Hydraulic Fracture Design Optimization in Unconventional Reservoirs - A Case History PDF

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SPE 160206

Hydraulic Fracture Design Optimization in Unconventional Reservoirs A

Case History
Terry T. Palisch, SPE, Mark A. Chapman, SPE, Jonathan Godwin, SPE, CARBO Ceramics Inc

Copyright 2012, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in San Antonio, Texas, USA, 8-10 October 2012.
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE program committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper have not been
reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material does not necessar ily reflect any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its
officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohi bited. Permission to
reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of SPE copyright.

Multistage hydraulic fracturing is one of the key technologies affording the successful development of unconventional
reservoirs. Transverse fracturing of horizontal wells has become the standard for development of these plays, allowing
commercial exploitation of what were once considered uneconomic resources.
The primary goal of the completion in these ultra-low permeability formations is to provide a conductive path to as much
rock as possible, through the use of multistage hydraulic fractures along a horizontal lateral. This requires two separate, yet
complimentary strategies a wellbore with optimal length and completion hardware, and multiple hydraulic fractures with
optimal conductivity. Most completions engineers have a good understanding of their wellbore and completion hardware;
however, many do not have the same level of knowledge of their hydraulic fractures. This leads many to incorrectly assume
that fracture conductivity is unimportant. However, the fracture provides the critical link between the formation and the
wellbore; without a durable fracture, the completion will fail.
This paper will present a technique to assess the realistic conductivity of the fracture at downhole conditions, describe
the relationship between conductivity and productivity, and evaluate the impact of treatment optimization on economics. Use
of this approach allows engineers to design their fracture stimulation to maximize the economic potential of their well.
Laboratory data are presented which demonstrate the impact of downhole conditions on proppant performance, including
fines migration, elevated temperatures and embedment. In addition, fracture modeling and actual field results will be
presented to illustrate the optimization process. Case histories showing the successful implementation of this method will be
provided in unconventional gas (Haynesville), a liquids rich formation (Eagle Ford) and an unconventional oil reservoir
This paper will serve as a resource to those engineers who wish to gain a better understanding of hydraulic fractures or
desire to maximize the economics of their completions in unconventional plays.
The successful development of unconventional
reservoirs has provided unprecedented opportunities for
the oil and gas industry. When operators cracked the
code in the Barnett in the early 2000s, the rush was on
to find other shale gas plays, such as the Haynesville
Shale and the Marcellus.
As the development/
completion technologies were successfully applied to
gas plays, operators then began to take these practices to
oil/condensate plays, such as the Bakken and Eagle
Ford. The industry continues to expand, and new
unconventional plays are being reported every year
(Figure 1). Additionally, these technologies are being
exported to other international arenas. Many describe
these plays as technology plays. One reason is that
the success of these plays is not typically hinged on
finding or discovering them. The industry has drilled

Figure 1 Unconventional Shale Plays dominate the current

activity in the US [courtesy Energy Information Administration].

SPE 160206

through most of these reservoirs many times in their quest to develop conventional reservoirs, yet they have never been
developed due to their ultra-low permeabilities. In most cases they have either been considered hydrocarbon trap barriers or
source rocks. Rather, success hinges on whether engineers can effectively and economically adapt the completion
technologies used in other plays.
The two primary technologies that have contributed to unconventional reservoir development are the successful
combination of multi-stage fracturing and horizontal wells. Both technologies have been around for decades, but our ability
to run plugs, perforate, slide sleeves and perform other operations in long, horizontal wellbores has allowed the industry to
place multiple, transverse hydraulic fractures. This combination permits the industry to contact large rock volumes from a
single wellbore (Figure 2), leading to economic production from reservoirs with permeabilities in the nanodarcy range.
Therefore, economically successful wells in
Reservoir Contact
unconventional reservoirs are tied to the optimal
Economic Gas Reservoir Perm
Economic Oil Reservoir Perm
coupling of proper completion techniques to reservoir
Simply put, when the drilling and
completion rigs and frac equipment leave the wellsite,
the industry relies on the fracture treatment and the
wellbore to economically deliver the hydrocarbons to the
sales meter. Moreover, it is the hydraulic fracture
treatment that provides the critical link between the
reservoir and the wellbore. While our industry continues
Cemented Uncemented Uncemented
to grapple with optimization of wellbore placement,
lateral length, frac isolation techniques and fracture
spacing, many fail to consider the impact of fracture
Increasing reservoir contact by 1,000,000-fold
geometry and fracture conductivity, yet is the fracture
has allowed pursuit of reservoirs with thousands of times lower perm
conductivity that provides the vital link.
Figure 2 Multistage fracturing in horizontal wells can provide two
Fracture conductivity is governed by many orders of magnitude higher reservoir contact than a single biwing
parameters, including proppant size, proppant fracture [Vincent 2011].
type/quality, proppant concentration (fracture width),
proppant durability, fluid clean up, embedment/spalling, and fines migration. With few exceptions, the majority of the
parameters on this list are tied directly or indirectly to proppant selection. Therefore, proppant selection must be viewed as a
critical parameter when designing the completion and hydraulic fracture treatments. The remainder of this paper will present
a methodology for optimizing hydraulic fracture designs that have been successfully implemented in many unconventional
Reservoir Perm mD

Reservoir Contact m2

Technology Progression

Proppant Selection in Unconventional Reservoirs

Proppant selection in unconventional reservoirs has been driven by four parameters proppant availability, frac fluid
selection, conductivity requirements and cost-benefit analysis. Depending on operator and reservoir, each parameter may be
more or less significant in any given application. But a good understanding of each is critical to successfully optimizing the
Proppant Availability. Over the past several years,
world-wide proppant utilization has increased by almost
15-fold. It is estimated that global proppant use in 2011
was 60-70 billion lbs per year, whereas prior to the
development of the Barnett Shale in 2004, annual usage
was ~5 billion lbs. In fact, the total proppant being
delivered to the Eagle Ford Shale alone exceeds 12 billion
lbs per year, more than twice the global consumption of
2004 [estimated from current rig count (250), drilling days
and an average proppant volume of 5 million lb/well]. In
addition to putting tremendous strain on logistics, this
dramatic increase in demand has strained proppant supply
(particularly high quality proppant) in all tiers. New sand
mines are continually being opened, resin coating
operations are being built and expanded, and new ceramic
proppant plants are being constructed. However, as is
typically the case, when demand increases in such dramatic
fashion, quality can suffer. In times of high demand, sand
mines may not deliver the same quality and sieve
distribution as traditionally expected [Stephenson 84304].
Resin coating operations depend on these same sand sources

