Centrifugal Compressor PDF
Centrifugal Compressor PDF
Centrifugal Compressor PDF
Selecting a
Centrifugal Compressor
End users must specify certain performance requirements
when requesting a quote for a new centrifugal
compressor. Understand your process, as well as the
advantages and disadvantages of each centrifugal
compressor configuration, in order to choose the optimal
centrifugal compressor for your application.
James M. Sorokes
entrifugal compressors, also called radial compressors, are critical equipment in a wide variety
of applications in the chemical process industries
(CPI). As their name suggests, their primary purpose is to
compress a fluid (a gas or gas/liquid mixture) into a smaller
volume while simultaneously increasing the pressure and
temperature of the fluid. In other words, compressors accept
a mass of gas at some initial pressure and temperature
and raise that gas to a higher pressure and temperature
(Figure 1). At the higher discharge pressure and temperature, the gas density is also higher, so the mass of gas occupies a smaller volume i.e., the gas is compressed.
Of the numerous technologies that can achieve compression, this article focuses on centrifugal compressors.
It explores the various types of centrifugal compressors,
Pressure (P1)
Temperature (T1)
Volumetric Flow (Q1)
Mass Flow (m)
Pressure (P2)
Temperature (T2)
Volumetric Flow (Q2)
Mass Flow (m)
Centrifugal compressors are members of a class of
technologies called dynamic compressors, or turbocompressors. Axial compressors are also part of this class of turbo
machines. Axial and centrifugal compressors draw their
names from the primary direction in which the flow moves
within the compressor. Axial compressors (Figure 2) handle
much higher flowrates than centrifugal compressors, but
generate lower pressure ratios. Modern centrifugal compressors accommodate lower flowrates than axial compressors
but are capable of generating much higher pressure ratios.
In turbocompressors, the increase in pressure and reduction in volume is accomplished by adding kinetic energy
to the fluid stream (i.e., adding velocity pressure) and then
converting that kinetic energy into potential energy in the
form of static pressure. In centrifugal compressors, kinetic
energy is added by impellers. The number of impellers in a
compressor depends on how large a compression or pressure
increase is needed for the process. As a result, compressors
can have one or as many as 10 (or more) impellers.
The conversion of the velocity pressure to static pressure
occurs in downstream stationary components, such as diffusers, return channels, and/or volutes. The type of stationary component(s) in compressors depends on the style of
centrifugal compressor being considered. The role of each of
these components is discussed in this article.
u Figure 2. In an axial
compressor, flow moves in
an axial direction (from left to
right in this diagram), rather
than in a circular direction as
in centrifugal compressors.
Guide Vane
Spring Link
Stator Casing
Drive Ring
Stator Vane
Guide Vane
Tie Bolt
Plain Bearing
Body and Cap
Stub Shaft
A simple analogy
To help understand
Discharge Seal
the concepts of velocity
and dynamic pressure,
Rotor Blade
think about a fan that
you might have in your
Discharge Volute Assembly
home or office. If you
place your hand in front
of the fan, you can feel the kinetic energy that the fan blades
centrifugal compressors have multiple impellers stacked
have added to the air. If you place your hand behind the
together and connected by flow passages.
fan, you can feel movement of the air as it is being drawn
Although centrifugal compressors are sometimes called
into the fan. The suction is caused by a reduction in static
radial compressors, most of the flow exiting a centrifugal
pressure due to the acceleration of the air by the fan blades,
impeller does not travel in a radial direction. Rather, the flow
thereby drawing more air into the fan.
travels to a large extent in a tangential direction.
Now imagine that you arrange several fans in a row
This motion is characteristic of a rotating disk. Consider
inside an enclosure to ensure that all of the flow goes in one
the direction that wood dust travels when you are using a disk
direction. Imagine how much force you would feel coming
sander, or that sparks fly when you are using a grinding wheel
out of the last fan in the stack after each fan accelerates the
(Figure 4). Similarly, the fluid that passes through a centrifuair (i.e., adds more kinetic energy). That is the basic concept
gal impeller is flung out along a path that has both a radial
behind a compressor a series of rotating blades adding
velocity component and a tangential velocity component.
energy to the gas.
Impellers the heart of the centrifugal compressor
Now suppose that the flow changes direction as it passes
through the rotating blades so that it exits the blades travel The most critical components in any centrifugal coming radially outward rather than in an axial direction (Figpressor, regardless of style, are the impellers. If the impelure 3). That is the fundamental difference between the axial
lers do not provide a high efficiency and good overall flow
compressors rotor and the centrifugal (or radial) compresrange, it is impossible for the compressor to achieve a
sors impeller the axial rotor discharges flow in the axial
direction while the centrifugal impeller discharges in a
it F
radial direction.
