Criminal Complaint Against Kevin Ford and Others

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I, Adria J ohnson, duly sworn, hereby state as follows:
1. I am a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and have been so
employed since April 2011. I am assigned to the Merrillville Resident Agency at the FBI. I am
a law enforcement officer of the United States within the meaning of Section 2510(7) of Title 18,
United States Code, and am empowered to investigate and make arrests for violations of U.S.
criminal laws. I am assigned to investigate white collar crime and I have been involved in
several financial fraud and public corruption investigations, participating in the use of various
investigative techniques. As such, I have gained experience in conducting investigations
involving violations of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1344 (bank fraud), as well as other
fraud. Previous to my service with the FBI, I worked as a supervisor for Casino Surveillance for
an Indian Gaming facility. As a Special Agent my responsibilities include investigating possible
criminal violations of federal laws.
2. Your affiant states that the facts which establish the probable cause necessary for
issuance of the criminal complaint are either personally known to me or have been told to me
directly by other law enforcement officers with whom I have worked on this case. This affidavit
is being submitted for the limited purpose of establishing probable cause necessary for the
issuance of the criminal complaint, and I have not included each and every fact known to me
concerning the investigation.
Overview of the Cracking Cards Bank Fraud Schemes
3. The Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Internal Revenue Service, and the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, in conjunction with other local and federal law
enforcement agencies and fraud investigators at several banks, have been investigating bank
fraud schemes dubbed Cracking Cards by the participants. As detailed below, the investigation

has determined that from August 2011 through September 2013, Cracking Cards schemers
deposit counterfeit checks into bank accounts belonging to third parties who willingly or
unwillingly surrender their debit cards and PINs for use in the schemes. The schemers then use
Automated Teller Machines or point of sale terminals at currency exchanges and retail stores to
withdraw or spend funds that the banks advance to the third-party accounts before learning the
counterfeit nature of the deposited checks. The banks suffer losses when the checks are found to
be counterfeit, and the third-party account holders deny responsibility for the withdrawals and
4. Based on the investigation by the FBI, IRS, FDIC and other law enforcement
agencies, and my training and experience, I understand that the Cracking Cards bank fraud
schemes generally work as follows:
Schemers Recruit Bank Account Holders to Provide Their Debit Cards and PINs
5. Law enforcement has obtained information about the operation of the Cracking
Cards schemes from, among other sources, a Cooperating Witness. The CW has been charged by
complaint in the Northern District of Illinois in relation to the CWs involvement in a Cracking
Cards scheme. (The investigation in the Northern District of Illinois is related to the investigation
in the Northern District of Indiana, and law enforcement has been working together on these
investigations.) The CW is cooperating with law enforcement with the hope that his cooperation
will be considered by the government in recommending a lower sentence. The CW has no prior
criminal convictions. In addition, information provided by CW has been corroborated through
witness interviews and review of financial records. I believe that the CW has provided reliable
information about Cracking Card schemes.

6. According to the CW and numerous individuals who have provided their debit
cards and PINs for use in the scheme, Cracking Cards schemers recruit bank account holders to
give up their debit cards and PINs by promising the account holders a portion of the profits.
7. According to the CW and to individuals who were recruited to give up their debit
cards, the methods of recruitment vary depending on the schemer. Some recruit card holders in
person, such as at a party, at school, or on the street. Others use social media outlets such as
Instagram and Facebook to advertise opportunities for making fast cash, after which account
holders contact the Cracking Cards schemer by phone and listen to the schemers pitch. Some
schemers work together in pairs or groups in their recruitment efforts.
Schemers Purchase or Manufacture Counterfeit Checks
8. According to the CW, once a Cracking Cards schemer has a debit card and PIN
for a third-party account, the schemer manufactures, purchases, or otherwise obtains one or more
counterfeit checks to deposit into the third-party bank account. As explained by the CW and
corroborated by bank records and interviews of victim businesses, the counterfeit checks used in
Cracking Cards schemes generally contain legitimate bank account and routing numbers that
belong to the accounts of actual business entities.

9. According to the CW, the combination of a legitimate bank account number and
routing number, as well as the name and address of the victim business, is referred to by those
involved in Cracking Cards as the bank account profile for that business.
10. According to the CW, and as confirmed through undercover purchases of
counterfeit checks from Cracking Cards schemers in Illinois, not everyone who cracks cards

On occasion, a schemer will use a fictitious account number on a counterfeit check. Banks
often float or advance the funds on a check deposit before the account number is verified
and the check is cleared.

manufactures his or her own counterfeit checks to deposit into third-party accounts. Rather,
certain individuals have a reputation for making paper, that is, making and printing counterfeit
checks. The people who make paper sell counterfeit checks to others involved in Cracking
Cards. The CW explained that he made paper for his own use and for selling to others who
cracked cards, by using a computer software program. Participants who make paper obtain
business profiles (bank account and routing numbers) through a variety of unauthorized and
illegal means.
Schemers Deposit Counterfeit Checks into Third-Party Bank Accounts
11. According to the CW, once a Cracking Cards schemer has secured a third-party
debit card and PIN, as well as one or more counterfeit checks, the schemer depositsor recruits
someone else to depositthe counterfeit checks into the third partys bank account, typically via
an ATM transaction. As corroborated by bank records, the Cracking Cards schemer then waits
for the account holders bank to credit the purported funds from the counterfeit check, which can
happen within a matter of hours.
12. According to information provided by bank investigators, banks credit the value
of a check to a card holders account before the check clears, that is, before the cardholders
bank receives an image of the check (which is sent electronically to the drawers bank),
determines whether it is valid, and requests and receives payment (or denial of payment) from
the check drawers bank. In effect, the cardholders bank advances the banks own money into
the cardholders account when a check is depositedeven if it is a counterfeit or fraudulent
check. During the time period between the deposit of a fraudulent check and when the
cardholders bank learns that the check is fraudulent, the advanced money in the cardholders
bank account can be withdrawn using the cardholders debit card.

Schemers Withdraw or Spend Funds from the Third-Party Bank Account
13. According to the CW and as corroborated by bank records, after one or more
counterfeit checks are deposited into a third-party bank account, the Cracking Cards schemer
often attempts a relatively small ATM withdrawal (between $100 and $500) a few hours later, to
determine whether the bank has credited the account with the purported funds from the
counterfeit check. If the schemer is able to withdraw the cash at an ATM, (i.e., the bank has
advanced funds to the account), the schemer goes to a point-of-sale terminal to withdraw or
spend the remaining funds that the bank advanced to the third-party account because of the
deposit of the counterfeit checks. Point-of-sale terminals are machines used to process debit and
credit card payments, typically for the purchase of goods. For example, the machines at a grocery
store checkout counter in which a customer swipes a debit card are point of sale terminals.
Loss to Financial Institutions
14. When floated funds are withdrawn in person at a bank branch, or at a bank ATM,
as a result of a counterfeit check deposit, the bank suffers the loss when it hands the cash over to
the person or disperses it out of the machine. When floated funds are withdrawn or spent at a
point-of-sale terminal, casino, or retail store, the bank suffers the loss through a series of
electronic funds transfers that are managed by a debit card processing service, similar to the
Automated Clearing House, but for debit transactions as opposed to credit transactions. The
purchase is premised on the customer entering the correct PIN into the keypad at the
store/currency exchange (the point-of-sale terminal). A communication goes from the point-of-
sale terminal to the terminals processing company, which electronically communicates with the
customers bank via the debit-processing network to verify that the PIN is accurate and that the
account and its funds are accessible. At that point in the process, it is the customers bank, via
the debit-processing network, that makes the decision whether the purchase can go through. If

the bank approves the purchase, the bank is agreeing to pay back the store/currency exchange the
amount of the purchase. If the purchase is approved, the store/currency exchange then hands over
the product to the customer (e.g., a television or money order, or in the case of the currency
exchange, cash).
15. According to the CW, Cracking Cards schemes are popular methods to obtain
illicit funds and defraud banks in CC, and are carried out by numerous schemers, including those
affiliated with Chicago gangs.
The RACK Boyz and Social Media
16. Over the course of the investigation, the following co-conspirators were identified
as part of the group that called themselves the R.A.C.K. Boyz or Rack Boyz or
TheRackBoyz: Kevin Ford, Cortez Stevens, Stephen Garner, and Mikcale Smally (aka
Mikcale Smalley). The remaining co-conspirators named herein were girlfriends of RACK Boyz
and participants in the RACK Boyz Cracking Cards scheme: Mercedes Hatcher was Kevin
Fords girlfriend, and Brittany Sims was Stephen Garners girlfriend. The RACK Boyz have a
page on Facebook and a Twitter page. The RACK Boyz Facebook page has photographs posted,
depicting the group members, including co-conspirators, as detailed later in this document.
17. Additionally, the RACK Boyz have videos posted on YouTube; a number of the
videos on YouTube are rap videos, depicting the co-conspirators displaying large amounts of
cash and featuring expensive items, such as Gucci shoes and accessories. Two such examples of
their rap videos are entitled: For the Money and Been Had a Bag by the Rack Boyz. The
song For the Money includes the lyrics crack for the money, referring to the Cracking Cards
scheme. In the For the Money video, co-conspirators can be seen wearing RACK Boyz shirts
and displaying large amounts of cash, as detailed later in this document.