Shape & Internal Porosity



Internationally Produced Products



Figure 3 Note the differences in shape and internal porosity of

several internationally manufactured ceramic proppants
compared to high quality ceramic (red star). Both factors
adversely affect proppant performance [Courtesy CARBO].

as a substrate for resin coated sand, so demand increases can

SPE 160206

adversely affect quality of these products as well. Ceramic plants require more capital and lead time, and very few suppliers
have the expertise to build quality products from the ground up, leading to a shortage of high quality ceramic proppant and
the importation of certain Chinese ceramics that may have been historically rejected due to poor or variable quality.
Unfortunately, ceramic proppant quality can be adversely affected by inferior raw material supply, lack of process control,
inferior firing methods as well as lack of quality control measures. This can lead to irregular shapes and incomplete sintering
(Figure 3) and can result in disappointing well productivity. Due to insufficient quantity of quality proppants to meet
demand, for many engineers, proppant selection over the past few years has therefore been one of bring what is available.
Frac Fluid Selection. Beginning with the development of the Barnett Shale, there has been a significant shift away from
traditional crosslinked fluids, to slickwater and other low viscosity fluids. As lower viscosity fluids are utilized, it has
become necessary to specify smaller diameter proppants due to the inability of these low viscosity fluids to transport
proppant [Palisch 2008]. Stokes Law dictates that as proppant diameter increases, settling velocity increases exponentially.
Development of such shale plays as the Barnett, Haynesville and Marcellus drove a rush to 40/70 or 40/80 Mesh, and in
many cases 100 Mesh proppants. In some cases engineers began to tail in with larger diameter proppants (such as 30/50) to
overcome near wellbore flow convergence impacts, but in those cases a linear gel was frequently required.
In 2011, as the industry slowed development of the gas reservoirs due to depressed gas prices, and reallocated resources
into the unconventional oil and/or condensate reservoirs such as the Bakken and Eagle Ford, the need for larger diameter
proppants and elevated proppant concentrations (due to increased conductivity requirements) led to a shift back to higher
viscosity fluids. In most cases the fluid systems utilized in these treatments are of a hybrid nature, meaning lower viscosity
fluids (such as slickwater or linear gel) are pumped in leading stages, and then as the proppant concentration and/or diameter
is increased, crosslinked fluids are used. This move from gas to liquids-rich plays has caused a shift from the small mesh
proppants, to more 30/50 and 20/40 mesh. In fact there has even been some experimentation with 16/20 and 12/18 mesh
proppants as a tail-in for maximum near wellbore conductivity with encouraging results. In general, smaller mesh proppants
are used with low viscosity fluids, and moderate to larger mesh proppants are employed with crosslinked fluids.
Conductivity Requirements. The primary role of proppant is to provide a sufficiently conductive pathway for hydrocarbons
to travel to the wellbore. As such, proppant selection is dictated primarily by how much flow capacity is needed in a given
fracture. The concept of fracture conductivity is often overlooked as an important stimulation design variable in
unconventional reservoirs, as the presence of micro- and nano-Darcy rock may not suggest a critical need for fracture
conductivity. However, while the fracture conductivity required to economically produce a horizontal well in an
unconventional play varies by reservoir, many engineers fail to recognize the conductivity requirements to optimally
accommodate hydrocarbon flow in these transverse fractures.
The conductivity of the fracture is calculated as the product of the permeability of the fracture and the fracture width, and
can be represented by the following equation:
Conductivity = kfrac*wfrac ..(1)
The pack conductivity for a given proppant is a function of many physical properties, including proppant particle size,
strength and proppant grain shape (roundness and sphericity), and is typically measured in the laboratory at standard
conditions. In 2006 the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) set the current standard under ISO-13503-5
[ISO 2006] and in 2008 the API adopted this standard under API-RP-19D. Highlights of the API/ISO conductivity test
include the following:

Proppant is loaded into the conductivity cell at 2 lb/ft2

Proppant is placed between Ohio Sandstone shims with a Youngs Modulus of 5 million psi

The test is performed at 150 F for sand and 250 F for ceramic proppants

Stress is increased at a uniform rate, and then held for 50 hours at the target stress

2% KCl fluid is circulated at an extremely low rate of 2 ml/min.

Darcys Law is used to calculate the permeability and conductivity of the proppant pack
The objective of this test is to provide a consistent methodology for proppant conductivity testing and comparing proppant
materials under comparable laboratory conditions. Recognizing the standards limitation given the differing conditions
between lab and realistic downhole conditions, API-RP-19D specifically states that this testing is not intended for use in
obtaining absolute values of proppant pack conductivities under downhole reservoir conditions [API 2008]. Although these
standard conditions allow for comparable testing between proppants, and account for many parameters such as size, shape,
crush, thermal effects and density, they rarely represent the realistic conditions in which proppant is placed in hydraulic
fractures [Palisch 2009]. The conductivity is also impacted by many downhole conditions including fluid flow effects (nonDarcy and multi-phase flow), reduced proppant concentrations, fracturing fluid residue, fines migration and cyclic stress on
proppant. When accounting for these effects, it is not uncommon for the actual conductivity of the proppant pack to be
reduced to double or even single digits compared to the hundreds or thousands of md-ft advertised in literature [Palisch
2007]. Further complicating matters, different proppant types may be affected differentially by each parameter. A brief
description of the key effects is given below. The interested reader can refer to SPE 106301 for a full description.

