Plant Tissue Culture
Plant Tissue Culture
Plant Tissue Culture
Plant tissue culture is the technique of growing plant cells, tissues and organs in an artificial
prepared nutrient medium static or liquid, under aseptic conditions.
Tissue culture is in vitro cultivation of plant cell or tissue under aseptic and controlled
environmental conditions, in liquid or on semisolid well defined nutrient medium for the
production of primary and secondary metavolites or to regenerate plant. This technique affords
alternative solution to problems arsing due to current rate of extinction and decimation of flora
and ecosystem.
The whole process requires a well-equipped culture laboratory and nutrient medium.
This process involves various steps viz. preparation of nutrient medium containing inorganic and
organic salts, supplemented with vitamins, plant growth hormone (s) and amino acids.
Sterilization of explants (source of plant tissue), glasswere and other accessories; inoculation
and incubation.
1. Availability of raw material : Some plants are difficult to cultivate and are also not
available in abundance. In such a case, the bio-chemicals / bio-products from these plants
cannot be obtained economically in sufficient quantaity. Unlimited cutting of plants also
leads to deforestation, natural imbalance and sometimes may lead to extinction of a
particular specie. Hance, tissue culture is considered a better source for regular and
uniform supply of raw material, manageable under regulated and reproducible conditions
in the medicinal plants industry for the production of phytopharmaceuticals.
2. Fluctuation is suppoies and quality : The production of crude drugs is subject to variation
in quality due to changes in climate, crop disease and seasons. The method of collection,
drying and stroing also influence the quality of crude drug. All these problems can be
overcome by tissue clture techniques.
3. Patent rights : Naturally occurring plants or their metabolites cannot be pateanted as such.
Only a novel method of isolaton can be patented. Fof R & D purpose, the industry has to
spend a lot of money and time to lunch a new natural product but cant have patent right.
Hence, industries prefer tissue culture for production of biochemical compounds. By this
method, it is possible to abtaion a constant supply and new methods can be developed for
isolation and improvement of yield, which can be patented.
4. Political reasons : If a natural drug is successfolly marketed in a particular contrary or its
origin, the govemment may prohibit its export to up-value its own exports by supplying
its phytochemical product, e.g. Rausolfia serpintina and Disscorea spp. From India.
Similarly the production of opium in the world is governed as such by political
consideration. In such case, if work is going on the same drug, ti will be eigher hindered
or stopped, here slso, plant tissur culture is the solution.
5. Easy purification of the compound : The natural products from plant tissue culture may
be easily purified, because of the absence of significant amounts of pigments and other
unwanted impurities. With the advancement of modern technology in plant tissue culture
it is also possible to bissynthesise those chemical compounds which are difficult or
imposible to synthesise.
6. Modification in chemical structure : Some specific compounds can be achieved more
easily in cultured plant cells rather than by chemical synthrsis wr by micro-organism.
7. Disease free and desired propagule : Plant tissue culture is adbantage over conventional
method of propagation in large scale production of disease free and desired propagules in
limited space and also the germplasm coule be stored and maintained without and
damage during transportation for subsequent plantation.
8. Crip improvement : Plant tissue culture is advantageous over the conventional technique
in crop improvement by somatic hybridization or by production of hybrids.
9. Biosynthetic pathway : Tissue culture can be used for tracing the biosynthetic pathways
of secondary metabolites using labeled precursor in the culture medium.
10. Immobilization of cells : Tissue culture can also be used for plants
preservation by immobilization of cell further facilitating transportation
and biotransformation.
For the successful achievement of any type of tissue culture technique, a tissue culture
laboratory should have the following general basic facilities.
Equipment and apparatus
Washing and storage facilities
Media preparation room
Sterilization room
Aseptic chamber for culture
Culture rooms or incubators fully epuipped with temperature, light and humidity control
Observation or recording area well equipped with computer for data processing.
