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Sector Plan


Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines
February 2013
These guidelines are intended to provide direction in meeting the goals of the Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan. They are
approved by the Planning Board for staff use in reviewing development proposals. They should be used as well by developers in
shaping their projects and by citizens interested in the pattern and character of development in their community.
Source of Copies
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
8787 Georgia Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20910

Online at MontgomeryPlanning.org/community/takoma_langley_crossroads

Design Guidelines
Prepared by the Montgomery County Planning Department
January 2013
Approved by the Montgomery County Planning Board


How to Use the Design Guidelines

Context 4

Planning Framework 5

Vision 6
Guidelines 7

Gateways and Views 7

Streets and Open Spaces 14

Special Features 31

Good Neighbor Practices 36

The Crossroads District 40

Edges 42
Resources 45

How to Use the Design Guidelines

With the exception of specific recommendations included in the Sector Plan,
the guidelines are not regulations that mandate specific forms and locations for
buildings and open space. They illustrate how Plan recommendations and goals
might be met and encourage applicants and public agencies to propose designs
that create an attractive and successful public realm.
These Guidelines are intended to allow for design solutions that respond to new
technologies and they also describe the elements that will make Takoma Langley
Crossroads a better place. To that end, the guidelines:

suggest techniques for creating development that is sustainable and transit

provide guidance for the design of streets and buildings that can establish a
healthy pedestrian realm
suggest design parameters for public spaces to serve all communities
provide examples of ways special features such as fountains, artwork and
streetscaping can enrich the pedestrian realm
suggest ways of being a good neighbor through good design
provide recommendations for creating density at the center of the
Crossroads while transitioning to existing single-family neighborhoods
clarify expectations by providing certainty for design professionals and
property owners, while guiding the public review process.

Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011

The Takoma/Langley Crossroads (TLC) area is a densely populated,
urbanizing suburban community of starter homes, garden apartments, and
strip shopping centers. Centrally located along Marylands International
Corridor (a two-mile stretch of University Boulevard from Piney Branch
Road to West Park Drive that is home to the one of Marylands most
diverse populations ) and adjacent to Prince Georges County, the area
has a distinct international character. It has served as a gateway community
for persons new to the region and immigrants alike.
Redevelopment in the area will be focused around a transit center in the
Crossroads District, the communitys core. This core should be the center
of community activity and have the tallest buildings with the most density
amid public use spaces and a connected network of sidewalks and green
streets. The surrounding residential neighborhoods should be connected to
the core, but buffered from its density.
Development in the TLC area will be primarily under the jurisdiction of
Montgomery County. Within the City of Takoma Park, the streets are the
responsibility of the City. Since University Boulevard and New Hampshire
Avenue are state roads through two counties, they are within the purview
of the State Highway Administration in consultation with Montgomery and
Prince Georges Counties. Development proposals should respond to these
jurisdictional policies, which are outlined in the Resources section.

Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011

Planning Framework
Design guidelines help implement the recommendations of
approved and adopted master and sector plans. They provide
information on how plan recommendations and Zoning
Ordinance requirements can be met and provide context for
individual sites and best practice ideas for building and site
The planning process is structured to provide a hierarchy of
Master and sector plan recommendations provide the vision
for a specific area.
Zoning ordinances and other codes establish standards and
regulations for development.
Design guidelines provide inspiration and suggestions to fulfill
the vision of a plan and serve as a problem solving tool.
These guidelines have been developed through consultation
with property owners, residents, the City of Takoma Park, interest
groups, and executive agencies. They are to be approved by the
Planning Board for use by planning staff in evaluating proposed
building projects. They will be revised and updated as necessary.

Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011

Takoma/Langley Crossroads will be a transit-oriented,
pedestrian-friendly community that celebrates and builds on the
cultural diversity of the Crossroads community.

To fulfill this vision, the following design elements represent

existing and future opportunities.

