Heat Treatment of Ferrous Metals

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Basilio, Paul Adrian V.

Assignment No.1

July 02, 2013


Engr. Roi Allan A. Bernardo

Heat Treatment of Ferrous Metals
1. Hardening

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A ferrous metal is normally hardened by heating the metal to the required
temperature and then cooling it rapidly by plunging the hot metal into a
quenching medium, such as oil, water, or brine. Most steels must be cooled
rapidly to harden them. The hardening process increases the hardness and
strength of metal, but also increases its brittleness

This treatment produces a fine grain structure, extreme hardness,
maximum tensile strength, and minimum ductility. Generally, material in this
condition is too brittle for most practical uses, although this treatment is the first
step in the production of high-strength steel.
Pure iron, wrought iron, and extremely low carbon steels cannot be
appreciably hardened by heat treatment, since they contain no hardening
element. Cast iron can be hardened, but its heat treatment is limited. When cast
iron is cooled rapidly, it forms white iron, which is hard and brittle. When cooled
slowly, it forms gray iron, which is soft but brittle under impact.
In plain carbon steel, the maximum hardness depends almost entirely on
the carbon content of the steel. As the carbon content increases, the ability of
the steel to be hardened increases. However, this increase in hardenability with
an increase in carbon content continues only to a certain point. In practice, that
point is 0.85 percent carbon content. When the carbon content is increased
beyond 0.85 percent, there is no increase in wear resistance.
For most steels, the hardening treatment consists of heating the steel to a
temperature just above the upper critical point, soaking or holding for the
required length of time, and then cooling it rapidly by plunging the hot steel into
oil, water, or brine. Although most steels must be cooled rapidly for hardening, a
few may be cooled in still air. Hardening increases the hardness and strength of
the steel but makes it less ductile.

Steel is usually harder than necessary and too brittle for practical use
after being hardened. Severe internal stresses are set up during the rapid
cooling of the metal. Steel is tempered after being hardened to relieve the
internal stresses and reduce its brittleness. Tempering consists of heating the
metal to a specified temperature and then permitting the metal to cool. The
rate of cooling usually has no effect on the metal structure during tempering.
Therefore, the metal is usually permitted to cool in still air. Temperatures used
for tempering are normally much lower than the hardening temperatures. The
higher the tempering temperature used, the softer the metal becomes. High-
speed steel is one of the few metals that become harder instead of softer after
it is tempered.

Tempering (drawing) is a process generally applied to steel to relieve
the strains induced during the hardening process. It consists of heating the
hardened steel to a temperature below the critical range, holding this
temperature for a sufficient period, and then cooling in water, oil, or air. In this
process, the degrees of strength hardness and ductility obtained depend
directly upon the temperature to which the steel is heated. High tempering
temperatures improve ductility at the sacrifice of tensile, yield strength, and

Tempering is always conducted at temperatures below the low-critical
point of the steel. In this respect, tempering differs from annealing,
normalizing, and hardening in which the temperatures are above the upper
critical point. When hardened steel is reheated, tempering begins at 212F and
continues as the temperature increases toward the low-critical point. By
selecting a definite tempering temperature, you can predetermine the resulting
hardness and strength. The minimum temperature time for tempering should
be 1 hour. If the part is more than 1 inch thick, increase the time by 1 hour for
each additional inch of thickness.

2. Tempering

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Annealing of steel produces a fine grained, soft, ductile metal without
internal stresses or strains. In the annealed state, steel has its lowest strength.
In general, annealing is the opposite of hardening. Annealing of steel is
accomplished by heating the metal to just above the upper critical point,
soaking at that temperature, and cooling very slowly in the furnace. Soaking
time is approximately 1 hour per inch of thickness of the material. To produce
maximum softness in steel, the metal must be cooled very slowly. Slow cooling
is obtained by shutting off the heat and allowing the furnace and metal to cool
together to 900 F or lower, then removing the metal from the furnace and
cooling in still air. Another method is to bury the heated steel in ashes, sand, or
other substance that does not conduct heat readily.

Metals are annealed to relieve internal stresses, soften them, make
them more ductile, and refine their grain structures. Metal is annealed by
heating it to a prescribed temperature, holding it at that temperature for the
required time, and then cooling it back to room temperature. The rate at which
metal is cooled from the annealing temperature varies greatly. Steel must be
cooled very slowly to produce maximum softness, This can be done by burying
the hot part in sand, ashes, or some other substance that does not conduct
heat readily (packing), or by shutting off the furnace and allowing the furnace
and part to cool together (furnace cooling).