18. RACK Boyz is the name for the money team that the co-conspirators are or
were associated with. Money teams are groups of individuals, like the co-conspirators in this
investigation, who are involved in the previously defined Cracking Cards scheme. At least one of
the co-conspirators in this investigation, FORD, is now associated with a different money team,
known as BandKlan. BandKlan, like the RACK Boyz, also has rap videos posted on YouTube.
19. In addition to the social media pages for the money teams, some of the co-
conspirators have individual Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram pages that have been identified. On
these pages, there are pictures most notably of the co-conspirators wearing t-shirts printed with
the RACK Boyz money team name or displaying money and pictures of money orders and
expensive cars. The co-conspirators use social media to recruit people with bank accounts or
who will open bank accounts to use as Deposit Accounts in the scheme; co-conspirators sent out
numerous private messages and posted messages on their walls inviting people to participate in
the scheme. Information about social media accounts specific to each individual co-conspirator
will be provided later in this document. The co-conspirators also identify themselves as members
of the RACK Boyz on their individual Facebook pages, as detailed later in this document.
Co-Conspirators in the Cracking Cards Scheme
Kevin Ford
20. Kevin Ford is an African-American male, age 26, with no known employment
history or recorded wage information. Ford presently resides at 60 East Monroe, Unit 3403 in
Chicago, Illinois, paying $4,195.00 per month in rent. Information obtained through a review of
postings on Kevin Fords Facebook page indicate that he is working as a rapper under the name
Bandman Kevo and claims that he will be on tour throughout the United States and Canada
during the month of October 2014; Fords posted tour dates match up with rapper Twistas tour.
Ford has numerous rap videos posted on YouTube as Bandman Kevo, displaying and rapping

about cash, luxury foreign cars, and expensive brands, such as Gucci. Ford appears in the
aforementioned YouTube video for the RACK Boyz, For the Money; Ford is wearing a RACK
Boyz shirt with Kevo printed on the back in this video.
21. Fords Facebook profile name was Threecarz CashedUp and is now BandMan
Kevo. Ford also has a Twitter feed that was in the name $$MASERATI KEVO$$, which
switched to $$BandMan KEVO$$, and is now just BandMan KEVO. Ford also has an
Instagram page, which was in the name 3CARS_CASH but is now in the name BandMan
Kevo. On Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, Ford posted pictures of himself wearing expensive
jewelry, Gucci items, and other name-brand apparel. He posted pictures of cash, including
pictures of himself counting cash. Ford has used Facebook to recruit bank account holders who
have debit cards to be used in the scheme. Ford uses these photographs as a means to show his
success in the scheme for which he is recruiting.
22. In addition to the cash and expensive name-brand items, Ford posted photographs
on Facebook of the Maserati he previously owned, before it was seized by the government. The
Maserati was seized as fruits of the crime on May 29, 2012, upon the execution of a Federal
Warrant. Ford did not attempt to claim this vehicle after it was seized, and it was subsequently
forfeited to the government in J une 2014.
23. Ford sent out numerous private messages via Facebook as a means to recruit bank
account holders. Ford sent out the same private recruiting messages as Smally, Garner and
Stevens. An example of a message Ford sent out is as follows:
Yo u don't know me but we can make some cash together my brother works at citi

bank and he puts money on my account so I could do u a favor and have him
put money on your account
If u wanna make 1900 all u would have to do is open up a citi bank account n they will
give u a temp card we would be able to do it the next day from the time u get the

Ford also sent messages referencing Chase Bank instead of Citibank.

card it's 100 to open the account but if u don't got the money i will loan it too u if this is something u wanna
do hit me back I will give more details
!!! u can do this every week No BS! hit me back asap!!..
24. Ford and co-conspirator Mercedes Hatcher have been in a relationship off and on,
and they have lived together at 7116 Broadway in Merrillville, Indiana, and 60 East Monroe,
Unit 3403 in Chicago, Illinois. They also have a child together. Ford also lived with co-
conspirator Cortez Stevens at 7116 Broadway in Merrillville, Indiana.
25. Ford and Stevens have been seen in surveillance video depositing fraudulent
checks together and purchasing money orders from a machine, using a debit card and PIN linked
to an account that had fraudulent checks deposited into it. Ford and Hatcher have been seen in
surveillance video purchasing money orders from a machine, using a debit card and PIN linked
to an account that had fraudulent checks deposited into it. Ford has also been seen with Smally in
surveillance video purchasing money orders from a machine, using a debit card and PIN linked
to an account that had fraudulent checks deposited. Ford and Stevens were approached by police
after purchasing money orders.
26. Ford printed fraudulent checks or made paper, deposited fraudulent checks into
third-party bank accounts, conducted withdrawals from bank accounts that had fraudulent checks
deposited into them, and conducted purchases of money orders from bank accounts that had
fraudulent checks deposited into them in this scheme.
27. In addition to posting photographs of cash and cars on social media, Ford has also
posted photographs of guns on his Instagram and Facebook pages and a video on Instagram;
following are a few examples. A photograph Ford posted 35 weeks ago on Instagram depicts two
handguns sitting on a counter, and Fords comment on the photograph reads: 2 New Toyz Its
Getting a close To Summer with an emoticon of a devilish smiley face. In a video Ford posted

38 weeks ago on Instagram, Ford is holding a handgun with an extended magazine and waving it
at the camera and he makes sounds like shots being fired (i.e., bang or pow). On J uly 7,
2013, Ford posted a photograph on Facebook of himself leaning on the counter in a kitchen area,
with a gun lying next to him on the counter.
28. Law enforcement also notes that on Monday, October 20, 2014, Ford posted the
following on his Facebook wall: Fuck a cop / Fuck a fed fuck em all kill them / All / Like they
will do you ! [sic]. This post is a public post on his Facebook wall, viewable by anyone who
goes to his page.
Mercedes Hatcher
29. Mercedes Hatcher is an African-American female, age 21, with no known
employment history or recorded wage information. Hatcher previously lived with Kevin Ford
and Cortez Stevens at 7116 Broadway in Merrillville, Indiana. Recently, Hatcher was believed to
reside with Ford at 60 East Monroe in Chicago, Illinois: bank records for Hatcher and Ford both
show rent payments in the same amount to the same entity. Photographs on Facebook depict
Hatcher at this building as well. In late September 2014, Hatcher created a Facebook page for
herself as an Avon sales representative.
30. Hatcher has used her cellular telephone to recruit bank account holders who have
debit cards to be used in the scheme.
31. Ford and Hatcher have been seen in surveillance video purchasing money orders
from a machine, using a debit card and PIN linked to an account that had fraudulent checks
deposited into it. Hatcher deposited fraudulent checks into third-party bank accounts and
conducted purchases of money orders from bank accounts that had fraudulent checks deposited
into them in this scheme.

Cortez Stevens
32. Cortez Stevens is an African-American male, age 24, with no known employment
history or recorded wage information since 2010. Stevens is believed to reside at 1508 North
Glenwood Street, Apt. 0A in Griffith, Indiana. TheRackBoyz Facebook page has a photograph
posted of Stevens wearing a RACK Boyz t-shirt; the back of the shirt reads: #TeamR.A.C.K.
33. Stevens Facebook profile name was Cashedup Banks, then changed to Tez
Loc and is now Tez Stevens. Stevens has used Facebook to recruit bank account holders who
have debit cards to be used in the scheme. Stevens sent out numerous private messages via
Facebook as a means to recruit these bank account holders. Stevens sent out the same private
recruiting messages as Ford, Garner and Smally. An example of a message Stevens sent out is as
hey i know u don't know me but i can help you make some extra money!!! my brother
works at citi bank and he puts money on my account so I could do u a favor and have
him put money on your account.....If u wanna make 3000 dollars all u would have to do is
open up a citi
bank account n they will give u a temp card... we would be able to do it
the next day from the time u get the card it's 100 dollars to open the account but if u
don't got the money i will loan it too u and if this is something u wanna do hit me
back and I will give you more details!!! u can do this every week No BS! hit me back asap!!..
34. Stevens posted photographs on Facebook of cash and expensive items, such as
Air J ordan shoes and the Audi he previously owned, before it was seized by the government. The
Audi was seized as fruits of the crime on May 29, 2012, upon the execution of a Federal
Warrant. Stevens did not attempt to claim this vehicle after it was seized, and it was subsequently
forfeited to the government in J une 2014. Stevens posted the photographs of cash, shoes and the
Audi as a means to show his success in the scheme for which he is recruiting.
35. Stevens and Ford have been seen together in surveillance video depositing
fraudulent checks and purchasing money orders from a machine, using a debit card and PIN

