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Natural Gas Physical Properties

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Natural Gas Physical Properties

Extracted from
Section 23: Physical Properties, GPSA Engineering Data Book
Tarek Ahmed, Equation of State and PVT Analysis, Gulf Publishing Co. Houston Texas, 2007.

Nomenclature used in natural gas physical properties equations as mentioned in GPSA Data Book
are listed as below.

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Natural Gas Engineering Supplementary course note by Sarithdej Pathanasethpong
Created on 10/13/2008 11:34:00 AM

Knowledge of pressure-volume-temperature (PVT) relationships and other physical and chemical

properties of gases are essential for solving problems in natural gas reservoir engineering. The properties
of interest include
Apparent molecular weight, MWa
Specific gravity, g
Compressibility factor, Z
Gas density, g
Specific volume,
Isothermal gas compressibility coefficient, cg
Gas formation volume factor, Bg
Gas expansion factor, Eg

Behavior of Ideal Gas

For ideal gas, following assumptions are stated:
The volume of gas molecules is insignificant compared with the total volume
occupied by gas.
No attractive or repulsive forces exist between molecules of gas.
All collision of molecules are perfectly elastic.
Based on kinetic energy of gases, equation of state for ideal gas can be derived to express the
relationship existing between pressure, p, volume,V, and temperature, T, for a given quantity of moles of
gas, n. The mathematical equation is called the ideal gas law can be expressed as following:
pV = nRT

= absolute pressure, psia

= volume, ft3
= absolute temperature, R
= number of moles of gas, lb-mole
= universal gas constant = 10.73 psia-ft3/lb-mole. R

The number of lb-moles, n, is defined as weight of the gas, m, divided by the molecular weight, MW, or
n = m/MW
The ideal gas law the can be rewritten as
pV = (m/MW) RT

= weight of gas, lb
= molecular weight, lb/lb-mole

Gas Density
Since density is defined as the mass per unit volume of substance, then the above equation can be
rearranged to estimate the gas density, lb/ft3 at any given pressure and temperature as following
g = m/V = (p.MW)/RT
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Apparent Molecular Weight, MWa

For gas mixture of ith component, the apparent molecular weight of the gas mixture is defined as
MWa = yi . MWi
MWa = apparent molecular weight of gas mixture
MWi = molecular weight of the ith component in the mixture
= mole fraction of component i in the mixture
Conventionally, mole fraction can be defined as

= ni/n = ni / ni

The weight fraction of a particular component, i, is defined as


= mi / m = mi / mi

The volume fraction of a particular component, i, is defined as


Vi / V = Vi / Vi

Therefore the mole fraction can be converted to weight fraction and vice versa using the following steps
1. Let the total number of gas in the system , n =1
2. From mole fraction, yi and number of mole, ni
= ni/n = ni
= ni MWi = yi MWi
3. Calculate the weight fraction to give
= mi / m = mi / mi = yi MWi / yi MWi = yi MWi / MWa
4. Similarly,

= wi MWi / wi MWi

Standard Volume, Vsc

The standard volume is defined as the volume of gas occupied by 1lb-mole of gas at the standard
condition, usually at 14.7 psia and 60 F. The standard volume of gas then can be calculated using the
ideal gas law to give

= (1)RTsc/ psc = (1)(10.73)(520)/ (14.7)

= 379.4 scf/lb-mole

Specific Volume, , ft3/lb

The specific volume of gas is defined as the volume occupied by a unit mass of gas. For ideal gas
the property can be calculated using the equation

= V / m = RT / (p MWa) = 1 / g

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Specific Gravity, g
The specific gravity is defined as the ration of gas density to that of the air. Both densities are
measured or expressed at the same pressure and temperature. Commonly, the standard pressure and
standard temperature are used in defining the gas gravity.

