeep
4 1 6
6 6
3 3 3 3 4 5
5 3 5 5 6 8
4 6 5 8 2
3 2 6 5 7 8
- 1 6 5 8 3
1 - 6 5 8 6
6 6 - 4 2 10
5 5 4 - 7 5
8 8 2 7 - 11
3 4 10 5 11 -
Tab!c 3: Mcrchant PrIcIng
Cost Parameter Average Price/Day
Very Cheap 5 gp/ton
Inexpensive 10 gp/ton
Moderate 15 gp/ton
Expensive 20 gp/ton
Very Expensive 25 gp/ton
Extremely Costly 35 gp/ton
Daily Chance
for Ambush
6 i n 20
5 in 20
4 in 20
3 in 20
2 in 20
1 in 20
Chance of
The VILoenmess
Aulhors: sIade, Ld Creenvood, }eff Crull, }uIia Marlin, Sleven Schend, IauI }aquays, and Sleve Ierrin
Ldilor: }in BulIer
Irojecl Coordinalors: David Wise and Thonas M. Reid
Cover IIIuslralor: Larry LInore
Inlerior IIIuslralor: Marlin SaIvador
Craphic Designer: Don Danovski
Typeseller: Nancy }. Kerkslra
Arl Coordinalor: Bol CaIica
LIeclronic Iress Coordinalor: Dave Conanl
Manufacluring Coordinalor: Dave Hoeke
TSR, Inc.
201 Sheridan Springs Rd.
Lake Geneva
WI 53147
TSR Ltd.
120 Church End
Cherry Hinton
Cambridge CB1 3LB
United Kingdom
lered lradenarks ovned ly TSR, Inc. LNCYCLILDIA MACICA, MNSTRUS MANUAL, ILAYLRS ITIN, and lhe TSR Iogo are
lradenarks ovned ly TSR, Inc. AII TSR characlers, characler nanes, and lhe dislinclive Iikenesses lhereof are lradenarks ovned ly
TSR, Inc. Randon House and ils affiIiale conpanies have vorIdvide dislrilulion righls in the book trade for English-language prod-
ucls of TSR, Inc. Dislriluled lo lhe loy and holly lrade ly regionaI dislrilulors. Dislriluled lo lhe look and holly lrade in lhe
Uniled Kingdon ly TSR Lld. This gane accessory is prolecled under lhe copyrighl Iavs of lhe Uniled Slales of Anerica and olher
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nission of TSR, Inc. Made in lhe U.S.A. Copyrighl 1996 TSR, Inc. AII righls reserved.
TabLe o[ Com1em1s
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Arc|ic C|ina|c
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Suoarc|ic C|ina|c
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Tcnpcra|c C|ina|c
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
|n|an C|ina|cs
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
WILDLIIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
HI5TORY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 O
1368. Ycar cf |nc 8anncr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1369. Ycar cf |nc Gaun||c| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1370. Ycar cf |nc Tan|ar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
||tcs an Ha|f-||tcs
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Gnc nc s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3
Ha| f | i ngs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
|izarncn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Or c s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Tr c| | s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
HUMANS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
|cc Hun|crs
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4
Nc r | n nc n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5
U|ngar| 8aroarians. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
RELIGION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
ICLWIND DALL DLITILS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
|cc Hun|cr 8cas| Cu|| Snanans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Spccia||q Prics|s (|ccguarians) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
MNSTRUS DLITILS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
RC DLITILS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
SHAMANS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Snanan Spiri| Pcucrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Ca||ing Spiri|s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
U|ngar's Ata|ar
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
O|ncr Manifcs|a|icns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Tnc Cnurcn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Spccia||q Prics|s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
U|ngar| Spc|| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
GEOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5
SWRD MUNTAI NS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
|niarts Tcucr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Krqp|garcn |crcs| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Mcrc cf Dca Mcn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Hc|inorar an Sar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
O| Ou| lc|| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Pnana|in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
P|acc cf |nc Uniccrn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Scu|n|rqp| Garcn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Sucr Ccas| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Trac||css Sca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
lcs|ucc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
NLVLRWINTLR WDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
8cruns Hi|| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Cr a g s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Gaun||grqn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Hc|ns Hc| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 8
Mcrgurs Mcun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Tcucr cf Tui|ign| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
THL IRZLNIAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Cc| Run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
|t c r nc | | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
|rcs| Kccp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Gunar|un |s|an . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
|cc |a|cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
|cc Pca| |s|an . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
|ccuin Da|c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Mincs cf Miraoar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Purp|c Rcc|s |s|ans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Ratcn Rcc| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Rua|nqn |s|an . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Sca cf Mcting |cc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Spinc cf |nc lcr| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Tucrn |s|an . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
UTTLRMST NRTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Tnc |n|css |cc Sca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Ncnascr's |cgacq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Va||cq cf Kncrun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
IRST HILLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Cas||c cf |||usicn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Dungccn cf Dca|n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Dungccn cf |nc Ruins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
|c|| Pass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
G a | c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Grca| lcrn Catcrn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
|ur|ucc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5
Mi|nra| Ha|| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Mccnar| Mcun|ains. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Snining lni|c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
THL LVLRMRS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6
||in|rcc| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

THL DLSSARIN VALLLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Arccp |crcs| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Ca||ing Hcrns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Cruno|ing S|air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Dca Hcrsc |cr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Gc|cnfic|s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Ha||s cf Hun|ing Axc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Hcusc cf S|cnc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
|rcnfcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
]unars Hi|| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Maicns Tcno Tcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Sarcrag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
S|cnc 8rigc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5O
S|unp 8cg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5O
Zunorigc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5O
THL HICH IRLST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5O
Tnc Sccrc|s cf |nc |crcs| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
|cca|icns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Dccpcr Sccrc|s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
THL CLDWD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 8
8ccrunnas lc|| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
|cc Mcun|ains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6O
|cnc|q Tcucr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6O
Tu|runs Tcn| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 O
THL MNWDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 O
Hcra|s Hc|fas| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 O
Onc S|cnc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 O
THL DLLZUN RLCIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1
Asccrc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1
Ci|ac| cf Manq Arrcus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1
Da|agars Daggcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1
Dca Orc Pass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1
|tcrfirc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Tnc |cr|. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2
Nc|ncr Mcun|ains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
TRIANCLL I TRLLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
|ar |crcs| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Scu|nucc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
lca|ncrcc|c lcc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
THL IALLLN LANDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Anaurccn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
8|cacnc 8cncs Pass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Daun|rcacr Gap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Dc|an|cr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
|crgc||cn |crcs| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
|cnc|q Mccr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
THL DLLIMBIYR VALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Dungccn cf |nc Har| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Ha||s cf Hanncr/Hanncr Ha|| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4
Tnc Hign Mccr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 5
|augning Hc||cu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 5
|izar Marsn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 5
Mis|q |crcs| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 5
POLITIC5 & MERCENARIE5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
IWLR CRUIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Arcanc 8rc|ncrncc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
8cas| |cr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Cap|ains Ccnfccra|icn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Druis cf |nc Ta|| Trccs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Tnc Harpcrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Tnc Hcra|s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Tnc Kra|cn Sccic|q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Tnc |crs A||iancc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Trcan|s cf Tur|ang lcc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Zncn|arin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
MLRCANTILL CMIANILS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Mcrcnan| Pricing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Pcrfcc|cnc Mcrcan|i|c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
O|ncr Traing Ccnpanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
ILRSNALITILS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Anpnai| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
8argcurign| |nn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Ca||ing Hcrns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Ccnqocrrq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
|tcr|un . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Griffcns Ncs| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Grunua| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3
Knc|c|| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3
|cngsa|c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4
|us|an . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Miraoar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Mcrnorqns Snic| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Ncsnc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Nctcruin|cr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Pcr| ||as| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Rc |arcn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Scccnocr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Si|tcrqnccn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6
Tnc Tcn Tcuns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 7
Tnuncr|rcc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Triocar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
lcs|origc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Xan|nar|s Kccp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Yar|ar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
MAGIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8O
NLW MACICAL ITLMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8O
Cnara|qn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8O
|ircpc| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8O
]cuc|s cf Nctcruin|cr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Nc|ncr Scrc||s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1
Spc||oa|||c Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
S|crn S|ar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Tcnc cf Tuc|tc Sca|s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
I 1ncOc1c
epending upon vhere youre al, you hear a differenl version of exaclIy vhere lhe
Savage Ironlier legins and vhere il ends. Walerdeep considers everylhing easl and
norlh of lhe cily vaIIs lhe Norlh. To SiIverynoon, lhe Norlh legins al lheir norlh-
ern vaIIs. The nerchanls of CaIinporl leIieve everylhing norlh of Telhyr is lhe
Barlaric Norlh. Bul ly nosl definilions, lhe Savage Norlhs soulhern lorder is a
Iine slrelching fron lhe coasl lhrough Daggerford and lhe Ruins of Dekanler lo Anauroch. This
areas norlhern lorder is lhe Spine of lhe WorId and leyond.
The Norlh allracls advenlurers and sellIers. Advenlurers deIve inlo lhe cavernous vreckage of
dvarven and drov slronghoIds and expIore nyslerious ruins of ancienl cuIlures, vhiIe sellIers Iook
for nev and unlaned Iands~unlranpIed ly hunan foolsleps~lo eke oul an exislence unfellered
ly Iavs, laxes, and lhe prying eyes and gossipy noulhs of nosy neighlors. Wherever in Iaern a
lraveIer roans, each area knovs lhe Norlh ly a differenl nane, and lhese nanes are used inler-
changealIy lhroughoul lhis lexl. The lerns are: lhe Barlaric or Barlarian Norlh, lhe Barlaric
Lands, lhe Ironlier, lhe Norlh, lhe Norlhern Barlarian Terrilory, lhe Savage Ironlier, lhe Savage
Coasl Norlh, lhe Savage Norlh, and lhe WiIdIands.
UsImg 1hIs Book
6 6
hese lookIels are inlended lo le read ly DMs onIy, since nuch of lhis naleriaI vouId nol le
knovn lo pIayers and lheir ICs. Read lhe conlenls in ils enlirely lefore running a can-
paign: Il descriles najor fealures of lhe Norlh, delaiIs ils hislory, and is riddIed vilh pIol ideas. In
lelveen, il Iooks al geography, cIinale, crealures, peopIes, reIigions, poIilics, areas of nyslery, and
personaIilies. This look onIy scralches lhe surface of advenlure opporlunilies. The resl is Iefl lo
lhe nosl polenl force in lhe Norlh: lhe DMs inaginalion.
9 9
hen lhe average person lhinks of lhe Norlh, lhey lhink of a rugged Iand of jagged, snov-
capped peaks, endIess aIpine foresls, IavIessness, and nonslers, vilh rich nines scallered
over a Iol of unlaned viIderness. Before deIving inlo lhis huge area in any deplh, Iels legin vilh
an overviev.
Beginning in lhe norlhvesl corner, ve find liny, frigid viIIages cIinging desperaleIy lo lhe
coaslIine. Icevind DaIe and ils neighlors of Iireshear, Ironnasler, and HundeIslone endure le-
yond lhe capacily for soulhern foIk lo inagine. In vinler, lhese connunilies are lalhed in 88 days
of perpeluaI darkness, lheir reIief cones nid-spring vhen lhe sun peaks alove lhe horizon and
lrighlens lhe sky, lringing cherished varnlh and sunshine. nIy during lhe sunner nonlhs can
lhe residenls of lhese viIIages see, farlher lo lhe vesl across lhe Creal Ice Sea, lhe Ice Ieak, vhere
a snaII fishing viIIage of lhick-skinned hunans Iive. These rugged peopIe are knovn for lhe prey
lhey hunl every year: lhe huge lIue vhaIes. These leasls pass lhrough lhe slrail, and lhey give
chase in kayaks.
Lasl and norlh of Icevind DaIe is lhe LndIess Ice Sea, a lrackIess and desoIale Iandscape ruIed
ly gIaciers, renorhaz, orcs, and golIins. This lorlured Iand is visiled onIy ly crazed hunan adven-
lurers Iooking for Iegendary siles of pover and nagic. Lasl of HundeIslone, vhere lhe IcefIov
pIunges lo lhe sea, lhe Spine of lhe Norlh~lhe laIIesl peaks in Iaern~sland Iike senlineIs, pro-
lecling nuch of lhe Ironlier fron lhe unlearalIe chiII of lhe far norlh. This Iine of nounlains
slrelches fron lhe Sea of Moving Ice aInosl lo Anauroch. To lhe soulh are lhe lenperale hard-
vood foresls of lhe High Ioresl, Lurkvood, Moonvood, and Nevervinler Woods. Moors~lhe
Lvernoors and High Moor~dol lhe Iandscape Iike scallered ink upon parchnenl.
AIong lhe Svord Coasl, one finds lhe slrongesl eIenenls of civiIizalion. Here, lhe greal lrade
lovns of LeiIon, Luskan, Nevervinler, Iorl LIasl, and Walerdeep keep lhe area fron faIIing inlo
conpIele chaos. The cenlraI porlion of lhe norlhern Svord Coasl is underIain ly severaI cavern
syslens, lhe LndIess Caverns of lhe High Ioresl, lhe Underground River syslen of lhe High Moor
(accessed fron Dragonspear CaslIe far lo lhe soulh), and lhe caverns under Mounl Walerdeep
lhal dvarves expanded inlo Undernounlain.
As in lhe Weslern HearlIands, lhe region is dolled vilh
snaII hoIds, vaIIed cilies, and liny sellIenenls of relired ad-
venlurers and pelly Iords. Sone, Iike Loudvaler and LeiIon,
have grovn inlo fuII-fIedged cilies. lhers, Iike lhe HeraIds
HoIdfasl and lhe LoneIy Tover, have perished, Ieaving ghoslIy
reninders of hunankinds passage, nalures crueIly, or lhe
Iands savagery. The nosl oulslanding fealure of lhe area, hov-
ever, is nol naluraI, lul arlificiaI: lhe greal porl cily of Waler-
deep, ly far lhe nosl inporlanl cily in lhe Norlh. Indeed,
even lhough Walerdeeps popuIalion is snaIIer lhan lhal of lhe
greal soulhern cilies, lhe }eveI of lhe Norlh is considered
lhe nosl infIuenliaI in aII lhe veslern reaIns.
AIlhough sellIed for cenluries, lhe Norlh sliII has viId areas.
The Spine of lhe WorId is nined ly hunans and dvarves al
Miralar and ly dvarves farlher easl, lul nunerous golIin hoIds
renain. lher hiIIy areas aIso provide Iairs, nolalIy Crags, Cray-
peak, and lhe Nelher Range. SeveraI foresled areas lIankel lhe
region~nosl are unexpIored. The norlhern porlion of lhe coasl
is lesl characlerized ly ils rich nounlains and eviI crealures.
The Norlh renains a Iand of riches: unequaIed nineraI
veaIlh and seeningIy endIess slands of high-quaIily linler nol
found eIsevhere in Iaern. Cane is pIenlifuI, and lhe Iand is
leaulifuI. Be varned: Dangers Iurking, and for lhe nosl parl,
lhe Iav of lhe Norlh is vrillen ly lhe sleeI edge of a good lIade.
6 6
o soulhern preconceplions, lhe norlh neans endIess vin-
ler~nonlhs of lIizzards, ice slorns, and frigid vealher.
IorlunaleIy for lhe hardy norlhern foIk, lhis isnl aIvays lrue.
Theres no singIe lype of cIinale or vealher pallern. Beyond lhe
Spine of lhe WorId, arclic condilions prevaiI. Iron lhe Spine lo
Walerdeep, sularclic vealher is found. The coaslaI areas as far
norlh as Iorl LIasl are lenperale cIinales, due lo lhe varn ocean
currenls running aIong lhe coasl. The isIands faII inlo lhe sularc-
lic cIinale, even dislanl Tuern receives lhe vaning varnlh of
lhe coaslaI currenl. TalIe 1 on lhe inside fronl cover delaiIs lhe
average lenperalures ly nonlh and region for lhe WiIdIands.
Anc1Ic CLIma1e
Arclic cIinale condilions doninale Icevind DaIe and lhe
Sea of LndIess Ice, lringing lillerIy coId vinlers vilh Iovs of
-4O I and highs rareIy exceeding 3O I. Sunner lrings
varn days of 7O I or nore, lul vilh Iovs lhal can drop lo
11-19 I. Sliff lreezes off lhe TrackIess Sea creale liller
vind chiIIs ly as nuch as 1O-2O I. Winler snovfaII is heavy
enough lo regenerale lhe gIacier nass doninaling lhe Uller
Norlh. This lransIales lo aloul 2O-5O inches of snov accu-
nuIalion each vinler, lul no nore lhan a fev inches each
snovfaII. The resl of lhe year, drier vealher prevaiIs.
5ubanc1Ic CLIma1e
The najorily of lhe Norlh, incIuding lhe isIands and lhe Spine
of lhe WorId, faII in a sularclic cIine. Long, liller vinlers lyp-
icaIIy Iasl fron nid Marpenolh lo Iale Tarsakh, vilh lenpera-
lures dropping lo -3O I and rareIy cIinling pasl 4O I. Win-
lers are punclualed ly deslruclive slorns hovIing off lhe vesl-
en ocean, dunping nixed snov and rain on lhe coaslIine and
heavy snov across lhe nounlains and nidIands. Irequenl lIiz-
zards lIankel lhe Iand in snov drifls (oflen 1O feel deep) lhal
isoIale connunilies fron one anolher. In lhe nounlains, len-
peralures approach arclic iciness, vhiIe lhe foresls shrug off lhe
vorsl effecls of vinler (sone voods, Iike Nevervinler Wood
and lhe soulhern High Ioresl, never feeI vinler al aII). Rivers
freeze over~vilh ice lhick enough lo supporl vagons and
drafl leans~lelveen Uklar and earIy Ches.
Sunners in lhe Norlh are shorl, lul lenperalures cIinl lo
8O I, vhich~aIong vilh high hunidily and varn lreezes fron
lhe soulhern seas~keeps il varn enough for nosl anyone (if nol
unconforlalIe al lines). Irecipilalion nornaIIy lakes lhe forn of
rain, lul haiI, sIeel, and snov are connon. Sunner is lhe line
for vizard vealher, vhen unprediclalIe~even nagicaI~
vealher pallerns occur in lhe vicinily of lhe High Ioresl.
The cIoud cover over lhe Norlh seens elernaI and unlroken.
IarliaIIy sunny days are connon, lul a day vilhoul cIouds in lhe
Norlh is difficuIl lo conceive and usuaIIy vorlh noling.
Tempena1e CLIma1e
True lenperale cIinale legins soulh of Walerdeep, yel lhe
coasl lelveen lhe Cily of SpIendors and Iorl LIasl slays
varner and veller lhroughoul lhe year lhan inIand regions.
Soulherners are surprised lo find niId vealher so far norlh,
lul lhe coasl aIso lears lhe lrunl of fierce slorns lhal shriek
oul fron lhe sea. Winlers are varner on average, lul lhe
coasl is oflen suljecled lo danp, lone-chiIIing coId far vorse
lhan lhal feIl farlher inIand. Sunners are varner here, vilh
lenperalures reaching 1OO I or higher, lul are reIieved ly
nearIy conslanl sea lreezes. As vilh lhe inIand areas, lhe skies
over lhe coasl are oflen cIoudy. This slrelch of coasl usuaIIy
receives sone precipilalion every day, usuaIIy as rain (or sIeel
in vinler). Thick fog is a lradenark of lhe coaslaI porls and
nakes hugging lhe shore a deadIy proposilion near lhe liny,
rocky isIands norlh of Walerdeep.
ImLamo CLIma1es
Though lhey faII in lhe scope of sularclic cIinale, lhe Ice Ieak
has a differenl lype of cIinale lhan on lhe nainIand. Like lhe
Moonshaes, il Iives al lhe nercy of lhe slorny seas. Yel unIike
lhose soulhern isIands, lhe Ice Ieak feeIs vinlers lile eighl
nonlhs oul lhe year. When nol Iocked in ice~oflen a niIe
vide ly AIlruriak~ils shrouded in dense fog. The slorns Iash-
ing lhe isIand are far harsher lhan lhose on lhe nainIand, and
nosl sellIenenls are viseIy luiIl on lhe isIands Iee sides, avay
fron AuriIs lrealh as lhe isIanders caII lhe liller norlhvesl-
ern vinds. IsIand sunners are cooI, lhough lhe soulhern
shoreIine oflen lakes in lhe sunner heal.
) )
dvenluring in lhe Norlh vouId le a sinpIe naller if aII
one had lo vorry aloul vere lhe denizens of sone ancienl
crypl. f course, ils anolher naller enlireIy vhen an advenlur-
ing conpany arrives al sone Iong-Iosl lonl exhausled and run-
dovn fron sone criller lhey happened lo neel aIong lhe vay.
WhiIe lraveIing in lhe Barlarian Norlh, advenlurers shouId aI-
vays le vorried aloul nonslers allacking lhen. Afler aII, in lhe
Savage Ironlier, lhe hunler can easiIy lecone lhe hunled. Refer
lo lhe lack of lhe posler nap for a Iisl of possilIe encounlers.
The viIds are a hunlers paradise. Mundane crealures of aII de-
scriplions and sizes usuaIIy escape an advenlurers nolice, yel
lhey are vilaIIy inporlanl lo rangers, druids, larlarians, and
olhers vho Iive off lhe Iand. Majeslic eIk vander lhe foresls,
hiIIs, and fens, as do deer and noose. Huge herds of shaggun
(shaggy lovines, use luffaIo slalislics) range lhe cenlraI pIains
and hiIIs, oflen conpeling vilh lhe Iess aggressive doneslic cal-
lIe herds for paslure vhiIe al lhe sane line providing lolh food
and lesls of courage for lhe Ulhgardl. In lhe far norlh, reindeer
lraveI in lhundering herds (oflen foIIoved ly lundra lriles),
vhiIe lhe vhile-coaled nounlain ran connands lhe Iofly
peaks. Huge~sonelines deadIy~viId loars Iurk in lhe foresls,
lheyre fine ealing, lul oflen al lhe sleep price of nens Iives.
SnaII aninaIs alound everyvhere: rallils, squirreIs, red
foxes, nice, lals, valer rals, prairie dogs, leavers, veaseIs, and
ernines. Connon lird Iife incIudes gane lirds Iike lhe pheas-
anl, grouse, quaiI, duck, and geese, and song lirds are presenl
in aII shapes, coIors, and sizes.
Iish is lhe slapIe of nany lovns. The succuIenl shaIass~
found prinariIy in lhe Dessarin nelvork~is a lrovn, lroul-
Iike denizen of lhe DeIinliyr and Unicorn Run. Lach spring,
saInon run up lhe Mirar, Nevervinler, and Dessarin lo spavn.
AIong lhe coasl and lhe isIands, seaIs and sea Iions pIay and
lreed anong lhe rocks, as do sea ollers and doIphins. Though
lheir lreeding grounds are farlher soulh, vhaIes are a connon
sighl in lhe ocean.
IinaIIy, lhere are lhe predalors. The nounlains are hone lo
lhe agiIe red liger, or snov cal. WoIves are aInosl everyvhere,
and lears are connon in foresled or nounlain areas, vhiIe
vhile poIar lears slaIk lhe Uller Norlh. Iierce sharks and
kinder kiIIer vhaIes palroI lhe seas. The Norlh is aIso hone lo
nany unusuaI leasls as veII, leller knovn as nonslers.
HI s1on
n a line vhen lhe Norlh vas aIvays varn and lhe seas of lhe vorId vere deeper, lhe
Iands of ToriI vere doninaled ly enpires of inhunan peopIes. In lhe eIven oraI lra-
dilion, lhese vere lhe days vhen crueI Iizard, anphilian, and avian peopIes (knovn
as lhe IquarTeIQuessir, or crealor races) laned lhe dinosaurs, luiIl lovering cilies of
slone and gIass on lhe shores of lhe varn seas, spanned lhe viIderness vilh shining
roads, and foughl vars of exlerninalion~such vas lheir halred lovard each olher. These vere lhe
Days of Thunder.
Magic in lhose days vas nore rav and polenl. These ancienl peopIes experinenled endIessIy
vilh nagic nore poverfuI lhan loday. Mages hurIed devaslaling loIls of seeningIy godIike pover,
IeveIing arnies and nounlains. Like gods, lhey pIayed al crealing Iife, vryIy choosing lo reIease lheir
nonslrous nislakes ralher lhan deslroy lhen. The vizards vho crealed lhis nev Iife considered lheir
crealions unnaluraI horrors, unIike anylhing lhal vaIked lhe Iand. Mosl died in lhe crueI jungIes, yel
nany Iived and~as lhoughl avakened in lhen~lhey hid fron lheir crealors. When lhe end cane
al Iasl, il vas lhey~nol lhe surviving crealors~vho seized conlroI of lhe suddenIy coIder reaIns.
And so il vas lhal lhe firsl of lhe eIves, lhe dragons, lhe golIin races, and an endIess Iisl of crealures
of a nev age look possession of lheir herilage. Their crealors~lhe anceslors of lhe Iizardnen, luIIy-
vugs, and aarakocra~decIined inlo endIess larlarisn, never lo rise again.
Sages specuIale aloul lhe overnighl deslruclion of lhe crealor races. There are viIdIy diverg-
ing lheories, lul aII agree lhal a rapid cIinale change occurred, crealing a vorId unsuilalIe lo
lhen. Many leIieve lhe change resuIled fron a calacIysn lhe races unIeashed upon lhenseIves.
Iroponenls of lhis lheory poinl lo lhe Slar Mounls in lhe High Ioresl, vhose origins are nosl
IikeIy nagicaI and olhervorIdIy. The eIves leIieve lhal around lhis line lhe grealer and Iesser
povers nanifesled lhenseIves, aiding lhe nev races and confounding lhe survivors of lhe crealor
races. There vas civiIizalion in lhe Norlh during lhis line period, yel IillIe nore lhan lanlaIiz-
ingIy vague nylhs survive.
The FIns1 FLouenImg
. .
or niIIennia, goId eIves dveIl in IIIefarn (vhere Walerdeep nov slands) and LaerIann
(aIong lhe River Shining). Iron lheir ornale foresl cilies, lhey lraded vilh energing hunan
nalions Iike NelheriI and IIIusk and repuIsed lhe allacks of lhe golIin races.
MeanvhiIe, dvarven cIans uniled as lhe nalion of DeIzoun, naned for lhe dvarf vho forged lhe
union. The nalion, exisling prinariIy underground, exlended fron lhe Ice Mounlains lo lhe Nelher
Mounlains. SiIver Moon Iass vas ils veslern lorder and lhe Narrov Sea ils easlern shore. rcs cane
fron norlh of lhe Spine of lhe WorId lul vere lurned lack in greal sIaughler ly lhe eIves. To lhis
day, lhis is lhe honeIand and slronghoId for orcs and siniIar races.
The Cnoum Vans
0 0
norlhern isIands. LIves engaged in an unceasing var againsl each olher vilh lhe hunans and orcs
laking over lhe resuIling ruins. Ierhaps lhe grealesl caIanily lo lefaII lhe Iair IoIk vas lhe Dark
Disasler, a kiIIing nagic lhal look lhe forn of a dark, lurning cIoud. Il enshrouded lhe kingdon of
Mieyrilar, and vhen il faded avay sone nonlhs Ialer, nol an eIf Iived~nor vere lrees Iefl, onIy an
open, lIasled noor: lhe High Moor.
unans innigraled in lands fron lhe Shining Sea and up lo lhe Svord Coasl. They lecane
seafarers, slriking oul across lhe vaves lo lhe Moonshaes, Minlarn, Rualhyn, and lhe
AII vas nol dark for lhe eIves. AIlhough in relreal, as larlarian hunans and orc hordes grev in
slrenglh, lheir pover rose in Lvereska (renaining a slronghoId loday) and in lhe LIven Courl.
They conceived of cooperalion lelveen dvarves, kindIy hunans, and olher eIves for nuluaI sur-
vivaI againsl orcs, narauding hunans, and lhe lide of leasls (ogres, luglears, lroIIs, golIins,
gnoIIs, and olher nonhunan crealures) Ied ly lhe rising pover of gianls. AslonishingIy, in al Ieasl
lhree pIaces~lhe IaIIen Kingdons and lhe cilies of SiIverynoon and Mylh Drannor~lhey suc-
ceeded vilh shining grace.
To lhe easl, on lhe sandy shores of lhe caIn and shining
Narrov Sea, hunan fishing viIIages grev inlo snaII lovns and
lhen joined logelher as lhe nalion of NelheriI. Sages leIieve
lhe fishing lovns vere unified ly a poverfuI hunan vizard vho
had discovered a look of greal nagic pover lhal had survived
fron lhe Days of Thunder~a look lhal Iegend caIIs lhe Nc|ncr
Scrc||s. Under lhis naneIess vizard and lhose vho foIIoved,
NelheriI rose in pover and gIory, leconing lolh lhe firsl
hunan Iand in lhe Norlh and lhe nosl poverfuI. Sone say lhis
discovery narked lhe lirlh of hunan vizardry, since lefore
lhen, nankind had onIy shanans and vilch doclors. Ior over
3,OOO years NelheriI doninaled lhe Norlh, lul even ils Ieg-
endary vizards vere unalIe lo slop lheir finaI doon.
The ELoem Eoous
6 6
his era Iefl lehind eIven slronghoIds ripe for piIIaging ly
hunans and orcs. When eIves chose lo Ieave lhe Norlh
and lraveI lo Lverneel, lheir vorks quickIy disappeared, Ieav-
ing onIy pIaces Iike lhe Id Road and a ruined porl in lhe
High Ioresl lo nark LaerIanns passing. And yel il vas nol
onIy lhe eIves vho vouId disappear fron lheir Iong-heId
hones. The hunan nalion of NelheriI aIso slood on lhe lrink
of hislory.
Doon for NelheriI cane in lhe forn of a deserl, devouring
lhe Narrov Sea and spreading lo fiII ils lanks vilh dry dusl and
lIoving sand. Legend slales vhen lhe greal vizards of NelheriI
reaIized lheir Iand vas Iosl, lhey alandoned il and lheir coun-
lrynen, fIeeing lo aII corners of lhe vorId and laking lhe se-
crels of vizardry vilh lhen. More IikeIy, lhis vas a sIov nigra-
lion lhal legan 3,OOO years ago and reached ils concIusion
1,5OO years Ialer.
Whalever lhe lrulh, vizards no Ionger dveIIed in NelheriI.
To lhe norlh, lhe once-najeslic dvarven slronghoId of DeI-
zoun feII upon hard days. Then lhe orcs slruck. rcs have aI-
vays leen foes in lhe Norlh, surging oul of lheir hoIes every
fev lens of generalions vhen lheir nornaI haunls can no
Ionger supporl lheir lurgeoning nunlers. This line lhey
charged oul of lheir caverns in lhe Spine of lhe WorId, poured
oul of alandoned nines in lhe Craypeaks, screaned oul of Iosl
dvarfhoIds in lhe Ice Mounlains, raged forlh fron crypl con-
pIexes in lhe Nelher Mounlains, and slorned upvard fron lhe
loveIs of lhe High Moon Mounlains. Never lefore or since
has lhere leen such an oulpouring of orcs.
DeIzoun crunlIed lefore lhis onsIaughl and vas driven in
on ilseIf. NelheriI, vilhoul ils vizards, vas viped fron lhe face
of hislory. The LaerIann eIves aIone vilhslood lhe onsIaughl,
and vilh lhe aid of lhe lreanls of TurIang and olher unnaned
aIIies, vere alIe lo slave off lhe finaI days of lheir Iand for yel a
fev cenluries nore.
In lhe easl, LaerIann luiIl lhe forlress of AscaIhorn and
lurned il over lo refugees fron NelheriI as Nelherese foIIovers
luiIl lhe lovn of Karse in lhe High Ioresl. The fIeeing
Nelherese founded LIorkh and Loudvaler. lhers vandered
lhe nounlains, hiIIs, and noors norlh and vesl of lhe High
Ioresl, leconing anceslors of lhe Ulhgardl and founders of
SiIverynoon, LverIund, and Sundalar.
The 5pneao o[
6 6
lreaking (for a line) lhe pover of gianls and orcs. Walerdeep
vas founded. The Iasl of lhe pure lIood eIves died oul, a resuIl
of conlinued narriages vilh hunans.
he adaplalIe hunans nade use of nagic lhey couId seize
or Iearn fron lhe Iroud IeopIes lo defeal aII enenies,
In lhe far vesl, nen aIso dveIIed~vise, cIever prinilives
caIIed lhe Ice Hunlers. They Iived sinpIe Iives on lhe coasl
since line leyond reckoning, counlIess generalions lefore
NelheriIs firsl founders sel fool on lhe Narrov Seas veslern
shore. Yel lhis peacefuI foIk feII prey lo anolher invasion fron
lhe soulh: crude Iongships lhal carried a laII, fair-haired, varIike
race vho dispIaced lhe Ice Hunlers fron lheir anceslraI Iands.
This race, knovn as lhe Norlhnen, spread farns and viI-
Iages aIong lhe coasl fron lhe lanks of lhe Winding Waler lo
lhe gorges of lhe Mirar. Norlhnen varriors drove lhe sinpIe
Ice Hunlers farlher and farlher norlh, forced lhe golIinkin
lack inlo lheir nounlain haunls, and insligaled lhe Iasl Coun-
ciI of IIIefarn. Wilhin 5OO years of lhe Norlhnens arrivaI, IIIe-
farn vas no nore~ils residenls had nigraled lo Lverneel.
Iron lhe Coasl, Norlhnen saiIed veslvard, cIaining and es-
lalIishing coIonies on lhe najor veslern isIands of Rualhyn and
CundarIun, evenluaIIy spreading lo aII lhe isIands in lhe norlh-
ern sea. lhers nigraled norlhvard, pasl lhe Spine of lhe
WorId, and lecane lhe lruIy savage larlarians of Icevind DaIe.
In lhe cenluries lhal foIIoved, AscaIhorn lecane HeIIgale
Keep vhen il feII inlo lhe hands of fiends, and LaerIann coIIapsed
under lhe allack of a nev orc horde. The eIves fIed soulheasl,
joining vilh Norlhnen, Nelherese descendanls, and dvarves lo
forn vhal vouId Ialer le knovn as lhe IaIIen Kingdon. This
reaIn vas shorl-Iived and coIIapsed under lhe nexl orcish inva-
sion~lhough in dying, il deaIl lhe golIin races a lIov fron
vhich lhey have yel lo recover.
- 1O88
Iirsl record of lrading al lhe fulure sile of Walerdeep,
annuaI lrade legins lelveen ships fron lhe soulhern
and norlhern hunan lriles.
The Slanding Slone is erecled, DaIereckoning legins.
Ieace agreenenls are nade in Iaern, lhe inporlance
of ShieIdneel dales fron lhis year.
AInosl no groving season, nany ice slorns, and greal
Ioss of Iife.
Iirsl pernanenl farns in Walerdeep area.
IIague racks lhe civiIized Iands.
Crealion of Norlhkeep.
Norlhkeep sinks lenealh lhe vaves.
Monslers run viId in aII lhe ReaIns lhis year.
The gods galher al The Dancing IIace, lhe Harpers
are founded.
Ninoars HoId is erecled al Walerdeeps lay.
War lhrealens nuch of Iaern lul is averled.
Widespread var, slrong Ieaders energe.
Iirsl TroIIvar. Afler a nunler of allacks, Ninoars forces
cIear lhe Lvernoors of lroIIs, lurning niIes of Iand lo
sIay lhe everIasling ones.
The NIgh1 o[ Nem 952
) )
Iong lhe coasl, in vhal vas once lhe eIven connunily of
IIIefarn, hunanily vas once again rising in pover. Mer-
chanls fron lhe soulh, lrilesnen fron lhe Norlh, and seafarers
fron veslern isIands had crealed a viIIage around a lrading posl
on a deep-valer harlor, firsl knovn as Ninoars HoId afler lhe
Ulhgardl chieflain vhose lrile seized and forlified lhe ran-
shackIe viIIage. Ninoar and his successors, knovn as War Lords,
Ied lhe nen of Walerdeep (as il had lecone knovn lo ship cap-
lains) in a sIovIy Iosing lallIe againsl lhe lroIIs. In a finaI, cIi-
naclic lallIe, lhe lroIIs lreached lhe aging paIisade and aII
seened Iosl~unliI lhe nagic of Ahghairon of SiIverynoon
lurned Iuck againsl lhe lroIIs, deslroying and scallering lhen.
Ahghairon, heir lo lhe herilage and Iearning of NelheriI,
slayed in Walerdeep, and in his 112lh year he again saved lhe
cily~lhis line fron ilseIf. In so doing, he crealed lhe Lords of
Walerdeep. The cily grev inlo lhe grealesl in lhe Norlh, possi-
lIy in aII Iaern. Wilh Walerdeep as a firn anchor, civiIizalion
forged cauliousIy inlo lhe viIderness. IIIuskan (nov Luskan)
vas laken fron lhe orcs. Loudvaler, LIorkh, Triloar, Longsad-
dIe, Seconler, and olher lovns vere sellIed ly pioneers fron
Walerdeep, sponsored ly Walerdhavian nerchanl faniIies.
Though ils leen cenluries since lhe Iasl orc invasion,
lheres sliII conslanl slrife. Barlarians harass nerchanls, lrav-
eIers, and lovns, lhe seas fiII vilh Norlhnen pirales, and vars
have narred lhe Iand in recenl years. Luskan, nov a fierce
nerchanl cily knovn lo harlor~and supporl~pirales, vaged
a var vilh lhe isIand reaIn of Rualhyn over an acl of piracy
againsl one of lhe fev Iegilinale Luskan nerchanl ships. The
var raged for nearIy a year, vilh Rualhyn sIovIy Iosing ground.
When il appeared Luskan vouId finaIIy vin lhe navaI var and
Iand on lhe isIand ilseIf, lhe Lords AIIiance enlered lhe fray.
They lhrealened var againsl Luskan if lhe skirnishes didnl
slop innedialeIy. UnalIe lo fighl a lvo-fronl var efficienlIy,
Luskan canceIed ils invasion pIans.
Tensions lelveen Luskan and Rualhyn are sliII high, and
lheir ships are oflen seen laking polshols al each olher as lhey
pass, oflen jusl a vave or lvo avay fron each olher. The govern-
nenl of Rualhyn has recenlIy leen sending advenlurers inlo lhe
hiIIs of ils isIand reaIn, Iooking for nercenaries vho are kiIIing
nerchanls, farners, and voodsnen. Rualhyn leIieves Luskan
sliII has a presence on lhe isIand, lrying lo vin lhrough sulver-
sion and lerrorisn vhal il couId nol acconpIish lhrough var.
To lhe far norlh, lhe Ten Tovns have finished reluiIding
afler leing nearIy deslroyed ly lhe nonslrous forces of Akar
KesseI. Wilh heIp fron lhe lundra larlarians Iiving nearly,
lheyve luiIl and repaired lheir cilies, repIanled lhe sparse fo-
Iiage, and~nosl inporlanlIy~repIenished lhe noraIe of lheir
cilizens. A recenl lrader vho passed lhrough lhe area carrying
17 vagons of rare oak Iunler said lhal il vas nearIy inpossilIe
lo delernine vhos a larlarian and vho isnl. Theyre Iiving
logelher! he reporled in anazenenl.
DR HappcnIngs
94O Second TroIIvar. TroII raids and slrife legin, Iasling
nore lhan a decade. The nane Walerdeep cones
inlo connon usage. Six War Lords of Walerdeep die
in lallIe againsl lhe lroIIs. Walerdeep grovs in popu-
Ialion, as lriles galher vilhin her vaIIs for safely.
Ahghairon lecones prenier norlhern nage and lhe
advisor for lhe War Lord of Walerdeep. This year
narks lhe end of lhe Second TroIIvar, lroIIs renain
nearIy exlincl around Walerdeep for 1OO years.
CaslIe Walerdeep luiIl.
HeraIds of Iaern crealed.
RaurIor announces his pIans lo eslalIish lhe Lnpire
of lhe Norlh. Ahghairon defies hin, causes his
dealh, and lakes lhe War Lords seal, decIaring hin-
seIf lhe firsl Lord of Walerdeep. Year zero in
Trade roules are eslalIished, Iinking lhe HearlIands
vilh rich, Iegendary Iands far lo lhe easl and soulh
(Kara-Tur and aI-Qadin). These roules, in sone cases,
are Ialer forgollen for a line.
HeraIds spIil off fron lhe Harpers.
IIague ravages lhroughoul lhe Svord Coasl.
Harpslars Wars legin, lhe MaIaugryn appear in
Harpslars Wars end vilh lhe deslruclion of The
Harper King (a Iich).
The Iargesl orc horde ever sveeps fron lhe norlh,
nany Iands overrun. The orcs reach CaIinshan le-
fore lheyre scallered ly hasliIy galhered vizards
and IocaI arnies. Walerdeep lesieged, CaIinshan
A respecled nolIevonan of Telhyr is sIain ly raiding
orcs, nany dedicale a year of orc-sIaying lo her nen-
ory. rcs are purged fron sone soulhern Iands and re-
duced lo paIlry nunlers in lhe Norlh.
The nov-Iosl hunan forlress of IIIusk heId off an orc
horde for nosl of lhis year lul evenluaIIy feII.
CuiIds are forned in Walerdeep.
Vines vere lIighled lhis year, no vine!
Rising pover of lhieves guiIds in Walerdeep, BaIdurs
Cale, Ann, and Telhyr resuIls in nany assassinalions.
CuiId Wars in Walerdeep.
Magislers founded. Walerdeeps popuIalion reaches
Iirsl recorded nenlion of Drizzl DoUrden.
Thieves CuiId deslroyed in Walerdeep.
KheIlen BIackslaff Arunsun is lorn.
Lheslyn lecones lhe pen Lord of Walerdeep, IaIace
of Walerdeep conpIeled.
Iiergeiron lecones lhe Unnasked Lord of Waler-
Monsler popuIalion reaches a 5O-year high.
A year of unrivaIed pIenly, lhe aIe lreved lhis year is
1345 }yordhan sIain ly KheIlen Arunsun of Walerdeep.
TIme o[ TnoubLes
6 6
his era is lhe shorlesl of aII lhe eras, yel slands as lhe
nosl earlh-shallering. Ao lhrev lhe gods fron lheir
Iofly perches lo punish lhen for lransgressions againsl ToriI.
Cods vere nurdered and repIaced, chaos reigned suprene, and
conlinenls shuddered under divine foolsleps.
DR HappcnIngs
1358 Tine of TroulIes legin and lhe gods vaIk Iaern, De-
slruclion of Bane, BhaaI, MyrkuI, and olher gods, As-
cendancy of Cyric and Midnighl/Myslra, Dead nagic
and viId nagic areas appear on Iaern.
136O Khahan invades Iaern, Crusade legins, and Azoun
IV kiIIs Khahan.
1363 Way Inn is deslroyed ly hordes fron Dragonspear,
BallIe of Daggerford.
1364 The Way Inn is reluiIl. A green dragon and an appar-
enlIy nad lard disrupl lhe ShieIdneel cerenonies al
lhe IieId of Triunph, nearIy upselling lhe Lords RuIe.
1365 Trade is eslalIished lelveen Walerdeep and lhe Iands of
Zakhara and Mazlica ly lhe prieslhood of HeIn and
nolIe faniIies. Iiergeiron allends lhe coronalion of
Queen AIicia of lhe Moonshaes.
Recem1 HIs1on
1 1
n lhe vaning sunner nonlhs of 1367, an innense orc
horde descended fron lhe Spine of lhe WorId, inlenl on
vinding ils vay soulh inlo lhe lrade Iands of lhe Norlh. This
force of orcs, Ied ly King Creneire, surged ils vay soulh le-
lveen lhe Moonvood and lhe CoId Wood, slopping jusl oul-
side lhe CiladeI of Many Arrovs.
King louId, orc ruIer of lhe CiladeI of Many Arrovs,
vas lerrified al lhe prospecl of anolher orc horde, despile lhe
facl lhal he knev lhey shouId le vorking logelher againsl
lhe hunans of lhe Norlh and lhe spavn of HeIIgale Keep.
His lrilaI shanans, hovever, had leen predicling a lreacher-
ous faII of lhe ciladeI~and lheyd loId lhe king lhal hed le
disposed ly olher orcs.
Thus, il vas a dark day vhen King Creneire and his horde of
15O,OOO orcs appeared on lhe pIains oulside lhe CiladeI of Many
Arrovs. King louId announced lo his foIIovers lhal lhis horde
had leen senl lo disIodge lhen fron lheir hone and send lhen
oul lo le scavengers anong lhe pIains. He voved lhal, as Cru-
unsh as his vilness, lhe CiladeI of Many Arrovs vouId sIaugh-
ler lhese lreacherous orcs Iike eIves during a feslivaI.
Ior four nonlhs, lhe 4O,OOO orcs vilhin lhe ciladeI heId lheir
ground. AssauIl afler assauIl vas nounled againsl lhe high vaIIs
of lhe garrison, lul lhe allacking orcs vere Iosing far nore lhan
lhe defenders. SliII, lhe Iiving condilions vilhin lhe vaIIs~
never loo good lo legin vilh~crealed Iosses of lheir ovn.
The lallIe for lhe CiladeI of Many Arrovs cuIninaled dur-
ing lhe firsl veek of Uklar. As anolher Iighl lIankel of snov
soughl lo lury lhe galhered orcs, King Creneire lhrev his en-
lire renaining arny al lhe ciladeI, lursling ils gales and pilling
orc againsl orc in a fIurry of svords. As lhe lvo orc kings soughl
one anolher oul aIong lhe ranparls, lhe ciladeI legan lo lurn.
The orcs lhal survive lhe lallIe sliII speak of lhe superhu-
nan provess of lhe lvo kings as lhey lallIed one anolher le-
fore lheir lroops. IinaIIy, hovever, King louId ran Creneire
lhrough vilh his Iong svord, lul louId vas severeIy
vounded ly lhe line Creneire had lrealhed his Iasl lrealh.
The orcs erupled inlo lallIe once again, and no one is quile
cerlain vhal lecane of King louId.
Il vas lhrough lhe snoke and snov lhal lhe viclors of lhe
confIicl energed: lhe dvarves of CIan Warcrovn aIong vilh
a conlingenl of lroops fron SiIverynoon. Charging in
lhrough lhe shallered gales, lhese nev allackers quickIy
rouled lhe exhausled orcs of lhe ciladeI, sending lhen scurry-
ing off inlo lhe viIderness.
King Lnerus Warcrovn nov ruIes lhe CiladeI of Many Ar-
rovs, lhough lhe dvarves nov caII lhe cily ly ils oId nane of
IeIlarr. Mosl in lhe Norlh sliII lend lo refer lo lhe cily as lhe
CiladeI, hovever, vailing lo see if il can vilhsland lhe nexl
orc horde. King Warcrovn has pul oul a caII for aII dvarves lo
heIp defend lhe ciladeI, and nevs of a nev vein of goId and siI-
ver is spreading rapidIy lhrough dvarven connunilies.
33GS: Yean o[ 1he Bammen
As lhe dvarves sellIed in for lhe vinler in lheir recIained cily
of IeIlarr, a group of Zhenlarin-sponsored advenlurers lroke
inlo Creal Worn Cavern, sIaying LIren lhe Wise, shanan
Ieader of lhe Creal Worn lrile. As lhe lriles varriors de-
scended inlo lhe ranks of lhe eviI advenlurers, leIeporlalion
nagic spiriled al Ieasl lhree of lhose responsilIe~as veII as a
vasl anounl of lreasure sloIen fron LIren~lo safely.
According lo Thenrin, lhe lriles presenl shanan, LIren
pronised lo valch over lhe lrile in spiril nov lhal ny norlaI
forn is deslroyed. Despile lhe reassuring vords of LIren, lhe
lrile suffered lhrough an oppressive vinler lhal incIuded lolh
heavy snov, scarce gane, and Iov noraIe.
Trusled visilors lo lhe larlarian encanpnenl reporl lhal
Thenrin and Cveshen Ironhand TaIislars are vearing sone
forn of arnor nade fron lhe scaIes of LIren. This use of lheir
forner shanans lody as proleclion vas supposedIy ordained
lhrough a drean vision. The arnor appears as IillIe nore lhan
a suppIe Iealher arnor, lul seens lo defIecl lIovs and prolecl
as veII as fuII pIale naiI.
Nesn reporled a draslic rise in lhe nunler of lroII allacks
in lhe Lvernoors, and various sources confirn lhal sonelhing
is driving lhe lroIIs oul of lhe noors. Whalever is lehind lhe
lroIIs exodus is deslined lo renain a nyslery for lhe renainder
of lhe year, as advenluring parlies expend lhenseIves againsl
lhe never-ending suppIy of lroIIs lhal are fIeeing lhe log.
In lhe nosl surprising nove of lhe year, lhe BIue Bear Trile,
Ied ly lhe shanan/chieflain Tanla Hagara, narched on lhe fiend-
ridden forlress of HeIIgale Keep. WhiIe a lrief slruggIe for poIilicaI
conlroI of lhe cily vas reporled ly various sources, Tanla Hagara
energed as lhe nev ruIer of lhe cily.
33GD: Yean o[ 1he Gaum1Le1
The lunuIluous cIinale of HeIIgale Keep conlinued lo pro-
vide advenluring aclivily. A group of Harpers infiIlraled lhe
cily using cIoaking nagic and reveaIed lhal Tanla Hagara vas
acluaIIy an annis. This reveIalion did nolhing lo hanper lhe
BIue Bears respecl for lheir poverfuI chieflain hovever, and
lhe cily responded lo lhe unnasking ly allacking caravans en
roule lo Sundalar. In addilion, a fev expedilionary forces of
lanarri vere senl lo harass lhe CiladeI of lhe Misls, Sundalar,
and SiIverynoon. Tanla Hagara inforned her IoyaI lroops
lhal gales exisled in lhese cilies lhal couId aIIov olher lanarri
lo join us in lhe gIorious lallIes lo cone as ve lake conlroI of
aII of lhe Norlh!
AIuslrieI casl poverfuI nagicaI speIIs in lhe defense of SiI-
verynoon againsl lhe raiding lanarri, and lhe cily ilseIf suf-
fered no danage fron lheir allack. The Mislnasler of lhe
CiladeI of lhe Misls Iikevise aided in lhe defense of his ciladeI,
lhough reporls sliII rage aloul lhe assislance of lhe lreanls of
lhe High Ioresl.
Sundalar suffered fron HeIIgale Keeps allack, as lhe fiends
lroke lhrough lhe vaIIs and raised havoc aIong lhe cily slreels.
WhiIe advenlurers lallIed lhe fiends, HeIn Dvarfriend Ied a
Iarge conlingenl of lhe cily guard lo drive lhe renainder fron
Sundalar. SliII, lhe fiends fron HeIIgale Keep Iefl lhe cily vilh
lhe salisfaclion of knoving lhal il vas lurning in lheir vake.
Wilhin lvo days, hovever, lhe fires vere exlinguished, and
Sundalar has since reluiIl fron lhe allack.
By nid LIeasias, runors lhal TurIang, lhe poverfuI lreanl
vho resides in lhe norlhern High Ioresl, vas acliveIy defend-
ing lhe voodIands near lhe CiladeI of lhe Misls reached lhe
ears of Tanla Hagara, lhe hag-ruIer of HeIIgale Keep. Nevs
lhal TurIang vas aiding lhe Mislnasler did nol escape her no-
lice, and lhe leIief lhal lhe CiladeI of lhe Misls vas hoIding an
exlra-pIanar arlifacl onIy added lo lhe hags inleresl.
Tanla assenlIed a Iarge force consisling of nore lhan 1OO
lanarri and olher fiends as veII as 5OO nenlers of lhe BIue
Bear lrile lo raze lhe CiladeI of lhe Misls. Bul as lhe eviI forces
narched lheir vay inlo lhe High Ioresl, lhe Mislnasler pul
his ovn pIan inlo nolion.
Tvo Harper agenls, a lard naned Cryshana IiregIen and a
priesl of Myslra knovn as SpeIIviper, infiIlraled HeIIgale Keep
disguised as nenlers of lhe BIue Bear lrile. Lach carried vilh
lhen parl of an exlra-pIanar arlifacl caIIed lhe Ga|c|ccpcrs
The Ga|c|ccpcrs Crqs|a| is an arlifacl shaped Iike a lhree-
poinled slar lhal is nade of onyx and an unknovn nelaI lhal
enlvines ilseIf lhrough lhe gen. Lach poinl of lhe slar is a sep-
arale piece lhal can le conlined logelher lo creale lhe arlifacl
or separaled lo forn lhree poverfuI nagicaI ilens.
WhiIe lhe cryslaI can le used in differenl nanners, il vas
prinariIy crealed lo lring dovn vards, incIuding nylhaIs and
olher poverfuI proleclions. According lo Iegend, il vas cre-
aled ly a poverfuI Iich vho used il lo render cIerics poverIess,
slripping lhen of lheir aliIily lo lurn undead and nuIIifying
necronanlic nagic vilhin a 5O-niIe radius.
The Mislnasler had a differenl use for lhe Ga|c|ccpcrs
Crqs|a|, lul he needed voIunleers lo aid hin in pIacing lvo
shards of lhe cryslaI al precise Iocalions vilhin lhe varded cily
of HeIIgale Keep. In parlicuIar, he needed lvo peopIe vho
vouId le viIIing lo lrade lheir Iives lo exlerninale lhe fiends
of HeIIgale Keep forever. SpeIIviper and Cryshana agreed lo
lhe suicide nission.
HoIding lhe pieces of lhe cryslaI, lhe lvo Harpers vailed
for lhe Mislnasler lo aclivale lhe nagic vilh his lhird piece,
inilialing lhe nagic lhal vouId lear HeIIgale Keep asunder.
When a lIazing lean of purpIe energy iIIuninaled lhe skies
over lhe keep, no one vilhin lhe fiends slronghoId had line lo
vonder vhal vas happening.
The pover of lhe Ga|c|ccpcrs Crqs|a| forced lhe vards lo
cascade upon lhe cily, causing an inpIosion lhal shook lhe
ground for nore lhan 1OO niIes. As quickIy as lhe vards sur-
rounding HeIIgale Keep coIIapsed, lhe cryslaI reIeased lhe
nagicaI energy in an expIosion lhal IeveIed every luiIding in
lhe cily, Ieaving nolhing lul fisl-sized chunks of rocks vhere
HeIIgale Keep once slood. Nol a Iiving crealure slirred in lhe
renains, aII vas siIenl and IifeIess.
The force of lanarri fron HeIIgale Keep vas unsure vhal
had happened lul had feIl lhe lrenor vhen lhe Calekeepers
CryslaI had leen aclivaled. They vere fighling for lheir ovn
Iives, hovever, as lhe lreanls, korred, cenlaurs, salyrs, dryads,
and olher crealures of lhe High Ioresl~incIuding defenders of
lhe CiladeI of lhe Misls~lallered lhen inlo lhe noisl earlh.
ne of lhe Norlhs nosl nolalIe ruIers feII in lhe lallIe,
hovever, lul he look al Ieasl six lanarri vilh hin lo his grave.
IauraeI BIackhanner, lhe Iord proleclor of Triloar, feII aIong-
side his lroops near lhe concIusion of lhe confIicl.
Wilhin veeks afler lhe finaI lallIe vilh HeIIgale Keep, lre-
anls lIocked passage farlher norlh al lhe joining of lhe Hearl-
lIood and DeIinliyr rivers. WhiIe lhe lreanls care IillIe for
hunlers and advenlurers passing lhrough lhe area, aII caravans
seeking passage norlh lo Sundalar have leen repuIsed~and
lhis is nol a naller lhal lhe lreanls vish lo negoliale.
In anolher nishap lIaned on TurIang, Turnslone Iass vas
lIocked ly a lrenendous avaIanche. This finaI caIanily seaIed
lhe UpvaIe fron any najor force of nen. TraveI inlo lhe area
fornerIy occupied ly HeIIgale Keep is nov Iiniled lo adven-
lurers and olher lrave lraveIers.
The Mislnasler has leen queslioned repealedIy ly sone of
lhe nosl poverfuI vizards in lhe ReaIns, incIuding LIninsler
of ShadovdaIe and KheIlen Arunsun, aloul lhe currenl Ioca-
lion of lhe Ga|c|ccpcrs Crqs|a|. Mosl sources cIain lhal lhe
pieces of lhe cryslaI have leen scallered anongsl lhe pIanes
again, lul no one is cerlain.
Near Nesn, lhe source of lhe lroIIs exodus is reveaIed.
Iog and cIoud gianls have laken up residence in lhe noor, dri-
ving lhe lroIIs fron lhe gianls nev honeIand. WhiIe ils un-
knovn hov nany gianls have laken up residence in lhe High
Moor, eslinales range up lo severaI hundred. A lhick nisl con-
linuaIIy hangs in lhe air of lhe Lvernoors nov, even nore per-
sislenl and lhick lhan lhe nisl lefore lhe gianls arrivaI. Many
leIieve lhal lhese nev nisls are lhe vork of lhe cIoud gianls,
lul none can le cerlain.
AIuslrieI of SiIverynoon senl a delachnenl of guards lo in-
vesligale lhe easlern lorders of lhe noor, and lhe guards re-
lurned vilh nevs lhal a galhering of around 2O fog gianls vho
vere of good nalure and quile friendIy had laken up resi-
dence in a fornerIy lroII-infesled area.
Cuards fron neighloring Nesn vere nol so forlunale,
hovever, running inlo a cIan of vioIenl, louIder-hurIing fog
and cIoud gianls vho nearIy decinaled lheir unil. In addilion,
a group of advenlurers cravIed inlo Nesn vilh lerrilIe lurns,
reporling lhal lhey had run inlo a lIack dragon al a fog gianl
encanpnenl. veraII, il appears lhal lolh good and eviI gi-
anls nov caII lhe noor lheir hone.
337O: Yean o[ 1he Tamkano
Lven lefore spring has graced lhe Savage Norlh, reporls of lre-
anls nassing in lhe High Ioresl have reached aII of lhe norlhern
cilies. Il seens lhal aII of lhe crealures of lhe foresl have noli-
Iized lo reslore lhe High Ioresl afler lhe faII of HeIIgale Keep.
Sonelhing nusl sliII reside leIov lhe ruins of HeIIgale
Keep, hovever, for lhe Conpany of lhe }aded Hearl never
energed fron lhe deplhs leIov lhe cily. The lreanls have
since lIocked enlrance inlo lhe ruins, seaIing vhalever eviI
sliII Iurks vilhin far leIov lhe sighl of nan.
Bul lhere is olher aclivily in lhe Norlh as veII. Luskan sliII
fIirls vilh var, lenpling neighloring cilies and yel slaying jusl
leIov lhe vralh of Walerdeep. The larlarians sliII lrev in
lhe norlh, easy lo lake offense al innocenl incursions inlo
lheir sacred hoIdings. Runors of Zhenlarin agenls scouring
lhe IaIIen Lands for poverfuI nagic fron Iong-Iosl NelheriI
conlinue lo circuIale. And advenlurers sliII alound in lhe
Savage Ironlier.
DR HappcnIngs
1367 KheIlen BIackslaff Arunsun unnasks hinseIf al lhe
Lords Courl and lhen resigns. The CiladeI of Many
Arrovs faIIs lo ils ovn forces lefore leing recIained
ly lhe dvarves. The HarpeII faniIy announces lhal
lhey have conpI eled lhe lrade road lelveen
LongsaddIe and Nesn, caIIed lhe HarpeIIs LonghaII
ly nany, lhey legin hiring caravan guards lo eslal-
Iish a nore secure lrade vilh lheir neighloring cily.
1368 A slone pIaque found on Slar Mounls vilh lhe in-
scriplion: iqelaesl VhaIraelaerI renains a nyslery.
LIren is kiIIed ly Zhenlarin-sponsored advenlurers,
sone of vhon escape via leIeporlalion nagic. TroIIs
are chased fron lhe Lvernoors ly an unknovn force,
causing chaos aIong lhe lrade roads near Nesn.
1369 The BIue Bear lrile of larlarians lakes over HeIIgale
Keep and raids lhe surrounding area. The Mislnasler
deslroys HeIIgale Keep ly uliIizing an arlifacl knovn
as lhe Ga|c|ccpcrs Crqs|a|. Iog and cIoud gianls, as
veII as a lIack dragon, are reveaIed lo have forced lhe
lroIIs fron lhe Lvernoors and appear lo le eslalIish-
ing lheir ovn honeIand in lhe noor. The HarpeII
faniIy conpIeles lhe lridge over lhe River Surlrin,
aIIoving nerchanl lraffic norlh of Nesn lo SiIvery-
noon. AIIiance of SiIvernoon is founded, AIuslrieI
resigns as ruIer of SiIverynoon.
137O Year of lhe Tankard, lhe currenl year. Treanls and
olher foresl crealures unile in lhe High Ioresl. The
Conpany of lhe }aded Hearl disappears inlo lhe ruins
of HeIIgale Keep.
1371 Year of lhe Unslrung Harp, lhe fulure.
Re1unm o[ 1he Beas1 33G7-()
Sages, phiIosophers, hislorians, and priesls aIike feeI an iII-lod-
ing in lhe chiII air. They predicl a sIov change over lhe nexl
decade, lul vilhin lhe Iifeline of nen lorn on lhe firsl day of
lhis age. They leIieve lhal lhe leasls lhal once ruIed lhe Iand
pIan lo relurn lo cIain vhals righlfuIIy lheirs, inprisoning and
ensIaving lhe crovns. Where eIves once reigned, nen nov
ruIe, lul lheir hoId~as lrue for aII civiIizalions lefore~is len-
uous al lesl.
Non1henm Races
This once-popuIous race of vry IillIe foIk is nearIy gone, lheir reaIns overrun ly orcs unliI fev re-
nained. The survivors avoid conlacl vilh aII lul dvarves, lul are highIy soughl ly nolIes and
nerchanls vho prize lheir vork vilh loys and iIIusions.
Sone foIk in lhe Norlh (Iav-aliding hunans and dvarves) consider lhe eIven vilhdravaI lo
Lverneel a deserlion fron raciaI responsiliIily and lreal eIves vilh suspicion and conlenpl.
Long-slanding eIven faniIies, such as LIorfindar IIoshin vho Iives norlh of Daggerford, are heId in
high esleen ly nosl foIk, regardIess of lhe disdain heId ly hunans for lhe resl of lhe eIven race.
Runors are jusl leginning lo circuIale lhal lhe eIves of lhe High Ioresl have pIans of eslal-
Iishing an eIven presence in lhe Norlh again. IorlunaleIy, such idIe gossip is quickIy casl off as
viId laIes ly nany of lhe IocaI ruIers~and lhis nighl jusl give lhe eIves lhe line lhey need lo ac-
luaIIy eslalIish lhenseIves again (assuning such gossip is lrue, of course).
Though al Ieasl lvo eIven reaIns once exisled, lhe cIosesl eIven Iand is Lvereska. LIves are van-
derers and advenlurers, lhough a reaIn of drov exisls. LIves of nosl nonaqualic sulraces dveII in
Walerdeep and ils neighloring lerrilory, and lhe Ardeep Ioresl houses relired eIven advenlurers.
Sundalar has a haIf-eIven popuIalion, and Loudvaler and Daggerford a snaII one, due lo haIf-
eIven descendanls of LaerIann vho ved olher haIf-eIves.
ELoes amo HaL[-ELoes
The nunler of dvarves is dvindIing, lhe lirlh of young dvarves doesnl keep pace vilh lallIe
Iosses and lhe dealhs of lhe aged and infirn. Craflnaslers die vilh lheir secrels and young snilhs
find loo nuch caII for lheir services in lallIe. If encounlered vandering in lhe viIderness, dvarves
lend lo le exlreneIy suspicious of slrangers. They lhink olhers vanl lo find and Iool lhe haIIs of
lheir anceslors (vhich is oflen vhal lhey lhenseIves vanl lo do).
Dvarves acknovIedge lul one king, Harlonn of CiladeI Adlar, lul are nore IoyaI lo lrile
and cIan lhan lo king. Yel in line of need lhe cIans unile under lhe kings lanner. They are lhe
finesl forgenen and nelaIcraflers in Iaern and produce arnor and veapons leyond conpare.
Merchanls of Sundalar sliII lring nagicaI veapons soulh fron Adlar for saIe in dislanl narkels.
WhiIe lhe denand for such veapons and arnor is high, lhe produclion is dininishing.
The grin, recIusive, and dour dvarves nornaIIy separale lhenseIves fron olher foIk. Il shouId le
no surprise lhal fev dvarf connunilies survive here. Ironnasler on lhe shores of lhe CoId Run,
CiladeI Adlar in lhe Ice Mounlains, MilhraI HaII, and lhe nevIy Iileraled IeIlarr (fornerIy lhe
CiladeI of Many Arrovs) are lhe onIy hoIds of any consequence renaining, lhough severaI
cilies~nolalIy Miralar, Nevervinler, SiIverynoon, and Sundalar~have dvarven quarlers in
lheir vaIIs. Men lrade freeIy in Adlar, lul lhey have fev deaIings vilh lhe isoIaled dvarves of
Ironnasler olher lhan lo lallIe orcs or purchase iron goods. Many olher lrading concerns are con-
cerned aloul lhe slaliIily of IeIlarr, as lhe oId ciladeI is one orc horde avay fron leing IeveIed.
6 6
he WiIdIands is a slronghoId for a variely of nonhunan races, and even lhe eIves are fIour-
ishing here nov lhal HeIIgale Keep has leen deslroyed. Dvarves, once lhoughl disappear-
ing fron lhe Norlh, have recenlIy laken conlroI of lhe CiladeI of Many Arrovs, and dvarves fron
lhe soulhern Iands are sIovIy nigraling norlhvard. WhiIe lhe Norlh is sliII prinariIy lhe hone lo
hunans and nonslers, lhe nonhunans of lhe Savage Ironlier have lheir lerrilory here as veII.
variely of lolh hunan and nonhunan~sone vouId say inhunan~races caII
lhe Norlh lheir hone. These range everyvhere fron dvarves lo lhe various
hunan cuIlures in lhe Barlaric Norlh. This seclion provides a lrief raciaI
overviev for lhe Norlh.
Iour lo five nonlhs of fierce vinler doesnl appeaI lo lhe aver-
age haIfIing. WhiIe Walerdeep has a fair popuIalion (and a
niIder vinler), ils rare lo find lhen in lhe Norlh.
Civen lhe vasl orc popuIalion and lhe anounl of raiding, one
nighl suspecl a pIague of lhese haIf-lreeds, yel lhere are fev.
Norlherners have a dislincl disIike for anylhing even vagueIy
orcish, and onIy lhe nosl hunan-Iooking haIf-orc can pass
safeIy anong norlhern foIk.
LI zanomem
The Iizardnen of lhe Mere of Dead Men are lhe degenerale de-
scendanls of a repliIian race. WhiIe lhey donl hale nankind or
denihunans, lheyve no inleresl in lhen eilher, lhey lreal aII
olher leings~excepl dragons~as callIe. Sighlings of Iizardnen
usuaIIy incIude descriplions of lhen dancing viIdIy around
negaIilhic slone piIIars or skuIking aloul Ulhgardl nounds.
Lizardnen are acconpanied ly a shanan of 1d6+1 IeveIs.
Theres a 1-in-2O chance lhe group is in lhe service of a Iizard-
nan Iich and anolher 1-in-2O chance lhe Iich is vilh lhen. If
lhey encounler luIIyvugs or aarakocra, lhe Iizardnen allenpl
lo caplure lhen for Ialer sacrifice.
The five geographicaIIy divided orc cIans vorship an aIIiance of
chaolic, orcish gods. In addilion lo lhe cIericaI speIIs granled ly
lhe god, lhey sonelines conlroI crealures associaled vilh lheir
deily, using lhen as nounls, faniIiars, or lodyguards. Shanans
of Bahglru nounl nighly oxen, shanans of Shargaas sunnon
lals, gianl lals, and coIossaI doonlals, Yurlrus shanans anina|c
ca lo creale skeIelons and zonlies, prieslesses of Lulhic (aIso
shanans) sunnon cave lears. TrilaI nanes are varianls of or-
cish gods hoIy synloIs. Thus, lhe icon of lhe Slinking CIav
vouId le a rolling cIav (a varianl of Yurlruss vhile hand).
rc hoIy spols are narked ly huge piIes of hunanoid skuIIs.
rcs are so devoled lo lheir hoIy siles lhey lecone lerserk if lhey
find a sile desecraled, deslroying aII lhey encounler in lheir frenzy.
|a||cn |ans Orcs. The orcs of lhe IaIIen Lands and Cray-
peaks foIIov King grash, a poverfuI orcish shanan and varrior
vhos repuled lo vieId S|u||rippcr, a na|ocr +3. To lhe soulh,
nany pelly orcish kings vage conslanl lallIe againsl each olher.
More oflen lhan nol, orcs encounlered in lhe soulhern region are
invoIved in lallIe vilh olher orcs. Knovn lriles of lhe IaIIen
Lands incIude King grashs BIoody Scar lrile, BIack SIasher,
Severed Iisl, Seven Lye, and BIack Bone lriles. rcs of lhe
IaIIen Lands have cavaIry~2O of aII encounlered orc lands
are nounled on ugIy, lIack, oslrichIike fIighlIess lirds (use os-
lrich slalislics). Mosl nounled orcs have shorl lovs and Iances.
Hign |crcs| Orcs. These orcs dveII in lunneIs and snaII viI-
Iages aloul lvo days journey inlo lhe vood. Theyre arch-foes
of rangers and possess foreslry skiIIs. They vorship a pover
lhey caII Herne lhe WiId Hunler, a IavfuI eviI varialion of lhe
Masler of lhe Hunl (vhich, in reaIily, is MaIar vilh a differenl
nask). rc lriles in lhe High Ioresl incIude lhe TangIelhorn,
Sharpspike, BIoody Lye, and Horned Lord lriles. rcs of lhe
High Ioresl have lhe nonnagicaI aliIilies of rangers, lul lhey
gain no pIuses in lallIe againsl golIin-cIass crealures. WiId
Hunler shanans acluaIIy grov slag anlIers fron lheir heads.
|cc Mcun|ains Orcs. Mosl of lhe orcs vilhin lhese nounlains
are IoyaI lo King CrauI, son of LIdouI. The orcs of lhe Ice Moun-
lains vage conslanl var vilh lhe dvarves of CiladeI Adlar and
slage frequenl raids againsl SiIverynoon and Sundalar.
Spinc cf |nc lcr| Orcs. In lhese lIeak nounlains, lhe nosl
poverfuI orc lriles skuIk in slone forlresses sloIen fron lhe
dvarves and renaned Lyegad, Tane, and Vokan. Wilhin lheir
gIoony, squal luiIdings and oppressive, lIack lenpIes are lhe
visilIe lips of spravIing underground lunneIs and cavern con-
pIexes lhal house lriles vilh nanes Iike SkorlchcIav,
Skreelch, and BIeeding Lye. lhers, Iike lhe SIashers and
rcs of lhe Severed Tongue, Iurk in lhe unnunlered snaII
caves lhal pepper lhe vaIIeys and passes of lhese nineraI-rich
The SkorlchcIav lrile, under King Ugra NgarI, is forcing
golIin sIaves lo nine nilhraI lenealh Iorlress Lyegad. The
nelaI is apparenlIy leing soId in greal quanlily lo soneone in
lhe High Ioresl.
Trc||nccr Orcs. These orcs are IooseIy organized and rove
lhe Lvernoors in lands lo prey on lraveIers, allacking loals on
lhe Rauvin, raiding againsl oulIying sellIenenls near Nesn
and LverIund, and organizing in lhe faII lo allack lhe Ulhgardl
Runeneel al IIinlrock. Knovn orc lriles in lhe noors incIude
lhe ViIe Rune, Dripping Spear, Bonesnapper, Red Murderer,
and Throal SIiller lriles. They vorship lhe various orc gods~
Bahglru, Cruunsh, IInevaI, Lulhic, Shargaas, and Yurlrus.
The various lriles have leen having sone difficuIly vilh
lhe sudden infIux of gianls, and lhere are reporls lhal lhe en-
lire ViIe Rune lrile vas deslroyed ly a lIack dragon. Ior lhe
Iasl year, lhe orcs have concenlraled lheir allacks on lhe oul-
skirls of lhe Lvernoors, ready lo run al lhe firsl sign of a lIack
ving or lhe lhundering faII of a nearly louIder.
Afler orcs, lroIIs are lhe Norlhs scourge. The everIasling
ones roan lhe viIds, chasing, allacking, and ealing aII lhey
neel. These fierce crealures are currenlIy fIeeing lhe Lver-
noors, having nel foes even nore poverfuI lhan lhenseIves~
gianls and al Ieasl one dragon. This is crealing a free-for-aII
lallIeground oulside lhe cily of Nesn.
6 6
he Norlh is popuIaled ly hunans vilh a variely of cuI-
lures. Theres no unified hunan nalion, onIy individuaI
lovns, viIIages, cily-slales, and roaning larlarians IooseIy Iinked
ly lrade. A slarling IC nighl le fron any one of lhese foIk.
Ice Hum1ens
This ancienl peopIe Iived here Iong lefore olher hunans.
They lend lo le shorl, dark-haired, and lroad-faced vilh Iighl-
lrovn skin. They vere lhe originaI prinilives dveIIing on lhe
shores of lhe TrackIess Sea. The arrivaI of lhe Norlhnen drove
lhen farlher and farlher norlh unliI nov lhey Iive onIy in
snaII lrilaI connunilies aIong lhe CoId Run and on lhe Ice
Ieak (lhough severaI viIIages have lecone Norlhnen lovns).
Ice Hunlers sloIidIy resisl lhe cuIlure of olher peopIe. They
Iive sinpIe, rareIy vioIenl Iives~fishing and hunling seaI,
vhaIe, vaIrus, and lear on lhe fIoes of lhe Sea of Moving Ice.
n Iand, lhey lraveI ly canine-dravn sIeds. Al sea, lhey use
snaII valerlighl loals of seaIskin (khveks) and Iarger loals
(ounyeks). Though prinilive, Ice Hunlers are noled for lheir
visdon. Theyre proleclive of lheir reaI nanes, and use nick-
nanes vhen deaIing vilh oulsiders. Ice Hunler nicknanes are
lased on nalure and rareIy indicale personaI achievenenl,
such as Sky in lhe Morning, Man of Red SeaIskin, Ten
Dogs, Bride of Reindeer, or Wake of Ice.
The lern refers lo one of severaI seagoing, varIike peopIe
found on lhe coasl norlh of Walerdeep and lhe veslern is-
Iands, incIuding CundarIun, Rualhyn, Norhein, and Nor-
Iand. The laII, fair-haired, sea-Ioving Norlhnen vere lhe lhird
hunan peopIe in lhe Norlh. Dvarven records say lhe Ice
Hunlers ranged lhe Norlh niIIennia lefore NelheriI, vho
lhenseIves vere cenluries lefore lhe Norlhnen.
The Norlhnens prinilive anceslors luiIl snaII viIIages
aIong lhe coasl. Many grev lo inporlance, incIuding falIed II-
Iusk (Luskan), Ligersslor (Nevervinler), Iorl LIasl, and Ni-
noars HoId (Walerdeep). LarIy Norlhnen avoided lhe viId
inlerior, lhey farned lhe rocky~lul rich~coaslaI Iands,
fished lhe valers varned ly norlh-lound currenls, hunled
deer in lhe foresls, and vhaIed in lhe TrackIess Sea. Yel vilh
sunner, lhe caII of lhe sea vouId le irresislilIe lo lhe nen,
and lhey vouId sel saiI lo raid nearly connunilies.
Iron Kylhorn lo earIy Marpenolh, lhe larlaric lallIe cries
of Norlhnen vere heard in Lanlan, Ann, Telhyr, CaIinshan,
and olher cilies of lhe Shining Sea, even as far soulh as Nin-
lraI. The Norlhnen expIored lhe TrackIess Sea, discovered
IIIern, CundarIun, Rualhyn, The IurpIe Rocks, lhe WhaIe-
lones, and evenluaIIy lhe Moonshaes (lhough olhers had leen
lhere lefore lhen). SliII olhers lraved and expIored lhe orc-
infesled inlerior, leconing parlners of The IaIIen Kingdon,
anceslors of lhe Ulhgardl, and nercenaries for AscaIhorn.
Though lheyre referred lo as larlarians, nol aII fil lhis cIas-
sificalion. Many of lhese sea raiders have lecone civiIized, pri-
nariIy due lo lhe infIuence of soulhern foIk. They farn, fish,
and nine lheir rugged Iands and lhen lrade lheir goods vilh
soulhern nerchanls. Many once-feared raiders have lecone
nerchanls vhose skiII al largaining equaIs or lellers lhe var-
Iike laIenls of lheir anceslors, such lhal nany Norlhnen ner-
chanls relurn vilh nore soulhern looly lhan do raiders.
A savage edge renains, lhe Luskar and lhe isIanders are
fierce and varIike. Iierce dragonships pIy lhe valers, vhose
viIy pirales can oulrun and oulnaneuver heaviIy Iaden ner-
chanl gaIIeons. Lach sunner, lhe lallIe cries of Norlhnen
raiders sliII ring Ioud in lhe soulh.
The larlaric Norlhnen are loId, inpeluous, and fierce in
lallIe. lher crealures are lrealed respeclfuIIy if lheir lallIe
skiII is olvious. Like olher larlarians, Norlhnen disIike nagic
and nages. In ruraI connunilies, nagic-use is punishalIe ly
dealh. CIerics are lrealed vilh aIoof disdain~even Norlhnen
shanans receive no respecl.
Norlhnen Iove a fighl and prize slrenglh and veapon
provess alove aII. To prove lhenseIves, Norlhnen var vilh
vhonever lhey feeI lhey can defeal. Ils unconnon lo find a
Norlhnan kingdon nol al var. They enjoy hearly food, lois-
lerous songs, good drink (parlicuIarIy nead and aIe), and lreal
lheir vonen vilh respecl, yel lhey cherish lheir precious Iong-
ships leyond aII properly or faniIy.
The lallIe ax is lhe veapon of choice. Wilh ax in one hand
and a slurdy shieId in lhe olher, a Norlhnan leIieves he can con-
quer lhe vorId. MissiIe veapons olher lhan lhe javeIin are veak-
Iings looIs, since lhey donl reIy on lhe slrenglh of lhe varrior.
Al sea, raiders rareIy vear arnor heavier lhan sludded Iealher
and shieId. MelaI arnor drags one dovn lo UnlerIees loson loo
quickIy. Ior Iand raids, chain naiI is donned ly lhose Iucky
enough lo ovn il. A king or high caplain usuaIIy ovns pIale naiI.
Sone fighlers (a 2O chance for each varrior) have lhe aliI-
ily lo drive lhenseIves inlo a frenzy in lallIe. Warriors vho
denonslrale lhis aplilude are oflen galhered ly lheir king inlo a
royaI lodyguard or unil of eIile soIdiers. The fighlers can lring
on lhe lerserker rage sinpIy ly conlenpIaling inninenl con-
lal or in response lo a surprise allack. Berserker Norlhnen re-
ceive eilher a +2 lonus on allack roIIs, or lhey nay allack lvice
per round (never lolh), lhey need never check noraIe. A pIayer
vho vishes lo avoid having his Norlhnan consuned ly ler-
serker rage can nake a saving lhrov vs. poIynorph al -2. If suc-
cessfuI, lhe Norlhnan doesnl lecone lerserk during lhal fighl.
The larlarians of Icevind DaIe, aIso knovn as lhe nen of lhe
lundra, eke oul a harsh and liller Iife lelveen lhe Reghed
CIacier and lhe Sea of Moving Ice. The Reghednan are laII~
laIIer lhan nosl soulherners ly a head. Theyre fair-haired
(lIond, red, or Iighl lrovn) and lIue-eyed. Like aII larlarians,
lheyre suspicious of nagic, equaling il vilh lolh veakness and
eviI. The onIy pover lhey recognize is lhe pover of a nans
veapon arn. Lach lrile is fornaIIy ruIed ly a king. Knovn
lriles are lhe Trile of lhe LIk, lhe Trile of lhe WoIf, lhe Trile
of lhe Bear, and lhe Trile of lhe Tiger.
In lhe recenl pasl, lhey soughl lo invade lhe Ten Tovns, onIy
lo le repuIsed ly an unexpecled aIIiance of lhe lovns and lhe
dvarves of KeIvins Cairn. The larlarian varriors vere de-
slroyed. Heafslaag, lhe viIy king of lhe Trile of lhe LIk, aIIied lhe
lriles vilh Akar KesseII for lhe eviI vizards allack on lhe Ten
Tovns. WuIfgar, a larlarian youlh vhose Iife vas spared ly lhe
dvarf Bruenor, sIev Heafslaag in a chaIIenge and lecane king.
He lroughl lhe larlarians lo lhe Ten Tovns, lul as aIIies, nol en-
enies. Wilh lheir aid, lhe lovnsfoIk repuIsed KesseIIs horde.
nIy a fev lriles nov roan lhe viIderness. The resl dveII
in lhe Ten Tovns, Iearning lhe vays of civiIizalion, having
conpIeled reluiIding fron lhe deslruclion. Their Ieader is
Revjak, an eIder larlarian vho succeeded WuIfgar Dragon-
sIayer, vho ruIes fron Caer-Konig. This cily, reIalive lo lhe
olher nine cilies, conlains lhe grealesl nunler of larlarians.
The lundra larlarians vorship lolh leasl lolens and lhe
god Tenpos (lheir nane for Tenpus). UnIike lhe Ulhgardl,
lhe lundra larlarian shanans cannol caII upon lheir lolens
leasl pover. The larlarians dveIIing on lhe lundra can raise a
horde of 25O nen. The larlarians in lhe lovns can raise 5OO.
U1hgano1 BanbanI ams
The Ulhgardl are a lIack-haired and lIue-eyed foIk descended
fron a nixlure of Norlhnen, Nelherese, and a fev savage
lriles. ne of lhese descendenl lriles incIudes lhe Beorunni,
vho Iive ly raiding, hunling, galhering, and farning.
IresenlIy, lhe Ulhgardl are divided inlo scallered lriles,
each naned afler lhe leasl lolens vhich Ulhgar conquered~
BIack Lion, Thunderleasl, Red Tiger, BIue Bear (aIlhough
lheres nol nuch Iefl of lhen righl nov), Creal Worn, Sky
Iony, Tree Chosl, BIack Raven, Criffon, and Cray WoIf. AI-
lhough civiIizalion has cone norlh in vaves lhroughoul hislory,
nuch of lhe Ulhgardl Iand is viId and unlaned. Their Iands ex-
lend norlh inlo lhe Spine, soulh lo Slone Bridge, easl lo CoId
Wood, and vesl lo Nevervinler Wood.
AIlhough sone lriles have enlraced agricuIlure and fixed
halilalions, lhe Ulhgardl have fev slalIe viIIages. Mosl lriles
vander lhe viIderness in snaII cIans or faniIy groups and Iive
vilhin a fev veeks lraveI of lheir anceslor nounds. Tradilion is
lhe cenlerpiece of Ulhgardl Iife, and lhis lIind devolion lo lra-
dilion keeps lhen savage. Slrenglh is everylhing, and civiIiza-
lion is a veakness nol loIeraled. Anong lhe Ulhgardl, nen are
varriors and hunlers~vonen lend lo galhering and faniIy
needs. They have no vrillen Ianguage and no arl leyond geo-
nelric carvings and cIolhing decoralion. ReIigion and phiIoso-
phy focus on var, pIunder, and survivaI. Theyre superslilious,
vilh a paranoid disIike of nagic.
The Ulhgardl have IillIe lo do vilh cily foIk, olher lhan as
prey, lhough sone lriles have nade civiIized aIIiances. Bolh
Ione lraveIers and Iarge caravans are considered ripe fruil for
pIunder. Though lhey prey on civiIized foIk and frequenlIy
fighl anong lhenseIves, lheyre quick lo unile~even vilh
non-Ulhgardl~againsl lheir anceslraI eneny: lhe orcs.
In addilion lo hand axe, knife, and spear, lhe Ulhgardl
favor lhe lallIe axe, alIalI and javeIin, and Iong lov. Mosl lar-
larians vear Iealher or sludded Iealher arnor, and a chieflain
is nornaIIy found vilh chain naiI. ShieIds, vhen used al aII,
are lypicaIIy spiked luckIers, sonelhing lhal a varrior can use
as a veapon vhen necessary.
Uthgar GardoIIsson, Thane oI Ruathym.
CardoIf Beorunna, lhe Thane of Rualhyn, raised a son
naned Ulhgar CardoIfsson vho lecane a greal varrior
and laclician Iike his falher. UnIike his falher, lhough,
Ulhgar gained greal slrides in crueIly, leconing a lrue ge-
nius in lhe punch and counler-punch of arned conlal.
Yel for aII his skiII and knovIedge, Ulhgar lruIy yearned lo
prove his vorlh in lallIe.
nce conpIeling lhe rile lo nanhood, Ulhgar gained his
ovn fIeel of loals, gaining lhe lilIe of Thane. n his firsl
quesl across lhe seas, he allacked Bjorns HoId on lhe Ice
Ieak and relurned vilh loals Iaden vilh furs and fish~lul
no goId. His peopIe vere disappoinled vilh lhe Iack of lruIy
usefuI lreasure, so Ulhgar sel oul again, lhis line for lhe coasl
of lhe Creal IsIand (lhe conlinenl of Iaern).
He allacked lhe civiIizalion of IIIusk and successfuIIy sul-
dued lhe cenlraI governnenl, kiIIing ils ruIers. This freed lhe
IIIuskans of lheir londage lo lhe speIIcasling healhens, and
Ulhgar expecled lhe peopIe lo rejoice. Inslead, lhey allacked
lhe larlarian and his varriors, deslroying his ship. Ulhgar
and his renaining nen vere forced inIand, vilh lhe IIIuskans
hoping lhal lhe savage leasls of lhe Norlh vouId finish off
lhe lroulIesone larlarian and his varriors.
Bul Ulhgar and his foIIovers survived, raiding lovn afler
lovn across lhe Norlh. These raids aIso served lo sveII his
foIIovers, as nen and vonen inpressed vilh his fighling
provess joined hin in his ever-increasing raids. Wilh lhese
nev foIIovers cane lhe knovIedge lhal Ulhgar needed lo
survive lhe harsh environnenl of lhe Creal IsIand.
Ulhgar vas a nan of lradilion, hovever, and even lhough
he raided viIIages for food, cIolhing, and lreasures, he sliII feIl
olIigaled lo defend lhe viIIages lhal chose lo svear feaIly lo
hin. When an orc horde svepl soulh fron lhe Spine of lhe
WorId, Ulhgar and his peopIe slood and faced lhen.
Ulhgar vas nol lhe onIy lrave varrior lo die lhal day,
lul his Ioss vas feIl lhe grealesl. In honor of lheir faIIen
Iord, lhe survivors of lhe horde renaned lhenseIves as lhe
Ulhgardl, lhe descendanls of Ulhgar.
Ulhgar vas luried vilh aII his leIongings aIong vilh an
honor guard of seven varriors, lrave souIs vho died vilh hin
in lallIe. The nearly ground vas piIed high alove his lody,
and a huge slone vas pIaced on lhe apex of lhe nound. Seven
snaIIer slones vere aIigned around lhe nound lo perna-
nenlIy nark lhe Iocalion of his lody. The ground vas conse-
craled ly lhe lrilaI shanan and lecane a hoIy luriaI ground,
lhe firsl anceslraI luriaI nound as veII as lhe foundalion of a
lradilion lhal Iives on loday in Ulhgardl lradilion.
BIack LIon TrIbe
Anccstnr Mnund: Beorunnas WeII
ChIcftaIn: Andar Hearlfood
C!crIc: Ialreveni nehand
5haman: Bogohardl BIacknane
RItua! Encmy: Tundra larlarians
NeslIed in lhe vide vaIIey lhal separales lhe Norlh fron lhe
gIacier leyond is lhe snaII viIIage of Beorunnas WeII. The con-
nunily is conprised noslIy of snaII huls, Iong houses, and a fev
lenls, aII of vhich sland a respeclfuI dislance fron lhe valery pil
lhal is ils nanesake. Here, lhe conpIacenl BIack Lions have for-
saken lradilion lo lecone farners and herders. Hunlers sliII
roan lhe viIds, lul lhe lrile no Ionger depends upon lhen for
survivaI. AgricuIluraI success Iels lhen lrade vilh olhers for
lheir needs. In forsaking lheir larlarian lradilions, lhey have
aIso casl aside lheir lrilaI lolen. Mosl foIk of Beorunnas WeII
vorship lhe Tyr aIIiance (Tyr, Torn, IInaler, and HeIn).
Beorunnas WeII is one of lhe nosl sacred siles of lhe Ulh-
gardl larlarians, lul lhe BIack Iions sense ils eIdrilch nalure
and fear il nore lhan lhey revere il. During Runeneel, lhe
Red Tiger lrile perforns lhe required riluaIs, vhiIe lhe BIack
Lions avoid enlering lhe veII.
BIack Raven TrIbe
Anccstnr Mnund: Ravenrock
ChIcftaIn: slagar Tenfealher
5haman: Iurehearlnan
RItua! EncmIcs: Criffon Trile, foreign nerchanls and cIerics
f aII Ulhgardl, lhe BIack Ravens are lhe nosl conservalive,
hoIding lighlIy lo lhe oId vays and reacling vioIenlIy lo lhe
nev. Iurehearlnan and his assislanl, WuIphgehar, are lhe onIy
shanans loIeraled ly lhe lrile. CIerics vho seek lo enIighlen
lhe BIack Ravens are IikeIy lo find lhenseIves IaleIed herelics
and hunled dovn ly lhe angry larlarians.
As far as lhe caravans vho pIy lhe norlh are concerned, lhe
BIack Ravens are lhe vorsl of lhe lriles. BIack Raven varriors
are renovned as landils, gaining lhis repulalion lecause lhey
prey on lhose vhon lhey despise lhe nosl~foreigners, espe-
ciaIIy nerchanls and nissionary cIerics. They seek lo deslroy
lhal vhich nay lhrealen lheir vay of Iife.
The lrile is aided in lheir quesl ly lheir lolen, lhe giganlic
ravens of Ravenrock. The raiders sil aslride nassive ravens,
svooping dovn oul of lhe sky lo rol and lerrorize caravans. The
BIack Ravens have IillIe respecl for lriles vho dveII in lovns
(parlicuIarIy lhe Thunderleasl and Criffon lriles), since lhose
lriles have adopled foreign vays. In relurn, lhey are enenies of
lhose lriles. King Cundar Bronloskin, lhe Thunderleasl chief-
lain, offers a lounly for lhe deslruclion of lhe ravens eggs.
Because lheir raiding spoiIs are lainled vilh foreign infIuence
(incIuding goId, jeveIry, veapons, falric, and olher nonlrilaI
prizes), lhese ilens are sacrificed lo lhe BIack Raven and secreled
avay in BIack Raven shrine, near lhe Ravenrock anceslor nound.
The BIack Ravens prolecl lheir shrine cIoseIy and do nol veI-
cone foreign inlrusion. Woe lo lhe person vho is caughl search-
ing for~Iel aIone rolling~lhe lriles lreasure-Iaden shrine.
EIk TrIbe
Anccstnr Mnund: IIinlrock
ChIcftaIn: Zokan Thunderer
5haman: BerchlvaId (LIk lolen), Trolhgar CrunaId (AuriI)
RItua! Encmy: The ancienl ones (any oId ruin, lonl, or ev-
idence of ancienl civiIizalion quaIifies)
The LIk lriles range incIudes lhe Lvernoors, lhe pIains easl of
lhe Dessarin, lhe Dessarin, and lhe Iover Surlrin vaIIeys. f aII
lhe lriles, lheyre lhe nosl arroganl, surIy, and seIf-induIging.
Considered ly nany lo le IillIe nore lhan landils, lhey oflen
raid olher lrilaI sellIenenls for food, vonen, and sporl. They
have Ioose lies vilh lhe ruIers of Luskan lul are unveIcone eIse-
vhere. Chief Zokan Thunderer (CL hn I9 |larlarianj) is re-
garded ly nosl as a vuIgar lhug. Under his ruIe, cIerics of lhe
TaIos aIIiance have gained a slrong hoId on lhe lrile.
Zokan is a surIy Ulhgardl chieflain vhos lhe ugIiesl, rudesl,
richesl, viIiesl, nosl feared, and nosl haled landil Ieader in
lhe norlh. His larlarians raid caravans and viIIages inces-
sanlIy, laking prisoners for ranson lul seIIing lhen lo lraders
fron lhe soulh if lhe ranson is loo snaII (keeping lhe ranson
noney, of course). He has a price on his head, lul he is difficuIl
lo find and even harder lo kiII~hes aIvays guarded ly len
5lh-IeveI varriors and a 6lh-IeveI shanan.
Gray WoII TrIbe
Anccstnr Mnund: Ravenrock
ChIcftaIn: AIrik Tenslone
5haman: CIovis Creenleelh
RItua! Encmy: rcs
Menlers of lhis lrile have one indispulalIe characlerislic lhal
is guaranleed lo allracl allenlion. Under lhe Iighl of lhe fuII
noon, aII of lhe nenlers of lhe Cray WoIves lransforn inlo
ravaging verevoIves.
This curse, originaIIy insliIIed upon lhe lrile as a resuIl of
harloring refugees fron lhe Iosl cily of CaunlIgryn, has lrans-
forned ilseIf over lhe years in lhe ninds of lhe Cray WoIves.
Inslead of leing an affIiclion lhal shouId le cured, nosl nen-
lers of lhe lrile see lhis as a nark of savagery, lheir lirlhrighl
in lhe Savage Ironlier. Those lhal donl share lhis opinion
lypicaIIy Ieave lhe lrile, lhe curse renoving ilseIf vilhin a
year afler lhe forner lrilesnen is adopled ly anolher lrile.
AIrik Tenslone (CL hn I12 |larlarianj) has Ied lhe lrile for
nore lhan 15 years, guiding ils aclions lolh in hunan and voIf
forn. Many visilors lo lhe lriles noving canp leIieve lhal AIrik
relains conlroI over hinseIf during lhe lransfornalion inlo a
verevoIf. His Iinl-rending slories loId lo guesls are Iegendary.
CIovis Creenleelh (CL hn Sha8) has served as lhe spiri-
luaI Ieader of lhe Cray WoIves for even Ionger lhan AIrik. Ap-
pearing in his Iale 5Os, CIovis and his relinue of shanan
choose lhe hoIy siles upon vhich lhe lrile sels up lheir
canp. Such siles are nornaIIy vilhin slriking dislance of
poorIy defended lovns and viIIages al jusl aloul lhe sane line
as lhe appearance of lhe fuII noon.
Great Worm TrIbe
Anccstnr Mnund: Creal Worn Cavern
ChIcftaIn: Cveshen Ironhand TaIislars
5haman: Thenrin
RItua! Encmy: LviI crealures
This lrile used lo le ruIed ly a lenevoIenl crealure naned
LIren, vho served as shanan and proleclor unliI his unlineIy
dealh al lhe hands of an eviI advenluring conpany. This lrile
has grovn Iess hospilalIe lovard slrangers since lhe incidenl
lhree years ago, lul onIy seIf-procIained Zhenlarin agenls~
one of vhich vas fooIish enough lo denanded a feasl~have
leen kiIIed ly lhe lriles varriors.
Cveshen TaIislars (NC hf R9) has ruIed lhe lrile for nearIy
five years. Shes leen slriving lo keep lhe lrile on an even keeI
since lhe dealh of LIren, an incidenl she lIanes enlireIy on
herseIf. Thenrin (NC hn Sha7) has supporled Cveshen,
hovever, ciling lhe use of fouI nagics lhal Ied lo lhe dealh of
lheir leIoved LIren.
Bolh Cveshen and Thenrin are vearing a sorl of dragon
scaIe arnor, crealed fron lhe lody of LIren. Bolh of lhe Ieaders
deny crealing lhe arnor, and lrilaI leIief resls firnIy in lhe facl
lhal lhe arnor sinpIy appeared one norning oulside lhe anceslor
nound. The precise povers of lhis arnor renain a nyslery.
GrIIIon TrIbe
Anccstnr Mnund: Shining While
ChIcftaIn: KraIgar Bonesnapper
5haman: AdaIfus Slorngalherer
RItua! Encmy: The cilies of lhe Norlh
Chief KraIgar Bonesnapper (LN hn I1O |larlarianj) is a popu-
Iar nan of greal charisna and even grealer anlilion. Since as-
suning Ieadership, he has pushed his peopIe lovard grealer ac-
conpIishnenls, naking lhe Criffons forenosl anong lhe
lriles in pover, skiII, and Iearning. His greal goaI is lhe con-
quesl and possession of one of lhe norlhern cilies.
To lhis end, he has decIared riluaI var on lhe cilies. UnaI-
Iied cIans seeking eilher pIunder or lhe lenefils offered ly
cilies have joined lhe Criffons, sveIIing lheir ranks. Lven so,
Criffons Nesl, lhe prinary lrilaI encanpnenl, rivaIs sone of
lhe snaIIer norlhern cilies. Wilhoul reaIizing il, KraIgar nay
acconpIish his goaI vilhin his Iifeline as Criffons Nesl sIovIy
changes fron canp lo cily. WhiIe lhe lrile vages incessanl
varfare againsl lhe cilies, lhey veIcone conlacl vilh oul-
siders, considering aII as polenliaI aIIies in lheir quesl.
Red TIger TrIbe
Anccstnr Mnund: Beorunnas WeII
ChIcftaIn: AdaIvuIf Longfang
5haman: Carinen lhe Maker
RItua! Encmy: BIue Bear lrile
Like lheir lolen leasl (lhals aIso caIIed lhe snov cal, since ils
fur changes coIor in vinler), lhis lrile is viId and soIilary.
They hunl in very snaII faniIy groups and roan videIy, pri-
nariIy in lhe CoId Wood. Theyre vary of aII slrangers and
avoid conlacl vilh lhings or foIk lhey donl knov. The lrile
has fev shanans and no shrines olher lhan Beorunnas WeII.
The nen of lhe Red Tiger lrile are slriclIy hunlers, Ieaving
galhering and lrading lo vonen, lhe eIderIy, and chiIdren. The
Red Tigers leIieve lhe lrue lesl of a hunler is lhe aliIily lo lring
dovn prey unaided. flen, lheir onIy veapons are liger cIavs,
shorl vooden handIes enledded vilh lhree sharp slone daggers.
The hunler hoIds lhese so lhe daggers projecl lelveen lhe fingers
Iike cIavs. The Red Tigers are IoyaI lo King Cundar Bronloskin
of lhe Thunderleasls, vho von lheir respecl during a Runehunl
ly lringing lack a Ieucrolla, sIain vilh onIy a pair of liger cIavs.
AdaIvuIf Longfang (LN hn I8 |larlarianj) has ruIed lhe
lrile for nany years and is preparing lo hand lhe nanlIe of
ruIership lo his son, Shinoras (LN hn I4). He feeIs as lhough
hes gelling oId and is gelling in everyone eIses vay, lul Shi-
noras has refused lo lecone chieflain of lhe lrile unliI his
falher passes aIong (a day hes nol Iooking forvard lo).
Sky Pony TrIbe
Anccstnr Mnund: ne Slone
ChIcftaIn: }erek WoIf-sIayer
5haman: AdaIvyn Sviflvings
C!crIc: }alhrin HearlfIov (Tenpus)
RItua! Encmy: rcs
The Sky Iony lrile is one of lhe nosl aclive lriles in lhe Norlh,
vandering fron lheir anceslor nound in lhe easlern Moonvood
lo lhe soulhern reaches of Icevind DaIe. Their devolion lo lhe
god Tenpus is Iegendary, and lhey frequenlIy lrack orcs lack lo
lheir Iairs in an efforl lo rid lhe Barlarian Norlh of lheir kind.
}erek WoIf-sIayer (CN hn I9 |larlarianj) is lhe aged Ieader
of lhe lrile. Hes quile oId, lul he renains aclive and vigorous.
Wilh lhe dealh of }ereks son, TorIin, al lhe hands of lhe
lriles forner shanan, lhere is no heir lo lake conlroI of lhe
nolIe Sky Ionies. In an efforl lo prove lheir vorlh, nany of
lhe Sky Iony lriles varriors have gone lo greal Ienglhs lo
denonslrale lheir lallIe provess, hoping lo gain lhe oId chief-
lains nod in ruIing lhe lrile.
VaIric High Lye vas lhe lriles forner shanan, and he vas a
nan lruIy feared ly his peopIe. He over-zeaIousIy sunnoned lhe
spiril of lhe Sky Iony inlo lhe chieflains son, sending il afler lhe
larlarian WuIfgar and his conpanions. Upon finding lhe IifeIess
lody of TorIin, lhe Sky Iony lrile reaIized lhal VaIric had over-
slepped his aulhorily, and }erek kiIIed lhe oId shanan for his crine.
AdaIvyn Sviflvings (CN hn Sha8 of Sky Iony/Ulhgar)
has since repIaced VaIric as lhe spiriluaI Ieader of lhe lrile.
NeedIess lo say, hes leen sonevhal Ieery of sunnoning an-
ceslraI spirils vilhoul lhe approvaI of }erek.
Thunderbeast TrIbe
Anccstnr Mnund: Morgurs Mound
ChIcftaIn: King Cundar Bronloskin
5haman: Kierkrad Sevenloes
DruId: Wisleria Borsdoller (SiIvanus)
C!crIc: Sigurd CandoIfsson (Tyr)
RItua! Encmy: WoIves
1 8
The lovn of CrunvaId near lhe High Ioresl is hone lo lhis nosl
civiIized of lhe larlarians. AIlhough, he vieIds no officiaI pover
over olher lriles, Cundar Bronloskin (LN hn I9) has lhe cha-
risna and respecl necessary lo caII lhe lriles logelher inlo a horde.
The lrile lakes ils nane fron lhe apalosaurus lhal roaned
here in ancienl lines, and lrilaI shanans cIain lhunderleasls
sliII dveII in lhe High Ioresl. The cIans hearlh al Morgurs
Mound is surnounled ly an apalosaurus skeIelon. Il said lhal
in line of greal need, lhe lrilaI shanans can aninale lhe
skeIelon lo fighl in lhe lriles defense. In addilion lo lhe leasl
cuIl shanans, lhe Thunderleasl lrile in CrunvaId has grovn
civiIized enough lo loIerale priesls of olher reIigions, prinariIy
druids of SiIvanus and lhe cIerics of Tyr.
Tree Ghost TrIbe
Anccstnr Mnund: Crandfalher Tree
ChIcftaIn: Cunlher Longloolh
5haman: Chungred Choslhearl
RItua! Encmy: LviI undead crealures
The Tree Chosls, Ied ly Cunlher Longloolh (NC hn I1O
|larlarianj) and lheir lrilaI shanan Chungred Choslhearl
(NC hn Sha12), are one of lhe fev larlarian lriles vho have
achieved peace in recenl nenory, rediscovering lheir Iong-Iosl
anceslor nound of Crandfalher Tree on ShieIdneel in 1368.
Many of lhe lriles nenlers leIieve lhal lhe deslruclion of
lhe BIue Bears vas Ulhgars punishnenl lovard lhal vicked lrile.
The Tree Chosls have refused lo aIIov any forner BIue Bear
lrilesnen lo join lheir cIan, fearfuI of allracling lhe fury of Ulh-
gar. Hovever, lhey have landed logelher vilh lhe olher vood-
Iand crealures lo defend lhe foresl fron harn, svearing peace vilh
lhe eIves, lreanls, salyrs, dryads, and olher foresl inhalilanls.
WhiIe lhe Tree Chosls sliII respecl AIuslrieI of SiIverynoon,
lhey nov leIieve lhal lheir lrue palh Iies vilh preserving Crand-
falher Tree and lhe foresl lhal surrounds il. AIuslrieI has nade il
cIear lhal she respecls lheir desire lo prolecl Crandfalher Tree,
and she has provided lhe larlarians vilh nuch-needed suppIies
for lhe lriles lovn lhal is leing luiIl near lhe anceslor nound.
Chungred Choslhearl feII vhiIe fighling a lrovn lear,
lreaking his lack in lhe process. Afler lhree-years of depres-
sion and drunkenness, he legan lraining a young vonan,
Spirilhajj (NC hf Sha4), lo lake his pIace. MeanvhiIe, she
cares for lhe parapIegic Choslhearl and is leconing lhe spiri-
luaI Ieader of lhe Tree Chosls.
Chanac1en CLasses
+ +
Iaining lhal one is a ranger, druid, or lard in lhe Norlh
carries vilh il lolh sone respecl and sone responsiliIi-
lies. The various larlarians in parlicuIar associale differenl
IeveIs of respecl lased on ones profession. Ior inslance, viz-
ards and cIerics are generaIIy shunned, vhiIe druids and lards
are Iooked upon vilh greal respecl.
IoIIoving each cIass seclion are reconnendalions for
pIayer characlers Iooking for generic speciaIly kils lo lase lheir
characlers on. In addilion lo lhese references, pIayers shouId
exanine lizars c Rcgucs cf |nc Rca|ns and larricrs c Prics|s
cf |nc Rca|ns. f course, lhe Dungeon Masler nusl approve lhe
use of any of lhese oplionaI looks.
Va n n I on s
The Norlh is rugged lerrilory, and nosl varriors are Iooked upon
vilh respecl. f course, differenl lypes of varriors are vieved in
varying Iighls ly lhe IocaIs. And in a Iand vhere nighl nakes
righl, a slrong svord arn can prove quile leneficiaI.
The ready caII for a slrong svord arn in lhe Norlh dravs nen
and vonen lo lhis profession. Iighlers are conslanlIy needed
lo defend againsl orcs and nonslers, lo palroI lhe vasleIands,
lo fend off larlarian raiders, and lo keep peace in cilies.
IIayer characlers shouId Iook al lhe larlarian, leasl rider,
cavaIier, nolIe varrior, savage, and viIderness varrior kils fron
Tnc Ccnp|c|c |ign|crs Hanocc| (vilh cavaIiers and nolIe var-
riors lypicaIIy, haiIing fron lhe Iarger cilies). AIso, Tnc Ccn-
p|c|c 8aroarians Hanocc| provides a larlarian fighler cIass for
pIayers inleresled in such a chaIIenge.
Respecled for lheir vigiIance in lhe service of lhe Harpers and
lhe Lords AIIiance, lhe vord of an 8lh-IeveI or higher ranger
is lhe Iav in lhe viIderness. The Lords AIIiance enforces such
vords of Iav as lhe Iav of lhe Iand, lhough such edicls ly
rangers are rare and aIvays in slep vilh nalure.
Tnc Ccnp|c|c Rangcrs Hanocc| delaiIs lhe leaslnasler,
expIorer, gianl kiIIer, and guardian kils lhal couId le easiIy
adapled lo a canpaign sel in lhe Norlh. IIayers inleresled in
leconing a Harper shouId consuIl Tnc Ccc cf |nc Harpcrs.
IaIadins are very rare oulside lhe vaIIs of Walerdeep, and nosl
of lhe larlarian lriles consider lhen nolhing nore lhan fighl-
ers. ShouId a paIadin denonslrale speIIcasling aliIily, nosl
larlarians lhink lhe varrior nolhing nore lhan a cIeric vho
fighls vilh lIaded veapons (unusuaI, lul cerlainIy nol vorlhy
of any nore respecl lhan a speIIcasler).
VirluaIIy aII of lhe kils descriled in Tnc Ccnp|c|c Pa|ains
Hanocc| are appIicalIe lo pIayer-characler paIadins, since lhe
church direcls nosl aclions of lhe varrior. The nosl inporlanl
aspecl lo consider is hov veII lhe kil choice nalches vilh lhe
paIadins deily.
VI z a n o s
AIlhough vizards have never leen popuIar vilh Ulhgardl or
Norlhnen larlarians, in lhe cilies lhey vieId pover and con-
nand greal respecl and fear. Walerdeep is noled for poverfuI
nages Iike KheIlen BIackslaff Arunsun, LongsaddIe has ils
nagicaI HarpeII faniIy, and SiIverynoon is hone lo coIIeges of
nagic and lulors. Wizards in Walerdeep are vise lo join lhal
cilys WalchfuI rder of Magisls & Iroleclors, vhiIe speIIcasl-
ers Iiving in Luskan shouId al Ieasl le avare of lhe Hosl Tover
of lhe Arcane.
Mages and SpecIaIIst WIzards
Wizards in snaIIer lovns lend lo le nages, lhe generaI pracli-
lioners of nagic. SpeciaIisls in a parlicuIar fieId, especiaIIy div-
inalion, are unconnon oulside of najor cilies, aIlhough in-
vokers and necronancers are an exceplion lo lhis generaI ruIe.
||cncn|a| lizars. Those rare vizards speciaIizing in one of
lhe four eIenenls are exlreneIy rare in lhe Norlh. Sone lar-
larians lriles have leen knovn lreal such speIIcaslers vilh as
nuch respecl as lheir lrilaI shanan (vhich in nosl cases isnl
nuch), vhiIe olher lriles have leen knovn lo lreal lhen vilh
lhe sane disdain as olher speIIcaslers.
li| Magcs. More viId nages have leen hunled dovn ly
Ulhgardl lrilaI varriors lhan prolalIy any olher lype of speII-
casler. Lach line one of lheir speIIs goes avry, lhe lrilaI shanan
inevilalIy pronounces lhe speIIcasler as a herelic. WiId nages
inlenl on casling speIIs lo shov off lheir laIenls lo lhe savages
had leller pray lo Tynora for a favoralIe viId surge (one lhal
|c|cpcr|s lhen as far fron lheir audience as possilIe).
lizars an Rcgucs cf |nc Rca|ns offers kils of inleresl lo lhe
pIayer-characler vizard. Tnc Ccnp|c|c lizars Hanocc| has a
fev kils (anagakok, niIilanl vizard, palrician, and savage viz-
ard) vorlhy of nenlion lhal are easiIy adaplalIe lo a canpaign
sel in lhe Norlh.
PnI es1s
Many of lhe najor gods and failhs of Iaern are represenled,
lhough fev are nalive lo lhe residenls in lhe Savage Norlh.
ver lhe cenluries, nissionaries have lraveIed here lo eslal-
Iish churches and shrines, neeling vilh varied success. Ire-
doninanl civiIized gods incIude Myslra, Lalhander, MieIikki,
Tenpus, and Tynora. The Ulhgardl and Norlhnen larlarians
vorship lheir lrilaI lolens.
CIerIcs & SpecIaIty PrIests
There is no perceived difference lelveen cIerics of a parlicuIar
deily and speciaIly priesls of lhe sane deily. WhiIe such slalus
nighl le inporlanl in lhe sociaI circIes of cilies Iike Walerdeep,
nosl snaII lovns and virluaIIy aII of lhe larlarian lriles couId
care Iess vhelher a priesl is speciaIIy chosen ly lheir god.
The cily foIk are generaIIy loIeranl of nosl reIigions so Iong
as lhey donl harn olhers or properly, lul Norlhnen oflen
ejecl foreign priesls as rudeIy as possilIe. The savage Ulhgardl
lend lo exlerninale vhonever lheir shanans IaleI as herelics.
IIayer characlers Iooking for speciaIly kils are advised lo re-
viev |ai|ns c Ata|ars and larricrs an Prics|s cf |nc Rca|ns for
inspiralion. The gods of lhe ReaIns are loo specific for olher
generic resources lo le of nuch assislance.
The foIIovers of MieIikki have a slronghoId in lhe easlern
reaches of The High Ioresl, an area knovn as lhe TaII Trees.
Anolher hoIy grove exisls in SiIverynoon, vhere druids nain-
lain a shrine and sacred coIIege, and yel anolher grovs in lhe
cily of Walerdeep. Though druids are rare, lhey are respecled
ly civiIized and larlarian foIk aIike.
Druiic Circ|cs. In norlhern Iaern, fron lhe Svord Coasl
lo InpiIlur, druids in IighlIy sellIed areas lend lo galher in
snaII groups, oflen vilh rangers and olher aIIies. These groups,
usuaIIy nunlering a dozen or fever druids and 2O or fever aI-
Iies, vary videIy in proninence and vorking reIalionships.
Sone druids Iive logelher in a voodIand grove, vhiIe olhers
are videIy scallered and Ioners. In sone groups, druids and
rangers lreal each olher as equaIs, and in olhers lhe druids are
revered ly lhose vho vork vilh lhen.
These druidic groups are knovn as circ|cs. The lern refers lo
lhe unending cycIes of naluraI processes and enphasizes lhal no
one crealure or leing is inlrinsicaIIy superior lo anolher.
In Iaern al Iarge, lhese circIes provide a nelvork of con-
nunicalion and aid for lhose vho venerale Chaunlea and sin-
iIar povers. In generaI, druids of Iaern seek laIance lelveen
nan and nalure, al lhe expense of neilher.
As vilh olher priesls, pIayers shouId reviev larricrs c
Prics|s cf |nc Rca|ns and |ai|ns c Ata|ars for lackground nale-
riaI and speciaIly kils.
Bardic coIIeges and lhieves guiIds are virluaIIy unheard of oul-
side of lhe najor cilies, lul lhe roIe of lhe rogue in lhe Norlh
cannol le undereslinaled. WhiIe Iooked dovn on in najor
cilies, rogues are revered in sone larlarian lriles. Mosl of lhis
respecl cenlers around lhe juggIing, sloryleIIing, or sIeighl-of-
hand perfornances of lhe rogue, lul each lrile is differenl.
The najor cilies and Iarger lovns lhrive vilh lhieving aclivily,
and nany advenluring lhieves scour lhe Norlh hoping lo
slunlIe across vasl forlunes hidden lehind rusled coffers.
Walerdeep has lhe grealesl concenlralion of lhieves, yel
lhere is no officiaI lhieves guiId, onIy freeIancers. Nevervin-
ler, SiIverynoon, Sundalar, Miralar, Loudvaler, and even
Daggerford have snaII lhieves guiIds. Many suspecl lhal a
lhieves nelvork aIso exisls lhroughoul lhe Norlh, lul lhose
vho Iearn of lhe Kraken Sociely oflen do nol Iive Iong enough
lo reveaI ils secrels (see page 67).
ulside lhe cilies, a lhiefs profession is rareIy safe or prof-
ilalIe. Norlhnen (lhose vho have lhings vorlh sleaIing) re-
gard sleaIing fron olhers as a vay of Iife, lul one caughl sleaI-
ing is cerlainIy kiIIed. The Ulhgardl have IillIe vorlh laking,
lul vhal lhey do have oflen has reIigious significance~and
sacriIege is a falaI offense.
lizars an Rcgucs cf |nc Rca|ns provides inleresling kils
for lolh a cily-lased canpaign and generaI advenluring in lhe
Norlh (lhe Walerdeep and Savage Norlh kils). IIayers Iooking
lo lreak fron lhe eslalIished noId are direcled lo lhe Ccnp|c|c
Tnicfs Hanocc|.
WhiIe lards are nol connon, lheyre respecled in nosl cuIlures.
Norlhnen lreal scops Iike heroes, parlicuIarIy if lhey sing proudIy
of Norlhnen viclories. Lven lhe Ulhgardl larlarians lreal lards
as near equaIs. More oflen lhan nol, lards are nenlers of lhe
Harpers, lhough lheres nolhing for lhe lard lo vorry aloul if he
prefers lo le a freeIancer nol associaled vilh lhe Harpers.
There are no specific references for ReaIns-orienled lards.
IIayers Iooking lo spice up lheir lards ly adding ReaInsian
kils lo lheir characlers shouId check oul lhe Ccnp|c|c 8ars
Hanocc| (especiaIIy lhe skaId kil).
Those vho foIIov lhis palh are rare in lhe ReaIns. As far as
perceplions go, hovever, a larlarian lrile lhal considers aII
vizards as herelics is going lo have lhe sane viev of a psioni-
cisl. Al lhe very lesl, a psionicisl vho denonslrales his povers
nighl le given lhe respecl of a shanan.
he povers vorshipped in lhe Norlh incIude nany leings veneraled eIsevhere in
Iaern, pIus a nunler vho have foIIovers novhere eIse. Mosl of lhese deilies are
descriled in Running |nc Rca|n fron lhe IRCTTLN RLALMS Canpaign Sc||ing,
Mcns|cr Mq|nc|cgq, and |ai|ns c Ata|ars. nIy lhe lriefesl delaiIs are given for
lhese deilies~for a proper underslanding and perspeclive of lhe reIigions, lhe DM
shouId have lhe aforenenlioned voIunes. lher deilies lhan lhose nenlioned here are vor-
shipped, lul lheir foIIovings are nol nolevorlhy.
Non1hmem DeI1Ies
6 6
he surIy Norlhnen are nol reIigious. They pay grudging honage lo a fev povers onIy le-
cause lhey have conlroI over lhings lhe Norlhnen do nol. Norlhnen rareIy devole lhen-
seIves lo one pover, lul honor lhree prinary deilies: Tenpus, AuriI, and UnlerIee~lul onIy
vhen in each deilys sphere of infIuence. lher deilies honored ly Norlhnen incIude VaIkur
lhe Mighly, proleclor of saiIors, and rareIy, MaIar lhe Beasl, vho is vorshipped onIy ly lerserk-
ers vho reveI in lallIe fury. The povers earlhIy agenls, shanans, are lrealed vilh caIIousness,
having a Iover slalus lhan varriors.
Tenpus, lhe god of lallIes, is lhe onIy deily vho receives nore lhan cursory piely ly lhe
Norlhnen. Warriors vorship Tenpus lefore lallIes, and he is seen as lhe lerserkers palron, pro-
leclor of lhose vho succunl lo lerserk frenzy.
The Norlhnen venerale AuriI as lhe lringer of vinler, an inporlanl parl of lheir exislence.
They pIacale her vilh offerings of food and slrong drink lhal are pIaced upon rafls sel adrifl al sea
in aulunn and vinler.
The seafaring Norlhnen give greal respecl~and fear~lo UnlerIee, goddess and queen over
lhe dark, deadIy, coId valers of lhe ocean, vaves, and currenls. UnlerIee is leIieved lo cause ship-
vrecks and drovnings and is lhe nislress of lhe sharks lhal endanger slranded saiIors. The ocean
gIadIy accepls lhe Norlhnens cuslonary sacrifices lefore each voyage. The Ionger lhe journey,
lhe grealer lhe sacrifice.
U1hgano1 DeI1Ies
6 6
he Ulhgardl larlarians Iive in a harsh, crueI environnenl and vorship harsh, crueI gods.
Tenpus is vorshipped ly aII Ulhgardl lriles as lhe god of var. Chaunlea, lhe earlh god-
dess, is lhe palron of Ulhgardl vonen and has fenaIe shanans vho serve her. lher soulhern
deilies are occasionaIIy aIIoved lo eslalIish shrines or lenpIes in or near lrilaI slronghoIds, lul
lheir presence is loIeraled onIy lecause lhey or lheir priesls provide sonelhing vaIualIe lo lhe
lrile. NolalIy, lhe church of AuriI and lhe olher nenlers of lhe TaIos aIIiance~TaIos, AuriI,
UnlerIee, and MaIar~have nearIy driven oul vorship of lhe leasl spiril in lhe LIk lrile, and
vorship of Tyr, Torn, IInaler, and HeIn has suppIanled aInosl aII vorship of lhe BIack Lion
lolen in ils lrile.
AII lhese deilies are heId secondary lo Ulhgar and lhe leasl cuIl lolens anong lhe Ulhgardl
sociely as a vhoIe. Ulhgardl Iegend leIIs lhal Tenpus is lhe falher of Ulhgar, founder of lhe lriles
(vhiIe olher Iegends cIain Ulhgars descenl fron Beorunna). Chaunlea is vorshipped as lhe
grandnolher, vhose daughlers (falhered ly Ulhgar afler he ascended inlo lhe haIIs of Tenpus)
are lhe vives of lhe leasl cuIl greal spirils.
The lriles vorship one of lhe leasls vhose povers vere laken ly Ulhgar, lhe Iegendary falher
of lheir race. The lolen cuIl enconpasses lhe vorship of lhe lriles anceslors, incIuding Ulhgar,
his sons, and Iong-dead chieflains and shanans. The Ulhgardl leasl lolens are greal spirils (see
lhe seclion on Shanans leIov for infornalion on greal spirils) vho lake lheir nanes and forns
fron crealures of lhe viIds. These cuIls incIude lhe BIack Lion, BIack Raven, LIk, Cray WoIf,
Creal Worn, Criffon, Red Tiger (Snov Cal), Sky Iony, Tree Chosl, and Thunderleasl, and
lhey have incIuded in lhe pasl such cuIls as CoIden LagIe, BIue Bear, and Red Iony, vhich are
nov exlincl.
2 1
TrilaI shanans are lhe nagicaI pover vilhin lhe lriles.
The shanan cIass is expIained leIov, aIong vilh lhe specific
capaliIilies of lhe Ulhgardl leasl-cuIl shanans (delaiIed
under Ulhgar, lheir god). Nonleasl-cuIl deilies are repre-
senled anong lhe lriles ly shanans of Iesser pover (rareIy
alove 5lh IeveI). Chaunleas shanans are aIvays vonen.
Taken as a vhoIe, lhe separale lriles forn lhe Ulhgardl
peopIe, yel individuaI dislinclions divide lhen and squash
any possiliIily of unily as a singIe nalion. This diversily is ex-
pressed as cuIluraI variances, devolion lo lheir unique
lolens, and lrilaI goaIs. Lach lrile has an anceslor nound
vhere lhey vorship lheir lolens each faII during Runeneel.
SeveraI share nounds vilh olher lriles, vhiIe sone nounds
vere~unliI recenlIy~Iosl (Crandfalher Tree) or alandoned
(ne Slone).
Lach lrile is ruIed ly a chieflain, vho nay aIso slyIe hin-
seIf as king. The chieflains are fighlers, usuaIIy of 8lh lo 13lh
IeveI. (If lhe DM aIIovs lhe use of Tnc Ccnp|c|c |ign|crs Han-
occ|, lhe larlarian, leasl-rider, lerserker, savage, or viIder-
ness varrior are aII appropriale kils lo differenl lrilaI Ieaders.)
The chief shanan is lhe nosl poverfuI speIIcasler in a lrile
(usuaIIy 7lh IeveI or higher) and nornaIIy acconpanies lhe
chieflain. lher shanans of Iesser or equaI pover exisl in each
lrile. Lach lrile aIso has a differenl riluaI eneny, a foe vhon
young larlarians nusl chaIIenge and overcone lo lecone
aduIls. This eneny is one focus of riluaI hunls during Rune-
neel. rcs are lhe connon foe of aII Ulhgardl, lul each lrile
has ils ovn personaI eneny.
IceuImo DaLe
6 6
he Icevind DaIe larlarians, aIso knovn as Reghednen
and lundra larlarians, vere divided inlo severaI lriles,
incIuding lhe Trile of lhe LIk, lhe Trile of lhe WoIf, lhe Trile
of lhe Bear, and lhe Trile of lhe Tiger. The Icevind DaIe lar-
larians vorship lrilaI leasl spirils and Tenpos (lheir nane for
Tenpus), lhe god of var. Tenpos is served ly shanans vho re-
vere lheir lrilaI leasl lolens highIy aIso.
These leasl lolens are aIso greal spirils (see lhe seclion on
Shanans leIov for infornalion on greal spirils), siniIar lo lhe
leasl lolens of lhe Ulhgardl. Tundra larlarian shanans can-
nol caII upon a leasl pover, hovever, aIlhough exlreneIy no-
livaled or experienced shanans have leen knovn lo lecone
possessed ly lhe spirils of lheir lolen aninaIs.
Ice Hum1en DeI1Ies
6 6
he Ice Hunlers are a peopIe vho vandered off across
Aleir-ToriIs poIar ice cap lo lhe Norlh alove lhe Spine
of lhe WorId fron lhe peopIes of lhe Creal CIacier over a niI-
Iennia ago. They lear lhe cIosesl resenlIance in conducl and
phiIosophy lo lhe NakuIuliuns of lhe Creal CIacier. (See
IR14, Tnc Grca| G|acicr, for nore infornalion on lhe NakuIu-
liun peopIe.) The Ice Hunlers vorship UIuliu and lhe leasl
lolen greal spirils, incIuding CIever onio lhe Cray SeaI,
Crandfalher WaIrus, Creal While Bear, and IindaIpau-pau
lhe Reindeer Molher.
In nany vays, lhe Ice Hunlers regard for UIuliu and lheir
lolen aninaIs paraIIeIs lhe regard of lhe Ulhgardl larlarian
lriles for Ulhgar and lhe Ulhgardl leasl lolens. UIuliu and
lhe Ice Hunler leasl lolens are served ly Ice Hunler spe-
ciaIly priesls of UIuliu, knovn as iceguardians, and shanans.
The iceguardians are alIe lo casl aII vizard speIIs vilh a coId
(nol a Iife-draining) effecl as nages, lul onIy funclion as
nages of haIf lheir acluaI shanan IeveI. This gives lhe nosl
ancienl iceguardians Iiniled use of poverfuI ice, snov, and
coId nagic.
Ice Hum1en Beas1 CuL1 5hamams
Slrenglh 12, Wisdon 14
Slrenglh, Wisdon
Long lov, shorl lov, spear, nel, harpoon,
gaff, nachele, darls, garnok (siniIar lo an
alIalI, lul used vilh darls lo lripIe lheir ef-
feclive ranges), lridenl, knife, dagger
AII arnor lypes up lo and incIuding
Iealher or hide arnor, no shieId. (Ice
Hunlers connonIy vear parkas, lrousers,
nillens, and lools of fox, voIf, and lear
skin vhich equaI Iealher or hide arnor, de-
pending on lhe vorknanship.)
AII, aninaI, sunnoning, proleclion, lrav-
eIers, vards
HeaIing, pIanl
Sane as cIerics
Iishing, vealher sense, fire-luiIding, char-
ioleering (dog sIed), sel snares
Lndurance, survivaI (arclic), lracking, reIi-
gion (Iaernian)
The aliIilies and reslriclions of Ice Hunler shanans, aside
fron changes noled alove and Ialer in lhis seclion, are sun-
narized in lhe discussion of the shanan characler cIass, leIov.
Ice Hunler shanans gain a +2 lo lheir Wisdon aliIily
Ice Hunler shanans have differenl aIignnenl reslriclions
and access lo sIighlIy differenl spheres, depending on lheir
lrilaI lolen aninaI. AII Ice Hunler shanans have access lo
lhe lasic shanan spheres given alove, pIus cerlain spheres
speciaI lo lheir lolen aninaI. Ice Hunler shanans aIso
have differenl cIan laloos vhich lhey nusl alide ly or Iose
aII shanan aliIilies unliI lhey alone.
C!cvcr OnmIn thc Gray 5ca!: ALICNMLNT: LC, LN, LL,
MA}R: charn, Iav, MINR: lhoughl, guardian, TAB:
Cannol harn seaIs, eal seaI neal or fal, or vear anylhing
nade fron a seaI
Grandfathcr Wa!rus: ALICNMLNT: LC, LN, LL, MA}R:
eIenenlaI, line, MINR: vealher, TAB: Cannol harn
vaIruses, eal vaIrus neal or fal, or vear anylhing nade
fron a vaIrus
Grcat WhItc Bcar: ALICNMLNT: LN, LL MA}R: con-
lal, var, MINR: proleclion, TAB: Cannol harn poIar
lears, eal poIar lear neal or fal, or vear anylhing nade
fron a poIar lear
PInda!pau-pau thc RcIndccr Mnthcr: ALICNMLNT: LC,
LN, MA}R: divinalion, proleclion, MINR: guardian,
TAB: Cannol harn reindeer, eal reindeer neal or fal, or
vear anylhing nade fron a reindeer
Ice Hunler shanans can seIecl nonveapon proficiencies
fron lolh lhe priesl and varrior groups vilh no penaIly.
Though lhey receive onIy lhe nornaI 4 nonveapon profi-
ciency sIols al 1sl IeveI, lhey nusl lake aII of lheir required
nonveapon proficiencies lefore lhey can lake any discre-
lionary nonveapon proficiencies.
An Ice Hunler shanan nay caII upon his cIan lolens leasl
pover. This povers effecl varies ly lolen. The pover nay
le personaIIy used ly lhe shanan, or ils effecls nay le
granled lo anolher devoled foIIover of lhe lolen if indi-
caled leIov.
C!cvcr OnmIn thc Gray 5ca! Bcast Pnwcr: Cray SeaI
shanans can caII upon sc||ic fcrn or convey ils aliIilies lo
anolher vorshiper of lhe Cray SeaI once a day for 1 turn.
This aIIovs lhen lhe appearance, novenenl, and allack
capaliIilies of nornaI seIkies. They can aIso change lack
and forlh fron hunan lo seIkie forn as a seIkie can during
lhe duralion of lhe sc||ic fcrn.
Grandfathcr Wa!rus Bcast Pnwcr: Crandfalher WaIrus
shanans can caII upon |us|s cf s|rcng|n or convey lhis aliI-
ily lo anolher vorshiper of Crandfalher WaIrus once a day
for 1 lurn. Tus|s cf s|rcng|n lenporariIy adds 6 poinls lo ils
users slrenglh and causes lhe shanans canine leelh lo
grov Ionger. Crandfalher WaIrus shanans vho use lhis
aliIily oflen quickIy legin lo Iook Iike lhe vaIrus spiril lhey
hoId sacred.
Grcat WhItc Bcar Bcast Pnwcr: Creal While Bear
shanans can caII upon pc|ar furq for lhenseIves or anolher
louched Creal While Bear vorshiper once a day for 1 lurn.
The recipienl of lhis pover grovs cIavs and can cIav and
lear-hug allack Iike a poIar lear (lvo cIav allacks for
1d1O/1d1O, a successfuI allack roII of 18 or leller vilh ei-
lher cIav resuIls in addilionaI hug danage of 3d6).
PInda!pau-pau thc RcIndccr Mnthcr Bcast Pnwcr:
Reindeer Molher shanans can caII upon lhe ncrns cf uis-
cn or rcinccr ncctcs once a day. Horns of visdon has lhe
sane effecl as lhe casling of a ccnnunc speII excepl lhal il
Iasls for 1 lurn and causes eIk anlIers lo grov fron lhe skuII
of lhe shanan. (They cannol gifl lhis aliIily lo anolher.)
Lach use causes addilionaI horn grovlh. IorlunaleIy, if lhe
shanans horns legin lo grov loo Iong for praclicaI supporl
on lhe hunan skeIelaI frane, lhe shanan sheds lhen one
vinler and legins lo grov nev horns in lhe spring, lhough
lhis nev sel is Iighler in coIor lhan lhe originaI sel. Rcinccr
ncctcs leslovs lhe shanan or anolher louched foIIover of
lhe Reindeer Molher a Movenenl Rale of 21 for up lo one
hour. Il aIso provides secure fooling on any lype of ice.
Al 3rd IeveI, Ice Hunler shanans can sunnon aninaIs of
lheir cIan lolen lype (seaIs, vaIruses, reindeer, or poIar
lears) lo lheir aid lvice a lenday. The aninaIs sunnoned
aid lhe shanan ly any neans lhey posses, slaying unliI a
fighl is over, a specific nission is finished, lhe shanan is
safe, lhey are senl avay, elc. The crealures appear around or
near lhe shanan vilhin one round afler lhey are sun-
noned and vanish vhen lhey are sIain, conpIele lheir nis-
sion, are disnissed, or lhe shanan dies. Slalislics for lhese
sunnoned aninaIs are:
5ca!s (2d8): AC 6, MV 3, SW 24, HD 2, THACO
19, #AT 1, Dng 1d4 (lile), SZ M (4-6 feel), ML av-
erage (8), Inl aninaI (1), AL N, XI 35.
Wa!ruscs (2d8): AC 5, MV 3, SW 24, HD 2+2,
THACO 19, #AT 1, Dng 2d4 (lile), SZ L (7-9 feel
Iong), ML average (1O), Inl aninaI (1), AL N, XI
RcIndccr (2d6): AC 7, MV 21, HD 4, THACO 17,
#AT 2 or 1, Dng 1d4/1d4 or 2d8 (hoof/hoof or
anlIers), SZ L (4-6 feel laII al lhe shouIder), ML un-
sleady (5), Inl aninaI (1), AL N, XI 12O.
Pn!ar Bcars (1d3): AC 6, MV 12, SW 9, HD 8+8,
THACO 11, #AT 3, Dng 1d1O/1d1O/2d6 (cIav/
cIav/lile), SA hug, SD allacks leIov O hp, SZ H
(14+ feel laII), ML average (8-1O), Inl seni- (2-4),
AL N, XI 1,4OO.
Hug: On a claw hit of 18 or better the bear also inflicts 3d6
points of hug damage.
Attacks Below 0 hp: Polar bears continue to fight 1d4+1
rounds after being brought to 0 to -12 hit points, but be-
yond that they die instantly.
Al 5lh IeveI, Ice Hunler shanans can snapccnangc (as lhe
druid aliIily) inlo lhe lype of lolen leasl lhey vorship
lvice per lenday for 3d6 lurns, gaining aII lhe aliIilies of
lhal crealure. Cray SeaI shanans can change inlo seaIs,
Crandfalher WaIrus shanans inlo vaIruses, Creal While
Bear shanans inlo poIar lears, and Reindeer Molher
shanans inlo reindeer. Slalislics for lhese crealures are
sunnarized under lhe aninaI sunnoning aliIily, alove.
Al 7lh IeveI, Ice Hunler shanans are innune lo aII nagicaI
or naluraI coId danage caused ly anylhing Iess poverfuI lhan
arlifacls, reIics, or dragon lrealh fron a vyrn or greal vyrn.
5pecIaL1 PnIes1s IceguanoIams)
Slrenglh 12, Wisdon 14
Slrenglh, Wisdon
Shorl lov, harpoon, nel, gaff, darls, gar-
nok (siniIar lo an alIalI, lul used vilh
darls lo lripIe lheir effeclive ranges), knife,
AII arnor lypes up lo and incIuding
Iealher or hide arnor, no shieId. (Ice
Hunlers connonIy vear parkas, lrousers,
nillens, and lools of fox, voIf, and lear
skin vhich equaI Iealher or hide arnor, de-
pending on vorknanship.)
AII, aninaI, eIenenlaI valer, sunnoning,
proleclion, lraveIers, vards
HeaIing, pIanl
Sane as cIerics
Iishing, vealher sense, charioleering (dog
sIed), sel snares, IocaI hislory (lhe gIaciers
alove lhe Spine of lhe WorId nounlains),
ancienl hislory (lhe Ice Hunler peopIe
and UIuliu)
Lndurance, survivaI (arclic), lracking, re-
Iigion (Iaernian)
Their aliIilies and reslriclions of Ice Hunler iceguardians,
aside fron changes noled alove and Ialer in lhis seclion, are
sunnarized in lhe discussion of lhe shanan characler cIass,
Iceguardians gain a +2 lo lheir Wisdon aliIily scores.
Iceguardians progress in experience IeveIs as do speciaIly
priesls. (See |ai|ns c Ata|ars, lasicaIIy, lhis is lhe sane ex-
perience lalIe as druids use.)
Iceguardians nusl alide ly lhe laloo lhal lhey nay never
slarl a fire (lhough lhey nay enjoy lhe lenefils of fires
slarled ly olhers) or Iose aII lheir iceguardian aliIilies unliI
lhey alone.
Iceguardians can seIecl nonveapon proficiencies fron lolh
lhe priesl and varrior groups vilh no penaIly. Though lhey
receive onIy lhe nornaI 4 nonveapon proficiency sIols al
1sl IeveI, lhey nusl lake aII of lheir required nonveapon
proficiencies lefore lhey can lake any discrelionary non-
veapon proficiencies.
Iceguardians are innune lo aII nagicaI or naluraI coId
danage caused ly anylhing Iess poverfuI lhan arlifacls,
reIics, or dragon lrealh fron a vyrn or greal vyrn.
Iceguardians nay casl vizard speIIs fron lhe eIenenlaI
valer schooI and any olher vizard speIIs vilh nonenergy-
draining coId, chiII, snov, or ice effecls (lhal are nol sliII
secrel lo a parlicuIar nage or reIigion) in addilion lo priesl
speIIs. These speIIs are casl as if lhe iceguardian vere a
nage of haIf his IeveI (round up). Ior exanpIe, a 5lh-IeveI
iceguardian casls vizard speIIs as a 3rd-IeveI nage. Ice-
guardians pray for lheir vizard speIIs inslead of sludying lo
nenorize lhen, and chosen vizard speIIs repIace priesl
speIIs polenliaIIy avaiIalIe for use lhal day. (In olher
vords, lhe vizard speII occupies a priesl speII sIol.) Ice-
guardians gain access lo 8lh-IeveI vizard speIIs al 16lh
IeveI and 9lh-IeveI vizard speIIs al 18lh IeveI. An ice-
guardian nusl have a Wisdon of 18 or higher and an In-
leIIigence of 16 lo gain access lo lhe 8lh IeveI speIIs, and a
Wisdon of 18 or higher and an InleIIigence of 18 lo gain
access lo lhe 9lh-IeveI speIIs. If an iceguardian is alIe lo
gain high-IeveI vizard speIIs, every 8lh-IeveI speII prayed
for occupies a 6lh-IeveI priesl speII sIol and every 9lh-IeveI
speII prayed for occupies a 7lh-IeveI priesl speII sIol. Ice-
guardians are aIvays alIe lo read eIenenlaI valer speIIs on
scroIIs or in vizard speII looks as if lhey knev rca nagic
(lul sludying speIIs fron a speII look is useIess lo lhen).
No nore lhan lhree-quarlers of an iceguardians lolaI
nunler of speIIs avaiIalIe (round dovn) can le laken as
vizard speIIs.
Al 5lh IeveI, an iceguardian nay caII upon his or her cIan
lolens leasl pover. This povers effecl varies ly lolen.
The pover nay onIy le used ly lhe iceguardian.
C!cvcr OnmIn thc Gray 5ca! Bcast Pnwcr: Cray SeaI
iceguardians can caII upon sc||ic fcrn once a day for 1 lurn.
This aIIovs lhen lhe appearance, novenenl, and allack
capaliIilies of nornaI seIkies. They can aIso change lack
and forlh fron hunan lo seIkie forn as a seIkie can during
lhe duralion of lhe sc||ic fcrn.
Grandfathcr Wa!rus Bcast Pnwcr: Crandfalher WaI-
rus iceguardians can caII upon lusks of slrenglh once a day
for 1 lurn. Tus|s cf s|rcng|n lenporariIy adds 6 poinls lo ils
users Slrenglh and causes lhe shanans canine leelh lo
grov Ionger. Crandfalher WaIrus shanans vho use lhis
aliIily oflen quickIy legin lo Iook Iike lhe vaIrus spiril
lhey hoId sacred.
Grcat WhItc Bcar Bcast Pnwcr: Creal While Bear ice-
guardians can caII upon pc|ar furq once a day for 1 lurn. The
recipienl of lhis pover grovs cIavs and can cIav and lear-
hug allack Iike a poIar lear (lvo cIav allacks for
1d1O/1d1O, a successfuI allack roII of 18 or leller vilh ei-
lher cIav resuIls in addilionaI hug danage of 3d6).
PInda!pau-pau thc RcIndccr Mnthcr Bcast Pnwcr:
Reindeer Molher iceguardians can caII upon lhe ncrns cf
uiscn or rcinccr ncctcs up lo once a day. Hcrns cf uiscn
has lhe sane effecl as lhe casling of a ccnnunc speII excepl
lhal il Iasls for 1 lurn and causes eIk anlIers lo grov fron
lhe skuII of lhe shanan. Lach use causes addilionaI horn
grovlh. IorlunaleIy, if lhe shanans horns legin lo grov
loo Iong for praclicaI supporl on lhe hunan skeIelaI frane,
lhe shanan sheds lhen one vinler and legins lo grov nev
horns in lhe spring, lhough lhis nev sel is Iighler in coIor
lhan lhe originaI sel. Rcinccr ncctcs leslovs lhe shanan or
anolher louched foIIover of lhe Reindeer Molher a Move-
nenl Rale of 21 for up lo one hour. Il aIso provides secure
fooling on any lype of ice.
Al 7lh IeveI, iceguardians can casl icc s|crn or ua|| cf icc (as
lhe 4lh-IeveI vizard speIIs) once a day al lheir acluaI IeveI
(nol haIved).
Al 1Olh IeveI, iceguardians can snapccnangc (as lhe druid
aliIily) inlo lhe lype of lolen leasl lhey vorship lvice per
lenday for 3d6 lurns, gaining aII lhe aliIilies of lhal crea-
lure. Cray SeaI shanans can change inlo seaIs, Crandfalher
WaIrus shanans inlo vaIruses, Creal While Bear shanans
inlo poIar lears, and Reindeer Molher shanans inlo rein-
deer. Slalislics for lhese crealures are sunnarized under lhe
aninaI sunnoning aliIily of Ice Hunler shanans, alove.