Stevens also sent messages referencing Bank of America instead of Citibank.

linked to an account that had fraudulent checks deposited into it. Stevens and Ford were
approached by police after purchasing money orders. Stevens deposited fraudulent checks into
third-party bank accounts, conducted withdrawals from bank accounts that had fraudulent checks
deposited into them, and conducted purchases of money orders from bank accounts that had
fraudulent checks deposited into them in this scheme.
Stephen Garner
36. Stephen Garner is an African-American male, age 23, with no known
employment history or recorded wage information. Garner was arrested on J une 11, 2014, by
Portage Police Department, and he is currently being held on a warrant at Porter County J ail. At
the time of his arrest, Garner had been traveling in a vehicle with the mother of co-conspirator,
Brittany Sims, with whom both Garner and Sims lived. Garner and Sims have a child together.
37. Garners Facebook profile name was All Ways Cashin. Garner posted pictures
of himself wearing Gucci accessories and with large amounts of cash coming out of his pockets.
Garner uses these photographs as a means to show his success in the scheme for which he is
recruiting. Garner was pictured in group photos posted on the Facebook page with the profile
name TheRackBoyz. Garner also appears in the aforementioned YouTube video for the RACK
Boyz, For the Money. Garner is wearing a RACK Boyz shirt in the video. Garner has used
Facebook to recruit bank account holders who have debit cards to be used in the scheme. Garner
sent out numerous private messages via Facebook as a means to recruit these bank account
holders. Garner sent out the same private recruiting messages as Ford, Smally and Stevens. An
example of a message Garner sent out is as follows:
Yo u don't know me but we can make some cash together my brother works at chase
bank and he puts money on my account so I could do u a favor and have him put
money on your account like if he put 5,000 u keep 3,000 and give us 2,000 plus if u
find me people with accounts I will give u 1,000 they don't need any money on they
accounts to do this plus it could be negative!!!IT COULD BE ANY BANK u can do this
every week No BS! hit me back asap!!......................

38. Garner and Sims have been seen in surveillance footage purchasing money orders
from a machine, using a debit card and PIN linked to an account that had fraudulent checks
deposited into it. Garner and Smally have also been seen in surveillance footage together and
were approached by police for this activity. Garner deposited fraudulent checks into third-party
bank accounts, conducted withdrawals from bank accounts that had fraudulent checks deposited
into them, and conducted purchases of money orders from bank accounts that had fraudulent
checks deposited into them in this scheme.
Brittany Sims
39. Brittany Sims is an African-American female, age 24. Records indicate she
worked for Payday Loan Store (PLS) in 2010 and 2011, and she worked at Majestic Star Casino
in 2011 and 2012. Records also indicate she worked for the Board of Commissioners, with
negligible wages in the fourth quarter of 2012 and first quarter of 2013. She is also known to
have worked for the United States Postal Service briefly, and her employment was terminated for
reasons currently under investigation. Sims is the girlfriend of co-conspirator Stephen Garner;
Sims and Garner have a child together and have lived together for years.
40. Sims and Garner have been seen together in surveillance footage purchasing
money orders from a machine, using a debit card and PIN linked to an account that had
fraudulent checks deposited into it.
Mikcale Smally
41. Mikcale Smally is an African-American male, age 21, with no known
employment history or recorded wage information. On Smallys Facebook page, he listed
TheRackBoyz as his job on his timeline. Smally and co-conspirator Garner have been roommates
in the past.

42. Smallys Facebook profile name is Mick Smalley (Moneymakinmick). Smally
posted pictures of what appears to be thousands of dollars in cash. Smally also posted a picture
with cash piled on top of eight money orders. Smally uses these photographs as a means to show
his success in the scheme for which he is recruiting. Smally posted a photograph of himself
wearing a RACK Boyz shirt. On December 21, 2011, in a public post on his Facebook wall,
SMALLY posted $$$$xmas in 4 more days inbox me if you tryin make sum fast money
$$$$$. Smally and Garner are pictured together in photographs on Facebook, where both have
recruited bank account holders who have debit cards to be used in the scheme. Smally sent out
numerous private messages via Facebook as a means to recruit these bank account holders.
Smally sent out the same private recruiting messages as Ford, Garner and Stevens. An example
of a message Smally sent out is as follows:
Yo u don't know me but we can make some cash together my brother works at chase
bank and he puts money on my account so I could do u a favor and have him put
money on your account like if he put 5,000 u keep 3,000 and give us 2,000 plus if u
find me people with accounts I will give u 1,000 they don't need any money on they
accounts to do this plus it could be negative!!!IT COULD BE ANY BANK u can do this
every week No BS! hit me back asap!!...

43. Smally conducted purchases of money orders from impacted bank accounts in this
scheme. Smally and Ford have been seen in surveillance footage purchasing money orders from
a machine, using a debit card and PIN linked to an account that had fraudulent checks deposited
into it. Smally and Garner have also been seen in surveillance footage conducting these
transactions together and were approached by police for this activity.
Acts in Furtherance of the RACK Boyz Conspiracy
A. DS Account #******867

DS has a Chase Bank checking account (******867). Fraudulent checks were deposited into the account
by Stephen Garner. Chase deemed these checks as

The deposits in DSs account were as follows:

Date of
Check # Check
Amount Date and
Time of
Location of
08/01/2011 51891 AIC J P Morgan
CJ $595.23* 8/3/11 @
4:32 p.m.
Chase Bank
ATM at
1910 E. 95

St, Chicago,
08/03/2011 179 DS United
DS $2,281.36 8/3/11 @
5:01 p.m.
ATM- 712
E. 87th St.,
Suite D2,
Chicago, IL
*The deposit amount entered at the ATM for the 4:32 p.m. deposit was $996.23.

Video surveillance on the above deposits shows Garner
making the deposit.
The above check in the amount of $595.23 was returned and marked as Forgery by Chase Bank on
August 8, 2011.The other check in the amount of $2,281.36 was returned and marked as NSF by
Chase Bank on August 5, 2011
Below is a summary of how the proceeds of the fraudulent deposited checks were withdrawn from DSs
bank account:
Date Time Amount Description Notes
8/3/2011 4:32 PM $200.00
Chase Bank ATM at 1910 E. 95

St, Chicago, IL
8/4/2011 4:01 AM $1,501.65
Walmart, 2400 Morthland Dr.,
Valparaiso, IN
Purchased 3 Money Orders $500 with
fees (.55 per MO)
8/4/2011 4:03 AM $956.10
Walmart,2400 Morthland Dr., Purchased 2 Money Orders- $455 and

Investigators identified Garner in this and other instances by comparing surveillance
footage with his BMV identification picture and other known pictures of Garner.

Valparaiso, IN $500 with fees (.55 per MO)
8/4/2011 5:01 AM $402.50
ATM W/D- 2400 Morthland Dr.,
Valparaiso, IN
8/4/2011 5:02 AM $82.50
ATM W/D- 2400 Morthland Dr.,
Valparaiso, IN

The following transactions were conducted at an MCX Machine located in the Walmart Valparaiso on
August 4, 2011:
Based on video surveillance, on August 4, 2011 at 4:02 AM, Brittany Sims
, using DSs debit card and
PIN, purchased three $500 Money Gram money orders, with a $1.65 fee, totaling $1,501.65:
Serial Number Payee Purchaser Amount
20328910304 Brittany Sims Brittany Sims $500.00
20328910305 Brittany Sims Brittany Sims $500.00
20328910306 Brittany Sims Brittany Sims $500.00

At 4:04 AM, the Walmart Valparaiso video surveillance also shows Sims, using DSs debit card and PIN,
purchasing an additional $500.00 Money Gram money order and a $445.00 Money Gram money order,
with $1.10 in fees, totaling $956.10:
Serial Number Payee Purchaser Amount
20328910307 Stephen Garner Steve Garner $500.00
20328910308 Stephen Garner MM $455.00

Surveillance video from Walmart Valparaiso shows Sims conducting the above transactions with Garner
standing behind her. These money orders were purchased using a debit card tied to the above Chase Bank
account belonging to DS.
The money orders were cashed as follows:
Serial Number Payee Purchaser Amount Person who
signed the
back of the
Notation on
the Back of

Investigators identified Sims in this and other instances by comparing surveillance
footage with her BMV identification picture and other known pictures of Sims.

check the Check
20328910304 Brittany
$500.00 Brittany
IN 5360-01-
20328910305 Brittany
$500.00 Brittany
IN 5360-01-
20328910306 Brittany
$500.00 B. Sims 219-779-
20328910307 Stephen
$500.00 Stephen
20328910308 Stephen
MM $455.00 Stephen

The backs of the checks reflected a bank cleared date of 8/5/11. The Indiana ID number that was on
Brittany Sims checks is her ID number. The phone numbers listed are associated with Sims and Garner.
B. YH Account #*******488

YH had a checking account (******488) at Chase Bank.

