Gear Inspection Technique

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The key takeaways are that gear inspection is important for process control and quality assurance. Various inspection methods are described, ranging from simple to more complex analytical methods.

The basic elements of gear inspection include size inspection using micrometers or calipers, runout inspection using indicators, and composite inspection for general quality assessment.

Composite inspection rolls a work gear against a master gear to measure size, runout, tooth-to-tooth action, and detect defects. It does not measure individual tooth errors.

32 GEAR SOLUTIONS JUNE 2005 gearsolutionsonline.

ear inspection begins with the everyday tasks on the shop floor and
extends into the manufacturing laboratory for complex analytical gear
evaluation. Some, or all, of these procedures are necessary to main-
tain process control and to produce parts to the required quality. In
particular, inspection can help control the following:
Size of the gear
Quality of the gear
Fixture mounting on the machine
Machine set-up
Part blank quality
Accuracy of the cutting tool
Mounting of the cutting tool
Correct sharpening of the cutting tool
Heat treat process
Condition of the production equipment
The following information summarizes the basic elements of gear inspec-
tion beginning with the most simple and leading to the more complex.
Size Inspection
The traditional method of inspecting a gear for correct size is the measure-
ment over pins or balls with a micrometer. Pin measurement provides an
accurate and convenient method of determining tooth thickness of a gear
of any diameter within the capacity of the available micrometers. For larger
diameter gears a span measurement or gear tooth calipers can be used.
Composite testing can also provide a measurement of gear tooth size.
Size measurement is used to provide the correct backlash when the gear
is mounted with its mating gear at operating center distance.
Runout Inspection
Runout is the maximum variation of the distance between a surface of rev-
olution and a datum surface, measured perpendicular to that datum sur-
face. Runout of a gear can be measured with a dial indicator over a pin or
ball placed in successive tooth spaces. On modern CNC gear measuring
machines this inspection can be provided in a fully automatic cycle.
Runout measurement is used to assure correct backlash and minimum
variation of rotary motion. JUNE 2005 GEAR SOLUTIONS 33
By Dennis Gimpert
FIGURE 1 Measurement of size with micrometer and
pins or balls.
FIGURE 2 Measurement of size with tooth caliper.
FIGURE 3 Runout inspection with ball, pin, or anvil.
Composite Inspection
The composite test of a gear is a method of inspection in which
the work gear is rolled in tight double flank contact with a master
gear. AGMA defines this type of inspection as radial composite
deviation. No backlash is provided, as the work gear is spring-
loaded against the reference gear on the inspection machine. The
composite action test is made on an inspection instrument that
will allow variation in the center distance during rolling. This varia-
tion in center distance will yield a tooth-to-tooth and a total
composite indication that can be read on a simple dial indicator
or recorded graphically.
Composite inspection is a useful shop-friendly tool to determine
the general quality of a gear including size, runout, tooth-to-tooth
rolling action, and to detect nicks. It is not an appropriate method
to determine individual tooth flank errors.
FIGURE 4 Schematic concept of gear rolling device.
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Profile Inspection
Profile is the shape of the gear tooth curve and is measured from the
root to the tip of the gear tooth. The functional, or operating, portion
of the profile is the area that is in actual contact during tooth mesh.
Typically, this area is from just above the root fillet to the tip of the
tooth. On most parallel axis gears, the shape of the profile curve is
an involute. In practice, an appropriate measuring machine aligns the
measuring probe on the test gear in the middle of the gear face.
Most gear measuring machines use the generative principle to create
a reference profile to compare to the gears actual profile. The profile
is traced and recorded graphically, with a correct unmodified profile
being represented as a straight line on the chart.
Incorrect profile will cause a non-uniform rolling action of the
gear, which may cause a large tooth-to-tooth error, uneven load-
ing, and noise problems. In extreme cases, premature gear fail-
ure may occur.
FIGURE 5 Graphical record from composite inspection.
Total pitch variation and total index varia-
tion are identical values and are generally
referred to as accumulated spacing.
Total index variation is the maximum alge-
braic difference between the extreme val-
ues of index variation.
Two distinct methods are available to
arrive at tooth spacing. One utilizes a
single-probe measuring device with a pre-
cision indexing system. This indexing sys-
tem can be electronic, as on a CNC meas-
uring machine, with an encoder-controlled
rotar y axis. It can also use mechanical
devices such as index plates, circular
divider, or optical scales. The second sys-
tem utilizes two probes to obtain succes-
