Ikeydiag Manual PDF

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Licensing Info

Customer Name: This will always contain the name of the account that purchased the

Order Number: This is the number that the key order was placed on. You can use this
number to locate the key order info within ChannelNet.

License ID: This field is used in conjunction with the Installation ID field. On keys
previous to M4, the License Id will be different than the Installation Id. If you see the two
fields with equal numbers, this will indicate an M4 key.

License Style: The method by which licensing is delivered to the customer. This will
either indicate software, Proficy Licensing (M4 keys), or hardware. If indicating
hardware, then it will state parallel or USB. This is a quick way to determine what type of
key the customer has in his possession.

Different Styles:

Proficy Licensing Indicative of a M4 key
Memo HASP Parallel M1 Indicates that the key is a M1 parallel key
Memo HASP USB M1 Indicates that the key is a M1 USB key
Software License Indicates that a software key is installed on system

License Type: This will always be USER, unless it is an extremely old key, in that
situation it might differ.

Expiration Date: This date can be set to anything. We sell hardware and software keys
that will expire, so check that the keys are valid. Once the date passes, the key will cease
to operate.

iFix License: This is the license version that the key is licensed up to and including. An
iFix 4.0 key will work with any version of iFix or Fix32 prior to and including iFix 4.0.
Prior to iFix 2.6, we did not check for version numbers. You might have customers who
are using keys that are not licensed properly, if they are calling with older iFix versions.

Installation ID: This is a unique ID number that is assigned during the key creation and
install process. If customer is using a software key or demo mode then the number will be
in the negatives. If the customer is using a hardware key then you are looking at a
positive number that is equal to the License ID.

Other Options

Network: This option enables TCP/IP layer communication. This option can only
prevent the networking communication between the OPCEDA servers on iFix machines.
This does not disable networking, nor does it prevent the customer from communicating
with another data server.

HTR: This option controls the Historical Trending of iFix. It controls the iFix classic
historical collector. You can still collect using outside collectors, like iHistorian.

ODBC Drivers: This option controls the ODBC driver support: Intellution Fix Dynamics
Historical Driver, and Intellution Fix Dynamics Real Time Driver. If this option is not
enabled, the customer cannot use the ODBC drivers to grab data from iFix. This option is
free with iFix 4.0, but used to be a paid option.
Recipe Pkg: This option controls access to the recipes within iFix. The customer will not
be able to create, modify, or run any recipes if this option is not enabled.

FIX32 DBB: This is a legacy option back from the very old Fix days. This option used to
control which type of database would run on the system: ELF, or FIX32 DBB. ELF was a
light database package that differed from FIX32, and customers used to have the option
to choose which one they want. This setting needs to be on for the database to function
properly due to legacy requirements.

FIX Scheduler: Controls access to the scheduling functions. Customers will be unable to
create, modify or run schedules if the option is disabled.

High Availability Option This option controls the ability to run iFix over Stratus
machines. iFix will not start on a Stratus machine if the option is not enabled.

Report Generator: This option controls access to the Cross Reference Tool. The tool is
used to generate iFix reports. Customers will be unable to generate reports if the option is

Remote Fix: This is a legacy option that is not specifically used anymore. This option
allowed a customer to run a system that would only sustain a network connection for the
purpose of alarming. It did not provide the option of any other function over networking,
with the exception of alarming.

Draw: This option controls the runtime of the Fix32 Draw application. If the option is
not set then the customer must run as a blind node.

HMI/SCADA iFix Graphics: This option controls the runtime of iFix Workspace. If
this option is not set then the customer must run as a blind node.

Electronic Signature: Controls the ability to use Electronic Signatures of the system.
Customer will not be able to enable the Electronic Signatures option within the tag if this
is not set.

Security Synchronizer: Controls the ability to automatically synchronize security over
many different nodes that are connected. Customer will not be able to run this application
if the feature is disabled.

Fix Desktop: Controls the ability to run Fix32 desktop within iFix. If this option is
disabled, it will prevent the customer from starting any Fix32 desktop functions within

Runtime Only: This option will automatically start iFix in run mode. Customer will
need to use a non-runtime or demo key to configure his startup pictures before running
this mode. Customer will be unable to switch out of runtime if this option is set.

