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55:132/22C:122 High Performance Computer Architecture Spring Semester 2002

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55:132/22C:122 High Performance Computer Architecture

Spring Semester 2002

2000 Catalog Data: 55:132 High Performance Computer Architecture
3 s.h.
Description: Problems involve in esigning an anal!"ing current machine architectures
using har#are escription language $HD%& simulation' an anal!sis(
hierarchical memor! esign' pipeline processing' vector machines' numerical
applications' multiprocessor architectures an parallel algorithm esign
techni)ues( evaluation methos to etermine the relationship bet#een computer
esign an esign goals.
Prere)uisites: 22C:0*0 or 55:032 an 55:035
+e,tboo-: Henness! . Patterson' Computer Architecture-A Quantitative Approach' /econ
0ition' 1organ 2aufmann
3eferences: +homas . 1oorb!' The Verilog Hardware Description Language' +hir
0ition' 2lu#ar Acaemic Publishers
Coorinator: 4on 2uhl' Professor of 0lectrical an Computer 0ngineering
Course goals:
1. /tuents shoul unerstan ho# to appl! )uantitative trae5off anal!sis in the esign of a computer
2. /tuents shoul be able to use a moern har#are escription language to moel an anal!"e
computer s!stem esign traeoffs.
3. /tuents shoul unerstan moern memor! s!stem esign techni)ues incluing single an multi5level
cache an virtual memor!
*. /tuents shoul unerstan processor pipeline issues' incluing pipeline ha"ars an associate
mitigation techni)ues.
5. /tuents shoul unerstan the avance scheuling techni)ues an instruction5level parallelism use
in moern super5scalar processors.
6. /tuents shoul unerstan relevant esign issues for multiprocessor s!stems' incluing cache
coherenc! issues
Prere)uisites b! topic: basic computer architecture' machine an assembl! language programming
+opics $class hours&: 1. 3evie# of basic computer architecture $2&
2. 7ntrouction to )uantitative traeoff anal!sis $2&
3. 7nstruction set architecture an aressing moes $3&
*. Har#are Description %anguage $*&
6. Hierarchical memor! s!stem esign $10&
8. Pipelines an pipeline esign techni)ues $10&
9. Avance instruction scheuling an 7%P $6&
:. 7;< subs!stem esign $3&
10. 1ultiprocessor esign $*&
11. 7n class e,ams $1&
+otal: $*5&
Computer =sage:
1. Har#are Description %anguage $>erilog& on C// computers.
Pro?ects :
1. Design an anal!sis of set associative cache memor! s!stem using >erilog
2. Design an optimi"ation of a pipeline processor using >erilog $small
group pro?ect&
A@0+ categor! content as estimate b! facult! member #ho prepare this course escription:
0ngineering science: 1.5 creits or AA percent
0ngineering esign: 1.5 creits or AA percent
Prepare b!: 4on 2uhl Date: April 1' 2002
Course Outcomes Worksheet COW!
55:132/22C:122 High Performance Computer Architecture
Spring 2001"02
Course Goals Supports ABT !utcomes Course Acti#it$
1. /tuents shoul unerstan ho# to
appl! )uantitative trae5off anal!sis in the
esign of a computer s!stem
a$B&' c$B&' e$B&' ?$B&' -$B& Home#or- assignments an pro?ect
assignments re)uire stuents to appl!
)uantitative esign trae5off anal!ses
#ith respect to memor! s!stem an
processor esign. 0,ams test stuent
master! of )uantitative anal!sis methos.
2. /tuents shoul be able to use a
moern har#are escription language to
moel an anal!"e computer s!stem
esign traeoffs.
b$B&' c$B&' $B&' e$B&' g$C&' ?$B&' -$B& /tuents o t#o significant pro?ects that
re)uire them to moel an anal!"e the
performance of portions of a computer
s!stem architecture using the >037%<D
har#are escription language. At least
one of these pro?ects re)uires stuents to
#or- in small groups' shcih often mi,
0C0 an C/ stuents.
3. /tuents shoul unerstan moern
memor! s!stem esign techni)ues
incluing single an multi5level cache
an virtual memor!.
a$B&' c$B&' e$B&' ?$B&' -$B& /tuents o home#or- assignments an
pro?ects that re)uire them to anal!"e
memor! s!stem esign traeoffs. 0,ams
test master! of )uantitative techni)ues for
performing traeoff anal!ses
*. /tuents shoul unerstan processor
pipeline issues' incluing pipeline ha"ars
an associate mitigation techni)ues.
a$B&' c$B&' e$B&' ?$B&' -$B& /tuents o home#or- assignments an
pro?ects that re)uire them to anal!"e
pipeline esign issues. 0,ams test
master! of )uantitative techni)ues for
performing traeoff anal!ses
5. /tuents shoul unerstan the
avance scheuling techni)ues in
moern super5scalar processors.
c$B&' e$B&' i$B&' ?$B& Case stuies of moern processor
architectures are presente. 0,ams test
stuent master! of concepts use in
moern processors.
6. /tuents shoul unerstan relevant
esign issues for multiprocessor s!stems'
incluing cache coherenc! issues.
c$B&' e$B&' i$B&' ?$B& 0,ams test stuent unerstaning of
important issues in contemporar!
multiprocessor esign
C enotes moerate contribution to the outcome B enotes substantial contribution to the
ASSOC%A&'( 'AS) S*+,') -*'S&%O.S
'AS) Assessment Statement so1iciting 1"2 3isagree"agree response4 p1us comments!
1 1 7 unerstan ho# to carr! out a )uantitative traeoff anal!sis to evaluate computer s!stem esign alternatives.
2 2 7 am able to use a moern har#are escription language to moel an anal!"e aspects of a computer s!stem
3 3 7 unerstan esign issues relate to memor! s!stems' incluing cache memor! an virtual memor!.
* * 7 unerstan pipeline esign issues' incluing ha"ars an associate mitigation techni)ues.
5 5 7 am familiar #ith instruction scheuling an instruction5level parallelism techni)ues use in moern super5
scalar processors
6 6 7 unerstan relevant esign issues for multiprocessor s!stems
A5'& Outcomes a! 6 k!
*se3 for core"course assessments!
'ngineering gra3uates 7i11 ha#e the fo11o7ing attri8utes:
$a& an abilit! to appl! -no#lege of mathematics' science' an engineering(
$b& an abilit! to esign an conuct e,periments as #ell as to anal!"e an interpret ata(
$c& an abilit! to esign a s!stem' component' or process to meet esire nees(
$& an abilit! to function on multiisciplinar! teams(
$e& an abilit! to ientif!' formulate' an solve engineering problems(
$f& an unerstaning of professional an ethical responsibilit!(
$g& an abilit! to communicate effectivel! in oral $o&' #ritten $#&' an graphical $g& forms(
$h& the broa eucation necessar! to unerstan the impact of engineering solutions in a
global an societal conte,t(
$i& a recognition of the nee for an an abilit! to engage in lifelong learning(
$?& a -no#lege of contemporar! issues(
$-& an abilit! to use the techni)ues' s-ills' an moern engineering tools necessar! for
successful engineering practice(

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