On August 5, 2011, the following fraudulent deposits were made into YHs checking account

Date of
Check # Check Payer Drawee Bank Check Payee Amount Date and
Time of
Location of
08/03/11 5326 VP J PMorgan
YH $1,596.21 08/05/11
at 4:17
Chase ATM, 10440
S. Cicero Avenue,
Oak Lawn, IL
08/03/11 5323 VP J PMorgan
YH $1,423.53 08/05/11
at 4:18
Chase ATM, 10440
S. Cicero Avenue,
Oak Lawn, IL
Total $3,019.74

Video surveillance from Chase shows a dark-skinned arm coming out of the window of a silver Audi
sedan making the deposits, using a debit card and PIN; the license plate is not visible on surveillance

coverage. Ford drove a silver Audi sedan at this time
. He also was seen in the Audi making fraudulent
deposits in other legitimate accounts in the scheme.

Both of the above deposited checks were returned and marked as Altered Fictious by Chase Bank on
August 9, 2011.

Below is a summary of how the proceeds of the fraudulent deposited checks were withdrawn from YHs
bank account:

Date Time Amount Description Notes
8/5/2011 4:19 AM $200.00
Chase ATM W/D, 10440 S. Cicero
Avenue, Oak Lawn, IL
8/6/2011 5:56 AM $1,501.65 Walmart, Valparaiso, IN
Purchased 3 Money Orders $500
with fees (.55 per MO)


The money orders that were purchased from the above withdrawal are summarized below:
Money Order # Payee Purchaser Amount Date
Smalley (illegible) $500.00 8/6/2011 5:57 AM
On the back of the check-
4987 Georgia; this address
had been used by several of
the people involved in this
20328910362 CD J B $500.00 8/6/2011 5:57 AM
Valparaiso 9817 S. Forest
20328910363 MM AW $500.00 8/6/2011 5:57 AM
On the back of the check-
312-802-5234; phone number
associated with MM

Video surveillance from the MCX machine located in the Walmart, Valparaiso, IN on 8/6/11 shows
Kevin Ford and Mercedes Hatcher
purchasing the above money orders, using a debit card and PIN.

YH told agents that she was incarcerated at the time that the checks were deposited and the funds were
withdrawn. She had left her personal belongings, which included her debit card, at a friends house when

On 8/18/2011 video surveillance footage from fraudulent ATM transactions depict a silver
Audi sedan, bearing a license plate that comes back to Kevin Ford, and the driver of the
silver Audi in this footage appears to be Kevin Ford (see RAs section later in this
Investigators identified Ford and Hatcher in this and other instances by comparing
surveillance footage with their BMV identification pictures and other known pictures of
Ford and Hatcher. Investigators have also met with and spoken to Ford and Hatcher in

she went to jail. YH does not know any of the above named individuals, nor did she give anyone
permission to use her debit card.
C. DG Account #******997

DG had a Citibank checking account (******997). DG stated that MM had paid him $500.00 (in the form
of a money order, which was purchased with DGs debit card) for his debit card and PIN.

DGs Citibank checking account (******997) had five fraudulent checks deposited into it; all of the
fraudulent checks appeared to be business checks for AGPC. These fraudulent AGPC checks had the
same digital signature on them that was used on many of the fraudulent checks deposited in this scheme.
The image of this signature was found on the computer at the apartment shared by Kevin Ford, Cortez
Stevens, and Mercedes Hatcher. The payer (AGPC) has been used on other fraudulent checks that were
used in this scheme.

The deposits in DGs Citibank checking account (******997) were as follows:

Date of
Check # Check
Amount Date and
Time of
Location of
08/04/2011 1186623 AGPC d States
nancial Mgt
DG $3,728.64 8/4/11 @
1:33 p.m.
5812 S. Ellis
Chicago, IL
08/05/2011 1186624 AGPC d States
nancial Mgt
DG $4,763.92 8/5/11 @
1:05 p.m.
8650 S.
Chicago, IL
08/08/2011 1186630 AGPC United
DG $5,263.91 8/8/11 @
10:38 am.
8650 S.
Chicago, IL
08/09/2011 1186638 AGPC United
DG $6,342.68* 8/9/11 @
11:46 am.
8650 S.
Chicago, IL
08/10/2011 1186652 AGPC United
DG $5,681.37 8/10/11 @
11:47 am.
8650 S.
Chicago, IL

Total $25,780.52
* The bank statement reflects a deposit of $6,842.68.

Video surveillance from Citibank for 8/9/11 and 8/10/11 show MM depositing the above fraudulent
checks into DGs account, using a debit card and PIN.

The above checks were all returned as unpaid. They were deemed unpaid by Citibank on the following

Check # Check Amount Date Deemed Unpaid
1186623 $3,728.64 08/11/2011
1186624 $4,763.92 08/12/2011
1186630 $5,263.91 08/15/2011
1186638 $6,342.68* 08/16/2011
1186652 $5,681.37 08/17/2011

Information for the August 4, 2011 $3,728.64 check deposited

The funds for August 4, 2011 check for $3,728.64 was withdrawn/spent as follows:

Date Time Amount Description
08/04/2011 1:34 PM $300.00 Citibank ATM, 5812 S. Ellis, Chicago, IL
08/05/2011 6:41 AM $1,000.00 Citibank ATM, 8650 S. Stoney Island, Chathm, IL
08/05/2011 7:47 AM $2,002.20 MCX- Walmart, Valparaiso, IN
08/05/2011 7:50 AM $400.55 MCX- Walmart, Valparaiso, IN
Total $3,702.75
No video surveillance was available for the above transactions.

Money orders purchased at the MCX machine in Walmart for the above-listed MCX Walmart
transactions are as follows:

Money Order # Payee Purchaser Amount Date
20328910319 MM AW $500.00 8/5/11 7:49 AM 312-802-
20328910320 MM AW $500.00 8/5/11 7:49 AM 312-802-

20328910321 MM AW $500.00 8/5/11 7:49 AM 312-802-
20328910322 DG HW $500.00 8/5/11 7:49 AM
20328910323 Mikcale
$400.00 8/5/11 7:51 AM 773-639-
7801 or
Total $2,400.00

Information for the August 5, 2011 $4,763.92 check deposited

The funds for the August 5, 2011 deposit of $4,763.92 were withdrawn/spent as follows:

Date Time Amount Description
08/06/2011 8:07 AM $71.25 Speedway, Hobart, IN
08/06/2011 9:20 AM $30.00 4717 W. 61st Avenue, Hobart, IN
08/06/2011 2:28 PM $100.00 Citibank ATM, 8650 S. Stoney Island, Chathm, IL
08/06/2011 2:29 PM $100.00 Citibank ATM, 8650 S. Stoney Island, Chathm, IL
08/07/2011 7:19 PM $1.09 1497 Wal-Sams, Matteson, IL
08/08/2011 6:47 AM $500.00 Citibank ATM, 8650 S. Stoney Island, Chathm, IL
08/08/2011 6:55 AM $200.00 Citibank ATM, 8650 S. Stoney Island, Chathm, IL
08/08/2011 6:56 AM $100.00 Citibank ATM, 8650 S. Stoney Island, Chathm, IL
08/08/2011 8:05 AM $2,002.20 MCX- Walmart, Valparaiso, IN
08/08/2011 8:08 AM $1,602.20 MCX- Walmart, Valparaiso, IN
08/08/2011 8:17 AM $45.06 Speedway, Valparaiso, IN
Total $4,751.80

Money orders purchased in Walmart for the above-listed MCX Walmart transactions are as follows:
Money Order # Payee Purchaser Amount Date
20328910376 DR MP $500.00 8/8/11 8:06 AM ID IL ***-
20328910377 TW HM $500.00 8/8/11 8:06 AM ***-**-1619
20328910378 TJ CJ $500.00 8/8/11 8:06 AM 312-545-5592
20328910379 MM AW $500.00 8/8/11 8:06 AM 312-802-5234
20328910380 MM AW $500.00 8/8/11 8:09 AM ***-**-6754
20328910381 MM AW $500.00 8/8/11 8:09 AM 312-802-5234
20328910382 TH AW $300.00 8/8/11 8:09 AM ***-**-3946;
20328910383 TH AW $300.00 8/8/11 8:09 AM ***-**-3946

Total $3,600.00

Video surveillance from the MCX machine located in the Walmart, Valparaiso, IN on 8/8/11 show Kevin
Ford withdrawing the money orders, using a debit card and PIN.