Read Only (mini-view): If enabled the customer will only be able to perform actions that
do not modify the database. Customer is able to push buttons and run script, but unable to
make any database modifications from nodes, and that includes alarming.


SCADA: This option determines if the key is a view/client key or SCADA key. This
option works in conjunction with the SAC and Standard option. All three of the options
have to be selected for the SCADA functionality to work. Customer will be unable to turn
on SCADA if this option is disabled.

SAC: Controls the scan, alarm, and control engine of iFix. This option works in
conjunction with SCADA and Standard, and will always be enabled on SCADA nodes.

SQC: Need more info

SQL: Controls the SQL input and output functionality of the node. This option is not
limited to SQL alone, but will limit any ODBC database. If this option is not enabled then
it will prevent use of the SQT/SQD blocks.

SCADA Control: This option governs the control of the SCAD from a remote node.
Customer will be unable to control SCADA remotely if this option is not selected.

HMI: This is a legacy setting that is no longer used. It was used to send data from the
driver to the output links without storing it within the database.

Standard: This option has no function. It is used as a security feature for hardware keys.

Max IO Count: This indicates how many primary tags the customer is licensed to use. A
primary tag is any tag that has an IO address field. Customers have unlimited number of
secondary tags. If the value is 0 then customer has an unlimited license for all tags.


SCADA I/O Driver Option: This option controls the number of I/O Drivers that can be
concurrently configured and utilized on the system. The maximum number of support
drivers is 8.

OPC Connections: This option controls the Data Servers list. The option indicates the
number of concurrent connections to different OPC servers from Workspace. The
maximum number of connection is limited to 4. This option is included for free with iFix
4.0, but was a billable option in the past.

GE Fanuc Gateway Server (IGS) Allen-Bradley: Allows the customer to utilize the
IGS driver beyond the 2-hour demo limit. IGS is a keyed driver, and therefore, the driver
requires this option to be enabled.
LWN (i.LON1000 Internet server): Allows the customer to utilize the LWN driver
beyond the 2-hours demo limit.

LNS (Lonworks Network Interface): Allows the customer to utilize the LNS driver
beyond the 2-hours demo limit.

Driver Licenses: This is a hex number that is used for purely troubleshooting reasons by
the key department. It represents the driver options that are selected via hex.


iClientTSEnabled: Allows the customer to run a Terminal Server on the machine that
has this key inserted. Prior to iFix 4.0 the machine had to be a view/client, because
SCADA TS support was non-existent. With iFix 4.0 TS can be run on the same machine
as the SCADA. Clients that are connecting into the machine will spawn as clients/view
nodes, not SCADA.

iClientTSLicenses: This field indicates the maximum number of concurrent thin client
connections into the TS machine. This number will usually vary depending on the version
of iFix and if the key is SCADA or CLIENT.

License Display

This screen is a summation of the keys settings. You can view all settings by quickly
scrolling through the list. You can even write the settings to a text file by selecting Write
to file. This can be a helpful feature when troubleshooting keys.


Historian Server: This function indicates if iHistorian is enabled on the key. Without the
function set, you will not be able to run iHistorian on the machine.

Historian Allow Data Modification: This controls the ability to modify the data stored
on the historian server. If this option is not enabled then you will be unable to overwrite
values of tags.

Historian Electronic Signatures/Records: This option controls electronic signatures
within historian. You will be unable to use electronic signatures if this options is not

Historian ServerToServer Collector: Historian has a capability to relay data from one
historian server to another. You will be unable to take advantage of this feature of this
option is not enabled.

Historian Calculation Collector: Historian has a feature that will allow it to perform
mathematical calculations on data that is obtained. You will be unable to utilize the
feature if this option is not set.

Historian Cluster Support: Microsoft cluster servers will allow you to run redundant
servers utilizing Microsoft software. This option allows historian to function with cluster
servers. Historian will be able to run two or more historian servers. If one fails then
another will take over.

Historian OPC Alarms: This feature will allow record alarms and events from OPC
servers into the historian database. You will be unable to utilize this feature if the option
is disabled.