2 4
Al 13lh IeveI, iceguardians can casl ccnc cf cc| (as lhe 5lh-
IeveI vizard speII) once a day al lheir acluaI IeveI (nol
Al 15lh IeveI, iceguardians can casl O|i|u|cs frcczing spncrc
(as lhe 6lh-IeveI vizard speII) once a day al lheir acluaI
IeveI (nol haIved).
Noms1nous DeI1Ies

lher popuIalions of significance in lhe Norlh incIude
aaracocra, Iizardnen, and lroIIs, aII of vhon vorship
lheir ovn deilies. The fev renaining aaracocra vorship
Syranila, lhe proleclor and educalor crealor goddess of lheir
race, and aIso venerale Akadi and respecl Aerdrie Iaenya,
Slronnaus, and Rennis, god of gianl eagIes. Syranila is served
ly lolh priesls and shanans, vho are renovned for lheir aliIi-
lies lo affecl lhe vealher and speak vilh lhe dead.
Lizardnen vorship Senuanya, lhe unfeeIing and anoraI
god of lheir race, vhose nain concerns are survivaI and propa-
galion. Senuanyas shanans and vilch doclors serve lheir
peopIe as generaI care-givers and counseI an isoIalionisl poIicy
for lheir peopIe. Sone Iizardnen have faIIen under lhe svay of
eviI Iizard kings, a perversion of lhe pure crealion of Senuanya
ly lhe lanarri Iord Sessinnek, and nov vorship lhal lanarri
Ied ly his Iizard king and Iizardnan shanans.
TroIIs (and ogres) vorship Vaprak lhe Deslroyer, a fierce
and deslruclive deily vho enlodies lhe elernaI hunger and
lhe regeneralive capaliIilies of lhe lroII race. Vaprak is served
ly lroII shanans of up lo 3rd IeveI.
CIoILIzeo DeI1Ies
+ +
ily foIk choose deilies vho neel lheir needs in lhis harsh
Iand. In lhe cily of Walerdeep, nunerous povers have
lenpIes: Cond, Lalhander, MieIikki, Myslra, SeIne, SiIvanus,
Sune, Tenpus, and Tynora anong lhen (see lhe Cily of
SpIendors loxed sel for fuII delaiIs). The deilies nosl proni-
nenl in SiIverynoon conpIenenl lhe cilys quesl for leauly,
arl, and knovIedge. SiIverynoon fealures lenpIes lo HeIn,
Lalhander, MiIiI, Myslra, ghna, SeIne, ShiaIIia, and
Tynora, and shrines lo lhe dvarven and eIven deilies,
MieIikki, SiIvanus, and Sune. Where eviI is conslanlIy foughl,
as in Sundalar, lhe aid of HeIn, Tyr, and Torn is soughl. In
Miralar, hunans and dvarves vho nine for a Iiving venerale
lhe dvarven deilies, and lhe cily aIso houses shrines lo
Chaunlea and Tynora.
Where lrade is inporlanl, such as Nesn, lhe goddess
Waukeen heId svay unliI her disappearance during lhe Tine
of TroulIes. Nov Nesn fealures liny shrines lo Lalhander,
LIiira, Myslra, ShaundakuI, Tynora, and Tenpus, vilh nosl
of lhe forner ruIing cIergy of Waukeen having converled lo
lhe vorship of Tynora or ShaundakuI (and a fev lo LIiira). In
cilies vhere Iife depends on lhe foresl, such as Loudvaler,
Seconler, and SiIverynoon, SiIvanus, MieIikki, and ShiaIIia
(korred goddess servanl of MieIikki and nidvife lo foresl
crealures) are favored.
Onc DeI1Ies
9 9
hiIe il is difficuIl lo inagine orcs as reIigious, lhey are
devoul foIIovers of lheir ovn lrulaI povers. Their
shanans and vilch doclors devole lhenseIves lo one orc deily
and are oflen lhe nosl poverfuI nenlers of lheir connuni-
lies. Wilch doclors can casl a reslricled nunler of priesl and
vizard speIIs and are descriled in Mcns|cr Mq|nc|cgq and lriefIy
leIov under lhe seclion on Shanans.
The orcs acknovIedge Cruunsh ne-Lye, He-Who-
Never-SIeeps, as lheir Iord and nasler (delaiIed in Mcns|cr
Mq|nc|cgq aIong vilh lhe resl of lhe orc panlheon). In addilion
lo Bahglru lhe Leg Breaker, Shargaas lhe Nighl Lord, IInevaI,
Yurlrus lhe While-Handed, and Lulhic Cave Molher, each orc
lrile has a viIe shananic lolen synloI appropriale lo lhe
lriles nane (nane such as lhe Severed Hand, BIoody Lye, and
SkuII-Crin lriles). rc lrilaI nanes are varianls of one of lhe
orcish deilies hoIy synloIs. Thus lhe hoIy icon of lhe Slinking
CIav orcs vouId le a rolling cIav, possilIy a varianl of
Yurlruss vhile hand. rc lolens are considered unpIeasanl~
and oflen disgusling~ly oulsiders.
In addilion lo lhe priesl speIIs granled ly lheir deilies, orc
shanans nay conlroI crealures associaled vilh lheir deily, using
lhen as nounls, aninaI conpanions, or lodyguards. Shanans
of Bahglru are oflen nounled on nighly oxen. Shanans of
Shargaas can sunnon lals, incIuding gianl lals and lhe coIossaI
doonlals, vhich can le ridden as nounls. Shanans of Yurlrus
nay anina|c ca lo creale skeIelons and zonlies. Irieslesses
and shanans of Lulhic are oflen prolecled ly severaI cave lears.
rc hoIy spols are narked ly huge cairns of skuIIs, incIud-
ing orc, hunan, eIf, dvarf, and olher hunanoid races. rcs are
so devoled lo lheir hoIy siles lhal lhey oflen lecone lerserk if
lhe discover a desecraled sile, deslroying aII lhey encounler in
lheir frenzy.
ABILITY RLQUIRLMLNTS: Conslilulion 12, Wisdon 12
The shanan cIass, repealed here for lhose vho do nol ovn
ILAYLRS ITIN: Spc||s c Magic or |ai|ns c Ata|ars, has
leen officiaIIy adopled inlo lhe ranks of lhe IRCTTLN
RLALMS canpaign sellings priesl group cIasses. Shanans are
lrilaI priesls found in savage, larlaric, or nonadic socielies. In
lheir honeIands, shanans serve lheir lriles in nuch lhe sane
vay lhal cIerics serve lhe connon peopIe of nore civiIized
Iands: They acl as guides, proleclors, and advisers, using lheir
nagicaI povers lo slrenglhen and defend lheir lriles. Shanans
oflen serve as lhe keepers of knovIedge and Iegend for lheir
peopIes and Iead lheir lriles in lhe various riles and cere-
nonies required ly lheir lriles leIief syslens.
IIayer characler shanans nay sliII le associaled vilh lheir
lriles, lhey nay le vanderers or exiIes vho have alandoned
lheir dulies, or lhey nay have le pursuing an exlended goaI for
lheir lriles lhal lakes lhen avay fron lheir peopIe for a Iong
period. Mosl Iorgollen ReaIns canpaign selling leasl cuIls,
such as lhose of lhe Ulhgardl, are served ly shanans, lhough
lhey nay possess sullIe varialions fron lhis lase shanan cIass.
The cIass descriled here is used for hunan shanans, nany
nonhunan races have shanans as veII. These shanans are de-
fined in Mcns|cr Mq|nc|cgq. AIlernaleIy, lhe DM nay vish lo
use lhis characler cIass as a lasis for nonhunan shanans, loo.
In lhis case, lhe raciaI IeveI Iinilalions for nonhunan shanans
of a parlicuIar race as defined in Mcns|cr Mq|nc|cgq shouId le
appIied lo lhis cIass, aIso, and lhese nonhunan shanans
shouId have lheir priesl speII spheres of access nodified lo re-
fIecl lhe deilies lhey serve. Sone nonhunan vilch doclor
shanans~nainIy of lhe Iizardnan and golIinkin races~have
access lo one schooI of vizard speIIs in addilion lo lheir
shanan aliIilies, vhich lhey casl as a nage of one-haIf lheir
shanan experience IeveI. (They are nol counled as speciaIisl
Shanans adhere lo lhe foIIoving defauIl characlerislics:
They use a d8 for Hil Dice, progress in experience IeveIs as do
cIerics, gain speIIs as on TalIe 24: Iriesl SpeII Irogression in
lhe PH8, progress in THACOs as priesls, gain lonus speIIs if
lheir Wisdon is 13 or higher, nake saving lhrovs as priesls,
gain veapon and nonveapon proficiency sIols as priesls, and
purchase nonveapon proficiencies fron lhe generaI and priesl
groups al no exlra cosl. They nay legin crealing scroIIs al 7lh
IeveI, lreving a fev polions (nainIy lhose of lhe heaIing lype)
al 9lh IeveI, and falricaling nagicaI ilens al 11lh IeveI ac-
cording lo lhe Researching MagicaI Ilens seclion of lhe Trea-
sure and MagicaI Ilens chapler of lhe DUNCLN MASTLR
Guic. f lhe slandard pIayer characler races of hunan, dvarf,
eIf, gnone, haIf-eIf, and haIfIing, onIy hunans nay le
shanans, and lhey enjoy no Iinils in lheir uIlinale experience
Shanans nay le of any aIignnenl. They are aIvays found
in lrilaI or larlaric cuIlures. If pIayers vish lo run shanans in
a nore civiIized canpaign selling, lheir characlers are consid-
ered lo le larlaric foreigners ly nosl connon foIk lhey neel.
The shanans arduous Iife in unciviIized Iands requires a good
Conslilulion, and Wisdon is required for deaIing vilh lrilaI
nallers and speaking lo lhe spirils. Shanans vilh Wisdon
scores of 16 or leller earn a 1O lonus lo lhe experience
poinls lhey gain.
Shanans are unusuaI characlers in lhe advenluring parly.
Like druids, lhey are nol fronl-Iine fighlers, lul lhey aIso Iack
lhe high-povered conlal speIIs lhal druids connand. Hov-
ever, a shanans nyslerious spiril povers aIIov hin lo nake
use of nagic lhal is usuaIIy oul of lhe reach of Iov-IeveI char-
aclers. A shanan vho denonslrales inleIIigence and respecl
in deaIing vilh lhe spirils can le an exlreneIy effeclive char-
acler in a nunler of silualions. Shanans viev lhenseIves as
advisers and guides lo a parly of advenlurers and oflen have
an uneducaled lul insighlfuI viev on lhe nore civiIized soci-
elies lhey visil.
Shanans nay vear any arnor nornaIIy associaled vilh
lheir lriles. In lhe alsence of nore specific infornalion, lrilaI
arnor is usuaIIy hide, Iealher, or sludded Iealher vilh a lough
vooden, vicker, or hide-covered shieId. SiniIarIy, shanans
nay use lrilaI veapons, vhich usuaIIy incIude lhe shorl lov,
cIul, dagger, darl, hand axe, harpoon, javeIin, knife, quarler-
slaff, sIing, and spear. BIovguns nighl le appropriale for
shanans of jungIe lriles, or Iighl Iances and conposile lovs
for shanans of lrilaI horsenen.
Shanans nay use any nagicaI ilens nornaIIy usalIe ly
priesls. They have a nonveapon proficiency crossover vilh
lhe varrior group and can Iearn priesl or varrior proficien-
cies al lhe nornaI cosl. Shanans have najor access lo lhe
spheres of aII, aninaI, sunnoning, lraveIers, proleclion, and
vards, vilh ninor access lo lhe heaIing and pIanl spheres.
(Many churches/reIigions have leen given specific speIIs ly
lheir deilies lhal onIy priesls of lheir failh are aIIoved lo
casl. Iriesls of a parlicuIar failh can aIvays casl lhese reIi-
gion-specific speIIs, even if lhe speIIs do nol faII vilhin lheir
nornaIIy aIIoved spheres of access.) Shanans never gain
foIIovers or eslalIish slronghoIds. Cood-aIigned shanans
nay lurn undead, and neulraI or eviI shanans nay con-
nand undead.
In addilion lo lheir priesl speIIs, shanans have a speciaI
conneclion lo lhe spiril vorId and can caII on lhe spirils for
guidance, knovIedge, or nagicaI aid. WhiIe shanans oflen
funclion as priesls of a lrilaI deily, lheir prinary concern is lhe
spiril vorId. To a shanan, lhe physicaI vorId is nol lhe enlirely
of exislence. The spirils of aninaIs, nalure, and lhe lriles dead
are aIvays near, and inleracling vilh lhese spirils is lhe
shanans grealesl duly and responsiliIily.
5hamam 5pInI1 Pouens
Shanans each legin pIay vilh one ninor spiril aIIy or guide of
lheir choice. As lhey rise in IeveI, lhey Iearn lhe riles neces-
sary lo caII addilionaI spirils and seek lheir favor. Spirils are
individuaIs~speaking lo a spiril of lhe dead neans lhe
shanan is in conlacl vilh one parlicuIar deceased individuaI.
Dozens of spirils exisl for each species of aninaI, represenling
every aspecl of lhe aninaIs exislence. In addilion, a near-infi-
nile nunler of nalure spirils of lhe Iand, air, and valer en-
lody differenl aspecls of lhe naluraI vorId. The nunler of
spirils a shanan knovs hov lo conlacl appears on lhe lalIe
Shaman SpIrIt ProgressIon
5haman's MInnr Manr Grcat
Lcvc! 5pIrIt 5pIrIt 5pIrIt
1 1
- -
2 1
- -
- -
- -
5 2 1
6 3 1
7 3 2
8 4 2
9 4 2 1
1O 4 3 1
11 4 3 2
12 5 3 2
13 5 4 2
14 5 4 3
15 6 4 3
16 6 5 3
17 6 5 4
18 7 5 4
19 7 6 4
2O 7 6 5
Ierforning lhe cerenony lo caII a spiril for lhe firsl line re-
quires a lenday (a veek in sellings olher lhan lhe Iorgollen
ReaIns canpaign selling) or nore of fasling, prayer, and soIi-
lude in lhe appropriale Iocalion. If a shanan is lrying lo caII a
voIf spiril, a Iocalion frequenled ly voIves nusl le found,
and if a shanan is lrying lo caII an anceslraI spiril, lhe shanan
shouId perforn lhe cerenony al lhe individuaIs luriaI sile. Al
lhe concIusion of lhis lenday-Iong (veek-Iong) cerenony, lhe
spiril appears, and lhe shanan eslalIishes conlacl vilh il.
Iron lhal line forvard, lhe shanan nay allenpl lo conlacl
lhe spiril anyvhere or anyline lo seek infornalion or requesl
a favor of lhe spiril~see CaIIing Spirils, leIov. When
shanan characlers legin pIay, il is assuned lhal lhey have
each aIready perforned lhe cerenony lo allracl lheir firsl
spiril guides.
SpIrIts oI the Dead:
These anceslraI spirils are individuaIs vho vere renovned for
lheir visdon, skiII, or courage in Iife. Minor spirils nay le re-
cenl reIalives of lhe shanan, vhiIe najor spirils are greal he-
roes and vise peopIe of lhe lrile. A greal spiril of lhe dead is a
chieflain, shanan, or olher personage of Iegendary slanding.
WhiIe spirils of lhe dead nay seen lo le frighlening aIIies,
lhey are acluaIIy very proleclive of lheir Iiving proleges and
lear fev grudges againsl lhe Iiving.
Spirils of lhe dead knov nany lhings. NaluraIIy, lhey are fa-
niIiar vilh any delaiIs or evenls of lheir ovn Iifelines. They are
alIe lo perceive a shanans IikeIy fale or fulure and can offer ad-
vice in lines of lough choices. Spirils of lhe dead can aIso pro-
vide sone neasure of proleclion for a shanan and his aIIies ly
using lheir povers on lhe shanans lehaIf. Minor spirils can in-
voke lhe povers of augurq, fcign ca|n, praqcr, or spca| ui|n ca
on lehaIf of lhe shanan. Major spirils can invoke itina|icn,
ccnnunc, or fin |nc pa|n/|csc |nc pa|n for lhe shanan. Creal spir-
ils can invoke a raisc ca/s|aq |iting, fcroiancc, or as|ra| spc|| for
lhe shanan. (When any spiril~a spiril of lhe dead, aninaI
spiril, or nalure spiril~casls a speII for a shanan, lhe speII is casl
al lhe IeveI of lhe shanan or lhe nininun IeveI al vhich a
priesl couId nornaIIy casl lhe speII, vhichever is grealer.) Nole
lhal nosl of lhese are speIIs nornaIIy oulside lhe shanans
spheres of access. In addilion, shanans oflen gain olher effecls
in roIe-pIaying a conversalion vilh lhese spirils, such as infor-
nalion or guidance in difficuIl choices.
AnImaI SpIrIts:
Shanans Iive in a vorId in vhich aninaIs are a vilaI parl of
hunan Iife. AninaIs provide food, sheIler, cIolhing, and looIs
for a shanans peopIe, and lhe aninaI spirils are revered for
lheir visdon and knovIedge. Minor and najor spirils are en-
lodinenls of an archelype, such as lhe Id WoIf, lhe SIeep-
ing Bear, or lhe Hunling LagIe. Creal aninaI spirils are lhe
Ieaders of lhese Iesser spirils and conlain in lhenseIves every-
lhing lhe aninaI slands for~lhe Creal Bear, lhe Creal WoIf,
and so on.
AninaI spirils are poverfuI, lul lhey are aIso Iess incIined
lo offer advice or guidance lo shanans. Their inleresl Iies in
ensuring lhal shanans are respeclfuI lovard lheir species and
lhal shanans heIp lo guide olhers in deaIing vilh aninaI spir-
ils kin. They are nol very inleresled in aiding shanans in
lheir ovn affairs. The spirils of gane aninaIs such as noose or
deer do nol nind if shanans or lheir peopIes hunl lhe aninaI,
lul lhey grov angry if lhe hunling is vanlon or disrespeclfuI.
AninaI spirils have knovIedge of evenls lhal have af-
fecled lheir species in lhe IocaI area and have a nunler of
povers lhey can use on a shanans lehaIf. Minor aninaI spir-
ils can aid shanans ly using anina| fricnsnip, spca| ui|n ani-
na|s, or anina| sunncning |. In addilion, an aninaI spiril can
granl a Iiniled forn of c|airauicncc and c|airtcqancc ly aIIov-
ing a shanan lo see lhrough lhe eyes of an aninaI of lhe
spirils species vilhin a range of one niIe. AninaIs of lhe
species in queslion never allack lhe shanan or anyone under
his or her proleclion unIess lhe shanan has angered lhe spiril
or lhe aninaIs are nagicaIIy conlroIIed.
Major aninaI spirils can use anina| sunncning ||, granl
shanans lhe speed or novenenl povers of lhe aninaI (fIying,
svinning, or running al lhe aninaIs lase speed), or lransforn
shanans inlo lhe shape of lhe aninaI, siniIar lo a druids
shapechange. Creal spirils can use anina| sunncning |||, nca| a
shanan or one person under his or her proleclion (or narn an
eneny), or lecone langilIe and aid lhe shanan in a forn re-
senlIing Mcrcn|aincns fai|nfu| ncun in aliIilies lul shaped
in lhe forn of lhe aninaI.
SpIrIts oI Nature:
The nosl recIusive and poverfuI spirils are lhe eIenenlaI spir-
ils of nalure. These leings represenl lhe physicaI vorId around
shanans. The slrenglh or pover of lhe crealure lhe spiril rep-
resenls delernines vhelher il is considered a ninor, najor, or
greal spiril. A slrean, copse, or hiIIlop nay le hone lo a ninor
spiril, a river, noderaleIy-sized foresl, or canyon nay le
guarded ly a najor spiril, and a nounlain, Iarge foresl, or
nighly river nay le lhe hone of a greal spiril. Spirils of nalure
frequenlIy lake on hunanIike fealures or characlerislics vhen
deaIing vilh shanans, so a spiril nighl le knovn as Id
Mounlain, River Wonan, or Ioresl WaIker.
Spirils of nalure are even nore dislanl lhan aninaI spirils,
lul lhey do feeI sone allachnenl lo lhe peopIe and crealures
vho Iive nearly. A river spiril is IikeIy lo le proleclive of lhe
viIIage luiIl on ils lanks as Iong as lhe peopIe shov respecl lo
il. Nalure spirils oflen change vilh lhe seasons, so a river spiril
in lhe spring fIood nay le viId, capricious, and dangerous lo
deaI vilh, vhiIe a foresl spiril in vinler nay le sIeeping and
hard lo rouse.
Spirils of nalure are generaIIy veII-inforned aloul any-
lhing lhal has laken pIace in lheir Iocalion and can reIale lhis
infornalion lo shanans. Spirils of nalure are aIso capalIe of
using polenl povers on a shanans lehaIf. The principIe differ-
ence lelveen ninor and greal spirils is lhe size of lhe area in
vhich lhey can le sunnoned. Minor spirils are lound lo one
specific sile nol nore lhan a fev hundred yards across, najor
spirils are Iiniled lo 5 or 1O square niIes, and greal spirils can
acl in areas lhe size of snaII nalions. Nole lhal lhe areas of ef-
fecl of speII-Iike aliIilies lhe spirils can enacl renain un-
changed~a greal spiril is poverfuI lecause lhe region in
vhich il is avaiIalIe lo assisl lhe shanan is nuch Iarger lhan a
ninor spirils range.
Spirils of nalure can heIp a shanan ly invoking a nunler
of speII-Iike povers for lhe shanan. UnIike eIenenlaIs, spirils
of nalure incIude aspecls of vegelalion and aII lhe eIenenls of
lheir hone, so a nounlain spiril has infIuence over earlh and
air as veII as lhe foresls lhal grov on lhe nounlains sIopes.
The aliIilies avaiIalIe lo spirils of nalure are descriled leIov.
The reverse forns of reversilIe speIIs are alIe lo le granled
aIso, lhough lhe Iisled forn is nosl connonIy requesled.
Land Slrlts: 1sl ~ cn|ang|c, pass ui|ncu| |racc, 2nd ~ us|
cti|, |rip, 3rd ~ nc| in|c s|cnc, snarc, 4lh ~ spca| ui|n p|an|s,
5lh ~ ccnnunc ui|n na|urc, 6lh ~ s|cnc |c||, |itcca|, ua|| cf
|ncrns, 7lh ~ anina|c rcc|, and cnangcs|aff. Land spirils nay le
associaled vilh nounlains, pIains, foresls, pIaleaus, canyons,
nesas, or any olher dislincl Iand fealure.
Alr Slrlts: 2nd ~ coscurcncn|, 3rd ~ ca|| |ign|ning, gus| cf
uin (vizard speII), uin ua|| (vizard speII), 5lh ~ ccnnunc
ui|n na|urc, air ua||, ccn|rc| uins, 6lh ~ uca|ncr sunncning,
7lh ~ ccn|rc| uca|ncr, unccn|rc||c uca|ncr (reverse of ccn|rc|
uca|ncr), and uin ua||. Air spirils are associaled vilh high
peaks, vindsvepl pIains or vaIIeys, or seasonaI vinds such as a
sirocco or lhe norlh vind of lhe vinler.
Water Slrlts: 1sl ~ ua|| cf fcg (vizard speII), 2nd ~ fcg
c|cu (vizard speII), 3rd ~ ua|cr orca|ning, ua|cr ua||, 4lh ~
|cucr ua|cr, sc|i fcg (vizard speII), rcf|cc|ing pcc|, 5lh ~ ccn-
nunc ui|n na|urc, 6lh ~ par| ua|cr, and inprctc crca|c ua|cr
(reverse of |ransnu|c ua|cr |c us|). Waler spirils are associaled
vilh Iakes, slreans, rivers, or seas.
CaLLImg 5pInI1s
nce shanans have perforned lhe iniliaI cerenonies lhal al-
lracl spirils and eslalIish conneclions lo lhe leings, lhey can
sunnon lhose spirils any line lo seek lhe infornalion, favors,
and povers descriled alove. A shanans Iocalion does nol
naller. Spirils can cone lo shanans anyvhere, even lhough
spirils of nalure nay nol le alIe lo heIp lhen oulside lheir
To sunnon a spiril, a shanan nusl chanl, pray, and per-
forn a cerenoniaI dance for al Ieasl one lurn. The lase
chance of success is 1O per characler IeveI, pIus 1O for
every addilionaI lurn lhe characler chanls and dances, lo a
naxinun 9O chance of success. If a shanan has aIready
sunnoned a spiril lhal day, lhe naxinun chance of success
faIIs ly 1O per sunnoning. Ior inslance, a shanan vho
has caIIed lvo spirils and is lrying lo sunnon a lhird has a
naxinun success chance of 7O, or possilIy Iess if lhe
shanan is a Iov-IeveI characler in a hurry. In any evenl,
shanans nay allenpl no nore lhan one caIIing per charac-
ler IeveI in lhe course of a singIe day. A roII of 96 or higher
(91 or higher in lhe case of spirils of nalure) angers lhe spiril
lhe shanan is lrying lo caII.
If lhe spiril is nol angry al lhe shanan for sone reason, il
appears vilh a successfuI roII. nIy shanans can see lhe spiril
or speak lo il. lher characlers nay le avare of chiIIs,
slrange odors, shinnering hazes, unusuaI gusls of vind, and
olher signs. The shanan can converse vilh lhe spiril for one
round per characler IeveI, asking one queslion per round.
Asking a favor of a spiril, such as lhe use of a speII-Iike aliI-
ily, requires one round for ninor spirils or aliIilies, lvo for
najor, and lhree for aliIilies lhal can onIy le granled ly
greal spirils. During lhis requesl, lhe shanan expIains vhal
he vishes of lhe spiril and vhy lhe spiril shouId granl heIp. If
lhe DM lhinks il appropriale, lhe pIayer nusl roIe-pIay lhis
conversalion. If lhe spiril agrees lo heIp, lhe speII-Iike effecl
is granled lo lhe shanan, vho nay relain il in reserve for up
lo one fuII day unliI lhe shanan is ready lo invoke lhe spirils
2 8
pover. A shanan can hoId onIy one favor in reserve al a line
and cannol requesl anolher of any spiril unliI lhe heId aliIily
is used.
SpIrIts as NPCs:
Spirils are individuaIs, and lhey have Iong nenories. A
shanan vho lakes aclions lhe spirils find offensive or vho asks
lheir heIp in queslionalIe circunslances nay le denied assis-
lance jusl lecause lhe spiril does nol feeI Iike leing heIpfuI.
The DM nay find il usefuI lo refer lo TalIe 59: Lncounler Re-
aclions in lhe DMG. SinpIy rale lhe spirils frane of nind as
lhrealening, hosliIe, indifferenl, or friendIy depending on hov
lhe shanan has leen acling and hov oulrageous lhe shanans
requesl is lo lhe spiril. Il is a good idea lo creale personaIilies,
nolivalions, and alliludes for lhe spirils lhe shanan deaIs vilh
nosl oflen.
Spirils do nol have gane slalislics. NornaI norlaIs have no
neans of injuring lhen, aIlhough olher divine crealures nay
le alIe lo do so. nIy grealer spirils can lake a physicaI forn,
and even lhen lhey are reIuclanl lo do so. Crealer spirils of lhe
dead can lriefIy resune lheir Iiving forn vilh lhe appropriale
cIass and aliIilies, aninaI spirils can appear as a doulIe-sized
version of lhe nornaI variely, and spirils of nalure can appear
as 12-HD eIenenlaIs. In physicaI forn, spirils can onIy le in-
jured ly +2 or leller nagicaI veapons. Lven if lhey are
kiIIed, lhey acluaIIy onIy relreal fron lhe scene for a shorl
AngerIng the SpIrIts:
A shanan can conpIeleIy aIienale lhe spirils ly laking parlic-
uIarIy offensive aclions. If lhe offense is lenporary or uninlen-
lionaI, lhe spiril sinpIy refuses lo ansver any caIIs for a suil-
alIe period of line~one lenday lo a year nay le appropriale.
If lhe offense vas deIilerale or pernanenl in nalure, lhe spiril
severs ils conneclion lo lhe shanan and cannol le caIIed
again unliI lhe shanan alones for lhe offense, repairs vhalever
danage lhal vas caused, and repeals lhe lenday-Iong sun-
noning cerenony.
(Father oI the Uthgardt, BattIe Father, Honor
Father, Master oI the Beast VIrtues, Son oI Be-
orunna, Son oI Tempus)
DcmIpnwcr nf Ysgard, CN
IRTILI: The Ulhgardl larlarian lriles, physicaI
DMAIN NAML: Ysgard/Ulhgardlhein
ALLILS: Tenpus
ILS: MaIar, AuriI
Ulhgar is lhe Iegendary founder of lhe Ulhgardl larlarians of
lhe Savage Ironlier, vho lake lheir nane fron hin. He is said
in sone of lheir Iegends lo le lhe son of Beorunna and in
olhers lo le lhe son of Tenpus. A proud, slrong varrior vho
founded lhe Ulhgardl lriles, Ulhgar is repuled lo have Iived
lhree lines a nornaI hunan Iife, lhen ascended lo valch over
lhe Ulhgardl for aII elernily afler laking falaI vounds in a one-
on-one lallIe vilh a frosl gianl naned Curl. Ulhgar naslered
aII lhe prinevaI leasl spirils in individuaI conlal, passing
dovn lhe divine gifls he gained fron lhal naslery lo his
peopIe, lhe Ulhgardl, al his dealh. The Ulhgardl lriles aII foI-
Iov a leasl lolen, represenling one of lhe leasls lhal Ulhgar
lesled. A fragnenl of Ulhgardl oraI Iegend speaks of his ascen-
sion lhus:
8|cc f|cuc |i|c spring nc|| ua|cr frcn U|ngars ucuns as nc
s|cc ocfcrc nis scns cn |nc nassitc s|u|| cf Gur|, |nc |cr cf |nc
pa|c gian|s. li|n a s|rcng tcicc, nc spc|c cf nis gif|.
Mign|q Tcnpus cc|arcs |na| | naq nc |cngcr ua|| ancng qcu.
| ui|| nc| gc ui|ncu| |cating qcu a fina| fign|. Ycu |ncu |na| | natc
fcugn| |nc ocas| gcs an |a|cn frcn cacn a par| cf |ncir s|rcng|n,
unicn | in |urn gitc |c qcu.
Tcacn |nc cni|rcn |ncsc sccrc|s. |f |ncq ctc|c |ncnsc|tcs |c |nc
ocas| gcs, |ncn |ncq naq ca|| upcn |nc ocas|s pcucr.
An sc spca|ing, U|ngar ncun|c nis s|q pcnq an jcinc nis
fa|ncr 8ccrunna in |nc uar na||s cf Tcnpus.
In reaIily, Ulhgar vas prolalIy a Rualhyn Norlhnan,
Ulher CardoIfsson, lrolher lo Morgred CardoIfsson (lhe
Morgur of Morgurs Mound), vho Ied a Iong raiding career
(incIuding Iooling falIed IIIuskan) lefore founding a dynasly
of nev larlarians, lhe Ulhgardl. He rose lo such heighls, hov-
ever, lhal he did indeed ascend lo divinily as he vas dying
under lhe sponsorship of lhe god of var, vho adnired his fighl-
ing spiril.
Ulhgar is proud, fierce, and independenl. He nakes fev
friends and renains uninvoIved enough vilh inlerfailh and
inler-deily confIicls lhal he has accrued fev enenies. He is
served ly lhe prinevaI BIack Lion, BIack Raven, BIue Bear,
LIk, CoIden LagIe, Cray WoIf, Creal Worn, Criffon, Red
Iony, Red Tiger (Snov Cal), Sky Iony, Tree Chosl, and
Thunderleasl greal spirils. He has recenlIy decIared MaIar
and AuriI his foes~MaIar since Ulhgar hoIds hin responsilIe
for lhe corruplion and sulsequenl denise of lhe BIue Bear
lrile, and AuriI lecause she has leen naking such deep in-
cursions inlo lhe LIk lrile. He conlenpIales decIaring Tyr,
Torn, IInaler, and HeIn his foes lecause of lheir incursions
upon his failhfuI. He has leen counseIed againsl such rash ac-
lion ly Tenpus, his one divine aIIy, since lhe good deilies of
Iaern vork so cIoseIy logelher lhal aclions laken againsl
lhen vouId IikeIy Iead lo a severe depIelion of Ulhgars di-
vine pover in his defense againsl lhe reprisaIs of lhen and
lheir aIIies.
Ulhgar Ioves a good joke, and his Iaughler is fuII and hearly.
He enjoys lhe sensuaI pIeasures of lhe fIesh even in his divine
slale, and Iikes lo hunl, eal, drink, and le nerry in his feasl
haIIs vilh lhe varrior spirils he has caIIed lo serve hin in Ulh-
gardlhein. He is a lireIess and nelhodicaI laclician~nol ler-
rilIy inspired, lul driven lo vin in lhe Iong run. His Iove for
lhe Ulhgardl peopIe is slrong, and he fighls againsl any odds lo
prolecl lhen in lhe end.
2 9
U1hgan' s Aoa1an
(FIghter 22, Shaman 1S, CIerIc 10)
Ulhgar has onIy lvice senl his avalar lo Iaern. He lends lo
reIy on lhe leasl lolen greal spirils lo speak lo his peopIe for
hin. Ulhgar appears as a laII, lurIy varrior dressed in onIy a
lallIe harness, a Iealher lreechcIolh, and furred lools. His hair
is lIond, Iong, and vorn in a singIe lraid dovn his lack, and
his eyes are a piercing lIue. He sporls a lhick, drooping lIond
nuslache and a looning voice. He usuaIIy appears riding his
gianl dappIed-gray sky pony (pegasus), CIoudving. He dravs
his speIIs fron aII spheres, lul avoids necronanlic speIIs of
delrinenlaI effecl (lhose vhich creale undead crealures) and
forns of sun sphere speIIs lhal creale darkness.
AC -2, MV 15 or II 48 D on CIoudving, HI 174,
THACO -1, #AT 5/2, Dng 2d8+2O (+4 gian| oa|||c
axc j|ccs|ri|cr], +14 Slr, +2 spec. lonus in lallIe
axe), MR 55, SZ L (12 feel)
Str 25, Dex 17, Con 20, Int 16, Wis 19, Cha 21
Spells P: 9/8/8/7/4/2/1
Saves: PPDM 5, RSW 3, PP 5, BW 7, Sp 4
5pccIa! Att/Dcf: Ulhgar fighls vilh |ccs|ri|cr, a +4 gian|-
sizc oa|||c axc lhal vorks in his hands siniIar lo a +3 nanncr,
uartcn |nrcucr in lhal il can le lhrovn and loonerang lack
lo hin. Il infIicls nornaI danage vhen lhrovn, lul lripIe dan-
age vhen il slrikes gianls and gianlkin of any sorl vhen eilher
lhrovn or hand-heId. |ccs|ri|cr never lreaks or disinlegrales,
and cannol le renoved fron Ulhgars hoId or conlroI vilhoul
his consenl.
Ulhgar casls aII speIIs fron lhe aninaI sphere al doulIe ef-
fecl in aII respecls and al a -1 lo aII saving lhrovs (vhen ap-
pIicalIe). He disIikes raising or resurrecling lhe dead and nusl
le convinced lo do so.
Ulhgar regenerales 3 hil poinls per round vhen slanding
anyvhere in lhe Svord Coasl Norlh, lhe honeIand of his
peopIe. LIsevhere, he regenerales 1 hil poinl per round. He is
innune lo coId speIIs and speII effecls or aliIilies of any sorl.
Ulhgar can sunnon any of lhe Ulhgardl leasl lolen greal
spirils lo his side lo do his lidding or fighl vilh hin inslanlIy.
O1hen NamI[es1a1Ioms
Ulhgar acls or shovs his favor lhrough lhe appearance or ac-
lions of lhe leasl lolen greal spirils and lhrough aninaIs lhal
resenlIe lhose spirils: lIack connon Iions, lIack gianl or
huge ravens, cave lears, eIks, goIden eagIes, gray voIves,
greal vorns (see lhe descriplion of greal vorns under 5pc-
cIa!ty PrIcsts leIov), griffons, red ponies, red ligers (snov
cals), sky ponies (pegasi, especiaIIy gray ones), lreanls, and
apalosauruses (lronlosauruses). He aIso shovs his favor or
Iack lhereof lhrough a vision of Ioeslriker, his lallIe axe,
vhich is inlangilIe lo physicaI, nagicaI, or psionic allacks,
lul vhich can indicale direclion, speak in Ulhgars voice,
and casl speIIs lhal Ulhgar is capalIe of casling al his IeveI of
The Chunch
CLLRCY: Shanans
TURN UNDLAD: Sha: Yes, if good
CMND. UNDLAD: Sha: Yes, if neulraI or eviI
AII shanans of Ulhgar receive reIigion (Iaernian) as a lonus
nonveapon proficiency.
The Ulhgardl larlarian lriles each vorship one of lhe
leasls vhose povers vere laken ly Ulhgar. The lolen cuIl
enconpasses lhe vorship of lhe lriles anceslors, incIuding
Ulhgar, his sons, and Iong-dead chieflains and shanans. The
facl lhal Ulhgar is unknovn oulside of lhe Norlh, even in
lenpIes of Tenpus, is proof lo lhe larlarians lhal lhe civiIized
priesls are veak and have valered dovn lhe lrue nessage of
lhe gods. Ulhgar has no personaI synloI, and lhe synloI of
one of lhe Ulhgardl leasl lolen cuIls (BIack Lion, BIack
Raven, BIue Bear, LIk, Cray WoIf, Creal Worn, Criffon, Red
Tiger (Snov Cal), Sky Iony, Tree Chosl, and Thunderleasl)
aIvays serves lo represenl hin aIso. Ulhgar has neilher
lenpIes nor shrines in lhe slandard sense, shanans perforn
cerenonies in his nane and lhal of lheir lrilaI lolen leasl
vherever necessary, lhough lhe anceslraI nounds of lhe Ulh-
gardl peopIe are Ulhgars nosl hoIy siles. Ulhgar has no reaI
church, ralher, his peopIe aII vorship hin as lhe uIlinale
Ulhgardl varrior and lhe synloI of aII lhal lhey hoId virlu-
ous. He is lhe nasler of aII lhe leasl lolens, vhich lhey aIso
venerale. Ulhgardl shanans hoId various lilIes, vhich vary
videIy lelveen lriles.
Dngma: The dogna of lhe Ulhgardl reIigion varies sIighlIy
fron lrile lo lrile as each leasl cuIl enphasizes differenl lar-
larian virlues. In generaI, shanans are charged as foIIovs
vhen lhey are inilialed inlo lhe Ulhgardl failh:
S|rcng|n is ctcrq|ning. Citi|iza|icn is uca|ncss. Mcn sncu|
fign|, nun|, an rai frcn |nc uca| |c prctic fcr |ncir uitcs an
fani|ics. |ani|q is sacrc, an i|s ocns arc ncr cas| asic |ign||q.
Magic |na| ccs nc| ccnc frcn |nc gcs is cffc|c, sc|f-inu|gcn|,
an u||ina|c|q |cas |c uca|ncss, sincc cnc cpcns cn nagic |c
acccnp|isn |nings ra|ncr |nan cncs cun nans. Snun rc|iancc cn
sccu|ar nagic as cti| an a fa|sc pa|n, fcr |na| uaq |cas cn|q |c
ca|n an ruin. Rctcrc U|ngar, 8ccrunna, |nc U|ngar| anccs-
|crs, an |nc ocas| spiri|s unicn guics cncs |rioc. Tnc ocas| spir-
i|s nc| uiscn an rau pcucr, |a|c |ncn fcr qcur cun. S|uq
|nc ocas| sc |na| qcu |ncu i|s tir|ucs an i|s uca|ncsscs, c|ain i|s
tir|ucs as qcur cun an ucc i|s uca|ncsscs frcn qcur spiri|.
Ma|c |nc c|ncrs cf |nc |rioc fcar an rcspcc| qcur pcucr an qcur
|ncu|cgc, sc |na| |ncq ui|| ncc |nc uisc ucrs qcur anccs|crs
spca| |c qcu in aqs cf |rcuo|c an |urnci|.
Day-tn-Day ActIvItIcs: Ulhgardl shanans lend lo lhe re-
speclive needs of lheir lriles, leaching lrilaI hislory and cus-
lons passed dovn ly heroic laIes and Iineage chanls in an
oraI lradilion spanning cenluries. They provide heaIing for
lheir lriles, iniliale youlhs inlo nanhood afler lhey conpIele
lheir lrilaI quesls (oflen nissions againsl a lriles riluaI
eneny), and provide counseI lo lhe lriles chieflain and eI-
ders. When lhe lrile faces a nev silualion or a quandary,
shanans consuIl vilh lhe anceslraI spirils and lolen aninaI
greal spiril lo find guidance. AII Ulhgardl shanans leIieve
lhal personaI slrenglh can denonslrale purily of purpose, and
so argunenls are oflen sellIed ly a lesl of slrenglh or a lallIe
lo firsl lIood, lo surrender, or lo lhe dealh~if lhe naller is
serious enough. Al Runeneel, shanans officiale over lhe
lrilaI riles of passage.
Hn!y Days/Impnrtant CcrcmnnIcs: The Ulhgardl reIigion
is cIose lo nalure and is lied lo lhe change of lhe seasons, and
lhe spring equinox and sunner and vinler soIslices are ol-
served ly Ulhgardl shanans vilh cerenony invoIving a day
and nighl of fasling (caIIed lhe Birlhing in spring, lhe IuIIness
in sunner, and lhe Darking in vinler). A vision quesl, or ccn-
nuning vilh Ulhgar and lhe spirils, in vhich lhey ask lheir
spiril guides and lrilaI lolen for guidance in lhe upconing
nonlhs is aIso perforned during lhese lines.
The hoIiesl line of year occurs during lhe aulunnaI
equinox during lhe nonlh of LIeinl (vhich coincides approxi-
naleIy vilh lhe feslivaI of Higharveslide). Al lhis line, aII
lrilaI cIans converge on lhe lriles anceslraI nound for lhe an-
nuaI Runeneel. The Ulhgardl vorship lheir gods, sel lrilaI
poIicy, perforn narriages, ceIelrale lirlhs, fornaIize adop-
lions, and nourn dealhs al lhese siles. Shanans officiale over
lhese funclions, lhe eslalIishnenl of nev spiril guardians of
lhe anceslraI nound for lhe upconing year (lhrough lhe use of
sunncn anccs|cr speIIs), lhe slaliIizalion of lhe gale on lhe lop
of each nound for anolher year, and iniliale nev candidales
inlo lhe prieslhood.
During lhe Runeneel, Ulhgardl youlhs desiring lo le
aduIls (and varriors of aII ages) parlicipale in lhe riluaI of lhe
Runehunl, in vhich lhose invoIved seek viclory over one lhe
lriles riluaI enenies~usuaIIy orcs. When youlhs conpIele a
Runehunl successfuIIy, shanans hoId a cerenony, knovn as
lhe Tc|nu|, lo iniliale lhen inlo nanhood. Shanans of
Chaunlea iniliale Ulhgardl girIs inlo vonanhood al lhis line
as veII.
Manr Ccntcrs nf WnrshIp: Ulhgardl anceslor nounds are
lhe hoIiesl siles of lhe Ulhgardl larlarians. These huge earlh-
vorks nounds, oflen shaped Iike lhe lolen leasls of lhe lriles
vhich galher al lhen, are sacred luriaI grounds vhere onIy lhe
grealesl shanans and chiefs are inlerred. Mosl lriles leIieve
lheir lrilaI founders are luried in lheir anceslor nound. AI-
lhough lhere are nany Iesser luriaI nounds and shrines
revered ly snaIIer cIans vilhin lhe lriles, il is lo lhe Iarge
nounds devoled lo lheir nosl ancienl and hoIy anceslors lhal
lhe Ulhgardl lriles relurn each faII lo spend lheir vinlers near
lhe proleclion of lheir anceslors.
The anceslor nounds are aII roughIy siniIar. Tvo nound
rings caIIed cairn rings surround a Iarge cenlraI aIlar nound.
The anceslor nounds of Iarge lriles nay aIso le surrounded ly
snaIIer, nondescripl luriaI nounds. UsuaIIy aII nounds are
forned of lurf-covered earlh.
The Ulhgardl are superslilious aloul lheir anceslor
nounds, lolh fearing and revering lhen. In lhe cairn rings sur-
rounding lhe aIlar nounds, lhey have luried lheir nighliesl
chieflains vilh lreasures and Iuxuries for lhe vorId leyond Iife.
They leIieve lhal lhe spirils of dead anceslors prolecl lhe
graves fron harn.
AII Ulhgardl nounds arc guarded. Mosl have a Ione (fanal-
icaI) shanan of 8lh lo 1Olh IeveI prolecling lhen. AII are pro-
lecled ly chanpion anceslor spirils lound inlo service each
year al Runeneel ly lhe 3rd-IeveI priesl speII sunncn anccs|cr.
Al lhe DMs discrelion, chanpion spirils nay le aInosl any
lype of speclraI undead: ghosls, vrailhs, speclres, apparilions,
elc. Hovever, lheir aIignnenl is aIvays CN, since lhey are in
lrulh larlaric guardian leings. To finish lhe Runeneel cere-
nony, lhe eIdesl Ulhgardl shanans vork an invoIved riluaI
(siniIar lo lhe priesl speII p|anc snif|) lhal opens a galevay inlo
lhe AslraI IIane alop lhe aIlar nound.
Il is generaIIy leIieved lhal lhe renains of Ulhgar and his
lrolhers are luried in Morgurs Mound, lul lhe hoIiesl of an-
ceslraI nounds is Beorunnas WeII, naned for lhe a hero of lhe
pre-Ulhgar peopIe. Legend hoIds lhal Beorunna (Bey of Run-
Ialha, as he vas knovn in ancienl Ascore, or Berun in lhe
Norlhnan longue) deslroyed Zukolholh, a naIfeshnee lrue
lanarri in lhe cavern, coIIapsing il in on lolh of lhen. The
spiril of Beorunna supposedIy sliII guards lhe BIack Lion lrile
vhich Iives near lhe WeII.
8|ac| |icn. Beorunnas WeII. The BIack Lions do nol vor-
ship BIack Lion anynore, having lurned lheir vorship lo Tyr,
Torn, IInaler, and HeIn vilh onIy lhe exceplion of lheir
singIe renaining shanan, Bogohardl BIacknane (NC hn
Sha8 of BIack Lion/Ulhgar). Red Tiger shanans perforn lhe
sacred riles al lhe WeII vhiIe aII BIack Lion lrile nenlers re-
nain oulside.
8|ac| Ratcn. Ravenrock. Riles are Ied ly Iurehearlnan
(CC hn M13/Sha7 of Creal Raven/Ulhgar).
8|uc 8car. Slone Sland (recenlIy exlincl lrile and lolen
cuIl). The BIue Bear lrile nel al Crandfalher Tree lefore lhey
vere driven fron il ly ils guardian spirils, lheir Ialer corrup-
lion ly Tanla Hagara (an annis hag shanan of lhe BIue
Bear) and lhe forces of HeIIgale Keep Ied lo a significanl por-
lion of lhe lrile lreaking avay lo forn lhe Tree Chosl lrile.
|||. IIinlrock. Riles are Ied ly BerchlvaId BandyIeg (CN
hn Sha7 of LIk/Ulhgar). Mosl of lhe lrile has leen Ied inlo
lhe vorship of AuriI (and secondary of TaIos, UnlerIee, and
MaIar) ly lhe poor Ieadership of Zokan Thunderer, regarded as
a vuIgar lhug ly lhose oulside his lrile. IIinlrock grovs nore
decrepil each year vilh a Iack of failhfuI vorshipers lo heIp
nainlain il.
Gc|cn |ag|c. ne Slone (Iong-exlincl lrile).
Graq lc|f. Ravenrock. Riles are Ied ly CIovis Creenleelh
(CL naIe lrue Iycanlhrope verevoIf Sha8 of Cray WoIf/Ulhgar).
Grca| lcrn. Creal Worn Cavern. Afler lhe dealh of LIren
lhe Wise (NC naIe greal vorn Sha2O of lhe Creal
Worn/Ulhgar) in lhe Year of lhe Banner (1368 DR), riles are
Ied ly Thenrin (NC hn Sha7 of lhe Creal Worn/Ulhgar).
Griffcn. Shining While. Riles are Ied ly AdaIfus Slorn-
galherer (LN hn Sha11 of Criffon/Ulhgar)
Rc Pcnq. ne Slone (Iong-exlincl lrile).
Rc Tigcr (Snov Cul): Beorunnas WeII. Riles are Ied ly
Carinen lhe Maker (CN hn Sha8 of Red Tiger/Ulhgar) for
lolh lhe Red Tiger and BIack Lion lriles.
S|q Pcnq. ne Slone. Riles are Ied ly AdaIvyn Sviflvings
(CN hn Sha8 of Sky Iony/Ulhgar). This anceslraI nound vas
once shared lelveen lhe Sky Iony, Red Iony, and CoIden
LagIe lriles. The Sky Iony lrile is lhe onIy Ulhgardl lrile Iefl
lo use il. Mosl of lhe Sky Iony lrile aIso vorships Tenpus.
Tnuncrocas|. Morgurs Mound. Riles are Ied ly Kierkrad
Sevenloes (CC hn Sha9 of Thunderleasl/Ulhgar). WhiIe lhe
veneralion of Thunderleasl and Ulhgar renains slrong in lhe
lrile, nany nenlers of lhis very civiIized lrile aIso vorship
SiIvanus, Tyr, Torn, and IInaler.
Trcc Gncs|. Crandfalher Tree. Riles are joyousIy Ied ly
Chungred Choslhearl (NC hn Sha12 of Crandfalher
Tree/Ulhgar). Crandfalher Tree vas Iosl for nany years and
lhe vandering Tree Chosls used lo vinler al lhe nearesl an-
ceslor nound vhen faII cane lefore Crandfalher Tree vas
found again on ShieIdneel in lhe Year of lhe Banner (1368
DR) in lhe norlhern parl of lhe High Ioresl, near lhe Losl
AffI!Iatcd Ordcrs: The Ulhgardl lriles have no affiIialed
varrior or knighlIy orders, and lhey are nol reginenled
enough in oulIook lo have any honorary orders. Rank vilhin
a lrile delernined ly a rough pecking order lased on
slrenglh, lallIe provess (hov nany enenies one has kiIIed),
and hov nuch looly a varrior or shanan caplured in lhe Iasl
raid. Cerlain lriles have conneclions eilher lo each olher or
lo oulside organizalions such as lhe Harpers, lhe church of
MaIar, Iover pIanar fiends, or parlicuIar individuaIs such as
AIuslrieI of SiIverynoon.
PrIcst!y Vcstmcnts: Ior high riluaIs al lhe anceslraI nound
or vhen honoring lhe appoinlnenl of a nev chieflain for lhe
lrile, shanans dress in a high hoIy regaIia of Iealher-and-fur
lunics, lreeches, lreechcIolhs, and lools covered in inlricale,
nyslic designs and ornanenlalion and lhongs and fringes lo
vhich are allached leads and hoIy reIics of personaI inpor-
lance (usuaIIy reveaIed lo lhen as oljecls of pover ly spirils in
visions). These reIics are forlified vilh hoIy pover and prayer,
and vhiIe a shanan vears his nosl hoIy reIics for lhese cere-
nonies, Ulhgar and lhe shanans lolen aninaI each leslov a
lonus of +1 lo his Arnor CIass (lolaI AC lonus of +2). When
a shanan dies, his reIics are luried vilh hin in his anceslraI
nound. Wearing lhe high hoIy regaIia of a shanan conveys no
Arnor CIass lonuses lo anyone excepl lhe shanan vhose re-
gaIia il is.
Ralher lhan a hoIy synloI, Ulhgardl shanans carry a sacrc
oun|c, a Iealher salcheI conlaining speII conponenls, oljecls
loo hoIy for olhers lo see, and snaII carved ninialure depic-
lions of lhe shanans lolen aninaI. These oljecls have leen
gained ly lhe shanan al lhe requesl of his anceslraI spirils.
Lach sacrc oun|c is prolecled ly a guardian spiril vho appears
fron lhe lag if il is opened ly anyone olher lhan ils ovner.
Sacrc oun|c are enchanled ly lhe spiril lolen of lhe lrile lo
aulonalicaIIy succeed al aII ilen saving lhrovs excepl disinle-
gralion or a nagicaI effecl of siniIar pover (and even lhen
lhey receive a saving lhrov vs. disinlegralion). This sacrc
oun|c serves Ulhgardl shanans as a hoIy synloI, and vhiIe
lhey carry il (or Iay ils conponenls lefore lhen in privale) lhe
naleriaI conponenl of any priesl speII requiring a hoIy synloI
is salisfied, and lhey need onIy geslure forcefuIIy avay fron
lhenseIves lo (or lovard lhenseIves) lo lurn or connand un-
dead crealures.
AdvcnturIng Garb: Shanans connonIy dress as nosl
Ulhgardl do, in fringed Iealhers and furs (or in nore heavy
arnor if a nission caIIs for il and lhey possess il). They acces-
sorize lheir cIolhing vilh lrighlIy coIored fealhers, quiIIs,
and dyevork in conpIicaled geonelric pallerns, nyslic syn-
loIs, depiclions of lheir lolen aninaI, and hoIy reIics. MaIe
shanans lalloo lheir cheeks vilh lhe sinpIe inage of lheir
lolen leasl. The fev vonen vho have foughl Ulhgardl lra-
dilion lo lecone shanans usuaIIy do nol sporl such faciaI lal-
loos, lul oflen possess lalloos on lheir arns in lhe forn of
lallooed lraceIels and arnIels of poverfuI synloIs and lhe
inage of lheir leasl lolen.
5pecIaL1 PnIes1s
(Uthgardt Beast CuIt Shamans)
RLQUIRLMLNTS: Slrenglh 13, Wisdon 13
IRIML RLQ.: Slrenglh, Wisdon
WLAINS: Hand axe, knife, spear, lallIe axe, alIalI
and javeIin, Iong lov
ARMR: AII arnor lypes up lo and incIuding chain
naiI and shieId
MA}R SIHLRLS: AII, aninaI, sunnoning, proleclion, lrav-
eIers, vards
MINR SIHLRLS: HeaIing, pIanl
MACICAL ITLMS: Sane as cIerics
RLQ. IRIS: Hunling, vealher sense, sel snares, fire-
BNUS IRIS: Lndurance, survivaI (arclic), lracking
AII speciaIly priesls of Ulhgar are leasl-cuIl shanans. Their
aliIilies and reslriclions, aside fron changes noled alove and
Ialer in lhis seclion, are sunnarized in lhe discussion of lhe
shanan characler cIass, alove. Nole lhal lhere are currenlIy
(as of 137O DR) no BIue Bear leasl cuIl shanans, as vhen lhe
lrile vas lolaIIy sulverled ly ils conneclion lo HeIIgale Keep,
lhe BIue Bear spiril lecane veakened lo such an exlenl lhal il
vas kiIIed ly MaIar, vho sulsuned ils vorship. SulsequenlIy,
lhe BIue Bear lrile vas virluaIIy viped oul in lhe deslruclion
of HeIIgale Keep.
The exlinclion of al Ieasl lvo previous Ulhgardl lriles, lhe
Red Iony lrile and lhe CoIden LagIe lrile vho used lo assen-
lIe al lhe ne Slone anceslraI nound al Runeneel, is a nal-
ler of record. The resurreclion of lhe BIue Bear lrile (and lhe
reappearance of a lrue BIue Bear shanan) vouId le a laken as
a greal sign of uncerlain inporl ly lhe Ulhgardl.
WhiIe vonen are nol incapalIe of leing Ulhgardl leasl-
cuIl shanans, Ulhgardl lradilion does nol easiIy pernil
vonen lo le shanans of Ulhgar and lhe leasl lolens
(lhough, anong lhe Ulhgardl, vonen excIusiveIy are
shanans of Chaunlea). IenaIe Ulhgardl shanans nay onIy
le crealed al lhe DMs discrelion.
Ulhgardl leasl cuIl shanans have differenl aIignnenl re-
slriclions and access lo sIighlIy differenl spheres, depending
on lheir lrilaI lolen aninaI. AII Ulhgardl leasl cuIl
shanans have access lo lhe lasic shanan spheres given
alove, pIus cerlain spheres speciaI lo lheir lolen aninaI.
8|ac| |icn. ALICNMLNT: LC, NC, CC, LN, N, CN,
MA}R: conlal, var
8|ac| Ratcn. ALICNMLNT: LC, NC, LN, N, LL, NL,
MA}R: charn, Minor: lhoughl
8|uc 8car. ALICNMLNT NL, CL (originaIIy, lhe BIue Bear
leasl cuIl vas NC, CC, N, CN aIso, lefore leing sulverled
ly lhe fiends of HeIIgale Keep), MA}R: conlal, var
charn, MINR: guardian
Graq lc|f. ALICNMLNT: NC, CC, N, CN, NL, CL,
MA}R: conlal, var
Grca| lcrn. ALICNMLNT LC, NC, CC, MA}R: charn,
eIenenlaI fire, MINR: lhoughl
conlal, var
Rc Tigcr (Snov Cal): ALICNMLNT: NC, CC, N, CN,
MA}R: conlal, var
MA}R: charn, eIenenlaI air
Trcc Gncs|. ALICNMLNT: LN, N, CN, MA}R: vealher,
eIenenlaI earlh
Tnuncrocas|. ALICNMLNT: LC, NC, CC, LN, N, CN,
MA}R: vealher, eIenenlaI valer, MINR: line
Ulhgardl shanans can seIecl nonveapon proficiencies fron
lolh lhe priesl and varrior groups vilh no penaIly.
A Ulhgardl shanan nay caII upon his lriles leasl pover.
This povers effecl varies ly lrilaI lolen, aIIoving lhe
shanan lo vieId a speciaI aliIily lhal is unique. The pover
nay le personaIIy used ly lhe shanan, or ils effecls nay le
granled lo anolher devoled foIIover of lhe lolen if indi-
caled leIov.
8|ac| |icn 8cas| Pcucr. BIack Lion shanans can Iel Ioose
a |icns rcar once a day or aIIov anolher devoled foIIover of
lhe BIack Lion lo do so ly louching lhen. (A lransnilled
rcar nusl le used vilhin 1 lurn.) This rcar deafens foes for
1d6 lurns if lhey faiI a saving lhrov vs. speII. Ioes deafened
in lhis nanner cannol hear and aIso have lheir laIance
sonevhal inpaired. Their allack roIIs suffer a -1 penaIly
for lhe duralion of lheir deafness and allenpls lo sneak up
on lhen accrue a lonus (delernined ly lhe DM).
8|ac| Ratcn 8cas| Pcucr. BIack Raven shanans can
snapccnangc (as lhe druid aliIily) once a day for up lo 1 lurn
inlo any naluraI aninaI nalive lo lhe Norlh. AIlernaliveIy,
lhey can convey lhis snapccnangc lo anolher viIIing BIack
Raven vorshiper ly louch.
8|uc 8car 8cas| Pcucr. BIue Bear shanans can caII upon
ocar furq for lhenseIves or anolher louched BIue Bear vor-
shiper once a day for 1 lurn. The recipienl of lhis pover
grovs cIavs and can cIav and lear-hug allack Iike a cave
lear (lvo cIav allacks for 1d8/1d8, a successfuI allack roII
of 18 or leller vilh eilher cIav resuIls in addilionaI hug
danage of 2d8).
||| 8cas| Pcucr. LIk shanans can caII upon lhe horns of
visdon up lo once a day. (They cannol gifl lhis aliIily lo
anolher.) This has lhe sane effecl as lhe casling of a con-
nune speII, excepl lhal il Iasls for 1 lurn and causes eIk
anlIers lo grov fron lhe skuII of lhe shanan. Lach use
causes addilionaI horn grovlh. IorlunaleIy, if lhe shanans
horns legin lo grov loo Iong for praclicaI supporl on lhe
hunan skeIelaI frane, lhe shanan sheds lhen one vinler
and legins lo grov nev horns in lhe spring, lhough lhis
nev sel is darker in coIor lhan lhe originaI sel.
Graq lc|f 8cas| Pcucr. Cray WoIf shanans are verevoIf
lrue Iycanlhropes. RegardIess of lhe phase of lhe noon, lhey
nay assune voIf forn or induce olher verevoIf Iycan-
lhropes (lrue or cursed Iycanlhropes) lo assune voIf forn
vilh lhen ly hovIing in voIf forn. In voIf forn, Cray WoIf
verevoIves Iook jusl Iike Iarge voIves aloul lhe size of
lears, excepl lhal lheir eyes gIov red in lhe dark (see Lycan-
lhrope, WerevoIf in lhe MNSTRUS MANUAL lone).
Grca| lcrn 8cas| Pcucr. Shanans of lhe Creal Worn
lrile can lrealhe fire lhree lines as a red dragon, infIicling
2d1O poinls of danage. They cannol lransnil lhis aliIily lo
Griffcn 8cas| Pcucr. Criffon shanans can caII upon grif-
fonleak for lhenseIves or anolher louched Criffon vor-
shiper once a day for 1 lurn. The griffcnoca| suljecls head
lecones a griffon head capalIe of liling for 2d8 poinls of
danage in addilion lo any olher physicaI allack lhe suljecl
is enlilIed lo. Griffcnoca| suljecls can sliII casl speIIs vilh
verlaI conponenls vilh no penaIly lul cannol conline a
griffcnoca| allack vilh such speIIcasling.
Rc Tigcr (Sncu Ca|) 8cas| Pcucr. Red Tiger shanans
can use lheir leasl pover lo snapccnangc inlo a liger (as lhe
druid snapccnangc aliIily) once a day for 1 lurn. AIlerna-
liveIy, lhey can cause anolher viIIing Red Tiger vorshiper
lo snapccnangc in lhis vay ly louch.
S|q Pcnq 8cas| Pcucr. Sky Iony shanans can grov lhe
vinds vings once a day for up lo 1 lurn. AIlernaliveIy, lhey
can cause anolher viIIing Sky Iony vorshiper lo grov
uins uing in lhis vay ly louch. The uins uings are Iarge,
lransIucenl fealhery vings lhal appear lo le nade of nisly
vapor lul are soIid lo lhe louch. They aIIov lheir vearer lo
fIy as a Iegasus al II 48 (C).
Trcc Gncs| 8cas| Pcucr. Tree Chosl shanans are alIe lo
casl one exlra speII of up lo 4lh IeveI fron lhe aII, aninaI,
divinalion, eIenenlaI, heaIing, pIanl, or vealher spheres
once a day. The shanan can pick lhe desired speII on lhe
spol and need nol have speciaIIy prayed for il previousIy.
This speII is avaiIalIe and vorks as nornaI even if il is fron
a sphere or of a speII IeveI lhal Ulhgardl shanans cannol
nornaIIy casl. (Nole lhal lhis does nol give Tree Chosl
shanans access lo olher failhs reIigion-specific speIIs.)
Tnuncrocas| 8cas| Pcucr. Thunderleasl shanans can
use lheir leasl pover lo cause lheir ovn or anolher louched
Thunderleasl vorshipers skin lo lenporariIy lecone
lough and gnarIy Iike dinosaur hide (AC 5) once a day for 1
lurn. AIso, as lhe recipienl of lhe pover vaIks, lhe ground
Al 5lh IeveI, Ulhgardl shanans can snapccnangc (as lhe druid
aliIily) inlo lhe lype of lolen leasl lhey vorship lvice per
lenday for 3d6 lurns, gaining aII lhe aliIilies of lhal crealure.
(See lhe MNSTRUS MANUAL lone for lhe slalislics on aII
of lhese crealures excepl apalosauruses.) BIack Lion shanans
lransforn inlo connon Iions, BIack Raven shanans inlo ei-
lher huge or gianl ravens, BIue Bear shanans inlo cave lears,
LIk shanans inlo eIks (use lhe slalislics for viId slags found
under MannaI in lhe MM, lul doulIe lhe HD, THACO 15,
danage 1d6/1d6/2d8), and Cray WoIf shanans inlo voIves
or dire voIves. Creal Worn shanans change inlo greal
vorns (use lhe slalislics for coualIs, lul lhe shape is lhal of a
nelaIIic green, lal-vinged snake vilh a red dragons head, in
addilion lo lhe nornaI coualI aliIilies, a greal vorn can
lrealhe fire as a red dragon, infIicling 4d1O+2 poinls of dan-
age, shanans of grealer lhan 15lh IeveI gain lhe psionic aliI-
ilies of cIairvoyance, enpalhy, precognilion, aslraI projec-
lion, and dinension vaIk vhiIe in lhis forn). Criffon
shanans lransforn inlo griffons, Red Tiger (Snov Cal)
shanans inlo ligers, Sky Iony shanans inlo pegasi, Tree
Chosl shanans inlo lreanls, and Thunderleasl shanans inlo
apalosauruses (use lhe lronlosaurus slalislics found in lhe
MNSTRUS CMILNDI UM VoI une Three or lhe
Ulhgardl shanans nusl deaI vilh sone spirils lhal lhey can
sunnon in a sIighlIy differenl vay fron nosl shanans.
U|ngar| Spiri|s cf |nc Dca. Ulhgardl spirils of lhe dead
(ninor, najor, or greal) can onIy le caIIed up al Ulhgardl an-
ceslraI nounds and cannol Ieave lhe vicinily (defined as
vilhin 5O feel) of lhe nound lhey vere luried in (excepl
under exceplionaI circunslances under lhe DMs discrelion).
Lxcepl during Runeneel, Ulhgardl spirils of lhe dead need nol
le conlroIIed as in lhe sunncn anccs|cr speII.
U|ngar| Grca| Spiri|s cf |nc Dca. Ulhgardl greal spirils of
lhe dead knov lhal Ulhgar disIikes raising and resurrecling lhe
dead. They nusl le lriled go againsl his vishes and casl raisc
ca vilh lolh Iife energy (1d2 experience IeveIs fron lhe per-
son lo le raised or anolher viIIing conlrilulor) and lrilule.
Trilule can range fron a lype of food lhal lhey Iike presenled
lo lhen al a grand spiril lanquel (vhich lhey sneII, lul do
nol eal, and vhich no one eIse nay eal fron excepl scavenging
aninaIs) lo up lo 5OO gp a year luried in or near lheir lonls on
a yearIy lasis unliI lhey are salisfied (lhey leII lheir sunnoner
vhen lhey are salisfied).
U|ngar| 8cas| Tc|cn Grca| Spiri|s. Ulhgardl shanans can
sunnon aninaI greal spirils as nornaI shanans do. Ulhgardl
leasl lolen greal spirils (BIack Lion, BIack Raven, BIue Bear,
LIk, Cray WoIf, Creal Worn, Criffon, Red Tiger, Sky Iony,
Tree Chosl, and Thunderleasl) can onIy le sunnoned ly
nenlers of lheir ovn lriles and can nanifesl in one of lvo
forns: leasl pover incarnalions or leasl lolen greal spirils.
8cas| Pcucr |ncarna|icns. The leasl pover incarnalions are
lhe ghoslIy forns of lhe leasl lolen greal spirils. In addilion lo
lhe nornaI pover of aninaI greal spirils and greal spirils of lhe
dead, lhey can renain on lhe Irine MaleriaI IIane for a nunler
of days equaI lo lhe IeveI of lhe shanan. They nay Ieave lhe
vicinily of lhe Ulhgardl anceslraI nound. Lach day lhey can le-
slov lheir lriles leasl pover on a nunler of foIIovers (incIud-
ing lheir sunnoning shanan) equaI lo lhe sunnoners IeveI
ninus lhe nunler of days lhe incarnalion has renained on lhe
Irine MaleriaI IIane.
8cas| Tc|cn Grca| Spiri|s. Beasl lolen greal spirils are viId
prinevaI spirils. If sunnoned, one usuaIIy possesses lhe sun-
noner (or soneone nearly) and lhen decides vhal lo do vilh ils
nevfound physicaI forn. The possessed lody lecones a 2Olh-
IeveI fighler (for hil poinls and allack roIIs) vilh lhe speIIs and
aliIilies of a 2Olh-IeveI druid and lhe speII aliIilies of an aninaI
greal spiril and a greal spiril of lhe dead, lhe possessed lody nusl
roII a Wisdon aliIily check vilh a +15 penaIly or lhe leasl
lolen greal spiril does as il viIIs and lhe person possessed has no
conlroI over his aclions. The avalar of lhe leasl lolen greal
spiril can assune lhe leasl forn (delaiIed under lhe snagccnangc
aliIily for Ulhgardl shanans) or use lhe lriles leasl pover al
U1hgano1 5peLL
3rd LeveI
Sunnon Anceslor (Necronancy)
Sphere: Necronanlic
Range: 1O feel/IeveI of casler
V, S, M
Duralion: 2 rounds/IeveI of casler
Casling Tine: 4 rounds
Area of Lffecl: ne spiril
Saving Throv: None
When a shanan casls lhis speII upon his lriles anceslraI
nound (lhe onIy pIace lhe speII can le casl), il causes an an-
ceslor lo cone forlh, dravn lack as a spiril of neulraI aIign-
nenl. The spiril lakes forn as a lransparenl leing, a conlina-
lion of lolen leasl and prinilive hunan. To seIecl lhe lype of
spiril sunnoned, lhe DM roIIs 1d2O and nalches lhe resuIl
againsl lhe lalIe leIov. The shanan can aIso lry and sunnon
a nornaI spiril (a ninor spiril of lhe dead), such as a falher or
chiId of a lrilaI nenler. (These nornaI spirils nay nol Ieave
lhe vicinily~no nore lhan 5O feel~of lhe anceslraI nound
vhere lhey vere luried.)
When lhe spiril appears, lhe sunnoner nakes a Wisdon
aliIily check (using lhe lalIes nodifiers) lo conlroI il, olher-
vise, lhe spiril lecones an unconlroIIed ghosl (use lhe ghosl
slalislics in lhe MNSTRUS MANUAL lone) and innedi-
aleIy allacks aII Iiving leings around il. Hovever, even an un-
conlroIIed spiril cannol lraveI nore lhan 5O feel fron lhe an-
ceslraI nound.
A conlroIIed spiril nay perforn lhe foIIoving funclions for
a shanan: allack a foe (as a ghosl~or anolher lype of undead
crealure al lhe DMs discrelion), guard lhe anceslor nound for
a year (unliI freed again al lhe nexl Runeneel), leII lhe
shanan ancienl secrels, iniliale a nev shanan (onIy anceslraI
shanan spirils nay do lhis), or raisc ca (refer lo lhe lalIe).
The speII requires a sacrc oun|c, a reIic of lhe desired an-
ceslor (lhough anolher nay appear), and a snaII lonfire.
Spiri| Sunncning Tao|c. If a specific nornaI anceslor (a
ninor spiril of lhe dead) is sunnoned, roII 1d2O. If lhe resuIl is
15 or Iess, lhe desired spiril cones and lhe conlroI roII nodifier
is -5.
1d20 Anccstnr Cnntrn! MndIfIcr
1-5 RecenlIy dead shanan -2 lonus*
6- 1O RecenlIy dead chieflain -3 lonus*
11-13 Long-dead shanan +1 penaIly**
14-16 Long-dead chieflain -
17 Ancienl shanan +5 penaIly**
18-19 Ancienl chieflain +4 penaIly*
2O SpeciaI (see leIov)
d20 5pccIa! spIrIt Cnntrn! MndIfIcr
1-12 Beasl pover incarnalion
+8 penaIly**
13-19 Son of Ulhgar +12 penaIly**
2O Beasl lolen greal spiril
+17 penaIly**
*These spirits function as minor or major spirits of the dead, (DMs discretion).
These spirits may not leave the vicinity (no more than 50 feet) of the ancestral
mound where they were buried.
**Only these spirits can perform a raise dead spell. They function as great spirits
of the dead. In payment for this, the spirit drains 1d2 experience levels from the
person being raised and may demand an annual tribute of riches to be buried in
or near its tomb. These spirits may not leave the vicinity (no more than 50 feet)
of the ancestral mound where they were buried.

This is the ghostly form of the beast totem great spirit. It can remain for a num-
ber of days equal to the level of the shaman. Unlike an ancestor spirit, it may
leave the vicinity of the mound. Each day, it can bestow the tribes beast power
on a number of followers equal to the summoners level minus the number of
days it has remained on the Prime Material Plane.
The beast totem great spirits are wild primeval spirits. If summoned, one usually
possesses the summoner (or someone nearby) and then decides what to do with
its newfound physical form. The possessed body becomes a 20th-level fighter (for
hit points and attack rolls) with the spells and abilities of a 20th-level druid. The
avatar of the beast totem great spirit can assume the beast form or use the tribes
beast power at will.
he geography of lhe Norlh ranges fron lhe rugged nounlains of lhe Spine of lhe
WorId lo lhe Iush foresls of Lurkvood and Moonvood~and a greal deaI nore in
lelveen. Wilhin lhese highIy unique areas Iie ruined lovers, Iosl goId, and enough
runors lo keep even lhe nosl aclive advenluring conpany lusy.
Sucn Noum1aIms

eslIed vesl of lhe Lurkvood, lhe Svord Mounlains forn a shieId lelveen lhe Sea of Svords
and lhe foresl and fIalIands leyond. WhiIe nol niIilariIy significanl, lhese nounlains are hone
lo savage leasls, vagalonds, and olher unsavory crealures. f nore inporlance lo lraveIers lhough is
lhe High Road, connecling lhe cilies of LeiIon and Walerdeep vilh lhe resl of lhe civiIized Norlh.
Iniarv vas a nighly archnage of lhe ancienl Norlh vho lecane a deniIich Ialer in Iife. Sone
say he guards lhe ruins and his sullerranean speII Iilraries, lhough nany leIieve lhe cIains of lhe
Conpany of lhe HovIing WoIf, vho nainlain lhey deslroyed Iniarv 6O years ago. None vho in-
vesligale lhe area have pulIicIy nade any connenls on lhe lrulh of lhis dispule, hovever.
A ruined forlress Iocaled on lhe High Road lelveen Walerdeep and LeiIon, Iniarvs Tover vas de-
slroyed in lhe finaI orc assauIl againsl lhe IaIIen Kingdon. Ils said lhal on lhe anniversary of lhe
lallIe, ghoslIy defenders vaIk lhe lallIenenls, vailing for aIIies vho never cone. Though lhe
lover is usuaIIy uninhaliled, allenpls ly lhe Lords AIIiance lo reluiId il have aIvays ended in
faiIure. Bandils oflen inhalil lhe ruins of Iniarvs Tover, easl of lhe Mere of Dead Men, and lhe
nearly hiIIs are roaned ly orcs, luglears, koloIds, Ieucrolla, and olher dangerous crealures.
Knp1ganoem Fones1
Naned afler Soulhkrypl, lhis snaII foresl is leIieved lo le lhe second-nosl-poverfuI source of lhe
eviI lhal pervades lhe dvarven ruin, lhe firsl leing lhe Svord Mounlains Iying jusl norlh. The
easlern oulskirls of lhe foresl are oflen used ly lhe inhalilanls of Wesllridge for hunling purposes,
even lhey donl deIve farlher lhan a fev hours vaIk inlo il.
Unsulslanlialed runors of anolher dvarven ciladeI in lhe hiIIs near lhe cenler of lhe foresl
have circuIaled in recenl years. A nad advenlurer, apparenlIy lhe Ione survivor of a nine-nan ad-
venluring conpany, vas caplured on KhedeII Ialh in lhe pIains vesl of Red Larch. He lallIed
aloul a ciladeI of erecl insecls casling speIIs~and hurIing veapons lhal kiIIed a nan fron 5OO
paces. According lo lhe nans crazed laIes, lhe insecls are alIe lo canoufIage lhenseIves (prola-
lIy nagicaIIy) lo lhe poinl vhere lhe onIy vay lo find lhe crealures is ly scenl and lracking. Hes
a knovn Iiar, yel he vas found vilh nolhing in his possession and slrange lurns aIong his arns and
lack lhal cannol le expIained.
ImIano's Touen
Nene o[ Deao Nem
A vasl saIl svanp slrelches aIong lhe Svord Coasl shore over 1OO niIes, reaching a vidlh of 3O
niIes al ils grealesl exlenl. Ils a desoIale, insecl-ridden pIace seIdon visiled ly civiIized races and
hone lo a variely of feII crealures. The Mere has grovn in recenl nenory, svaIIoving severaI
farns and hoIdings aIong lhe road, and ils nov avoided ly aII lul crazed advenlurers equipped
vilh valer-lrealhing nagic and Iooking for lallIe praclice.
SeveraI rich caslIes and nanor houses sland fIooded in lhe Mere, vilh onIy spires and lallIe-
nenls shoving alove lhe dark valers. Sunken riches and poverfuI nagic guarded ly eviI crealures
avail lhose nighly enough lo lake il. KheIlen BIackslaff Arunsun advises advenlurers lhal
sone of lhese fIooded pIaces (CaslIe Naerylar, HoIk House, Mornhaven Tovers, and WoIfhiII
House) have lheir ovn vards. These aIIov cerlain speIIs lo le casl al doulIe slrenglh, and olher
speIIs are negaled. These effecls are discovered ly lriaI, for aII reIevanl records are Iosl.
The Mere gained ils nane vhen lhousands of nen vere
sIain ly orc hordes slriking soulh fron presenl-day Triloar
and easl across lhe Slone Bridge and Ironford. The orcs pur-
sued lhe nen veslvard lelveen lhe coaslaI peaks and sIaugh-
lered lhe hunan arny as il vas forced lack inlo lhe icy vaves.
TraveIers on lhe High Road skirling lhe Mere lo lhe easl
oflen lraveI for lhree days and nighls vilhoul slopping lo
avoid canping near here. WiII o visps lolling over lhe valer
are connon nighl sighls on lhis slrelch of road. Legends
speak of fIoaling isIands, eerie pooIs of nagicaI origin, Iizard
nen connanded ly Iiches, a penanggaIan of nonslrous size,
and olher fanlaslic crealures oflen used lo scare chiIdren and
enlice advenlurers. More recenl laIes cone fron a lrave fev
lhal venlured inlo lhe dark valers of lhe svanp lhal nenlion
dark lenlacIes of garganluan proporlions, yuan-li sIavers,
lenpIes lo inhunan gods, gianl Ieeches vilh luIIyvug riders,
and a viII o visp of nonslrous size lhal puIsed vilh lIack en-
ne nadnans ravings aloul a lIack vyrn have gone
noslIy ignored, save ly his hosl, BIackrallas KhuuIlhund, lhe
Walerdhavian sage vho nov acls as lhe nans guardian.
BIackrallas leIieves lhis lIackened vyrn lhal charned lhe
pIanls and darkened lhe air lefore hin couId le lhe Iong-Iosl
lIack dragon ChardansearavilrioI. Tvo rare eIven hisloricaI
lexls in BIackrallass possession refer lo lhe dragons Ieg-
endary nane of Llondealh, a leasl nol seen on lhe Svord
Coasl since Ahghairons youlh. Iev foIk are noved lo invesli-
gale lhe dark, scun-coaled valers of lhe Mere lo Iearn lhe
lrulh for lhenseIves.
SeIf-slyIed landil Iords, such as AnaIkyn lhe BIack and
lhe vizard HeIdulh IIanespeII, have recenlIy eslalIished
hoIds in lhe hiIIs. DoppIegangers dveII in sone of lhe ruined
viIIages and hanIels, laking lhe shapes of hunans lo Iure
veary caravans and lraveIing lands lo lheir doon.
HeLImbnan amo 5an
These peaks rise norlh of Walerdeep, guarding lhal cily fron
lhe vinds of lhe Norlh. Mounls Sar and HeIinlrar are naned
for lvo greal fonorian gianls vho Iived in lhe nounlains
unliI sIain ly earIy varIords of Walerdeep. Theyre said lo har-
lor slone gianls and nore fearsone nenaces, and lraveIers
aIso reporl seeing syIphs on lhe high Iedges and side peaks.
The eviI vizard Marune (CL hn M23), a chief agenl of lhe
Shadov Thieves prior lo his exiIe, inhalils an underground
slronghoId lenealh lhe lase of Mounl HeIinlrar. This
forlress renains undelecled ly Walerdeeps guard palroIs on
lhe Long or High Roads, IocaI nonslers, and curious lraveIers.
In addilion lo lhe superl secrecy of his hidden Iair, Marune
chose lo vork aIone vilh onIy a fev conpalriols and his pri-
nary guards~six viII o visps~over lhe pasl fev decades. He
hasnl leen seen or heard fron since he soId his house and
hoIdings in lolh Luskan and Miralar 25 years ago, inquirers
are aIso hard-pressed lo find any forner acquainlances viIIing
or alIe lo laIk aloul Marune, as he Iefl fev associales aIive.
Wilhoul a doull, he schenes and pIans feII nagicaI re-
venge on Walerdeep, especiaIIy KheIlen BIackslaff Arun-
sun, vho ruined his pIans~as veII as lhose of lhe Shadov
Thieves~7O years ago.
In lhe hiIIs soulh of Conylerry is a slrange Iocalion knovn as
Id vI WeII. SeveraI cenluries ago, an oulposl of NelheriI
vas slalioned here, lhough ils uncIear if lhe oulposl vas a
lrading posl or a valering hoIe. In eilher case, lhe snaII keep
had a veII lhal piped valer fron nearIy five niIes leIov lhe
surface, producing 2O gaIIons of valer a day.
Lvery pover group, save for lhe Harpers, have lried lo con-
lroI lhe veII, charging lraveIers sleep fees for lhe use of lhe
valer (as nuch as 1 gp for a drink, 3 gp lo fiII valerskins, 5 gp
lo fiII larreIs, and 2 gp for a lvo-ninule shover or 2O-ninule
lalh). AneIior, a reIaliveIy infanous nage, invesligaled lhe
veII in order lo delernine ils nagicaI nalure. His finding vere
inconcIusive, Ieading hin lo leIieve lhal lhe veII is indeed
nagicaI. Nolhing he couId do vouId drop~even lenporar-
iIy~lhe valer IeveI enough for hin lo see hov lhe veII oper-
ales. IIease nole lhis is lhe onIy valer source vilhin a lhree-
day ride, vhich gives lhe Iocalion sone slralegic inporlance.
A lrile of 6OO orcs, aII vailing for The CaIIing of lhe
Beasl, have conlroIIed lhe veII for lhe pasl decade. WhiIe lhe
orcs have leen lallered a line or lvo ly passing caravans and
groups of advenlurers, lhey have yel lo suffer a serious enough
lIov lo drive lhen fron such a convenienl source of valer.
Runors of lheir aIIiance vilh lhe Zhenlarin, a handfuI of le-
hoIders, and an iIIilhid are noslIy unsulslanlialed.
IhandaIin vas an inporlanl farning cenler Iocaled norlheasl
of LeiIon, vhere lhe Triloar Culoff Lasl fades inlo a lraiI. The
road vas alandoned afler years of orc allacks olIileraled every
caravan lhal passed dovn lhe road, conquering IhandaIin in
lhe process. When lhe orcs vere driven oul, lhe viIIage vas Iefl
IargeIy in ruins, and il renains so loday.
Under lhe Ieadership of a chieflain caIIed Urulh, lhe orcs ex-
panded sleadiIy, luiIding a reaIn caIIed Urulh Ukrypl (Hone of
Urulh). Ils nane echoes loday in Kryplgarden Ioresl. Too Iazy lo
supporl lhenseIves ly farning, lhe orcs devaslaled lhe gane in
lheir reaIn and sulsequenlIy look lo raiding hunan hoIdings for
food. Sone 4OO years have passed since lhen, during vhich line
concerled hunan allacks decinaled lhe orc kingdon and nearIy
drove lhe crealures fron lhe area enlireIy.
No one Iives here nov lul nonslers, lhough passing
hunlers and rangers oflen canp in one of lhe nore secure
luiIdings. Il sliII has lhree usalIe deep veIIs, one of vhich is
considered lo le heaviIy lainled vilh an undeleclalIe poison
lhal kiIIs lhe inliler lhree days afler ingeslion. rcs and haIf
orcs are supposedIy innune lo lhe loxin.
The orc allacks forced gnones and dvarves lo alandon a
nounlain deIve near IhandaIin vhere lhey nined nilhraI in a
union lhey caIIed lhe IhandeIvers Iacl. This Iosl Iode vas
caIIed Wavecho Cave lecause lhe roII of vaves lealing on lhe
shore couId le heard in lhe naluraI cavern. ShorlIy lefore lhe
nine vas alandoned, a Iode of pIalinun vas discovered. The
size is unknovn, lul a very oId dvarf vho vorked lhe nine re-
nenlers lhal lhe vein heId greal pronise.
IhandaIin is lhe lesl preserved of lhe nany ruined keeps
and viIIages scallered aIong lhe Svord Coasl, nosl of vhich
are IillIe nore lhan heaped slones, graves, and ceIIars hidden
ly reed grasses and creeping vines. Many of lhese areas sheIler
predalory leasls or passing advenlurers.
3 6
PLace o[ 1he UmIconm
ne sighl lhal shouIdnl le nissed is lhe IIace of lhe Unicorn.
Iound onIy al nighl, vizards of lhe Svord Coasl leIieve il Iies in
anolher dinension, reached onIy ly a noongale. The IIace is
sacred lo Lurue, lhe unicorn of lhe leasl cuIl. Ils a sland of lrees
vilh lriIIianl azure Ieaves, surrounding a lIuegrass neadov. Hu-
nanoids vho resl here are cured of diseases, poisons, curses, and
insanily, unicorns are heaIed of physicaI danage in addilion lo
lhe alove lenefils. Beings vho have no failh or are vavering in
lheir leIiefs oflen see Lurue herseIf in lhe lrees, and such sighl-
ings have frequenlIy leen ciled as lurning poinls in lheir Iives.
5ou1hknp1 Ganoem
This alandoned dvarfhoId is lhe air of slrange and dangerous
crealures. Advenlurers proling lhe upper IeveIs have seen
norkers and lands of ravening gillerIings. Deeper forays have
uncovered xaren, viIslrak, vargouiIIes, and sloropers. In addi-
lion lo lhe crealures nenlioned, lhe Iover haIIs of Soulhkrypl
are Iair lo a vanpire hiII gianl shanan (6lh IeveI) and his lhree
vanpire hiII gianl servanls.
5uono Coas1
The Svord Coasl is lhe veslern shore of Iaern, a rough,
lravIing area doninaled ly Walerdeep. Ils lreacherous, fiIIed
vilh undersea reefs, rock oulcroppings, and sofl undersea
sheIves reaching oul for niIes. True porls are fev on lhe coasl,
vhich is lhe reason lhe lesl harlors capalIe of handIing sea
vesseIs, Walerdeep and Iorl LIasl, grev inlo inporlanl cilies.
lher cilies, Iike Luskan and Iireshear, are poor porls, lul lhey
service lhe norlhernnosl lovns vhere lhe denand for goods is
snaII, lhese porls can onIy handIe shaIIov ships.
In addilion lo lhe dangerous nalure of lhe Coasl, a Iarge
nunler of hosliIe races reside here, incIuding sahuagin, Io-
calhah, lrilons, savage nernen, and larlaric sea eIves. The
Svord Coasl is very siniIar lo lhe nearly High Moors in lhal
ils lolh a forlidding lerrain and conlains inhalilanls danger-
ous lo lhose vho pass lhrough il.
The Coasl vas lhe firsl parl of lhe Norlh lo le inhaliled ly
civiIized peopIe, and il consisls IargeIy of genlIy roIIing grass-
Iand. Sonelines lhe Iand louches lhe Sea of Svords in a pel-
lIe leach, lul il nore oflen neels lhe valer in a series of sea
caves, lroken rock spils, and Iov cIiffs narked ly sea slacks
(piIIars of rock severed ly lhe lireIess vaves). This lerrain
Iends ilseIf lo snuggIing, lul il aIso forces ships navigaling
cIose lo lhe shore lo le snaII and of shaIIov drafl, lherefore
vuIneralIe lo lhe driving onshore slorns lhal pound lhe area.
The opposile side of lhe Coasl area is a loundary of exlensive
voods, nounlain ranges, or hiIIy regions. These high Iands
vaII off lhe Iarge Dessarin river syslen fron lhe sea.
TnackLess 5ea
The norlhern exlenl of lhe TrackIess Sea is coId, gray, lIeak, and
unforgiving lo lhose vho venlure across ils deplhs. Yel lhe
peopIe on lhe isIands and lhe coasl nusl Iive vilh lhe sea. Il gives
lhen Iife and~in unprediclalIe nonenls~lakes Iife avay.
3 7
Weather at Sea
The TrackIess Sea crosses lolh arclic and sularclic zones.
Norlh of Luskan prevaiI arclic condilions, vhiIe lhe sularclic
reaches as far as lhe Moonshaes. Raging slorns are connon,
and anylhing Iess lhan a sliff lreeze unconnon. The slorns
reach lheir peak in vinler, naking lraveI inpossilIe.
A varn ocean currenl fIovs norlhvard aIong lhe Svord
Coasl, varning coaslaI areas and giving lhen a niIder cIi-
nale lhan inIand regions. This currenl lurns vesl aIong lhe
CoId Run and deposils ils Iasl dregs of varnlh on lhe shores
of Tuern.
TraveI at Sea
Assuning good vealher and slrong lreeze, use lhe lraveI lines
fron TalIe 2 on lhe inside fronl cover lelveen lhe isIands and
lhe norlhern coaslaI cilies. The line in days for a lrip is given
in lhe lalIe. Ior aII roules, assune lhal saiIing againsl prevaiI-
ing vinds and currenls adds 25 lo lhe saiIing line (nuIlipIy
lhe line ly 1.25).
Weslvood, as a generaI lern, is used lhroughoul lhe Norlh lo
descrile lhe veslern edges of a foresl. This enlry, hovever, de-
laiIs onIy lhe Weslvood foresl soulh of lhe Iogging lovn of
KheIdeII. Ils said lhal lhis foresl used lo exlend easlerIy lo lhe
High Ioresl, norlh lo lhe cily of Yarlar, lo lhe DeIinliyr Roule
in lhe soulh, and aIong lhe Svord Mounlain range in lhe vesl.
If lhis is lrue, Weslvood once slood as proud and as Iarge as lhe
High Ioresl of loday. Sone sages leIieve lhis foresls leen
shrinking since lhe deslruclion of NelheriI.
EIven CastIe
LocaI Iegend cIains lhal lhe ruins of an eIven caslIe sland in a
deII al lhe hearl of lhe Weslvood. Much nagic exisls in lhe
ruins, and lheyre supposedIy haunled ly ovIlears and viId
lrees (prolalIy eviI lreanls preying on inlruders). The vay is
lesl soughl al nighl, for lhe roule fron KheIdeII is narked ly
ancienl speIIs lhal cause fIoaling noongIov synloIs lo shine
in lhe darkness.
ShrIne oI MIeIIkkI
MieIikki is veneraled al a hidden shrine in Weslvood, and onIy
rangers are guided lo her lenpIe. Ils said lhose vho kneeI and
pIace fernenled seed or nevIy sprouled oak lrees al lhe aIlar are
revarded vilh a heaIing, ncu|ra|izc pciscn, or rcnctc cursc speII
(vhichever is nosl needed). Those of eviI aIignnenl~or vho
venerale eviI deilies~lhal kneeI al lhe aIlar are cursed vilh ei-
lher a curse, a reversed ncu|ra|izc pciscn, or a reversed curc cri|ica|
ucuns speII (vhichever is nosl dangerous).
6 6
his foresl seens lo have a nagicaI quaIily aloul il, or al Ieasl
an air of nyslic secrecy. The aIvays-varn river fIoving
fron lhe vood has ils source deep under Mounl Holenov, a sIeep-
ing norlhern voIcano hone lo fire eIenenlaIs. The sleep noun-
lains norlh of Holenov hide griffon Iairs. These voods have never
leen Iogged ly nen~Nevervinler is feared and shunned ly Io-
caIs~and even loday ils deplhs are IargeIy unknovn. The voods
are said lo harlor fearsone crealures, and even orc hordes aIvays
go around lhe voods, never lhrough lhen.
Benum's HILL
This IocaI Iandnark is a lare-lopped, conicaI hiII lhal con-
nands a spIendid viev of lhe vaIIey of lhe Dessarin lo lhe easl.
This Iookoul is used lo valch for advancing orc or larlarian
lriles coning fron lhe norlh and easl. Ils naned for lhe
ranger Berun, vho nel his end here al lhe hands of such a
horde. He faiIed lo slop lhe orcs, lul singIe-handedIy sIev 3OO
lefore he vas overvheIned.
Norlhern Iegend nenlions an ancienl dvarven lonl le-
nealh lhe hiII, rich in goIden arnor and lreasures, lul none
have ever found il. Bandils oflen valch fron lhe hiIIlop for
lhe approach of viclins, a nuch easier lreasure lo ollain lhan
riches Iong since Iosl.
Cn a gs
Besel vilh golIins and gnoIIs, lhese hiIIs conlain lhe dead
nines lhal lroughl nen lo lhe area.
CaunlIgryn is a Iarge, underground cily luiIl ly lhe dvarves of
DeIzoun for nen in lhe earIy years of an anicalIe exislence of
dvarves, eIves, and nen in lhe Norlh (Iong lefore lhe IaIIen
Kingdon). Ils nov alandoned and hoIds greal riches. AII vho
hear lhe laIIads and laIes knov of CaunlIgryn, lul lhe precise
Iocalion of lhis lreasure lrove is Iosl. Lven lhe dvarves knov
onIy lhal il Iies norlh of lhe Dessarin and ils lrilularies, near
lhe vaIIey of Khedrun.
Ten years ago, a lrio of advenlurers arrived in Walerdeep in
lriunph, enlering lhe Copper Cup lo procIain lhey had dis-
covered CaunlIgryn. Afler a spending spree in Walerdeep on
arnor and veapons funded vilh rare gens and soIid goId jev-
eIry, lhe group sel oul one veek Ialer lo recover lhe luIk of lhe
lreasures, no one ever sav lhen again~nor has any olher
vord leen loId of CaunlIgryn in lhe passing decade.
CaunlIgryn housed 3O,OOO nen and dvarves in ils day.
Nov, nol even golIin races dveII here. Dripping valer echoes
eeriIy lhroughoul lhe coId, enply haIIs, lhe sound lroken in-
frequenlIy ly lhe vaiIs of lanshees. CaunlIgryn louches on
Deepearlh, and a poverfuI iIIilhid cIan conlroIs parl of lhe
cily. AIlhough lhe vay is Iong and deadIy, CaunlIgryn aIso
connecls vilh Creal Worn Caverns.
HeLm's HoLo
This alley vas founded 2O years ago ly a relired nenler of
lhe Conpany of Crazed Venlurers. Slarling as a singIe farn
knovn as HeIns Slead, ils grovn over lhe years, vilh ils nain
luiIdings forlified in 1353 DR againsl landil and nonsler al-
lacks. Ils nov a lhriving and seIf-sufficienl farning and reIi-
gious connunily of over 7OO nenlers vho grov lheir ovn
food, herd Iiveslock, and diIigenlIy palroI a snaII seclion of lhe
Nevervinler Wood. Theres one snaII luiIding in lhe
nonaslerys vaIIs sel aside for lraveIers seeking sheIler and aid.
3 8
Nongun's Noumo
The aIlar nound is shaped Iike a crude, Iong-necked, ving-
Iess dragon, lhe Ulhgardl inpression of a lhunderleasl. The
lones of a greal leasl are arranged on lhe nound in roughIy
lheir proper reIalionships, aIlhough lhe rils are sel uprighl
and lhe neck verlelrae and skuII have leen lhreaded onlo a
poIe lo lover alove lhe nounds. The lhunderleasl of
Morgurs Mound is nosl IikeIy an apalosaurus, a leasl fron
ancienl hislory, and nol lhe unhoIy crealure of lhe sane
nane fron lhe Alyss.
Il nay le lhal lhe Morgur of lhe nound is Morgred Car-
doIfsson, a lrolher of Ulhgar CardoIfsson, lhe Rualhyn
Norlhnan leIieved lo le lhe Iegendary Ulhgar. If so, lhen
Morgurs Mound nosl IikeIy hoIds lhe Iool laken ly CardoIfs-
sons raiders fron falIed IIIuskan.
During Runeneel, lhe conlined pover of shanans can
cause lhe apalosaurus lones lo aninale.
AnImatcd Thundcrbcast: AC 7, MV 6, HD 15, hp 1O2,
#AT 1, Dng 3d6, THACO 8, SD edged veapons do haIf
danage, innune lo nenlaI speIIs, hoIy valer does 2d4
poinls danage, SZ C (7O Iong), ML n/a, Inl non, AL N,
Touen o[ TuILIgh1
To lhe easl of lhe Nevervinler Wood, vesl of LongsaddIe,
slands lhe Tover of TviIighl. The enchanled lover rises fron
an isIand in a snaII Iake lhal drains inlo lhe voods lo lhe
vesl. Ils invisilIe in sunIighl, lul as lhe Iighl fades, lhe lover
appears. An eneraId-green lridge spans lhe valer lo lhe is-
Iand, Ieading lo an equaIIy viridescenl lover vilh sparkIing,
lvisling spires.
No door is visilIe oulside lhe lover, and lhe apprenlice
vho greels friends appears lo pass lhrough lhe slone vaII, ils
acluaIIy an exlradinensionaI porlaI. The lover is hone lo
MaIchor HarpeII (NC hn M18), a forner aide of KheIlen
BIackslaff Arunsun.
Upon enlering, lhe visilor discovers a vide, circuIar
chanler Iined vilh slaIIs for sleeds aIong one vaII. A corri-
dor fron lhe chanler graduaIIy arcs aIong lhe lovers inner
circunference, ils incIine groving nore sleep and ils circIes
nore lighl as il vinds lo lhe lop. The second IeveI is lhe din-
ing roon. Alove lhal is MaIchors sludy, occupying a vhoIe
upper IeveI, ils door opening direclIy fron lhe spiraIing corri-
dor. The passagevay conlinues pasl lhe sludy lo serve lhe lur-
rel chanlers.
MaIchors Museun, a lreasure lrove lehind a heavy door,
Iies pasl an inlersecling passage on lhe second IeveI. Ior
friends and lruslvorlhy acquainlances, MaIchor oflen Iends
aid in lhe forn of nagicaI ilens laken fron lhis roon.
Theres a vard here lhal aIIovs soneone lo |c|cpcr| inlo lhe
nuseun, lul no leIeporling or pIanar nagic can le used lo
exil lhe roon. The door lo MaIchors Museun, designed lo
le opened onIy fron lhe oulside, is nearIy fooIproof againsl
lhe looIs and guiIe of lhieves (infIicling a -85 penaIly lo
lheir pic| |cc|s allenpl) as veII as nuscIe-lound lypes vho
lry lo lreak dovn lhe door (open doors roIIs are nade al haIf-
nornaI Slrenglh).
The Fnozem[an
. .
oIk use lhe lern lhe Irozenfar lo descrile lhe pIaces so
far norlh peopIe can freeze soIid as lhey vaIk. They sug-
gesl lhe frigid regions are vhere onIy lhe nosl crazed hunans
and dvarves venlure in search of iron, gens, goId, and olher
nelaIs lhe Iike nol lo le found in nore hospilalIe Iands.
The Irozenfar slarls al Miralar and exlends vesl as far as
lhe end of lhe nainIand ice, reaching easl as far as lhe farlhesl
reaches of lhe VaIIey of Khedrun. No one knovs hov far norlh
lhe Iand goes, lul lhe gIaciers of lhe LndIess Ice Sea nake il
inhospilalIe norlh of lhe Spine of lhe WorId. Many laIes speak
of ice-Iocked vaIIeys and viId pIaleaus ringed ly a ranparl of
peaks vhere slrange leasls and eccenlric Nelherese nages
dveII. nIy fooIs and advenlurers go lo lhis region for pIeasure.
Lveryone eIse is lhere lecause lhey vere lorn lhere or lecause
lheyve cone seeking lhe luried veaIlh of Iaern.
The Iand is a renole and nounlainous region vhere orcs
lreed in nunlers greal enough lo lring vasl hordes dovn upon
lhe hunan halilalions every decade or so. Here, lhe isoIaled
ruins of Iong-faIIen hunan cilies sland, vhiIe dvindIing nunlers
of dvarves cIing lo a fev snaII parls of lheir once-proud hoIdings.
Dvarven Iegends sliII speak eagerIy and frequenlIy of lhe rich
nelaI ores and gens lhal Iie vailing under lhe nounlain peaks.
A warnIng tn thc travc!cr: The laIes of vinler coId arenl
viId. Roads are unknovn norlh of Miralar, lraiIs are fever
sliII, and naps and safe havens are rare indeed.
CoLo Rum
Iron lhe IcefIov lo Icevind DaIe, lhis lIeak lundra is hone lo
reindeer, voIves, lundra yeli, and a fev Ice Hunler viIIages
vho cIing lo lhe rocky coasl. Warn vinds off lhe TrackIess Sea
lring a niId sunner lo lhe Run, lul cone vinler, lhose sane
vinds shriek liller, deadIy coId.
The Reghed CIacier is lhe veslern Iole of lhe greal ice cap lhal
spans Iaern, norlh of lhe Spine of lhe WorId. AIong ils veslern
nargin, a ninor fauIl (reIaled lo lhe nounlain-forning
processes lhal raised lhe Spine) aIIovs lhe runoff lo circuIale
deepIy in an area varned ly vuIcanisn and reenerge in a snaII,
varn spring-fed pooI caIIed LverneIl. The varnlh fron lhe
pooI hoIds lhe gIacier al lay in a liny area, causing lhe lovering
vaIIs of ice lo forn a snaII deII vilh lhe spring al ils hearl. In re-
cenl years, hunlers and scouls have reporled lhal LverneIl is
shrinking, Iosing oul lo lhe sheer frigidily of lhe gIacier.
IcIngdeath's LaIr
A gIacier lovers alove LverneIl, aIso exlending leIov a varn
pooI. Thousands of feel lhick al lhe cenler, lhe gIaciers veighl
scours soIid rock, pushing innense piIes of slony liII lefore il.
These nuIlicoIored louIders surround LverneIl, and fron
lhese julling rocks one can Iocale lhe cenler of lhe pooI. If a
crealure hoIds ils lrealh, il can fIoal vilh lhe currenl and le
puIIed lo lhe pooIs norlh edge and inlo lhe adjacenl ice.
Afler passing lhrough a Iong chule, lhe passagevay opens
inlo a vider lunneI high enough lo aIIov a lrealh of air. The
churning valer conlinues lo carry lhe crealure lhrough ils lvisl-
ing course unliI il reaches a deep and vide cavern vilh a 3O-fool
valerfaII, conpIeleIy vilhin lhe gIaciaI ice. The done of lhe
cavern gIovs vilh sunIighl lecause ils peak is onIy a fev feel
leIov lhe gIaciers surface. The inlernaI neIling forns icy slaIac-
liles, incIuding one so innense il forns a coIunn lhal exlends
lo lhe fIoor of lhe cavern, aIIoving a crealure lo sIide safeIy
dovn lhe valerfaII. Al lhe fool of lhe faIIs, lhe slrean hurries
avay lhrough a snaII chasn lhal disappears under a vaII of ice.
SeveraI dry passages Iead fron lhe cavern, allesling lo Lver-
neIls graduaI Ioss lo lhe encroaching gIaciaI ice. The fIov of
valer has decreased over lhe years, and lhe passages kepl open
ly varnlh fron lhe valers has grovn snaIIer. Through lhe
Iargesl of lhese lunneIs, lhe dragon IngeIoakasliniziIian en-
lered ils icy chanler~lul lhe dragon vas unavare of lhe lun-
neIs graduaI change unliI loo Iale, and il lecane lrapped in ils
ovn Iair. If Icingdealh lhoughl il vorlh lhe lroulIe, escape vas
possilIe, lul lhe dragon vas apparenlIy pIeased vilh ils currenl
silualion, keeping il safe fron lhe larlarian hunans vho
vanled ils fIesh and lreasure.
Here, as in lhe chanler of lhe valerfaII, lhe ceiIing vas
cIose lo lhe gIacier surface, causing icicIes lo forn, incIuding
a huge one direclIy over lhe dragon. WuIfgars nighly lhrov
of Acgis-fang during lhe Icevind DaIe Wars nol onIy dis-
Iodged lhe spike and kiIIed lhe dragon, lul il aIso opened a
snaII hoIe in lhe done, aIIoving lhe larlarian and Drizzl lo
escape and relurn over lhe gIacier lo LverneIl. Theres sliII a
greal anass of lreasure lhere, undoulledIy prolecled ly an-
olher denizen of eviI.
Fnos1 Keep
Ior years, hunans have lried lo conquer lhis area in order lo
keep il free of gianl infiIlralion, lul decades of var have faiIed.
An encIave of frosl gianls, 17 lo le exacl, have sel up a keep
assenlIed fron ice and gIaciaI frosl. Iron lhis high vanlage
poinl, lhese coIossaI lrigands, Ied ly a 28-HD frosl gianl, in-
lerrupl lrade aIong lhe Norlhern Means, pulling sIed dogs,
lraders, and advenlurers in lhe spil, seIIing lhe slores lheyve
sloIen fron lheir prey, and uliIizing lhe nagic lheyve caplured
lo nake lhenseIves even slronger.
GumoanLum IsLamo
CundarIun is lhe onIy isIand nenler of lhe Lords AIIiance,
organized inlo 15 hoIds and ruIed ly King Iger Redaxe. Ils
Iargesl sellIenenl is Cundlarg, a cily of 12,OOO vhose econ-
ony is lased soIeIy on lrade, fishing, farning, and nining.
Cundlarg has a slanding arny of 3OO varriors vho acl as cily
guard and crevs for lhe kings six varships. Lach hoId has four
Iongships creved ly 4O varriors.
NearIy every ship crossing lhe TrackIess Sea puls in al
Cundlarg (lhe Calevay Iorl) for fresh valer, food, repairs, re-
pIacenenl crev, or goods lo carry. Huge varehouses, dry-
docks, inns, and laverns aII provide necessary services lo sea-
farers~aII al reasonalIe prices. The Dragon TurlIe Inn on lhe
harlor is noled as an advenlurers hangoul and a pIace lo find
caplains vilh ships for hire.
Nov ruins, Berranzo vas a CaIishile nining and refining coIony
on CundarIuns veslern shore lhal once housed 2,OOO niners.
Wizards used fire eIenenlaIs lo refine ore in lhis shorl-Iived
coIony, lul vilhin lhree years aII of lhe denizens venl nad for no
apparenl reason and nosl died. Ior nonlhs, Norlhnen caplains
encounlered drifling ore ships fiIIed vilh corpses, gillering nad-
nen, and precious cargo. Ior 4O years lhe ruins have slood
enply~even lhe loId Norlhnen are fearfuI lo pIunder here.
Wreck oI the GoIden Crown
A CaIishile lreasure gaIIeon venl dovn in a slorn near
Berranzo and nov Iies under 7O feel of valer. Il carried goId
and siIver ingols, eIeclrun lars, and a forlune in gens. The
vizard Hoch Miraz of CaIinshan and his personaI effecls aIso
venl dovn vilh lhe ship. He vas said lo ovn a s|aff cf |nc nagi,
a ring cf spc|| |urning, and a cuoc cf fcrcc (lhal nusl have faiIed).
Ice Lakes
Barlarians are nunerous in lhis chiII viIderness, and lheir
raids nake lhe Ice Lakes region periIous pIaces indeed. Though
foIk used lo hunl lear and eIk in lhese Iands, lhe larlarians
nake il even nore lreacherous lhan il has lo le. Today,
hunlers are advised lo go in hunling parlies of 3O or nore.
Ice Peak IsLamo
This ancienl voIcano is surrounded ly near-pernanenl ice
pack. ViIIages Iike Bjorns HoId, IcevoIf, and AuriIsslarg are
popuIaled ly a nix of Norlhnen and Ice Hunlers. SeaI skins
and vhaIe oiI are loughl ly nerchanls, lhen soId for profils in
lhe soulh. Many foIk search for lhe Iair of Ireezefire, a vhile
dragon vhose Iasl recorded fIighl look pIace cenluries ago.
The Ice Ieak is governed ly Iirsl Caplain Tranjer RoIsk, lhe
ruIer of AuriIsslarg, a Luskan coIony of 3,OOO, vho acls as
spokesnan for olher viIIages (vhelher lhey Iike il or nol). The
isIand suslains ilseIf lhrough seaIing, vhaIing, and fishing. Lach
connunily has severaI Iarge fishing loals and 5O varriors, and
AuriIsslarg has a slanding arny of 1OO vho nan an ancienl
Slriker crafl equipped vilh laIIislae and ran and six Iongships.
IceuImo DaLe
Icevind DaIe is far lo lhe norlh, sandviched lelveen lhe Sea of
Moving Ice, lhe Reghed CIacier, and lhe Spine of lhe WorId. Ils
hone lo a fev lriles of lundra larlarians, reindeer, poIar lears,
voIves, eIk, lhe fierce lundra yeli, and a vhile dragon or lvo. In
lhe vesl, as lhe nounlains descend lo lhe Sea of Moving Ice,
lhe ridge faIIs sufficienlIy lo provide a pass. Through lhis, cara-
vans journey lo lransporl lhe ivory scrinshav carvings lhal
nake lhe DaIe financiaIIy vorlh inhaliling.
A harsh Iand aInosl leyond lhe reach of lhe varner and
nore sellIed soulh, lhe snaII anounl of varnlh generaled ly lhe
Sea of Svords funneIs across lhe Iovesl parl of lhe nounlain
vaII, keeping lhe daIe narginaIIy hospilalIe. Nonadic lriles
vho hunl reindeer huddIe nexl lo lhe lhree Iakes (Maer DuaI-
don, Lac Dinneshere, and Redvalers), and lhe dvarves in lheir
lunneIs allenpl lo survive in lhe harsh Iand. LviI crealures fIour-
ish in hundreds of nounlainous deIves, and Icevind DaIe has lhe
repulalion as a hideoul for lhose seeking lo Iose lhenseIves.
In lhis lIeak lundra is lhe farlhesl laslion of civiIizalion in
lhe Savage Ironlier, a Ioose confederalion of 1O lovns and viI-
Iages knovn coIIecliveIy as lhe Ten Tovns. The lovns are Io-
caled on or near lhe lhree deadIy coId Iakes, lhe halilal of lhe
4 O
knuckIehead lroul (found novhere eIse in Iaern). The Iakes
of Icevind DaIe are juslIy fanous for lheir fishing, lul IocaIs
lend lo lhink of lhe Iakes as lheir ovn, nol a pond for soulh-
erners lo vander up lo and puII lheir Iiving oul of.
KeIvIn's CaIrn
Barlarian Iegend says lhe god Tenpus lallIed lhe frosl gianl
KeIvin in lhe nidsl of Icevind DaIe. KeIvin vas kiIIed and
Tenpus scooped slones fron lhe pIain and heaped lhen alop
lhe faIIen gianl as a reninder of lhe penaIly of his vralh.
KeIvins Cairn slands 1,OOO feel alove lhe aInosl fealure-
Iess lundra, vhiIe lhe dvarven vaIIey faIIs al Ieasl lhal far. The
hones and nines of CIan BallIehanner are vilhin lhe vaIIey,
lhe enlrances prolecled fron lhe perpeluaI vinds of lhe daIe.
The lunneIs are Iined vilh hones, neeling haIIs, forges vilh
adjacenl vork areas, slorage caverns, and lreasure roons. The
conpIex is so exlensive lhal sone seclions feII inlo disuse, es-
peciaIIy vhen nining in any given area lecane fruilIess.
The vealhering lhal lroke lhe nounlain inlo a giganlic
piIe of louIders aIso produced lhe coIunn of slones alop lhe
easlern cIiffs of lhe vaIIey knovn as Bruenors CIinl. lher
nolalIe vaIIey siles are al lhe norlh end, lucked nexl lo lhe
soulhern fIank of KeIvins Cairn, (incIuding lhe nook vhere
Bruenor secIuded hinseIf lo forge Aegis-fang), lhe fIal expanse
of rock nexl lo a slrean vhere dvarves frequenlIy canped, and
lhe hidden Iair near lhe vaIIeys norlh end a niIe vesl of lhe
fIal rock vhere Biggrins palroI slayed.
NImes o[ NInaban
Miralars lhe chief nining cily of lhe norlhern coasl. The
nounlains and hiIIs around lhe cily are pocked vilh counlIess
nine shafls. Lach najor nine enlrance is forlified and de-
fended year-round ly lroops IoyaI lo lhe nines nerchanl ovn-
ers, guarding againsl frequenl orc, lroII, luglear, and lrigand
raids. If you go, youd lesl have an invilalion fron soneone
you lrusl vilh your Iife, lecause lhals jusl vhal youre risking.
Hunlers svayed ly lhe anlIer racks dispIayed on lavern
vaIIs in Walerdeep and poinls soulh~lhe ones as vide as
lhree peopIe Iying dovn~shouId heed advice. Though orcs
are fever here and lransporl oul of lhe inlerior is rare al lesl,
renenler lhal dead is dead vherever you are. Co arned, and
go in nunlers. Miralar has severaI good guides for hunlers,
and sone can le hired in XanlharIs Keep and lhe Ten Tovns.
PunpLe Rocks IsLamo
The IurpIe Rocks used lo le governed ly lvo kings, one for each
of lhe Iarge isIands lhal nake up lhe IurpIe Rocks. In Iale 1368,
hovever, lhe isIand of UlheraaI feII lo a raid ly King SeIger.
Ior years, King Bronn had ruIed his isIand-nalion of
UlheraaI fron ViIkslead, paying King SeIger enough goId lo
nearIy lankrupl his nalion in order lo avoid a var. AII of King
Bronns efforls vere for naughl, hovever, vhen lhe Iongships
of King SeIger Ianded upon lhe shores of UlheraaI. The lallIe
for conlroI of ViIkslead cosl lhe Iives of 2OO of lhe isIands
finesl varriors, incIuding King Bronn. ViIksleads popuIalion,
vhich had grovn lo nearIy 1,OOO lefore lhe var, vas reduced
lo around 75O.
King SeIger (NL hn I14) nov ovns six Iongships, four car-
aveIs, lvo cogs, and a var nao, lul his arny onIy nunlers 5OO.
Hes leen Iooking for parlies lhal vouId le inleresled in luy-
ing sone of lhese spare crafl, since he jusl doesnl have lhe
nanpover lo use lhen.
Ior nany years, runors have circuIaled lhal King SeIger is a
pavn of lhe kraken SIarkrelheI, an innense squid lhal ruIes lhe
Kraken Sociely. AIlhough none have seen lhe kraken, nuner-
ous sighlings fron nerchanl vesseIs reporl lhal sonelhing nas-
sive Iives off lhe norlhern coasl of Trisk near lhe falIed ruins of
AscarIe. Tnc Maicns Dcfiancc, a gaIIey reporledIy hired ly lhe
Harpers lo invesligale lhe ruins, vas lon aparl ly sonelhing
Iale Iasl year. None of her crev or passengers survived.
This Iegendary ruin on Trisks norlhern shore is nov lhe hone
of lhe seIf-procIained Regenl of AscarIe, lhe iIIilhid Veslress.
Servanl lo SIarkrelheI, Veslress oversees lhe ruins and vorks
lo nake for cerlain lhal lhe nearly aqualic eIves are kepl in
check, lhe hunan sIaves kepl vorking, and lhe ninions of lhe
kraken kepl lusy. Wilh lhe exceplion of one horrific faiIure in
1363, vhen her nerrov arny vas defealed in ils lid lo con-
quer Rualhyn, Veslress has kepl herseIf in lhe good graces of
AscarIe is lolaIIy sulnerged, safeIy shieIded fron lhe cu-
riosily and inlerference of advenlurers. During Iov lide, hov-
ever, lhe ocean relreals lo reveaI a handfuI of sea caves lhal
Iegends cIain Iead lo lhe ruins. Those fev vho have venlured
far inlo lhe caverns reporl lhal lheir nazeIike quaIilies nake
forays pasl lhe caves difficuIl al lesl. Runors alound lhal
kapoacinlh knov lhe vay lhrough lhe caves, lul lheir exacl
IoyaIlies renain in queslion.
Many peopIe, even lhose Iiving on lhe isIand, leIieve lhal
AscarIe is nolhing nore lhan a nylh. Lven lhe sea eIves have
leen unalIe lo ascerlain AscarIes lrue Iocalion, and nagicaI
neans of deleclion have proven useIess.
Advenlurers pIanning lo search for lhe falIed ruins shouId
le carefuI nol lo nenlion lheir inlenlions in any isIand cilies,
King SeIger is leIieved lo le in Ieague vilh lhe Kraken Soci-
ely. Serious expedilions lo lhe ruin shouId incIude sone forn
of valer-lrealhing nagic if success is desired, olhervise onIy
dealh avails.
UII oI Thuger
This Iong-slanding Trisk lovn is hone lo fishernen and farn-
ers, lul lhe Iand and surrounding valers yieId lareIy enough
for survivaI. This has forced lhe lovn lo resorl lo piracy, and
lhey are frequenlIy ciled as raiders and pirales on lhe TrackIess
Many Trisk cilizens are knovn lo le nenlers (lhough per-
haps nol viIIingIy) of lhe Kraken Sociely, a feII organizalion
inlenl on ollaining infornalion regarding nearly kingdons.
The sociely is aIvays inleresled in lhe undervaler nalions sur-
rounding lhe IurpIe Rocks, such as lhe sea eIves, lul aIso pays
cIose allenlion lo lhe aclivilies occurring on lhe nainIand, es-
peciaIIy Walerdeep.
The rich fishing valers soulh of UlheraaI nov serve lhe inler-
esl of King SeIger, fiIIing his pockels vilh goId and aiding in
lhe feeding of his suljecls in UIf of Thuger. The King of lhe
IurpIe Rocks sliII nainlains lrade vilh nearly nalions, hov-
ever, since he needs resources fron lhe olher isIands.
They exporl Iarge anounls of dried, snoked, saIled, and pick-
Ied fish lo CundarIun, vhich in lurn ships il lo cilies across lhe
coasl. ViIkslead aIso produces a pungenl, saIly, herlaI goal cheese
caIIed ViIksnaarg, popuIar in Svord Coasl laverns.
Raoem Rock
This is lhe aIIeged lreeding sile for lhe giganlic ravens lhe
Creal Raven lrile uses for lheir sacred landilry. The hoIy
ground is in a canyon near lhe BIack Raven Rivers headvalers
in lhe foolhiIIs of lhe Spine.
Ravcns nf Ravcnrnck: AC 4, MV 3, II 18(D), HD 6+2,
hp 4O (average), THACO 15, #AT 1, Dng 3d4, SZ L
(22 vingspread), Inl aninaI, AL N, XI 225.
The cenlraI aIlar is a Iarge slone fornalion learing a slrik-
ing resenlIance lo a greal lIack lird. The gianl ravens are nei-
lher nalive lo lhe Norlh nor naluraI crealures. Using secrel ril-
uaIs, lhe lrilaI shanans lransporl nornaI raven eggs inlo an-
olher pIane and relurn vilh giganlic ravens onIy nonenls
Rua1hm I sLamo
Uniled Rualhyn is ruIed ly Iirsl Axe Aunark LilhyI. During
lhe Luskan var, Aunark consoIidaled lhe four kingdons on lhe
isIand inlo one. The isIands Iargesl sellIenenl is Rualhyn, a
cily of 5,OOO. Ils econony is lased on raiding, farning, nining,
and shipluiIding. Aunark connands 5OO varriors and has
lhree 4O-nan Iongships and a singIe varship on Ioan fron HoI-
gerslead. Rualhyns previous navy vas deslroyed ly Luskan.
The cily of Rualhyn and nany snaIIer viIIages and
sleadings vere aII lul deslroyed ly Luskan in a recenl var.
Much of lhe Iands veaIlh vas Iooled or pul lo lhe lorch,
lhough lhe Creen Roons, a fanous Iilrary fiIIed vilh pIun-
dered looks fron a score of greal cilies, vas spared serious dan-
age. Likevise, lhe invaders spared lhe HaII of BIack Waves,
UnlerIees lenpIe.
Like Luskan, Rualhyn lhrives on lrade and piracy, Iooking
lhe olher vay as ils varships allack nerchanl crafl. Nov and
in lhe pasl, lhey have conpeled for lhe sane cIienleIe.
Iirsl Axe Wedigar RulhnaaId ruIes lhis Uniled Rualhyn sul-
kingdon. Ils fierce lerserkers pIayed a key parl in lhe slunning
lIov deaIl lo lhe invaders.
Inlhar is a ruined forlress lhal sils alop a rocky crag sone 35
niIes soulh of Relhgaard. Lerie, green Iighls shine here al
nighl, siIhouelling shadovy shapes as fainl vhispers fIoal
across lhe valers. Ils said a hidden shafl Ieads slraighl lo Baa-
lor. None knov ils origin, lul saiIors avoid lhis rock.
Ancienl seafaring dvarves luiIl lhis slone forlress and, unliI
recenlIy, Relhgaard refused aIIiance vilh Rualhyn and sided
vilh Luskan. Afler Relhgaard refused lo aIIy ilseIf againsl
Luskan, il vas pIundered ly Luskan forces.
5ea o[ NooImg Ice
The Sea of Moving Ice is a dense pack of ice norlh of The Ice
Ieak and incIudes lolh icelergs and lhick fIoes of poIar ice.
The Sea is a coIIeclion of ice isIands, oflen separaled ly chan-
neIs vide enough lo aIIov ships passage. Such channeIs nay
vind for hundreds of niIes inlo lhe ice pack, lul lhe ice
changes, and vhal vas a vide channeI can quickIy disappear.
Many a ship has saiIed inlo lhe Sea of Moving Ice onIy lo le
sIovIy ground lo fIinders ly lhe shifling fIoes.
To lhe uninilialed, lhe Sea seens a frozen deserl, void of aII
Iife, lul aII is nol as il appears. SeaIs Iive on lhe fIoes, slaIked
ly siIenl poIar lears and vaIrus, vho in lurn are hunled ly Ice
Hunlers. Ice-Iocked ancienl ships are oflen ice lroII Iairs, and
fiendish vhile dragons dveII in lhe crags of lhe Iarger icelergs.
5pIme o[ 1he VonLo
This nounlain range, separaling lhe Norlh fron lhe Uller-
nosl Norlh, has nany of lhe highesl peaks in Iaern, aII eler-
naIIy snov-capped. The WaII is ils olher nane, used con-
nonIy soulh of Walerdeep. Though once riddIed vilh
dvarfhoIds, ils nov hone lo fierce, coId-Ioving nonslers,
counlIess lriles of orcs, golIins, holgolIins, luglears, and ver-
leeg. HiII gianls provI lhe foolhiIIs, and frosl gianls, vhile
dragons, yeli, and laer cIain lhe high peaks and frigid vaIIeys.
If lhe Mines of Miralar are any indicalion, il conlains lhe
richesl nineraI deposils in lhe Norlh, due lo ils nonslrous in-
halilanls, onIy lhe snaIIesl fraclion of lhal veaIlh is ex-
pIoiled. The hearl of lhe range is uncharled, lul ils said lo
hide Iosl cilies, alandoned dragon Iairs, and even frozen di-
Tuenm IsLamo
Tuerns governnenl consisls of five Norlhnan kings, aII of
vhon recognize High King ThreIked Ironfisl of Ullersea as
Iiege. Ullersea, a viIIage of 2,OOO, is lhe Iargesl sellIenenl. Ils
econony consisls of vhaIing, fishing, farning, and dianond
and adananlile nining (vhich lhey canl refine or use). Lach
king has lvo Iongships creved ly 5O varrior/archers.
Tuern is a rocky lul ferliIe Iand of lIack leaches and
seelhing voIcanoes. Condilions are harder on Tuern lhan on
lhe olher ouler isIands, lul lhe Norlhnen here are lhe veaIlh-
iesl in lhe Norlh. The isIands vuIcanisn produces lvo greal
lreasures~huge dianonds and lhe vaIualIe ore fron vhich
adananlile is refined. This sane geolhernaI aclivily creales a
perfecl hone for fire gianls and red dragons in IIane IauIl.
The gianls are sea rovers vho saiI garganluan Iong ships, lul
rareIy raid farlher easl lhan CundarIun.
FIame FauIt
IIane and snoke conlinuaIIy leIch fron lhis deep crevasse in
lhe veslern nounlains. The lhree red dragons of IIane IauIl
raid herds for food (lhough severaI kingdons lring nonlhIy
lrilules of callIe, fish, and sIaves lo pIacale lhe dragons
hunger and offerings of goId and gens lo saIve lheir greed).
The dragons range far and vide. Many isIands suffer under
lheir allacks.
Throne Rock
This forlress is lhe sancluary of High Arlificer Iiznorayen Iilz-
noran, an exiIed cIeric of Cond (NC hn I14). He dveIIs here
vilh severaI dvarves, hunan linkerers, and an aIchenisl. Iiz-
norayen purchases adananlile ore, reseIIing il lo Walerdeep
nerchanls. The caslIe conlains severaI lons of ore and is heav-
iIy prolecled ly nunerous g|qpns cf uaring.
Ullersea is luiIl inlo lhe sides of lhe coIIapsed caIdera of an
ancienl voIcano vhose high vaIIs shieId lhe lovn fron aII lul
lhe vorsl vealher. Heal rising fron deep geolhernaI aclivily
varns lhe lovn and lhe lay, acluaIIy loiIing il in pIaces. The
lay is hone lo species vho nornaIIy vouId nol le found so far
norlh, incIuding gianl oclopi vhich dveII near lhe soulh shore
and prey upon ships and fishernen.
U11enmos1 Non1h
) )
Iso caIIed lhe Uller Norlh, lhis refers lo lhe area leyond
The Spine of lhe WorId, incIuding Icevind DaIe and
lhe gIaciers of The LndIess Ice Sea. Iev hunanoid races Iive
lhis far norlh, lul lhere are a fev siles of inleresl here, nosl of
lhen accessilIe onIy lo orcs and lheir aIIies.
The EmoLess Ice 5ea
Sone of lhe siles leIieved lo exisl in lhe LndIess Ice Sea are
DzouIins CradIe, CaIIads Carden, Cale of Ierdilion, and
Irinls IIoe. A fev of lhese siles are nolhing nore lhan laseIess
runors, revarding lhe lraveIer vilh ice, frosl-lillen feel, and a
renorhaz or lvo. lhers are runored lo le in differenl pIaces,
and lhe advenlurer nusl discover lhe lrulh on his ovn. These
Iocalions have hisloric Iegends allached lo lhen, and a good
runor or lvo is generaIIy enough lo send even lhe nosl slul-
lorn of advenlurers gaIIivanling inlo dealhs arns.
DzouIIn's CradIe
To gel lo lhis Iocalion, one nusl firsl lraveI lhrough a huge orc
honeIand. Al lhe CradIe, orcs pay honage lo DzouIin, vhon
lhey leIieve is lhe apparilion of lheir deily. Anyone nol of orc
lIood vho approaches DzouIins CradIe vilh lhe inlenl lo
enler lheir hoIy ground finds lhe orcs inslanlIy hosliIe. Aloul
12O orcs Iive, incIuding a handfuI of 1sl- and 2nd-IeveI priesls.
The renainder fighl as slandard orcs vilh +1 lonuses.
The Iocalion fealures an exlravaganl caslIe, fealuring para-
pels, a dravlridge lhals aIvays up (prolalIy frozen in pIace),
and a deep chasn lhal surrounds lhe forlress. If lhe dravlridge
isnl used, visilors nusl circIe lhe chasn (crossing 1OO niIes one
vay lefore il can le crossed ly fool), use nounlaineering equip-
nenl and proficiencies, or ollain nagicaI ilens and speIIs.
nce lhe chasn is crossed, lhe viever lehoIds a vondrous
sighl: a caslIe nade of nagicaIIy hardened ice, giving lhe slruc-
lure lhe lenacily of iron and lhe yieId of hardvood. Iorned ly
neIling ice and shaped nagicaIIy, a nodified g|ass|cc| speII vas
casl upon lhe slruclure, naking il inpervious lo nagicaI and
nundane heal, fire, and Iighlning.
The caslIe is inhaliled ly CIank, a fearsone frosl gianl. Mu-
laled ly eviI, hes achieved a slalus onIy dreaned of ly frosl gi-
anls. Hes lhe equivaIenl of a 7lh-IeveI vilch doclor vilh access
lo every priesl sphere. He has five vinler voIf pels vho serve his
every vhin and allack if lhey fear lheir nasler is in danger.
C!ank, frnst gIant ma!c, P7 (wItch dnctnr nf unknnwn
dcIty): AC -4 (cnain nai| +4), MV 12, HD 17, hp 136,
THACO 4 or 2, #AT 1, Dng 1d8+9 (fisl) or 2d8+9
(huge lallIe axe), SA hurI rocks for 2d1O (2OO-yard
range), SD inpervious lo coId, regenerales one hil poinl
every six lurns, SZ H (21 laII), ML very sleady (14), Inl
average (1O), AL CL, XI 13,OOO. S 21, D 14, C 2O, I 1O,
W 16, C 15.
Nntcs: CIank has a veakness for ilens lhal possess len-
eficiaI nagicaI properlies. CIank has a naluraI aliIily lo
delecl lhe difference lelveen cursed and leneficiaI
ilens, lul he never shares lhis infornalion. When al-
lacking nan-sized or snaIIer opponenls vilh his lallIe
axe, use lhe danage slaled alove, if lhe opponenl is 7
feel laII or grealer, roII 1d8+9 inslead.
Pcrsnna!Ity: CIank onIy vanls lo le Iefl aIone lo Iead
his orcs inlo lallIe afler lallIe lo vin nore laulIes. If
hunans or denihunans approach his relreal, his orc
ninions allack lhen. If lhe lallIe goes againsl lhe orcs,
CIank enlers lhe fray ly lhroving louIders of ice fron
his inexhauslilIe slockpiIe.
5pccIa! EquIpmcnt: cnain nai| +4 (frosl-gianl sized),
huge lallIe axe.
5pc!!s: 1sl: ccnnan, crca|c ua|cr, nagica| s|cnc, prc|cc-
|icn frcn gcc, sni||c|agn, 2nd: cnarn pcrscn cr nanna|,
cni|| nc|a|, nc| pcrscn, coscurcncn|, spca| ui|n anina|s,
3rd: ca|| |ign|ning, praqcr, 4th: anina| sunncning |.
WIntcr Wn!f (5): AC 5, MV 18, HD 6, hp 38, 36, 34,
3O, 29, THACO 15, #AT 1, Dng 2d4 (lile), SA 6d4
frosl lrealh, SD innune lo coId, SW fire-lased allacks
cause an addilionaI poinl of danage, SZ L (12 Iong),
ML eIile (13), Inl average, AL NL, XI 975.
Nntcs: Winler voIves can use frosl lrealh once every
six rounds affecling a 9O arc, 1O feel Iong in fronl of lhe
leasl. A save vs. lrealh veapon is aIIoved for haIf dan-
age. If properIy cared for and nol danaged, each peIl is
vorlh 5,OOO gp. The voIves onIy allack if ICs enler lhe
caslIe or if lhe dravlridge is Iovered.
GaIIad's Garden
Runored lo le Iocaled sonevhere in lhe LndIess Ice Sea, lhe
Carden is a haven for veary lraveIers vho lhink lheyve gol
lhe lody heal lo nake il across lhe frozen Iand. This Iocalion
is runored lo le a nagicaI oasis silling on lhousands of feel of
ice, yel is covered in green grass, fIovering lrees, and an end-
Iess suppIy of cooI, cIean valer. Ils a pIace of varnlh, conforl,
sunshine, and days of lIue, cIoudIess skies. Crealures once
lhoughl exlincl roan in vasl nunlers.
Sages have leen lrying lo delernine lhe origin of lhis
runor, lul nolhing sulslanliaI has leen discovered. AscaIhorn
records diclaled an accounl of Shard refisl, a dvarven ex-
pIorer, and his lhree conpanions vho Iosl lheir vay vaIking
across lhe surface of Iaern vhiIe Iooking for lhe Iosl cily of
CaunlIgryn. Shard cane across lhe Carden and spoke of huge,
repliIian leasls, ferns of enornous size, and a hunidily lo nake
lhe jungIes of ChuIl seen arid. When he and his conpanions~
lvo of vhon Iosl feel lo frosllile on lhe vay lack~relurned,
lhey couId never find lhe vay lack lo verify ils exislence.
DarneII lhe Unfearing lhinks Shard, and olhers vho have
reporledIy seen CaIIads Carden, passed lhrough a gale of sone
kind lhal Ieads lo a secIuded vaIe in LIysiun. Bul DarneIIs lhe-
ory does nol expIain lhal foIk Iiving in lhe Dessarin pIains le-
Iieve CaIIads Carden is designed lo hoId Iosl souIs vhose fale
has yel lo le delernined. Many fear conlinued searches for lhe
garden are angering lhe gods.
Gate oI PerdItIon
The exacl Iocalion of lhis gale is unknovn. A fev runors leII
of ils Iocalion near Irinls IIoe, lul olhers slale il can le found
due norlh of Miralar ly lhree days on lhe hoof. The gales le-
Iieved lo send ils visilors lo an olher-pIanar Iocalion vroughl
ly unearlhIy coId and chiII. DarneII lhe Unfearing cIains lo
have crossed lhe Cale of Ierdilions nagicaI sloop and en-
counlered a nuIli-honed, nany-fooled leasl siniIar lo lhe re-
norhaz. The fouI crealure vas so conlenplilIe and repeIIenl
lhal il vilhslood every allack DarneII Iaid in ils vay~even
nagicaI disparagenenls vere ignored. He nanaged lo escape
lo lhe LndIess Ice Sea vilh lareIy a Iife inlacl.
When he recovered fron lhe fever of his vounds, he
cIained he foughl lhe god of lhe renorhaz. The surgeons and
sages fron Ravens Rock, hovever, passed off DarneIIs recoI-
Ieclions as fevered haIIucinalions, lul lhey nov Iook lo lhe
norlh vilh a IillIe nore lrepidalion.
PrInt's FIoe
This unusuaI ice fIoe, naned for lhe hisloricaIIy vicious orc
Ieader vho firsl Iocaled lhis perpeluaIIy vilraling area, Iooks
Iike lhe spIinlered rilcage of a voIf-sIain nuskox of nonslrous
size. Ior lhe orcs vho caII lhe Sea of LndIess Ice lheir anceslraI
hone, lhis poverfuI Iocalion is a sacred sile lecause of ils Ieg-
endary nedicinaI properlies.
TveIve years ago, a caplured orc vilch doclor, under lhe
deIusionaI effecls of a pc|icn cf |ru|n, cIained he vas lhe care-
laker of Irinl, lhe reIaxer of fever, lhe nender of furrovs, exor-
ciser of denenlia, and lhe avarice of pesliIence. He gave a con-
voIuled sel of lraiIs and palhs lo find Irinl, lul il vasnl unliI
five years Ialer lhal il vas found. UnforlunaleIy, a counciI of
orcs (nore lhan 1,OOO in nunler) vere al lhe sile and didnl
lake kindIy lo lhe inlerruplion. To lhis day, ils unknovn if
Irinls IIoe acluaIIy does cure aII diseases, heaI aII vounds, and
renove insanily and nenlaI iIInesses.
DarneII lhe Unfearing slales lhe foIIoving. I discovered a
gIacier possessing spears of ice lhrusl inlo lhe fIoe Iike head-
pikes for lhe var dead. Hundreds of carcasses Iie around lhe ef-
fecl, Iillering lhe ice Iike a chiIIing graveyard. Mosl of lhe lod-
ies leIonged lo indigenous aninaIs (nuskox, renorhaz, voIf,
and frosl gianl), lul lhere vere lolh orc and golIin corpses~
sone even in lhe leIIies of huge unknovn leasls vhose fIesh
vere fIayed ly lhe sharp arclic vinds.
CoIorfuI as he nay le, sages leIieve lhe oId scoul couId le
speaking of lhe rilcage nenlioned ly lhe orc shanan. SeveraI
scouls and caplured orcs have given direclions lo lhe IIoe. The
Iocalions vilh lhe nosl fingers poinling lo il are IaleIed on lhe
posler naps (lhree lo le exacl).
4 4
Nchasen' s Legac
Nchaser (CC hn M27), a lriIIianl and inquisilive nage vho
devised gIoving gIoles, has nol leen seen in Iaern for nore
lhan 2O years. Hes generaIIy lhoughl lo le dead, lul he nay
sliII le aIive in anolher guise or pIane. DarneII lhe Unfearing
cIains lo have cone across an isIand of ice Iying high alove
lhe poIar cap, suspended ly a 3OO-fool-laII, perfeclIy snoolh
slaIagnile of ice five feel in dianeler.
DarneII cIinled lhe nonoIilh using pilons and henp and dis-
covered a lover silling on vhal he caIIed a rough hevn louIder
of unforgiving and indeslruclilIe ice. There vere hundreds of
gIov gIoles circIing lhe lover and lhe upper face of lhe louIder-
Iike saleIIiles, giving Iighl lo lhe dark, vinler Iandscape.
As he approached lhe lover, sIipping nany lines in lhe
process, nagicaI leans of Iighl shol fron lhe lovers parapels.
The leans nissed hin, disinlegraling nearly ice in lhe
process. DarneII lurned laiI and ran. He sIid dovn lhe piIIar,
faIIing al an incredilIe speed in order lo gel avay fron lhe
leans of Iighl. He lroke lolh Iegs vhen he hil lollon.
DarneII shoved lhe scar vhere lhe lone julled lhrough lhe
skin of his Ieg lo prove his poinl, lul aII vho knov DarneII lhe
Unfearing knov hin as a cIunsy Iad~lhose scars couId have
cone fron anyvhere! If lhis is indeed Nchaser, lhe Kraken So-
ciely and lhe Zhenlarin vouId pay Iarge suns of noney for di-
reclions lo his currenl Iocalion.
VaLLe o[ Kheonum
The vaIIey vas naned for a dvarven hero vho in Iegend vas a fa-
nous dvarven prospeclor vho discovered lhe grealesl gen Iodes
ever knovn. He is aIso supposed lo have carved oul lhe hone-
Iand of lhe dvarves in lhe Norlh fron Iands dark vilh voIves,
orcs, and luglears vilh onIy his axe. Khedrun, in lrulh, exisled,
lul so Iong ago no one can nov separale facl fron fanlasy.
This vaIIey of lhe upper Mirar is one of lhe supposed siles of
Iegendary CaunlIgryn and is a knovn neIling pol of nerce-
naries, orc, gnoIIs, golIins, and coId-vealher anphilians and
Iizards. Il is aIso lhe sile of Creal Worn Caverns.
Fnos1 HILLs
6 6
his is lhe rugged area soulh of lhe Spine of lhe WorId, a Iil-
eraI spiIIvay for crealures lhal vander oul fron Iaerns un-
expIored fronlier. The soulhern lorders of lhis area slrelch nearIy
lo lhe lorders of lhe Lvernoors, enconpassing a fev Ulhgardl an-
ceslor nounds lul ending al lhe veslern edge of lhe Lurkvood.
Cas1Le o[ ILLusIom
When AscaIhorn vas in ils prine, IhzniIIiyun SparkIedrin, a
poverfuI gnone iIIusionisl fron ShingIefeII Cnone Burrov,
luiIl lhe CaslIe of IIIusion. He crafled grand puzzIes Iike MiI-
Iiyuns Mirror Maze, lhe CryslaI Cule, Ten Doors, and No-
Way-ul around, vilhin, and leIov lhe caslIe, conlining
nechanicaI ginnickry vilh nagicaI iIIusions lo fooI even lhe
nosl perceplive visilor. Wilhin a cenlury of SparkIedrins
dealh, greedy orcs overran lhe caslIe and pul ils inhalilanls lo
lhe svord. No lreasure vas found, lul lhe iIIusions drove lhe
orcs nad. The caslIe sal enply for cenluries, prolecled ly ils
iIIusions. Ils nov occupied ly dour MacBec MacIyon (NL hn
M12). MacBec and his orc ninions have seaIed off lhe Iover
nines. The vizards foIIovers nunler 3O, incIuding a 4lh-
IeveI nage, a 6lh-IeveI fighler lodyguard, and a 3rd-IeveI orc
vilch doclor.
The puzzIes lo le found here incIude a haII of nirrors (possilIy
vilh a nirrcr cf |ifc |rapping and a nirrcr cf cppcsi|icn luiIl inlo il), a
1O-fool cule of apparenlIy indeslruclilIe cryslaI in vhich vaIualIe
lreasure and al Ieasl lhree skeIelons can le seen, and a roon vilh
1O doors lhal appears lo spin each line a door is opened. nIy one
door Ieads oul, lhe resl reIease lraps or nagicaI guardians. The
gnones lreasures are aII hidden in lhe puzzIes and lraps.
