Best Seminar Topics With

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The document discusses various seminar topics for different engineering fields like computer science, electronics and communication, mechanical, electrical and civil engineering along with some tips for choosing a good seminar topic.

Some of the computer science seminar topics discussed are Portable Camera-Based Assistive Text and Product Label Read, FOG Computing (EDGE Computing), Early Detection of Malicious Flux Networks via Large- Scale Passive DNS Traffic Analysis, Mining Web Graphs for Recommendations, Network Intrusion detection and Counter measure selection in virtual network systems.

Some tips provided for choosing a winning seminar topic are to choose topics which are unique and have reference materials available, choose topics that excite you, consider pros and cons of well known topics, choose very focused topics and topics that encourage audience participation.

Latest IEEE Seminar Topics

Tips to select a winning seminar topic
Seminar Topics with PPT for Engineering, MCA

Latest Seminar Topics

Seminar Topics for CSE

Seminar Topics for Information Technology

Seminar Topics for ECE

Mechanical Engineering Seminar Topics

Seminar Topics for EEE

Instrmentation Seminar Topics

Ci!il Engineering Seminar Topics

Computer Science Seminar Topics

"orta#le Camera$Based Assisti!e Te%t and "rodct La#el &eading

'() Compting *E+)E Compting,

Early +etection of Malicios 'l% -etwor.s !ia Large$

Scale "assi!e +-S Traffic Analysis

Mining /e# )raphs for &ecommendations

-etwor. Intrsion detection and Conter measre se$

lection in !irtal networ. systems

Computer Science Seminar Topics

Message 0ee Telemetry Transport $ M0TT

Efficient "rocessing of Semantic /e# 0eries in 1#ase

and MyS0L Clster

Li2id3 A Scala#le +edplication 'ile System for 4ir$

tal Machine Images

5ero$hop +istri#ted 1ash Ta#le $ 51T

-ETC(-' A-+ 6A-) $ Seminar on networ. config$


Computer Science Seminar Topics

Blind Athentication3 A Secre Crypto$#iometric !eri$

fication "rotocol

"arameter Aware I7( Management 'or Solid State


E%ploiting 'riendship &elations for Efficient &oting in

Mo#ile Social -etwor.s

Two 'actor Athentication

Ensring distri#ted acconta#ility for data sharing in

the clod

Computer Science Seminar Topics

&e!isiting +efenses Against Large Scale (nline "ass$

word )essing Attac.s

Analysis And &esearch (f

System Secrity Based (n A-+&(I+

&eal$/orld +istri#ted Compting with IBIS

Spporting of search$as$yo$type sing s2l in data#ases

Effecti!e and Efficient

memory "rotection 8sing +ynamic Tainting

Electronics & Communication
Seminar Topics

Artificial &etina 8sing Thin 'ilm Transistor Techno$


Car#on -anot#e Antenna in the s# Terahert9 &ange

Monitoring &espiration and Cardiac Acti!ity 8sing

'i#er Bragg )rating$Based Sensor

Applications (f Artificial -eral -etwor.s In 4oice

&ecognition And -ettal.

(ptical Coherence Tomography$ Signal "rocessing

And Algorithm

Electronics & Communication
Seminar Topics

-clear 'els sing Lasers

Thnder#olt $ An incredi#ly fast inpt7otpt


Sensors (ptimi9ed 'or :+ +igiti9ation

1igh Altitde Aeronatical "latforms *1AA"S,

Energy Transmission System 'or Artificial 1eart

Mechanical Seminar Topics


1e%apod &o#ots

'a#rication And
"erformance E!alation (f the Solar Still

&apid "rototyping

4ehicle (perator Safety $ The Ad!antages of 8sing

Electronic Sensors in (ff$road 4ehicles

Mechanical Seminar Topics

1omogeneos Charge Compression Ignition $ 'tre

(f IC Engines

A Control Classification of
Atomated )ided 4ehicle Systems

&apid "rototyping of &o#otic Systems

Micro Machined Microsensors for the measrement of

Mechanical Signals

Technical "aper (n Si% Stro.e Engine

Electrical Seminar Topics

Smart )rid $ &eference Model; Characteristics and im$


(!er!iew (' M8LTI Megawatt /I-+ T8&BI-ES

and wind par.s

Increasing Electrical +amping in Energy 1arnessing


&elia#ility E!alation of )rid$Connected "hoto!oltaic

"ower Systems

8nified "ower 0ality Conditioner

Electrical Seminar Topics

"ower 0ality Isses in "ower Systems

Microcontroller Based "ower Management System for

Standalone Micro grids /ith 1y#rid "ower Spply

Si9ing (f Energy Storage 'or Microgrid

"repaid Energy Meter sing Smart Cards

Speed Control of +C Motor 8sing T&IAC

Civil Engineering Seminar Topics

Biological -trient &emo!al In Mnicipal /aste /a$

ter Treatment

Stdy (f &oad Accidents in India

Effects of li2efaction indced grond failre on


)lare and -ight Time +ri!ing

Constrction chemicals for waterproofing in concrete


Tips to choose a winning seminar topic

&eference Materials and Case Stdies

Choose topics which are ni2e; #t for which materials

are a!aila#le. It will #e good to ha!e a loo. at IEEE
<ornals; #ecase IEEE papers will #e #ac.ed #y good
materials and case stdies

Choose Seminar Topics that e%cites yo

/hen yo are passionate a#ot a s#=ect; yo will go an

e%tra yard to .now more a#ot it. Moreo!er; yo will
#e a#le to spea. flently a#ot the topic and helps yo
answer 2eries from attendees.

Tips to choose a winning seminar topic

"ros and Cons of selecting a well .nown topic

If the topic yo choose is !ery well .nown; di!erse

areas of the same topic can #e selected #y mltiple
participants attending symposim or

Choose Seminar Topics that are !ery focsed

It>s a common mista.e that; presenter choose topics

which ha!e wide range of se. This will lead to !age
presentation withot ha!ing in$depth information
a#ot each content.

Tips to choose a winning seminar topic

"articipation of Adience

'or a presentation to #e a sccess; yo shold ha!e par$

ticipation from adience. 'or that; topics yo select
shold e%cite adience.

&ehearse #efore actal Seminar

It will #e ideal if yo rehearse yor lectre three to for

times #efore the actal e!ent. This will help yo find
and analy9e the gaps.

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