RDS-Server 5 - Installation - en

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Installation Instructions

RDS-Server 5
08 / 2006

Copyright 2006 EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. KG.
EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. KG is not liable for technical of printing errors or
shortcomings in this technical documentation and does not accept any liability for damage
which is caused directly or indirectly by the delivery, performance and use of this material.
This document contains information on the basis of a proprietary system that is protected by
copyright laws. All rights reserved. This document or part of this document may not be

copied or reproduced by any other means without the previous permission of

EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. KG.
The software described in this document is subject to a license agreement. Its use and
duplication are only allowed within the framework of this agreement.
EPLAN Electric P8, EPLAN Fluid, EPLAN PPE and LOGOCAD TRIGA are registered
trademarks of EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. KG.
MS-DOS / Windows NT / Windows 2000 / Windows XP / Microsoft Windows are
registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Hardlock E-Y-E is a registered trademark of Aladdin Knowledge Systems, Ltd Int.
InstallShield is a registered trademark of InstallShield, Inc.
MicroStation is a registered trademark of Bentley Systems.
Acrobat is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Inc.
All other mentioned product names, trademarks and company names are trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective owners.

Comment: The requirements specified by the operating system

manufacturers apply for the hardware used. Hardware combinations
which may result in irregularities according to the manufacturer can also
influence the operation of EPLAN. Error-free basic installation of the
hardware, operating system and hardware drivers (e.g. graphics board
driver, etc.) is therefore a prerequisite for trouble-free operation of
EPLAN. The general conditions and areas of application as documented
by the hardware manufacturers are therefore also valid when utilizing

Table of Contents
Reader Information ................................................................................ 4
Prerequisites........................................................................................... 5
Updating an Existing RDS-Server......................................................... 7
Setting Up the DCOM Configuration for the Operation of the
RDS-Server ............................................................................................. 8
Windows 2000 Server......................................................................... 8
Windows Server 2003......................................................................... 8
Windows XP Professional................................................................ 14
RDS-Server Operation on a Client on which EPLAN Electric P8
Is Not Installed...................................................................................... 21

Reader Information
Dear User,
Before you begin reading this manual, please have a look at the
following symbols and styles that are used in this document:
Texts introduced by this graphics contain additional information.
Texts preceded by this graphics are warnings. You must read them
before you continue working!
Elements of the user interface are identified by bold print, making
them easy to find immediately in the text.
Texts in italics show you what is important and must be taken into
Directory names, direct entries, etc. are shown in a nonproportional font.
Function keys, keys on the keyboard as well as command buttons
within the program are shown in square brackets (for example [F1] for
the function key "F1").
In order to improve the reading flow we often use a so-called "menu
path" (for example Start > Run) in this document. The menus and
options listed in the menu path have to be selected in the specified
sequence in order to find a specific program functions.
In connection with settings or fields (for example check boxes) that
can only be switched on or off we often use the terms "activate"
(setting then active ) and "de-activate" (setting then inactive ) in
this document.

The following prerequisites have to be fulfilled in order to RDS-Server 5
to run:

The following software prerequisites have to be fulfilled:
An operating system that is approved for the RDS-Server 5 has to be
installed (also refer to the following section "Approval")
It is assumed that the systems are completely up-to-date including the
most recent security updates available.
Installation must be carried out using a user account with rights
equivalent to administrator rights.
The dongle has to be connected to the computer on which the RDSServer 5 is to be installed.
The installation is started by running the Setup.exe file in the \RDS
directory on the product data medium.
EPLAN products may not be installed on servers that run the back office
products of Microsoft (for example Proxy, SQL, Active Directory,
Exchange) or other suppliers (for example Lotus Notes, Linux Server,
Novell Server). The EPLAN version used is only suitable for Windows
XP, Windows 2000 Server and Windows 2003 Server, but not suitable
for Linux or other operating systems. EPLAN Software & Service GmbH
& Co. KG does not accept any liability that these products can be run
with EPLAN Electric P8 or other EPLAN products from our house.

Windows XP SP2 with all the hotfixes and updates
Windows 2000 Server SP4 with all the hotfixes and updates
Windows 2003 Server and Windows 2003 Server SP1 with all the
hotfixes and updates
Further servers (for example Novell, Linux) are currently not supported.
After the Setup.exe file has been started in the \RDS directory on the
product data medium, the installation language has to be selected, the
license terms confirmed as well as the target directory specified. The
validation code is requested during the installation. When the setup has
been concluded, the RDS service is installed and ready-for use on the
computer. Depending on the respective operating system, an additional
configuration of the DCOM interface may be required so that the
computer can also be addressed by the client.

Updating an Existing RDS-Server

Only one RDS-Server can be operated on a computer. During the
installation of the current RDS-Server an RDS-Server that is already
installed is recognized and de-activated. The previous files are not
removed automatically. If the default specifications for the target
directories are accepted during the installation, the system installs the
old and new RDS-Servers in different directories so that file conflicts do
not occur.
After successful commissioning of the new RDS-Server the administrator
can then remove the older version later on.