Dumgeom o[ Dea1h
This ruined dvarfhoId is nol IighlIy naned. Many leIieve lhe
ruins are cursed, for lhe dungeon deplhs denand a loII of lIood
and Iives fron lhose vho pry inlo ils secrels~ils a rare adven-
luring land vho relurns vilh aII nenlers lrealhing.
The upper IeveIs, lhe oId halilals, open onlo a deep Iava
lullIe. The lullIe is deep and even lhe dvarves never deIved
lo ils grealesl deplhs.
Dumgeom o[ 1he RuIms
UnIike nosl ancienl dvarfhoIds, lhis ruin is prinariIy alove
ground. Iassing larlarian hunlers have noled greal frogIike
forns dancing around huge pyres anid lhe ruins.
FeLL Pass
This pass lhrough a soulhern spur of lhe Spine of lhe WorId vas
lhe sile of a desperale lallIe lelveen orcs and lhe dvarven arny
of DeIzoun. Nov, nosl foIk avoid il if lhey can, for ils haunled ly
ghosls, haunls, and apparilions of lhe varriors vho died here.
As ils nane suggesls, lhe ruins of Cale hide a porlaI lelveen
pIanes. The underground gale lakes lhe forn of an innense
lIack cule vilh a singIe door. Inside, a nunler of coIored
slone sIals are doorvays lo olher pIanes, incIuding leIeporlers
lo severaI Irine MaleriaI IIane vorIds.
Cale is guarded ly poverfuI luglears in lhe service of lhe
lehoIder ZylhaIarIr, vho fancies ilseIf as lhe keeper. Those
vho vanl access lo Cale nusl firsl ansver a riddIe or le kiIIed
and ealen ly lolh lhe luglears and lhe lehoIder.
Gnea1 Vonm Caoenm
This unusuaI anceslor nound is underground, deep in nassive,
nuIli-IeveI caverns al lhe lase of a nounlain in lhe Spine of
lhe WorId. Il can le reached ly a veII-vorn, veII-guarded palh
fron lhe surface. The Iargesl cavern of lhe conpIex has a IeveI
fIoor and conlains lhe anceslor nound. The aIlar is shaped Iike
a spiraIing vinged snake, lhe greal vorn LIren.
The edges of lhis foresls are Iogged ly nen, lhough ils dark
deplhs are IargeIy a nyslery. Slories of lollonIess pils and
quicksand keep IocaIs fron lreading loo deepIy inlo lhe foresl.
4 5
NI1hnaL HaLL
The nosl fanous dvarfhoId in lhe norlh, dvarves recenlIy re-
sellIed MilhraI HaII. Ior cenluries, ils rich lreasures vere onIy
Iegends, and sone fear il couId le svepl avay again. This
dvarfhoIds nilhraI Iodes are said lo le lhe richesl knovn in
lhe Norlh, and perhaps lhe richesl Iefl anyvhere in Iaern.
The haII Iies underground~norlh and vesl of lhe Surlrin,
and easl of lhe Lurkvood~vilhin a nounlain knovn as
Iourlhpeak. MilhraI HaII is a haIf-days cIinl easl inlo lhe
nounlains fron lhe ruined dvarven viIIage of SellIeslone,
knovn nov as lhe Ruin. The dvarven viIIage vas alove
ground, sonelhing rare lhese days and unheard of in lhe line
of MilhraI HaII. BuiIl lo Iasl, lhe slruclures of SellIeslone vere
Iike gianl houses of cards~greal sIals of slone~cunningIy Iaid
ne enlers MilhraI HaII lhrough a secrel door fron a high
vaIIey knovn as Keepers DaIe. The generaI Iocalion of lhe door
is narked ly ancienl nonoIilhs lhal dale veII lefore lhe line
lhal MilhraI HaII vas sellIed. The HaII has a nazeIike upper
IeveI designed lo diverl inlruders inlo lraps. The niddIe IeveI in-
cIudes nines and sneIling furnaces venled lhrough Iong shafls
lo lhe heighl of lhe peak. The Iover IeveI is vhere lhe deepesl
nines descend fron a vasl cavern caIIed lhe Undercily.
Here, lhe vaIIs are sludded vilh lhe cave noulhs of hones for
1O,OOO dvarves. The hones open onlo concenlric Iedges. The
cavern is spanned ly a lridge Ieading easl, and easlvard passages
evenluaIIy Iead lo a huge cavern over 1,OOO feel deep knovn as
Carunns Corge. This cavern is spanned ly a lridge, forning an
exceIIenl defensive larrier for lhe easlern haII. The lridges Iead
lo a hidden exil on lhe easlern sIopes of lhe nounlain.
The Eoenmoons ver 175 years ago, CIan BallIehanner deIved loo deepIy,
lreaking inlo a cavern lhal vas Iinked lo lhe DenipIane of
Shadov. The grealesl shadov dragon in Iaern, Shinner-
gIoon, enlered MilhraI HaII, ravaged CIan BallIehanner, and
look lhe HaII as his ovn. He dveIIed lherein vilh his en-
lourage of shadov crealures, incIuding shadovs, dreIls, shades,
shadov nasliffs, a shadov fiend, and a lrile of duergar. Shin-
nergIoon vas cIever, and his forces allacked vilh guiIe, nol
lrule slrenglh. Duergar of CIan Buklukken occupied lhe HaII
and vorked ils nines unliI 1356 DR, lhe year Bruenor re-
lurned lo sIay ShinnergIoon. The foIIoving year, he relurned
and drove oul lhe duergar and procIained hinseIf lhe Lighlh
King of MilhraI HaII, Lord of lhe Ieak and Deplhs.
Today, lhe dvarves of lhe HaII are suspicious of uninviled
guesls. nIy lhose vho lrade vilh lhe dvarves are advised lo
go lhere. A valch is kepl over SellIeslone, vhose nassive
slone luiIdings sliII provide sheIler lo lraveIers, expIorers, and
nonslers. Since lhe opening of MilhraI HaII, lhe dvarves have
quielIy disappeared fron LIorkh, presunalIy seeking leller
Iives under lhe ruIe of King Bruenor BallIehanner.
Bruenor BallIehanner (NC dn I11) is aloul as open-
ninded as dvarves cone, and he is a deadIy fighler. Bruenor
vas aIso lhe onIy dvarf in Icevind DaIe vho sliII renenlered
MilhraI HaII.
Drizzl DoUrden (CC en (drov) R16), an oulcasl of House
Daernon Nashezlaernon, cannol relurn lo his honeIand of
Menzolerranzan again. As a youlh, Drizzl discovered he vas
differenl fron olher drov, he cared aloul olhers and fIed his
eviI honeIand, laking vilh hin a figurinc cf ucnrcus pcucr, a
snaII onyx panlher fron vhich he can caII forlh Cuenhvyvar,
a poverfuI panlher spiril.
AddilionaI infornalion concerning Drizzl, Bruenor, and
lhe resl of lhe heroes of Icevind DaIe can le found in lhe Hc-
rccs |crcocc| accessory.
Noomoank Noum1aIms
No sage is sure jusl vhich of lhe lhousands of peaks visilIe fron
lhe upper Surlrin are lhe Moondarks, lul riches and pover le-
yond lhe dreans of avarice avail vhoever does. Their foresled
sIopes hide alandoned eIven ciladeIs of speII looks and Iosl
svords of pover. The nagic is said lo le far nore slrange and
poverfuI lhan lhal of lhe eIves loday. TaIes speak of lracers aI-
Ioving fIighl, ilens lhal caII fuII pIale arnor fron nolhing and
hurI loIls of feIIing force, sceplers lhal unIeash cIavs or vhips of
Iife-draining energy and can encase foes in slone (lhal hurI lhen
avay lo shaller againsl olslacIes or sink lo valery graves). Many
laIes (no doull grovn in lhe leIIing) descrile nagic Iefl lehind
ly eIves vho look lo ships lhal saiIed lhe slars an age ago. Sone
accounls even say sone of lheir skyships renain~ships, lhe
laIes insisl, lhal are aIive. The lrulh of lhis avails advenlurers
vaIianl enough lo find lhe peaks.
5hImImg VhI1e
The circuIar cairn rings of Shining While are separaled ly
vaIes of puresl vhile, vhere lhe larlarians have cul lhrough
lhe shaIIov lurf lo lhe chaIk Iayer leIov. The nenhirs and
aIlar here are nade of a lrighl opaIescenl narlIe.
) )
corpses of lhe lroIIs, or everIasling ones, lhal once roaned
here in hordes. TroIIs sliII Iurk in lhe hiIIs and logs, lul nol in
vasl nunlers as of oId.
Iso knovn as lhe TroIInoors, lhis larren, upIand area
sliII shovs lhe scars of lhe huge lonfires sel lo lurn lhe
This lIeak anceslor nound in lhe noors easl of LongsaddIe is
silualed on a gnarIy knol of fIinly slone. The cairn rings and
aIlar nound are crealed fron piIes of heaped rock, larren of
pIanl grovlh, and are shaped Iike a Ieaping eIk slag. The LIk
lrile foIIovs olher gods, so lhe nound is aInosl alandoned,
lhough a fev lrilesfoIk use il al Runeneel.
The DessanIm VaLLe

uch Iike DeIinliyr VaIe, lhe Dessarin VaIIey encon-
passes lhe area surrounding lhe river lhal is ils nane.
Slrelching fron lhe veslern lorders of lhe High Ioresl and
soulh fron Yarlar lo lhe Ardeep Ioresl, lhe Dessarin VaIIey
hoIds sighls of inleresl lo lolh lraveIers and advenlurers aIike.
f course, if youre Iike nosl lraveIers or advenlurers, lhe onIy
secrels a river hoIds is lhe nelhod ly vhich lo cross il. There are
lhree lridges across lhe Dessarin~Ironford, Slone Bridge, and
Zundlridge~and lhese are delaiIed leIov. f course, peopIe
crossed rivers Iong lefore lridges exisled in lhe Norlh, lul such
crossings can lecone hazardous, especiaIIy in lhe spring.
4 6
Anoeep Fones1
UnliI recenlIy, lhis ancienl foresl, a rennanl of lhe voods lhal
once covered lhe Norlh fron lhe river DeIinliyr lo lhe noun-
lains of lhe Uller Norlh, vas lhe hone of lhe noon eIves. This
ancienl race of eIvenkind Iived in harnony vilh nen and
dvarves in a kingdon lhal slrelched lo lhe easl of lhe foresl, in
vhal is nov roIIing noorIands knovn as lhe High Moors. Lven
lefore lhe lines of lhe IaIIen Kingdon, lhis vas parl of lhe
vasl foresl lhal vas eIven IIIefarn.
The foresl is forIorn and IargeIy enply. The eIves have Iefl
lhe foresl of laiI lIueIeaf, duskvood, and veirvood lrees unal-
lended. This region vas knovn as Iaravay Ioresl lo lhe
eIves lecause, aIlhough il vas near lhe coasl of Iaern, il vas
sliII far avay fron vhal lhe eIves considered hone: lhe isIand
of Lverneel.
Sonevhere deep in lhis foresl is lhe overgrovn lonl of Re-
Iuraun, a varrior-hero of lhe eIves, vho Iies in a vauIl cIad in
c|tcn cnain nai|, vilh a dragon sIayer sucr +2 on his lreasl.
According lo Iegend, lhe lonl is nol unallended, nagicaI
crealures guard ReIurauns renains. Ardeep vas lhe nane of
lhe veslern region of lhe IaIIen Kingdon and nov gives lhis
foresl ils nane.
A nanicured cIearing in lhe foresl surrounded ly unusuaIIy
laII and lhick-lrunk eIns is a reIic of IIIefarn. The refreshing
gIade radiales conslanl prc|cc|icn frcn cti|, and ils aIvays
spring here, regardIess of lhe season. Curc iscasc speIIs casl
here aIvays cure Iycanlhrope, regardIess of lhe IeveI of lhe
priesl. LIves feeI an incredilIe, reslfuI aura of peace here, and
olher races can vagueIy sense lhe cIearings caInness. Non-
nagicaI vood lroughl inlo lhe gIade cones aIive and nagi-
caIIy legins lo sproul Ieaves and rools.
CaLLImg Honms
Soulh of lhe Lvernoors is an area of IighlIy vooded, roIIing
hiIIs. The exacl spol is narked ly a cairn of vealhered and
Iichen-covered orc skuIIs connenoraling lhe sIaughler of a
horde. verIooking lhis poinl is a hoglack lopped ly a Iov,
nassive fieIdslone inn and ils slalIes. This inn lears lhe nane
CaIIing Horns and is run ly Tosker Nighlsvord, a relired
hunler and guide.
CaIIing Horns lakes ils nane fron a lallIe lhal look pIace
nearly Iong ago. During lhis Iegendary lallIe, hunans and
dvarves uniled lo defeal lhe Iasl reaI lroII arny. The CaIIing
Horns vas originaIIy luiIl as lhe hunling Iodge for lhe Zoar fan-
iIy, once-poverfuI Walerdhavian nolIes lhal are nov oulIavs.
There are persislenl runors of lhe Zoars using lhe inn as a lase,
suggesling lhal lhe faniIy is lrying lo regain ils forner conlroI in
lhe Cily of SpIendors. There is no evidence lo juslify lhis, hov-
ever, as lhe surviving Zoars seen lo dveII nainIy in Ann.
Afler lhe faII of lhe Zoars, various nolIe faniIies used lhe
Iodge as lhey pIeased unliI a vandering vizard look up resi-
dence in lhe pIace. This cIever vizard used his speIIs lo dupe
lhe nexl lvo faniIies vho shoved up. His deceplion vas nol
discovered for a Iong line. Inslead, lhe Iodge vas considered
haunled, so il vas Iefl aIone.
The vizard BaIlannon look over lhe Iodge. WhiIe lhere,
he sludied lhe nagic of sunnoning and connanding crea-
lures fron olher pIanes. He succeeded leyond his povers, and
vas lon aparl ly a lalau lanarri. The crealure look over lhe
Iodge as ils ovn alode. Ior nany years, il preyed on lraveIers
and crealures of lhe High Ioresl. Afler nany years, lhe lanarri
vas deslroyed ly lhe Brighl BIade HeId High, an advenluring
land of haIf-eIves. These foIk used lhe Iodge as lheir lase for a
decade lefore disappearing inlo lhe deplhs of lhe High Ioresl.
The Iodge vas lhen used ly a succession of lrigands, non-
slers, and orc raiding lands unliI a dvarven advenluring land
fron Sundalar, knovn as lhe Axe of Thunder, found sone ore
nearly. Before lhey Iocaled any reaI riches, hovever, an orc
horde svepl oul of lhe norlh and sIaughlered lhen.
The Iodge vas lhereafler laken ly a hunan land of adven-
lurers caIIed lhe Bored Svords. AII nenlers of lhis parly vere
idIe sons and daughlers of nolIe Walerdhavian lirlh. They en-
joyed success finding ruins, lul lhey grev lired of fighling lheir
vay inlo lheir ovn alode vhen lhey relurned. Il seens lrig-
ands conlinuaIIy cane Iooking for lhe lreasure lhe advenlurers
found, so lhey hired lheir friend Tosker lo run lhe Iodge as an
inn. They soon sinpIy gave hin lhe pIace.
Their lreasure is cerlainIy hidden sonevhere in or near lhe
inn, and lhey nay never relurn lo cIain il. The Svords venl
deep inlo lhe High Ioresl, leIIing Tosker IillIe. They nenlioned
lheyd found a ruined cily cIoaked in a fieId of nagic, siniIar lo
lhe nylhaI around Mylh Drannor. ApparenlIy, lhey hoped lo
find poverfuI nagic lhere. They havenl relurned, vilh each
passing year, lhe IikeIihood of lheir relurn dininishes.
The inn has a sIale roof and very lhick slone vaIIs. CeIIars,
kilchens, and a Iover fIoor of roons are dug inlo lhe soulh face
of lhe ridge. The roons of lhe inn are arranged in a singIe rov,
and lhe doors of lhe roons aII open inlo a singIe passage. The
passage vaII opposile lhe doors is lroken onIy ly a series of
arrov-sIils. The valchlover al lhe easlern end overIooks lhe
slalIes, and a Iarge feasling haII Iies al lhe vesl end, vilh neel-
ing roons and grand suiles sel inlo lhe hiII leIov il.
Iurnishings are sparse lul are of high quaIily and shov a
good fashion sense. DriflIighls dispeI lhe gIoon of lhe leIov-
ground areas. The Iuninance of lhese spheres of radiance is con-
lroIIed ly viII, lhey can even le nade lo lraiI Iike a failhfuI dog.
CnumbLImg 51aIn
In aII IikeIihood, a fine nansion once slood here, harking lack
lo good lines during lhe years of lhe IaIIen Kingdon. Nov,
onIy lhis narlIe slair and a noIdering foundalion renain. A
ghosl or haunl is said lo Iurk in lhe ruins around lhe slair.
Deao Honse Fono
This ford across lhe Dessarin near lhe High Wood dravs ils
nane fron a lallIe foughl here in vhich lhe hero DeslriI
Longlracker had lhree horses sIain lenealh hin.
Sonelines caIIed lhe Cranary of lhe Norlh, lhis vaIIed alley
vas founded over a decade ago ly lhe priesl ToIgar Anuvien
(NC hn I18 |Chaunleaj) of Walerdeep, a relired senior nen-
ler of lhe Conpany of Crazed Venlurers. nce onIy a snaII
farn Iosl in lhe roIIing sveep of lhe grassy Dessarin neadovs,
CoIdenfieIds has grovn inlo lhe Iargesl alley of Chaunlea. Il
is currenlIy a forlified farn conpIex spravIing across 2O square
niIes. Wilhin ils vaIIs, over 5,OOO devoul vorshippers of
Chaunlea lend crops of grain and vegelalIes.
Mosl foIk of Iaern are slaggered ly lhe sheer size of lhe
liIIage. Il seens Iike a Iarge sIice of lhe paradise of pIenly
pronised ly nany gods.
f course, an agricuIluraI vonder Iike lhis is vaIIed and
jeaIousIy guarded. The peopIe of CoIdenfieIds have aIready dri-
ven off nore lhan 2O Iarge-scaIe larlarian raids. Mounled pa-
lroIs of 2O or nore advenlurer-priesls scour lhe Iands around
CoIdenfieIds. They palroI as far norlh as lhe Slone Bridge, and
as far easl as lhe High Ioresl. These palroIs seek lroIIs, golIin-
kin, and olher eviIs lo fighl. They aIso lry lo caplure gane for
doneslicalion. They chaIIenge aII foIk lhey neel lul donl
fighl unIess lhey are allacked or encounler olviousIy eviI crea-
lures, such as drov or orcs.
CoIdenfieIds is rapidIy leconing lhe agricuIluraI lacklone
of lhe Norlh. Il suppIies food lo Walerdeep and nosl of lhe in-
Iand sellIenenls. Wilh ils increasing inporlance, lhe infIu-
ence and slalure of ToIgar Anuvien has aIso grovn. He is
quickIy leconing lhe equaI of such ruIers as Lord Nasher of
Nevervinler and High Lady AIuslrieI of SiIverynoon.
ToIgar pIans lo expand CoIdenfieIds norlhvard lo gain con-
lroI of lhe slralegic Ironford river crossing al Bargevrighl Inn.
Iron lhere, CoIdenfieIds couId safeIy expand lo lhe easl lank
of lhe Dessarin. ToIgar is nov puzzIing over jusl hov lo alsorl,
aIIy vilh, or lake over Bargevrighl Inn, lul he has nol yel nade
any open offers lo Ieslon Bargevrighl. Before he can underlake
any furlher expansion, ToIgar needs advenlurers viIIing lo de-
fend CoIdenfieIds. LviI crealures, such as orcs, lrigands, lroIIs,
lhe area. ToIgars defenders nusl le failhfuI vorshippers of
Chaunlea or Lalhander, vilh a IoyaIly lo CoIdenfieIds. They
vouId nosl IikeIy spend lheir Iives palroIIing lhe region. ToI-
gars nain prolIen is lhal nosl advenlurers quickIy find such
service loo loring.
CoIdenfieIds enjoys good reIalions vilh Walerdeep and aII
lhe hunan-heId cilies of lhe Norlh. Ils officiaIIy a nenler of
lhe Lords AIIiance, and ToIgar is in nearIy conslanl connuni-
calion vilh KheIlen BIackslaff Arunsun and Iiergeiron of
CoIdenfieIds happiIy lakes in advenlurers veary of danger
or lhose on lhe run fron juslice. They nay slay as Iong as lhey
are viIIing lo vork in lhe fieIds and fighl lo defend lhe alley.
Chaunleas said lo le very proud of CoIdenfieIds and aIIegedIy
valches over il personaIIy. Runors say lhal she guides her
vorkers lhrough drean-visions and aids defenders vilh lineIy
loIls of Iighlning or earlh lrenors.
ToIgar anassed greal veaIlh, incIuding nany nagicaI
ilens, in his advenluring days. Sone of ils hidden in Iierge-
irons IaIace in Walerdeep, sone is in a privale house ovned
ly ToIgar lhere, and sliII nore is sonevhere in or near Waler-
deeps Inn of lhe Dripping Dagger. ToIgars friend, MaIchor
HarpeII, aIso safeguards sone of ToIgars riches in lhe Tover of
TviIighl. f course, lhe nain luIk of ToIgars veaIlh is hidden
in CoIdenfieIds. His connunily used lo le a significanl drain
on his lreasury, lul il nov adds lo his riches vilh each passing
day. Thieves levare: ToIgar fuIIy earned lolh his nicknanes~
The IalienlIy VengefuI and BehoIdersIayer. and a fev golIins, luglears, and foraging nonslers, sliII roan
4 8
HaLLs o[ Hum1Img Ae
The lunlIed slones of lhis ancienl dvarfhoId are sliII visilIe
fron lhe apex of lhe Slone Bridge, sone 3O niIes dislanl. This
coIony of DeIzoun succunled lo ruin Iong lefore ils honeIand
disappeared. The fev calhedraI-Iike haIIs lhal renain slanding
have no equaI in lhe Norlh. Iragnenls of coIored gIass anid
lhe rullIe hinl al lhe slained gIass lhal nay have adorned lhe
lovering vindovs.
House o[ 51ome
To lhe easl of lhe Ardeep Ioresl is a huge, square lover luiIl
over a niIIennia ago ly dvarves under lhe charge of Turgo
Ironfisl. The ciladeI vas eslalIished lo heIp defend vhal is
nov knovn as lhe IaIIen Kingdon againsl lriles of allacking
orcs, holgolIins, luglears, and lroII. The dvarves excavaled
huge, nuIli-IeveIed slorage granaries oul or lhe rock and luiIl
alove lhen a forlress cunningIy crafled of filled slones. The
forlress cane lo le knovn as lhe House of Slone afler an oId
chiIdrens rhyne.
AIlhough il is nearIy as Iarge as a snaII lovn, il seens lo le
a singIe luiIding. Hundreds of roons, alriuns, haIIs, lenpIes,
and lovers are inlerconnecled in a naze-Iike nanner. Sone
chanlers are open lo lhe sky, olhers are roofed over, vhiIe sliII
nore are crunlIed ruins. Slairs, shafls, and veIIs descend lo
sullerranean areas. Mosl roons conlain IifeIike slalues of nen,
eIves, orcs, and ninolaurs.
Ior nany years, lhe noon eIves of Ardeep guarded lhe
lover, Ielling no one near il. Since lheir deparlure decades
ago, severaI groups of advenlurers sel oul lo expIore lhe slruc-
lure. As far as Walerdhavians knov, none of lhese groups
have ever relurned. In oId laIes, lhe House of Slone is said lo
have nany hidden doors, sIiding roons, and chanlers lhal
rise and faII in shafls Iike luckels in a veII. The House of
Slone is aIso leIieved lo have dangerous lraps designed lo
caplure inlruders and nunerous caches of lreasure (roons of
goId and gens nined ly lhe dvarves fron everyvhere across
lhe Norlh). Mosl inporlanlIy, an arnory of veapons for lhe
defense of lhe kingdon is apparenlIy coIIecled here, incIuding
veapons of poverfuI nagic crafled ly lhe eIves and dvarves of
Iong ago.
The fanous lard Minliper MoonsiIver vas aIIoved lo see
lhe House of Slone sone years ago al lhe pernission of Lroan,
archnage of lhe noon eIves. He reporled lhal lhe gales lo il
vere open. A hiII gianl apparenlIy forced lhen aparl sone
nonlhs lefore his visil, for her huge corpse hung jusl leyond,
inpaIed on a nassive slone cIav lhal sprung oul inlo lhe space
leyond lhe doors. The eIves jusl sniIed vhen asked if lhe
pIace vas fuII of such lraps, and Minliper noled lhal il vas lesl
for any fulure advenlurers lo le prepared for such nagic lefore
venluring inside. LIailh CrauInolur has leen galhering infor-
nalion on lhe House of Slone for nearIy lvenly years, and he
soon pIans lo chaIIenge lhe lraps and dangers (vilh a group of
expendalIe hireIings and advenlurers, if possilIe).
The House seens lo operale in sone kind of reverse-line
effecl. Ralher lhan crunlIing lo rullIe, ruined areas reluiId
lhenseIves unaided and roon conneclions conslanlIy change.
The advenlurer KeIvin NikkeIlane descriled a vasl under-
ground roon lhal conlained a foresl of enornous siIvery lrees,
and anolher advenlurer is said lo have seen speclraI inages of
eIves, dvarves, and nen fIilling aloul lhe roons.
I nom[ono
This is lhe sighl of a nev lridge luiIl across lhe ford here.
WhiIe lhe delaiIs regarding lhe fale of lhe Iasl lridge are sone-
vhal hazy, il appears lhal a group of advenlurers enplied a
uan cf fircoa||s inlo a group of lroIIs lhal vere charging oul of
lhe valer lovard lhen. By lhe line lhe snoke and fIanes had
cIeared, lhe oId vooden lridge vas gone.
)umoan's HILL
This ford across lhe Dessarin is nol a parlicuIarIy shaIIov or
easy crossing. The Bargevrighl Inn is Iocaled here.
NaIoem's Tomb Ton
This lare, high peak is a Iandnark naned for an unknovn lar-
larian princess vho vas luried al lhe fool of lhe peak over 42O
years ago ly varriors of Walerdeep. This honor occurred afler
lhe princess peopIe allacked lhe Cily of SpIendors in lhe
harshesl line of vinler and had leen repeIIed. The princess
and her lodyguard foughl vilh such ferocily lhal lhey sIev
lhrice lheir nunler of fuIIy arnored Walerdhavian fighlers in
lheir day-Iong, lIoody relreal. The larlarians died fighling lo
lhe very Iasl varrior, ending lheir vaIianl canpaign al lhe fool
of lhe lor 2O niIes easl of lhe cily. In nenory of lheir lravery,
lhe princess and lhe Iasl of her lodyguards vere Iaid lo resl in
a cairn under lhe sunnil of lhe Tor.
Ten years ago, a lrile of nore lhan 45O koloIds, Ied ly
Chief KulhiI, look up residence in lhe caverns lenealh
Maidens Tonl Tor. Their presence lhere (and sone sellIe-
nenls in lhe Ral HiIIs) venl unnoliced ly palroIs of lhe
Walerdeep guard for four years. Upon discovery, lhe guard and
various nercenary groups sel upon lhe koloIds, causing lhen
lo fIee deep vilhin lhe nany sullerranean passages under lhe
Tor. The lunneIs vere seaIed vilh rock and lhe area vas heav-
iIy palroIIed for lhree years, lhe palroIs have faIIen off recenlIy,
lhe guard leIieving lhe koloIds gone for good. If koloIds (or
sonelhing far vorse) are sliII under lhe Tor and digging lo lhe
surface, no one in lhe cily knovs or vorries nuch.
5a n cn a g
This snaII, julling crag of lare rock provides a perfecl naluraI
Iookoul. n a cIear day, sone 6O niIes of lerrilory can le
vieved, on cIear nighls, canpfires can le seen 9O niIes off lo
lhe norlh or easl. Sarcrag aIso serves Walerdeep as a varning
leacon. Iron ils heighls, norlhern palroIs can signaI lhe ap-
proach of allackers (as happened nany vinlers ago during lhe
lIeak vinler of lhe Year of lhe Shaking Serpenl).
Sarcrag is said lo le haunled ly lhe HovIer, a lanshee-Iike
crealure vho is never around vhen advenlurers cone seeking
il lul aIvays seens lo allack lhe veak or unvary. Leucrolla are
aIso a persislenl prolIen in lhe area, and are lhe nain reason
Walerdeep and CoIdenfieIds palroI lhe road norlh as far as lhe
lraiI lhal heads easl lo Ironford.
Long ago, an arned force escorling King }aszur of Telhyr
vas anlushed norlh of Walerdeep and deslroyed ly landils.
These landils vere surrounded ly Walerdeeps arnies and
sIaughlered lhe nexl norning. }aszurs lody vas found slripped
of ils goIden and lejeveIed crovn, orl, scepler, and svord of
slale (a f|anc |cnguc Iong svord).
4 9
The Walerdeep guard svore lhal no nan couId have es-
caped lhrough lheir Iines, for nages casl c|cc| nagic and c|cc|
intisioi|i|q speIIs aII nighl lo prevenl nagicaI escapes or allacks.
Likevise, lhe aeriaI forces fron Walerdeep searched fron grif-
fonlack lo no avaiI. Many hopefuIs have conlinued lhe search
for King }aszurs lreasure over lhe inlervening years, lul none
have found lhe Iosl riches.
51ome BnIoge
This nassive slone arch spans lhe River Dessarin vilhoul cere-
nony or acconpanying sellIenenl, rising IoneIy and vealhered
in lhe nidsl of roIIing grassIands vilhoul a road or luiIding lo le
seen as far as lhe eye can scan. BuiIl ly dvarves 5,OOO years ago
lo Iink lhe nov-ruined HaIIs of lhe Hunling Axe vilh forgollen
dvarven hoIds, ils a IoneIy reninder of ancienl days.
The Bridge vas luiIl lo span lhe lroadesl inaginalIe spring
fIood of lhe Dessarin. Il rises in a greal arc, vilhoul supporling
piIIars, sone lvo niIes in Ienglh and 1OO feel vide, reaching a
heighl of 4OO feel alove lhe valers of lhe river (al nornaI
fIov). LquaIIy inpressive are lhe four pyIonIike scuIplures, lvo
fIanking each end of lhe lridge, lhal rise 5OO feel alove lhe
vaIIey. Lach vealhered pyIon depicls a grin, dvarven varrior
vailing and valching.
The dvarves expIain lhe avesone size of lhe lridge~and
ils conlinued survivaI, despile arnies cIashing on il and nages
hurIing nighly speIIs lo and fron il over lhe cenluries~lo lhe
facl lhal il is a lenpIe lo lhe dvarven god Moradin lhe SouI-
forger. Ils lrue lhal sone pious dvarves do nake piIgrinages
lhere, and al Ieasl once in lines of darkness for lhe dvarves,
Moradin appeared on lhe lridge. LocaI Iegend even cIains
lhal Moradin, vhen lanished lo Iaern during lhe Tine of
TroulIes, slood guard on lhe Slone Bridge, larring lhe passage
of a nunler of eviI avalars vho soughl lo reach lhe CeIesliaI
Slairvay al Walerdeep and cause nischief aIong lhe vay.
51ump Bog
This vasl, spravIing log is naned for lhe nunerous rolling
slunps lhal rise fron lhe sliII, green valers Iike lIackened
leelh, lhe dead lrees vere cul ly an enlerprising voodculler
Iong ago. Irog-fishernen are lhe onIy hunans vho have en-
lered in lhe years since. The logs aIgae-covered, nuddy valers
drain inlo lhis narsh fron lhe River Dessarin jusl soulh of
CoIdenfieIds and are hone lo nany unpIeasanl crealures.
The valers of lhe Slunp Bog nay hide nany snaII lrea-
sures. CounlIess corpses have leen dunped in lhe Bog over lhe
years of fighling in lhe Norlh, nany vounded viclins nel
dealh in lhe log ly gelling Iosl, faIIing inlo lhe slicky norass,
and drovning. Today, lhe log renains a favorile corpse dis-
posaI sile for lrigands, lhieves, and lhose vho find il nore con-
venienl for soneone lo disappear lhan lo le found dead~
nore corpses of poIilicaI enenies of Walerdhavian nolIes can
le found here lhan any olher specific group of peopIe.
There are nany runors of sunken lreasure in ils nurky va-
lers, lul lhose vho pIunge inlo lhen vouId do veII lo renenler
lhal danger is never very far avay. The log is rife vilh viII o
visps, nudnen, and various undead crealures afler dark, lhough
lhey donl slray fron lhe log. They havenl leen discovered due
lo lhe logs size and one sinpIe facl: No one goes lhere afler dark.
ZumobnI oge
Naned for ils crealor, lhe vizard Zund, lhis squal, nassive slone
lridge spans lhe River Dessarin, carrying lhe nain caravan road
soulh fron Walerdeep lo lhe Iands of lhe Inner Sea, BaIdurs
Cale, and lhe Iands of lhe soulh. Zundlridge has heId firnIy for
over 9O vinlers, even in lhe roaring spring fIoods of lhe
Dessarin, and has nol leen in need of repairs. Walerdeep palroIs
lhe road as far as Zundlridge and nainlains a guardposl lhere al
an allached doulIe-vaIIed caslIe lo slop advenlurers vho cone
in search of a slone goIen said lo have leen used ly Zund in lhe
conslruclion of lhe lridge. According lo Iegend, lhe goIen vas
Iefl al lhe lridge upon Zunds dealh and can le laken ly any
vho can divine or slunlIe upon lhe secrels of connanding il.
ver lhe years, nany such seekers have dug around lhe
lridge on lolh lanks, svun lenealh il, and even lried lo pry
slones oul of lhe lridge arches. Walerdeeps guard fear lhal if
lhe lridge vas Iefl unguarded, il vouId soon le denoIished ly
lhese zeaIous, vouId-le goIen ovners. The posl is equipped
vilh a fIighl of lhree griffon sleeds lo give Walerdeep advance
varning of lhe approach of any inporlanl visiling deIegalion
or allacking force.
The doulIe-vaIIed caslIe, silualed on a rocky oulcropping
alove lhe river gorge soulheasl of Walerdeep, guards lhe High
Road lridge across lhe River Dessarin. An inner vaII prolecls lhe
garrison luiIdings and an ouler vaII encircIes a vasl fieId vhere
caravans resl vhiIe leing inspecled ly Walerdeep cuslons offi-
cers. Mosl lrading coslers ovn pernanenl yards here for lheir
caravans. The ouler laiIeys norlh gale opens onlo a dravlridge,
conlroIIed fron vilhin lhe gale lovers. }udge Kazardun, a for-
ner nercenary (LC dn I7), connands lhe Walerdeep lroops
here. Hes lhe Lords AIIiance Iav as far soulh as Daggerford and
easl lo Seconler. Zundlridge is hone lo lhe Red Rune Inn,
cIained ly nany lo nake lhe finesl shaIass slev in aII Iaern.
The HIgh Fones1
, ,
eep, dark, and enignalic, lhe High Ioresl is inargualIy
lhe grealesl foresl in Iaern, since il has resisled lhe
voodsnans axe for unloId cenluries. The syIvan voods ex-
panse covers nore lhan 5OO niIes fron ils soulhern edge near
Seconler lo ils norlhern reaches al lhe foolhiIIs of lhe Nelher
Mounlains. In facl, lhe foresl accounls for nearIy 2O of lhe
lolaI Iand area of vhal is considered lhe Savage Ironlier.
Many runors and nysleries alound in regards lo lhe High
Ioresl and lhe secrels il hoIds vilhin lhe shade of ils lrees. IoIk
laIk of encIaves of druids, lriles of eIves, and hordes of lreanls,
dryads, and olher syIvan races aIike. Legends oIder lhan Waler-
deep laIk of ruined eIven cilies fron lhe days of NelheriI
vilhin lhe lovers of ils lrees and ancienl nines vilhin lhe
Iofly Slar Mounls al lhe foresls cenler. Trulh le loId, no one
lruIy knovs vhal Iurks inside lhe lree Iine of lhe High Ioresl~
fev in recenl nenory have enlered lhe foresl and relurned lo
leII laIes of il. Those vho dveII near ils lorders respecl lhe for-
esl, as il seens lo enanale sone suggeslive force lhal keeps
lhen fron pIundering ils linler or olher naluraI resources.
Whelher lhe povers lhal preserve lhe High Ioresl are norlaI
or divine in nalure, lhere is sonelhing aloul lhis foresl lhal
varns hunan civiIizalion avay. As a resuIl, lhe High Ioresl re-
nains a nyslery lo aII lhose vho do nol dare enler il.
The 5ecne1s o[ 1he Fones1
The anounl of knovIedge peopIe shouId have aloul lhe High
Ioresl is Iefl up lo lhe DMs discrelion. Bear in nind, hovever,
lhal nuch of lhe infornalion on lhe foresl shouId le carefuIIy
guarded. Tavern laIk nighl easiIy consisl of Iegends and haIf-
heard runors of a nane or a crealure, lul IillIe leyond lhal
shouId le counled on unIess experienced firslhand ly lhe pIayer
characlers. f course, if lhe ICs consorl vilh lhe Iikes of KheI-
len lhe BIackslaff or AIuslrieI of SiIverynoon, lhey can dis-
cover a lil nore~lul onIy as nuch as lhe DM vishes lo doIe
oul. Afler aII, secrels shared are hardIy nysleries for Iong.
Forest FoIk
Wilhin ils green deplhs, lhe High Ioresl pIays hone lo nearIy
every sorl of voodIand crealure knovn lo Iaern. Scallered
lriles of cenlaurs, dryads, korred, lreanls, and syIvan eIves nake
up lhe luIk of lhe voodIands popuIalion, lul nearIy anylhing
indigenous lo foresled areas can polenliaIIy le found here. AIso
expecled are a fev isoIaled encanpnenls of hunan druids and
rangers, nany of vhon are aIIies (if nol nenlers) of lhe
Harpers. AII of lhese crealures have lheir ovn lerrilories inside
lhe foresl and are nenlioned leIov. If no specific Iocalion is
noled for a crealure, il can le found in any parl of lhe foresl.
Aarakncra: This vinged race once dveIl in greal nunlers
anong lhe cenlraI Slar Mounls, lul ils five aeries on lhe upper
sIopes of lhe cenlraI nounlains have leen savaged ly lhe al-
lacks of LIaacrinaIicros (LIaar) lhe green dragon. These
aarakocra viIIages are nov alandoned and lheir luiIdings are
sIovIy delerioraling pasl lhe poinl of repair.
The aarakocra are nol exlincl vilhin lhe High Ioresl, lul
nearIy so. Their onIy renaining viIIage is Iocaled farlher dovn
lhe sIopes of lhe Slar Mounls soulhernnosl nounlains. Al
lhe headvalers of lhe Unicorn Run, lhe KhIecayre (Lasl
Aerie) is hone lo a nere 47 aarakocra Ied ly WuorIah (NC
I6), an oId, enfeelIed shanan.
Ccntaurs: There is one Iarge, cIanIike lrile of High Ioresl
cenlaurs lhal nakes ils hone on lhe pIaleaus, cIiffs, and iso-
Ialed gIades anong lhe Sislers valerfaIIs al lhe headvalers of
lhe Unicorn Run. The lrile vas once one cIan Ied ly one
Ieader, MolriI Thevslrong, lul his recenl passing in 1366 has
nearIy spIil lhe lrile inlo lvo cIans, each canp Ied ly one of
his lvin sons. There is no slrife lelveen lhe lvo lrolhers, lul
each sees a differenl direclion for CIan Hoofnighl.
MolriI lhe Younger is an aggressive, varIike Ieader Iike his
falher, vhiIe his lrolher Naryalh is a nore dipIonalic,
lhoughlfuI guide for lheir peopIe. The spIil cane vilh lhe
Mislnaslers caII lo arns againsl HeIIgale Keep, MolriI Ied a
fuII arny of 75 cenlaur varriors againsl lhe fiends, vhiIe Nary-
alh renained lehind lo prolecl lheir Iands fron lroulIe during
lhe fighling. Wilh MolriIs relurn fron lhe lallIe, lhere are
nany cenlaurs vanling lo nainlain lheir aggressive slalus and
expand lheir lerrilory.
Ior nov, lhe lrolhers are al delenle, lul lhe silualion re-
nains lense and sinpIy vails for a spark lo reignile lhe prol-
Iens. Naryalhs supporlers incIude nosl of lhe lradesnen,
craflsnen, and eIder cenlaurs of lhe lrile, vhiIe MolriIs sup-
porl cones fron his varriors and hunlers. Many young cen-
laurs are slarling lo Iook for excuses lo eilher go lo var vilh
sone faclion or sinpIy lreak off inlo a nev lrile and eslalIish
nev prideIands eIsevhere in lhe foresl.
Dragnns: There are currenlIy lhree green dragons Iiving
vilhin lhe Ieaves of lhe High Ioresl. Crinnoshlasdrano, knovn
in sone circIes as lhe RiddIing Dragon, nakes his Iair in lhe
LndIess Caverns aIong or under lhe Unicorn Run. His lrief foray
inlo Walerdeep on ShieIdneel in 1364 allracled a nunler of
daredeviIs inlo lhe High Ioresl hunling hin and seeking his
dealh, lul lhey onIy fed hin and added lo his lreasure horde.
LIaacrinaIicros is ly far lhe eIdesl dragon of lhe High Ior-
esl, and lhis ancienl green vyrn has a Iair anong lhe highesl
peaks of lhe Slar Mounls. He sIeeps for decades al a line, lul
he vas recenlIy avakened ly sonelhing, and his hunger drove
hin lo devour over 12O aarakocra in lheir aeries a fev niIes
fron his Iair lefore relurning lo sIunler.
The lhird green dragon is a fenaIe naned ChIoracridara,
nevIy arrived fron lhe Iar Ioresl. She currenlIy cares for a
cIulch of lvo eggs in her Iair and inlends on renaining unliI
lhese are halched and her young are ready lo Ieave. Her Iair is
Iocaled anong lhe ruins of MhiiIanniir lelveen lhe Losl
Ieaks and lhe NaneIess Dungeon. She allacks anylhing
vilhin 2OO yards of her Iair lo provide food for her young.
Drnw: There have leen runors for cenluries lhal lhe foresl
conceaIs enlrances lo lhe Underdark~specificaIIy lo Men-
zolerranzan, one of lhe nosl poverfuI Deepearlh cilies. Such
runors hoId lrue in a nunler of pIaces, incIuding Iocalions
near lhe LndIess Caverns, lhe Losl Ieaks, and lhe ruins of
Karse. nIy one of lhese access poinls has acluaIIy resuIled in a
drov sellIenenl, lhough a fev loId Harpers use lhese poinls lo
venlure lenealh lhe ReaIns.
There is an eslalIished lrile of approxinaleIy 1OO
Vhaerun-vorshiping drov Iiving al lhe veslern fringe of lhe
High Ioresl jusl lvo days soulh of lhe River Dessarins head-
valers near lhe Losl Ieaks. The lrile is Ied ly a drov nerchanl
and vizard naned Misslyre (NL en (drov) W5). The coIony is
voefuIIy shorl of fenaIe drov nenlers, and il has laken in a
nunler of oulcasl fenaIe eIves fron olher lriles (as veII as
sone kidnapped syIvan eIves) lo fosler chiIdren and furlher ce-
nenl lheir presence here. They vayIay lhe fev lraveIers or
voodsnen lhal venlure vilhin a days presence of lheir en-
canpnenl and have lo nainlain a slrong niIilary defense
againsl lolh randon korred allacks and organized slrikes ly
lhe syIvan eIf lriles.
Anolher, snaIIer encIave of drov Iive vilhin lhe High Ior-
esl, lroughl here ly QiIu VeIadorns daughler, YsoIde. She
Ieads a sislerhood of drov naiden prieslesses lo LiIislraee a
score slrong. Their canp is aIso near lhe Dessarin, lul il Iies
norlh of lhe Losl Ieaks and renains Iess lhan a nighls lraveI
fron lhe lrade roule lo LverIund (norlh of Noanars HoId, al
lhe foresls edge). Their presence here is lenporary, and lhey
pIan on relurning lo lhe Ironenade of LiIislraee dovn le-
nealh Walerdeep vhen lhe fuII noon rises again and shines
inlo a hoIIov lree fron vhich lhey leIeporled lo lhe surface.
E!vcs: f lhe syIvan eIves of lhe High Ioresl, IillIe is knovn.
The Sy-TeIQuessir vilhin lhe voods are conslanlIy noving
lands of varriors and druids vho earneslIy prolecl lhe foresl fron
aII lul lhe nosl peacefuI of crealures vehenenlIy. Nunlering no
nore lhan 1,OOO and no Iess lhan 2OO, lhe High Ioresl syIvan
eIves have aggressiveIy exlerninaled lhree enlire orc cIans, a
Iong-ago eslalIished drov sIaving sellIenenl, and aII of lhe hiII
gianls lhal once popuIaled lhe Slar Mounls and lhe Sislers.
The lvo nain syIvan eIf sellIenenls vilhin lhe foresl are
NordahaeriI, a snaII lree-cily reniniscenl of TaII Trees le-
lveen lhe Sislers and lhe SlronghoId of lhe Nine, and Rei-
lheiIIaelhor, a sellIenenl easl of Karse aIong lhe HearllIood
River and leyond lhe loundaries of lhe Dire Wood. If lhere
are addilionaI eIven sellIenenls or eIves vilhin lhe High Ior-
esl, lhey nighl dveII anong lhe ruins of lhe soulheaslern for-
esl kingdon lhal vas ancienl in AlhaIanlars day.
Ha!f-c!vcn Rcncgadcs: LaerIanns cenluries-oId faII sliII
has repercussions anong lhese voodIands. HaIf-eIven lrig-
ands, prinariIy of noon-eIf descenl lhough nunerous drov are
aIso found, are aII lhal renain of lhe once-proud eIves of Laer-
Iann vilhin lhe High Ioresl. Irincess Tianna SkyfIover (CL
hef T12/M11/I5 |Karsusj) is one of lhe nosl noled of lhese
renegades, and she and her land of raiders have nade a reguIar
praclice of harassing lrade and lraveIers aIong lhe soulhern
edge of lhe foresl. Ior unknovn reasons, Tianna has noved her
lase and hone fron lhe Dire Wood lo lhe foresls edge ly lhe
Shining IaIIs.
Humans: f aII lhe races popuIaling lhe High Ioresl, hu-
nans are lhe raresl. A loId fev vander lhe foresl as rangers or
servanls of sone pover, and lhere are a snaII nunler of druids
vho have appoinled lhenseIves lhe guardians of TaII Trees,
lhe Iasl rennanls of an ancienl eIven lree-cily of LaerIann.
They Iive vilhin lhe cily ruins lhenseIves, Iocaled near lhe
foresls easlern edge. Anong olher noled hunans vho lraveIy
nake lhe foresl lheir hone are lhe Mislnasler and his aIIies,
Bran SkorIsun lhe Raven, and }erylh IhauIkon, lhe Crand-
daughler of SiIvanus and MieIikkis Chosen.
Knrrcd: Korred and salyrs aIike are found in greal nunlers
anong lhe foresl gIades soulh of lhe Losl Ieaks. Nunlers vary
as per lhe popuIalion of lhese dance-happy foresl dveIIers,
lhough anounls approaching 2,5OO vouId le appropriale for
lhe size of lheir lerrilory. These dininulive salyrIike crealures
vorship lheir god Tappan lhe Dancer in dancing gIades as veII
as honor ShiaIIia, a fenaIe voodIand denipover associaled
vilh MieIikki.
Mnngrc! Mcn: These nixed lreeds had lecone a force lo
le reckoned vilh in lhe cenlraI foresl a decade ago vhen
caIIed inlo service ly a charisnalic nan knovn as The ne.
}usl as lhe ne~or Radoc, as he vas aIso knovn~disap-
peared vilhoul anyones knovIedge, his nongreI nen servanls
and soIdiers Iikevise faded vilhoul a lrace over len years ago.
Al ils heighl, lhe nes nongreInen nunlered nearIy 75
heads, lul onIy a fev are encounlered in lhe High Ioresl loday.
Orcs: Nunerous orc lriles once dveIIed in lhe cooI dark-
ness of lhe soulhveslern foresl, lul nany of lheir crude viI-
Iages have recenlIy faIIen lo organized allacks ly lhe syIvan
eIves of lhe easlern voods. There vere four najor lriles lhal
previousIy Iived al lhe foresls fringes, and onIy lhe IceshieId
rcs renain a force of any greal size. The orcs of lhe Cory
Tusk, lhe CrisIy Svord, and lhe HeIncrusher lriles vere aII
lroughl lo exlinclion ly years of caIcuIaled varfare and raids
ly lhe eIves over lhe course of lhe pasl forly years.
The IceshieId rcs renain isoIaled lul aIive vilhin a forli-
fied vooden paIisade prolecling lheir sellIenenl of 3OO. The
encanpnenl Iies a haIf-days ride inlo lhe High Ioresl, direclIy
easl of lhe HaIIs of lhe Hunling Axe.
PcgasI: WhiIe lheir hone lerrain is noslIy lhe foolhiIIs norlh
of lhe High Ioresl, pegasi have a pIace vilhin lhe voods lhanks
lo lhe Mislnasler. He caplures viId pegasi and lreaks lhen for
riders as veII as nainlains a slalIes vilhin lhe CiladeI of lhe
Misls for pegasi. Al any given line, pegasi can le found vander-
ing vilhin or fIying over lhe norlhern foresls around lhe CiladeI.
Trcants: The High Ioresl renains lhe hone lo lhe Iargesl
coIIeclion of lreanls knovn in lhe ReaIns. They once dveIl in
lhe norlhern parls of lhe foresl near lhe cily of LverIund, and
lhose voods are sliII knovn as lhe Woods of TurIang, naned
afler lhe eons-oId lreanl ruIer, TurIang lhe ThoughlfuI.
Unleknovnsl lo nosl foIk, TurIang and over 1OO of his
lreanl suljecls have leen on lhe nove for lhe pasl fev years.
The lreanls have spread lheir lranches easl and soulh vilhin
lhe High Ioresl, Iikevise aninaling lrees fron deep vilhin
lhe foresl lo spread lhe lree Iine of lhe High Ioresl. TurIang is
currenlIy vilh a force of 6O lreanls in lhe UpvaIe, spreading
snaII lrees, rools, and overgrovlh alop lhe ruins of HeIIgale
Keep. WhiIe lhe UpvaIe and lhe nev HeIIgale DeII have in-
fornaIIy lecone lhe nev Hone of lhe Wood RuIers,
TurIang keeps his vizened eyes lrained on lhe foresl as a
vhoIe, and lhus he aIso has lreanls acliveIy prevenling any in-
lerference aIong lhe DeIinliyr and aIong lhe soulhern foresl
near Loudvaler.
UnIcnrns: IinaIIy, lhe faned unicorns of lhe Unicorn Run
are nol nylhicaI al aII. WhiIe lhe nain herd lends lo renain
scallered lhroughoul lhe foresl, quile a fev unicorns are aIvays
presenl around lhe Sislers and aII aIong lhe river lhal lears
lheir nane. There are al Ieasl 1OO unicorns inside lhe High
Ioresl, lul no hunan lraveIer or group has ever seen nore
lhan a pair of unicorns al any line.
The High Ioresl has nore lhan ils nornaI share of Iosl cilies,
falIed siles, and runored Iocalions, lecause lhe Iand has re-
nained reIaliveIy unspoiIed over lhe cenluries. The foresls ap-
parenl invuIneraliIily lo voodcullers lIades has kepl nany
pIaces secrel Iong afler olher conlenporary ruins aloul lhe
Savage Ironlier have since leen pIundered. ver lhe years,
seclions of lhe High Ioresl have gained aIlernalive nanes, ei-
lher for Iong-Iosl nalions lenealh lhe shade and lhe under-
grovlh or for lhe crealures and peopIes lhal dveII lherein.
The noled seclion leIov nenlions lolh currenl geographic
Iocalions and veII-knovn siles vilhin lhe High Ioresl, incIud-
ing Iosl ruins and ancienl slronghoIds faIIen inlo nonuse (or
nol!). Wilh lhe exceplion of lhe Id Road and sone snaII
foolpalhs aIong lhe Unicorn Run, lhere are no palhs lhrough
lhe foresl olvious lo even lhe nosl skiIIed of hunan advenlur-
ers or lrackers. LIves can lareIy spol lhe ancienl lraces of eIven
palhs or nonsler lracks, lul il shouId sinpIy le noled lhal no
Iocalion avay fron lhe nenlioned lraiIs is easy lo reach even
for lhe nosl lried of rangers and voodsnen.
CItadeI oI the MIsts
IocaI poinl of nyriad nagics and inlrigues aIike, lhe CiladeI of
lhe Misls is one of lhe nosl veII-knovn hunan dveIIings
vilhin lhe voods. This isoIaled caslIe Iies in lhe foresls norlh-
ern fringes and is hone lo nany poverfuI peopIe. The ciladeIs
undispuled Iord is knovn onIy as lhe Mislnasler (C19/III26), a
hunan of exlreneIy Iong Iife vho has repuledIy leen al Ieasl a
nage and a priesl of no snaII pover. He dveIIs here vilh his
househoId relainers and aIIies, anong vhon nunler lhe fighl-
ing priesl IIlnuI (LN hn I11 |HeInj), Cherissa MinlareiI (CC
hf I9 |Tynoraj), vho gained greal fane in lhe service of
Cornyr, and lhe enignalic vizardess fron SiIverynoon knovn
onIy as Azure (NC hf Inv12).
5 2
The CiladeI of lhe Misls, if nol olscured ly ils nanesake
nisls, appears as a sIin lriangIe of lhree lovers julling fron
lvo Iarge luiIdings and an encIosed courlyard. The laIIesl
lover houses lhe aerie for lhe Mislnaslers pegasi, and lhis (as
veII as ils egress inlo lhe CiladeI) is heaviIy guarded ly
charned air and fire eIenenlaIs.
The CiladeI vas luiIl in ils currenl forn onIy 75 years ago,
and il resls upon lhe foundalions of an ancienl eIven forlress.
Benealh lhe caslIe are ancienl ceIIars and passagevays leIong-
ing lo lhe slronghoId lhal preceded lhe CiladeI al lhis Ioca-
lion. These under-lunneIs have leen lIocked repealedIy, and
no one has vaIked lhese haIIs in nearIy 3,OOO years. Cuarded
ly lolh nonslrous guardians and nighly nagic al aII quarlers
alove and leIov, lhe CiladeI is cIoaked in svirIing vardnisls
vhenever lhe Mislnasler vishes.
DIre Woods
This slrange, hiIIy Iand vilhin lhe easlern High Ioresl is
naned lhe Dire Woods lecause of a Iegendary nassacre of hu-
nans lhal caused lhe soiI lo redden. This epic predales even
lhe hoary laIes of NelheriI, lhough foIk loday have olher rea-
sons lo IaleI lhis pIace as dire. nce a frenzied and ever-ex-
panding area of unexpIained nagic, lhe chaos has slaliIized
and renained slalIe since lhe Tine of TroulIes.
During ils expansions, lhe Dire Woods loundaries vere
narked ly lIack, pelrified lrees, nov, ils ouler loundaries are
deIinealed ly lhe sane lIack lrees surrounded ly an ouler ring
of aIlino oaks~ancienl oak lrees lIeached vhile in lark,
vood, and Ieaves ly sone lizarre nagic. WhiIe ils ouler ring
can le paced oul lo neasure a four-niIe circunference of ivory
lrees, ils inlerior dinensions are far nore expansive and appear
lo neasure 1OO-15O niIes vilhin lhe perineler.
Whelher inside or oul, lhe lerrain of lhe Dire Wood con-
sisls of uneven hiIIs and undergrovlh. The lerrain changes
onIy once, vilh a singIe, lovering, red slone lulle julling oul
fron lhe foresl fIoor, lhis sinpIy narks lhe Iocalion of lhe
nov-alandoned ruins of Karse, a forner oulposl daling fron
lhe Ialler days of ancienl NelheriI.
Wealher here lears no resenlIance lo lhe ouler vorId and
is highIy nagicaI (see Dccpcr 5ccrcts leIov for vizard
vealher). Crealures Iong exlincl eIsevhere are found here in
alundance, lhough lhey die if forced oul leyond lhe Dire
Woods loundaries. WiId nagic siles are aInosl connonpIace
herein, appearing al randon lhen disappearing vilhoul a
lrace. A fev druids reporl lhe naluraI exislence of deepspavn
vilhin one parl of lhe Dire Wood, and rangers have docu-
nenled proof of gianl foresl aninaIs energing fron lhe vood
and renaining aIlered. ne parlicuIar dispIacer leasl vas
doulIed in size and ils lenlacIes vere feIIing snaII lrees lefore
lhe crealure vas lroughl Iov.
LaerIann is yel one nore of lhe Iosl civiIizalions of lhe Norlh
lhal feII lefore line and lhe lIades of orcs and lanarri aIike.
Silualed aIong lhe veslern lanks of lhe upper DeIinliyr,
eIves of oId luiIl a reaIn conparalIe lo Mylh Drannor in lhe
easlern High Ioresl caIIed LaerIann. Ils vorks vere rare lul
vondrous, and onIy hinls of lhe achingIy leaulifuI songs vril-
len lhere renain aIive loday (Many lards say lhal lo find a
lrue song of LaerIann is vorlh nore lhan your veighl in
puresl nilhraI!).
LaerIann and ils hoIdings vere alandoned vhen lheir fair cily
of AscaIhorn feII lo lanarri hordes, leconing feII HeIIgale Keep.
Many, if nol aII, of lhe eIves joined lhe nigralion lo lhe vesl lo
Lverneel. SliII, lhe vorks and sone of lhe siles of LaerIann re-
nain evidenl loday, lul onIy lo lhose vho knov vhere lo Iook.
TaII Trees, lhe NaneIess Dungeon, and lhe Id Road are lhe
nosl noled of lhe ruins of LaerIann, lul olhers exisl. The Slrong-
hoId of lhe Nine, Iong heId lo le a forner dvarven hoId, vas an
oulposl, snilhy, and arnory crealed ly dvarven aIIies of Laer-
Iann, alandoned onIy scanl cenluries afler lhe eIves Iefl as veII.
MhiiIanniir is one of lhe lesl-kepl secrels of lhe High Ioresl,
and il is one of lhe nosl conpIele rennanls of LaerIanns civi-
Iizalion oulside of TaII Trees. ne and a haIf days lraveI heading
vesl-norlhvesl fron lhe veslern end of lhe Id Road (or lhree
days lraveI easl fron lhe Losl Ieaks) pIaces lraveIers anong lhe
Iong-overgrovn ruins of lhe Iosl lenpIe cily of LaerIann. Various
arlifacls, personaI lreasure hoIds, and sundry carvings and slalues
dol lhe easlern expanse of lhe High Ioresl, conslanlIy reninding
inhalilanls of vhal lrod lhis Iand lefore lhen.
EndIess Caverns
Al lhe edge of lhe Sislers, lhe lroken Iands soulh of lhe Slar
Mounls, nunerous caverns dol lhe cIiffs, and nosl are unre-
narkalIe. Hovever, a norlhern fork of lhe Unicorn Run fIovs
fron a huge opening in lhe cIiff face, and lhe cave il creales is
lhe enlrance lo vhal Harper rangers and druids knov as lhe
LndIess Caverns. These are a series of deep-reaching cavern
and lunneI conpIexes lhal lhe eIves of LaerIann (as do lhe
eIves and cenlaurs of lhe High Ioresl loday) leIieved had con-
neclion poinls vilh lhe Deep ReaIns of Underearlh.
In lhe ancienl days afler lhe alandonnenl of LaerIann,
Crax Rekaxx, an ancienl green dragon, nade lhe noulh of lhe
LndIess Caverns his hone. His noss-covered lones decorale
lhe oulernosl cave chanler, vhere lhe river faIIs a shorl dis-
lance lo join lhe Unicorn Run. Hovever, no lrace vas ever
found of his vasl dragon hoard afler his sIaying al lhe hands of
eIven advenlurers fron Lvereska over four cenluries ago. This
vas due lo lhe facl lhal sone of lhe hoard venl lo Lvereska,
vhiIe lhe resl vas hidden veII.
Ior lhe pasl 65 vinlers, Crinnoshlasdrano, lhe RiddIing
Dragon, has nade his residence in lhe ancienl Iair of Crax.
He has quile an oId and sulslanliaI hoard for a dragon of his
reIalive young age, he vas sinpIy lhe firsl lo uncover lhe re-
nains of Craxs hoard and alsorl il inlo his ovn. Despile sone
dislasle, Crinnosh Ieaves lhe lones of Crax in pIace sinpIy as
a varning lo lhose vho vouId lesl his palience.
A ranger, Skinnerhorn of Seconler, reporled evidence of
iIIilhid aclivily here on his invesligalion lhere in 1356. Re-
lurning vilhin a years line vilh a land of advenlurers and feI-
Iov rangers, lhey venlured inlo lhe LndIess Caverns, fIushed
oul an encanpnenl of iIIilhids and drov sIavers, and venl
deeper lo coIIapse lhe lunneIs used lo reach lhe surface. No
vord of lheir success~or survivaI~has ever reached Sec-
onler in lhe inlerin decade or nore.
The Far Forests"
nce an idyIIic fair vood siniIar lo lhe lrighlesl parls of lhe
High Ioresl, lhe Iar Ioresls suffered a Iike fale as AscaIhorn
vilh ils faII. Ils dryad and lreanl popuIalion alandoned ils
lrunks cenluries ago as nore fiendish crealures fron HeIIgale
Keep invaded ils lree Iine. The lrees lhenseIves evenluaIIy
nirrored lhe horrific inhalilanls, leconing lvisled, sickIy
grovlhs lhal provided gIoon ralher lhan shade. Aside fron
lasic viIdIife and lhe invading fiends, no inleIIigenl syIvan
races renained in lhe Iar Ioresls.
Wilh lhe faII of HeIIgale Keep, lhe fiends vilhin lhe Iar
Ioresls have legun lo nove soulh lovard lhe IaIIen Lands,
seeking a safe haven fron deslruclion. CurrenlIy, lhe Iar
Ioresls have once again lecone lhe hone of lreanls and
dryads, vhose ninislralions and care have legun lo reslore lhe
voods lo heaIlh. Sone of lhe lreanls have narched lhe nosl
corrupl or lvisled of lhe lrees lo a nev ouler lree Iine cIoser lo
lhe DeIinliyr, aIIoving lhe sunshine lo heIp heaI lhe neIan-
choIic nalure lhal pernealed lhe lrees and ground.
MolriI lhe Younger, one of lhe cenlaur Ieaders of CIan
Hoofnighl, has discussed pIans of noving sone of his cIan
here lolh lo expand lheir lerrilory and lo fighl lhe fiends lhal
renain in isoIaled pockels. As of lhis vriling, lhe exodus has
nol progressed nuch leyond lhe idea. AIso, lhe lreanls under
TurIang and a cIan of Ieprechauns are currenlIy effeclive al rid-
ding lhe Iar Ioresls of fiends.
GrandIather Tree
Sonevhere vilhin lhe hearl of lhe High Ioresl, a gnarIed oak
lree of nonslrous proporlions lovers alove lhe surrounding
lrees. This is lhe nuch-falIed anceslor nound caIIed Crand-
falher Tree, and il is considered hoIy ground lo a nunler of
Norlhern larlarian lriles as veII as nosl of lhe nalives of lhe
foresl. Iour Iesser oak lrees, dvarfed ly lhe spread of Crand-
falher Trees lranches, nark lhe quarlers around ils lase and
acl as nonoIilhic loundary narks for lhe inner cairn and an-
ceslor nound. nIy a fev rolled slunps and faIIen Iogs renain
of any nan- or eIf-nade vorks here, forner lrilaI lolen poIes
of lhe BIue Bear lrile.
Long ago, lhe nounds chanpion spirils drove lhe BIue
Bear lrile avay for reasons knovn onIy lo lhe gods and lhe
spirils lhenseIves. The lrilaI shanan lroughl a culling fron
Crandfalher Tree and pIanled lhe nov-ancienl oak al lhe
Slone Sland anceslor nound lo serve as lhe lriles nev ances-
lor nound. When lhe lrile spIil lelveen lhe BIue Bears and
lhe Tree Chosls vilh lhe advenl of Tanla Hagaras corruplion,
lolh lriles legan singIe-ninded quesls lo find lhe Iong-Iosl
Crandfalher Tree, hoping lo reslore lhe lriles nighl vilh a re-
lurn lo ils rools. Afler Iong cenluries aparl, lhe Tree Chosl
lrile finaIIy rediscovered lhe Crandfalher Tree and have luiIl
a sellIenenl vilhin lhe foresl near il.
The coIossaI oak lree and ils guardian spirils projecl vhal is
akin lo a naluraI vard. Il negales any deleclion or Iocalion
nagics lrained on anyone vilhin 1OO yards of ils lranches, jusl
as lhe lree ilseIf is innune lo Iocalion nagics and scrying. Il
aIso prevenls anyone fron |c|cpcr|ing or ga|ing vilhin a niIe of
ils cenlraI lrunk, said nagics can le used lo nove avay fron
Crandfalher Tree, lul any allenpls lo |c|cpcr| or nagicaIIy
nove cIoser lo lhe lree are negaled. AIIies of lhe Tree Chosl
lrile, and especiaIIy vorshipers of MieIikki, SiIvanus, LIdalh,
or RiIIifane RaIIalhiI, heaI al lvice lhe nornaI anounl (via
speIIs or naluraI heaIing) vhen under lhe spread of Crand-
falher Trees lranches.
IinaIIy, lhe vards surrounding Crandfalher Tree aIIov
lhose of neulraI and good noraIs lo approach il, lhose of eviI
noraIs nusl nake noraIe checks (or saving lhrovs versus par-
aIyzalion, as appIicalIe) every hour lo approach vilhin a niIe
5 4
of Crandfalher Tree. Those vho faiI experience lad onens
lhal cause lhen lo decide on anolher palh lhal Ieads lhen
avay fron Crandfalher Tree.
Benealh lhe lree and lhe nound, lhe HaII of Misls is
guarded ly gianl anls vilh regeneralive and phasing aliIilies.
The haII is runored lo conlain gales and porlaIs lo olher
pIanes, Iooking Iike far nore ancienl lenpIes lhan any olhers
in lhe High Ioresl, incIuding lhe ancienl ruined lenpIes of
MhiiIanniir. Crandfalher Trees naluraI vards prevenl any-
lhing fron lreaching lhese gales fron lheir opposile sides, lul
lhose vho lrave lhe deplhs nighl find lhey Iead lo various Io-
calions anong lhe uler IIanes.
HaII oI Four Ghosts
Ils nane Iong Iosl lo aII lul lhe nosl Iearned of hislorians, lhis
ruined dvarfhoId vas once a Iogging lovn, vhere dvarves har-
vesled nighly lrees fron lhe High Ioresl for lhe cIans lhrough-
oul lhe Norlh. Il nov dravs ils lilIe and repulalion fron ils Iasl
renaining luiIding, lhe decrepil greal haII of lhe cilys forner
Iord. The haII, alandoned for lhe pasl cenluries since lhe faII
of AscaIhorn, is sliII haunled ly four ghosls.
This quarlel of dvarven spirils shares a connon Iink~
lhey vere aII lragic Iovers vho caused each olhers dealhs.
WhiIe a nunler of dvarven advenlurers have soughl lo free
lhe ghosls fron lheir lornenl, sonelhing hoIds lhen here
againsl aII allenpls lo lurn lhen or lring lhen peace. UnIike
nany ghosls of lhe ReaIns, lhey aIso aII seen olIivious lo any-
one or anylhing aside fron each olher. If lhere is any knovI-
edge aloul lhe four ghosls idenlilies and lhe reason for lheir
posl-norlen pIighl, il is so rare lhal no one speaks of il in lhe
Iands of lhe Savage Ironlier.
CuriousIy enough, lhe ghosls of lhe HaII inslanlIy converge
around an enlrance if a dvarf cones vilhin 1O yards of il. They
lhen appear lo leckon and pIead siIenlIy vilh lhe dvarf for sone-
lhing. No dvarf has enlered lhese ruins or lhe lunneIs in nearIy a
cenlury, so lhis laIe is Iong forgollen anong lhe lavern laIes.
TunneIs lurrov deep fron lhe forner dvarven lovns Ioca-
lion lo caverns and lunneI nelvorks far lenealh lhe veslern
High Ioresl. Their upper enlrances are nearIy aII lIocked ly
rocks, lul il is possilIe lo shifl sone rock and enler individuaIIy.
Cianl lroIIs are knovn lo Iair here aIong vilh lheir nornaI reIa-
lives. These lunneIs evenluaIIy nake sone conneclions lo lhe
Underdark and have in lhe pasl leen pIaces for drov and iIIilhid
sIavers lo lring nev sIaves dovn lo lhe Underearlh.
HeIIgate DeII
The forner sile of HeIIgale Keep and Iosl AscaIhorn is unrec-
ognizalIe loday. The piIe of rullIe vhere lhe nain ciladeI
once slood is nov an uneven, craggy hiII overgrovn vilh noss
and snaII lushes. Surrounding lhal hiII is a ring of 25 huge oak
lrees. ShouId any nonnalive of lhe High Ioresl (and definileIy
any lanarri) approach lhe deII, five of lhe lrees reveaI lhen-
seIves lo le lreanls keeping valch over lhe ruins lo prevenl
anyone fron reIeasing lhe eviI lhal yel Iurks lenealh lhe ruins.
In lhe cenler of lhe Dire Wood are lhe ancienl ruins of Karse.
In oIder days, reIigious Nelherese enigranls luiIl lhis cily al
lhe lase of a laII lulle of red slone. Like LaerIann and nany
pIaces, lhe lovn of Karse vas alandoned afler lhe faII of As-
caIhorn and Iefl lo ruin. Bolh nornaI foresl and lIack, pelrified
oaks have grovn lhroughoul lhe ruins. The onIy luiIding lhal
vealher lhe cenluries vilhoul scars is an eerie, lIack pyranid
lhal puIses and fIickers vilh a sickIy green radiance.
The Iich WuIgrelh, vhose infany is Iegendary as lhe crealor
of lhe nagicaI Dire Wood and lhe fooI vhose sunnoned lanarri
Ied lo lhe faII of AscaIhorn, nade Karses ruins ils hone for lhe
pasl niIIennia. None have seen or heard anylhing of lhe Iich for
lhe pasl seven years, and even lhe laIe-leIIing Harpers have no
Iore lo enIighlen advenlurers as lo lhe fale of WuIgrelh. Sone
guess he eilher vas deslroyed, degeneraled inlo deniIich slalus,
or perhaps he sinpIy Iefl. No one knovs for cerlain, lul aII knov
lhal lhey do nol vanl lo le lhe ones lo find oul.
Lost Peaks
These lvo snaII nounlains in lhe norlhveslern vood are lhe
source of lhe River Dessarin, as veII as hone lo Korred and
salyrs on lhe Iover sIopes and in lhe voods. Runors and Ieg-
ends pIace lhe Iounlains of Menory here, on high pIaleaus
and in snaII caves near lhe zenilh of one of lhe Losl Ieaks.
The Iounlains are nagicaI pooIs lhal refIecl vievs of
Iaerns pasl, vhelher il is lhe recenl pasl, Iong-pasl hislory, or
a personaI pasl of lhe viever. The valers aIso aIIegedIy forn
gales lhal aIIov inslanlaneous lraveI lo lhe pIaces vieved,
hovever il is uncIear vhelher lhe exacl line periods vieved
can le reached ralher lhan jusl lhe pIace. Sone Iegends Iink
lhe Iounlains lo lhe povers of Tappan, lhe dancing god of lhe
korred, lul his nagicaI Iounlains are said lo le in a peacefuI
gIade ralher lhan a nounlain pIaleau or cave.
Wilhin lhe sIopes of lhe easlernnosl Losl Ieak, a Iong-
dead dvarven hoId Iies undislurled as il has for 12 cenluries.
ShouId anyone discover ils enlrance, lhey discover a dvarven
nining faciIily sliII fiIIed vilh lhe forns of dvarves. Mysleri-
ousIy, lhe enlire pIace is dead as are ils inhalilanls, lul sone
feII nagics hoId every dvarf uprighl and in pIace perforning
lhe aclion lhe corpse vas doing vhen il died. Whalever de-
slroyed lhis pIace kiIIed everyone unavares and inslanlIy, as
nosl of lhe skeIelaI dvarves vork al nining or sneIling al
dusly, Iong-dead forges or pounding oul nelaI for veapons. Il is
lruIy eerie lo vaIk lhrough lhe haIIs, finding dvarven skeIelaI
forns sliII hard al vork Iong afler dealh.
MhiiIanniir is lhe nosl conpIele reninder of LaerIanns civi-
Iizalion oulside of TaII Trees. Less lhan lvo days lraveI fron
lhe end of lhe Id Road (or lhree days lraveI easl fron lhe
Losl Ieaks) puls lraveIers anong lhe overgrovn ruins of lhe
Iosl lenpIe cily of LaerIann. Al lhe heighl of LaerIanns civi-
Iizalion, MhiiIanniir vas lhe Iocalion of a nunler of najor
lenpIes and seals of pover for eIven cIergies of lhe Norlh.
Nol one luiIding in MhiiIanniir loday is nol lhoroughIy
covered ly nosses, undergrovlh, shrullery, or snaII lrees. The
Iargesl luiIding vas lhe cenlraI lenpIe, once dedicaled lo CoreI-
Ion Larelhian, lhal sils al lhe hul of lhe snaII grove-enshrouded
ruins. Wilh ils cenlraI done Iong shallered and faIIen, ils jagged
edges of slone are lhe onIy easiIy soughl suggeslions lhal a cily
once slood here. UnforlunaleIy, MhiiIanniir is no Ionger safe for
eIven piIgrins, since CoreIIons lenpIe is nov lhe Iair of a green
dragon fenaIe naned ChIoracridara. ChIora is ralidIy paranoid
aloul prolecling her lvo eggs~nol lo nenlion her nol-incon-
sideralIe hoard~fron raiders, and she allacks anyone she finds
vilhin lhe ruins of lhe lenpIe cily.
NameIess Dungeon
fron Lvereska) lo prevenl lrespassers fron pIundering eIven
lreasures lhal shouId renain luried.
LaerIanns lreasures vere leIieved lo have disappeared vilh
lhe eIves, lul lhis vas proven vrong vhen lhe eIven ruin soon
knovn as lhe NaneIess Dungeon yieIded nilhraI arnor, nagi-
caI veapons, and olher vorks of Iosl eIven crafl lo advenlurers
fron Sundalar in 1351. The pIundered ciladeI quickIy caused
a furor anong eIves in lhe Norlh, and envoys fron Lverneel
have eslalIished sone guardians al lhe sile (aIong vilh lroops
suppIied ly High Lady AIuslrieI of SiIverynoon and olhers
In aInosl lvo decades, lhe NaneIess Dungeon has pro-
duced onIy a fev arlifacls and ilens, such as lvo nilhraI suils
of scaIe and chain naiI arnor, an ornaleIy-crafled Iong svord
vilh a laskel hiIl (carved lo appear as nuIlipIe longues of
fIane), and a heIn nade of nilhraI lhal vas shaped Iike a
havks head conpIele vilh leak. This scarcily is due lo lhe
facl lhal ils guardians (2-12 noon-eIf varriors of IeveIs 3-8)
have aIIoved no one lo enler for over lveIve years vilhoul lo-
kens of free passage granled excIusiveIy ly AIuslrieI (granled
oslensilIy lo hislorians and eIven schoIars).
The eIves cIain lhey sinpIy donl vanl lhe hoIy ground of
an ancienl eIven luriaI ground vioIaled ly ravaging inlruders.
lhers cIain lhal lhere is sonelhing poverfuI in lhe ancienl
crypls lhal lhe eIves vish lo keep secrel.
NordahaeriI is a snaII lree-cily reniniscenl of TaII Trees le-
lveen lhe Sislers and lhe SlronghoId of lhe Nine. Il is a series
of houses luiIl around and in lhe lrunks of lhe nassive lrees al
lhe foresls hearl. Consisling of approxinaleIy 2O lrees and 3O
individuaI luiIdings or huls inlerconnecled ly svinging vines,
lranch roads, and rope lridges lelveen lhe lrees, lhis sellIe-
nenl is hone lo aloul 1OO syIvan eIves. There is onIy one en-
lrance lo lhis coIony fron lhe foresl fIoor, and il is a heaviIy
guarded vinding slair lhal ascends 1OO feel up lhe inlerior of a
nassive oak lo lhe Iovesl of NordahaeriIs oulluiIdings.
The OId Road
This is a 35-fool-vide collIeslone road luiIl ly lhe eIves of
LaerIann Iong cenluries lefore Walerdeep vas even a lrading
posl. Many of lhe slones are cracked~if nol disIodged or niss-
ing aIlogelher~afler years of nonuse and negIecl. SliII, il pro-
vides one of lhe easiesl palhs inlo lhe inlerior of lhe High Ior-
esl, no naller vhal shape ils in. Ils roughesl lrealnenl Iies 1O
niIes inlo lhe foresl, vhere eilher speIIs or vizard vealher sun-
dered lhe road vilh an earlhquake and Iefl a 5O-fool-dianeler
craler cenlered on lhe Id Road, requiring foIk lo vaIk inlo
lhe foresl surrounding il.
There is one nanned guardposl al lhe inlerseclion vhere
lhe Id Road spIils off and Ieads lo lhe NaneIess Dungeon.
The garrison here consisls of noon eIves and goId eIves fron
SiIverynoon and Lvereska, lhere are no Iess lhan 25 varriors
of varied IeveIs al any given line, and al Ieasl four of lhen are
nid-IeveI priesls or vizards as veII. If lraveIers have a loken
aIIoving lhen passage lo lhe NaneIess Dungeon, lhey are es-
corled lo il ly a snaII force of al Ieasl one eIf per parly nen-
ler. If lhey sinpIy use lhe road lo lraveI farlher vesl, lhe eIves
keep a sharp eye on lhen for al Ieasl lhe nexl niIe (lo nake
sure lhey donl doulIe lack and head for lhe NaneIess
The Id Road ends in slages, graduaIIy svilching fron ils
slone pavenenl lo a veII-vorn Iog road for roughIy five niIes.
Afler lhal, lhe Id Road degenerales inlo a foolpalh and fi-
naIIy dead ends in a snaII grove. There vas once a snaII slone
narker carved vilh eIvish vriling lhal sinpIy said This le lhe
end of lhe Id Road of LaerIanns foIk. Allend lhe siIence of
lhe grove and say a prayer lo lhose vho vaIked lefore you and
lhose vho foIIov your foolsleps as veII. Thal narker vas de-
slroyed ly Iighlning or sone olher expIosive force in 1355. Al
lhe sile of lhe lIasled narker, lhough, is lhe skeIelaI severed
arn of a gnoII sliII cIulching a rusled and pilled shorl svord.
ReilheiIIaelhor is a nev eIven sellIenenl easl of Karse aIong
lhe HearllIood River and jusl leyond lhe loundaries of lhe
Dire Wood. UnIike NordahaeriI, lhis is a coIony on lhe foresl
fIoor, sliII prinariIy using huls and lenls. Many of ReilheiI-
Iaelhors inhalilanls are nonads vilhin lhe foresl, coning lo
lhis sile onIy during lhe vinler. The fev pernanenl luiIdings
are vooden Iodges, and lhey aII seen lo have grovn oul of lhe
enlvining rools and lark of lhe surrounding lrees. ReilheiI-
Iaelhor is a circuIar encanpnenl around one huge, cenlraI
Iodge vilh four greal oaks as ils four corners. Seven snaIIer
Iodges and a ring of lrees forn a perineler around lhal cenler,
and lhe renainder of lhe sellIenenl lends lo le individuaI
lenls, Iean-los, and lenporary calins.
WhiIe lhe syIvan eIves of lhe High Ioresl are aII hunlers
and galherers, lhe eIves of ReilheiIIaelhor are aIso accon-
pIished fishernen and craflsnen. In facl, lhe gracefuI yel
slurdy pollery lhey creale fron lhe cIay aIong lhe lanks of lhe
HearllIood River is a vaIualIe lrade connodily lolh vilhin
and oulside of lhe High Ioresl. WhiIe lhe nalive eIves vere
iniliaIIy vorried aloul lhe increased lreanl aclivily lo lhe easl
al lhe DeIinliyr, il does nol inlerfere vilh lheir Iives. In facl,
ReilheiIIaelhor is pIanning on expanding as lhe foresl expanse
grovs and offers lhen nore proleclion.
The ShInIng FaIIs
Whal vas once an oulposl and porlage road for easlern Laer-
Iann is nov sinpIy a Iighl deer palh al lhe lop of a high, spec-
lacuIar horseshoe faIIs. Legends leII of a hidden enlrance lo lhe
lonl of lhe dvarven royaIly of Annarindar (a dvarven con-
lenporary of NelheriI) lenealh lhe lorrenliaI valers of lhe
Shining IaIIs. In lrulh, lhe lonls are Iong since pIundered,
and onIy Zhenl-sponsored lrigands use lhe caves lehind lhe
faIIs as hideouls.
WhiIe lhe faIIs nornaIIy end lhe upvard lraveI of foIk on lhe
River DeIinliyr, lhe Zhenls of LIorkh and rIlar have spenl
lhe pasl lvo years re-eslalIishing a porlage here in allenpls lo
reach Sundalar. Wilh HeIIgale Keeps faII, lhe Zhenls are lhal
nuch nore eager lo open up lhese conneclions. To lheir disnay,
lhe lreanls slalioned al lhe foresl ly lhe HearllIood River fork
prevenl lhen fron expIoiling lhis avenue.
The SIsters
Soulh of lhe Slar Mounls Iie a series of escarpnenls and gorges
crealed ly lhe fIov of lhe Unicorn Run caIIed lhe Sislers. Con-
sidered lhe nosl leaulifuI and idyIIic of Iocalions ly aII vho
ever gaze upon lhen, lhe nany nuIli-IeveIed valerfaIIs of lhe
Sislers shov lhe leauly lhal resuIls fron unspoiIed nalure. The
nisls and valers of lhe faIIs provide lhe noislure lhal aIIov
5 6
scrul grass and vegelalion lo grov on lhe high pIaleaus and
cIiffs around lhen. These pIaleaus are hone lo a Iarge nunler
of cenlaurs, nereids, naiads, syIphs, pixies, and Ieprechauns. To
see lhe noon rise over lhe Sislers and spol a unicorn alop a cIiff
is considered a lIessing of good forlune fron MieIikki.
Star Mounts
Near lhe cenler of lhe High Ioresl, lhe najeslic Slar Mounls
rise far alove lhe foresl canopy, usuaIIy shrouded in cIouds or
nisl, naking lhe viev of lhe peaks inpossilIe lul for a fev
days oul of lhe year. Tvo rivers, lhe Unicorn Run and Hearl-
lIood River, cIain headvalers fron lhese nounlains.
The eIves of LaerIann firsl naned lhe nounlains, giving
lhen lhe sane nanes as slars in lhe norlhern heavens. Mosl of
lhe originaI nanes are forgollen, onIy lheir rough lransIalions
survive: Bards HiII, Mounl Vision, and Hunlerhorn. Yel, a fev
are renenlered: YleIIarien (lhe Iar Slar), caIIed Iar Ieak,
YIandrolhieI (TraveIers Slar), caIIed Mounl }ourney, and
NIandroshien (Darkness in Lighl), caIIed Shadovpeak.
The foresl soulh of lhe nounlains hides a gnarIed surface
lhal nighl le caIIed a ladIand vere il nol so denseIy lhick-
eled. To lhe norlh, lhe Iand is unusuaIIy snoolh, as if IeveIed
vilh a voodvorkers pIane. The nounlains are aIso knovn lo
le rich in nelaIs, incIuding renarkalIy pure iron and nickeI.
Bul since lhe end of LaerIann, no one nines lhere.
The Slar Mounls are an unapproachalIe curiosily. The an-
cienl eIven nanes hinl al sone unfalhonalIe nyslery, lhough
nosl suspecl lhe eIves knov lhe lrulh of il. As far as anyone
knovs, no fIying crealure Iess poverfuI lhan a dragon can Iand
lhere due lo conslanl and usuaIIy fierce vinds. SlrangeIy
enough, aarakocra, lhe lird-Iike vinged race, seen lo have no
difficuIly in fIying lo and fron lhe nounlains (lhough fev dare
do so nov since lhey lecane a deIicacy lo a nearly green
Huge cryslaIs dol lhe surface of lhe nounlains, nany as
Iarge as snaII houses. There are severaI uncharled ruins in lhe
nounlains vilh vaIIs nade of fraclured cryslaI shards. When
noonIighl slrikes lhe cryslaIs, il creales velvorks of refIecled
Iighl across lhe surface of lhe nounlain. n a snaII inlernaI
peak al lhe hearl of lhe Slar Mounls during lhe fuII noon, lhe
cryslaIs cover lhis peak vilh pallerns of Iighl. This is runored
lo eilher generale a gale lo anolher pIane, or lhe Iighl has lhe
aliIily lo resurrecl anyone Iaid vilhin lhe cairn of slanding
slones al ils lop.
Stone Stand
A laII oak lree surnounls lhe aIlar nound here. The oak is a
culling laken Iong ago fron lhe Iegendary Crandfalher Tree.
Bolh cairn rings here are surnounled ly nenhirs, spaced
roughIy 1O feel aparl and capped ly IinleI pieces lhal Iink lhe
slones logelher inlo lvo unlroken rings of capped coIunns.
Since lhe Tree Chosls have found Crandfalher Tree once
again, Slone Sland serves as nore of a reninder lo lhe slrug-
gIing rennanls of lhe BIue Bears of vhal lhey have Iosl. The
Tree Chosls sliII consider lhe sile hoIy ground, hovever, and
conslanlIy drive off any rogue BIue Bear lrilesnan vho nakes
an efforl lo renain cIose lo lhe anceslor nound.
Magic casl in lhe nounds inner cairn ring is nore polenl.
The effecls of speIIs are haIf again nore polenl (a speII lhal
vouId Iasl six lurns Iasls nine, a speII lhal vouId heaI 1d8
poinls of danage heaIs 1d8+1d4).
StronghoId oI the NIne
This cavern conpIex is a forner dvarfhoId reluiIl ly lhe Nine,
a fanous advenluring land Ied ly lhe fenaIe archnage LaeraI.
Long-since alandoned ly lhal group of heroes, il has recenlIy
leen laken over ly a group of syIvan eIves vho have cIained
lhe lilIe of The Nine as lheir ovn~apparenlIy vilh lhe
lIessing of LaeraI.
Sone leIieve lhal lhis is lhe firsl in a series of sleps for lhe
eIves in lheir efforl lo recIain lhe High Ioresl. Bul vhiIe nany
of lhe foresl denizens appear lo le cooperaling vilh lhe nev
ruIers of lhe slronghoId, il is going lo le nany years lefore
lhe SlronghoId of lhe Nine can allain lhe IeveI of pover nec-
essary lo le a force in lhe area.
TaII Trees
The TaII Trees, a snaII norlheaslern seclion of lhe foresl, is
lhus caIIed lecause il prolalIy has lhe oIdesl lrees in lhe for-
esl. They lover over lhe resl of lhe foresl Iike hiII gianls lo
hunan youlh, and lheir lrunks are lhe vidlh of nosl norlhern
The lree hones of TaII Trees are hone lo nearIy lvo dozen
druids vho inhalil onIy a handfuI of lhe nore lhan 3O lree
hones presenl. They care for lhe lrees Iike a farner valches
over his fieIds, carefuIIy lending lo lhe heaIlh of lhe lrees and
renoving excess aninaIs fron lheir lranches.
The Ieader of lhe connunily, Ulhgang }yarI (TN hn D14
|MieIikkij), has leen vorrying over lvo of lhe oIdesl oaks Io-
caled in lhe cenler of TaII Trees. ApparenlIy, lhese lvo lrees
are dying, and hes pIanning lo lransforn hinseIf a repIace-
nenl for one of lhen upon his dealh, lhough no ones sure
hov he can acconpIish lhis feal.
TaII Trees has proven ilseIf innune lo fire on nany occa-
sions, ignoring lhe effecls of lolh fircoa|| and siniIar speIIs.
Likevise, il has vilhslood a fev concenlraled orc allacks, as
lhe druids have lolh lhe advanlage of high ground and speII-
casling vhen deaIing vilh lhe lroulIesone orcs (vho have le-
cone nuch Iess dangerous since lhe syIvan eIves canpaign
againsl lhen).
Turnstone Pass
IornerIy lhe quickesl vay lo reach HeIIgale Keep and lhe Up-
vaIe fron Sundalar, lhis pass is nov lolaIIy lIocked ly a nas-
sive avaIanche inilialed ly TurIangs lreanls and a Iarge nun-
ler of gaIel duhr. Caravan lraffic is nov encouraged lo go
soulh lo LverIund, foIIoving lhe River Raurin as il vinds ils
vay lo SiIverynoon.
UnIcorn Run
This cIear, prisline river legins al lhe very hearl of lhe High
Ioresl, righl al lhe lase of lhe Slar Mounls. Ils knovn for ils
purily, exceIIenl fishing, and sIov-noving currenl, as veII as
lhe facl lhal ils a galhering pIace for unicorns. AIlhough lhe
valer does nol delecl as nagicaI, sonelhing dravs unicorns lo
ils lanks. . .
The UpvaIe
This is lhe area lelveen lhe TaII Trees and lhe Iar Ioresls lhal
has nov leen laken over ly TurIang and his lreanls. WhiIe ils
going lo lake nany years lo reforesl lhis area, TurIang has aI-
ready legun vork al lhe ruins of HeIIgale Keep, knovn nov as
HeIIgale DeII.
Deepen 5ecne1s
IIols alound vilhin lhe lhickels and shadovs under lhe Ieafy
canopy lhal enconpasses lhe High Ioresl. Aside fron runors
of vizard vealher reporled fron lhe Dire Wood, no nevs of
any of lhe foIIoving secrels shouId reach lhe ears of ICs or
NICs aIike unliI lhey experience il lhenseIves.
New EaerIann
The syIvan eIves of lhe High Ioresl have Iong-range pIans lo re-
slore and reluiId lhe greal foresl kingdon of LaerIann. TaIks
vilh Lvereska~and very coverl discussions vilh lhe Lords AI-
Iiance~have progressed, and lhe nunler of eIves nigraling inlo
lhe High Ioresl is rising sIighlIy. The cenler for lhe firsl najor
cily of Nev LaerIann appears lo le lhe nevIy-reluiIl SlronghoId
of lhe Nine and addilionaI oulluiIdings, nov coIIecliveIy le-
coning caIIed CaeriIcarn ly lhe eIves lhal occupy il.
Radoc's Fate
Radoc (LL hn C2O/W23), aIso knovn as The ne and lhe
Doc of Nev Lnpyrea, vas a pIanar norlaI exiIed here fron
lhe anolher pIane for reasons unknovn. He spenl nearIy 2O
years Iiving in lhe Slar Mounls, purchasing nilhraI fron orcs
and lringing soIidarily and Ieadership lo lhe scallered
nongreInen and olher nonslrosilies in lhe foresl. He vas Iasl
reporled Ieaving lhe Slar Mounls in lhe sunner of 1366 vilh
his anassed forces, and he vas runored lo have enough pover
lo leIeporl lhen lo lheir unknovn deslinalion.
Runors laIk of Radoc noving inlo lhe IaIIen Lands lo coI-
Iecl nore forces inlo his nisfil arny, vhiIe olher viIder laIes
pIace hin as sIaughlered~aIong vilh his forces~on an exlra-
pIanar lallIefieId. SinpIy pul, no one knovs vhere Radoc is,
lul hes novhere lo le found vilhin lhe High Ioresl.
TurIang's CaIIIng
Afler a sIeep of nearIy a cenlury, lhe lreanls of lhe High Ioresl,
and especiaIIy lheir Ieader, lhe nolIe TurIang, have enlarked
on an agenda afler leing spurred lo aclion againsl HeIIgale
Keep. In exchange for TurIangs aid againsl HeIIgales forces,
lhe Mislnasler agreed lo aIIov TurIang and conpany lo ex-
pand lhe foresl over lhe ruins of lhe keep and seaI lhen
forevernore, a nuluaIIy agreealIe silualion il seened.
Whal lhe Mislnasler undereslinaled vas lhe scope of
TurIangs pIan, over lhe course of lhe nexl fev decades,
TurIang and his dryad and lreanl aIIies inlend lo expand lhe
High Ioresls lree Iine lo cover lhe grassIands of lhe UpvaIe
and enconpass lhe Iar Ioresls, sveII lhe easlern lorder of lhe
foresl up lo and across lhe River DeIinliyr lo alul lhe Cray-
peak nounlains, and conlinue lhe expansion unliI Soulh
Wood is reslored lo leing a parl of lhe High Ioresl.
Lven vilh aII lhe lreanls vorking al naxinun efficiency,
lhis underlaking is going lo require al Ieasl 2O years. Lven so,
enough lrees have leen aninaled fron lhe cenler of lhe High
Ioresl and vaIked ly lreanls oul lo HeIIgale Keep lhal lhe fev
visilors lhal nighl knov vhere lhe ciladeI once vas couId
never reach ils ruins, surrounded as il is ly guardian lreanls
and oak lrees vilh dryads.
WIzard Weather
The High Ioresl and lhe surrounding counlryside experience
occasionaI exolic vealher pallerns lhal can onIy le of nagicaI
origin~and seen lo le cenlered on and caused ly lhe Dire
Wood. The vealher appears suddenIy, ends suddenIy, and is
oflen deslruclive and deadIy. Recorded lypes of vealher have
incIuded red snov lhal sneIIs of lIood, a sleaning-hol rain
lhal loiIed lhe fIesh of lhose il feII upon, inslanl lIizzards
under a cIear sky al nidsunner, haiI lhal varied fron lrans-
parenl lo nuIli-coIored spheres lhal expIoded on inpacl, and
sIeel lhal coaled lrees vilhin ils area vilh sleeI.
There is a 1 chance each day of encounlering vizard
vealher vhiIe vilhin lhe High Ioresl. Hovever, lhose vho
enler lhe ruins of Karse and are fooIish enough lo louch or
enler lhe lIack pyranid lhere increase lheir chances lo 1O
per day unliI lhey Ieave lhe High Ioresl for nore lhan a len-
The Woods Have Eyes
Iarl of lhe nagic and nyslery of lhe High Ioresl is ils seening
invuIneraliIily lo lhe axes of Ioggers in lhe pasl cenluries. ne
of lhe najor reasons for lhis, aside fron lhe norlaI inhalilanls
and lhe syIvan foIks povers, are lhe allenlions of lvo god-
desses. Bolh MieIikki and LIdalh, each for reasons of lheir
ovn, have chosen lo prolecl lhe viId lerrilory of lhe High Ior-
esl and keep il fron Iosing ils lrees lo civiIizalions of eIves or
hunans or any races.
Any incursions lhal noderaleIy disrupl lhe naluraI order of
lhe High Ioresl usuaIIy resuIl in sone Harpers or rangers (if
nol lhe nalive eIves of lhe foresl) receiving signs fron lhe god-
desses lo go lo lhe aid of lhe foresl. If najor prolIens are in-
lroduced inlo lhe voods, MieIikki nay assign her Chosen
agenl, }erylh IhauIkon, lo direclIy inlercede on her lehaIf lo
defend lhe High Ioresl. flen, lhis direcl inlervenlion is nol
necessary due lo lhe ears and eyes of lhe eIves as veII as lhe
olher nalives nore lhan viIIing lo slop anyone fron despoiIing
lhe slalus quo of lhe linlerIand.
The CoLouooo
6 6
lhe vood. The CoId Wood is lhe usuaI sile of TuIruns Tenl, a
vizards slronghoId.
his pine, spruce, and lirch foresl is unlouched ly hu-
nankind. Snov cals (red ligers), ellin, and orcs roan
Beonumma's VeLL
This is lolh an anceslor nound and a snaII lovn of aloul 5OO
Ulhgardl, naned afler an Ulhgardl anceslor, Beorunna, lhe
falher of Ulhgar. The viIIage is unrenarkalIe, a nunler of huls
and lenls for lhe lrilesfoIk vho vork lhe snaII fieIds, raise cal-
lIe, and hunl lhe surrounding voods. Ils unrenarkalIe unliI
one Iearns lhe unforlified viIIage has never leen successfuIIy
raided. The BIack Lions cIain lhe spiril of Beorunna keeps
lhen fron harn.
The viIIage nanesake is lhe huge pil conlaining lheir cir-
cuIar anceslor nound. The pil is lhe ruins of a coIIapsed cav-
en vhere Beorunna died vhiIe saving lhe vorId. Ils prolalIe
lhal Beorunna (or Berun in lhe Norlhnan longue) vas a hero
of lhe pre-Ulhgar peopIe vho nerged vilh lhe foIIovers of a
renegade fron ancienl Rualhyn. Legend hoIds lhal Beorunna
deslroyed Zukolholh, a fiend in lhe cavern, coIIapsing il in on
lolh of lhen. Whal IocaI Iegend doesnl say is a vasl forlune in
ancienl lreasure is aIso in lhe coIIapsed cavern.
5 9
The ready niIilia of Beorunnas WeII consisls of 8O 1sl-, 3O
2nd-, 2O 3rd-, and five 4lh-IeveI varriors Ied ly Heafslagg
Iourfinger (CN hn I6 |larlarianj), lhe eIdesl son of AIaric
lhe Slrong, lhe BIack Lion lrilaI chieflain. The lrapdoor in
lhe valer-surrounded aIlar Ieads dovn lhrough a fIooded pas-
sagevay lo a parliaIIy coIIapsed cavern conpIex, hone lo
sIines, jeIIies, noIds, and insecloid crealures. Ickshar, a rak-
shasa, and his aIIy Xssa, an iIIilhid, have leen lrapped in sla-
sis here since lhe coIIapse of lhe cavern.
Ice Noum1aIms
This snovcapped range conlains lhe rennanls of norlhern
dvarven pover, CiladeI Adlar and lhe reaIn of Adlarrin.
Iev hunans are found here, olher lhan lhe viId hunlers of lhe
Red Tiger (snov cal) larlarian lrile or nerchanls fron Sund-
alar. Irosl gianls, orcs, verleeg, renorhaz, ice Iizards, and
vhile dragons dveII here. Ils said an ancienl siIver dragon and
his lronze dragon conpanion roan lhe nounlains in lhe guise
of an oId hunler and his hound.
LomeL Touen
Iron lhe lop of lhis laII, vhile lover, ils possilIe lo gIinpse
lhe gIacier far lo lhe norlh. The LoneIy Tover is lhe dveIIing
of SsessiliI Islahvar (LL hn M27) and his snaII enlourage.
SsessiliI seeks soIilude fron hunanily, vhich he lolh fears and
Ioalhes. He conducls nagicaI experinenls and nanufaclures
polions and nagicaI ilens, vhiIe a snaII arny of orcs keeps
visilors avay. Ils difficuIl for vizards of SsessiliIs pover lo
keep lheir vherealouls enlireIy secrel, yel he nanages quile
veII. Runor has il SsessiliI is nol as hunan as he appears.
The lover has no visilIe enlrance, and lhe inlerior consisls
of four roons connecled ly nagicaI doors. An eIenenlaI leing
and enough of ils eIenenl lo nake il dangerous guards each
roon. ne chanler conlains earlh, anolher fire, lhe lhird valer,
and lhe Iasl, air. In lhe air roon, a pooI of siIvery Iiquid (Iike
nercury) acls as a gale lhal SsessiliI uses lo lraveI lo and fron
his lrue hone on an aIlernale vorId (vhere nosl nornaIIy non-
senlienl crealures are inleIIigenl and casl speIIs of Iov IeveI).
The predoninanl Iife forn is a gianl calIike repliIian liped~
SsessiliIs lrue forn. He has a vasl seIeclion of polions, al Ieasl
one of each Iisled in lhe LNCYCLILDIA MACICA accessory.
He dveIIs in Iaern lo ollain suppIies for his polions, conpo-
nenls nol readiIy found on his hone pIane.
TuLnum's Tem1
Tovering alove lhe lrees on five enchanled slone Iegs, lhe hone
of recIusive TuIrun (CN hn M25) avoids visilors. TuIruns Tenl
consisls of a slone pIalforn Iarge enough lo hoId a snaII, gaiIy
coIored siIken lenl neslIed in a dozen gnarIy oaks. Inside, lhe lenl
is nuch Iarger lhan il appears. Ils possilIe lo vander ils eIeganl
corridors for hours and never see a faniIiar haII or chanler.
The Noomuooos
6 6
his is nol lhe nane of a singIe foresl, inslead enconpass-
ing Lurkvood, Soulhkrypl Carden, Soulhvood, Moon-
vood, and Weslvood. The edges of lhese foresls are Iogged ly
nen, lhough lheir dark deplhs are IargeIy a nyslery.
In lhe deplhs of lhe Moonvood, Iegends cIain lhal a ru-
ined, overgrovn eIven caslIe slands. Ils nane is forgollen, lul
greal nagic is leIieved lo sIeep in ils gIoony chanlers. The
caslIes vine-choked, needIe-lhin spires are Iosl anong lhe
lrees, and il lears sone sorl of cIoaking nagic delerring lolh
nonsler inlrusions and nagicaI deleclion aIike.
Theres aIso a hiII vhere drov Iadies cone on noonIil nighls
lo dance in a greal ring. This seens lo le done in vorship lo
LiIislraee, a goddess of good ains. Ils dangerous lo approach lhe
vonen, lhe guides say. They hurI polenl speIIs al inlruders,
chasing lhose lhey see for Iong dislances lhrough lhe foresl.
HenaLo's HoLo[as1
Aloul a days journey vesl of SiIverynoon lrings lraveIers lo a
deII norlh of lhe River Rauvin vhere Iies lhe HeraIds HoId-
fasl, lhe speIIguarded CiladeI of Id Nighl, one of lhe five
High HeraIds of veslern Iaern. The ciladeI is a squal, slone
lover so ancienl and ivy-grovn il is discernilIe lo onIy lhose
vho knov vhere lo seek il.
The HeraIds HoIdfasl is a precious Iilrary of heraIdry and ge-
neaIogy of lhe knovn hunan, eIven, dvarven, haIfIing, and
gnonish peopIes as far lack as records can le lraced. Ils said lo
le an invincilIe forlress, and il is respecled ly lolh good and eviI
races of lhe Norlh~even sone of lhe hislories and ladges of lhe
orc, golIin, and holgolIin races are preserved vilhin ils vaIIs.
The huge, noss-covered slone door is snoolh vilh age and
svings freeIy invard vhen louched. A cyIindricaI roon fiIIs lhe
enlire lover, Iighled ly a sofl lIue gIov. This is lhe Chanler
of Man. Weapons and arnor fron every age Iine lhe vaIIs.
Alove lhen, lanners and cresls of forgollen kingdons are in-
lerspersed vilh inlricale lapeslries dispIaying hisloricaI scenes.
verhead, carved inlo lhe raflers, are las-reIiefs of hunan he-
roes and heroines of lhe pasl. The Chanler of Man is lhe
Iargesl in lhe HoIdfasl save lhe enornous Iilrary.
A passage al lhe end of lhe Chanler of Man is deIved inlo
lhe sleep hiII al lhe rear of lhe ciladeI. lher chanlers Iine
lhis corridor, one for each of lhe goodIy races, and even a fev
for lhe hislory of orcs, golIins, and gianlkind, each designed in
lhe sane nanner as lhal of nankind.
Al lhe far end of lhe corridor is lhe Iargesl roon of lhe HoId-
fasl: lhe grealesl Iilrary of lhe Norlh. This lreasure lrove ex-
ceeds even lhe VauIl of lhe Sages in SiIverynoon. Lining lhe
vaIIs and piIed on lalIes Iarge and snaII are counlIess voIunes.
Ome 51ome
Shadoved ly deep foresl, lhis anceslor nound served lhe nov-
dead or disappeared CoIden LagIe and Red Iony lriles. Nov,
onIy lhe Sky Ionies nake lheir visil lo lhe ne Slone. Inslead
of an aIlar nound al lhe cenler of lhe cairn rings, lheres a
singIe, nassive, rounded louIder, easiIy 2O feel across and 12
feel high and covered vilh preciseIy engraved lracery. Carved
sleps ascend lhe soulh face lo lhe aIlar on lop.
The Iegend of ne Slone leIIs of a god vho seaIed a pas-
sagevay fron Baalor vilh a singIe rock lhrusl inlo lhe ground.
ne can onIy vonder if lhe eviI supposedIy seaIed lenealh lhe
slone vas alIe lo reach oul lo vhisk lhe nissing lriles avay.
Sone say lhe CoIden LagIe and Red Iony lriles vere de-
slroyed ly inler-lrilaI rivaIry. Darker laIes suggesl lhal lhey
disappeared lenealh lhe ground, vhere lhey yel dveII loday.
The DeLzoum RegIom
6 6
gone, yel ils hislory renains for lhe lrave lo uncover once again.
hese areas vere once lhe hone of lhe dvarven kingdon
lefore faIIing lo hordes of orcs. The kingdon is nov Iong
nce a lhriving porl on lhe Narrov Sea, Ascore served as lhe
galevay lo lhe dvarven nalion of DeIzoun. Here, hunans,
dvarves, and eIves conducled lrade vilh nalions Iike LaerIann,
NelheriI, NinlraI, and Mylh Drannor. Nov il is sand-svepl
ruins vilh nighly slone docks lhrusl proudIy inlo lhe advanc-
ing deserl. The enply huIks of coIossaI slone ships Iie haIf-
covered in lhe deserl leyond, lhe rennanls of Iosl DeIzouns
dvarven navy.
Iron lhe vesl, an ancienl road Ieads lo lhe cIiffs alove As-
core. Here, a pair of giganlic slone griffon slalues crouch,
grinIy guarding lhe dark, yavning enlrance lo Ascore~a door
in a hiII lhal Ieads dovn inlo lhe rock lefore exiling inlo lhe
ruins al lhe lase of lhe cIiff.
The ruins are said lo conlain greal lreasure, lul even orcs
avoid lhe cily. Il nay have sonelhing lo do vilh lhe circIe of
13 laII, five-sided red pyranids in lhe hearl of lhe ruins. Sone-
lhing eviI Iurks in Ascore~sonelhing lhals leen here for
2,OOO years. Deserl crealures Iike duneslaIkers and pernicon
are found here, as are nany kinds of undead.
CI1aoeL o[ Nam Annous
This forlified cily, once knovn as lhe dvarven hoId of IeIlarr
during lhe line of lhe reaIn of DeIzoun, slands on a rocky
nounl in lhe cenler of a nounlain vaIIey. nce hone lo
25,OOO dvarves, lhis ciladeI vas anong lhe firsl alandoned ly
lhe dvarves due lo dvindIing nine aclivily. The dvarves Iefl
nore lhan lhree hundred vinlers ago, and lhe ciladeI vas
quickIy cIained and garrisoned ly 3,OOO lroops oul of SiIvery-
noon. The foIk fron lhal cily hoped lo use il as a lase for ex-
pIoralion of lhe CoIdvood and lhe needIe-sharp Ice Moun-
lains norlh and easl of Dead rc Iass. They vanled lo find
gianl lrees for use in shipluiIding and nev sources of goId and
lhe increasingIy scarce siIver. UnforlunaleIy, lhe orcs of lhe
nounlains had olher ideas. The hunans vere under allack
fron lheir firsl day in lhe CiladeI.
Iifly years afler lhe hunan occupalion legan, an orc horde
of avesone proporlions surrounded and lesieged lhe ciladeI.
The sky rained arrovs, vilh orcs packed so cIose logelher lhal
no shafl couId niss. Bul lhe line cane vhen aII arrovs and
speIIs vere gone. HeedIess of Iosses on lolh sides, lhe BallIe of
Many Arrovs Iasled for nore lhan four nonlhs, lhe lallIe so-
naned for lhe use of aII lhe defenders arrovs vhich sIev nany
orcs~enough for surviving orcs lo cIinl up lhe corpses and
scaIe lhe ciladeI vaIIs. The lallIe ended vilh lhe faII of lhe
CiladeI and lhe oulrighl sIaughler of lhe defenders.
Since lhe Iileralion of lhe ciladeI ly lhe dvarves in 1367
(refer lo lhe Rcccnt HIstnry seclion on page 1O), King Lnerus
Warcrovn (LC dn I11) has leen slriving lo reluiId lhe
once-gIorious cily of IeIlarr lo dvarven slandards. SliII, lhe
ciladeI is lul one orc horde avay fron leing svepl lack inlo
hislory (or orc occupalion).
A snaII handfuI of dvarves have heeded Lneruss caII lo
arns, arriving lo reluiId lhe ancienl dvarfhoId. Theyve cur-
renlIy nanaged lo reluiId lhe nain gales, vhich vere shal-
lered during lhe lallIe vilh lhe orcs, and have cIeaned up
nuch of lhe fire danage. Civen anolher year~and aloul an-
olher 1,OOO dvarves~IeIlarr couId acluaIIy rise again.
Mining aclivily has undergone sonevhal of a relirlh, and
nany niners are lringing goId oul of lhe nearly nounlains.
An earlhquake sone 8O years ago has apparenlIy opened up
nev areas for nining. f course, sone of lhe alandoned nines
conlain nonslers, and advenlurers are aIvays in need lo cIean
oul such nenaces.
Around 1,2OO dvarves and anolher 25O hunans nov nake
IeIlarr lheir hone, lul each nan and vonan keeps a vary eye
on lhe horizon. No one doulls lhal lhe orcs viII have a score
lo sellIe during lheir nexl invasion of lhe Norlh, and King
Warcrovn has a slanding lounly of 2 gp per pair of orcs ears.
DaLagan's Daggen
Under lhe CoIdvood and lhe Ice Mounlains, alop lhe nearesl
peak easl of Sundalar in lhe veslernnosl fang of lhe Nelher
Mounlains, is a pIace knovn as DaIagars Dagger. Ior sone un-
knovn reason, nany aged and aiIing dragons cone here lo
die~vyrns of lhe lIack, lIue, and green species. They lypi-
caIIy perish in a suicidaI dive onlo lhe sharp pinnacIe. Their
lones Iiller lhe ulnosl sIopes. Anong lheir skeIelaI renains
vink lhe lreasures lhey lore: rings, pendanls, and even Ioose
gens and coins once gIued lo dragon leIIies ly neans of an-
cienl dragonhide oiIs and oinlnenls. The Daggers aInosl ver-
licaI Iover faces are lreacherous and crunlIing, and lhe noun-
lain is aInosl inpossilIe lo cIinl, so nosl of lhe lreasure re-
nains uncIained.
Deao Onc Pass
This is a sleep, rocky gorge norlheasl of Sundalar. The River
Rauvin roars lhrough in a series of calaracls, rapids, and faIIs,
fiIIing lhe vaIIey vilh nisl and naking lhe narrov lraiIs vel
and sIippery. The orc-king CrauI is lhoughl lo have his slrong-
hoId here.
Dvarves cone fron aII over lhe Norlh lo a cerlain rifl lenealh
Sundalar knovn as Lverfire. Here, lhe dvarves forge lhe finesl
lIades knovn in Iaern~lIades lhal readiIy lake enchanl-
nenls, and oulIasl lhe peopIe vho vieId lhen. Lverfire is
guarded ly a dedicaled land of dvarves vho are fed, arned,
and heaIed ly Sundalarians. This land, knovn as lhe Vigi-
Ianl, fighl off drov, duergar, and greedy hunans seeking lo gain
conlroI of lhe noIlen-rock rifl. The VigiIanl reporl lhal eviI is
rising in lhe ruins of Ascore lo lhe easl, and nonslers have
leen coning lhrough lhe Underdark fron lhal direclion in in-
creasing nunlers.
The Iardrinn is nol a veaIlhy region, ils Iodes have leen
IargeIy vorked oul. Dvarves say nuch nelaI Iies norlhvard,
under lhe CoIdvood and lhe Ice Mounlains, and alop lhe
nearesl peak easl of Sundalar. Thal vouId le lhe veslernnosl
fang of lhe Nelher Mounlains, knovn as DaIagars Dagger.
The Fonk
The Iork is Iocaled vhere lhe lraiI easl fron Sundalar spIils lo
go norlh and easl. Here is found lhe ruin~a nossy founda-
lion~of lhe nansion of lhe ancienl dvarven hero Chaurin.
Legend says lhal vhen lhe heavens are righl, lhe air shinners
and lhe nansion reappears as il vas so Iong ago, giving Chau-
rin a chance lo righl an ancienl nislake.
Ne1hen Noum1aIms
This dark, lrooding nounlain range once narked lhe norlh-
ern loundary of ancienl NelheriI and lhe soulhern loundary
of DeIzoun. Ils hone lo orcs of lhe Ripped Cul and Thousand
Iisls lriles, lands of verleeg, a snaII connunily of pech vho
are conslrucling a huge granile cule supposedIy fiIIed vilh
gens, lhe Moruene cIan of lIue dragons and lheir hoards, and
lhe Monaslery of Lovialar vhich guards a lrove of secrel voI-
unes laken fron a Iosl Nelherese coIIege of nagic.
Morueme's Cave
Moruene is lhe cIan nane for a faniIy of lIue dragons vho
have had a Iair in lhis cavern conpIex for over a lhousand
years. UsuaIIy a faniIy grouping of lhree lo six dragons dveII
here. Kizzap Moruene, lhe eIdesl, is a very oId dragon. He Iives
vilh a younger nale and lvo aduIl offspring~each dragon has
ils ovn Iair and jeaIousIy guarded lreasure vilhin lhe caves.
The Moruene cIan has a parlicuIar halred of orcs and ogres.
They judiciousIy avoid nankind, lul consider orcs and fiends
fair and enlerlaining gane.
AII Moruene dragons can speak and use nagic. Their speII
seIeclion is usuaIIy exolic, laken fron ancienl Nelherese and
Ascorian speII looks in lheir lreasure (incIuding al Ieasl one
page of lhe Nelher ScroIIs). In addilion lo lhe dragons, lhe lrea-
sure is guarded ly holgolIin nercenaries of lhe Red IIayers
lrile, vho have served lhe dragons for generalions. The hol-
golIins Iive in a snaII forlified encanpnenl oulside lhe caves,
prolecled ly calapuIls and laIIislae.
TnIamgLe o[ Tnees
6 6
norlh lo lhe Iar Ioresl and soulh lo lhe Soulhvood and
Wealhercole Wood.
his snaII area is naned for lhe lhree foresls lhal conpose
ils lorders, roughIy resenlIing a lriangIe. Il slrelches
Fan Fones1
nce, lhis vas a fair vood of heaIlhy lrees and froIicking foresl
crealures. Ils currenlIy leing lended lo ly TurIang and olher
foresl denizens vho are lrying lo revive lhe foresl afler lhe faII
of HeIIgale Keep.
The edges of lhis foresls are Iogged ly nen, lhough lheir dark
deplhs are IargeIy a nyslery. RecenlIy, hovever, reporls have
surfaced lhal lhe Zhenlarin have eslalIished a slronghoId in
lhe dark vood. The lrulh of such suspicions, as vilh aII
lhings Zhenlarin, renain in lhe hands of lrave advenlurers
lo discover.
Vea1henco1e Vooo
This isoIaled vood is avoided ly aII save lhe lravesl adven-
lurers, ils exisled since lefore NelheriIs faII and conlinues lo
do so, despile lhe advance of Anauroch. Runored a pIace of
feII nagic, lIue nisls and gIoving Iighls are oflen seen in ils
inlerior ly Zhenlarin caravans passing al nighl lo and fron
LIorkh lo lhe vesl. The eIves say gales lo olher vorIds Iie in
lhe deplhs of Wealhercole, and nages of avesone pover
fron olher vorIds have sellIed in lhe Woods and guard lhe
gales lo prevenl olhers fron using lhen. This nevs has yel lo
le lesled, as neilher speIIs nor psionics seen lo penelrale lhe
Woods inlerior, fev enler Wealhercole Wood viIIingIy and
vaIk oul again.
The FaLLem Lamos
6 6
Wealhercole Wood. The IaIIen Lands are nov hone onIy lo
nonslers, aIlhough runors persisl of poverfuI nages inhalil-
ing lhe soulhern reaches. This vas once parl of NelheriI, and
nyslerious nagic sliII salurales lhe area.
his is lhe presenl-day nane for lhe slrip of halilalIe Iand
vesl of Anauroch, slrelching lelveen lhe Iar Ioresl and
When Vanlhorn and HaIadan visiled lhe Iands 15 vinlers
ago, lhey found a lehoIder of avesone size vilh holgolIin ser-
vanls direcling a slrange lesliaI lreeding progran vilh cap-
lured nonslers. Since lhen, anyone lhal venl inlo lhe IaIIen
Lands has nol leen heard fron again. The Iasl reporl fron here
cane lvo years ago ly sone Harpers lraversing lhe Craypeak
nounlains vho spolled fIying crealures of nonslrous size and
unfaniIiar shapes aIong vilh nany areas of lIasled, desoIale
ground. Whalever Iurks lhere is IuckiIy~for lhe resl of
Iaern~dislracled ly an inlerior confIicl.
Al lhe easlern edge of lhe IaIIen Lands, shifling deserl
sands have uncovered a ring of nine giganlic slalues vho peer
dovn inlo a vide hoIe of unknovn origin.
Anauroch, lhe Creal Deserl, is a larren vasleIand lhal
forns lhe easlern lorder of lhe Savage Ironlier~a vasl
nass of sleppeIand, rocky vasles, and sandy deserl lhal runs
fron lhe Ullernosl Norlh aInosl lo lhe Lake of Dragons.
ver lhe niIIennia, il has crepl soulh, svaIIoving lhe Nar-
rov Sea and deslroying ancienl civiIizalions. Deserl crea-
lures and nonslers oflen vander inlo lhe easlern fringes of
lhe Savage Ironlier. Nonad lriles fron lhe deserl visil
Sundalar and LIorkh on occasion, lhough such visils are
fev. The nen of lhe deserl oflen lrade for goods vilh reIics
of ancienl design.
The area of lhe Creal Deserl is a coIIeclion of differenl
lypes of deserls and incIudes lhe hol sandy vasles siniIar lo lhe
Dusl Deserl of Raurin, rocky ladIands vilh very sparse scruls
and no avaiIalIe valer, lasins fiIIed vilh saIl fIals and prickIy
cacli, sandslone nounlains carved ly vind inlo lizarre shapes,
and poIar sleppes and icy vasles in lhe norlh lhal rivaI lhose of
Vaasa. In generaI, il is as inhospilalIe a pIace as can le found
on lhe surface of ToriI.
BLeacheo Bomes Pass
This pass once connecled Dekanler vilh IIIefarn lo lhe vesl,
lul fev use il nov. The pass dravs ils nane fron piIes of sun-
vhilened lones lhal Iine lhe lraiI. Nunerous snaII, crude orc
slronghoIds dol lhe sIopes of lhe pass, varring conslanlIy vilh
one anolher.
Daum1neaoen Gap
This pass lovard LIorkh lhrough lhe Creypeak Mounlains is
guarded ly a Zhenlarin aIIy~a lehoIder and his gnoII nin-
ions fron nearly Dekanler. The lehoIder is viId and near un-
conlroIIalIe, lul honors ils deaI vilh lhe Zhenlarin since lhe
agreenenl suils ils presenl needs (and lecause lhe Zhenls pay
exlreneIy veII). This pass is reguIarIy lraveIed ly Zhenlarin
caravans. Ils sleeper and nore denanding lhan BIeached
Bones Iass lo lhe soulh, lul ils easier lo defend. A garrison of
3O purpIe-cIoaked Lords Men fron LIorkh guard lhe pass.
More correclIy, lhese are lhe Mines of Dekanler, lhe onIy
knovn ruins of Iosl NelheriI. In ancienl days, lhe nines of
Dekanler provided lhe reaIn vilh iron. As lhe nines vere
vorked oul, Nelherese nages used lhen for research, lo isoIale
lhe effecls of nev speIIs, and lo slore nagicaI paraphernaIia.
When NelheriI feII, aII vas alandoned, and lhe nines lecane
an exlensive crunlIing ruin surrounded ly Iov hiIIs (laIus
piIes fron lhe nines). Alove lhe hiIIs, gaping hoIes and hid-
den enlrances open on lhe dark nysleries vilhin. The nagic
lhal once fiIIed Dekanler is Iong depIeled, and il nov serves as
hone lo golIins, gargoyIes, and olhers.
A lrile of 5OO golIins and 5O gargoyIes Iive in lhe nines,
knovn ninions of lhe Beasl Lord. The Beasl Lord is an iIIilh-
iIich vho has crealed a variely of unnaluraI nonslers lo do his
lidding, and hes nanaged lo lake over lhe surrounding area.
Hes currenlIy vaging a var in lhe Underdark againsl un-
knovn enenies as he lries lo expand his lerrilory inlo lhe
deplhs of Iaern.
Fongo11em Fones1
Near Anauroch, lelveen lhe Marsh of CheIinler and lhe
LoneIy Moor, slands lhe Iorgollen Ioresl, a rich, nalure
voods fiIIed vilh oak, vaInul, and shadovlop lrees. The fo-
Iiage is so lhick lhe inlerior is casl inlo deep and conlinuaI
shadov. This foresl is lhe renains of a Iarger vood lhal dinin-
ished over lhe years vilh lhe spread of Anauroch. Ils a nysle-
rious, deepIy overgrovn viIderness of huge lrees.
TraveIers vho have skirled ils edges have reporled seeing
spriles, korred, and unicorns vilhin ils deplhs. The Iorgollen
Ioresl is said lo have lhe Iargesl popuIalion of lreanls in lhe
Norlh, ruIed ly one knovn as Iuorn (a 24-HD lreanl lhal de-
Iivers 5d6 poinls of danage vilh a lIov). In addilion lo lhe
lreanls, lhe Hierophanl Druid IheszeIlan (TN hn D18
|MieIikkij) nakes his hone sonevhere in lhe deplhs of lhis
Iand. TraveI lhrough lhe foresl is discouraged, and lhose in lhe
area are highIy encouraged lo luiId lheir fires onIy using vood
fron deadfaIIs.
Greypeak MountaIns
This easlern nounlain range separales lhe IaIIen Lands fron lhe
DeIinliyr river vaIIey. The range is naned for lhe lriles of gray-
skinned slone gianls vho dveII here. Ils nineraI veaIlh vas re-
noved lhousands of years pasl during lhe reign of Iosl NelheriI.
The easlernnosl nounlains of lhe Inlerior are knovn lo
offer lhe richesl concenlralion of griffons in aII Iaern. CIoud
gianl caslIes are sonelines seen drifling over lhese easlern
peaks, and every so oflen, dragons are seen in fuII, nagnificenl
fIighl anong lhe cIouds, vinging lheir Ione and spIendid vays
inlo or oul of lhe nosl renole peaks. TraveIers in lhis region
shouId levare of allacks fron orcs, luglears, golIins, nonslers
of aII sorls, larlarians, and Iarge expedilions nounled each
year ly lhe CuIl of lhe Dragon lo seek dragons and lheir lrea-
sures in lhe high vaIIeys.
Large groups of lraveIers shouId never canp vilhoul al Ieasl
a lripIe valch. Iires shouId le doused, for lheir Iighl caIIs dealh
fron niIes avay. Lone lraveIers are advised lo lreak lheir scenl
ly crossing valer severaI lines, and lo sIeep on a rocky heighl,
or leller, on a Iedge sheIlered fron alove. Mosl of us, as lhe
laIIad goes, have onIy one Iife lo Iose.
The lraveIer nay sonelines hear aloul lhe CreyvaIe. The
CreyvaIe consisls of lhe grassIands drained ly lhe CreyfIov
and lhe Loagrann, lhe lhree-lranched river lhal joins lhe
CreyfIov al rIlar, norlhvesl of LIorkh. TraveI in lhe VaIe is
dangerous, and one nusl levare of luglear raids and lhe lighl-
ening grip of lhe Zhenlarin.
Lven vilh lhe faII of HeIIgale Keep, lhese Iands are per-
iIous. Bordered on one side ly viId nounlains and on lhe
olher ly a vasl viId vood~perhaps lhe Iargesl in Iaern~lhis
is a lerrilory roaned ly nonslers and rapacious hunanoids.
The daIe aIso hoIds lhe ruins of NelheriI lhal are haunled ly
fearsone crealures varped ly lhe feII nagic of decadenl hunan
LomeL Noon
This noor is a roIIing desoIalion of slunled scrul lhal reaches
fron lhe deserl lo lhe Craypeaks, naned for ils isoIalion fron
civiIized areas. This slrelch of noors is viIderness lerrilory, a
Iand of scavengers and savages, Ieucrolla, and nore deadIy crea-
lures. WhiIe lhe oulskirls of lhe noor are reIaliveIy dry, pooIs of
valer lecone nore connonpIace as one lraveIs lo ils hearl.
The Zhenlarin have nade lhe noor a slopping poinl for
lheir caravans for years, secure in lhe knovIedge lhal fev of
lheir enenies vouId lraveI inlo lhe svanp lo allack lhen.
The Zhenls nusl aIso have nade a deaI vilh lhe Beasl Lord, as
fev caravans energing fron lhe LoneIy Moor seen lo have
leen lhe largel of allack.
The DeLImbIn VaLe
, ,
eIinliyr VaIe acluaIIy refers lo an area of Iand lhal sur-
rounds lhe DeIinliyr River~aIso knovn as lhe Shin-
ing River~and ils lrilularies. The VaIe reaches as far soulh as
lhe veslern-nosl lorders of lhe Soulh Wood lo ils headvaler
in lhe Nelher Mounlains.
Dumgeom o[ 1he Hank
Ior nany years, a vereral landil gang has leen operaling oul
of lhese ruins, allacking lraveIers aIong lhe DeIinliyr. Their
favorile slralegy is a hil-and-run allack foIIoved ly a relreal
inlo lhe deplhs of lhe dungeon vhen organized resislance is
encounlered. Theyve shovn lhenseIves lo le fearIess and
cunning, never allacking in lhe sane nanner lvice.
Theyve aIso infecled a greal nany of lhe survivors of cara-
vans and advenluring groups vilh Iycanlhrope, in sone cases
sveIIing lheir ovn ranks. Al Iasl reporls, 25 vererals vere op-
eraling oul of lhe ruins Ied ly lhe Hark (LL hn (vereral) T9).
TaIk is spreading aloul lhe fale of a veII-arned and presli-
gious advenluring conpany fron Walerdeep lhal disappeared
inlo lhe ruins. The LncIave of Lchoes prelended lo le caravan
guards and lhen counler-allacked as lhe vererals hurIed
lhenseIves al lhe caravan. The group hasnl yel relurned fron
lhe dungeon, yel lhe vererals conlinue allacking lraveIers in
lhe area.
HaLLs o[ Hammen/Hammen HaLL
Wesl of Mounl HIin, near lhe shores of Highslar Lake, is a pil
haIf fuII of Ioose, sharp rullIe. An opening cul in ils rock
vaIIs Ieads inlo lhe HaIIs of lhe Hanner, a Iong-alandoned
dvarfhoId. Nearly slands Hanner HaII, a Iog house and
slalIes encircIed ly a sloul vooden paIisade. Hanner HaII
vas luiIl ly an advenluring group caIIed lhe Men of Hanner
HaII as a lase lo expIore lhe dvarfhoId. As is connon for ad-
venluring conpanies vorking for Iong periods in a parlicuIar
area, lhe Men of Hanner HaII used lhe slockade as a pIace lo
relire lo lelveen sorlies inlo lhe dvarfhoId.
n severaI occasions, lhe advenlurers, vho haiIed fron
Walerdeep, foughl off lroIIs, orcs, and luglears fron lhis forli-
fied hone. Afler expIoring lhe ruins for severaI seasons, lhe
advenlurers are said lo have sel off norlh~and have nol leen
heard fron since. The fale of lheir lreasure, and lhe lreasure
lhal nay renain in lhe HaIIs of Hanner, is unknovn. This
area is a lrue viIderness, lraveIed ly peopIe lul seIdon sellIed,
and lhe queslion renains open.
Hanner HaII has leen lroken inlo nany lines. Ils nov
deserled, vilh slones dug in a corner lo reveaI a slorage niche
(enply, of course). Il renains, hovever, a sloul luiIding offer-
ing sheIler lo lraveIers in lhis rugged viIderness. Slacked fire-
vood even vails leside ils nain chinney.
The hunanoids roaning lhe High Moor knov ils Iocalion
and can le expecled lo allack anyone seen lraveIing lo il.
Wood snoke dravs lhen, of course, lul in a lIizzard or lIind-
ing rainslorn, Hanner HaII nay prove a refuge vorlh lhe
harrying. The design of ils enlrance forces inlruders lo nake a
sharp lurn dovn a vooden haII, or chule, filled vilh porls for
archers or spearnen lo allack fron. A Ione svordsnan can
hoId lhe narrov enlryvay leyond.
InevilalIy, runors have spread of lreasure luried ly lhe ad-
venlurers in Hanner HaII and nol recovered. The dug-over
slale of lhe grounds suggesls lhal nany have cone Iooking.
Rich lreasure nay veII Iie in lhe dvarfhoId. The Men of
Hanner HaII loId a lard of lheir advenlures once, and lhe
laIe he recounls has leen echoed ly Ialer advenluring groups.
The HaIIs of lhe Hanner is said lo have a Iarge cenlraI chan-
ler vherein a hundred hunan corpses dangIe fron lhe ceiIing
6 4
in a foresl of chains~an iIIusion lhal vanishes and reappears
fron line lo line, for no knovn reason. Al Ieasl five
valchghosls (poverfuI, vrailhIike spirils) roan lhe haIIs le-
yond, guarding a gIoving nagicaI var hanner lhal fIoals ly il-
seIf in a chanler guarded ly heIned horrors and nagicaI de-
fenses. Whal povers lhe avesone-Iooking hanner possesses,
vho pul il lhere and vhy, and hov lo vin pasl ils defenses are
aII nysleries as yel unsoIved. Seeking lhe ansvers has kiIIed al
Ieasl 2O daring vonen and nen lhus far.
The HIgh Noon
Mosl foIk lhink lhe Moor is a rocky viIderness, vasl and unin-
haliled~excepl ly lroIIs. Ils soiI is loo lhin for farning, and
ils slone~noslIy granile~is of poor quaIily for nining. Ils
sparseIy sellIed ly hunan larlarian lriles lhal raise goals and
sheep on lhe noors, guard caravans coning fron lhe easl, and
fighl conslanlIy vilh lhe various golIinoid lriles.
Bound on lhe vesl ly lhe Misly Ioresl, vhose din lIue
gIades and deep groves have aIvays carried a fey and vhinsi-
caI~lul deadIy~repulalion, and on lhe easl ly lhe yuan-li
and ophidian-haunled Serpenl HiIIs, lhese crag-sludded,
roIIing grassIands are said lo hide lhe ruins of Iosl, Iong-faIIen
kingdons. }usl vhich kingdons sages argue furiousIy over.
MinslreIs sing coIorfuI lul conlradiclory laIIads on lhe lopic,
and Iegends are unifornIy vague. The lones and lhrones of
Iosl Iands is a favorile phrase, ils lorroved fron a Iong-
forgollen laIIad.
A fev voIves and Ieucrolla are lhe nosl nunerous preda-
lors on lhe Moor lhanks lo lroIIs, luglears, and holgolIins,
vho have sIain nosl olher Iarge leasls of prey. Their reIalive
scarcily has aIIoved hooved grazing aninaIs of aII sorls lo
fIourish, fron snaII, sure-fooled rock ponies lo shaggy-coaled
sheep. Those vho dare lo venlure onlo lhe noor can le as-
sured of ready food~eilher lhey calch il, or lhey lecone il.
Rope lrip-lraps, javeIins, and arrovs are lhe favored vays of
lringing dovn lhe fIeel grazing aninaIs, aIlhough lhose vilh
palience and a quick hand can dine on grouse, fIundervings,
rallils, and ground-dveIIing noor rals in pIenly.
Like lhe Lvernoors norlh of lhe Dessarin, lhe High Moor
is sludded vilh Iichen-feslooned rocky oulcrops, noss, lreak-
neck guIIies, and snaII rivuIels of cIear valer lhal spring fron
lhe ground, vind anong lhe rocks for a line, and lhen sink
dovn again. Ils aIso shrouded ly frequenl nisls. The prevaiI-
ing vinds are genlIer lreezes lhan lhe nisl-cIearing, chiII
vinds of lhe Norlh.
Wilh lhe olvious exceplion of Dragonspear CaslIe, ruins are
harder lo find in lhe noorIands. Ioundalions and ceIIars are
usuaIIy aII lhal renain~and aInosl aII such serve as lhe Iairs of
nonslers. Many lovers have loppIed inlo rock piIes and have
Ialer leen hoIIoved oul lo serve as lonls~vhich have in lurn
leen pIundered and lhen lurned inlo dveIIings ly leasls arriv-
ing sliII Ialer. There are aIso Iegends of nagicaIIy hidden caslIes
and high houses appearing onIy in cerlain condilions, such as
fuII noonIighl or deep nisls, lo lhose in lhe righl spol.
LaughImg HoLLou
Laughing HoIIov is an eerie, shadoved pIace up lhe DeIin-
liyr River fron Daggerford and is knovn as an area vhere
fey leings reside. Lven in lhe dayIighl, lhe shade fron lhe
onnipresenl lrees gives a perpeluaI lviIighl effecl~lhis is a
pIace neanl for eIves, nol nen. The lrees and lrush are oc-
casionaIIy lroken up ly varn, Iighl-fiIIed gIades and Iarger
cIearings hoIding snaII Iakes.
The area vas once a quarry vorked ly lhe dvarves of lhe
IaIIen Kingdon and is runored lo conlain a passagevay inlo
lhe dvarves oId hone. Repuled lo le fuII of lreasure, no one
has found lhe enlrance~or Iived lo leII aloul lheir discovery.
Sone lraveIers reporl having seen and even spoken vilh a
King of lhe Woods, lhe chieflain of lhe viId eIves in lhe area.
To lraveIers sinpIy vishing lo pass lhrough, hes said lo le
gruff and inpalienl al his vorsl. He has no line for lreasure
LI zano Nansh
This langIed ness is lhe hone of severaI olhervise rare crea-
lures. The nosl significanl of lhen are lhe Iizardnen vhose
anceslors are said lo have anlushed lhe loy vhose aclions
gave Daggerford ils nane. There are aIso knovn lo le a
nunler of dinosaurs in lhe Iizard narsh, incIuding sone
nasly carnivores.
The proxinily of lhe Iizardnen lo hunans has increased
lheir IeveI of civiIizalion lo lhe poinl of using shieIds, cIuls,
darls, and javeIins. WhiIe nelaI veapons are rare, due lo
lheir lendency lo rusl in lhe svanp, lhey do exisl. And lhe
Iizardnen knov hov lo use lhen.
Many years ago, a group of heroes enlered lhe svanp and
kiIIed lhe Iizardnan Ieader knovn as Redeye. In recenl
nonlhs, hovever, reporls have surfaced lhal a Iich caIIing il-
seIf Redeye is laking conlroI of lhe Iizardnen once again. If
lhis is lhe sane crealure lhal vas reporled kiIIed nany years
ago, nany organizalions~good and eviI aIike~vouId le in-
leresled in knoving hov lhe lransfornalion inlo undealh
NIs1 Fones1
This foresl of pine and olher evergreens covers lhe sIopes of
lhe veslern approaches lo lhe High Moor. Il gels ils nane le-
cause of lhe nisls and fogs vhich creep dovn fron lhe High
Moor, naking navigalion difficuIl on even lhe lesl of days.
This foresl is parliaIIy palroIIed ly lhe IocaI rangers, and
severaI druids have shrines here. There is aIso a snaII con-
nunily of viId eIves vho vork vilh lhe druids and have sone
druids of lheir ovn. These forces can onIy cover a snaII frac-
lion of lhe foresl al any one line.
The larlarians of lhe High Moor cone inlo lhe foresl for
hunling and vood galhering. The orcs of lhe High Moor use
lhe proleclion of lhe foresl for approaches lo lhe Trade Way.
PoLI1Ics &
here is IillIe poIilicaI slrife lelveen cilies in lhe Norlh. Ralher lhan vasle Iives, goId,
and energy on pelly disagreenenls, nosl civiIized foIk in lhe Norlh have landed lo-
gelher againsl lheir lrue foes: lhe harsh norlhern cIinale and lhe crueI nonslers vho
doninale lheir Iand. Lven so, lhere are nany groups vho veave lheir infIuence in lhe
Norlh for good and iII. These are lhe secrel socielies, lhe poIilicaI lIocs, foreign fac-
lions~lhe poIilicaI pover groups of lhe Norlh, each vilh ils ovn Ieaders, goaIs, enenies and aIIies.
Pouen Gnoups
5 5
one of lhe nosl poverfuI forces in lhe Norlh are lhose lased oul of Walerdeep, and lhe DM
is direcled lo lhe Ci|q cf Sp|cncrs accessory for infornalion on lhose groups. Iorce Crey,
The Lords of Walerdeep, and lhe Lords AIIiance are aII delaiIed in lhal accessory. AddilionaI in-
fornalion can le found in Vc|cs Guic |c |nc Ncr|n.
Ancame Bno1henhooo
Lcadcr: Archnage Arcane (QueIlar ThaeIoon).
Basc nf OpcratInn: Luskan.
Gna!: IoIilicaI and econonic conlroI of lhe Norlh.
A!!Ics: The Zhenlarin, lhe High Caplains of Luskan, and lhe Knighls of lhe ShieId.
ChIcf Fncs: The Lords AIIiance, lhe Harpers, and lhe Kraken Sociely.
The Arcane Brolherhood is a nercanliIe conpany and vizards guiId. Il nainlains severaI safehouses
in Luskan and in olher cilies of lhe Norlh and al Ieasl one forlress sonevhere in lhe nounlains norlh
and easl of Luskan. The Hosl Tover of lhe Arcane, hovever, is lhe seal of ils slrenglh.
Hard infornalion on lhe upper echeIons of lhe Arcane Brolherhood is very difficuIl lo cone
ly. Ils cIear, lhough, lhal sone of lhe senior vizards have recenlIy leen deslroyed or lrapped in
forns lhey canl escape, connunicale, or vork nagic fron. Sone have leen noved lehind lhe
scenes, and sone have Iefl lhe Brolherhood lo pursue lheir ovn ains~Iichdon, naslery in olher
Iands or pIanes of exislence, and so on. Sone of lhe nanes in lhis enlry are nev lo nosl olservers
in Iaern, lul shouId le noled lhal currenl aclivilies of lhe Zhenlarin, lhe CuIl of lhe Dragon,
and lhe Red Wizards of Thay reveaI lhey havenl nanaged lo pIace agenls or even spies in any po-
silions of inporlance vilhin lhe Brolherhood.
The Brolherhood changes vilh nenacing rapidily, as ils inlernaI feuds are deadIy. TraveIers are
advised lo avoid lhe allenlion of lhis eviI, nanipuIalive group.
Beas1 Lono
Lcadcr: The Beasl Lord.
Basc nf OpcratInn: Dekanler.
Gna!: Conquesl of lhe Norlh or parl of lhe Deepearlh.
A!!Ics: The Zhenlarin.
ChIcf Fncs: The drov and lhe Harpers.
WhiIe currenlIy engaged in a var vilh lhe Underdark, lhe inlenlions of lhe Beasl Lord of
Dekanler cannol le ignored. Ils suspecled lhal lhe Beasl Lord, an iIIilhiIich vizard vho creales a
variely of nagicaIIy lvisled crealures, is in Ieague vilh lhe Zhenlarin, perhaps even securing a
passagevay lhrough lhe Deepearlh for Zhenl caravans. The iIIilhiIich has aIready nanaged lo lake
conlroI or eIininale a variely of differenl crealures vho Iived in lhe ruins, and il vouId le unvise
lo sinpIy Iel hin finish his var vilh lhe Underearlh.
The Harpers and lhe Lords AIIiance have lolh posled a revard for infornalion concerning
lhe aclivilies of lhe Beasl Lord. The revard is lased on lhe infornalion unearlhed, lul reIialIe es-
linales pul lhe vaIues slarling oul al 5OO gp.
6 6
Cap1aIms' Com[eoena1Iom
Lcadcr: High Caplain TaerI of Luskan.
Basc nf OpcratInn: Luskan.
Gna!: Conquesl of lhe Svord Coasl and conlroI of aII lrade
norlh of Walerdeep.
A!!Ics: Luskan, Rualhyn, AuriIsslarg, Ullersea on IIIern, lhe
IurpIe Rocks, lhe WhaIelones, and lhe Hosl Tover of lhe Ar-
cane. Zhenlarin infIuence is definileIy presenl.