Brief review of historical developments In plant tissue culture technology
First attempts to
isolate protoplasts
cultivation Tradescantia
isolated plant cells;
cell growth, but no
of Cochleria Raphanus
embryo culture for
the first time
First observation of
fusing cells
Kotte, Robnis
In vitro cultivation Zea,Pisum
permanent cultures
premature birth
First permanent root Lycopersicum
cultures beginning
in 1934-terminated
in 19681
permanent Daucus, Nicotiana
callus culture using
metabolites in plant
callus culture
Micropropagation : Tropaeolum
First development
of stem tips and
Morel and Martin
Regions: plantsfree Lupinus, Dahlia
of viruses
Muir et al
suspension Tagetes,
cultures of sinle Nicotiana,Daucus,
cell Picea, Phaseolus
Mothes and Kala
First reports of
production in liquid
Routien and Nickel US
No. Phaseolus
2747334 for the
plant tissue culture
& Establishment
of Saucus
Reinert axillary branching
Steward et al
tissue cultures
Tulecke and Nickell First report of large- Ginkgo,Lolium,
scale(1341) culture Rosa, llex
of plantcells: carboy
Cell clones obtained Nicotiana Phaseolus
from single cultures
cells plated in an
agar medium
Jones et al
drop Nicotiana
conditioned medium
plant tissue
horticulture plants
(orchids) Through
protocom formation
& Regenration of a
plant from one
single cellcultivated
in a hanging droplet
Frist cell division
mesophyll cells
Kaul and Staba
yields of certain
products in cell
culture equal to
those in intact plants
Bourgin & Nitsich; In vitro production
& of haploid plants
cultured anthers
auxotrophic mutants
from cultured cells
Natata and Takebe
plants from cultured
Carlson et al
First interspecific
somatic hybrid plant
Noguchi et al
tobacco cells in 20
000 1 reactors
Noguchi et al
First intergenentic
somatic hybrid plant
Manifold increase in
Nicotiana Datura
productr yields by
documented for a
variety of plant
Brodlius et al
Alginate beads used
to immobilize plant
Use of hollow fiber
industrial Lithospermum
Petrochemical Ind. production
suspension cultures
Equipment and Apparatus
Culture vessels and glassware
Many different kinds of vessels may be used for growing cultures. Callus can be
grown successfully in large test tubes (25 x 150 mm) or wide mouth conical flasks
(Erlenmeyer flask). In addition to the culture vessels, glassware such as graduated
pipettes, measuring cylinders, beakers, filters, funnel and petri dishes are also required for
making preparations. All the glasswares should be of pyrex or coming.
Scissors, scalpels and forceps for explants preparation from excised plant parts
and for their transfer.
A spirit burner or gas micro burner for flame sterilization of instruments.Hot air
oven for the sterilization of glassware etc.
A pH of the medium.
A shaker to maintain cell suspension culture.
A balance to weigh various nutrients for the preparation of the medium.
Incubating chamber or laminar airflow with UV light fitting for aseptic transfer of
explants to the medium and for subculturing.
A BOD incubator for maintaining constant temperature to facilitate the culture of
callus and Its subsequent maintenance.
Washing and Storage Facilities
First and foremost requirement of the tissue culture laboratory Is provision for
fresh water supply and disposal of the waste water. Space for distillation unit for the
waste water. Space for distillation unit for the supply of distilled and double distilled
water and de-ionized water. Acid and alkali resistant sink or was basin for apparatus/
equipment washing. The working table should also be acid and alkali resistant.
Sufficient space is required for placing hot air oven, washing machine, pipette
washers and the plastic bucket or steel tray for soaking or drainage of the detergent bath
or extra water.
For the storage of dried glassware separate dust proof cupboards or cabinet should
be provided. It is mandatory to maintain cleanliness in the area of washing, drying and
Media Preparation Room
Media preparation room should have sufficient space to accommodate chemicals,
lab ware, culture vessels and equipments required for weighing and mixing, hot plate, pH
meter, water baths, Bunsen burners with gas supply, microwave oven, autoclave or
domestic pressure cooker, refrigerator and freezer for storage of prepared media and
stock solutions.
Sterilization Room
For the sterilization of culture media, a good quality ISI mark autoclave is required and
for small amount domestic pressure cookers, can also serve the purpose. For the
sterilization of glassware and metallic equipments hot air oven with adjustable tray is
Aseptic Chamber/Area for
Transfer of Culture
For the transfer of culture into sterilized media, contaminant free environment is
mandatory. The simplest type of transfer area requires an ordinary type of small wooden
hood, having a glass or plastic door either sliding of hinged fitted with UV tube. This
aseptic hood can be conveniently placed in a quiet corner of the laboratory.
These days, modern laboratory have laminar airflow cabinet having vertical of
horizontal airflow, arrange over the working surface to make it free from dust
particles/micro contaminants.