Information for the August 8, 2011 $5,263.91 check deposited

The funds for the August 8, 2011 deposit of $5,263.91 were withdrawn:
Date Time Amount Description
08/09/2011 6:19 AM $500.00 Citibank ATM, 8650 S. Stoney Island, Chathm, IL
08/09/2011 6:19 AM $500.00 Citibank ATM, 8650 S. Stoney Island, Chathm, IL
08/09/2011 7:26 AM $2,002.20 MCX- Walmart, Valparaiso, IN
08/09/2011 7:29 AM $2,002.20 MCX- Walmart, Valparaiso, IN
08/09/2011 7:32 AM $294.55 MCX- Walmart, Valparaiso, IN
Total $5,298.95

Money orders purchased at the MCX machine in Walmart on the above dates are as follows:

Money Order # Payee Purchaser Amount Date
20328910398 MM AW $500.00 8/9/11 7:27 AM 312-802-5234
20328910399 MM AW $500.00 8/9/11 7:27 AM 312-802-5234
20328910400 MM AW $500.00 8/9/11 7:27 AM 312-802-5234
20328910401 MM AW $500.00 8/9/11 7:27 AM 312-802-5234
20328910402 TJ DS $500.00 8/9/11 7:30 AM
20328910403 GC DB $500.00 8/9/11 7:30 AM
20328910404 TW LB $500.00 8/9/11 7:30 AM
20328910405 J J DT $500.00 8/9/11 7:30 AM
20328910406 VM VM $294.00 8/9/11 7:33 AM Cashed at New
Dolton Currency
Total $4,294.00

Video surveillance from the MCX machine located in the Walmart, Valparaiso, IN on 8/9/11 show Kevin
Ford withdrawing the money orders, using a debit card and PIN.

VM is the girlfriend of Cortez Stevens.


Information for the August 9, 2011 $6,342.68 check deposited

The funds for the August 9, 2011 deposit of $6,342.68 were withdrawn:
Date Time Amount Description
08/10/2011 6:12 AM $1,000.00 Citibank ATM, 8650 S. Stoney Island, Chathm, IL
08/10/2011 7:16 AM $2,002.20 MCX- Walmart, Valparaiso, IN
08/10/2011 7:19 AM $2,002.20 MCX- Walmart, Valparaiso, IN
08/10/2011 7:40 AM $851.10 MCX- Walmart, Valparaiso, IN
Total $5,855.50

Money orders purchased at the MCX machine in Walmart on the above dates are as follows:

Money Order # Payee Purchaser Amount Date
20328910411 TH AW $500.00 8/10/11 7:17 AM ***-**-3846
20328910412 MM AW $500.00 8/10/11 7:17 AM 312-802-5234
20328910413 MM AW $500.00 8/10/11 7:17 AM 312-802-5234
20328910414 MM AW $500.00 8/10/11 7:17 AM 312-802-5234
20328910415 MM AW $500.00 8/10/11 7:20 AM 312-802-5234
20328910416 MM AW $500.00 8/10/11 7:20 AM 312-802-5234
20328910417 MM AW $500.00 8/10/11 7:20 AM 312-802-5234
20328910418 MM AW $500.00 8/10/11 7:20 AM 312-802-5234
20328910419 TH AW $500.00 8/10/11 7:41 AM ***-**-3946
20328910420 TH AW $350.00 8/10/11 7:41 AM ***-**-3946
Total $5,850.00

Video surveillance from the MCX machine located in the Walmart, Valparaiso, IN on 8/10/11 shows
Kevin Ford purchasing the money orders, using a debit card and PIN.

Funds for the 08/10/11 check ($5,681.37) were not accessed based on this deposit since the previous
checks were coming back as unpaid and fraudulent.
D. BM Account #******227

BM had a checking account (******227) at Citibank. BM stated that Cortez Stevens had stolen her
Citibank debit card and PIN. She left her purse in Stevens car when he stole the information. BM also
stated that Stevens bragged on Facebook about what he had done to her. She also filed a police report on
August 11, 2011, regarding the theft with Chicago PD (report HT443233).

The deposits in BMs Citibank checking account (******227) were as follows:


Date of
Check # Check
Check Payee Amount Date and
Time of
Location of
08/08/2011 1186629 AGPC United
BM $4,388.26 8/8/11 @
11:44 AM
1779 River
Oaks Drive,
City, IL
08/08/2011 753 J W First
BM $4,213.32 8/8/11 @
1:46 PM
1779 River
Oaks Drive,
City, IL
08/09/2011 1186637 AGPC United
BM $4,261.90 8/9/11 @
10:23 AM
1779 River
Oaks Drive,
City, IL
08/10/2011 1186653 AGPC United
BM $5,211.90 8/10/11 @
12:45 PM
1779 River
Oaks Drive,
City, IL
Total $18,075.38

Cortez Stevens
can be seen in Citibank bank surveillance video conducting the following two fraudulent
deposits into BMs Citibank account on August 9, 2011 and August 10, 2011, using a debit card and PIN.
There was no video surveillance available for the deposits on August 8, 2011.

The fraudulent checks appeared to be business checks for AGPC, just like the ones deposited into the
account for DG. Again, these fraudulent AGPC checks had the same digital signature on them that was
used on many of the fraudulent checks deposited in this scheme. The image of the payer on the AGPC
checks signature was found during a search warrant on the computer at Cortez Stevens, Mercedes
Hatcher, and Kevin Fords apartment.

The above checks were all returned as unpaid. They were deemed unpaid by Citibank on the following

Check # Check Amount Date Deemed Unpaid
1186629 $4,388.26 08/15/2011

Investigators identified Stevens in this and other instances by comparing surveillance
footage with his BMV identification picture and other known pictures of Stevens.

753 $4,213.32 08/11/2011
1186637 $4,261.90 08/16/2011
1186653 $5,211.90 08/17/2011

Below is a summary of how the proceeds of the fraudulent deposited checks were withdrawn from BMs
bank account:

Date Time Amount Description Notes
AM $800.00
Citibank ATM, 1779 River Oaks Dr,
Calumet City, IL
AM $1,001.20 Walmart-Lansing, IL
Purchased 1 Money Order $1,000 with fee
(.60) and had $500.60 returned as cash
8/8/2011 12:30 PM $2,001.10 Walmart, Hammond, IN
Purchased 2 Money Orders $1, 000 with
fees (.55 per MO)
8/8/2011 12:32 PM $354.64 Walmart, Hammond, IN
Purchased 1 Money Pak $350 with fee of
8/8/2011 1:47 PM $40.00
Citibank ATM, 1779 River Oaks Dr,
Calumet City, IL
8/9/2011 7:05 AM $183.00
Non-Citibank ATM, 4001 W. 167th
St, Country Club, IL (Chase)
AM $803.00
Non-Citibank ATM, 7 Sibley Rd,
Hammond, IN (Walgreens)
AM $2,001.10 Walmart, Hammond, IN
Purchased 2 Money Orders $1, 000 with
fees (.55 per MO)
AM $1,004.64 Walmart, Hammond, IN
Purchased 1 Money Pak $1000 with fee of
8/9/2011 3:39 PM $10.89
Lansing Square, 16756 Torrence
Ave, Lansing, IL Debit PIN purchase
8/9/2011 3:41 PM $10.89
Lansing Square, 16756 Torrence
Ave, Lansing, IL Debit PIN purchase
8/9/2011 4:00 PM $52.77 Walmart, Lansing, IL Misc items purchased
8/10/2011 6:56 AM $503.00 Chase Bank, Country Club Hills, IL
8/10/2011 7:24 AM $1,004.64 Walmart, Lansing, IL
Purchased 1 Money Pak $1000 with fee of
$4.64 (On stmt as 8/11/11)
8/10/2011 7:24 AM $1,004.64 Walmart, Lansing, IL
Purchased 1 Money Pak $1000 with fee of
$4.64 (On stmt as 8/11/11)
8/10/2011 7:40 AM $403.00
Walgreens, 6510 Columbia,
Hammond, IN
8/10/2011 7:45 AM $1,501.10 Walmart, Hammond, IN
Purchased 2 Money Orders $1, 000 and
$500 with fees (.55 per MO) (On stmt as
8/10/2011 12:33 PM $185.00 Connection Wear, Calumet City, IL
8/10/2011 12:45 PM $580.00
Citibank ATM, 1779 River Oaks Dr,
Calumet City, IL


Video surveillance from Walmart at 165
Street in Hammond from August 9, 2011 shows Cortez Stevens
at the Money Center counter at 11:26 AM, using a debit card. Surveillance also shows Stevens at a cash
register checking out at 11:29 AM.

The money orders that were purchased from the above withdrawals are summarized below:

Money Order # Payee Purchaser Amount Date
20320807175 $500.00 8/8/2011 11:57 AM
Stevens Blank $1,000.00 8/8/2011 12:31 PM
Cashed at New
Dolton Currency
Stevens Blank $1,000.00 8/8/2011 12:31 PM
Cashed at New
Dolton Currency
20335480663 Blank
Stevens $1,000.00 8/9/2011 11:27 AM
Cashed at New
Dolton Currency
20335480664 Blank
Stevens $1,000.00 8/9/2011 11:27 AM
Cashed at New
Dolton Currency
20335481132 Blank
Stevens $1,000.00 8/10/2011 7:46 AM
Cashed at New
Dolton Currency
Stevens $500.00 8/10/2011 7:46 AM
Cashed at New
Dolton Currency

The GE Money Pak cards that were purchased from the above withdrawals are summarized below:

Money Pak # Amount Date
Purchased From
06298108401924 $350.00 8/8/2011 12:32 PM Walmart, Hammond, IN
28314489938515 $1,000.00 8/9/2011 11:30 AM Walmart, Hammond, IN
68761402466387 $1,000.00 8/10/2011 7:24 AM Walmart, Lansing, IL
58099161220852 $1,000.00 8/10/2011 7:25 AM Walmart, Lansing, IL
E. LB Account #*********123

LB had a checking account (*********123) at Bank of America.