sive data from adjacent tooth flanks as
the gear is rotated. The data obtained
from the two-probe system must be math-
ematically corrected to obtain spacing val-
ues. It is recognized today that the single
probe system is the most accurate and
the preferred system.
Index measurements are used to determine
the correct spacing of gear teeth. Spacing
error is the principle source of gear noise due
to total pitch variation or accumulated spacing.
Although the main component of total pitch
variation is from part runout, it may not be
possible in all cases to detect this from a sim-
ple runout or composite inspection check.
Single Flank Inspection
Single flank inspection appears to be iden-
tical with the composite, or double flank,
inspection technique. In fact, it is quite dif-
Helix Inspection
AGMAs current inspection handbook defines helix deviation (formerly tooth alignment
variation and lead variation) as the difference between the measured helices to the design
helices. In practice an appropriate measuring machine aligns the measuring probe on the
test gear at the pitch circle diameter and the lead is traced and recorded graphically,
with a correct unmodified helix being represented as a straight line on the chart. Helix
measurement is used to determine correct face contact between mating gears. Incorrect
helix will create uneven loading and noise.
Pitch or Index Inspection
Spacing is the theoretical true position of each tooth around the circumference of the gear.
Pitch deviation is the difference between the theoretical position and the actual position of
each tooth. These values can be plus or minus. Index variation is the displacement of any
tooth from its theoretical position relative to a datum tooth.
FIGURE 6 Profile inspection with degrees of roll, roll angle.
FIGURE 7 Graphic charting of helix deviation.
ferent due to the fact that the test gear is rolled at its design cen-
ter distance and backlash with a master or reference gear. This
closely simulates the operation of the actual gear.
A single flank inspection instrument utilizes encoders on the two
axes of rotation either as a fixed or portable unit. The rotational
data from each encoder is then processed electronically, and the
resulting phases are compared with each other to yield a phase
differential. This will indicate errors of rotational motion from the
ideal constant angular velocity of perfectly conjugate gears. The
results of this phase difference are graphically recorded as an ana-
log waveform, similar to a composite inspection chart.
The most important aspect of single flank inspection is its ability
to measure profile conjugacy. The data is also related to profile
variation, pitch variation, runout, and accumulated pitch variation.
Single flank testing does not eliminate the need for analytical
inspection of helix deviation, and it is not as effectively applied to
gear sets with increased contact ratios such as helical gears.
The AGMA standards referenced in this paper are presently the
most advanced gear specifications available in the world. AGMA
has worked with ANSI and with ISO to achieve this and presently
chairs the ISO Gear Committee. The AGMA standard is a valuable
specification not only to specify the level of gear accuracy but also
to establish criteria between a vendor and a supplier, to measure
accuracy capability of gear production equipment, or as a machine
tool acceptance standard. Other specifications exist such as the JUNE 2005 GEAR SOLUTIONS 37
FIGURE 8 Pitch measurement using a pitch comparator and angular indexing.
FIGURE 9 Difference between double and single flank inspection.
German Standard, DIN, the British Standard, BS, and the Japanese Standard, JIS.
Independent standards also exist based upon the experiences of individual manufacturers.
Wenzel GearTec, M & M Precision Systems, Klingelnberg, and other manufacturers offer
modern CNC controlled gear inspection machines to measure and record gear errors. Each
of these companys machines are CNC controlled and, as such, offer additional capabilities
to measure other part parameters as well as the cutting and finishing tools that produce
the gear teeth. The CNC machines also offer the ability to link the measured data to a
computer system for automatic interpretation. A current development is to offer CMM type
inspection machines with gear inspection capability.
Materials contained in this paper are
extracted from AGMA ISO 10064-2
Cylindrical GearsCode of Inspection
Related to Radial Composite Deviations,
Runout, Tooth Thickness, and Backlash
and ANSI/AGMA Standards 2015-1-A01
Accuracy Classification System
Tangential Measurements for Cylindrical
Gears with permission of the publisher,
American Gear Manufacturers Association,
500 Montgomery St., Suite 350,
Alexandria, Virginia 22314-1500.
Dennis Gimpert is president of North
American operations for Jos. Koepfer &
Sohne GmbH of Furtwangen, Germany.
He holds a bachelors degree from
Michigan Technological University and
has worked as an application engineer
for the machine tool division of Barber
Colman and as vice president of market-
ing for American Pfauter. Gimpert is
active with the American Gear
Manufacturers Association, a member of
the AGMA Board of Directors, and chair-
man of the Business Management
Executive Committee.

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