g / air = MWa / 28.96

Behavior of Real Gas

In dealing with gas at very high pressure, the use of the ideal gas law may lead to errors as great as
500%, as compare to errors of 2-3 % at atmospheric pressure. Basically, the magnitude of deviations of
real gases from the conditions of ideal gas law increases with increasing pressure and temperature and
varies widely with composition of the gas.
Numerous equations of state have been developed to correlate pressure volume temperature
variables for real gases with experimental data. The gas compressibility factor, Z, has been introduced
into the ideal gas law to account for the departure of gases from ideality. The real gas equation is then
pV = ZnRT
where the gas compressibility factor, Z, the dimensionless quantity, is defined as the ratio of actual
volume of n-moles of gas at T and p to the ideal volume of the same number of moles at the same T and p
Z = Vactual / Videal
The compressibility factor can be generalized for various composition with sufficient accuracy
using the following two dimensionless properties: pseudo-reduced pressure, ppr, and pseudo-reduced
temperature, Tpr. These pseudoreduced properties are defined as following

= p / ppc


= T / Tpc

ppc , Tpc =

system pressure, psia

pseudo-reduced pressure, dimensionless
system temperature, R
pseudo-reduced temperature, dimensionless
pseudo-critical pressure and temperature, respectively, defined as following

= yi pci


= yi Tci

Following Figure 23-3 of GPSA Data Book illustrates the calculation of pseudo-critical properties
for a natural gas mixture. Also as it is based on the concept of pseudo-reduced properties, Standing and
Katz(1942) presented a generalized gas compressibility factor chart as shown Figure 23-4. These chart is
generally reliable for natural gas with minor amount of non-hydrocarbon.

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In case where the composition of natural gas is not available, the pseudo-critical properties, ppc
and Tpc , can be predicted solely from specific gravity of the gas. Brown et al.(1948) presented a
graphical method for convenient approximation of the pseudo-critical pressure and the pseudo-critical
temperature of gases when only specific gravity of gas is available. The correlation is presented in Figure
3-1 . Later Standing (1977) expressed this graphical correlation as following forms.
For Case 1, natural gas system

= 168 + 325 g 12.5 g2


= 677 + 15.0 g 37.5 g2

For Case 2, wet gas system


= 187 + 330 g 71.5 g2


= 706 + 51.7 g 11.1 g2

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Nonhydrocarbon Adjustment Methods

Two methods were developed to adjust the pseudo-critical properties of gases to account for the
presence of the presence of the non-hydrocarbon components: the Wichert-Aziz method ans the CarrKobayashi-Burrows method.
Wichert-Azizs Correlation Method
For natural gas contain H2S and/or CO2 frequently exhibit different compressibility factor
behavior than sweet gases. Wichert-Aziz (1972) developed a correlation which permits the use of the
Standing-Katz Z-factor chart by using a pseudo-critical temperature adjustment factor, , which is a
function of concentration of CO2 and H2S in the sour gas. This correction factor is then used to adjust the
pseudo-critical temperature and pressure according to the following expressions:

= Tpc -


= [ppc Tpc] / [Tpc + B(1 - B) ]



pseudo-critical temperature, R
pseudo-critical pressure, psia
corrected pseudo-critical temperature, R
corrected pseudo-critical pressure, psia
mole fraction of H2S in gas mixture
pseudo-critical temperature adjustment factor, defined mathematically as following

= 120[A0.9 A1.6] + [B0.5 B4.0]

where the coefficient A is the sum of the mole fraction H2S and CO2 in gas mixture:
= H2S + CO2
Figure 23-8 below shows pseudo-critical temperature adjustment factor chart.

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Carr-Kobayashi-Burrows Correction Method

Carr, Kobayashi, and Burrows (1954) proposed a simplified procedure to adjust the pseudocritical properties of natural gases when non-hydrocarbon components are present. The method can be
used then the composition of the natural gas is not available. The procedure is summarized into following
1. Knowing the gas specific gravity, calculate pseudo-critical pressure and temperature by
applying Brown et al.s correlations.
2. Adjust the estimated pseudo-critical properties by using the following expressions

= Tpc 80yCO2 + 130 yH2S 250 yN2


= ppc + 440 yCO2 + 600 yH2S 170 yN2



the adjusted pseudo-critical temperature, R

the un-adjusted pseudo-critical temperature, R
mole fraction of CO2
mole fraction of H2S in the gas mixture
mole fraction of N2
the adjusted pseudo-critical pressure, psia
the un-adjusted pseudo-critical pressure, psia