The air coming out of the fine filter (a 0.3 um HEPA filter) is ultra clean (free
from fungal of bacterial contaminant) and having adequate velocity (27+3 m/min) to
prevent micro contamination of the working area by worker sitting in front of the cabinet.
Inside the cabinet, there is arrangement for Bunsen burner and a UV tube fitted on
the ceiling of the cabinet (to make area free from any live contamination).
The advantage of working in the laminar airflow cabinet is that the flow of air
does not hamper the use of Bunsen burner and moreover, the cabinet occupies relatively
small space within the laboratory.
Incubation Room or incubator
Environmental factors have great effect on the growth and differentiation of cultured
tissues. Therefore, it is very much essential to incubate all types of cultures in wellcontrolled environmental conditions, like temperature, humidity, illumination and air
circulation, A typical incubation chamber or area should have both light and temperature
controlled devices managed for 24 hours period. Air conditioners or room heaters are
required to maintain the temperature at 25+2o C. Light is adjusted in the terms of photo
period duration (specified period for total darkness as well as for higher intensity light) .
Further the requirement for humidity range of 20-90% controllable to +3% and uniform
forced air circulation can be achieved.
The incubation chamber or room should have the provision for storing the culture
vessels (flask, jars and Petri dishes). Shelves should be designed in such a way so that the
culture vessels can be placed in the shelf or trays in such a way, that there should not be
any hindrance in the light, temperature and humidity maintenance. A label having full
detail about date of inoculation, name of the explants, medium and any other special
information should stuck on each tray and rack to ensure identity and for maintaining the
data of experiment.
In the case of suspension culture arrangement for shaker should also be made.
The days BOD incubators (Fig. 6.2) with all the requisite environmental condition
maintenance are available market, they occupy less space and manageable with small
generator or automatic invertor in the case of electricity failure to maintain the necessary
light and temperature conditions. Failure of electricity may ruin important experiment
and in the case of suspension culture the whole culture may get damaged due to stoppage
of the shaker.
BOD incubators required to maintain the culture conditions should have the
following characteristics:
Temperature range, 2-400 c
Temperature control +- 0.5oc
Automatic digital temperature recorder
Twenty four hours temperature and light programming
Adjustable fluorescent lighting up to10, 000 lucks.
Relative humidity range 20-98%
Relative humidity control + 3%
Uniform forced air circulation
Capacity up to 0.7 m3 of 0.5 m2 shelf space.
Data collection and Recording of the observation
The growth and maintenance of the tissue culture in the incubator should be observed and
recorded at regular intervals. All the observations should be done in aseptic environment,
i. e. in the laminar airflow. whereas for microscopic examination separate dust free space
should be marked for microscopic work. All the recorded data should be feeded in
In vitro culturing of plant tissue involves the following steps:
sterilization of glassware tools/vessels
Preparation and sterilization of explant.
production of callus from explant.
Proliferation of cultured callus.
Subculturing of callus.
Suspension culture.
Sterilization of Glassware Tools/Vessels
cleaning of glassware
All the glassware to be used in tissue culture laboratory should be of Pyrex of coming. To
make them free from any dirt, waxy material or bacteria, all the glassware should be kept
overnight dipped in sodium dichromate-sulphuric acid solution. Next morning, glassware should
be washed with fresh running tap water, followed by distilled water and placed in inverted
position in plastic bucker or trays to remove the extra water. For drying the glassware, it is
placed in hot air oven at high temperature about 1200 c for - 1 hour (Fig. 6.3).
In the case of plastic lab ware, washing should be carried out with a mild non-abrasive
detergent followed by washing under tap water or the plastic ware after general washing with
dilute sodium bicarbonate and water followed by drainage of extra water, rinsed with an organic
solvent such as alcohol. acetone and chloroform.
washed and dried glassware or plastic ware should be stored in dust proof cupboards.
To prevent reinvention following sterilization, empty containers are wrapped with
aluminum foil stainless steel, metals tools (knives, scalpels, forceps etc.) are also wrapped with
the aluminum foil and pads of cotton wool are stuffed into the opening of the pipettes, which are
either also wrapped in aluminum or placed in an aluminum or stainless steel box.
The period of sterilization usually ranges between 1-4 hours.
Note: The object with different thermal expansion coefficients may not be mixed together during
the treatment period of at least 30 min. The accuracy of calibrated instruments is often reduced.