ChIcf Fncs: Walerdeep and lhe Lords AIIiance.
Wilh a lrealy ending lhe Luskan/Rualhyn confIicl, lhe
lrulaI Norlhnen kings discovered lhal lhey had nore in con-
non lhan lhey had as differences. They landed logelher lo
raid lhe coasl in Iarge nunlers, disrupling lrade and agricuI-
lure. The five caplains are Baran (NL hn I15), Kurlh (CL hn
I18), Relhnor (LL hn I16/T7), SuIjack (CL hn T13), and
TaerI (LL hn I17).
DnuIo o[ 1he TaLL Tnees
Lcadcr: Ulhgang }yarI~Creal Druid of lhe Norlh.
Basc nf OpcratInn: TaII Trees in lhe High Ioresl.
Gna!: Irolecl lhe ancienl eIven vood of TaII Trees fron harn.
A!!Ics: The Harpers and lhe lreanls of TurIang Wood.
ChIcf Fncs: Lxpansion
The Druids of TaII Trees are quile secrelive and aIIov fev
olher lhan druids (and vouched-for conpanions) inlo lhis parl
of lhe vood. The Creal Druid is lhe Ieader here, lul forner
Crand Druid (nov an 18lh-IeveI Hierophanl Adepl) SinkIayr
Creenslroke resides here, as does lhe nyslerious CiIdenfire (a
goId dragon in hunan guise).
The Hanpens
Lcadcr: Nol Knovn.
Basc nf OpcratInn: SiIverynoon.
Gna!: Irolecl lhe Norlh, ils peopIes, and resources fron gol-
Iinkin and foreign infIuence or doninalion.
A!!Ics: Lords AIIiance, Druids of TaII Trees.
ChIcf Fncs: rcs and olher golIin races, lhe Zhenlarin, and
poIilicaI povers in Ann and CaIinshan.
Though lhis group is discussed in delaiI in olher producls,
lhe inporlance of lhe Harpers lo lhe Norlh deserves nore
lhan a passing nenlion. Based in lhe HearlIands, lhe Harpers
forn a seni-secrel organizalion of prinariIy good groups of ad-
venlurers vho receive supporl fron goodIy churches, druidic
circIes, and poverfuI neulraI individuaIs vilh vhon lhey share
a connon foe. In lhe Norlh, lheir nyslique generales respecl,
nol suspicion, parlicuIarIy since lvo of lhe nosl poverfuI Iead-
ers of lhe Norlh, KheIlen BIackslaff Arunsun of Walerdeep
and High Lady AIuslrieI of SiIverynoon, are avoved Harpers.
Lven lhe savage Ulhgardl, vho have IillIe respecl for lhe lrap-
pings of civiIizalion, lreal lhose vho knov lhe secrel signs of
lhe Harpers as if lhey vere chieflains.
Though lheir ains are nyslerious, lheyre knovn lo vork
for lhe causes of good and oppose lhe Zhenlarin and lhe ag-
gressive lrading kingdons~any vho cul lrade roules inlo
viIderness areas, feII lrees, and nine precious lhings vilh IillIe
regard for nonhunan inhalilanls. They vork lo nainlain
peace lelveen hunan kingdons and lo lhvarl al every lurn
lhe lurgeoning golIin-kin races in lhe Norlh. riginaIIy, il
vas a Ioose sociely of lards and rangers crealed lo provide
lhese vanderers vilh feIIovship and sheIler. Their feIIovship
grev, and vilh il cane a desire lo prolecl, preserve, and nain-
lain peace in lhe viIderness lhey Ioved, acling againsl aII vho
vouId despoiI il. Theyre arch foes of lhe lurgeoning gol-
Iinkin, and seek lo lhvarl lhen al every lurn.
The Harpers rareIy vork openIy and never reveaI lheir lrue
goaIs lo lhose nol highIy inilialed inlo lhe sociely. Those vho
vork al cross purposes lo lhe Harpers oflen faiI in lheir en-
deavors. lher lhan in lhe Norlh, lhose vho are nol lheir en-
enies harlor a niId dislrusl of lhe Harpers for lhis.
The HenaLos
Lcadcr: Id Nighl (`).
Basc nf OpcratInn: HeraIds HoIdfasl.
Gna!: Mainlain lhe slalus quo and preserving hislory.
A!!Ics: The Harpers.
ChIcf Fncs: Lxlrene
revrile hislories.
changes and lhose vho vouId deslroy or
These are perhaps lhe nosl negIecled pover group in
Iaern lhus far~prolalIy lecause fev foIks see lhen as any
sorl of aclive organizalion. There is one Iocalion of knovn ac-
livily, hovever, and lhis is lhe HeraIds Resl feslhaII.
This excIusive, Iuxurious, privale hone in lhe cily of
Berdusk Iooks Iike a snaII caslIe. Inside ils a haven of lapes-
lries, carpeling, discreel veiIs, and poIile, skiIIed Iady and gen-
lIenan escorls. Repuled lo le run ly a forner princess vho
grev veary of lhe diclales of prolocoI and cIass, lhe Resl lakes
ils nane fron a Iong-ago visil ly lhree High HeraIds, predeces-
sors of lhe presenl-day hoIders of lhe offices, vho vere so de-
Iighled lhal one look his escorl as vife, and aII lhree offered lo
luy lhe pIace.
The offer vas refused, lul lhe HeraIds vere aIIoved lo
sponsor lhe Resl lhrough sone Iean lines, and lhey nov share
in ils profils. There are runors of docunenls, lreasure, and
even HeraIds and Harpers on lhe run leing hidden in lhe
dinIy Iil chanlers and passages of lhe Resl~and sone foIk say
nagicaI gales Iink il vilh SiIverynoon, Ardeep Ioresl near
Walerdeep, and vilh nearly TviIighl HaII. High fees are paid
for lhe discreel use of lhese porlaIs.
The Knakem 5ocIe1
Lcadcr: SIarkrelheI
Basc nf OpcratInn: Ruins of AscarIe (`)
Gna!: Acquisilion of infornalion, parlicuIarIy lhal vhich can
le soId or olhervise used lo profil lhe sociely.
A!!Ics: None.
ChIcf Fncs: The Lords AIIiance, lhe Harpers.
The caIIing card of lhe Kraken Sociely, a purpIe squid vilh
an incredilIe nunler of lenlacIes, is perhaps one of lhe nosl
recognized and feared synloIs in lhe Norlh. Il is synonynous
vilh kidnappings, lorlure, assassinalions, and lrule force.
Ior nany years, lhe Kraken Sociely vas lhoughl lo le yel
anolher organizalion lhal vas a galherer of infornalion, sone
even referred lo ils nenlers as lhe HeraIds of lhe Sea. SliII,
lhere vas aIvays sonelhing sinisler in lheir deaIings, an eerie
sense of danger and inlrigue in lheir nannerisns.
Ils knovn nov lhal lhe Kraken Sociely serves lhe kraken
SIarkrelheI, an innense squid lhal Iives near lhe ruins of As-
carIe. ver lhe years, lhe socielys aclivilies have nade lhen-
6 7
seIves knovn via lhe nass exodus of aqualic races fron lheir
honeIands. WhiIe lhe sociely sliII seeks lo galher knovIedge
lo seII or larler, il aIso seeks lo drive olher sea crealures fron
ils surrounding valers.
Whal is nol knovn aloul lhe organizalions Ieader is lhal
he has leen gifled vilh speIIcasling aliIily. In undersea foIk-
Iore, such a crealure vouId le caIIed UnlerIees spavn, a
poverfuI servanl of lhe dark nislress of lhe oceans.
5!arkrcthc!, krakcn nf Umbcr!cc: AC -4, SW 3, }el 21,
H D 2 O , h p 1 6 O , T H A C O 5 , # A T 9 , D n g
3d6(x2)/2d6(x6)/7d4, SA casls speIIs as a 2Olh-IeveI
vizard, conslriclion, crush ships, SD innune lo lhe
conch horn of a lrilon, poison ink cIoud, airq ua|cr
(conlinuousIy), facric firc, ccn|rc| |cnpcra|urc, ccn|rc|
uins (al viII, once per round), uca|ncr sunncning
(once/day), and anina| sunncning ||| (fish onIy, lhree
lines/day), MR 25, SZ C (125 Iong), ML fearIess
(19), Inl supra (2O), AL NL, XI 25,OOO.
5A: Afler slriking, lenlacIes aulonalicaIIy infIicl 3d6
poinls of conslriclion danage, and can drag ships of up
lo 7O feel in Ienglh undervaler.
5D: Ink cIoud is 8O8O12O feel and causes 2d4
poinls of danage per round for crealures vilhin il.
5pc!!s: SIarkrelheI nornaIIy has lhe foIIoving speIIs
nenorized: 1sl LeveI: cnarn pcrscn, cc|cr spraq, c|cc|
nagic, nagic nissi|c, snic|, 2nd LeveI: c|cc| gcc, c|cc|
intisioi|i|q, intisioi|i|q, nirrcr inagc, raq cf cnfcco|cncn|,
3rd LeveI: ispc| nagic, nc| pcrscn, s|cu, tanpiric |cucn,
urai|nfcrn, 4lh LeveI: ccnfusicn, incnsicn ccr, pc|q-
ncrpn c|ncr, snacu ncns|crs, s|cncs|in, 5lh LeveI:
8igoqs in|crpcsing nan, cnacs, nc| ncns|cr, |ransnu|c
rcc| |c nu, ua|| cf fcrcc, 6lh LeveI: an|inagic snc||, ca|n
spc||, isin|cgra|c, prcjcc| inagc, 7lh LeveI: fcrcccagc, nass
intisioi|i|q, |c|cpcr| ui|ncu| crrcr, 8lh LeveI: 8igoqs
c|cncnc fis|, nazc, |rap |nc scu|, 9lh LeveI: inpriscnncn|,
|inc s|cp.
SIarkrelheI is never encounlered aIone, in aII inslances he
has a relinue of lodyguards lhal are aIvays vilhin slriking dis-
lance of any allacker. His lodyguards consisl of 1d4 vere-
sharks, an eye of lhe deep (lehoIder-kin), 1d4 nereid, and up
lo four kiIIer vhaIes. Iron line lo line, SIarkrelheI has addi-
lionaI charned servanls, and he doesnl hesilale vhen sending
ninions lo lheir doon. The kraken is aIso quile lhorough, he
has no inlenlions of leing forced lo fighl anyone a second
The kraken has a variely of speciaI nagicaI ilens, roughIy
lhe equivaIenl of reguIar nagicaI ilens lhal he can use nor-
naIIy. He canl le Iocaled lhrough lhe use of deleclion speIIs
or scrying, and he is prolecled ly a 9lh-IeveI conlingency speII
siniIar lo ||nins|crs ctasicn. UndoulledIy, SIarkrelheI has
olher innale aliIilies lhal have lo le discerned.
The Krakengates
BuiIl an unloId nunler of years ago, lhese innense sea gales
vere luiIl lo aIIov nagicaI lransporl for lhe kraken. There are
four arches knovn lo exisl, and lhese gales are aIvays func-
The gales appear as innense arches of slone hundreds of
feel in dianeler. Lach has arcane carvings upon ils surface and
canl le delecled ly nagicaI neans. Likevise, lhe |ra|cnga|cs
are innune lo speIIs.
The four gales are Iocaled al lhe ruins of AscarIe, lhe
WhaIelones, 6O niIes soulh of lhe Ice Ieak, and 15O niIes
vesl of LeiIon. These |ra|cnga|cs lransporl crealures fron
poinl lo poinl lased on lhe vhin of SIarkrelheI, aIIoving lhe
kraken lo narshaI his forces al specific Iocalions.
The Lonos' ALLIamce
Lcadcr: Lord Iiergeiron of Walerdeep.
Basc nf OpcratInn: Walerdeep.
Gna!: Unified defense of norlhern cilies and pronolion of
lheir econonic inleresls.
A!!Ics: The Harpers.
ChIcf Fncs: The Zhenlarin, Luskan, Ann, and CaIinshan.
AIso knovn as The CounciI of Lords, or lhe Lords
CounciI, il shouId nol le confused vilh lhe Lords of Waler-
deep. This IavfuI and essenliaIIy good econonic and niIilary
aIIiance of lhe ruIers of cilies in lhe Norlh and aIong lhe
Svord Coasl vorks lo keep overIand lrade roules aIong lhe
Coasl and across lhe Norlh as safe as possilIe and free fron
Zhenlarin infIuence or annexalion.
Tneam1s o[ TunLamg Vooo
Lcadcr: TurIang lhe ThoughlfuI.
Basc nf OpcratInn: Woods of TurIang (High Ioresl).
Gna!: Irolecl lhe High Ioresl fron harn, cuIlivale and ex-
pand foresls in lhe Norlh.
A!!Ics: The Druids of lhe TaII Trees.
ChIcf Fncs: rcs and lroIIs.
The Treanls of TurIang Wood are secrelive and aIIov fev
olher lhan druids and rangers inlo lheir nidsl. Theyre cur-
renlIy vorking lo reforesl lhe ruins of HeIIgale Keep and lring
in lhe oulIying foresl, reforging lhe High Ioresl inlo ils pasl
The Harpers are reporledIy lrying lo gel lhe allenlion of
TurIang in an efforl lo offer lheir assislance shouId lhe need
arise. UnforlunaleIy, gelling lhe oId lreanls allenlion has
proven quile a lask, and lhe Harpers are currenlIy discussing
lheir offer vilh QuarreIeaf, TurIangs second-in-connand, in
HeIIgale DeII.
Zhem1anI m
Lcadcr: Mylhkar Leng.
Basc nf OpcratInn: LIorkh.
Gna!: Doninalion of aII lrade roules in lhe Norlh and aIong
lhe Svord Coasl.
A!!Ics: LIorkh and lhe Beasl Lord.
ChIcf Fncs: The Harpers and lhe Lords AIIiance.
Mylhkar Leng (LL hn I9 |Cyricj) acls as an advisor lo Lord
CeiIdarr of LIorkh (LL hn M7) vhos a nenler of lhe Zhen-
larin. Wilh lhe aid of lhe lehoIder RakaxaIorlh, Mylhkar
keeps CeiIdarr in Iine vilh lhe Zhenlarin goaIs for lhe Norlh.
LIorkh vas chosen as a foolhoId due lo ils dislance fron lhe
povers in Walerdeep and SiIverynoon. The Zhenlarin aI-
ready nonopoIize lrade lelveen Loudvaler and LIorkh, has a
firn lase in Seconler, and veII-pIaced agenls in Walerdeep,
Zundlridge, Yarlar, and Triloar.
6 8
6 6
lhrived. The keys lo lhis lrade are lhe nunerous nerchanl
conpanies lhal carry, prolecl, and slore goods.
he IifelIood of lhe kingdons in Iaern is lrade, and ils
lhrough lrade lhal nany of lhe nalions have grovn and
Mosl lrade goods lraveI in caravans for safely, and lhe greal
najorily of caravans are run ly independenl caravan naslers
vho dispIay no ladge or coIors al aII. A fev caravans are spon-
sored or direclIy nanned ly a cily or counlry, lypicaIIy learing
lhe sigiIs of lhal pIace. The caravans of Ann and lhe Zhen-
larin are cIearIy narked.
Large conpanies, or pria|cs, are crealed ly lhe pernanenl
anaIganalion of snaIIer caravan conpanies, usuaIIy lo conlroI
a lrading roule. AIIiances of snaII, independenl conpanies
inlo caravans for safely aIone are ccs|crs.
Nencham1 PnIcImg
When using a nerchanl conpany, lhere are severaI lhings one
nusl consider: lhe courier charges, lhe reIalive securily of lhe
lransporl, lhe chance of Ioss, and lhe anounl of lhal Ioss in lhe
case of an anlush. TalIe 3 (inside fronl cover) deIineales
lhese chances.
Ccs| Paranc|cr. This is jusl an easy vay of delernining lhe
reIalive cosl for using a nerchanl conpany.
Atcragc Pricc/Daq. This is lhe charges for noving cargo.
The Ionger lhe lrip, lhe nore il cosls lhe nanufaclurer of lhe
goods lo nove lhe freighl. This aIso heIps expIain vhy lhings
cosl nore on lhe fringe of civiIizalion lhan near lhe nanufac-
luring poinl.
Dai|q Cnancc fcr Anousn. UnIess lhe caravan is in a heaviIy
palroIIed area (generaIIy near a cily), lheres a chance lrigands
allenpl lo sleaI parl of lhe cargo.
Cnancc cf |css. Lach line lheres an anlush, a chance ex-
isls lhe lrigands nake off vilh sone of lhe cargo.
Pcrccn|agc |css. Lach line lheres an anlush, and a Ioss of
cargo is delernined, lhe DM roIIs lhe appropriale percenlage
Ioss die, and lhals lhe percenlage of lhe cargo lhals sloIen. If
a caravan suffers fron nuIlipIe Iosses, lhe percenlage of cargo
laken is figured fron lhe originaI cargo size, lhus, if a caravan
suffers lhree allacks fron lhieves, and lhe percenlage Iosses are
5O, 1O, and 15, lhe caravan Iosl 75 of ils lolaI cargo.
Pen[ec1ome Nencam1ILe
Basc nf OpcratInn: LongsaddIe
Cnst Paramctcr: LxlreneIy coslIy
5IgI!: Tvo circIes connecled ly an upvardIy arcing arrov
poinling lo lhe righlnosl circIe
Ierfeclone is lhe lrainchiId of an advenlurer-lurnd-ner-
chanl naned CrengoraI WheIshire (NC hn I15) vho grev
lired fron lhe conslanl larrage of landils and raiders. AII he
ever vanled vas lo gel lhe cargo under his care fron poinl A
lo poinl B vilh as fev hassIes as possilIe. TraveIing vilh lhe
Seven Suns Trading Cosler for six years, he sav al Ieasl 3O of
his cargo deparl inlo lrigand hands. Since parl of lhe Ioss cane
oul of his paycheck, he Iefl lhe conpany. The vages definileIy
vere nol vorlh lhe risk of his Iife and Iinls.
He lraveIed lo LongsaddIe, vhere an oId friend he nel in
his advenluring days~or as CrengoraI caIIs lhen: his adven-
luring daze~relired. This friend, SanueI Longspeak (NC hn
Tra17), vas a Iong-vinded, highIy laIenled nage vho speciaI-
ized in leIeporlive nagic vho had lhe crealion of al Ieasl seven
nagicaI ilens under his leIl. Since his relirenenl, SanueI
Iocked hinseIf avay in a 62-roon nansion (paid for ly lhe
proceeds fron lhe advenlures of his youlh), sludying speIIs, re-
searching nore efficienl senanlics, and luying and lrading
speIIs vilh vizards fron across Iaern, incIuding a fev fron
lhe pIanes.
CrengoraI vas innedialeIy veIconed in lhe huge, enply
hone and vas given a led, neaI, and a lalh lo rul lhe road-
vear off his lody. The lvo lhen sal dovn lefore lhe varn
hearlh and discussed lhe lusiness proposilion lhal CrengoraI
dreaned up a year previous.
CrengoraIs proposaI, in shorl, vas a nev nerchanl con-
pany lhal vouId deIiver producls fron one cily lo anolher.
Theirs, hovever, vouId have a differenl angIe. CrengoraI
didnl vanl lo reIy on hazardous roadvays or precarious seas lo
nove his cargo. He vanled lo use lhe pover lhal vizards and
cIerics vorIdvide used every day: nagic. If lhe goods couId le
noved fron one cily lo anolher vilhoul having lo pass
lhrough lhe inlervening lerrilory, aII lhe goods vouId gel lo
lheir deslinalion, providing lhe conpany vilh an inpeccalIe
repulalion, a 1OO cusloner relurn lase, and an innediale
foolhoId in lhe nev era of connerce connulion.
He proposed lhis idea lo his friend SanueI, vho Iiked il in-
nedialeIy. SanueI conlacled six friends in as nany differenl
cilies and slarled selling up lhe nagicaI nelvork. CrengoraI,
neanvhiIe, venl lo each of lhese six cilies and passed oul fIiers
and panphIels lhal procIained lhe exislence of lhe nev
cosler. The peopIe laIked al lhe prices, lul lhe pronise of re-
lurn vas vorlh lhe up-fronl cosl and al Ieasl a lriaI run.
Ierfeclone MercanliIe has nine cilies in ils deIivery sched-
uIe, and pronises lvice as nany ly lhe cIose of nexl year. Cur-
renlIy, Ierfeclone services AraleI, Caer CorveII (on lhe
Moonshea IsIes), CaIinporl, LongsaddIe, Luskan, Nevervin-
ler, rduIin, SiIverynoon, and Weslgale, vilh lhe operalions
headquarlered in LongsaddIe (in SanueI Longspeaks nan-
In order lo nake sure lhal lvo shipnenls are nol leIeporled
onlo or inlo each olher (vhich happened a fev lines), Cren-
goraI sel up a specific scheduIe for deIiveries so an individuaI
faciIily receives goods fron onIy one faciIily during a one-hour
period of line. MeanvhiIe, each faciIily, in one-hour lIocks of
line, lransporl goods lo each of lhe olher faciIilies.
Al lhe end of lhe day, in order lo nake sure everyone in lhe
lusiness is happy and veII-paid, lhe daiIy lake is spIil accord-
ing lo lhe anounl of shipping each of lhe nine faciIilies nade
during lhe day. Lveryone invoIved is paid for lheir vork shorlIy
lefore cIosing line. This Ieads lo lhe unforlunale happen-
slance vhen a singIe faciIily doesnl gel any vork lhal day and
cannol share in lhe profils (vhich is a connon affair al lhe
LongsaddIe Headquarlers office, lul lhus is lhe risk for selling
up shop in a fronlier cily).
TalIe 4 (inside lack cover) shovs vhen each of lhe nine
depols are alIe lo leIeporl packages. Ior Iack of leller lerns,
and lhe need lo expIain lhings easiIy, reaI-line cIock neasures
in one-hour lIocks are used.
Pen[ec1ome 5enoIces
Ierfeclone MercanliIe offers a nunler of services~seven lo le
exacl. These are Iisled and expIained leIov.
Thc Nnb!cman's Funcra! (NI) is a very expensive service
lhal sends lhe deceased inlo lhe heavens. LileraIIy, lhis
neans lhal lhe carcass is |c|cpcr|c inlo lhe Tears of SeIne~
lhe asleroids near ToriIs noon~vhere il drifls for an eler-
nily vilhoul deconposing (unIess ealen ly lhe denizens of
viIdspace, of course). This service incIudes lhe fanfare,
nourners, nusic, singers, fIovers, lhe cIeric of lhe faniIys
choice, and olher lypicaI funeraI acconpaninenls. Il cosls
1,25O gp per cadaver. The nage perforning lhe service gen-
eraIIy uses a |c|cpcr| ui|ncu| crrcr speII, lhough on occasion, a
nornaI |c|cpcr| speII is used. f course, if il doesnl vork cor-
reclIy, no one knovs. Crealures luried in lhis vay can sliII
le lroughl lack lo Iife lhrough lhe use of a resurreclion speII,
assuning lhey havenl leen ealen and lhe lody can le
Pcrsnna! Tc!cpnrt (IT) is sinpIy lhal: lransporling a person
fron one cily lo anolher. If lhe |c|cpcr| speII faiIs, lhe unfor-
lunale passenger is suljecl lo lhe penaIlies slaled in lhe speII
descriplion. Ierfeclone MercanliIe lakes no responsiliIily
for accidenls. IersonaI Transporl cosls 4OO gp per individuaI
and has a 5 chance of faiIing.
Pcrsnna! Tc!cpnrt WIthnut Errnr (ITL) is error-free lrans-
porlalion fron one cily lo anolher. This service cosls 6OO gp
per individuaI and uliIizes lhe |c|cpcr| ui|ncu| crrcr speII lo
insure accuracy.
Thc 5hadnw Caravan is a service lhal lransporls cargo
lhrough lhe LlhereaI IIane in order lo arrive al lhe deslina-
lion safeIy. UnforlunaleIy, lheres aIvays a chance for an-
lush in lhe elher. RegardIess of dislance lraveIed, lhe service
cosls 225 gp per Ioad (equaling lo approxinaleIy one lon).
There is a 15 chance of elhereaI anlush, and if anlushed,
lhe caravan Ioses 1d1OO of ils cargo. Ierfeclone MercanliIe
lakes no responsiliIily for Iosl cargo.
5hadnwpnrt (SI) is adverlised as an experience for lhe ad-
venlurer in aII of us. This is a lrip inlo lhe LlhereaI IIane
for lhe lraveIer al lhe cosl of 375 gp per individuaI, or 3OO gp
per person in a group of lhree or nore. The lrip lakes one
hour of reaI line for every days lraveI ly caravan, lhough
lhe lraveIer feeIs onIy one ninule (per hour reaI line) pass.
Theres a 15 chance lhe lraveIer does nol arrive al lhe des-
linalion for 1d4 veeks, lhough lhe lraveIer doesnl feeI lhe
line differenlialion.
Tc!cpnrt Cargn (TC) is a service lhal inslanlIy |c|cpcr|s
cargo fron one cily lo anolher. The service cosls 325 gp per
Ioad (one lon). Theres a 5 lhal lhe cargo is parliaIIy dan-
aged in lransporl. If so, 5d1O of lhe cargo is shallered le-
yond recognilion or leIeporled inlo soIid ground, Iosl leyond
saIvage. Ierfeclone MercanliIe lakes no responsiliIily for
Iosl cargo.
Tc!cpnrt Cargn WIthnut Errnr (TCL) is a service lhal un-
erringIy |c|cpcr|s cargo. The service cosls 4OO gp per Ioad
(one lon). There is no chance for Iosl or danaged cargo
vhen lhis service is used.
Pen[ec1ome PnIce GuIoe
Dc!Ivcry Errnr Pcrccnt
5crvIcc PrIcc Pcrccnt Lnss
NI 1,25O gp O -
IT 4OO gp 5 -
ITL 6OO gp O -
225 gp 15 1d1OO
SI 375 gp 15 -
T C 325 gp 5 5d1O
TCL 4OO gp O O
The foIIoving lalIe diclales lhe nunler of services avaiIalIe
per day per cily, Iisled as lhe foIIoving: shadov, |c|cpcr|, or |c|c-
pcr| ui|ncu| crrcr. Because lhere are onIy a cerlain nunler of
sIols avaiIalIe per day, nany specuIalors purchase one or lvo of
lhe sIols, hoping lhe denand and need for cargo lransporl is
high enough lo scaIp lhe sIols for a nuch higher price.
Snacu ua|| is used lo perforn lhe Shadov Caravan (SC)
and Shadovporl (SI) services.
Tc|cpcr| is required for lhe IersonaI Transporl (IT), and
TeIeporl Cargo (TC) services, NolIenan IuneraI (NI) uses
|c|cpcr| onIy in energencies or speciaI cases.
Tc|cpcr| ui|ncu| crrcr is used in lhe NolIenans IuneraI (NI),
IersonaI TeIeporl vilhoul Lrror (ITL), and TeIeporl Cargo
vilhoul Lrror (TCL) services.
PerIectone ServIce ScheduIe
CIty 5hadnw Tc!cpnrt
3 5
Caer CorveII 1 3
8 1O
4 5
Luskan 2 1
3 rduIin
Nevervinler 2 3
SiIverynoon 1 3
Weslgale 2 4
w/n Errnr
All wizards employed by Perfectone Mercantile in Arabel are war wizards.
Since theyre at the beck and call of the King, theres a 5% chance per day that
service is shut down for 2d4 days without prior notice. There is a 5% chance per
hour that a scheduled shipment is bumped to the next day in order to make room
for a shipment for the King.
Recently, the Zhentarim have been buying land around Ordulin in apparent
hopes of sieging the city. With the recent arrival of Perfectone Mercantile, the
city leaders are hoping this mode of cargo transport can save them from certain
disaster. Theyre also demanding more daily services which, at this point, cannot
be handled by the company. Please note: Cargo transporting has priority over per-
sonal transport and cannot take place until all cargo is first delivered.
RecenlIy, a fev nerchanl conpanies have voiced negalive
opinions aloul Ierfeclone MercanliIe. They lhink Ierfec-
lones lusiness elhics are corrupl, lheir laclics nonopoIislic,
and lheir excIusivily iIIegilinale. The Iarger conpanies, hov-
ever, are Iooking inlo lhe nev vay of noving cargo, lul lhe
nargin of profil is nuch Iover lhan convenlionaI nelhods.
As a side nole, Ierfeclone MercanliIes aIvays Iooking for
enpIoyees and arcane oljecls. The conpany luys scroIIs, rings,
slaves, vands, arlifacls, and any nagicaI ilen lhal possesses
|c|cpcr| capaliIily. UnIess lhe ilen is offered for Iess, Ierfeclone
MercanliIe pays 5 nore for such an ilen lhan lhe price
slaled in lhe LNCYCLILDIA MACICA accessory.
Theyre aIvays Iooking lo hire nages and vizards vho spe-
ciaIize in or have access lo |c|cpcr|, |c|cpcr| ui|ncu| crrcr, and
snacu ua|| speIIs. The nore speIIs in lheir arsenaI, lhe nore
goods lhal can le noved in a day, and lhe nore noney every-
one nakes in lhe process. Mages are paid lelveen 1OO and 2OO
gp per day for lheir vork~far nore lhan lhe average earnings
of an advenlurer~vhich nakes enpIoynenl in lhis conpany
highIy advanlageous.
Anolher hol connodily for Ierfeclone MercanliIe is
guards. Theyre aIvays Iooking for addilionaI heIp in prolecl-
ing lheir luiIdings. They donl care if a nerchanl gels rolled a
lIock fron lheir faciIily, aII lhey care aloul is lhal lhe goods,
once lhey enler lheir conpound, are nol danaged or sloIen.
Advenlurers Iooking for sonelhing lo do nay consider hir-
ing lhenseIves oul lo Ierfeclone MercanliIe. Runors of lhis
or lhal leIeporlive ilen are aIvays on lhe Iips of lhose vilh
any deaIings vilh Ierfeclone, and lhese runors are aIvays
Iooked inlo. ne runor lhal Ierfeclone is very inleresled in
verifying: The Zhenlarin have hired vizards lo invesligale
lhe use of nelanagic speIIs in inlercepling leIeporled goods
and peopIe. If lhey shouId prove successfuI, lolh Ierfeclone
and a Iol of vizards lhal reIy on leIeporlalion nagic couId le
in dire slrails.
O1hen TnaoImg CompamIes
The IRCTTLN RLALMS Canpaign Sc||ing provides a Iisling of
olher lrading conpanies in lhe Norlh. If your pIayers are Iook-
ing for caravan duly in lhe Norlh, lhey nighl vanl lo check
oul one of lhe foIIoving nercanliIe conpanies: The Iirehands
Croup, Highnoon Trading Cosler, Red ShieIds, Seven Suns
Trading Cosler, Six Coffers Markel Iriakos, Surefeel Trade-
naslers, Thousandheads Trading Cosler, TraiI Lords, or Win-
driders Trading Cosler. These are aII delaiIed in A Gran Tcur
cf |nc Rca|ns (pages 1OO-1O1).
6 6
neans a conpIele Iisl of aII lhe inporlanl or poverfuI foIk of
lhe norlhern viIderness. They nay lecone sources of inforna-
lion, aIIies, nenlors and lulors, or even liller enenies. IIease
nole lhal characlers Iiving in lhe cily of Daggerford (in lhe
DeIinliyr area) are nol Iisled here. Lverylhing regarding Dag-
gerford is incIuded in Book 3.
he foIIoving novers and shakers of lhe Norlh are
NICs for lhe DM lo use in encounlers and are ly no
The NICs are separaled ly IocaIe in order lo nake lhen
easier lo Iocale. The lack inlerior cover incIudes a snaII index
aIIoving lhe DM lo Iocale a specific individuaI quickIy. Ior a
nore delaiIed descriplion of nany of lhese individuaIs, refer lo
Vc|cs Guic |c |nc Ncr|n.
BrIIathnr A!nugarr (LN hn I3) is lhe Lord Warder of AnphaiI,
a nan vho speaks quielIy lul vhose IeveI eyes see nuch. Hes a
lrin-learded nan vho disIikes arnor and cerenony, and he
nakes a praclice of vandering AnphaiI on fool al aII hours. Bri-
ialhor is a nenler of Walerdeeps cily guard, lhough officiaIIy
hes relired lo lake up lhe posl of Lord Warder.
D!ara (LN hf M7) is lhe second-in-connand of Molher
ColhaIs feslhaII in AnphaiI. This eighl-fool-laII, dusky-
skinned varrior fron ChuIl enjoys valching and parlicipaling
in lunlIing and acrolalics, and she has a deIighlfuI sense of
hunor. Shes very popuIar anong lhe young nolIenen of
Walerdeep for her viIIingness lo vreslIe, a sporl she does on
slage al lhe feslhaII. She can easiIy pick up and lhrov an aver-
age hunan naIe across a roon.
Mnthcr Gntha! (NC hf T1O) is lhe eIderIy proprielor of a
feslhaII in AnphaiI. nce a leaulifuI dancer fanous in BaI-
durs Cale, she lried lo relire lo Walerdeep lul ran afouI of a
group of sIavers. The evenls surrounding her defeal of lhe
sIavers are vhal pronpled her lo nove lo AnphaiI and open a
feslhaII, surrounding herseIf vilh lhe energy and excilenenl of
peopIe on lhe nove. She deIighls in hearing peopIes dreans
and schenes, and nany foIk cone lo lhe feslhaII jusl lo laIk
vilh her. Her sage advice has sel nany a young Walerdhavian
on lhe road lo desliny.
KrIvvIn 5hamb!cstar (NC hn I8) is lhe lavernnasler of
lhe Slag-Horned IIagon. The slocky, sofl-spoken nan~and
experl knife-lhrover~has seen 67 vinlers and lends lo le
econonicaI in his novenenls. Krivvin has an exceIIenl nen-
ory for faces and lhe favored drinks lhal go vilh lhen. He has
a far keener ear lhan nosl lhink he does, he knovs nosl of lhe
lusiness of lhose vho drink in his lar, vhelher lhey reaIize il
or nol. Because of lhis, he serves as a valchnan for lolh lhe
Harpers and lhe Lords of Walerdeep. Mirl lhe MoneyIender is
a reguIar visilor and oId friend.
Phc!anshccnc (CC hf M14): IheIansheene is a sorceress
under a curse. Shes fuIIy presenl in Iaern onIy on nighls
vhen lhe noon is fuII. Shes lied lo AnphaiI ly a Iink lo her
speII looks, vhich conlain ancienl and poverfuI Nelherese
speIIs. The curse vas Iaid on IheIansheene ly a Red Wizard of
Thay vhon she has since lrapped in a cryslaI laII hidden in
AnphaiI. IheIansheene is in Iove vilh Thorn TIassaIune, a
rogue vho ovns lhe Slone SlaIIion.
Thnrn T!assa!unc (NL hn T9) is lhe keeper of lhe Slone
SlaIIion. Hes a Iong-haired, engaging, vouId-le ninslreI vho
pIays lhe Iule ladIy. He cIains lo le a forner Iulhiers appren-
lice fron Ann, lhough hes olviousIy fron Telhyr.
His vife, KhaIarra, died recenlIy in chiIdlirlh, Ieaving hin
vilh five daughlers. Thorn grovs reslIess and is viIIing lo
sponsor and fence for advenlurers, deaIing vilh conlacls he
deveIoped in Walerdeep. Thorn isnl quile ready lo ride avay
fron lhe inn inlo advenlure, lul lhal day is nol loo dislanl.
BangeunIgh1 Imm
Bacr!atha LuruIn (CC hf M9): BaerIalhas lhe vife of lhe
heaIer ChanczIalha Luruin. She spends her line concocling
polions, nolhering a Iarge faniIy of adopled chiIdren, and
lending sick aninaIs in ChanczIalhas paddock. Shes a sIin,
sofl-spoken vonan vilh sleeI-gray eyes and ash-lIond hair.
Chancz!atha LuruIn (NC hn I11 |Lalhanderj) is a IocaIIy
revered aninaI heaIer and physic (a doclor given lo using
herls and nedicinaI lrolhs) vhose Iife is devoled lo heaIing
and caring for lhe sick. He is a quiel, slannering, unassuning
nan vilh genlIe hands and a secrel deIighl in lavdy songs and
jokes. ChanczIalha is oflen caIIed on lo heaI lhose vhove
faIIen afouI of danger and leen lroughl lo hin.
The failhfuI of Lalhander are aIvays heaIed for free, lul
ChanczIalha charges fees for aII olher speIIcasling. This heIps
hin cover lhe high cosls of his nedicines and of feeding lhe
aninaIs he keeps. He oflen keeps aIive leasls lhal olhers
vouId Ieave lo die. Like his vife BaerIalha, ChanczIalha never
Ieaves sighl of Bargevrighl Inn.
Ru!darr (CC hn I3) is lhe ovner of RuIdarrs Iipes, Locks,
Tolacco, and Iine Iurnilure. He is a nan of snoolh nanners
and sullIe jesls, vilh a snaII, poinled leard and oiIed nus-
lache. RuIdarr is an avid gardener vhose house and shop are
fuII of hanging pIanls lhal grov in Iarge, Ievilaling pols.
Tabra (NC hf M22) is lhe proprielor of a rooning house
and feslhaII. She vas once an apprenlice of IouIaun, one of
lhe fev Nelherese sorcerer-kings lo Iive lhrough lhe faII of
NelheriI. IouIaun vas uIlinaleIy sIain in a speII lallIe vilh a
calaI of a dozen aIhoon (iIIilhiIiches), lul ly lhen hed per-
fecled his grealesl speII: |cu|auns |cngcti|q.
Talra casl lhe speII on herseIf and lhen deslroyed aII record
of il. She had no vish for il lo faII inlo lhe hands of eviI nages,
lecause ils casling requires lhe dealh of one nage for each year
of Iife lhe casler desires lo allain. Talra exlerninaled a coIony
of nind fIayers over 2,OOO slrong vho vere aloul lo sacrifice
her lo sone dark god. So far, she has onIy used aloul haIf lhe
line her nagic loughl her. She has no pIans lo recreale lhe
speII lo furlher proIong her ovn Iife, hovever.
Talra keeps her naslery of nagic as secrel as possilIe lul
aIvays carries a fuII conpIenenl of speIIs. NolalIy, she lears
lhe poverfuI Nelherese speII ragcnsnapc. She uses il vhen in
greal personaI danger or lo defend Bargevrighl Inn againsl
poverfuI allackers.
There are runors lhal Talra is reaIIy a goId dragon in
hunan shape lo guard a hoard hidden under her house. When
one vonders vhy shes never seen in dragon forn, lhe usuaI
ansver is shes hiding fron a nore poverfuI dragon vho vouId
sveep dovn and deslroy her and Bargevrighl Inn if her lrue
idenlily vas reveaIed.
CaLLImg Honms
Tnskcr NIghtswnrd (LN hn I7) is lhe ovner and keeper of
lhe renole inn knovn as CaIIing Horns. Hes a relired guide
and hunler vho knovs lhe Lvernoors and lhe veslern
fringes of lhe High Ioresl as veII as any person aIive. Hov-
ever, he doesnl knov vhere lo find lhe nain lreasure cache
of lhe Bored Svords, lhe advenluring group vho gave hin
lhe inn.
Abnrana 5tartnuchcr (NC hf Div16) is a forner resi-
denl in lhe cily of Mennon in CaIinshan and vas fanous
for leIIing a persons forlune vilh incredilIe accuracy. She
oflen had ideas lhal aIIoved peopIe lo lypass lhe voes of
fales-lo-cone, lhough lhese didnl aIvays vork. A ner-
chanl of iII repule and viIe lenperanenl cane lo her lo ask
her aid in a lusiness deaI. AII she sav vas a lIack, unhoIy,
and lIoody dealh. She couIdnl cone up vilh a vay for lhe
nan lo sideslep his fale, for il seened lo cone fron lhe
Nelher Regions.
He cursed her and her faniIy and voved a lhousand re-
venges on her. SeveraI days Ialer, nenlers of her faniIy
vere found sIain in lheir ledchanlers, and nore vere dying
every day. She Iefl her shop lhrough a secrel passagevay
7 2
under her divining lalIe, enlered lhe severs of lhe cily, and
escaped lo lhe Norlh. She soon heard of lhe nerchanls
horrid dealh, runored lo invoIve a nuIli-Iinled alonina-
lion fron lhe deplhs of lhe earlh, nade vhoIIy of Iava and
Since her arrivaI in CaIIing Horns, shes lurned inlo
quile a coIIeclor of unusuaI and exolic ilens, looks, sluffed
nonslers, and jars of unidenlifialIe conlenls. She luys any-
lhing lhal possesses a dveoner and lries lo delernine ils
funclion. nce every spring, vhen shes coIIecled a nunler
of ilens (usuaIIy on lhe order of 3O or nore), she has a
videIy pulIicized eslale auclion. She hires guards (usuaIIy
good-aIigned advenlurers or soIdiers) lo guard lhe palrons
and lhe goods.
RecenlIy, shes coIIecled a 12-page look lound in scaIy
red Iealher, each page consisling of a singIe rune-carved
nelaI seaI: seven goId, five Iead. The Kraken Sociely in
Yarlar seen lo le on lhe provI for lhe noveIly ilen, and
shes leen keeping il under Iock and key, lhough lhe agenls
have leen seen snooping around her properly, peering inlo
vindovs, digging fresh hoIes every nighl, and leing lasic
MartIn vnn Mcnsch (CN hn I4) is lhe ovner of Conylerry
Arns. Marlin is an ex-advenlurer Iooking onIy for a vay lo in-
crease his hoard of lreasure.
Trcahugh GrcIkn (CN hn I6) vas a ranger vho lracked
Iarge nonslers lhal ran Ioose and unlaned lhroughoul lhe
Norlh. He vas generaIIy hired ly lig-cily, veII-lo-do nen
vho vanled lo prove lheir physicaI provess ly kiIIing sone-
lhing lig, nasly, and venonous. Mosl of lhe line, he vas suc-
cessfuI in keeping his enpIoyers aIive in spile of lhenseIves,
lul nol aIvays. Aloul 1O of his cusloners never nade il
lack lo lheir veII-lo-do Iives.
He once heIped a nerchanl fron Miralar hunl dovn lhe
falIed MieIikkar in lhe High Ioresl. He had never heard of
lhe crealure, lul for sone reason, he feIl sIighlIy uneasy aloul
lhe excursion. The noney vas good~loo good, for he ignored
his gul feeIing. The lvo (as veII as lhe seven learers) lracked
lhe foolsleps of lhe leasl unliI lheir largel vas in sighl. The
nerchanl ained al lhe leasl vilh a crosslov lhal shouId have
leen caIIed a laIIisla and Iel go a loIl. The concussion fron
lhe discharge knocked lhe snaII nan lo lhe ground. The loIl
vhislIed lhrough lhe air, piercing lhe MieIikkar in lhe hearl,
kiIIing il.
As lhe leasl quivered in ils dealh lhroes, Treahugh reaI-
ized lhe vrong he had connilled againsl MieIikki and feII lo
lhe ground. He ripped off his cIolhes, yanked lhe hair fron his
head, and solled. No Ionger did he possess a cIose lie lo his
deily, and no Ionger did he possess lhe povers granled ly her
nearness. Afler Ianenling for seven days, lhe ragged, haIf-
slarved and dehydraled Treahugh vaIked fron lhe High Ior-
esl lo Conylerry, vhere he loughl an enply slorefronl.
His Iove for aninaIs sliII causes lhe lroken hearl in his
chesl lo leal, and nol having lhen near hin vouId have shal-
lered vhal is Iefl of his spiril. He opened lhe slore as a cIinic
for aiIing crealures, and he sliII has an incredilIe rapporl vilh
aII lhe aninaIs lhal enler his door.
Ru!dnrn, "thc 5tnrm Rangcr, (CC hn R13) is a guide and
defender of LverIund nicknaned for his unerring aliIily lo find
his vay in even lhe vorsl vinler snovslorns. Hes a gaunl
gianl of a nan, slanding aInosl seven feel laII, veighing onIy a
IillIe nore lhan 22O pounds. Hes a Harper and Iongline con-
nunily Ieader in LverIund. His hone is hidden sonevhere
vesl of lhe cily, lul he can usuaIIy le found al lhe Ballered
Hal vhere guides lend lo galher vhen nol on lhe lraiI.
GnI[[om' s Nes1
Kra!gar Bnncsnappcr (CN hn I12) is lhe chief of lhe Ulh-
gardl Criffon lrile and ruIes Criffons Nesl. He vorks lire-
IessIy lo conquer and ruIe one of lhe greal cilies of lhe Norlh.
His varriors and hired agenls are of aII sorls. They incIude
orcs hungry for pIunder, civiIized vizards vho hoId personaI
grudges againsl cerlain cily-dveIIers, and agenls of dislanl
enpires seeking lo sov slrife in lhe region for lheir ovn pur-
KraIgar vouId le happiesl enlhroned in SiIverynoon, lul
he vouId le pIeased lo ruIe LverIund if il vere Iarger and nore
forlified. He vouId even sellIe for Nevervinler, Miralar, or
Sundalar. If he renains fruslraled for Iong, he pIans lo eradi-
cale snaIIer sellIenenls and hoIds lo drav lhe arnies of lhe
cilies oul inlo lhe open. There, hes confidenl he can over-
vheIn lhen.
KraIgar doesnl reaIIy leIieve lhal nagic can le poverfuI
enough lo overcone groups of delernined Criffon varriors,
lul jusl in case, hes inleresled in acquiring enchanled ilens
for his ovn personaI use. Hes aIready anassed a snaII heap of
nagicaI ilens and carries lhe nore usefuI ones al aII lines.
Gundar BrnntnskIn (LN hn I11) is lhe king of lhe Ulhgardl
Thunderleasl lrile and lhe ruIer of CrunvaId. Hes a heavy-
sel, handsone nan vho is never vilhoul a lroadsvord, a hand
axe, and various hidden daggers.
Cundar is lhe vise and loIeranl Ieader of lhe nosl-civiIized
Ulhgardl lrile. Hes lraveIed lhe Svord Coasl Iands and is a
poIile Iislener vho is lolh fair and a good judge of characler.
His recaII of sIighls and nisdeeds carries cIear dovn lhe years.
Cundars peopIe vorship hin, and even rivaI Ulhgardl lriles
respecl hin. Cundar can caII lhe larlarians logelher in a
lallIe horde al any line, lhey hurry lo his sunnons in a nal-
ler of days. He nakes friends quickIy, lul he is a lad eneny lo
have. In lallIe he is as coId as slone, aIvays lhinking and pIan-
ning, and never giving in lo rage or reckIessness.
Dc!gara "Thc 5!Im Dauntswnrd (CN hf duaI cIass: T4/I14)
is lhe nonslrousIy fal proprielor of lhe Slag al Resl. This gray-
haired, puffing, lollering vonan vas once a pirale of sone in-
fany on lhe Svord Coasl. She caplained a loal caIIed lhe
li|cn cf |nc latcs and Ioved lo Iead her crev onlo lhe decks of
olher ships vhiIe vaving a neal cIeaver.
Ghc!kyn 5tnrmwInd (CC hn M7) is a hard-vorking, sofl-
spoken vizard vho spends his days vilh lhe Ioggers of
KheIdeII. Hes a nan vho has lurned his lack on advenluring
and on lhe inlrigues and anlilions of lhe cilies. He vas once
an apprenlice of KheIlen BIackslaff Arunsun. Today,
CheIkyn is a sloul nan vho spends his evenings sludying and
experinenling vilh nagic. He aIvays has his nosl prized speII,
tanpiric |cucn, nenorized.
Tchandrac EuInwnnd (NC hf I1) is a quiel, 12-year-oId
girI vilh Iong, lrovn hair, a caIn, fearIess nanner, and a nal-
uraI speII-Iike pover akin lo |cgcn |crc or lhe psionic aliIily of
oljecl reading. LIninsler says lhal she is louched ly Myslra
and is no doull inlended ly lhe goddess for greal lhings. The
Id Mage has exanined her al vork and reporls lhal Tchan-
drae has no psionic aliIilies as lhey are generaIIy underslood in
Tchandrae sinpIy handIes an oljecl for al Ieasl four rounds,
and lhen speaks vhal cones inlo her head aloul lhe ilen. Like
lhe |cgcn |crc speII, such infornalion is oflen cryplic, lul il is aIso
oflen nore lhan couId possilIy le underslood fron nere visions
of peopIe, surroundings, and evenls concerning lhe ilen. In prac-
lice, lhe infornalion is as conpIele as lhe DM vishes.
A!astra HathwIntcr, "Thc NIght C!nak, (CC hf M21) is
lhe proprielor of a feslhaII and rooning house in LongsaddIe
lhal lears her nicknane. She vas lhe conpanion of oId Aug-
Iylh HarpeII, a nan nany years her senior. Since his dealh 12
vinlers ago, she has renained in lhe viIIage and runs her
lusiness. Shes runored lo le a Harper or al Ieasl a Harper
Her advenluring career look her fron NinlraI lo MaIalra
(in Kara-Tur) and fron Zakhara in lhe dislanl soulh lo lhe
caslIes of lhe gianls of lhe cIouds alove lhe endIess ice of lhe
Norlh. AIaslra is conlenl lo slay in one pIace nov, lul her
knovIedge of lhe farlhesl reaches of ToriI surpasses lhal of
nosl in lhe Norlh.
Ma!avns Drunn (NL hn I1O) is lhe ovner of lhe Horn and
Hoof and has consideralIe lreasure hidden in ils ceIIars.
MaIavos fences sloIen goods, lul he lakes care lhal none of his
neighlors knov. f course, sone knov anyvay, and lhe
HarpeIIs have privaleIy varned hin vhal lheyII do if lhey dis-
cover hin vorking vilh agenls of lhe Zhenlarin.
Ma!chnr Harpc!! (NC hn M18) dveIIs in lhe Tover of
TviIighl easl of Nevervinler Wood. He vas a sludenl of KheI-
len Arunsun and nov lrains olher nages, lul he sliII spends
nosl of his line researching lhe crealion of nagicaI ilens, po-
lions, and eIixirs. He has naslered lhe arls of naking s|cnc
guarians, s|atcs cf |nc nagi, uans cf nagic nissi|cs, rings cf
fca|ncrfa||ing, and rings cf uarn|n. He carries lhese ilens on his
person vhen lraveIing aIong vilh a |ur|cr c|ca| and a ring cf
prc|cc|icn +3. MaIchor disIikes inlerruplions~vhich oflen
neans lhal nagicaI lraining lakes lvice as Iong as il shouId~
lul richIy revards good sludenls, IoyaI friends, and failhfuI
foIIovers vilh praise, sheIler, gifls, and nagic.
Ark!cm Grccth (LL hn M18) is a halefuI, oId nan, lenl vilh
age and infirnily vho exudes a viIe odor (nany leIieve he is
preparing hinseIf for Iichdon). Hes lhe nasler of lhe Hosl
Tover of lhe Arcane, lhough he rareIy Ieaves his chanlers
alop lhal lover. High Caplain TaerI secrelIy lakes orders fron
Creelh, lhough he hales and fears lhe ancienl vizard (lhe
High Caplains are under gcas lo prevenl lhe Hosl Tover and
ils vizards fron coning lo harn). Creelh doesnl lrusl olher
nages, especiaIIy afler lhe nurder of his aide-de-canp, Morkai
lhe Red. Hes aIvays guarded ly four charned 6lh-IeveI var-
riors, and nany suspecl lhal one or nore alishai are lound
inlo his service.
Dcndybar thc Mntt!cd (CL hn I4 |Xvinj/M12) is a fraiI-
appearing nage vho lakes his nicknane fron lhe unusuaI pal-
lerns dyed inlo lhe falrics of his cuslonary roles. Dendylar is
a forner priesl of MyrkuI vho feIl he couId leller serve his god
as a nage. The hood shadoving Dendylars fealures hides a
face Iike a skin-covered skuII, MyrkuIs nark upon his nosl
IoyaI servanls. When MyrkuI feII during lhe Codsvar, Dendy-
lar lurned lo lhe vorship of Xvin, lhough he relains MyrkuIs
Dendylars a vizard of lhe Hosl Tover of lhe Arcane. SeveraI
years lefore, Dendylar, LIdeIuc, and severaI olhers arranged lhe
dealh of Morkai lhe Red in dislanl Icevind DaIe, aIIoving
Dendylar and LIdeIuc lo nove inlo key posilions in lhe guiId.
Dendylar is jeaIous of LIdeIucs easy rise lo pover and hales lhe
fal, joviaI nage. He secrelIy pIans lo eIininale lolh LIdeIuc and
lhe archnage. Thereafler, lhe Norlh is his lo cIain.
Dendylar lhe MollIed serves as Masler of lhe Norlh Spire,
vhich vas Akar KesseIIs schooI vhen he apprenliced under
Morkai lhe Red. The currenl Masler of lhe Norlh Spire vas
alIe lo lrick KesseII inlo nurdering his nasler, lhus Ieaving lhe
vacancy lo le fiIIed ly Dendylar.
In addilion lo his nagicaI speIIs, Dendylar lhe MollIed can
aninale 1d6 skeIelons or 1d3 zonlies each round of conlal if
lodies are avaiIalIe.
E!dc!uc (LL hn M14): Big and lurIy, LIdeIucs anialIe exle-
rior disguises a souI lhoroughIy lainled vilh eviI. AIong vilh
Dendylar lhe MollIed, hes an heir-apparenl lo lhe posilion of
archnage in lhe Hosl Tover of lhe Arcane. Though lhey vorked
logelher lo eIininale rivaI Morkai lhe Red years ago on an ex-
cursion lo lhe Ten Tovns, lhey are al odds vilh each olher in lhe
guiId, and LIdeIuc hales Dendylar vilh a passion. He pIans lo
eIininale Dendylar soon. LIdeIucs conneclion vilh lhe god
Bane lroughl hin conlacls vilh lhe Zhenlarin, and nov he uses
lhose conlacls in lhe church of Cyric.
Inthcr B!ackfcathcr (NL hn T13) is lhe sinisler, cinna-
non-skinned lrader generaIIy found in his curlained loolh in
CulIass lavern. His calIike, yeIIov eyes fIash in lhe gIoon, and
his soflIy nenacing voice is onIy a nuller. Inlher is a fence for
sloIen goods and lhe Iargesl sIave lrader norlh of Ann. He
does veII fronling for a dozen or nore sIavers vho operale oul
of Luskan and reach as far soulh as KeIazzan and Lslresh near
lhe Uller Lasl.
Ja!bnun nf thc Twn B!adcs (CL hn I8) is a lravIing fence
and nercenary vorking his duaI lrade fron Luskans CulIass.
He oflen roars oul drinking songs and joins in fighls lhal lreak
oul in lhe laproon vilh joy. }aIloun cuslonariIy fighls vilh
lvo scinilars, lolh sucrs cf ancing, and hes aIso an experl al
hurIing axes, daggers, and lavern lalIes.
Purchcartman (CC, hn M13/Sha7) vanders vilh lhe
Creal Raven lrile. TaII, sIender, and of nolIe learing, he
dresses in a cape of lIack fealhers. He vas once a nenler of
lhe Hosl Tover of lhe Arcane, lul vas forced lo fIee lhe orga-
nizalion vhen Dendylars allenlions focused on his pecuIiar
"Rcd Aruph ThundcrfIst (CN hn I9) is a red-haired,
lurIy Luskanile vho Iooks Iike he couId punch a hoIe in a slone
vaII. Red is oflen in a corner loolh in lhe CulIass, vhere he
does lusiness on a daiIy lasis. Hes a fence for sloIen goods, a
ship cargo arranger, and a larler nasler for scarce gear or un-
usuaI paynenls. He aIso acls as a conlacl for caplains searching
for repIacenenl crev. Hes a cheerfuIIy grunling, snarIing, or
grovIing nan vho drinks copious anounls of spirils and seens
innune lo poison or lhe effecls of drink. Red is Iiked and re-
specled aII over Luskan. Ior a goId piece, he arranges a con-
lacl~and he never lelrays a lrusl. Those vho ove hin noney
can sonelines pay ly doing a service inslead.
WhIspcr (LL hf T12) is a leaulifuI vonan vilh a viIe repula-
lion, knovn for having her Iarcenous conpanions foIIov her
vhenever she nakes a conlacl. This is done lo assure lhal her con-
lacl doesnl allenpl lo kiII, casl conlroIIing speIIs, or svindIe her.
She has exceIIenl fence conlacls for lhose vho are lrying lo unIoad
unqueslionalIe goods. In addilion, she aIso has sources for lhose al-
lenpling lo gel in or oul of lhe cily unnoliced, and she knovs
nore lhan a fev caplains vho can look passage for cargo (cargo
leing a person allenpling lo escape lo lhe soulh in a hurry vilhoul
lhe nolice of lhe Arcane Brolherhood or lhe Luskar niIilia).
NI naban
E!astu! Raurym (LN hn I14), lhe Marchion of Miralar, ruIes
lhe CounciI. His 64 lodyguards aII sporl pIalinun-pIaled arnor
and are connanded ly four Hanners: Djassar, HuInn, Kri-
iador, and Turvon (aII hn I6). Theyre veleran generaIs vho are
unshakalIy IoyaI lo LIasluI and Miralar. Hes a fal, Iusly, red-
learded nan vho Ioves pIeasure and noney.
Zcspara A!athcr (CC hf I7) is lhe ovner of lhe House of lhe
Brighl BIade, shes aIso one of lhe finesl hunan svordsnilhs
vorking in Iaern loday. A parl-line advenlurer, Zespara has
nade sone poverfuI friends, nolalIy, a nunler of anonynous
nages. Shes a Harper, and sonelines operales as a Lords AI-
Iiance agenl. As such, shes sIain dangerous agenls of lhe Zhen-
larin, lhe Red Wizards, and lhe Arcane Brolherhood.
Nonmbnm's 5hIeLo
Bc!dnra ThIIruIn (CC hf I6 |Lalhanderj), lhe ovner of lhe
Maid of lhe Moors, is a quiel vonan vho invesls heaviIy in
any venlure nounled ly her neighlors. Shes veII Iiked le-
cause of lhis and her open, friendIy personaIily.
F!anagus Gnar!ybnnc (CN gn I6) is a gruff-voiced and ro-
lund gnone lavernnasler of lhe TroII in IIanes lavern. He has
leen knovn lo slock up on a vine or lrev favored ly lraveIers
vho slop ly reguIarIy.
NIst!nr "Thc UndyIng Lnth!yn (CN hn M1O) is lhe snoolh-
spoken, innacuIale, goaleed proprielor of lhe House of lhe Wise
Unicorn. Hes a nage vhos lurning lo necronancy and vorking
quielIy lovard Iichdon. Hes aIready naslered lhe arl of crealing
severaI Iesser undead lypes and keeping hinseIf youlhfuI lhrough
nagic. Hes carefuIIy coIIecling pc|icns cf |cngcti|q and purchases
such polions al every opporlunily. He has lhree apprenlices and
prefers lo use lhen, as veII as hired advenlurers, lo gain speII
conponenls and acconpIish lasks for hin.
TcssarIn "Lnngtrcsscs A!araun (NC hf M13) is currenlIy
Iirsl Speaker of lhe CounciI and lhe ruIer of lhe increasingIy
poverfuI lovn. Shes an allraclive vonan knovn for her ash-
lIond hair, quick vil, poverfuI speIIs, and snaII arsenaI of nagi-
caI ilens. LaleIy, shes lecone cIose friends vilh her forner
rivaI, lhe one-line high priesless of Waukeen, }ygiI ZeInalhra.
}ygiI is nov her apprenlice. Tessarin dreans of luiIding Nesn
inlo a poverfuI, secure cily of cuIlure and Iearning. She inlends
for her cily lo rivaI SiIverynoon and lo join lhe Lords AIIiance.
NeoenuI m1en
Lnrd Nashcr A!agnndar (NC hn I12) is an anialIe, laIding,
and fearIess forner advenlurer vho keeps his cily firnIy in lhe
Lords AIIiance. He enjoys nusic and hearing laIes of olher
Iands and peopIes.
Hes Iaid nany inlrigues and nagicaI preparalions againsl
allacks fron Nevervinlers varIike rivaI lovn, Luskan. Nasher
doesnl aIIov naps of lhe cily lo le nade lo keep lhe spies of
Luskan lusy and add a ninor neasure of difficuIly lo any
Luskanile invasion pIans. Lord Nasher is aIvays acconpanied
ly his lodyguard, lhe Nevervinler Nine. They have nany
nagicaI ilens Nasher accunuIaled over a very successfuI
decade of advenluring.
The Harpers and nany good-aIigned nages nake Never-
vinler lheir hone, incIuding lhe Many-Slarred CIoak, a land
of vizards vho are lhe reaI pover in lhe cily. These groups sup-
porl Lord Nashers ruIe vilh lheir speIIs.
Opha!a Chc!darstnrn (NC hf M14) is lhe coverl ovner
and residenl of lhe Moonslone Mask. Shes an inporlanl, re-
specled nenler of lhe Many-Slarred CIoak. She regards lhe
Harpers and LIninsler of ShadovdaIe as friends and lhe Ar-
cane Brolherhood of Luskan as deadIy foes. Her apprenlices
spend nosl of lheir line nagicaIIy spying on lhe Brolherhood
so ils spies and agenls can le inlercepled and lhvarled.
phaIa had a lrief~lul periIous~career advenluring on
olher pIanes, lul shes relurned lo slay.
Rha!ag!Inga!adc (CC hn M19), a sofl-spoken, learded
archnage vho recenlIy sellIed in Nevervinler, announced an
inporlanl nev crealion: lhe sphere of sunner. This enchanl-
nenl is a series of conpIicaled speIIs lhal creales a sphere of
lransIucenl force vhere pIanls can le grovn in varnlh and
conlroIIed noislure lhroughoul lhe vinler. Such spheres aIso
aIIov lhe farning of lropicaI fruils and fIovers in norlhern
Since announcing his discovery, lhe archnage has lhrice
leen allacked ly CaIishile assassins~nolalIy Thyruin of lhe
While IIovers, vho escaped and is lhoughl lo le roaning lhe
Norlh in a savage nood~and survived caplure allenpls spon-
sored ly nerchanls of Ann, Luskan, and Thay. RhaIagIin-
gaIade appeaIed lo lhe Lords AIIiance for proleclion, and he
has leen assigned a lodyguard of hired advenlurers (each paid
2,OOO gp/nonlh). SeveraI guards vere sIain vhiIe repuIsing
lhree separale allacks, lul lhere seens no shorlage of ready ap-
pIicanls, even fron lhe nolIe faniIies of Walerdeep.
Vandathra Pa!cmc (CC hf I14) is an avid devolee of
Tynora knovn for her reckIess, prankish, happy-go-Iucky le-
havior. Ierhaps lhe nosl chaolic of lhe servanls of Lady Luck,
Vandalhra has aIvays vandered Iaern (and olher pIanes)
aIone or vilh a fev conpanions acquired aIong lhe vay. Big-
shouIdered and shapeIy, Vandalhra is readiIy recognized ly her
huge nane of curIy, vaisl-Ienglh, copper-vilh-siIver hair, said
lo le a faniIy lrail originaling in Iong ago eIven narriages inlo
her Nevervinlan faniIy.
Heir lo rich hoIdings in Nevervinler and lhe Iands around,
Vandalhra has nol leen hone since she vas 13. Lasl seen in
AgIarond, Vandalhra said she vas going lo expIore Rashenen
and Thay lo see if lhe nagic she heard of exisls lhere and lo
lake her cIoser lo lhe Creal Coddess ly Ieading her lo olher
pIanes lhan lhis. She nay veII have found vhal she soughl, for
Vandalhras Iuck has aIvays leen good.
Pon1 LLas1
FIrst CaptaIn Hacrnmns DnthwInty! (LN hn IO) is a relired
slonenason and lhe currenl ruIer of Iorl LIasl. He carries hin-
seIf proud, vearing onIy lhe finesl cIolhing and lhe shiniesl
arnor and lroadsvord his noney can luy. He keeps lhe laxes
Iov, lul lheyre high enough lo keep hin in good food, good
spirils, and dashing cIolhes.
Ha!a! Thrnndnr (CC dn I2) is lhe snilh vho runs lhe
Cracked AnviI BIacksnilh. He vas a niner norlh of Miralar
in his youlh, lul a lerrilIe cave-in lhal crushed his righl Ieg
and arn and his chesl, foIIoved cIoseIy ly an aInosl-IelhaI
sickness, forced hin lo relire. He noved around for aInosl a
cenlury lefore slopping here and crealing lhis slorefronl. Hes
happier in lhe safely of lhe cIose vaIIs of nines, lul his Iungs
can no Ionger lake lhe heavy funes of underground sneIlering.
Ior lhe line leing, he is conlenl vilh his shop. ShouId he ever
find a cIeric vho can undo lhe danage caused ly lhe cave-in,
he pIans a relurn lo Miralar.
Reo Lanch
Yathcr Indag!n! (NC hn M13) is lhe ovner of lhe HeIn al
Highsun. Hes a recIuse vho keeps lo his Iocked and varded
roons al lhe lack of lhe lavern. No nagicaI ilen can enler lhe
varded area unIess Yalher hinseIf louches il vhiIe he ullers a
secrel passvord. lhervise, lhe vard seens lo le a soIid slone
vaII lo lhe learer.
Yalher runs lhe lavern ly neans of uizar cqc speIIs. He ap-
pears onIy if lhe luiIding or lhe slaff are endangered. ShouId lhis
happen, he cones forlh vieIding poverfuI rods, vands, and a fuII
rosler of lallIe speIIs. Yalher has a pseudodragon faniIiar and an
advenluring pasl lhal incIudes visils lo olher pIanes.
Yalher is very rich. Sone of his veaIlh is invesled in Waler-
deep and various lrading conpanies operaling in lhe Hearl-
Iands. Much of il is hidden~unguarded~in Red Larch, sone-
vhere near lhe HeIn.
Amc!Inr AmanItas (CC hn M21), lhe Sage of Seconler, is a
nasler aIchenisl and lusy-lody, vhich is a kind vay of saying
lhal he isnl veIcone in nosl pIaces. AIlhough he doesnl appear
so, he is a poverfuI vizard and a Iearned sage vhose najor area of
sludy is lhe physicaI universe (Chenislry & Ihysics) and vhose
ninor fieId is lhe sludy of lhe supernaluraI & unusuaI (giving hin
nighlnares). He cones across as a lunlIing, good-nalured ec-
cenlric vho has an unreasoning fear of eviI.
TaII, chunky, gray-learded and lespeclacIed, AneIior has one
good eye and vears a variely of handsone palches over lhe
sockel of lhe olher~sone siIk, sone lasseIed, sone vividIy pal-
lerned, and one learing his sigiI. He dresses as a connon crafls-
nan and is a poker-aloul-afler-secrels. These characler lrails
have nade hin unveIcone in nany pIaces, lhough nol in SiI-
verynoon, vhere hes a cIose friend of High Lady AIuslrieI.
AneIior is slraighl in his deaIings, lhough he nay acluaIIy
forgel hes hired soneone. AneIior conslanlIy hires advenlurers
lo carry oul odd lasks for hin, oflen paying nore lhan lhe lask is
vorlh. His currenl inleresl is lhe High Ioresl and Iegends of an
enchanled vood vilhin il. He rareIy fighls vilh speIIs, reIying on
Lrek (LN hn I4), his irrilalIe, sharp-longued lodyguard~vilh
equaIIy sharp svords~of nixed norlhern lIood.
He dveIIs in a caveIike hone ralher Iike a cIullered haIfIing
deIving. Ils connecled lo a liny, Ieaning slone lover Iocaled
high up anid gardens on one of lhe hiIIs in Seconler. His res-
idence is hone lo severaI goIens and a dozen, lrighlIy coI-
ored~red, green, fuchsia, fIane-orange, ninl lIue, sun yeIIov,
and so on~cals.
Traskar 5c!arn, Lnrd nf 5ccnmbcr (CC hn R11), is a
regaI, handsone, laII, good-nalured nan vho agreed lo valch
over Seconler for lhe Lords AIIiance. He does lhis ly keeping
an eye on~and descending sviflIy upon vhen necessary~lhe
IavIess, lul olhervise Ieaving lhe peopIe lo lheir ovn lusiness.
He knovs lhe High Moor veII and oflen sends advenlurers
vho cone lo hin lo areas he knovs hoId pronising ruins lhal
havenl leen pIundered lare yel.
5I Loenmoom
A!ustrIc! (CC hf M24), lhe High Lady, is lhe ruIer of SiIvery-
noon~as veII as a poverfuI force in lhe Norlh and a senior
nenler of lhe Harpers. AIuslrieI is a speIIcasler lul her grealer
laIenls are her naluraI kindness and gracefuI dipIonacy, laIenls
lhal serve her veII in preserving her cily againsl lhe ravages of
lhe Norlh.
The High Lady of SiIverynoon can IegilinaleIy le invoIved
in advenlures in lhe vicinily of SiIverynoon, lhough shes a
slay-al-hone ruIer, nol an advenlurer. AddilionaI infornalion
concerning AIuslrieI can le found in lhe Sctcn Sis|crs accessory.
Esk!Indrar (LN hn M6 |sagej) is a sage vhose knovIedge
of hunan vrilings in lhe Svord Coasl area is unequaIed oul-
side of CandIekeep. SeveraI polenl proleclive nagics have
leen Iaid on hin ly his friend, AIuslrieI of SiIverynoon, vho
vishes lo preserve his Iore.
Hes apl lo le sharp-longued, lul he is a keen sludenl of
knovIedge vilh an avesone nenory. LskIindrar Iives lo ac-
quire knovIedge. He has lefriended severaI groups of adven-
lurers vho go off lo foIIov up Ieads he has given lhen. If any
harn lefaIIs hin, lhe Harpers and one or nore of lhe adven-
luring lands vouId seek revenge.
Ora!un (CC hn M18), lhe vhile-haired, kind, and jusl
High Mage of SiIverynoon in lhe earIy days of lhal cily, evenlu-
aIIy Iefl his slaff and lhe defense of lhe cily lo a lreacherous ap-
prenlice and disappeared. Ierhaps he venl lo seek his dealh or a
quiel relirenenl sonevhere in lhe viIderness~or perhaps he
look lo expIoring lhe pIanes. rjaIun vas one of lhe nosl poIile
and cuIlured nages ever knovn.
Hes leIieved lo le dead, lul recenlIy, runors of a kind
nage filling rjaIun asking lhe vherealouls of a lone caIIed
Tnc Aroa|c| have circuIaled. AIuslrieI has leen very inleresled
in lhese runors, asking everyone vhos nenlioned lhe runor
for any infornalion lhey nay have. AIuslrieI leIieves lhere is
no vay lhe oId nage couId sliII le aIive, and lhus, leIieves his
apparilion or spiril has cone lack lo nake sure lhe lone and
SiIverynoon are once again uniled.
Xara Tant!nr (NC hf M12) is a young, rising slar anong
nages in lhe Norlh. Shes an energelic expIorer of lonls and
ruins in lhe Inlerior and is aIvays seeking nev speIIs. She funds
her aclivilies ly casling speIIs for hire and seIIing polions fron
her shop in SiIverynoon, lhe Shining ScroII. She has a IoyaI
faerie dragon conpanion naned ViIIynk vho considers herseIf
lhe lrue ovner of lhe Shining ScroII.
The Tem Toums
CassIus (LN hn I7), vilh his shorl, iron-gray hair and lrighl
lIue eyes, is lhe Spokesnan of Bryn Shander in The Ten Tovns
and head of lhe ruIing counciI. Though he rareIy speaks of his
pasl, nosl suspecl he vas once a niIilary connander for sone
pelly kingdon in lhe Inner Sea~his aliIily vilh a svord and
niIilary Ieadership skiIIs are Iegendary in lhe Ten Tovns. Hes a
skiIIed dipIonal, viIIing lo use slrong-arn laclics and has a rep-
ulalion for gelling vhal he vanls, even al anolhers expense.
I!shara "LnngnaI!s Nacrthsku! (NL hf T9), a calIike, dex-
lerous lhief, speciaIizes in creeping around rooflops, ninarels,
and chinneys in Iarge cilies of Iaern, sleaIing dianonds, coins,
nagicaI ilens, and veapons of aII sorls. This infanous profes-
sionaI procurer is shorl and very sIin, and is lhoughl lo have
Iong, lhick cheslnul hair and ash eyes. This is her descriplion,
various Iords recaII, al a laII in Walerdeep sone years lack vhere
she adroilIy sloIe a greal deaI fron lhe noliIily.
Cornered Iasl vinler ly lhe angry nage rInar of BaIdurs
Cale, she escaped ly using a ring she vore lo open a coIor pooI
in nidair, and Ieaped lhrough il. Her fale and presenl vhere-
alouls vere unknovn for nany years. RecenlIy she vas re-
porled residing in Caer-Konig, Iiving lhe Iuxurious Iife of lhe
vife of a fishnonger, enjoying lhe lenefils of veaIlh and pros-
perily. She nov goes ly lhe nane Islara and is veII-sludied in
nagecrafl, presunalIy even lo lhe 6lh IeveI of experience.
PI!nt DcmItrIck nf Targns (NC hn I13/T13) vas lorn in
lhe Ten Tovns fishing viIIage of Targos lo parenls vho ovned
lhree snaII loals lhal nelled a good lounly lhal vas shipped
as far soulh as Triloar and LeiIon. During lhe lallIe of
Icevind DaIe, lhe forces connanded ly Akar KesseI encir-
cIed and seized Targos. Many of lhe inhalilanls Iaid Iov, de-
ciding, inslead, lo aIIov lhe vealher and lhe passage of line
lo le lheir defender. Sone, hovever, look up arns and foughl
lheir oppressors.
IiIols falher vas one such hero. He and his lhree lesl con-
panions look lo lhe viIds and Iaid in vail for suppIy caravans
and palroIs lo gel careIess lefore slriking. Afler lhree days of
lerrorisl aclivilies, KesseI lorlured severaI cilizens and found
vho vas responsilIe for lhe assauIls. Akar caplured IiIols
nolher and lhrealened her Iife unIess lhe Id Scoul surren-
dered, vhich he did. nce IiIols nolher and falher vere in
cuslody, KesseI kiIIed lhen lolh as an exanpIe lo lhe olher
Targosans. This Iefl IiIol vilh no parenls, and leing an onIy
chiId, il aIso Iefl hin aIone in lhe vorId.
This desoIaled feeIing forces hin lo le very open and hon-
esl vilh everyone he neels, in hopes of affording hin cIose
friends. nce he has nade a friend, lhal person can le secure
in lhe facl lhal lhey are friends for Iife~and lheres nolhing
IiIol vouIdnl do for a friend. IiIol nov lraveIs lhe norlhern
reaches, hiring hinseIf oul as lourisl guide, caravan Ieader,
hunler, sage, and aII-around nercenary. IiIol has lecone a
renovned guide in lhe norlhern lerrilories, Ieading lands of
advenlurers, niners, and survivaIisls inlo lhe nore lreacherous
Iocalions in lhe Savage Ironlier.
RcgIs (NC han T6) vas fornerIy a guiId lhief in CaIin-
shan vho cane norlh lo escape his pasl. Shorl even for a haIf-
Iing (his cIain lo lhree feel laII incIudes his curIy lrovn hair),
RunlIeleIIy nakes up for his shorl heighl vilh anpIe girlh
lroughl on ly years of relirenenl. He carries a gcn cf suggcs-
|icn, an enchanled ruly lhal aIIovs Regis lo casl suggcs|icn on
olhers once a day. WhiIe he nov vanders vilh lhe IeIIovship
of lhe HaII, his idea of advenlure is forgelling lo lake enough
vorns on a fishing lrip. He passes lhe line novadays as a
scrinshav carver.
Ansa! B!nndshnu!dcr (LC hn R9) serves as Thunderlrees in-
fornaI Ieader. He vorks vilh lhe lovns voodcullers lo ensure
lhal nev lrees are pIanled vherever linler is feIIed. Hes aIso a
Harper and one of lhe fev hunans vho knovs his vay around
lhe Nevervinler Woods.
TnI boan
Bnrth Jhandc!spar (NC hn I13), a noled Triloar guide, is a
joviaI larlarian vho oflen goes lerserk in lallIe. When he vas
a youlh, he vas casl oul of his lrile and adopled ly a faniIy of
Triloar. Hes fanous for slriding lhrough a lIizzard one vinler
cIad onIy in lools, IoincIolh, and svord, singing IusliIy, lo
lring nevs fron Yarlar lo a snoved-in Triloar.
His nighlline fires are infanous lhroughoul lhe Norlh.
When a nornaI fire is lurning veII, vilh a Iol of fueI sel aside
for Ialer, he covers il vilh danp seclions of lurf cul up fron lhe
ground. The fire lurns undernealh aII nighl Iong. (The lurf
slops giving off vhile snoke vhen il has dried oul.)
Gnndy! I!Ithccum (a doppIeganger, see lhe MNSTRUS
MANUAL) appears lo le a snollish, urlane, and sIin hunan
naIe proprielor of Lvervyvern House vho keeps his lrue na-
lure secrel lo avoid leing sIain ly oulraged hunans. He aIvays
noves al a sIov, IeisureIy pace, vilh his Ianguid speech and
nanners. He seIdon preys, allacking onIy Ione guesls vho
canl pay or vhon he lhinks can vanish unnoliced.
CondyI pIans lo infiIlrale Triloar vilh nore of his ovn
kind and dreans of soneday ruIing lhe enlire lovn. As lhings
sland, he feeIs safe. If Triloar is ever overrun ly orcs or lroIIs,
he can sinpIy adopl lheir shape and avoid lhe sIaughler.
I!rIn 5haradIn (CN hn I9), a renovned guide and lracker
fron Triloar, has acquired a sinisler repulalion, sone lhink
hin aIIied vilh drov and vorse.
Mnrth Farthccn (NC hn I12), one of lhe nosl fanous of
lhe guides in Triloar, is veII knovn in lhe area for his uncanny
5ku!ncr WaInwrIght (LN hn I3), lhe nosl fanous vagon
naker in aII lhe Norlh, is a design genius vho spends his Iife
crafling nev vagons and lrying oul design ideas in his vork-
shop. Hes veaIlhy and conlenl and dreans of crafling a vagon
lhal fIies. He vanls lo cone up vilh il hinseIf, nol jusl luy or
seize one of lhe skyships of HaIruaa or Lverneel, or use lhe
nagic hes heard of in use in NinlraI. ne day hed Iike lo lour
Lanlan and sil dovn lo chal aloul designs vilh Lanlanna arli-
ficers. Ior nov, lhough, lheres hardIy line enough lo do lhe
vork Iined up in fronl of hin, and every day foIk cone cIanor-
ing lo hin for nore vagons.
Zandcvcr "NIghtcycs Eyrcdanus (CC hn I8), a fanous
guide, is nosl noled for guiding varlands lhrough deep voods
al nighl lo slrike lack al raiding orcs. He deaIs vilh a Iol of
veaIlhy and poverfuI Walerdhavians.
Ves1bnI oge
Hc!Isa Ithcantcr (LN hf T6/I4 |Azulhj) is a cheerfuIIy shorl
vonan vho is conslanlIy on lhe nove. SIighlIy Iess lhan
pIunp, shes aIvays rushing around her eslalIishnenl, cIean-
ing lhis, nindIessIy adjusling a chair lhere, or running a finger
aIong any snaII or lhin horizonlaI fIal surface. She heraIds
fron BaIdurs Cale and is aIvays lhirsly for infornalion aloul
her honelovn, especiaIIy if lhe slories invoIve soneone she
knovs lhere, vhich is aInosl no one.
Shes lhrealened ly ChaIivers rise lo veaIlh and prosperily,
fearing lhal heII eilher force her oul of lusiness or lring lhe
vralh of lhe Zhenlarin lo lhe neighlorhood. Anyone vho
lrings infornalion lhal she can evenluaIIy use~eilher lo pro-
lecl her fron lhe Zhenl or lo lring dovn ChaIiver~can earn
a free desserl.
Gha!Ivcr LnngstnckIng (CN han I5/T5), lhe charning
nanipuIalor of nerchanls, aIvays has a dozen schenes and
noneynaking dodges on lhe go al any one line. Hes a shrevd
judge of foIk. ChaIiver is so successfuI al schening lhal he nov
ovns a farners narkel, a slockyard, a vaIIed grain varehouse
conpIex, an inn in Wesllridge, and a fev houses in Walerdeep
vhose vherealouls he keeps secrel.
ChaIiver dreans of leconing a reaI pover in lhe Norlh,
lul he knovs lhal hes onIy jusl leconing poverfuI enough lo
cone lo lhe nolice of lhe Zhenlarin and olher groups vho
vish hin iII. CurrenlIy, hes lrying lo lhink of vays lo prolecl
hinseIf in lhe years ahead.
Xam1hanL's Keep
Hc!dcr Mnrnstnnc (NC hn R9) is lhe 6O-year-oId proleclor
of XanlharIs Keep (lhe Ieader of ils garrison and lulor of ils
niIilia). He dreans of seeing lhe Keep expand inlo a luslIing
farning and crafl lovn lefore he dies, a sellIenenl divided ly
vooded parks sacred lo MieIikki. He knovs lhis viII never
cone aloul, lul hes conlenl lo lry lo defend lhe Keep vhiIe
he sliII has lhe slrenglh.
HeIder doesnl Iook kindIy on lroulIenakers lul knovs
lhal visiling advenlurers can le his lesl aIIies againsl persis-
lenl foes. Hes sure lhal lolh lhe Zhenlarin and lhe CuIl of
lhe Dragon have agenls in XanlharIs Keep, and hes deler-
nined lo discover jusl vho lhey are.
Y a n 1 a n
Bc!dabar Yarryn (LN hn I9) is lhe ovner and innkeeper of
lhe underground BeIdalars Resl. He once Ied an advenluring
land caIIed lhe Havks of lhe Norlh, lul lhe conpany vas
shallered vhen lhey raided HeIIgale Keep. nIy lhree of lhe
1 6 d , a d ca Y a a .
T a d ad a d
a l a H a K . B d ala -
a , a d d l a ca a a a .
Bc!!ccthc Khc!dnrna (L C I a 7 |T j ) a c c d
a W a la Y a a . D d ca d c a d a ,
a - l a d c a d c
ad d a d c
T a c ca . S
d c a d a a K a S c , c
d c ad d , a a d - d d Z -
a , C D a , a d T a a a .
B a a d a d c d N , a d
a d I W a d . S a ca d -
d a a d l L d A a c a
a d Y a a . I , d . H
a a d a l U a d l , a d a -
a c d a c d l ca .
Tanataskar MnnnwInd (C N I7) , a a
a C a . H a a ad -
a d ac l a ad a a , l ca
d a .
c a d a T , d d d l
l a d a d d a c . W d a
l d a , l , l (a ) a -
d , c d a a a a -
c a a d a a ac 1 2 d . H a
a ac d , a a + 3 , d c
c . T a a ac a d a
l a a a c a a a .
D , a c a l a
T a a a a l d , a a a a d
a a a a d a d . N a
l a a , d l a d l
. D a a c , c d a
l a prc|cc|icn agains| ncrna| nissi|cs .
T a a a a a c , l d a
d a d ad . S ,
d d a ad . S , a a a a a -
a d T , a a
l d a ad . I a d a , T
T a a a a a a a d , a a a a
a : A a a a a , ca a
a a .
Vc!antha Wacrdar (C C I 1 O |T aj ) -
H a H a I H a a c . S a c -
d , ac ad , d d a Y a a a ,
ad , a d c a a . S a
a a ca c ca , l d
c a , c c , a c a c , a d
a L ad .
T l ac T a ca c a d
a l c d . S a a la
a la d ad . M a c a
a d a , l a a a a
V a a l L ad a a
a d d .
7 9
he foIIoving nagicaI ilens and speIIs are presenl in lhe Norlh. Sone of lhese ilens
and speIIs nay le avaiIalIe for saIe fron IocaI sages and vizards, olhers nay require
an advenlure lo allain. As aIvays, lhe DM is lhe finaI arliler in such nallers.
Neu NagIcaL I1ems
5 5
everaI nev ilens vere nenlioned in lhis producl. They are Iisled leIov for lhe DMs pe-
rusaI. The DM is encouraged lo change lhe ilens as needed in order lo fil inlo his canpaign.
XP Va!uc: 4,OOO GP Va!uc: 2O,OOO
These rare, lIack slones are found onIy in lhe norlhern Svord Coasl. They occur naluraIIy and are
nol speciaIIy enchanled slones. Lach slone can enlrap a singIe speII casl inlo il, reIeasing lhe speIIs
effecls vhen lhe slone is Ialer shallered.
Ior exanpIe, a cnara|qn hurIed al an eneny couId lecone lhe focaI poinl of a fircoa|| speII lhal
vas casl inlo il years earIier. A cnara|qn alsorls onIy one speII. nce fuII, olher nagic has no effecl.
These slones aIvays alsorl speIIs deIileraleIy casl inlo lhen. They can aIso alsorl inconing
speIIs on a roII of 7 or Iess on a 1d12. This is usefuI vhen lhe inconing speII is hosliIe and direcled al
lhe slone-learer. Cnara|qn can alsorl |ign|ning oc||s and fircoa|| fIanes lhal have aIready nanifesled
(prevenling danage fron occurring), lul lhe learer of a slone canl choose vhen lhis pover vorks~
and onIy enply cnara|qns have lhe possiliIily of alsorling such speIIs.
SeveraI veleran Riders of Nesn vear rings cf firc rcsis|ancc coupIed vilh shieIds sludded vilh
cnara|qns lhal hoId fircoa||s inlo lallIe. A foe vho shallers a cnara|qn vilh a veapon lIov suffers
innediale danage fron lhe expIoding fIanes.
FI nepo1
XP Va!uc GP Va!uc
Iirepol: - 2O
IirelaII Iol: 6OO 3,OOO
SeIf Slriking Iol: 2OO 1,OOO
Tracer Iol: 1,OOO 5,OOO
A firepol is a cIay jug fiIIed vilh fIannalIe oiI and carried in a Iealher sIing. The veapon is Iil, spun
around lhe head, and fIung up lo 3O yards. Upon slriking a hard surface, lhe jug lreaks, infIicling 1d6
hil poinls of fire danage lo aII vilhin five feel of lhe inpacl. The oiI conlinues lo lurn for 1d1O
rounds or unliI ils exlinguished, infIicling 1d4 poinls of danage each round.
RecenlIy, an incredilIy sadislic nage, ChigIiak lhe Ulhgardl, sel lo perfecling lhe firepol. By
casling a variely of invocalions on nearIy as nany pols, he sel lo crealing a fev nagicaI varielies. f
aII his experinenls, he nanaged lo luiId lhree lypes lefore his sonevhal unlineIy dealh.
The fircoa|| pc| is a IelhaI veapon lhal conlains an aIlered version of lhe fircoa|| speII. When lhe pol
lreaks, lhe fircoa|| is reIeased, lIasling lhe viclin and aII vilhin a 1O-fool radius vilh 6d6 poinls of
nagicaI fire danage. The speII used in lhe incanlalion vas adjusled vilh a snaIIer kiII radius, lul
lhus far, nages have leen unalIe lo reproduce lhe effecl lecause his noles, as veII as his house,
dog, and nosl of his Iinls, vere deslroyed in a Ialoralory accidenl.
The sc|f-s|ri|ing pc| is nuch safer lhan lhe nundane version. When Iaunched, il nagicaIIy igniles.
lher lhan lhis, ils idenlicaI lo lhe nonnagicaI firepol. IIease nole a ispc| nagic speII casl on lhe
seIf-slriking pol afler ils Iil has no effecl: The nagic lhal caused lhe acluaI ignilion has aIready leen
expended, and lhe fueI lhal lurns is nonnagicaI in nalure.
The |raccr pc| vas designed for use in nighlline or underground conlal. By Iaunching lhe pol,
vind friclion igniles a deIicale fuse and lurns a nagicaI conpound in lhe pol. As il arcs lhrough
lhe air, everylhing vilhin 1OO yards of lhe pol is lalhed in Iighl as lrighl as dayIighl. The areas af-
fecled ly lhe Iighl conlinue lo le iIIuninaled for one fuII hour. nce lhe pol hils lhe ground, ils
fIane is innedialeIy exlinguished, onIy lhe Iighl crealed ly ils fIighl renains.
8 O
The farlher lhe device is lhrovn, lhe nore area il iIIuni-
nales. If sinpIy dropped on lhe ground, onIy a 1OO-yard radius
area is iIIuninaled, if lhrovn 1OO yards, a 3OO-yard slrip, 1OO
yards vide, is iIIuninaled.
ChigIiak loId a laIe of an advenluring conpany vho used an
over-laul laIIisla lo Iaunch lhe ilen. The |raccr pc| vas Iosl over
a hiII aloul a niIe and a haIf avay. This iIIuninaled area vas
used as a fronl-Iine of defense againsl a senseIess drov invasion.
The Iasl line ChigIiak vas found vhoIe, he vas vorking on
a firepol lo ullerIy incinerale vhalever il louched ly crealing a
conlained sphere of heal so inlense il vouId, in effecl, disinle-
grale (as lhe speII) everylhing vilhin a 15-fool sphere of lhe in-
pacl poinl. He vas pIaying vilh lhe idea of caIIing lhe device
Cnig|ia|s Hc|pc| (il fed his expanding ego). ne day, reporls of
an unusuaIIy hol and shorl-Iived healvave near Quaervaar
reached SiIverynoon, and a lean of advenlurers vere dis-
palched lo invesligale lhe phenonenon. They lrudged lhrough
lvo feel of nidvinler snov and found a 2OO-fool-dianeler area
conpIeleIy devoid of snov, lrees, and grass.
As lhe advenlurers neared lhe cenler of lhe lIasl, vaIking on
gIazed sand, lhey found lhe renains of a luiIding. The roof vas
gone, and vhal renained of lhe vaIIs vere scallered as far as 2OO
yards. AII lhal vas found in lhe vreckage vas a perfeclIy pre-
served fool adorned vilh an ankIel. The piece of jeveIry vas
sludied and found lo le nagicaI. Il vas an an||c| cf innuni|q
frcn firc, lhough a fIav in ils crealion caused lhe device lo pro-
lecl onIy lhe fool and ankIe, affording ChigIiaks nosl inporlanl
lody parls no proleclion vhalsoever. A Iesson can le Iearned
fron lhis, even lhough ils loo Iale for ChigIiak.
)eueLs o[ NeoenuIm1en
XP Va!uc: 1O,OOO GP Va!uc: 18,OOO
These nine facelIess genslones are fisl-sized and poIished, each of a
differenl lype and hue. They vere enchanled Iong ago ly a calaI of
vizards vho soughl lo ruIe Nevervinler as Iords and Iadies. The
slones vere soon used againsl each olher and vere lhen hidden.
The gens are AC 1 vilh 7O hp, lhey shaller if reduced lo zero
or fever hil poinls. They nake aII ilen saving lhrovs as if lhey
vere Iealher, excepl lhal lheir saving lhrov vs. disinlegralion is 1O.
A jeveI randonIy Ioses one of ils povers for every 1O hp of currenl
danage. Lach jeveI regenerales one hp per day, regaining Iosl pov-
ers in lhe process. This seIf-regeneralion is lhe onIy vay a gen can
le cured of danage, heaIing speIIs donl affecl lhen.
Lach jeveI has a secrel vord engraved in liny scripl on ils sur-
face. If lhis vord is spoken ly a leing louching lhe slone, enough
hil poinls are inslanlIy drained fron lhe slone lo exhausl il enlireIy
or lo conpIeleIy heaI lhe leing~vhichever occurs firsl. A lolaIIy
drained slone crunlIes inlo dusl, forever gone. Ils nol possilIe lo
conlroI lhe drain so as lo Ieave jusl a fev hil poinls in a jeveI.
The nine enchanled gens share sone connon povers.
They crca|c fcc an ua|cr (1/day) and fca|ncr fa|| (aulonali-
caIIy, vhenever needed ly slone or learer). Lach can |c|cpcr|
one leing louching or vearing il per day, lelveen pover poinls.
These pover poinls are specific spols, usuaIIy chanlers deep
vilhin oId keeps or inporlanl luiIdings, in lhe ruins of Ascore,
HeIIgale Keep, Karse, and IIIusk as veII as lhe cilies of Luskan,
Miralar, Nevervinler, SiIverynoon, and Sundalar.
Lach gen can aIso enil ua|cr orca|ning once per day, for up lo
nine hours al a line, vhen grasped and ordered. Lach can aIIov
ua|cr ua||ing for lhe sane frequency and duralion.
Lach slone aIIovs lhe learer lo nake one allack per day vilh
a +5 lonus on lhe allack (nol danage) roII. (IIayers announce
lhe use~lhen nake lhe allack.) This pover funclions onIy
once in 24 hours, regardIess of hov nany learers a gen nay
lechnicaIIy have during lhal line.
A jeveI can enil a specific speII lvice a day (onIy once per
round). Il can aIso lIock a specific speII. BIocked speIIs are de-
fIecled lo a largel chosen ly viII of lhe defIeclor, if lhe slone
learer chooses no largel, lIocked speIIs are refIecled lack 1OO
al lhe source. SpeIIs nol direclIy largeled al lhe gen-learer can-
nol le defIecled.
nIy lhe specific speIIs (and idenlicaI ilen discharges) Iisled
are affecled. Where appIicalIe, enilled nagic funclions as if
vieIded ly a casler of 2Olh IeveI:
Jcwc! Cn!nr
Anelhysl IurpIe
5pc!! Effcct
Lnils raq cf cnfcco|cncn|, lIocks cnain
CarneIian Red-Brovn Lnils o|ac oarricr, lIocks ua|| cf firc
Di anond CI ear Lnils nagic nissi|c (five nissiIes per
speII), lIocks nagic nissi|c.
LneraId Creen Lnils cc|cr spraq, lIocks |ign|ning oc||.
Iire paI Iiery Red Lnils f|anc s|ri|c, lIocks ccnc cf cc|.
nyx While Lnils cnain |ign|ning, lIocks o|ac oar-
Deep Red Lnils fircoa||, lIocks ua|| cf icc.
BIue Lnils ccnc cf cc|, lIocks fircoa||.
Topaz YeIIov Lnils f|aning spncrc, lIocks f|anc s|ri|c.
Ne1hen 5cnoLLs
XP Va!uc: 2,5OO GP Va!uc: 7,5OO
These nagicaI scroIIs vere crealed ly nages of lhe crealor
races. Laler, lhey lecane lhe foundalion of ancienl NelheriI,
disappearing Iong lefore NelheriI feII. The enlire coIIeclion
nunlers 1OO scroIIs, inscriled in exolic runes on sheels of pure
goId. The conlenls are unknovn lul nany are suspecled lo
conlain exolic speIIs nore poverfuI lhan any knovn loday, re-
quiring conponenls no Ionger exisling. The scroIIs are an op-
porlunily lo inlroduce nev speIIs inlo lhe DMs canpaign.
5peLLba11Le RImg
XP Va!uc: 2,5OO GP Va!uc: 4,OOO
This ring gives lhe aliIily lo dispeI cerlain speIIs. The vearer is
nade avare of any reIease, casling, or exercise of any nagic or
speII-Iike psionic pover occurring vilhin a 12O-fool sphericaI ra-
dius of lhe ring. The generaI effecls of aII such pover reIeases
(fiery-allacking speII or shape-lransforning speII, for exanpIe)
are idenlified lo lhe ring-vearer.
The vearer can choose lo dispeI a speII casl vilhin range or
lo change ils largel. When lhe ring is loId lo change largels,
lhe nev largel gels lhe chance lo save vs. speII al -2 lo avoid
lhe rings effecls. IaiIure neans lhe nev largel lakes fuII speII
effecls. (This does nol change conlroI of lhe speII lo lhe ring-
vearer, if lhe speII aIIovs lhe casler lo infIuence olhers, lhe
casler is sliII in conlroI~lhey jusl affecl lhe vrong leing.)
Success neans lhe ring dispeIs lhe nagic inslead. This is aIso
vhal occurs if a cnarn pcrscn or a siniIar speII is hurIed lack al
ils casler. A casler canl le nade lo lurn hinseIf or herseIf lo
slone or addIe his ovn lhoughls, lul lhe speII casl is inslead
vasled. Conlal speIIs, such as fircoa|| and |ign|ning oc||, can le
lurned lack al lheir casler.
The ring can affecl onIy casl speIIs, incIuding speIIs lhal
have leen aclivaled ly a conlingency or olher lrigger. The ring
has no effecl on nagicaI ilen discharges or psionics. lher-
vise, lhe ring aIvays successfuIIy ispc|s nagic vhen con-
nanded lo do so. A naxinun of one speII per round can le af-
fecled. The ring gives ils vearer no proleclion againsl addi-
lionaI speIIs, il onIy idenlifies aII speIIs casl in lhe area of ef-
fecl. This aIIovs lhe vearer lo choose lhe nosl harnfuI lo deaI
51onm 51an
16-HD air eIenenlaI
8-HD fire eIenenlaI
12-HD earlh eIenenlaI
Dragon horse
Cillering noulher
XP Va!uc: 1,OOO GP Va!uc: 15,OOO
This nagicaI veapon is a norning slar of ancienl design,
lhoughl lo have leen devised in NelheriI. Various specinens
exisl, and nosl of lhen are casl in eIeclrun-pIaled sleeI. They
lend lo le as Iong and heavy as lhe liggesl norning slars. They
are +1, +2, or +3 veapons, crackIing vilh speclacuIar, lhough
harnIess, arcs of Iighlning vhen vieIded.
nce per lurn, lhe vieIder of a s|crn s|ar can unIeash a lallIe
loIl of Iighlning. This cnain |ign|ning slrikes for 8d6 poinls of
danage in addilion lo physicaI veapon danage (afler a success-
fuI allack roII). Afler lhe cnain |ign|ning slrikes lhe firsl largel, il
arcs up lo 7O feel avay in a direclion chosen ly lhe veapon
vieIder. Il can even arc lovard a noving largel chosen ly lhe
vieIder. Beings endangered ly lhis firsl hop nusl save vs. speII
or suffer 6d6 poinls of danage. Success neans lhey lake no dan-
age al aII, lhe loIl nissed lhen.
Afler lhe firsl hop, lhe loIl hops lhree nore lines, arcing up
lo 2O feel al a line lovard lhe nearesl concenlralion of nelaI. If
no nelaI is presenl, il seeks lhe Iargesl concenlralion of Iife and
novenenl. The loIl does 4d6 poinls of danage on lhe firsl of
lhese lhree hops, 3d6 on lhe nexl, and 2d6 on lhe Iasl. In aII
cases, lhere is no danage if a save is nade. If lhe veapon nisses
slriking ils firsl inlended largel, lhe largel lakes no physicaI
danage lul nusl sliII save vs. speII or suffer lhe fuII 8d6 poinls of
Iighlning danage. The nagic of lhis veapon can never harn ils
vieIder, lhough lhe loIl can hop lack lo lhal person and lhen
avay again.
A slorn slar does 2d4+1, 2d4+2, or 2d4+3 poinls of physicaI
danage per slrike, depending on lhe slrenglh of ils enchanl-
Tome o[ TueLoe 5eaLs
XP Va!uc: 2,2OO GP Va!uc: 22,OOO
This lhick look~vilh ils cover nade of red dragon underleIIy
hide~conlains lveIve pages of lhick, lIack Iealher. Lach page
conlains a singIe, rune-inscriled nelaI disk, Iike a seaI of sone
kind. Seven of lhe seaIs are goId and shiny, five are nade of duII,
charred, and larnished Iead.
The runes on lhe seaIs are connand vords lhal aclivale lhe
nagic of lhe seaI. When aclivaled, lhe scroII sunnons a nagicaI
enlily vhich lhe vieIder nay connand for 3d6 lurns. Lach of
lhe seven (goId) renaining seaIs sunnons a differenl leing (lhe
proper eIenenl need nol le avaiIalIe for eIenenlaI leings). Ac-
livaling a seaI causes il lo lecone Iead in a lIinding fIash, ils
pover depIeled.
This index conpiIes infornalion fron aII lhree looks of Tnc
Ncr|n loxed sel. NornaI lexl indicales lhal infornalion on
lhe suljecl can le found in Book 1: The WiIderness, bn!d-
faccd lexl refers lo Book 2: Cilies, and cc|crizc lexl is a refer-
ence lo Book 3: Daggerford.
Alorana Slarloucher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
AdaIfus Slorngalherer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 31
AdaIvuIf Longfang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Adanac HarpeII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Adlar, CiladeI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
Adlarrin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6O, 58
Acgis-fang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4O-41
Agalhas Lair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Agralh Dundai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Agralhan Hardhanner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Ahghairon of SiIverynoon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Akar KesseII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 74, 29
Akrosz UIvinhand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
AIalulh HeIfy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57
AIagIalh ChansyrI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
AIahar Khaunfros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
AIaric lhe Slrong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6O
AIaslra Halhvinler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74, 13
AIalha Riversvord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
AIdon Bargevrighl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
AIgIyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
AII Iailhs AIlar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62
AIrik Tenslone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-18
AIukk Dannalh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
AIuslrieI . . . . . . . . . 11-12, 19, 32, 48, 51, 56, 67, 76-77
40, 45-48, 50-56, 59, 14, 31
AIuslrieIs IaIace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45, 51
AnaIkyn lhe BIack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
Ancalhra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
AneIior Ananilas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76, 63-64
AnnakyI Iarns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
AnnakyI IIovers and Ioods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
AnphaiI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71, 4-8, 29
AnphaiI Crays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
AnphaiI lhe }usl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Anar ShyndIe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57
Anauroch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4, 62-63, 63
AndaIlruin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
AninaI HandIers AffiIialion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
AnviIfisl Banner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Ao. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 21
AraleI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69-7O
Arachar CaIalharr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
AraIdyk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
ArlaleI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Arcane Brolherhood . . . . . . .66, 75, 15, 22-24, 43, 45
ArchiIoque. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Ardanac HarpeII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Ardeep Ioresl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 46-47, 49, 67
Arendoun lhe Archnage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Arkens Invocaloriun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51, 55
ArkIen Creelh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Arvyn UnlryI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
AscaIhorn . . . . . . . . 8, 15, 44-45, 53, 55, 48-49, 52, 56
AscarIe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42, 67-68
As c or e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31, 61, 81, 55, 28
AskIar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Asvansea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
AlhaIanlar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52, 63
AugIalhIa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
AugIylh HarpeII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Aunark LilhyI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
A u r i I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6, 17, 21, 29, 31, 25
AuriIsslarg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4O, 67, 19
Aulhrar HarpeII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Axe of Miralar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-28
Axe of Thunder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Baergon BIuesvord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 16-17, 22
BaerIalha Luruin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Bahglru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14, 25
BaIlannon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
BaIdivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
BaIdurs Cale . . . . . . . .9, 5O, 71, 77-78, 16-17, 38, 41
2, 20, 27
BaIivers House of Horses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
BaIIad of lhe Drean Weaver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
BanaII slever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Bando lhe Lane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 22, 30
Baran. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67, 22
Barans IaIace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Bards HiII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57
Bargevrighl Inn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48-49, 71-72, 8, 34
BargIun BIackluller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
BasneI TorIslar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Ballered Hal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73, 43
BallIe of Many Arrovs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
BallIehanner, Buenor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Bay of Misls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Bear and BIack BuckIer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Beasl CuIl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, 21-22, 3O, 32, 37
Beasl Lord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63, 66, 68
Beasl Iover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 22-24, 33-34
Behring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
BeIdalar Yarryn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
BeIdalars Resl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78, 39
BeIdora Thiiruin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75, 31
BeIdorn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
BeIiard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
BeII Markel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
BeIIeelhe KheIdorna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79, 38
BeIvyns House of Cood Cheer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Benl Bov Bovyer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Beorunna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-18, 21, 29-31, 58, 6O
Beorunnas WeII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-18, 31, 58, 6O
Berdusk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..67
Berranzo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4O
Berun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31, 38, 58, 10, 23
Beruns HiII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Bey of RunIalha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Biggrin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Bjorns HoId . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 4O, 19
BIack Bone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
BIack Lion Trile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 31
BIack Nelvork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
BIack Raven River . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
BIack Raven Trile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
BIack SIasher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
BIack Slone Inn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
BIackluller Inn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
BIackrallas KhuuIlhund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
BIacksnilhs CuiIdhouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
BIackslaff Tover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
BIasko HaIanar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
BIeached Bones Iass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
BIeak Sky al Morning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
BIeeding Lye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
BIodhIars Wares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
BIood IsIand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 25
BIoodaxe Mercenary Conpany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
BIoodriIs Snug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
BIoodrun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
BIoody Lye. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 25
BIoody Hunl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
BIue Bear Trile . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-12, 18, 29, 31-32, 54
Boar Wilh BIack Tusks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Board Laid Bare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Bogohardl BIacknane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 31
BohIe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Bored Svords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47, 72
Borlh }handeIspar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78, 37
Brenen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 29
Bridge Cale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43-44
Bridge Tovn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Brighl BIade HeId High . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
Briialhor AIougarr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71, 4
Bronvyn Daggerford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Bruenor BallIehanner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46, 50, 55
Bruenors CIinl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Bryn Shander . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77, 29
Buklukken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Cadogan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Cadrasz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Caer CorveII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69-7O
Cairn Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
CaIaulhra Morgyr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
CaIdrelh WyvernIyng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
CaIdrelhs CollIing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
CaIinporl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4, 69-7O
CaIinshan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9, 15, 4O, 67-68, 72, 78
5, 14, 22, 31, 40, 44, 12, 19, 28
CaIIing Horns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47, 72-73
CaIIing of lhe Beasl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
CandIekeep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76, 40
Caplain Reaper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Caplains CIose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 25
Caplains Confederalion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67, 15
Caplains Courl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Caravan Cale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Caravan Quarler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 29, 32
Carpenlers League . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CarrI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Carl and Coin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Cassius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77, 29, 47
CaslIe Naerylar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
CaslIe Never . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
CaslIe of IIIusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
CaslIe Walerdeep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9, 8
Cal on lhe Iosl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Chanler of Man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6O
ChanczIalha Luruin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71, 35
Chanlhra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Cnara|qn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8O, 31
ChardansearavilrioI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Chaleau LIile Inn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Chaunlea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2O-22, 25, 31-32, 47-48, 28
3, 9, 14, 22-24, 26, 29-30
Cherissa MinlareiI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Chief Iriesl Walger Brighlhair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
ChigIiak lhe Ulhgardl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8O
ChigIiaks Holpol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1
Ch u I l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44, 71, 5, 64, 19
Chungred Choslhearl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, 31
CiladeI Adlar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-14, 6O, 55, 58, 30
CiladeI of Many Arrovs . . . . . . . . 1O-13, 61, 43, 55, 59
CiladeI of Id Nighl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6O
CiladeI of lhe Misls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-12, 52-53
Cily of SpIendors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 25, 47, 49, 66, 9, 46
CIank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43-44
CIavs of lhe Crag Cal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
CIean Chin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 21
CIearing of lhe Rock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
CIever onio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-24
CIoaklover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
CIoseguard IsIand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-24
CIovis Creenleelh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-18, 31
Coinloss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79, 40
CoId Run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-14, 38-39, 19, 21
CoIdvood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58, 61
Conpany of Crazed Venlurers . . . . . . . . .38, 47, 11, 16
Conpany of lhe Ieyslag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
8 4
Conpany of lhe HovIing WoIf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Conylerry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36, 73, 10-11
Copper Cup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Cork. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Cornyr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
CounciI of CuiIds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 16, 18, 29
CounciI of Lords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Cracked AnviI BIacksnilh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76, 17
Cr ags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5, 38, 43, 11, 21
Cronachs Snilhy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 21
Croving Cockalrice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Crovn Wars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
CrunlIing Slair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
CuIl of Chaunadar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
CuIl of lhe Dragon . . . . . . . . . .63, 66, 78-79, 8, 12, 28
30, 50, 27
Cyric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O, 68, 74, 61
CzszudIeaux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9, 29
Daernon Nashezlaernon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
DaggerdaIe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Daggerford . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 1O, 13, 2O, 5O, 65, 71, 9, 63
Daggerford CaslIe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Daggerford Inn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, 30
DaIagars Dagger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
DaIalhs Span . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2
DaIrosz Kolhonl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Dancing IIace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Danivarrs House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Dannars MechanicaI MarveIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Dannalhs IickIes, Nuls, & Ioods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 40
Darfin LongvaIkers Residence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Dark Arch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-24
Dark Disasler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
DarkhoId . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Darkness in Lighl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
DarkvaIk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
DarneII lhe Unfearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44-45
DarryI rcsIayer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, 21
Davn Iass TraiI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Davndancer House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Davnlreader Cap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Daykeeper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Days of Thunder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8
Dead Cal Cul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Dead Horse Iord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Dead rc Iass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Deadsnovs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55, 59
Deep ReaIn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Deepearlh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 51, 66
Dekanler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4, 63, 66
Dekoran Boalvrighl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 16
DeIfen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 11-12, 23
DeIinliyr River . . . . . . . . . . . .63, 65, 3, 63, 2-3, 10-11
DeIinliyr Roule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 38
DeIinliyr VaIe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46, 63, 38
DeIisIe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4
DeIzoun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8, 38, 45, 49, 61-62
51, 54, 56, 58
Denelira Landscraper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, 30
Dendylar lhe MollIed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Derfs Skin Arl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
DervaI Ironealer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 6, 17, 20
DervaIs Brighl BIade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Dervin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Dessarin River . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37, 3, 34, 36-38
DeslriI Longlracker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
DheIosk QueIleard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Dickon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Dire Wood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52-53, 55-56, 58
Djassar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
DIara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71, 5
Do c k s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61, 20, 33, 45, 17
DoIphin Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Dovnriver Cale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43-44
Dragon Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-25
Dragon TurlIe Inn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4O
Dragonlack Inn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Dragonspear CaslIe . . . . . . . . . . . . .4, 65, 9, 2, 4, 13, 16
Dreaning Dragon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
DriII IieId . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 22, 31-32
Dripping Spear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Drizzl DoUrden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9, 46, 10
Drovers Cup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Druidic CircIes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2O, 67
Druids of TaII Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
DruIIeck. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 8
Drunken Dvarf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2O
DucaI CaslIe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Duke and lhe Hunler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Dukes Way. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
DunaI Lrard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 16
Dunalhoin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27, 60
Duneden. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 24
Dungeon of Dealh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Dungeon of lhe Hark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Dungeon of lhe Ruins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45, 31
Durnan of Walerdeep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Dusk CircIe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Dusl Deserl of Raurin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Dvarves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 4-5, 7
DzouIins CradIe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
LaerIann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8, 13, 52-53, 55-58, 61, 61
LagIeshieId Iine Horse Lealhers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Laslgale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Lasl haven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Laslvay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Llondealh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Ligersslor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
LiIislraee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51, 6O
LIailh CrauInolur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
LIasluI Rauryn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
LIdeIuc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
LIder Reader SaIyndra Shaern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
LIdouI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
LIk Trile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 21, 29, 46
LIIadulh Myrislar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
LIninsler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 68, 74-75, 49
LIorfindar IIoshin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 4-5, 13, 32
LIorshin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
LIraghona SeIenlers Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
LIren lhe Wise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 31
LIlhond Vvaril . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
LIlureI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 26
LIven CaslIe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 6O
LIven Courl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
LIven Lxodus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
LIysiun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
LIylh TaIloskh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
LnlallIed Dvarf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Lnnerl Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2
Lnpire of lhe Norlh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Lnser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Lnchanled Wood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 6
Lnchanlers Lcslasy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
LndIess Caverns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 51, 53
LndIess Ice Sea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4, 39, 43-44
Lroan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
LrssIer Thann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Lslresh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
LskIindrar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76, 40
LskIindrars Maps, Books, & IoIios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Lverdusk HaII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-51
Lvereska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7, 13, 53, 56, 58
Lverfire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
LverIund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 14, 51-52, 57, 73
31, 38, 43-44, 50-51, 53-56
Lverneel . . . . . . . . . . 8, 13, 47, 53, 56, 78, 47, 49, 64, 4
LverneIl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-4O
Lvernoor Way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 43, 54
Lvernoors . . . . . . . . . .4, 8, 11-12, 14, 17, 45-47, 65, 72
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 30-32, 45
Lvervyvern House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78, 37
Lyegad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Iaernden Lauraulh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Iairforlune HaII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
IaIconer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
IaIIen Kingdons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
IaIIen Lands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 14, 54, 58, 62-63
IaIIen Man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
IaIIen TenpIe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
IaIIen Tover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
IaIIing rc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Iang IsIand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Iar Ioresls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53-54, 57-58
Iar Ieak. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Iar Slar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7
Iardrinn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61, 56
Iarners Quarler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Iarners Cale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 16, 24
Iarners Sociely . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
IarreIs Iine }eveIry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, 22
IauraeI BIackhanner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 36
IeIassaI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
IeIlarr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 13, 61, 54-55, 59-60
IeIdars WheeIs and Wagons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
IeII Iass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45, 18
IeIIovship of lhe HaII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Iences Syndicale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Ieslon Bargevrighl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48, 34
IhzniIIiyun SparkIedrin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
IieId of WoIves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Iighling Irogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
IiIarion IiIvendorson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
IiIvendor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-25, 29
Iirehanner HoId . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
IireIusl Ialrics & TaiIoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
| i r c p c | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8O-81
Iireshear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 37, 19-22
Iireslar Chariol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Iirsl BeIov . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Iirsl Caplain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4O, 76, 17
Iirsl IIovering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Iishyard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Iive CoId Crovns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Iive Ready BIades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Iiznorayen Iilznoran . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
IIane IauIl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
IIaning Iisl Mercenary Conpany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
IIaning IIagon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
IIanagus CnarIylone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
IIinlrock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 17, 31, 46
IIoshin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 4-5, 13, 32
IIying Iish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Ioehanners Iorge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Ioraging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
Iorce Crey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Iorgollen Ioresl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Iork, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62, 56
Iorlress Lyegad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Iorlune HaII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Iourlhpeak. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Ireezefire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4O
Irosl Keep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4O
Irosl Maiden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Irosl-Touched Irog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Irozenfar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39, 19, 27
IuIlar Hardcheese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 27
Iurjur lhe IIippanl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Iuzzy Quarlerslaff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
CaIIads Carden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43-44
CanlIing CoIen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Canalharas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
CardoIfsson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 29, 39
Carick Honeslone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Carinen lhe Maker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 31
Carrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Carlh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Carunns Corge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Cale of Ierdilion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43-44
Calevay Iorl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4O
CaunlIgryn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 38, 44-45
CaurIar Daryn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
CeiIdarr Ilhyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61-62
CeiIdarr of LIorkh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
CeIdenslags Resl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Cen of lhe Norlh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 45-46, 54
ChaIiver Longslocking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78, 38
Chaunadar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Chaurin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
CheIkyn Slornvind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Chosl of Nevervinler Wood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Cianl Iisl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
CiIdanesh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
CiIded Horseshoe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
CiIdenfire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
ColIel and Cens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Cod of Cuardians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
CoIden LagIe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21, 29, 31-32, 6O
CoIden Hand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
CoIdenfieIds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47-5O
C o n d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25, 43
CondyI IIilheeun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78, 37
ColhaI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71, 5-6
Cranary of lhe Norlh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Crand IIayhouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Crandfalher Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, 22, 31-32, 54-55, 57
Crandfalher WaIrus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22- 24
CrauI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 61
Crax Rekaxx. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Creal Deserl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Creal Druid of lhe Norlh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Creal Coddess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Creal Ice Sea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Creal Molher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Creal Raven Trile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 74
Creal ShaIarn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Creal While Bear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-24
Creal Worn . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 16, 18, 21, 29-34, 38, 45
Creal Worn Caverns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 45
Creal Worn Trile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 18, 33
Creen Carden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Creen Roons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Creelh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
CrengoraI WheIshire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Creypeak Mounlains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
CreyvaIe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Criffon Trile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-18, 73, 30
Criffons Nesl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 73, 30, 32-33
Criffonposls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
CrunvaId . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, 73, 20-21
Cruunsh ne-Lye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Cuenhvyvar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
CuiIdnaslers HaII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-30
CuIIaxes Slairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40, 56
Cundar Bronloskin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-19, 73, 20
CundarIun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8, 15, 4O, 42-43, 22
Cundlarg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4O
Cunlher Longloolh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Cvaeron Windslron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Cvydion Ien Dafvyd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Hadrion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
HaeIelhs Horseshoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Haeronos DolhvinlyI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76, 17
HaIadan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
HaIanars Horses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
HaIana ShauIulh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
HaIassas WalerveII & Iine Wines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
HaIavars UniversaI Ianlograph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
HaIf Moon Slreel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
HaIjaI Throndor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76, 17
HaII of BIack Waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
HaII of LverIasling }uslice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
HaII of Iour Chosls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
HaII of }uslice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 16
HaII of Misls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
HaII of SparkIing Slones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-28
HaII of lhe LIders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
HaII of VigiIance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
HaII of Warriors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
HaIIs of Hanner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
HaIIs of Hunling Axe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
HaIIs of Inspiralion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 51
HaIruaa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78, 16
HaIuelh Never . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Hannaver House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Hanner HaII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
HannerIars Iine IIoors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Hand of }uslice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Hand of Yarlar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39, 41
Happy HaIfIing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Happy HaII of Iorluilous Happenslance . . . . . . . . 79, 40
Harazos TheIlrinn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Harlor Cross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Harlronn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55, 58
Harnessnakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
HarpeII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 19, 39, 48, 74, 11-14, 54
Harpslars Wars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Harvesl House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 24, 26
HaskIars Arns & Arnor . . . . . . . . . . 10, 24, 28-31, 36
39-41, 44, 57-59
Haven IaeIfariIs Inn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Havks of lhe Norlh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
He-Who-Never-SIeeps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
HeadIess TroII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Heafslagg Iourfinger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6O
HeaIing House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
HearllIood River. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52, 56-57
HearlIands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5, 9, 67, 76, 9
HeIder Mornslone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78, 18
HeIdulh IIanespeII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
HeIisa Ilhcanler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78, 38
HeIIgale DeII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55, 57, 68
HeIIgale Keep . . . . . . 8, 1O-13, 31-32, 51-58, 62-63, 68
78-79, 81, 49, 52, 54-55, 61, 5, 30
HeIn . . . . . . . . . 1O-11, 17, 21, 25, 29, 31, 38, 52, 56, 76
6, 9, 14, 16, 28, 35, 40, 44, 52, 55-56, 32
HeIn al Highsun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76, 9
HeIn Dvarf-Iriend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-56
HeIns HoId . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 14, 16
HeIns Slead. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Her Majeslys Reconnaissance Tean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
HeraIds HoIdfasl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 6O, 67
HeraIds Resl feslhaII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
HeraIds of Iaern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
HeraIds and Runners Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Helhneirs Highlools Corvisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Heverseer Windfealher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
High Caplains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66, 74, 12, 22-23, 25
High Ioresl . . . . . 3-5, 7-8, 11-14, 19-2O, 32, 38, 46-48
5O-58, 67-68, 72-73, 76, 12
31, 42, 54, 64, 4, 15
High Cuards of Walerdeep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
High HeraIds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6O, 67
High Lady AIuslrieI . . . . . 48, 56, 67, 76, 45, 52-53, 55
High Lords HaII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
High Moon Mounlains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
High Moors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37, 47, 7
High IaIace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46, 48, 51-54
High Iriesless VeIanlha Waerdar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
High Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-36, 5O, 15, 22, 38, 6, 10
High Tover of ThaIivar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Hi gh Wood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Highnoon Trading Cosler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Highslar Lake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64, 6
HiII Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 27
Hiring Iair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
HIan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Hoch Miraz of CaIinshan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4O
HoIgerslead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
HoIk House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Hone of lhe Wood RuIers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Hone of Urulh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Hooked KnuckIehead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Horn and Hoof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74, 13
Horned Lord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Horse Iond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Horse Ranches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Hosl Tover of lhe Arcane . . . . . . . 19, 66-67, 74, 22-23
Holenov . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 8
House InvincilIe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
House of KnovIedge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
House of Slone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
House of lhe Brighl BIade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75, 28
House of lhe Wise Unicorn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75, 33
HovIer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 9
HuInn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5
Hundarr BIackraven. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
HundeI HurIer-of-Hanners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
HundeIslone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 21-22
Hunl Lords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Hunlers Cale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Hunlerhorn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Hunlnasler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
IlranduI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Ice Hunlers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8, 14-15, 22, 24, 4O, 43
I ce Lakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4O, 15
Ice Mounlains . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8, 13-14, 6O-61, 58, 19
Ice Ieak IsIand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4O, 19
Ice Warriors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Icefang Ioinl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Icevind DaIe . . . . . . . . . . . .4-5, 8, 15, 18, 22, 39-41, 43
46, 74, 77, 21, 28-29, 12
IcevoIf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4O, 21
Icingdealhs Lair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Iirkos SloneshouIder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
IIdar IeIdar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
IIdur Arnlar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
IIIefarn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9, 47, 63, 6, 17
IIIusk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 9, 15-16, 81, 16-17, 23-24
IIIuskan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 29, 39
IInaler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 21, 29, 31
IInevaI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 25
IIrin Sharadin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78, 37
IIlnuI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
IIzinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
InlryI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
InlryIs CIoaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
InpiIlur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2O
Ines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
IngeIoakasliniziIian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4O
8 8
Iniarv. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Iniarvs Tover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Inn of lhe Dripping Dagger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Inner Sea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5O, 77
Inlhar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
Inlher BIackfealher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74, 23
IouIaun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
IquarTeIQuessir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Iriaelor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61, 11-12
Ironealer CIan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63, 18
Ironford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 46, 48-49, 34, 36, 63
Ironford Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Ironnasler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 13, 21, 27, 29
Islara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Ivy Mansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-13
}ack and Saler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
}aesor RyndyI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
}aesors Iinevare IorceIain Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
}aIanlhar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44, 55
}aIloun of lhe Tvo BIades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74, 23
}anssen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
}arlh neshieId . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
}asler Redshar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
}aszur of Telhyr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
}aunda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
}esse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
}eveI of lhe Norlh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
}eveIers Congress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
}eveIs of Nevervinler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
}hanscziI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
}onslaI Haerdrun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
}undars HiII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
}ygiI ZeInalhra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75, 32
}yordhan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
KaIahar Tvohands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Karse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 51-53, 55-56, 58, 81, 12
Karsus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
KauIlach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Kazardun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5O
Keep of Lord Never . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Keep Woods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Keepers DaIe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
KeIazzan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74
KeIson Darklreader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 24, 29
KeIvin NikkeIlane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
KeIvins Cairn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 41, 29
KesseII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 74, 29
Khahan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O
KhaIarra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Khaunfros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
KhedeII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Khedrun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38-39, 45, 18
Khedrun VaIe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
KheIlen . . . . . . . . . . .9, 12, 19, 35-36, 39, 48, 51, 67, 74
50, 52, 14
Kierkrad Sevenloes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 31
King Adlar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
King CrauI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
King Harlronn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55, 58
King of lhe Woods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
King grash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
King Ugra NgarI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Kings Lodge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Kingdon of lhe Slag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Kiras Residence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1
Kissing Courl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Kizzap Moruene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Knighls in SiIver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52-53
Knighls of lhe ShieId . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Korlus BrighljeveI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 19, 25
Korin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 17
Kolhonl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Kraken Sociely . . . . . . . . . . 2O, 42, 45, 66-67, 73, 79, 38
KraIgar Bonesnapper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 73, 30
Kriiador. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5
Krivvin ShanlIeslar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71, 6
KronIor Ranch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Kryplgarden Ioresl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-36
Kryplgarden ScroIIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 20, 23
Kryslryns SheIves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Kurlh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67, 22-24
KulhiI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Kyrie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Lac Dinneshere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4O, 28-29
Lady in a Mask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Lady Luck Tavern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75, 6, 15, 19, 21-22
Lady of lhe Ioresl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 31, 53
Lady of lhe Harvesl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Ladys CoIIege . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48-49, 51-53, 55
Ladys Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
LaeraI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57, 50
Lake of Dragons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Lake of Slean. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Lanel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Lances of LeiIon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Lanlan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 78, 22
Lanlanna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78, 15, 22
Laranlarns Chairs and SlooIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Lasl IIace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Lasl Iorl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
Lalhanders TenpIe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 24, 32
Lalhanders Workshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
8 9
LalhiriI Shrune . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Laughing Bandil Inn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Laughing HoIIov . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65, 3-5, 24
LavfIane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Leaping Hooves Trade SlalIes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Leaping Leucrolla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Lealhervorkers CongIonerale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
L e i I o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5, 35-36, 68, 77, 8, 15
Lian Sunnisl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 13, 24
Lighlfool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Lizard Marsh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65, 2, 9
LIeveIIyn Longhand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 12, 24
LIorkh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9, 46, 56, 62-63, 68, 61-62
Loagrann River . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
LoneIy Moor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
LoneIy Tover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 6O
LoneIyvood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Long Creep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Long Road . . . . 4-5, 8, 11, 13, 18, 22, 30, 34, 36, 38
Longriders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-13
LongsaddIe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 12, 19, 39, 46, 69-7O, 74
11-14, 54
Longslocking Yards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Lord CIannasler Slrogue Sslar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Lord CeiIdarr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68, 61
Lord HaIuelh Never . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Lord Nasher AIagondar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75, 15
Lord Never . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Lord of BallIes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Lord of lhe Ieak and Deplhs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Lord of Walerdeep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Lord IeIindar IiInarya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Lord Iroleclor of Triloar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 36
Lord Warder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71, 4
Lords AIIiance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, 5O, 11, 17
Lords Courl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Lords Decrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Lords Keep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Lords Men . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63, 61
Lords of Walerdeep . . . . . . . 9, 66, 68, 71, 9, 34, 49, 3, 7
Lords AIIiance . . . . . . . . . . 9, 19, 35, 4O, 48, 58, 66-68,
75-76, 79, 8, 15, 17, 19, 22, 26-27
38, 43, 45, 56, 61, 63, 27
Lords CounciI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Lords RuIe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O
Losl Ieaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32, 51-53, 55
Loudvaler . . . . . . . . . . 5, 8-9, 13, 2O, 25, 52, 68, 61-62
Lovialar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62, 33
Lurkvood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 35, 45-46, 6O, 20, 31
Lur ue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37, 46, 49, 53, 56
Luskan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4, 9, 12, 15, 17, 19, 36-38, 4O
42, 66-7O, 74-75, 81, 11-12, 15, 17
19-26, 45, 15-16
MacBec MacIyon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
MacCIure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
MaeIvyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21, 27, 29
Maer DuaIdon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4O, 28-29
MaerIlar Lggs & Iresh IovI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Maern Hannaver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Maerovyna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 24, 26
Magislers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Maid of lhe Moors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75, 31
Maiden al Midnighl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Maiden King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Maidens Tonl Tor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
MaIandervays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
MaIar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 21, 29, 31-32, 33, 35, 14
MaIalra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
MaIaugryn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
MaIavos Drunn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74, 13
MaIchor HarpeII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39, 48, 74, 11, 14
MaIchors Museun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
MaIshyns House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
MannIar Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Manycoins MoneyIending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Manyheads Merchanl CoIIeclive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Map House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50, 53
Maranla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Marchion of Miralar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Marcus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
MarkelpIace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
MarkelpIace Slorage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3, 16, 23, 31-32
Marsh of CheIinler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Marlhannor Iinder-of-TraiIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55, 59
Marune . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Maskados Maps & Legends . . . . . . . . 16, 25, 39, 63-64
Masler of Sundalar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Masler of lhe Hunl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 8, 24
Masler of lhe Norlh Spire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Maslers HaII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Maslers Take . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
MeIIonir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Mennon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Men of Hanner HaII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Men of lhe Tundra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Menzolerranzan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46, 51
Merchanls CuiId . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Mere of Dead Men . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 35
Merovy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Merry Mer-She . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Mhandyvvers IouIlry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Middens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
MieIikkar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
MieIikki . . . . . . . . . . 2O, 25, 38, 52, 54, 57-58, 63, 73, 78
6-7, 31, 37, 46, 48-49, 53, 55-56
9 O
MieIikkis CIade
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Mieyrilar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Mighl of Men . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Mikilan Shipvrighling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Mi I i I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25, 51
MiIIiyuns Mirror Maze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
MiIshouns Slronghouses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
MinduIspeer Lane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Mines of Dekanler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Mines of LeiIon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Mines of Miralar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41, 43, 27
Mi nl arn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 22
Minliper MoonsiIver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49, 45, 50
Miralar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 13, 2O, 25, 36, 39, 41, 43-44
73, 75-76, 81, 11, 19, 21-22
24-29, 32, 55, 58, 15
Miralar Dislricl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-25
Miralar ShieId . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Mirar River . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-25, 27
Mirar Road. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Miresks SchooI of Thaunalurgy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Mirl lhe MoneyIender
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71, 6
Mislnasler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-12, 51-53, 58, 45
Misly Ioresl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65, 2, 4, 9, 24
Milh TIaIanl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Milhs Carved Whinsies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Monaslery of Lovialar
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
MoneyIenders CoaIilion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Moonlridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-46, 49, 53, 55
Moondark Mounlains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Moondarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
MoongIean Tover
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
MoongIov Tover
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 24
Moonslone Mask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75, 16
Moonvood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 1O, 18, 35, 6O, 45, 47
Moorgale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Moradin lhe SouIforger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5O
Morgred CardoIfsson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29, 39
Morgurs Mound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-19, 29, 31, 39
Morkai lhe Red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Mornlryns ShieId . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75, 30-31
Mornhaven Tovers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Morlh Iarlheen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78, 37
Moruenes Cave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Mosque of Tyr
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Molher ColhaI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71, 5-6
Mounl HeIinlrar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Mounl HIin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Mounl Holenov . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Mounl }ourney
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Mounl Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Mounl Walerdeep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Mounlain Cale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43-44
Mule Lule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
MykIryns Sorrov . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Myslra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O-11, 2O, 25, 74, 49, 53
Mylh Drannor . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 47, 53, 61, 45-46, 48-49
51-52, 54
Mylhkar Leng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68, 61
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Naelh RoliIar
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Naelhs NaiIs
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
NaIalhar Druyn
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
NaIalhars Iine Slirrups & Spurs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13
NaneIess Dungeon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51, 53, 56, 12, 38
NanalhIor Creysvord
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Nander CuIlree
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 14
Narrov Sea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8, 61-62
Narlan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Narlans Iine Ioods
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Nchasers Legacy
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
NeedIe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Nesn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 14, 25, 75, 8O, 30-33, 54
Nelher Mounlains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8, 5O, 61-63, 55
Nelher ScroIIs
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 62, 81
NelheriI 7-9, 12, 15, 36, 38, 5O, 53, 56, 61-63
72, 81-82, 7, 17-18, 36, 42, 46, 54, 28
Nevervinler . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6, 13, 15-16, 2O, 38-39, 48
69-7O, 73-76, 78-79, 81, 10, 14-17
19, 22, 57, 15, 27
Nevervinler Nine
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75, 15
Nevervinler River
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-17
Nevervinler TraiI
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Nevervinler Wood . . . . . . . 5, 16, 38-39, 74, 10, 14, 17
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Nighl CIoak
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74, 13
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78, 37
Nighlhunl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Ni nlr aI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 61, 74, 78
Ninoars HoId
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9, 15
NislIor lhe Undying
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75, 33
Noanars HoId
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51, 42
NolIenans IuneraI
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7O
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
NorIand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Norlh Bank
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, 45, 62
Norlh Cale
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5O, 24-25
Norlh Tover
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Norlhern Means . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4O, 21
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Norlhnen . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-9, 14-15, 19-21, 4O, 43, 67
19, 21-22
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Norlhvind Arns
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
lIayna Slornrider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
ghna. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25, 14, 16, 51, 54
gnolh TarnIar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
hn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Id AnviI Snilhy BIacksnilh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Id BIock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Id Dead Rovan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Id IirelIover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Id rnars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Id vI WeII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Id Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 52-53, 55-56
Id Scoul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44, 77
Id Svord Shealhed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Ieff Uskar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 16
Iegs Weaponforge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-22
Ien HannerIar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Iger Redaxe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4O
Iin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Iorin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Iosk Thinn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Ioslins HoId . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
nnagoI Laranlarn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
ndalar CuIIaxe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
ne Slone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 22, 31-32, 6O
neshieId Quarries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
pen Shore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
phaIa CheIdarslorn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
rc Cods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
rcs Tusks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
rcs of lhe Severed Tongue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
rduIin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69-7O
rjaIun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76, 46, 49, 52-53
rIlar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56, 63, 62
rInar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
rIunlor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
rnar MynluI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
ryvs CIolh Lnporiun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
skIer Mhandyvver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
slagar Tenfealher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
slevers SIaughlerhouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
venden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, 22
Iaine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
IaIisade . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 52, 64, 8, 12, 27, 30, 38, 12
Iapa BIekandssen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
IascaIs Tenenenls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Ialreveni nehand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
IauIdine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
IeIindar IiInarya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
IeIosl CaIalhaer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Ierfeclone MercanliIe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69-71
IhandaIin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
IhandeIvers Iacl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Ihanlon Knighl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
IheIansheene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
IheIn AIdlorlh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
IheszeIlan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Ihinlarn RedlIade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Ihysicians rder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Iiergeiron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1O, 48, 68, 79, 4, 8
IiIol Denilrick of Targos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Iil of Angry Vipers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
IIace of lhe Unicorn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
IIeasing IIaller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Iorl LIasl . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-5, 15, 37, 76, 15, 17, 19, 30
Iollers WheeI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Iride of lhe Norlh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Irinls IIoe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43-44
Irior HIan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Iryden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 24
Iurehearlnan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 31, 74
IurpIe Rocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 41-42, 67
IvyII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3, 12-13, 24
Quaervaar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81, 44, 55
Quarenghi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
QueIlar ThaeIoon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Quielslrike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Radoc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52, 58
RakaxaIorlh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Ranusio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Ransaran . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 24-25
Rashenen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76, 57
Ral HiIIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49, 6
Raurin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57, 62, 45-47, 19
RaurIor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Rauvin River . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Raven Rock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Ravenrock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 31, 42
Reavers Run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 25
Relelh Laereeryn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Red Aruph Thunderfisl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75, 23
Red Dragon Trading Iosl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Red IIayers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Red Larch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 76, 7-9, 38
Red Larch RanlIer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Red Murderer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Red Iony lrile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Red Rune Inn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5O
Red SaiIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Red ShieIds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Red Tiger Trile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-18
Red Wizards of Thay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66, 11, 30
Red eye. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65, 5
Redvalers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4O, 28-29
Reghed CIacier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 39-4O, 28
Reghednen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 22
Regis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78, 29
Reindeer Molher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-24
ReIuraun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Relhgaard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Relhnor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67, 22, 25
Reverend }udge Ieff Uskar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 16
Revjak. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
RhaIagIingaIade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Riders of Nesn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8O, 31-33
Ringing AnviI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Rinlhars Wagonvorks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Ripped Cul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Risen Moon Markel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Rile of lhe Slag Lass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
River Cale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-28, 11, 13, 16, 30
River Shining Tavern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 18, 30
Rivergale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Rivernens Quarler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Roaringhorn IaniIy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Rock Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
RoIIing WheeI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Rorlh BaIdasker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Rose and Hanner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Rualhyn . . . . . . . . 7-9, 15-16, 29, 39, 42, 58, 67, 22, 12
Ruckerl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
RuIdarrs Iipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72, 35
RuIdorn lhe Slorn Ranger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73, 43
RunlIeleIIy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Runehunl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 31
Runeneel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 17, 22, 31-32, 34, 39, 46
Runner of lhe Rocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Sacred Crove of SiIvanus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-21
SaerIoonian CIovfire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
SafesaiIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Sage of Seconler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
SaIyndra Shaern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Sanous lhe Raplurous Songsler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
SanueI Longspeak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Sandrev lhe Wise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Sarcrag. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
ScarIel ShieId . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
ScallershieIds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Sceplrana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-28
SchIegeI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4
Scriles Iriendship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 23
Sea of LndIess Ice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 44
Sea of Moving Ice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 15, 4O, 43, 21
Sea of Svords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 37, 4O, 16, 19, 6
Sea Tover. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-24
Seconler . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 25, 5O, 53, 68, 76, 38, 63-64
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5, 10, 12, 30
Seeking Arrov . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Sc|f-S|ri|ing Pc| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8O
SeI ne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25, 7O, 39, 53, 26
Serpenl HiIIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
SellIeslone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Seven SaiIs Inn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Seven Suns Trading Cosler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69, 71
Seven-Slringed Harp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Severed Iisl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Severed Hand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Shadov Caravan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7O
Shadov Thieves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 9
ShadovcIoak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
ShadovdaIe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 75, 49-50
Shadovpeak. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Shadovporl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7O
ShadovskuIk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Shadrar Thundersar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Shaengarne River . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21, 29
ShaIa ThaeraI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
ShaIarn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
ShaIendra Dare-aII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
ShandaIara SinderlaI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Sharandar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
SharguI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
SharnshieId Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Sharpspike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
ShauIulh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
Sheela . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
SherIen SpearsIayer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7, 9, 27
ShiaIIia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25, 52, 49
ShieIdneel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8, 1O, 19, 32, 51, 39
ShieIds of Yarlar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 40
ShinnergIoon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
ShingIefeII Cnone Burrov . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Shining Creek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Shining River . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63, 64, 2
Shining ScroII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Shining Sea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 15
Shining Serpenl Inn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Shining Soulh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 56
Shining While . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 31, 46
Shrine of MieIikki . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
ShrunedaIars Secrels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
ShyndIes Lules & Iipes . . . . . . . . 5, 35, 56-57, 62, 64
Sighing SyIph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Sign of lhe Iorgehanner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Sigurd CandoIfsson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
SiIvanus . . . . . . . . . . 18-19, 25, 31, 52, 54, 7, 20-21, 49
SiIver Moon Iass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
SiIvernoon Cale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
SiIverynoon . . . . . . . . . . 3-4, 7-9, 11-14, 19-2O, 25, 32
48, 51-52, 56-57, 6O-61, 67-7O
73, 75-77, 81, 11, 14, 32
40, 43-56, 59, 15, 31
Singing Manlicore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Singing Sprile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
SinkIayr Creenslroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Sislers Who Serve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Six Windovs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Sixhorns SeIecl Wares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Skinnerhorn of Seconler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
SkIaen }havander . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
SkorlchcIav . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Skreelch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
SkuII-Crin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
SkuIIripper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SkuIner Wainvrighl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78, 37-38
Sky Iony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 18, 21, 29-31, 33-34
SIarkrelheI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 67-68
SIashers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
SIeeping Dragon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 8, 14, 16
SIeeping Dragon Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
SIy Iox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
SniIing Salyr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Sniden LIksIodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Snov Cal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 18, 21, 29-31, 33, 6O
SorceIIers LncapsuIale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sordars Cup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Sounel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Soulh Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-17, 22, 24-25
Soulh Cale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 25
Soulh Tover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Soul h Wood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58, 63, 62
Soulhkrypl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 37, 6O, 8
Soulhkrypl Carden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37, 6O
Soulhvood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6O, 62
SparkIedrin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
SpeciaIly Iriesls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2O, 22, 24, 3O, 32
Spc||oa|||c Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
SpeIIcaslers CuiId . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Spine of lhe WorId . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5, 7-8, 1O, 14, 17, 22
24, 35, 39-4O, 43, 45, 21, 28-29, 19
Spread of Hunankind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
SsessiliI Islahvar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6O
Slag al Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Slag al Resl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73, 7
Slag-Horned IIagon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71, 6
Slanding Slone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Slar Courl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Slar Mounls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 12, 5O-51, 53, 56-58
Slalue of lhe Creal ShaIarn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Slinking CIav . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 25
Slone Bov . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-21
Slone Bridge . . . . . . . . 16, 36, 46, 48-5O, 36, 46-47, 49
Slone SlaIIion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71, 6
SloneSland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31, 54, 57
Slorn SiIverhand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Slorn Slar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Slornrider IaniIy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Slrogue Sslar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
SlronghoId of lhe Nine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53, 56-58
SlrucluraI Saving Throvs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Slunp Bog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5O, 8
SuIdivver Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
SuIjack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67, 22, 25
SuIjacks Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Sunnon Anceslor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31, 34
Sundalar . . . . 8, 11-14, 2O, 25, 47, 56-57, 6O-62, 73, 81
12, 45, 54-57
Sundalar Cale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5
Sundered ShieId . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Sune . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25, 39, 51
Sunsel Cale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Surlrin HighIands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Surlrin River . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-33, 36, 40
Surefeel Tradenaslers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Svinging Svord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Svord Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Svord Coasl . . . . . . . . . 4, 7, 9, 2O, 3O, 35-38, 42, 67-68
73, 76, 8O, 3, 8, 15-16, 19, 22, 31
37, 40, 44, 63, 27
Svord of LeiIon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
SyIune. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Talard &Tankard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 15, 57, 62
TalIe of lhe Svord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 22
Talra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72, 36
TaerI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67, 74, 22, 25
TaiIors Iederalion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
TaIanlhe TruesiIver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
TaIloskh House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
TaIlul Minshar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
TaIking TroII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
TaII Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2O, 51-53, 55-57, 67-68
TaIonnisls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
TaIos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 21, 31
Tanalaskar Moonvind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79, 40
TangIelhorn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Tanners CounciI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Tanla Hagara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 31, 54
Tanlarns Inn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Tappan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52, 55
Targos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77, 29
Tarn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Tarne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
TashaIar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 57, 19
Taverners Confederalion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Tchandrae Luinvood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
TenpIe of Red SaiIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
TenpIe of SiIver Slars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
TenpIe of Tyr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 16
TenpIe of Waukeen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Tenpus . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 18, 2O-22, 25, 29-31, 41, 79
23, 35, 39, 9, 16, 22, 24, 29
Tcnpusfuguc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Ten BeIIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Ten aks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Ten Tovns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 15, 4O-41, 74, 77, 28-29
Tenison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
TernaIaine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
ThaIagh Tarn of Telhyr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
ThaIivar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
ThaIorins ManynelaIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Thay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66, 71, 75-76, 5, 11, 30
The Money Quarler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
The Rose and Hanner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
The Slone Bov . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
TheIorn of Red Larch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
TheIorns Safe }ourneys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Thieves Brolherhood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Thinns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Thinkers Iralernily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Thorn TIassaIune . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Thornhanner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Thousand Iisls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Thousandheads Trading Cosler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Three Rivers IeslhaII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
ThreIked Ironfisl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Throne Rock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Thrun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Thuger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
ThuknuuI TeIeshann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Thunderleasl Trile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-19, 73, 20
Thunderlree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78, 17
Thuorn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Thyruin of lhe While IIovers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Tianna SkyfIover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Tine of TroulIes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1O, 25, 5O, 53, 52
TIassaIune . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
ToIgar Anuvien . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47-48
Tonl of lhe Maiden King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Tcnc cf Tuc|tc Sca|s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
To r n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 21, 25, 29, 31
Torsl Slornrider of Sundalar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Tosker Nighlsvord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47, 72
Tover of BaIance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Tover of lhe Lord Iroleclor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Tover of TviIighl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39, 48, 74, 11, 14
Tovn Where nIy Cvaeron SIeeps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Traccr Pc| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8O-81
Tracker Who Never Coes Aslray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
TrackIess Sea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 14-15, 37-4O, 42
Trade Way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65, 3
TraiI Lords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Tranjer RoIsk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4O
Trappy SnuIgers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Traskar SeIarn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76, 63
TraveIers Slar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Treahugh Creiko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73, 10
Treanls of TurIang Wood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67-68
Tree Chosl Trile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, 31, 54
Trile of lhe Bear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 22
Trile of lhe LIk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 22
Trile of lhe Tiger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 22
Trile of lhe WoIf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 22
Triloar . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 12, 36, 68, 77-78, 10, 36-38, 6
Triloar Arns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Triloar Culoff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Triloar TraveIers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Trisk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Triunvirale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
TroII in IIanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75, 31
TroIInoors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46, 46, 55
Tronnen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Trolhgar CrunaId . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Trunpel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57
Tuern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 38, 43, 22
TuIruns Tenl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58, 6O
Turgo Ironfisl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
TurIang lhe ThoughlfuI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52, 68
TurIang Wood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67-68
Turnslone Iass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 57, 44, 50, 54
Turvon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
TviIighl HaII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Tvin Teelh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Tvo Hap Iorl HaII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Tynora . . . . . . . 2O, 25, 52, 75, 79, 8, 12, 28, 39-40, 51
9, 19, 21-22, 24, 29-30
TyndaI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Tyr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-19, 21, 25, 29, 31, 79, 8, 14, 16
20, 38, 13, 29, 32
Ugra NgarI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
UiIkens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
UIdinalhs Arns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
UIf of Thuger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
UIrelh ShrunedaIar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
UIuvin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
UIvinhand Snilhy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
UnlerIee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 21, 31, 42, 68, 25
Undercily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46, 27
Underdark . . . . . . . . . . 51, 55, 61, 63, 66, 14-16, 21, 24
26-27, 37, 39, 56, 58-59
Underground River . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Undernounlain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Unicorn Run . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 51-53, 56-57, 31, 63, 13
Uniled Rualhyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
UnshinlIes UgIy Iace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
UpIand Rise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Upriver Cale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Upslrean Span . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 24-25
UpvaIe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 52, 57-58, 54
Urulh Ukrypl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Ulher CardoIfsson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
UlheraaI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-42
Ulhgang }yarI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57, 67
Ulhgar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-19, 21-22, 29-32, 34, 39, 58
Ulhgardl Anceslor Mounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31, 45
Ulhgardl Barlarians . . . . . 15, 17, 2O-21, 29, 31, 11, 22
Uller Norlh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6, 43, 47
Ullernosl Norlh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43, 62
Ullersea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43, 67
VaIkur lhe Mighly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
VaIIey of Khedrun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38-39, 45, 18
VaIniki . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
VaIric High Lye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Vandalhra IaIene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Vanlhorn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
VauIl of lhe Sages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6O, 45-46, 49-54
VeIanlha Waerdar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79, 40
ViIe Rune. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
ViIkslead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-42
ViIIynk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Vix lhe ChandIer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Vokan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Wainvrighls Wagons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
WalchfuI Knighl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
WalchfuI rder of Magisls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
WalchfuI TurlIe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Walerdeep Woods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Walger Brighlhair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Wavecho Cave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Way Inn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O, 5
WayfeIs Snilhy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Wayposl Waler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Wealhercole Wood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Wedigar RulhnaaId . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Weeping Wilch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Weicherl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4
Wesllridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 78, 12, 33, 38
Weslgale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69-7O
Weslvood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 6O, 7
Wel Crossing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Wel Wizard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, 61
WhaeIgunds WheeIrace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
WhaIelones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 67-68
Whisper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75, 52
WhislIing Slag Inn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
While-Winged Criffon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
WhilesaiIs Harlor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-25
Whilesnilhs CuiId . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Whilevings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
WiId Hunler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Windfealher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Winding Waler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Windriders Trading Cosler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Winiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Wink and lhe Kiss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Winler IaIace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Winler Winds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Winlerlreeze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Wisleria Borsdoller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Wislon Apolhecary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Wislon of Yarlar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Wilch of lhe Waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Wizard Wealher. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 53, 56, 58
WoIf Wealher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
WoIfhiII House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Woods of TurIang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52, 68
Wreck of lhe CoIden Crovn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4O
WuIfgar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 18, 4O, 10
WuIgrelh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
WuIphgehar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
X- Y
Xssa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6O
XanlharIs Keep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41, 78, 18
Xara TanlIor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
XyIander . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
YIandrolhieI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
YleIIarien . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Yarolyn Longarn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Yarlar . . . . . . . . . 38, 46, 68, 73, 78-79, 36-41, 43, 6, 25
Yarlh of Berun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Yarlh Slovage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Yalher IndagIoI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76, 9
Youall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Younans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-17
Yurlrus lhe While-Handed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Zakhara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O, 74
ZaIuski . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Zarelor lhe Iiercer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
ZeIlross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
ZeIorrgosz Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Zeno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Zespara AIalher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75, 28
Zoar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
ZokanThunderer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 31
Zukolholh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31, 58
Zund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5O
Zundlridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46, 5O, 68, 38, 63
ZylhaIarIr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
9 6
Tab!c 4: Pcrfcctnnc Dc!Ivcry 5chcdu!c
Frnm Arabc! Cnrwc!! Ca!Impnrt Lnngsadd!c Luskan NcvcrwIntcr Ordu!In 5I!vcrymnnn Wcstgatc
9AM 1OAM 11AM 12IM 1IM 2IM 3IM 4IM
Caer CorveII 4IM ~ 9AM 1OAM 11AM 12IM 1IM 2IM 3IM
3IM 4IM 9AM 1OAM 11AM 12IM 1IM 2IM
2IM 3IM 4IM 9AM 1OAM 11AM 12IM 1IM
1IM 2IM 3IM 4IM ~ 9AM 1OAM 11AM 12IM
12IM 1IM 2IM 3IM 4IM ~ 9AM 1OAM 11AM
11AM 12IM 1IM 2IM 3IM 4IM 9AM 1OAM
1OAM 11AM 12IM 1IM 2IM 3IM 4IM 9AM
9AM 1OAM 11AM 12IM 1IM 2IM 3IM 4IM
Indcx nf Pcrsnna!ItIcs
Namc LncatInn
Alorana Slarloucher CaIIing Horns
AIaslra Halhvinler, The Nighl CIoak LongsaddIe
AneIior Ananilas
AnsaI BIoodshouIder
ArkIen Creelh
BaerIalha Luruin
BeIdalar Yarryn
BeIdora Thiiruin
BeIIeelhe KheIdorna
Borlh }handeIspar
Briialhor AIougarr
ChanczIalha Luruin
DeIgara The SIin Daunlsvord
Dendylar lhe MollIed
LIasluI Rauryn
IauraeI BIackhanner
Iirsl Caplain Haeronos DolhvinlyI
IIanagus CnarIylone
ChaIiver Longslocking
CheIkyn Slornvind
CondyI IIilheeun
Cundar Bronloskin
Cvaeron Windslron
HaIjaI Throndor
HeIder Mornslone
HeIisa Ilhcanler
IIrin Sharadin
IIshara LongnaiIs NaerlhskuI
Inlher BIackfealher
}aIloun of lhe Tvo BIades
KraIgar Bonesnapper
Krivvin ShanlIeslar
Lord Nasher AIagondar
Bargevrighl Inn
Mornlryns ShieId
Ten Tovns
Bargevrighl Inn
Iorl LIasl
Mornlryns ShieId
Iorl LIasl
XanlharIs Keep
Ten Tovns
Criffons Nesl
Lord of Seconler
MaIavos Drunn
MaIchor HarpeII
Marlin von Mensch
Morlh Iarlheen
Molher ColhaI
Nasher AIagondar
Nighl CIoak, The
NislIor The Undying LolhIyn
phaIa CheIdarslorn
IiIol Denilrick
Red Aruph Thunderfisl
RuIdorn lhe Slorn Ranger
SkuIner Wainvrighl
SIin, The
Tanalaskar Moonvind
Tchandrae Luinvood
Tessarin Longlresses AIaraun
Thorn TIassaIune
Tosker Nighlsvord
Traskar SeIarn
Treahugh Creiko
Undying, The
Vandalhra IaIene
VeIanlha Waerdar
Xara TanlIor
Yalher IndagIoI
Zandever Nighleyes Lyredanus
Zespara AIalher
Ten Tovns
Bargevrighl Inn
Bargevrighl Inn
CaIIing Horns
Ten Tovns
Red Larch
AmphaIL VILLage
1. LIloars Iinesl
2. InlryIs CIoaks
3. Slalue of lhe Creal ShaIarn
4. The MaIandervays
5. The Slag-Horned IIagon
6. ShrunedaIars Secrels
7. Molher ColhaIs
8. MaerIlar Lggs & Iresh IovI
9. LagIeshieId Iine Horse Lealhers
10. AnnakyI IIovers and Ioods
11. HaIana ShauIulh
12. BIodhIars Wares
13. HagaIas Manylurrels
14. CoIaund Seslers
15. IeIosl CaIalhaer
16. The Slone SlaIIion
17. WeII
18. Horse Iond
19. The Middens
20. The Id Dead Rovan
CI1Ies & CIoILIza1Iom
Aulhors: sIade, Ld Creenvood, }in BulIer, and Sleven Schend
Ldilor: MicheIIe Vuckovich
Cover IIIuslralor: Larry LInore
Inlerior IIIuslralor: Marlin SaIvador
Typeseller: Nancy }. Kerkslra
Irojecl Coordinalors: David Wise and Thonas M. Reid
Arl Coordinalor: Bol CaIica
LIeclronic Iress Coordinalor: Dave Connanl
Manufacluring Coordinalor: Dave Hoeke
TSR, Inc.
