Maven PDF Plugin

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Maven PDF Plugin

v. 1.2
User Guide

The Apache Software Foundation


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1 Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
2 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
4 Filtering Document Descriptor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
5 Configuring Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
6 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
7 FAQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2012, The Apache Software Foundation ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Table of Contents

2012, The Apache Software Foundation ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


1 Introduction

1 Introduction

1.1 Overview
This plug-in allows you to generate a PDF version of your project's documentation.
1.1.1 Goals Overview

The PDF Plugin only has one goal.

pdf:pdf Generates a PDF document containing all project documentation.
1.1.2 Usage

General instructions on how to use the PDF Plugin can be found on the usage page. Some more
specific use cases are described in the examples given below. Last but not least, users occasionally
contribute additional examples, tips or errata to the plugin's wiki page.
In case you still have questions regarding the plugin's usage, please have a look at the FAQ and
feel free to contact the user mailing list. The posts to the mailing list are archived and could already
contain the answer to your question as part of an older thread. Hence, it is also worth browsing/
searching the mail archive.
If you feel like the plugin is missing a feature or has a defect, you can fill a feature request or bug
report in our issue tracker. When creating a new issue, please provide a comprehensive description of
your concern. Especially for fixing bugs it is crucial that the developers can reproduce your problem.
For this reason, entire debug logs, POMs or most preferably little demo projects attached to the issue
are very much appreciated. Of course, patches are welcome, too. Contributors can check out the
project from our source repository and will find supplementary information in the guide to helping
with Maven.
1.1.3 Examples

Have a look at the PDF version of this web site.

The following examples show how to use the PDF Plugin in more advanced usecases:
Filtering Document Descriptor
Site Phase Integration
Configuring reports

2012, The Apache Software Foundation ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

2 Usage

2 Usage

2.1 Using The PDF Plugin
The Maven PDF Plugin allows you generate a PDF document of your documentation.
2.1.1 From The Command-line

The PDF plugin can be called to execute from the command-line without any additional
configurations. Like the other plugins, to run the PDF plugin, you use:
mvn pdf:pdf

where the first pdf refers to the plugin's alias, and the second pdf refers to a plugin goal.
By default, the pdf will be generated in target/pdf/ directory.
1 By default, the PDF plugin generates a PDF document which aggregates all your site documents.
If you want to generate each site document individually, you need to add -Daggregate=false
in the command line.
2 By default, the PDF plugin uses the FOP implementation. The plugin also supports the iText
implementation, you just need to add -Dimplementation=itext in the command line.
2.1.2 As Part Of Your Build Process

The PDF plugin can be put into a project's pom.xml so that it gets executed everytime the project is
built. Below is a sample configuration (to put into the list of <plugins> in the <build> section of
your pom.xml) for running the PDF plugin in the site phase everytime the project is built:

Note: In this case, the pdf plugin is coupled with the Maven Site plugin to generate both site
documentation and pdfs into the default output site directory, i.e. target/site. You just need to call
mvn site.

2012, The Apache Software Foundation ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

2 Usage

2.1.3 Document Descriptor

By default, the pdf plugin processes all source files as specified in the site-plugins's site.xml. You
can customize which files to include in which order by using a document descriptor (by default src/
site/pdf.xml). An example is given below:

<document xmlns=""
<title>Maven PDF Plugin</title>
<author>The Apache Maven Project</author>
<toc name="Table of Contents">
<item name="Introduction" ref="index.apt"/>
<item name="Usage" ref="usage.apt.vm"/>
<item name="Filtering Document Descriptor" ref="examples/filtering.apt"/>
<item name="Configuring Reports" ref="/examples/configuring-reports.xml.vm"/>
<item name="Limitations" ref="limitations.apt"/>
<item name="FAQ" ref="faq.fml"/>
<coverSubTitle>v. ${project.version}</coverSubTitle>
<coverType>User Guide</coverType>
<companyName>The Apache Software Foundation</companyName>

The meta information is only used for the pdf cover page if no cover element is given. The toc
generates a Table of Contents and specifies the order of files to include in the pdf. For a complete
description of the file format, see the Document Model Reference.
1 Only a few of document metadatas are used by the Fo/iText sinks like author, confidential, date
and title.
2 The document descriptor supports filtering as described in the filtering example.
2.1.4 Internationalization