Preparation of Explants
Explant can be defined as a portion of plant body, which has been taken from the plant to
establish a culture. Explant can be obtained from plants, which are grown in controlled
environmental condition. such plants will be usually free from pathogens and are homozygous in
nature. Explant may be taken from any part of the plant like root, stem, leaf, or meristematic
tissue like cambium, floral parts like anthers, stamens etc.
Age of the explant is also an important factor in callus production. Young tissue are more
suitable than mature tissue. A suitable portion from the platn is removed with the help of sharp
knife and the dried and mature portions are separated from young tissue. when seeds and grains
are used for explant preparation they are directly sterilized and put in nutrient medium. After
germinaton, the obtained seedlings are to be used for explant preparation.
Surface sterilization of Explant
For the surface sterilization of the explant chromic acid, mercuric chloride (0.11%)
calcium hypochlorite, sodium hypochlorite (1-2%) and alcohol (70%) are used. Usually the
tissue is immersed in the solution of sterilizing agent for 10 seconds to 15 minutes and then they
are washed with distilled water. Repeat the treatment with sodium hypochlorite for 20 minutes
and the tissue is finally washed with sterile water to remove sodium hypochlorite. such tissue is
used for inoculation.
The explants are sterilized by exposing to aqueous sterilized solution of different
concentration as shown in Table 2 in the case of leaf or green fresh stem the explant needs
pretreatment with wetting agent (70-90% ethyl alcohol, tween some other mild detergent to be
added directly into the sterilization solution to reduce the water repulsion( due to waxy
Procedure to be followed for respective explant is as follow.
1st step: Dip the seeds into absolute ethyl alcohol for 10 second and rinse with purified
2nd Step : Expose seeds for 20-30 minutes to 10% w/v aqueous calcium hypochlorite or
for 5 minutes in a 1% solution of bromine water.
Table 2 surtace sterilizing agent
Name of chemical
Bromine water
Benzalkonium chloride
sodium hypocdhlorite
calcium hypochiorite
mercuric chloride
hydrogen peroxide
silver nitrate
3 Step : Wash the treated seeds with sterile water (there to five times followed by
germination on damp sterile filter paper.
1st Step : Rinse the fruit with absolute alcohol.
2nd Step: Submerge into 2% (w/v) solution of sodium hypochlorite for 10 minutes.
3rd Step: washing repeated with sterile water and remove seeds of interior tissue.
Clean the explant with running tap water followed by rinsing with pure alcohol.
Submerge in 2% (w/v) sodium hypoehlorite solution for 15-30 minutes.
Wash three times with sterile water.
Clean the leaf explant with purified water to make it free from dirt and rub the surface
with absolute ethyl alcohol.
Dip the explant in 0.1% (w/v) mercuric chloride solution. wash with sterile water to make
it free from chloride and then dry the surface with sterile tissue paper.
Production of Callus from Explant
The sterilized explant is transferred aseptically onto defined medium contained in flasks.
The flasks are transferred to BOD incubator for maintenance of culture . Temperature is adjusted
to 25+ 20 c some amount of light is necessary for callus (undifferentiated amorphous cell mass)
production. usually sufficient amount of callus is produced within 3-8 days of incubation.
Proliferation of callus
If callus is well developed, it should be cut into small pieces and transferred to another
fresh medium containing an altered composition of hormones, which supports growth. The
medium used for production of more amount of callus is called proliferation medium.
Subculturing of callus
After sufficient growth of callus. it should be periodically transferred to fresh medium to
maintain the viability of cells. This subculturing will be bone at an interval of 4-6 weeks.
Suspension Culture
Suspension culture contains a uniform suspension of separate cells in liquid. For the
preparation of suspension culture, callus is transferred to liquid medium, which is agitated
continuously to keep the cells separate. Agitation can be achieved by rotary shaker system
attached within the incubator at a rate of 50-150 rpm. After the production of sufficient number
of cells sub-culturing can be done.
Culture Media
Nutritional requirements for optimal growth of a tissue culture may vary with the species.
Even tissue from different parts of a plant may have different requirements for proper
satisfactory growth. As such no single medium can be suggested as being entirely sufficient for
the satisfactory growth of all types of plant tissue and organs, hence with every new system it is
essential to work out a medium by hit and trial that would fulfill the specific requirements of that
particular tissue.