SPE 160206

Non-Darcy and Multiphase Flow. The ISO/API test flow rate of 2 ml/min is not representative of actual flow rates in a
proppant pack. This rate would equate to ~6 BPD in a fully perforated vertical oil well with a 50 ft tall bi-wing frac achieving
2 lb/ft2 concentration, or ~15 MSCFD flowing at 1,500 psi and 250F in a similar dry gas well. The fluid velocities resulting
from more prolific wells will cause tremendous amounts of energy to be lost, due to additional pressure losses not described
by Darcys Law. Forchheimers equation (shown below) includes the non-Darcy pressure drop (2) component for a single
phase fluid and is dominated by the velocity-squared term [Forchheimer 1901].


Additionally, the fluid circulated in the ISO/API tests is a solution of silica-saturated, oxygen free 2% KCl water. In reality
oil and gas wells rarely produce 100% water, or even a single phase fluid for that matter. Instead, two or three phases are
typically present (oil, water and gas), yielding a much more complex flow regime than tested in the lab. Multiphase effects
have been described in many ways by various researchers. Lab data consistently demonstrate that pressure losses in the
fracture may increase significantly when both liquid and gas phases are mobile within the fracture. This is typically
attributed to the highly inefficient flow regime that occurs when gas, oil and water molecules move through the proppant
pack, each moving at different velocity. In fact, some tend to consider multiphase flow impacts as a multiplier to non-Darcy
effects since the impacts are most pronounced at high velocity flow. Significant pressure losses are documented even when
only small percentages of a second phase are mobile within the fracture [Palisch 2007]. Interpreting the extra pressure drop
caused by non-Darcy and multiphase flow as a conductivity reduction typically shows a fracture conductivity impairment
exceeding 70%.
Proppant Concentration. It is generally accepted that in
most slickwater or hybrid frac stimulations, the effective
proppant loading achieved in the fracture is much less than
Stim-Lab, 2 lb/sq ft, 20/40, 5e-6 psi core
2 lb/ft2, and in most cases is estimated to be less than 1
White Sand
Economy LWC
lb/ft2. This means that the fracture is frequently much
Premium LWC
narrower than in the ISO/API test. In addition to directly
Premium IDC
impacting conductivity via the conductivity equation
Premium HDC
(fracture perm * fracture width), the much narrower width
Improved porosity
increases width.
sustained by the reduced proppant concentration also
increases the fluid velocity through the pack for a given
flow rate. This in turn exacerbates the non-Darcy and
multiphase flow effects in the fracture. If the fracture
width is halved, and hydrocarbon velocity is doubled, then
Higher density
non-Darcy pressure losses are increased by a factor of
reduces width.
In addition, effective fracture width can be affected by
Closure Stress, psi
gel filter cake, formation embedment/spalling and Figure 4 Proppant selection affects fracture geometry (width or
proppant density. When fluids leak off and gels dehydrate, length). A LWC-filled frac will retain more width than an IDC or
they form a durable filter cake on the fracture face that HDC-filled frac. Higher pack porosity premium proppants will
reduces the effective fracture width [Palisch 2007, Stim also sustain greater width. [Courtesy StimLab].
Lab 2002]. Embedment and spalling will be covered later in the paper, so it will not be discussed here. Proppant density
impacts were largely ignored by many in the industry when proppant concentrations were well in excess of 1 lb/ft2.
However, with the realization that current designs provide much less than 1 lb/ft2, the proppant density effect now becomes
crucial. Sand, RCS and Lightweight Ceramic (LWC) all have very similar densities. However, with the shortage of
proppant, many tend to consider all grades (densities) of ceramic proppant as interchangeable except for strength. Yet, an
Intermediate Density Ceramic (IDC) is 20% denser than a LWC, and a High Density Ceramic (HDC) is 30% denser.
Therefore, under comparable proppant loading, fracture width can change dramatically depending on the type of proppant
being placed (Figure 4). Unfortunately, our industry designs treatment schedules by mass, not volume, so if one substitutes
an IDC for an LWC/RCS/Sand, a narrower or shorter frac will be placed. To illustrate, a pile of 4 million lbs of
LWC/RCS/Sand will be 20% larger than a 4 million lb pile of IDC, and 30% larger than a 4 million lb pile of HDC. If
similar proppant mass is purchased, an engineer must recognize that the frac geometry will be reduced by 20%-30% with
higher density proppants.
Frac Width, Inches

Measured Frac Widths

Data: SL 2001: Tables 1.3-1 to 1.3-4, SL 6345 Feb 2o02, Tables

1.5-3, 2000:5.1-2, 1999: T1.6-1 and Feb 2002 test

SPE 160206

Fines Migration

Permeability (Darcies)

Fines Migration & Cyclic Stress. Fines can be generated

SPE 24008
by both the proppant when it crushes, and the formation as
Compare Proppant Types After Fines Migration
Fines movement
proppant embeds into the fracture face. In either case,
can reduce the
fines moving through the proppant pack can plug pore
conductivity within
throats and decrease flow. The impact of these fines on
the fracture
the proppant pack conductivity can vary by proppant type
and size [Palisch 2009, Gidley 1992].
In addition, the
impact of fines migration, like other parameters, must be
Each proppant
viewed in the context of the test. For example, Figure 5
shows the results of a high fluid rate fines migration study
Artifact of non-Darcy flow
where a LWC lost 23% permeability due to fines
migration, whereas the RCS lost only 10%. However,
despite this difference, the LWC still exhibited twice the
retained permeability as the RCS after fines migration
Rate (m l/m in)
impacts are included.
Conductivity can also be adversely impacted each Figure 5 Fines migration can reduce proppant permeability
time the bottom hole pressure changes. This occurs significantly. Note that the API/ISO test is performed at 2 ml/min,
primarily when the flowing tubing pressure is changed, much lower than where fines are mobilized. This data was
whether due to well shut in or line pressure fluctuations. It generated at high rates which mobilized the fines. [Gidley 1992].
has been demonstrated that every time the bottom hole pressure changes, proppant stress is cycled and fracture
conductivity is lost [Stim Lab 2000, Palisch 2007]. While difficult to measure for every potential scenario, cyclic stress
impacts must be viewed as yet another detrimental impact on fracture conductivity when proppants are placed into realistic
conditions. In general, stress cycling is more damaging to low strength proppants, while high quality proppants are more
resistant to cyclic stress degradation.

