Tri-Ace Ethics and CSR Audit Document

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Anthony Albert Tiu

CSR Audit Paper

I. Introduction:
As Lasalle MBA students, the role to engage myself in corporate social responsibility is very
important to encourage positive changes that may impact the environment, stakeholders and the
community. Any organization must properly integrate the three key pillars most often called the
Triple Bottom line to improve the welfare of the society. The conceptual framework behind this
approach was measured by its performance which includes assessment for the economic
prosperity, environmental quality and social equity of the society. Proper compliance of this
measure will ensure the companys economic growth and meet its intention on attaining
sustainable development.
Henceforth, this document was made to discuss the existing CSR condition of the company and
its proposal to further improve the organizations compliance to the next level.
Company Background:
Tri-Ace Enterprise, one of the leading distributors of IT related products in Region 3 (Central
Luzon), this company officially joined the computer industry by selling assembled computers
units back in 2010. This enterprise was established to cater the local industry from the growing
industry and seize the opportunity to promote its products to cater small offices, banks and local
net internet caf shops. In the early 2011, the company has diversified to include different kinds
of services such as computer unit repairs and networking solutions to diversify its line of
business to maximize its capacity.
Products, Services and Customers
The Primary line of business is subdivided into 3 areas: Distribution and Sale of wholesale and
assembled units, retail of computer parts, accessories and paraphernalias and network
installation with repair services. The primary objective of Tri-ace was to acquire customers on
the untapped market which includes the government sectors, private institutions and residential
areas to increase its profit and maximize its full capacity. Likewise, it aims to expand its
distribution center outside its comfort zone to garner a number of secure clients to improve the
financial condition of the company.
Currently, the company aims to enhance its marketing promotion on close circuit television
(CCTV) accessories due to its growing business demand for personal security. A number of
based clients serves include banks, manufacturing entity, offices and education institutions which
are considered for them to be our long time partners in providing technical solutions.

II. Current CSR State of the Company
After CSR assessment, I learned that the companys CSR category is currently approaching its
Philanthropic stage of continuum. Under the Philanthropic stage of continuum, it advocates its
employees to do more than the things mandated by law to help promote the social well being of
its employees. Though, the company aims to promote in making a difference toward the society,
it has not yet reach on a stage where business goals are articulated or integrated on the
organizations social objectives.
Recently, the company realizes its importance and decided to slowly to adapt CSR in their
operations. The organization has started to engage on social activities and aims to contribute
something that may benefit the society. These opportunities are created to enhance the lives of
people both in economic and social growth.
Somehow, CSR initiatives are sometimes neglected since there is no committee formed to fulfill
the internal or external duties that may direct the organizations programs. However, ideas are
formed are endorse by the employees when national disaster are formed which are usually
adopted by the company.
Here are different categories of corporate social responsibility which the business practices
under its current state:
Environmental responsibility:
The company focuses by contributing to preserve the ecosystem through the conservation of
natural resource.
Example: Energy saving and 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) initiatives.
Social Philanthropy:
The organization practice social responsibility through fund drives to local charities on the
affected areas during national disaster.
Example: Donation of money to the areas affected by Typhoon Yolanda
Ethical Labor practices:
The company shows correct labor practices by treating their employees ethically and fairly by
letting employees work for only 8 hour/day schedule shift mandated by law.

Likewise, it would also be important to assess current state of the companys CSR campaign
analysis in corporate citizenship maturity. The developmental analysis determines the normative
pattern of activity and internal consistency of both the organization and its employees. The
current state of corporate citizenship maturity of this company belongs to the elementary stage.

Under this stage, citizenship activity is episodic and its programs are undeveloped. By definition,
the strategic intent of the company only intends to comply with the mandated law. The current
mindset of the company was reflected by obeying the law and protecting only the interest of
firms reputation. Likewise, the majority of companys corporate citizens as a whole are not
interested and careless about CSR activities.
III. Suggestions for improvement:
Continuous improvement is always part of CSR initiatives. Some proposals that can improve the
companys activity are summarized below:
Environmental responsibility:
Increasing awareness A very important and effective activity that reminds each
employee to save energy by turning of their computer terminals before leaving office and
proper disposal of waste materials. To increase its effectively, some information
campaigns tools can be used as reminder includes e-mail, posters, or reward incentives.
Social Philanthropy:

Encourage employees to join volunteer activities, seminars and workshops programs and
collaborate with different LGUs units to empower and improve the lives of people

Ethical Labor practices:
Make a common practice to remind everyone on 8 hour/day working hours and engage
the workers to an employee engagement programs to enhance the overall quality of its
workforce resources. This can reduce employee turnover, improved staff morale lead to
higher motivation and increase productivity.

IV. CSR Initiatives Implementation

In order to fully execute the CSR initiatives, a process framework will be required in
order for the company to identify the stage for each assessment. Learning from the
strategic CSR tools and guidelines adapted from the mining for APEC economies,
this developed framework teaches the company on how to imbed CSR into
organization. Likewise, it also describes some improvement steps for organization
that need to obtain for crafting a CSR strategy. The five phases included:

1.) Assessment: The first stage wherein the company needs to understand the context
of its operation to be able to identify the factors that it needs to prioritize.

2.) Formulation: Based on the results of the first stage, the company can choose
which areas it will focus as well as the objectives of its CSR strategy.

3.) Implementation: In which the company creates a strategy for CSR. It is
important during implementation that there are necessary structures in place to
ensure that CSR programs are aligned with the companys business strategy.
It is important that it looks at the formal and informal mechanisms to ensure CSR
objectives are part of its formal structure.

4.) Monitoring and Evaluation: It is important to evaluate the program to see if it
has achieved the desired CSR objectives. If not, the company must analyze why
not and make a corresponding adjustment to its CSR strategy.

5.) Embedding and Encouraging CSR: Its aim was improve the on-going projects
and continue the advocacy started for each successful activity. The purpose of the
organization was to provide balance and purpose that can ensure for the CSR
initiative to be embedded into the companys operation.

V. Conclusion
Organizing and implementing a CSR to integrate to our daily business operations can be a
challenge to all levels of employees since it requires commitment and sincerity for the
initiative to succeed. CSR champions are equally as important to inspire and educate its
employees to understand the responsibility of taking this action. Likewise, employees must
also show support to engage on their CSR advocacy for corporate maturity. The current state
of the company requires enhancement to evolve and mature its corporate CSR level.
From three different CSR areas, the organization must review the propose improvement then
slowly adapt the suggested framework to achieve its CSR agenda. Finding ways to improve
the groups Environmental responsibility, Social Philanthropy and Ethical labor has a number
of benefits that increase customer retention, improve business reputation and may reduce
employees turnover. Moreover, integrating the CSR framework on its business operation
will broaden its insight and help defined its objectives.

Herrera, M.B., Alarilla, M.I. and Uy, R.L., (2011), Towards Strategic CSR: Aligning CSR with
the Business and Embedding CSR in the Organization: A Manual for Practitioners. Makati
City: Asian Institute of Management. Retrieved from
Ong, J. (2014, August 2). Personal Interview

Slaper, T., 2011, The Triple Bottom Line: What Is It and How Does It Work? Retrieved from

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