Takoma/Langley Crossroads today

Redevelopment in Takoma/Langley Crossroads, opposite the proposed Purple Line Transit Center, has the
potential to create a transit gateway with defined streets and open spaces that transitions to surrounding

Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011

Identify Takoma/Langley Crossroads through Gateways

and Views.
Experience the public realm of Streets and Open Spaces.
Enrich Takoma/Langley Crossroads through the use of
Special Features.
Follow Good Neighbor Practices by using good design to
integrate new and existing businesses, public spaces and
residences into the community.
In the Crossroads District, experience design features at
their greatest intensity.
Transition from the CRT-zoned mixed uses to single-family
residential uses at the Edges.


Gateways and Views

A gateway creates a sense of entering a unique place. There
are three levels of gateways in the Plan area. A major sense
of arrival is experienced at primary gateways, at the proposed
transit center, the crossroads itself, and at the intersection of
Carroll Avenue and University Boulevard. A secondary gateway
provides a more intermediate sense of arrival, at Sligo Creek
and Holton Lane.
A pedestrian gateway provides a sense of entry at points
where pedestrian paths (sidewalks and proposed green streets)
intersect with the higher densities of CRT-zoned properties.
In TLC, this is primarily focused at the Transit Center and
the intersection of University Boulevard and New Hampshire

Gateways, Pedestrian Access

Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011

A view terminus marks the end of a vista. It is slightly different than

a gateway because it is experienced visually from a distance, rather
than at an entry point. It orients the traveler and adds significance
to the street view by providing a visual focal point. The views in TLC
are similar to the gateways and should respond to street alignment
and corners.
Gateways and views can be marked by:
an architecturally significant building or building feature
a civic building or space
artwork and place markers
street corners.

Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011

An Architecturally Significant Building or Feature

Building design and placement should respond to the context of streets and surrounding buildings with architectural features, such as rooflines and
corners that mark gateways and views.

Buildings can mark a gateway and create a sense of arrival by using distinctive architecture, siting, and massing

Located at the end of a street, these buildings provide a

visual terminus and a sense of orientation

Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011

A Civic Building or Space

Locating a civic building or space at the end of a view communicates its importance. Civic spaces can also incorporate visual markers,
such as art, or they can be integrated with civic buildings, such as a courthouse square.

Green spaces or plazas, when integrated with a public building or art, can act as gateways

A public building can act as view terminus and a gateway


Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011

Artwork and Place Markers

In the context of urban design, iconic art is a unique or
memorable work that becomes identified with a place,
becoming a landmark. It usually has the following
large scale visible from a distance
produces a striking, visceral or emotional effect on
the viewer
permanence it is intended to be a long-term
uniqueness its individuality relates to its setting
may spark conversation and engagement in urban
Iconic art can also act as a view terminus in a way
similar to a building.

Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011


Unlike art, place markers identify a place through their prominent location and easily identifiable
character. They may be an intentional installation, such an arch or an elaborately decorated doorway,
or simply an interesting or unique structure that has become a landmark. To be effective, a place
marker should be large enough to be recognized from a distance.
Symbolic structure
Arches or canopies
Venues for outdoor performances


Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011

Street Corners
Since they are located at the intersection
of at least two streets, street corners are
natural candidates for primary, secondary,
and pedestrian gateways. Having two
sides and being at a point where two or
more travel ways intersect, they are highly
visible and should receive more attention.
The buildings at street corners should
have a higher level of detailing and
finish. Building signage can be larger and
brighter, entryways can have a greater
level of design and detailing, and paving
materials can be of a higher quality.

Unique facade treatment and design

Architectural feature

Signage on corner

Two-sided facade

Corner entrance

Primary and secondary facades

Corner entrance and signage

Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011


Streets and Open Spaces

Streets are where most pedestrian experiences take place. A great street experience does not have to depend only on public plazas or squares.
Open spaces support the experience of the street, act as the overflow for them and their relatively open proportions act as a counterpoint to the
more enclosed street.

Streets and the Pedestrian Experience

Streets, together with the buildings that
define them, are the primary generators of
the pedestrian experience. They help set the
tone for the pedestrian experience, starting
at the macro level with a pedestrian-friendly
grid of streetsa network of streets with
short, walkable blocks. The grid serves as
the basis for the pedestrian realmthe
space on the street between the buildings
and the travel lanes. The pedestrian realm
is strengthened by a defined street edge
the relationship of the buildings to the
street. A well-defined street provides a more
comfortable pedestrian experience.
Once the pedestrian realm has been
established, the pedestrian experience is
further enriched through signage, private
streets, green streets, and the international
corridor on University Boulevard where the
communitys history as a neighborhood of
people from around the world is celebrated.


Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011

Pedestrian-Friendly Grid
The Plan area contains one of the highest
concentrations of transit-dependent residents in
the region. Daily bus ridership at the intersection
of University Boulevard and New Hampshire
Avenue routinely exceeds the boardings at all but
four Montgomery County Metrorail stations.
A network of streets created with short, walkable
blocks provides several routes to and from a
destination. People who live in neighborhoods with
a pedestrian-friendly grid can walk more, drive
less, and have easier access to transit.

The Plan recommends short, 250-500 foot long blocks, to establish a human scale environment that is easy and
pleasant to negotiate on foot and that provides a travel alternative to the car (Plan, page 30).

Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011


The Pedestrian Realm

Two interfaces define the pedestrian realm:
between the building and the sidewalk
between the sidewalk and the street.
On University Boulevard, the Plan recommends that the pedestrian realm includes a cycle track, located between the through travel lanes and sidewalk,
and streetscaping within the public improvement easement (PIE).
On New Hampshire Avenue the pedestrian realm includes a median and service drives on either side of the through travel lanes and the PIE. The
service drives, which accommodate slower moving traffic, on-street parking and on-street bike routes, support a pedestrian-friendly zone. Along New
Hampshire Avenue, the PIE is a 15-foot easement located outside the public right-of-way. It will contain sidewalks, street trees, pedestrian scaled lights,
and street furniture.

Along New Hampshire Avenue the pedestrian realm includes the outside median, service drives, and sidewalks


Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011

Defined Street Edge

The pedestrian realm is defined by the orientation of
buildings to the street edge (Plan, page 31). Consistent
street walls on both sides of a street can create a
comfortable sense of enclosure.
Create defined corridors by placing buildings along
an established build-to line along both sides of the
Where CRT-zoned properties face existing
residentially zoned properties across a street, allow
for front yards and green space as transitions
between the build-to line and the proposed building

Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011


Build-to Lines
To create additional space for outdoor seating, market displays and
active street walls, the location of a building may vary from the build-to
line. Greater setbacks should be allowed only when accommodating
public open spaces that are clearly recognized as public. These may
be a plaza located in the front of a civic building, or a town square
integrated within the street grid.

Align building facades with the build-to line to create a consistent street wall

Larger breaks in the street wall can accommodate large public spaces

Pull back building facades to accommodate outdoor seating


Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011

Building Form
Building heights and massing should help shape a public realm that is
welcoming to pedestrians. Materials and architectural character should
also be used to define the identity of an area.
Vary building heights to achieve more visual interest and a distinct
building character.
Use distinctive building materials that help lend a unique character to
an area.
Neighborhood safety relies on natural surveillance, which happens
when people can see activity on a street. Provide eyes-on-the-street by
orienting windows and doors and active interior spaces.
Strive for the imaginative use of traditional or contemporary styles that
evoke a particular look or feel.

Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011


Crime Prevention through Environmental Design

CPTED principles seek to influence offender
decisions by shaping the built and social
Natural Surveillance
windows that overlook sidewalks and parking
usable outdoor building features such as
porches, balconies, terraces, and arcades
street level windows and entrances

Balconies can provide natural surveillance of streets

Clear entry points can differentiate public and private


Building elements define public and private spaces

Maintained properties communicate ownership and care

Natural Access Control

clear entry points that differentiate between
public and private property
lighting design
entrances illuminated with direct, shielded light
Territorial Reinforcement
building elements that define public and private
walls, fences, and low hedges that mark
boundaries between public and private spaces
without blocking views
maintenance of properties and public space
that expresses ownership
quick repair, which denotes an invested


Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011

Active Street Wall

Activate streets and public spaces by locating uses with higher pedestrian traffic such as sidewalk cafes,
main building entryways, and shops on the ground floor.