Eagle Ford Conditions

Realistic Conductivity, mD-ft

Baseline Conductivity, mD-ft

Cumulative Conductivity Impact. When all of these

effects are taken together, the overall impact of these
Baseline Conductivity
Baseline Conductivity
damage mechanisms on the conductivity at actual bottom
Realistic Conductivity
hole flowing conditions can be severe. In fact, laboratory
testing under more realistic conditions typically show the
overall loss of conductivity to exceed 90% (Figure 6).
Additionally, while all proppants experience these several
orders of magnitude reduction in conductivity, the
individual damage mechanisms can have different impacts
on the various proppant types [Schubarth 2006]. While
the above conductivity damage is already severe, there are
additional downhole realities that can further exacerbate
the damage, including long term conductivity degradation
40/80 Tier 1
40/70 Tier 2
40/70 Tier 3
as well as gel/fluid residue damage and many other
mechanisms [Pearson 2001, Barree 2003, Palisch 2007].
Regardless of the exact magnitude of these reductions, the Figure 6 Comparison between standard ISO/API test
bottom line is that the realistic conductivity in all conductivities and the realistic conductivities at Eagle Ford Shale
SPE all
hydraulic fractures is significantly lower than measured in conditions for a well in Webb County, TX. Note that while
proppants lose over 90% conductivity, the Tier 1 proppant retains
standard lab testing and reported in industry literature.
nearly twice the value of a Tier 2 and over 3x that of a Tier 3
Further, if these reductions are not accounted for when proppant [Bazan 2012].
designing hydraulic fractures and/or selecting the
appropriate proppant, significant production may be deferred or in some cases not recovered in the existing completion
[Blackwood 2011].
Additional Conductivity Impacts
The damage mechanisms discussed previously will be encountered in virtually all propped fractures, regardless of
completions type or reservoir. However, completions in many unconventional reservoirs may also carry additional
parameters that adversely impact conductivity, including thermal degradation of proppant, proppant embedment and flow
convergence in transverse fractures.
Temperature Effects. As noted earlier, the ISO/API conductivity test is performed at 150F for sand and 250F for ceramic
proppant. The reason for this difference is detrimental impact of higher temperature on sand and sand-based proppants (i.e.
Resin Coated Sand). Specifically, as temperatures exceed 200F, sand-based products can experience a significant loss in
strength and subsequent decrease in conductivity (Figure 7). For example, an uncoated sand, when exposed to 250F at
6,000 psi stress will lose 40% of its conductivity when compared to the 150F published data, and this loss increases to

SPE 160206

nearly 80% at 300F and 8,000 psi. Coating the sand with a resin lessens the damage because the resin can encapsulate the
crushed fines. However, even resin coated sand loses 30% of its conductivity at 8,000 psi and 300 F. Ceramic proppants
are tested at 250 F due to their thermal stability. These proppants are sintered at ~2,700F and are engineered for improved
strength and
thermal resistance.
no correction
is required Correction
placing a for
for White
forinto higher
temperature formations.
Resin Coated Sand
F, factor
deg F,
150 deg
from 150
Correction from

Conductivity Correction from 150 deg F, factor

20/40 Premium White Sand




150 deg F
200 degF

250 deg F
300 deg F
350 deg F












Closure Stress, psi








1000 2000


4000 4000 6000

8000 7000 10000

Source: StimLab PredictK

Figure 7 The effects of temperature on conductivity for Sand-based proppants [Pope 2009].

Figure 1.6.2-0
Depth of Embedment vs. Size and Young's Modulus
Depth of embedment = 2.5*Med D (in)*(1+YME*E6)^-1.5

D (in) Mesh

Depth of Embedment (in)

Proppant Embedment. The ISO/API test uses a

sandstone core with a Youngs Modulus (YM) of 5
million psi, which tends to mimic hard rock fracturing.
However, as YM decreases, proppant will embed into the
fracture face, and fines will spall into the proppant pack.
Lab data suggests that proppant embedment is a function
of both YM and proppant diameter (Figure 8). Many
shale and unconventional reservoirs are significantly
softer than the sandstone cores used in the published
Embedment leads to a loss of width and
conductivity. Similar to the impact of lower proppant
concentrations, the reduced effective width has the
double effect of diminishing conductivity (directly
proportional), and increasing fluid velocity due to the
smaller cross section of the resulting proppant pack
(exponential effect). As a consequence of decreased flow
area, non-Darcy pressure losses will be increased, as well
as multiphase flow impacts.

1200010000 14000

Closure Stress, psi

0.02 30/50
0.03 20/40
0.04 16/30
0.05 12/20




Young's Modulus (*E6) psi

Figure 8 Embedment is a function of formation Youngs Modulus

and Proppant Diameter [Stim Lab 2002]. Placing a curable resin on
proppant can minimize this embedment, provided it is fully cured at
low closure stress, prior to production of the well.

Flow Convergence in Transverse Fracs. Recall that

the goal in many unconventional plays is to place
numerous transverse fracs along a horizontal lateral, as
opposed to conventional plays which may exploit a
single, bi-wing frac in a vertical well. Production into a
horizontal wellbore from an orthogonal fracture will
exhibit linear flow in the far field as it travels down the
fracture(s). However, as the fluids converge on the
relatively small diameter wellbore (Figure 9), the fluid
velocities in that near wellbore region increase Figure 9 Fluids flowing within the hydraulic fracture in horizontal
wells must converge into an extremely (relatively) small area as
dramatically. In fact, if one considers a single planar 100 they cut transversely with the wellbore [Shah 2010].
ft tall vertical fracture, and places it fully connected in a
vertical well and then transversely in a horizontal 6 inch diameter wellbore, the fluid velocity in the near wellbore region
would be 127 times higher in the transverse fracture as compared to the vertical well. Further, recall that velocity is a
squared term in the Forchheimer (see previous discussion) pressure drop calculation, therefore, the pressure drop in the
transverse frac could be over 16,000 times greater than in a fully connected vertical well. This leads to the conclusion that it
is practically impossible to place enough conductivity near the wellbore in a transverse/HZ well to be fully optimized.
Completions in unconventional resources will benefit from more conductivity near-wellbore in transverse fracs [Besler 2007,
Rankin 2010, Shah 2010, Vincent 2011, Economides 2000].