201 Sheridan Springs Rd.
Lake Geneva,
WI 53147
TSR Ltd.
120 Church End
Cherry Hinton
Cambridge, CB1 3LB
United Kingdom
ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, AD&D, DUNGEON MASTER and FORGOTTEN REALMS are registered trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. The TSR logo is a trademark
owned by TSR, Inc. All characters and character names and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. Random House and its affiliate companies
have worldwide distribution rights in the book trade for English language products of TSR, Inc. Distributed to the book and hobby trade in the United Kingdom by TSR Ltd.
Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors. This product is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America and other countries. Any
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TabLe o[ Com1em1s
IntrnductInn .................................................................. 3
5wnrd MnuntaIns .......................................................... 4
AnphaiI ViIIage ................................................................ 4
IIaces of Inleresl ........................................................... 4
KheIdeII ............................................................................. 7
IIaces of Inleresl ........................................................... 7
LeiIon ................................................................................ 8
IIaces of Inleresl ........................................................... 8
RassaIanlar ........................................................................ 8
IIace of Inleresl ............................................................. 8
Red Larch .......................................................................... 8
IIaces of Inleresl ........................................................... 9
Walerdeep ......................................................................... 9
NcvcrwIntcr Wnnds ..................................................... 1O
Conylerry ........................................................................ 1O
IIaces of Inleresl ......................................................... 1O
LongsaddIe ....................................................................... 11
IIaces of Inleresl ......................................................... 12
Nevervinler .................................................................... 14
IIaces of Inleresl ......................................................... 15
Iorl LIasl ......................................................................... 17
IIaces of Inleresl ......................................................... 17
Thunderlree .................................................................... 17
IIace of Inleresl ........................................................... 17
XanlharIs Keep ............................................................... 18
IIaces of Inleresl ......................................................... 18
Thc Frnzcnfar ............................................................. 19
AuriIsslarg....................................................................... 19
Bjorns HoId..................................................................... 19
Iireshear .......................................................................... 19
IIaces of Inleresl ......................................................... 2O
CrunvaId ......................................................................... 2O
IIaces of Inleresl ......................................................... 2O
HundeIslone .................................................................... 21
IcevoIf ............................................................................. 21
Ironnasler ....................................................................... 21
Luskan ............................................................................. 22
IIaces of Inleresl ........................................................ 22
Miralar ............................................................................ 25
The Look and lhe IeeI ................................................ 26
Covernnenl ................................................................ 27
The IeopIe and lhe IIaces.. ....................................... 27
The Ten Tovns .............................................................. 28
IIaces of Inleresl ......................................................... 29
Thc Evcrmnnrs ............................................................ 3 O
Criffons Nesl .................................................................. 3O
Mornlryns ShieId ........................................................... 3O
IIaces of Inleresl ........................................................ 31
Nesn .............................................................................. 31
IIaces of Inleresl ......................................................... 33
Thc DcssarIn............................................................... 3 4
Bargevrighl Inn............................................................... 34
IIaces of Inleresl ......................................................... 34
BeIiard ............................................................................ 36
IIaces of Inleresl ........................................................ 36
Triloar ............................................................................. 36
IIaces of Inleresl ......................................................... 37
UIuvin ............................................................................. 38
IIaces of Inleresl ......................................................... 38
Wesllridge ....................................................................... 38
IIaces of Inleresl ......................................................... 38
Yarlar ............................................................................... 38
IIaces of Inleresl ......................................................... 39
Thc HIgh Fnrcst .......................................................... 4 2
Noanars HoId ................................................................. 42
IIaces of Inleresl ......................................................... 42
Ioslins HoId ................................................................. 42
IIaces of Inleresl ......................................................... 42
Thc Mnnn!ands ........................................................... 43
LverIund .......................................................................... 43
IIaces of Inleresl ......................................................... 43
}aIanlhar .......................................................................... 44
IIaces of Inleresl ......................................................... 44
Quaervarr ........................................................................ 44
IIace of Inleresl ........................................................... 44
SiIverynoon .................................................................... 45
Hislory of SiIverynoon ............................................ 46
IIaces of Inleresl ......................................................... 51
Currenl CIack ............................................................. 54
Sundalar .......................................................................... 56
IIaces of Inleresl ......................................................... 56
Thc Dc!znun ............................................................... 5 8
CiladeI Adlar .................................................................. 58
Deadsnovs ....................................................................... 59
IIaces of Inleresl ......................................................... 59
IeIlarr.............................................................................. 59
IIaces of Inleresl ......................................................... 6O
Thc Dc!ImbIyr ............................................................. 61
LIorkh .............................................................................. 61
Loudvaler ........................................................................ 61
IIaces of Inleresl ......................................................... 62
rIlar ............................................................................. 62
Seconler ...................................................................... 63
IIaces of Inleresl ......................................................... 64
ZeIlross ............................................................................ 64
IIaces of Inleresl ......................................................... 64
are are lhe civiIized foIk vho donl dveII in cilies, and in lhe Savage Ironlier,
lhose cilies are vaIIed and heaviIy defended. This lookIel delaiIs nosl of lhe cilies
found in lhis vasl Iand, separaled inlo lhe sane calegories as lhe Iocalions delaiIed
in Tnc li|crncss look. Many of lhe NICs nenlioned can le found in lhe firsl
In addilion lo lheir slanding niIilia, nosl cilies in lhe norlh have laIIislae (oflen referred lo as
heavy crosslov guns) or calapuIls nounled on lheir vaII lovers lhal can le ained al allacking
foes. The slalislics for lhese lvo veapons are given leIov. UnIess specified in lhe cilys descrip-
lion, use lhe Iighl veapon slalislics vhenever possilIe.
Lighl BaIIisla: Rng 3,OOO, Dng 2d6, RI 1/2, Crev 1, THACO 12, Cosl 4OO.
Mediun BaIIisla: Rng 2,OOO, Dng 3d6, RI 1/3, Crev 2, THACO 14, Cosl 6OO.
Heavy BaIIisla: Rng 1,OOO, Dng 3d1O, RI 1/4, Crev 4, THACO 17, Cosl 8OO.
Lighl CalapuIl: Rng 2,5OO, Dng 2d1O, RI 1/2, Crev 1, THACO 14, Cosl 5OO.
Mediun CalapuIl: Rng 2,OOO, Dng 3d1O, RI 1/2, Crev 3, THACO 15, Cosl 7OO.
Heavy CalapuIl: Rng 1,5OO, Dng 3d1O, RI 1/3, Crev 5, THACO 17, Cosl 1,OOO.
The Iargesl cilies use hard slone vaIIs as lheir nain Iine of defense.
lher Iarge cilies have sofl slone vaIIs.
Mediun-sized cilies and veaIlhy Iandovners use earlhen paIisades.
Rich Iandovners and Iarge viIIages have lhick vood paIisades.
Large farns and snaII connunilies larrier lheir popuIalion vilh lhin vood paIisades.
When siege veapons are used in allacks againsl vaIIed forlresses or paIisaded viIIages in lhe
Norlh, lhe DM shouId refer lo lhe Sicgc Danagc seclion of Cnap|cr 9. Ccnoa| of lhe DUNG|ON
MAST|R Guic and refer lo lalIe 52 (given leIov) in order lo delernine lhe success of siege al-
StvuctuvuI SuvIng TLvows:
Wa!! Typc
Attack Hard 5nft ThIn ThIck
Fnrm 5tnnc 5tnnc Earth Wnnd Wnnd
BaIIisla 2 3 4 1O 5
Cianl fisl 3 4 7 16 9
SnaII calapuIl 4 8 5 17 9
Ran 5 9 3 2O 17
Screv or driII 12 15 16 2O 12
Large calapuIl 8 11 1O 2O 13
AIlhough lheyre nol shovn on lhe naps, lhe forlified fronlier sleadings of lhe nore poverfuI
independenl IandhoIders exisl and are a vilaI parl of connerce and Iife in lhe Norlh. Mosl of
lhese hoIdings are ranches and farns concenlraled aIong lhe veslern lanks of lhe Dessarin River.
Connunilies aIso appear on lhe soulhern lank of lhe DeIinliyr River and aIong lhe Svord
Coasl, vhere fishing and lrade vilh soulhern and inlerior connunilies is lhe nainslay.
he farns and ranches of lhis region feed nosl of lhe Norlh. The Long Road, vhich
connecls nany of lhe inhaliled viIIages and lovns, is lhe lesl road in lhe region.
TraveIers can expecl lo find roIIing hiIIs, vide skies, and speclacuIar sunsels.
AmphaIL VILLage
nphaiI is a good-sized viIIage of aloul 6OO peopIe vho Iive jusl a fev days ride norlh of
Walerdeep aIong lhe Long Road. Ils prinariIy a connunily of farners, aIlhough lhe cily is
quile veII knovn for ils oulslanding horses. The viIIage is prinariIy conposed of hunans, lhough
a scallering of haIf-eIves, dvarves, and haIfIings aIso caII AnphaiI hone.
TraveIers oflen hear of lhe Chosl of AnphaiI, lhe speclraI apparilion of lhe lovns founder,
AnphaiI lhe }usl. WhiIe nany residenls consider lhe slories of AnphaiIs rides lhrough lovn lo le
nolhing nore lhan fIavor lo add sone inlrigue lo lhe lovn, Iong-lern guards svear lo seeing lhe
forner Iord palroIIing lhe slreels. HaIana ShauIulh, lhe ovner of a lakery, svears lhal lhe ghosl of
AnphaiI scared off sone lhieves vho vere inlenl upon rolling her one dark norning jusl lefore
davn. According lo HaIana, lhe lvo lhieves ran for lheir Iives as lhe ghoslIy rider sIovIy gaIIoped
afler lhen, lipping his vide-lrinned hal lovard HaIana as he passed.
IalroIs of lhe Iiving variely consisl of Walerdeep guards palroIIing fron RassaIanlar. Such pa-
lroIs keep a cIose eye on lhe viIIage, and lhey reporl in lo lhe ruIer of AnphaiI, Lord Warder Bri-
ialhor AIougarr (LN hn I4). Briialhor is a quiel-spoken nan vilh a nealIy lrinned leard vho is
avare of everylhing lhal goes on vilhin AnphaiI. Hes IoyaI lo Iiergeiron of Walerdeep.
AnphaiI is a quiel and peacefuI lovn for lhe nosl parl, and nany lraveIers cile onIy one fIav
lhal ruins lhe scenic leauly of lhe pIace: lhe rank sneII of horse nanure in lhe varner nonlhs.
This unpIeasanl oIfaclory inlruder is caused ly lhe nany farners in lhe area as veII as lhe proIifer-
alion of horse lreeders in AnphaiI. Ils lo lhe horse lreeders lhal nuch of lhe lIane is IeveIed,
hovever, since lheyre aIso sone of lhe nosl veaIlhy cilizens, nolhing nuch is nade of lhe naller.
The Roaringhorn faniIy is lhe Iargesl of lhe horse lreeders, and lheir faniIy is aIso one of lhe nosl
poverfuI. Six nieces of lhe faniIy are aII knovn lo le acconpIished vizards (W7-W13), and lhese speII-
caslers frequenlIy scry on horses and palroIs, valchfuI of any lhieves vho nighl consider sleaIing lheir
faniIy properly. Roaringhorn palroIs consisl of poverfuI fighlers, ranging in IeveIs fron 5lh lo 13lh.
AnphaiI Crays, lred excIusiveIy in AnphaiI, are fanous across Iaern as inleIIigenl, IoyaI, and
hardy nounls, lul soIdiers prefer lhe Iarger, nore poverfuI gIossy-lIack chargers lred in AnphaiI.
NolIe Walerdhavian faniIies vho keep slalIes here have lradilionaIIy leen najor lreeders, nolalIy
lhe Ancalhra, IIzinner, }hanscziI, Roaringhorn, and Tarn faniIies. The independenl slalIe naslers
hn SleeIhand gIynlyr, Rorlh BaIdasker, and LIraghona SeIenler are aIso noled lreeders.
Tvo of Walerdeeps nore nolIe faniIies have hoIdings in AnphaiI. The LagIeshieId faniIy
produce skiIIed aninaI lenders, nainlain a farn vhere iII aninaIs are nursed, and a run a shop
vhere lhe finesl lack is nade and soId. The LagIeshieId harness is nade for lhe Ione riders nounl.
Il is lIack Iealher vilh siIver-pIaled sluds learing lhe spread-vinged eagIe faniIy lIazon. The An-
nakyIs nake nore noney lhan aII of AnphaiI conlined. This cIan conlroIs lhe chief lusiness of
AnphaiI: feeding Walerdeep. Any IocaI vegelalIes lhal donl cone oul of AnnakyI fieIds are
purchased in olher cilies and viIIages ly lhe faniIy al fair narkel prices and carled lo Walerdeep
in Iarge, veII-arned caravans.
PLaces o[ Im1enes1
Ammaky! F!nwcrs and Fnnds: AnnakyIs expands lo an avning-covered slaII in sunner and faII.
They seII lraiI laskels of vegelalIes and vooden skevers of sIiced vegelalIes dipped in gravy for
frying over a fire. In vinler, AnnakyI inporls fruil and vegela-
lIes fron lhe Shining Soulh, seIIing lhen al high prices in
sunner and faII, and exorlilanl prices in vinler and spring.
B!ndh!ar's Warcs: This ranshackIe shop Iooks Iike a larn
lhal is aloul lo coIIapse. BIodhIars seIIs naiIs, danaged kegs,
fence posls, vire, rope, sIals, crales, and gale hinges. Theres a
good seIeclion, and lhe prices are noderale.
E!raghnna 5c!cmbcr's Ranch: This, perhaps lhe nosl suc-
cessfuI lusiness of AnphaiI afler lhe AnnakyI farns, leIongs
lo lhe relired advenlurer LIraghona SeIenler. She suppIies re-
nounls lo lraveIers on lhe Long Road. Her horses are dislril-
uled lhrough inns Iike lhe SIeeping Dragon in RassaIanlar,
vho luy dozens of her horses each year. AnphaiIans aII lhink
lhe Walerdhavian nolIes have chesls upon chesls of goId
luried on AnphaiIan farns. Cossip al Walerdhavian parlies
suggesl lhis runor nay le al Ieasl parliaIIy lrue.
Ha!ana 5hau!uth's: HaIana is a relired varrior vho foughl as
a nercenary vilh a dozen dvarven vonen. Afler she Iosl a hand
lo gangrene, she cane hone and opened a lakery. She seIIs
round hard-vheal Ioaves lhal sland up veII on lhe lraiI, and
snaII luns vilh neal slev in lhe cenler. HaIana has a snaII se-
Ieclion of good vares, and her prices are noderale lo high.
Hnrsc Pnnd: A spol of inleresl, Horse Iond is a pIacid,
nuddy hone lo frogs and valer-IiIies, and il is said lo hide lhe
undervaler enlrance lo lhe lonl of lhe Maiden King, a fenaIe
hunan chieflain vho ruIed here ages ago. According lo lhe laIe,
she sIeeps forever on a slone led, vilh a nagicaI lvo-handed
svord on her lreasl. Advenlurers have enlered lhe pooI severaI
lines Iooking for her lonl, and al Ieasl one land did nol relurn.
Sone years ago, a nunler of undead skeIelons energed fron lhe
pond and slaIked lhrough lhe viIIage, slrangIing severaI foIk le-
fore lhey vere hacked aparl. The lrulh aloul vhal Iies in lhe
deplhs of lhe pond renains lo le reveaIed. Hovever, il is used
daiIy, vilhoul incidenl, lo valer dirly, lhirsly horses.
Imbry!'s C!naks: This dingy pIace is vhere IocaI vonen
galher lo laIk, sip viIdfIover vine, and nake cIoaks, lreeches,
and rainspouls (Iarge-lrinned hals). InlryI is a heavy, lroad-
shouIdered vonan vilh a nerry nanner, a nose Iike an axe-
lIade, and gIossy lIack hair. She aIlers garnenls lo fil, lul prefers
lo seII lhen as is. She leIIs lhose vanling aIleralions lhal lhe
vork lakes al Ieasl lhree days (il acluaIIy lakes onIy a day). She
has a seIeclion of poorIy finished lul servicealIe garnenls.
Eag!cshIc!d FInc Hnrsc Lcathcrs: This is a Iarge shop
vhere lraveIers can purchase saddIes, reins, and olher lack.
Whips and lreeches are avaiIalIe, lul nol lools. The shop cus-
lon-nakes gear for lhe lruIy veaIlhy. Theres a vide seIeclion
of fine goods, lul al very high prices.
LaughIng BandIt: Al lhe norlh end slands lhe lurned ruin
of lhe Laughing Bandil Inn, deslroyed in a speII lallIe lhree
vinlers ago. The conlalanls vere a nasked nage vhose skin
vas ink-lIack (sone foIk leIieve he vas drov) and lhe vizard
ThaIagh Tarn of Telhyr, vho vas lIasled lo lIoodspray. Il is
nol cIear if lhe olher nage escaped lhe inferno. Many lones,
cracked ly lhe heal, vere found in lhe ashes. As lhe ovner
died in lhe lIaze, lheres no greal inleresl in reluiIding. ChiI-
dren pIay in lhe ruins, vhere nany jeveIs of neIled, puddIed
gIass can le found. Under lhe charred linlers Iie lhe inns ceI-
Iars, vhich nay sliII conlain sone vaIualIes. Theres no vay lo
gel dovn lhere vilhoul digging in fuII viev of lhe chiIdren and
anyone passing on lhe road.
Macr!bar Eggs & Frcsh Fnw!: This shop is fuII of savdusl,
lIood, and slink. The lhin proprielor and his vife seII eggs,
ducks, lurkeys, and pheasanl. Theres a fair seIeclion, lul ils
nol cIean. The lirds are avaiIalIe Iive, pIucked, or Iighl-
roasled. ver lhe counler is a lanloo cage conlaining a
goIden-hued songlird MaerIlar svears is a Red Wizardess of
Thay, lrapped ly speIIs.
Thc MIddcns: This disgusling area is lhe IocaI lrash heap.
Il sneIIs, allracls rals and vernin (and koloIds), and is le-
Iieved lo le lhe IocaI lrevery of disease. nce a nonlh,
vhelher il needs il or nol, lhe piIe is sel lo fIane (or a nage
vilh a firelaII speII is hired lo ignile lhe pulrid nound). Ils nol
unconnon for lhe refuse lo lun for severaI days.
The Middens has leen found lo conlain cadavers of unIucky
souIs, usuaIIy rich nerchanls fron Walerdeep or CaIinshan.
The nurderer seens lo knov lhe scheduIe of lhe Middens lurn-
ing and pIanls lhe carcass a day or lvo lefore lhe fIaning. Who-
ever is disposing of lhe lodies is quile cIever, for he has yel lo
Ieave any discernilIe cIues. RecenlIy, Molher ColhaI suggesled
a spca| ui|n ca speII le casl lo delernine lhe assassin, lul no
one vilh access lo lhe speII vas avaiIalIe al lhe line. In re-
sponse, lhe nurderer nov nuliIales lhe faces and javs lo keep
lhe corpse fron discIosing lhe idenlily of lhe kiIIer.
Mnthcr Gntha!'s: If lhe 'SlagnIIag is lhe pIace lo chal
quielIy and nake deaIs, Molher ColhaIs is lhe IocaI spol lo
have fun. Ils a pIace vhere lhe viIIage lurns oul lo dance and
Iislen lo lraveIing ninslreIs. Those vho vanl lo reveI can
change inlo ridicuIous coslunes of lIack collon, nock Iace,
high ruffIes, and nasks.
Molher ColhaIs is a laII oId house vilh high arched vin-
dovs and nany snaII, Ialyrinlhine roons. There are piIIared
porches running aIong lhe oulside on aII lhree slories, vilh a
sel of slairs al lhe lack. The sleps are soflIy Iil ly firefIies
lrapped in gIass gIoles sel on lhe slairposls. The ground IeveI is
devoled lo a dance fIoor vilh a raised slage and seals aIong lhe
oulside. The seals are sofl and curlained off. There are lhree
slaircases cIinling lo lhe roons alove. Ior privacy on lhe
upper fIoors, ancing |ign|s are used for iIIuninalion, vhiIe gncs|
pipcs provide conlinuous lackground nusic.
Molher ColhaIs is aIvays open, and il is nanaged ly
ColhaI or her aide, a fornidalIe ChuIl varrior naned DIara.
Molher ColhaI is a fraiI oId vonan vho cIings lo rennanls of
leauly and sonelines lakes lo lhe slage lo dance.
SpeIIs (and nonslers) guard a vauIl in lhe ceIIar lhal can
onIy le reached lhrough Molher ColhaIs ledroon. Any guesl
can Ieave vaIualIes in her keeping, secure in lhe knovIedge lhal
nolhing viII le sloIen. Molher ColhaI ovns a snaII collage a
niIe or so easl of lhe feslhaII, on a road anong lhe farns.
This feslhaII vas lhe house of DaIrosz Kolhonl, an eccen-
lric nolIenan vho lurned his lack on Walerdeep. His faniIy
spurned hin lecause of his necronanlic arls, so he Iived his
days aIone, experinenling vilh caplured oulIavs and cadavers
in a quesl for innorlaIily. He experinenled vilh augnenla-
lion of lhe hunan forn~addilionaI Iinls, eyes added lo lhe
lack of lhe head, elc. There are gruesone laIes of nisshapen
peopIe vilh lenlacIes, exlra arns, and lhe Iike.
Afler he disappeared, a dozen experinenls escaped lo lhe hiIIs
nearly. Runor insisls lheir veird descendanls sliII roan, preying
on aninaIs and unIucky lraveIers. The house feII inlo lhe hands of
an advenluring land caIIed lhe Iive Ready BIades. They used il as
a headquarlers for a season lefore lhey disappeared. LocaIs
lhoughl lhen sliII al hone, lul lheir hungry horses vere found in
lhe slalIes, and no one sav lhen Ieave. Sone viIIagers lhink lhey
vere kiIIed ly DaIrosz. They leIieve he Iurks in lhe houses ceIIars.
lhers suggesl he didnl find innorlaIily lul lecane a Iich and
Iured lhe advenlurers inlo undead servilude. Ils aIso runored lhal
lhe Iive found a gale lo anolher pIace and have yel lo relurn, or
lhal lhey have nel lheir doons. There are runors of peopIe van-
ishing fron Molher ColhaIs and of nolIes appearing vho vere
seen in Walerdeep a shorl line lefore lul vho verenl seen on
lhe road. Ils possilIe lhese foIk nade use of a |c|cpcr| service run
ly cerlain nages in Walerdeep.
O!d Dcad Rnwan: Id Dead Rovan is a IeafIess lree vhose
lrunk is as Iarge as a collage. The lree is a popuIar neeling
pIace and ils forked lop serves as a Iookoul lo lhe norlh. Leg-
end says a sorceress of greal pover is luried under ils rools and
lhal her pover keeps lhe lree fron rolling. SupposedIy, lhis
pover sonelines heaIs sick foIk vho sIeep alop ils fork. LocaIs
svear lheyve seen il happen. LocaI Iav diclales anyone caughl
chopping al lhe lree receives lhe sane nunler of axe lIovs
lhe cuIpril deIivered lo lhe lree.
Pc!nst Ga!athacr: IeIosl has Iived in AnphaiI aII his Iife, lak-
ing over his falhers shop 4O vinlers ago. His signloard says leds
repaired, furnilure soId, sIedge-runners a speciaIly. IeIosl canl
repair vheeIs, so he luys lroken vagons, keeping lhe vheeIs lo
seII lo lraveIers. Irices are noderale, excepl for lhe vheeIs.
5hruncda!ar's 5ccrcts: This pIace is popuIar vilh IocaI
Iadies and nerchanls vives vho vanl lo freshen afler a jour-
ney. Ial, sofl-fingered UIrelh ShrunedaIar and his siIenl,
skiIIed sons and daughlers offer hair-lalhing and culling,
nakeup appIicalion, fashion accessories, and perfune. He has
a good seIeclion of services, lul lhe prices are high.
Thc 5tag-Hnrncd F!agnn: This cozy luiIding is lhe onIy va-
lering hoIe in AnphaiI. Ils a handsone, dark lavern, considering
lhe veaIlh of nolIes vho drink here and of lhose vho cone lo
luy horses. Ils naned for an ancienl and lallered drinking cup (a
varriors heIn of unknovn origin, vilh lvo anlIers affixed lo il)
hanging over lhe lar. Mirl lhe MoneyIender of Walerdeep caIIed
il a safe pIace lo gel lIind drunk in. The Slag has a nagicaI
vard againsl fire exlending around lhe lavern vaIIs.
The lavern nasler is Krivvin ShanlIeslar, an oId, sofl-spo-
ken nan vilh siIver hair and a leard. Slocky and spare of
novenenls, Krivvin has an exceIIenl nenory for faces and
lheir favored drinks. He has six leaulifuI serving-girIs, and hes
lrained lhen aII lo le experl knife-lhrovers (THACO 11).
The laverns leans lear lhe scars of praclice.
The Slag has an inleresling Iegend, ceIelraled in lhe yearIy
Rile of lhe Slag Lass. A naiden of nolIe lIood fron Waler-
deep rides lhrough AnphaiI cIad in a slag nask, a lunic, and
green lreeches. She disnounls norlh of lhe viIIage and runs
lack, on fool, lo lhe Slag. AIong lhe vay, viIIage foIk vho see
her give chase and fIing golIels of valer, soured vine, or oId
niIk over her. When lhe Iass reaches lhe Slag, she nusl drain
lhe oId anlIered drinking-cup fiIIed vilh lhe lilleresl leer lhe
lavernnasler can find. Al lhe lollon of lhe cup is a leaulifuI
piece of jeveIry~hers lo keep. A lalh is lroughl for her and
lhe viIIagers drink lo her heaIlh. AII leer poured lo a viIIager
or lhe Slag Lass is free lhal day.
This curious rile renenlers a priesless of MieIikki vho
dveIl in AnphaiI Iong ago. She couId lake lhe shape of a slag
and vas one day hunled ly ignoranl Walerdhavian nolIes.
They pursued her even afler she changed lack lo hunan forn.
The Iass fIed lhrough lhe viIIage, lIood lraiIing fron vounds
lhe hunlers nade. She died al lhe Slag, pIeading for aid. By
sone accounls, lhe vonan vas lhe goddess herseIf in disguise.
Legend hoIds lhal any vorshipper of MieIikki vho kisses lhe
lar can ask lhe goddess one queslion each year and hear in his
nind an ansver fron lhe Lady of lhe Ioresl herseIf.
5tatuc nf thc Grcat 5ha!arn: MaIandervays is overIooked
ly a lIack slone slalue of lhe Creal ShaIarn, a fanous var slaI-
Iion lred in AnphaiI 39 vinlers ago. CeIded Iong ago ly a
pranksler, lhe rearing horse inage is oflen painled various hues
ly high-spiriled IocaIs. The slalues a popuIar pIace lo Ieave
cryplic nessages, eilher lucked under a hind hoof, or sIid le-
lveen lhe scuIpled curIs of lhe laiI. Ils aIso a connon pIace for
signaIs, usuaIIy a lil of coIored cIolh lied lo a parlicuIar parl of
lhe horse. Lore hoIds lhal if lhe ghoslIy figure of lhe ranger
Yarolyn Longarn, a Iong-ago hero of AnphaiI, is ever seen in
lhe saddIe, var viII soon cone lo lhe lovn.
Thc 5tnnc 5ta!!Inn: The onIy inn in AnphaiI is naned
afler lhe horse slalue al lhe viIIage cenler. Ils a Iarge, nodern
pIace, luiIl seven vinlers ago afler an inn on lhe sile lurned lo
lhe ground. The Slone SlaIIion has pIeasanl, lapeslry-hung
roons~and a dark hislory.
The SlaIIion is cooI and gIooniIy Iil, vilh four fIoors of 2O
roons each and a ceIIar fiIIed vilh furnilure. The pIace is
nearIy enply, Ieaving sIeepers in dark, deserled, and creepy
surroundings. Roons have canopied leds vilh side draperies,
vaII lapeslries, and candIe-Ianlerns. The slairs are sleep, and
lhe Iolly snaII and unprelenlious, vilh lareIy roon for a desk
lefore lhe slairs. UnIess you cause sone sorl of expIosion,
lhrov sonelhing dovn lhe slairs or oul a vindov during day-
Iighl hours, or cone and hanner on lhe desk, youII le Iefl
aIone. Thorn sees lhis as respecling ones privacy.
Despile leing recenlIy luiIl, lhe Slone SlaIIion has a repula-
lion of leing haunled. The innkeeper, hovever, ridicuIes such
laIk. There are no ghosls in lhe SlaIIion~ils jusl idIe laIk ly
foIks vho donl Iike ny nusic! Thorn is a relired nerchanl fron
Ann vho spends nosl of his line pIucking al a Iule. MeanvhiIe,
his five slrong, siIenl daughlers cook and see lo lhe Iinen.
The viIIagers say Thorn has lreasure luried under lhe inn,
acconpanied ly lhe lodies of severaI lhieves vho lhoughl
lhey couId reIieve hin of il. He doesnl nake enough running
lhe inn, lhey cIain, lo keep lhe doors open. Thorn escapes
IocaI censure lecause lovnsfoIk lhink hes deaIing vilh lhe
Weeping Wilch for lhen.
The Weeping Wilch is a slrange sorl of ghosl. Mosl of lhe
line, shes a siIenl apparilion. Shes a vonan in dark roles and
lare feel, Iong hair hiding her face, vho slrides aIong lhe haIIs,
gIiding in and oul of roons lo Iook dovn on sIeeping guesls.
Sonelines she renains unseen lul can le heard, solling
fainlIy sonevhere nearly. Sone of lhe line, shes soIid, vaIk-
ing lhe nighl lo slrangIe foes.
The Wilch vas a sorceress vho Iived Iong ago vhere AnphaiI
slands vho gIeaned nagic fron grinoires fron NelheriI. She de-
fended herseIf againsl orcs vilh speIIs lhal lurned hares and foxes
inlo nonslrous leasls under her connand. ne day, lhough, her
lelrolhed cane lo visil. She nislakenIy lurned her leasls on hin
and sIev hin. She fIed fron her nagic solling and vas sIain ly
valching orcs. Her speII looks vere never found and nusl Iie
nearly. Ils said lhe door of her hul vas shaded ly lhe sane
duskvood lrees lhal narks one end of lhe viIIage.
U!vInhand 5mIthy: Wesl of lhe Laughing Bandil slands
lhe hone and forge of lhe laII, learded finesnilh Akrosz UIv-
inhand. Hes lhe equaI of any snilh in Walerdeep. Theres a
sleady slrean of visilors dovn lhe road lo his forge, lul he
lakes onIy connissions lhal inleresl hin. LocaI gossip says his
seIecled connissions incIude nany lIades lhal are Ialer en-
chanled ly vizards.
osl foIk in lhe Norlh never hear of lhis quiel pIace, and
ils lheir Ioss. KheIdeIIs a Iogging viIIage on lhe edge of
Weslvood, lucked in lhe Spires foolhiIIs. Ils Iink lo lhe oul-
side vorId is a lraiI lhrough lhe roIIing hiIIs knovn as KheIdeII
Ialh. The viIIage is a cIusler of Iog hones surrounding a
savniII. Iifly foIk Iive in lhe viIIage, and 2O nore vork lhe
voods. Theyre Ied ly CheIkyn, a vizard vho Ievilales Iogs
vhiIe lhe Iunlerjacks naneuver lhen lo horse leans lhal drag
lhen lo lhe niII aIong vinding lraiIs. Afler lhe vood is niIIed,
carls or sIedges lake lhe vood lo narkel in Red Larch.
CheIkyn avoids lhe vralh of lreanls and salyrs in Wesl-
vood ly vorking vilh lhree druids dveIIing nearly, culling
onIy vhere lhey direcl. The foIk of KheIdeII pIanl nore lrees
lhan lhey cul, sIovIy exlending lhe foresl under lhe direclion
of lhe druids of lhe Dusk CircIe. KheIdeII has no singIe one
ruIer, aII decisions are ly consensus. Hovever, lhe peopIe vilh
lhe nosl infIuence are CheIkyn and a vonan naned ShaIa
ThaeraI, lhe Voice of lhe CircIe.
KheIdeII is a pIace reconnended for resling or hiding. Ils loo
snaII for an inn, so visilors sIeep on lhe laverns lack porch. Vis-
ilors vho lring donalions lo SiIvanus or MieIikki, and vho agree
nol lo cul or lurn vood during lheir slay, can canp in one of lhe
noss-fIoored gIades nainlained ly lhe druids.
PLaces o[ Im1enes1
Thc 5tag at Rcst: This dark, Iov-ceiIinged lavern is run ly a
heavy, gray-haired vonan knovn as DeIgara lhe SIin, an experl
vilh a cIeaver. Il has a fIagslone fIoor, rough-hevn furnilure, and a
quiel alnosphere. Afler a days vork, lhe lovnsfoIk are loo lired for
nore lhan a lankard and chal lefore slunlIing hone lo led, gos-
sip of lhe vorId oulside is eagerIy veIconed. The foIk of KheIdeII
Iike lo hear aloul lhe IavIessness and delauchery of Walerdeep.
l l
nIike nosl norlhern lovns, LeiIon Iacks defensive vaIIs,
an earlhen ranparl vilh a vooden paIisade surrounded ly
a dilch shieIds il on lhe Iandvard side, save for lhe galeIess
lovn enlrance piercing lhe enlanknenl. LeiIons a groving
connunily of 3,OOO foIk. An aIIy of Walerdeep, ils ruIer, Lord
IeIindar IiInarya, keeps LeiIon in lhe Lords AIIiance and
connunicales reguIarIy vilh Iiergeiron of Walerdeep.
LeiIon consisls of sloul slone collages vilh sIale or lhalch
roofs, lhe Ialler leing covered vilh a hardened sIurry of nud.
In lhe nounlains easl of lhe nines is lhe alandoned dvarven
hoId of Soulhkrypl, an oId siIver nine in cenluries pasl lhal is
nov hone lo nany slrange and dangerous nonslers.
The valer near LeiIon is shaIIov, vilh lidaI nud fIals ex-
lending a Iong vay oul fron shore, naking lhe lovn a Iesser
porl cily. SnaII lands of LeiIonnar sonelines fish lhese vilh
hurIed nels. The nud fIals nake ship lrade difficuIl. To over-
cone lhis, a dozen oId, nassive, lallered larges have leen
nagicaIIy prolecled againsl fire and rol. Theyre poIed oul lo
neel ships, vhere rickely cranes allached lo lhe high rear
decks of lhe larges unIoad lhe cargoes. This can le done onIy
in spring or sunner, vhen lhe vind is Iov and lhe vealher
fair. Lven in lhe lesl vealher, lhe operalion is lricky. This per-
iIous praclice is leing suppIanled ly Iarge, veII-arned caravans
coning inlo lovn fron Walerdeep Ioaded vilh food and
finevares. The caravans seII enough lo nake roon lo luy sone
of LeiIons precious nelaI ores and lake il soulh lo seII al
Walerdeeps harlor for a generous profil.
IeIindar has eslalIished a shrine lo Tyr in lovn. Il slands
nexl lo oIder shrines lo Lalhander and Tynora. The CuIl of
lhe Dragon and lhe Zhenlarin are aclive in LeiIon, and lhere
are dark laIes of IocaI cuIls vho vorship undead nages or spir-
ils of lhe nine deeps.
The lovn is guarded ly lhe Lances of LeiIon. This is a force
of 2OO nounled Iancers skiIIed al firing crosslovs fron horse-
lack. They vear chain naiI, vilh shieIds slrapped lo lheir chesls
and lacks. Lach Iancer usuaIIy carries an axe, a knife, a svord, a
Iance, and a Iighl crosslov lhal can le fired easiIy fron horse-
lack. These fighlers, aIvays on palroI, seek lo nininize raids ly
orcs, luglears, lroIIs, lrigands, and pirales (lheir speciaIly).
Zhenl agenls are runored lo exisl in LeiIon, lul lheir in-
lenl and nolives uncerlain. Their presence prolalIy indicales
an allenpl lo secure a lrade roule.
PLaces c I1enes1
HIgh Tnwcr nf Tha!Ivar: This alandoned nage lover rises in
lhe cenler of lovn. Ils guarded ly ils ovn vard. DelaiIs on lhe
vards povers and lhe exislence of lokens renain unknovn.
Ils knovn lo have guardian nonslers, and lheyve so far
proven deadIy lo aII advenlurers seeking lo pIunder lhe nagic
repuled lo le lhere.
Thc MIncs nf LcI!nn: LeiIons niners concenlrale on dig-
ging rich Iodes of copper, nickeI, and siIver fron lhe nines easl
of LeiIon. The nounlains are honeyconled vilh shafls and
lunneIs, incIuding severaI oIder shafls opening inlo lovn ilseIf,
and sone lhal go very deep. These nines are heaviIy guarded
ly lhe Lances of LeiIon.
Thc Orc's Tusks: The Tusks is favored ly IocaIs. Ils
crovded, friendIy, and cheaper lhan lhe ColIel. Ils laproon is
doninaled ly an orcs skuII vilh Iarge lusks on vhich palrons
are vonl lo hang anusing or enlarrassing ilens.
Thc 5wnrd nf LcI!nn: This oId eslalIishnenl is a varren of
snaII roons. Cuesls oflen gel Iosl and lIunder inlo each olhers
roons. Ils luiIl on lhe sile of an earIier inn vhere LeiIons defend-
ers used lo galher lecause lhe luiIdings size couId easiIy accon-
nodale lheir nunlers. Thal inn lurned dovn due lo nisadven-
lure, lul lhe nane of lhis inn hearkens lo lhose days of IocaI gIory.
assaIanlar is a caravan valering slop, lul an ever-presenl
fog and lhe nearly log nake il an unpIeasanl off-road
canpsile. RassaIanlar consisls of haIf a dozen vaIIed farns,
cenlered on a spring-fed pond lhal drains inlo a slrean lo lhe
easl lhal enplies inlo lhe Slunp Bog, a spravIing, desoIale
narsh haunled ly nonslers.
An age ago, lhe varrior RassaIanlar luiIl a keep vesl of lhe
presenl sellIenenl. The age-oId keep, nov in ruins, is used lo
sheIler visiling lranps, doppIegangers, and Iess savory non-
slers. Wesl of lhe pond is Keep Woods, a narrov lul dense slrip
of gnarIed lrees. This foresl, Iocaled lelveen lvo farns, cIoaks
lhe ruins of RassaIanlars originaI keep.
RassaIanlar is under Walerdeeps proleclion. There are 6O
guards quarlered in larracks jusl off lhe road lehind lhe inn.
The guards palroI lhe Long Road fron lhe gales of Walerdeep
lo a cairn a haIf-day ride norlh of AnphaiI ViIIage. They ro-
lale lack lo duly in CaslIe Walerdeep once a nonlh.
PLace c I1enes1
Thc 5!ccpIng Dragnn: Across lhe road and easl of lhe pond
slands lhe SIeeping Dragon. A lridge crosses lhe slrean a pace
norlh of lhe inn. The innkeeper, Thrun Spider SanaIIahan,
is a cIose friend of Durnan of Walerdeep. TaIes leII lhal one of
lhe girIs vorking in lhe Dragon is a goId dragon hiding in
hunan shape. Thrun scoffs al lhis, lul lhe runors never go
avay for Iong.
Reo Lanch
ed Larch is a vayslop lovn of 6OO foIk slanding alop a Iov
ridge serving as lhe veslernnosl edge of a region of non-
sler-infesled hiIIs. The ridge vas crovned ly a red sland of
Iarches lul vere feIIed ly lhe lovns firsl sellIers. Today, Red
Larch is a lusy lrade lovn. Ils lhe sile of a farners narkel, a suc-
cessfuI vagonvorks, a luckIe and Iock faclory, and a callIe nar-
kel lhal allracls luyers fron aII over lhe Norlh and Svord Coasl.
Three lraiIs inlersecl lhe Long Road al Red Larch. Cairn
Road runs soulheasl lhrough an area of snaII farns and ranches
lo Bargevrighl Inn. KheIdeII Iass vinds vesl lhrough lhe hiIIs lo
KheIdeII. Larch Ialh runs easl inlo lhe hiIIs lo severaI alan-
doned, nonsler-haunled keeps. The keeps used lo leIong lo ad-
venlurers and IocaI ranching connunilies. CurrenlIy, Red Larch
is avash in runors of a sinisler force lhal slrikes ly nighl fron lhe
nearly hiIIs. Sone say ils drov reaching lhe surface.
PLaces o[ Im1enes1
Thc B!ackbuttcr Inn: The nore soulherIy of lhe lvo inns is lhe
BIackluller Inn. Naned for ils founder and forner ovner, lhe
fal, joviaI, IocaI Iegend knovn as BargIun BIackluller vho died
eighl vinlers ago vhiIe fighling voIves, lul hes fondIy renen-
lered. The inn is nov run ly DheIosk QueIleard, a lhin, Iaconic
nan fron Ann. DheIosk is aIvays inleresled in nevs fron afar.
Harncssmakcrs: Harnesses for leans of various sizes are
soId ly a nunler of craflsnen around lhe viIIage. AIagIalh
ChansyrI, SkIaen }havander, and gnolh TarnIar are crafls-
nen vho nake lheir ovn vares for use vilh TheIorns vagons
or an advenlurers ovn, and lhey can creale or aIler harnesses
lo suil a cusloners needs.
Thc Hc!m at HIghsun: The HeIn is a din, quiel pIace, fre-
quenled ly caravan guards, advenlurers, lhe relired singIe foIk
vho vanl lo le aIone, and nerchanls vanling lo reIax. No one
lolhers you in lhe HeIn, lhey say. This nollo is enforced ly a
siIenl, allenlive, and nenacing heIned horror knovn as AraIdyk
lhal serves as vailer, usher, and louncer. The horror is under lhe
nenlaI conlroI of lhe ovner, lhe nage Yalher IndagIoI. Mosl pa-
lrons never see Yalher, he keeps lo his Iocked chanlers lhal he
shares vilh a pseudodragon faniIiar. He runs lhe lavern using
uizar cqcs, a speaking-lule, and a slaff of a dozen skiIIed vorkers.
Mhandyvvcr's Pnu!try: Red Larch has severaI pouIlry-
houses vhere fovI, fresh eggs, and chicks for rearing can le
loughl. The lesl is skIer Mhandyvver. Turkeys, chickens, and
cIip-vinged ducks are raised in sheds and runs as veII. Boys are
hired lo shool foxes, havks, ovIs, and veaseIs approaching lhe
runs. The praclice lhey gel gives Red Larch aloul 1OO skiIIed
archers, orc raiders have Iearned lo avoid lhe lovn.
OncshIc!d QuarrIcs: Red Larch is hone lo a skiIIed dvar-
ven sloneculler, }arlh neshieId. }arlh is aIvays in need of
nercenary varriors and advenlurers lo guard his dvarven and
hunan vorkers vhen lheyre culling slone in lhe four quarries
lo lhe easl of lovn. }arlhs prices are high, as is lhe pay he gives
his enpIoyees.
Thc Rcd Larch Ramb!cr: The RanlIer is a veII-knovn,
Iarge, veII-Iil pIace, decoraled vilh hanging pIanls. IaniIies
and respeclalIe foIk cone here lo drink and challer. This is
Red Larchs pulIic galhering pIace.
Thc 5wIngIng 5wnrd: This inn, lhe sonelines rovdy, ca-
suaI inn of Red Larch, has a lurrel lhal Iooks Iike il leIongs
alop a grand caslIe. Ils oId, dark and fuII of secrel passages and
slorage cIosels vilh pIenly of nice and lhe cals vho chase
lhen. The inn is run ly lvo eIderIy sislers vho Iove laIes of ad-
venlure and pranks. Bolh are ninor sorceresses vho defend
lhenseIves vilh |ign|ning oc||s or fircoa||s if lhey nusl.
The Svord is a favorile anong advenlurers, foIk of aclion,
and IocaI escorls, vho can le found here nosl evenings. The
Svords a pIace vhere lhe slaff sees lo lhe guesls needs as if
lhey read ninds. Balhs are ready for lhe fiIlhy, varn chairs ly
lhe fire for lhe chiIIed, and lhose vho need lo hide lhings~or
lhenseIves~find a leckoning chanlernaid al lheir eIlov.
The Svord has a IoyaI cIienleIe lhal goes oul of ils vay lo
slop here. Hovever, lhe inn aIso faces dark nullers fron sone
IocaIs, vho lhink il allracls danger. There are runors lhal a gale
lo anolher far-off pIace in Iaern is hidden sonevhere in or
near il. The laIes speak of conneclions vilh Moonshae, Vasl,
and TashaIar. Slrange foIk cerlainIy seen lo shov up al lhe inn.
Thc!nrn's 5afc Jnurncys: This vagonvorks seIIs vagons of
lhe highesl quaIily, lrealed lo resisl fire and equipped vilh lvo
spare vheeIs and a lov lar for hilching a second vagon. The
ready-lo-luy vagons are kepl fron lhe vealher in a huge shed.
TheIorn, a grin ex-nercenary, Iikes lo have a dozen vagons in
slock. He can nake vagons lo cuslon specificalions in a lenday.
alerdeep, knovn as lhe Cily of SpIendors, Iies on lhe
soulhveslern edge of lhe Norlh. The popuIalion rareIy
faIIs leIov 122,OOO, lhough lhe acluaI nunler varies seasonaIIy.
In lines of lusy lrade, lhe cily hosls five lines lhis nunler. AI-
nosl every surface-dveIIing race has represenlalives here,
lhough nosl are Norlhern hunans. LIves, gnones, and dvarves
dveII here, lul lhe haIfIing popuIalion grovs annuaIIy, pronis-
ing lo lecone lhe Iargesl deni-hunan race in residence. To
nalch lhe raciaI variely, nosl reIigions have shrines or lenpIes.
Anylhing one couId vanl can le found in lhis nighly sea-
porl. The niIilia, lhoughl lo le 1,2OO Cuards (heaviIy lrained,
fuIIy arnored soIdiers) and 1,6OO Walch (Iighl-arnored poIice-
nen) nay search any person, pIace, or conlainer vilhoul hin-
drance or varning.
The Lords of Walerdeep nainlain lhe roads for aloul 2OO
niIes around lhe lovn, and lhey provide niIilary force vhen
necessary lo safeguard lhe surrounding area. Hovever, lhere is
no acluaI cenlraI aulhorily. The individuaI fiefdons and char-
lered lovns operale independenlIy for aII praclicaI purposes,
joining onIy vhen lheir conlined inleresls are al slake.
Walerdeep has a Iong and Iasling reIalionship vilh Dagger-
ford, and lhe lvo cilies can caII on each olher for aid in case of
invasion. Considering lhe 15O niIes lelveen Daggerford and
Walerdeep, lhis pacl is praclicaI onIy in lhe case of invasions
vilh advance varning. So far, lhe onIy use of lhe lrealy vas lhe
invasion fron Dragonspear CaslIe. The Lords of Walerdeep
lake any reasonalIe aclion necessary lo nainlain a good reIa-
lionship vilh Daggerford.
A Iong-lern goaI for lhe Zhenlarin is eslalIishing a prof-
ilalIe lrade roule across lhe HearlIands lo Walerdeep. Many
suspecl Zhenl presence in lhe Cily of SpIendors aIready, lul
lheyre deepIy luried. Agenls avoid confIicls al aII cosls vilh
lhe Lords of Walerdeep and lhe Shadov Thieves, lo nane lvo
IelhaI opponenls, unliI lhe lrade roule is secured. Sone Zhenl
agenls have allenpled lo eslalIish snaII lrading conpanies lo
receive Zhenlarin goods vhen lhey arrive, vhiIe olher agenls
galher infornalion on conpelilion and cIienls.
Iurlher infornalion on Walerdeep is found in lhe Ci|q cf
Sp|cncrs loxed sel. Ior a pIeleian escorl inlo lhe lizarre, see
Vc|cs Guic |c la|crccp.
aIes of hidden lreasures are connon in lhis area lul none has leen found. The
ranchers, farners, and Ioggers lhal inhalil lhe najorily of lhe area are a friendIy
Iol. Their cilies are lIessed vilh lrees, gardens, and vinding slreels accenled vilh
leaulifuI luiIdings.
onylerry is a snaII farning viIIage sheIlered on lhe edge of Nevervinler Wood. Ils fanous as
lhe hone of lhe Chosl of Nevervinler Wood. The viIIage is nolhing nore lhan a dozen
houses slanding in a cIusler vilh adjoining farns spreading lo lhe easl and soulh, divided ly carl
lracks running haphazardIy lo Triloar.
The foIk of Conylerry cul lrees fron lhe vood as needed. They hunl in lhe fringes of lhe vood
and snare rallils and lhe Iike in lhe grassy pIains soulh of lhe farns. They grov crops lo feed
lhenseIves and lrade profuseIy vilh lraveIers vho cone lheir vay. They are IargeIy seIf-sufficienl,
needing lo purchase onIy Iinens, finished cIolhing, finevares, and cooking vesseIs fron peddIers.
Al nighl, lhe cilizens keep valch fron lhe rooflops, arned vilh scylhes, svords, and crosslovs.
AIlhough lroIIs and lrigands Iurk in lhe hiIIs lo lhe soulh, skirling lhe hiIIs is lhe faslesl vay
fron lhe inlerior lo lhe coasl, crealing a sleady passage of lraveIers excepl in vinler. Harsh vinler
condilions are knovn as voIf vealher lecause voIves grov hungry and enler lhe viIIage lo raid
slores and coops for food. Conylerry is aIso hone lo severaI rough-and-ready carpenlers and lvo
lrevers vho fernenl horrilIe leers.
TaIes of lreasure cenler on a Iegendary Iosl eIven keep caIIed lhe Sharandar. Il vas alandoned
ly eIves vho saIIied forlh lo fighl orcs and vere overvheIned. Sharandar is said lo le fuII of gens,
nagic, arnor, fanlaslic scuIpled gIass furnilure, and olher lhings of leauly. LocaIs say lhe Sharan-
dar is cIoaked ly Iiving lrees.
PLaces o[ Im1enes1
Agatha's Grnvc: The haunl of a ghosl, lhis grove is lhe chief Iandnark of lhe area. The ghosl of
Nevervinler Wood is a lanshee knovn as Agalha. This nane is prolalIy a corruplion of lhe eIven
surnane AugIalhIa, neaning Winlerlreeze in an oId eIven diaIecl. Her Iair is in a grove norlhvesl
of Conylerry al lhe end of a palh vhose enlrance is narked ly a sland of lirch lrees.
Agalhas Iair vas guarded ly a nagic nirrcr speII, sel up lo hide her reaI Iocalion and give her
line lo hurI speIIs al inlruders. The nagic nirrcr aIso heIped lo hide lhe lreasure Agalha had
anassed ly lhieving in lhe nighl, sIaying lraveIers, and piIIaging oId lonls. These defenses vere
shallered ly lhe heroes Drizzl DoUrden and WuIfgar, vho sloIe Agalhas lreasure. Since her
veaIlh vas sloIen, she has laken lo Iooling lhe Dessarin lo reluiId her riches. She aIso seeks re-
venge for lhe lhefl and considers any advenlurers filling recipienls of dealh.
Agalhas Iair has nev defenses nov. Her speIIs enalIe her lo cnarn ovIlears and lhe peopIe of
Conylerry inlo digging pilfaII lraps aIong lhe palh lo her Iair. These servanls have leen seen
guarding her haunl. lher lhan lhis aclivily, Agalha does nol lolher lhe foIk of Conylerry.
Ralher, she vievs lhen as aIIies. Agalha oflen uses speIIs lo lring lhen leasls for food in lhe vorsl
vinler vealher. She sIaughlers orcs and lrigands vho venlure loo near lhe viIIage. IoIk in Cony-
lerry regard Agalha affeclionaleIy as lheir guardian and friend. They oflen laIk aloul her and
specuIale on vhal shes up lo.
Bcrun Carc: Treahugh Creiko slarled his velerinary praclice lecause of his uncanny fIair vilh
aninaIs~every aninaI lhal enlers lhe door of lhis snaII, cIean shop feeIs innedialeIy al ease. The
proprielor is very caring, quiel, and nelicuIous vilh his exaninalions. Never has an aninaI leen
adnilled lo his shop and nol leen cured. His prices are exlra-
ordinariIy reasonalIe~aloul haIf of vhal a siniIar shop in
Walerdeep or SiIverynoon vouId charge. RecenlIy, vord of
lhis cIinic has reached as far norlh as Miralar and as far soulh
as Ann, and lhe very rich and prosperous are naking lhe ex-
pensive lrip lo Conylerry in order lo have Treahugh care for
lheir aninaIs.
Cnnybcrry Arms: This shop is nol a pIace lo luy quaIily
arns. The veapons lhal lhe ovner, Marlin von Mensch, does
seII are of poor very poor quaIily. Ils nol unconnon for an ad-
venlurer lo relurn lo lhis shop carrying a hiIl and a shallered
lIade (aIong vilh a fev exlra lallIe scars).
Marlins shop speciaIizes in shoddy lIacksnilh vork, Iike nak-
ing avkvard horseshoes, hooks lo perch svords and scallards
fron lhe leIl, doorknols, hinges, Iocks lhal require a crovlar
lo open, and, of course, crovlars.
Marlin isnl conlenl jusl lo rip off lhose vho enler his shop
ly seIIing sulslandard equipnenl for nornaI narkel prices and
quaIily sluff al exorlilanl figures, hes hired a Iov-IeveI lul
acule lhief vilh a ring cf intisioi|i|q vho vaIks aloul, Iifling
snaII lhings off lhe leIls of cusloners and visilors on lhe
slreel. No one, vilh lhe possilIe exceplion of Marlin, knovs
vho lhis person is. Runors say lhe lhief is acluaIIy a high-
cIassed lurgIar (cursed vilh pernanenl intisioi|i|q) vho cane
lo Conylerry lo dodge a Walerdhavian noose deslined lo
caress his neck.
Cnnybcrry Ha!!: IoIk galher here for connunaI feasls, or
lo drink, snoke, and gossip lhe nighls avay. The viIIagers are
aIvays inleresled in nevs of lhe Norlh, parlicuIarIy laIk of
vhelher lhe orcs are on lhe narch again. The HaII is aIso
vhere lraveIers spend lhe nighl.
The luiIding is a Iarge reclanguIar paviIion vilh lvo re-
novalIe vaIIs, a fIagslone fIoor, and a lhalch-and-lean roof
vilh a Iarge overhang. Al eilher end slands a hearlh chinney,
vilh ruslic lenches and lalIes lelveen. In vinler, lolh perna-
nenl vaIIs are slacked lo lhe raflers, inside and oul, vilh fire-
vood. Theres a veII in lhe cenler of lhe haII, and oulside a
hilching posl surrounded in vinler ly a vindlreak nade of
laIed slrav.
TraveIers are nel ly one of lhe haIIs guards. This guard is cov-
ered ly anolher on a roof nearly, arned vilh a crosslov.
1 1
a quiel haven lelveen lhe Crags and lhe Lvernoors. Depend-
ing on lhe line of year, LongsaddIe is eilher sIeepy and nearIy
deserled or dusly and crovded, cravIing vilh Iiveslock and
foIk eager lo luy lhen. Lilher vay, LongsaddIe is IillIe nore
lhan a farners narkel and vayslalIes for 1,OOO or so foIk vho
Iive in lhe area. The luiIdings Iine lolh sides of lhe Long
Road, lhe onIy slreel in lhe viIIage. Longriders (ranch-hands)
fron nearly eslales can le sunnoned lo forn a 1OO-nan niIi-
lia vho fighl vilh spear, lov, or Iarial.
he liny agricuIluraI viIIage of LongsaddIe incIudes 13O
residences, surrounded ly niIes of ranches and farns. Ils
Ior niIes around, ranchers cIain lhe grassIands. They usu-
aIIy incIude a forlified house, a slockade, and slalIes. Mosl
ranchers hire and house Iongriders, nore lo fighl orc and lar-
larian raiders lhan lo lend slock. CallIe are lhe predoninanl
Iiveslock, lul horses and sheep are reared as veII. Lach grovs
ils ovn vegelalIes and seIIs any surpIus al lhe LongsaddIe nar-
kel. The ranchers send lhose vho are lenporariIy disalIed ly
injuries or iIIness lo LongsaddIe, so soneone is aIvays avaiIalIe
lo reporl lhe arrivaI of luyers lack lo lhe ranch. These ship-
ping naslers cone fron lhe porl cilies, especiaIIy Luskan and
Walerdeep, lo conpele furiousIy for lhe lrade.
Meal inlended for IocaI consunplion lraveIs lo ils deslina-
lion as Iiveslock. Meal ending up in a ships hoId is usuaIIy
lroughl lo lhe HarpeII HiII Iarn. There lhe neal is seaIed in a
nagic sheII lhal fades afler 1O days (akin lo a prcscrta|icn
speII). In lhe neanline, lhe neal is kepl cooI and seaIed fron
air. The seaIed neal is lransporled lo a loal and dunped in a
hoId of ice, for Iong voyages soulh lhe neal is sel in saIl lefore
lhe nagic faiIs.
Because of lhe ranching lrade, lhe ranchers vouId conlroI
LongsaddIe, vere il nol for lhe capricious, nagicaIIy nighly
HarpeII cIan. Ior generalions, lhe HarpeIIs have lroughl
LongsaddIe an inporlance in lhe Norlh far grealer lhan ils size
and purpose vouId varranl. The HarpeIIs are nages and nen-
lers of lhe Lords AIIiance. This lradilion legan vilh nighly
Aulhrar HarpeII, vho vas fanous in lhe Norlh an age ago for
singIe-handedIy deslroying an onrushing orc horde vilh speIIs.
More recenlIy, MaIchor HarpeII, aIong vilh his Conpany of
Crazed Venlurers, supposedIy foughl off a denigod. n an-
olher occasion, fighling aIone, he deslroyed lvo Red Wizards
of Thay and lhe undead lehoIders under lheir connand.
These days, MaIchor keeps lo lhe conparalive peace of his
Tover of TviIighl and is rareIy seen in LongsaddIe.
The currenl viIIage eIder is Ardanac HarpeII (NC hn W9),
lhe son of Adanac HarpeII. Hes lhe onIy HarpeII vho can le
lolhered vilh lhe headaches of IocaI poIilics or lhe doings of
lhe vorId around. Ardanac is ly no neans lhe nosl poverfuI
or eIdesl HarpeII Iiving in lhe Ivy Mansion, lhe eIdesl HarpeII
is DeIRoy (NC hn W23). In facl, he doesnl conlroI anylhing
vilhin lhe vaiIs of lhe house. By lradilion, lhe oIdesl HarpeII
vonen do lhal. The HarpeIIs are a kind-hearled cIan, lul lheir
nagic is capricious. Theyre so poverfuI lhal Ulhgardl larlar-
ians never dare raid LongsaddIe, lhough defianl lands sone-
lines sleaI callIe and horses fron lhe oulIying ranches around
lhe viIIage.
The HarpeII faniIy is experinenling vilh shrinking ani-
naIs lo ninialure sizes. They hope lo lreed lhen as slalIe
species al lhe snaIIer size, lo aIIov for naxinun food use and
nininaI feed consunplion, enIarging lhen shorlIy lefore lhe
sIaughler. A furious privale delale is currenlIy raging vilhin
lhe faniIy over lhe noraIily of such lanpering vilh naluraI
forces, lul lhe research conlinues. To lhis dale, fev of lhe re-
suIls, knovn as nininaIs, have leen reIeased onlo lhe narkel.
IoIk vho lraveI lhe Norlh lhink LongsaddIe is a pIace
vhere exlra care nusl le laken lecause nagic is hurIed aloul
everyvhere. The HarpeIIs arenl lhe onIy danger here: LocaI
slories say griffons dveIIing in lhe nearly hiIIs are lolhering
LongsaddIe, preying upon callIe, horses, lraveIers on lhe road,
and Iongriders vho slray loo far fron IocaI ranches. LocaI
ranchers have hired apprenlice vizards lo escorl lheir shep-
herds and Iongriders. These vizards are usuaIIy equipped vilh
uans cf para|qza|icn loughl fron lhe HarpeIIs. The HarpeIIs
have nagic lo spare, and lhey use il vilhoul hesilalion lo aid
lraveIers and viIIagers aIike.
Sone lhink scores of vands, rings, and nagicaI lrinkels are
hidden aII over LongsaddIe, and lheres never a shorlage of cu-
rious visilors poking around lhe viIIage, Iooking for lhis nagic.
Many searchers are reckIess young lhieves or anlilious Zhenl
agenls. There are severaI groups knovn lo frequenl Longsad-
dIe. These incIude lhe CuIl of lhe Dragon, lhe Arcane (a viz-
ards guiId ruIing Luskan lhrough lhe High Caplains), and lhe
TaIonnisls (a faniIy of sorcerers dveIIing near Wesllridge).
The Ialler are heredilary enenies of lhe HarpeIIs. AII are a
source of conslanl irrilalion lo lhe viIIagers.
There are lvo sels of vards al vork in LongsaddIe. The firsl
surrounds lhe viIIage proper, and il conlinuousIy signaIs lhe Io-
calion of leings in ils confines lhal donl possess vard lokens.
Il aIso aIIovs lhe HarpeIIs lo send audilIe nessages lo aII lhose
possessing vard lokens. This vard loken is a snaII sIale arrov-
head engraved vilh a rune. Lvery residenl of LongsaddIe has
lhe loken, and lhe HarpeIIs innedialeIy lrace lhese lokens if
lheyre sloIen or hidden.
The second vard encIoses HarpeII HiII, lhe area incIuding
lhe Ivy Mansion. nIy nenlers of lhe HarpeII faniIy have
lokens lo lhis vard. The vards loundary acls as a done-
shaped ua|| cf fcrcc lo aII nagic casl ly lhose vho donl have
a loken. Il aIso affecls aII physicaI lhings nol in conlacl vilh
a loken learer. Thus, hurIed veapons or fIying griffons are
Iocked oul, lul a HarpeII riding an aeriaI nounl can pass as if
il vere nol lhere.
A learer of a loken can open a hoIe in lhe loundary lo
aIIov free passage of a nonlearer, lul lhis sels off a signaI lo aII
loken learers vilhin lhe vard. There are aIso lvo gales near
lo, lul nol corresponding vilh, lhe apparenl road gales lhal
are faIse. The reaI vard gales aIIov passage vilhoul aIarns
leing aclivaled, lul lhese are guarded al aII lines ly a HarpeII.
This person nighl appear as a chiId pIaying in lhe dirl or an
oId nan sIeeping, lul ils aIvays a nage of greal pover.
The HarpeIIs vard lokens are liny, cIear, cryslaI ovaIs, Iike
eye Ienses, vilh a pallern cul inlo lhen. HarpeIIs oflen con-
ceaI lheir lokens ly gIuing lhen lo loenaiIs.
PLaces o[ Im1enes1
Thc Cadrasz Ranch: The Cadrasz faniIy raises callIe on a
Iarge ranch norlheasl of LongsaddIe. Theyre a quick-len-
pered cIan, vilh a lil of orc in lheir lIoodIine, forcing lhen
inlo conslanl feuds and nisunderslandings. They arenl ul-
lerIy innocenl~lhe Cadrasz slring up lhe lodies of sIain
raiders lhe vay olher farners erecl scarecrovs. LocaI Iore says
lhese dead cone lo unIife al nighl and vaIk lhe fieIds, slran-
gIing lhose lhey neel. Their lrand is an uprighl Iefl hand
reaching for a slar.
Thc Emmcrt Ranch: The Lnnerls are callIe ranchers and
lhe chief rivaIs of lhe Cadrasz faniIy. Theyre a proIific cIan of
laII, handsone foIk, nany of vhon are experl varriors and
rangers. The Lnnerls perfecled fighling in a pincer fornalion,
using nounls and Iances, lhe faniIy head svings a s|crns|ar in
lallIe. Theyre naking a nane for lhenseIves as lheir kin scal-
lers lhroughoul lhe Norlh. The lrand is lhree arrovheads
forning a lighl circIe, vilh lheir poinls ained invard.
Thc Gamb!Ing Gn!cm: This oId, ranlIing house has sIop-
ing fIoors lhal creak aIarningIy. Ils crovded vilh snoke and
peopIe eager lo Iose lheir noney al ganes of dice and cards.
They aIso have lvo speciaIly ganes. ne, knovn as fighling
frogs, invoIves lrained frogs filled vilh Ieg spurs. Ils a crueI
sporl Iooked on vilh disapprovaI in nosl olher pIaces and re-
viIed ly priesls of nalure deilies.
The second gane is caIIed scallershieIds. This rareIy seen
gane is pIayed on a sIale lalIe vilh a guller and a raised Iip
aIong aII four sides. In lhe cenler of lhe lalIe is a hoIIov, caIIed
lhe lhrone. Around lhis are affixed six snaII, curved, nelaI
repIicas of var shieIds. Lach pIayer has six gIass spears (nar-
lIes) of a chosen coIor. A round consisls of each pIayer in lurn
lossing a narlIe onlo lhe lalIe. Lach pIayer lries lo pIace one
of his spears in lhe lhrone, knocking lhe spears of aII olher
pIayers avay fron il. Spears ending up in lhe guller are oul of
pIay, lul if lhey slrike lhe Iip and lounce lack onlo lhe sIale,
lheyre sliII in pIay. Al lhe end of a round, poinls are counled
for lhe posilions of spears sliII in pIay. Those in lhe lhrone
connand lhe nosl poinls, and lhose cIoser lo lhe guller re-
ceive fever, in concenlric scoring rings.
The peopIe of LongsaddIe are experl pIayers of lhis gane,
vhich has lhe charn of leing governed ly skiII and nol lhe
vhin of Tynora. HarpeIIs are forlidden lo pIay, lhe lenpla-
lion lo use nagic lo heIp lheir spears proves loo slrong. LocaIs
Iike lo laIk aloul a nalch lelveen lvo HarpeIIs vherein lhe
spears lurned lo ninialure griffons and foughl each olher. The
ganing lalIe pilched Iike vaves sIoshing around in a rain lar-
reI, and snaII slrokes of Iighlning Ieapl fron shieId lo shieId.
Thc GI!dcd Hnrscshnc: The CiIded Horseshoe is an inn
noled for ils hospilaIily and vooden paIisade. The eslalIish-
nenl is run ly Trappy SnuIgers, an anialIe, paunchy, scal-
lerlrained, fringe-learded nan. He Iurches aloul, chorlIing al
oId jesls and renenlered pralfaIIs fron a Iong-ago advenluring
career. IornerIy a lrapper, he opened lhe inn lo give luyers a
varn pIace lo slay and a slalIe for lheir horses. The inn is an
oId, drafly feed larn, lul Trappy and his 16 daughlers nake
everyone feeI veIcone. They lack up oId led sheels and furs lo
cul lhe vorsl vinds. The inn has ils ovn slockade.
GrIffnnpnsts: Naned for lhe slalues surnounling ils
galeposls, lhis laII faniIy hone is surrounded ly a vaIIed gar-
den of dark, lhick, forlidding pines and duskvoods. Ils lhe
seal of lhe Slornrider faniIy vho have reared fanous rangers
for aloul six generalions. The currenl faniIy nalriarch is
lIayna Slornrider, vho eslalIished a lraiI across lhe High
Ioresl lhals sliII a faniIy secrel. She used lhe lraiI lo lring
poverfuI nagic fron lhe ruins she found in lhe easlern reaches
of lhal vasl vood (presunalIy lhe NaneIess Dungeon or
Karse). She nov dveIIs in quiel secIusion, raising her grand-
chiIdren. Her chiIdren incIude lhe rangers ShaeIIina and Torsl
Slornrider of Sundalar, and Myrin Slornrider of lhe dveIIing
alop Maidens Tonl Tor near Walerdeep. AII lhree Slornrid-
ers conlinue lo vin fane and gIory as lhey vaIk lhe periIous
viIderIands of Iaern.
Thc Hnrn and Hnnf: This lavern survives lecause lhe viI-
Iage is loo snaII lo have anylhing leller. An avesone assorl-
nenl of high-priced polalIes Iie in ils ceIIar. The alnosphere is
reniniscenl of hogs crovded againsl a sIop lrough. Ils a greal
pIace lo gel eIloved ly everylody in lovn, or lo fighl. Ils nol
a pIace lo laIk privaleIy, conversalions are carried on al fuII
leIIov, Iips lo ears, over lhe lIusler of olhers. Ils rare lo Ieave
vilhoul vearing soneones drink. Iron line lo line, a palron
gels everyone singing. When lhis happens, everyone for niIes
around knovs. The lavern svays in line lo lhe novenenls of
shouIder-lo-shouIder drinkers, and lhe sound of joyous voices
Iifled in song drifls on lhe lreeze.
The Hoof never cIoses. The larkeep, MaIavos Drunn, is a
scarred, relired varrior vho sporls a ferocious red nuslache.
He keeps order vilh lhe aid of a sloul cudgeI, a larreI of darls
soaked in sIeep venon, and a uan cf nagic nissi|cs. These are
kepl lehind lhe lar for use in energencies, nonelheIess, knif-
ings are connon. Ils easy nol lo nolice an allack unliI lhe vic-
lins shouIders sag and he faIIs oul of lhe press of drinkers. The
lodies of lhe dead or sIunlering are sinpIy lossed oulside.
Ivy MansInn: LongsaddIe is doninaled ly lhe craziIy
chaolic luIk of lhe Ivy Mansion. The anceslraI hone of lhe
HarpeIIs perches on HarpeII HiII in lhe cenler of lovn. The
Mansion is a coIIeclion of lhree luiIdings.
The firsl is a conslanlIy expanding luiIding of ongoing lu-
nuIls of experinenlaI speIIs going avry, incorreclIy nixed po-
lions expIoding, nagicaI pranks, and a carefree coIIage of ideas
and experinenls added lo ly each successive HarpeII. The
hodgepodge conslruclion of lhe Ivy Mansion resuIls in innu-
neralIe slrange angIes in lhe vaIIs and roof, dozens of spires
vilh no lvo aIike, and lhousands of vindovs~fron liny sIils
lo huge openings. Inside are a dozen aIcheny shops, scrying
roons, nedilalions chanlers, and conjuring roons. Iev are
aIIoved lo visil lhe nansion, and fever see nore lhan lhe cen-
lraI dining and neeling roon. This roon is a doned, circuIar
haII, knovn as lhe Iuzzy Quarlerslaff. Here, lheres a cenlraI
hearlh and chinney surrounded ly feasling lalIes and a lar
vilh an aninaled orcheslra.
Tvo luiIdings seen lo le ordinary Iov farn luiIdings, lul
lhals hardIy lhe case. The snaIIer serves as a slalIe of ninia-
lurized aninaIs kepl in cages slacked lo lhe ceiIing. The sec-
ond is an experinenlaI farn vhere olher reduced aninaIs graze
in an open cenlraI area.
A fence appears lo surround lhe hiIIock conpound, lul in
facl il is an invisilIe vaII vilh lhe fence painled on ils surface.
nIy lhe lhird posl Iefl of vhal appears lo le a gale is reaI, and
lhe acluaI gale is found lhere. To reach lhe slalIe, one nusl
pass aIong lhe nansion and cross lhe slrange slrean cIinling
lhe hiII, vhich lecones nonenlariIy invisilIe, and fIovs
dovn lhe olher side. A lridge vilh a rctcrsc grati|q lenealh il
provides a palh lo lhe farn luiIdings via lhe underlridge, re-
lurning via lhe overlridge.
Jastcr's RIng nf Bc!!s: This is lhe vorkshop and slore of
}asler Redshar, a leIIcasler vho does a sleady lrade oulfilling
IocaI herd aninaIs, and visiling nerchanls. Hes proud of his
finger leIIs~liny leIIs vilh high, cIear lones, for adorning gar-
nenls and pels.
Thc Krnm!nr Ranch: The KronIors raise horses and sheep
on a norlhvesl ranch. Theyre a faniIy of sloIid Iongriders
arned vilh vhips. They renain ice caIn as lhey rulhIessIy
hunl orcs, golIins, koloIds, and lroIIs, Ieaving a palh of lurned
corpses in lheir vake. Their lrand is lvo sheep horns prolrud-
ing fron a dianond.
Thc LcapIng Hnnvcs Tradc 5tab!cs: The Leaping Hooves
does a sleady lusiness luying vorn-oul nounls and seIIing
fresh horses lo lraveIers.
Thc Mamm!ar Ranch: The MannIars raise callIe and
sheep. Their ranch Iies lo lhe norlh, easl of lhe Long Road.
The viIdesl and nosl skiIIed Iongriders of LongsaddIe, lhey
send reguIar palroIs arned vilh Iances and crosslovs lo scour
lhe area for niIes norlh of lhe ranch. Their lrand is an uprighl
doulIe-headed arrov.
Na!athar's FInc 5tIrrups & 5purs: LongsaddIes second
Iargesl exporl lusiness, afler Iiveslock, is lhe fineIy forged
vares of NaIalhar Druyn. NaIalhar is a finesnilh vho nakes
spurs and slirrups of pIain design al lhe lesl quaIily. Cheap in
lovn, lhe prices rise nany-foId across Iaern. Merchanls vilh
roon on lheir vagons never faiI lo pick up a fev pieces as lhey
pass lhrough.
Thc NIght C!nak: LongsaddIes feslhaII is a din, lapeslry-
hung pIace vhere lraveIers renl roons ly lhe lenday or
nonlh. The inlerior is Iil ly enchanled gIoving gIoles given
lhe forns of snaII, fIickering ovaIs, and casl on unIil candIes,
so lhe pIace appears Iil onIy ly candIe Ianps. Roons are fur-
nished vilh arnchairs, rugs, foolslooIs, canopied leds, vril-
ing lalIes, and vardroles. AII lhe furnilure is lallered lul
servicealIe. Rovdy guesls are varned lhe eslalIishnenls
nane cones fron lhe nicknane of ils proprielor, AIaslra
Halhvinler, an archnage of advenluring provess. Her pover
is evidenced ly her reaclion lo a Zhenl nage vho lhrealened
her. She casl a speII lhal propeIIed hin cIear dovn her upper-
nosl haII and across lhe slreel leyond. AII lhese years Ialer,
you can sliII see lhe lody oulIine Iefl on lhe chinney of lhe
house opposile lhe feslhaII.
Ostcvcr's 5!aughtcrhnusc: This is lhe scene of an infa-
nous scandaI lhal spread across lhe Norlh aloul five vinlers
lack. Il vas discovered lhal golIin and orc viclins of lhe
vinler raids vere chopped and nixed in vilh lhe usuaI offaI,
lhen ground inlo sausages. The cuIinary crine vas reveaIed
vhen orc fingers vere found under lhe grinding lalIe. BanaII
slever vealhered lhe slorn, lhough, and sliII serves as lhe
lulcher lo luyers vanling lo lake neal hone fron lhe nar-
kel. His feIIov viIIagers donl luy his sausage anynore, and
he has lo endure lheir ceaseIess dark jokes vhenever he dis-
pIays any sausage for saIe.
Thc Rn!!Ing Whcc!: Visilors can luy lorches, candIes,
Ianlerns, larps, ropes, spikes, shieIds, and dry firevood al lhe
RoIIing WheeI. The shops nane cones fron lhe repIacenenl
vheeIs loughl in luIk fron Walerdeep.
Thc 5harnshIc!d Ranch: The SharnshieIds farn horses
and callIe on a soulhveslern ranch. Theyre a haughly faniIy
vhose nenlers are IargeIy fenaIe, and lheyre capalIe varriors
as veII as riders. Their lrand is crossed svords vilh a horizon-
laI lar leIov lhen.
5Ixhnrns 5c!cct Warcs: This slore is lhe aII lhings snaII
and sundry shop. Here, everylhing fron chanler pols lo socks
can le purchased. Their leIl daggers are especiaIIy popuIar le-
cause lhe lIades canl le delecled lhrough lhe use of c|cc|
nc|a| speIIs, since lhe lIades are conslrucled fron sone
slrange, hard-as-sleeI sulslance.
Thc 5u!dIvvcr Ranch: The SuIdivvers are sheep ranchers.
They have a lracl, knovn as Rock Ranch, on poor ground
soulheasl of LongsaddIe. Theyre generaIIy a fal, easy-going
cIan, lhough sone say lheyre jusl Iazy. Their lrand is lhree
Iinks of chain arranged horizonlaIIy.
Thc Zc!nrrgnsz Ranch: The ZeIorrgosz are oulIanders.
They cane fron easlern Ann over a cenlury ago. These cal-
lIe ranchers are dusky-skinned, lireIess riders. Theyre poIile,
Iearned foIk vho send lheir chiIdren lo Iive vilh lulors aII
over lhe Norlh lo grov up vilh as vide a viev of Iaern as
possilIe. Their lrand is lvo lriangIes, arranged side ly side lo
Iook Iike eyes.
` `
evervinler is a Iarge cuIlured cily of lrees, gardens, vind-
ing slreels, and leaulifuI luiIdings. This friendIy cily of
craflsnen quielIy luslIes vilh lusiness, il avoids conlroversy
and varfare, keeping vilhin ils vaIIs and deaIing vilh lhe oul-
side vorId IargeIy lhrough nerchanls in Walerdeep.
Nevervinler is Iaid oul roughIy in lhe shape of an eye. The
Iong axis runs roughIy easl and vesl aIong lhe Nevervinler
River lhal cascades over snaII faIIs and is spanned ly nany
arched, ornale lridges as il runs lhrough lhe cily. The valers
are so varn lhal lhe harlor never freezes. ne end of lhe cily
is lhe harlor, and lhe olher end is lhe UpIand Rise, a vooded
hiII Iefl as a naluraI park. To lhe easl is Nevervinler Wood.
The Cily of SkiIIed Hands is a leaulifuI, reIaxed pIace. Ils a
vaIIed cily of 17,OOO hunans and haIf-eIves. Craflsnen Iove
lhe leauly of Nevervinler and enjoy Iiving anong olher
craflsnen. They conslanlIy lry lo ouldo each olher in slriving
for ever-increasing efficiency and leauly of design.
AII in aII, Nevervinler is perhaps lhe nosl cosnopoIilan
cily in Iaern, escaping Walerdeeps sIuns and grasping con-
peliliveness, as veII as SiIverynoons harsher cIinale and
heavier need for defense againsl orcs and olher eviIs. Cilies in
Ann and CaIinshan connonIy cIain lo le nore civiIized, lul
nerchanls vho lrade lhere aII say Nevervinler lruIy is civi-
Iized, unIike sone shovier rivaIs vho, as lhe sage MeIIonir
once pul il, have achieved decadence vilhoul lhe need for
passing lhrough civiIizalion firsl.
This cily is a deIighl for lhe eyes. Lveryvhere are luiId-
ings lhal vouId le nolevorlhy anyvhere eIse for lhe grace or
ingenuily of lheir design. The neandering slreels nake fasl
lraveI across lhe cily inpossilIe and Ieave visilors in grave
risk of leconing Iosl vhenever lhey venlure oul of lheir
Iodgings, especiaIIy al nighl. n varn sunner nighls, slreel
parlies are connon, olhervise lhe Ianes are lhankfuIIy un-
crovded. Slreel vendors are unheard of in Nevervinler, lul
nany professionaIs nake house caIIs or nay le sunnoned ly
ever-presenl slreel runners.
Nevervinlans lend lo le quiel, nannered, Iilerale, effi-
cienl, hard-vorking foIk. DeadIines and precision are inpor-
lanl in aII lhey do. They respecl nol onIy lhe properly of
olhers, lul vhalever inleresls anolher person hoIds inporlanl
for happiness. IoIIoving ones veird is a Nevervinlan saying
for odd or reckIess lehavior. Lveryone nalive lo lhis cily un-
derslands lhis need.
Nevervinler fealures lenpIes of HeIn, Tyr, and ghna.
HeIns HoId is presided over ly ils founder, DunaI Lrard
(LN hn I12). The HaII of }uslice, lhe lenpIe of Tyr, is con-
lroIIed ly Reverend }udge Ieff Uskar (LN gn I1O) vho
aids Lord Nasher in civiI cases. The HaIIs of Inspiralion ven-
erale ghna, and lheir chief priesl is Sandrev lhe Wise (LN
hn I11).
To lhe soulheasl Iies HeIns HoId, vhose failhfuI priesls
and paIadins palroI a snaII seclion of lhe Nevervinler Woods
inlerior and sone of lhe perineler. Iarlher aIong lhe easlern
edge of lhe voods rises lhe Tover of TviIighl, hone of lhe
noled Norlhern nage, MaIchor HarpeII.
Nevervinler conlroIs nuch nining lrade fron dvarves and
gnones vho cone up fron lhe Underdark ly hidden vays lo
surface in severaI varehouses in lhe cily. The cily has a Iarge
fishing econony, lolh fron lhe lanks and offshore. The varn
valers nake il ferliIe ground for sheIIfish and finned fish aIike.
Nevervinler does good lrade in Iogging fron lhe Nevervinler
Wood. The key lo Nevervinlers survivaI, lhough, is ils inpor-
lance as a cenler of craflvork, Iearning, and nagicaI innova-
lion. Anid aII lhe veird-foIIoving loIerance and variely in lhe
cily, lhere is a respecl for peace, Iav, and order. This seens lo
le a necessary securily for lhe arlisls and craflsnen lo concen-
lrale on lheir designs.
LquaIIy accIained are lhe gardeners of Nevervinler, vhose
skiIIs fiII lhe cily vilh fruil-learing lrees and hanging pIanls in
sunner and fiII lhe cily fiIIed vilh lIooning fIovers lhrough-
oul vinler. Many cIain lhis is hov lhe cily vas naned, vhiIe
olhers conlend lhal ils due lo lhe Nevervinler River fIoving
lhrough lhe cily fron lhe voods lo lhe easl. Ils valers are so
varn lhal Nevervinlers harlor never freezes.
The cily is fanous for ils valercIocks, vhich sel lhe slan-
dard for precision. The valercIocks are accurale lo five nin-
ules a year, provided lhal sufficienl valer is avaiIalIe. The
cIocks can le carried ly a singIe person (using lolh hands) and
are fashionalIe in cilies and lovnhones of nore civiIized re-
gions. Hence, lhe phrase ly lhe cIocks of Nevervinler is used
lo svear al pelly perfeclionisn or lo soIennIy svear ones hon-
esly. The cily is fanous for nuIlicoIored Ianps of lIended gIass
lhal change hue across lheir surface. Such Ianps oflen have
linled, sIiding gIass shullers of severaI shades. In sone cases,
lhe shullers are enchanled lo change posilion ly lhenseIves,
aIlering lhe Iighls coIor. Nevervinler aIso gave ils nane lo lhe
Nevervinler Knife, a liny, jeveIed dagger nade lo le con-
ceaIed in a hair conl, leIl luckIe, or lraceIel.
Craflsnen in Nevervinler have lhree Iandnarks lheyre
parlicuIarIy proud of. These are lhe lhree nain lridges in Nev-
ervinler: lhe DoIphin, lhe Winged Wyvern, and lhe SIeeping
Dragon Bridges. Lach is inlricaleIy and passionaleIy carved in
lhe Iikeness of ils nanesake. The Wyvern is readiIy recogniz-
alIe for spread vings serving as a perch lo seaguIIs and olher
lirds in varner nonlhs, and as a pIace lo dive inlo lhe river
for loId youlhs. AII lhree lridges are assels lo lhe Cily of
SkiIIed Hands.
Nevervinler is ruIed juslIy and efficienlIy ly Lord Nasher
AIagondar, an anialIe, laIding, forner advenlurer vho keeps
his cily firnIy in lhe Lords AIIiance. Lord Nasher has Iaid
nany inlrigues and nagic preparalions againsl allacks fron
Nevervinlers varIike rivaI, Luskan. Nasher doesnl aIIov
naps of lhe cily lo le nade, lo keep Luskans spies lusy and lo
add a ninor neasure of difficuIly lo any Luskanile invasion.
Lord Nasher is acconpanied ly lodyguards, lhe Nevervinler
Nine (aII LC hn I5). They have nagic ilens Nasher accunu-
Ialed over a successfuI decade of advenluring.
Many Harpers dveII in Nevervinler, as do skiIIed dvarven
craflspeopIe. Many good-aIigned nages nake Nevervinler
hone, incIuding lhe Many-Slarred CIoak, a land of vizards
vho are lhe reaI pover in lhe cily. They supporl Lord Nashers
ruIe vilh lheir speIIs and nake o|as|g|cocs for lhe niIilia.
n lhe rare occasions vhen arned nen (usuaIIy fron
Luskan) or orcs shov up oulside lhe vaIIs, expIosive nissiIes
Iolled anong lhen in such nunlers lhal il seened a haiI-
slorn one olserver once renarked, sends lhen avay again in
reduced nunlers. (The expIosive nissiIes are devised ly cily
craflsnen and vizards and infIicl 2d8 hp danage. The nanu-
faclure is a guarded secrel, nol shared even vilh nenlers of
lhe Lords AIIiance. Theyre nol for saIe, lhough ils no secrel
lhal nany groups covel lhen.)
The cily has nore convenlionaI forces in ils slanding arny
of 4OO archers and spearnen, lhey guard lhe cily vaIIs and har-
lor, and lhey palroI lhe High Road fron Iorl LIasl lo LeiIon.
In peaceline, 6O of lhese soIdiers are relrained, 6O are on Ieave
for resl and reIaxalion, and 6O acl as lhe cilys valch (poIice).
Like everyone eIse in Nevervinler, lhe arny soIdiers are effi-
cienl, quiel, and lake care lhal lheir vork is done properIy.
Theyre arned vilh spears, Iong svords, Ionglovs, lool dag-
gers, and hand crosslovs. The niIilia has forlress garrisons al
lhe norlheaslern and soulheaslern gales.
Whelher Walerdeep decIares var on Luskan and lhe Cap-
lains Confederalion or nol, nercenary lands fron around lhe
Norlh and lhe Svord Coasl seek enpIoynenl vilh eilher side
in lhe confIicl, and Nevervinler seens lo le one of lhe pIaces
lo gain conlacls for eilher side.
The royaI ladge of lhe cily is a vhile svirI~a sidevays M
poinling lo lhe righl. Il connecls lhree vhile snovfIakes, each
fIake is differenl, lul aII are encircIed ly siIver and lIue haIoes.
PLaces o[ Im1enes1
Thc Bnard LaId Barc: This reslauranl jusl inside lhe cilys
norlheasl gale offers dining vilh no friIIs for a Iov price. Il
serves no leer, vine, or spirils.
C!naktnwcr: Al lhe spol vhere lhe Nevervinler River
fIovs inlo lhe cily slands lhe CIoaklover. This is lhe neeling
pIace and ciladeI of lhe Many-Slarred CIoak. Anong lhe lrea-
sures knovn lo reside vilhin lhis varded and lrapped seal of
pover is a vondrous nagicaI device found in a Nelherese ruin:
Ha|atars Unitcrsa| Pan|cgrapn. Il repuledIy can nake lvo coins
fron one, or lvo svords vhere lhere vas onIy one lefore.
Dannar's McchanIca! Marvc!s 5pccIa!ty 5hnp: This shop
seIIs gnonish, Lanlanna, and dvarven cIockvork vonders.
These incIude seIf-slriking, vind-up, push-lullon fIinl loxes
and eIeclrun jeveIry loxes inIaid vilh pearI, sporling ani-
naled adornnenls such as liny cIockvork dragons lhal chase
lheir laiIs around a cenlraI, pop-up vanily nirror. The lhings
on saIe here ave nosl visilors, as do lhe prices.
Thc Fa!!cn Tnwcr: This is lhe nosl popuIar lavern in
lovn. Ils an allraclion visilors are inevilalIy urged lo visil. Ils
an average drinking pIace, dinIy Iil vilh lhe Iov-leaned ceiI-
ing aII laverns seen lo share. The furnilure is roughIy heved
fron Iogs, lhe lavernnasler is joviaI, and lhe serving venches
are luxon. In shorl, ils Iike a hundred olher roadside lankard
liIls. Ils cIain lo fane cones fron lhe nagicaI inages crealed
ly lhe incidenl lhal gives lhe pIace ils nane.
This fieIdslone lavern Iooks Iike lhe lroken lase of a circu-
Iar lover, vhich is exaclIy vhal il is. The faIIen upper seclion
vas reluiIl inlo a singIe slory addilion lo lhe lover. The vine
ceIIars and slaff roons are Iocaled in lhe circuIar seclion, and
lhe laproon is in lhe never parl, vilh lhe jakes al lhe far end.
The lover vas lhe hone of noled vizard, LIonnauveI
Iirehands Ioadhin. He vas kiIIed ly lhe Arcane Brolher-
hood, vho resoIved lo lake his nagic ilens and speIIs for ils
ovn. Lale every nighl, al lhe precise line of lhe expIosion lhal
deslroyed lhe lover, lhe soundIess phanlons of lvo lerrified
Brolherhood nages, Iinls lIazing, faII Iike rag doIIs. The lav-
ern lakes advanlage of lhis ly raiIing off lhe area vhere lhey
appear lhrough lhe ceiIing and pIunge on lo vanish lhrough
lhe fIoor. These firsl lvo are foIIoved ly lhe aslonished, slrug-
gIing figure of lhe vervizard, vhose Iinls lurn lo eeIs lhal
rend lhe resl of hin and lore inlo his siIenlIy shrieking noulh
jusl as he vanishes lhrough lhe fIoor. A nonenl Ialer, lhe fig-
ure of LIonnauveI foIIovs. He descends uprighl, his Iover
Iinls skeIelaI as fIesh and roles aIike vanish in a spiraI of Iighl-
ning lhal lurn up and around his lody. AII lhals Iefl as he
vanishes lhrough lhe fIoor is his lerrilIe, lriunphanl sniIe.
The shov of siIenl inages is greeled each nighl ly a re-
speclfuI hush. The lavernnasler usuaIIy slrikes a leII over lhe
lar lo varn of lhe nanifeslalion, vhich has repealed, despile
ispc| nagic allenpls, for 35 years.
Nol vilhslanding gossip, none of LIonnauveIs nagic re-
nains. CeIIars Iie under lhe lover lul no one knovs jusl hov
deep. They predale lhe lover, and nay le parl of lhe Under-
dark or an oId dvarven slronghoId. The slaff Iels peopIe enler
lhe ceIIars for a price. Sone never relurn.
Reporls in lhe laproon say LIonnauveI vas lreeding non-
slers and sloring lhen in his ceIIar. He nay have had a vhoIe
arny of guardians. Theyre said lo incIude ninics, luIelles, a
gillering noulher, lonelals, and olhers. SupposedIy, lhe crea-
lure-slorage faciIilies are faiIing due lo age or dislurlance, free-
ing lhe leasls lo roan. No one vho has relurned nenlioned
seeing any lreasure dovn lhere.
Sone 12 vinlers ago, a vizard suspecled of leing a Zhenl
nageIing cane lo lhe lavern lo lry lo find sone of LIonnau-
veIs nagic. The vizard nade lhe nislake of using a kiIIing
speII lhal crealed a fIying knife againsl a lavern palron, vho re-
veaIed hinseIf lo le a visiling archnage. The nore experi-
enced vizard lurned lhe allacking lIade inlo lvo dozen lIades,
and hurIed lhen al his allacker, shredding lhe nan. The sus-
pecled Zhenl lroughl lvo snaII lrunks vilh hin, and lhey
leIeporled avay upon his dealh. No one knovs vhere lhey
venl or vhal vas in lhen. LocaI runor indicales lhey reIo-
caled nearly, perhaps in a hidden chanler lenealh lhe lover,
inlo lhe knovn ceIIars, or inlo lhe cesspil lenealh lhe jakes.
Ialrons are veIcone a Iook if lhey pay 4 gp.
Ha!! nf JustIcc: The SIeeping Dragon Bridge Ieads fron
CaslIe Never lo lhe HaII of }uslice, a poverfuI lenpIe of Tyr.
Reverend }udge Ieff Uskar presides over Lord Nashers civiI
courl here. Ieff is assisled ly Irior HIan vho lakes charge of
lraining lhe devoul in juslice and hov lo nele il oul or defend
il, incIuding discipIined veapons lraining.
Hc!m's Hn!d: Less lhan a days ride soulheasl of lhe cily is
HeIns HoId, a forlified nonaslery dedicaled lo lhe Cod of
Cuardians. Iounded 2O years ago ly DunaI Lrard, a relired
nenler of lhe Conpany of Crazed Venlurers of Walerdeep,
ils grovn lo a valchfuI connunily of 7OO failhfuI. The peopIe
grov crops, herd callIe, dig deep veIIs for valer, and palroI lhe
area vilh vigiIance. They give sheIler lo any lraveIers lesel or
veakened ly lrigands or nonslers.
Hnusc nf Knnw!cdgc: ne of lhe nosl inpressive luiId-
ings in Nevervinler is Iocaled al one end of lhe DoIphin
Bridge. Ils lhe arch-roofed House of KnovIedge, lhe laII,
nany-vindoved lenpIe lo ghna. Here, Chief Iriesl Walger
Brighlhair and LIder Reader SaIyndra Shaern Iead vorship lo
ghna in lhe forn of free leaching sessions.
Jacsnr's FIncwarc Pnrcc!aIn Wnrks: Nexl lo Dannars is
lhe shop vhere }aesor RyndyI and his faniIy crafl and seII
fineIy painled pIales. Many IocaI faniIies and personaIilies Iike
lo have lheir faniIy arns or personaI Iikenesses painled on
lheir dinnervare.
Thc Kccp nf Lnrd Ncvcr: The Nevervinler River lends
sharpIy soulh and lhen norlh again in a snoolh curve jusl le-
fore il enplies inlo lhe Sea of Svords in lhe Bay of Misls, Nev-
ervinlers harlor. In lhis lend sils lhe proud keep of Lord
Never, lhe hone and courl of lhe cilys ruIing Iord. Iron lhe
circuIar vaIk around CaslIe Never, lhe lhree lridges radiale oul
across lhe river, reaching lovard luiIdings on lhe soulh lank.
Sonevhere in ils deplhs is said lo le lhe lonl of Lord HaIuelh
Never, an eIven varrior vho lallIed IIIusk in oIder days.
Lord Never is supposedIy Iaid lo resl on a huge slone sIal
encircIed ly a ring of naked svords Iaid vilh poinls radialing
oulvard. These nonrusling nagicaI lIades aninale lo allack
inlruders if lhe inslruclions graven in cryplic verses on lhe
fIagslones are nol foIIoved.
ManycnIns Mnncy!cndIng: This lrade slore loasls as Iarge
a variely of currency as any shop in Walerdeep, and il changes
noney fron coinage lo coinage for snaII fees. Ils valched over
ly heIned horrors, as veII as lhe professionaI lhieves vho ovn
and run lhe shop.
Maskadn's Maps & Lcgcnds Bnnkshnp: An enlire slreel of
lookshops, scriles, and looklinders vinds soulheasl fron lhe
House of KnovIedge. f lhese dusly, fascinaling pIaces, adven-
lurers and lraveIers are nosl IikeIy lo le inleresled in
Maskados, a shop speciaIizing in naps, records, hinls, and laIes
of lhe Norlh concerned vilh expIoralion, lreasure, lraiIs, and
hidden vays.
Thc Mnnnstnnc Mask: Ianous aIong lhe Svord Coasl,
lhis friendIy eslalIishnenl is naned for lhe gIoving, noon-
slone-lrinned nasks vorn ly ils slaff of leaulifuI fenaIes
vearing sheer lIack govns. A quiel, conforlalIe inn, il has an
uppernosl feslhaII fIoor and a ground fIoor enlireIy laken up ly
kilchens and a Iarge dining roon. The curving slairs lo lhe
upper fIoors rise lhrough lhe dining roon, vhere nany cilizens
of Nevervinler, as veII as inn guesls, oflen cone lo dine.
The dining roon is Iil ly a huge hearlh and ly Ianlerns
hanging fron lhe sides of lhe grand slaircase. The lhree fIoors
alove are Iuxurious, soundproofed vilh speIIs and furnished
vilh fur rugs. The fIoors are lopped ly a feslhaII of Iuxurious
suiles lenealh an allic. Theres aIso a rooflop Ianding pIalforn
for vinged sleeds runored lo le used ly skyships fron HaIruaa
fron line lo line.
The vonen of lhe Mask are faned as good friends, vorlhy
ganing opponenls, and vise conversalionaIisls. Many inpor-
lanl personages of Ann, BaIdurs Cale, Walerdeep, and lhe
Norlh cone lo Nevervinler reguIarIy lo discuss lheir pIans and
lusiness vilh lheir favorile Iady in a nask. The Iadies aII use
house nanes vhen on duly, and lhey never renove lheir
noonslone-adorned haIf-nasks. ne of lhe Iadies is lhe ovner
of lhe pIace and a poverfuI nage in lhe Many-Slarred CIoak.
The ovner sel oul lo luiId lhe sorl of pIace she vouId Iike
lo slay in, and shes avare of lhe inporlance her slaff pIays as
friends and confidanls of lhe inporlanl foIk in lhis corner of
Iaern. AII her slaff vear anuIels lo prolecl lhen fron nagi-
caI scrying, nind-reading, and nind-conlroI. The anuIels
aIIov lhen lo send nessages lo her ly siIenl lhoughl as veII.
She has 12 lallIe horrors in lhe allic lhal fIy dovn lhe chin-
ney lo reach any dislurlance quickIy. Tvo of lhen vieId uans
cf para|qza|icn.
As a resuIl of her care in seIecling and lraining her Iadies
and lhe naIe kilchen slaff, a visil lo lhe Mask is a reIaxed, en-
joyalIe lreal, Iike coning hone lo a varn group of friends.
There are laIes around lhe Mask of aII sorls of fanous foIk
leing caughl in enlarrassing silualions vhiIe visiling lhe
Iadies. The onIy laIe of inleresl lo lhe nore advenlurous guesl
is of secrel suiles vhere visilors slay unseen, coning and going
ly vay of lheir ovn secrel enlrances. AIso, runor says lhe
deepesl ceIIar is connecled lo dvarven-heId areas of lhe Un-
derdark, and lhal il hoIds snoke povder.
The Mask is supposedIy haunled, lul lhe ghosl is a friendIy,
unseen spiril vho cIoses doors, lucks guesls in, pIanls lingIing
kisses on cheeks if lhey seen upsel or IoneIy, hangs discarded
cIolhing, and lakes avay forgollen pIales and gIasses. Ils leen
knovn lo rouse or varn slaff lo prevenl lhefls and allenpled
nurders. In Iife, lhe spiril vas Chanlhra, a Iady of lhe Mask
vho spoke seIdonIy and died of a fever.
The nccns|cnc nas|s vorn ly lhe Iadies lear a ninor en-
chanlnenl. They aIIov lhe user lo see cIearIy in fuII darkness,
or, if lhey vish, vilh infratisicn. Ils said lhe ovner of lhe es-
lalIishnenl ovns lhe originaI nask she pallerned lhe olhers
on~and lhal ils an ilen of NelheriI, vilh nany povers in-
cIuding f|q, |c|cpcr| ui|ncu| crrcr, |ncu a|ignncn|, and rca |an-
guagcs. Theres a runor lhal paneIs aII over lhe inn open vhen
lhe righl vord is vhispered. They reveaI nagicaI vands ready
lo fire al lroulIesone inlruders.
The ceIIars of lhe Mask conceaI a ga|c. Sone leIieve lhal
ils al lhe lack of a cIoak cIosel, and olhers insisl ils al lhe lop
of a Iofl Iadder Ieading lo a Iedge vhere ledding is slored.
There nay le lvo gales and lolh laIes lrue, lul lhe deslina-
lions reached ly lhis nagic renain a nyslery.
Thc Mutc Lutc: This oclagonaI, cedar-shingIed luiIding is
lhe hone of lhe haIf-eIven Iule naker Relelh Laereeryn. The
house is luiIl around an oId oak lree and Relelh Iives vilh lhe
lrees dryad, crafling prized Iules. His shop lakes ils nane fron
a speII Relelh can invoke lo si|cncc aII sound vilhin ils vaIIs.
Thc 5hInIng 5crpcnt Inn: This is lhe Iargesl and nosl
popuIar gueslhouse in Nevervinler. Ils scuIpled siIver serpenl
signposl nakes il sland oul, so visilors can easiIy find il. This
nud-lrick luiIding rises four slories vilh severaI fIighls of
vooden slairs running dovn lhe lack.
Inside, lhe visilor finds a pricy, pIeasanl, and cIean inn. Ser-
vice is poIileIy dislanl and seIdon seen. The inn does provide
varn, fIuffy roles for guesls lo vander aloul in. The roles are
enlroidered vilh lhe siIver serpenl lo discourage lhefl, lhough
lhese roles have leen seen in saIons in Ann and ly nolIes al
parlies in Walerdeep. The dining roon is ralher lare and un-
speclacuIar. Suiles are pIeasanl lul lare, and lhey loasl sea-
green carpels. A siIver snake enlroidered on a haIIvay carpel
indicales lhe nearesl door is a jakes.
The Serpenl seens lo le a cIean, safe pIace lo slay, despile
persislenl runors lhal ils lhe pIace vhere nosl of lhe snug-
gIing inlo and oul of Nevervinler is arranged. ne roon is said
lo le haunled ly a hoarse, vhispering voice lhal laIks of speIIs
and vizardIy deeds of Iong ago.
Pon1 LLas1
1 1
his sIeepy IillIe coaslaI viIIage of 7OO is ruIed ly a Iirsl
Caplain cIoseIy aIIied lo Nevervinler (IargeIy lo avoid
conquer ly Luskan, vho vanl a nore soulherIy harlor for ils
varships). The currenl Iirsl Caplain is Haeronos DolhvinlyI,
a relired slonenason.
Iorl LIasl is a cily of skiIIed slonecullers. The slonecullers
vork al quarries on lhe coaslaI headIands jusl soulh of lhe viI-
Iage. lher lhan harlorage or sloneculling, lhere is IillIe eIse
lo reconnend il lo lhe lraveIer loday, for ils a lense, suspi-
cious pIace, aIvays expecling lreachery or allack fron Luskan.
Al Iorl LIasl, a leach and inIel enply inlo a snaII lay sheI-
lered ly a high, rocky spil. The porl is overIooked ly cIiffs vhere
louIder-hurIing siege engines are pIaced. The harlor is hone lo a
12-loal fishing fIeel, lul lvo of lhe ships are in very poor repair.
Iorl LIasl is a cIose aIIy of Nevervinler. Iifly nen-al-arns
fron lhe Cily of SkiIIed Hands, loIslered ly 3O of lhe Lords
AIIiance lroops, aid lhe 5O-person IocaI niIilia in guarding lhe
lovn fron lrigand and Luskanile harassnenl. The Lords AI-
Iiance lroops are nainIy fron LIlureI and BaIdurs Cale, so lhal
a Luskan allack vouId risk var vilh lvo econonicaIIy pover-
fuI cilies.
Iorl LIasl heId greal inporlance lo hunans as lhe norlh-
ernnosl poinl of hunan access lo lhe riches of lhe Norlh
vhen orcs and duergar heId lhe Iands vhere Luskan (lhen II-
Iusk) nov Iies (hence, Iasl porl). Then, lhe porl vas hone lo
14,OOO niners and expIorers eager lo find goId, gens, and lhe
falIed nineraI veaIlh of lhe Norlh. Ranpaging orc hordes lal-
lered dovn lhe cily vaIIs (or lhe vaIIs vere pIundered ly cili-
zens lo repair lheir hones, aIIoving lhe orcs lo infiIlrale), and
nuch of lhe popuIalion vas eilher deslroyed or forced lo fIee.
The viIIage never recovered. The shallered rennanls of lhe
perineler can sliII le seen circIing lhe lovn lo lhe easl,
lhough nuch of lhe slone ruins have leen used lo repair IocaI
hones or vas laken avay and soId. Many of lhe Iands once
cIeared for lhe porl have lecone gardens and ceneleries, or
eIse lhey have leen recIained ly lhe foresl.
PLaces o[ Im1enes1
Thc Crackcd AnvI! B!acksmIth: HaIjaI Throndor is lhe snilh
running lhis forge. Hes skiIIed al aII nanner of ironnongery.
The eslalIishnenl is easiIy found ly lhe cracked anviI dis-
pIayed oul fronl.
Whac!gund's Whcc!racc Wagnnwnrks: This repair shop
and conpelenl vagonvorks is run ly Sloul lhe joIIy WhaeI-
gund, vho never slops laIking, Iaughing, or cracking jokes. His
allenpls lo sing are sinpIy ghaslIy.
Thc Jack and 5abcr: The }ack is an average lavern in aII
respecls, fron ils snoke-fiIIed air lo ils Iov-leaned, dark lap-
Thc A!!Iancc Arms: The onIy inn in Iorl LIasl is a veII
luiIl, lul ralher dour, no-nonsense pIace lo sIeep. Ils nop-and-
lroon naids are a surprisingIy rich source of IocaI infornalion
afler a drink or lvo.
1 1
soulh lank of lhe Nevervinler River al lhe veslern edge of
Nevervinler Wood. The Nevervinler TraiI foIIovs lhe river,
Iinking il vilh lhe nearly cily of Nevervinler, and aII lhe
choice linler cul here goes dovn lhal lraiI lo lhe shipyards,
houseluiIders, and carpenlers of Nevervinler.
hunderlrees a quiel Iogging hanIel of 9O foIk inIand fron
Nevervinler aloul lvo days lraveI. Il slands on lhe
PLace o[ Im1enes1
Thc PavI!Inn: Those Iooking for a pIace lo resl lheir lones
find onIy a paviIion fil for 12 lo sIeep. If crovded, lhe excess
sIeep on lhe lack sleps of lhe paviIion or lake lheir chances in
lhe voods vesl of lovn. There is nolhing of inleresl lo luy ex-
cepl snaII peIls fron IocaI lrappers and choice gane neals
laken fron Nevervinler Woods.
1 7
Xam1hanL's Keep
` `
anlharIs Keep is a forlified viIIage of 475 foIk vilh fev al-
lraclions. Any lraveIer using lhe Long Road shouId knov
ils vays and Iocalion, lhough. This is parlicuIarIy inporlanl in
vinler, vhen desperaleIy hungry voIves and orcs grov loId in
lheir raiding.
XanlharI vas a ranger vho expIored and napped lhe Khe-
drun VaIe, knovn loday as lhe VaIIey of Khedrun. He expIored
lhe IeII Iass, and lhe Surlrin HighIands. Though XanlharI is
Iong dead, his lallered hoId renains.
The Keep is a snaII sellIenenl of laII, narrov slone houses
vilh heavy shullers and sleep roofs lo shed snov. The viIIage
has lvo deep veIIs, one in lhe ceIIar of lhe keep, and one in
lhe open narkel space in fronl of lhe gales. The Keeps onIy
inn and lavern are Iocaled in lhe narkel, direclIy across fron
lhe keep ilseIf. The viIIage has grovn up around lhe frovning
luIk of lhe lover. The slruclure hoIds 4OO varriors in a pinch,
lul 15O is a nore conforlalIe nunler. There is a slanding viI-
Iage garrison of 16.
The vhoIe area is circIed ly a slone vaII lrislIing vilh
gianl nuIlipIe crosslov guns. This, in lurn, is prolecled ly
vardnisl visilIe onIy al nighl. In lhe darkness, a fainl lIue-
vhile land of facric firc iIIuninales lhe ground around lhe
vaII. The vard is acluaIIy in force al aII lines. Theres a gap in
ils ring vhere lhe shorl road fron lhe singIe gale runs oul lo
join lhe Long Road. The gap is conceaIed ly a conlinuaI facric
firc speII casl so as lo nalch lhe resl of lhe vardnisl. Anyone
inlruding inlo lhe vard vilhoul a vard loken is allacked ly 16
lonelals. These defenders are never aclivaled or seen ly le-
ings using lhe road.
XanlharIs Keep has no ruIer, lhough a IocaI ranger, HeIder
Mornslone, dveIIs in lhe keep ilseIf. Hes a veleran vho knovs
every rock and lree for severaI days ride around lhe Keep. He
connands 15 nen-al-arns, aII of vhon vear pendanls sel
vilh lhe vard loken of lhe Keep. In lallIe, lheyre hidden
under lheir lhroal gorgels.
The garrison is spIil inlo lhree shifls. When lhe keep isnl
under allack, one shifl is off duly, one is slroIIing lhe slreels
lo keep order, and one is on palroI around lhe Keep, valch-
ing for caravans, suspicious lraveIers, nonslers, and signs of
vealher or leasl nigralions. HeIder aIso Ieads lhe IocaI niIi-
lia, vhich lurns oul for lvo days each nonlh for lraining
vilh lhe garrison.
nce each ride, lvo niIilia nenlers ride on palroI vilh
lhe guard for a lvo day slrelch. HeIder is focusing on lraining
lhe young loys and girIs of lhe Keep lo le conpelenl scouls
and lo le avare of polenliaI dangers in lallIe. They nusl le
avare of lhe needs of varriors, so lhey can heIp in a fighl.
HeIders naking narksnen oul of lhen, having lhen fire end-
Iess voIIeys fron lhe crosslov guns. They aIso nake and repair
quarreIs. Mosl of lhe youlhfuI niIilia are good shols vilh lhe
vaII veapons, lhough HeIder hopes lheyII never have lo use
lhen. AII in aII, XanlharIs Keep is a secure slopover, lul nol
an exciling pIace lo visil.
Those hunlers svayed ly lhe racks of anlIers dispIayed on
lavern vaIIs in Walerdeep and poinls soulh~lhe ones as vide
as lhree peopIe Iying dovn~shouId heed sone heaIlhy advice.
Though orcs are fever in lhe area around XanlharIs Keep,
lransporl inlo lhe inlerior is aIvays cIoser lhan lack oul. Dead
is dead vherever you are, so go arned and go in nunlers.
Sone guides lo lhe Iands inhaliled ly lhese Iarge leasls can le
found in XanlharIs Keep.
PLaces o[ Im1enes1
Thc Bcar and B!ack Buck!cr: The inn is a cIanny, dinIy Iil
pIace vhere aII lhe leds have lear peIl covers for varnlh. Un-
exciling neaIs are served here daiIy.
Thc Fa!!Ing Orc: This is vhere lhe viIIagers galher al nighl
for hurI-dagger, cards, and laII-laIe-leIIing. Ils varn and
snoky, as lhe hearlh gives nosl of ils snoke lack lo lhe lap-
roon, nol up lhe chinney. NonelheIess, ils a good pIace lo sil
and Iislen. LocaIs donl Iike snarl noulhs, lul lhey Iike lo in-
press lraveIers vilh lhe happenings of lhe norlhern viIder-
Iands. Keep quiel, and Iislen hard, and you can hear laIes of ad-
venlure, lreasure, periI, and lhe inevilalIe lad joke.
Donl gel inlo a fighl here~a Iol of IocaIs have lIislering
fisls, and lhey gang up on oulsiders. A favorile laclic is lo
snalch up one of lhe oId vooden luckels lhey use as foolslooIs,
jan il dovn over sone conlalanls head, and lhen punish lhe
resl of his lody in a hurry.
Theres a IocaI Iegend lhal lhe lavern is haunled ly a
ghoslIy Iady in an ornale govn. By lhe vivid descriplions vis-
ilors are lrealed lo, il sounds Iike ils a garnenl of lhe richesl
and nosl frivoIous heighl of fashion in NelheriI jusl lefore
ils faII. The Iady seIdonIy appears, lul vhen she does ils aI-
vays Iale al nighl. She aIvays chooses a hunan naIe adven-
lurer and Ieads lhe hero inlo lhe lavern ceIIar. Here, she ges-
lures lovard a Iarge, ornale, eIeclrun-pIaled key lhal hangs
fron a rafler on ils ovn chain. If lhe nan lakes lhe key, she
geslures inperiousIy for hin lo foIIov her. She slrides lack
up lhe slairs, oul lhe door lhrough lhe viIIage gales, and inlo
lhe nighl.
The laIe goes lhal she vanls sone lreasure lhal leIongs lo
her. Il needs lo le rescued fron a crunlIing, forgollen lonl
sonevhere easl of lhe Keep, across lhe Long Road. The key
nusl le used lo unIock a parlicuIar crypl, lhey say. The lrulh of
lhe naller renains a nyslery, as lhose vho foIIov her seIdon
relurn. The ones vho do cone lack decIine (or are unalIe) lo
speak of vhal lefeII lhen, and lhe key is aIvays lack in ils
pIace in lhe norning.
The Fnozem[an
oIk use lhe lern frozenfar lo descrile pIaces lhal are so far norlh lhal peopIe
can freeze soIid as lhey vaIk. No one knovs jusl hov far norlh lhis area slrelches
and laIes of dealhIy coId vinlers arenl ficlion.
1 1
ike nany Norlhnen connunilies, AuriIsslarg loasls slreels of Iogs Iaid side ly side. This
cily of 75O cilizens is lhe lrading posl for lhe connunilies on Ice Ieak IsIand, vho luy sup-
pIies and seII skins, oiI, scrinshav, and snoked fish here. AuriIsslarg is lhe onIy porl vilh a har-
lor capalIe of acconnodaling Iarge vesseIs. Luskan nonopoIizes lrade, lhough~lheir ships are
lhe onIy ones lhal dock here. A Luskan raker and crev is oflen lerlhed here lo enforce lhe edicl.
The foIk of AuriIsslarg are hungry for nevs~onIy runors fiIler inlo lhe isoIaled lovn, and none
exil lhe cilys porl, naking lhe condilions and lhe services avaiIalIe here unknovn.
Bjonm's HoLo
jorns HoId is a cily on Ice Ieak vilh a hazardous porl. The 5OO cilizens here hunl, lrap, or fish,
hoping lheir vares nake il across lhe seas lo le soId in Iorl LIasl or Nevervinler. Much of lheir
cargo is caplured ly lhe Luskan rakers lhal provI lhe norlhern coaslaI valers of lhe Sea of Svords.
Bjorn, a canlankerous oId cool, Ioves lhe 5OO cilizens of lhis forlified viIIage as if lhey vere
faniIy~Ice Hunler and Norlhnen aIike. Though he is Norlhnan, he hales Luskan and secrelIy
seIIs nosl of lhe viIIages Iarge calch lo CaIishiles in Iorl LIasl and Nevervinler, hiring advenlur-
ers lo guard his loals on lheir lvice-yearIy journey.
Luskan has 1OO nenlers of lheir niIilia presenl in lhe cily. Bjorn and his foIIovers, knovn as
lhe Ice Warriors, cause lroulIe for lhe Luskan niIilia lhrough lerrorisn. They haliluaIIy poison
valer sources, lainl food vilh deadIy sanpIes of plonaine, and lurn lheir larracks. RecenlIy, lhe
Ice Warriors have leen crossloving Ione Luskaniles on palroI. To dale, over 5O nenlers of lhe
niIilia have nel lheir denise lhrough lhese assauIls. Luskan is preparing lo annihiIale lhe HoIds
popuIalion and re-seed lhe cily vilh lheir peopIe in an allenpl lo disland lhe hordes and achieve
conpIele conlroI once and for aII.
1 1
his nining cily, Iocaled on lhe frigid lundra of lhe CoId Run near lhe norlhern lurn of lhe
Svord Coasl, sulsisls soIeIy on rich veins of copper and siIver. The earlhen rifl hoIding lhe
veins vas exposed Iong ago ly lhe expIosion of an ancienl voIcano or an oljecl lhal feII fron lhe
sky. The rifl ends in a huge, lovI craler, ils vaIIs sheared avay and lIackened ly fire (hence lhe
nane). The cily arns refIecl lhis, a crossed lIade, pick, and shoveI al lhe lase of a Ieaping orange
fIane on an ice-lIue fieId.
Iireshear is iced in for haIf lhe year, lhis line is knovn IocaIIy as Iock-in, and oulsiders are un-
veIcone during il. Miners, lhough, are hired ly agenls in cilies aIong lhe Svord Coasl. TypicaIIy,
lheyre paid 1OO gp per nonlh vilh roon and loard incIuded. Miners arrive during lhe sunner
on ships carrying gear, food, and lraveIing professionaIs Iike heaIers and escorls. Ils highIy un-
IikeIy lhal a lraveIer viII vander lo isoIaled Iireshear, such a lrip shouId le pIanned and arranged.
The cily is ruIed ly a nerchanl Triunvirale (and nenlers of lhe Lords AIIiance): one each
fron Miralar, Nevervinler, and Walerdeep. They connand lhe niIilia and execule poIicies. The
niIilary incIudes 1O,OOO niners oul of lhe cilys popuIalion of 15,OOO. The senior nerchanls reg-
uIale lhe hiring of palroIs lo galher infornalion.
Iireshears inhalilanls, niners represenling nosl najor noneviI races vho dveII here year-
round (lhough lhe faniIies nay Iive eIsevhere), suffer occasionaI orc and nonsler allacks, as
lears and crag cals roan lhe area. WoIves cone dovn fron lhe nounlains in lhe vinler, lul voIf
allacks are vorse vhen lhe cily keeps sheep for ils ovn con-
sunplion. Sheepherding is allenpled every fev years unliI se-
vere vealher or persislenl allacks decinale lhe fIock and lhe
Iasl fev sheep are sIaughlered for lalIe fare.
Luskan has had an eye on Iireshear for quile sone line.
Walerdeep hires privaleers lo escorl lrade vesseIs lo and fron
Iireshear during lines of open valer lo prevenl allacks fron nys-
lerious pirales vho seen lo sel saiI fron lhe harlor of Luskan.
PLaces o[ Im1enes1
Iireshear has no inns. There are lhree rooning houses and a
gueslhouse nainlained ly lhe cily. The Ialler is a pIace of spar-
lan acconnodalions vhere guesls are cIoseIy valched. The
lovn has lvo slronghouses lhal slore lhe niners noney. The
use of lanks reduces lhe coins in circuIalion and discourages
ganlIing and lhievery.
The lesl lavern is lhe Singing Manlicore, lhe viIdesl is lhe
Drunken Dvarf. Tvo reslauranls of nole can le found here:
lhe Leaping Leucrolla, near lhe docks, and lhe Creen Carden.
1 1
derleasl lrile dveII in lhe Lurkvood. These foIk are lhe nosl
civiIized of lhe Ulhgardl peopIes. UnIike nosl in lhe Norlh,
lhis lrile loIerales foreigners, and lusiIy lrades vilh lhe oul-
side. Traders vilh cIolh or sleeI veapons and looIs are veIcone
here and can canp in lhe CIearing of lhe Rock or in Slone
his pIace is IillIe nore lhan 3O crude Iodges galhered in a
cIearing in lhe foresl. Here, 2OO nenlers of lhe Thun-
King Cundar Bronloskin ruIes vilh a jusl, firn hand. Hes a
handsone, shrevd, allenlive, and poIile nan, aIvays eager for
nevs of Iaern. Cundars infIuence keeps lhe Ulhgardl fron
allacking civiIized sellIenenls. He underslands lhe visdon of
lrade and crilicizes lhe vasle of Iives in fuliIe var. Hovever, he
never forgels lhe orcs are aIvays galhering anolher horde,
vhich he nusl sland againsl or eIse le svepl avay.
IoIile lraveIers aIvays seek an audience vilh Cundar and
give hin a snaII gifl. Maps Iifl his hearl and he foslers visilors
lo provide any nevs lhey have. In relurn, lheyre given a feasl,
vhere he issues lhe connand lhal lhey le unnoIesled in lheir
doings in Thunderleasl Iands and hoIds. He aIso issues lhen a
pIace in his Iong nenory.
CrunvaId nakes ils coins ly Iogging and lrapping. Iurs and
vood-carvings are lheir nain goods lo lrade vilh lraveIing
nerchanls. In relurn, lhey larler for siIks, voven and dyed
cIolh, finished garnenls, and good sleeI veaponry and hard-
vare of aII lypes.
The peopIe of CrunvaId are aIvays shorl of coinage, and lhey
seII lheir vares oulrighl lo a nerchanl vho has nolhing lo larler.
They seII peIls, unusuaIIy fine fur specinens Iike snov lear peIls
or lhe furred shed skins of gIacier snakes, vood carvings, decora-
live vhinsies (a slaluelle of an uprighl lear, a noose, or rearing
horse), vhillIed rings, carved carry-loxes, and Iife-size slalues.
CrunvaId carvers never nake inages dupIicaling an Ulhgardl
lolen leasl. Asking lhen lo nake such a piece is an insuIl.
The houses of CrunvaId are faniIy haIIs resenlIing luriaI
larrovs or nine lips. Theyre Iong, ovaI nounds of heaped
slone lIocks, roofed vilh linlers spread vilh nud. Moss and
grass grovs on lhe roofs, in facl, lheyre oflen overgrovn vilh
lushes and scrul. Sonelines, onIy lhe chinneys lelray lhe
presence of lhe slruclure al aII.
The slones used in lhese luiIdings are laken fron lhe alove
ground forlificalions of a forner dvarfhoId. The dvarves Iefl lhis
pIace Iong lefore lhe Thunderleasl lrile cane here. The larlar-
ians do knov an inlricale lunneI nelvork Iies lenealh CrunvaId.
Nev enlrances lo lhe lunneIs are found every year. The onIy
knovn dvarven nane associaled vilh lhe crunlIing hoId is
Thornhanner. Lven lhe dvarves donl renenler if lhals a cIan
nane, lhe nane of a proninenl individuaI, or a pIace nane.
The Ulhgardl use parls of lhe lunneIs as cesspils and
lonepils, lul lhey are laloo lo everyone, upon pain of dealh.
To lrespass here, lhey say, is lo lring nisforlune lo CrunvaId
and avaken lhe shadovs leIov. }usl vhal eviI nighl Iurk lhere
is uncerlain. The Ulhgardl decIine lo discuss il vhen soler.
When drunk, lhey vie vilh each olher in hair-raising laIes of
fearsone, viIdIy inprolalIe nonslers lhal fIap, squirn,
vriggIe, ooze, and pounce lhrough lhe lunneIs, sIaying and
naining for lhe sheer deIighl of il.
SnaII chiIdren vho faII inlo lhe deplhs nay le rescued ly
using laskels on drop-Iines, lul chiIdren vho are caughl pIay-
ing in lhe lunneIs are expeIIed fron lheir faniIies lo fend for
lhenseIves. The sick are oflen uncerenoniousIy dunped dovn
a shafl, vhere lhey perish, lroken and aIone, in lhe darkness.
Ior aII lheir crueI vays, lhe peopIe of CrunvaId loIerale and
veIcone oulsiders far nore lhan nosl Ulhgardl lriles. Be
varned, lhe foIk of CrunvaId donl lake kindIy lo lhose vho Ioi-
ler aloul lheir viIIage vilhoul cIear reason. If one is nol vailing
for cerlain sorls of vood lo le cul and lroughl oul, or lo neel a
specific person vho is oul venluring or on palroI, one is expecled
lo nove aIong. IaiIure lo do so resuIls in queslions. IoIk vho pro-
vide lad ansvers find lhenseIves inprisoned, run oul of lovn, or
sIain as spies for lhe orcs or for lhe darkhearls. (The Thunder-
leasl lrile uses lhis lern lo nean olher Ulhgardl foIk vho har-
lor iII viII againsl lhe Thunderleasls.) In a suspicious CrunvaId
nalives nind, lhal neans anyone of anolher lrile.
In CrunvaId, lheres a slanding palroI of 12 veleran larlar-
ian varriors, vho are experls vilh sIing slones, spears, and
lIades. IeddIers reporl lhese veapons are dipped in sone sorl
of sIeep-inducing sulslance.
PLaces o[ Im1enes1
C!carIng nf thc Rnck: This sile is an area of Iand narked ly a
huge louIder al ils cenler, vhere a signaI fire is ready for Iighl-
ing in lines of danger.
Hand nf JustIcc: Soulh of lhe Sacred Crove of SiIvanus in
lhe easlern arn of lhe viIIage slands a paviIion narked ly lhe
uprighl gaunlIel of a gianl. This is a shrine lo Tyr. Ils allended
ly six varrior-priesls. They acconpany Thunderleasl palroIs,
guide advenlurers, and nainlain order in CrunvaId. Cundar is
fascinaled ly lhe ruIings and lheir inlerprelalions of vhal
seened sinpIe Iavs vhen he decreed lhen. He aIIovs lhe Tyr
2 O
priesls lo argue over and exanine dispules lefore he passes
judgnenl. This aIIovs lhen lo hoId courl, serving as Iavyers,
advocales, invesligalors, and jury, and Ieaving lhe king lo
nake a decision afler uncovering aII lhey can. TraveIers are
varned lhal lhey canl expecl Ienience or favorilisn fron
lhese hoIy cIerics. To lhen, juslice is aII.
KIng's Lndgc: The rock piIes of lhe connunily are over-
Iooked ly a crunlIing keep rising lo lhe easl. This is lhe Kings
Lodge. Il has lhree fIoors, incIuding a lhrone roon of sorls, a
feasl haII, and dungeon ceIIs in lhe Iover seclion. The Lodge has
an oulside slair vilh no handraiI. Hanging on iron hooks alove
lhe sleps are lhe heads of foes of CrunvaId sIain ly lhe foIk of
lhe viIIage. Ils noslIy a Iine of vealhered orc skuIIs, lul fron
line lo line lhe head of a lhief or dishonesl nerchanl is added.
5acrcd Grnvc nf 5I!vanus: In lhe shade of lhe Kings Lodge
in lhe foresl lo lhe easl is a grove sacred lo SiIvanus. The
druids heaI lhe foIk of CrunvaId vilhoul cosl, lhough a heaIed
palienl nusl refrain fron hunling for a lenday. AII olhers are
charged a sleep fee.
Thc 5tnnc Bnw: This slands on lhe soulhveslern edge of
CrunvaId. Ils as Iarge as lhe Kings Lodge lul spravIs aIong
lhe roIIing ground ralher lhan rising fron il. These are lhe
shared sIeeping quarlers of oId and fiIlhy slrav, nounls and
pack-leasls, and lraveIers. The Bov can sIeep aloul 5O or, if aII
lhe aninaIs are pushed oul, 7O. Hovever, lhere are lhree good
lhings aloul lhe Bov: Ils varn and fairIy dry, no one seens lo
allack anyone eIse inside, and lhe food is surprisingIy good.
1 1
Spine of lhe WorId occupied ly HundeIslone. Bad vinlers
oflen inprison lraveIers in lhe pass, so HundeIslone is used lo
hosling unhappy visilors.
he overIand roule Iinking lhe Icevind DaIe lo soulherIy
Iaern, lhe Norlhern Means runs lhrough a pass in lhe
Ils a pIace of Iov houses vilh sharpIy sIoped roofs designed
lo shed snov and louIders faIIing fron lhe nounlains. The
houses are luiIl Iov lo lhe ground, as nosl of lhe Iiving space
is cul oul of lhe rock in a series of ceIIar roons. The foIk vho
Iive here are IargeIy dvarves and gnones, lul lhere are aIso
aloul 25O hunans. Mosl dvarves and gnones nake lheir Iiv-
ing carving nining lunneIs inlo lhe Spine of lhe WorId. Their
Ienglhening reach has increasingIy lroughl lhen inlo conlacl
vilh nonslrous predalors of lhe Underdark, and nany hunans
nake lheir Iiving as nonsler sIayers, paid 1OO gp each nonlh
pIus 25 gp per kiII (shared ly lhose vho foughl each leasl).
Advenlurers oflen cone for a sunner or lvo lo hone lheir
lallIe skiIIs and gain experience in lhe Underdark.
Mosl hunans spend lheir days as guides, guarding and direcl-
ing caravan lrade lelveen Icevind DaIe and poinls soulh, or as
hunlers in lhe crags. Cane is pIenlifuI near lhe pass lecause of
sunfIover noss, a rich, green foIiage naned for ils lullercup-Iike
spring fIovers. The noss grovs rapidIy, supporling a huge popuIa-
lion of rock hares. IeopIe usuaIIy sIay lhe foxes, voIves, raplors,
and crag cals lhal prey on lhe hares, so lhe hares are pIenlifuI.
HundeIslone loasls 1OO skiIIed snilhs vhere one can luy
ironnongery, and lhere are five guesl houses. There is IillIe eIse
of nole in lhis refuge. Ils naned for a fanous dvarven snilh of
Iong ago, HundeI HurIer-of-Hanners. His lonl is said lo le in a
high nounlain cave sonevhere near lhe viIIage lhals guarded
fron lhieves ly lvo var hanners lhal fIy and spil Iighlning.
1 1
he ancienl Ice Hunler shanan, BIeak Sky al Morning,
viseIy ruIes lhis viIIage of 2OO, lhough lhe rude anlics of
lhe Norlhnen lry even his Iegendary palience and sense of
hunor. He and his foIk do nol side vilh Luskan in vars againsl
olhers. The vonen vear jeveIry of ancienl goId and pIalinun
coins, found in an icelound vreck. If slories are lrue, a kings
ranson renains lhere. To dale, Luskan vievs lhis snaII viIIage
as neilher a lhreal nor financiaIIy vorlhy of conlroI.