Media Composition
To maintain the vital functions of a culture, the basic medium consisting of inorganic
nutrients (macronutrients and micronutrients) adapted to the requirements of the object in
question, must be supplemented with organic components (amino acids, vitamins), growth
regulators (phytohormones) and utilizable carbon (sugar) source and a gelling agent
Inorganic Nutrients
Mineral elements play very important role in the growth of a plant. For example
magnesium is a part of chlorophyll molecule, calcium is a component of cell wall and nitrogen is
an important element of amino acids, vitamins, proteins and nucleic acids. Iron, zinc and
molybdenum are parts of certain enzymes.
Essentially about 15 elements found important for whole plant growth have also been
proved necessary for the growth of tissue (s) in culture. Elements required in the life of a plant
greater than 0.5 mmol l 1 as micro nutrients.
Macronutrients :- The macronutrients include six major elements, nitrogen (N),
phosphorus (P) potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and sulphur (S) present as salts
that constitute the various above mentioned defined media. The concentration of the major
elements like calcium, phosphorus, sulphur and magnesium should be in the range of 1-3 mmol l
where as the nitrogen in the media (contributed by both nitrate and ammonia) should be 2-20
mmol l 1 .
Micronutrients :- The inorganic elements required in small quantities but essential for
proper growth of plant cells or tissues are : boron (B), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn),
zinc (Zn) and molybdenum (Mo). Out of these iron seems more critical as it is used in chelated
forms of iron and zinc in preparing the culture media, as iron tartrate and citrate are difficult to
dissolve. The concentration generally prescribe for all these elements are in traces.
0.1 umol l 1
1 umol l 1
5 umol l 1
1.5-30 umol l 1
20-90 umol l 1 and
2-5100 umol l 1
These are added to culture media depending upon the requirement of the objective.
In addition to these elements certain media are also enriched with cobalt (Co), iodine (I)
and sodium (Na) but exact cell growth requirement is not well established.
The composition of some plant tissue culture media revel that the chief difference in the
composition of various commonly used tissue culture media lies in the quantity of various salts
and ions. Qualitatively, the inorganic nutrients required for various culture media appear to be
fairly constant.
The active factor in the medium is the ions of different types rather then the salt (mineral
sales on dissolving in water undergo dissociation and ionization). A single ion may be
contributed by more than one sale. For example in Murashige and Skoogs medium NO 3 ions
are contributed by NH 4 NO 3 as well as KNO 3 and K ions are contributed by KNO 3 and
KH 2 PO 4 .
Whites medium, one of the earliest plant tissue culture media includes all the necessary
nutrients and was widely used for root culture. The experience of various investigators has
however revealed that quantitatively the inorganic nutrients are inadequate for good callus
growth (Murashige and Skoogs 1962), hence most plant tissue culture media, that are now
being widely used (Table 6.3) are richer in mineral salts (ions) as compared to Whites medium.
Aluminium and nicked used by Hellers (1953) could not be proved to be essential and therefore
were dropped by subsequent workers, but sodium, chloride and iodide are indispensable.
In Heller medium, special emphasis was given to iron and nitrogen. In the original
Whites medium iron was used in the form of Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3 but Street and co-workers replaced
it by FeCl 3 for root culture because of the impurities due to Mn and some other metallic ions.
However, FeCl 3 also did not prove to be an entirely satisfactory source of iron. In this form iron
is available to the tissue culture at or around pH 5.2 and within a week 4.9-5.0 to 5.8-6.0 and the
root culture started showing the iron deficiency symptoms. To overcome this difficulty, in this
form iron remains available up to a pH of 7.6-8.0. However unlike root, callus cultures can
utilize FeCl 3 to pH 6.0 by secreting natural chelates. FeEDTA may be prepared by suing Fe 2
(SO 4 ) 3 7H 2 O and Na 2 EDTA. 2H 2 O.
Inorganic aitrogen is supplied in the medium in the forms as nitrates and ammonium
compounds, when nitrate is used alone the pH of the medium shifted toward alkalinity, to check
this drift small amount of ammonium compound is added along with nature.
Following are the deficiency symptoms of the some of the elements shown by callus
Nitrogen : Spectacular appearance of anthocyanins; vessels are not formed.
Nitrogen phosphorus and potassium : Cell hypertrophy and a reduction of cambium
Sulphur : Very apparent chlorosis
Iron : Cessation of cell division
Boron : Retardation of cell division and cell elongation.
Manganese or molybdenum : Effect cell elongation.