SPE 160206

Cost-Benefit Analysis
When these additional impacts are considered, the
conductivity of hydraulic fractures is significantly
reduced from lab measurements.
Whether using
Agarwal Type Curve analysis in vertical wells in
Wamsutter [Palisch 2007], or history matching actual
production in the Eagle Ford with a fracture model
[Bazan 2010], realistic conductivities in the single digits
are not uncommon (i.e. frequently less than 10 md-ft). It
is worth noting that while single digit conductivities are
dramatically lower than baseline conditions, they are still
significantly better than the micro and nano Darcy
permeability found in unconventional reservoirs.
Figure 10 The Proppant Conductivity pyramid showing the three
However, when one understands the realistic conditions Tiers of proppant. 99% of all proppant can be placed into one of
within the proppant pack, and their impact on fracture three Tiers. As one moves up the Triangle, proppant performance
conductivity, it becomes apparent that the fracture flow (conductivity) improves [Gallagher 2011].
capacity is not optimized (i.e. the FCD is much lower than
anticipated) in horizontal multistage fractures in unconventional reservoirs. Furthermore, anything that can be done to
increase the conductivity of the fracture should provide an increase in production. While there are many ways to increase the
conductivity of a fracture increasing proppant concentration, using larger diameter proppants, pumping cleaner fluids and
all should be considered when designing fracture stimulations, one of the easiest and most common is to upgrade the
proppant size and/or type. As one moves up the Proppant Conductivity pyramid, fracture conductivity (and production)
improves (Figure 10). However, moving up the pyramid typically carries with it an increase in completion (proppant) cost.
Therefore, the decision to increase conductivity must also involve an economic analysis, and ultimately will become an
economic decision. The process for selecting proppant (or the Economic Conductivity approach) must involve three steps:

Calculate the conductivity of the fracture at realistic conditions and predict the production performance achieved
with each proppant
Complete a cost-benefit analysis and select the proppant that maximizes the economics of the completion
Review the actual field production benefits to ensure validity of the previous evaluations

Step 1 must typically be performed through the use of a fracture propagation model that is coupled to a reservoir
simulator/model. The model must account for the realistic conditions of the fracture and the corresponding impact of fracture
conductivity. Step 2 can then be performed using the economic hurdles for the given situation; some production simulators
automate this function. The third step is often the most overlooked step in the process, due to the significant activity level
required of most engineers involved with developing unconventional reservoirs. The following sections will present case
histories from three prominent unconventional reservoirs in which proppant was selected using the steps above. These cases
illustrate the robustness of the Economic Conductivity methodology and demonstrate the production and economic benefits
of placing enhanced conductivity in ultra-low permeability formations.
Case Histories
The importance of fracture conductivity has been documented in a wide variety of reservoir types. A comprehensive review
of more than 200 SPE papers demonstrated the production increases achieved when fracture conductivity was increased
compared to previous frac designs [Vincent 2009]. In an enormous variety of well conditions, including deep and shallow
wells, oil/gas/water wells, wells completed in sandstone/carbonate/coals, and high and low production rate wells, increasing
the fracture conductivity yielded much larger production benefits than predicted by typical models. This section will
specifically review recent field studies in three unconventional reservoirs which were completed with horizontal wells and
multistage fracture treatments. The results serve to illustrate the production increases and economic benefits achieved when
placing higher conductivity fracture treatments.
Haynesville Shale. The Haynesville Shale is a Jurassic age, prolific unconventional reservoir that produces primarily dry
gas. Unfortunately, activity has slowed due to prolonged low natural gas prices that are ironically caused in part by the
success of the play itself. The play extends from East Texas to Northwestern Louisiana encompassing over 20 Texas counties
and Louisiana parishes. The play ranges in depths of 11,000 - 13,000 ft TVD, gross thicknesses of 150 400 ft., BHST of
300-340F, BHP gradient of 0.84 0.88 psi/ft., closure gradient of 0.95 1.05 psi/ft., porosity of 6-12% and permeability of
5-800 nD [Pope 2010]. In this case study, the original goal was to improve production results through optimizing completion
designs utilizing modeling and verifying with field results. In the initial modeling phase, it was apparent that the fractures
would be conductivity limited using any small mesh proppant, and that upgrading to a higher Tier proppant would increase

SPE 160206

production (Figure 11). Of particular concern was the high temperature (>300 F) and high closure stress environment
(>10,000 psi) in the Haynesville Shale wells, and their impact on both short term production and long term durability of the
proppant pack if Tier 2 or Tier 3 proppants were utilized.
In 2010 the actual production and completion data from an
existing Haynesville Shale well was history matched using a
reservoir simulator [Pope 2010]. Sensitivities to several completion
parameters were performed, including an evaluation of the benefits
of increasing conductivity which showed a positive impact of
conductivity. At the same time the authors also performed a
production analysis on a set of wells from another operator
containing 55 wells within a 5 mile radius in Caddo & DeSoto
Parishes (Figure 12). The well set included 55 wells with at least six
months of production, 20 of which contained Tier 1 (primarily 40/80
LWC) proppants. The remaining 35 offset wells contained Tier 2
(RCS) proppants. The authors further noted that all the wells in the
study exhibited similar completion designs (apart from the noted
proppant substitutions) and were completed in roughly the same
Figure 11 Tier 1 ceramics (black/red) provide over
twice the conductivity as Tier 2 RCS (green) at realistic
The authors of this paper have taken those same study wells and
Haynesville conditions, and nearly 10x that of Tier 3
updated the results such that the wells have now been on production
sand (yellow) [Pope 2009].
for nearly three years, with all wells having at least 32 months of
production. In this time, the higher conductivity Tier 1 proppant
group has an average cumulative gas production of ~2.3 BCF while
the offset Tier 2 group has produced an average of ~1.8 BCF per
well (Figure 13) or an increase of 0.5 BCF. Utilizing hyperbolic
decline curve analysis the authors project the Tier 1 LWC wells will
produce nearly 1 BCF more, per well, after a 20 year producing
span compared to the Tier 2 RCS wells, representing a 35% increase
in ultimate recovery (Figure 14). It is also interesting to note that
the incremental percent increase in production is growing. After 32
months, the Tier 1 wells have produced an average of 30% more
gas, while the 20 year projection indicates this will increase to 35%.
This is likely due to the expected increased durability of the Tier 1
ceramic over Tier 2 RCS.
The original studies were performed at a time when gas prices
were >$5/MCF. However, the authors of this paper updated the
Figure 12 Wells in the study all completed by the
economics at a gas price of $3.50/MCF, to better represent more
same operator and well distributed throughout
recent natural gas prices. Since the completion designs in these
Caddo/DeSoto Parish [Pope 2009].
wells called for a tail in of 40% of the treatment utilizing either
the Tier 1 or Tier 2 proppants (with the remainder white sand) the incremental cost per well to upgrade from Tier 2 to Tier 1
was ~$250,000 per well. Even with this low gas price, the incremental production paid out the cost difference in less than
three months. With a 10% discount rate, the Tier 1 wells have created an incremental $1.8 million in present value per well
Avg. Cumulative Gas Production
Cumulative Gas Production at Month 32