An active street wall

While parking should not dominate a street, it should be located on-street and in structures internal to
a block, or in structures lined with street activating uses.
For mid-block parking structures, locate pedestrian access at designated crossing points.
Vehicles should access parking structures from alleys or side streets where possible.
Line parking garages with active ground floor uses such as retail.
Allow on-street parking to help slow traffic and provide parking choices.

On-street parking provides parking choice

Create clear pedestrian entries to parking structures

Wrap parking structures with ground floor retail

Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011


Signage can help set the tone of a commercial area. It should enhance by being artistic or distinctive, as an integral element of a building
facade, such as a sign band. It should also complement a building and not obstruct key architectural features.


Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011

Private Streets
Private streets and sidewalks look and feel similar to public streets, but their dimensions, design, and programming can be more flexible. They can:
be closed to temporarily accommodate an expanded temporary pedestrian space for special events, vendors, and performers
be paved using special materials
have depressed curbs, allowing the street and an adjacent public space to merge
have street furnishings that are distinct from surrounding public streets.
They should include features such as underground utilities.

Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011


Green Streets
Green streets are efficient, safe, and accessible for pedestrians
and vehicles and give priority to pedestrian and bicycle
circulation. Green streets include:
wide sidewalks with pervious tree panels
traffic calming
shade trees
improved street crossings
bio-retention devices and landscaping
pedestrian-scale lighting
signed bike paths and trails, where appropriate.
Green streets may also include attractive and sustainable
design elements such as, native plants, and best stormwater
managements practices.

A green street is proposed from the New Hampshire Gardens community to the Crossroads District
and New Hampshire Avenue (Plan, page 29).

Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011

Green street treatments on commercial streets

Green street treatments for residential streets

Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011


International Corridor
The International Corridor along University
Boulevard is home to entrepreneurs from Asia,
South and Central America, West Africa, and
the Caribbean. A unifying design theme can
help support a well maintained, safe, attractive,
and festive environment, with design elements
that celebrate the communitys history as a
neighborhood of people from around the world.
High quality design elements should be employed
that preserve and enhance the corridors ethnic
and cultural diversity and capture the interest and
imagination of people as they move through it.
Design features could include signage, art, and


Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011

Map 6: Proposed Open Spaces

Open Space
The recommended open spaces are important additions in support
of a quality public realm. They will be both public and private,
ranging from as small as a few thousand square feet to one acre.
Open spaces should be:
located where two or more pedestrian paths converge
enlivened with public amenities, including art and seating
activated by proximity to retail and residential uses and by
public art and performance areas
planned with CPTED principals in mind to ensure safety for all

Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011


Civic Green
The civic green, to be located where the Purple Line, two
or three sidewalks, mid-block connections, and automobile
routes converge will function as a major outdoor public
gathering space (Plan, page 32) and should:
be programmable for events such as outdoor concerts,
movies, or markets
be approximately 1/2 to one acre
include a significant lawn (established at the time of

There are several ways to configure the civic green to create a useful and
distinct green space.

Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011

Neighborhood Common
The neighborhood common will be used as an outdoor living room (Plan, page 32) and
provide opportunities for passive recreation and public interaction by accommodating
uses such as gardens, fitness equipment, kiosks, and food venders
be approximately 1/2 to one acre
be primarily green with shade trees, lawn areas, and extensive planting
open onto a public right-of-way
be easily visible and accessible to adjacent buildings.

Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011


Small urban spaces

A series of small urban spaces will provide more
intimate gathering spaces within major mixed-use
developments (Plan, page 32) and should:


be intentional, that is, not left-over space, but

designed as intimate outdoor room
be activated
combine landscape with a hardscape features
open onto a street.

Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011

Special Features
Special features are unique elements that add character and identity to a place. They may include fountains, small scale artwork,
thematic paving, signage, and furnishings.

Fountains are animated focal points and can be formal or more casual spots for play. They can be located to anchor a view or
mark a corner.

Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011


Publicly displayed art can celebrate an areas identity by emphasizing the culture and history of
its residents. It often becomes a focus of civic pride as well as a landmark.