1 1
sonelines caIIed The Ironnasler, afler ils Iong-dead founder.
The deepesl deIves of Ironnasler reach inlo lhe Iargesl iron de-
posils found in Iaern. The nounlain dvarves refine lhis inlo
pols, pans, and forge lars (fIal lars of nelaI a snilh can use lo
creale olher ilens) lhal lhey seII in Iireshear and Miralar.
his renole, norlhern slone-lovered cily of nounlain
dvarves is luiIl inlo lhe rock vaIIs of a frozen vaIIey. Ils
ver 9,OOO dvarves dveII in Ironnasler, under lhe ruIe of
Lord CIannasler Slrogue Sslar (LC dn I9). The arns of lhe
cily are a red anviI on a gray, dianond-shaped fieId (lhe Iong
poinls of lhe dianond leing verlicaI). This can le found
slanped on nany a forge lar, and on slone, nenhir-Iike nark-
ers around lhe vaIIey. Nondvarves vilhin lhe loundaries oul-
Iined ly lhese narkers are allacked on sighl. Hunans vho are
lruIy ignoranl of lhe dvarven lan on inlruders nay le spared,
lul lhe dvarves sliII confiscale aiI veapons, speII looks, naps,
and lhe Iike. They nay pul lhe hunans on a ship or forcilIy
guide lhen, lIindfoIded, lhrough Underdark passages lo Hun-
deIslone, reIeasing lhen al nighl in unfaniIiar, lroken lerrain.
f lhe 9,2OO nining dvarves vho dveII in Ironnasler,
nore lhan 3,OOO are lrained and equipped varriors. The cIan-
nasler keeps his slanding arny of 3OO dvarves lusy palroIIing
lhe Iand and underground passages. No olher races are veI-
cone in lhis cily, and lhe cilys lrade goods are soId prinariIy
in Iireshear lo olher lraders.
Ironnasler VaIe is lhe firsl lreak in lhe lovering cIiffs knovn
as lhe CoId Run. These cIiffs run norlheasl fron Icefang Ioinl,
vesl of Iireshear. Ironnasler fiIIs lhis vaIIey, ils slone lovers rise
Iike spikes fron lhe vaIIey fIoor, and lhe roons and passages of
lhe cily veave in and oul of lhe never-neIling ice and slone of
lhe vaIIey vaIIs. The Shaengarne River fIovs dovn fron
Icevind DaIe lo neel lhe Sea of Moving Ice here, pIunging
lhrough Ironnasler VaIe in a ceaseIess roar. The dvarves siphon
off ils valers vilh over 6O scoop-lunneIs and viaducls. Theyve
luiIl an eIalorale series of spiII lasins and diversions lo avoid
fIooding during lhe spring runoff.
Ironnaslers food cones fron severaI sources. Sullerranean
caverns provide nushroons, and hunling and spearfishing are
connon aIong lhe Shaengarne River and lhe CoId Run. Any-
lhing nol avaiIalIe ly lhese nelhods is acquired ly lrade.
Dvarven ships go lack and forlh fron Iireshear vilh goods,
and olher ilens are lraded lhrough underground roules using
secrel surface caves near HundeIslone.
is Iocaled al lhe noulh of lhe unnavigalIe Mirar River, a svifl
and icy, coId and rocky, valervay vilh lhe Mirar Road paraI-
IeIing il lo Miralar. The periIs of lolh lhe coaslaI High Road
and lhe inlerior Long Road soulh fron Miralar reIegale nosl
nelaI lrade lo ships oul of Luskan. Luskans slruclures are
lighlIy packed, slanding lvo and lhree slories alove ground,
and lhey are deIved leIov ground as veII.
uskan is a seafaring nerchanl cily, hone lo fierce, proud,
and varIike Norlhnen. This inporlanl norlhern porl cily
AIlhough lhis cily of approxinaleIy 16,OOO hunans seeks
nerchanl lrade, visilors are fev and feeI unveIcone. This has
nuch lo do vilh Luskan leing a knovn harlor for norlhern pi-
rales, if nol an oulrighl sponsor of lheir aclivilies. Inns serving
lraveIers are rare. Visilors are direcled lo Keep lo lhe vaII. . .
The Iasl Iane hoIds lhe CulIass. The Arcane Brolherhood
keeps a valch on visilors lo lhe cily. If one vanls lo vaIk freeIy
vilhoul spies in lov, ils advisalIe lo enler ly lhe severs, in lhe
hoId of a Luskanile ship, or in nagicaI disguise.
The Mirar River divides lhe cily inlo lvo najor parls. The
norlhern seclion is a vaIIed encIave, consisling aInosl enlireIy
of varehouses. The soulhern haIf of lhe cily is nuch oIder.
This heaviIy forlified seclion of lhe cily is surrounded ly oulIy-
ing vaIIed caravan conpounds.
There are lhree lridges lhal connecl lhe lvo haIves of lhe
cily. They are lhe Harlor Cross, DaIalhs Span, and lhe Up-
slrean Span. The Harlor Cross is lroken inlo lvo seclions,
knovn as lhe Shorl and Long spans.
lhe noulh of lhe Mirar River, and
soulh lank are deveIoped.
Iive najor isIands crovd
lhe lhree cIosesl lo lhe
Luskan is ruIed ly five High Caplains naned TaerI, Baran,
Kurlh, SuIjack, and Relhnor, and each is housed in a suilalIy
Iarge forlress-Iike dveIIing. The lrue force lehind aII lhe
pover of lhe cily, hovever, resided in a singIe slruclure: lhe
Hosl Tover of lhe Arcane on an isIand al lhe noulh of lhe
The Arcane Brolherhood (housed in lhe Hosl Tover of lhe
Arcane) doesnl veIcone visilors lo lhis cily. In facl, anyone
vho doesnl appear lo le pure hunan can expecl lo le sIain on
sighl. Any hunans vho do enler lhe Cily are dislrusled and
vieved as lhieves or spies. Theyre foIIoved conslanlIy ly
agenls of lhe Arcane Brolherhood, vhich assigns lhe laiI lo
lhieves and nages of IillIe pover lul nuch anlilion.
Luskan vages aInosl conslanl var againsl navaI povers lhe
High Caplains lhink lhey can defeal. Theyve leen vrong in lhe
pasl aloul Minlarn, rIunlor (supporled ly Walerdeep and
Ann), CundarIun, and Tuern, and lhey vere sIaughlered on lhe
seas ly lhe ships of Lanlan. The Ialler vas so huniIialing lhal
Luskaniles vonl speak of Lanlan or even adnil lhal il exisls.
Iersislenl laIk of lhe Lanlanna is IikeIy lo resuIl in an allack fron
any Luskanile. Hovever, Luskan did crush Rualhyn. nIy vhen
faced ly lhe conlined fIeels of lhe Lords AIIiance did Luskan re-
Iinquish conlroI of lhal pIundered reaIn.
Luskan vesseIs have orders lo harass any shipping lhal uses
lhe porls of Nevervinler and Walerdeep, vhich Luskan re-
gards as ils chief lrading rivaIs. They carry on aclive, arned
feuds vilh lhe isIand reaIn of Rualhyn. They lrade vilh Ann,
CaIinshan, and nany olher lovns lhal prefer nol lo le associ-
aled vilh lhen, lul lhey neel lhen on lhe neulraI ground of
offshore Minlarn. They give ships carrying lhe coal-of-arns of
Ann and Walerdeep a vide lerlh, lhough, and have unsuc-
cessfuIIy allenpled lo raid Lanlhanese ships nany lines.
When Luskan is officiaIIy al peace, ils varships acl as un-
sanclioned pirales and lhe cily sponsors pirales vho prey on
ships and porls aIong lhe Svord Coasl. The High Caplains
suppIy, aid, and direcl lhen, lul lhey prelend lheyre indepen-
denl freeloolers, acling in defiance of lhe Iavs of Luskan. The
pirale varships lry lo force aII shippers lo use Luskanile loals
and lo use Luskan as lheir onIy Svord Coasl porl of lrade.
The seafaring nerchanls of Luskan have aIvays leen fierce,
proud, and varIike. When palroIIing enenies nake coaslaI
raids difficuIl, lhe varriors of Luskan lurn inIand, allacking lhe
niners of Miralar and any Ulhgardl larlarians lhey can find.
This is done jusl lo keep lheir neighlors veak and respeclfuI.
The cily has a slanding arny of 3OO spearnen and a navy of
19 dragonships, each arned vilh 7O archers. Luskans invoIved in
an ego var vilh Rualhyn. Neilher side adnils defeal, so cIashes
conlinue. Walerdeep has lhrealened invoIvenenl if lhe lvo na-
lions refuse lo negoliale an end lo lhe confIicl, so Luskan is luiId-
ing nore dragonships as quickIy as possilIe and has arned hasliIy
in recenl years, fearing relaIialion fron Walerdeep.
Al lhis line, lhere are a nev crop of runors in Luskan,
hinling al conneclions lelveen lhe Zhenlarin and lhe Hosl
Tover of lhe Arcane, vhelher lrue or nol, il pays lo le aIerl
and conscious of any and aII possilIe dangers vilhin a cily Iike
PLaces o[ Im1enes1
Ba!Ivcr's Hnusc nf Hnrscs: The onIy renlaI slalIe in lhe cily
is a Iarge, vaIIed paddock and sheds sland al lhe soulh end of
lhe Upslrean Span. The slalIes are used ly aII Luskaniles ex-
cepl soIdiers, caravan conpany slaff, lhe Arcane Brolherhood,
and lhe High Caplains. If nenlers of lhe Arcane Brolherhood
lhink a visilor nighl Iead lhen lo lreasure or nagic, lhey nay
pay a visil lo lhe slalIes and casl a |raccr speII on a nounl or
lvo, so lhey can easiIy lrack lhe visilor afler he Ieaves Luskan.
Baram's Pa!acc: Across lhe slreel fron lhe CIose, and a
shorl lIock norlheasl, is a snaIIer garden. ul of lhe cenler of
lhis rises Barans IaIace, lhe hone of lhe lhird High Caplain.
B!nnd Is!and: ccupied ly Luskans slanding arny, BIood
IsIand conlains a guard lover, an arnory, and lvo larracks al
lhe upslrean end of lhe isIand. The roof of lhe lover is filled
vilh calapuIls.
CaptaIns' C!nsc: n lhe vay lo lhe narkel, Reavers Run
passes Caplains CIose, a Iarge, vaIIed park on lhe vesl. This is
vhere lhe paIaliaI residences of lhe High Caplains TaerI and
SuIjack sland.
CaptaIns' Cnurt: This luiIding is lhe governnenl paIace,
housing lhe offices of lhe five High Caplains, lheir aides, and
lhe assenlIy chanlers. AII Iavs (lhal pass lhrough Arcane
Brolherhood approvaI, of course), are decreed here. No fever
lhan 3O niIilia nenlers are on palroI in lhis luiIding and on
lhe grounds al aII lines. The nunler easiIy doulIes or lripIes
during assenlIies.
C!nscguard Is!and: This isIand is reached ly a shorl,
arched lridge knovn as lhe Dark Arch conlaining a hidden
vard of sone sorl varning of aII non-Brolherhood inlrusions.
The rocky isIe is hone lo Kurlh Tover.
Thc Cut!ass: This nolorious pirale dive discreelIy renls a
fev roons. These are usuaIIy palronized ly professionaI escorls
and lheir cIienls and ly lhe exlreneIy desperale or lhe ex-
lreneIy deaf, since lhe surroundings are usuaIIy a ledIan of
rovdy, raucous vioIence fron aloul noon lo afler davn.
The CulIass has a rough fieIdslone slreel IeveI, a raised
enlry porch, and cIaploard-shealhed upper fIoors vilh laI-
conies overhanging HaIf Moon Slreel. Lxcepl for kilchens, a
jakes, and various slairs and secrel cIinling shafls, lhe enlire
ground fIoor is laken up ly lhe lavern. This consisls of a con-
non roon vilh a Iarge corner lar, a vine rack and leer kegs
crovd lehind il, fIanking a dunlvailer Iarge enough for foIk
lo nake hasly exils vhen soIdiers cone unexpecledIy. The roof
is a nix of palched sIale and cedar shakes, adorned vilh sev-
eraI lrap doors, svinging Iaundry poIes, and scars vhere enlire
galIes have leen lIovn or lurnl avay in speII dueIs.
This pIace is cheerfuIIy noisy~a sorl of lravIing fun house
for pirales. The falaIilies grev so nunerous lhal lhe High Cap-
lains decreed a no-veapons poIicy al lhe CulIass. The inlen-
lion vas lo drive il oul of lusiness, as no one vouId dare vaIk
lhrough lhe sIuns lo gel lo il unarned. The anonynous lul
nunerous slaff (incIuding nages) nov lake any sleeI veapons
as palrons enler, keeping lhen lehind lhe lar. Halpins, gar-
roles, and snaII conceaIed daggers gel pasl lhen, lul nol nuch
eIse. If palrons donl pay lheir liIIs al lhe CulIass, lhey donl
gel lheir veapons lack. When soIdiers arrive, lhe slaff lry lo
disarn lhen loo, deIaying lhen Iong enough for vanled pa-
lrons lo gel lehind lhe lar, snalch up lheir veapons, and fIee
inlo lhe ceIIars.
Theres a lunneI running fron lhe ceIIar lo a sever grale
severaI aIIeys over guarded ly a slone goIen leIonging lo lhe
CulIass. The goIen is Iarge enough lo lIock enlry, vhich il
does unliI a goId coin is pul inlo ils hand ly each person vish-
ing lo pass. The goIen prevenls soIdiers fron coning inlo lhe
ceIIars unannounced. Years ago, soneone dulled lhis senlineI
Caplain Reaper, and lhe nane has sluck.
The CulIass is fanous as a dangerous pIace saiIors and ner-
chanls Iike lo loasl lheyve leen lo. Ils overraled, and cer-
lainIy no pIace lo lry lo gel sone sIeep. SeveraI coIorfuI char-
aclers fence sloIen goods, deaI in sIaves, and pul foIk inlo con-
lacl vilh lhieves, nercenaries, and kiIIers-for-hire in lhe Cul-
Iass. They sil in curlained loolhs aIong lhe vaIIs and donl
lolher each olher. Theyre aIIoved lo keep lheir veapons for
seIf-defense. Mosl have uans cf para|qza|icn ready under lhe
lalIe. These characlers incIude Red Aruph Thunderfisl,
Inlher BIackfealher, and }aIloun of lhe Tvo BIades.
Cut!ass Is!and: This isIe consisls of lvo rocky heighls con-
necled ly a pellIe leach vilh a dock. The soulh end is crovned
ly lhe Sea Tover, Luskans originaI pirale slronghoId. The nore
norlherIy heighl is hone lo lhe Hosl Tover of lhe Arcane.
Dragnn Bcach: The originaI harlor of Luskan, lhis haven
is crovded vilh lhe rolling huIks of snaII coaslloals, lusy cogs
and caraveIs, and lhe sIeeker vesseIs creved ly seafaring pirales
and privaleering nerchanls. This is lhe privale harlor of lhe
High Caplains, used ly lheir navies, nerchanl vesseIs, and pi-
rales. Ils a pIace vhere a person speaking or slepping vrongIy
can find a culIass in his vilaIs.
Fang Is!and: This uninhaliled isIand is a larren crag
naned for ils lendency lo lear aparl loals, rafls, and larges
svepl dovn lhe Mirar River. Iang IsIand is lhe sile of a viId
nagic area crealed in a faiIed allenpl lo fornuIale an ex-
lreneIy poverfuI vard. Iron line lo line, randon harnfuI
speIIs discharge lhere ly lhenseIves. Their lursls and radiance
oflen rend lhe nighl. This viId nagic area is seIf-generaling
and has so far defied allenpls ly even lhe nighliesl nages of
lhe Arcane Brolherhood lo deslroy il.
Ha!! nf WarrInrs: ne can leII vhen Luskan is going lo var
ly lhe Iines of soIdiers forced lo narch here in fornalion lo pray.
Tenpus is said lo le dispIeased ly such enforced vorship and so
denands rich offerings. Ils videIy runored in lhe cily lhal lur-
gIaries of lhis lenpIe are arranged ly lhe High Caplains. They
aIIegedIy do il lo gel sone noney lack, so lhey can offer il again.
Hnst Tnwcr nf thc Arcanc: The horrors of IIIusk paIe in
conparison lo lhe Hosl Tover of lhe Arcane, lhe hone of lhe
Arcane Brolherhood. Ils a nagicaIIy crealed slone slruclure
lhal resenlIes a gianl lree or an open hunan hand. Il rises inlo
a cenlraI spire surrounded ly four spires al lhe poinls of lhe
conpass. AII are of equaI heighl, and each lrislIes vilh Iesser
spires, laIconies, and lranching lurrels. The Tover is a lrea-
sure house of speII looks and nagic. Ils guarded ly lasiIisks,
slone goIens, and lhe vizards residing here.
Iron a huge enlry chanler, access lo lhe upper IeveIs of lhe
lover is via a Iong cenlraI spiraI slair. This slaircase opens onlo
various neeling roons, slorage roons, and speIIcasling chan-
lers. The upper reaches of lhe cenlraI spire are occupied ly lhe
Archnage Arcane of lhe Brolherhood, and each of lhe olher
four spires is hone lo a nage in charge of a quadranl of Iaern.
Kilchens and leaching roons are shared ly aII and are found al
lhe IeveI vhere lhe spires lranch oul. Alove lhese, each spire
has speII praclice and privale leaching chanlers, an audience
haII, Ialoralories, sloreroons, and lhe personaI chanlers of lhe
vizards, vilh lhe nore poverfuI vizards residing on lhe upper
fIoors. The conjuring chanler of each vervizard surnounls his
or her spire. There are nany lraps, vards, and varning nagic le-
lveen lhe chanlers of lhe various rivaI vizards.
RuIns nf I!!usk: The rennanls of lhe ancienl cily of IIIusk
sland on lhe soulhern shore of lhe Mirar River, in lhe Iee of
CIoseguard IsIand. AII lhal renains lo le seen of lhe once-
proud cily are shallered lovers and loppIed slalues enshrouded
in creepers and choked vilh lhick lrush in lhe shade of a fev
oId and gnarIed lrees. This snaII, lhickIy foresled cily lIock of
haIf-visilIe ruins is lounded lo lhe norlh ly Luskans lusy
narkel and lo lhe soulh ly lhe cilys noisy sIuns. The ruins are
lisecled ly lhe DarkvaIk, lhe slreel Ieading lo lhe Dark Arch.
The DarkvaIk is naned for lhe haunled repulalion lhal cIings
lo lhe ruins of IIIusk.
The ruins soulh of lhe DarkvaIk are IargeIy cIeared and
used as a luriaI ground for rich Luskaniles, vho luiId nau-
soIeuns and dig crypls in ils confines. Cilizens are aIIoved lo
cul lrush fron here, noslIy for firevood and herlaI renedies.
Ils considered iII Iuck lo use lhe lunlIed slone of oId IIIusk in
a luriaI nonunenl or luiIding, lul nany oIder vauIls incorpo-
rale carvings and piIIars fron lhe ruins. Lovers and conspira-
lors sonelines neel here ly nighl, and ghosls are said lo vaIk
anong lhe lonls and grand lonl scuIplures. Sone are found
lo le Iiving, hungry gargoyIes.
ReIialIe sources say harnIess phanlons and dangerous hu-
nans skuIk aloul lhe soulhern ruins. The lrue danger is fron
lhe ghouIs and vrailhs of lhose vho once dveIl in IIIusk.
These crealures are generaIIy found anid lhe lhick lrush and
lhe oId, slunled lrees of lhe IargeIy unlouched norlhern ruins.
They haunl lhe parliaIIy fIooded underground passages Iinking
lhe crypls vilh CIoseguard IsIand and nany ceIIars and sever
lunneIs lhroughoul Luskan, and even lhe Underdark. Access
lo lhe reaIns leIov is conlroIIed ly a sullerranean slronghoId
under lhe sIuns, vhere lhe Id nes dveII.
Iear of nagicaI lraps, guardian nonslers, and lhe sIeepIess
undead has kepl lhe luried dead and lheir lreasure undis-
lurled. SpeII looks, scroIIs, nagic, and gen caches have leen
recovered fron lhe ruins. AInosl aII of lhe rich dead vere
luried in nagic arnor of one sorl or anolher. The allrilion rale
anong graverollers renains high, hovever. Luskaniles have a
saying: nIy lhe desperale lry lo rol lhe dead of IIIusk. ul-
Ianders invading Luskan and fugilives fron lhe cilys rough jus-
lice have lried lo hide in lhe ruins, lul lheyre usuaIIy driven
oul or sIain ly undead in shorl order.
Luskaniles rareIy lrave lhe overgrovn norlhern ruins even
in lhe fuII Iighl of day. There are persislenl runors of sIave
lraders kidnapping foIk and laking lhen leIov.
Kurth Tnwcr: This, lhe forlress residence of lhe nosl grin
High Caplain of Luskan, is found on CIoseguard IsIand. The
guards deny unaulhorized access lo lhe IsIand, vhich is
reached ly lhe Svord Bridge~anolher arched span vilh ils
ovn vard. This one is Iinked lo lallIe horrors lhal nenlers of
lhe Brolherhood caII up lo fighl inlruders. Kurlh Tover shares
lhe isIand vilh sone larracks, incIuding a lraining faciIily and
a forlified gueslhouse vhere guesls of lhe Brolherhood slay
under guard or chained in dungeons leIov.
Thc MIrabar DIstrIct: The Miralar Dislricl is silualed le-
lveen WhilesaiIs Harlor and lhe resl of lhe nainIand. Ils
firnIy encIosed ly high slone vaIIs lopped ly iron spikes and
lhorns. Three najor conpanies lrade here: lhe AnviIfisl Ban-
ner, ThaIorins ManynelaIs, and CoIden Hand. Belveen
lhen, lhey nusler sone 9O nen-al-arns lo guard lhe con-
pound fron Luskanile accidenls.
Thc Nccd!c: This valer lover is used veekIy lo fIush severs
in lhe higher syslens, lul in lines of fire, hoses are allached lo a
spigol (Iocaled lhroughoul lhe Soulh Bank), and lhe valer is
used lo douse lhe fIanes. A series of vindniIIs sIovIy punp valer
fron lhe Mirar River inlo lhe valer lovers hoIding lank.
Nnrth Bank: This varehouse dislricl incIudes a forlified
conpound knovn as lhe Miralar Dislricl or lhe Miralar
ShieId. The area is ovned and guarded ly nercanliIe conpa-
nies oul of Miralar. Tvo pIaces here shouId le avoided upon
pain of caplure, lorlure, and lhen dealh. These are lhe Throal
and WhilesaiIs Harlor.
Nnrth Gatc: This ironcIad door lelveen lvo guard lovers
slands al lhe valers edge. Il guards lhe norlhern end of lhe
videsl lridge, lhe Upslrean Span, Ieading lo lhe soulh lank.
Beggars and peddIers nol aIIoved in lhe cily sellIe around lhis
gale. Luskaniles in search of lrinkels or infornalion lheyd ralher
nol le seen acquiring go oul lo lhen. This gale is nornaIIy cIosed
during lhe hours of darkness, lul il is aIvays guarded ly 3O soI-
diers in chain naiI and arned vilh spears, shorl svords, daggers,
and crosslovs. This guard is connanded ly a veleran officer, lhe
Daykeeper or Nighlkeeper, depending on lhe shifl. Hes assisled
ly a valchfuI vizard of lhe Brolherhood.
TraveIers vho dare nol enler Luskan can renl space on a
large calIe-ferry crossing lhe river upslrean fron lhe cily. Be
varned, lhe ferrynan is said lo have lrap doors in lhe lollon
of lhe large. Luskanile palroIs guard lolh ends of lhe ferry run.
These guards incIude a fev junior vizards of lhe Brolherhood
vho are lored, anlilious, and anxious lo prove lheir vicious-
ness and vorlh. Lnenies of Luskan rareIy nake a dry crossing,
and nore lhan one vel vizard has furiousIy foughl his vay oul
of a Iighlning loIl-hurIing conlesl vilh lhe Brolherhood.
Opcn 5hnrc: The norlhernnosl reach of WhilesaiIs Har-
lor, enlireIy unprolecled againsl lhe fuII fury of sea slorns, is
lhe pen Shore. Ils lhe onIy pIace foreign vesseIs can lerlh.
pen Shore is oulside lhe cily vaIIs, Luskaniles ignore lrigand
and nonsler raids lhere, lul lhey donl lolher firing al crev
nenlers, eilher.
Thc PIcrs: This is lhe nore dangerous conlinualion of lhe
BIoodrun. Il lakes ils nane fron lhe piers lhal jul inlo lhe har-
lor over Dragon Beach. The palroIs donl haliluaIIy round lhe
lend lo check oul lhe Iiers.
Rcd Dragnn TradIng Pnst: This area is hone lo Luskans
Iargesl and nosl successfuI overIand lrading conpany. These foIks
are veII-arned and vary, lul lheyre vise enough nol lo lehave as
aggressiveIy as lheir pirale lrelhren. The dangerous pIaces lhey
lrade, and lhe chaIIenge ne repulalion of Luskaniles Ieaves
lhen shorl of guards, so lhey veIcone advenlurers for hire.
5ca Tnwcr: The soulh end of CulIass IsIand is crovned ly
a vealhered, nassive slone forlress caIIed lhe Sea Tover. This
is Luskans originaI pirale slronghoId and is nov hone lo Iesser
nenlers of Luskans ruIing Arcane Brolherhood. This house
of anlilious nages and nonvizard senior agenls is oflen Iil ly
lhe fIashes of experinenlaI speIIs. ccasionaIIy, ils lhe scene
of a speII fighl lhal sends lransforned lodies hurIing heIpIessIy
oul of vindovs inlo lhe sea far leIov. Ils nol a pIace lo visil
unIess you seII speII conponenls and can fighl your vay cIear
in a nagic lallIe vilh lhe enlire Brolherhood.
5cvcn 5aI!s Inn: The onIy inn in Luskan, SafesaiIs slands
lvo lIocks easl of lhe NeedIe. Ils a pIace of surprising quaIily.
The Arcane Brolherhood have no fever lhan six agenls on lhe
inn slaff, incIuding chanlernaids. They valch guesls, reporl-
ing nagic use or suspicious vares, veapons, or nagic ilens lo
lheir superiors. Theyve leen knovn lo poison or drug guesls
and lo use viaIs of sIeep-inducing gas lo nake il easy for lhe
Brolherhood lo caplure palrons.
The inn is a soaring, vooden-cresled luiIding. Il is sludded
vilh vindovs resenlIing shark fins. Lach vindov has a vin-
dov lox pIanled vilh fIovers in sunner. These provide con-
venienl handhoIds for cIinlers year-round. The luiIding is
luiIl of nassive linlers, lraced as lhe slruls of a ship are.
Suiles are spacious, and severaI fIighls of lack slairs nake dis-
creel exils and arrivaIs possilIe for lhose vho knov lheir vay
around. A skiIIed, dignified slaff nakes guesls veIcone. The
furnishings are fine, achieving lhe effecl of a Iuxurious, quiel
haven fron lhe harshness of lhe cily oulside.
The Seven SaiIs has a fanous lreasure laIe. The riches of
lhe nolorious Runner of lhe Rocks, a dead pirale naned Shar-
guI, are hidden sonevhere in ils vaiIs. The hoard is a cache of
gens conceaIed fron nagic scrying ly slrong speIIs and
guarded ly aninaled skeIelaI hands.
There are severaI hidden cIosels lhal dusly hunan skeIe-
lons occasionaIIy lunlIe fron, shocking guesls vho are up and
aloul in lhe vee hours. More lhan one hunan skuII has
lounced and roIIed dovn a carpeled haII lo confronl a slarlIed
palron coning up lhe slairs. IinaIIy, a goId dragon vas said lo
have had ils Iair in lhe inn, laking hunan shape ly day and fIy-
ing ly nighl. Ils hoard, loo, vas never found.
5nuth Bank: The nain cily slands on lhe soulhern side of
lhe rivers noulh inside a senicircuIar vaII. This vaII exlends
fron a forlified lreakvaler sheIlering Dragon Beach lo a lover
leside lhe Upslrean Span and across lhe lridge fron Norlh
Cale. The vaII is sludded vilh over a dozen lovers aIong ils
Ienglh, incIuding lhe inpressive Tvin Teelh fIanking lhe
Soulh Cale. This is aII of Luskan lhal nany unveIcone lraveI-
ers see. Ils cuslonariIy decoraled vilh heads and olher lody
parls of lhose vho have faIIen afouI of Luskanile juslice. The
grisIy array is Iil each nighl ly a rov of fIickering lorches.
Iron lhe gale, a vide slreel knovn as Reavers Run Ieads
slraighl norlhvesl lo lhe open space of lhe cily narkel. Iron
lhere, lhe Shorl Span Ieads lo BIood IsIand, and lhen across
lhe Mirar River lo lhe Red Dragon Trading Lodge. In lhe nar-
kel, slaIIs are erecled ly pernils onIy given lo Luskanile con-
panies, cIoseIy valched Iong-line lusiness conlacls or oulIying
farners. The deaIers here seII fresh produce, firevood, and lrin-
kels. As a generaI ruIe, lhe veslern side of Reavers Run is lhe
lad side of lovn.
5u!ack's Lndgc: This lavern-Iike Iodge is lhe hone of SuI-
jack, lhe second High Caplain. He hunls deer in Caplains
CIose, arned vilh a javeIin and a knife. This lIoody sporl is
sonelines valched ly his adniring Iadies.
Tacr!'s Fnrtrcss: TaerI is lhe firsl High Caplain. His house
is a verifialIe forlress.
Tcmp!c nf Rcd 5aI!s: This is lhe lenpIe lo UnlerIee.
Tcn Oaks: The fourlh High Caplain, Relhnor, dveIIs in
Ten aks, a laII slone house jusl soulhvesl of lhe CIose. Ten
aks is a hoIIov square encIosing a hiIIock vhere 1O oaks
sland. He spends nuch noney on nagic lo keep lhe encIosed
lrees aIive. Despile his veaIlh, lhey are vilhering and dying,
cul off fron lhe sun and rain.
Thc Thrnat: This, Luskans nain valer lover, rises oul of a
fenced fieId for sheep deslined for lhe five caplains lalIes. In-
lruders in lhe paslure are assuned lo le enenies of Luskan lrying
lo poison lhe cilys valer suppIy. Cuards arned vilh crosslovs of
paraIyzalion-venoned loIls caplure lhe inlruder for harsh ques-
lioning. Iainling lhe sheep various hues used lo le a rile of pas-
sage anong dvarves, lul il vas lIoodiIy ended ly lhe Luskaniles.
Thc WIntcr Pa!acc: The Winler IaIace is a lenpIe lo AuriI,
lhe Irosl Maiden. The riluaIs of vorship lo lhis deily are oflen
crueI. Visilors galher lo valch lhe vel parades, a riluaI vhere
suppIicanls don garnenls packed vilh ice. They journey lelveen
six vhile piIIars knovn as lhe Kisses of AuriI. These coIunns are
spread videIy lhroughoul lhe Reach. The vorshippers nove
fron piIIar lo piIIar, chanling prayers lo lhe goddess, lefore re-
lurning lo lhe lenpIe. In vinler, lhe processions resenlIe franlic
foolraces, vilh lhe added risk of exposure or hearlchiII. The pa-
rade runners are cheered on ly palrons vho cone oul of nearly
laverns lo pIace lels on lhe slanina of lhe parlicipanls.
WhItcsaI!s Harbnr: This is off Iinils lo aII excepl Luskan-
ile navaI personneI. WalchfuI garrisons in lhe lovers al lhe
lreakvaler and lhe upslrean end of lhe isIand have inslruc-
lions lo shool unaulhorized peopIe enlering lhe harlor. They
receive a lounly for each person slruck, so lhey oflen shool
inlo lhe vindovs of lhe cIosesl luiIdings in lhe forlified
Miralar Dislricl, hoping lo nake a IillIe lIood noney.
or as Iong as lhe average Miralarran cares lo Iook lack, lheir
cily has leen lhe richesl in lhe Iands norlh of Walerdeep.
Being lhe chief nining cenler of lhe norlh for years, lheir quar-
ries have provided nelaIs of aII kinds. The niners and nerchanls
lolh nade noney~lig noney~and lhey vere happy.
Wilh lhe relirlh of MilhraI HaII, aII lheir dreans lhreal-
ened lo cone shallering dovn. Nol onIy does MilhraI HaII
sland as a Iegend, lul lhese sane Iegends recaII lhal lhe nelaIs
exlracled fron lhe dvarfhoId crealed lhe lesl veapons in lhe
hislory of Iaern. Whelher lhese runors are lrue or faIse
doesnl naller lo Miralar as a vhoIe, ils lough lo conpele
vilh a Iegend. LslalIished lrade and lhe renoleness of MilhraI
HaII have heIped Miralar survive, hovever.
ReaIizing lhe dangers posed ly MilhraI HaII, lhe High Cap-
lains of Luskan reduced lheir annuaI harlor fees ly haIf, lul lhis
vas prinariIy an acl of good failh, since Miralar had paid ils fees
lhrough 1377. Miralar is sliII Iooking for anolher avenue lo lrans-
porl lheir goods, hovever. In lhe heyday of lhe nining loon, lhe
insurance fee paid lo Luskan vas a cosl lhe niners couId deaI
vilh. Nov, lheyre lrying lo cul lheir cosls as nuch as possilIe.
Runors seeping lhrough lhe sofl underleIIy of Miralars
shadov dislricl reporl lhal Luskans going lo allenpl lhe
sane slrangIehoId vilh MilhraI HaII. Wilh Luskans allenlion
lurned lovard lhe dvarven hone, securily in Miralar has Iess-
ened sonevhal. Ils sliII iIIegaI lo produce naps of Miralarran
slreels, lhough nov ils nol a hanging offense~ils onIy a Iife
senlence in lhe nining fieIds as a hard Ialorer.
Miralar has leen concenlraling ils efforls on exlracling orcs
and reinforcing ils econony. Mages, once hired lo shieId
Miralar fron Luskan, are nov enpIoyed lo discover nev veins
of nining veaIlh, provide nagicaI supporl lo palroIs, and lo
scour lhe surrounding counlryside for orcs and olher narauders.
The narchion (see Gnvcrnmcnt) has leen hiring his ovn
lallery of nages, nelaIIurgisls, and aIchenisls, and hes nan-
aged lo gel over 3O such speciaIisls in his direcl enpIoy. These
nages (vhos nanes are aII secrel) are lrying lo produce a
nelaIIic sulslance lhals lvice as slrong as adananline and as-
siniIales nagicaI energy al a higher alsorplion rale. If success-
fuI (a five-year pIan devised ly lhe narchion and lhe nelaIIur-
gisls cIains success in lhal line-span), lhey can lurn lhe lalIes
on MilhraI HaII and regain lheir doninance.
Ior nov, Miralar has suffered significanl Iosses in ore and
nined goods, lul il sliII has lhe narkel share in quarried slone
for anyone viIIing lo pay lhe cosls of nagicaIIy fIoaling lhen
lo Luskan, vhere lheyre shipped~ly loal~anyvhere in
Iaern. Miralars nasons suppIy preciseIy cul lIocks of lhe
slones, grades, and hues desired~sonelhing IocaI quarries
oflen canl do. CurrenlIy, lhe onIy ones vho can afford
Miralars speciaI narlIed goods are lhe exlreneIy rich, lhe
heads of slale, and olher such nolalIes.
Miralars lrading decisions once had a Iong reach across
Iaern. Many a vouId-le conqueror vas lhvarled ly a disap-
proving Miralar, as Miralars enenies had difficuIly acquiring
nelaI and veapons save ly force. Wilh lhe recovery of MilhraI
HaII, lheir aliIily lo conlroI evenls lhroughoul Iaern has di-
ninished. Miralar is currenlIy nore inleresled in naking
lhenseIves conpelilive vilh MilhraI HaII, hovever, hoping
lhe Lords AIIiance cones lo lhvarl any pelly despol vho
cones knocking on lheir doors.
The Look amo 1he FeeL
The gray slone cily is surrounded ly shafls, quarries, and
laIuses. Across lhe river lo lhe vesl and soulh of lhe cily, dead
and lIoaled nines are used lo slore luiIding slone and rullIe
lo shore up lhe ever-crunlIing graveI roads lhal carry
Miralars nelaI veaIlh, forged nelaI lars, fine gens, and nel-
aIvork soulh lo lhe resl of Iaern.
Miralar is a cily of hard vork vilh a grin, no-nonsense
nanner. Il has a hearl of goId vhere nalives lo lhe cily and lhe
surrounding area lreak lheir ovn lack lo heIp a neighlor. This
side of lhe rough gen of lhe Norlh is never seen ly lhe con-
non visilor, for lraveIers usuaIIy have a nindsel lhal puls lhe
average Miralarran al iII ease. Cone lo Miralar vilh an open
nind and a kind, underslanding hearl, and you see lhe hearl of
goId lhals shared ly aII Miralarrans.
The cilys proleclive vaIIs are sel in concenlric rings so le-
sieged defenders can faII lack fron lhe ouler vaII vilhoul Ieaving
lhe cily unprolecled. The vaIIs are lhick and sIoped, aIIoving de-
fenders lo fire arrovs dovn lhe sides or pour valer dovn lhen lo
nake ice sIides in vinler. In lhe cenler of lovn is a vaIIed garden
lhal heIps keep Miralar Iess dependenl on inporled food. The
area fealures veII shafls lringing valer fron lhe Underdark~
valer varned ly lhe heal of lhe deplhs. Theres a pernanenlIy
inslaIIed ccn|rc| uca|ncr effecl in lhis garden vhich keeps lhe
lenperalure conforlalIe for pIanls, aIIoving year-round grovlh.
The slreels narrov as lhey fIov lovard lhe cenler of lovn,
ending al a vaII. Theres a circuIar slreel running around lhe ring
vaII lo slaggered enlrances, vhere anolher slreel slarls. ne slreel
Iooks nuch Iike anolher, lul olservanl lraveIers nolice inages
carved in lhe vaII al lhe head of each slreel, so one can find Crif-
fon Slreel, Manlicore Slreel, IIane Slreel, AnviI Slreel, and so
on, vilh ease. There are seven concenlric ring vaIIs in Miralar.
The dveIIings, varehouses, and lusinesses are addressed in
order lo sinpIify courier deIiveries and adverlising for lusi-
nesses. Beginning al lhe Norlhgale and vorking cIockvise,
each house aIong lhe ring-shaped slreels is nunlered (in se-
quences of five vhen possilIe), vilh odd nunlers on lhe ouler
side of lhe slreel and lhe even nunlers on lhe inner side. The
spoke slreels are nunlered, leginning vilh lhe cenlraI-nosl
luiIdings vilh odd nunler on lhe Iefl and even nunlers lo
lhe righl (vhen ones lack is lo lhe cenler of lovn). AIIeys are
nunlered, lul each one lends lo use ils ovn syslen.
The cily has four gales: Norlhgale, prinariIy used ly nine
vagons, lhe Laslgale, vhere lhe lovn valch quarlers, River
Cale, vhere lhe lridge crosses lhe Mirar River, and Sunsel
Cale lo lhe vesl, vhere nosl visilors and nerchanls enler lhe
cily. Lach of lhese gales has a doulIe nelaI gridvork paIisade,
a Iarge sIal of soIid granile lhree feel lhick, and an ironvood
larricade (nagicaIIy innunized againsl fire) lhal can le
dropped inlo pIace lo heIp prolecl lhe cily fron oulside inva-
sion. The proleclion lelveen concenlric ring vaIIs in lhe cily,
hovever, is nol so eIalorale. A singIe nelaIIic gridvork paI-
isade and an ironvood larricade are aII lhal slands lelveen
lhe cenlraI seclion of lhe cily and invaders vho nanage lo
lreak lhrough lhe ouler gales. Miralar, hovever, has no vay lo
prolecl ilseIf fron invaders vho ga|c or |c|cpcr| inlo lhe cily.
Sone lraveIers are surprised lo discover lhal Miralars
loundaries conlinue far inlo lhe earlh. This undercily con-
sisls of six IeveIs, knovn as lhe Iirsl BeIov, Second BeIov, and
so on. The finaI IeveI connecls up vilh a series of lvisling lun-
neIs lhal lecones lhe Underdark, and sone lraveIers nove
lack and forlh lelveen Miralar and Walerdeep, Ironnasler,
and Telhyanar.
The Underdark is nol a pIace for green lraveIers, hovever.
Runors of an aIhoon lhal is ensIaving lhe dvarves of lhe
Miralarran undercily persisl, despile nunerous forays ly ad-
venluring conpanies. And for lhose vho prefer a nore knovn
lhreal, duergar and drov are leIieved lo roan lhe Sixlh BeIov.
Miralar is ruIed ly lvo counciIs: lhe eIecled CounciI of
SparkIing Slones and a Sceplrana. The CounciI is an eIecled as-
senlIy of 42 foIk vho hoId lhe lrue pover. They keep Miralar in
lhe Lords AIIiance, vieving il as a vilaI IifeIine againsl allacks
and aggression. Ironinenl counciIors incIude Agralhan Hard-
hanner (LN dn I12 |Dunalhoinj), Shadrar Thundersar (LN
hn I14), LIylh TaIloskh (CN hn I4) of TaIloskh House, IheIn
AIdlorlh (LN hn I6) of Manyheads Merchanl CoIIeclive, and
Maern Hannaver (CC hn W5) of Hannaver House.
The counciIors neel each aulunn in lhe HaII of SparkIing
Slones lo delernine vhere and vhen lo seII lheir nelaI, nindfuI
of vho uses il lo forge veapons lo nake var on vhon. Afler lhe
counciI neels, lhe Sceplrana of Miralar, Shoundra SlargIean
(LN hf W7), negoliales lrade agreenenls vilh olher cilies.
The nines of Miralar are guarded againsl raids ly a sland-
ing arny, lhe Axe of Miralar. Al 1,OOO slrong, lhe Axe is a
force of grin, experienced varriors vho fighl vilh crosslovs,
Iances, and hanners, riding nounlain ponies in sunner and
rolh in vinler. Merchanl houses in lhe cily keep anolher 5OO
lrained soIdiers under arns. They reaIize lhese nines are lhe
Iife of lhe cily~and vhere lheir saIaries cone fron.
Wilh lhe reinslalenenl of MilhraI HaIIs nining operalions,
Miralarrans have leen screaning lhal lhe governnenl send in
vandaIs lo MilhraI HaII lo salolage every possilIe operalion.
Thus far, lhe narchion has refused lo granl such an acl~noslIy
in fear of relrilulion fron MilhraI HaII and ils aIIies. Sending
spies lo valch, Iislen, and reporl lack vilh vhalever lhey see
and hear is a possiliIily LIasluIs viIIing lo delale.
The royaI ladge of Miralar is an uprighl, doulIe-lIaded axe
vilh a poinled hafl and a fIaring, fIal lase. Ils cuslonariIy rusl-
red on a lIack fieId, lhough lhe fieId is sonelines a deep purpIe
or vhile vhen presenled on ship pennanls. The ladge is
pIainIy visilIe on lhe shieIds of aII Axe niIilia.
The PeopLe amo 1he PLaces
Miralar is a cily of grin foIk, hard vork, Iong hours, hard drink-
ing, and exhausled sIunler. Theres IillIe rovdiness and IillIe
crine. Visilors are frequenlIy valched lo nake sure lheyre nol
lhinking of slarling lroulIe or spying for olher cilies. Thieves are
frequenlIy apprehended rapidIy ly lhe niIilia, vho enpIoy pro-
fessionaI lhief valchers lhroughoul lhe cily.
Sone 19,OOO hunans and nore lhan 4,OOO dvarves Iive in
reIalive harnony here, vorking lhe earlh shouIder lo shouIder.
RivaIries over forging skiIIs are connon, lul aII regard feIIov cil-
izens as friends and lhe resl of lhe vorId as unfriendIy (or as foes).
Treachery is unlhinkalIe lo a dvarf of Miralar, and ils hard lo
lenpl even lhe pooresl hunan in lhe cily. The niners are on lhe
aIerl for pIols, allenpls lo svay or nisIead lhen, and allacks or
surveiIIance ly rivaIs (vhich nov incIudes MilhraI HaII).
Ga!vcndn's Lndgc: CaIvendos adverlising schenes are highIy
effeclive, for hes considered one of lhe lop hunlers in lhe Norlh~
and lhe lesl lo le found in Miralar. I guaranlee you a shol al lhe
lig loys~if you vanl lhe huge racks, youve gol lo cone lhrough
ne, CaIvendo: Big Cane Hunler Lxlraordinaire, and KiII or
le kiIIed al CaIvendos. His adverlising, hilling righl lo lhe hearl
of hunlers, expIains vhy hes very lusy~hes guiding peopIe lo lhe
lesl lig-gane hunling spols in lhe Irozenfar.
CaIvendo (NC hn R9) cIains no one has ever died on one
of his expedilions, lul lhis isnl exaclIy lrue. Three peopIe
have leen nauIed lo dealh ly vicious predalors (usuaIIy lears
and vinler voIves) in lhe Iasl eighl years. CaIvendos conpan-
ion and lusiness parlner, DealhcaIn lhe Loved (CC hf C12
|Lalhanderj), vas alIe lo casl successfuI raisc ca speIIs in
order lo lring lrealh lack inlo lhe lodies. The once-deceased,
surprisingIy, have nolhing lul good lhings lo say aloul lhese
lvo individuaIs, never reaIizing jusl hov cIose lhey vere lo
vaIking lhe Iands of lhe dead.
Thc Gnb!ct and Gcms: This is lhe onIy exciling and in-
pressive-Iooking lavern in Miralar. Ils nagicaIIy Iil goIden
golIel signloard leckons lo passersly. Inside, visilors find a
crovded roon fiIIed vilh Iive nusic, dancing, and side loolhs
vhere foIk drink and enjoy lhe conpany of lhe Cens lhe
pIace is naned for.
The Iandnark of lhis eslalIishnenl is lhe gIoving golIel
oul fronl. Behind ils goIden gIov, lhe ColIel rises darkIy and
inpressiveIy. Ils luiIl of lIack slone vilh snoolh edges and a
curving roof resenlIing a heIn. Inside, il has carpeled haIIs,
din Iighling, sound-deadening piIIovs, lapeslries, and snoolh
vaIIs. CIoving gIyphs indicale lhe jakes and exils.
This is lhe onIy viId pIace in Miralar. The soIdiers Iike a
pIace lo le rovdy, lul lhey Iike lo confine such polenliaI
lroulIe lo one pIace. This prevenls enenies fron insligaling
riols lo cover allenpls lo Iool, sel fires, or efforls lo sIay coun-
ciIors or inporlanl nerchanls.
Lach Cen is a spy for lhe counciI, veII paid and coached on
seIf-defense, olservalion, and renenlering vhals seen and
heard. Theres a secrel rope-and-puIIey eIevalor lehind lapes-
lries on each fIoor, and a ready delachnenl of 12 Axes can ar-
rive fron lheir quarlers in lhe lasenenl in a very shorl line if
an aIarn leII is rung on any fIoor.
The ColIel vas lhe favorile drinking pIace of Arendoun
lhe Archnage a decade ago. The nan vore a skuII nask and
lurned aII vho dispIeased hin inlo vorns or sIugs. Before he
disappeared, he hid a seIf-repIenishing gcn cf spc|| s|cring sone-
vhere in lhe ColIel. Il gIovs vilh green facric firc and enils
fca|ncr fa|| vhen grasped and viIIed lo do so. Many have
searched for il, lul il has eIuded aII deleclion.
Ha!! nf 5park!Ing 5tnncs: This nassive slone forlress slands
al lhe cenler of lovn on a raised eninence or knoII, Iooning over
Miralar. Ils soaring cenlraI haII reaches lo lhe roof, vhere a nag-
nificenl, nany-hued gIass vindov depicls lhe doulIe axe of
Miralar encircIed ly fIying dragons of various hues. The vindov
casls ils poIychronalic Iighl onlo lhe ring-shaped counciI lalIe
leIov. The poIished, lIack narlIe lalIe is pierced ly four pas-
sages lo pernil access lo lhe podiun al ils cenler.
The chanler fIoor is inIaid vilh scenes lraced in goId, siIver,
eIeclrun, copper, pIalinun, nilhraI, and adananline. The piI-
Iared, scuIpled vaIIs fealure laIconies slacked al Ieasl six high.
Tiny leIjuriIs (slones lhal give off Iighl fron line lo line in IillIe
vinking fIashes) are sel aloul lhe chanlers vaIIs and laIconies.
This is lhe narchions paIace and courlroon, lhe slale chanler
of Miralar, vhere inporlanl visilors are received, and lhe neel-
ing pIace of lhe counciI. The archilecls sel oul lo inpress lhe vis-
ilor, and lhey succeeded vilh avesone ease.
The laIconies are crovded vilh Miralarrans during coun-
ciI neelings and inporlanl lriaIs. They share fIoors vilh snaII,
vooden paneIed neeling roons. These roons have secrel pas-
sages lelveen lhen vhere Miralarran agenls Iislen, arned
vilh uans cf para|qza|icn and hand crosslovs Ioaded vilh
sIeep-venoned loIls, lo prevenl prolIens.
Thc Hnusc nf thc BrIght B!adc: This eslalIishnenl is lhe
nosl popuIar shop in Miralar anong hunan lourisls. Ils
videIy knovn as lhe pIace lo gel svords lhal seen speciaIIy
nade. Ils lhe snilhy and shop of lhe noled svordsnilh Zes-
para AIalher. She loiIs here vilh six fenaIe apprenlices (lvo
hunans and four dvarves).
The fronl roon is guarded ly six fenaIe varriors in fuII pIale
arnor and four unarnored, undercover ex-lhieves arned vilh
uans cf para|qza|icn. The secured roon is fuII of lhe gIillering sleeI
of hundreds of svords and daggers of aII sizes, finishes, and prices.
Svords and daggers of aII sorls are avaiIalIe here al preniun
prices. Zespara and her oIdesl apprenlice, lhe dvarf CaIaulhra
Morgyr, can experlIy choose a veapon vilh lhe righl reach and
veighl for a cusloner. BIades can le cuslon-nade in lvo days for
lripIe lhe usuaI cosl, or in seven days for doulIe lhe usuaI cosl.
5ccptrana Ha!!: Shroundra SlargIean (LN hf W7) is an
enlerprising young vizardess vho successfuIIy assuned conlroI
of Miralar fron ils forner Marchion (ruIer). Shes done a greal
deaI lo assure her favor vilh nany of lhe neighloring dvarven
connunilies, and lhe CounciI of SparkIing Slones has given
her a greal deaI of Ieevay in lrade negolialions.
Securily for lhe allraclive young ruIer is leconing nore and
nore of a concern, hovever, and arned guards surround lhe haII.
Various inleresls, ranging fron lhe Harpers lo lhe Zhenlarin,
have concerns regarding lhe direclion of Miralar. The CuIl of
lhe Dragon has aIready nade one allenpl on Shoundras Iife.
5hrIncs: Shrines lo Tynora and Chaunlea can le found
here, lul lhe lenpIes dedicaled lo dvarven povers are under-
ground in lhe dvarven connunilies.
Thc 5Ign nf thc Fnrgchammcr: Visilors vho arenl slaying
in lhe hones of Miralarran hosls or lhe guesl houses of ner-
chanl conpanies are direcled ly lhe Axe lo lhis inn. The
Iorgehanner slands vilh slalIes, slronghouse, and kilchen
garden in ils ovn vaIIed conpound jusl inside lhe River Cale.
Cuesls are discreelIy valched ly Miralarran agenls.
The vaIIs of lhe conpound are adorned vilh lhe synloI of
lhe inn: a verlicaI hanner, handIe dovn. The synloI appears on
lhe sloul, copper-pIaled, doulIe doors of lhe inn. Beyond lhen is
a dinIy Iil nelvork of slone chanlers, inlerIaced vilh chinneys,
firepIaces, and dark slairs vinding lelveen lhe roons. The inn is
cooI in sunner and varn in vinler, and guesls roons have lear-
peIl rugs and canopied leds for varnlh and conforl.
The Hanner is as varn and snug as any inn lhis far norlh,
lul ils gIooniIy Iil. CandIe-Ianps are pIenlifuI, each roon
cones vilh lvo candIe-hoIders, a candIe-Ianlern, and a dozen
candIes, repIenished daiIy. Cuesls gel conforlalIe, privale
roons vilh a daiIy hol lalh.
The Tem Toums
1 1
he Iand norlh and vesl of lhe Spine of lhe WorId nol
covered ly lhe Reghed CIacier is Icevind DaIe. The ori-
gin of lhe nane is olvious: This region is frequenlIy Iashed ly
hovIing slorns lhal fIallen luiIdings and scour shruls fron
rock cresls. Anylhing lhal canl Iie dovn is snashed or frozen
ly lhe vinds, and anylhing lhal can Iie dovn is luried ly
snov. This viId, larren, larlarian-infesled region is visiled ly
vhile dragons, crag cals, orcs, and gIacier renorhaz. Theres no
sane reason for civiIized foIk lo cone here.
The Ten Tovns cIusler around lhree Iakes: Maer DuaIdon,
Lac Dinneshere, and Redvalers, lhe onIy knovn hones of lhe
2 8
knuckIehead lroul, a fish vhose fisl-sized heads and spiny
lones are akin lo fine ivory in hue and appearance. Lven in
sunner, lhe valers are icy enough lo kiII anyone in lhe space
of a fev lrealhs. Creed lrings lhe roughesl rogues lo lhis
Iand~ils nol a pIace for lhe idIe lraveIer. The onIy exceplions
are lhe Iongrunners, foIk vho roan for food and lring firevood
fron lhe dislanl norlhern fIanks of lhe Spine of lhe WorId.
Scrinshanders, lhe skiIIed carvers of knuckIehead scrinshav,
are inporlanl and respecled craflsnen here, lul everyone eIse is
loIeraled as Iong lhey cause no lroulIe and do honesl lusiness. In
vinler, lroulIenakers are usuaIIy kiIIed, or vorse, cracked alop
lhe head and drenched vilh lhe conlenls of a chanler pol. In ei-
lher case, lhe lodies are usuaIIy found in lhe spring lhav.
Mosl inporlanl lo lhe Ten Tovns is lhe cenlraI, vaIIed,
lrading lovn of Bryn Shander. Mosl lraveIers end up here, un-
Iess lhey join lhe fishing lrade. Iron Bryn Shander, a graveI
lraiI knovn as Laslvay Ieads easl lo Lac Dinneshere, and lo
lhe connunily of Laslhaven al ils soulhern end. Caer-DinevaI
and Caer-Konig sland on lhe shore of Lac Dinneshere. Despile
lheir nanes, no caslIes sland here~lhey vere once Iog
forlresses. Soulh of Lac Dinneshere is Redvalers, lhe snaIIesl
of lhe lhree Iakes.
Iron lhe soulhernnosl reaches of KeIvins Cairn, a cIefl or
vaIIey once inhaliled ly dvarves runs soulh and vesl lo lhe hiIIs
vhere Bryn Shander slands. Wesl and norlh of lhis Iies lhe
Iargesl of lhe lhree Iakes, Maer DuaIdon. Iour lovns sland on ils
shores: Brenen, al lhe oulfIov of lhe river lhal drains lhe Iake
inlo lhe Shaengarne River and evenluaIIy lo lhe sea al Ironnas-
ler, Targos, lhe onIy vaIIed lovn olher lhan Bryn Shander, Ter-
naIaine, lhe nosl leaulifuI of lhe sellIenenls, spravIing vilh
lree pIanlings around lhe videIy scallered houses pIaced lehind
rullIe vaIIs lo prolecl lhen fron lhe vinds, and LoneIyvood,
lhe norlhernnosl sellIenenl, vhose luiIdings neslIe inlo lhe
lrees of an isoIaled vood aIong lhe Iakeshore.
The Speaker of Bryn Shander Iives in lhe Iargesl luiIding of
lhe Ten Tovns. Despile ils piIIared porch, ils no Iarger lhan a
snaII inn.
Lach of lhe Ten Tovns can fieId a hone guard of 1OO lo 5OO
nen arned vilh dvarven veapons and Iighl arnor. The lovns of
Brenen and Caer-Konig are hone lo lundra larlarians. The
lovns are fierceIy independenl and conpelilive vilh one an-
olher, parlicuIarIy vilh lovns sharing lhe sane Iake. Iighling le-
lveen rivaI ships is nol unconnon. Because of lhis lendency, ils
hard for lhe cilies lo land logelher and defeal a connon foe,
naking each cily a singIe enlily and reIaliveIy easy lo conquer.
Visilors find Iife harsh here, vilh lhe 8,OOO foIk of Icevind
DaIe suspicious of oulsiders, lhis paranoia is nol heIped vhen
lhe area is aIso hone lo a nuIlilude of nen and vonen vilh
checkered pasls Iooking for an escape fron caplors. Mosl can
renenler lIoody lallIes againsl lhe larlarians and againsl lhe
lyranl Akar KesseII. They lhink visilors are lroulIe.
Runors persisl of vhile dragon Iairs crovded vilh lreasure in
lhe gIaciers nearly. Sone even fealure heaps of frozen gens as
laII as a house. The runors grov even viIder vhen peopIe speak
of lhe dvarven deIves under KeIvins Cairn and lhe Spine of lhe
WorId. Sages of lhe Norlh oflen renind lhal lrulhs have oflen
leen reveaIed lehind such slories. Ils lrue lhal sone advenlur-
ers cone lack fron Icevind DaIe rich leyond lheir viIdesl
dreans. Sone of lhen even Iive Iong enough lo enjoy il. Those
svayed ly lhe anlIers dispIayed on lavern vaIIs viII le pIeased lo
find lhal guides can le found in lhe Ten Tovns, lul lhey shouId
aIvays go arned and in nunlers.
The Ten Tovns originaled vhen ivory-Iike scrinshav vas
discovered. Nine viIIages grev aIong lhe lhree Iakes, and Bryn
Shander grev as residenls needed a cenlraI Iocalion lo neel
lraders. Iroxinily lo Bryn Shander vas second onIy lo lhe
quanlily of fish hooked and nelled in delernining lhe success
and size of lhe fishing viIIages. The Laslvay nade Laslhaven
rivaI Caer-DinevaI in size.
Bolh Bryn Shander and Targos vere vaIIed againsl lhe hos-
liIe Iand. Bul vaIIs did nolhing lo prolecl Targos vhen Akar
KesseII senl a kiIIing lean fron CryslaI-Tirilh. The lean
slruck najor luiIdings, nissing lhe ships in lhe harlor.
The larlarian lriles of Icevind DaIe oflen raided lhe viI-
Iages of lhe Ten Tovns, lul as aulunn of 1351 DR cane and
lhe herds noved soulh, lhe lriles chose lo nake one nassive
lhrusl in an allenpl lo occupy lhe connunilies and Iive off
sIave Ialor. A lrailor fron one of lhe connunilies reveaIed his
pIan of allack. Unleknovnsl, Drizzl valched lhe lrailor and
pronplIy inforned Bruenor and, lhrough Regis, lhe CounciI of
lhe Ten Tovns. The haIfIing convinced his feIIov counciInen
lo forn an aIIiance and lhe Ten Tovns slood ready.
The luIk of lhe larlarian force noved soulh lo Bryn Shan-
der. nce lhe cily vas occupied, lhe larlarians couId slrike al
Ieisure al lhe olher connunilies. Avare of lhe pIan, nen of
Maer DuaIdon hid in TernaIaine. When lhe lrile enlered, il
vas overvheIned. A lhreefoId lrap Iay in vail al Bryn Shander
for lhe nain hosl. Inside lhe cily vaIIs slood lhe conlined
forces of Bryn Shander, Caer-Konig, and Caer-DinevaI, arned
vilh lovs and hol oiI. ulnunlered, lhe larlarians lurned
lack and found lhe vay lIocked ly Bruenors dvarves. Tovns-
peopIe fron aII lhree Iakes surrounded lhe lrile.
The dvarf-luiIl paIace of Cassius, spokesnan of Bryn Shan-
der, vas given lo Regis afler lhe lallIe. Designed for lhe Ten
Tovns counciI neelings, ils lhe Iargesl luiIding of lhe Ten
Tovns and lhe grandesl norlh of Miralar. Regis pronplIy fiIIed il
vilh cIuller fron lhe fronl haII slaircase lo lhe nasler ledroon.
PLaces o[ Im1enes1
Lxcepl lhose in Bryn Shander, aII inns in Icevind DaIe are
pIaces lhe visilor vonl forgel: renled slrav in a slalIes. Ior
nosl pIaces, lhe inn and lhe lavern are one and lhe sane~
nosl inn/laverns are cIoser lo a rooning house lhan anylhing
eIse. Large lands can renl a varehouse, lul lhey find nolhing
lo varn il vilh unIess lhey lroughl vood. Mosl varehouses
are sunk inlo lhe ground lo avoid lhe vind, and so lhey are
IillIe nore lhan sod-roofed ceIIars.
BIoodriIs Snug, Haven IaeIfariIs Inn, CeIdenslags Resl,
The Hooked KnuckIehead, and The NorlhIook are found in
Bryn Shander. Theyre lhe oIdesl and Ieasl suilalIe houses in
lhe sellIenenl. They vere luiIl ly foIk vho hadnl yel feIl a
lrue norlhern vinler. They sland laII and proud againsl lhe icy
vinds lhal Iash lhrough lhen, Ieaving guesls shivering.
The Eoenmoons
raveIers viII cerlainIy encounler shepherds lending lheir sheep aIong lhe grassy
hiIIs and rocky ridges of lhe Lvernoors. This is aIso a Iand of hovIing vinds and
lIinding fog, vhere advenlurers cone lo seek fane and forlune in lhe alandoned
dvarven hoIds norlh of lhe cily of Nesn.
Cnc's Nes1
l l
n lhe hearl of lhe grass-cIoaked hiIIs vesl of Shining Creek slands Criffons Nesl. Ils one of
lhe fev pIaces vhere an Ulhgardl lrile has luiIl a pernanenl sellIenenl. Svaggering var-
riors are everyvhere, Iooking lo prove lheir provess ly carving an oulIander open. The journey
is reconnended onIy for lhe poverfuI or fooIish. ne nusl lraveI lhrough hiIIs sludded vilh
sheep, shepherds, and Ulhgardl Iookouls vho can sunnon javeIin-hurIing palroIs of 12 lo 16
pony-lack varriors.
nce a landil hoId, Criffons Nesl has grovn rapidIy. In ils forner slalus, AIgIyn and his
haIf-orc land conlroIIed lhe area. This ended vhen lhe Ulhgardl sIaughlered lhen aII. The cur-
renl seIf-decIared chief of Criffons Nesl is KraIgar Bonesnapper.
Throughoul his youlh, KraIgar vandered lhe Coasl, seeing aII ils vays and veaIlh. He since
lecane a larlarian coveling lhe riches and Ieisure of Walerdeep. KraIgar has proven a vise
Ieader, keeping IavIessness lo a nininun. Hes nanaged lo shov his peopIe lhe prosperily lrade
lrings, lrading farned goods, neal, voven laskels and conlainers, and goId panned fron lhe
Shining Creek for arns, shieIds, arnor, and coins.
Criffons Nesl incIudes 2O or so lhalched Iog huls seaIed vilh laked earlh. The huls sland
near lvo varehouses and a IonghaII, encircIed ly a sloul Iog paIisade. SlalIes are inside lhe
conpound, and a dozen or so snaII farns Iie on nearly hiIIs.
The Nesl houses 9OO foIk, 3OO of vhon are varriors, and KraIgars caII raIIies 1,OOO olher
Criffon lrile nenlers. The Criffons hunl, farn, and goId pan in Shining Creek. They luy
veapons of good sleeI vilh goId nuggels and dusl. They seII voven rush, cane laskels, and
lrunks lo nerchanls vho sving ly fron lhe Long Road.
The Criffons are lhe nosl Iilerale, organized, and skiIIed Ulhgardl. KraIgar veIcones con-
lacl vilh oulsiders, leIieving anyone in Iaern nay le an aIIy in his goaI of conquering a rich
cily. Though Walerdeep vouId le lesl, KraIgar viII sellIe for a Iesser pIace if he lhinks he can
snalch viclory. KraIgar has decIared riluaI var on aII cilies, and nany oulIavs and unaIIied Ulh-
gardl seeking pIunder have joined lhe Criffons. Visilors can expecl lo neel advenlurers of aII
iIk, sone of vhon are prolalIy undercover Harper agenls, lhe CuIl of lhe Dragon, or lhe Red
Wizards of Thay. They seen lo leIieve lhe ruslic viIIage of Criffons Nesl is a pIace lo valch.
Zhenl agenls are runored lo exisl in Criffins Nesl as veII, lhough lheir inlenl and nolives re-
nain uncerlain.
Ncn!n's SIeL
ornlryns ShieId lakes ils nane fron lhe rocky, horseshoe-shaped ridge lhal forns a nal-
uraI ranparl aIong lhe vesl and soulh sides of lhe sellIenenl. This ridge shieIds lhe con-
nunily fron lhe spring fIooding of lhe lvo rivers.
Mornlryn vas a ranger of noloriely over 4OO vinlers ago. Legend says his lonl is sonevhere
under lhese rocks. Ils a conpIex of roons cranned vilh lreasures offered ly lhe connunilies
he rescued fron orcs and lroIIs. He vouIdnl accepl lhese revards in Iife, lul lhey vere Iaid lo
resl vilh hin afler his dealh.
IoIk leIieve lhe lreasure is sliII hidden. lhers say lhe lonl vas found and lhe cily vas luiIl
over il lo prevenl furlher pIundering. Magic is said lo Iie anong lhe coins, crovns, and gens,
lul lhe rocks of lhe Mornlryns ShieId conlain nuch urnc|n. This is knovn lo lhe dvarves as a
very rare, hard, Ieaden slone lhal nasks nagicaI auras, prevenling deleclion of nagicaI ilens.
3 O
The foIk of Mornlryns ShieId are a hardy Iol. Day afler
day, lhey face lhe fury of lhe Lvernoors vhich sends hovIing
vinds fron lhe norlheasl, cIoaking lhen in danp, cIanny
fog lhal conceaIs creeping lroIIs. The lroIIs prefer allacking
vhen fog nasks lheir approach, duIIs lheir sounds, and danp-
ens fire, lheir deadIiesl foe.
Mornlryns ShieId is a connunily of shepherds, fisher-
foIk, and noss grovers. The nosses are prized across Iaern
for nedicinaI properlies. They forn an ingredienl in Walerd-
havian hair dyes and perfunes. Ils fashionalIe lo eal ShieId
noss in sone circIes of noliIily in Walerdeep, CaIinshan,
and Telhyr. Sone nerchanls reach lhe ShieId ly large up lhe
Surlrin River, and luy loalIoads of noss. The rocks of lhe
noor supporl olher vegelalIes, and lhe Iand is used lo graze
lhe Iong-haired ponies lred for IocaI use.
Mornlryns ShieId is a surprisingIy nice pIace lo slay, lul
ils lIeak in vinler, aIvays endangered ly lroIIs, and loo snaII
lo inleresl a lraveIer for nore lhan a day. TraveIers are
varned lo keep chiIdren indoors and hidden as nuch as pos-
silIe. There are persislenl runors lhal al Ieasl one doppIe-
ganger is keeping valch on lhe ShieId. Il enlers lhe ShieId
reguIarIy, in lhe shape of a viIIager or one of lhe peddIers vho
slops al lhe IocaI inn. Il surveys lhe foIk vho cone lo lovn,
reporling lo nearly lroIIs.
PLaces o[ Im1enes1
Ca!drcth's Cnbb!Ing: CaIdrelh WyvernIyng nakes and fixes
shoes, lools, and cIoaks. Hes especiaIIy proud of his river-
vaders (vaxed, heavy Iealher lools).
Thc MaId nf thc Mnnrs: The Maid of lhe Moors is a
reslauranl run ly BeIdora Thiiruin. The Maid is a sunny
pIace vilh nany hanging ferns and vindovs. (Shullers can
le filled in case of slorns or lroII raids.) BeIdora Iels her pel
lals fIy aloul, aIIegedIy lo hunl insecls.
MIc!IkkI's 5hrInc: The norlheaslern edge of lhe connu-
nily is guarded ly a snaII keep, and a circuIar, vaIIed garden
pIanled vilh oId, gnarIed lrees. The keep is used as an arnory,
loasling fire-hurIing calapuIls, enough fircpc|s lo lurn Lurk-
vood, and 25O suils of pIale arnor. The keep is guarded ly a
ring cf nis|, a vard Iinked lo 14 heIned horrors vho allack any-
one enlering lhe keep vilhoul a vard loken. nIy niIilia
nenlers have lhese, and lheres a ruIe againsl carrying lhen
oulside lhe ShieId lo keep lhen oul of lhe vrong hands.
The slone-vaIIed garden is an oId shrine lo MieIikki, vhere
veapons rusl avay on an aIlar forned ly a Iiving lree. These
arns vere vieIded in her honor ly nov-dead rangers. Many
norlhern rangers nake piIgrinages here, in order lo vorship
lhe Lady of lhe Ioresl in lhe presence of lhe reIics of her greal-
esl servanls. The onIy pIace considered nore hoIy lo MieIikki
is lhe headvalers of lhe Unicorn Run in lhe deplhs of lhe
High Ioresl.
Rangers revarded for lheir deeds oflen Ieave offerings
here on lhe aIlar~vhich soon disappear. The IocaIs say lhe
lrilules are laken avay al nighl ly lhe Sislers Who Serve.
}usl vho or vhal lhese sislers are, lhough, or vhere lhe lrea-
sure goes, is a nyslery.
Thc Trn!! In F!amcs: Mornlryns ShieId is loo snaII for a
proper inn. This Ione lavern, lhough, renls ils four roons.
Tvo are so snaII lhey sIeep onIy lhree foIk~and onIy if
soneone sIeeps on lhe fIoor leside lhe Ione led. The TroII
has a Iiniled seIeclion of aIes and vines, incIuding zzar, Saer-
Ioonian gIovfire, and evershinner (a sveel, slrong vine lra-
dilionaIIy nade in LverIund).
1 1
his forlified lrading lovn is a circuIar sellIenenl of
6,OOO inhalilanls. Ils a veII-defended haven for honesl
lraders and advenlurers vho seek oul fane and forlune in lhe
alandoned dvarven hoIds lo lhe norlh and easl. n ils vesl,
Nesn has a forlified lridge over lhe Surlrin River, forlified
slalIes, paddocks, and slock pens, lo lhe easl, leyond lhe cily
vaIIs, Iie roughIy 4O farns under lhe proleclion of lhe Riders
of Nesn. In lhe cenler of lovn is a spired luiIding lhal once
housed lhe lenpIe of Waukeen and nov serves as a loarding
haII for nerchanls. The lovn inside lhe slern and ready
forlress of lhe CiladeI of lhe Riders is a lusy, luslIing pIace of
square slone houses vilh roof gardens. The genlIy sIoped
roofs Ieak in vel vealher and have neIlvaler cislerns for
galhering ready drinking valer.
Iirsl Speaker Tessarin veIcones advenlurers lo her lovn.
Those vho vish an audience vilh her can expecl lo le loId
lhe Ialesl nevs aloul orc, larlarian, and lroII aclivilies, and
lhe Iocalions of knovn alandoned dvarf hoIds, nines, and
ruins. Tessarin is parlicuIarIy concerned aloul recenl reporls of
lehoIders and undead eye lyranls hunling around lhe Iong-
alandoned viIIage of AndaIlruin. This is lhe pIace knovn for
a forner schooI of vizardry, lhe Dungeon of lhe Ruins.
Arned non-larlarian hunan lands vandering aloul Nesn
nake Tessarin a happy vonan. She vanls her lovn lo inpress
ils lradilionaI enenies as nuch as possilIe, and she vanls Nesn
lo le knovn in Walerdeep and aIong lhe Svord Coasl. Sone
suspecl shes lehind lhe Ialesl runors, such as lhe one slaling
nev veins of ore and gens vere found easl and norlh of Nesn.
UnforunaleIy, lhe evenls of lhe pasl fev years have served
lo give Nesn a differenl repulalion: lhal of a cily nearIy under
siege ly lhe conslanl oulpouring of lroIIs fron lhe Lvernoors.
Miners vho nighl have leen Iured lo lhe cily lo search lhe
Lvernoors for ore have leen senl lack lo lheir hones, unIess
lhey feeI confidenl enough lo vilhsland a lroII allack. This has
heIped lhe repulalion of Nesns niIilia, as lheyve proven
lhenseIves quile capalIe al defending lhe cily fron surges of
lroIIs. Ils aIso provided pIenly of opporlunily for advenlurers
lo nake nanes for lhenseIves (lhough a running joke in lovn
is hov inpressive can a lilIe of lroII-sIayer le`).
There is one definile goaI for advenlurous lypes operaling
oul of Nesn. Sonevhere in lhe lroken counlry norlh of lhe
Surlrin River are cIiffs vhere daring prospeclors can chip free
lhe vaIualIe, exceedingIy rare, lIack, ovaI genslones knovn as
chardaIyn. ChardaIyn is knovn for ils properly of enlrapping
speIIs and unIeashing lhen Ialer. f course, advenlurers
searching for lhese gens have lo do il lelveen lallIes againsl
orcs, lroIIs, gianls, and olher predalors of lhe area.
Nesn Iives ly ils lrade as veII as farning, horses, Iive-
slock, and large naking, ils cilizens canl allack everyone vho
approaches, so lheyre oflen caughl in anlushes ly faIse cara-
vans. Advenlurers and nerchanls have leen allracled lo lhe
securily of Nesn, lhe lovn is a lase for lrade and for expIo-
ralion of lhe renole and periIous upper Surlrin River, vhere
alandoned dvarf hoIds are said lo le nunlered in lhe dozens.
NaluraI cIefls in lhe rock and lhe pIaleau yieId rich iron,
so Nesn is an inporlanl cenler for sneIling and snilhing.
BIades nade in Nesn are soIid, dependalIe svords, even nore
inporlanl lo lhe IocaI econony, vasl nunlers of pick heads
and shoveI lIades are exporled lo jusl aloul every nondvarven
connunily in lhe Norlh.
Nesn vas ruIed ly lhe priesls and prieslesses of Waukeen
in a spired lenpIe, unliI len years ago. Wilh lhe apparenl
dealh of Waukeen during lhe Codsvar in 1358, lhe priesl-
hood Iosl ils pover and ils hoId over lhe cily. Wilh lhe disso-
Iulion of lhe lenpIe and prieslhood, lhe nalive advenlurers
and counciI used lheir riches lo reforlify lhe cily and keep lhe
Riders of Nesn aclive in lhe proleclion of Nesn. (Today,
Nesn has lhe lesl slone vaIIs lelveen Miralar and SiIvery-
noon. The forlificalions lrislIe vilh arrov sIils and heavy
calapuIls.) MeanvhiIe, Tessarin Longlresses AIaraun (LN
hf W4) adninislered nev eIeclions. Advenlurers in lovn al
lhe line Ied lhe lovnsfoIk in voling. The cilizens decided lo
reorganize lhe counciI.
Tessarin look over ruIe of Nesn as Iirsl Speaker of lhe
CounciI. She lroughl in }ygiI ZeInalhra, lhe forner high-
priesless of Waukeen, as her apprenlice. Tvo seals vere Iefl
open: one seal represenls nerchanls, and lhe olher advenlur-
ers. These posilions are fiIIed al randon ly a differenl person al
each counciI neeling.
}ygiI ZeInalhra has a say in cily poIilics, lhough she nov
hoIds a ninor seal in lhe counciI. Iorner poIilicaI enenies,
lhe slrife of lhe Codsvar, and conslanl lroulIes vilh lhe Ulh-
gardl forces lhen lo sel aside lheir rivaIry and forge a slrong,
respeclfuI parlnership lo aid lhe cily (lheir nagic oflen lurns
lhe lide againsl orc raiders). This process is sorling ilseIf oul,
visilors lo Nesn are advised lo hoId longues, keep veapons
ready, and slay aIerl.
The Riders of Nesn, lased in lhe slalIes on lhe vesl lank
of lhe Surlrin River, have advenlurers counled in lheir nen-
lers (incIuding priesls of various failhs). UnIess lhe lovn is ac-
luaIIy under allack, one-lhird of lhe 4OO-slrong Riders palroI
lhe Lvernoors for lvo days ride on eilher lank around Nesn.
They poIice lhe popuIalion of lhe cily (having higher allrilion
lhan nosl sellIenenls due lo lhe doninance of lraveIing
lrade), defend lhe cily vhen lhe orcs cone (al Ieasl once a
decade, lhough lhe raids have occurred lhree lines in lhe pasl
1O years), and defend againsl lhe Ulhgardl of Criffons Nesl
vho covel lhe prosperily and riches lhey see in Nesn and
have organized a nunler of unsuccessfuI sorlies againsl Nesn
in lhe pasl fev years. The nev slrenglh of Nesn has nade
KraIgar, lhe Ulhgardl ruIer of Criffons Nesl, even nore deler-
nined lhis lovn viII le his.
Nesn is poised on lhe lrink of aclion. Ior good or iII,
greal evenls Iie ahead for lhe foIk of lhe Bridge Tovn. Ior
nov, lhis is a pIace for nerchanls lo nake noney. Tonorrov
il couId le svepl avay, or il couId le lhe nexl greal cily of
lhe Norlh~if nearly MilhraI HaII fIourishes, if lhe larlar-
ians of Criffons Nesl are defealed, and if lhe slrenglh of lhe
lroIIs and orcs is lroken. As sages in Walerdeep say, My, lul
ye have a Iol of ifs lhere.
Visilors pIanning a Iong slay can find roons lo lheir Iiking
in dozens of rooning houses, everyone vilh space lo spare
renls lheir upper roons. f course, lhese are lhe ones lhal Ieak
lhe nosl in vel vealher. There are aIso forges, lIacksnilhs,
finesnilhs, scroII-craflers, Iocksnilhs, engravers, and olher
PLaces o[ Im1enes1
CItadc! nf thc RIdcrs: A forlified lridge Iinks lhe circuIar,
vaIIed lovn vilh a caslIe on lhe Surlrin Rivers vesl lank.
This, lhe slronghoId of lhe Riders of Nesn, encircIes lhe
lovns docks, paddocks, and slockades. In lhe evenl of a river
allack, louIders and fIaning oiI can le dropped lhrough sIiding
paneIs in lhe lridge fIoor lo sink river larges (a Iesson recenlIy
Iearned ly a land of orcs). The docks can le cul off fron lhe
resl of lhe veslern forlress, vhich can in lurn le isoIaled fron
lhe lovn.
The CiladeI is doulIe-varded. The inner vard circIes lhe
arnory, lhe ouler vard is in lhe dock area and on lhe lridge.
The vard lokens can readiIy le seen, hung high up leside vaII
Ianlerns. They are loo high for a hunan lo reach vilhoul
slanding on lhe shouIders of anolher. In lhe evenl of allack,
lhe lokens are renoved so allackers face lhe nonslers Iinked
lo lhe vard. Spare lokens are Iocked in an inner roon of lhe
arnory. The ouler vard is inlended lo roule lhe superslilious.
The nonslers in lhe uarnis| are aninaled skeIelons of lhe
Iargesl nonslers of lhe Norlh avaiIalIe lo lhe nages vho cre-
aled lhe vards. The inner vard hurIs one |ign|ning oc|| al each
inlruder and unIeashes lurning skeIelons, knovn as lIazing
lones, lo defend lhe arnory.
Thc Fa!!cn Tcmp!c: The upper IeveIs of lhis neeling house
are renled oul as vorship areas ly nondangerous failhs. (The
definilion of nondangerous is slrelched lo aIIov Lovialar and
MaIar foIIovers lo use lhe faciIilies.)
Hnrsc Ranchcs: The vesl lank is hone lo four horse
ranches. Here, high-counlry horses are lred lo vilhsland danp
sunners and harsh vinlers. In lines of lroulIe, lhese ranches
have lhe righl lo drive lheir slock inlo lhe safely of lhe vesl-
ern forlress. Soulh of Wesllridge, Nesn horses are regarded as
inferior slock, lul in lhe Norlh lhey connand higher prices
lhan olher horses.
Thc Hnusc nf thc WIsc UnIcnrn: The Unicorn is a quiel
cIul vhere foIk ganlIe, laIk, or read, lul no sIeeping or speII-
casling is aIIoved. The cIul is run ly NislIor lhe Undying and
his slaff of 16 arned guards and lhree apprenlice vizards.
Thc PrIdc nf thc Nnrth: This feslhaIIs nollo is Lvery
nighls a viId parly, vilh jeslers and ninslreIs apIenly! Ior a
fal sun, one can feasl in lhe haII and spend a nighl vilh a con-
panion. MinslreIs and }eslers can find sleady vork al lhe fes-
lhaII, lhough lhe cIienleIe hurIs eggs and vorse (lhis resuIls in
a high lurnover rale).
Tavcrns: Nesn has seven laverns. Theyre poorIy Iil,
crovded pIaces fuII of nercenaries. Weapons are checked al
lhe door and priesls or vizards arenl aIIoved inside, as lhey
do loo nuch danage vhen drunk. Theres a Iiniled seIeclion
of drinks, and lhe prices are lhe sane across lhe cily. Conpe-
lilion is nonexislenl, lhere are nore drinkers lhan laverns.
n dry evenings, drinkers slunlIe oul inlo lhe slreels lo
carouse under lhe slars under lhe valchfuI eyes of a delach-
nenl of Riders. The laverns are: lhe Cal on lhe Iosl, lhe
Duke and lhe Hunler, lhe LnlallIed Dvarf, Iive CoId
Crovns, lhe Norlhvind Arns, lhe Ringing AnviI, and lhe
Sundered ShieId.
The DessanIm
ong lefore lhe line of roads, foIk used lhe Dessarin River as lhe road lo lhe
Norlh. More hunans Iive in lhis area lhan any olher in lhe Savage Ironlier. The
Long Road runs paraIIeI lo lhe coId and fasl fIoving river.
BangeunIgh1 Imm
1 1
his connunily of 35 foIk has lecone an inporlanl lase for visilors. IornerIy a Ione vayside
inn on a naluraI hiII overIooking Ironford on lhe Dessarin River, persislenl allacks nade Ie-
slon Bargevrighl forlify lhe hiII. Ieslon Iooked for soneone lo share lhe cosl and persuaded sone
Walerdhavian nerchanls, lired of guiId poIilics and fees, lo reIocale. They did, surrounding his
inn and lhe sIopes of lhe hiII vilh lusinesses for caravans. n sunner nighls, Bargevrighl Inn
nighl have a lenporary popuIalion of 75O.
The Lords of Walerdeep and lhe Harpers keep sharp eyes on Bargevrighl Inn, lecause lhe
Zhenlarin have lried luying inlo il for years. They hope lo gain conlroI of lhe ford and lhe farns
Iying lo lhe norlh of lhe Inn, on lhe vesl lank of lhe Dessarin River. MeanvhiIe, lhe lusinesses
here nake Bargevrighl Inn a haven for lraveIers.
Iron a dislance, lhis pIace Iooks Iike a ranshackIe caslIe, a hiII lopped ly lvo lovers (one laII
and lhin, lhe olher shorler, lhicker, and Ieaning). BuiIdings slraggIe dovn lhe sIopes, and lhe
vhoIe area is encircIed ly lvo concenlric vaIIs. Around lhe lollon of lhe hiII are paddocks and
slalIes encIosed ly a second, ouler vaII. Caravans canp here, and drovers pen lheir slock for saIe
or for a nighls slopover on a run lo Walerdeep.
The singIe sel of gales is lhe onIy vay in, unIess rope-chairs Iovered over lhe vaIIs are used.
The nonenl one enlers lhe gales, one faces a vide expanse of lranpIed dirl and dung, piIed al lhe
slarl of a road vinding up lhe hiII. This pIace is knovn as The Mud. Here, unsniIing gale vardens
vieIding slaves ask lraveIers lheir lusiness.
The Iover parl of Bargevrighl Inn consisls of lhe circIe of paddocks lelveen lhe lvo vaIIs.
The sneII here is of fresh nanure, vhich is carled lo nearly farns. The nanure cones fron Iive-
slock, caravan leasls, and nounls. The paddocks each hoId 4O leasls. Nearly are lhe slaIIs vhere
IocaI farners seII fresh produce. Around lhe norlh side are slalIes Iinked lo lhe inn ly a rickely
rope-Iifl eIevalor and sone lreacherous sleps lhal zig-zag up lhe rocky norlh face. ne can lake
lhe Iong and safe vay around, via lhe slreel.
The slalIenasler and chairnan of lhe CounciI of Direclors, AIdon Bargevrighl (NC R5),
Ieads a niIilia of five hosleIers (I1s) and 2O shopkeepers (IOs), arned vilh pikes, shouId
Bargevrighl Inn face a lroII, orc, or lrigand raid. Any advenlurers in lovn al lhe line are asked lo
join, receiving freedon fron fees for a lenday for lheir service.
Iron lhe Mud, a singIe slreel cIinls lhe spine of lhe hiII. Lined vilh shops, il ends in a courl-
yard. A second slreel, angIing avay fron lhe firsl lo run precariousIy aIong an edge of lhe hiII,
serves lhe hones of lhe inhalilanls. SeveraI hones are perched on piIIars, lridging over lhe Iive-
slock palh leIov. This provides drovers vilh sheIler vhen il rains.
The nerchanls of Bargevrighl Inn carry slaves vilh a dislinclive nelaI crook on one end, and
a sludded nelaI goad on lhe olher. Disoleying a person carrying such a slaff inside lhe vaIIs of
Bargevrighl Inn is grounds for innediale expuIsion.
PLaces o[ Im1enes1
Thc BargcwrIght Inn: Ieslon Bargevrighls inn is lhe cenler of lhis connunily. Ils an efficienl,
no-friIIs pIace of fine vood paneIing and svifl service. Slricl order is kepl ly four slrong varriors,
vhiIe lhe slalIes are run ly Ieslons lrolher AIdon Bargevrighl. AIdons a ranger vho caplains
lhe niIilia. He vieIds a Iong svord repuled lo le nagicaI.
The viev fron lhe lurrels is inpressive. The laIIer Norlh
Tover and lhe sIighlIy Ieaning and Iarger Soulh Tover over-
Iook lhe grassIands of lhe Dessarin. Ils a safe lul unspeclac-
uIar pIace, vilh lhe air of a caslIe preparing for var. Lvery
vinler, Ieslon has nore of lhe renaining vooden parls lorn
dovn and repIaced vilh slonevork.
Bc!vyn's Hnusc nf Gnnd Chccr: BeIvyns House is a laII,
narrov haII vilh calvaIk gaIIeries running aIong ils cross-
leans. Il nay le used eilher as a feslhaII or lenpIe. Ior lhe Ial-
ler, a pIain aIlar and lraziers are provided lo vorshippers of any
nonvioIenl failh. Lxceplions incIude Tenpus and HeIn, lul
nol MaIar. rganizalions Iike nerchanl calaIs or Ieagues, Wa-
lerdhavian guiIds on froIic, or advenluring lands ceIelraling
success renl lhe haII lo lhrov parlies. IuneraIs are free of
charge. Theres a IocaI runor leIIing of chesls of goId hidden in
or under lhe House. Ils a sinpIe, open pIace lhal is easiIy
searched, lul no one has found even a coin here.
Hac!cth's Hnrscshncs: HaeIelhs is lhe dark, crovded
snilhy of a Iaconic ironvorker vho can shoe anylhing.
HaeIelh vorks copper and siIver, lul he is unconforlalIe
vilh finer nelaIs. Sloul ironnongery is his Iove and his forle.
When nol shoeing, he nakes hooks, hinges, and hasps lhal
he ships lo lhe narkels of Walerdeep ly lhe carl Ioad. AII his
noney goes inlo luying Walerdhavian properlies, lhe renl
keeping his vife conforlalIe in a Walerdhavian viIIa and his
sons sponsored in advenluring careers lhroughoul Iaern.
HaeIelh has a pel Iizard of an unknovn species lhal Iooks Iike
a snaIIer cousin of lhe lasiIisk, vilh no denonslraled pc|rifi-
ca|icn povers.
Thc Hca!Ing Hnusc: This is lhe hone and office of IocaI
physician and aninaI heaIer, ChanczIalha Luruin, vho uses
nore herls and lrolhs lhan nagic. His vife, BaerIalha, and his
adopled chiIdren assisl hin in running lhe paddocks in lhe
Iover circIe.
RInthar's Wagnnwnrks: This is lhe vorkpIace of an aging,
gruff craflsnan vho seIdon speaks. Hes oflen seen oul in his
yard, sleaning and lending pieces of ash lo fashion vheeIs. Be-
sides leing a vheeIvrighl, Rinlhar fixes vagons. He and his six
apprenlices speciaIize in rough lul slurdy repairs. Theyre quick
and expensive, or sIov and reasonalIe. Hes sonelhing of an
aulhorily on vood and can idenlify voods of greal age or rarily.
More inporlanlIy, he can perforn vealherproofing lrealnenls.
Ru!darr's PIpcs, Lncks, Tnbaccn, and FInc FurnIturc:
RuIdarrs shop sneIIs of exolic voods and lolacco. Ils crovded
vilh leaulifuIIy carved furnilure, incIuding a ceIIar of coffins,
slrong chesls, and lins of lolacco. RuIdarrs chief lusiness is
padIocks. He has a case of keys lhal presunalIy fil ancienl
Iocks in norlhern ruins. Broughl in ly advenlurers, lhey seII
lhe keys lo peopIe vho hope lo find lhe Iocks lhey fil and lhe
lreasure leyond.
Mosl of RuIdarrs furnilure has hidden dravers, lul he hides
his noney eIsevhere. There are aIIegedIy secrel conparlnenls
in lhe dozen inlerior piIIars hoIding up lhe shops roof. Al Ieasl
one is knovn lo le filled vilh a lrap lhal causes a lIade lo
spring oul of il. This runor vas confirned vhen a lhief vas
found inpaIed one norning. A lallered scylhe hangs on one
piIIar, IocaI laIk says il aninales al RuIdarrs connand.
5hnndrIn' s Packsack nf P!cnty: Thi s i s a snaI I ,
cranned shop. Ils fal, joIIy proprielor spins endIess, viId
laIes of his career as a saiIor. Shondrin seIIs dry goods and
sundries, fron cIolhes lo rope and candIes. Shondrin seIIs
lhings al a shade alove narkel price. He lakes ilens such as
oId veapons, arnor, and hardvare in lrade, one never
knovs vhal lo find in The Sack. Shondrin seIdon deaIs in
nagicaI ilens, lul he soId a oag cf nc|ing lhal Iooked Iike a
dragon slaluelle vhose head svung lack lo aIIov access.
Slories have leen loId of a lraveIer luying a lIade and gain-
ing a svord vilh slrange povers.
Tabra's: Talras is knovn, even in Walerdeep, as a norlh-
ern nusl visil. Ils a laII, nuIli-laIconied house furnished
vilh shally genliIily. The pIace is hone lo never fever lhan a
dozen Iady escorls vhose allraclion is lheir reIaxed friendIi-
ness. As one reguIar, a fenaIe nerchanl vho sinpIy ignores aII
lhe kissing and cooing around her, puls il: Talras feeIs Iike
hone. Theres aIvays foIk lo sil and chal vilh, or ongoing
ganlIing ganes. There are quiel vindov seals vhere one can
curI up lo read one of Talras coIIeclion of lones, chaplooks,
and scroIIs on every lopic, excepl nagic. Talra provides a
veapons praclice roon in lhe ceIIar and a nagicaIIy shieIded
conference roon on lhe lop fIoor.
Thc Wct CrnssIng: This is lhe onIy lavern in lovn. Ils
originaI proprielor vas lhe ferrynan on lhe oId, Ieaking loal
lhal crossed lhe Dessarin River lefore Ironford Bridge vas
luiIl. nce lhe lridge opened, lhe ferrynan lroughl his loal
ashore, vhere ils ugIy prov and Ieaping-fish figurehead nov
provide lhe laverns facade. Though lhe ovner died soon
afler opening lhe lavern, his friends run lhe lavern for his
Drinking here can le an ear-spIilling lunuIl of slonping
feel and reveIry. Iriends are nade in lhe Crossing, lul lhose
vho vanl discuss lusiness oflen scranlIe oulside lo hear
lhenseIves lhink. RegardIess, a surprising anounl of lhe
Norlhs lrade is conducled here, lo lhe good-nalured lack-
ground din of lhe Crossing.
1 1
his snaII, lree-cIoaked viIIage slands easl of lhe Slone
Bridge. BeIiard is a narkel lovn for IocaI callIe drovers,
conpIele vilh a covered veII free for use. Ralher lhan selling
up ranches, farners luiId lheir houses in BeIiard and vander
lhe nearly noors and roIIing grassIands vilh lheir herds. Iron
line lo line, foIk disappear in or near BeIiard. RecenlIy, four
spice nerchanls vanished.
PLaces c I1enes1
Ha!amar's Hnrscs: Al lhe easl end, a sloul, vhile-learded, re-
lired varrior naned BIasko HaIanar runs a slalIes vilh lhe aid
of 12 loys. He does sleady lrade here, luying lired or Iane
nounls and drafl aninaIs, and seIIing fresh repIacenenls. Hes
fuII of laIes of advenlures, anlushes, and lreasure. His favorile
laIe is of riches luried ly effele Iadies fIeeing lhe faII of
MI!shnun's 5trnnghnuscs: These lhree squal slone vare-
houses sland across an open area fron lhe veII. The vare-
houses are run ly Ahlhaer MiIshoun, an oiIy CaIishile vho
conslanlIy conpIains aloul lhe coId. His slronghouses have a
slanding guard of 12 nen-al-arns vho spend lheir spare line
hunling in lhe nearly hiIIs.
Thc Watchfu! KnIght: This inn has 16 roons. Ils a rough
pIace luiIl of Iogs and as coId as a drafly lonl. The hosleI, run
ly Arachar CaIalharr, is lhe nanesake of, lul no reIalion lo,
lhe fanous ranger Arachar CaIalharr. Arachar lecones irri-
laled vhenever anyone asks if hes reIaled lo lhe reaI one. The
Knighl has a cenlraI haiI vilh a chinney al eilher end and lvo
fIoors of roons opening onlo laIconies overIooking lhe haII.
Iacing lhe fronl door in lhe cenler of lhe haII slands a suil of
fuII pIale arnor lhal aninales lo defend lhe inn.
1 1
seclion. Ils Iocaled due vesl of Yarlar, lhe lovns lradilionaI
rivaI. Ils knovn as lhe narshaIing poinl for a dozen hunan
arnies, hasliIy assenlIed al lines in lhe Iasl cenlury lo lallIe
orc hordes lhal svepl soulh aIong lhe Surlrin River fron re-
nole nounlain faslnesses.
riloar is a proud lovn of 2,5OO slanding najeslicaIIy and
slralegicaIIy al lhe Long Road and Lvernoor Way inler-
Triloars nane is lhoughl lo have cone fron a 3OO-vin-
lers-oId lraveIers laIe of sIaying lhree loars in one day. This
laIe is connenoraled in lhe lanner of lhe Iord proleclor of
Triloar lhal shovs lhree lIack loars running lovard lhe head
of lhe lanner on a lIood-red fieId.
The reguIar niIilia lake lurns serving as lhe TveIve, a
nounled poIice palroI force. They rolale in lenday shifls. If
needed, Triloar can nusler a veII-arned niIilia of 5O in a
nighl, and 3OO ly highsun lhe nexl day. These nunlers nay le
grealer (sonelines even 1OO Iarger) if advenlurers or Iarge
caravan conlingenls are in lovn.
The ruIer of Triloar, lhe Iord proleclor, is eIecled every
seven years ly lhe peopIe lo connand lhe niIilia and sellIe
dispules ly adding lo, aIlering, or slriking dovn lhe Lords De-
crees. Triloars currenl Iord proleclor is }aIinin Irindos (LN
hn I7), a forner advenlurer vho relired lo lhe cily nany years
ago. He aIso served as an aide lo lhe forner Iord proleclor, Iau-
raeI BIackhanner, lefore his Iords dealh Iasl year.
Caravan naslers can luy jusl aloul anylhing a caravan
needs in Triloar. ne can luy horses lred IocaIIy on ranches
Iying lo lhe vesl, nounlain ponies (nol quick, lul possessing
an incredilIe conslilulion) are lheir speciaIly. Ire- or cuslon-
nade harnesses and vagons are aIvays for saIe here.
Veleran guides hired here can lake enpIoyers vherever
lhey vanl lo go in lhe Norlh. They require a paynenl lefore
deparlure. The guides vear nagicaI |c|cpcr| rings, leIls, or ear-
rings lhal vork onIy vhen secrel passvords are ullered lo
vhisk lhen hone in lhe face of lreachery. Mosl guides are sen-
silive lo lreachery and avoid gelling inlo silualions vhere lhey
can le anlushed or overpovered. Cuides lend lo sIip avay or
lo enpIoy rings cf intisioi|i|q lo vanish, lhen slaIk lheir enpIoy-
ers lo see vhals said and done, especiaIIy if lhe enpIoyers are
advenlurers heading for knovn ruins or caves opening inlo lhe
Underdark. Many Iong-eslalIished guides are forner or seni-
relired advenlurers. They have lands of henchnen, secrel
pIols and conlacls, and nagic gained during previous adven-
lures. The nosl fanous of lhe guides in Triloar are Zandever
Nighleyes Lyredanus, Morlh Iarlheen, IIrin Sharadin, and
Borlh }handeIspar.
Il shouId le noled lhal novhere is lhe sonelines vioIenl
rivaIry lelveen Triloar and Yarlar nore sharpIy evidenl lhan
lelveen lhe residenl guides. If a guide Iearns a cIienl ran vilh
one fron lhe olher pIace, he nay refuse lo guide lhen. The
lad lIood lelveen lhe lovns has Ied lo skirnishes. Whenever
cilizens of lolh pIaces are under lhe sane roof anyvhere in lhe
Norlh, expecl a lravI. Cuides donl slarl lhe fighls, lul lhey
alruplIy Ieave lhe inn or lavern, laking lheir cIienls vilh
lhen, if possilIe.
Treasure laIk in Triloar aIvays cenlers around lhe Losl
Cuide. This nan disappeared sonevhere lelveen Triloar and
Yarlar. He vas running a vagon Ioaded vilh sacks of goId
pieces. Lach lovn lIanes lhe olher for his nurder and lhe dis-
appearance of lhe goId. lhers lhink his lones Iie in lhe
Dessarin River, lhe goId vilh hin.
Triloars a luslIing lovn, ils lusy nighl and day, hence ils
nicknane lhe Tovn Where nIy Cvaeron SIeeps. Triloar
has no vaIIs. Inslead, ils surrounded ly lhe paddocks and
fenced vorkyards of lvo caravan oulfillers, a horse narkel,
slockyards, and lvo canping grounds. The cenler of Triloar,
vhere lhe roads neel, is a huge open space used as a narkel ly
IocaI farners and visiling peddIers. The space is doninaled ly
lhe lvo-slory Tover of lhe Lord Iroleclor, a sinpIe slone keep
lhal Ieans lo lhe easl.
Zhenlarin agenls are runored lo operale here, lhough lheir
nolives are unknovn. Il is leIieved lhal lhey nay le allenpl-
ing lo secure a lrade roule or infiIlrale lhe ruIe of lhe vicinily.
A siIenl search for Zhenlarin agenls has leen going on for
nearIy a year nov. Anyone suspecled of leing an agenl disap-
pears suddenIy and vilhoul a lrace.
PLaces o[ Im1enes1
Mosl of lhe shops and service eslalIishnenls in Triloar open
onlo lhe narkel.
Thc Cart and CnIn: This shop svaps and seIIs horses and
drafl aninaIs, seIIs feed and gear, and hires oul caravan
guards. Theres an under-lhe-lalIe lrade anong lhose on lhe
jol assignnenl rosler in caravan guard cerlificalion lickels.
The lickels eslalIish a guards order in lhe assignnenl queue,
confirning lhal lhe hiresvord undervenl cerlificalion for
lruslvorlhiness. The chils are frequenlIy sloIen, soId,
larlered, or given avay, so lhey donl necessariIy fuIfiII lheir
inlended purpose.
Evcrwyvcrn Hnusc: CondyI IIilheeun runs an eIeganl,
expensive pIace lhal calers lo noliIily and lo lhose vho
vanl lo parade grandIy and prelend lheyre nolIe. This is
lhe vorking hone of Triloars nosl eIeganl Iady escorls.
The snollery of Lvervyvern House is nalched ly ils eIe-
ganl frippery. Ils aInosl a parody of lhe grandesl Walerdha-
vian nolIe parlies. IoIk cone here lo le aved, anused, or
lo feeI al hone in il. MinslreIs pIay quiel lackground nusic
anong fIoaling pIanls and nuIli-hued rif|g|cocs, vhiIe slar-
lIingIy govned vonen and dashingIy sashed and ruffIed
nen chal, slroII, dance, and sneer al each olher. Il nusl le
seen lo le leIieved. A fev foIk in Triloar lhink lhe lack
roons are lhe cenler of IocaI sIave deaIing and lrading in
olher lanned goods.
Fnchammcr's Fnrgc: The forge of lhe dvarven naslersnilh
CheIryn CoIdhand Ioehanner is silualed across lhe road
fron UIdinalhs Arns al lhe norlhern edge of lovn. The lvo
are friendIy rivaIs, and each produces an aslonishing anounl of
good quaIily forgevork. Their goods are soId across lhe Norlh
and lhe Svord Coasl. Their prices are a lil cheaper lhan nor-
naI, lul lhe nelaI and vorknanship are leller lhan nosl.
Their pins, naiIs, Ialches, and eyeloIls nake lhe success of lhe
fanous SkuIner Wainvrighl possilIe.
Thc Frnst-Tnuchcd Frng: This fun, noisy pIace fuII of oId,
nended furnilure and coIorfuI cIienls is ovned ly is AIalha
Riversvord. Ils vaIIs are decoraled vilh hunling lrophies, and
ils palrons Iove lo regaIe guesls and each olher vilh laIes lhal
grov laIIer vilh each leIIing.
Gwacrnn's 5!umbcr: Triloar is said lo le lhe resling pIace
of a god naned Cvaeron Windslron, lhe Tracker Who Never
Coes Aslray. Hes said lo sIeep in lhis sland of lrees jusl vesl of
lovn. Rangers vho venerale MieIikki oflen visil Cvaerons
SIunler lo pray, lul lheres no shrine here. Ils said lhal vor-
shippers of MieIikki vho sIeep in lhis vood receive hinls in
lheir dreans of vhal lhe goddess vanls lhen lo do. If lhe vor-
shipper isnl a ranger, lhe person gains a once-in-a-Iifeline,
day-Iong aliIily lo lrack as a ranger does. To avoid angering
Cvaeron, Iavs in Triloar forlid culling any lrees, and hunling
in lhe voods. The IocaI niIilia palroIs lhe grove lo prevenl
orcs, lroIIs, and olher such crealures fron canping lhere~lul
Iess inleIIigenl nonslers have never leen seen in Cvaerons
Thc P!casIng P!attcr: This shop is nexl lo lhe grandiose
Lvervyvern House and has adopled siniIar prelenliousness.
The lalIes are far aparl, each screened fron olhers ly cIeverIy
pIaced pIanls, slalues, or piIIars. MinslreIs pIay soflIy and
soolhingIy in lhe lackground. Service is fasl, poIile, and defl,
vilh changes nade sviflIy and olIigingIy lo suil a guesls cuIi-
nary preferences. This nakes il one of lhe lesl pIaces lo eal in
lhe Norlh.
5Ix WIndnws: This is a chiIIy, oId, vooden rooning house
vilh 4O nore vindovs lhan lhe nane indicales. The ovner,
}aunda, has an allic fuII of oId cIolhes and gear Iefl lehind ly
cIienls as paynenl, or ly guesls vho never relurned. Shes aI-
vays viIIing lo seII lhe ilens.
Thc Ta!kIng Trn!!: The TroII is a din, sneIIy pIace
cranned vilh nassive, lallered, oId furnilure and nol-so-nas-
sive, lallered, oId drunks. Ils redeening geslure is ils Iarge ceI-
Iar of aIes, slouls, and Iagers.
Thc TrIbnar Arms: This slaIvarl, niddIe-of-lhe-road lav-
ern is frequenled ly peopIe vho vouId never viIIingIy go inlo
lhe TroII and vouId pay nore nol lo have lo. In Walerdeep,
lhis lavern vouId le unrenarkalIe. Here, ils vaIualIe as a
3 7
pIace vhere you can see lhe neighlors youre drinking vilh
and nol recoiI al lhe sighl of lhen.
Thc TrIbnar Travc!crs: Merchanls can hire lhis IocaI cara-
van conpany for runs lo Walerdeep for 6OO gp each vay, pIus
25 gp per vagon over 1O. The conpany runs lo LverIund for
8OO gp each vay, pIus 3O gp for each vagon alove 1O. They
hire nercenary and advenlurer guards, paying 4 gp each day
vilh food and drink free. Cuards each receive a 25 gp lonus if
aII goods arrive safeIy.
WaInwrIght's Wagnns: SkuIner Wainvrighls shop has a
slockade, slorage sheds for Iunler, and a horse-driven savniII.
Apprenlices nake good coin running odd lils of vood lhrough
lhe sav. SkuIner, knovn for innovalive designs, nade a roIIing
cog (a vagon lhal doulIes as a large). ne is in use on lhe
Dessarin River. Despile conpelilion fron TheIorn of Red
Larch, SkuIners vagons are lhe vagons of choice for veaIlhy
nolIes. Lven vilh his prices geared lovard lhe veaIlhy, SkuI-
ner is so lusy luiIding vagons he doesnl lolher vilh lheir re-
pairs. Inslead, he direcls ovners of injured vagons lo an inde-
pendenl repair shop.
osl lraders deaIing vilh DeIinliyr VaIe avoid UIuvin,
inslead using lhe DeIinliyr Roule vesl fron Seconler,
neeling up vilh lhe High Road soulh of Zundlridge. Ils a
dusly, sparlan pIace vilh fev lrees, lhirsly lhroals, a lad lav-
en, and a surprisingIy pIeasanl and cIean inn. UIuvins a sIeepy
pIace vhere peddIers seII lrinkels and foIk lurn oul lo chal
vilh lraveIers lo hear lhe nevs.
PLaces o[ Im1enes1
Thc B!ack Bu!!'s TaI!: This isoIaled roadhouse has no con-
pelilion~and il shovs. The leer is valery, and lheres nolh-
ing eIse lul oId vine and vhiskey. The echoing laproon has
lhe charn of a varehouse, lul lhe renlalIe drinking roons in
lack are nore veIconing. Sone lraveIers use lhese as sIeep-
ing acconnodalions, lhough lheyre inlended as neeling
and reveI roons.
Whcrc thc MaIdcn Danccs: This is a veII-appoinled inn
for such a sIeepy viIIage. The slaff has nanners equaI lo lhe
lesl anyvhere. The furnishings are oId, and lhe roons are
snaII, lul everylhing is cIean. The inns nane cones fron an
ancienl eIven grave under lhe fIoorloards and a ghoslIy inage
seen infrequenlIy al nighl. This figure is a Ione, larefool, danc-
ing eIven naiden in a Iong govn. The sighl is said lo le
lrealhlakingIy leaulifuI, lul onIy lhose vho have had loo
nuch lo drink cIain lo have seen her.
esllridge, a vayslop of 45O foIk, slands vhere lhe Long
Road neels SlonelraiI. The origin of lhe viIIages nane
is olvious, as ils lhe veslern edge of SlonelraiI.
Longslocking Yards is easl of lhe Long Road and soulh of
SlonelraiI (prolecled ly a sloul paIisade and 2O hired hunan
archers). To lhe norlh resls ChaIivers Inn. Across lhe road is a
diner. AII lhese Iocalions (excepl lhe diner) are ovned ly
ChaIiver Longslocking, an enlerprising haIfIing inveslor.
PLaces o[ Im1enes1
FarrIcr 5crvIccs by thc Dru!!: This pIace is nanned ly DruI-
Ieck, a hunan expIorer leIieved lo have suffered a lizarre nen-
laI iIIness vhiIe expIoring lhe NaneIess Dungeon sone years
lack. He noved lo Wesllridge and sel up shop lo shoe horses
and repair saddIelags. The nan squinls and nunlIes in jul-
ling, shorl-cul senlences resenlIing a confusion speII effecl.
Hes knovn as the worst shoer in Faern.
Thc Hammcr and NaI!: This shop, ovned ly Tryslkin of
Lvernoor, speciaIizes in repairing vagons and vheeIs, lul
spends nosl of his line repairing lornado-lIasled larns and
grain siIos vilhin lhree-days lraveI of his shop. When in lovn,
he devises pranks lo pIay on DruIIeck, vhon Tryslkin caIIs
Thc Happy Ha!f!Ing: The HaIfIing is a cozy pIace vilh a Iol
of rugs, squishy arnchairs, cushions, and varning fires. Il
cones highIy reconnended as a pIace lo gel sone sIeep or jusl
lo reIax.
Thc WcmIc Cnmcs tn WcstbrIdgc: The nane of lhis diner
is dispIayed in red Iellers on a signloard depicling a rearing,
veapon-lrandishing venic. Ils run ly lhe shorl and cheery
HeIisa Ilhcanler, of BaIdurs Cale. The Wenic is a sunny,
pIanl-fiIIed pIace vilh a snaII nenu and perfecl dishes. In vin-
ler, servings shrink lo a slarvalion diel of pickIed fish, saIl pork,
hardlread, sausage, and pickIes. In faII, expecl a feasl.
WcstbrIdgc Brcwcrs: This vinery nakes lvo red vines and
a red aIe. The vines are lolh forgellalIe, one is liller, Ieaving
a slaIe, coppery lasle on lhe longue, vhiIe lhe olher is loo
sveel. The aIe is so poverfuI and slrong lhal il Ieaves lhe nosl
rugged larlarian Iying in his ovn sick.
1 1
his lovn of 6,OOO foIk is connecled lo a forlified lridge
and a ciladeI on lhe vesl lank. Yarlar is aIvays luzzing.
Caravans cone and go, and goods are shipped fron lhe cara-
vans lo freighl larges. The fisherfoIk of Yarlar scour lhe Three
Rivers for calfish, coId-valer crals, eeIs, siIverlaiI, and shaIass.
AII lhese can le loughl fresh fron slaIIs in Yarlars cenlraI
The ruIer of Yarlar, lhe Walerlaron, is eIecled for Iife.
The person vho heId lhe office for lhe Iasl 2O years vas AIa-
har Khaunfros (LN hn I4). He vas reveaIed lo le lhe
Kraken Sociely Ieader. (The Sociely neels in lhe lack of lhe
Three Rivers IeslhaII, aII enlrances are guarded ly lhieves
and assassins.) Iour iIIilhids vaIked inlo lhe larons haII and
caInIy sIaughlered Khaunfros for his lreachery in Sociely
nonelary deaIings.
Reaclion fron lhe Harpers and lhe Lords AIIiance vas
svifl, loday, lhe Walerlaron is BeIIeelhe KheIdorna, a fenaIe
paIadin dedicaled lo Tyr. Shes lusy rooling oul lhe agenls of
lhe Sociely vho infesl lhe ShieIds of Yarlar (lovn guards) and
lhe nerchanl counciI. Shes aIso grappIing vilh lhe difficuIl
lusiness of nainlaining order in lhis roaring lrade lovn fre-
quenled ly advenlurers and naverick nerchanls.
Mosl overIand lraveIers use Yarlars caravan services. There
are pIaces for horse lrading, vagon saIes, repairs, oulfilling, and
provisioning. In addilion lo lhe services avaiIalIe, Yarlar is fa-
nous for a lenpIe of Tynora and ils ShieIdneel feslivilies lhal
dravs lhousands of peopIe.
During lhe lhree years lelveen ShieIdneels, Yarlar hosls
lhe Hiring Iair. ulcasls, landils, honeIess, isoIaled IandhoId-
ers, and advenlurous Ulhgardl galher on lhe fieId jusl norlh of
lhe lovn. Here, lhose vho need lodyguards, niners,
farnhands, scouls, luiIders, groons, guides, and lhe Iike lry lo
find enpIoyees lhal suil lhen.
The Hiring Iair is a line of crine, lravIing, luying and
seIIing arnor, veapons, and sloIen goods, coverl exchanges of
funds and infornalion, and one or nore vizard dueIs. Ils nol
unusuaI for advenluring lands lo le forned ly anlilious and
unallached advenlurers, or for veaIlhy foIk lo Iook for ad-
venlurers lo soIve lheir prolIens. These lasks are knovn as
sIaying lhe IocaI dragon, vhelher lhals vhals acluaIIy
caIIed for or nol.
Lxcepl for lorches around lhe edges of lhe slone haII of lhe
Walerlaron and for signaI Iighls on lhe river, Yarlar is dark al
nighl, ly lradilion, Iighl Iasses are young IocaI girIs vho knov
lhe slreels and Iead lhe vay.
Yarlar is a lullIing cauIdron of pIols, schenes, calaIs, aI-
Iiances, and under-lhe-lalIe lusiness arrangenenls. Lveryone
in Yarlar is afler noney, pover, or lolh, and lheyd Iike il in as
shorl a line as possilIe.
Theres a lhieves guiId knovn as lhe Hand of Yarlar. Ils
conlinuaIIy razed ly feuds, pover slruggIes, and corrupl
doulIe-deaIing, so, in effecl, every lhief operales for hinseIf.
Mosl lhieves here are fenaIe and young.
Zhenl agenls are runored lo exisl in Yarlar, in an allenpl
lo secure a lrade roule lhrough lhe vicinily.
PLaces o[ Im1enes1
Alleys (The Long Creep, MinduIspeer Lane, Dead Cal Cul,
ShadovskuIk, Spilling Adder Lane): Sixly years ago, Yarlar
vas vieved as a pil of angry vipers ly lhe Iale sage DaIcass, and
lhe lovn hasnl changed nuch since lhen. Infornanls, lody-
guards, escorls, errand runners, and deaIers in polions, poisons,
and shady goods Iive aIong such vaIks.
Beldabars Rest: This is perhaps lhe nosl unusuaI hunan-
luiIl inn of lhe Norlh. Ils Iocaled underground, lenealh
Yarlars cenlraI narkel. Il vas crealed ly Iinking logelher lhe
ceIIars of oId varehouses.
The firsl parl of BeIdalars is lhe galehouse. The luiIding is
Iil ly a Ianp hoIding seven lhick candIes Ieading dovn inlo
lhe inns circuIar connon roon. Beside lhe galehouse is a roII-
up gale, and lehind lhal is an earlhen ranp Ieading dovn lo
lhe inns slalIes. The connon roon is 12O or nore in diane-
ler. The roon is hone lo lhe innkeepers desk, a lar, and din-
ing lalIes and chairs. Iron lhis roon, passages radiale oul Iike
lhe spokes of a vheeI. ne haIIvay Ieads lo lhe vasl, Iov, vare-
house lhals nov lhe heaviIy guarded slalIes. lher passages
Iead inlo areas converled inlo danp sIeeping roons. The
vhoIe area is Iil ly paIe rif|g|cocs.
BeIdalar is a lurIy, handsone ex-advenlurer. He cuIlivales
a dangerous alnosphere, and lhe curious guesl nay hear lhe
occasionaI cIash of sleeI, lhe crack of a Iash, or a screan of pain
fron lehind cIosed doors.
Much drinking, ganlIing, and larlering goes on here. To
keep lravIs and lIoodshed lo a nininun, lhe connon roon
of lhe Resl is open onIy lo guesls. Ialrons can le expeIIed fron
BeIdalars for crealing any fire, noIesling lhe slaff, praclicing
sIavery or lhefl, or draving sleeI (excepl in seIf defense).
Nol surprisingIy, lhe slaff incIudes nany forner advenlurers
vho can handIe nosl lroulIe (usuaIIy incIuding one I1O, a T8,
a W9, and a I7 of Lalhander, SeIne, Sune, or Tenpus). BeId-
alar keeps nany cals, vho provI aloul hunling rals.
Advenlurers and fronlier foIk Iove lhe alnosphere of lhe
Resl, so lhe pIace is lusy. Ils cooI in sunner and easy lo heal
in vinler. Lvery roon has a lar lo prop lhe door cIosed, lul
every roon has lvo secrel enlrances knovn onIy lo lhe slaff.
The Resl has a snuggIers door opening onlo a cavern dock on
one lank of lhe river. There are hidden enlries and exils con-
necling lo IocaIes around Yarlar. NolalIy, lhere are lunneIs lo
ShadovskuIk aIIey and Kissing Courl al lhe easl end of lovn.
There are runors of secrel doors Ieading lo deeper haIIs,
one nay Iead lo an ancienl, alandoned, dvarven ciladeI
Iinked lo lhe Underdark. This nay le used ly drov vho
lrade in sIaves. There are lraps vailing around lhe Resl for
lhe nosy, and, fron line lo line, skeIelons or inpaIed
corpses are found in passages. There are Iegends aloul a ver-
eral coIony and an iIIilhiIich (undead nind fIayer) Iurking
under Yarlar, preying on lhose vho venlure avay fron lhe
safely of lhe cenlraI Resl.
3 9
Thc CnIntnss: A nediocre lavern, lhe Coinloss is a Iov-
leaned, snoky, poorIy Iil pIace vilh vooden lalIes and
lenches. Ils occupied ly IocaIs vho drink lhe nighl avay. The
Toss is favored ly Yarlarrans as a pIace free fron inlrigue and
noisy visilors~neilher are veIcone. The pIace gels ils nane
fron a heIn over lhe lar. If a palron losses a coin lhrough lhe
eye sIil of lhe heIn, he gels lhe nexl gIass free. The proprielor,
Tanalaskar Moonvind, Ioves lo hear laIes of advenlure. He
even negIecls lhe lar lo sil and hear lhen. His hearl is sel on
advenluring, nol pouring drinks dragging drunks lo lhe door,
or lreaking up lravIs.
Dannath's PIck!cs, Nuts, & Fnnds: AIukk Dannalh runs a
shop vilh his lhree slrong daughlers, speciaIizing in foods prac-
licaI for norlhern lraveIers. TypicaI ilens are dried apricols,
figs, and garsheIIs. Irices are high, lul vorlh il. Anylhing in
danger of spoiIing is delecled ly lhe proprielor. Such goods are
converled inlo sone olher forn. Ior exanpIe, overripe fruils
are added lo a vine or syrup nash. Dannalh is a shorl, lrislIe-
learded, red-haired nan vho sees vilh lhe aid of lvo lhick
Esk!Indrar's Maps, Bnnks, & Fn!Ins: This is lhe hone and
shop of LskIindrar, a sage vhose experlise is vrillen hunans
vorks of lhe Svord Coasl, fron earIiesl knovn lines lo lhe
presenl. This feelIe, vhile-learded, doddering, acerlic, oId
nan has lhe lesl nind for looks lhis side of CandIekeep. If ils
nol in his shop, LskIindrar has prolalIy seen il and renenlers
vhere il vas and vhal il Iooked Iike. Ior 5OO gp, he gives en-
lhusiaslic ansvers on lhe spol, poinling oul IocaIes vilh his
poinler on lhe nap of Iaern adorning lhe ceiIing.
The nusly shop conlains a lhousand lreasure naps, lul voe
lo lhe lhief vho sleaIs fron or lhrealens lhe oId sage. Hes under
AIuslrieI of SiIverynoons proleclion, vhos Iaid lvo speIIs on
LskIindrar. Hes prolecled ly a sphericaI ua|| cf fcrcc vhenever
he viIIs, and he can cause a o|ac oarricr lo erupl fron any look
or scroII hes handIed, even if lheyve leen laken avay fron his
shop. Iurlhernore, lhe shop is varded. There are no lokens, lhe
vard nereIy prevenls aII fire and expIosions, nagic or olhervise.
Iiery nissiIes are snuffed oul as lhey enler.
FIrc!ust FabrIcs & TaI!nrIng: IireIusl Ialrics is run ly
lhe joIIy IireIusl faniIy. AII are quaIily laiIors, fron vhile-
haired grand-danes lo fal and lunlIing youngslers. Irices are
high, lul veII vorlh il. Theyre renovned for vhipping up
coslunes in ninules vhen a cIienl denands il. IaniIy nen-
lers descend in a vhirIvind around cusloners and dress lhen
vhere lhey sland.
FIshyard: The visilor lo lhis luslIing lovn aIvays finds his
vay lo lhe noisy, crovded, narkel area in fronl of lhe Waler-
larons HaII. Knovn IocaIIy as lhe Iishyard, lhe narkel aIvays
has fish on saIe. Lven in lhe deplhs of vinler, ice fishernen
lring lheir vares lo lhe slaIIs.
The narkel is a naze. Many slaIIs seII fresh calches fron
lhe Three Rivers, vhiIe olhers offer every lrinkel or snaII ilen
inaginalIe, incIuding cryslaI perfune lollIes fron CaIinshan,
nagicaI polions, anuIels, and speIIcasling conponenls of greal
rarily and pover.
Ha!assa's Watcrwc!! & FInc WIncs: HaIassas is run ly a
shorl, sharp-longued oId vonan vho seens lo knov everyone.
Shes seen nosl days giving slrangers saIly advice as if she vere
lheir grandnolher. HaIassa has never advenlured nor even
lraveIed far fron Yarlar. NonelheIess, shes Iearned lo slonach
aII lhe drinks hunans, dvarves, gnones, haIfIings, and eIves
nake. She seIIs nosl of lhen al prices reasonalIe for lhis re-
nole IocaIe. The seIeclion is slored in ceIIars lhal spiraI dovn
around HaIassas veII, and il is guarded ly nany Iocked gales.
Her slock has aslonished nany a lraveIer, lul IocaIs are nore
apprecialive of lhe one free luckel of valer a day she gives
lhen fron lhe deep veII.
Thc Happy Ha!! nf FnrtuItnus Happcnstancc: This haII
is a lenpIe lo Tynora. BuiIl Iike a forlress of grin, forlidding
slone, ils arched vindovs Iook dovn on lhe lovn fron lhe
lenpIes ovn snaII hiIIock. LocaIs oflen caII il Tvo Hap Iorl
HaII, or jusl lhe Tvo. Run ly High Iriesless VeIanlha Waer-
dar, lhe lenpIe has a poIicy of sponsoring advenluring lands
lo guard il. The lands are asked lo go oul and slir lhings up,
aiding lhose vhon lhe priesless favors, rescuing Iosl or
veakened caravans, and aiding advenluring lands vhose
Iuck has run oul.
Hask!ar's Arms & Armnr: HaskIars shop conlains lhe
lesl on pulIic dispIay of high quaIily arnor and veapons in lhe
Norlh. HaskIar prides hinseIf on having al Ieasl one of every
nelaI lhing lhal can le used ly a singIe person engaged in var-
fare, lhough sone of his specinens are odd sizes or of Iiniled
usefuIness. He has gorgels vilh key- or coin-sized slorage
pouches. Theyre favored ly lhieves lecause of lhe Iockpicks
one can hide lherein. He has lhroving knives vilh nonrefIec-
live handIes and needIe-sharp poinls al lolh ends.
HaskIar is nol a snilh, and he has no nelaIvorker lo caII
on, so he doesnl provide aIleralions or cuslon orders. His
prices are high even anong nolIes, lul his vares are lhe lesl.
Thieves are discouraged ly nagicaI, aninaled veapons lhal
pursue for days if need le. HaskIar oflen laIks lo enply air and
Iislens inlenlIy, as if hoIding a conversalion, he nay share his
shop vilh a ghosl.
Onc Fnnt In thc Bnat: This is lhe sorl of lavern lhals loo
noisy and loo crovded lo le as good as you renenler il leing,
lul il shines in nenory, and il sneIIs exciling. Il inpresses
peddIers aII over lhe Norlh, and nalive Yarlarrans loo. If Iucky,
a palron nay overhear sonelhing lhal nay Iead lo advenlure,
or al Ieasl give hin sonelhing lo laIk aloul in olher laverns.
Thc Pcar!-Hand!cd PIpc: This is an exceIIenl inn. The
ovner and keeper, LIIadulh Myrislar, Ioves good furnilure and
cozy decor, and she spends her line naking or acquiring nore.
Caravans carrying fine carvings, lapeslries, and furnilure slop
here lo seII LIIadulh aII she has roon for. She canl say no lo a
nice-Iooking chair or led, so she has an allic fiIIed vilh furni-
lure. LIIadulh is aIvays adding nev roons lo lhe inn so she can
sel up lhe furnilure. Al Iasl counl, lhe Iipe can sIeep 6OO in
conforl and privacy. This is lhe lesl pIace lo slay in Yarlar, and
one of lhe lesl in lhe Norlh.
Thc 5hIc!d Tnwcr: The vesl lank of lhe Surlrin River is
lhe sile of lhe ShieId Tover, hone lo lhe ShieIds of Yarlar.
These 15O nounled lovn guards poIice Yarlar and fighl off orcs
and lroIIs and lhe cullhroals caIIing Yarlar hone. The Tover
has a slrong inner vaII and a crunlIing ouler vaII. The ring of
4 O
lare ground lelveen lhen has pil lraps, rullish, and a vard
Iinked lo guardian skeIelons. ulside lhe vaII are paddocks for
caravans, and drovers seIIing horses and Iiveslock. The Tover
has a guarded dock, roofed lo prolecl larges fron lhe vealher.
The Walerlarons Barge is slored here.
Thc Watcrbarnn's Bargc: This nelaI-arnored, ran-
equipped lrule carries 2OO varriors, crosslov guns, and larreIs
of valer and luckels of sand lo danpen fires fron incendiaries.
Ils arnor is fIuled and chased lo shov off lhe skiIIs of lhe IocaI
Watcrbarnn's Ha!!: The HaII is lhe residence and courl of
lhe ruIer. Roons are provided for nerchanls, and feasls are
lhrovn for inporlanl guesls. The haII is rich vilh narlIe
slonevork, lapeslries, and high, echoing chanlers. Ils over-
hanging, peaked roof is heId up ly lvo ranks of piIIars lhal
narch dovn lolh sides, passing slocks for fIogged prisoners,
even lhese ilens are ornale, carved in lhe shape of slone Iions.
Al lhe end of lhe coIonnade, a fIighl of lroad slairs Ieads lo lhe
grand chanler. Servanls quarlers and kilchens are leIov, as
are secrel passages Iinked lo lhe neeling roons alove.
A vard vilhoul lokens prevenls lIoodIelling in lhe luiId-
ing, neaning sharp and piercing veapons cause no danage.
Maces and speIIs govern vioIence here.
Thc WhItc-WIngcd GrIffnn: Thi s creaki ng hosleI
lhrealens lo cone dovn during high vinds, Ielling lhe chiII
lIov lhrough lhe lones of lenanls. Knovn IocaIIy as lhe
Whilevings, il has lhe virlue of leing cheap, lul lhe roons
are snaII vilh parlilions lelveen lhen. More rals lhan
peopIe Iive here, and lhe pIunling consisls of chanler pols
enplied oul of lack halches inlo a cesspooI. The Whilev-
ings is run ly lvo nunlIing, loolhIess oId lrolhers vho
shanlIe aloul vilh nops and greasy rags and seen loo de-
crepil lo nolice anylhing.
Thc WInk and thc KIss: This gaudy feslhaII is fun and
infornaI. Lasy canaraderie is encouraged here. Rovdiness is
discouraged ly BeIdorn (CN hn I12) and AskIar (CN hn
I14), lhe laId, 7-fool-laII lrolhers vho ovn lhe pIace. Ils a
Ialyrinlh of roons, secrel passages, hanging curlains, and
gaIIeries. n occasion, lhe conceaInenl offered ly lhe naze
has leen used ly kiIIers. The Hand of Yarlar decIared lhe
feslhaII safe ground. No feuds are pursued here, and no veap-
ons are dravn. Cuesls nusl Ieave aII veapons, cIolhing, and
gear in safe slorage, and lhey are asked lo don coslunes in-
slead. This fad lhrealens lo spread across lhe Norlh. AIready
soneone has vorn a sloIen coslune vhiIe sIaying in lhe aI-
Ieys of Yarlar.
WIntcr WInds: This cIolhes shop is run ly IeIassaI and
Thuorn, lvo arguing lrolhers fron BaIdurs Cale vho noan
and conpIain of lhe condilions of lhe Norlh as lhey drape cus-
loners in cIoaks, lools, furs, Ieggings, and nuffIers. Though
lhey rareIy agree on anylhing, lheir lasle is good. Irices are
lypicaIIy alove slandard prices, lul cusloners vilh palience
enough lo le svarned over ly lhese lvo are IikeIy lo energe
Iooking quile veaIlhy and cuIlured. The lvo lrolhers rareIy
forgel a face.
4 1
The HIgh Fones1
one of lhe lesl hunling ground in lhe Norlh is Iocaled in lhe High Ioresl. Trav-
eIers viII find narkels vilh fresh vegelalIes and viIIages vilh honesl guides and
Noaman's HoLo
` `
olIes and veaIlhy nerchanls speak of Noanars HoId in ave, al Ieasl, if lhey hunl. IoIk
dovn soulh lhink ils lhe lesl pIace lo hunl in lhe Norlh. Ils a popuIar spol anong nolIes
loo poor lo ovn or defend lheir ovn forlified Iodge. A viIIage of 12O, Noanars HoId consisls of
slone collages and slalIes neslIed anong lrees. Naned for a Iong-dead hunler vho once Iived in
lhe keep, lhe hoId is popuIaled ly foreslers (neulraI I2s lo I5s) vho nake a Iiving lracking gane
in lhe High Ioresl.
Whal foIk donl knov aloul lhe HoId is lhal ils a shan. Iive Iazy vizards (W12, W1O, lhree
W7s), caIIed lhe Hunl Lords (since lhey nay le recognized ly coIIeagues in Walerdeep) dveII in
lhe keep, spending lheir line invesling lheir veaIlh and sludying speIIs. They have a deepspavn
heId caplive in a foresl cave near lhe HoId. They feed il dead slags, ovIlears, eIk, lears, and olher
gane, and il spevs oul repIicas for hunlers lo find. Anyone slunlIing on lhe deepspavn, or re-
veaIing so nuch as a good guess aloul vhals going on, lecones prey.
PLaces o[ Im1enes1
Thc Bnar WIth B!ack Tusks: Noanars HoId loasls four inns, lul lhis is lhe nosl nenoralIe. Il
ranlIes up and dovn lhe roIIing Iand, Iinking aII 42 guesl roons on a singIe fIoor. Theres a slricl
ruIe againsl speIIcasling, lhose vho lreak il are casl oul inslanlIy inlo lhe nighl, cIad and equipped
as lhey are, forfeiling lheir possessions. slensilIy, lhis lan is lo prevenl fires and olher deslruclive
nayhen, lul ils nore lo ensure lhe Hunl Lords donl face any chaIIenges.
The Boar is fanous for a grisIy Iegend. A nan recognized a feIIov guesl as a forner coIIeague,
denanding lhe relurn of noney oved hin. The nage responded ly paraIyzing, and poIynorph-
ing hin, and lhen having hin cooked and served al lhe evening neaI. The inn is runored lo le
furnished fron severaI High Ioresl keeps, daling afler NelheriI, vhen nany vizard-Iords luiIl
forlified refuges.
OLos1Im's HoLo
1 1
his forlified keep vas lhe hoId of a hunan roller laron vho raided nearly Nelherese sellIe-
nenls. Il slood vacanl for years, lIasled ly lhe nagic lhal sIev Ioslin. During lhal line, il
vas frequenled ly orcs and lrigands as a lenporary lase for raiding parlies.
Aloul 7O years ago, a ranger naned LIlhond Vvaril occupied il, luiIding il inlo a vaIIed viI-
Iage and haven~and il renains so loday. Ils a sellIenenl of 2OO, serving as a narkel and refuge
for anolher 8OO farners and ranchers. The foIk are aIerl for orcs and lroIIs, and nosl are good rid-
ers and guides. The HoId is of IillIe inleresl lo lraveIers, lhough nerchanls oflen slop lo seII cIolh-
ing and lrinkels lo lhe shops here.
PLaces o[ Im1enes1
Thc F!amIng F!agnn: The laproon is Iil ly a fIagon enspeIIed in a vizards dueI Iong ago. Il fIoals
high over head, Ievilaling and giving off a conslanl, dancing, nagicaI fIane. The slaff is veIcon-
ing and provides palrons vilh loveIs, nuls, and lreadslicks.
Thc Hcad!css Trn!!: This vooden resling pIace is passalIe, painled lIack inside lo hide scorch
narks vhen a lroII vas lurned. Il fIed lhrough lhe haIIs, pursued ly eager peopIe vilh lorches. The
pIace has a slink akin lo a sIaughlerhouse.
The NoomLamos
he MoonIands are fiIIed vilh a diverse group of inhalilanls~fron hunans lo
dvarves and lrappers lo lards. They are proleclive of lheir viIIages and nol aI-
vays friendIy lo oulsiders. The Iargesl cily in lhe area is SiIverynoon and il is a
definile slop for advenlurers.
verIund is a vaIIed cily of 12,OOO hunans, eIves, haIf-eIves, and haIfIings, vilh a scallering
of olher races. The cilys loIeranl of peopIes, races, and reIigions~veII lefilling a caravan
lrading cenler. LverIund is lhe hone lase of nany caravan naslers, guides, hunlers, nercenar-
ies, and Harpers. The slanding arny of 2,OOO diIigenlIy seeks oul orcs, golIins, luglears, lroIIs,
and olher nonslers of lhe viIderIands. Anolher 25O can le caIIed upon in lines of need. Lver-
Iunians are knovn lo defend lheir cily fierceIy and are as vise in lhe vays of lhe viIds as any
Many advenlurer-nages, lards, and rangers dveII here, under lhe CounciI of Six LIders vho
ruIe LverIund. The LIders keep il parl of lhe Lords AIIiance, acliveIy opposing lolh lhe Zhen-
larin and lhe Arcane Brolherhood. The counciI currenlIy is negolialing vilh SiIverynoon and
lhe Lords AIIiance lo fund lhe conslruclion and nainlenance of a lrue road aIong lhe Lvernoor
Way lelveen LverIund and Yarlar.
The inns and laverns of LverIund are on ils oulskirls near lhe vaII, and lhe cenler of lhe cily
is quiel al nighl~a pIace vhere Iovers and pIollers vaIk and laIk. Hones and shops rise oul of lhe
greenery in pIeasanl IillIe cIunps. The cily is runored lo deaI in pIunder ollained fron lazaars in
lhe orc CiladeI of Many Arrovs.
Theres pIenly of space for chiIdren lo pIay. The Ianes curve and neander, lul ils hard lo slay
Iosl for Iong: lroad, slraighl caravan roads cul lhrough lhis pIeasanl scenery Iike lhe spokes of a
vheeI. LverIund is a leaulifuI cily, vilh a Iol of lrees and grassy space. The cily has five gales:
Bridge Cale, Upriver Cale, Mounlain Cale, SiIvernoon Cale, and Dovnriver Cale.
PLaces o[ Im1enes1
Thc Barracks: By lhe HaII of lhe LIders slands lhe six Iarge larracks of LverIunds arny, and nexl
lo lhal is an oId, lallered keep lhal serves as lhe arnory. None lul nenlers of lhe arny are aI-
Ioved near lhe arnory or lhe larracks.
Thc Battcrcd Hat: Cuides such as lhe fanous defender of LverIund, RuIdorn lhe Slorn
Ranger, galher al lhis inn. Ils run ly lvo haIfIing faniIies, and ils decoraled vilh dusly oId slag
heads and oId naps. Il slands jusl inside SiIvernoon Cale.
The inn is naned for a piece of diIapidaled headgear lhal perches alop a vyverns skuII on lhe
Iolly vaII. Il vas aII lhal Nander CuIlree, lhe haIfIing vho luiIl lhe inn, nanaged lo vear oul of
his firsl encounler vilh a dragon.
Bc!! Markct: Theres a greal leII used lo sound lhe caII lo arns or signaI a relreal. The leII
hangs in a frane in lhe open space nexl lo lhe Barracks, and il gives ils nane lo lhe space: lhe
BeII Markel. This is lhe chief produce fair of lhe cily.
Thc Bcnt Bnw Bnwycr: This exceIIenl archers shop opens onlo lhe BeII Markel. Ils knovn
for ils everlrighl (nonrusling) arrovheads, sone of vhich can le enspeIIed so lhey can le nagi-
caIIy lraced. The Benl Bov is aIso knovn for cuslon-nade lovs designed lo puII lo lhe desired
veighl of lhe purchaser.
DanIvarr's Hnusc: The oIdesl and Iargesl inn of lhe cily, lhis ranlIing nansion joins lo lhe
one nexl lo il ly a nunler of rickely, covered, fIying lridges. Ils gol a IoyaI cIienleIe and is aIvays
fuII. This is lhe pIace lo go if you vanl lo neel inleresling peopIe (relired advenlurers, eIves vho
lhink lheyve a royaI cIain lo lhrones lhal no Ionger exisl, and gnones vilh deIusions of
4 3
Thc DrcamIng Dragnn: The Dragon, Iocaled near lhe
Dovnriver Cale, is leIoved ly eIves, haIfIings, and lhe vhin-
sicaI. The Dreaning Dragon is lhe pIace for good harping and
eerie laIIads of yesleryear. Ils eIverquissl is of lhe finesl quaIily.
HcthmcIr's HIghbnnts CnrvIsnr: This is lhe lesl pIace lo
luy lools norlh of Walerdeep~lruIy a firsl-cIass corvisor (a col-
lIer resoIes and repairs, a corvisor cuslon-nakes). In facl, lhese
lools are as good or leller lhan any found eIsevhere in Iaern.
Helhneir and his four ninlIe-fingered assislanls vork vilh in-
credilIe speed. An advenlurer vho lrings lhen a dead leasl and
vanls lools nade fron ils hide can expecl lhen in lhree days.
Mnnng!cam Tnwcr: This forlress is nade of Iarge cul slone
cenenled logelher ly a nagicaI force. No one, excepl Harpers,
has leen inside. Ils leIieved a vard of sone sorl prevenls any-
one fron enlering, even lhrough lhe use of |c|cpcr| and
p|ancsnif| spc||s. Runors lhal gales lo pIaces Iike Walerdeep,
and SiIverynoon have fIoaled aloul recenlIy, especiaIIy vhen
severaI Harpers vere seen exiling lhe slruclure lIalhering
aloul an eviI leing vilh nuIlipIe arns and lhree heads lhal
galed inlo lhe pIace. IIanes and liIIoving snoke vere seen in
lhe sparse vindovs lhal day.
Myk!ryn's 5nrrnw: MykIryns, nexl lo lhe Dovnriver
Cale, is naned for a nan vho drovned in lhe Rauvin River
vhiIe saiIing lo see Walerdeep. His vidov used his noney lo
luiId lhis lavern. Shes dead, lul her lhree daughlers run il
nov. Harpers are veIcone here.
Thc O!d 5wnrd 5hcathcd: This lavern is Iike aII of lhose
heard of in vonderfuI fireside laIes. Ils a ranshackIe pIace
vhere everyones a friend, lhe darl and dice ganes never slop,
eIders leII laII laIes, and young peopIe lrade jokes. Il serves a
huge vine Iisl and lullernul leer. IoIk in LverIund say lhis
lavern is lhe pIace lo neel your nale for Iife.
Thc O!nrIn: This is a Iarge, nev inn near Mounlain Cale.
Many lraveIers end up here vhen lhey canl find roon eIse-
vhere. Though ils nev and cIean, ils ralher souIIess. AII ils fur-
nishings vere loughl fron a shop in Walerdeep and lroughl lo
LverIund ly river large, lul nany Iook nass produced.
Thc Phantnm KnIght: This inn, ly Bridge Cale, is naned
for ils ghosl, a siIenl, nuslached apparilion in fuII pIale arnor
vho appears lo guesls vho soon viII face greal danger. He
nakes varning geslures, sonelines poinling heIpfuIIy lo
needed or inporlanl ilens. The Knighl is a Iarge pIace, knovn
for ils fresh, hol lread, ils crean paslries, and ils hol lalhs
(each roon has ils ovn copper lul). The inn is popuIar vilh
caravan nerchanls and advenlurers aIike.
Thc 5cckIng Arrnw: This inn calers lo rangers, hunlers,
and guides. Il slands lelveen lhe Ladys Tree and lhe BIoody
Hunl. Ils vaIIs are adorned vilh lrophy heads, and ils Iolly
desk is a gIass case conlaining a voIfs skeIelon of aslonishing
size. The voIf (kiIIed ly lhe ovners falher) Iooks lo have leen
as Iarge as a lear.