Cum Gas (MCF)

Cumulative Frequency



Cum Gas - Premium
Cum Gas - Other
Avg. Hyper Decline - Premium
Avg. Hyper Decline - Other











Cumulative Gas (MCF)













Figure 13 After 32 months of production, the Tier 1 Figure 14 When projecting to 20 years using hyperbolic decline, it is
ceramic wells have produced an average of 0.5 BCF per projected that the Tier 1 wells will produce an incremental 35% more
gas than the Tier 2 offset wells.
well more than offset wells containing Tier 2 RCS.

SPE 160206

over the Tier 2 wells at 32 months. Utilizing the hyperbolic decline projections, after 20 years of production the Tier 1 wells
are projected to create an incremental $2.4 million in value, per well, over the Tier 2 wells. The incremental $250,000 cost of
upgrading from Tier 2 RCS to Tier 1 LWC resulted in nearly a 10-fold return on investment. Therefore, even at $3.50/MCF
gas prices, Tier 1 proppant designs provide a higher return on investment than Tier 2 designs.
Eagle Ford Shale. The Eagle Ford Shale is a liquids rich play
found in South and Central Texas and extending into Mexico.
This high growth play has productive areas of dry gas, wet gas,
condensate and oil across more than 20 Texas counties
(Figure 15). Within the productive window, the play ranges
from 5,000 ft. to 14,000 ft. in depth with thicknesses between
50 ft and 400 ft [Pope 2012]. The Eagle Ford Shale has long
been recognized as the primary source rock for the Austin
Chalk in major fields such as the Giddings and Pearsall and
overlays the Buda Lime. As such, permeabilities span 50 to
1500 nanodarcies with porosities ranging from 4 to 11 percent
and a bottomhole temperature in excess of 275F.
Over 3,000 wells have been drilled since activity first
began in 2009, due in large part to the increased value of the
oil and condensate production in these wells. The focus of this
study is an area found in the condensate widow of Webb and
Dimmit Counties. In this area, the wells are 7,000 8,000 ft
TVD, with a 150 - 200 ft productive Upper Eagle Ford and
100-150 ft thick Lower Eagle Ford [Bazan 2012]. The study
focuses on the production (and corresponding economic)
improvement in wells containing multistage hydraulic fracture
treatments. A primary improvement was the evolution from
traditionally low conductivity slickwater fracture treatments
initially used in the play, to the use of higher conductivity
hybrid fracture designs. In the early stages of development,
models were utilized to run sensitivities on parameters such as
perforation strategy, stage interval, fracture fluid
type/volume/combinations, as well as proppant type. From this
modeling, it became evident that fracture treatments were
conductivity limited (see Figure 6 on page 5). The primary
causes of this reduction include multiphase flow, flow
convergence near the wellbore in the transverse fractures and
the thermal impact on natural proppant due to elevated
temperatures. Production forecasting using history matched
production on an actual well concluded that upgrading from a
Tier 3 Sand or a Tier 2 RCS to a Tier 1 LWC could yield up to
a 150% production increase after just three years (Figure 16).

Figure 15 The Eagle Ford Shale play is located in the

Western Gulf Basin of South Texas, and is characterized by
an oil, condensate and gas window. [Courtesy EIA].

Figure 16 Using history matched data from an actual Eagle

Ford well and projecting 3 years, upgrading from a Tier 3
Sand (blue) to a Tier 2 RCS (red) yields a 100% increase in
production. This increase rises an additional 50% when
upgrading to a Tier 1 LWC [Bazan, 2010].


SPE 160206

Since modeling suggested that production and economic

gains will be achieved by utilizing a higher conductivity Tier
1 LWC proppant, the third step was to verify the modeling
through actual field implementation. The operator has
completed numerous wells in the Gates Ranch of Webb and
Dimmit Counties (Figure 17), and observed positive results
when compared to immediate offset operators as well as
internal studies [Bazan 2012]. The authors of this paper used
public production databases to make further comparisons
between the Tier 1 operator and offsets using 6 month
cumulative production. Offset wells in close proximity were
separated into 12 groups, breaking them out first by
operator, and then by area (Figure 17). In order to use the
public data to compare the two proppant types, two
assumptions had to be made 1) the reservoir characteristics
were similar, and 2) the completion techniques were similar
Figure 17 Well groupings by operator in Webb/Dimmitt
Counties. The red areas (Groups A & B) represent Tier 1 LW
(except proppant type). One method the authors employed
ceramic wells, with the remainder containing primarily Tier 3
to account for significant reservoir differences was to
Sand wells.
observe the oil/gas cut for an area. Several groups were
eliminated from the study where the oil cut was significantly
different from the Tier 1 operator (Groups E, H, J & N) and
two groups were eliminated since they were nearly 100%
gas (Groups F & K). In addition, all groupings had at least
five wells except Groups H & K, which were already
eliminated due to reservoir differences.
differences (such as lateral length, stage count, proppant
volumes, etc) were unknown, and therefore the authors
would assume statistics (large well sets and numbers of
groupings) would take care of those differences. Five offset
groups remained (in addition to the two Tier 1 groups) that
had ample well counts and similar liquid cuts. Of these
seven, the well groups containing Tier 1 proppant
consistently exhibited higher average BOE production after
Figure 18 Cumulative BOE comparison between single
6 months over the offset groups containing Tier 2 and 3
operator well groups (see Fig. 17). Tier 1 LWC groupings (red)
proppant (Figure 18). This corroborated the original
outperform Tier 2/3 RCS/Sand groupings (blue). Note that
groups E, F, H, J, K, & N were eliminated due to differences in
analysis performed by the operator [Bazan 2012].
reservoir (E, F, J, K & N) and low well count (H, K).
To eliminate completion differences from the above
analysis, the same operator also looked at internal
comparisons to further verify the modeling. In this case, the operator completed several wells with Tier 3 Sand in addition to
the completions with Tier 1 LWC. It was observed that after 6 months cumulative production (normalized for number of
stages), the Tier 1 wells were modestly outperforming the Tier 3 offsets (Figure 19 left). Note that higher quality proppant