3. Use the adjusted pseudo-critical pressure and temperature to calculated pseudo-reduced

4. Read or calculate the Z-factor from Chart.

Direct Calculation of Compressibility Factors

Several empirical correlations for calculating the Z-factor have been developed over the years
which were intended to accurately reproduce the Standing-Katz Z-factor chart. The most widely used
correlations are: Papay(1985), Hall-Yarborough, Dranchuk-Abu-Kassem, and Dranchuk-PurvisRobinson.
The Papay(1985) correlations are expressed as:

= 1 [ 3.53 ppr / 10 0.9813 Tpr ] +

[ 0.274 p2pr / 10 0.8157 Tpr]

Hall- Yaboroughs Method

Hall and Yaborough (1973) presented an equation of state that accurately represents the Standing
and Katz Z-factor chart. The coefficients of the correlation were determined by fitting the StarlingCarnahans equation of state data with data taken from the Standing and Katz Z-factor chart. The
mathematical expression is as following;

[0.06125 t ppr / Y] exp[-1.2(1-t)2]


= pseudo-reduced pressure
= reciprocal of pseudo-reduced temperature (i.e. Tpc/T)


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= the reduced density; which can be obtained as a solution of the following term:
F(Y) = X1 + [(Y + Y2 + Y3 Y4) / (1 Y)] X2 Y2 + X3 YX4 = 0


= - 0.06125 ppr t exp[-1.2(1-t)2]





(14.76 t 9.76 t2 + 4.58 t3)

(90.7 t 242.2 t2 + 42.4 t3)
(2.18 + 2.82 t)

The Hall and Yaborough (1973) correlation is nonlinear equation and can be solved conveniently
for the reduced density Y by using the Newton-Raphson iteration technique. The computational
procedure for solving the Z equation at any specified pseudo-reduced pressure and pseudo-reduced
temperature is summarized into following steps.
1. Make an initial guess of unknown parameter, Yk , where k is an iteration counter. An
appropriate initial guess of Y is given by following relationship
= 0.0125 ppr t exp[-1.2(1-t)2]
2. Substitute this initial value in equation F(Y) and evaluate the non linear function. Unless
the correct value of Y has been initially selected, the F(Y) will have nonzero value.
3. A new improved estimate of Y, that is Yk+1 is calculated from the following expression:
Yk+1 = Yk f(Yk) / f(Yk)
where f(Y ) is obtained by evaluating the derivative of F(Y)equation at Yk or

[(1 + 4Y + 4Y2 -4Y3 + Y4) / (1-Y)4 ] 2(X2)Y + (X3)(X4)Y (X4-1)

4. repeat step 2 and step 3 until error abs of [Yk - Yk+1] become smaller than the preset
tolerance. (say 10 -12)
5. The correct value of Y is then used to evaluate Z factor:
= [0.06125 t ppr / Y] exp[-1.2(1-t)2]
The Hall and Yaborough (1973) correlation is not recommended for application if pseudo-reduced
temperature is less than 1.
Dranchuk and Abu-Kassems Method
Dranchuk and Abu-Kassem (1975) derived an analytical expression for calculating the reduced
gas density that can be used to estimate the gas compressibility factor. The reduced gas density r is
defined as the ratio of gas density at specified pressure and temperature to that of gas at its critical
pressure and temperature:

= / c =

[pMWa / (ZRT)] / [pcMWa / (ZcRTc)]

[p / (ZT)] / [pc / (ZcTc)]

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The critical gas compressibility factor, Zc, is approximately 0.27 which leads to the following
simplified expression for reduced gas density, r, as expressed in terms of the reduce temperature, Tr and
reduced pressure, pr :

= 0.27 ppr /( Z Tpr)