Organic Nutrients :
Nitrogenous Substances : Most cultured plant cells are capable of synthesizing essential
vitamins but not is sufficient amount. To achieve best growth it is essential to supplement the
tissue culture medium with one or more vitamins and amino acid. Among the essential vitamins
thiamine (vitamin B 1 ) has been proved to be essential ingredient. Other vitamins, especially
pyridoxine (vitamin B 6 ) nicotinic acid (vitamin B 3 ) and calcium pentothenate (vitamin B 5 )
and ionositol are also known to improve growth of the tissue culture material. As shown in Table
6.3 there is variation in the quantities of essential vitamins used by warious standard media.
Numerous complex nutritive mixtures of undefined composition, like casein hydrolystate,
coconut milk, corn milk, malt extract, tomato juice and yeast extract have also been used to
promote growth of the tissue culture but these substances specifically fruit extracts may affect
the reproducibility of result because of variation in the quality and quantity of growth promoting
constituent in these extracts.
Carbon Source : It is essential to supplement the tissue culture media with a utilizable
source of carbon to the culture media. Haberblandt (1920) attempted to culture green mesophyll
cells, probably with the idea that green cells would have simple nutritive requirement, but this
did not prove shoot in cultures also did not show proper growth and proliferation without the
addition of suitable carbon source in the medium.
The most commonly used carbon source is sucrose at a concentration of 2-5% Glucose
and fructose also known to be used for good growth of some tissues. Ball (1953,1955)
demonstrated that autoclaved sucrose was better than filtered sterilized sucrose. Autoclaving may
do the hydrolysis of the sucrose thereby converting it into more efficiently utilizable sugar such
as fructose. In general excised dicotyledonous roots grow better with sucrose where as monocots
do best with dextrose (glucose). Some other forms of carbon that plant tissues are known to
utilize include maltose, galactose, mannose, lactose and sorbitol. It has been reported that some
tissues can been reported that some tissues can even metabolise starch as the sole carbon source
e.g. cultures of Sequoia and miaze endosperm.
Growth regulators (Hormones)
In addition to the nutrients, it is generally necessary to add one or more growth hormones e.g.
auxin, cytokinins and gibberellins to support better growth of tissues and organs. However the
requirement of these hormones varies considerably with their endogenous levels.
Auxins : Hormones of this group involved with elongation of stem and
internodes, apical dominance, tropism, abscission, and rooting etc. In tissue
culture auxin induces
cell division and also stimulate
formation/differentiation. Both natural IAA (Indole 3-acetic acid) NAA
(Naphthalene acetic acid) NOA (Naphthoxyacetic acid) 2,4-D (2, 4
dichlorophenoxy acetic acid) and 2, 4,5 T (triclorophenoxyacetic acid) are used.
Among auxins, IBA and NAA are widely used for rooting. In interaction with cytokinin, the
auxins are used for shoot proliferation, 2,4 D and 2,4,5 T are very effective for the induction
and growth of callus. IAA inhibits the bud formation and also play role in embryogenesis.
Auxins are generally dissolved in either ethanol or dilute NaOH.
Although the synthetic forms are relatively stable IAA is considered to be rapidly
inactivated by certain environmental factors e.g. light.
Cytokinin : It is phytohormones occurring naturally in plant, which have a more
specific effect on cell division (cytokinesis) Chemically cytokinins are adenine
derivatives and have been employed in tissue calture work to promote the
formation of adventitious buds and shoots from undifferentiated cells. In cell
caltures they have been shown to promote the biosynthesis of berberine
(Onobrychis viccifolia) and rhodoxanthin (Ricims).
Cytokinin (adenine or kinetin) in the medium leads to the promotion of bud differentiation
and development. Kinetin is 30,000 times more potent than adenine. Kinetin is originally
detected as an artificial rearrangement product of the autoclaving process of herring sperm
DNA (6-furfuryl amino purine), while kinetin is only rarely used for callus induction aside
from specific experimental purposes.
Other cytokinins which influence the induction of shoot buds include 6henzylaminopurine (BAP) or 6-benxyladenine (BA), 6-y-y-demethylaminopurine (2-iP), 6tetrahydropyrane-adenine and zeatin. Zeatin and 2-iP are naturally occurring cytokinins while
BA and kinetin are synthetically derived. 6 BAP (6-benxyl-amino-purine) and zeatin are very
commonly used to induce and maintain growth of callus and cell suspension cultures.