LB stated that Stephen Garner recruited her for the scheme, paying her $1,000.00 to give him her debit
card and PIN. After LB gave her debit card and PIN to Garner, a fraudulent check was deposited into her

account at the Bank of America ATM located at 83
and Princet, Chicago, IL on August 12, 2011. The
deposit is detailed below:

Date of
Check # Check
Check Payee Amount Date of
Location of
08/12/2011 5483 NHKH Bank of
LB $1,876.89 08/12/2011 Bank of America
ATM, 83rd and
Princet, Chicago,

Below is a summary of how the proceeds of the fraudulent deposited check were withdrawn from LBs
bank account:

Date Amount Description Notes
8/12/2011 $160.00
Bank of America ATM W/D, 83rd & Princet,
Chicago, IL
8/13/2011 $1,501.65 Walmart, Valparaiso, IN
Purchased 3 Money Orders $500 with fees
(.55 per MO)
8/13/2011 $182.50 Withdrawal, 2400 Morthland, Valparaiso, IN ATM in Walmart
Total $1,844.15

The money orders that were purchased from the above withdrawal are summarized below:
Money Order # Payee Purchaser Amount Date
20328910450 B Sims B Sims $500.00 8/13/2011 5:11 AM
Notation on the check: 219-
779-1752; 5802 Adams St.
(This is Sims phone number
and address)
20328910451 LB
Garner $500.00 8/13/2011 5:11 AM
LB's Fee for giving the card
and PIN to Garner
20328910452 LB
Garner $500.00 8/13/2011 5:11 AM
LB's Fee for giving the card
and PIN to Garner

Video surveillance from the MCX machine located in the Walmart, Valparaiso, IN on 8/13/11 shows
Stephen Garner purchasing the above money orders, using a debit card and PIN.

The two money orders that were in the name of LB were given to LB by Garner for payment for the use
of her debit card and PIN in the scheme.
F. RA Account #******306

RA had a checking account (******306) with Chase Bank.

On August 18, 2011, three fraudulent checks were deposited into the account (******306) of RA. The
deposited checks are detailed below:

Date of
Check # Check Payer Drawee
Amount Date and
Time of
Location of
08/18/2011 216971 AAAHAC J PMorgan
RA $1,509.22 08/18/2011 at
8:15 PM
Chase ATM,
Lansing, IL
08/18/2011 216965 AAAHAC J PMorgan
RA $1,909.22 08/18/2011 at
8:15 PM
Chase ATM,
Lansing, IL
08/18/2011 216968 AAAHAC J PMorgan
RA $1,990.22 08/18/2011 at
8:16 PM
Chase ATM,
Lansing, IL

Video surveillance shows Kevin Ford depositing the above check into RAs account, using a debit card
and PIN. Seconds later, surveillance video shows Ford making an ATM withdrawal on RAs account.
The video surveillance images shows a silver Audi, Indiana license plate SP 5306 parked at the drive-up
ATM machine from which the deposits were made into RAs bank account. Indiana License plate SP
5306 traces back to a Cadillac owned by Kevin Ford.

All three of the above deposited checks were returned and marked as Altered Fictious by Chase Bank
on August 22, 2011.

Below is a summary of how the proceeds of the fraudulent deposited checks were withdrawn from RAs
bank account:

Date Time Amount Description Notes
08/18/2011 8:16 PM $100.00 ATM W/D, 16767 Torrence Ave, Lansing,

08/19/2011 5:43 AM $1,501.65 Walmart, Valparaiso, IN Purchased 3 Money Orders $500
with fees (.55 per MO)
08/19/2011 6:44 AM $482.50 ATM W/D, 2400 Morthland Dr.,
Valparaiso, IN
ATM inside Walmart
Total $2,084.15

The money orders that were purchased from the above withdrawals are summarized below:

Money Order # Payee Purchaser Amount Date
20340982534 Kevin Ford Kevin Ford $500.00 08/19/2011 5:45 AM Walmart-
On the back of
the check-260-
20340982535 AJ HJ $500.00 08/19/2011 5:45 AM Walmart-
20340982536 KM KM $500.00 08/19/2011 5:45 AM Walmart-
On the back of
the check-708-

There was an attempt to purchase four money orders with fees ($2,002.20) at Walmart, Valparaiso, IN
at 5:46 AM. The purchase was declined.

On the above-listed money order for KM, the address 700 Greenbay Avenue was listed; on law
enforcement database checks, Kevin Ford is also associated with this address (700 Greenbay Ave.,
Calumet City, IL), for utility listings. KMs name appears on other money orders that were purchased
with funds from fraudulent checks that were deposited in this scheme.

Video surveillance from the MCX machine located in the Walmart, Valparaiso, IN on 8/19/11 shows
Kevin Ford purchasing the above money orders, using a debit card and PIN.

On August 19, 2011, Walmart had contacted the Valparaiso Police, who responded at 5:51 AM, reporting
two suspicious black males who keep entering the store attempting to use the ATM and money order
machines. A police report was filed.

RA was interviewed in March 2012 regarding this Chase Bank account. He claimed that his debit card
had been stolen from him. RA did volunteer, however, that he had been approached by people who
wanted to use his debit card to allow money to be transferred to his account. RA claimed that he did not
engage in this behavior.
G. LM Account #*********581

LM opened a checking account (*********581) at US Bank on J une 14, 2011 with a deposit of $50.

On August 29, 2011, a fraudulent check was deposited into the US Bank checking account
(*********581) of LM at an US Bank ATM located at the East Side, Chicago, IL. The deposited check
is detailed below:

Date of
Check Payer Drawee Bank Check Payee Amount Date and
Time of
Location of Deposit

08/29/2011 10690 SC J PMorgan
LM $2,481.06 08/29/2011,
4:49 PM
US Bank ATM, East
Side, Chicago, IL

The signature of the payer is the same signature that has appeared on other fraudulent checks in this
scheme. A digital copy of the signature was also found on the computer located at Kevin Ford, Mercedes
Hatcher, and Cortez Stevens apartment during a search warrant.

US Bank marked the above deposited check as deposited item returned on September 6, 2011.

Below is a summary of how the proceeds of the fraudulent deposited checks were withdrawn from LMs
bank account:

Date Amount Description Notes
8/29/2011 $60.00 US Bank ATM W/D, East Side, Chicago, IL
8/30/2011 $95.55 Walmart, Valparaiso, IN
Purchased 1 Money Order $95 with
fees (.55 per MO)
8/30/2011 $400.55 Walmart, Valparaiso, IN
Purchased 1 Money Order $400
with fees (.55 per MO)
8/30/2011 $482.50 ATM W/D, 2400 Morthland Drive, Valparaiso, IN Inside Walmart
8/30/2011 $500.55 Walmart, Valparaiso, IN
Purchased 1 Money Order $500
with fees (.55 per MO)
Total $1,539.15

The money orders that were purchased from the above withdrawal are summarized below:
Money Order
Payee Purchaser Amount Date
20340982673 CD LB $500.00 8/30/2011 4:32 AM
300 W. 105

Street, Chicago, IL
20340982674 CD LB $400.00 8/30/2011 4:37 AM
300 W. 105

Street, Chicago, IL
20340982675 Unknown Unknown $95.00 8/30/2011 4:39 AM

Video surveillance from the MCX machine located in the Walmart, Valparaiso, IN on 8/30/11 shows
Mikcale Smally
and Stephen Garner at the machine from at least 4:32 AM until 4:34 AM. Both are
conducting transactions with debit cards and PINs from this machine during that time, and both are
present to purchase the money orders from LMs account.

On that date at 4:32 AM, Walmart called Valparaiso Police to report suspicious behavior. Later when
police arrived, LW, CT, and Stephen Garner were sitting in a vehicle. They stated that their friend

Investigators identified Smally in this and other instances by comparing surveillance
footage with his BMV identification picture and other known pictures of Smally.

(Mikcale Smally) was inside purchasing a video game. Police located Smally inside Walmart. The police
later learned that all four individuals had been inside Walmart and there had been $3,000 in cash
withdrawals made from the ATM located inside Walmart. CT had $1,100 in money orders and $190 in
cash on his possession. Garner had $400 in cash on his possession.

On September 6, 2011, LM filed a claim with US Bank that stated that she lost her debit card.

