Test-Welcome-2 (5-10)

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1. Which is the biggest? 3. Which is the tallest?

A a whale B an elephant C a hippo A a horse B a giraffe C a zebra

2. Which is the smallest? 4. Which is the fastest?
A a spider B a duck C a mouse A a lion B a cheetah C a tiger
I Containers Plural
cola teacher
water watch
biscuits glass
meat knife
mayonnaise child
II Read and choose.
1. Larry baseball eery day. 4. Listen! "lara .
A plays B play C is playing A is singing B sings C sing
2. We always in winter. #. you usually read books?
A are skating B skates C skate A $re B %o C %oes
3. &hey their homework now. '. %aid likes coins.
A do B are doing C is doing A collect B collects C collecting
III Anser the !uestions.
1. What do you want to be?
2. What do you like doing in your free time?
I" #rite sentences ith USUA$$%& T'(A%.
1. usually ( cycle ) today ( walk home 4. usually ( dance ) today ( play
2. usually ( fish ) today ( swim #. usually ( play football ) today
3. usually watch &* ) today ( read a
'. usually ( skip rope ) today + walk
" #rite com)arati*e sentences a+out animals.
,ast +i-
slo old
"I Anser the !uestions.
"II /i*e ad*ice ith should & shouldn.t.
1. ,-e got a headache.
2. ,-e got a toothache.
3. ,-e got a cold.
4. ,-e got a cough.
#. ,-e got a sore throat.
'. ,-e got a stomachache.
"III #rite sentences ith 0UST & 0US .
I1 Anser the !uestions
1. Where are you from?
2. .ow old are you?
3. What-s your name?
4. What-s your faourite colour?
#. When-s your birthday?
'. What-s the date today?
1 (escri+e 2our ,a*ourite animal.

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