Cytokinins are generally dissolve in dilute HCI or NaOH.
Zeatin isolated from maize embryos at the milky stage. It is 6-substituted adenine
derivative, 6-(4-hydroxy=3-methylbut-2enyl) amino-purine obtained from maize associated
with zeatin riboside (1B-D-ribofuranose) and with phosphate ester of this compound.
Gibberellins : There are over 20 known gibberellins, of these, GA 3 is usually
used to increase the shoot elongation in tissue cultures. As compared to auxins
and cytokinin, gibberellins are used very rarely. It is reported to stimulate normal
development of plantlets from in vitro formed adventive embryos. GA is readily
soluble in cold water up to 1000 mg 1 .
Solidifying Agents for Solidiflcation of the Media
Due to improved oxygen supply and support to the culture growth, solid media and often
preferred to liquid cultures. For this purpose, substance with strong gelling capacity is added into
the liquid media. These reversibly bind water and thus ensure the humidity of the medium
desired for culturing depending on the concentration.
Gelling Agent Used to Solidify Liquid Media
- Hydroxyethylcellulose
- Polyacrylamide
- Starch
- Silica gel
The most commonly used substance for this purpose is the phycocolloid agar-agar
obtained from red algae (Gelidium gracilaria). It is generally used at a concentration of, with higher concentration medium become hard and does not allow the diffusion of
nutrients into the tissues medium. However, agar is not an essential component of the
nutrient medium. Single cell and aggregates can be grown as suspension cultures in liquid
medium containing inorganic, organic nutrients and other growth factors. Such culture should
however be regularly aerated either by bubbling sterile air or gentle agitation. In nutritional
studies, the use of agar should be avoided because of the impurities agar especially of Ca,
Mg. K, Na and trace elements.
Agar (Agarose) is extraordinary resistant to enzymatic hydrolysis at incubation
temperature and only a few bacteria exist which are capable of producing degrading enzyme,
agarase. This resistance to hydrolysis is the fundamental importance to the use of agar-agar in
cell culture medium. It is also neutral to media constituents and thus do not react with them.
pH of the medium is generally adjusted between 5.0 and 6.0 before sterilization. In
general pH higher than 6.0 give fairly hard medium and pH below 5.0 does not allow
satisfactory gelling of the Agar.
Media Preparation
For media preparation, there are two possible methods i.e. :
To weigh the required quantity of nutrient, dissolved them separately and mixed
at the time of medium preparation.
To prepare the stock solution separately for macronutrients, micornutrients, iron
solution and organic components, store them in the refrigerator till not used e.g.,
Murashinge & Skoogs media stock solution is prepared as under.
All the ingredients may be grouped into following four groups :
Stock Solution Ingredients
Amount (mg/L)
Group I
NH 4 NO 3
CaCl 2 .2H 2 O
MgSO 4 .7H 2 O
KH 2 PO 4
Group II
H 3 BO 3
MnSo 4 .4H 2 O
ZnSO 4 .2H 2 O
Na 2 MoO 4 .2H 2 O
CuSO 4 .5H 2 O
CoCl 2 .6H 2 O
Group III
FeSO 4 .7H 2 O
Na 2 EDTA.2H 2 O
Group IV
Nicotinic acid
Pyridexine HCI
Thiamine HCI
Group V
Group VI
Minimum autoclaving time include the time required for the liquid volume to reach the
sterilizing temperature (121 0 C) and 15 minutes at this temperature. Time may very due to
difference in autoclave.
Moreover the actual success of sterilization can be tested using a bioindicator, commonly
spores of the bacterium Bacillus stearothermophillus are used as such as a test organism.
Together with culture medium and a pH indicator in ampoules sealed by melting, both
autoclaved material and non-autoclaved controls are incubated for 24-48 hours at 60 0 C. If the
spores are dead, the color of the pH indicator in the solution remains unchanged indicting no
change in pH (Fig. 6.4).
Types of Plant Tissue Cultures Their Establishment and Maintenance
Plant tissue culture is a general term to culture the isolated plant organs (particularly of
isolated roots but, to a lesser extent of stem tips, immature embryo, leaf primordial, flower
structures and even the cells and the protoplasts) under aseptic environment.