LM told agents that her card was stolen, and she did not deposit the above mentioned checks into her
bank account. She also stated that she did not know Mikcale Smally.

H. CP Account #******475

On December 19, 2011, CP opened a Citibank checking account #******475. $100 USC was used for
the initial deposit.

On December 20, 2011, the following fraudulent deposit was made into CPs account:

Date of
Check # Check
Drawee Bank Check Payee Amount Date and
Time of
Location of
12/20/11 217696 CC State
Treasurer of
CP $3,991.17 12/20/11 at
10:41 AM
Citibank #90,
17401 S. Oak
Park, Tinley
Park, IL

The image of the payees signature was found on the computer that was located in Cortez Stevens,
Mercedes Hatcher, and Kevin Fords apartment during a search warrant. The signature also appears on
other fraudulent checks that Stevens and Ford used in the scheme. The payer (CC) and the drawee bank
(State Treasurer of Illinois) have been listed on other fraudulent checks that are a part of this scheme.

Video surveillance shows Cortez Stevens depositing the above check into CPs account, using a debit
card and PIN. Seconds later, surveillance video shows Stevens making an ATM withdrawal on CPs

The above check was returned and deemed unpaid by Citibank on December 22, 2012.

Below is a summary of how the proceeds of the fraudulent deposited check were withdrawn from CPs
bank account:

Date Time Amount Description

12/20/2011 10:42 AM $340.00
Citibank ATM Withdrawal,
17401 S. Oak Park, Tinley Park,
12/21/2011 4:47 AM $500.60 Walmart, Belvidere, IL
12/21/2011 4:48 AM $2,002.40 Walmart, Belvidere, IL
12/21/2011 4:51 AM $1,201.80 Walmart, Belvidere, IL

I. TS Account #******533

On J anuary 20, 2012, TS opened a Citibank checking account (******533) and a savings account
(******541) and funded each account with $50.00 USC. She had a debit card for the above mentioned

TSs Citibank checking and savings account had three fraudulent checks deposited into them. The
fraudulent checks had a digital signature on them that was used on many of the fraudulent checks
deposited in this scheme. The image of this signature was found on the computer at the apartment shared
by Kevin Ford, Cortez Stevens, and Mercedes Hatcher.

Recent attempts to find updated contact information for TS have been unsuccessful.

The deposits in TSs checking account (******533) were as follows:
Date of
Check # Check
Amount Date and
Time of
Location of
02/22/2012 10101 CC State
of Illinois
TS $3,999.85 2/22/12 @
11:45 am.
1779 River
Oaks Dr.,
City, IL
02/21/2012 138 CC PNC Bank RS $3,999.39 2/23/12 @
6:47 am.
1779 River
Oaks Dr.,
City, IL
Total $7,999.24


The deposit in TSs savings account (******541) was as follows:
Date of
Check # Check
Amount Date and
Time of
of Deposit
02/21/2012 140 CC PNC Bank RM $1,492.35 2/23/12 @
6:49 am.
1779 River
Oaks Dr.,
City, IL

A total of $9,491.59 of fraudulent checks was deposited into TSs bank accounts.

Video surveillance film was not available for the above deposits.

The above checks were all returned as unpaid. They were deemed unpaid by Citibank on the following

Check # Check Amount Date Deemed Unpaid
10101 $3,999.85 02/28/2012
138 $3,999.39 02/24/2012
140 $1,492.35 02/27/2012

Prior to the bank realizing that the deposited checks were fraudulent, the following transactions were
conducted from TSs checking account (******533):
Date Time Amount Description
02/22/2012 11:46 AM $260.00 Citibank ATM Cash Withdrawal,
1779 River Oaks Dr., Calumet City, IL
02/23/2012 4:20 AM $2,002.40 1978 Wal-Sams (Walmart), Plymouth, IN
02/23/2012 4:20 AM $1,702.40 1978 Wal-Sams (Walmart), Plymouth, IN
02/23/2012 4:25 AM $22.50 2505 N. Oak Rd., Plymouth, IN
02/23/2012 6:48 AM $280.00 Citibank ATM Cash Withdrawal,
1779 River Oaks Dr., Calumet City, IL
Total $4,267.30

The following transactions were conducted from TSs savings account (******541):
Date Time Amount Description
02/23/2012 unknown $200.00 Citibank ATM Cash Withdrawal,
1779 River Oaks Dr., Calumet City, IL


Money orders purchased at Walmart in Plymouth, Indiana for the above-listed Walmart transactions are
as follows:
Money Order # Payee Purchaser Amount Date
20361157840 KM KM $500.00 02/23/12 05:19 AM
20361157841 KM KM $500.00 02/23/12 05:19 AM
20361157842 KM KM $500.00 02/23/12 05:19 AM
20361157843 KM KM $500.00 02/23/12 05:19 AM
20361157844 KM KM $500.00 02/23/12 05:22 AM
20361157845 KM KM $500.00 02/23/12 05:22 AM
20361157846 Cortez
$500.00 02/23/12 05:22 AM
20361157847 Cortez
$200.00 02/23/12 05:22 AM
Total $3,700.00

Walmart video surveillance shows both Ford and Stevens at the MCX conducting transactions, using a
debit card and PIN.

On February 23, 2012, at 5:28 AM EST, Plymouth Police Department in Indiana were dispatched to
Walmart in Plymouth, Indiana in reference to black male subjects that met the description of an
investigation on getting money orders from that Walmart with stolen credit cards. Police noticed that the
male subjects were in a red Pontiac leaving the parking lot. Plymouth PD pulled the vehicle over, and
Kevin Ford and Cortez Stevens was in the car. Kevin Ford stated that he was at Walmart and he was
getting a money order. The license plate on the Pontiac was registered to Mercedes Hatcher.

Plymouth Police later learned from Walmart Plymouth that other credit cards had been used at the store
for earlier purchases. Video evidence showed Kevin Ford was present at all of these other transactions
and Cortez Stevens was present in some of the other transactions. There was also another unknown black
male present. These other transactions took place on 1-24-12, 1-25-12, 1-31-12, 2-7-12, 2-10-12, 2-17-
12, and 2-18-12 all during the early morning hours. Some of the other purchases included merchandise
along with other large purchases of money orders.

Eventually, Plymouth Police Department charged Kevin Ford and Cortez Stevens with theft and credit
card fraud on a Citibank account held by TS. Kevin Ford and Cortez Stevens, were arrested for this case
by Plymouth PD on 04/20/12. The prosecutor later dropped the initial charge, seeking to charge a higher
level felony. The higher level charges were not filed, and Plymouth PD turned their investigation over to
the FBI.

TS filed a Regulation E claim with Citibank, indicating the transactions were fraudulent. Citibank denied
her claim, because it lacked credibility.

TS told Plymouth PD Detective Leo Mangus that no one had been authorized to use her credit card.

According to the Plymouth Police Departments police report, Ford had a females credit card in his
possession and he stated he had permission to use it.

On the above-listed money orders for KM, the address 700 Greenbay Avenue was listed; on law
enforcement database checks, Kevin Ford is also associated with this address (700 Greenbay Ave.,
Calumet City, IL), for utility listings. KMs name appears on other money orders that were purchased
with funds from fraudulent checks that were deposited in this scheme.
J. CC Accounts

On September 9, 2013, at a Citibank branch located in The Lakes, NV, CC opened a checking account
(******759) and savings account (******767). Two other Citibank bank accounts (******939 and
******947) were opened online on September 19, 2013 in CCs name.

On September 17, 2013, four fraudulent checks were deposited into the four above named accounts
owned by CC at a Citibank located at 1525 Ellinwood, Des Plaines, IL. The checks were deposited
between 5:39 PM to 5:41 PM. The deposited checks and what account they were deposited into are
detailed below:

In Check # Check Date Amount Payable to Payer
Date and
******759 6923 9/19/2013 $786.45 CC AMA Citibank
5:39 PM
******767 6922 9/19/2013 $786.45 CC AMA Citibank
5:40 PM
******939 6920 9/19/2013 $786.45 CC AMA Citibank
5:40 PM
******947 6921 9/19/2013 $786.45 CC AMA Citibank
5:41 PM
Total $3,145.80

The payer (AMA), as well as the payers signature, was used on other fraudulent checks that were
deposited into other peoples accounts. Also, the payers signature is the same signature that appears on
at least $87,000 worth of fraudulent checks (over 30 checks) that were deposited in the overall scheme
starting on December 28, 2011.


Video surveillance shows Kevin Ford depositing the above checks into CCs accounts, using a debit card
and PIN. Seconds later, surveillance video shows Ford making ATM withdrawals on CCs accounts,
using a debit card and PIN.