The PDF plugin is able to generate internationalized pdfs, similar to the site creation.
To enable multiple locales, add a configuration similar to the following to your POM:

2012, The Apache Software Foundation ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

2 Usage


This will generate two pdfs, one English and one French. Like the site plugin, if en is your current
locale, then it will be generated at the root of the site, with a copy of the French translation of the site
in the fr/ subdirectory.
The following is a complete internationalized directory layout for site and pdf plugins:
+- src/
+- site/
+- apt/
| +- index.apt
+- fr/
| +- apt/
+- index.apt
+- site.xml
+- site_fr.xml
+- pdf.xml
+- pdf_fr.xml

(Default version)

(French version)
(Default site descriptor)
(French site descriptor)
(Default pdf descriptor)
(French pdf descriptor)

2.1.5 Specific FOP Configuration Properties

All the layout properties that are used for the pdf conversion using the FOP implementation are read
from a default configuration file. The properties in this file may be overridden by using a custom
configuration file pdf-config.xml located in src/site/resources/.
The format of this file has to be exactly the same as the original default configuration file. However,
you only need to specify the properties that you want to override, e.g. to change the font size of preformatted text, you could use:
<xsl:attribute-set name="body.pre" use-attribute-sets="">
<xsl:attribute name="font-size">8pt</xsl:attribute>

2012, The Apache Software Foundation ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

3 Filtering Document Descriptor

3 Filtering Document Descriptor

3.1 Filtering Document Descriptor
The document descriptor (aka src/site/pdf.xml) could be filtered by System properties, Maven project
properties and some date properties.
Expression Samples



The JAVA_HOME environment value.


The project name as defined by the <name/> tag in



The email of the first developer as defined by the

<developers/> tag in the pom.xml.


The current date displayed in ISO-8601 format (i.e.

yyyy-MM-dd), for instance 2009-06-22.


The current time displayed in ISO-8601 format (i.e.

HH:mm:ss'Z), for instance 12:26:48Z.


The current dateTime displayed in ISO-8601 format

(i.e. yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z), for instance

${year} ${month} ${day}

The single date informations.

${hour} ${minute} ${second}

The single time informations.

3.2 Example
For instance, if you have defined the following pom.xml and pdf.xml:
<name>Your project</name>
<email>[email protected]</email>

2012, The Apache Software Foundation ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

3 Filtering Document Descriptor

<document xmlns=""
<title>User guide of ${} version ${project.version}</title>
<toc name="Table of Contents">
<coverdate>${date}</coverdate> <!-- current date in ISO 8601 format -->
<!-- <coverdate>${day}/${month}/${year}</coverdate> current date in French format -->

The title will be User guide of Your project version 1.0-SNAPSHOT and the author will
be [email protected].

2012, The Apache Software Foundation ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

4 Configuring Reports

4 Configuring Reports

4.1 Configuring Reports
Note for Maven 3 users: due to the changes in the reporting API, report inclusion does not work with
Maven 3. See MPDF-41.
Since version 1.1, all Maven reports will be included by default in the generated PDF. You should
configure the <reporting/> section of your POM similar than the site plugin
For instance, you could have the following:

1 to exclude the reporting generation inside the PDF, you should add DincludeReports=false in the command line.
2 only internal reporting plugins will be added in the PDF, external reporting plugins like Javadoc
will be skipped.
4.1.1 Enhancements

Having many reports increases hugely the build time, so it is recommended to select only the wanted
reports to be included in the PDF. It is recommended to define a reporting profile in your pom,
similar to the following:

2012, The Apache Software Foundation ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

4 Configuring Reports

<!-- take too long time
<report>dependencies</report> -->
<!-- already present
<report>index</report> -->

2012, The Apache Software Foundation ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

4 Configuring Reports

4.1.2 Maven Reporting Plugins Issues

The Maven Project supports several reporting plugins. Unfortunately, some releases reporting
plugins have known issues with the PDF plugin, mainly due to a wrong use of the Sink object in their
The following tables show reporting plugins which have been tested with the PDF plugin. The failed
plugins have been fixed and deployed on,
so you will be able to use them.
Note: fixing these reporting plugins is a work in progress. If you used a SNAPSHOT plugin which
fails with the PDF plugin, you should fill a bug report in our issue tracker.
4. maven-changelog-plugin


Release (2.1)

Snapshot (2.2-SNAPSHOT)

Release (2.1)

Snapshot (2.2-SNAPSHOT)

Release (2.3)

Snapshot (2.4-SNAPSHOT)

Release (2.1)

Snapshot (2.2-SNAPSHOT)


4. maven-changes-plugin


4. maven-checkstyle-plugin

Note: could take a lot of time.