3. Annealing

4. Normalizing

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Ferrous metals are normalized to relieve the internal stresses produced
by machining, forging, or welding. Normalized steels are harder and stronger
than annealed steels. Steel is much tougher in the normalized condition than in
any other condition. Parts that will be subjected to impact and parts that require
maximum toughness and resistance to external stresses are usually
normalized. Normalizing prior to hardening is beneficial in obtaining the desired
hardness, provided the hardening operation is performed correctly. Low carbon
steels do not usually require normalizing, but no harmful effects result if these
steels are normalized.

5. Case Hardening

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Casehardening produces a hard wear-resistant surface or case over a
strong, tough core. Casehardening is ideal for parts which require a wear-
resistant surface and, at the same time, must be tough enough internally to
withstand the applied loads. The steels best suited to casehardening are the
low carbon and low alloy steels. If high carbon steel is casehardened, the
hardness penetrates the core and causes brittleness. In casehardening, the
surface of the metal is changed chemically by introducing a high carbide or
nitride content. The core is unaffected chemically. When heat treated, the
surface responds to hardening while the core toughens. The common forms of
casehardening are carburizing, cyaniding, and nitriding.

Forms of Case Hardening:

Carburizing - is a case hardening process in which carbon is added to
the surface of low carbon steel. Thus, carburized steel has a high carbon
surface and a low carbon interior. When the carburized steel is heat
treated, the case is hardened while the core remains soft and tough.

Normalizing is achieved by heating the metal to a specified temperature
(which is higher than either the hardening or annealing temperatures), soaking
the metal until it is uniformly heated, and cooling it in still air.

One of the most important uses of normalizing in aircraft work is in welded
parts. Welding causes strains to be set up in the adjacent material. In addition,
the weld itself is a cast structure as opposed to the wrought structure of the rest
of the material. These two types of structures have different grain sizes, and to
refine the grain as well as to relieve the internal stresses, all welded parts should
be normalized after fabrication. Normalizing is accomplished by heating the steel
above the upper critical point and cooling in still air. The more rapid quenching
obtained by air cooling, as compared to furnace cooling, results in a harder and
stronger material than that obtained by annealing.

Three Methods Used for Carburizing Steel:

1. Pack Carburizing - the steel parts are packed in a container with charcoal
or some other material rich in carbon. The container is then sealed with fire
clay, placed in a furnace, heated to approximately 1,700 F, and soaked at
that temperature for several hours. As the temperature increases, carbon
monoxide gas forms inside the container and, being unable to escape,
combines with the gamma iron in the surface of the steel. The depth to
which the carbon penetrates depends on the length of the soaking period.
For example, when carbon steel is soaked for 8 hours, the carbon
penetrates to a depth of about 0.062 inch.

2. Gas Carburizing - a material rich in carbon is introduced into the furnace
atmosphere. The carburizing atmosphere is produced by the use of various
gases or by the burning of oil, wood, or other materials. When the steel
parts are heated in this atmosphere, carbon monoxide combines with the
gamma iron to produce practically the same results as those described
under the pack carburizing process.

3. Liquid Carburizing - the steel is placed in a molten salt bath that contains
the chemicals required to produce a case comparable with one resulting
from pack or gas carburizing.

Cyaniding - this process is a type of case hardening that is fast and
efficient. Preheated steel is dipped into a heated cyanide bath and allowed
to soak. Upon removal, it is quenched and then rinsed to remove any
residual cyanide. This process produces a thin, hard shell that is harder
than the one produced by carburizing and can be completed in 20 to 30
minutes vice several hours. The major drawback is that cyanide salts are a
deadly poison.

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Nitriding - is unlike other casehardening processes in that, before
nitriding, the part is heat treated to produce definite physical properties.
Thus, parts are hardened and tempered before being nitrided. Most steels
can be nitrided, but special alloys are required for best results. These
special alloys contain aluminum as one of the alloying elements and are
called nitralloys. In nitriding, the part is placed in a special nitriding
furnace and heated to a temperature of approximately 1,000 F. With the
part at this temperature, ammonia gas is circulated within the specially
constructed furnace chamber. The high temperature cracks the ammonia
gas into nitrogen and hydrogen. The ammonia which does not break down
is caught in a water trap below the regions of the other two gases. The
nitrogen reacts with the iron to form nitride. The iron nitride is dispersed in
minute particles at the surface and works inward. The depth of penetration
depends on the length of the treatment. In nitriding, soaking periods, as
long as 72 hours are frequently required to produce the desired thickness
of case. Nitriding can be accomplished with a minimum of distortion,
because of the low temperature at which parts are casehardened and
because no quenching is required after exposure to the ammonia gas.



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