Figure 19 After 6 months production, wells containing Tier 1 ceramic only modestly outperform Tier 3 sand wells, primarily at
higher production (left plot). However, after 12 months, the Tier 1 wells begin to significantly outperform the Tier 3 wells (right)
as the stress increases on proppant and the durability of Tier 1 proppants is magnified. [Bazan 2012].

SPE 160206


may not always provide immediate increases in production since early time production is dominated by reservoir contact and
high flowing pressures (low proppant stress). Improved well performance for higher quality proppants is typically
emphasized with long-term production. Wells with 12 months production were also analyzed, and appeared to exhibit this
phenomenon. Wells containing Tier 1 proppant are significantly outperforming the Tier 3 wells after 12 months cumulative
normalized production. This trend is expected to continue because as flowing pressures are reduced, the stress on proppant
increases, and proppant durability differences are magnified.
This work confirms that using a higher conductivity proppant will improve Eagle Ford well performance. Therefore, the
the economic implications of the increased investment for superior conductivity must be reviewed. Using the well set of 15
study wells (Figure 19) a comparison was made between the wells that were identified as either using Tier 1 LWC or Tier 3
Sand. After 12 months, the Tier 1 wells had produced an average incremental of 15 MMcfe per stage when compared to the
wells containing Tier 3 proppants. Assuming net pricing of $3.75/mcf gas and $75/bbl oil, the Tier 1 wells are generating
approximately $1.5 million in additional value per well after just 12 months, and pay out the increased proppant investment
in ~9 months. A similar study was recently completed for the Eagle Ford shale by another author [Pope 2012] using 254
wells with at least 12 months of production of either Tier 1 or Tier 3 proppants and concluded that Tier 1 wells produced
43,000 BOE more than Tier 3 wells, also generating approximately $1.5 million in additional value. These two studies
corroborate the premise that the increase in cost to generate higher conductivity fractures in these Eagle Ford completions is
economically justified by the resulting increase in production.
Bakken. The Bakken is a Mississippian/Devonian age oil play found in North Dakota, Montana, Saskatchewan and
Manitoba. Spanning more than 200,000 square miles, development has been frenetic, with more than 200 rigs working in the
play. Most wells target the Middle Bakken between 9,000 and 11,500 ft true vertical depth throughout much of North
Dakota and Montana, although other intervals can be productive. Thicknesses as great as 80 ft, average porosity of ~5% and
permeability of 0.04 mD are typical of the Middle Bakken member. The carbonate/clastic sequence contains interbedded
siltstones and sandstones, and is oil bearing across an enormous
Map of Trial Wells and Groupings
areal extent [Rankin 2010].
Offset (Sand) Wells
Most operators have recognized the need for higher
Ceramic Wells
conductivity fractures in this oil reservoir to accommodate
multiphase flow in the narrow transverse fractures. Therefore it has
generally been targeted for Tier 1 ceramic proppants. However,
during the past 2-4 years, the Bakken has also been a victim of the
shortage of quality ceramic proppant. As such, many operators
have been forced to use whatever they can source, starting with high
quality ceramics, and moving through inferior ceramics and down
to resin coated sand. In many instances, operators have also used
sand to further reduce costs and accelerate completions.
During the initial evaluation of completion practices, one
operator performed a field test to determine the benefits of
increasing conductivity. The initial modeling indicated realistic Figure 20 Location of a previously unpublished 22
conductivity values of 10 md-ft, 40 md-ft and 80 md-ft for 20/40 well field trial located primarily in Mountrail County,
sand, resin coated sand and lightweight ceramic, respectively. comparing 10 wells containing Tier 1 20/40 LW ceramic
Production modeling also suggested that the fractures were proppant (red squares) and 12 wells containing Tier 3
Sand (green diamonds).
conductivity limited, meaning that an increase in conductivity
should lead to an increase in production. Therefore, a
22 Month Cumulative Production per Well Average
field trial was designed to complete and stimulate 10
Tier 1 LW Ceramic Wells
wells with Tier 1 lightweight ceramic, that were offset to
Tier 3 Offset Wells
12 wells with similar completion/frac designs, but
containing 20/40 Tier 3 sand (Figure 20). Production
was tracked over time, and the wells were recently
After 22 months production, the wells
containing Tier 1 proppant had produced an average of
34% more hydrocarbons than the offsets, and exhibited
clear increases in six of the seven study areas in
Mountrail County (Figure 21). Assuming prices of $75
per barrel of oil and $3.50 per MCF of gas, this
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Group 6
Group 7
translates into an incremental $1.5 million in value
Figure 21 After 22 months production, the Tier 1 LW Ceramic
created per well during the first 22 months alone. This wells have produced an average of 34% more BOE than the offset
quickly pays out the incremental ~$300k investment to Tier 3 Sand wells, including increases in six out of the seven
upgrade the conductivity (Figure 22).
Cum Production at 22 months, BOE (bbl)

3 miles


SPE 160206

Avg. Cumulative BOE

Cumulative BOE per well (bbl)