Dranchuk and Abu-Kassem (1975) proposed the following 11 constant equation of state for
calculating the reduced gas density:

f(r) = (R1) r R2/r+(R3)r (R4)r + (R5)(1+A11r ) r exp[- A11 r ] + 1 = 0

Where the coefficient R1 to R5 are expressed as
= A1 + A2/Tpr + A3/Tpr 3 + A4/Tpr4 + A5/Tpr5
= 0.27 ppr / Tpr
= A6 + A7/Tpr + A8/Tpr 2
= A9 [A7/Tpr + A8/Tpr 2]
= [A10/Tpr3]
The coefficient A1 A11 are given;
A1 = 0.3265, A2 = -1.0700, A3 = -0.5339, A4 = 0.01569, A5 = -0.05165,
A6 = 0.5475, A7 = -0.7361, A8 = 0.1844, A9 = 0.1056, A10 = 0.6134,
A11 = 0.7210
The reduced gas density r equation can be solved by applying Newton and Raphson iteration
technique which can be summarized as following:

1. Make initial guess of unknown reduced gas density r at iteration counter k. an

appropriate initial guess of r is given as
= 0.27 ppr /( Tpr)

2. Substitute initial value of r into f(r) equation and evaluate the nonlinear function.
Unless the correct value of r has been initially selected, the equation will give nonzero
value for the f(r )

3. A new improved estimated of r , that is r +1 , is calculated from the following expression

r k+1 = r k f(r k) / f(r k)
f (r) = (R1) + R2/ r +2(R3)/ r 5(R4)r

+ 2(R5)r exp (-A11r2) [(1+2A11r3) - A11 r2(1+ A11 r2)]


Repeat step 2 and 3 n iteration until ther error of abosute(r - r k+1) become smaller than
a preset tolerance, say 10-12

5. The correct value of r, is then used to evaluate for compressibility factor from the reduced
density equation as following expression

= 0.27 ppr /( r Tpr)

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The proposed correlation was reported to duplicate compressibility factors from the Standing-Katz
chart with an average absolute error of 0.585% and is applicable over the ranges 0.2 < ppr < 3.0 and 1.0 <
Tpr < 3.0 .
Dranchuk-Puvis-Robinson Method
Dranchuk, Puvis, and Robinson (1974) developed a correlation based on the Benedict-Web-Rubin
type of equation of state. Fitting the equation to 1500 data points from the Standing and Katz Z-factor
chart optimized the eight equations of the proposed equation. The equation has the following form:

1 + T1r + T2r + T3r + [T4r (1+A8r ) exp(- A8 r )] - T5/r = 0

= A1 + A2/Tpr + A3/Tpr 3
= A4 + A5/Tpr
= (A5 A6)/Tpr
= A7/Tpr 3
= 0.27 ppr /( Tpr)
The reduced density, r is defined by the same function as expressed in Dranchuk and AbuKassem (1975)s method. The coefficients A1 through A8 have the following values:
A1 = 0.31506237
A2 = -1.0467099
A3 = -0.57832720
A4 = 0.53530771
A5 = 0.31506237
A6 = -1.0467099
A7 = -0.57832720
A8 = 0.53530771
The solution procedure of proposed equation of state is similar to that of Dranchuk and AbuKassem. The method is valid within the following ranges of pseudo-reduced temperature and pressure:
1.05 < Tpr < 3.0
0.2 < ppr < 3.0

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Compressibility of Natural Gas (cg)

Knowledge of the variability of fluid compressibility with pressure and temperature is essential in
performing many reservoir engineering calculations. For the liquid phase, the compressibility is small
and usually assumed to be constant. For gas phase, the compressibility is neither still nor constant.
By definition, the isothermal gas compressibility is the change in volume per unit volume for a
unit change in pressure, or in equation form as following:
= (1/V)( V/p)T
where cg = isothermal gas compressibility, 1/psi.


Differentiate the real gas equation ( V = nRTZ/p) with respect to pressure at constant
temperature, T gives


= nRT [1/p(/p) Z/p2]

Substituting into the compressibility definition term produces the following generalized


= 1/p 1/Z (Z/p)T

for an ideal gas, Z = 1 and (Z/p)T = 0; therefore,


= 1/p

It is pointed out that the equation (cg = 1/p) is useful in determining the expected order of
magnitude of the isothermal gas compressibility.
Transforming the generalized equation of gas compressibility in term of the pseudo-reduced
pressure and temperature by replacing p with (ppr . ppc):