Below is a summary of how the proceeds of the fraudulent deposited checks were withdrawn from CCs
bank accounts:

Checking Account- #******947
Date Time
Added Description Notes
9/19/2013 5:41 PM $786.45
Deposit of
Fraudulent Check
Occurred at Citibank
ATM located at 1525
Ellinwood, Des Plaines,
9/19/2013 5:42 PM $200.00
Transfer to
Checking acct
Occurred at Citibank
ATM located at 1525
Ellinwood, Des Plaines,
*9/20/2013 7:59 AM $500.00 ATM Withdrawal
Occurred at Citibank
ATM located at 2022 S.
Archer, Chicago, IL
Totals $700.00 $786.45

Checking Account- #******939
Date Time
Subtracted Amount Added Description Notes
9/19/2013 5:40 PM $786.45
Deposit of
Fraudulent Check
Occurred at Citibank
ATM located at
1525 Ellinwood, Des
Plaines, IL
9/19/2013 5:42 PM $200.00
Transfer from
Checking acct
Occurred at Citibank
ATM located at
1525 Ellinwood, Des
Plaines, IL
9/19/2013 5:42 PM $400.00 ATM Withdrawal
Occurred at Citibank
ATM located at
1525 Ellinwood, Des
Plaines, IL
*9/20/2013 7:58 AM $580.00
Transfer to
Checking acct
Occurred at Citibank
ATM located at
2022 S. Archer,
Chicago, IL
Totals $980.00 $986.45

Checking Account- #******759
Date Time Amount Amount Added Description Notes

9/19/2013 5:39 PM $786.45
Deposit of
Fraudulent Check
Occurred at
Citibank ATM
located at 1525
Ellinwood, Des
Plaines, IL
9/19/2013 5:39 PM $220.00
Occurred at
Citibank ATM
located at 1525
Ellinwood, Des
Plaines, IL
*9/20/2013 7:58 AM $580.00
Transfer from
Checking acct
Occurred at
Citibank ATM
located at 2022 S.
Archer, Chicago, IL
9/20/2013 12:35 PM $580.00
Transfer from
Savings acct
Occurred at
Citibank ATM
located at 8650 S.
Stony Island,
Chicago, IL
9/20/2013 10:05 AM $483.00
ATM Cash
Occurred at Non-
Citibank ATM
located at 230 W.
Grand Ave,
Chicago, IL
9/20/2013 12:40 PM $1,000.00
Debit PIN
J Bees Sports &
Casual, Chicago, IL
9/20/2013 12:40 PM $200.00
Debit PIN
J Bees Sports &
Casual, Chicago, IL
Totals $1,903.00 $1,946.45

Savings Account- #******767
Date Time Amount Subtracted Amount Added Description Notes
9/19/2013 5:40 PM $786.45
Deposit of
Fraudulent Check
Occurred at Citibank
ATM located at 1525
Ellinwood, Des
Plaines, IL
9/19/2013 5:42 PM $200.00
Occurred at Citibank
ATM located at 1525
Ellinwood, Des
Plaines, IL
PM $580.00
Transfer from
Savings acct
Occurred at Citibank
ATM located at 8650
S. Stony Island,
Chicago, IL
Totals $780.00 $786.45


*There is video surveillance on September 20, 2013 from 7:57 AM to 7:59 AM at the Citibank ATM
located at 2022 S. Archer, Chicago, IL. This surveillance shows Kevin Ford conducting the transactions
at the ATM, using a debit card and PIN.

K. PB Accounts

On September 18, 2013, at a Citibank branch located in Cypresswood, Texas, PB opened a checking
account (******791) and savings account (******801). Two other Citibank bank accounts (******341
and ******354) were opened online on September 20, 2013 in PBs name.

On September 20, 2013, four fraudulent checks were deposited into the four above named accounts
owned by PB at a Citibank located at 500 W. Madison, Chicago, IL. The checks were deposited between
4:57 PM to 4:59 PM. The deposited checks and what account they were deposited into are detailed


In Check # Check Date Amount Payable to Payer
Date and
******354 6960 9/17/2013 $784.45 PB AMA Citibank
4:57 PM
******801 6900 9/17/2013 $784.45 PB AMA Citibank
4:58 PM
******341 6961 9/17/2013 $784.45 PB AMA Citibank
4:58 PM
******791 6963 9/17/2013 $784.45 PB AMA Citibank
4:59 PM
Total $3,137.80

The payer (AMA), as well as the payers signature, was used on other fraudulent checks that were
deposited into other peoples accounts.

Below is a summary of how the proceeds of the fraudulent deposited checks were withdrawn from PBs
bank accounts:

Checking Account- #******341
Date Time Amount Subtracted Amount Added Description Notes
PM $784.45
Deposit of
Fraudulent Check
Occurred at Citibank
ATM located at 500
W. Madison,
Chicago, IL
PM $200.00
Transfer to
Checking acct
Occurred at Citibank
ATM located at 500
W. Madison,
Chicago, IL
AM $580.00
Transfer to
Checking acct
Occurred at Citibank
ATM located at
8650 S. Stony
Island, Chicago, IL
Totals $780.00 $784.45

Checking Account- #9793828654
Date Time Amount Subtracted Amount Added Description Notes
PM $784.45
Deposit of
Fraudulent Check
Occurred at Citibank
ATM located at 500
W. Madison,
Chicago, IL
PM $200.00
Transfer to
Checking acct
Occurred at Citibank
ATM located at 500
W. Madison,
Chicago, IL

AM $580.00
Transfer to
Checking acct
Occurred at Citibank
ATM located at
8650 S. Stony
Island, Chicago, IL
Totals $780.00 $784.45

Checking Account- #******791
Date Time Amount Subtracted Amount Added Description Notes
PM $784.45
Deposit of
Fraudulent Check
Occurred at Citibank
ATM located at 500
W. Madison,
Chicago, IL
PM $200.00
Transfer from
Checking acct
Occurred at Citibank
ATM located at 500
W. Madison,
Chicago, IL
PM $200.00
Transfer from
Checking acct
Occurred at Citibank
ATM located at 500
W. Madison,
Chicago, IL
PM $600.00
ATM Cash
Occurred at Citibank
ATM located at 500
W. Madison,
Chicago, IL
AM $580.00
Transfer from
Checking acct
Occurred at Citibank
ATM located at
8650 S. Stony
Island, Chicago, IL
AM $500.00
ATM Cash
Occurred at Citibank
ATM located at
8650 S. Stony
Island, Chicago, IL
AM $580.00
Transfer from
Checking acct
Occurred at Citibank
ATM located at
8650 S. Stony
Island, Chicago, IL
AM $560.00
Transfer from
Checking acct
Occurred at Citibank
ATM located at
8650 S. Stony
Island, Chicago, IL
AM $500.00
ATM Cash
Occurred at Citibank
ATM located at
8650 S. Stony
Island, Chicago, IL
Totals $1,600.00 $2,904.45

Savings Account- #******801
Date Time Amount Subtracted Amount Added Description Notes

PM $784.45
Deposit of
Fraudulent Check
Occurred at Citibank
ATM located at 500
W. Madison,
Chicago, IL
PM $220.00
ATM Cash
Occurred at Citibank
ATM located at 500
W. Madison,
Chicago, IL
AM $560.00
Transfer to
Checking acct
Occurred at Citibank
ATM located at
8650 S. Stony
Island, Chicago, IL
Totals $780.00 $784.45

There is no video surveillance for the deposits, or the withdrawals. However, the same checks were used
in the CCs transactions, as well as PBs deposits occurred on the same day as CCs withdrawals. Also,
the payers signature is the same signature that appears on at least $87,000 worth of fraudulent checks
(over 30 checks) that were deposited in the overall scheme starting on December 28, 2011.
FDIC Information
44. I have obtained certificates issued by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
that confirm that the deposits of Citibank, US Bank, J P Morgan Chase Bank, and Bank of
America were insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation during the time period that
the transactions outlined herein occurred.
45. Based upon the information set forth in this affidavit, I believe there is probable
cause to believe that, from in or about August 2011 and continuing through in or about
September 2013, in the Northern District of Indiana and elsewhere, Kevin Ford, Mercedes
Hatcher, Cortez Stevens, Stephen Garner, Brittany Sims, and Mikcale Smally did knowingly
conspire to participate in a scheme to defraud or a financial institution and to obtain money and
funds owned by and under the custody and control of a financial institution by means of
materially false and fraudulent pretenses, representations, and promises, and by concealment of

material facts, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1344 (bank fraud) and Title
18, United States Code, Section 371 (conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States).
Requesting No-Knock Arrest Authority for Kevin Ford
46. Based on Kevin Fords photographs, videos and comments posted on Facebook
and Instagram, as set forth in paragraphs 27 and 28, displaying Fords possession of firearms and
desire to kill law enforcement officers, your Affiant believes that knocking and announcing the
presence of law enforcement before the arrest warrant for Kevin Ford is executed would
endanger law enforcement officers executing the warrant.


Adria J ohnson
Special Agent
Federal Bureau of Investigation

Sworn and subscribed before me this ___ day of October, 2014.

J ohn E. Martin
U.S. Magistrate J udge
Northern District of Indiana

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