Types of Cultures
Root tip culture : Tips of the lateral roots are sterilized, excised and transferred to fresh
medium. The lateral roots continue to grow and provide several roots, which after seven days,
are used to initiate stock or experimental cultures. Thus the root material derived from a single
radicle could be multiplied and maintained in continuous culture, such genetically uniform root
cultures are referred to as a clone of isolated roots.
Leaves or leaf primordial culture : Leaves (800pm) may be detached from shoots, surface
sterilized and placed on a solidified medium where they will remains in a healthy conditions for
a long periods. Growth rate in culture depends on their stage of maturity at excision. Young
leaves have more growth potential than the nearly mature ones.
Shoot tip culture : The excised shoot tips (100-1000 um long) of many plant species can be
cultured on relatively simple nutrient media containing growth hormones and will often form
roots and develop into whole plants.
Complete flower culture : Nitsch in 1951 reported the successful culture of the flowers of
several dicotyledonous species, the flowers remain healthy and develop normally to produce
mature fruits. Flowers (2 days after pollination) are excised, sterilized by immersion in 5%
calcium hypochlorite, washed with sterilized water and transferred to culture tubes containing an
agar medium. Often fruits, which develop are smaller than their natural counterpart; but the size
can be increased by supplementing the medium with an appropriate combination of growth
Anther and pollens culture : Young flower buds are removed from the plant and surface
sterilized. The anthers are then carefully excised and transferred to an appropriate nutrient
medium. Immature stage usually grow abnormally and there is no development of pollen grains
from pollen mother cells. Anther at a very young stage (containing microspore mother cells or
tetrads) and late stage (containing binucleate starch filled pollen) of development are generally
ineffective and hence for better response always select mature anther or pollen.
Mature anther or pollen grains (microspora) of several species of gymnosperms can be
induced to form callus by spreading them out on the surface of a suitable agar media.
Mature pollen grains of angiosperms do not usually form callus, although there are one or
two exceptions.
Oxule and embryo culture : Embryo is dissected form the ovule and put into culture media.
Very small globular embryos require a delicate balance of the hormones. Hence mature
embryos are excised from ripened seeds and cultured mainly to avoid inhibition in the seed for
germination. This type of culture is relatively easy as the embryos require a simple nutrient
medium containing mineral salts, sugar and agar for growth and development.
The seeds are treated with 70% alcohol for about two minutes, washed with sterile
distilled water, treated with surface sterilizing agent for specific period (Table 6.2) once again
rinsed with sterilized distilled water and kept for germination by placing them on double layers
of pre-sterilized filter paper, placed in Petri dish moistened with sterilized distilled water or
placed on moistened cotton swab in Petri dish. The seeds are germinated in dark at 25-28 0 C and
small part of the seeding is utilized for the initiation of callus.
Apart from above mentioned cultures, there are two more methods for culturing of plant
tissues/cells :
Protoplast culture.
Hairy roots culture.
Protoplast Culture
Protoplasts are the naked cells of varied origin without cell walls, which are cultivated in
liquid as well as on solid media. Protoplasts can be isolated by mechanical or enzymatic method
from almost all parts of the plant : roots, tubers, root nodules, leaves, fruits, endosperms, crown
gall tissues, pollen mother cells and the cells of the callus tissue but the most appropriate is the
leaves of the plant.
Fully expanded young leaves from the healthy plant are collected washed with running
tap water and sterilized by dipping in 70% ethanol for about a minute and then treating with 2%
solution of sodium hypochlorite for 20-30 minutes and then washed with sterile distilled water to
make it free from the trace of sodium hypochlorite.
The lower surface of the sterilized leaf is peeled off the stripped leaves are cut into pieces
The peeled leaf segments are treated with enxymes (macerozyme and then treated with
cellulose) to isolate the protoplasts.
The protoplasts so obtained are cleaned by centrifugation and decantation method.
Finally, the protoplast solution of know density (1 x 105 protoplast/ml) is poured on sterile and
cooled down molten nutrient medium in petridishes. Mix the two gently but quickly by rotating
each petridish. Allow the medium to set and seal petridishes with paraffin film. Incubate the
petridishes in inverted position in BOD incubator. The protoplasts, which are capable of dividing
undergo cell divisions and form callus within 2-3 weeks. The callus is then subcultured on fresh
medium. Embryogenesis begins from callus when it is transferred to a medium containing proper
proportion of auxin and cytokinin, the embryos develop into plantlets which may be transferred
to pots (Fig. 6.5).