4. maven-dependency-plugin


2012, The Apache Software Foundation ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

4 Configuring Reports


4. maven-plugin-plugin


Release (2.5)

Snapshot (2.5.1-SNAPSHOT)

Release (2.4)

Snapshot (2.5-SNAPSHOT)


4. maven-pmd-plugin


4. maven-project-info-reports-plugin

Note: dependencies report could take a lot of time.


Release (2.1.2)

Snapshot (2.2-SNAPSHOT)


2012, The Apache Software Foundation ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

4 Configuring Reports


4. maven-surefire-report-plugin


Release (2.4.3)

Snapshot (2.5-SNAPSHOT)


4.1.3 Mojo Reporting Plugins Issues

The Mojo Project proposes several reporting plugins. Like the Maven project, some releases have
known issues with the PDF plugin due to the Sink object uses.
The following tables show reporting plugins which have been tested with the PDF plugin. Some of
them have been fixed and deployed on
Note: these test tables are only for your information. If you find issues, please contact directly the
mojo team
4. clirr-maven-plugin


Release (2.2.2)

Snapshot (2.2.3-SNAPSHOT)

Release (2.3)

Snapshot (2.4-SNAPSHOT)

Release (1.0-alpha-2)

Snapshot (1.0-alpha-3SNAPSHOT)

Release (2.0)

Snapshot (2.1-SNAPSHOT)


4. cobertura-maven-plugin


4. l10n-maven-plugin


4. javancss-maven-plugin


2012, The Apache Software Foundation ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

5 Limitations

5 Limitations


5.1 Known Bugs and Limitations
Just a brief selection...
5.1.1 Current Limitations

Current prerequisite is Maven >= 2.0.6. It's using Doxia-1.1.x via the shade-plugin (see
5.1.2 Missing Features

Menu sub-items are not supported in TOC (every source document starts a new chapter).
5.1.3 Implementation Specific Issues

These are not limitations of the plugin itself, but are listed here for completeness.
Apache FOP issues
Table widths are always uniformly distributed.
Identical id attributes (eg anchors) within one document will lead to a build failure.
iText issues

2012, The Apache Software Foundation ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.




6.1 Frequently Asked Questions
1 Is it possible to create a book?
2 What graphics formats are supported?
Specific problems
1 Why does my image not fit on the page?
2 How can I center/in-line my image?

6.2 General
Is it possible to create a book?
The Doxia Book code currently only supports the iText module for generating a pdf book.
What graphics formats are supported?
You can use the same graphics formats as are supported by the chosen implementation, eg
see Apache FOP Graphics Formats and iText Images. You should probably take care of
image resolution, see bellow.

6.3 Specific problems

Why does my image not fit on the page?
This is most likely a resolution problem, for instance your image was saved with a 72 dpi
resolution. Try to use an image with a higher resolution, like 96 dpi. You could resize your
image whith this program: gimp. This is the only solution if you include the image from
an apt source file (since in apt there is no possibility to specify the size of an image), if you
are using xdoc, you may additionally indicate the size of the image using the width/height
attributes of the img tag.
How can I center/in-line my image?
If you are using apt then your images will always be block-level elements, ie they will get
centered in a separate paragraph. Apt does not support in-line images.
Using xdoc you are more flexible. By default a simple <img> tag can be used for an in-line
image, eg:
Here's a little icon: <img src="image.jpg"/> inside my text.

If you want your image centered you may put it explicitly inside a centered paragraph:

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<p align="center">
<img src="image.jpg"/>

or you may use the Doxia-specific class attribute in a surrounding <div> block:
<div class="figure">
<img src="image.jpg"/>


2012, The Apache Software Foundation ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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