Three types of public art:

iconic art becomes a symbol for place
embedded art is incorporated into the existing structure of a building and the streetscape
transitory art, expressed in varied media, including performance or seasonally inspired, is displayed for a limited time


Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011

Thematic Streetscaping
The elements of thematic streetscaping
help set off and create a unique identity
for a particular street or place and
specialty paving
street furnishings
decorative paving inlays
directional signage

Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011


City of Takoma Park Design Standards

The New Ave Streetscape Standards identify the specific wayfinding and streetscape elements that should be used to create a cohesive image for New
Hampshire Avenue through the City. These Guidelines support that image by recommending the same elements be used along New Hampshire Avenue in
Montgomery County.
The City of Takoma Park has an established
wayfinding hierarchy with signs designed to aid
in navigating the City, enhancing its image, and
drawing customers to local businesses.

More details can be found at:



Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011

Street Furnishings
The City has selected specific benches, lamp posts, trash, and recycling containers for their residential
and commercial areas to create a distinct character and identity, including:

outdoor furniture that combines art and function

lamp post banners
innovative paving
trash and recycling containers
planters and hanging baskets (appropriate where maintained by a private entity).

The City of Takoma Park has specific styles of furniture for their residential and commercial areas on New Hampshire Avenue.
(See http://www.thenewave.com/_files/docs/new_ave_streetscape_standards_web.pdf for specific recommendations.)

Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011


Good Neighbor Practices

Being a good neighbor to new and existing businesses, residents, and property owners requires good design. While the CRT Zone and the
Plan provide extensive guidance for proper location and transition between proposed uses, this section provides additional examples of how
this might be accomplished.


Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011

rooftop HVAC

screened dumpsters

alley access to parking and


wide sidewalks

drive-throughs behind

Where possible, locate HVAC units on roofs and appropriately screen them.

Screen dumpsters and recycling facilities using appropriate materials, such as brick or board on board fencing.

Where possible, locate access to parking and loading off of alleys, not the main street.

Design walkways to be wide enough to allow three people to walk abreast.

Allow a wheelchair and one person to comfortably pass.

Place drive-throughs behind buildings and screen them from street(s) using appropriately tall walls, fences, or hedges.

Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011




Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011

screening between parking

and sidewalks
consolidated garbage and
visible private courts and
shared access and alley
access to parking and

Use appropriately scaled screening between a sidewalk and parking lot to screen vehicles, while also allowing views into and from
the parking lot. The screen height should be low enough to allow unobstructed views from public areas into a parking lot.

When selecting the type of screening for the area between sidewalk and parking lots, use appropriate materials, such as evergreen
hedge, brick, or well detailed wood fencing.

Consolidate garbage dumpsters and recycling containers into a single enclosure.

Private courts and entryways should be visible from public sidewalks. Views should not be obstructed with walls, hedges, or fences.

Share access between adjacent properties to parking and loading areas.

This alley provides access to both loading and parking for adjacent parcels.

G, H, I

Chain link fencing, Jersey barriers, and barbed wire are not appropriate.
Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011


The Crossroads District

The core of the Plan area is located at the intersection of
University Boulevard and New Hampshire Avenue. This
central business district is the primary destination within
the Plan area due to its strong regional reputation as a
unique concentration of internationally diverse shops,
restaurants, institutions, and other multicultural services.
(Plan, page 58)
In the Crossroads District, the Plan recommends the CRT
Zone with maximum densities and building heights up to
100 feet. (Plan, pages 60, 61)
In the core, the gateway, terminated views, the pedestrian
realm, open spaces, and special features should be
experienced at their greatest intensity.


Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011

activate the street with wide sidewalks

add on-street retail where appropriate

establish a build-to line by pulling building

edges up to the street

mark one or more corners with iconic art

include a public plaza on a corner.

Redevelopment should also:

enhance the pedestrian realm with special paving, streets trees, and a green median refuge
include amenities such as fountains, artwork, and street furnishings
create public use spaces that are visible, defined, usable, inviting, interconnected, and activated
connect public use spaces with pedestrian paths.
At the intersection of University Boulevard and New Hampshire Avenue:
eliminate free-right turns
include gateway features. (pages 7-13)

Concentrate Development at Core

The Plan recommends concentrating new development with the greatest densities and the tallest buildings in the Crossroads, where the
Purple Line station will be located. Moving away from the core and closer to existing residentially zoned properties, building heights should
step down.

Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011


The Plan recommends that for residential uses adjacent to
existing single-family neighborhoods, building heights and
densities should transition to a single-family scale.
Appropriate transitions should be ensured by:
stepping down building heights
providing significant landscaping and setbacks between
buildings and streets.

Step down building heights adjacent to residential neighborhoods

Step Down Building Heights

Building heights in CRT Zones adjacent to residential areas are
limited to 40-45 feet, so as not to overwhelm a neighborhood.
Limit building heights on Kennewick Avenue to 40 feet
for the first 25 feet, as measured from the front face of a
Limit building heights on Anne Street to 40 feet for the first
25 feet, as measured from the front face of a building
Limit building heights on Hammond Street to 40 feet for the
first 25 feet, as measured from the front face of a building.


Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011

Signficant Landscaping
For commercial development abutting New Hampshire Gardens, streetscapes should tie new development to the existing residential
neighborhood by:
lower scaled pedestrian realm (sidewalk, tree panel, and bike paths where appropriate)
an architectural character that enhances the neighborhood
appropriate landscaping to soften transitions
on-street parking.

Anne Street before: The single-family residential

neighborhood on the left faces the blank wall of the grocery
store and brick screening wall.

Anne Street after: The height of townhouses across the street

is limited to 40 feet for first 25 feet of buildings depth, a lawn
panel is included between the curb and sidewalk on both sides
of street, and a landscape strip between building and property
line helps soften the building edge.

Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011



Hammond Street before: The single-family residential neighborhood on the left faces a low
brick wall, a mulch bed and 50-foot tall glass and concrete curtain wall of the commercial
office building across the street.

Hammond Street after: The height of townhouses across the street is limited to 40 feet for
first 25 feet of buildings depth, a lawn panel is included between the curb and sidewalk the
on CRT-zoned side of street, and a landscape strip between building and property line helps
soften the building edge.

Kennewick Avenue before: The multifamily residential neighborhood on the left faces the
loading area of the strip mall across the street that is screened by a six-foot tall wood fence.

Kennewick Avenue after: The height of townhouses across the street is limited to 40 feet for
first 25 feet of buildings depth, a lawn panel is included between the curb and sidewalk on
both sides of street and a landscape strip between building and property line helps softens
the building edge.

Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Standards for Accessible Design

Montgomery County
Montgomery County Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 59
Montgomery County Code
Chapter 19 Erosions, Sediment Control and Stormwater Management
Chapter 22A Forest Conservation-Trees
Chapter 47 Vendors
Chapter 50 Subdivision
Department of Permitting Services, Outdoor Caf Seating Guide
Department of Permitting Services, Sidewalk Vendor Operation and License
Department of Permitting Services, Building Construction Building Codes & Standards
Department of Transportation, Pedestrian Safety

Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission

Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan
County Bikeways Functional Master Plan
Development Manual
Commercial Residential Zone Implementation Guidelines

Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011


Prince Georges County

Prince Georges TLC Sector Plan
Pedestrian Access and Mobility Study
International Corridor Legacy Study
International Corridor Issue Identification Study
International Corridor Market Study

City of Takoma Park

Takoma Park City Code Title 8 BUSINESS
http://www.codepublishing.com/MD/Takoma Park
Takoma Park City Code Title 11 STREETS
http://www.codepublishing.com/MD/Takoma Park
Takoma Park City Code Title 12 TREES AND VEGETATION
http://www.codepublishing.com/MD/Takoma Park
Takoma Park City Code Title 16 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT
http://www.codepublishing.com/MD/Takoma Park
Forms, Permits and Fees
New Hampshire Avenue Concept Plan
Holton Lane Improvement Vision
Takoma Park Memorandum of Understanding
New Avenue Streetscape Standards


Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Design Guidelines

September 2011

February 2013

Design Guidelines
Montgomery County Planning Department
Maryland- National Capital Park and Planning Commission

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