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Tim Kelley founded Kelleys Seafood Restaurant about 15 years ago. The restaurant is very
profitable because of its excellent quality of food, but lately has been having problems with
consistency because of numerous suppliers. The restaurant operations are divided into front-end
(servers) & back-end (kitchen). The kitchen has post-it notes to boost employee morale,
employees are cross-trained in all areas, & the kitchen staff continually seeks improvements in
cooking, servers, however, have few perks & minimal wages, & turnover is a bit of problem. Tims
primary criterion for selecting servers is their ability to show up on time. Little communication
takes place between the front-end & back-end operations, other than fulfilling orders. Tim makes
sure that the servers refer any complaint to him immediately.
The restaurant uses no automation because Tim believes it would get in the way of customers
special requests. This is the way weve done it for the past 15 years & how we will continue to
do it, was his response to suggestion of using a computerized system to speed up orders &
eliminate delays. Tim formerly held staff meetings regularly, but recently went from one each
week to one every five or six months. Most of his time is spent focusing on negative behavior, &
he can often be heard to say, You cant find good people anymore.
Jims steak House is a family owned restaurant in the same state. Jim uses only the
freshest meats & ingredients from the best suppliers & gives extra-large portions of food to
customers so they feel they are getting their moneys worth. Jim pays his cooks high wages to
attract quality employees. Servers get 70% of tips, bussers 20%, & the kitchen staff 10% to foster
teamwork. Many new hires come from referrals from current employees. Jim interviews all
potential employees & asks them many pointed questions relating to courtesy, responsibility, &
creativity. The restaurant sponsors bowling nights, golf outings, picnics, & holiday parties for its
employees. At Jims birthday customers receive a free dinner, children are welcomed with
balloons, candy, & crayons, & big screen TVs caters to sports fans. Jim walks around constantly
solicits customer feedback. Jim visits many other restaurants to study their operations & learn
new techniques. As a result of these visits, Jim installed computers to schedule reservations &
enter orders to the kitchen.
Discussion Questions:
1. Contrast these two restaurants from the perspective of TQ. How do they exhibit the
fundamental principles of TQ?

2. What advice would you recommend to the owners?


The Nightmare On Telecom Street
H. James Harrington, a noted quality consultant related the following story in Quality Digest
I called to make a flight reservation just an hour ago. The telephone rang five times before a
recorded voice answered. Thank you for calling ABC Travel Services it said. To ensure the
highest level of consumer service, this call may be recorded for future analysis. Next I was asked
to select from one of the following three choices: If the trip is related to company business, press
1. Personal business, press 2. Group travel, press 3 I pressed 1.
I was then asked to select from the following four choices: If this trip is within the United States,
press 1. International press 2. Scheduled training, press 3. Related to a conference, press 4.
Because I was going to Canada, I pressed 2.
Now two minutes into my telephone call, I was instructed to be sure that I had my customer
identification card available. A few seconds passed & a very sweet voice came on, saying, All
international operators are busy, but please hold because you are a very important customer.
The voice was then replaced by music. About two minutes later another recorded message said,
Our operators are still busy, but please hold & the first available operator will take care of you.
More music. Then yet another message: Our operators are still busy, but please hold. Your
business is important to us. More bad music. Finally the sweet voice returned, stating, To speed
up your service, enter your 19 digit customer service number. I frantically searched for their card,
hoping that I could find it before I was cut off. I was lucky; I found it & entered the number in time.
The same sweet voice came back to me, saying, To confirm your customer service number, enter
the last 4 digits of your social security number. I pushed the 4 numbers on the keypad. The voice
said: Thank you. An operator will be with you shortly. If your call is an emergency, you can call 1-
800-CAL-Help, or push all of the buttons on the telephone at the same time. Otherwise please
hold, as you are a very important customer. This time in place of music I heard a commercial
about the service that the company provides.
At last a real person answered the telephone & asked, Can I help you? I replied, Yes, oh yes.
He answered, Please give me your 19 digit customer service number, followed by the last 4 digits

of your social security number so I can verify who you are. (I thought I gave these numbers in the
first place to speed up service. Why do I have to rattle them off again?)

I was now convinced that he would call me Mr. 5523-3675-0714-1313-040. But to my surprise, he
said, Yes Mr. Harrington. Where do you want to go & when? I explained that I want to go to
Montreal the following Monday morning. He replied, I only handle domestic reservations. Our
international desk has new telephone number: 1-800-1WE-GOTU. I will transfer you. A few clicks
later a message came saying: All our international operators are busy. Please hold & your call will
be answered in the order it was received. Do not hang up or redial, as it will only delay our
response to your call. Please continue to hold, as your business is important to us.

Discussion Questions:
1. Summarize the service failure associated with this experience.
2. What might the travel agency do to improve its customers service experience?


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