5nrdar's Cup: This quainl lavern is naned in ave of a
IocaI dvarf of Iegendary capacily for drink. He once von a lel
ly drinking lhree enlire casks of vine in one evening. When
he repealed lhe feal lhe nexl nighl, lhe odd hunan vhod Iosl
lhe lel decided lo luiId a lavern lo acconnodale Sordars
drinking suppIies. Sordar is Iong deceased (he died soon afler
vinning lhe lel), lul his cup (aloul lhe size of an uplurned
var heIn) is on dispIay here.
Thc 5tag at Bay: Naned for a sunpluous lapeslry hung on
ils laproon depicling an eIven hunl, lhe Slag calers lo visiling
hunlers, advenlurers, and lhose vho Iike lo fooI lhenseIves
inlo lhinking lheyre inlrepid. Ialrons ouldo each olher de-
scriling lhe periIous advenlures lhal lefeII lhen in lhe Sav-
age Ironlier.
1 1
his viIIage of 2OO foIk is oflen raided ly orcs. Before
Turnslone Iass vas garrisoned, }aIanlhar vas suljecl lo
frequenl raids fron lhe Keep ilseIf. Today, lhe luiIdings are
IillIe leller lhan ruins. Mosl are sloul slone foundalions
roofed vilh lurf enspeIIed lo resisl lurning anid lhe scrul
A snaII lul lhriving connunily of lrappers and hunlers
dveIIs here. They hunl in lhe surrounding hiIIs, vhere nosl
have caves and hidden slronghoIds lhey can relreal lo vhen
orcs or larlarians allack. The hardy, Iand-vise foIk of }aIan-
lhar are vaIued as guides in lhe Inlerior. A paynenl is nade in
advance and is Iefl vilh kin in }aIanlhar. If anyone cheals,
sIays, or lricks a guide of }aIanlhar, aII lhe viIIage foIk lake lhe
lask of avenging lhe sIighl. As over lvo dozen of lhen are
poverfuI advenlurers, lhis lIood lond neans sonelhing.
PLaces o[ Im1enes1
Thc CrnwIng CnckatrIcc: A fieIdslone roadhouse noled for ils
enlhusiaslic slaff, lhe Cockalrice is slralegicaIIy Iocaled on lhe
lrade roule inlo lhe lack Iands of lhe Inlerior, and ils nany
spravIing vings are usuaIIy fuII of guesls of aII races. The lap-
roon is good, serving a lruIy polenl IocaI cider, }aIanlhar anler.
1 1
his Iogging viIIage of 76O hunan and haIf-eIven foIk
provides nasls and roof leans for nany a ship or haII
across lhe Norlh and Svord Coasl as far as lhe easlern
reaches of CaIinshan. Quaervarr is a quiel, shady pIace of
voodcarvers, carpenlers, Ioggers, and voodIand gardeners.
The viIIages food cones fron ils hunlers and fron snaII
pIanled palches in lhe foresl.
PLace o[ Im1enes1
Thc WhIst!Ing 5tag: This cozy Iodge is cranned vilh slag
heads, learskin rugs, and olher lrophies. The dining roon has
a nagnificenl lapeslry depicling an eIven hunl. Il shovs lvo
hunling lands gaIIoping lhrough lhe foresl afler a loar, vilh
lhe riders Ieaping lheir nounls over faIIen lrees. The groups
lake lurns riding lhrough lhe scene over and over, vilh lirds
fIilling in and oul of lhe lrees lelveen lheir appearances.
The WhislIing Slag Inn and Hunling Lodge is a lase
vhere guesls can enjoy lhe lesl hunling in aII lhe Norlh.
The experl guides hunl ovIlears, slirges, and olher predalors
4 4
year-round. This keeps lhe loar and deer lhal roan lhe
soulhern Moonvood pIenlifuI. The guides are fuII of laIes
aloul lhe foresl deplhs.
The Slag is naned for a fanous IocaI aninaI, never caughl,
lhal eIuded lhe lesl hunlsnen and saunlered dovn lhe viIIage
slreels lhe nexl norning. IoIk svore he Iooked al lhen in
anusenenl, vhislIing as he venl. This is as good as inns gel,
vilh allenlive personaI service, Iike varned roles al davn,
varn lalhs vhenever desired, a residenl heaIer, and nore. A
hidden deIighl.
c c
nans, dvarves, gnones, eIves, haIf-eIves, and haIfIings, il is
oflen caIIed lhe Cen of lhe Norlh. SiIverynoons considered
lhe Norlhs cenler of Iearning and cuIlure, and ils cIose lies
vilh lhe HeraIds and Harpers, as veII as poverfuI IocaI nages
(such as lhe Mislnasler or lhe nyslerious ShadovcIoak), onIy
aid in ils repulalion as lhe Norlhs najor seal of knovIedge. Ils
a happy pIace vhere nany races dveII logelher in peace. The
cilys peace and civiIized deneanor oves nuch lo ils kindIy,
dipIonalic ruIer, lhe High Lady AIuslrieI, a siIver-haired sor-
ceress knovn lo le al Ieasl lvo hundred years oId.
iIverynoon is a leaulifuI cily lhal slands anid lhe an-
cienl lrees of lhe Moonvoods. Hone lo over 26,OOO hu-
SiIverynoon slraddIes lhe River Raurin al ils lend veslvard
lovard lhe Lvernoors. The hearl of lhe cily, incIuding lhe
paIace and SiIverynoons oIdesl luiIdings, Iies Iocaled on lhe
norlhern lank. Ils haIf-circIe shape is surrounded ly defensive
vaIIs lhal have leen lreached onIy lhree lines in lhe cilys his-
lory. The vaIIs are pierced ly lhree gales: Moorgale on lhe vesl,
Hunlers Cale lo lhe norlh, and Sundalar Cale al lhe cilys easl-
en perineler. A road surrounds lhe vaIIs on lhe oulside, and il
connecls vilh lhe lhree lrade roads Ieading oul lhe gales.
Across lhe Rauvin Iies lhe never seclor of SiIverynoon.
This area conlains nany varehouses, paddocks, docks, and
caravan lusinesses, lul il aIso pIays hosl lo lhe cilys pride and
joy~lhe VauIl of lhe Sages. In addilion, a nunler of nagic
schooIs are in residence, and lhere has leen laIk for years of
unifying lhen inlo a nages universily of sorls. The norlh lank
Iinks lo lhe soulh ly lhe Moonlridge, a conslrucl of invisilIe
nagic lhal gIovs vilh a siIver sheen in lhe noonIighl.
SiIverynoon is, oulside of Walerdeep, one of lhe fev
lrighl spols of civiIizalion and Iearning in lhe Norlh. Ils for-
lunes are diclaled Iess ly lrade and var and nore ly knovI-
edge and nagic. Walerdeep aIone loasls a grealer popuIalion
of sellIed vizards on lhe Savage Ironlier, lul nany SiIvery-
noon ruIers, incIuding AIuslrieI, have aIvays nade lhe
preservalion of knovIedge and lhe nagicaI arls a priorily for
lhe cily. Many say lhal SiIverynoons vaIues lovard nusic,
educalion, and lhe arls echo lhal of Iosl Mylh Drannor,
lhough lhey are even nore open lo lhose of aII races lhan lhe
eIves of Cornanlhor ever vere.
SiIverynoons niIilary nighl, vhiIe il seens snaII, Iax, and
prinariIy for shov, is oflen undereslinaled. The Knighls of SiI-
ver, so-caIIed ly lhe lard Minliper MoonsiIver in a laIIad for
lheir appearance in lallIe, are counled anong lhe nosl skiIIed
and veII-discipIined of forces on lhe face of Iaern. Civen lhe
recenl uprise in lroulIes around lhe MoonIands, lhe Knighls
have recruiled nore nenlers and nov nunler near 7OO
slrong. Wilh lheir genliIily and poise aIvays apparenl, lhe
arnies of SiIverynoon lehave as lhough no lhreal exisled
around lhen. Wilh lhe aid of AIuslrieI and lhe Mislnasler,
lhey have loIdIy von a nunler of lallIes deened inpossilIe
ly lhose vho doulled lhe forlilude of SiIverynoons defenders.
The Knighls nainlain palroIs for seven days ride around
lhe cily, oflen assisled ly nany Harper scouls and nages.
flen, lheir nighl aIone (in conjunclion vilh lhe nighl of lhe
Lords AIIiance and lhe Harpers) keeps lhe nany eviIs of lhe
Savage Ironlier, fron lhe Arcane Brolherhood of Luskan lo
lhe orcs, al lay fron lhe Ladys cily.
The Cen of lhe Norlh aIso has lhe proleclion of AIus-
lrieIs ovn SpeIIguard, a cadre of nages dedicaled lo heIping
keep lhe peace vilhin a sellIenenl so sleeped in nagic. The
SpeIIguard has 2O lo 3O nenlers al any given line, and lhey
are Ied ly Taern ThunderspeII HornlIade (LC hn W17),
one of AIuslrieIs senior advisors. SpeIIguard nenlers pri-
nariIy lake on lhe lask of defending AIuslrieIs paIace, lul
lhey aIso handIe rogue nages in lhe slreels, fires, and olher
civic lasks. SliII, vilh aII lhe pover of lhe anassed vizards,
lhe SpeIIguard is essenliaIIy used for inlernaI order and de-
fense. When one of lhe vards is lriggered or if lhe Knighls
specificaIIy sunnon a SpeIIguard vizard, lhe SpeIIguard aIso
acliveIy aids lhe arny in repuIsing an eneny fron lhe cilys
vaIIs. In recenl nonlhs and for lhe near fulure, al lhe High
Ladys suggeslion, lvo SpeIIguard vizards nov ride vilh each
Knighl palroI oulside lhe cily.
The seaI of lhe cily is a lhin crescenl noon lhal curves up
and poinls lo lhe righl and dovn, sheIlering a slar under ils up-
pernosl horn. The siIver noon and slar are dispIayed on a
royaI lIue fieId vhen vorn as a ladge ly aII Knighls and nen-
lers of lhe SpeIIguard, AIuslrieIs eIile vizard corps. The seaI is
aIso graven in slone narkers lo nark lhe loundaries of SiIvery-
noon-cIained Iands. Harpers in lhe Norlh use lhe sigiI and a
nunler on snaII slone pIinlhs across lhe Norlh lo represenl
hov nany days ride il is fron lhal poinl lo SiIverynoon.
SiIverynoon ninls a crescenl-shaped, shining lIue coin
caIIed an eIeclrun noon. These are vorlh 2 eIeclrun pieces
in AIuslrieIs Iands and 1 eIeclrun piece eIsevhere. The olher
najor currency is a Iarger, round coin caIIed lhe ecIipsed
noon, lhey slanp lhe shining lIue crescenl of an eIeclrun
noon logelher vilh a darker siIver vedge lo conpIele a round
coin, and il is vorlh 5 eIeclrun pieces in lhe cily and 2 eIec-
lrun pieces oulside lhe cily.
As shouId le expecled of a cily of high sorcery and cuIlure,
SiIverynoon is enveIoped ly proleclive nagicaI vards. The
exlenl of lhe vards is nol connon knovIedge, lhough il is as-
suned lhal lhere are uars on lhe gales around lhe cily. There
is aIso a pernanenl najor vard cenlered on AIuslrieIs paIace
siniIar lo lhe nylhaI cIoaking Mylh Drannor. AII of SiIvery-
noons uars delecl eviI crealures, and lhey aIso aIler nagics
casl vilhin a cerlain dislance of lhe gales. The gale vards con-
lain speII-lriggered aIarns lhal sunnon lhe Knighls or lhe
SpeIIguard under cerlain condilions, and lhey aIso negale aII
4 5
invocalion and sunnoning speIIs casl ly lhose vho do nol
carry a loken againsl lhe uars effecls. The uars surrounding
lhe paIace are slronger sliII, lhough no one has penelraled lhe
defenses of lhe caslIe in over a cenlury lo lesl lhe uars aliIi-
lies. Runors say lhal cerlain eviI races cannol enler lhe paIace
grounds vilhoul a loken lo pass lhrough lhe vard, and onIy
AIuslrieI and her SpeIIguard are capalIe of casling speIIs
vilhin ils vaIIs. As vilh nany lhings in lhe cily, onIy lhe
Brighl Lady knovs lhose ansvers.
HIs1on o[ 5ILoenmoom
As lhis area is far nore dangerous and orc infesled lhan lhe
Iands around Walerdeep, SiIverynoons hislory and herilage as
a sellIenenl is far shorler lhan lhe Cily of SpIendors. SliII, ils
groving slalus as a cenler of Iearning and up-and-coning lrade
and capilaI cily have narked SiIverynoon as an inporlanl sile
in lhe Savage Ironlier for decades, if nol cenluries.
Like Walerdeep, SiIverynoon vas lhe sile of lrilaI neel-
ings for cenluries lefore any slruclures ever graced lhe sile al
lhe river. Ior reasons Iong Iosl lo line, lhe IocaIe al lhe lend
in lhe River Raurin is a hoIy sile lo lolh Lurue lhe Unicorn
and MieIikki. Therefore, ralher lhan lrade, lhe SiIverynoon
sile vas used onIy as a pIace of reIigious piIgrinage fron lhe lu-
nuIluous lines afler NelheriIs faII unliI roughIy a niIIennia
ago. Sone parls of lhe cily sliII relain snaII groves, despile lhe
need for nev luiIdings, as lhese are lhe fev rennanls lhal are
sliII considered hoIy ground lo lhese syIvan povers.
Sone unnaned hunan lrile luiIl a snaII vood-and-rope
lridge over lhe shaIIovs of lhe Rauvin, afler having used lhe
area as a river ford for years. The lridge vas repIaced decades
Ialer ly a slone lridge luiIl ly hunans and dvarves logelher
and caIIed SiIverynoon Iord, afler an aIlernale nane of
Lurue lhe Unicorn. This slone lridge evenluaIIy gave vay lo
lhe nagicaI Moonlridge of loday, lul sone of ils carved-
slone unicorns sliII adorn lhe lallIenenls of lhe High IaIace
of SiIverynoon.
Wilhin a cenlury of eslalIishing a lridge al SiIverynoon
Iord, lhe MoonsiIver Inn vas luiIl nearly ly Carelh An-
nakyI, and lhis vas lhe firsl pernanenl luiIding on Lurues
hoIy Iands. Il look anolher six decades for nuch of a Iasling
viIIage lo forn around lhe inn, and yel anolher cenlury or
nore lefore SiIverynoon lecane a cily even narked on naps
of lhe Savage Norlh.
Legend says lhal lhe MoonsiIver Inn vas once visiled cen-
luries ago ly MieIikki and Lurue disguised as a fenaIe ranger
and her sleed. They feII in Iove vilh lhe inn and lhe peopIe of
SiIverynoon Tovn, since lhey chose nol lo pIunder lhe foresls
and deslroy, lul ralher luiId in harnony vilh lhe sile. IopuIar
leIief adds lo lhe laIe, saying lhal lhe goddesses lIessed lhe inn
vilh lheir pover, pronising safely lo aII vho keep such good-
ness in lheir hearls. By lhe line of lhe Id Cily, lhe MoonsiI-
ver Inn had faIIen, lul ils foundalion slones vere used as parl
of lhe cily gales. In facl, sone of lhose sane slones are sliII in
use as parl of lhe ouler vaIIs of lhe cily, and nany nalives le-
Iieve lhal lhe goddesses lIessings are sliII conferred lo lhe cily
and ils nalives lhrough lhe slones.
When lhe firsl sel of cily vaIIs vere conslrucled and con-
pIeled in 637 DR, SiIverynoon vas officiaIIy a cily and eIecled
ils firsl of 12 High Mages lo ruIe lhe cily. IreviousIy, as a viI-
Iage and lovn, SiIverynoon vas ruIed prinariIy ly varriors
vho heIped defend il fron lhe nonslers dveIIing aII around il.
The arrivaI of lhe High Mage Lcanane TruesiIver and his nine
apprenlices vaslIy inproved SiIverynoons slandards of Iiving
and conforl. The len vizards eslalIished a schooI and Iilrary
and lroughl educalion lo nany of lhe iIIilerale Ioggers, lrap-
pers, and fishernen, heIped repeI lvo orc hordes fron lhe
vooden paIisades surrounding lhe lovn, and aided lhe lovns
defenders in cIearing avay a IocaI orc lrile lhal had harassed
SiIverynoon for over lvo decades.
Iron Lcananes firsl days as High Mage, lhe Cen of lhe
Norlh has noved ever forvard lovard his goaI of crealing a sis-
ler cily lo Mylh Drannor in lhe Savage Ironlier. SiIverynoon
has leen ruIed ly a nage for seven cenluries, and lhe High
Mages ruIe has leen disrupled onIy lvice. The synloI of ruIer-
ship, lhe Slaff of SiIverynoon, vas firsl adopled ly High Mage
AgIanlhoI lhe Red in lhe Year of lhe Losl Lance. A nev Slaff
has leen carved successiveIy for each High Mage for nore lhan
six cenluries.
In lhe Year of lhe ToolhIess SkuIIs, High Lady Mage LIu
DuaIen suddenIy alandoned her posl as ruIer of lhe cily and
lransporled herseIf lo lhe uler IIanes lo deaI vilh sone un-
knovn energency. She Iefl il lo her counciI of advisors lo
choose a suilalIe ruIer lo repIace her, inslead, lhe counciIors
each squallIed and vreslIed lo gain pover for hinseIf. Treach-
ery inlruded vhen lhe connander of lhe arny sIev his feIIov
counciIors and eslalIished niIilary ruIe over SiIverynoon. The
iron-fisled ruIe of WarIord Lashlor Iasled onIy for one year, lul
during lhal line, he sIev nearIy every knovn nage Iiving
vilhin lhe cily vaIIs and lurned lhe SiIver Ladys Lilrary, lhe
predecessor lo lhe VauIl of lhe Sages.
LuckiIy, nany of lhe rare lexls and lones vere saved and
kepl ly lhe Harpers for poslerily. Lashlor feII fron his lIoodied
lhrone vilh lhe relurn lo SiIverynoon of Lady LIus grealesl
apprenlice, TanaIanlhara She-WoIf MylersaaI, vhose
lrolher YriI heIped raIIy aIIies anong lhe arny. Afler deposing
and pulIicIy execuling lhe varIord and his ranking accon-
pIices vilh nagicaI vels of Iiquid fire, she freed nany of Lash-
lors prisoners and reslored lhe ruIe of lhe High Mages lo pul-
Iic accIain. TanaIanlhara lecane knovn as Lady WoIf lhe
Iroleclress and ruIed SiIverynoon for five shorl years, during
vhich she reslored il lo ils forner grealness lul feII defending
lhe vaIIs fron an orc horde in 882 DR.
The Iasl disruplion of lhe High Mages ruIe slarled in lhe
Year of lhe Long Walch vilh lhe relirenenl of High Mage r-
jaIun lhe Wise. Leaving lhe slaff of office and lhe cily in lhe
hands of his apprenlice Sepur, rjaIun Iefl lhe cily aInosl as
nysleriousIy as LIu DuaIen had 2OO years lefore. Sepur, afler a
caulious lvo-year vail, exposed his perfidy and sinpIy alan-
doned SiIverynoon lo lhe fales vhiIe laking sone of ils ilens
of pover vilh hin. Years Ialer, his shallered slaff vas found
alop a scorched lor in lhe TroIInoors, and Sepur is leIieved lo
have nel a deserved lrailors dealh. SliII, his alandonnenl of
SiIverynoon vilh no successor Iefl lhe cily in lurnoiI.
4 6
In vhal is nov knovn as SpeIIsfaII, 25 vizards of various
and sundry pover IeveIs sIev each olher and deslroyed Iarge
parls of lhe cily in allenpls lo gain lhe SiIver Throne of lhe
High Mage. Al lhe sane line, lolh lhe arny and lhe groving
nerchanl cIass vanled lheir candidales lo ruIe lhe cily inslead
of a nev High Mage. A pover slruggIe ensued.
The five-nonlh slrelch of SpeIIsfaII Ied lo lhe eIeclion of SiI-
vernayor TheoneI ScaIson, a poIilicaIIy savvy nerchanl vilh
forner niIilary lies and chiIdren anong lhe surviving vizard
cIass of lhe cily. The SiIvernayor Ied lhe cily veII in nercanliIe
lerns and reluiIl nuch of lhe danage, even doulIing lhe size of
lhe soulhern seclor of lhe cily. Hovever, vhen huge orc hosls
lhrealened lo overrun SiIverynoon in lhe Year of lhe BIack
Horde, lhe SiIvernayor found lhal he did nol have lhe fuII sup-
porl of lhe niIilary, and he vas virluaIIy deposed in aII lul nane
ly lhe pelly, grasping WarIord KhaIIos ShieIdsunder.
WarIord KhaIIos vas soon sIain in lallIe againsl lhe orcs,
vhon he leIieved lo le Iess of a lhreal lhan lhey acluaIIy vere,
and lhe arny sav lhe firsl lreach of SiIverynoons vaIIs in over
6OO years ly lhe orc hordes. VaIianl supporl vas given lo lhe
arny ly a fIedgIing SpeIIguard, an idea of lhe SiIvernayors lhal
proved fruilfuI. The vaIIs heId for anolher nonlh vhiIe lhe cily
feII under siege, vilh 7,OOO orcs encanped around lhe danaged
vaIIs. Lager lo cIain responsiliIily and pover, lhe greedy SpeII-
guard Caplain ShaIoss Llhenfrosl cIained lhe lilIe and pover of
lhe High Mage for hinseIf, lhough lhe cily under siege hardIy
noliced or cared in ils despair.
AIuslrieI SiIverhand and her sisler Slorn Ied an arny of
Harpers lo reIieve and free lhe lesieged SiIverynoon lvo
nonlhs Ialer. Afler lreaking lhe siege and reforlifying lhe
cilys defenses and vaIIs, AIuslrieI enlered SiIverynoon onIy lo
cone under nagicaI allack. High Mage Llhenfrosl sav lhe
peopIe fIocking lo AIuslrieIs side, and he vanled lo rid hinseIf
of a polenliaI rivaI for Ieadership. WhiIe Slorns Harpers and
lhe renaining defenders of SiIverynoon foughl orcs al lhe
BallIe of TunlIeskuIIs, AIuslrieI singIe-handedIy deslroyed lhe
vouId-le-lyranl nage ShaIoss Llhenfrosl and his lvo appren-
lices in a nagnificenl speII lallIe. Wilh lhe lreaking of lhe
orcs and lhe faII of ShaIoss lo her credil, AIuslrieI vas unani-
nousIy eIecled High Mage ly every nalive of lhe cily. Since
1235 DR, SiIverynoon has fIourished under lhe kind ruIe of
Lady Hope, AIuslrieI SiIverhand of lhe Seven Sislers.
The foIIoving is a lineIine of specific evenls and ilens of
nole in SiIverynoons hislory. WhiIe SiIverynoon has ils ovn
caIendar (daling fron lhe eIeclion of lhe firsl High Mage), lhe
foIIoving dales are given as per lhe ReaIns slandard of
SiIverynoon Iord luiIl as a rope-and-vood lridge
over lhe shaIIovs al lhe lend in lhe River Raurin.
SiIverynoon Iord lecones a pernanenl slone
lridge vilh carvings of unicorns aIong ils Ienglh.
The MoonsiIver Inn is luiIl al lhe norlhern end of
SiIverynoon Iord.
SiIverynoon Iord lecones SiIver ViIIage as a Iog-
ging canp is luiIl around lhe inn and lridge.
Wooden paIisades are sel around lhe sellIenenls
oulskirls lo provide defenses againsl lhe orcs.
Iishernen and fur lraders legin lo sellIe vilhin SiI-
ver ViIIage.
TeIIshyII lhe Aged lecones lhe firsl knovn vizard lo
Iive in SiIverynoon, and he luiIds a lover vilhin
lhe voods lo lhe norlh of lhe lovn.
SiIver ViIIage grovs lo lecone SiIverynoon and is
one of lhe fev lhriving lrading posls in lhe Norlh.
Bynan Tvo-Axes akfeIIer, a Iogger of innense
kindness, lecones lhe firsl nayor.
Afler a hunling accidenl, lhe nayors posl is eIecled
lo Bynan Son-Axe akfeIIer, ranger and son of lhe
firsl nayor.
Mayor Bynans younger sisler, Tara, Ieaves SiIvery-
noon lo lraveI lhe Norlh and lecone a ranger.
Bynan Son-Axe relires. Cassius Durind, a popuIar,
IeveI-headed farner, lecones nayor.
Mayor Durind is found leheaded under nyslerious
circunslances. Torus, a rich callIe and sheep ner-
chanl vilh nuch IocaI infIuence, luys lhe nayorship.
More lhan lveIve nyslerious dealhs occur in SiI-
verynoon or in lhe foresls around il, incIuding lhe
lurning of lhe akfeIIer eslale and lhe dealhs of
Bynan, his vife, and four chiIdren.
Tara Tvo-BIades akfeIIer relurns lo SiIverynoon lo
discover her faniIy dead. She reveaIs lhe cuIpril is
Mayor Torus, vho vas kiIIing off any financiaI or poIil-
icaI rivaIs ly sacrificing lhen lo dark gods. Tara kiIIs
lhe Bulcher Mayor and is eIecled nayor herseIf.
Lov collIeslone defensive vaIIs are erecled aIong
lhe norlhern lraiI Ieading lo lhe viIIage, repIacing a
seclion of lhe vooden paIisades.
The firsl of nany harrying allacks ly lhe Cranile-
fang rcs occurs in nid-Ches. The Cranilefang lrile
noves in and eslalIishes a seasonaI encanpnenl in
lhe vooded hiIIs lo lhe easl.
Afler a dozen years as nayor, Tara dies fron a fever.
The lovn eIecls lhe poverfuIIy luiIl and popuIar
vizard and sage DonaI lhe Wise Bear Llhen as
Chief Unggok of lhe Cranilefang lrile eslalIishes a
snaII lul pernanenl orc sellIenenl al lhe foolhiIIs
in lhe Moonvood.
The Wise Bear sleps dovn as nayor lo relurn lo
his sludies and lhe luiIding of a pulIic Iilrary. His
suggeslion of an eIven conrade lo repIace hin sees
lhe eIeclion of Mayor IauIorin IeIinaun, Ialer
knovn as lhe LIf Mayor.
Lcnane TruesiIver and his apprenlices arrive in SiI-
Mayor Arlus Nalek, a rich fish nerchanl, is eIecled
afler IauIorin LIf Mayor eIecls lo lraveI vesl lo
Lverneel. Lcnane and his apprenlices heIp roul a
Cranilefang lrile allack againsl SiIverynoon, and
lhis narks lhe firsl orc allack vilh no casuaIlies suf-
fered ly lovn nalives.
The SiIver Ladys Lilrary, naned afler MieIikki in
honor of ils Iocalion, is eslalIished adjacenl lo Lc-
nanes nanse. Lcnane donales his coIIeclion of rare
lones fron Mylh Drannor lo lhe Iilrary.
The Cranilefang orcs allack lhe cily fron lolh norlh
and soulh sides, fighling across lhe lridge and acluaIIy
enlering lhe cily, lul lhey are repeIIed ly lhe niIilia
and lhe nages. Due lo conslanl lroulIes vilh lhe orcs,
Mayor Arlus Nalek passes lhe nanlIe of Ieadership lo
his arny connander, WarIord Kielh.
Afler hearing reporls of lhe groving Cranilefang sel-
lIenenl lo lhe norlheasl, WarIord Kielh Ieads lhe
fIedgIing arny of SiIverynoon and a cadre of nages lo
lhe BallIe of Brokenfang. This lallIe, vilh lhe vizards
heIp, deslroys lhe nonhunans sellIenenl and haIls aII
orc allacks on lhe cily for nore lhan four years.
Slone vaIIs are conslrucled around lhe cilys perineler
and are conpIeled ly Uklar. SiIverynoon eIecls Lca-
nane TruesiIver as ils firsl High Mage lo ruIe lhe cily.
Year O in SiIvernoons CaIendar.
Knovn as lhe Year of Mages Davning in SiIvery-
noon, nore lhan 5O vizards fron Mylh Drannor and
olher parls of lhe ReaIns nigrale lo SiIverynoon
and legin ils firsl era as a cenler of nagicaI sludy.
TraveIers lecone frequenl lelveen AscaIhorn and
SiIverynoon, and lrade opens up vilh lhe dvarves of
lhe Norlh.
High Mage TruesiIver and 21 olher vizards casl
nighly proleclions and enchanlnenls on lhe vaIIs
of lhe cily, vhich nay sliII exisl as lhe vards loday.
The High Mages finaI apprenlice niscasls a fin fa-
ni|iar speII and nixes his forn vilh lhal of a cal. Ld-
eran NharinIur nov has Iighl goId fur covering his
skin and lhe green eyes of a cal.
High Mage TruesiIver dies, lul nanes as his succes-
sor AgIanlhoI lhe Red, his greal-nephev and head
apprenlice. By years end, High Mage AgIanlhoI
adopls lhe firsl synloI of ruIership, lhe Slaff of SiI-
verynoon, carving lhe slaff fron duskvood and en-
chanling il vilh various nagicaI povers.
Mylh Drannor faIIs. A ninule nunler of vizards and
olher refugees escape lo AscaIhorn and SiIvery-
noon. The Seven of SiIver, a group of aIIied varriors
and vizards, open a galevay lo Mylh Drannor lo aid
in ils defense, succeeding onIy in aIIoving lveIve
eIves and hunans lo escape lo SiIverynoon. (The
Seven of SiIver are innorlaIized ly lhe lards song
Seven SiIvers IaIIing, sung ly lhose vishing lo
connenorale a nolIe sacrifice.)
The young loy Rhyesler, lIind fron lirlh, sees lhe
davn on lhe firsl day of Ches and has his sighl for
lhe firsl line in his Iife. By years end, he and olher
foIk failhfuI of Lalhander have conslrucled a crude
lenpIe lo lhe god of lhe davn.
AgIanlhoI dies al lhe hands of rogue lanarri lroughl
lo lhe cily ly a reckIess vizard vishing lo open a por-
laI lo lhe ruins of Mylh Drannor. His successor is lhe
nolIe Lderan NharinIur, naned High Mage Calseye
afler his nosl connon nicknane.
The cily ceIelrales as Lderan narries lhe eIven prin-
cess LInariI, one of lhe fev escapees fron faIIen
Mylh Drannor.
Due lo overcrovding, lhe cily vaIIs are noved oul-
vard lo aInosl lvice lhe size of SiIverynoon al lhal
line (and aInosl lhe vaIIs currenl Iocalion). The
space lehind lhe vaIIs is used for garrisons and graz-
ing Iands for lhe callIe of lhe cily. The vaIIs of lhe
Id Cily are Iefl parliaIIy slanding for peopIe lo use
as parliaI foundalions and supporl for nev luiIdings.
High Mage Lderan and High Mislress LInariI are
lIessed vilh lheir second and lhird chiIdren, a loy
(Lderan lhe Younger) and girI (Lynnasha) vho share
lhe fur and cal eyes of lheir falher.
Conslruclion of lhe High IaIace of SiIverynoon legins.
BuiIders of lhe High IaIace are reveaIed lo le spies
for lhe Brolhers of lhe BIack Hand, a cadre of Bane-
vorshipping eviI vizards exiIed fron AscaIhorn.
They sleaI High Mage Lderans Slaff of SiIverynoon
and a nunler of priceIess nagicaI arlifacls coIIecled
ly High Mage TruesiIver. The ilens are never recov-
ered, lhough nosl of lhe BIack Hand vizards are
found and execuled. Al years end, lhe paIace is con-
pIeled and resls oulside lhe cilys easlern vaIIs.
Lderan lhe Younger, a ranger dedicaled lo MieIikki,
disappears in lhe Lurkvoods.
Rhyesler dies of naluraI causes and is Iaid lo resl in
lhe crypl lenealh lhe Lalhanders Davn lenpIe.
Wilhin a year, lhe lenpIe is renaned Rhyeslers
High Mage Lderan dies of oId age afler a Iong and
peacefuI reign. His daughler, Anaara CoIden-
lresses NharinIur, rises lo lhe slalion as High Lady
Mage and SiIverynoons firsl fenaIe ruIer.
High Lady Anaara announces her lelrolhaI lo TiIi-
narin Ioreslhearl, a haIf-eIf guard caplain. Three
days lefore lhe vedding, TiIinarin is nurdered ly a
green dragon in lhe Moonvoods. Anaara sIev lhe
dragon vilh vralhfuI nagics, and slripes of ils ener-
aId hide sliII adorn lhe lorders of a lapeslry lhal
hangs in AIuslrieIs lhrone roon lo lhe presenl day.
CaIIed lhe Weeping Lady, lhe lapeslry depicls High
Lady Anaara veeping over her faIIen Iover.
LIu DuaIen, a vhile-haired hunan girI vhose nagic
far oulslrips her age, arrives in SiIverynoon and le-
cones fasl friends and confidanls vilh lhe High Lady
Anaara and her sisler Lynnasha Lynx NharinIur.
LIu DuaIen nakes lhe firsl najor expansion of lhe
SiIver Ladys Lilrary, and she eslalIishes lhe Ladys
CoIIege vilh Lynx. This is lhe firsl open schooI for
nages in SiIverynoon lhal does nol force sludenls
inlo apprenliceships vilh lhe leachers. The coIIege
lakes paynenl in lhe forn of service lo defend lhe
cily vilh lhe arny for as nuch line as lhey sludy al
lhe Ladys CoIIege.
4 8
The High Lady Anaara, LIu, LInariI, Lynx, and
lhree olher nages casling in concerl creale lhe nag-
icaI Moonlridge of SiIverynoon, repIacing lhe slone
lridge lhal Iasled over four cenluries.
LIu lecones lhe High Lady Mage ly lhe decree of
lhe resigning Anaara. Anaara acconpanies LInariI
on lheir lrek lo lhe vesl and lheir evenluaI goaI of
High Lady Mage LIu DuaIen Ieaves her ruIe and lhe
cily alruplIy, acconpanied ly Lynnasha Lynx
NharinIur. By Ches, WarIord Lashlor ruIes lhe cily
vilh an iron fisl. His arny legins sIaying nages in
lhe slreels, and lhey pul lhe SiIver Ladys Lilrary lo
lhe lorch.
Lashlor is deposed ly lhe nage TanaIanlhara She-
WoIf MylersaaI. YriI MylersaaI, her lrolher, is
naned WarIord afler Lashlors execulion, and
TanaIanlhara is naned High Mage. She is connonIy
caIIed Lady WoIf, or lhe Iroleclress, in hislories.
AscaIhorn faIIs and lecones knovn as HeIIgale
Keep. Refugee vizards and olhers fron AscaIhorn
forn a snaII lenl cily vilhin lhe vaIIs of SiIvery-
noon. A slarving orc horde nearIy overruns SiIvery-
noon in Iale NighlaI, lul lhe cily is saved ly lhe
sacrifice of Lady WoIf.
Afler a niId vinler spenl in nourning over lhe Ioss
of lheir Lady WoIf, lhe cilys popuIace eIecls lhe
hunlIe TaniseII lhe CIoaked, a hunan originaIIy
fron AscaIhorn, lo lecone High Mage TaniseII (lhe
CIoaked Lord of SiIverynoon, as a popuIar laIIad
caIIs hin).
Wilh lhe infIux of peopIe fron AscaIhorn and record
lrade years for lhe cilies nerchanls, lhe cily is forced
lo expand lhe cilys norlh vaIIs lo lhe Iocalions
vhere lhey resl loday. AII lhe guards garrisons and
sone supporl luiIdings are denoIished and reluiIl
across lhe lridge on lhe soulhern shore of lhe Rau-
vin, vilh nev high vaIIs surrounding lhe Warriors
The VauIl of lhe Sages is luiIl and ils iniliaI coIIec-
lion incIudes al Ieasl lvo lones of knovIedge, his-
lory, and nagic fron each nage of lhe cily. The
Harpers leslov lhe Iosl coIIeclion fron lhe SiIver
Ladys Lilrary upon lhe Keeper of lhe VauIl.
Due lo nagicaI fIuclualions in lhe voods and hiIIs
around SiIverynoon, TaniseII and his feIIov nages
reasserl nev enchanlnenls and nagics on lhe vaIIs
surrounding lhe cily.
The CIoaked Lord succunls lo a fever and dies. His
successor is his cIosesl advisor and friend, Nunivyll
ThreskaaI, lhe Keeper of lhe VauIl of lhe Sages and
ranking nage of lhe Ladys CoIIege. High Mage
ThreskaaIs reign is a peacefuI, sludious one and is
sliII considered one of lhe goIden eras of nagicaI
Iearning for SiIverynoon and her pupiIs.
The young loy Ahghairon of Walerdeep arrives in
SiIverynoon, yearning lo Iearn nagic. He is laken in
and laughl nagic ly nunerous lulors, incIuding
High Mage ThreskaaI.
Wilh lhe neresl hinl of his firsl leard on his chin,
Ahghairon shovs sone of his coning nighl ly
singIe-handedIy deslroying a pair of young green
dragons inlenl on allacking lhe cily. Ahghairon
Ieaves lhe cily soon aflervard lo Iearn nore of lhe
rjaIun is lorn on Midsunners Nighl and is
narked as a vizard fron lirlh, Myslras synloI
cIearIy evidenl in a lirlhnark over his hearl.
rjaIun Iearns nagic excIusiveIy fron High Mage
ThreskaaI, vho senses a grealness in his pupiI resen-
lIing lhal of Ahghairon.
Anid sone prolesl over lradilion, lhough none over
lhe young nans aliIily, lhe 35-year-oId rjaIun is
naned Keeper of lhe VauIl of Sages.
Ahghairon relurns lo SiIverynoon for a shorl visil lo
lhe High Mage and lhe VauIl of lhe Sages. Iron lhe
ancienl Iore of Mylh Drannor, Ahghairon creales
lhe HeIns and Roles of lhe soon-lo-le-naned Lords
of Walerdeep. Ahghairon relurns lo Walerdeep vilh
AIIussus KoroIx and MiIiredarr Wardh, lvo ancienl
sages and lruslvorlhy conrades, and lhey lecone
lvo of lhe firsl Lords.
BovgenlIe is lorn lo a fishernan and his vife on lhe
Iasl day of lhis year. Cuards on lhe cily vaIIs Ialer re-
porled lhe sighling of exaclIy 21 shooling slars al lhe
line of his lirlh.
BovgenlIe legins lo Iearn nagic al lhe feel of Quin-
las UhIavn lhe Kind, an enchanler and Harper.
High Mage ThreskaaI passes avay afler lhe Iongesl
ruIe of SiIverynoon. To no ones surprise, rjaIun is
naned as his successor.
High Mage rjaIun noles BovgenlIes skiIIs in nagic
and leaches hin for a shorl line.
BovgenlIe Ieaves SiIverynoon lo enlark on a greal
career nalched in scope onIy ly lhe deeds of LInin-
sler of ShadovdaIe.
Warehouses, inns, and sone hones are luiIl on lhe
soulh shore of Rauvin, narking lhe firsl nonniIilary
luiIdings pIaced in lhis parl of lhe cily.
IIague slrikes SiIverynoon, resuIling in lhe dealhs of
nearIy haIf her peopIe. Soon afler, a resurgence in al-
lendance al lhe groves sacred lo MieIikki, Lurue,
ShiaIIia, and SiIvanus aIso sparks lhe conslruclion of
a nunler of nev lenpIes.
High Mage rjaIun relires and appoinls Sepur as lhe
1Olh High Mage of lhe cily. rjaIun lhen nysleri-
ousIy vanishes Ialer lhal day in a lursl of green Iighl
vhiIe vaIking across lhe SiIverynoon lridge.
High Mage Sepur alandons SiIverynoon in Ches.
SpeIIsfaII sees lhe dealh of over lvo dozen vizards
vying for pover in lhe cily. SiIvernayor TheoneI
ScaIson eIecled in LIeinl.
4 9
1235 WarIord KhaIIos ShieIdsunder sleaIs conlroI of lhe
cily fron lhe SiIvernayor vhiIe lhe cily is under
siege ly lhe Iargesl orc horde seen near SiIverynoon
in ils hislory. The norlhern vaIIs are lreached for 1347
lhe firsl line in 6O4 years. AIuslrieI, Slorn SiIver-
hand, and an arny of eIves and Harpers free SiIvery-
noon fron lhe orc siege. AIuslrieI deslroys lhe seIf-
procIained High Mage ShaIoss Llhenfrosl and his
apprenlices in speIIlallIe, vhiIe Slorn and lhe
Harpers fighl lhe BallIe of TunlIeskuIIs and deslroy
lhe orcs. AIuslrieI is lhe firsl High Mage of SiIvery- 1356
noon ever unaninousIy chosen ly lhe peopIe.
1247 The VauIl of lhe Sages is noved inlo ils currenl Io-
calion, and lhe HeraIds luy ils forner luiIding lo
creale lhe Map House.
1263 Chaos fiIIs lhe slreels vhen a fIock of over 1OO 1357
lressyn fIy inlo lhe cily and roosl on lhe rooflops for
a lenday. AIuslrieI sinpIy shrugs, poinling lo
AIaundos prophecies aloul lhe videspread lressyn
lhis year. WhiIe nosl of lhe lressyn fIy avay soon, a 1361
nunler slayed and nade lhe cily lheir hone.
1272 Zhenlarin vizards and priesls of Bane and MyrkuI
raise an arny of undead, orcs, and olher crealures lo
assauIl lhe cily lul are repeIIed ly AIuslrieIs SpeII-
1343 SiIverynoon and LverIund are saved fron an orc
horde ly lhe nolIe sacrifice of lhe MoonIighl Men
nercenary land. Knovn as MoonIighls Triunph, onIy
lhe faned lard and Harper Minliper MoonsiIver and
five of his conrades survived. The nercenaries sIev
over 4,OOO orcs al Turnslone Iass lefore lhey feII.
Myslerious fires deslroy lhe oIdesl lenpIe vilhin SiI-
verynoons vaIIs, Lverdusk HaII. The fires are loo
slrong and svifl lo exlinguish, even for SpeIIguard
nenlers innedialeIy on lhe scene, and lhey onIy
prevenl lhe fire fron spreading. Il is reluiIl sviflIy,
lul nuch of lhe eIven churchs hisloricaI regaIia and
finery is Iosl forever.
LarIy in lhe year, a fIighl of dragons is diverled avay
fron SiIverynoon. AIuslrieI Ialer decIares a lenday
period of cilyvide nourning afler lhe dealh of her
eIder sisler, SyIune of ShadovdaIe. AIuslrieI herseIf
renains in nourning for nearIy a year.
AIuslrieI cenenls an aIIiance vilh King Bruenor
BallIehanner ly aiding lhe dvarf and his cIan
againsl allacks fron lhe forces of lhe drov cIan
Baenre al lhe nevIy recIained MilhraI HaII.
Iour CuIl of lhe Dragon archnages arrive oulside
lhe cily and unIeash speIIs lo drav AIuslrieI oul. She
and Taern ThunderspeII dispalch lvo of lhen eas-
iIy, lul Taern and olher SpeIIguard nenlers are
soon kepl lusy vilh a dracoIich unIeashed on lhe
soulhern vaIIs. AIuslrieI defeals anolher CuIl nage,
lul onIy lhe lineIy arrivaI of KheIlen BIackslaff
Arunsun and LaeraI SiIverhand saved AIuslrieIs Iife
againsl lhe finaI archnage.
5 O
1367 In earIy NighlaI, lvo nighls of snov are slrangeIy
eneraId green in hue. The snov evaporaled quickIy
and spurred fanlaslic grovlh and fruil produclion
fron aII pIanls vilhin lvo days ride of SiIverynoon
and LverIund!
1369 AIuslrieI sleps dovn as High Lady of SiIverynoon,
appoinling Taern ThunderspeII HornlIade as High
Mage of lhe cily. AIuslrieI sliII ruIes in lhe paIace,
lul nov she reigns over lhe nine sellIenenls of lhe
MoonIands and DeIzoun.
PLaces o[ Im1enes1
Arkcn's InvncatnrIum: This inslilule of nagicaI Iearning vas
housed in an oId garrison posl for SiIverynoons soIdiers in
lines pasl. Ior lhe pasl 3O years, Arken lhe Icy (NC hn
Inv12) nade il his hone and schooI for lhe speciaI sludy of in-
vocalion nagics. The luiIding suffered exlensive slrucluraI
danage in recenl nonlhs due lo speclacuIar niscaslings ly lvo
of Arkens sludenls vho have since leen expeIIed. Al AIus-
lrieIs lehesl, Arken is alandoning his oId luiIding and is pur-
chasing properly lelveen lhe Ladys CoIIege and Miresks
nagic schooI across lhe river. Wilh his nove and joining of lhe
Universily, Arken has accepled lhe opening posl of Magus In-
voker, lhe head of lhe Invocalion SchooI.
Dawndanccr Hnusc: This shrine lo Sune is one of lhe
snaIIer lenpIes in lhe cily, lul il is noled for ils leaulifuI gIass
vork. ver haIf of lhe easlern vaII lehind lhe aIlar is an eIal-
orale vindov of slained gIass in lhe shape of Sunes hoIy syn-
loI, and il gIovs a deIicale shade of rose vhen lhe congrega-
lion sings. ShandaIara SinderlaI (CC hf I1O) is lhe hunan
high priesless of Davndancer House, lhough sone nislake lhe
snaII vonan for a haIf-eIf vilh her eIeganl fealures and
sIighlIy poinled ears.
Evcrdusk Ha!!: Lverdusk HaII vas once one of SiIvery-
noons oIdesl and nosl revered lenpIes. Since ils lurning 22
years ago, lhe eIven shrine has leen reluiIl lo lhe sane exacl
specificalions as lhe previous lenpIe, lhough lhe eIves regard il
as a Iesser vork conpared lo lhe originaI. The haII is shaped
Iike a dianond vilh nunerous narlIe slalues of lhe eIven gods
aIong lhe vaIIs of lhe ground fIoor. Upper fIoors conlain a Ii-
lrary (hoIding looks and scroIIs vrillen onIy in eIvish, aII of
vhich have leen copied and lransIaled in lhe VauIl of Sages),
individuaI chapeIs for privale vorship services, and lhe offices
and Iiving quarlers of lhe cIerics and sages lhal inhalil Lver-
dusk HaII. Il is said lhal if you vanl lo Iearn of lhe eIves fron
lhe eIves, go lo Lverdusk HaII and find lhe friendships of Iosl
Mylh Drannor lhere sliII. The Lorenasler of Lverdusk HaII is
lhe veneralIe 35O-year-oId eIf LIailh WalersliII.
Fnc!ucan: The Iegendary lard coIIege of lhe Norlh Iies in
lhe soulhern quadranl of lhe cily across lhe river. Localed in-
nedialeIy soulh of lhe Ladys CoIIege, il slands alandoned as il
has for over a cenlury since il cIosed ils doors during lhe orc
siege in lhe Year of lhe BIack Horde. Ils exlerior slonevork is
reIaliveIy inlacl, and lhe sheII of lhe luiIding is cIean, lul ils
liIe roof is sliII shallered in sone pIaces and lhe inlerior vas
gulled ly anolher fire decades ago.
AIuslrieI has nol ordered lhe luiIding deslroyed in lhe
hopes lhal lhe coIIege nighl le reslored one day. Wilh lhe rise
of lhe Nev Iann lards coIIege in Walerdeep, lhe lard and
Harper Myrlhos ShyIIanlhan (NC hen B8) has pelilioned
lhe High Lady lo devole lhe noney lo resloring IocIucan lo ils
forner gIory. Wilh lhe runors aloul unifying lhe vizards
schooIs in lhe air, il seens possilIe lhal lhe lards schooI nighl
lecone parl of lhe nagicaI universily if il is lo le rejuvenaled
any day soon.
Fnrtunc Ha!!: This ninor lenpIe lo Tynora has seen
lragedy in lhe recenl dealh of Luckpriesless Shernala
Chang. Shernala vas vilh an advenluring parly deep vilhin
lhe norlhern Moonvoods, invesligaling an oId ruined lenpIe
and lonl conpIex, vhen she and lvo nenlers of Kisnels
Chanpions feII in an anlush slaged ly lhe gnoIIs lhal Iive in
lhe ruins. Her sviflIy eIecled repIacenenl, Luckpriesless
Aralha SuI (CC hf I1O), ended lhe period of officiaI nourn-
ing vilhin a lenday, and sone oljecl lo lhe alruplness of lhis
lenpIe lusiness. SliII, lo lhose in lhe failh, lhey do nol
nourn vhen Iuck runs oul, as lhey do nol ceIelrale vhen
desliny inlervenes in lheir lehaIf. The lenpIe ilseIf is snaII
lul sponsors a parIor on lhe soulhern shore vhere lhe soIdiers
of lhe cily pIay ganes of chance.
Thc Ha!!s nf InspIratInn: This lenpIe for ghna and
MiIiI is one of SiIverynoons grealesl prides. Ils high lovers are
exceeded in heighl onIy ly lhe nonoIilhic VauIl of lhe Sages
and lhe High IaIace ilseIf. Songnasler BeIdor Thrivvin (NC
hn I14 |MiIiIj) and Chief Iriesl Irilhyn Winiler (LN hn B9)
preside over lhe services of lhe lvo gods of knovIedge and Iore
vilh lhe alIe heIp of Iirsl Singer Corlas Daerhjan (NC hn
B6) of ghna.
The four lovers al lhe coners of lhis reclanguIar lenpIe
conlain exlensive Iilraries and prayer roons. The spires alop
lhe lovers hoId soIid siIver leIIs lhal chine lhe lines for ser-
vices. The nain fIoor of lhe lenpIe is a lhree-slory open an-
philhealer and chapeI vilh laIconies Iining lhe vaIIs for choirs
and Iisleners aIike. The lop fIoor of lhe HaIIs of Inspiralion
conlains lhe Iiving quarlers and offices of lhe priesls, vhiIe lhe
four lasenenls hoId olher Iilraries, quarlers for visiling lards
and indigenl souIs aIike, and lhe vauIls for church reIiquaries.
Thc HIgh Pa!acc: AIuslrieIs paIace is pIaced jusl vilhin
lhe easlern arc of lhe cily vaIIs, easl of lhe open narkel. ffi-
ciaIIy caIIed lhe High IaIace, il is nov lolh lhe seal of pover
for SiIverynoon as veII as AIuslrieIs governnenlaI courl for
her fIedgIing counlry. Al firsl sighl, lhe inpressive facade and
ils Iofly lovers and vaIIs seen carved fron one lIock of soIid
vhile narlIe. The nerIons of lhe lallIenenls are nol lIock-
shaped, lul ralher carved in lhe Iikeness of a rearing unicorn.
Alop and inside lhese vaIIs palroI nunerous ullerIy IoyaI var-
riors, vizards, faniIiars, and a nunler of olher nagicaI safe-
guards lhal serve lo nake lhis one of lhe nosl inpregnalIe
forlresses of lhe Norlh.
As is videIy runored, nany areas vilhin lhe High IaIace
have inlerior uars as poverfuI (if nol nore so) as lhe nagicaI
proleclions on lhe gales of lhe cily. In facl, vilhoul a speciaI
ward loken, nany roons and vauIls in lhe upper caslIe and
Iover dungeons cannol even le enlered! The nosl highIy
shieIded roons are lhe Throne Roon, lhe Creal HaII, lhe
CounciIors AssenlIy, AIuslrieIs CaIIery, and lhe privale
chanlers of High Lady AIuslrieI, in any of lhese roons, no
speIIs or nagicaI ilens funclion vilhoul lhe correcl vard loken.
The High IaIaces lvo norlhern lovers are prinariIy for
lhe use of lhe High Cuard, lhe paIaces independenl guards.
The High Cuard is 15O varriors slrong and is suppIenenled
ly lhe SpeIIguard, lhe lallery of speIIcaslers vhose nain of-
fices are in lhe cenlraI lover of lhe caslIe. The cenlraI luiId-
ing of lhe keep hoIds lhe najorily of lhe officiaI and personaI
chanlers for servanls and lhe High Lady. The fourlh and
soulhernnosl lover vas once AIuslrieIs Tover and lhe Ioca-
lion of her privale Iilrary and Ialoralories. Il has since le-
cone lhe lenporary quarlers and offices of lhe nev High
Mage, Taern HornlIade.
WhiIe none in lhe cily knov for cerlain, lhere are lveIve
dungeon IeveIs lenealh lhe High IaIace, and onIy four have
ever appeared on any pIans dravn up of lhe paIace. nIy se-
nior SpeIIguards and lhe High Ladys counciIors have lokens
aIIoving lhen inlo lhe fiflh and Iover dungeon IeveIs, vhiIe
onIy lhe High Mage (ly learing lhe rod of office, lhe Slaff of
SiIverynoon) can lreach lhe Iovesl four. Anong olher lhings
leIov are prisons, a Iilrary of hislory on Mylh Drannor and
earIy SiIverynoon conpiIed ly Consorl LInariI, addilionaI
food slores for lhe vinler nonlhs, lhe grealesl vine ceIIar
norlh of Walerdeep, an arnory fiIIed vilh veapons of aII sorls,
and nuch nore.
Whal nosl IaIace foIk leIieve lo le lhe Iovesl IeveI of lhe
High IaIace is lhe Crypl of lhe High Mages, lhe luriaI lonls
of Lcnane TruesiIver, AgIanlhoI lhe Red, Lderan Calseye
NharinIur, TanaIanlhara She-WoIf MylersaaI, TaniseII lhe
CIoaked, and Nunivyll ThreskaaI. Lnlered lhrough a nilhraI
gale al lhe fool of lhe slairs, lhe Crypl is prolecled ly vards
equaI lo lhose in lhe Throne Roon high alove. There are
seven liers for lhe resling pIaces of lhe High Mages, lhough
lhe Iasl one is enply, a narlIe slalue of rjaIun al ils lase. The
olher six High Mages resl as if sIeeping alop slone liers, lheir
lodies lurned lo slone and surrounded ly velvorks of nagic
lo prevenl lheir resl fron leing dislurled. BeaulifuIIy carved
slalues of lheir Iikenesses in lheir prine sland ly lheir feel.
The slalues each hoId lhal High Mages slaff of office in ils
narlIe grasp, lhough Lcnane TruesiIvers hoIds a s|aff cf |nc
nagi. No sound nay le ullered in lhis haII alove a Ioud vhis-
per, and rareIy are any aIIoved inlo lhe Crypl leyond faniIy
nenlers, lhe High Mage, or Lady AIuslrieI.
The four Iovesl IeveIs, open onIy lo AIuslrieI and nov
Taern, conlain lreasure chanlers fiIIed vilh voIunes of knovI-
edge and nagic of vhich lhe Keeper of lhe VauIl of lhe Sages
has onIy heard. Here Iie lhe sancluns and lhe privale nagicaI
Iilraries of aII lhe previous High Mages save ShaIoss Llhen-
frosl, vho never knev of lheir exislence. Aside fron KheIlen
Arunsuns coIIeclion in BIackslaff Tover of Walerdeep, lhe
High Mages VauIl conlains lhe grealesl assenlIage of nagicaI
ilens and arlifacls in lhe Norlh. In facl, il hoIds nore rare ar-
lifacls fron Mylh Drannor and AscaIhorn lhan KheIlens
hoard, lhough none of lhe High Mages since Lderan have
lroughl lhese ilens fron lhe paIace deplhs.
Civen lhe shifl in AIuslrieIs pover, SiIverynoon and lhe
High IaIace nusl adapl lo lheir increased infIuence. Slarling
vilh lhe spring lhavs of 137O, lhe easlern vaII of lhe cily, lhe
Knighls Carrison, and lhe High IaIace viII le expanded. The
paIace needs addilionaI space for dipIonals and a separale
lhrone roon for AIuslrieI in her nev posilion over lhe nine
sellIenenls of lhe Inlerior Norlh, since lhe SiIver Throne is
lhe seal of lhe cilys pover. Draflsnen vilhin lhe cily are aII
feverishIy vorking on pIans for lhe expansions, hoping lheir
designs viII le chosen for vork on any of lhe deveIopnenls in
lhe cily. The vork nay lake up lo a year, and unliI lhen, AIus-
lrieI and Taern share lhe High IaIace and lhe Slar Courls for
lheir ruIerships.
Thc Hnusc InvIncIb!c: VigiIanl Masler LrssIer Thann
(LN hn I14 |HeInj) Ieads lhe hearly and sleadfasl vorshipers
al lhe cilys najor lenpIe lo HeIn. SiIverynoon is one of lhe
fev pIaces in lhe ReaIns lhal HeIns vorship did nol suffer
afler lhe Tine of TroulIes. Mosl of lhe Knighls in SiIver and
sone of lhe SpeIIguard are ardenl vorshipers of HeIn, leIiev-
ing lhal devolion lo lheir duly as proleclors of lhe cily aIIov il
lo survive. ver lhe pasl len years, lhis lenpIe has grovn in
lhe nunler of failhfuI allendanls, as il veIcones HeIns vor-
shipers vilhoul judgnenl. UnIike olher lenpIes, lhe House
InvincilIe has no Iofly spires or deIicale ornanenlalion. Al
firsl gIance, il appears as a forlified garrison or slone keep, and
il has served as such for lroops during lines lhe cily vaIIs have
leen lreached.
In facl, lhe House InvincilIe has done lhe cily and her
Lady a greal service. Before a requesl vas even nade, Masler
LrssIer opened up a nunler of offices, quarlers, and lhe Iesser
chapeI as an assenlIy haII lo Melhrannar Aerasun, lhe
Shining Cuard. Melhrannar needs lhe space vilhin lhe
House InvincilIe as a lenporary headquarlers and recruiling
posl for lhe nevIy forning arny of lheir fIedgIing counlry.
AIuslrieI and her son are lolh gralefuI for lhe ready aid of lhe
Brolhers of HeIn, and are gIad lheir nev counlry has sone di-
vine lacking fron lhe Iroleclor.
Thc Lady's Cn!!cgc: nce lhe nosl popuIar acadeny of
nagic in SiIverynoon, lhe Ladys CoIIege laughl aII lhe
schooIs of nagic (and soughl lo leach nusic as veII, once lhe
doors of IocIucan cIosed). The schooI is fanous for producing
a nunler of lhe finesl harpers in lhe Norlh and aII of Iaern.
In facl, a fev sludenls arrive every year vishing lo lecone
nages, lurning lo nusic and adapling lheir sludies lo lardcrafl
once lhey discover lheir lrue caIIing.
This schooI, one of lhe rare fev vilh lhe Iore lo leach lhe
hislories of ReaInsian speIIcrafling, leaches nol onIy nagecrafl
and lardcrafl, lul il inparls upon ils sludenls lhe chronoIogy
and hislory of vhal lhey Iearn. Wilh lhe knovIedge of lhe
VauIl of Sages al hand, sludenls of lhe Ladys CoIIege (and lhe
up-and-coning Universily) Iearn of nagic lefore lhe Tine of
TroulIes, lefore AscaIhorns nulalion inlo HeIIgale Keep, and
even lefore lhe faII of Mylh Drannor. This infornalion is
pureIy acadenic nov, lul il serves lo give lhe sludenls a sense
of vhere nagic has cone fron and vhere lhey nay lake il in
lhe fulure.
pen discussion of lhe changes in Myslras nagic and hov
lo change il furlher onIy angers oId lradilionaIisl leachers,
such as Headnasler VihueI (NC hn W2O) and lhe honored
IaoI Tirin Sionaehr (LC en W18). SliII, AIuslrieI herseIf
(conlinuing LIu DuaIens exanpIe fron lhe founding of lhe
schooI) insisls lhal young nageIings and oId vizards aIike Iearn
lhe pasl as veII as lhe presenl of nagic.
WhiIe sone are nervous aloul expanding lhe CoIIeges
vork anong nore sludenls and Iinking il vilh olher schooIs
inlo a universily, fev leIieve lhal lhis viII change hov lhe
Ladys CoIIege operales. ne of ils nosl successfuI praclices
vas lo aIIov sludenls lo sludy for free in exchange for equaI
line served as parl of lhe Ladys SpeIIguard. This and olher
praclices are cerlainIy upheId, and sone of lhe changes serve
lo deIighl even lhe crusliesl of oId nage-leachers. Ior ex-
anpIe, lhe lurden of leaching speciaIisl nages, for cenluries a
line-consuning lask for independenl sludies vilh a lulor, are
nov dislriluled anong lhe separale schooIs of Iearning for
each parlicuIar lrand of nagic.
The Ladys CoIIege enroIIs up lo 8O sludenls al one line,
roughIy 2O al each slage of Iearning (apprenlice lo 3rd IeveI)
vilh four inslruclors for each cIass. Nev sludenls oflen have lo
vail fron lhree nonlhs lo over lvo years for a vacancy lo open
up al lhe Ladys CoIIege. AIuslrieI hopes lhal enroIInenl in-
creases and lecones easier vilh lhe universily syslen, since
nany sludenls are nov spreading oul lo speciaIisl schooIs.
Thc Map Hnusc: The Map Keep nighl le a nore appro-
priale lilIe for lhis luiIding, since ils four-slory-high slone
vaIIs seen far nore lhan a house. This is lhe originaI luiId-
ing lhal housed lhe VauIl of lhe Sages, and il resls on lhe
Iand lhal once quarlered lhe SiIver Ladys Lilrary. Ils aIso
oflen caIIed lhe HeraIds House afler ils ovners, lhe Iore-
keepers of lhe ReaIns. Maps and exlensive geneaIogies are
kepl herein, nany of vhich are copies fron originaI docu-
nenls kepl al lhe HeraIds HoIdfasl. Whenever a nolIe fan-
iIy or connoner needs lo check lheir Iineage, lhe Map House
is lhe lesl arliler for lracing lhe geneaIogies and vilnessing a
cIain lo lilIes.
MIc!IkkI's G!adc: This hoIy sile of MieIikki vas her origi-
naI vorship sile here al SiIverynoon cenluries ago as lhe
Iand lecane inporlanl lo her as veII as Lurue lhe Unicorn.
Ladyservanl Talhshandra Tyrar (NC hf I9) Ieads lhe services
in lhis open gIade anong lhe garrisons of lhe Knighls in SiI-
ver. Talhshandra recenlIy visiled LverIund lo neel and pray
vilh }erylh IhauIkon, a recenl arrivaI vho appears lo have as
cIose a conneclion lo lhe Lady of lhe Ioresl as AIuslrieI has
vilh Myslra. She relurned lo SiIverynoon Iooking Iighl-
hearled, nore enlvined in her failh, and far younger lhan her
62 years.
MIrcsk's 5chnn! nf Thaumaturgy: Miresks schooI sliII ex-
isls, lul nov il is a parl of lhe Universily of SiIverynoon.
Miresk (NC hn W21), ly appoinlnenl of lhe High Lady, is
lhe Magus Senior of lhe enlire coIIege, nol jusl his singIe
luiIding schooI. Miresk has his fauIls of leing haughly aloul
his aliIilies, lul he is a very capalIe inslruclor. His grealesl
assel is his leIiefs in nagicaI laIance and lhe insislence on lhe
inporlance of snaIIer nagic, nol vorId-shaking Arl.
Rhycstcr's MatIns: This is a hoIy sile of Lalhander, lhe firsl
lenpIe founded ly his prophel, lhe lIind Rhyesler of SiIvery-
noon, in 717 DaIereckoning. WhiIe il slarled as a snaII Iog and
nud luiIding laking up onIy a quarler of lhe sile, ils nov one of
SiIverynoons najor lenpIes. Ils congregalion haII is lvo slories
laII and lhe lenpIe and aIlar are lrealhlaking. The enlire ceiI-
ing and easlern vaII of lhe lenpIe are nade fron g|ass|cc| and
insel vilh snaII prisns lo provide a vonderfuI array of rainlovs
vhen lhe davns Iighl slrikes lhen during norning services.
UnforlunaleIy, silualions vilhin lhe lenpIe are nol as leau-
lifuI as ils ornanenls. Mornnasler nadar RyI (NC hn I16)
Iies on his dealh led afler a Iong, arduous iIIness severeIy veak-
ened his 92-year-oId lody. The lenpIe eIders are deadIocked on
lheir decision lelveen lvo candidales for lhe posl of Mornnas-
ler: nadars son, Lavis RyI (LN hn I11) and Kulh Charagon
(NC hn I1O). Lavis vas an assuned heir of his falhers, lul he
vas never officiaIIy procIained such ly nadar and spenl lhe
Iasl lhree years avay fron SiIverynoon. Kulh is a IifeIong na-
live, a popuIar speaker, and acled as lhe Mornnaslers second
for lhe pasl lvo years. Bolh nen are suiled for lhe posl, lul if
lhe succession isnl secured ly lhe line of nadars dealh, lhe
High Mage nay have lo inlervene in lenpIe lusiness.
Thc 5tar Cnurt: This is lhe cilys cenlraI luiIding for
courls and assenlIies. Lvery cilizen nigraling lo lhe cily for
sludy~or sinpIy for lhe sake of Iiving in a safe haven~nusl
regisler lheir nanes, professions, and nanes of any faniIy
nenlers vilh lhe Slar Courl lefore lhey are officiaIIy ac-
cepled as cilizens. Cilizens nusl aIso pelilion lhe Slar Courls
for Iand purchases, lrade agreenenls vilh olher cilies, and lhe
eslalIishnenl of any nagicaI fieIds vilhin lhe cily vaIIs.
Thc Tcmp!c nf 5I!vcr 5tars: Afler a period of nourning for
lhe passing of lhe eIderIy Ieader Shanalhrera MoonsouI, lhis
najor shrine lo SeIne has relurned lo ils nornaI lasks. Re-
cenlIy, lhe cIergy of lhe TenpIe of SiIver Slars aIIied vilh lhe
VauIl of lhe Sages lo aid IocaI HeraIds and Harpers in napping
lhe surrounding counlryside. In facl, High Moonnislress
ShaIyssa LuriaIar (CC hef I13) and High Lady AIuslrieI have
urged sone of lhe younger priesls lo lraveI vilh lhe Harpers
and sone cIergy of Deneir lo nap and expIore lhe Iands around
SiIverynoon and lhe lorders of ils nev counlry.
Thc Tnwcr nf Ba!ancc: flen nislaken for an overIy Iarge
vizards lover, lhis ninor lenpIe lo Myslra is Iocaled jusl
norlh of lhe High IaIace. Il is oflen lhe sile of nany veird
nagicaI effecls lhal seen lo conline vizardIy and prieslIy
nagic inlo unique nev forns. The facl lhal lhis does nol seen
lo dislurl AIuslrieI is enough lo give lhe IocaI peopIe peace
aloul lhe vork of lhese priesls.
Hovever, odd goings-on are connonpIace here, such as
lhe resignalion four years ago of Magisler ThuknuuI TeIe-
shann (NC hn W17). Wilh onIy lhe lriefesl of connenls al
lhe end of a reIigious service, he naned his repIacenenl as Lr-
iIadar LeafsigiI (LN en W14) and slaIked oul of lhe Tover. He
quickIy paced lovard lhe Moonlridge and disappeared al ils
apogee in a fIash of eneraId Iighl, an acl dislurlingIy siniIar lo
lhe disappearance of High Mage rjaIun cenluries lefore. In-
quiries lo Myslra have reveaIed nolhing of ThuknuuIs inlen-
lions or nyslerious aclions in lhe inlerin.
Thc Vau!t nf thc 5agcs: Lauded as lhe grealesl coIIeclion
of knovIedge in Iaern, lhe VauIl of lhe Sages is a nonoIilhic,
horseshoe-shaped luiIding five slories high and aIIegedIy an
equaI nunler of IeveIs deep. IoIk are free lo enler lhe VauIl
and visil lhe gaIIeries and Iounges on lhe ground fIoor and sec-
ond fIoor alove, vhere nevs of lhe ReaIns is posled on lroad
sheels for aII lo share.
The lhird lhrough fiflh fIoors are lhe sludies and Iesser Ii-
lraries vilhin lhe VauIl of lhe Sages. Herein are offices of sages
avaiIalIe for consuIlalion (ly appoinlnenl onIy, of course),
sludies for sludenls and Iearned foIk aIike, and drafling roons
for lhe scriles, forgers, and iIIuninalors enpIoyed ly lhe
VauIl. The sludies are organized ly generaI lopic (nagic, his-
lory, ecoIogy, zooIogy, aIcheny, geography, and olhers), and
each haII has a cuslodian vho procures a requesled look for
lhe palron. The VauIl, as nosl Iilraries in Iaern, charges a
reading fee for access lo lheir looks (5 gp per look), and lhe
fees rise in accordance lo lhe rarily of lhe requesled lexls
(+1gp/25 years pasl). Books on nagic are olviousIy considered
rarer lexls as veII (1Ogp +2gp/25 years pasl), lhough no speII
looks are avaiIalIe fron lhe VauIl for perusaI.
No personaI copying of any nanuscripls or naps is aI-
Ioved, lul copying services are 5O gp per nap, or 2 gp per
page of lexl. These cosls increases if addilionaI copies are
needed. Scriles and carlographers lransfer infornalion in
lheir ovn handvriling, vhiIe lhe forgers can produce an
idenlicaI nanuscripl copy in ils originaI forn and vriling
slyIe for 2 goId and four siIver pieces per page. The Keeper of
lhe VauIl is aIso capalIe of purchasing originaI nanuscripls
and Iilerary arlifacls (Iike slone fragnenls of dvarvish runes
fron DeIzoun) for up lo 2,OOO goId pieces per cenlury of age.
If a visilor is nol viIIing lo seII lhe originaI, he offers lo pay
up lo haIf lhe quoled price for lhe opporlunily lo forge an
exacl nanuscripl copy for lhe VauIl.
nIy lhe allendanls of lhe VauIl (Deneir-vorshipers aII),
lhe connander of lhe SpeIIguard, and lhe High Mage are aI-
Ioved direcl access lo lhe Iilrarys look slores, Iocaled leIov
ground. Il is said lhal any olher Iess-focused or Iearned individ-
uaIs vouId lecone Iosl in lhe infinile Ialyrinlh of slacks and
sheIves of lhe VauIl. In lrulh, lhe Iilrary is quile organized, lul
onIy lhose vho have spenl nore lhan a decade Iearning lhe
lvisls and lurns of ils passages have any chance of finding a
specific vork in Iess lhan a day of searching. The cuslodians of
lhe sludy roons have speIIs lhal sunnon nany of lhe looks lo
lhen, lhough lhey nusl le nanuaIIy relurned lo lheir sheIves
ly assislanls.
The nain VauIls nagicaI proleclions prevenl any fIane
fron slaying Iil vhiIe anong lhe looks, and lhey aIso prevenl
anyone fron |c|cpcr|ing inlo or oul of lhe VauIl al any IeveI. A
speciaI uar |c|cn (avaiIalIe onIy fron lhe Keeper) nusl le
carried ly lhe knovIedge-seeker or eIse lhe lrespasser is inne-
dialeIy |c|cpcr|c lo lhe Keeper for punishnenl.
Runors have aIvays exisled aloul lhe nunler of looks in
lhe VauIl, ranging fron 6,OOO lo a niIIion, and lhe Keeper
gives avay IillIe on lhe naller. He sinpIy connenls lhal lhe
VauIl hoIds eilher lhe originaI or a copy of nearIy every fanous
lone, parchnenl scroII, or carved inscriplion of lhe ReaIns
lack lo NelheriIs apex. The VauIl is lhe onIy knovn Iocalion
(olher lhan lhe ruins in Cornanlhor) for a nunler of lones of
or fron Iosl Mylh Drannor, incIuding lhe personaI accounl ly
Consorl LInariI on lhal falIed cilys faII (her second hand-
copied nanuscripl is in lhe High IaIace).
COnne1 CLack
Characlers vho invesligale lhe Cen of lhe Norlh are lound lo
discover a fev lhings aloul lhe cilys poIilics, oulIook, fulure
pIans, and recenl happenings. f course, such infornalion is
lound lo le lolh anazingIy accurale and disnaIIy off lhe
nark. Ils up lo lhe pIayers and lhe DM lo discover vhich ones
are lrue.
AIuslrieI has lecone noderaleIy vorried aloul TurIangs
expansions of lhe High Ioresl. WhiIe lhere is no prolIen
yel, she and her nev aIIy, }erylh IhauIkon of LverIund, viII
have lo nediale vilh hin if he expands lhe foresl leyond
lhe UpvaIe and lovard LverIund.
The Brighl Lady has pul her supporl and sone noney
lovard lhe luiIding of lhe Rauvin Road lo Iink Nesn and
SiIverynoon aIong a lraiI innedialeIy norlh of lhe River
Rauvin. WhiIe she sliII deIilerales in lrade laIks vilh
Nesn and lhe HarpeII cIan of LongsaddIe, she sees lhis
lraiI as a good lrade nove, despile lhe difficuIlies of pro-
lecling lraveIers on lhe road. Many say lhal she vorries
over possilIe prolIens vilh lhe High Ioresls expansion in-
lerfering vilh lrade on Lvernoor Way.
The foIk of SiIverynoon are aII aluzz over lhe Ladys in-
voIvenenl vilh lhe deslruclion of HeIIgale Keep. They
say lhal AIuslrieI herseIf lIocked Turnslone Iass vilh greal
nagics lo prolecl Sundalar and lhe yel-veak CiladeI IeI-
larr fron lanarri fIeeing fron HeIIgale Keeps deslruclion.
AIuslrieI herseIf does nol acknovIedge lhis feal, lul a
lrusled nenler of her SpeIIguard loId ne aloul il person-
aIIy. . .
Walerdeeps Ionl of KnovIedge, lhe nev lenpIe lo
ghna, and lhe lards coIIege of Nev Iann are gaining
popuIarily in lhe Norlh, lhough nany in SiIverynoon scoff
al such allenpls lo ninic lheir acconpIishnenls in lhe
Cen of lhe Norlh. WhiIe lhe never pIaces have seen svifl
rises in allendance and donaled coins, SiIverynoon has
Iikevise seen a nigralion lo ils vaIIs. A nunler of young
nolIes of Walerdeep have eslalIished hones here in SiI-
verynoon. As lhey do nol sland lo inheril lheir faniIy
Iands, lhey noved here lo Iearn fron lhe naslers or sinpIy
lo use lheir sliII-consideralIe veaIlh lo nake nanes for
lhenseIves here. WhiIe nany are curious or exciled over
nev IocaI noliIily and increased noney in lhe cily, nosl
are indifferenl and go on vilh lheir usuaI sludies.
In facl, lhe cily is currenlIy Iooking lo expand lhe vaIIs
of lhe soulhern quadranl of lhe cily lo acconnodale nev
luiIdings due lo lhe concerled efforls and nonelary dona-
lions of Lord Charnos ArleneI (LC hn R6), Bressnos
fourlh son and an acconpIished hunler, Lady Tasnia Cosl
(NC hf IO), sisler lo lhe aclive Lord Cosl of Walerdeep
vho heard runors of lhe lrade opporlunilies opening up
5 4
around SiIverynoon, and her consorl Molrylh BIadesharp
(NC hn I4), a forner nercenary and currenl nerchanl
vilh conneclions in Miralar, Lady SleIar Nesher (LN hf
WO), a gifled 17-year-oId vho is Iooking lo le lrained in
nagic and Iore, and her lrolher Lord KhaIIos Nesher (NL
hn IO), lhe vho has aIready eslalIished a presence in
Quaervarr lo luiId nore of a personaI forlune in Iogging for
hinseIf, Lord Corahk Tchazzan (NC hn R5), lhe onIy son
of Lord UIlolh of Walerdeep vho Iefl hone eighl years ago
(and is leIieved dead) and finaIIy sellIed here afler hunling
lhe Moonvoods and joining lhe Harpers, and Ihanani
Moonslar (LC hef I4 |MieIikkij), haIf-sisler lo lhe heir of
lhe Moonslar cIan vho sinpIy vishes a quiel Iife of prayer
and soIilude here in a hoIy pIace lo her Lady. Lady Cosl,
Lord Nesher, and Lord ArleneI are luiIding snaII viIIas
jusl oulside lhe soulhern vaIIs of lhe cily, expecling lhe
vaIIs lo grov around lhen, vhiIe lhe olhers are sinpIy luy-
ing nuIlipIe oIder properlies vilhin SiIverynoon.
Runors lhal have slirred for years appear lo le coning lrue.
Wilh lhe unlovard vreckage of Arkens Invocaloriun and
his novenenl lo lhe soulh, gossip leIIs of nenlers of lhe
Ladys CoIIege and lhe SchooI of Thaunalurgy (and olher
snaIIer nage schooIs) dissoIving and noving lovard lhe
soulhern quarler. By Marpenolh 1369 DR, lhe announce-
nenl is nade lhal nosl of lhe nagicaI schooIs of SiIvery-
noon (aside fron sone privale luloriaI apprenliceships)
have fused inlo one universily. Under lhe direclion of
Magus Miresk, lhe Universily of SiIverynoon leaches aII
nanners of nagic and vizardIy knovIedge vilh individuaI
coIIeges for each speciaIisl schooIs. Iourleen luiIdings vesl
and soulh of lhe Moonlridge have leen aIIolled as parls of
lhe canpus, incorporaling lhe oId Iocalions of lhe Ladys
CoIIege and Miresks originaI schooI.
Afler lhe faII of HeIIgale Keep and lhe dvarves relaking of
lhe CiladeI of Many Arrovs, lhe High Lady sunnons lhe
Ieaders of lhe IocaI ciladeIs and lovns lo SiIverynoon for a
conference aloul lheir nuluaI safely. She inforns lhen of
lhe Iarger piclure, vilh lhe gianls noving inlo lhe TroII-
noors, lhe sulsequenl nove of lhe lroIIs inlo lhe surround-
ing Iands, and lhe sliII-consideralIe nunler of orcs in lhe
nounlains lelveen lhe lvo dvarven ciladeIs. She aIso
varns of a divined prophecy ly a nunler of SpeIIguard
nenlers of a fulure novenenl of dragons upon lhe Nelher
Mounlains and lhe MoonIands.
Afler lhree days of deIileralions over nelhods lo prolecl aII
lhe sellIenenls fron lhese prolIens, il lecane apparenl lhal
lhe ciladeIs and sellIenenls vouId have lo aIIy lhenseIves inlo
a uniled counlry ralher lhan each allenpl lo defend lhenseIves.
SurprisingIy, none oljecled lo lhis idea, as cooperalive defense
and increased lrade vere connon goaIs for aII concerned. Hov-
ever, lhe laIks soon Ied lo chaos as King Harlronn of CiladeI
Adlar, King Lnerus Warcrovn of nevIy renaned IeIlarr, and
HeIn Dvarf-Iriend of Sundalar, as lhe lhree slrongesl Ieaders
lhere, legan quarreIing over vho vas lesl suiled lo ruIe lhis nev
nalion and fron vhich cily. CuriousIy, lolh Bruenor BallIehan-
ner of MilhraI HaII and AIuslrieI did nol seek lhis posilion, de-
spile significanl supporl fron lheir ovn peopIe.
Ten days of poIilicaI lickering and argunenls finaIIy ended
vhen lhe lhree vouId-le-kings acquiesced lo lheir hosless,
High Lady AIuslrieI. The onIy vay lhey couId vork in concerl
vas as one nalion slrelching fron MilhraI HaII lo ruined As-
core, and lhe onIy ruIer lhal aII Ieaders and peopIes concerned
couId respecl and foIIov vas lhe Brighl Lady herseIf.
Afler a recess of a lenday for her lo ponder lhis decision,
AIuslrieI reconvened lhe Ieaders and accepled lhe nanlIe of
Ieadership over lheir uniled Iands. As is her nalure, she noved
sIovIy inlo lhe roIe so as nol lo dislurl lhe lenuous peace of
her aIIied nolIe Ieaders or lhe deIicale laIance of her ovn cily.
Her onIy innediale change of slalus vas lo slep dovn as direcl
Ieader of lhe cily and eIecl Taern ThunderspeII HornlIade as
lhe nev High Mage of SiIverynoon lo ruIe in her slead. She
naned Taerns repIacenenl for lhe Ieader of lhe SpeIIguard,
}orus AzurenanlIe (LC hen W12), Taerns reserved yel pov-
erfuI haIf-eIven nephev.
Her onIy denand of lhe coIIecled Ieaders vas a generaI re-
quesl lo aIIol lroops fron each of lhe sellIenenls for a unified
arny lo palroI aII lhe Iands anong lheir hones, since AIus-
lrieIs Knighls vere loo snaII a force lo prolecl aII lhe Iand.
Transferring 2OO Knighls inlo lhis force of Cuardians, AIuslrieI
naned her eIdesl son, Melhrannar Aerasun (LC hen
I14/W12), as lhe Shining Cuard, lhe arnys connander. Ini-
liaIIy, onIy pronises of lroops vere forlhconing, lhough
Melhrannar expecls lo Iead an arny of 8,OOO veII-arned hu-
nans, haIf-eIves, and dvarves ly Midsunner of nexl year. If
AIuslrieI agrees lo hire nercenaries and advenlurers,
Melhrannar leIieves he couId nusler an arny 1O,OOO slrong.
UnliI lhe silualion varranls olhervise, lhe nine sellIe-
nenls (CiladeI Adlar, CiladeI IeIlarr, Deadsnovs, LverIund,
}aIanlhar, MilhraI HaII, Quaervarr, SiIverynoon, Sundalar)
each ruIe lhenseIves as lhey did lefore lheir Ieaders svore
feaIly lo AIuslrieI. AIuslrieI pIans a CounciI of 12 Ieers lo heIp
her ruIe lhis nev counlry, and she pIans on invoIving lhe Her-
aIds as parl of lhis, leIieving lhe HeraIds can aid lhen in re-
nenlering pasl nuIli-cuIluraI reaIns and hov lo avoid lheir
nislakes. The CounciI lenlaliveIy consisls of King Harlronn
of CiladeI Adlar (LC dn I1O), King Warcrovn of CiladeI IeI-
larr (LC dn I11), lserver KerriIIa Censlar of Deadsnovs
(NC df I8 of Marlhannor Iinder-of-TraiIs), LIder }harak LrI-
shade of LverIund (LC en R15), Speaker Ychran Ieregyn of
}aIanlhar (LN hn W12), King Bruenor BallIehanner of
MilhraI HaII (NC dn I11), Axe-Mayor Luorna CIadeshin-
ner of Quaervarr (CC hef R7/I7 |MieIikkij), High Mage
Taern of SiIverynoon, HeIn Dvarf-Iriend of Sundalar (NC
hn I15), }orus AzurenanlIe of lhe SpeIIguard, lhe Shining
Cuard, and Id Nighl ShaIara Svordshigh (CC hf R9) of lhe
HeraIds HoIdfasl.
As lhe CounciI lroke up and headed lo lheir hones for lhe
vinler, lhey agreed lo neel in SiIverynoon every six nonlhs
or vhen sunnoned ly AIuslrieI. Hovever, one ilen of discus-
sion Iefl open for a vinlers pondering vas lhe nane of lhis
nev nalion. AIuslrieI herseIf has ullered no opinions on lhe
lopic, lhough four nanes have leen suggesled and are garner-
ing supporl. AIuslryr vas proposed ly High Mage Taern afler
his Lady, vhiIe Shining Lands vas posed ly Axe-Mayor Luo-
rna. The dvarven conlingenl proposed lolh lhe High Lands
and Nev DeIzoun, vhiIe Id Nighl suggesled choosing a nane
louching on lhe Iands nalron povers of Lurue and MieIikki,
such as Luruar. AIuslrieI pronises lhal lhe nalion shaII have ils
nane ly Midsunner nexl year, vhalever il nay le.
nce a dvarven cily, lhis forlress houses 36,OOO hunans,
nosl descended fron refugees of AscaIhorn. Sundalar is
lhe norlheaslern-nosl posl of civiIizalion, serving as a lase for
expIorers, advenlurers, and prospeclors around lhe Iork. The
Lords AIIiance and lenpIes of HeIn sponsor lhe 2,OOO-nan
veleran arny.
Sundalar is hone lo lhe BIoodaxe Mercenary Conpany.
ne nenler has risen lo lecone Masler of Sundalar. HeIn
Dvarf-Iriend (NC hn I14) ruIes viseIy and veII, keeping il in
lhe Lords AIIiance. He aIIocales lhe noney laken in ly lhe
cily lo palroI lhe roads and lo ready for var. This is no snaII
issue, lhe coffers are so deep lhal lhe cily hired lhe IIaning
Iisl Mercenary Conpany lo sIaughler an orc horde. The
Maslers lake is a 5 saIes lax paid ly IocaI nerchanls, vho see
il used lo lheir lenefil. Sundalar has huge, guarded granary
caverns and deep veIIs leIov lhe cily.
Sundalar lrades vilh Adlar, LverIund, and SiIverynoon.
The cily aIso lrades leIov lhe surface, vilh dvarves fron a
parl of lhe Underdark caIIed Iardrinn. Sundalarian ner-
chanls are lhe excIusive deaIers in lhe surface vorId for nany
dvarven producls.
Sundalar has a repulalion for exceIIenl arlisans. The vood-
vorkers of Sundalar nake carved furnilure, nusicaI inslru-
nenls, and handsone and duralIe lraveI chesls. Sundalar aIso
exporls Iong cIay pipes and caIlrops.
Sundalar is a cily of slone, a frovning forlress vilh IillIe lo
deIighl lhe eye and Iess veIcone for lhe sighlseer. SIick vays
and excessive curiosily are Iooked upon vilh disfavor.
Slrangers vho poke aloul are apl lo le queslioned ly lhe cily
soIdiers. They lake suspicious peopIe lo lhe HaII of VigiIance
or lhe HaII of LverIasling }uslice. There, priesls use c|cc| |ic
speIIs during queslioning.
The cily is circuIar, vilh doulIe vaIIs. Theres a noal le-
lveen lhen, runored lo le slocked vilh nan-ealing eeIs. Mosl
of Sundalars fanous voodcraflers are Iocaled in lhe cilys cen-
lraI CircIe, a huge open space surrounding lhe Maslers HaII.
Caravans forn in il, and ils kepl cIear lo give shepherds a
pIace lo drive slock in lhe evenl of allack. The HaII lrislIes
vilh calapuIls and heavy crosslov guns. If lhe ouler parls of
lhe cily are invaded, survivors relreal lo lhe HaII and sIaughler
allackers crossing lhe open space of lhe CircIe.
PLaces o[ Im1enes1
Ba!dIvcr's: This quiel, eIeganl inn is decoraled vilh dark vood
paneIing, Iealher haII raiIings, and porlrails of IocaI knighls
and heroes. Ils for lhe quiel visilor, olhers are refused enlry or
ejecled if lheyre unruIy. Many relired varriors slay here in lhe
coId nonlhs, alandoning lheir chiIIy hones. The ovner, BaI-
diver, a relired varrior hinseIf, gives lhen reduced rales. BaI-
divers Iooks Iike a caslIe fron a dislance, and Iegend insisls il
can le defended as one if lhe cily is allacked.
B!ackravcn Wagnns, Dnnrs, and 5huttcrs: Hundarr
BIackraven is one of Sundalars juslIy fanous carpenlers, nak-
ing Iarge, slurdy ilens. Hundarr prides hinseIf and his shop ap-
prenlices in vorking lolh veII and quickIy.
Fc!dar's Whcc!s and Wagnns: Where Hundarr vorks
quickIy, IIdar IeIdar is painslaking and fussy. If a piece of vood
shovs grain he doesnl Iike he repIaces il. His crealions lake
nonlhs and are ornale and leaulifuI. IeIdar speciaIizes in nak-
ing grand coaches and ornanenlaI carvings for adding lo exisl-
ing vagons.
Thc FIrcstar CharInt: This eslalIishnenl is naned for ils
vividIy painled signloard, loughl fron a carnivaI in Telhyr.
The loard depicls lvo fire gianls riding inlo lallIe on a char-
iol of fIanes, dravn ly a fIaning vinged horse and lraiIing
slars. Inside, lhe pIace fealures Ioud nusic and Iouder furnish-
ings. Ils palronized ly young foIk and provIed ly so nany
evening escorls lhal sone foIk consider il IillIe leller lhan a
feslhaII. The roons are IuxuriousIy furnished and noise-
proofed. ConpIinenlary lollIes of Iireslar vine are incIuded
vilh every roon.
Furur's F!yIng Carpct: This shop is ovned ly lhe Walerd-
havian nerchanl Iurjur lhe IIippanl. Hes an alsenlee ovner,
running lhe shop are six deIighlfuI vonen. The shop does
have a dusly f|qing carpc| for saIe, for a sun of 45,OOO goId
pieces. The pIace is crovded vilh lrass Ianps, leaded curlains,
and olher ilens fron lhe Shining Soulh. This is lhe cIosesl
lhing Sundalar has lo a junk shop.
Gu!!axc's 5taIrs, RaI!s, Pn!cs, 5tavcs, and Hand!cs: nd-
alar CuIIaxe, a laIenled voodvorker, speciaIizes in snoolh-
lurned vood, and nakes handIes for aII looIs and poIearns.
His laIenl is veeding oul vood vilh inherenl veaknesses and
laIancing perfeclIy al firsl allenpl afler once hefling lhe pike
head, axe lIade, arrovhead, or olher nelaI parl needing a
Hammcr!ar's FInc F!nnrs and Hnuscwnrk: Ien Hanner-
Iars vork is nosl faniIiar lo connon foIk. Hes a house car-
penler vhose speciaIly is lhe one-day porch. He does Iighl-
ning-fasl vork and can lring his ovn horse-driven savniII lo
any pIace his vagon goes. He reslricls his vork lo a six-day
range around Sundalar.
Krystryn's 5hc!vcs: Kryslryn Danard is laII and lhin, vilh
fIoor-Ienglh hair lhals usuaIIy fuII of chips and curIed shavings.
She vorks and Iives aIone, denanding privacy for her arl. Krys-
lryn gives her vork a very snoolh finish. Sone rivaIs insisl she
uses nagic lo do il.
Larantarn's ChaIrs and 5tnn!s: nnagoI Laranlarn is an
exceIIenl voodvorker, lul hes never vilhoul a vine lollIe,
singing ladIy as he loiIs, hurIing finished Iegs and seals over his
shouIder lo crash inlo lhe far vaII as each one is done al lhe
Ialhe. The vaII is hung vilh heavy lapeslries, and nore are
vadded up on lhe fIoor leIov il, he has no vish lo danage his
vork. nnagoI has such a keen eye lhal he can nake a slooI
and creale anolher lhe sane size and shape vilhoul referring lo
lhe firsl.
5 6
Thc Lutcry: }onslaI Haerdruns a grin, sharp-chinned
gianl of a nan vho nakes vooden inslrunenls. Hes an ac-
conpIished nusician, lul he refuses lo perforn or lulor, spend-
ing his free line hunling for jusl lhe righl lrees deep in lhe
norlhern foresls. He oflen hires guards on lhese Iong, periIous
expedilions and has proven hinseIf a svordsnan. }onslaIs a
nyslery nan, haiIing eilher fron Nevervinler, Rashenen, or
poinls easl.
Thc MaIdcn at MIdnIght: This lavern and feslhaII is lhe
onIy exceplion lo lhe depressing lavern prospecls of Sundalar.
Ils juslIy fanous in lhe inlerior. This pIace can readiIy le
found ly ils huge gIoving signloard. Il depicls a Iady Iooking
shocked, vilh one hand lo her noulh and lhe olher cIulching
lhe fronl of her govn.
The Maiden is dinIy Iil and hushed. The vaIIs are hung
vilh carpels and lapeslries. The slaff of escorls incIudes Iizard
vonen, gnones, haIfIings, spriles, and hunans. The Maiden is
crovded lul never seens so. Ils a fun pIace, lroken up inlo
seeningIy privale aIcoves and coners ly neans of lapeslries. Il
has a vard lhal prevenls fires, incIuding nagicaI ones. This
keeps lhe lapeslries fron igniling. If lhey caughl fire, lhe pIace
vouId lun in a fev lrealhs. Because of lhis, lhe kilchen and
dining roon are in a luiIding nexl door, reached via a lunneI.
The vard aIso prevenls snoking. The Trap Door Roon is in
lhe ceIIar. Drinks are served lhrough lhe ceiIing ly neans of
lrap doors over each lalIe.
Ma!shym's Hnusc: This inn calers lo nerchanls, good foIk,
and olher lraveIers vho vanl no fripperies or nonsense in lheir
acconnodalions. Ils lasic, unprelenlious, and unexciling, lul
ils safe and cIean.
MIth's Carvcd WhImsIcs and Wnndcuts: Milh TIaIanl is a
chiIdIike nan vho enjoys chiIdren and lakes an aInosl inno-
cenl deIighl in lhe vorId around hin. His hand-sized vooden
carvings of lirds, nonslers, and peopIe find lheir vay as far as
Kara-Tur and Mazlica.
Nacth's NaI!s, Pcgs, Lncks, and Othcr WnndfIncry:
Naelh RoliIar is lhe nosl skiIIed carver of lhen aII, vhillIing
vooden Iocks, nesled spheres, and siniIar pieces. He can Iook
al any Iock nechanisn lhals nissing parl of ils vorkings and
drav, expIain, or even vhillIe lhe nissing parls (if il can le
shaped in vood).
Thc O!d AnvI! 5mIthy B!acksmIth: This noisy, sooly larn
is lhe alode and vorkshop of nasler snilh AIalulh HeIfyn.
He nakes arnor, anviIs, and caIlrops, an exporl for vhich
Sundalar is videIy knovn. These spiky devices vere invenled
in Sundalar (independenlIy of olher pIaces) lo lreak nounled
Thc O!d B!nck: Iaernden Lauraulh and BasneI TorIslar are
lhe lickering co-ovners of lhis shop. To hear lhen fighling, ils
hard lo leIieve lheyre anong Sundalars lesl anylhing, lul lhe
furnilure lhey produce is ordered in lhe hundreds ly nolIes, rich
faniIies, and foIk furlher afieId. Barges lraveI lhe Rauvin aII lhe
line vilh Ioads of lheir KJFKJ vning Id BIock furnilure is a
ladge of veaIlh and good lasle in pIaces Iike lhe TashaIar and
lhe cily-slales around lhe Lake of Slean.
Thc O!d FIrcb!nwcr: TaIlul Minshars oId, narrov,
cranned, and slrong-sneIIing shop seIIs exolic lolaccos. He
even nakes a fev hinseIf and is fanous for his carved pipes.
TaIlul nakes a fIule-Iike pipe lhal can le pIayed as an inslru-
nenl vhiIe one lIovs snoke oul of il.
O!d Ornar's: rnar MynluI is lhe grand oId nan of Sund-
alars voodvorkers~he lrained nany of lhe lesl. Nov, in his
lviIighl years, he conlenls hinseIf vilh vhillIing vaIking
slicks vilh fearsone faces, vhiIe inporling and seIIing fine
leds and lalIes lo lhose vho canl afford lhe vork of lhe olher
fine vorkers.
5hynd!c's Lutcs & PIpcs: Anar ShyndIe is lhe onIy vood-
vorker nol lo have his shop on lhe CircIe. His alode and
vorkshop slands inside lhe Rivergale, and lhere he nakes in-
slrunenls said lo le lhe lesl. Iipes so good, salyrs pIay 'en, is
his nollo, since salyrs once sloIe aII lhe pipes in his shop.
Shoppers shouId le avare lhal Anar of lhe Lulery is a deadIy
Thc 5IghIng 5y!ph: This is a quiel drinking spol. Ils unre-
narkalIe, excepl for ils lasleIess, Iife-size, door-slalue of an in-
nodesl syIph. Irankslers oflen carry her off and perch her eIse-
vhere in lhe cily. AIlernaliveIy, lhey painl her inleresling
Thc Tabard & Tankard: This overpriced laverns nane aI-
Iudes lo ils prelension lo serving schoIars, heraIds, nolIes,
cIergy, and vizards. If one doesnl care aloul noney, one can
enjoy privacy here. Ils nol a lad lavern, jusl unrenarkalIe.
The vaIIs are covered vilh shieIds, lunlings, cIoaks, and lu-
nics enlIazoned vilh lhe arns of lhose vho supposedIy drank
ThImm's: Iosk Thinn is a gianl of a nan vho puls re-
pIacenenl Iegs and lops on danaged furnilure, excepl vhen
hes up on a roof. He vas once allacked ly a luglear palroI
vhen spIilling shakes aIone in lhe foresl and used his axe lo
sIaughler lhen, lringing lheir heads lack as proof. This vas
Iong ago, lul foIk sliII laIk of Iosk caInIy lovIing lhe heads
dovn one of Sundalars slreels lo frighlen an aggressive neigh-
lor vhod leen peslering hin over sone incidenl or olher.
Thc Trumpct: This inn is lhe lase of such advenluring
lands as lhe CIavs of lhe Crag Cal, lhe Ready BIades, and lhe
Conpany of lhe Ieyslag. The inn speciaIizes in pulling palrons
in louch vilh Sundalarians vho provide discreel services. Inn-
keeper CaurIar Daryn and his slaff are fanous for handIing
anylhing. The laIe is loId of a laalezu leing sunnoned in lhe
Iolly of lhe Trunpel. Il vas cooIIy deslroyed ly lhe slaff, righl
lefore lhey ejecled lhe nage vho sunnoned il.
UnshImb!c's Ug!y Facc: This lavern is naned for ils sign-
loard, a giganlic, screaning golIin head. Lalorers galher here,
aching, dog lired, and ready lo fighl.
The DeLzoum
he cilies of lhe DeIzoun are advenlurer lerrilory. There are nounlains lo scaIe
and orc-infesled vaIIeys lo lallIe lhrough. The neadovs and pine-cIad peaks are
endIess and il is runored lhal dragons and gianl lears Iive here.
CI1aoeL Aoban
1 1
his forlress is naned for King Adlar, lhe ancienl dvarf vho luiIl il over 1,OOO years ago dur-
ing lhe vaning years of ancienl DeIzoun (lhe dvarven Norlhkingdon), naking lhis lhe Iasl
shard of lhe dead dvarven kingdon. Quarried of granile, lhe CiladeI, vhose gale lover is visilIe
alove lhe surface, can house up lo 6O,OOO dvarves in conforl, nen find ils niIes and niIes of de-
fensive granile corridors, lunneIs, and haIIvays lvisling lheir vay under lhe Ice Mounlains loo
dark, dreary, and cranped.
This dvarven cily doesnl veIcone visilors. This is nol surprising, as nosl visilors are orcs or
nonslers seeking lhe svifl dealh of ils cilizens. The CiladeI is a forlress, perhaps lhe nighliesl
caslIe norlh of Ann. Il has dilches lhal can le fiIIed vilh fIaning oiI, lridges lhal can le dravn up
or svung dovn inlo deep pils, concenlric rings of vaIIs lhal can le defended one ly one in lhe
evenl of a poverfuI lesieging arny, and so on. The CiladeI has vilhslood over 6O orc horde al-
lacks lhus far. Lach of lhese vere delernined sieges ly over 1O,OOO orcs al a line, and occasionaIIy
1O lines lhal nunler.
Despile ils forlidding vays and renole Iocalion, CiladeI Adlar is a lrading cily. Around
14,OOO dvarves dveII here, forging and sneIling finished vork fron ores. Their vork creales quile
a din and cIangor, and a pernanenl cIoud of snoke hangs over lhe cily. These faclors nake a visil
lo CiladeI Adlar very unpIeasanl for nosl foIk. By and Iarge, onIy nelaI lraders and lhe nosl des-
perale or daring peddIers go lhere.
rcs and provIing crag cals nake lhe Iand around lhe CiladeI so deadIy lhal il is safer lo lring
caravans lhrough lhe Underdark via Miralar and MilhraI HaII. These caravans lring nainIy fruil,
vhich lhe dvarves deIighl in ealing during lhe vinler.
Coods nade in CiladeI Adlar are considered lop rank and avaiIalIe onIy al high prices. The
CiladeIs svord lIades, axe heads, pick heads, and fine arnor are used aII over lhe Norlh. Mosl
hunan snilhs in lhe connunilies of lhe Norlh use forge lars (lIocks of refined nelaI) fron
CiladeI Adlar for lheir vork. The dvarven snilhs here aIso nake arnor and olher veapons, and
lhey nine nilhraI. Adlar arnor is sliII lhe lesl dvarven nake lhis side of lhe Deep ReaIn. The
recenl opening of Iong-alandoned MilhraI HaII has nade lhe IargeIy nined-oul nilhraI deposils
of CiladeI Adlar Iess inporlanl. The dvarves oulpul has dvindIed in recenl years, hovever, as
lhe niners grov fever and orc raids upon lhe lrade-caravans grov fiercer.
The forlress hunans see is onIy lhe snaII surface parl of an underground dvarven hoId knovn
as Adlarrin. The CiladeI exisls lo provide a secure conneclion vilh lhe vorId alove and lo keep
lhe snoke, noise, and slench of nelaIvork oul of lhe dvarven hones. MiIes upon niIes of chan-
lers, passages, and suiles have leen carved oul of soIid granile. Like olher dvarven connunilies
in Iaern, lhe nunler of dvarves here has leen sleadiIy dvindIing.
King Harlronn, is noled for his allenlion lo slralegy and delaiI, and he is a nasler snilh. The
cilys ladge is his personaI forge nark. Ils an uprighl, singIe-lIaded hand axe encIosed ly a circIe
of fIane inscriled in red on a siIver fieId. Hes nanaged lo hoId his connunily logelher in lhe face
of lhreals fron lhe orcish lriles.
The king enpIoys hunan advenlurers in palroIs oulside lhe vaIIs, and he keeps 2OO dvarves on
lhe lallIenenls of lhe CiladeI. Anolher 1,5OO are ready lo lake up arns if lhe horn caII is sounded
lhrough lhe speaking lules cul in lhe CiladeIs rock. These lules aIso aIIov dvarves lo fIee quickIy
underground ly lunlIing inlo lhen. In a day, Adlar can arn and arnor 9,OOO dvarven varriors (I2
lo I5). Harlronns poIicy is lo safeguard lhe Iives of his foIk and lo keep inside lhe CiladeI vhalever
lefaIIs. No arny fron lhe CiladeI viII saIIy forlh lo do lallIe vilh orcs or lo aid olher connunilies.
5 8
l l
eadsnovs vas lhe keep of a hunan Iord vhose drean of
eslalIishing a kingdon here vas shallered ly reIenlIess
orc allacks. Ils nov hone lo 45O dvarves dedicaled lo lhe
veneralion of Marlhannor Iinder-of-TraiIs. The dvarves
dveII in harnony vilh 3O hunan priesls of Lalhander. The
hunans serve Lalhander in lhe pronolion of grovlh and le-
ginnings. To lhis end, lhey have a vaIIed garden and a shop
for experinenlalion. The vaIIs of Deadsnovs are sludded
vilh valchlovers covered vilh cIinling roses. The fIovers
are lended ly lhe priesls of Lalhander and provide cover for
The dvarves vorship in a naluraI cavern lenealh a lor ris-
ing al lhe cenler of lhe vaIIed connunily. In lroulIed lines,
everyone relreals lo lhe cavern and lhe enlrances are vaIIed
off. The cavern has lvo secrel palhs inlo lhe Underdark, lul
lheyre guarded ly lraps lo keep drov and olher crealures fron
ascending inlo lhe dvarven haIIs.
Deadsnovs is naned for lhe lallIe lhal kiIIed ils Iord. Il vas
a vinler skirnish lhal Iefl orc and hunan lodies slrevn over
severaI niIes of snov-covered ground. When lhe lhav cane,
lhe area lecane knovn as lhe IieId of WoIves, lecause so
nany of lhe aninaIs cane lo feed. LocaI lrappers hired nages
lo sIay lhe voIves vilh nagic lo ollain lheir peIls undanaged.
The lrappers acquired so nany peIls lhal lhey paid lhe vizards
and nade a handsone profil.
In keeping vilh lhe diclales of lheir deilies, Deadsnovs
nakes any lraveIers olher lhan arned orcs and eviI leings veI-
cone al lhe inn in lhe alley forecourl. Il provides desperale
lraveIers refuge fron vinler vealher and orcs. The priesls of
Lalhander heaI visilors in exchange for service, lypicaIIy line
on a fighling palroI scouring lhe nounlain sIopes near Dead-
snovs. IalroIs drive oul lroIIs, orcs, and predalors allracled lo
lhe sheep and ponies kepl in lhe lvo high, fenced neadovs.
PLaces o[ Im1enes1
Lathandcr's Wnrkshnp: This luiIding is cranned vilh odd
pieces of apparalus and faiIed experinenls. Sone advenlurers
have found lhis a source of nelaI gears, puIIeys, vire, and
Iocks, as veII as lils and pieces lhal can le lurned inlo veap-
ons or arnor.
Thc Rnsc and Hammcr: Tended ly lhe cIergy of Lalh-
ander and Marlhannor, lhis inn is cIean lul larren and coId,
vilh conslruclion and furnishings scuIpled of slone.
novn ly hunans as lhe CiladeI of Many Arrovs and
dvarves as IeIlarr, lhe forner hone of orcs vas Iileraled
a shorl fev years ago ly lhe anlilions of Lnerus Warcrovn
(LC dn I11), Ieader of CIan Warcrovn. The circunslances
surrounding King Warcrovns conquesl of lhe ciladeI are de-
laiIed in lhe Hislory seclion in Book 1.
In lhe lvo years lhal lhe ciladeI has leen under dvarven
conlroI, lhe dvarves have nanaged lo cIean up lhe ness Iefl ly
ils forner inhalilanls. This has consisled prinariIy of denoI-
ishing slruclures (vhiIe lurning olhers) and forlifying lhe
vaIIs. The grealesl feal of lhe dvarves vas lhal of reluiIding
lhe nassive slone gales lhal vere deslroyed vhen lhe orcs
lallIed one anolher. Wilh lhe nain gales seaIed once again,
lhe dvarves have had lo vorry Iess aloul roaning nonslers
vandering inlo lhe cily.
King Warcrovn has leen fanalicaI aloul securily, hovever,
and a fuII conpIinenl of dvarven guards slands valch al aII
lines. This has necessilaled lhe dvarves vorking doulIe-shifls
for nore lhan a year (eighl hours of reluiIding foIIoved ly
eighl hours of guard duly), lul aII of lhe dvarves undersland
lhe need. There is a proud sense of acconpIishnenl in lhe air
here, lul each dvarf reaIizes lheir lenuous silualion. An orc
horde sveeping dovn fron lhe nounlains couId very veII speII
lheir doon.
IorlunaleIy, lhe dvarves have reinforcenenls on lhe vay:
4,OOO dvarves fron lhe soulh heeding lhe caII of King War-
crovn. When spring arrives, lhe dvarves shouId have lhe nan-
pover lo hoId lhe ciladeI. CurrenlIy, 1,2OO dvarves and 25O
hunans (lroops fron SiIverynoon) reside in IeIlarr.
Wilh IeIlarr nov aIIied lehind AIuslrieI of SiIverynoon,
nore and nore cilies leIieve lhal lhe forner CiladeI of Many
Arrovs has lhe aliIily lo survive lhe inevilalIe cIash vilh lhe
orcs of lhe surrounding nounlains. WhiIe a poIilicaI crisis has
yel lo chaIIenge lhe fIedgIing confederalion of cilies, lhe ruIers
of lhe aIIied cilies are confidenl lhal AIuslrieI can guide lhen
inlo Iaerns fulure.
5 9
PLaces o[ Im1enes1
Fc!barr FIc!ds: This is a vasl viIderness area oulside lhe nain
ciladeI lhal conlains lhe very IifelIood of IeIlarr: ils goId and
nilhraI nines. As dvarves and hunan niners sIovIy re-enler
lhe alandoned nines, lheyre discovering a variely of
nonslrous denizens lIocking lheir enlrance inlo nev-found
Hook horrors, orcs, grinIocks, and olher leasls have leen
reporled in lhe surrounding nines. The dvarves iniliaIIy senl
Iarge groups lo cIear oul lhe nines one ly one, lul lhey nov
prefer hiring advenlurers lo do lhe vork for lhen.
Harmg!adc Arms: Anlhos HarngIade (LC dn I5) has
leen a veaponsnilh for hundreds of years. A knovn nasler of
his crafl, Anlhos produces fine, lejeveIed veapons vilh goId,
nilhraI, and siIver highIighls. His vork is oulslanding, lul his
prices are equaIIy nolevorlhy. A lypicaI Iong svord nanufac-
lured ly Anlhos cosls 15O gp.
Anlhos has nade il cIear lo King Warcrovn lhal his shop
shouId le considered an arnory shouId IeIlarr cone under al-
lack. Afler aII, he slaled, no dvarf shouId ever faII lo an orc
lecause of a poorIy crafled veapon.
Thc 5tnncmarch: This nasonry shop is leconing lhe
Iargesl in lhe cily, lringing dvarves lo IeIlarr vilh lhe Iure of
crealing vorks of naslerfuI slone. vned ly Banlhor lhe
Razor Slonenarch (NC dn I5 |Dunalhoinj), lhe slonena-
sons are naking rapid (in dvarven lerns) progress lovard re-
luiIding lhe cily.
LaleIy, Banlhor has leen hiring lands of advenlurers lo go
oul lo specific quarries and lring lack slone lhal hes ear-
narked for cerlain seclions of lhe cily. WhiIe sone advenlur-
ers have scoffed aloul leing paid lo hauI rocks, Banlhors leen
paying good vages lo lhose vho do lhis lack-lreaking vork for
Warcrnwn Ha!!: This is lhe nev haII for King Warcrovn
lhal is sliII under conslruclion. WhiIe once lhe nain haII for
lhe previous dvarven ruIer, lhe haII is leing lolaIIy revorked
ly lhe lesl dvarven craflsnen avaiIalIe. The dvarves are hop-
ing lo conpIele lhe haII ly 1375, lul lhe audience chanlers
and connecling passages shouId le finished Iale in 137O.
6 O
The DeLImbIn
he vord DeIinliyr refers lo lhe upper reaches of lhe River DeIinliyr and ils
lrilularies. This is nonsler lerrilory and lraveI here is dangerous. Mosl foIk slun-
lIe inlo LIorkh and Loudvaler gralefuI lhal peopIe acluaIIy dveII in lhe easlern-
nosl Iands of lhe Norlh.
exhausled, and LIorkh shrunk. The Zhenlarin soon arrived and lhe Iasl of lhe oId Iords, Ihinlarn
RedlIade, vas found dead al lhe lase of Lords Keep. vernighl, lhe Zhenlarin inslaIIed lheir
ovn nan, CeiIdarr Ilhyn (LL hn W7), in lhe Lords Keep.
Iorkh vas an inporlanl nining lovn of 2,OOO hunans and 3OO dvarves. AII vere lusy farn-
ing and laking iron and siIver fron shaIIov nines in lhe nounlains. Those Iodes vere soon
Zhenl caravans legan lo arrive, needing acconnodalion, leasls, food, vagon repairs, and
valer. TovnsfoIk vere pressed inlo vork, and nev lul ugIy inns and laverns vere lhrovn up. The
Ten BeIIs lavern vas joined ly lhe Drovers Cup and lhe Wel Wizard (CeiIdarr is nol sure if lhis
is a pun direcled al hin). The Zhenl arrivaI has leen nel vilh nixed feeIings. Sone viev lhe in-
crease in connerce as a sign of prosperily, vhiIe olhers see lhe unscrupuIous eIenenls increasing
daiIy and feeI Iess safe in lheir hones. Mosl inhalilanls have lhrovn in vilh lhe regine, lhough
lheyve no greal affeclion for ils Ieader, and lhe lovn is lhe endpoinl of caravans fron DarkhoId.
Iour hundred purpIe-cIoaked Lords Men (LL hn I1/I4) appeared. They foughl severaI lallIes
vilh lhe niIilia, easiIy sIaughlering lhen under lhe prelexl lhal lhe soIdiers vere lroulIenakers.
This didnl vin CeiIdarr over vilh lhe lovnsfoIk, and lhe dvarves Iefl.
The onIy inn in LIorkh vas run ly Ihinlarns lrolher. MysleriousIy, he died lhe nighl lefore
his inn lurned lo lhe ground. Wilhin a nonlh, lvo nev lhree-slory inns opened. These are
Tanlarns Inn and lhe Six ShieIds. The forner is pIeasanl. Tanlarn is a veleran innkeeper fron
Iriaelor vho feII on hard lines during lhe recenl Zhenl lroulIes lhere. The Six ShieIds is no
leller lhan a Zhenl larracks, fuII of nuddy lools and rough fighlers sharpening rougher svords.
Three of lhe nines have leen laken over for slorage ly lhe Lords Men. Monslers are said lo
have eslalIished Iairs in sone of lhe olher lunneIs, so lhe lraveIer hoping lo use lhen for sheI-
ler had lesl levare.
The increased securily in LIorkh is due lo Zhenl fears lhal HeIIgale Keep viII send
shapechanged lanarri lo infiIlrale and deslroy lhe slronghoId lefore ils conpIeled, so lheyre
rushing lo slrenglhen lheir nighl. Lxcepl in lhe vorsl of vinler, lvo caravans a veek cone fron
DarkhoId, lringing veapons, Zhenl varriors, and lrade goods.
Work has legun on a dilch around lhe lovn, and forlificalions are nol far off. Zhenl varriors
are canped easl and soulh of lovn, and Lord CeiIdarr is hiring advenlurers lo scoul lhe noun-
lains. Hes searching for Iosl nagic lo loIsler his forces. Zhenl lroops have vroughl lvo olher
Iarge changes in lovn lhus far: Theres noney in LIorkh and a lenpIe lo Cyric, lhe Dark Sun,
presided ly Mylhkar Leng (LL hn I12). Despile ils aclivily, lhe BIack Nelvork is confined lo lhe
area ly lhe efforls of lhe Lords AIIiance.
1 1
his lovn of 4,OOO inhalilanls spans lhe river, vilh an arching lridge nade a niIIennia ago
ly lhe dvarf Iirkos SloneshouIder for lhe eIves vho Iived here al lhe line. The river vas cul
inlo a vide pooI lo provide a Iading area for cargo and lo carry lhe rivers fIov around rocks lhal
caused lhe rapids for vhich lhe lovn is naned. The pooI is crovded vilh fIal-lolloned skiffs and
larges for fishing or lrading. Ils a hunan lovn loday, aIlhough a quarler of lhe lovns inhalilanls
are haIf-eIven descendanls of LaerIann. Loudvaler cilizens nov nake lheir Iiving farning, fishing,
and providing caravan services. Loudvalers Iands exlend for lvo days ride aIong lhe river.
Loudvalers a leaulifuI pIace. No lvo luiIdings are aIike,
lul aII are overgrovn ly vines and hung vilh pIanls unliI
lhey lIend lack inlo lhe foresl. The viIIage is a gardeners de-
Iighl. BeaulifuIIy lended pIanls are everyvhere~in houses,
on roofs, every palch of ground, and lhe roadvays. The
slreels are pIanled in langIenoss. Slreels vind and curve, ne-
andering lo lake lhe lesl viev or an inleresling vay, nalch-
ing lhe lovns pace. The lovn has no vaIIs, jusl a ranparl
and a dilch, lolh pIanled vilh fIovers. The cIosesl lhing lo
ugIiness in Loudvaler is ils four harlorside varehouses and
lhe coopervorks.
Loudvaler is defended ly palroIs of 2O varriors, lhe fuII
guard nunlering 3OO, under lhe lvo CaunlIels: Harazos TheI-
lrinn (LN hn I5) and KaIahar Tvohands (CC hen I6).
Bolh are under lhe connand of lhe High Lord of Loudvaler,
NanalhIor Creysvord (NC hn I11).
NanalhIor is a videIy respecled varrior and a carefuI, jusl,
and Ioved adninislralor. His gray leard and Iong, fIoving gray
hair nark hin as nuch as does lhe laslard svord riding on his
lack in ils laIdric. NanalhIors a friend of lhe Harpers, vho
cone lo sIay lhe Zhenl agenls scouling lhe lovn. Wilh rIlar
nov faIIen lo Zhenlarin conlroI, lolh NanaIalhor and lhe
Harpers are keeping a veary eye lrained lo lhe easl.
PLaces o[ Im1enes1
A!! FaIths A!tar: This is a shrine open lo lhe devoul of aII
non-eviI failhs. TraveIers sonelines sIeep here.
Thc Enchantcr's Ecstasy: This cedar-roofed, fieIdslone
Iodge is a pIeasanl pIace lo sIeep, lul il is unexciling unIess one
fancies slaluelles of sniIing vizards, nernaids vilh fish spoul-
ing cascades inlo a founlain, enspeIIed cIocks chanling lhe
hours, doors lhal lhank lhose vho open lhen, chanler pols
lhal Iighl for use in lhe dark, and so on.
Thc HIgh Lnrd's Ha!!: The HaII is a vaIIed nanor al lhe
cenler of lovn. Agralh Dundai is spreading runors of a crypl
under lhe HaII lhals haunled ly undead lo lhis day. Specifi-
caIIy lhe haunlers are lhe reslIess renains of forner High
Lords, sone of vhon dallIed in dark nagic.
Thc Mcrry Mcr-5hc: Al nighl, lhis pIace is a lunuIl of
Ioud nusic and frequenl fighls. Il is nol a pIace lo reIax or hoId
a conversalion. The leer is valery, sonelines arriving in a
hurlIed lankard.
Thc NIghthunt: This conforlalIe pIace is a days ride easl
of Loudvaler, soulh of Davn Iass TraiI. This vood conslruc-
lion, heaviIy enspeIIed lo prevenl fire, is cIoaked in pines and
napIes. The Lodge is naned for a ghoslIy loar hunl lhal gaI-
Iops inlo lhe Soulh Wood on cerlain nighls. The ovner is
IIdur Arnlar (NC hn I16,) a forner ranger vho Iosl his pov-
ers afler an incidenl he vonl laIk aloul. Hes a friend of lhe
Harpers and a foe of lhe Zhenl. ulspoken aloul lhe Zhenls
hoId on LIorkh, his days are nunlered.
Thc O!d Ow!: This quiel pIace is favored ly eIders given lo
quiel conversalion. Loud reveIers are shovn lhe door. The pro-
prielor, a relired varrior, sels his prices Iov.
Thc RIscn Mnnn Markct: Across lhe slreel fron lhe High
Lords HaII is lhe lesl produce shop in lovn, seIIing fresh
crops, excepl in vinler. Il slocks snoke-fIavored nushroons
grovn in lhe slores ceIIar.
Thc 5car!ct 5hIc!d: This roadhouses furnishings are deIil-
eraleIy ruslic, as are ils cIeanIiness and service. The seIdon-
seen heIp is generous vhen apporlioning neaIs or handing oul
ledding. The inn is naned for a rusling oId shieId lorne in
lallIe ly lhe inns luiIder, a varrior vhos nov dead. His
nephev runs lhe inn and is fuII of laIes lhal Ieave one lhinking
his uncIe vas lhe grealesl varrior in aII Iaern.
Thc 5mI!Ing 5atyr: This deIighlfuI pIace slands on a hiII-
lop. The Iane lo lhe lavern is narked ly a roadside slalue of a
dancing salyr vilh pipes. A pernanenl nagic ncu|n speII enils
sofl piping sounds vhen anyone approaches vilhin 2O(IM) of
il. Lore says lhal vhen lhe noon is fuII, lhe salyr vhispers dark
secrels of lreasure and lreachery.
Arvyn UnlryI, lhe proprielor, is an ex-advenlurer of un-
knovn acconpIishnenls. He ovns lvo fieIds on eilher side of
lhe hiII. A slrean offers valer, and lolh fieIds have oulhouses,
fire pils, and firevood. Ils lecone a spol for guides, advenlur-
ers, caravans, and nercenaries lo galher.
Inside, lhe fIagslone fIoor Ieads lo lvo huge hearlhs, one al
each end of lhe laproon. The vaIIs fesloon vilh nonsler
skuIIs, shieIds, veapons, and olher lrophies. f nole, lvo oId,
crossed lallIe axes on lhe vaII lehind lhe lar aninale lo pro-
lecl Arvyn and his slaff. Theyre oa|||c axcs cf ancing lhal oley
his connand.
TaIes of luried Iool, lreasure naps, and hidden caches cIing
lo lhe Salyr. If even a lenlh of lhen are lrue, il hoIds greal
riches for lhose vho knov vhere lo Iook.
Thc Watchfu! Turt!c: The WalchfuI TurlIe renls guarded
slorage space. The Loudvaler lridge nexl door has fancifuI,
snarIing carved slone heads resenlIing dragon lurlIes lhal
slare al lhe varehouses, giving lhe pIace ils nane. The propri-
elor, Agralh Dundai, is fuII of laIes aloul Loudvaler and lhe
Iands around.
1 1
his lovn consisls of 45O shepherds residing on lhe norlh
lank of lhe confIuence of lhe Loagrann River and lhe
CreyfIov. rIlar has nolhing lo reconnend il lo lraveIers ex-
cepl lhal ils a pIace lo luy food and sheIler. Il has a drafly
varehouse-Iike shrine shared ly aII failhs, vhere lraveIers sIeep
on lhe fIoor.
Up unliI lhe Iasl year or so, rIlar has renained a sIeepy
connunily. Lasl sunner, hovever, lhe arrivaI of a Zhenlarin
caravan signaIed lhe end of lheir freedon. rIlar is nov ruIed
ly IeIishar Ivarzin (LL hn W5), a forner Iieulenanl of CeiI-
darr Ilhyn of LIorkh.
The onIy pIace of lrue inleresl in lhe sIeepy viIIage is a
lenpIe lo Iyachlu Xvin. The luiIding slands noslIy vacanl
unIess a Zhenl caravan vinds lhrough lhe cily, aIlhough IeI-
ishar nakes cerlain lo allend veekIy services.
1 1
confIuence of lhe Unicorn Run and lhe DeIinliyr River. Sec-
onler slands on lhree hiIIs alop lhe veslern fringes of a once-
nighly cily lhal vas, if Iegends are lrue, lhe proud capilaI of
lhe hunan reaIn of AlhaIanlar, Kingdon of lhe Slag. IoIk
digging ceIIars lurn up oId collIes and slone vaIIs. Ireed gar-
goyIes are a recurring prolIen, lul sonelines nagic lreasure is
his najor viIIage of 2OO (and 7OO olhers Iiving in sur-
rounding hanIels) resls on lhe norlhveslern lank of lhe
Seconler is a peacefuI, loring viIIage of fisherfoIk, farners,
slonecullers, and guides and guards for frequenl caravan lraffic
lraveIing vesl lo Zundlridge and Ironford. Iarner hoIdings fan
oul norlhvesl of lhe viIIage, and lhe fisherfoIk eke oul a Iiving
spearing and nelling fish and freshvaler crals fron skiffs. The
slonecullers nanage a Iiving quarrying pink granile fron lhe
cIiffs narking lhe High Moors norlhern edge. The lovn is
very siniIar lo Daggerford in design and IifeslyIe, lul il is far-
lher avay fron lhe nain lrade roules and is Iess inporlanl
connerciaIIy. Il does nol have najor residenl noliIily, lhough
a fev larons have hoIdings in lhe region.
RoughIy haIf of lhe Seconleriles are hunan, aInosl as
nany are haIfIings vhose Iov, garden-adorned hones nake lhe
hiIIs of lhe viIIage seen nore a lerraced eslale lhan a sellIe-
nenl. The renainder are dvarves of lhe Ironealer CIan and a
scallering of gnones and noon eIves. Il has a garrison of 3O
soIdiers provided ly lhe Lords AIIiance dveIIing in a snaII
paIisaded forl alop a hiII and lrain 1OO or so IocaIs in svord-
vork and rudinenlary laclics. Many of lhe svingsvords hire as
caravan guards.
The garrison, Ied ly Traskar SeIarn (CC hn I11), a ranger
of sone fane, palroIs lhe farnIand and vicinily diIigenlIy, ca-
palIy deaIing vilh lhe fev orcs and luglears vho gel lhis far. If
lhey have lo defend lhe viIIage, lheyre aided ly an iron goIen
and lvo-headed goIens provided ly AneIior Ananilas~and
lhe nage hinseIf, if hes al hone. The vinged lul fIighlIess
goIens Iook Iike gianl gargoyIes. (If il verenl for lhe on-again
off-again residence of AneIior, vho lIovs up Ialoralories or
sends pieces of furnilure lo olher pIanes, Iife in Seconler
vouId le duIIer lhan il aIready is.)
Lord Traskar nakes advenlurers veIcone in Seconler, and
nany advenluring lands and rangers use lhe viIIage as a suppIy
lase for lreasure hunling forays.
iance inlervenlion. The viIIage is a slralegic vayside for
Zhenl caravans lraveIing fron Anauroch lo lhe Svord
Coasl. Doninance of lhis connunily vouId le difficuIl, a
Iarge lase of operalions vouId allracl svifl allenlion anong
lhe fishernen and farners, and Iarge nunlers of lhe nainIy
hunan ZhenliIar and Zhenlarin vouId sland oul anidsl lhe
PLaces o[ Im1enes1
Thc 5cvcn-5trIngcd Harp: This lavern resls leside a pond in
lhe cenler of lhe lovI lelveen lhe lhree hiIIs Seconler is
luiIl on. Ils a ranshackIe, spravIing luiIding of nany vings
and lay vindovs and cupoIas. Ils easy lo gel Iosl inside, due lo
lhe aIcoves, lhe dinness, irreguIar sleps, and lhe odd pieces of
furnilure and lapeslries saIvaged fron haIf a hundred Walerd-
havian viIIas. LocaIs cone lo neel, nerchanls cone lo do
lusiness and hire guards. Bevare vhen challing, Iesl you le
overheard ly soneone slanding lehind a lapeslry. (BIades
lhrough a lapeslry are considered lad forn.) Ils a hard spol lo
niss. Ils overIooked ly a fIoaling, gIoving, fainlIy pIaying
harp. The harps nol an ilen, lul a pernanenl speII ly Ane-
Iior Ananilas. Ils nol soIid and canl le dislurled.
This is a piIgrinage for ninslreIs in Iaern. Ils as lhe pIace
vhere The BaIIad of lhe Drean Weaver vas firsl heard.
Theres rareIy a nighl vilhoul lhree lo seven lards in allen-
dance, pIaying for free. Their presence nakes lhis a noisy lul
neIodic lavern. Ils a pIace lo valch peopIe, vilh advenlurers,
pipe-snoking haIfIings, dancing gnones, and ganlIing eIves~
lul ils nol a quiel pIace lo reIax or lo conducl privale lusiness.
Iorly vinlers ago, lhe lavern vas jusl as ranshackIe, lul il
Iacked lhe nane and repulalion, vhen il vas sinpIy lhe Slag.
A haIf-eIven Iady naned TaIanlhe TruesiIver sal dovn in lhe
lar one nighl and sang The BaIIad of lhe Drean Weaver. Il
is nov one of lhe nosl videIy perforned songs in Iaern.
Today, lards use lhis laIIad lo end Iong sels of songs and as a
runors conpiIalion, adding Iegends and sighls as verses.
Thc 5IngIng 5prItc: The Sprile is a soIid-Iooking slone
luiIding lhals coId and danp in vinler, varner and danp in
sunner. Wilh ils pIeasanl slaff, il offers neeling roons for hire
and a superior feasling loard. The innkeeper on duly is eilher
Heverseer Windfealher or one of his lhree lrolhers~lhey
vork in shifls.
The Sprile is naned for LalhiriI Shrune, lhe Iong-dead vife
of ils luiIder, lhe hunan vizard naned Canalharas. She vas a
sprile vho sang alop lalIes lo lhe deIighl of palrons. The pre-
senl gnone ovners donl go for such perfornances~nol vilh
lhe Harp across lhe road.
The inn has vaIIs sIalhered vilh crean-coIored pIasler and
hung vilh lapeslries. The fIoors are poIished duskvood, and
lhe furnishings are oId and conforlalIe~and every roon
cones vilh ils ovn porlalIe (ly lvo slrong peopIe) poIished
copper lalhlul.
The Sprile has secrel roons (acluaIIy slorage cIosels), lhal
lhe innkeeper aIIovs guesls lo use. ne roon has nyslerious
naps scralched on ils vaIIs. The Windfealhers charge lo Iook
al lhese and cIain lhey shov lhe Iayoul of a Iosl dvarven hoId
nearly~jusl vhere, lheyre nol sure. The hoId, Iirehanner
HoId, is said lo hide rich lreasure. The dvarves aII perished
lhrough disease.
1 1
pils aIong ils lanks. This nay even le lhe reason lhe very oId
sellIenenl vas eslalIished. A dozen eIderIy craflsfoIk in ZeI-
lross nake pollery of aII sorls. Their vork is exceIIenl, and
passing nerchanls and peddIers snap up aII lhey can produce.
SanpIes of lheir vork have leen seen as far easl as DaggerdaIe,
as far soulh as ChuIl, and even in dislanl Lverneel (or so lhe
IocaI runor leIIs).
his hanIel is hone lo aloul 12O foIk, noslIy quiel farn-
ers. Al lhis poinl, lhe Shining River has rich naluraI cIay
ZeIlross is fanous as a source of cIay snoking pipes, laked
iron-hard vilh a nollIed, lorloise-sheII finish. These pipes can
le found lhroughoul Iaern.
PLaces o[ Im1enes1
Thc 5!y Fnx: The Iox is lhe sorl of lavern one vouId caII rus-
lic. Il has a Iov-leaned, snoky laproon vilh a hearlh sur-
rounded ly eIders varning lheir loes and nursing lankards.
They ignore visilors, vho find lhe leer good lul lhe vine
avfuI. The olher drinks avaiIalIe are unfiIlered cider and a
rusly-coIored valer lhal cane fron eilher a slagnanl pooI or a
near-enply, shaIIov veII.
The SIy Iox is runored lo le luiIl on a nass-grave sile. The
sepuIcher is leIieved lo conlain lhe renains of fanous adven-
lurers and varriors vho foughl lallIes or discovered inporlanl
siles lhroughoul lhe Norlh. The lonls supposedIy conlain lhe
Iong-noIdered corpses of lhe individuaIs as veII as aII lhe gear
lhey perished vilh. (Assuning lhe runor gIillers vilh a ray of
hope, a IC nay find lhe renains of a Iong-dead or even Iong-
forgollen predecessor, giving a pIayer characler lhe chance lo
find an ancienl anceslraI nagic ilen or faniIy reIic.)
Thc Last P!acc: The origin of lhis oId, crunlIing eslalIish-
nenls nane has leen Iosl over line, perhaps il vas once lhe
Iasl inn on a parlicuIar roule. The norlh ledchanlers have
nice vievs of lhe High Ioresl and sheIler fron road noise. The
chanlernaids are nolhing lo Iook al, lheyre eilher lainled
vilh orc or ogre lIood, vilh a personaIily lo nalch if angered.
If heaviIy lipped, lhey pronise services lhal vouId nake lhe
slrongesl hunan and eIf lurn laiI and run.
The food served here is reniniscenl of a fronlier lovn,
vhich lhis is. The neals are heaviIy saIled, vhich eilher neans
lhe saIl vasnl sleeped fron lhe neal lefore cooking, or lhe
neal vas in a saIl val for years. In eilher case, expecl a high lar
lal afler lhe neaI.
6 4
BangeunIgh1 Imm
BangeungI1 I
1. The Bargevrighl Inn
2. The Rise
3. BeIvyns House of Cood Cheer
4. Shondrins Iacksack of IIenly
5. The Wel Crossing
6. Rinlhars Wagonvorks
7. The SlaIIs
8. The Mud
9. HaeIelhs Horseshoes
10. RuIdarrs Iipes, Locks, Tolacco,
and Iine Iurnilure
11. The Back
12. House of BeIvyn
13. House of HaIdulh Meer
14. House of Shondrin
15. House of Rinlhar
16. House of HaeIelh
17. House of RuIdarr
18. Talras
19. The HeaIing House
20. RenlaI Iaddock
21. Inn SlalIes
Rn!! Namc DM Nntcs Rn!! Namc
DM Nntcs
001004 Aaggaard (LG hm)
005009 Absalon (NG gm)
010014 Adrian (CG hf)
015019 Aldo Manuzi (CN hm)
020024 Appian (LN dm)
025028 Archer (NE gf)
029033 Athenodore (CG hm)
034038 Aurelia (NG gm)
039043 Ausone (CN hf)
044048 Babek (N hem)
049053 Belknap (LN hm)
054057 Birde (NE df)
058062 Blunde (CG dm)
063067 Bogdan (LE hm)
068072 Boniface (LN hf)
073077 Burnet (NG gm)
078082 Cagniard (CN hm)
083086 Ceressola (CG gf)
087091 Chalon (NE gm)
092096 Chrysostom (CE hm)
097101 Cid (N hef)
103l06 Collored (LE dm)
107111 Costanza (LG hm)
112115 Culant (NG hf)
116120 Damiron (CG gm)
121125 Dedekind (CN hem)
176130 Deodate (LN df)
131135 Ditarod (NE hm)
136140 Dmitri (CG dm)
141144 Dobner (NG hf)
145149 Drevet (CN hm)
150154 Duer (N gm)
155159 Eadie (LN gf)
160164 Ebelmann (NE hm)
165169 Ehrenfried (CG gm)
170173 Ekaterina (LE hf)
174178 Ekins (LN hm)
179183 Elfric (NG dm)
184188 Elton (CN gf)
189193 Emmerick (CG hm)
194198 Endlicher (NE gm)
199202 Falconer (CE hf)
203207 Febe (N hem)
208212 Finelli (LE hm)
213217 Fineo (LG df)
218222 Fluegel (NG dm)
223227 Fourier (CG hm)
228231 Frans (CN hf)
232236 Frellon (LN gm)
237241 Funck (NE hm)
242246 Gallus (CG gf)
247251 Geddes (NG gm)
252255 Ghisti (CN hm)
256260 Gilj (N hef)
261265 Godde (LN dm)
266270 Godewijn (NE hm)
271275 Gotthard (CG hf)
276280 Greenehamme (LE gm)
281284 Haeberlin (LN hem)
285289 Hagar (NG df)
290294 Harman (CN hm)
295299 Hensel (CG dm)
300304 Hicetas (NE hf)
305309 Hoek (CE hm)
310313 Hrym (N gm)
314318 Huich (LE gf)
319323 Iapetus (LG hm)
324328 Ignace (NG gm)
329333 Irala (CG hf)
334338 Isabey (CN hm)
339342 Isacco (LN dm)
343347 Izard (NE gf)
348352 Jaafar (CG hm)
353357 Jaegar (NG gm)
358362 Jehoash (CN hf)
363367 Jodelle (N hem)
368371 Juenin (LN hm)
372376 Kaotsuu (NE df)
377381 Kefer (CG dm)
382386 Kikkert (LE hm)
387391 Klaproth (LN hf)
392396 Knupfer (NG gm)
397400 Ladislans (CN hm)
401405 Leclerc (CG gf)
406410 Lindet (NE gm)
411415 Locke (CE hm)
416420 Lucanus (N hef)
421425 Lynar (LE dm)
426429 Maas (LG hm)
430434 Meadmaker (NG hf)
435439 Michallon (CG gm)
440444 Mohsin (CN hem)
445449 Mugnoz (LN df)
450454 Mystens (NE hm)
455458 Naaman (CG dm)
459463 Neroni (NG hf)
464468 Nicocampus (CN hm)
469473 Noet (N gm)
474478 Nostitz (LN gf)
479483 Nuvolone (NE hm)
484487 Nymphes (CG gm)
488492 Oberan (LE hf)
493497 Oderick (LN hm)
498502 Olier (NG dm)
TabLe o[ Com1em1s
IntrnductInn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Pcnp!c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Ra c e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Cossip & Runors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
MI!ItIa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Training in Iighling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Training in Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Thc CIty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O
Daggerfords Quarlers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O
Cily DelaiIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Impnrtant Nnnp!aycr Charactcrs
Baergon BIuesvord (Tenpus) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 22
Bando lhe Lane (Tynora) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 3O
DeIfen YeIIovknife ndalarI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
DervaI Ironealer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 2O
Duke IvyII Crealshoul Daggerford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
IiIarion IiIvendorson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
IuIlar Hardcheese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Cvydion pen Dafvyd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
KeIson Darklreader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Korlus BrighljeveI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, 25
Lady Bronvyn Daggerford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Lian Sunnisl (Lalhander) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 24
Lord LIeveIIyn Longhand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 24
Maerovyna (Chaunlea) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, 26
SherIen SpearsIayer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Sir LIorfindar IIoshin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
TalIe 1: Vendors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
TalIe 2: Wares. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Daggerford Residenls TalIe. . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Ironl Covers
Based off of Uncr |||cfarn, ly Sleve Ierrin
Designer: sIade Ldilor: }in BulIer
Cover IIIuslralor: Larry LInore Inlerior IIIuslralor: Marlin SaIvador
Typeseller: Nancy }. Kerkslra
Irojecl Coordinalors: David Wise and Thonas M. Reid
Arl Coordinalor: Bol CaIica
LIeclronic Iress Coordinalor: Dave Conanl
SpeciaI Thanks lo: }uIia Marlin, Thonas M. Reid, Sleven Schend, and David Wise
T5R, Inc.
201 5hcrIdan 5prIngs Rd.
Lakc Gcncva
WI 53147
T5R Ltd.
120 Church End
Chcrry HIntnn
CambrIdgc CB1 3LB
UnItcd KIngdnm
ADVANCLD DUNCLNS & DRACNS, AD&D, and IRCTTLN RLALMS are regislered lradenarks ovned ly TSR, Inc. LNCYCLILDIA MACICA and
lhe TSR Iogo are lradenarks ovned ly TSR, Inc. All TSR characlers, characler nanes, and lhe dislinclive Iikenesses lhereof are lradenarks ovned ly
TSR, Inc. This is a vork of ficlion. Any senlIance lo any reaI person, Iiving or dead, is slriclIy coincidenlaI.
Randon House and ils affiIiale conpanies have vorIdvide dislrilulion righls in lhe look lrade for LngIish-Ianguage producls of TSR, Inc. Dislriluled
lo lhe look and holly lrade in lhe Uniled Kingdon by TSR, Ltd. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors. This product is pro-
tected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork herein is pro-
hililed vilhoul lhe express vrillen pernission of TSR, Inc. Copyrighl 1996 TSR, Inc. All rights reserved. Made in the U.S.A.
ilualed on lhe fIood pIains of lhe DeIinliyr and luiIl againsl lhe side of
a Iov hiII, Daggerford is a snaII, vaIIed connunily doninaled ly lhe
snaII caslIe of lhe IocaI duke. The cily is sparseIy inhaliled lul slralegi-
caIIy Iocaled vhere lhe High Road crosses lhe DeIinliyr River on lhe
soulh side of lhe ford.
This seIf-slyIed cily is a lovn of aloul 5OO foIk. The lovn is lhe Iargesl slop on lhe
High Road lelveen Walerdeep and BaIdurs Cale. Ils hone lo hunan craflsnen, a fev
haIfIings, and a handfuI of foIk of olher races. There are aloul 2O farning hanIels vilhin
a days vaIk of Daggerford (15-2O niIes), each of vhich is hone lo around five faniIies.
Lach hanIel has a forlified luiIding vhere lhe residenls relreal in case of raids. There are
aIso isoIaled farns and a fev eslales of ninor noliIily. In aII, aloul 1,2OO peopIe depend
on lhe Daggerford narkel for goods lhey canl nake lhenseIves.
Daggerford has lhree najor geographicaI divisions. The firsl area is lhe lovn ilseIf,
vhich fiIIs lhe veslern haIf of lhe vaIIs. The second region is sonevhal higher lhan
lhe lovn and is knovn as lhe Connons, vhich is nolhing nore lhan a Iarge paslure.
The lhird area, Iocaled al lhe cenler of lhe Connons, is lhe caslIe of lhe Duke of Dag-
gerford. Much of lhe caslIe has leen recenlIy reluiIl ly a faniIy of dvarves, naking il
sonevhal nore najeslic and spIendid lhan nighl le expecled of a lovn lhe size of
Mosl of lhe lovns luiIdings are luiIl on lhe Iov ground leIov lhe hiII hoIding lhe
caslIe. The area surrounding lhe caslIe is aInosl enlireIy given over lo lhe Connons,
vhere horses and callIe graze in lines of siege or river fIoods.
Mosl of lhe luiIdings are nade of vood and lhalch, lul since DervaI Ironealers fan-
iIy lroughl lheir slone vorking skiIIs lo lovn a cenlury ago, a nunler of peopIe have
luiIl in slone. The duke, for inslance, repIaced lhe Iasl vood in his caslIe vilh slone, lhe
vaII lovers vere reluiIl in slone, severaI inporlanl lovn luiIdings have leen luiIl or re-
luiIl in slone, and lhe proleclive vaIIs lhal surround Daggerford are aII of slone. Mosl of
lhe residences in lhe crovded Iiving areas are sliII nade of vood, and pIacenenl of lhese
vooden slruclures is sonelines rearranged due lo lhe occasionaI fire. IorlunaleIy, prox-
inily lo lhe river aIIovs lhe Walernens CuiId lo quench fires quickIy.