= 1/(ppr . ppc) 1/Z (Z/(ppr . ppc))Tpr

Multiply this equation by ppc , yields

cg. ppc = cpr = 1/(ppr) 1/Z (Z/ppr)Tpr

The term cpr is called the isothermal pseudo-reduced compressibility defined by the definition


= cg. ppc



= isothermal pseudo-reduced compressibility

= isothermal gas compressibility, psi -1
= the pseudo-reduced pressure, psi

The value of (Z/ppr)Tpr can be calculated from the slope of the Tpr isotherm line on the Standing and
Katz Z-factor chart.
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Gas Formation Volume Factor

The gas formation volume factor is used to relate the volume of gas, as measures at reservoir
conditions, to the volume of gas as measured at standard conditions. This gas property is then defined as
the actual volume occupied by a certain amount of gas at a specified pressure and temperature, divided by
the volume occupied by the same amount of gas at standard conditions. The equation form is expressed


= (V)p,T / Vsc

= gas formation volume factor, ft3/scf
(V)p,T = volume of gas, as measures at pressure p and temperature T
= volume of gas at standard conditions

Applying the real gas equation of state and substituting for volume V, gives

= (psc/Tsc) . (ZT/p)

Assuming that the standard conditions are represented by psc = 14.7 and Tsc = 520 R, the preceding
expression can be reduced to :

= 0.02827 (ZT/p)

in ft3/scf

In other field units, the gas formation volume factor can be expressed in bbl/scf to give:

= 0.005035 (ZT/p)

Reciprocal of gas formation volume factor, called the gas expansion factor, Eg, then:

= 1/ Bg

In term of scf/ ft3 , the gas expansion factor is



= 35.37 (p / ZT)

in scf/ ft3


= 198.6 (p / ZT)

in scf/ bbl

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Gas Viscosity
The viscosity of fluid is a measure of the internal fluid friction to flow. If the friction between
layers of the fluid is small, that is, low viscosity, an applying shear force will result in a large velocity
gradient. As the viscosity increases, each fluid layer exerts a larger frictional drag on the adjacent layer
and the velocity gradient decreases. The viscosity of fluid is generally defined as the ratio of shear force
per unit area (i.e. shear stress) to the local velocity gradient ( i.e. shear rate). The viscosity is expressed in
term of poises, centipoises, or micropoises. One poise equals a viscosity of 1 dyne-sec/cm2 and can be
converted to other units as following:
1 poise


1 x 106
6.72 x 10-2
20.9 x 10-3

lb mass/ft-sec
lbf sec/ft2

Gas viscosity is not commonly measured in the laboratory because it can be estimated precisely
from empirical correlations. Two popular methods that are commonly used in the petroleum industry are
the Carr-Kobayashi-Burrows correlation and the Lee-Gonzales-Eakin method which are described below.
Carr-Kobayashi-Burrows Method
Carr-Kobayashi-Burrows (1954) developed graphical correlations for estimating the viscosity of
natural gas as a function of temperature, pressure, and gas gravity. The graphical correlations are
presented in Figure 23.22 and Figure 23.24

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The step procedures for applying the Carr-Kobayashi-Burrows correlations are summarized as
1. Calculate pseudo-critical pressure, pseudo-critical temperature and apparent molecular weight
from the specific gravity or the known composition of natural gas. Correction for
nonhydrocarbon gas (N2, H2S,CO2) should be made if they are present in concentration greater
than 5 mole percent.
2. Obtain the viscosity of the natural gas at 1 atm ( 1 atm) and the temperature of interest from figure
23.22 . The correction for nonhydrocarbon component on the viscosity of the natural gas at 1 atm
can be expressed as following:

= (1)uncorrected + ()N2

+ ()CO2 + ()H2S

( are denoted for the viscosity correction due to the present of non hydrocarbon components)
3. Calculate the pseudo-reduced pressure and temperature.
4. Obtain (g/1) from Figure 23.24 at pseudo-reduced pressure and temperature. The term g
represent the viscosity of the gas at required conditions.\
5. The gas viscosity, g, at the pressure and temperature of interest, is calculated by multiplying the
value 1 to the viscosity ration obtained from step 4.
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Lee-Gonzales-Eakins Method
Lee-Gonzales-Eakin (1966) presented a semi-empirical relationship for calculating the viscosity
of natural gas. The proposed equation is given as following:

10-4 K exp[ X(g/62.4)Y]

= [(9.4 + 0.02 MWa)T 1.5 ] / [209 + 19 MWa + T]
= 3.5 + (986 / T ) + (0.01 MWa)
= 2.4 -0.2 X
= gas density at reservoir pressure and temperature, lb/ft3
= reservoir temperature, R
MWa = apparent molecular weight of the gas mixture
The proposed correlation can predict viscosity value with a standard deviation of 2.7% and a
maximum deviation of 8.99%. The correlation is less accurate for gases with higher specific gravities.
The authors pointed out that the method cannot be used for sour gases.

Specific Gravity of Wet Gas

The specific gravity of wet gas, g, is described by the weighted-average of the specific gravities
of the separated gas from each separator. This weighted average approach is based on the value of
separator gas/ oil ratio and the expression is shown as following:

[ (Rsep)i ( sep)i + Rst st ]/ [ (Rsep)i

+ Rst ]



number of separators
separator gas / oil ratio, scf/STB
separator gas gravity
gas/oil ratio from the stock tank, scf/STB
gas gravity from the stock tank


Foe wet gas reservoirs that produce liquid (condensate) at separator conditions, the produced gas
mixtures normally exist as a single gas phase in the reservoir and production tubing. To determine well
stream specific gravity, the produced gas and condensate must be recombined in the correct ratio to find
the average specific gravity of single-phase gas reservoir.
= well-stream gas gravity
= condensate (or oil) stock tank gravity
= average surface gas gravity
MWo = molecular weight of the stock tank condensate (or oil)
= producing oil/gas ration (reciprocal of the gas/oil ratio, Rs), STB/scf
The average specific gravity of well stream is given by

[g + 4580 rp o] / [1 + 133,000 rp (o / MWo)]

In terms of gas/oil ration, Rs, then,


[g Rs + 4580 o] / [Rs + 133,000 (o / MWo)]

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Standings(1974) gave the following correlation for estimating the molecular weight of the stocktank condensate:
MWo = 6084 / (API -5.9)
Where API is the API gravity of liquid as given by

= 141.5/ o 131.5

For the range of 45 < API < 60 Eilerts(1947) proposed the following expression for the ratio of
o/MWo as a function of condensate stock-tank API gravity:

= 0.001892 + 7.35 (10-5) API 4.52 (10-8) (API)2

In retrograde and wet gas reservoir calculations, it is convenient to express the produced separated
gas as a function of the total system produced. The fraction of separated gas produced from the total
system is written as:

= ng/nt



= ng/(ng + nl)

fraction of the separated gas produced in the entire system
number of moles of the separated gas
number of moles of the separated liquid
total number of moles of the well stream

For a total producing gas/oil ratio, Rs , scf/STB, the equivalent number of moles of gas per STB as
described in specific volume of gas equation is

= Rs/379.4

The number of moles of 1 STB of the separated condensate is given by


= mass / molecular weight = (volume)(density) / MWo


= (1)(5.615)(62.4) o/ MWo = 350.4 o/ MWo


in term of fg

[ Rs ] / [Rs + 133,000 (o / MWo)]

When applying the material balance equation for gas reservoir, it is assumes that a volume of gas
in the reservoir will remain as a gas at surface conditions. When liquid is separated, the cumulative liquid
volume must be converted into an equivalent gas volume, Veq, and added to the cumulative gas production
for use in the material balance equation. If Np STB of liquid (condensate) has been produced, the
equivalent number of moles of liquid is given as

= (Np)(5.615)(62.4) (o/ MWo) = 350.4 (Np)( o/ MWo)

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Expressing this number of moles of liquid as an equivalent gas volume at standard condition by
applying the ideal gas equation of state gives
= 350.4 (Np)( o/ MWo) (10.73) (520) / 14.7


= no R Tsc / psc


= 133,000 (Np)( o/ MWo)

More conveniently, the equivalent gas volume can be expressed in scf/STB as


= 133,000 ( o/ MWo)

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