This corroborates the evidence presented by another

Average Cumulative Production
Bakken operator that evaluated the benefits of increasing
A $300k investment in
the conductivity while at the same time increasing the
conductivity, has yielded a $1.5
number of stages in the horizontal, utilizing a plug and
million increase in value per well!
perf methodology in uncemented liners.
publications were based on a relatively small well count
[Rankin 2010], and indicated a tremendous increase in
well productivity when comparing their completions to
offset wells. This data set was updated with a larger well
population and extended production history. After nearly
Tier 1 LW Ceramic Wells
Tier 3 Offset Sand Wells
2 years of production, completions utilizing Tier 1
ceramic and more stages are sustaining twice the
production rates of Tier 3 sand completions with fewer
Months Produced
stages [Vincent 2011], generating ~$4 million in Figure 22 After 22 months production, the Tier 1 LW Ceramic
incremental value per well after just one year, at an wells have created $1.5 million in incremental value, per well
(assuming $75/BO & $3.50/MCF).
incremental cost of approximately $800,000 per well.
Significant increases in cumulative production and EUR
Average Cumulative Production per well
are apparent for the wells with improved completions
Tier 1A
Tier 1 Completions
designs using Tier 1 proppants.
creating an incremental
Tier 3A
million in value per
Tier 3B
The authors of this paper have recently conducted a
well after 18 months
more broad analysis of wells specific to Mountrail
County in North Dakota to compare productivity of
Bakken wells completed by different operators. It is clear
that the Tier 1 completions are outperforming the Tier 3
completions by a substantial margin (Figure 23). An
average incremental value of $6 million per well are
apparent in wells using high quality, domestically Figure 23 A comparison of three operators and more recent
produced lightweight ceramic proppant (Tier 1A) completions in Mountrail County containing larger volumes of
proppant and more stages. The operator utilizing Tier 1 proppant
compared to offset wells completed by two different (Tier 1A) is creating an incremental $6 million in value, per well,
operators using white sand (Tier 3A and Tier 3B). While compared to Operators using Tier 3 proppant (Tier 3A, Tier 3B)
there is variability in the performance based on well after 18 months of production (assuming $75/BO & $3.50/MCF).
location, number of stages and other completion
parameters, it is very clear that the proppant quality is significantly affecting both initial production rates and sustained
1) Proppant selection in unconventional reservoirs is dictated by four primary drivers proppant availability, fracture
fluid selection, conductivity requirements and cost-benefit analysis.
2) Tremendous demand for proppants has caused a shortage of high quality proppants, and has driven many engineers
to settle for inferior substitutes.
3) Slickwater fracturing tends to drive selection to 40/70 and 40/80 mesh proppants, while liquids rich plays tend to
drive the need for gel and crosslinked fluids, due to the desire to place 30/50 and 20/40 mesh proppants.
4) The API/ISO Conductivity test is a great way to account for many physical properties, including size variations,
strength/crush, shape, density, hot/wet conditions, and compare proppants for qualification.
5) When selecting proppant, the Conductivity test results must be corrected for downhole conditions through the use
of a frac model that accounts for damage mechanisms such as non-Darcy & multiphase flow, reduced proppant
concentrations, embedment, thermal effects, gel/fluid damage, cyclic stress and fines migration.
6) When correcting for downhole conditions, it is apparent that most hydraulic fractures are conductivity limited;
therefore increasing the conductivity will increase production.
7) There are numerous papers documenting the production benefits of conductivity in many different reservoirs.
8) Increasing conductivity generally increases investment; therefore proppant selection becomes a cost vs benefit
9) Completions in the Bakken, Eagle Ford and Haynesville Shale all benefit from increasing the fracture conductivity,
and in most cases the uplift in production will pay out the incremental cost in less than a yearultimately increasing
the return on investment in the development.

SPE 160206


The development of unconventional reservoirs has been a tremendous success story for the oil and gas industry. Two
existing technologies were merged and now the industry is able to profitably develop hydrocarbon resources that were once
thought to be uneconomic. Engineers are successfully drilling and completing long horizontal wells and placing multistage
fracs in shale oil and gas wells. Science is just now beginning to catch up with the drill bit, and the industry is currently
looking for ways to optimize their completions and thereby maximize their returns. To do so, it is critical that engineers take
a thoughtful look at understanding their hydraulic fractures. These fracs provide reservoir contact and a conductive pathway
from the reservoir to the wellbore. Both parameters are critical to the success of the well, and they must be carefully
evaluated. Estimating the conductivity of the fracture at realistic downhole conditions is imperative. When done correctly, it
explains many of the observations being seen in the field every day, including 1) short effective fracture half lengths, 2)
higher production when fracture conductivity is increased in nano-darcy formations and 3) LWC wells outperforming IDC
wells in some areas. Additionally, it is imperative that reservoir engineers use realistic estimates of conductivity in their
reservoir models, when attempting to simulate and history match production. These reservoirs present tremendous
opportunities for engineers to apply science and technology to create value for their companies. A thorough understanding of
the fracture is a critical part of this work.

lbs, lbm
mD, md
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3

American Petroleum Institute

Beta Factor (non-Darcy pressure drop component)
Billion Standard Cubic Feet
Bottomhole Static Pressure, psi
Bottomhole Static Temperature, F
Barrel(s) Oil
Barrel(s) Oil Equivalent
Barrel(s) Per Day
degrees Fahrenheit
Change in pressure in the fracture, psi
Estimated Ultimate Recovery
dimensionless fracture conductivity
feet or foot
High Density Ceramic proppant
Intermediate Density Ceramic proppant
International Organization for Standardization
Internal Rate of Return
Potassium Chloride
Permeability of the fracture
pounds, mass
pound(s) per square foot
Light Weight Ceramic proppant
Thousand Standard Cubic Feet
milliliter per minute
Million Standard Cubic Feet Equivalent
Fluid viscosity, centipoise
pounds per square inch
pounds per square inch per foot
Resin Coated Sand
fluid density
high conductivity ceramic proppant
medium conductivity resin coated sand proppant
low conductivity natural sand proppant
True Vertical Depth
fluid velocity
Width of the fracture, ft
fracture half-length, ft
Youngs Modulus, psi


SPE 160206

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