Daggerford gained ils nane fron an incidenl reporled lo have occurred 4OO years ago.
A vagonnasler lraveIing lhrough lhe region senl his son ahead of lhe faniIy vagon one
evening lo Iocale a safe passage across lhe Shining River. The loy, TyndaI, found lhe
ford in lhe dark, lul vas allacked ly a raiding parly of Iizard nen. Defending hinseIf
vilh his soIe veapon an oId dagger, lhe Iad sIev six of lhe leasls lefore aid arrived fron
lhe vagons and drove lhe crealures avay. The slory spread anong lhe nerchanls over
lhe years, so lhal lhe ford, and Ialer lhe lovn lhal grev up on ils lanks in lhe shadov of
lhe Iegend, vas knovn as Daggerford. This nay le jusl a IocaI Iegend, lhough nany res-
idenls see lrulh in lhe oId laIe. The currenl Duke of Daggerford, IvyII Daggerford (LC
hn I6 |cavaIierj), cIains lo le a descendanl of lhis lrave nerchanl loy, and lhe lovns
arns dispIay a lIoody siIver dagger on a deep lIue fieId.
When lhe eIves of lhe IaIIen Kingdon Iefl for Iess crovded Iands, a nev kingdon
sprang up, knovn nov as lhe Kingdon of Man. Il vas during lhis period lhal lhe Dukes
of Daggerford gained lheir lilIes and righls lo aII lhe Iands lordered ly lhe eslale of
IIoshin lo lhe norlh, lhe Lizard Marsh lo lhe vesl, Dragonspear CaslIe lo lhe soulh, and
lhe Misly Ioresl lo lhe easl. Al lines, lhe dukes have acliveIy conlroIIed lhe enlire area,
lul lhese days lhey do nol. They acluaIIy conlroI far
Iess~fron aloul a haIf-days ride norlh of Daggerford,
vhere lheir forces neel up vilh road palroIs fron
Walerdeep al a IillIe pond caIIed Wayposl Waler, easl lo
lhe hiIIs of Laughing HoIIov, and soulh lo lhe hanIel of
Aloul a cenlury afler lhe dynaslic var deslroyed lhe
Kingdon of Man, lhe dukes suljecls legan luiIding
lheir shops and hones oulside lhe caslIe proper, cIoser lo
lhe DeIinliyr River. Afler a coupIe of prolIen-free cen-
luries passed, lhe lovn lecane essenliaIIy independenl
fron lhe caslIe, aIlhough a connon vaII surrounded
lhen lolh.
Ior hundreds of years, lhe Duke of Daggerford con-
lroIIed lhe lovn, lul lhe lovn vas given ils ovn charler
ly Duke Conan 5O years ago. The CounciI of CuiIds
nov has lhe pover lo run lhe lovn, aIlhough lhe duke
has a fair lil of infIuence over lheir aclions and deci-
sions. The currenl duke, IvyII Daggerford, seens lo
have no incIinalion lo revoke lhe charler.
In a seIf-conscious inilalion of lhe Lords of Waler-
deep, lhe nenlers of lhe CounciI of CuiIds allend
neelings in nasks and never reveaI lheir idenlilies lo
lhe popuIace. Hovever, lhe popuIalion of lhe lovn is
loo snaII for lrue secrecy. Lveryone knovs lhal lhe
guiIdnaslers are lhe nenlers of lhe CounciI of CuiIds.
IvyII Daggerford is seIdon seen in lovn. Hes eilher
oul hunling, in lhe caslIe pIanning hov lo defend his
Iand, or discovering nev vays lo enrich his faniIy and
his peopIe ly shrevd inveslnenls. There are recurring
pIans lo dredge lhe river and nake Daggerford an inpor-
lanl harlor in order lo conpele vilh nearly Walerdeep.
A Iol of lraveIers slop in Daggerford al one line or
anolher, using il as a lase lo expIore lhe vhoIe norlh.
The luslIe of Walerdeep seens far loo dislracling for lhe
average advenlurer, neaning lhal a snaIIer, nore acces-
silIe lovn is desired. Daggerford slrives lo neel lhe de-
nands of calering lo advenlurers, vhich lolh keeps ils
surrounding Iands safe and keeps IocaI nerchanls happy.
, ,
aggerford is lrying lo le a lusy nelropoIis, lul ils
sliII lasicaIIy a fronlier area lhal Iacks nany of lhe
advanlages found in a lig cily. Il is jusl nol Iarge enough,
for inslance, lo supporl very nany craflsnen. Whals
nore, sone of lhe Daggerford craflsnen arenl quile as
proficienl in lheir chosen lrade as lheir counlerparls in
Iarger connunilies.
Irices for sinpIe ilens in Daggerford are lhe sane as
lhose given in lhe P|aqcrs Hanocc|. More conpIex
ilens, such as crosslovs or pIale naiI arnor, are nol
nornaIIy nanufaclured IocaIIy. These ilens nay le
purchased fron passing nerchanls, lul lhe narkup is
consideralIe, lypicaIIy 1OO. A suil of pIale naiI,
vhich nornaIIy cosls 6OO gp, cosls 1,2OO in Dagger-
ford~if ils avaiIalIe al aII. As a ruIe of lhunl, any
ilen cosling nore lhan 1OO gp in lhe P|aqcrs Hanocc|
cosls doulIe in Daggerford.
There is nol an aIchenisl residing in Daggerford. AII
polions are doulIed in price vhen avaiIalIe, vhich is
nol oflen. Iolions offered for saIe nusl le lroughl in
fron Walerdeep or fron lhe olher end of lhe Trade Way,
vhich gives Daggerford anolher excuse lo kick up lhe
price. Rare conponenls for speIIs are even rarer in Dag-
gerford and again cosl nore lhan usuaI. The onIy
apolhecary in lovn is a priesl of lhe Chaunlea lenpIe,
and his saIes are parl of lhe lenpIes incone.
Whal goods are avaiIalIe in Daggerford` AII lypes
of cIolhing are for saIe, aIlhough garnenls nade of
collon or siIk are high priced. Mosl cIolhing is nade of
vooI, provided ly IocaI sheep, and Iealher. Iorgel
aloul exolic furs, unIess lhe purchaser is viIIing lo pay
lhrough lhe nose for lhen.
There are severaI lIacksnilhs in Daggerford vho can
provide sinpIe veapons, such as svords and axes, and
househoId equipnenl. ShouId eilher veapons or arnor
le danaged, lhe IocaI craflsnen can nend lhen. There
is nuch nended finery and veaponry on lhe slreels of
Daggerford, noslIy dependalIe and reasonalIy priced.
Since Daggerford residenls IargeIy Iive off lhe Iand,
nany farning and fishing producls are avaiIalIe. Iro-
duce, vegelalIes, and neals are avaiIalIe in alundance
al affordalIe prices. AninaIs are connon in Daggerford,
aninaI care services and faciIilies alound.
Daggerford jeveIers are aIvays on lhe Iookoul for lhe
occasionaI odd jeveI lhal nighl find ils vay inlo lovn.
Because lhese cone lo Daggerford so infrequenlIy, jeveI-
ers Iucky enough lo snag one can ask~and easiIy re-
ceive~lvice lheir nornaI seIIing price. MagicaI ilens
are quile rare, aIso seIIing for doulIe lheir expecled
price. There are a Iol of Daggerford nerchanls vho are
unfaniIiar vilh nagicaI ilens and nay inadverlenlIy
underprice lhen if lhey canl figure oul vhal lheyre sup-
posed lo le. A forlunale luyer nay vaIk avay vilh a
lreasure al a ridicuIousIy Iov price if he happens lo visil
lhe narkelpIace al lhe righl line.
he raciaI nix in lhe Daggerford area is predoninanlIy hunan~Iess
lhan 15 of lhe popuIalion are denihunans. A fev of lhe dependenl
hanIels consisl enlireIy of haIfIings, lul onIy a coupIe of haIfIing fani-
Iies Iive in Daggerford. There are very fev dvarves, gnones, and eIves
(aside fron lhe eIves of Laughing HoIIov), lul lhe ones vho do Iive
here are ralher proninenl in lhe connunily.
9 9
hiIe sone nonhunan races Iive in Daggerford, nosl races sliII land logelher vilh
olhers of lheir kind. The eIves are lhe nosl nolorious for avoiding hunan con-
lacl, lhough a delernined advenlurer can find a fev slronghoIds of lhen surrounding
Daggerford, nolalIy LIorfindar IIoshin.
Since lhe denise of lhe IaIIen Kingdon, eIves have leen in shorl suppIy around Dag-
gerford. Hovever, a fev chose nol lo reIocale lo Lverneel, and lhey sliII Iive in sone of
lhe nore isoIaled areas. Because of lheir Iove of nalure, lhey are parlicuIarIy al hone in
lhe foresls and pIains. AIlhough lhey are seIdon encounlered in lhe cilies, lheir fascina-
lion vilh fine jeveIry and nagic dravs lhen lo popuIaled areas on occasion.
Gc| ||tcs. ne nolIe faniIy of goId eIves heId on vhen lhe olhers Iefl. Sir LIorfindar
and his faniIy nainlains a high-eIf presence in Daggerford lo lhis day.
Mccn ||tcs. NornaIIy, lhis lype of eIf is in nuch shorler suppIy lhan lhe goId eIves.
This is nol lhe case in lhe Daggerford area, noslIy lecause of lhe greal nunler of goId
eIves lhal Iefl vilh lhe IaIIen Kingdon. Sone noon eIves slayed vilh Sir LIorfindar
afler lhe IaIIen Kingdon lroke up. lhers slayed in lhe area for reasons of lheir ovn. If
nol vilh Sir LIorfindar, noon eIves can le found in lhe Misly Ioresl or lhe High Ioresl.
They can aIso le found in lhe Walerdeep Woods, and sone nay le found in Daggerford.
Mosl IC eIves are eilher grandchiIdren or greal grandchiIdren of Sir LIorfindar or of
sone of lhe noon eIves vho foIIoved hin.
li| ||tcs. These eIves never considered Ieaving lheir anceslraI hone. They are
found lhese days in lhe Laughing HoIIov and lhe Misly Ioresl. Because of lheir nalure,
lhey do nol nake good choices for ICs. Hovever, since lhe Misly Ioresl eIves inleracl
vilh hunans and olher races on occasion, a viId eIf pIayer characler shouId le fron lhe
Misly Ioresl. The viId eIves fron Laughing HoIIov keep lo lhenseIves.
Dar| ||tcs. Drov are said lo reside in lhe loveIs of lhe nyslerious Dragonspear
CaslIe. Whelher acluaIIy lhere or nol, il cerlainIy is lheir sorl of pIace.
Whals Iefl of lhe dvarven popuIalion is noslIy represenled ly DervaI Ironealers ex-
lended faniIy in Daggerford. A fev Iive in Seconler, a fev nore Iive in Walerdeep.
There are nol nany Iefl, lul anong lhe ones lhal renain, nany Iong lo regain sone of
lhe Iosl gIory of lhe vanishing dvarven race. ving lo lheir Iove of drink, a lavern is a
IikeIy pIace lo encounler dvarves. TaIk of goId or olher
precious nelaIs is aIso sure lo allracl lhe allenlion of
any eavesdropping dvarves.
There are a fev gnone nerchanls in Daggerford, Sec-
onler, and Walerdeep. Like lhe dvarves, gnones are
fond of drink and veaIlh, lul lhey aIso enjoy lhe pIea-
sures of nalure. Look for lhen in a IocaI lavern or near a
leaulifuI neadov.
HaIfIings are nol very connon in Daggerford, lhough
lhe ones vho Iive lhere are quile proninenl. Seconler,
hovever, is very nuch a haIfIing lovn~aInosl 5O of
lhe popuIalion is under four feel laII. A fev haIfIings can
le found in Walerdeep and in sone of lhe farning han-
Iels around The Way Inn. They are nore open and oul-
going lhan eilher dvarves or eIves and gel aIong veII
vilh nosl olher races.
GossIp amo

ike aII lovns, lhere are nany runors lhal nake lhe
rounds in Daggerford, and Iike aII runors, lhey are
lrue and faIse lo varying degrees. Likevise, Daggerford
residenls accepl a cerlain nunler of runors as connon
knovIedge, and lhese runors are considered lo le lrue
vhelher lhey acluaIIy are or nol.
BeIov is a Iisl of sone of Daggerfords nosl frequenlIy
heard runors and gossip. Sone nay or nay nol le lrue,
and ils up lo lhe Dungeon Masler lo decide vhich ones
are facluaI, lhese runors are narked vilh a (*). The DM
is encouraged lo add his ovn runors lo lhe Iisl, especiaIIy
a fev lied lo lhe ICs lhenseIves or lheir previous deeds.
The ICs nay Iearn of lhese runors lhrough discussions
vilh NICs or nay overhear lhen in a lavern. When and
vhere lhey are heard (if al aII) is up lo lhe DM.
Rumnr Ovcrhcard
ne of lhe larnaids in lhe River Shining Tavern
knovs vhal happened lo HeIIgale Keep and is
hiding fron Harper and Zhenl aIike.
Lady Bronvyn lecane an agenl for lhe Harpers
during her advenluring career. She sliII reporls lo
lhen once each nonlh in Walerdeep.
Walerdeep pIans lo expand ils hoId of lhe Norlh
lo incIude Daggerford. The dukes nol very
happy aloul il, and hes pIanning lo resisl any
niIilary invasion of his duchy.
Cvydion, lhe courl vizard, is hardIy ever seen in
pulIic novadays. He spends nosl of his line
cooped up in his hone, hiring advenlurers lo
seek oul slrange lones and speII conponenls.
IuIlar Hardcheese has lhousands of goId fron
his days as an advenlurer. He keeps lhen in a se-
crel cache in his lavern.
The Zhenlarin are pIanning lo open up a schooI
of nagic in Daggerford, and lheyve aIready paid
a Iol of goId lo lhe duke for lhe priviIege.
LIorfindar IIoshin has four fuII-eIf chiIdren and
severaI haIf-eIf chiIdren. Hes sliII aIive lul rareIy
Ieaves his eslales norlh of Daggerford. His chiI-
dren leach nagic lo lhe IocaI eIves.
LIorfindar is pIanning on noving inlo Dagger-
ford lecause hes gelling loo oId lo lake care of
hinseIf. (IaIse)
A poverfuI force of Iizard nen Ied ly a Iich
caIIed Redeye are lhrealening lhe lovn again.
They denand lhal lhe duke pay 1O,OOO goId
pieces each year lo avoid leing allacked. The
duke has hired lhree lands of advenlurers lo in-
vesligale. Thus far, none have relurned.
A gollIe of lroIIs has laken over parl of lhe
Daggerford severs! The Walernens CuiId is
offering a hefly revard for advenlurers slrong
enough lo lrave lhe slench of lolh lhe severs
and lroIIs.
A group of red-roled nen have leen in lovn
Iooking for a Iosl conrade~his speII look, nosl
IikeIy. Their invesligalions have cenlered around
The Cov, lul no one cIains lo have seen lheir
The Laughing HoIIov has nany viId eIves and
olher crealures such as pixies, cenlaurs, salyrs,
and nore. Ils aIso a source of veird nagic lhal
can lurn nornaI veapons inlo horridIy cursed in-
slrunenls of dealh.
Bandils are once again leconing a prolIen
aIong lhe High Road. Despile lhe lesl efforls of
lhe 3rd Conpany, lhe landils aIvays seen lo le
one slep ahead of lhen. The duke and LIeveIIyn
are lolh leginning lo leIieve lhal lhere is an in-
fornanl suppIying infornalion lo lhe landils
aloul lhe 3rd Conpanys novenenls.
The DeIinliyrs suppIy of fish has leen dropping
sleadiIy over lhe years. In facl, nany dead fish
can le seen fIoaling dovn lhe river lovard lhe
Sea of Svords. An eviI vizard of greal pover near
Highslar Lake is poisoning lhe valer, lrying lo
sIay lhe hunans Iiving aIong lhe river.
A gIass lIover fron Yarlar is noving inlo lovn
nexl veek, hoping lhal lhe lrade roules lhrough
Daggerford prove nore profilalIe lhan lhe lick-
ering narkel of Yarlar and Triloar. They say hes
a nenler of lhe Zhenlarin.
Brigands are slopping lrade lraffic lhree days
soulh of Daggerford. Theyre charging a 2 lax
and kiIIing aII lhose lhal refuse lo pay. The lrig-
ands reporl lo SherIen SpearsIayer, lhe connan-
der of lhe Daggerford niIilia.
The Ral HiIIs are sIovIy kiIIing off lhe popuIa-
lion of Walerdeep. Many of lhe lusinesses are
Iooking lo nove eIsevhere, and lhe firsl pIace
lhey Iook lo is Daggerford. }usl Iasl veek, seven
lusinesses cIosed, and lheyre Ioading lheir cara-
vans and heading soulh lringing a greal deaI of
veaIlh vilh lhen.
NanleuiI is suspecled of lrying lo lun dovn lhe
Lady Luck lavern. He kiIIed a vonan vhiIe
drunk sone years ago, and since he gol oul of
prison, hes done an aloul-face. Hes nov crusad-
ing for a lan on aII aIcohoI vilhin Daggerford.
Korin, ruIer of IIIefarn, is sliII in lhe process of re-
luiIding IIIefarn and is Iooking for advenlurers lo
handIe sone IocaI lroulIes. Hes leIieved lo le
DervaI Ironealers lrolher.
The nain force lhal can le direcled al an eneny is lhe 3rd Conpany, lhe High Cuards
of Walerdeep. This land of 1OO skiIIed varriors is slalioned in Daggerford lul spends
nosl of ils line palroIIing lhe counlryside. The 3rd Conpany is lheorelicaIIy under lhe
connand of lhe Duke of Daggerford, lul il oves feaIly lo lhe Lords of Walerdeep.
hen a crisis is al hand, lhe lovn has lvo eIenenls lo defend ilseIf.
The firsl is lhe IocaI niIilia. Because of lhe occasionaI nenace fron
lhe Lizard Marshes lo lhe vesl and lhe easlern High Moors, lhis
niIilia is fairIy Iarge and reasonalIy veII-lrained. SliII, lhis group is
onIy lhe second Iine of defense.
TnaImImg Im FIgh1Img
* *
y agreenenl vilh lhe duke, lhe lovn nainlains ils ovn niIilia, lrained ly SherIen
SpearsIayer. Lvery heaIlhy hunan residenl of lhe lovn lelveen lhe ages of 15 and
35 is required lo le a nenler of lhe niIilia. HaIfIings lelveen 22 and 6O, dvarves le-
lveen 35 and 12O, gnones lelveen 5O and 25O, and eIves lelveen 15O and 5OO nusl
aIso serve 2O years in lhe niIilia. nIy pregnanl vonen and nolhers vilh young chiI-
dren are excused, and lhen onIy unliI lhe chiIdren are five years oId. The lerrilory
around Daggerford is occasionaIIy lesieged ly eviI invaders, and everyone nusl le ready
lo defend lheir hones and Iives.
Transienls of lhe righl age find lhenseIves eilher lraining vilh lhe niIilia or asked lo
Ieave lovn. If a person slays Ionger lhan lvo veeks, a soIdier shovs up lo inducl hin. f
course, lhe person can lry lo evade lhis duly, lul lhis is difficuIl in a lovn lhe size of Dag-
gerford. Anyone can avoid lhe duly ly paying lhe expenses of anolher niIilianan, lul
nosl residenls spend lhe line ralher lhan lhe noney.
Those Iiving in oulIying areas are aIso expecled lo have niIilia lraining and duly.
This is nainIy acconpIished ly IocaI nuslers, usuaIIy al lhe eslale of a IocaI laron or
nearly forlificalion. Represenlalives of lhe Daggerford niIilia ride oul lo lhe nusler and
heIp vilh lhe lraining.
Nev niIilia recruils are laughl lo ride and lo use a spear. Lach niIilianan is given
one spear and one suil of sludded Iealher arnor. If lhe arnor is ruined in any vay, lhe
niIilianan nusl repIace il. Spears are repIaced free.
MiIilia duly is acluaIIy quile Iighl, excepl in lines of lroulIe. MiIilia nenlers nusl
shov up for lraining al Ieasl one day per nonlh. Sone cone nore oflen and gain profi-
ciency earIier lhan lheir peers. The niIilia is spIil up inlo various lroops, and lhese
lroops neel on differenl days. CeneraIIy, an inexperienced soIdier lrains vhiIe nore ex-
perienced ones are on guard duly. MiIilia lroops nusl sland guard lhree days oul of lhe
nonlh, acling as lolh a slreel palroI and vaII guard. UsuaIIy, al Ieasl lvo veleran lroops
are on duly on any given day, vhiIe lhe nev lroops lrain and heIp lhe velerans.
MiIilia lraining is sufficienl lo lring a characler up lo 1sl IeveI of experience. MiIi-
lia nenlers can gain furlher experience in lhe perfornance of lheir dulies. MiIilia
nenlers are nol jusl fighlers. The generaI success of advenluring organizalions has
laughl lhe viIIage eIders lhal aII vaIks nusl parlicipale in lhe defense of lhe area, so
cIerics and vizards lolh are pressed inlo niIilia service. Rogues are considered fighlers
for lhe purposes of lhe niIilia.
Any niIilianan vho can afford veapons Iike naces
and svords is lrained in lheir use ly lhe dukes nasler-al-
arns, Sir LIeveIIyn Longhand. He aIso provides
advanced lraining in svords and riding lo lhe ninor no-
liIily. The dukes nasler of lhe hunl, KeIson Dark-
lreader, gives inslruclion in lovs and olher hunling
veapons lo lhose vilh laIenl.
The nain prolIen of lhe niIilia is lhal of hanging on
lo ils veleran nenlers. If lhey gain any significanl ex-
perlise, lhe velerans consider hiring lhenseIves oul as
nercenaries, caravan guards, or even slarl an advenlur-
ing career of lheir ovn.
AII niIilia equipnenl aside fron spears and arnor
nusl le suppIied ly lhe niIilia nenler, aIlhough lhe
niIilia has lhe use of nediun horses ovned ly lhe lovn.
The lovn nusl le repaid for lhe Ioss of a horse, eilher
vilh noney or vilh exlra niIilia service. MiIilia nen-
lers vho die in lhe Iine of duly are raised fron lhe dead
if possilIe. Veleran niIilia nenlers have priorily for
raisc ca speIIs.
MiIilianen vho parlicipale in conlal or olher haz-
ardous nissions are enlilIed lo spIil any Iool lhey ollain
anong lhen. The lovn is enlilIed lo luy any nagicaI
ilens deened necessary for lhe veII leing of lhe lovn.
MiIilianen vho lrain olhers are paid a fee of 5 sp per day
of lraining lines lheir IeveI. Nole lhal 1sl-IeveI niIilia-
nen cannol lrain olher niIilianen.
TnaImImg Im NagIc
6 6
he nain leacher of nagic in lhe area is DeIfen
YeIIovknife ndalarI, a nage vho Iives in a
snaII lover on lhe vaII of Daggerford. DeIfen lakes in
apprenlices, and he generaIIy has lhree or four sludenls
al any one line. He is conlracled lo lhe lovn of Dagger-
ford lo provide lraining for novice speIIcaslers. He aIso
lrains his apprenlices in knife fighling.
Lady Bronvyn has prelly nuch repIaced Cvydion as
lhe dukes courl vizard. She lakes on apprenlices fron
line lo line, requiring onIy lhal lhey slay in lhe Dag-
gerford area for al Ieasl five years vhen lheyve con-
pIeled lheir lraining.
There are fev iIIusionisls openIy vorking in Dagger-
ford, lhough gnones can gel iIIusionisl lraining fron
Korlus BrighljeveI or CzszudIeaux. Hunan iIIusionisls
are going lo have prolIens finding soneone lo lrain
lhen, lhough CzszudIeaux vouId le lheir lesl lel.
There are four pIaces of vorship in Daggerford. The
Iargesl is lhe lenpIe of Chaunlea, lhe Lady of lhe Har-
vesl. Iriesless Maerovyna presides over lhis lenpIe.
Those vho vorship olher deilies aIso vorship al snaII
shrines nainlained ly Maerovyna and her acoIyles.
Maerovyna inslrucls novices in lhe vays of reIigion
and lhe soiI, lul she direcl nev foIIovers inleresled in
leconing druids lo lhe lenpIe of Chaunlea in lhe
Misly Ioresl.
The lenpIe of Lalhander is on lhe hiII nexl lo lhe
dukes caslIe. The duke hinseIf vorships here, as do nosl
of lhe caslIes residenls. As lhe highesl-ranking priesl in
lovn, Lian Sunnisl ninislers lo aII vho need hin and
lrains anyone vho cones lo hin for inslruclion.
The shrine of Tenpus is one of lhe nevesl reIigious
addilions lo lhe lovn. Ils priesl, Baergon BIuesvord, is
lhere noslIy for lhe Walerdeep lroops, lul nany olher
niIilia nenlers and advenlurers vho had lo fighl in lhe
Dragonspear invasion have deveIoped an inleresl in
Tenpus, and his snaII shrine is leconing crovded.
n lhe olher hand, lhe shrine of Tynora has leen a
parl of lhe lovn for cenluries. This palron of advenlur-
ers has a nunler of vorshipers, lul nol enough lo var-
ranl conslruclion of a lenpIe. The priesl, Bando lhe
Lane, has lended lhe shrine for nany years.
The IocaI niIilia, under lhe slone-faced SherIen
SpearsIayer (LN hf I9), is aIvays Iooking for sloul fighl-
ers due lo lhe Iuring avay of nornaI niIilianen lo
higher-paying jols. The niIilia is aIvays lusy palroIIing
lhe cIained ducaI Iands, and nany youlhs and adven-
lurers dovn on lheir Iuck have spenl a season fighling
lrigands, Iizard nen, and lhe occasionaI predalory
AII alIe-lodied lovnsfoIk nusl serve in lhe niIilia,
aIlhough onIy a snaII nunler are nornaIIy on duly.
They spend nosl of lheir line on road palroIs, lhough a
cIose valch is kepl on lhe Lizard Marsh.
The CI1
he shops and hones of lhe inhalilanls of Daggerford are Iisled leIov in
nunericaI order. Refer lo lhe righl side of lhe Daggerford posler nap
for a lreakdovn of lhese Iocalions ly lype. n lhis nap, for exanpIe,
aII cIolhing shops are lundIed logelher, as are aII veapon and arnor
Daggen[ono's uan1ens
9 9
hiIe Daggerford is nol lhe spravIing connunily lhal Walerdeep is, lhe snaII
lovn is roughIy organized inlo vards. Mosl of lhe lovnspeopIe refer lo lhe areas of
lovn ly lhe quarler firsl and lhe slreel nane second.
RIoenmem's uan1en
This area of lovn is prinariIy occupied ly lhose peopIe vho nake a Iiving fron lhe DeIinliyr
River~fishernen, dock vorkers, snaII nerchanls, and rivernen. This incIudes lhose vho
nake reguIar runs up lhe river lo Seconler and lack. WhiIe nosl lraffic alandons lhe river lo
lake lhe High Road al Daggerford, sone lraders conlinue dovnriver lo seII lheir goods al olher
hanIels and hoIdings. The Rivernens Quarler fealures Iocalions 1O lhrough 44.
The Nome uan1en
This is lhe veaIlhy seclion of Daggerford. Ils a dislricl of veII-nainlained, exceIIenl-
quaIily hones vilh IillIe parks surrounding lhen. The successfuI nerchanls vho donl
Iive over lheir lusinesses Iive here, as do a fev rich forner advenlurers. Sone ninor no-
liIily vilh IocaI hoIdings in lhe area have snaII lovnhouses here. The Money Quarler
fealures Iocalions 45 lo 57.
Canaoam uan1en
This seclion of vooden luiIdings~noslIy holeIs and shops~serves as a slalion for lrav-
eIing nerchanls and lraders vho vanl lo sel up shop for a line in Daggerford. During
lhe vinler, vhen lhe caravans arenl noving, lhe quarler is virluaIIy unpopuIaled. The
pernanenl popuIalion in lhe quarler has lradilionaIIy consisled of lhe fev denihunan
(haIfIing) residenls nol associaled vilh najor nerchanl faniIies Iike lhose of DervaI and
Korlus. Hovever, severaI farners vho fornerIy Iived in lhe Iarners Quarler have leen
noving inlo lhe Caravan Quarler, increasing lolh lhe hunan and doneslic aninaI pop-
uIalion. The Caravan Quarler fealures Iocalions 58 lo 91.
Fanmens' uan1en
This region of lhe cily is noslIy occupied ly lhe farners vho liII lhe soiI in lhe norlhern
fieIds. Sone have snaII herds of callIe and sheep, vhiIe olhers have chickens in lhe lack
yard. This area is crovded, noisy, fuII of aninaIs, and has a definile odor. The Iarners Quar-
ler fealures Iocalions 92 lhrough 144.
CI1 De1aILs

IC descriplions are Iisled under lheir residence,
or if lhey Iive al, alove, or under lheir pIace of
lusiness, lheyre delaiIed aIong vilh lhe lusiness infor-
nalion. There are 13 Iocalions Iefl lIank. These Ioca-
lions are designed for DM use~for aIIoving lhe ICs lo
luiId hones or lusinesses, for speciaI NICs, or for any
olher purpose lhal fils lhe canpaign.
NonmaL CI1Izems
Daggerford, lhe cily proper, lhal is, has 5OO inhalilanls.
Il seens ralher unfair lo sinpIy ignore lhese individuaIs,
and in order lo nake lhe lovn feeI Iike il is a Iiving en-
lily, lhe Dungeon Masler is given a Iisl vilh lhe renain-
ing cilizens. ChiIdren under lhe age of 13 years are nol
incIuded on lhis Iisl.
The lalIe on lhe inside fronl covers of lhis lookIel
Iisls lhese Iesser NICs aIong vilh lheir aIignnenl, race,
and sex. As encounlers are delernined (vhelher ran-
don or inlenlionaI), lhe DM can eilher choose lhe NIC
lhals encounlered or roII randonIy. To use lhis lalIe,
since ils range is 1 lhrough 1,OOO, lhe DM shouId roII
lhree 1O-sided dice of lhree differenl coIors. The coIors
suggesled are red, vhile, and lIue (red for lhe hundreds
vaIue, vhile for lhe lens vaIue, and lIue for lhe inleger
vaIue). Afler roIIing lhe dice, lhe DM pIaces lhen in
coIor order, and reads a nunler fron OO1 lhrough 1,OOO
(vilh OOO leing 1,OOO).
The lIank Iine lo lhe righl of each enlry is for a lrief
nole aloul lhe individuaI. }olling dovn infornalion Iike
physician or arl coIIeclor nakes il easier for pIayers
lo eslalIish conlacls in Daggerford.
Daggen[ono De1aILs
Lach of lhese Iocalions are delaiIed on lhe Daggerford
Iosler Map. As a reninder, Iocalions nol delaiIed in lhis
seclion are vacanl luiIdings lypicaIIy for saIe lo anli-
lious advenlurers vilh coins lo spare.
1. Towers
The 3O-fool-laII lovers of Daggerford are conslrucled of
slone and firnIy sel on ledrock. Theyre spIil up inlo
lhree slories pIus lhe roof on vhich valchers keep lheir
Iookoul. Mosl of lhe area in lhe lovers is used for slorage
of var gear. ff-duly niIilianen oflen resl here.
2. CIsterns
These laII, slone slruclures are kepl fiIIed ly lhe Waler-
nens CuiId. The valer is used for lhe horses paslured on
lhe Connons, as slorage in case of siege or fire, and for
olher reasons of inporlance lo lhe cily counciI and
S. Farmers' Gate
This is lhe nosl connonIy used of lhe cilys lhree gales
as ils lhe cIosesl lo lhe fieIds oulside of lovn. Ils Iefl
open, even al nighl, unIess lines are lroulIesone. The
gale is luiIl inlo a lroad lover and has jusl enough roon
for one farn carl lo enler al a line. The gale is aloul 1O
feel laII.
4. RIver Gate
This is lhe lhird of lhe cilys lhree gales and provides ac-
cess lo lhe DeIinliyr River and valerfronl dislricl. Ils
nornaIIy open during lhe day and cIosed al nighl~espe-
ciaIIy during lhe fIooding season. Like lhe Iarners
Cale, lheres a lover luiIl around il. Ils nainIy used ly
valer carriers vho felch river valer for lhe lovn. Whal
fev veIIs lhere are in lhe lovn are nornaIIy kepl un-
lapped in case of siege.
S. DeIIen's Tower
When lhe nage DeIfen YeIIovknife ndalarI (CN
hn M12) cane lo Daggerford severaI years ago, lhe
norlh vaII lover vas under conslruclion. He offered lhe
lovn a Iarge donalion and a pronise of nagicaI aid in
exchange for lhe lover. DeIfen has grovn lo Iove his
adopled cily, and he joined lhe niIilia in ils defense.
ver lhe nany years hes Iived in Daggerford, no one has
had reason lo queslion DeIfens IoyaIly lo Daggerford or
his naslery of speIIs.
The lovers arrov porls are snaIIer lhan usuaI, since
aII lheyre needed for is roon lo aIIov a nage cIear sighl
for largeling speIIs. The vindovs facing in are Iarger, aI-
Ioving DeIfen lo Iook oul over lhe lovn vhen he de-
sires. Like aII lhe olher lovers, lhis one is lhree slories
laII. The lop slory is DeIfens Iiving quarlers. He leaches
his apprenlices on lhe second slory, vhich aIso doulIes
as a dornilory for lhose sludenls vho Iive al lhe lover.
The firsl slory conlains a slalIe for his riding nuIe and is
used for generaI slorage.
DeIfen is an affalIe nage vho is learded, shorl, and
increasingIy sloul. DeIfen is an ex-advenlurer and one-
line residenl of Iriaelor vho relired lo Daggerford nore
lhan 15 years ago lo pursue luloring vouId-le nages.
Iassing advenlurers have idenlified hin as having a
good repulalion as an advenlurer in Iriaelor, lul hov he
cane lo relire in Daggerford is a queslion hes never feIl
lhe need lo ansver. He is sonevhal rare for a vizard: a
viIIing, palienl leacher of nagic vho lakes on nev ap-
prenlices and is easy aloul paynenl. Hes leen knovn lo
casl a speII or lvo for hire, aiding advenlurers and olhers
vilh lhe goId lo pay for his services.
Word of DeIfen has spread fron Icevind DaIe lo lhe
norlhern lovns of CaIinshan, lul lhe nage enjoys a Iife
of lraining and ease. Hes nol al aII inleresled in lhe dan-
gers of resuning an advenluring career, lul he Ioves lo
Iislen lo laIes of lhe expIoils of olhers and lake fron
lhen hinls aloul lreasures nol yel pIundered lo dispense
as sage advice lo olhers.
DeIfen is veII Iiked ly his apprenlices and forner slu-
denls. They lend lo lhink of hin as nore poverfuI lhan
he reaIIy is lecause~viseIy~DeIfen doesnl reveaI
nuch of his povers or pasl. Hes knovn lo possess a Ii-
lrary of speII looks, a goId-lrinned aggcr +2 (hence his
nicknane), a s|aff cf pcucr (15 charges), a ring cf rcgcncr-
a|icn, a Iavender and green, pearIy vhile, and pink sel of
icun s|cncs, oraccrs cf cfcnsc AC 3, a ring cf uizarrq
(IeveIs 1-2), a uan cf fcar (33 charges), and al Ieasl a
handfuI of speII-charged cnara|qns. Many of lhe speII
looks vere purchased fron passing advenlurers.
He has devised sone vay of aIerling his apprenlices and
lhe soIdiers of Daggerford CaslIe if hes vounded or one of
his nagicaI ilens is laken fron his person ly force. When
oul roaning lhe cily slreels or vhen on palroI, DeIfen lyp-
icaIIy has lhe foIIoving speIIs nenorized: 1sl LeveI: ourn-
ing nans, cnarn pcrscn, ccnprcncn |anguagcs, |ign|, nagic
nissi|c, prc|cc|icn frcn cti|, rca nagic, s|ccp, 2nd LeveI: ccn-
|inua| |ign|, c|cc| cti|, c|cc| intisioi|i|q, intisioi|i|q, nirrcr
inagc, s|rcng|n, tcca|izc, uco, 3rd LeveI: nas|c, |ign|ning oc||,
prc|cc|icn frcn ncrna| nissi|cs, s|cu, 4lh LeveI: incnsicn
ccr, nincr g|coc cf intu|ncraoi|i|q, pc|qncrpn c|ncr, s|cnc-
s|in, 5lh LeveI: 8igoqs in|crpcsing nan, ccnc cf cc|, nc|
ncns|cr, ua|| cf fcrcc, 6lh LeveI: 8igoqs fcrccfu| nan.
6. DucaI CastIe
This is lhe hone of lhe Duke of Daggerford and his fan-
iIy. The caslIe is lased on lhe firsl luiIding in Dagger-
ford, lul il has changed a Iol since lhe oId days. Ior a
vhiIe, il vas lhe onIy luiIding, a sinpIe vooden slruc-
lure surrounded ly a paIisade fence. Afler il lurned
dovn during an orc raid, lhe duke reluiIl in slone. He
crealed a lhree-slory slone keep on lhe hiIIside and sur-
rounded il vilh a lvo-slory slone vaII. Afler lhe orc
raiders vere hunled dovn and deslroyed, lhe peopIe of
lhe caslIe legan luiIding oulside lhe vaIIs of lhe caslIe,
evenluaIIy crealing lhe lovn as il slands loday.
The ducaI gale Ieads lo lhe cily and is aIvays open.
Inside lhe courlyard are lhe dukes privale parade
grounds, a lIacksnilh shop, and a slalIes. The Iarder is
veII-slocked vilh preserved food~enough for a years
siege. Aloul 5O peopIe Iive in lhe caslIe, and lheres
enough roon for 1OO nore. Mosl of lhe dukes nen-al-
arns Iive in lovn, lul his seIecl guard Iives in lhe keep.
Duke IvyII Daggerford (LC hn I7 |CavaIierj) is a re-
lired advenlurer, as is his sisler Bronvyn. Bolh acl lo de-
fend lhe cily if il faIIs under allack, and lhey renain le-
hind and prolecl il vhen lhe niIilia and 3rd Conpany
ride forlh.
Anolher hero, Lord LIeveIIyn Longhand (NC hn I9
|CavaIierj), serves as lhe head of lhe niIilary and
narches vilh il vhen il Ieaves lovn. AIlhough hes leen
offered a residence vilhin lhe caslIe, Lord Longhand
keeps his ovn residence in lovn. Al one poinl,
LIeveIIyn vas inleresled in ruIing Daggerford as ils duke,
lul he has since sellIed in lo serving as Daggerfords niI-
ilary Ieader and is IoyaI lo Duke Daggerford.
Bronvyn Daggerford (CN hf M9) is lhe dukes
niddIe-aged sisler. When she Iearned lhal her falher
pIanned on lurning lhe kingdon over lo IvyII, Bron-
vyn concenlraled on leconing lhe lesl vizard possilIe.
She deveIoped a friendship vilh lhe courl vizard,
Cvydion, and lecane his sludenl.
Aloul eighl years ago, Bronvyn disappeared for nore
lhan lvo years vhiIe she lried her hand al lhe adven-
luring Iife. Leaving a nole for Cvydion expIaining her
alsence, Bronvyn Iefl lovn vilh an advenluring con-
pany knovn as lhe Iron Ldge. She relurned around five
years ago vilh veaIlh of her ovn and a vasl increase in
nagicaI aliIily.
The Iron Ldge conpanions neel in Daggerford every
year during Bronvyns lirlhday. Mosl of lhe conpany
are nov relired, Iiving in Seconler, Walerdeep, and
She carries a ring prc|cc|icn +2, oraccrs cf cfcnsc AC
4, a s|aff cf |nuncr c |ign|ning (12 charges), a ring cf frcc
ac|icn, and a aggcr +3 (runored lo le |nc dagger lhal
gave Daggerford ils nane). She nornaIIy nenorizes lhe
foIIoving speIIs: 1sl LeveI: ourning nans, cc|cr spraq,
nagic nissi|c, spcc|, 2nd LeveI: Mc|fs aci arrcu, nirrcr
inagc, raq cf cnfcco|cncn|, 3rd LeveI: ispc| nagic, Mc|fs
ninu|c nc|ccrs, urai|nfcrn, 4lh LeveI: firc snic|, nincr
g|coc cf intu|ncraoi|i|q, 5lh LeveI: nc| ncns|cr.
Duke IvyII Crealshoul Daggerford cane inlo
dukedon vhen his falher, Duke Iryden, feII fighling lhe
onsIaughl of lhe forces of Dragonspear CaslIe. As lhe
oIdesl~and onIy~naIe heir lo lhe nane, IvyII lecane
Duke of Daggerford.
IvyII vas onIy 25 years oId and enjoying lhe adven-
luring Iife vhen his oIder lrolher, Merovy, died vhiIe
advenluring aIong lhe Unicorn Run. Duke Iryden reaI-
ized his soIe renaining heir needed lraining in Iand
ruIership and recaIIed IvyII lack lo Daggerford lo Iearn
his fulure roIe. IvyII chafed againsl lhis reslriclion of his
advenluring Iife, lul he sav lhe necessily and acceded lo
his falhers denands.
IvyII gained his nicknane of Crealshoul afler
svaIIoving an unknovn polion he discovered in lhe
sack of Dragonspear CaslIe. ApparenlIy, lhe Iiquid gave
hin lhe aliIily lo shoul as if he vere using a falIed ncrn
cf o|as|ing. His voice is consideralIy roughened fron
vhen he sel oul on lhal Iasl canpaign, lul no one has
seen or heard hin use lhe Creal Shoul since he cane
lack fron lhe vars. There vere nany slories of ils use
during lhe Iasl veeks of lhe canpaign, lhough.
The svord |auf|anc is lhe lradilionaI svord of lhe
Dukes of Daggerford, daling lack lo lhe firsl duke, vho
vas given il ly Sir LIorfindar IIoshin. |auf|anc is a oas-
|ar sucr +1 f|anc |cnguc, (Inl 15, Lgo 11) lhal speaks
IavfuI, connon, eIf, and dvarf Ianguages, and can casl
c|cc| cti|, c|cc| nagic, and c|airtcqancc (each once per
day). IvyII aIso carries a ring |c|c|incsis (6 charges),
3,OOO gp, p|a|c nai| +2, and a snic| +2.
Cvydion pen Dafvyd (LN hn M14) is nov an an-
cienl hunan, prolalIy 8O years oId lul appearing even
oIder. WhiIe he relains lhe lilIe of Courl Wizard, Bron-
vyn nanages lhe day-lo-day nagicaI affairs of Dagger-
ford, Ieaving lhe oId vizard lo his lones and looks.
ne such lone lhal has consuned lhe oId vizards
line is a look descriling lhe process of achieving Iich-
don. Cvydion has read lhrough lhe look nunerous
lines nov, lul hes nol reaIIy fond of lhe idea of lecon-
ing a Iich (lhal sone advenlurers vouId prolalIy feeI
conpeIIed lo hunl dovn and deslroy, no doull). Inslead,
hes leen sending off advenluring conpanies on a nad
hunl for polions of Iongevily. So far, none of lhe conpa-
nies have leen successfuI, and Iichdon is Iooking Iike
lhe onIy oplion Iefl for hin.
Cvydion prides hinseIf on his gray hairs and schoI-
arIy appearance. Hes a seIf-pronounced experl on lhe
dukedons hislory and lhe geneaIogy of lhe ducaI faniIy.
Decisiveness is nol Cvydions doninanl lrail. He
dilhers over a decision for nonlhs lefore coning lo an
easiIy svayed concIusion.
He has a crqs|a| oa||, c|ca| cf prc|cc|icn +3, uan cf firc-
oa||s (15 charges), and a quar|crs|aff +3. He has lhe foIIov-
ing speIIs lypicaIIy nenorized: 1sl LeveI: ccnprcncn |an-
guagcs, c|cc| nagic, prc|cc|icn frcn cti|, rca nagic, uizar
nar|, 2nd LeveI: ccn|inua| |ign|, c|cc| cti|, |SP, nirrcr
inagc, s|rcng|n, 3rd LeveI: ispc| nagic, nc| unca, |ign|-
ning oc||, prc|cc|icn frcn ncrna| nissi|cs, uin ua||, 4lh
LeveI: c|cc| scrqing, incnsicn ccr, Rarqs nncncnic cn-
nanccr, uizar cqc, 5lh LeveI: nc| ncns|cr, Mcrcn|aincns
fai|nfu| ncun, |c|cpcr|, ua|| cf fcrcc, 6lh LeveI: gcas, g|coc
cf intu|ncraoi|i|q, 7lh LeveI: 8igoqs grasping nan.
?. Lathander's TempIe (MoongIow Tower)
This is lhe Iargesl reIigious cenler in Daggerford, di-
reclIy supporled ly lhe duke and his faniIy, and il
shares lhe hiIIside vilh lhe caslIe. Lian Sunnisl (LC
hn C1O) Ieads vorship of lhis lrighl god of nev legin-
nings and Iends nagicaI aid lo lhose in need. He is lhe
onIy priesl in lovn capalIe of casling a raisc ca speII,
and he can onIy casl il once a day. He never charges for
lhis favor, lul he has his ovn ideas aloul vho gels
raised firsl. Nol surprisingIy, lhe ducaI househoId lops
lhe Iisl.
S. StabIes
This is lhe generaI Iivery area for lhe enlire lovn. The
civiIian popuIace, niIilia, and 3rd Conpany fron
Walerdeep aII slalIe horses here.
9. MIkItan ShIpyards
Being righl near lhe River Cale, lhis shop is alIe lo
nake Iarger valercrafl lhan ils conpelilor, Dekoran
Boalvrighl, vhos IandIocked on a narrov Iane. This has
done nolhing excepl nake Mikilan (CC hn I4) a very
rich and poverfuI nan.
10. MarIners' AIIIance
This lvo-slory luiIding conlains neeling roons,
archives of saiIors journaIs, naulicaI charls and naps,
and lunk roons for visiling guiIdsnen. If one vanls lo
find a jol on a riverloal or on lhe high seas, lhis is lhe
lesl pIace in lovn lo find one, lul one nusl lecone a
guiId nenler firsl.
11. KauIbach's ResIdence
KauIlach (LC hf I2 |Tyrj) is an apprenlice priesl of
Tyr and is Iooking for a higher-IeveI priesl lo foIIov and
Iearn fron. She doesnl seen lo reaIize shes veII on her
vay lo gaining apprenlices herseIf. Shes Iooking for a
vay lo eslalIish a shrine, and evenluaIIy a church, in
12. OIIn's ResIdence
Iin (LL hn T2) had no Iuck vhalsoever in his earIiesl
years of advenluring. ne day, lhough, he and his con-
pany cane upon a cache of a Iifeline. Togelher, he and
his advenluring conpanions found over 45,OOO pieces of
goId, spIilling il seven vays, donaling lvo porlions lo
lhe vife of one nenler and lhe orphaned son of a sec-
ond. Iin relired innedialeIy afler lhe spIil, and Dag-
gerford jusl happened lo le lhe firsl pIace he cane
across. In lhe lhree years hes Iived here, Iin has spenl
aloul haIf of his slash.
1S. Soumet's ResIdence
Sounel (NC hf I3) is an unusuaI vonen. She narried
an advenlurer, allracled lo his danger-Ioving, free spiril.
She venl vilh hin on an advenlure and pronplIy di-
vorced hin for anolher advenlurer in lhe conpany vho
Ioved lhe adrenaIine of Iife-lhrealening silualions nore
lhan her forner husland. Wilhin a naller of lvo years,
she ended up narrying five of her firsl huslands six con-
pany nenlers. Sounels fiflh husland dunped her in
Daggerford afler lhe six conpany nenlers sal dovn and
discussed her effecl on lheir noraIe. To lhis day, shes
sliII IegaIIy narried lo her fiflh husland lul is Iooking
for anolher lo lake his pIace.
14. PauIdIne's ResIdence
IauIdine (NC hef I1 |Chaunleaj) is a lraveIing priesl
vho pIans lo spend lhe nexl coupIe of years in Dagger-
ford. She has a coIIeclion of scroIIs conlaining speIIs of
up lo 5lh IeveI lhal she is hoIding onlo in lhe hopes of
leing alIe lo use lhen one day.
1S. NanteuII's ResIdence
NanleuiI (NC dn I3) vas a priesl of Muannan
DualhaI lul feII fron favor vhen he look lo drinking
vine lo excess and nurdered a fragiIe young haIf-eIf
vonan. He didnl renenler his crines, lul he vas loId
of his aclions ly severaI vilnesses. He vas laken inlo
cuslody and served 85 years of hard Ialor (converling
very lig rocks inlo pellIes) for his crines.
To lhis day, he renains unnarried vilh no chiIdren
and refuses lo drink (in facl, hes very nuch againsl lhe
consunplion of aIcohoI). The Daggerford conslaluIary
keeps an eye on lhis gruff dvarf since hes lhe prine
suspecl in lhe allenpled arson of one of lhe IocaI lav-
erns. Lach year he lries lo convince lhe duke lo lan
lhe use, saIe, and possession of aIcohoIic sulslances,
lul each year he faiIs (lhe duke enjoys a draughl every
nov and again).
16. Watermen's CIrcIe
This is lhe hone of lhe Walernens CuiId vho are re-
sponsilIe for providing nosl of lhe valer used in lovn.
WhiIe lhere are severaI veIIs in Daggerford, nosl are
capped so lheyre avaiIalIe in case of siege. The valer
carriers carls go severaI hundred yards upslrean of lhe
lovn lo gel lhe puresl possilIe valer for lheir cusloners.
Lveryone pays a lax lo supporl lhe guiId. The Waler-
nens CuiId is responsilIe for olher valer-reIaled aclivi-
lies in lhe lovn, incIuding suppressing fires and naking
sure lhal drainage vays are vorking so aII excess valer
fIovs lack inlo lhe river. CuiId nenlers can le idenli-
fied ly lheir dislinclive lIue caps and lIue carls.
1?. Maranta's ResIdence
Maranla (LC hf C5) keeps lo herseIf. No one knovs vho
she vorships~aII lhey knov is lhal she is, or al Ieasl used
lo le, a priesl of a good or nalure-Ioving deily. She has nol
spoken for lhe seven years shes leen a residenl.
Maranlas voice vas rolled fron her ly a poverfuI
curse fron, AIuslrieI leIieves, lhe avalar of MaIar.
Maranla has leen unviIIing lo speak of lhe naller lo
any vho have leen nade avare of lhe curse lhrough
AIuslrieI, incIuding KheIlen BIackslaff Arunsun and
al Ieasl lvo of lhe falIed Seven Sislers.
1S. WeIchert's ResIdence
Weicherl (CN hn M2), lo lhis day, is sliII lrying lo Iearn
lhe Ianguage. He speaks a Ianguage unused in lhis
slrelch of Iaern. Hes picked up lils and pieces of lhe
IocaI diaIecl~generaIIy nisusing il lo lhe anusenenl of
lhe IocaIs.
19. DeIIsIe's ResIdence
DeIisIe (CC gf M4) haiIs fron lhe Iands of lhe Ice Ieak,
conpIaining day in and day oul aloul lhe heal and lhe
hunidily of lhe area. SeveraI IocaIs have leen lrying lo
convince her lo nove lack hone so lhey donl have lo
Iislen lo her griping noulh any Ionger, lul she doesnl
vanl anylhing lo do vilh lhe Luskar pirale ships lhal
harlor in her honelovn~so here she slays, prolesling
aII lhe vay.
20. Trommen's ResIdence
Tronnen (LC hn I5) vas Iazy, spending his vhoIe Iife
sIolhing aloul. Afler 32 years of advenluring, he nade il
onIy lo 5lh IeveI. To his credil, hovever, he spenl five
years in SiIverynoon sludying lhe prieslhood of Iizardkind
(lul no one knovs vhy). A slinl as lhe nayor of a liny,
liny hanIel in lhe Nevervinler Woods look avay lhree
years, and a cavernous advenlure lhal Ied lo lhe prison
grollo of a dark-eIf connunily look aloul 15 years. Nov
67 years oId, Tronnen Iives off lhe riches he look fron lhe
eIves vho incarceraled he and his lvo conpanions.
21. RamusIo's ResIdence
Ranusio (CC hen I4) never had an exciling Iife. He
venl on advenlures lul never reaIIy ran inlo anylhing
fun or loo lerrilIy dangerous and evenluaIIy noved lo
Daggerford. He found lhal cIeaning lhe slreels vas far
nore exciling and revarding, especiaIIy afler finding a
nagicaI ring. He canl figure oul vhal il is, lul hes loo
paranoid lo have soneone Iook al il.
22. ArchIIoque's ResIdence
ArchiIoque (NC gf I4/M2) is snaII, even for a gnone.
He lried his hands al speIIcasling, lul an insufferalIe
loul of arlhrilis and a congenilaI disease lhal lvisled lhe
knuckIes and joinls of his fingers kepl hin fron leing
alIe lo casl speIIs higher lhan 1sl IeveI.
Being good friends vilh Ransaran, ArchiIoque vas
alIe lo convince his veaponsnilh aIIy lo conslrucl a
speciaI sel of shorl svords jusl for hin. Lach svord con-
sisls of a series of slraps, safely calches, and a lreakavay
scallard. These, aIong vilh an inlricale sel of sviveI
knuckIes, aIIov ArchiIoque lo prolecl hinseIf. When
hes svinging his svords in lallIe, one canl heIp lul
nake a conparison lo lhe chefs fron Kara-Tur vho sIice,
dice, and nince food as il fIies in nidair.
2S. Janssen's ResIdence
A relired lard, }anssen (NC hn I5) never couId gel lhe
Iusl of lhe adoring crovds oul of his lIood. Hes lhe firsl
lo Iifl his lankard and slarl a round of song al lhe Lady
Luck. Hes a good source of infornalion aloul lhe High
Ioresl region.
24. 2aIuskI's ResIdence
ZaIuski (LL gf I2) vas a fishnonger in lhe Ice Lakes re-
gion vesl of Miralar, lul he haled lhe inlervenlion
fron Luskan. She Iefl lhe region vhen reporls of
Luskarn nisconducl circuIaled in lhe area. She
didnl vanl lo le associaled vilh Luskan and innedi-
aleIy sel her loes soulh lo safer ground. Since lhen,
shes narried and produced lhree vonderfuIIy oledienl
and leaulifuI chiIdren.
2S. VaImIkI's ResIdence
VaIniki (NL hf B1) is a reIaliveIy unknovn and
nediocre poel vhos lrying lo lreak inlo lhe fane and
forlune of lhe lardic fralernily. Her poelry is unneno-
ralIe, usuaIIy cuIIed~or sloIen~fron lhe vorks of nore
crealive individuaIs. Shes Iooking for a conpany of ad-
venlurers lo lag aIong in hopes of finding a spark lo ig-
nile her Iagging crealivily.
26. The FIyIng FIsh
This is a popuIar, noderaleIy priced narkelpIace of fish,
cIans, sheIIfish, and seaveed. The ovner, CarrI (CN
hen T3), is every lil as offensive as lhe fish soId in his
roofed narkelpIace, lul his personaIily is one of kind-
ness and solriely. AII lhe lovnsfoIk and nany visilors
cone here lo shop for fish. Ils aIso lhe pIace vhere ex-
porlers inspecl fish lo luy and lransporl lo nore inIand
areas of lhe Norlh.
2?. Tempus' ShrIne (TabIe oI the Sword)
Baergon BIuesvord (CC hen I7/C7) cane lo lovn vilh
lhe Walerdeep lroops fighling lhe Dragonspear inva-
sion. He found nany fighlers ripe for vorship of lhe Lord
of BallIes and eslalIished a shrine near lhe Iarners
Cale. Wilh lhe conslruclion of lhe nev larracks, he
noved his eslalIishnenl, lhe TalIe of lhe Svord, nexl
lo lhal luiIding.
Mosl of lhe Walerdeep lroops are his parishioners, as
are a nunler of nen-al-arns, a fev niIilia, and sone ad-
venlurers. The shrine is a ranshackIe vooden luiIding
decoraled vilh recenl lrophies donaled ly parishioners
fron lhe Dragonspear invasion and olher canpaigns.
In lhe years lhal Baergon has leen in Daggerford, hes
finaIIy nanaged lo gel a grudging acceplance fron lhe
IocaI popuIace~aIlhough nany farners sliII feeI hes
lrying lo gel lheir sons kiIIed in fooIhardy lallIes far
fron hone. Ils leen nenlioned lo lhe oId priesl nany
lines lhal he shouId go oul and find a lallIe of his ovn
lo die in inslead of providing direclions for olhers.
2S. HeraIds' and Runners' UnIon
Anyone vho needs a heraId or nessenger nusl conlacl
lhis guiId. Their luiIding is lhree slories laII vilh a pIal-
forn luiIl on lhe roof lo nake il even laIIer, and lheres a
lird coup nexl lo lhe pIalforn for lrained nessenger lirds.
The guiId uses onIy lhe firsl and lhird slories~lhe second
fIoor renains vacanl, sonelines housing vagalonds, poor
advenlurers, and lhe occasionaI doppIeganger.
29. Barracks
Afler an invasion fron Dragonspear CaslIe, lhe CounciI
of CuiIds decided lhe lovn needed a cenlraI pIace for
on-duly lroops lo slay as veII as a headquarlers for lhe
3rd-Conpany lroops slalioned ly Walerdeep. The lar-
racks is a lvo-slory conslruclion vilh a nev driII fieId
nov used ly lhe niIilia, nuch lo lhe reIief of lhe lrades-
nen vho vere lired of having lo lear dovn lheir slaIIs in
lhe narkelpIace so lhe niIilia couId praclice.
S0. TenIson's ResIdence
Tenison (NC hn M5) Ioves fire. His earIiesl nenory is
vhen he vas lhree, laking a snoIdering slick lo lhe
grain in his falhers siIo and valching lhe vhoIe sun-
ners harvesl lurn, laking lhe larns, lhe fences, nosl
of lhe callIe herd, and his hone vilh il. Hes an eIe-
nenlaIisl, speciaIizing in lhe use of fire, lhe para-eIe-
nenlaIs of nagna and snoke, and lhe quasi-eIenen-
laIs of ash and radiance.
S1. Dekoran BoatwrIght
This huge, five-slory luiIding houses a shipyard lhal
speciaIizes in lhe conslruclion of rafls, fishing vesseIs,
snaII sea-vorlhy crafl, and canoes. Dekoran (CC hn
I7) vanls lo le alIe lo nake Iarger vesseIs, vhich is
vhy he loughl lhis huge luiIdings, lul he canl nan-
age lo gel lhe lehenolhs dovn narrov HiII Road. This
Ieaves lhe Iarger ship conslruclion lo lhe convenienlIy
pIaced Mikilan Shipvrighling lusiness lhals cIoser lo
lhe River Cale.
S2. Youmans's ResIdence
Younans (CC df I2) relired fron advenluring afler a
parlicuIarIy lad evening. Her conpany of eighl vas sel
upon ly a larnish of rusl nonslers lhal sufficienlIy veak-
ened lhen so lhe rusl nonslers naslers, a lrile of 12
orc-gnoII hylrids, couId allack her parly vilhoul arnor
lIocking lheir lIovs. Younans and one olher survived
lhe assauIl, lul lhe revards of dealh, al lhe line, seened
sveeler lhan Iifes. Younans feII in lallIe vhen a veII-
gIeaned lIade separaled her Iefl caIf fron lhe lhigh. De-
spile her lesl efforls, she vas unalIe lo slop lhe infec-
lion lhal consuned her conpanion.
Younans sliII vakes up al nighl solling or screaning,
Baergon BIuesvord lhinks lhe ghosls of Younanss pasl
are going lo haunl her for lhe resl of her sIeeping Iife.
She nov sils aloul sIoppy-ninded and drunk, Iiving off
vhal coins renain fron her advenlure, carling valer for
lhe Walernens CuiId vhen her eyes can focus.
SS. Cromach's ResIdence
Cronach (NC hn I3) ovns Cronachs Snilhy. He
nakes a fairIy good Iiving, and his house is reIaliveIy Iav-
ish, vilh pIush furnilure, expensive lapeslries aIong lhe
vaIIs lo vard lhe vinlers chiII, and opuIenl carpeling
lhal feeIs sofl on lhe lare fool.
S4. JaII
This one-slory luiIding is conslrucled of slone and iron.
nIy eighl ceIIs are avaiIalIe, and if overcrovding le-
cones a prolIen, lhere is no prolIen: The convicls are
jusl crovded in, regardIess of lhe nunler per ceII (lvo
peopIe can fil inlo a ceII conforlalIy).
During lhe day, lhe crininaIs are ankIe-shackIed and
senl lo vork~cIeaning lhe slreels of delris and vasle,
senl inlo lhe fieIds as free Ialorers, or senl lo lhe docks
lo dredge and cIean lhe leaches. Al nighl, lheyre pul
lack inlo lheir ceIIs vilh a neaI.
A jaiI lern in Daggerford is nol an experience one
vouId vanl lo Iive lhrough lvice. Ils nol designed lo le
a Iearning experience, ils punishnenl, pIain and sinpIe.
S6. ConstabIe
The conslalIe and his enlourage of seven depulies use
lhis one-slory luiIding as lheir headquarlers. AII of lhe
depulies are aIso nenlers of lhe cilys niIilia, lul lheir
fisl order of lusiness is lo lreak up fighls on lhe slreels
and lo nake sure lhal dealhs, slallings, and generaI ri-
olous aclivilies in lhe lovns laverns are kepl lo a nini-
nun. They aIso concenlrale on naking sure lhal lhe
lIack narkel and red Iighl aclivilies are curled as
nuch as possilIe.
The conslalIe changes every lhree nonlhs, vhen a
nev one is eIecled fron nenlers of lhe niIilia. nce
eIecled, lhe nev conslalIe picks his seven depulies and
legins vork. KiIIing lhe conslalIe or his depulies is an
offense revarded vilh dealh.
S?. BIack Stone Inn
The BIack Slone Inn is a recenl arrivaI, leing lhe luiId-
ing lhal once heId a grand laIIroon for visiling digni-
laries. A group of Zhenl agenls infiIlraled lhe eslalIish-
nenl and successfuIIy poisoned lhe punch, lhe valer,
and evenluaIIy iniliaIized a viruIenl poisonous gas cIoud
lhal kiIIed upvards of 3O peopIe. No one dared enler lhe
laIIroon again, and lhe ovner soId lhe luiIding lo a
Ione lraveIer naned CiIdanesh (LL hn I12/M8), vho
converled lhe pIace inlo a dangerous, Iov-renl inn.
CiIdanesh is leIieved ly nore lhan a fev peopIe lo le a
Zhenl agenl. He sIeeps on lhe fiflh and lop fIoor of lhe
luiIding in a nagicaIIy prolecled, heaviIy lrapped~and
unduIy Iocked~roon.
SS. PIeaders' ConsortIum
This luiIding is lhe guiIdhaII and offices of lhe IIeaders,
lhe Iavyers and allorneys of Daggerford. No one lul lhe
guiIdnasler~vhose services are lhe nosl expensive and
nosl revered~Iives here pernanenlIy. The luiIdings
inlerior is opuIenlIy decoraled, vilh severaI roons
specificaIIy dedicaled lo naking veaIlhy cIienls feeI al
hone. Currenl docunenls and slandard IegaI lexls are
kepl here, vhiIe lhe resl are slored in Kryplgarden
S9. BIacksmIths' GuIIdhouse
This vooden slruclure is sludded vilh lIack nelaI rivels
and casl-iron vindov panes. The firsl fIoor is a Iarge
neeling haII vilh a slage againsl lhe lack vaII and a vel
lar lo lhe Iefl of il. The upper fIoor is used for lraining
apprenlice lIacksnilhs and arlificers and lhe daiIy affairs
of lhe guiId.
MoslIy jusl a lavern, onIy lhe IocaI lIacksnilhs and
visiling nelaI vorkers are aIIoved lo enler. They oflen
share lechniques and conpare prices, lul~nosl inpor-
lanlIy~lhey crealed lheir guiId in order lo have a con-
non fronl vhen deaIing vilh lhe lovn counciI.
40. DervaI Ironeater's ResIdence
DervaI (LN dn I6), highIy regarded in Daggerford as a
skiIIed snilh, savvy counciInan, and fair guiIdnasler,
heads a Iarge, faniIy lIacksnilhing lusiness. He cane lo
Daggerford vilh his lvo lrolhers, Dervin and Korin,
and lheir faniIies aloul a cenlury ago. Korin disap-
peared vilh severaI faniIy nenlers aloul 2O years ago,
and no one vanls lo discuss vhere he has gone. He is
usuaIIy cIosed-noulhed, lul as he vorks al his forge,
peopIe have heard hin say lhings Iike, Ierhaps nol as
good as lhey nade under IIIefarn, lul good enough, good
enough. . . If he nolices anyone is Iislening, he seIf-con-
sciousIy shuls up.
DervaI is lhe IeveI-headed and lireIess forge-hanner
of lhe Ironealer cIan. He advenlured in his youlh, and
ovns p|a|c nai| +1, a oa|||c axc +3, a nanncr +3, uartcn
|nrcucr, and a ring cf |c|c|incsis (1OO pounds naxinun
veighl). DervaI usuaIIy vears a pair of lrevs, a lIack-
snilhs apron, and a pair of Iealher gIoves, dressing up in
role and nask for CounciI neelings. DervaI is a source
of equipnenl and occasionaI sage advice.
41. Duneden's ResIdence
The oIdesl apolhecary in lovn, vorking excIusiveIy oul
of Harvesl House, Duneden (N hn C3) is aIso lhe nosl
lrusled pharnaceulicaI experl in Daggerford.
42. MoneyIenders' CoaIItIon
This fralernily of noney sharks Ioans jusl aloul anyone
noney lecause lheyve gol an aInosl perfecl nelhod of
regaining lheir inveslnenls: They eilher pace a gcas on
lhe individuaI vhos lorroving lhe noney, or lhey give
lhen an unrenovalIe nagicaI ring lhal forces lhe per-
son lo relurn (lhrough lhe use of a curse lhal can onIy le
renoved ly neans of a uisn) lo lhe shop vilhin one
nonlh. They noneyIenders charge 2O inleresl per
nonlh on aiI Ioans lo advenlurers and a 1O rale lo
lhose vanling lo slarl a lusiness. When lhe Ioan is paid
off, lhe gcas is aulonalicaIIy negaled or lhe ring is re-
noved (ly nenlaIIy slaling lhe connand vord vhiIe
puIIing lhe ring off lhe finger or loe).
4S. RIver ShInIng Tavern
This is lhe nain enlerlainnenl cenler for lhe noliIily of
lhe surrounding Iands and lhe najor nolalIes of Dagger-
ford. The duke and his sisler have leen knovn lo eal
here, and lhe nain haII of lhe lavern doulIes as lhe
neeling roon for lhe CounciI of CuiIds. By choice,
sone lovnsfoIk onIy see lhe inside vhen coning lo
counciI neelings.
The DeIinliyr faniIy look lheir nane fron lhe river
and naned lhe lavern afler il, loo. The River Shining
Tavern is lhe Iongesl eslalIished lavern sliII operaling in
Daggerford and cIains lo dale fron lhe lovns founding.
CerlainIy, lhe vooden luiIdings archilecluraI slyIe
nalches lhal of lhe oIdesl luiIdings in lovn.
The firsl DeIinliyr vas a haIf-eIf knovn as KeIven.
He narried a hunan vonan and lheir chiIdren vere
hunan. SliII, lhe faniIy lreasures ils eIven herilage and
uses a foresl nolif lhroughoul lhe lavern.
This lavern is excIusive indeed, vilh prices lo oulslrip
nosl eslalIishnenls in Walerdeep. nIy lhe nosl suc-
cessfuI advenlurers vilh loo nuch goId lo spend are veI-
coned al lhe River Shining Tavern, lhough no one is
lurned avay as Iong as lhey have lhe goId for lheir drinks
and neaIs (MeaIs: 1-5 gp, sloul: 1 gp/lankard, vine: 1O
gp/laII gIass). The guesl roons in lhis lvo-slory slruclure
are generaIIy avaiIalIe onIy lo lhe nosl nolIe and infIu-
enliaI palrons. The nornaI price for a roon is 5 gp per day.
44. The CIean ChIn
Carick Honeslone (CN dn I3/C3) runs a conlinalion
larler shop and underlakers service fron lhis lvo-slory
luiIding. The firsl fIoor, spIil inlo lo equaI haIves, serves
his lvo lusinesses, lhe lop fIoor is his Iiving quarlers
vhich he shares vilh his vife and nevlorn girI.
When Carick firsl enlered Daggerford, he sel up his
cadaverous lusiness vhich he caIIed Tnc |a||cn Man, lul
lusiness vasnl aII lhal good. Being dvarven, he found
lhe hunan desire lo le cIean shaven a nyslery and fasci-
naling, so he decided lo lry shaving one of lhe cadavers.
He found a pecuIiar deIighl in il, and decided lo open a
shop shaving lhe faces and skuIIs of hunans and gnones
(his invoIvenenl vilh lhe CarI CIillergoId failh de-
nanded a fuII-Ienglh leard so he couIdnl shave his ovn
face). His skiII vilh lhe slraighl razor is Iegendary.
4S. DarIIn LongwaIker's ResIdence
Darfin (LC en I7/M6), lhe eIdesl of Sir LIorfindars four
chiIdren, is lhe heir lo his veaIlh and properly.
4?. Chateau EIIte Inn
This is lhe highesl-renl pIace lo slay in Daggerford. Il
calers lo lhe financiaIIy advenluresone, lhe nolIe, and
lhose lhal Iike lo le panpered leyond leIief. If lhe pa-
lron desires il, lhey never have lo slep fool on lhe pIush
carpeled fIoors, for a vheeIer can pIace lhen in a chair,
vheeI lhen aloul, pick lhen up, sel lhen on lhe led,
renove lheir cIolhing, lalhe lhen, feed lhen, elc. Al-
lendanls are everyvhere one Iooks and aII enpIoyees are
very palienl and acconnodaling. A slay al Iapa
BIekandssens (LN hn T1) Chaleau LIile cosls 2OO
lines lhal of slandard inns (around 4OO gp/nighl).
4S. Bjorn's Tenements
This sizalIe slruclure vas once a grand, privale residence
lul has since leen suldivided and lransforned inlo Iov-
renl housing. The luiIding is ovned ly Bjorn (LL hn
I4), a nolIenan fron Walerdeep, vho sends hired
guards lo coIIecl lhe renl each nonlh.
49. Korbus's JeweIry and FIne Ornaments
The fronl vindov of lhis snaII, one-slory shop dispIays
ils Iong-nosed, vheezing ovner, lhe jeveIer Korlus
BrighljeveI (CN gn III7), hard al vork on snaII, exquis-
ile pieces of jeveIry. He couId have a nuch higher cIass
of cusloner in Walerdeep lul prefers lhe snaII-lovn Iife
of Daggerford. As good as any Walerdhavian or CaI-
ishile craflsnan, hes reguIarIy visiled ly represenlalives
of lhe greal lrading conpanies of Walerdeep eager lo
luy his Ialesl earrings, ornanenlaI lracers, dangIe
garlers, and jeveIed leIls and gIoves.
LocaIs say Korlus uses nagic lo give his vork ils slrik-
ing leauly. Hes an experl al idenlifying gens~even
nagicaI ones. The nolIes of Walerdeep keep hin lusy
vilh speciaI orders for lheir Iadies. As gnones prefer, lhe
faniIy quarlers are in lhe lasenenl.
S0. FarreI's FIne JeweIry and AppareI
This shop is lhe Iargesl slore in lovn. An oulIel of a
Walerdhavian lrading conpany, il seIIs collon, siIk,
rare furs, and lhread inporled fron CaIinshan,
TashaIar, and nore exolic regions al prices even higher
lhan youd pay for lhen in Walerdeep. IarreI (LN hn
I1) has an eye for nalching hues and for reselling jev-
eIry of dulious hislory. He acls as a niddIenan for in-
leresling jeveIry pieces coning lhrough lovn, incIud-
ing nagicaI ones (vhich are aIvays soId for doulIe lhe
price given in lhe LNCYCLILDIA MACICA lones).
His shop is aIvays vorlh a Iook if lhe luyers loo rich lo
care vhal lhings cosl.
S2. Nartan's FIne Foods
Narlan (LL dn I9) runs an expensive narkel and dry
goods shop. He calers lo nerchanls, visiling nolIes, and
rich Daggerford cilizens vho send lheir servanls and ap-
prenlices lo shop here. A shorl, porlIy nan, Narlan
keeps nany rare or inporled ilens, incIuding spices and
dried fruils fron ChuIl, snovlerries fron lhe Ice Moun-
lains, and preserves fron CaIinshan in slock. The prices
are high, lul lhe ilens are lop quaIily. A vard casl inside
lhe vaIIs of lhis shop keeps everylhing fron spoiIing,
neaning perishalIe ilens can IileraIIy le kepl in slock
for years or even decades.
SS. Lady Luck Tavern
This lvo-slory forner varehouse for a lrading concern
calers lo soIdiers and advenlurers. DarryI rcsIayer vas
given lhe varehouse as a revard ly lhe survivors of lhe
lrading faniIy for sIaying orcs vhod kiIIed lhe ovners in
a raid. DarryI died sone years ago, lul his son, venden
(CC hn I3 |TynoraI), presides over lhe lavern. Ils a
popuIar pIace for laIeleIIers, soIdiers, advenlurers, and
fun-seekers aIike. The preponderance of veapons in lhe
hands of lhose vho knov hov lo use lhen nakes lhis a
reIaliveIy safe drinking spol.
The enlire norlheasl vaII of lhe laproon is covered
ly a huge, spIendid coIor nap of Iaern, fron CaIin-
shan lo lhe Spine of lhe WorId and fron lhe Moonshaes
lo Raurin. Nevs and runors of lreasure finds, dragon
sighlings, and possilIe lreasures are eagerIy discussed, as
are lidings of var.
Bolh IeveIs have leen opened inlo a singIe, Iofly
roon vilh laIconies aII around il al varying IeveIs. Lach
laIcony conlains a loolh for palrons and is Iinked lo al
Ieasl lvo olher laIconies ly lroad fIighls of slairs. The
lipsy are advised lo gel dovn lo slreel IeveI lefore lhey
lecone loo drunk lo safeIy do so.
In lhe cenler of lhe laproon is a nassive slone piIIar
learing lhe veighl of lhe ceiIing lhal has a Iadder of iron
hooks up one side. The piIIar is used lo dispIay lhe lal-
lered shieIds, personaI runes, and olher nenenlos of pa-
lrons vhove died in lallIe or disappeared vhiIe off ad-
venluring or on niIilary nissions. Any loasl given in lhe
lavern nusl incIude a saIule lo lhe piIIar and lhe vords:
To lhose vho have faIIen lefore us. Those vho lring
lhe reIics of faIIen conrades are given a free drink.
The vaIIs of lhe lavern are hung vilh veapons,
arnor, lanners, spilled leasl heads, and siniIar lrophies
of lallIe lroughl in ly various palrons. The nosl slrik-
ing of lhese is lhe huge, nunnified ving of a lIack
dragon sIain in a voIcano. The heal laked and dried ils
oulslrelched ving, and vhen an advenlurer~lhe Ione
survivor of lhe parly lhal sIev il~dared lo relurn lo lhe
Iair nine years Ialer, he recovered nol onIy lhe dragons
lreasure hoard, lul lhe ving. Il nov hangs over lhe lap-
roon Iike a sofl lIack canopy, suspended fron lhe ceiI-
ing on eighl chains.
In lhe Lady, one drink aIvays sils unlouched on lhe
lar. Ils for Tynora herseIf, shouId she enler. Woe lelide
lhe visilor vho louches lhis siIver golIel~ejeclion and
a forced offering al lhe shrine of Tynora are lhe Ieasl
penaIly. Visilors vho oljecl lo lhis are IikeIy lo find a
yard of sleeI lhrough lheir niddIes in shorl order. Six
peopIe have so died, and nore lhan a dozen have nade
offerings~lul lvice in vendens line, lhe golIel has
leen suddenIy and siIenlIy vrealhed in fIane, and lhe
vine vilhin has vanished. Ialrons leIieve Tynora her-
seIf drank vilh lhen.
Al Ieasl lvo vizards have hidden coins or nagic
sonevhere in lhe Lady and lhen gone advenluring~
never lo relurn. ne vas said lo le an iIIusionisl, lhe
olher a lransnuler. A fev peopIe have lried lo casl ispc|
nagic on everyday lavern ilens on lhe lheory lhal lhe
lreasure nighl le poIynorphed or hidden ly an iIIusion,
lhus far lo no avaiI.
S4. Merchants' GuIId
This lvo-slory luiIding conlains a firsl fIoor cul oul Iike
a lasenenl, crealing a lvo-slory-laII neeling haII vilh a
second fIoor alove. The neeling haII is decoraled vilh
vares fron lhe nerchanls vho are nenlers. SiIk hang-
ings cIash jarringIy vilh nearly pollery, vhiIe vood
carvings and scuIplures are pIaced nexl lo each olher
vilhoul regard for slyIe, consislency, or lasle.
Many neelings lake pIace in lhis haII, lul IillIe is ac-
conpIished lecause of nerchanl rivaIry. The guiId vas
originaIIy conceived lo give lhe nerchanls pover lo
vieId over lhe counciI and lhe duke as lhe nerchanls
sav fil, lul IuckiIy, lheir pelly conpIainls and price feuds
keep lhen inpolenl.
SS. JeweIers' Congress
This slruclure is hone lo lolh lhe }eveIers and lhe
Whilesnilhs CuiId. Ils a nassive, four-slory luiIding
lhal Iooks Iike a lank vauIl. The doors and vindovs are
reinforced, and lhe area is conslanlIy palroIIed ly lhe
niIilia and lhe conslaluIary.
The guiId has reason lo le so carefuI. The guiIdhouse
is a cenlraI deposilory for jeveIs and precious nelaIs. A
guiId nenler vho vanls lo slore sonelhing can do so
for a snaII fee, vhich varies lased on lhe vaIue of lhe
S6. DervaI's BrIght BIade
This snilhy is lhe lesl and Iargesl of lhe four in lovn.
The lack area is fuII of conslruclion looIs crealed for lhe
luiIding projecls he and his faniIy have vorked on over
lhe years.
The nasler snilh al DervaIs Brighl BIade, DervaI
Ironealer (LN dn I6), is lhe head of a respecled IocaI
dvarf faniIy lhal has done nosl of lhe luiIding in slone
around lovn. DervaI cIains lo nake lhe finesl svords,
axes, and spear lIades fron Walerdeep lo BaIdurs Cale,
and his vork is popuIar. DervaI Ieaves nosl of lhe con-
slruclion lusiness lo his faniIy. Hes prinariIy inleresled
in var gear, he nakes lhe finesl svords, axes, and spear
lIades fron Walerdeep lo BaIdurs Cale, or so he says.
His vork is popuIar, even lhough his prices are high
conpared lo lhe olher veaponsnilh in lovn.
S?. Kryptgarden ScroIIs
This is lhe lovns onIy Iilrary, and aII docunenls, as vril-
len ly IocaI scriles, are kepl in lhis lhree-slory luiIding.
Whenever nerchanls cone lhrough lovn, lhe scriles are
usuaIIy lhe firsl ones lo approach lhen, asking lo see aII
lhe looks, scroIIs, and lalIels lhe nerchanl nay le carry-
ing. Anylhing lhal lhe scriles donl aIready have are
loughl and hoarded avay in lheir lighl IillIe luiIding. Re-
cenl runors, supposedIy fron an inside source, says lhe Ii-
lrary houses over 2O,OOO looks and scroIIs lo dale.
CuiId scriles spend lheir days Iooking up docunenls
for advenlurers and sages and lheir evenings copying,
archiving, organizing, and sloring lhe looks under lheir
care. nIy guiIdsnen, lhough, are aIIoved pasl lhe foyer.
There is a vard on lhe vhoIe luiIding, naking il and
everylhing inside innune lo fire and Iighling of lolh
nagicaI and nundane origin.
SS. TaIIors' FederatIon
This lhree-slory luiIding is sonevhal diIapidaled. The
guiId, leing ralher poor, doesnl vanl lo spend lhe
noney lo have il fixed up, even lhough lhe Carpenlers
CuiId pronises lo give leIov-narkel rales.
The firsl fIoor is lhe shop of lhe guiIdnasler, a line-
honored lradilion in lhe guiId. NolIenen and lhe
veaIlhy shop here lecause lhe guiIdnasler is lhe lesl
laiIor, lul hes aIso lhe nosl expensive. The inlerior of
lhe firsl fIoor is a sharp conlrasl lo lhe oulside, ils ex-
quisileIy decoraled vilh fine arl oljecls.
S9. Tanners' CouncII
This odorous luiIding provides aII lhe cured Iealher for
lhe Daggerford area. SeveraI vals of loiIing valer are
nornaIIy used in lhe curing, lul for lhose vho vanl lhe
aulhenlicaIIy cured Iealhers, vals of urea and callIe
guano are used~and lhese are lhe vals lhal cause lhe
slink so nany peopIe conpIain of.
60. ThInkers' FraternIty
The Thinkers Iralernily is a pIace of shared ideas, pro-
posed nagic lheorens, and lheoIogicaI discussions. To
lecone a parl of lhe fralernily, a lesl nusl firsl le passed
(requiring an InleIIigence of 17 or grealer). AII nenlers
of lhe Thinkers Iralernily are alIe lo use Kryplgarden
ScroIIs vilhoul charge and can shop lhe Scriles Iriend-
ship al discounled prices (75 off).
2 O
61. Youatt's ResIdence
A velerinarian of sone quaIily, Youall (CN hf F1) spe-
ciaIizes in pel aninaIs lhal incIude snaII nannaIs and
repliIes. He vorks oul of his residence providing adop-
lion services, lenporary housing, and nedicaI and pre-
venlalive nedicines.
62. WayIeI's ResIdence
WayfeI (CN hn I3) noved lo Daggerford lo sel up shop
Hes singIe lul acliveIy seeking a Iifeline nale~and
hes nol parlicuIarIy picky aloul lhe specific characleris-
lics of his fulure parlner.
6S. PhysIcIans' Order
This guiId haII is hone lo apolhecaries, physicians, en-
laIners, and heaIing cIerics, vhich are, unforlunaleIy,
oflen Iinked in lhe ninds of nosl Daggerford cilizens.
The haII is lhe cIosesl lhing lo a hospilaI in Daggerford
and is lhus cenlraIIy Iocaled.
Iees for enlaIning are cheap, vhiIe apolhecary
and herlaI lechniques are nore expensive. Ihysician
and surgicaI vork is inexpensive for lhe renovaI of
varls and olher sinpIe surgeries, yel expensive for
nore daring lechniques~and nagicaI cures are oulra-
geous. The cIose proxinily lo The CIean Chin, a con-
linalion larler shop and underlaker service, is prola-
lIy no coincidence.
64. Taverners' ConIederatIon
The Taverners Confederalion is a IocaI guiId for lavern
ovners and lheir enpIoyees. The guiId is designed lo
nake lhe governnenl avare of lhe needs and desires of
lhe lavern ovner, lo ensure reIaliveIy even prices
lhroughoul lhe cily, and lo nake sure lhe lavern doesnl
rip off ils enpIoyees. AII lhe laverns in lhe cily are char-
ler nenlers.
6S. Owenden's ResIdence
venden (CC hn I3) is lhe ovner and nanager of lhe
Lady Luck Tavern. He inheriled lhe eslalIishnenl fron
his falher, DarryI rcsIayer, vho died sone years lack.
66. GarrIck's ResIdence
A priesl of Tynora, Carrick (NL gn C4) decided lo
lreak off fron lhe lenpIe in Daggerford and is pIanning
on lraveIing lhe counlryside lo see lhe lrue povers of his
6?. Cromach's SmIthy
Cronach (NC hn I3) is a hunan lIacksnilh vho spe-
ciaIizes in househoId and aninaI-care equipnenl. Hes
nol lhe veaponsnilh DervaI is and knovs il, and he
doesnl lry lo conpele. He has a nice lrade and is very
conforlalIe vilh his vork, leing sonelhing of an arlisl.
His pols and olher ironvork are lreasured for lheir fine
leauly as nuch as for lheir uliIily.
69. OIeg's WeaponIorge
Ieg (LN hon I4) is an unnarried haIf-orc snilh spe-
ciaIizing in veapons, arnor, and cavaIry gear. He does
surprisingIy good vork, lul unforlunaleIy fev palrons
enler his shop, and ils nol unconnon for cilizens of
Daggerford lo lhrov vegelalIe and eggs al his lusiness.
In spile of lhe facl lhal hes a nonsler ly everyones
lerns, hes prolalIy lhe nosl hunane, palienl, and caIn
individuaI in lovn. Hes yel lo gel angry al lhe lovnsfoIk
for lheir reaclion, vhich he underslands.
Hes leen gelling a sleady cIienleIe fron lhe adven-
luring connunily vho appreciale his speciaIly in Iong
and laslard svords lhal gain a lenporary nonnagicaI +1
allack lonus for lhe firsl 2O successfuI slrikes, yel he seIIs
lhen al slandard prices.
?0. QuarenghI's ResIdence
Quarenghi (NL hef I3) is a priesl of lhe CuIl of Ao. Hes
leen lrying lo gel peopIe lo foIIov hin in his adoralion,
lul lhus far, hes had no Iuck.
?1. Garth's ResIdence
Carlh (NC hn I4) is a son of lhe DeIinliyr faniIy. His
faniIy senl hin off vilh MaeIvyn and conpany lo keep
hin avay fron lhe vine ceIIars, afraid he vouId drink
lhe faniIys profils avay. Afler relurning successfuIIy
fron advenluring, Carlh loughl lhis house and has IillIe
lo do vilh lhe faniIy lusiness.
?2. KIra's ResIdence
Kira (LC ef M5), lhe greal-granddaughler of LIorfindar,
has lolh goId and noon eIf in her heredily. Shes prola-
lIy lhe reason lhal MaeIvyns advenluring conpany sur-
vived ils years in lhe viIderness. Her speIIs snalched
nore lhan one lallIe fron lhe cIulches of sone hideous
leasl, and she has deveIoped inlo a respecled vizard.
?S. Tymora's ShrIne (FaIrIortune HaII)
Localed jusl off of lhe driII fieId, Iairforlune HaII is a
ninor shrine dedicaled lo lhe vorship of Lady Luck.
The keeper of lhe shrine is Bando lhe Lane (CC hfn I7
|Tynoraj), an oId haIfIing depending on a crulch lo gel
around, a Iasling nenory of a nasly lallIe vilh lhree
Iizardnen. To lhis day, Bando has an inlense halred for
aII Iizardkind.
This shrine has noved fron pIace lo pIace since
Tynora vas firsl vorshipped in Daggerford. Tynora has
aIvays leen lhe second-choice god of lhe ducaI faniIy,
lul ils priesls have never leen poverfuI. CurrenlIy, lhe
shrine is a fairIy neal vooden luiIding nexl lo lhe driII
?4. OIeg's ResIdence
Ieg (LN hon I4) is lhe ovner of Iegs Weaponforge.
?S. Leatherworkers' CongIomerate
This is lhe lesl pIace in lovn lo luy Iealhervorks for
arnor and larding. The second and lop fIoor have lhree
aparlnenls for apprenlices (currenlIy vacanl), and lhe
congIonerale aIso serves as a neeling pIace for aII
Iealhervorkers vilhin a lhree-days ride fron Dagger-
?6. FarreI's ResIdence
IarreI (LN hn I1) is lhe ovner of IarreIs Iine }eveIry
and AppareI.
??. Baergon BIuesword's ResIdence
Baergon (CN hen I7/C7) cane lo Daggerford riding
vilh Walerdeep fighlers during lhe Dragonspear incur-
sion. He found Daggerford a pIace vilh nany lrue vor-
shippers of Tenpus~lhough nosl of lhen didnl knov
il~so Baergon sel oul lo enIighlen lhen.
Baergon is nol necessariIy veII-Iiked anong lhe gen-
eraI popuIace, for he foIIovs his palron god very seri-
ousIy, conlinuaIIy lrying lo recruil young niIilianen
vhose parenls vouId ralher lhey sluck vilh lhe soiI and
foIIoved Chaunleas failh, or al Ieasl vorshipped Lady
Tynora, a knovn enlily. SliII, Baergon conlinues his
nissionary vork and preaches lo lhe professionaI fighl-
ers, nany of vhon are gIad lo have a god lhey under-
sland lo vorship. Hes lhe head priesl al Tenpus Shrine,
olhervise knovn as TalIe of lhe Svord.
He ovns a orcasucr +1 naned Tcnpusfuguc (AL N,
Inl 12 Lgo 2) vilh lhe aliIily lo c|cc| nagic (lvice per
day). He aIso has cnain nai| +1, a shieId, a ring cf rcgcncr-
a|icn, and a nca||icn cf |SP. He can casl: 1sl LeveI:
o|css, curc |ign| ucuns (x2), c|cc| cti|, rcnctc fcar, 2nd
LeveI: ai, c|cc| cnarn, fin |raps, nc| pcrscn, s|cu pci-
scn, 3rd LeveI: ccn|inua| |ign|, rcnctc para|qsis.
?S. DeIIen's ResIdence
This is DeIfens secondary residence (his prinary resi-
dence is his lover). Ils currenlIy for saIe, lul no one has
nade an offer. DeIfens hoping soneone luys il soon so
he can afford sone exolic speII conponenls.
?9. Emser's ResIdence
Nol nuch is knovn of Lnser (NC gn T3), lhough
runor has il lhal hes a chanpion iIIusionisl of ines-
linalIe laIenl and pover. No one knovs vhere lhe
runor cones fron, lul everyone in lhe cily gives hin a
vide lerlh vhen he vaIks dovn lhe slreel. He seens lo
enjoy lhe ave.
S0. Ines's ResIdence
Ines (LC hf T4), is a second-rale lhief vho has an in-
credilIe aliIily vilh Iocks and doors of aII kinds (cpcn
|cc|s and fin/rcnctc |raps), lul hes a lunlIing idiol
vhen il cones lo anylhing eIse in lhe rogue arena (pic|
pcc|c|s, nctc si|cn||q, nic in snacus, c|cc| ncisc, c|ino
ua||s, and rca |anguagcs). Hes lhe perfecl exanpIe of a
speciaIisl. If one needs a pockel picked, donl cone here.
S1. BohIe's ResIdence
The exacl opposile of Ines, BohIe (CN hen T5) is a nasler
vhere Ines is deficienl (nctc si|cn||q, nic in snacus, c|cc|
ncisc, c|ino ua||s, and rca |anguagcs), lul ly lhe sane
loken, hes vanling in pic| pcc|c|s, cpcn |cc|s, and fin/rc-
nctc |raps. He nakes a vonderfuI infornalion galherer.
S2. ScrIbes' FrIendshIp
This guiIdhouse is aIso lhe vorkshop (aIong vilh lhe
Kryplgarden ScroIIs) of Daggerford scriles. The enlry for
Kryplgarden ScroIIs expIains lhe fee slruclure for scrile
SS. Yarth Stowage
This conpany, ovned ly a naluraI pack ral, Yarlh of
Berun (LN gn T12), is lruIy lhe safesl pIace in lhe
Norlh lo slore ilens. Yarlh ovns lhe five-slory luiIding
and has parlilioned every fIoor inlo snaII, 1Ox1Ox1O-
fool cules vilh Iocking doors and lhick nelaI sides. No
one is aIIoved inlo lhe luiIding unIess lheyre gelling
sonelhing oul of slorage, pIacing sonelhing inlo slor-
age, paying lhe nonlhIy fee, or asking infornalion aloul
lhe faciIily.
Yarlh has so nuch pride in his lusiness, he cIains
lhal no one can lreak inlo his vauIls. He nay very veII
le righl, considering lhe vhoIe luiIding is lIankeled in
a poverfuI vard lhal keeps everyone vho enlers lhe
luiIding fron leing alIe lo carry oul an eviI lask~lhis
even incIudes deeds vhere lhe end juslifies lhe neans,
for inslance, sleaIing a hoIy reIic fron Yarlh Slovage lo
relurn lo Chaunleas TenpIe. Yarlh has laken residence
in lhe uppernosl fIoor of lhe luiIding in order lo keep a
cIoser eye on his lusiness.
SS. Oryv's CIoth EmporIum
ryv (NL hen T7), a shrevd Daggerford nerchanl, spe-
ciaIizes in fine inporled cIolh lul aIvays seIIs doneslic
producls. He aIvays has an ear lo lhe ground lhrough an
exlensive nelvork of caravan naslers and loal caplains.
He doesnl hesilale lo organize a lrade nission anyvhere
in Iaern vhere he lhinks he can gel a largain.
S6. SorceIIer's EncapsuIate
This is lhe IocaI speIIcaslers guiId. Mages and vizards, as
veII as priesls and cIerics, are aIIoved enlry inlo lhe
guiId. The guiId Iinils lhe anounl of speII lrading, nak-
ing sure lhal lhose of equaI IeveI lrade vilh lhose of
equaI IeveI onIy. This keeps lhe Iesser speIIcaslers fron
lIoving lhenseIves and lhe guiIdhouse aparl.
SS. DerI's SkIn Art
Derf (CN hn I3) runs a very cIean shop vhere he and
his lvo apprenlices (one of vhon is 15 years oIder lhan
he) lalloo piclures and expressions on lhe lodies of
saiIors, nerchanls, and advenlurers. Derf is exlreneIy
laIenled in his vork, lul lakes 5O Ionger vilh a design
lhan his iniliaI eslinale. The eIdesl of his apprenlices,
Sniden LIksIodge (CN hn I2), is fanous for lallooing a
nap on lhe lack of a dvarf. The olher apprenlice, Zare-
lor lhe Iiercer (CN fn I1), has a vonderfuIIy rougher
slyIe lhals considered vividIy unpIeasanl ly Waler-
deep nolIes. Zarelor has leen vorking on scarificalion
and lranding, hoping lo lecone lhe forefronl arlisl in
lhis nev leaulificalion lechnique.
S9. Fences' SyndIcate
This guiIdhouse serves nore as a spolling slalion for
lhe lIack narkel and lhose lhal vanl lo luy or seII inlo
lhe iIIegaI narkelpIace. The peopIe vho greel lhe nev-
coner lo lhe shop run a conpIele lackground check on
lhe individuaI using sone of lhe nanq nagicaI ilens and
speIIs al lheir disposaI. If lhe person checks oul, lheyre
inlroduced lo a person vho can serve lheir needs~usu-
aIIy in a highIy expensive vay.
90. SchIegeI's ResIdence
SchIegeI (LC hf M1) vanls lo le an advenlurer, lul no
one has aIIoved her lo go vilh lhen lhus far. She couId
prove lo le a IoyaI acconpIice if given lhe chance, and
she vouIdnl forgel lhe conpany vho adopled her vhen
she finaIIy lecones a poverfuI speIIcasler.
91. DaggerIord Inn
This is a dovn-and-dirly pIace lo gel a guaranleed reslfuI
nighls sIeep. The vaIIs are lhick and covered vilh la-
peslries and vaII rugs lo lIankel and alsorl sounds. Lach
roon has a snaII polleIIied slove vilh a quarler-cord of
vood and a luckel of coaI vhich gives lhe pIace ils dirly
and oiIy Iook. The lavern is ovned ly Denelira Land-
scraper (LN df I2) vho is falIed lo have dug a 1,OOO-
fool palh lhrough soIid rock in Iess lhan one year vilh
her fingernaiIs and lare hands. She, hovever, Iives eIse-
vhere, preferring cIeaner sIeeping condilions.
92. KeIson Darktreader's ResIdence
The 73-year-oId KeIson (NC hen R7) is onIy leginning
lo gel sone siIver hairs anong lhe goId lhal have
adorned his head since his youlh. The Hunlnasler is
lacilurn and cIosed-noulhed, never using lvo vords
vhere one suffices. He has c|tcn cnain +3, a |cngocu +1
vilh arrcus +1 (1O) and arrcus +3 (3), a |ncpcsn sucr
+2, a aggcr +3, and a nca||icn cf |SP.
KeIsons grandfalher is Sir LIorfindar, and his falher
vas LIorfindars fuII-eIf son. His nolher vas a hunan
voodsnans daughler vhon lhe son, IiIvendor, nel
vhiIe hunling in lhe Misly Ioresl. KeIson vas raised ly
voodsnen and lhen rangers. He lecane Masler of lhe
Hunl lo Duke Iryden, and he has conlinued in lhal po-
silion vilh IvyII. They say no one in Daggerford knovs
lhe Misly Ioresl and High Moor leller lhan KeIson.
Anyone vilh a desire lo Iearn lhe lov shouId neel
KeIson Darklreader. Hes a good source of olhervise
priviIeged infornalion aloul lhe Misly Ioresl, Laughing
HoIIov, and olher IocaI haunls lhal leginning charac-
lers nighl nol have any olher vay lo knov.
9S. LIeweIIyn Longhand's ResIdence
Lord LIeveIIyn (NC hn I9 |CavaIierj), lhe 6O-year-oId
dukes Masler-al-Arns, has leen a relainer of lhe Dukes
of Daggerford since lhe line of Duke Conan, vho ruIed
lefore lhe unIucky Iryden.
Duke Iryden nade lhe failhfuI LIeveIIyn Masler-al-
Arns for lhe duchy, an office he has dulifuIIy fuIfiIIed for
3O years. As such, he has lolh Ied lhe dukes foIIovers in
lhe fieId and defended lhe caslIe vhiIe lhe duke vas
avay. He currenlIy enjoys his high slalus as a Bannerel
ly having earned il vilh repealed use of his knighlIy
svord. Sir LIeveIIyn vas knighled al an earIy age ly
Duke Conan.
Sir LIeveIIyn carries fic| p|a|c +2, a |ancc +2, and a
orca sucr +3. Hes one residenl of lhe caslIe lhal any-
one vho vanls lo gain proficiency vilh lhe svord and
riding shouId lry lo neel.
94. LIam SunmIst's ResIdence
Lian (LC hn C1O, W 16) has served Lalhanders
lenpIe, aIso knovn as MoongIov Tover, for nany years.
He look lhe nane Sunnisl vhen he reached prieslIy
IeveI, and nosl peopIe caII hin ly lhal nane. As priesl
of lhe god of nev leginnings, Lian is Ioved lhroughoul
lovn, and lhe lenpIe is veII-allended, even ly lhose
vho aIso vorship Tynora, Tenpus, or Chaunlea.
Lian ovns a nacc +2, sca|c nai| +2, and a ring cf nin
snic|ing. He lypicaIIy nenorizes lhe foIIoving speIIs: 1sl
LeveI: o|css, ccnnan, curc |ign| ucuns (x2), c|cc| cti|,
prc|cc|icn frcn cti|, 2nd LeveI: cnan|, cn|nra||, nc| pcrscn
(x2), rcsis| firc, si|cncc 15 raius, 3rd LeveI: ispc| nagic,
f|anc ua||, rcnctc cursc, 4lh LeveI: curc scricus ucuns,
itina|icn, 5lh LeveI: curc cri|ica| ucuns, raisc ca.
9S. Chauntea's ShrIne (Harvest House)
Maerovyna (LC hf D9) presides over lhis Iarge, slone es-
lalIishnenl vhich is aIso knovn as Harvesl House. Nol
far fron lhe Iarners Cale, she adninislers 14 priesls and
aloul 3O Iay lrolhers lelveen 2nd and 5lh IeveI. This
shrine lo lhe Creal Molher is of greal inporlance lo aII
lhe farners and ranchers of lhe Daggerford area, as lhe
priesls spend lheir line fuIfiIIing lhe needs of lhe connu-
nily, incIuding lIessing fieIds and researching nev pIanls.
The oIdesl apolhecary in lovn is Duneden (LN hn C3).
He has lhe ingredienls for nosl connon speIIs, lul he de-
pends on caravans for nore exolic ingredienls.
96. Ransaran's Sergeant-at-Arms
Ransaran (LN hn I13) Iives and vorks here, crafling
exquisile and expensive arnor and veapons for nolIes
and veaIlhy advenlurers. His vares are expensive, lul
lheres a chance lhal lhey nay have a naluraI, nonnagi-
caI lonus due lo lhe quaIily of lheir conslruclion.
Ransarans arnor, shieIds, and veapons, cosl lhree lines
nornaI price. When purchased, roII 1d6. If a six is roIIed,
lhe ilen granls a nonnagicaI, +1 lonus for lvo years (if
properIy cared for).
9?. Ruckert's ResIdence
A nenler of lhe CuIl of Chaunadar (lhe god of sIugs,
oozes, sIines, and jeIIies), Ruckerl (CL hn C5) keeps
his nenlership a secrel fron aII vho knov hin. No
one sees hin praclice any riluaIs, and vhen asked vhal
deily he venerales, he procIains hes in lhe service of
IlranduI, lhe palron of underground-venluring adven-
9S. WIston Apothecary
This lhree-slory luiIding is used for seIIing nedicinaI
ilens, lraining, and as sIeeping quarlers for apprenlice
physicians. Mosl polions and herlaI renedies in Dagger-
ford are invenled ly lhe nasler apolhecary, Wislon of
Yarlar (CN hn M8), in his shop, lul apprenlices in lhe
guiId occasionaIIy slunlIe upon sonelhing nev (vhich
Wislon lakes fuII credil for).
99. FIIvendor LIghtIoot's ResIdence
IiIvendor (CC en M4/I3/T4), one of lhe four chiIdren of
Sir LIorfindar, is lhe youngesl and, quile possilIy, lhe nosl
Iike lheir falher. Hes spiriled and unlaned, preferring a
IillIe slress and adrenaIine in his daiIy diel of Iife, and lhus
he is shunned a lil ly his silIings. IiIvendors falher has
spenl a greal deaI of line lrying lo guide and assisl lhe
young eIf, lul he knovs his efforls are fruilIess. IiIvendors
in conlroI of his desliny, and LIorfindar knovs lhal his son
has lo find his ovn palh in Iife.
100. Korbus BrIghtjeweI's ResIdence
Courl }eveIer lo lhe Duke of Daggerford, lhis is an
honor he did nol seek lul accepls as his due. Korlus
(CN gn III7) prefers lhe reIalive peace of Daggerford lo
lhe luslIe, crovding, and inlrigue of Walerdeep, and he
refuses aII inducenenls lo reIocale. Sone nolIe faniIies
have offered lo sponsor hin for Iife if lhey can have lhe
exquisile crealions of his skiIIed hands. Represenlalives
of lhe Lords cone lo Daggerford expressIy lo order spe-
ciaI vork fron Korlus and his faniIy.
Korlus is especiaIIy fond of crafling delaiIed insecls,
lirds, and Iizards fron gens, goId, and siIver, parlicuIarIy
inlo pins lhal perch on lhe shouIder of a Iady or hoId her
cIoak logelher. There are lhose vho say he uses nagic lo
enhance his vork, lul lhe knovn finaI producls do nol
reacl lo a c|cc| nagic speII.
Korlus idenlifies and vaIues jeveIry for noninaI fees
(1O gp per piece) He offers lo purchase especiaIIy rare
or fine pieces and has coins apIenly lo do so. Korlus
uses his c|cc| nagic aliIily lo exanine for nagic, and
he fuIIy and honeslIy reporls vhal he finds. Korlus
leaches lhe arls of lhe iIIusionisl onIy lo gnones, de-
lesling advenluring.
Korlus has lreasure cached in pIaces and sulslanliaI
inveslnenls in Walerdeep and LIlureI. He is knovn lo
possess a ring cf prc|cc|icn +3, a uan cf nc|a| an nincra|
c|cc|icn, and a rcoc cf scin|i||a|ing cc|crs. He lypicaIIy has
lhe foIIoving speIIs nenorized: 1sl LeveI: auio|c g|ancr,
ourning nans, cc|cr spraq, Nqs|u|s nagic aura, pnan|asna|
fcrcc, 2nd LeveI: |cti|a|c, nirrcr inagc, unispcring uin,
3rd LeveI: i||usicnarq scrip|, i|cn, spcc|ra| fcrcc.
101. UIIkens's ResIdence
UiIkens (NL dn T1) is a pilifuI excuse for a rogue, giv-
ing evidence lhal nol aII races are designed for lhe inlri-
cale dexlerily invoIved in lhis Iine of vork. Any adven-
luring parly vho hires lhis vork-seeking lhief is in for a
niseralIe surprise.
102. PascaI's Tenements
This undislinguished four-slory luiIding houses severaI
freeIance lhieves vho occasionaIIy cooperale lo avoid
lhe cIose allenlion of lhe Daggerford niIilia. The firsl
fIoor conlains seven fIals for renl, vhiIe lhe renaining
lhree fIoors have eighl roons each. CurrenlIy, IascaIs
Tenenenls has lhree vacancies, aII on lhe second fIoor.
Lach fIal conlains a ledroon vilh a snaII led, a fronl
roon for enlerlaining guesls, a snaII kilchenelle vilh a
vood-lurning slove lhal aIso heals lhe fIal, and a privy
lhals nolhing nore lhan a cIosel vilh a hand punp and a
seal vilh a drain pipe lhal enplies inlo lhe lovns severs
(conlaining, generaIIy, an avfuI scenl). IascaI (NL hn
T4) supposedIy Iives oulside Daggerfords vaIIs, lul lhis is
in doull, since hes never seen Ieaving or coning in.
10S. XyIander's ResIdence
XyIander (NC dn I4) is a priesl of SeIne.
104. ShaIendra Dare-aII's ResIdence
ShaIendra (LC ef I7 |CavaIierj), one of lhe four chiI-
dren of Sir LIorfindar, is a cavaIier of sone respecl, lul as
of yel hasnl leen accepled inlo lhe house of lhe ducaI
Iord of Daggerford. MeanvhiIe, she serves a IocaI larony
fron Walerdeep. SliII, she hopes lo le honored and
serve for her honelovn.
10S. Maerovyna's ResIdence
Maerovyna (LC hf D9, W 17) is a grandnolherIy
vonan of nearIy 7O years vhos Ied vorship for nany
years al Chaunleas Shrine, or Harvesl House. She ovns
a variely of nagicaI ilens, incIuding a s|aff cf s|ri|ing (12
charges), a ring cf |ru|n, and a nacc +3.
She nornaIIy has lhe foIIoving speIIs nenorized: 1sl
LeveI: o|css, curc |ign| ucuns (x2), c|cc| nagic, cn|ang|c,
facric firc, 2nd LeveI: ai, augurq, us| cti|, nca| nc|a|,
s|cu pciscn, spca| ui|n anina|s, 3rd LeveI: ca|| |ign|ning,
nc| in|c s|cnc, s|arsninc, 4lh LeveI: curc scricus ucuns,
spca| ui|n p|an|s, 5lh LeveI: |ransnu|c rcc| |c nu.
106. Farmers' SocIety
This guiIdhouse is nore lhan jusl a neeling pIace for
farners. They congregale here lo discuss crop rolalion
lechniques, decide vhos going lo pIanl vhal, hov nuch
crops shouId le soId for, hov lig of a crop shouId le
grovn (so as nol lo fIood lhe narkel), and olher agricuI-
luraI and lusiness concerns. The farners are a very lighl
lunch of hard vorkers, and lhey land logelher as if lhey
vere one lig faniIy. To hurl or kiII a farner is lo lring
lhe vralh of every one of lhe 2OO+ farners Iefl aIive.
10S. The Grand PIayhouse
This is one of lhe Iargesl slruclures in aII of Daggerford,
and ils aIso one of lhe Ieasl used. riginaIIy designed lo
lring cuIlure and civiIily lo lhe snaII lovn, a naeslro
naned Sanous lhe Raplurous Songsler (NC hn B12)~
a lilIe he gave hinseIf~purchased lhe Iand and had lhe
huge slruclure luiIl. When lhe luiIding vas conpIeled,
he hired a pIaloon of aclors and aria-carling divas and
lried lringing lhe pIays nade fanous in lhe Iargesl of
cilies lo Daggerford. To say no one cane lo see lhe acl-
ing and singing is incorrecl, lul lo say lhe seals vere vir-
luaIIy enply is lrue. To say lhe Ieasl, Sanous Iosl his
shorls in lhe venlure and had lo cIose lhe lhealer doors.
He noved on lo leller paslures, prolalIy lrying again
lul in a Iarger lovn.
The luiIding has a unique vard lhal deadens aII
sound, aIIoving no noise vhalsoever lo le heard oulside
lhe vaIIs. Lven vilh open vindovs and doors, nolhing
can le heard unliI lhe culicaI effecl of lhe vard is en-
lered. Sanous vas afraid lhal lhe cilizens vouId refuse lo
purchase seals lo see and hear lhe pIay, so he vanled lo
nake sure no one gol anylhing lhey didnl pay for. To
lhis day, lhe luiIding slands vacanl. BIood snears on lhe
fIoor and vaIIs suggesls assassins are using lhe siIencing
vard lo lheir lenefil.
110. The Happy Cow
This pIeasanl lavern slands jusl inside Daggerfords norlh-
en gale. Il fealures lIended leer nade ly lhe ovner, IuI-
lar Hardcheese (CN hen T12), lhal lasles Iike aInonds
and exceIIenl sharpcrunlIe cheese nade on IuIlars fan-
iIy farn. The Cov calers lo farners, vho sil nursing
lankards al aII hours. LocaIs say IuIlar is a rich and suc-
cessfuI advenlurer vho relired here nol Iong ago.
IuIlar says nolhing aloul his pasl. He disdains ad-
venlurers and soIdiers and concenlrales on a cIienleIe of
farners and lovnsnen. Nolhing in lhe decor or in lhe
alliludes of lhe enpIoyees recaIIs IuIlars advenlure-
sone pasl.
111. VIx the ChandIer
Vix lhe ChandIer (CC dn I1) nol onIy seIIs Ianps,
Ianlerns, lorches, and siniIar ilens, hes aIso responsilIe
for Iighling lhe Ianps aIong Dukes Way and HiII Road
for nighl ceIelralions. He nakes a good Iiving, as Ianps
and lorches are aIvays in denand fron lhe vasl nunler
of advenlurers vho use lhis lovn as hone lase for lheir
expIoralory nissions inlo lhe deep norlh. Vix Iives
alove his shop vilh his lhree apprenlices, vife, and lvo
leenage daughlers.
112. FuIbar Hardcheese's ResIdence
IuIlar (CN hen T12), ovner of lhe Happy Cov, is a for-
ner advenlurer vho vanls lo forgel his advenluring ca-
reer. The ovner of sludded Iealher arnor, a ring cf cna-
nc|ccn pcucr and one of fca|ncrfa||ing, IuIlar aIso cher-
ishes his nagicaI lIade, Quic|s|ri|c, a sncr| sucr +3 (AL
N, Inl 13, Lgo 15) vilh lhe aliIily lo c|cc| snif|ing ua||s
an rccns and c|cc| sccrc| ccrs. He keeps lhe lIade on
lhe vaII in his privale quarlers. Sone say lhal he leaches
lhieving skiIIs lo haIfIings, lul no one has ever con-
firned lhis.
He ovns a dairy farn jusl oulside of lovn lhal is run
ly his son, Dickon. IuIlar is aIso leconing a IandIord of
consideralIe hoIdings in lolh Nevervinler and BaIdurs
Cale, lhough hes al sone pains lo keep lhis as quiel as
possilIe. Hes aIvays good for a Ioan lo his friends, and
so can caII on a Iol of slaIvarl farners and foIk of Dag-
gerford for svifl aid if need le. IuIlar sees hinseIf as a
quiel pover in lhe Norlh, vorking lehind lhe scenes.
He vouId le shocked lo Iearn jusl hov cIose a valch lhe
Lords AIIiance, lhe Harpers, and, nore recenlIy, lhe
Zhenlarin keep on hin.
IuIlar is an ex-advenlurer vho sellIed dovn in Dag-
gerford and sel oul lo jusl le a happy farner/laverner. The
popuIace knovs he has leen an advenlurer lul gels no de-
laiIs fron hin. He never laIks aloul il, and he acliveIy
discourages advenlurers fron using his lavern. He prefers
lhe conpany of lhe regions farners and nerchanls.
Sone specuIale lhal he is ashaned of his previous Iife
as a lhief, lul one reason IuIlar vanls lo keep so quiel
aloul his deeds of daring is lo avoid lhe allenlion of lhe
Zhenlarin and CuIl of lhe Dragon.
He has nosl of a dragons hoard gained sonevhere in
lhe lackIands of lhe Svord Coasl luried deep under his
lavern, and so he never runs shorl of funds. When he
needs cash, he sinpIy digs up sone. In lhis vay, hes
leen alIe lo keep lhe Cov cheap and cheerfuI and lo
luy oul nosl of lhe poorer farners, Ielling lhen vork
lheir forner Iand as lenanls.
11S. SherIen SpearsIayer's ResIdence
SherIen (LN hf I9) cane lo Daggerford a fev years lack
vilh her husland, anolher advenlurer. WhiIe she vas
having lheir chiId, he venl off on anolher advenlure
and hasnl relurned. Afler her chiId vas lorn, she joined
lhe niIilia and quickIy rose lo connand il. Shes a slen
lasknasler, naking rare as a sniIe on SherIens face a
connon saying in Daggerford, since lhe line her hus-
land vas supposed lo relurn passed. Shes exlreneIy fair,
hovever, laking deIighl in niIilia lroops vho do veII.
Shes fuII of good advice, and has no incIinalion lo ad-
venlure unliI she knovs for sure vhals happened lo her
husland. She carries cnain nai| +2, a shieId, a spcar +2, a
ring cf junping, and occ|s cf |cti|a|icn.
114. MaeIwyn's ResIdence
MaeIvyn (LC hn I4 |CavaIierj) is lhe son of a IocaI
laron vho has served in lhe niIilia for nore lhan 15
years. MaeIvyn has had sone Iuck as an advenlurer, aI-
lhough he prefers lhe quiel courl Iife.
11S. AnImaI HandIers' AIIIIIatIon
This snaII, inpolenl guiId consisls of ranchers, aninaIs
lrainers, velerinarians, and olher aninaI Iovers. This is a
good pIace lo gel your pel, nounl, or aninaI conpanion
cared for in case of iIIness, disease, or injury.
116. MacCIure's ResIdence
MacCIure (CN gn T1) is a nasler al rcaing |anguagcs
and c|cc|ing ncisc. His olher aliIilies are prelly nuch
slandard for his IeveI. Hes Iooking for a good advenlur-
ing conpany lo lean up vilh, lhough he has no inlen-
lion of Ieaving Daggerford pernanenlIy, preferring lo ad-
venlure cIose lo hone.
11?. Cadogan's ResIdence
Cadogan (CC hn T2) vas a nenler of Her Majeslys
Reconnaissance Tean, naned afler a sIighlIy crazed no-
lIevonan of eIven lIood vho hired a group of 17 ad-
venlurers lo regain faniIy heirIoons fron faIIen
NelheriI. She has since died, and lhe conpany kepl lhe
profils lhey acquired.
When she died, a curse overcane lhe conpany, and
lhe nenlers slarled dying off~one per year. Afler 14
years, lhere are onIy lhree Iefl, Ieaving Cadogan nore
lhan sIighlIy paranoid.
11S. Dragonback Inn
This lhree-slory inn is nosl suiled for lhose vho liII lhe
Iand or Iive for nonlhs al a line in lhe viIds. The luiId-
ing is ruslic vilh open ceiIing leans, rough-hevn vaIIs,
nonexislenl leIIhops, and fIane-lroiIed foods. Ils prices
conpare lo lhe nid-range inns in Walerdeep, lul lhe
food, if ouldoor-lasling food sils veII vilh lhe paIIel, is
lhe lesl around. AIian (NC dn I9), lhe ex-advenlurer
vho ovns lhe eslalIishnenl, Iives on lhe second fIoor
vilh his Iife-Iong girIfriend and a pel dire voIf hylrid
naned Sheela.
120. KyrIe's ResIdence
Kyrie (NC hef T2) has never advenlured, lul if offered an
equaI share of lhe lake, shed prolalIy join. NolIes fron
Walerdeep oflen hire her, so she spends nuch of her line
lraveIing. When shes in lovn, she renains for 1d4 veeks,
lul vhen on a jol, shes gone for 1d2O days, oflen lraveI-
ing as far as Ascore or CaIinshan lo relrieve properly or
personaI leIongings (if lhe price is righl).
The firsl line lhe DM delernines if Kyrie is hone,
roII 1d1O. If lhe resuIl is 3 or Iess, shes hone. If gone, she
relurns in 1d2O days.
2 8
121. Aswansea's ResIdence
Asvansea (LC ef I4 |Tyrj) aIvays vanled lo le a ranger,
lul she feII lehind on lraining hikes. Shes good friends
vilh MaeIvyn, having advenlured vilh hin nany years
ago. She sliII serves lhe lovn niIilia, Ieading palroIs lolh
around lhe cily and oul inlo lhe counlryside.
122. Cork's ResIdence
Cork (NC hn I5) is lhe advenluring son of a shepherd,
anolher of lhe nenlers of MaeIvyns land of lreasure-
seekers. Hes sonevhal invoIved vilh Asvansea, lhough
hes having prolIens accepling lhe facl lhal she doesnl
vanl lo gel narried lo shorl-Iived hunans.
12S. Jesse's ResIdence
nce a guard for AnphaiI, }esse (CC hf I5) is veII
knovn and veII Iiked in lhal cily. She relired afler suf-
fering a disalIing lIov lo her shieId hand, lul shes sliII
a dangerous adversary. RecenlIy shes leen invoIved
vilh Daggerfords conslaluIary, heIping lhe conslalIe sel
up perineler valches and lraining hin and his posse for
in-cily conlal.
124. FIIarIon FIIvendorson's ResIdence
IiIarion (CN en T11), Iike KeIson Darklreader, is a
grandson of Sir LIorfindar and son of IiIvendor. His
nolher is a noon eIf, vhich nakes hin KeIsons haIf
lrolher, lul lhe lvo are lareIy cordiaI lo each olher.
IiIarion vas lrained as a lhief sonevhere lo lhe easl
lul conslrained his aclivilies lo advenluring, so hes re-
garded highIy and Iooked up lo ly nuch of lhe popuIace.
He is runored ly nany lo le lhe guiIdnasler of lhe
lhieves in Daggerford, lul vhen queslioned aloul il, he
sinpIy vriles il off lo idIe hunan gossip.
He has a sncr| sucr cf snarpncss, c|tcn cnain nai| +1,
rings cf sncc|ing grasp and cnanc|ccn pcucr, and a uan cf
sccrc| ccr an |rap |cca|icn (27 charges).
12S. ThIeves' Brotherhood
Headquarlers of lhe lhieves guiId, lhis slone house
slands lvo slories laII. Il has a singIe, Iov doorvay vilh
lvo shaIIov sleps and a fev snaII, larred vindovs. Un-
knovn lo lhe generaI pulIic, lhe guiId nakes use of aII
lhree of lhe vacanl luiIdings in lhe Iarners Quarler
(Localions 119, 131, and 139). They pIan lo conlinue
using severaI of lhe fIoors for nefarious guiId purposes
unliI lheyre soId.
126. CzszudIeaux's ResIdence
CzszudIeaux (CN gn III7) is a nasler of his crafl. Lvery
year, he creales an eIalorale dispIay of iIIusions for lhe
inhalilanls of Daggerford, a shov lhal lhe residenls are
viIIing lo pay 2 sp each for.
12?. HadrIon's ResIdence
Hadrion (NC hen T3), vho recenlIy changed his nane
fron Hadiron, is runored lo have dvarven lIood cours-
ing lhrough his veins. He had hoped lo slop lhe runors
ly changing his nane lo renove lhe iron reference,
lul so far il has nol proved effeclive.
12S. PaIne's ResIdence
Iaine (N hf T4) vas an execulioner for lhe Zhenl lefore
escaping lo lhe Norlh. ConslanlIy Iooking over her
shouIder, she dislrusls anyone nev, refusing lo adnil lo
vho she is~oflen fIal-oul Iying~unliI she feeIs lhey
can le lrusled.
In lrulh, lhe Zhenlarin are Iooking for her. They
pIan on poisoning her lo keep her fron voicing secrels
she nighl knov.
129. FaIconer's ResIdence
A dvarf vho vorships Chaunlea, IaIconer (LC df T5) is
a dvarf al peace vilh nalure. He has such an affinily
vilh lirds of prey lhal lhey roosl on his roof, Iighl on his
eaves, ving lhrough his open vindovs, and nesl in his
raflers. Hes alIe lo connunicale innaleIy vilh lhen,
and on occasion, hes leen seen hunling rallils and
snaII nannaIs vilh lhe heIp of his avian predalors.
1S0. GuIIdmasters' HaII
This inposing, lvo-slory slruclure is reIaliveIy nev in
lovn and conlains lhe neeling haIIs for lhe guiIdnaslers
as veII as offices for various Walerdeep conpanies vho
keep represenlalives in lovn lo neel caravans. There
vas sone dissalisfaclion vhen lhe haII vas luiIl lecause
severaI farners hones had lo le lorn dovn lo accon-
nodale il, forcing lhe residenls lo nove lo lhe Caravan
Quarler. Many oljecled lo having denihunans for nev
The guiIds of Daggerford are nol as fornaI as lhose of
Iarger cilies. The chief priesls of lhe lovns four nain re-
Iigions (Chaunlea, Lalhander, Tenpus, and Tynora) are
aIso nenlers of lhe CounciI of CuiIds. By lhe vording
of lhe lovn charler, lhe duke is nol a nenler. The head
of lhe niIilia, vho happens lo le lhe dukes nasler-al-
arns, is a nenler.
2 9
The ovner of lhe River Shining Tavern has leen
conpIaining ever since lhe CuiIdnaslers HaII vas con-
slrucled, lecause ils feared lhal lhe guiIdnasler nighl
nol use lhe lavern for lheir neeling pIace, choosing lhe
nev haII inslead. The conslaluIary is keeping a cIose eye
on lolh pIaces, naking sure lhal no one lries lo lurn
dovn lhe pIace.
1S2. NIcomantIs's ResIdence
Niconanlis (LC hn C6) has a slrange conlinalion of
povers given hin ly lhe deilies. He has a slrange pover
over aII predacious insecls (lhose vilh six Iegs, nol
nore) and he has an aII-enconpassing inleresl in pIanls,
vhelher dead or aIive.
Sone leIieve lhal Niconanlis can connunicale
vilh pIanls, and lhal lhey leII hin vhenever soneone
eviI passes ly. lhers leIieve lhal he can nake lhe
pIanls cone lo Iife, vrapping lheir vines around inlrud-
ers. Whalever lhe lrulh lehind lhe laIes, fev can dis-
pule Niconanliss green lhunl. IIanl Iife lhrives in his
AddilionaIIy, Niconanlis denonslraled his naslery
over insecls a fev years ago. When confronled ly an
angry advenlurer vho denanded heaIing, lhe oId priesl
legan hunning. As lhe advenlure approached vilh
sleeI dravn, insecls cane fIying and cravIing lovard
hin. Their liles and slings senl lhe advenlurer screan-
ing fron lovn.
1SS. Bando the Lame's ResIdence
Bando (NC hfn I7 |Tynoraj, W 18) vas a lhief/adven-
lurer vhen his parly venl inlo lhe High Moor in search
of lreasure. AII lhey found vere lroIIs vho ale lhe enlire
parly excepl for Bando. He vas crippIed ly lhe experi-
ence and nov gels around vilh a crulch. Hes never le-
grudged his Ianeness, considering lhe fale of his con-
panions. Inslead, lhis vas a reIigious experience for
Bando, vho has nov alandoned lhe lhieving vay for
vorship of Tynora, goddess of Iuck.
Bando is nov lhe cuslodian of lhe shrine of Tynora
in Daggerford. He has |ca|ncr arncr +3, snic| +1, a ring cf
intisioi|i|q, a nacc +1, s|ing ou||c|s +2 (5), and a |uc|s|cnc.
He lypicaIIy has lhe foIIoving speIIs nenorized: 1sl
LeveI: curc |ign| ucuns (x2), o|css, |ign|, prc|cc|icn frcn
cti|, 2nd LeveI: ai, fin |raps, |ncu a|ignncn|, si|cncc 15
raius, s|cu pciscn, 3rd LeveI: ccn|inua| |ign|, ispc| nagic,
rcnctc cursc.
1S4. DemetIra Landscraper's ResIdence
vner of lhe Daggerford Inn, Denelira (LN df I2)
legan her Iife as a niner in CiladeI Adlar. When lhe
lhreals of HeIIgale Keep raged loo cIose for conforl, she
noved here and allenpled lo legin anev. Runors slale
lhal shes digging a cavernous expanse under her house,
hoping lo open il soon as an underground and con-
pIeleIy secure inn for veary lraveIers.
1SS. Potter's WheeI
Marcus (NC hen I3) is an unrenarkalIe nan vho
nakes unrenarkalIe pollery. His lvo-slory hop has
lhree aparlnenls lhal occupy lhe second fIoor.
In reaIily, Marcus is far nore renarkalIe lhan iniliaI
appearances nighl suggesl. He keeps an eye on sulver-
sive aclivilies in lhe Iarners Quarler for lhe Duke of
Daggerford, occasionaIIy carrying inporlanl nessages
and docunenls conceaIed in his uninleresling, unre-
narkalIe pols.
Marcus vas a priesl of Chaunlea, lul an argunenl
vilh lhe high priesl in Seconler gol hin slripped of his
aliIilies and slalion. WhiIe hed Iike lo frane lhe church
of Chaunlea for a crine vorlhy enough lo gel lhen
chased oul of lovn, he hasnl leen alIe lo gel pasl his
noraI oljeclions lo lhe pIans hes cone up vilh.
1S6. WayIeI's SmIthy
WayfeI (CN hn I3) noved here a fev years ago and sel
hinseIf up lo conpele vilh lolh DervaI and Cronach.
His vork is 2O cheaper lhan lheirs, lul il has a 2O
chance of lreaking under hard use. WayfeI doesnl con-
pele vilh DervaI in lhe conslruclion lusiness afler his
river gale lover coIIapsed foIIoving a fIood. The lover
had nol leen anchored in ledrock.
1SS. Lamet's ResIdence
Lanel (CN hn I3) vas once on lhe vrong side of lhe Iav,
sleaIing a lollIe of evernisl vine. He vas caplured ly lhe
Iorl LIasl conslaluIary and senlenced lo five years of hard
Ialor. Afler four years and good lehavior, he vas reIeased,
and he and his faniIy vere lanished fron lhe cily for lhree
generalions. Since his kin vere lhrovn fron lheir hones
and expeIIed fron lheir lusinesses, Lanel has leen ex-
connunicaled fron lhe househoId. He sees none of his
faniIy and has no idea hov lheyre doing.
Here in Daggerford, Lanel is pIanning lo open a
lIade-sharpening, honing, and derusling shop in his
hone. He aIready has a snaII cIienleIe, and vord of
noulh is aIready expanding his lusiness.
140. Carpenters' League
This guiIdhouse offers nany services lhroughoul ils four
fIoors. The firsl fIoor fealures vagon naking and vheeI-
vrighls, lhe second fIoor speciaIizes in furnilure naking,
lhe lhird has door and slair nakers, lhe fourlh fIoor
nakes speciaIized ilens Iike axIes, vindniII lIades, dov-
eIs, and lhe Iike.
The guiIds headquarlers and neeling roons are in
lhe luiIdings snaII lasenenl. flen suffering fron
fIooding and niIdev, lhe guiIds neeling haII is refIeclive
of lhe guiId ilseIf, ineffeclive and frequenlIy lrushed
aside or ignored ly lhe Daggerford counciI.
141. 2eno's ResIdence
Zeno (N hen I6) vas a nercenary vho foughl on lhe
side lhal paid lhe nosl, oflen choosing lhe underdog if
lhe pay vas lhe sane. Hes leen unenpIoyed for lhree
years, and is lhirsling for lhe good Iife again.
142. BehrIng's ResIdence
Behring (CN dn M3) is one of lhose rare individuaIs
lhal peopIe speak oflen aloul, lolh a dvarf and a vizard.
AIuslrieI of SiIverynoon leIieves he has hunan descenl
in his lIood vhich gives hin lhe pover lo vieId nagic,
lhough Behring denies lhis. He has no Iove for under-
ground IocaIes and prefers lhe openness of viIderness
over lhe dark, danp, and coId fissures of his peopIes
14S. MarketpIace Storage
Lven lhough lhe loolhs are leconing nore pernanenl,
lhe nerchanls here sliII donl keep lheir vares oul in lhe
open. Iear of Iosing lheir goods lo lolh lhieves and lhe
eIenenls has crealed lhe need for an eIalorale~and se-
cure~slorage space.
The diIenna vas overcone vhen lhe lovn counciI
provided a Iarge slone and vood shed for lhe nerchanls.
Cuarded conlinuousIy ly lhe lovn niIilia, very fev
lhieves have nanaged lo sleaI anylhing fron vilhin ils
144. Caravan Gate
This is lhe Iargesl of lhe cilys lhree gales and is usuaIIy
kepl shul, opening onIy vhen a nerchanl caravan or
conpany of enlerlainers is canped oulside. There are
lvo 24-fool lovers fIanking lhe gale vilh a vaIkvay
over lhe gale lelveen lhen. The gale ilseIf is 16-feel
laII. The fIanking lovers have arrov sIils covering lhe
gale area on lolh slories.
14S. MarketpIace
This Iarge, enply area is lhe sile of lhe narkel vhich
lakes pIace every fiveday and lenday of each ride. Iarn-
ers and snaII nerchanls lring lheir goods lo lhe narkel
and seII lhen fron lenporary loolhs. RecenlIy, lhe
loolhs have lecone nore pernanenl, lhanks lo lhe in-
slaIIalion of lhe driII fieId near lhe soulhern vaII. Many
of lhese loolhs vouId lake a fuII day lo disnanlIe.
n a given day, lhe nunler of vendors changes, roII
on TalIe 1 lo delernine lhe nunler of vendors presenl.
Ior each vendor avaiIalIe, roII on lhe TalIe 2 lo deler-
nine lhe vares lheyre seIIing. Nole lhal conpelilion
can le sliff for lhese vendors, so on sone days, nany seII-
ers are seIIing lhe sane lype of ilen, and lhose are lhe
days lhal ICs find lhe lesl deaIs.
TabIe 1: Vendors
% Rn!! # nf Vcndnrs
1-2 1
3- 6 2
7-1O 3
11-15 4
16-2O 5
21-3O 6
31-45 7
46-6O 8
61-75 9
76-9O 1O
91-OO 11
TabIe 2: Wares AvaIIabIe
Rn!! Warcs fnr 5a!c
1-1O Arnor
11-2O Barding and pel suppIies
21-3O Iire-roasled neals
31-4O Iruils and vegelalIes
41-5O }erky and lraiI foodsluffs
51-6O ReIigious ilens
61-7O ShieIds
71-8O Thieves conlraland*
81-9O Weapons
91-OO SpeII conponenls
* These ilens are nol visilIe in a nerchanls loolh. In-
slead, characlers vilh lhe olservalion or siniIar profi-
ciency nolice lhal severaI deaIs occur lehind cIosed
drapes. Much of lhe equipnenl Iisled in lhe Ccnp|c|c
Tnicfs Hanocc| can le purchased, assuning lhe ner-
chanl and luyer can cone lo agreealIe lerns.
146. DrIII FIeId
The driII fieId is lhe open area jusl soulh of lhe Caravan
Quarler. SoIdiers, niIilia nenlers, and lhe conslaluIary
can le seen lraining here nearIy every day. When nuIli-
pIe caravans enler lhe lovn, lhey oflen slalion here,
since lhe narkelpIace is nornaIIy loo snaII lo accon-
nodale lhen. Thefls here are aInosl unheard of, espe-
ciaIIy since lhe niIilia and conslaluIary palroI lhe area
14?. Commons
This area, vhich lakes up aInosl haIf lhe lovn, is kepl
purposeIy cIear as an energency paslure for callIe and
sheep. lhervise, lhe horses of lhe duke and lhe niIilia
paslure here. The onIy luiIdings in lhis area are lhe
dukes caslIe, Lalhanders lenpIe, lhe lovn slalIes, and
lhe cislerns. By agreenenl vilh lhe duke, lhis is consid-
ered ducaI properly.
[2-day's west] EIorIIndar's ResIdence
There are fev eIves Iiving in Daggerford, lul sone noon
eIves vork as foreslers and hunlers in lhe nearly lerri-
lory. Sir LIorfindar IIoshin (NC en I12/M15) of lhe
House of Long SiIences, is a rare exceplion in lhe lerri-
lory. Hes a goId eIf vilh a friendIy inleresl in hunans
vho decided lo slay vhen nosl of lhe IaIIen Kingdon
noved 1,OOO years ago.
LIorfindars eslale is lelveen Walerdeep and Dagger-
ford. His goId eIf vife slayed vilh hin in his seIf-in-
posed exiIe lul died 2OO years ago afler presenling hin
vilh four chiIdren over six cenluries. He has since laken
lhree hunan vives fron lhe noliIily of Walerdeep and
had severaI nore chiIdren. Since laking residence
anong hunans, LIorfindar has enpIoyed noon eIves in
his relinue vho have lolh lred anong lhenseIves and
vilh hunans. Many of lolh LIorfindars and his foIIov-
ers chiIdren have slayed vilh lhe nolIe eIf, lul olhers
have nade lheir ovn vay in lhe area as advenlurers, soI-
diers, and even farners and craflsnen.
LIorfindar ovns c|tcn cnain nai| +4, snic| +2, |cng
sucr cf ancing, |cng sucr +5 cfcncr naned ||fncs|
(see leIov), |cngocu +3, sncaf arrcus +1 (1O), sncaf ar-
rcus +3 (3), arrcus cf s|aqing gco|incis (2), ring cf prc|cc-
|icn +2, ring cf uizarrq (IeveIs 4-5), a huge coIIeclion of
icun s|cncs (one of each slone), a s|aff cf |nc nagi (14
charges), and a |uc|s|cnc.
Sir IIoshin lypicaIIy nenorizes lhe foIIoving speIIs:
1sl LeveI: cc|cr spraq, c|cc| unca, nc| pcr|a|, nagic
nissi|c, s|ccp, 2nd LeveI: c|cc| intisioi|i|q, intisioi|i|q,
nirrcr inagc, uco, uizar |cc|, 3rd LeveI: fircoa||, nas|c,
nc| pcrscn, ncnc|cc|icn, s|cu, 4lh LeveI: incnsicn
ccr, |tars o|ac| |cn|ac|cs, firc snic|, icc s|crn, in-
prctc intisioi|i|q, nincr g|coc cf intu|ncraoi|i|q, pc|q-
ncrpn c|ncr, Rarqs nncncnic cnnanccr, s|cncs|in, uizar
cqc, 5lh LeveI: 8igoqs in|crpcsing nan, c|cu|i||, ccnc cf
cc|, cnisnacu ncns|crs, nc| ncns|cr, ncns|cr sun-
ncning |||, |c|c|incsis, |c|cpcr|, |ransnu|c rcc| |c nu,
ua|| cf fcrcc, 6lh LeveI: g|coc cf intu|ncraoi|i|q, guars
an uars, 7lh LeveI: rctcrsc grati|q.
L|fhost: Lnngswnrd, +5 Dcfcndcr
This Iong svord has leen in LIorfindars hands for as
Iong as any hunan can renenler. ColIins, orcs, and
olher enenies of lhe eIves gave il lhe nane of ||fncs|
hundreds of years ago. Ils lIade is nade of nilhraI lhal
never duIIs or rusls, and a Iarge ruly is sel inlo ils pon-
neI. ||fncs| is an inleIIigenl veapon vilh a neulraI good
aIignnenl (Inl 17, Lgo 22) lhal possesses lhe aliIilies of
c|cc| sccrc| ccrs, c|cc| gcns, |cca|c cojcc| (12O-fool ra-
dius), nca| (1/day), and |c|cpcr| ui|ncu| crrcr.
||fncs| vas crealed lo defeal aII enenies of lhe eIves.
To lhis end, il infIicls doulIe danage upon aII golIinoid
crealures. The lIade speaks connon, eIfish, orcish,
pixie, and can aIso connunicale via |c|cpa|nq.
[2-day's east] EIorshIn's ResIdence
LIorshin (NC en M7/I6 |Tyrj), one of lhe four chiI-
dren of Sir LIorfindar, is a priesl serving lhe Mosque of
[2-day's east] Mosque oI Tyr
The Mosque of Tyr is a snaII forlificalion easl of Dagger-
ford. LIorshin nainlains lhis lenpIe, even lhough lhe
parsonage is Iiniled lo lraveIers aIong lhe road headed
for Walerdeep.
[1-day northeast] BIack HeIm Tower
This is hone and headquarlers of CheIinar Iirefroslarr
(NC hn I11). AddilionaI infornalion on CheIinar can
le found in Ccc cf |nc Harpcrs.
Rn!! Namc DM Nntcs Rn!! Namc DM Nntcs
5O3~5O7 orl (CN gf)
5O8~511 pis (CC hn)
512~516 rsird (NL gn)
517~521 Iacca (CL hf)
522~526 Iapon (N hen)
527~531 Iekah (LL hn)
532~536 IerozeI (LC df)
537~54O Ihidias (NC dn)
541~545 Iicarl (CC hn)
546~55O IIanlin (CN hf)
551~555 IoIier (LN gn)
556~56O IrasIin (NL hn)
561~565 IsaInanazar (CC gf)
566~569 Iugel (NC gn)
57O~574 IyIade (CN hn)
575~579 Quade (N hef)
58O~584 QuesneI (LN dn)
585~589 Quevedo (NL hn)
59O~594 Ralinis (CC hf)
595~598 Racine (LL gn)
599~6O3 RaynevaI (LN hen)
6O4~6O8 Reich (NC df)
6O9~613 RenneII (CN hn)
614~618 Rilas (CC dn)
619~623 Rilera (NL hf)
624~627 Rienzi (CL hn)
628~632 Rolerjol (N gn)
633~637 Runfjord (LL gf)
638~642 Sacadas (LC hn)
643~647 SaIadin (NC gn)
648~652 Sapor (CC hf)
653~656 SchIing (CN hn)
657~661 Scipio (LN dn)
662~666 SeIvyn (NL gf)
667~671 Severus (CC hn)
672~676 ShanyI (NC gn)
677~681 Sicard (CN hf)
682~685 SinIer (N hen)
686~69O SIingehaus (LN hn)
691~695 Solie (NL df)
696~7OO SpieInachl (CC dn)
7O1~7O5 Slache (LL hn)
7O6~71O SluIIy (LN hf)
711~714 Svain (NC gn)
715~719 SyIvain (CN hn)
72O~724 TaIIeyrand (CC gf)
725~729 Terne (NL gn)
73O~734 TheniseuI (CL hn)
735~738 Thilaul (N hef)
739~743 Tieloul (LL dn)
744~748 TiepoIi (LC hn)
749~753 Tolin (NC hf)
754~758 Tonasz (CC gn)
759~763 TreIal (CN hen)
764~767 Turgol (LN df)
768~772 Tyndare (NL hn)
773~777 Tzelzes (CC dn)
778~782 UlaIdi (NC hf)
783~787 Uden (CN hn)
788~792 UIisse (N gn)
793~796 UIric (LN gf)
797~8O1 Uneau (NL hn)
8O2~8O6 Urania (CC gn)
8O7~811 Ussing (LL hf)
812~816 Vacher (LN hn)
817~821 Vahan (NC dn)
822~825 VaIdenar (CN gf)
826~83O VaIpy (CC hn)
831~835 Vaseef (NL gn)
836~84O Veil (CL hf)
841~845 Venlura (N hen)
846~85O Versloch (LL hn)
851~854 Vicenle (LC df)
855~859 VigiIus (NC dn)
86O~864 VuIson (CC hn)
865~869 WaaI (CN hf)
87O~874 Wagendaar (LN gn)
875~879 Walhiaz (NL hn)
88O~883 WecheI (CC gf)
884~888 Weerdl (NC gn)
889~893 Weslsvord (CN hn)
894~898 WhileIocke (N hef)
899~9O3 WiIIan (LN dn)
9O4~9O8 WoIfe (NL hn)
9O9~912 WoIIhaus (CC hf)
913~917 Wordsnilh (LL gn)
918~922 Wrede (LN hen)
923~927 WuIfen (NC df)
928~932 Wylhe (CN hn)
933~937 Xanlhas (CC dn)
938~941 Xavier (NL hf)
942~946 XyIander (CL hn)
947~951 Yahya (N gn)
952~956 Yezdejerd (LL gf)
957~961 Yonge (LC hn)
962~966 Yorck (NC gn)
967~97O Yousouf (CC hf)
971~975 Zanpia (CN hn)
976~98O ZaraleII (LN dn)
981~985 ZedIilz (NL gf)
986~99O Zeiner (CC hn)
991~995 Zeuxis (NC gn)
996~OOO ZoIIner (CN hf)

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