Setting Up the DCOM Configuration

for the Operation of the RDS-Server
The computer on which the RDS-Server is installed as well as the clients
accessing it should be members in a Windows 2000 / 2003 domain.
If this is not the case, an identically named account with identical
password has to be created on the server for each user logged on at a
It is assumed that the DCOM configuration conforms to the default
settings at the time of the installation of the respective operating system.
If deviating settings have been made here, for example in order to
increase the system security, the system administrator has to be

Windows 2000 Server

No additional steps are required here. In the default setting the DCOM
access is already enabled for everyone.

Windows Server 2003

The access can be configured either so that every user logged in the
domain can book a license from the RDS-Server or so that a group is
created in which the entitled users are listed. Both variants in described
in the following sections. It is assumed that a group called "RDS-User"
has been created for the second variant.
In the first step the configuration program for the DCOM interface has to
be called up. To do so, select Start > Run and enter the command

In the Component Services window that opens follow the Component

Services > Computers > My Computer branch in the tree view.

Now right-click My Computer. From the popup menu that is opened

select Properties. The My Computer Properties dialog box is opened.

First ensure that the Enable Distributed COM on this computer

checkbox is activated in the Default properties tab. Then click the COM
Security tab in order to bring it to the foreground.


Select the [Edit Limits] button in the Launch and Activation

Permissions group box.
A difference now has to be made which security setting is to be carried
out. If the access is to be permitted for every user, select the user
Everyone and activate Allow for all four authorization types.

If access is only to be allowed for members of a group RDS-User, click

the [Add] button and select the corresponding group. Subsequently
activate Allow for this group for all four access authorizations.

Then the Start authorization and My Computers Properties dialogs

can be exited with [OK].


Now navigate in the tree view of the Component Services window to

the DCOM Config folder.

Then select the RDS component on the right-hand section of the

Right-click to open a popup menu. Here select the Properties option.


In the RDS properties dialog select the Security tab and then the
Customize option under Launch and Activation Permissions. Then
click [Edit].

If the access is to be permitted for every user, select the user Everyone
in the Launch permission dialog and activate Allow for all four
authorization types.

If access is only to be allowed for members of a group RDS-User, click

the [Add] button and select the corresponding group. Subsequently
activate Allow for this group for all four access authorizations.


Then exit the Launch Permission and RDS Properties dialogs with
Access to the RDS-Server is now ensured from every authorized client.

Windows XP Professional
The access can be configured either so that every user logged in the
domain can book a license from the RDS-Server or so that a group is
created in which the entitled users are listed. Both variants in described
in the following sections. It is assumed that a group called "RDS-User"
has been created for the second variant.
In the first step the configuration program for the DCOM interface has to
be called up. To do so, select Start > Run and enter the command


In the Component Services window that opens follow the Component

Services > Computers > My Computer branch in the tree view.

Right-click My Computer and select the Properties popup menu item to

open the My Computer Properties dialog.


First ensure that the Enable Distributed COM on this computer

checkbox is activated in the Default Properties tab. Then select the
COM-Security tab.

Select the [Edit Limits] button under Access Permissions. Here add
the remote access for the ANONYMOUS LOGON and click [OK].

Then select the [Edit Limits] button in the Launch and Activation
Permissions group box of the My Computer Properties dialog and
click [OK].

A difference now has to be made which security setting is to be carried

If the access is to be permitted for every user, select the user Everyone
and activate Allow for all four authorization types.

If access is only to be allowed for members of a group RDS-User, click

the [Add] button and select the corresponding group. Subsequently
activate Allow for this group for all four access authorizations.

Then exit the Launch Permission and My Computer Properties

dialogs with [OK].


Now navigate in the tree view of the Component Services window to

the DCOM Config folder.

Then select the RDS component on the right-hand section of the

Right-click to open a popup menu. Here select the Properties option.


Select the Security tab in the RDS Properties dialog. Under Launch
and Activation Permissions select the Customize option and then
click the [Edit] button.

If the access is to be permitted for every user, select the user All and
activate Allow for all four authorization types.

If access is only to be allowed for members of a group RDS-User, click

the [Add] button and select the corresponding group. Subsequently
activate Allow for this group for all four access authorizations.


Then exit the Launch Permission and RDS Properties dialogs with
Access to the RDS-Server is now ensured from every authorized client.


RDS-Server Operation on a Client

on which EPLAN Electric P8 Is Not
If you use the products EPLAN 5 or EPLAN 21 and EPLAN PPE and do
not intend to install EPLAN Electric P8, it is imperative that you update
the licensing when using RDS-Server 5. This is contained in the product
data medium in the \license directory. Here start the Setup.exe file,
and follow the installation instructions.





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