Historian Collector Redundancy: Historian is able to run redundant collectors, which is
mostly used with redundant SCADAs. If one collector fails then another takes over and
plots data to the same tags with no interruption. You will be unable to utilize this feature
if the option is disabled.

Historian PI Collector: Historian is able to connect and collect data from OSI PI into
the historian database. You will be unable to utilize the feature if this option is not

Historian Connections: This indicates the maximum number of historian client access
licenses that the server supports. Each client that is connected to historian and polling
data will use one license. A license is not used when writing data to historian.

Historian Points: The maximum number of tags that can be collected simultaneously.

Historian License Version: The version of historian that is licensed to be run on the
system. You are able to run any version equal to or lower than the license number. You
will need to update the firmware of the key to run a higher version.


FIX BOS is a legacy product that was a precursor to the current iBatch product line. This
products options were left out of the manual.


ROC Driver: Enables support for the ROC driver.

ROC Driver Licenses: Indicates that maximum number of driver licenses allocated to
the system. The maximum is 2048 licenses.

OEM ID: This field is used by any 3
party iFix OEM developer, and is not set by GE
Fanuc. For example, the Russian version of iFix uses this option to indicate that user has
a license to run it.

Options 1 3: The 3
party uses this options for setting customer options on the keys.
These options are flashed by the 3
party, and not by GE Fanuc.

Real Time Information Portal

Real- Time Information Portal Enterprise Edition Option: This options enables the
use of RTIP server.

Real- Time Information Portal PI Connector: This setting allows connection to be
formed between RTIP and other Plan Intelligence servers. The servers include, iBatch,
RTIP, iHistorian, and VisualSPC. This option will allow you to bring data from other PI
products into RTIP.

Real- Time Information Portal OPC Connector: This option allows RTIP to connect
to an OPC server, and to bring in data via OPC.

Real- Time Information Portal Read Only Option: When enabled, this option prevents
the user from making any data modifications. The user is able to navigate and view the
data, but not modify it at the server end.

Real- Time Information Portal Connector A E: These fields exist for expansion use.
They are not currently utilized by RTIP, but might be in the future.

Real- Time Information Portal Relational Databases: RTIP is able to connect and
access data from relational databases, such as SQL, Oracle This field indicates the
number of concurrent connections that RTIP can have to different databases.

Real- Time Information Portal Client Pack: Every time a user connects to an RTIP
session, a client license is used. This field indicates the number of concurrent user
connections that are allowed to RTIP.

Real- Time Information Portal License Version: This field indicates the version of
RTIP that is allowed to run with the current key. The license supports and version equal
to or lower than the indicated version.

Batch Execution

Batch Execution Server: This field enables the use of the Batch server. The server is
used as a central point of all the information from the drivers and databases.

Batch Execution Client: Enables the machine to act as a local or a remote client and
connect to a Batch server.

Batch Execution Recipe Editor: This field allows the creation and modification or
recipes on the server.

Batch Execution Batch Integration Service (BIS): This option allows you to run BIS,
which is the intermediate server between an ActiveX component that is trying to stream
data from the Batch server. With this option enabled, you will be able to use ActiveX
components, and populate them with data from the Batch server.

Batch Execution Electronic Signature: This option enables an advanced layer of
security. With this option enabled the users will have the ability to authorize every single
data change to the server.

Batch Execution Equipment Editor: This option allows the use of the equipment
editor. This editor can be used to create a visual representation of the actual on-site
equipment and then used within the application.

Batch Execution Server: This option is actually the Electronic Works Instrumentation
Server. When enabled, it will allow for the creation of user prompts and commands.
These will instruct the user what next steps to take when a specific condition is met on
the server.

Batch Execution Active Binding: Allows Batch to connect to server as needed. If a
connection is not needed, then Batch will disconnect and reconnect when data is
requested again.

Batch Execution (iWork) Units: This option indicates the number of iWork units that
batch will allow to be created.

Batch Execution Units: The total number of standard execution units that batch will

Batch Execution License Version: The version of Batch that is licensed and allowed to
run on the system.

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