The impeller adds kinetic energy to the fluid in the same
way the blades of a household fan do, although the cenComponent
trifugal impeller adds more energy to the fluid than can be
added with a typical fan blade. Thus, it is possible to achieve
much higher pressures with centrifugal impellers. Multistage
it F
p Figure 3. Flow exits an axial rotor (left) in an axial direction, while flow
from a centrifugal impeller (right) exits radially.
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N D23
p Figure 6. Impeller blades can be either two-dimensional (top) or threedimensional (bottom). The 2D blades in the top image have a circular arc
shape, whereas the blades in the lower image have a complex 3D shape.
Copyright 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) and Dresser-Rand
Low-Flow-Coefficient Impeller
Medium-FlowCoefficient Impeller
p Figure 7. This compressor rotor has impellers with a wide range of flow coefficients, from low
at the left to high at the right.
Return Bend
Between-bearing configurations
In the between-bearing design, the
impellers are mounted on a single shaft.
Figure 8 shows a cross-section of a threestage between-bearing compressor. A driver
(e.g., an electric motor, steam turbine, or
gas turbine) rotates the shaft and all of the
impellers at the same speed. Flow enters
the compressor via the inlet and flows into
the inlet guide, which distributes the flow
circumferentially around the machine to
provide a uniform velocity and pressure at
the entrance of the first-stage impeller.
As described earlier, the rotating impelp Figure 8. A cross-sectional view of a three-stage centrifugal compressor with a betweenbearing design.
ler adds kinetic energy or velocity pressure
to the gas and the flow exits the impeller
rower than the high-flow-coefficient impeller on the right.
with tangential velocity (or exit swirl). The flow then swirls
Low-flow-coefficient impellers typically have simpler
outward though the diffuser along a spiral path (Figure 9).
blades, such as the 2D blades on the top of Figure 6, which
As the flow moves outward in the diffuser, it encounters
are defined by circular arc sections. Higher-flow-coefficient
a larger area (due to the increasing radius) and the flow
impellers typically have complex, 3D blades (Figure 6,
velocity decreases. This decrease in velocity results in an
bottom) that cannot be defined by any simple geometric
increase in static pressure (i.e., the velocity pressure is
shape. More complex blade shapes are defined with sophisconverted to static pressure). At the exit of the diffuser, the
ticated computer programs that determine the blade contours
flow passes through the return bend, which redirects the flow
necessary to ensure optimal aerodynamics.
from spiraling radially outward to spiraling radially inward.
Due to their narrow passages and simpler blades, lowNext, the flow passes through the return channel, which has
flow-coefficient impellers deliver lower efficiency than
vanes that capture the swirling flow and reorient it radially
high-flow-coefficient impellers. However, applications may
inward toward the center of the compressor. This process
Copyright 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) and Dresser-Rand
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First-Stage Inlet
Bull Gears
Inlet Guide
Third-Stage Inlet
Final Discharge
p Figure 12. An integrally geared compressor has multiple pinions driven by bull gears. An impeller is mounted on each end of each pinion.
Copyright 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) and Dresser-Rand
Back to Basics
Head p =
( 2)
Surge is a violent phenomenon, and it can cause extensive damage to compressor components. Therefore, sophisticated control systems are put in place to keep the compressor from operating in surge. Many surge control systems
monitor the compressors discharge pressure to determine
where the compressor is operating. Because the low-headcoefficient impeller has a steeper risetosurge slope, the
system can more precisely determine where the compressor is operating and do a more effective job of keeping the
compressor out of surge.
Knowing the mass flowrate, the head that the compressor must generate, and the compressor efficiency, you can
determine the horsepower needed to drive a compressor. The
efficiency, , relates the actual work done on the gas (i.e.,
compressing the gas) to the total work input into the compression system (i.e., from the driver, overcoming bearing
losses, etc.):
Head Coefficient
Surge Line
Flow Coefficient
Literature Cited
Additional Reading
Aungier, R. H., Centrifugal Compressors: A Strategy for Aerodynamic Design and Analysis, ASME Press, New York, NY
Japikse, D., Centrifugal Compressor Design and Performance,
Concepts ETI, Wilder, VT (1996).
Shepherd, D. G., Principles of Turbomachinery, MacMillan
Publishing, New York, NY (1956).
Sorokes, J. M., Industrial Centrifugal Compressors Design
Considerations, ASME Paper No. 95WA/PID2, ASME Winter
Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (1995).
Sorokes, J. M., and M. J. Kuzdzal, Centrifugal Compressor
Evolution, Turbomachinery Symposium Proceedings, Texas
A&M Univ., Houston, TX (2010).
Sorokes, J. M., Range v. Efficiency Striking the Proper Balance,
Turbomachinery Symposium Proceedings, Texas A&M Univ.,
Houston, TX (2011).
June 2013