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Journal of Adolescent Health 42 (2008) 198 200

Adolescent health brief

Paternal Alcoholism and Youth Substance Abuse: The Indirect Effects

of Negative Affect, Conduct Problems, and Risk Taking
Christine McCauley Ohannessian, Ph.D.a,* and Victor M. Hesselbrock, Ph.D.b

Department of Individual & Family Studies, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware
Department of Psychiatry, University of Connecticut Medical School, Farmington, Connecticut
Manuscript received June 1, 2007; manuscript accepted August 24, 2007


This longitudinal study followed 200 adolescents into early adulthood to explore the potential
mediating roles that hostility, sadness, conduct problems, and risk-taking play in the relationship
between paternal alcoholism and substance abuse. Results indicated that paternal alcoholism
predicted hostility; in turn, hostility predicted risk taking, which predicted substance abuse. 2008
Society for Adolescent Medicine. All rights reserved.


Adolescence; Substance abuse; Parental alcoholism/alcohol dependence; Children of alcoholic parents; Negative
affect; Risk taking; Conduct disorder

Negative affect may play an important mediating role in the

relationship between parental alcoholism and offspring (COA)
substance abuse. To date, most studies that have examined the
relationship between negative affect and COA substance abuse
have examined a general indicator of negative affect. However,
recent research suggests that certain components of negative
affect may be more strongly related to substance abuse than
others [1]. Therefore, one goal of this study was to comparatively examine the potential mediating roles that hostility and
sadness play in the relationship between parental alcoholism
and substance abuse. Because theory (e.g., the deviance proneness model of vulnerability) [2] and research also suggest that
conduct problems and risk taking may play intermediate roles
in the relationship between parental alcoholism and COA substance abuse, another goal was to examine whether they further
mediate this relationship.
The participants were drawn from a larger longitudinal
study (The RISK project) [3] that was designed to follow
*Address correspondence to: Christine McCauley Ohannessian, Ph.D.,
University of Delaware, Individual & Family Studies, 110 Alison West,
Newark, DE 19716.
E-mail address: [email protected]

offspring of alcohol and drug-dependent fathers over time.

At Time 1, the sample included 200 1519-year-old adolescents (68% Caucasian; 62% girls) and their biological
fathers (56% alcohol dependent). The mean age of the
adolescents was 16.76 (SD 1.35). All of the adolescents
and their fathers were followed up 5 years later (Time 2).
The adolescents and their fathers were administered a psychiatric interview. The youth also completed questionnaires.
Apart from the Semistructured Assessment for the Genetics of
Alcoholism (SSAGA), all of the measures were given only to
the adolescents and were administered at Time 1, except for
the substance abuse measures (which were given at Time 2).
These measures consistently have been found to have good
psychometric properties.
The SSAGA [4] was administered to assess lifetime
alcohol dependence, major depression, and antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) in the fathers. Paternal depression
and ASPD were included as covariates because they frequently are comorbid with alcohol dependence [5]. The
adolescents completed the sadness and hostility scales from
the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule [6] to assess
negative affect, the 51-item Risk-Taking Questionnaire [7]
to measure adolescent risk taking, and the SSAGA to assess
conduct problems (20 items were summed to create a scale
score). The Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST)

1054-139X/08/$ see front matter 2008 Society for Adolescent Medicine. All rights reserved.

C. McCauley Ohannessian and V.M. Hesselbrock / Journal of Adolescent Health 42 (2008) 198 200

[8] was used to measure youth substance abuse. Youth also

were asked how often (in the past 6 months) they drank
enough to get drunk or high. The response scale for these
variables ranged from 1 never to 8 nearly every day
or more often.
The research protocol was approved by the institutional
review board at the University of Connecticut Health Center. Recruitment for the study took place through the community (e.g., YMCA/YWCA) and through alcohol/drug
treatment programs and support groups. At both times of
measurement, individuals who indicated that they were interested in participating were asked to call a research assistant for information and screening. If they were still interested after the phone call, they were invited to come to the
university to provide informed consent and complete the
measures previously discussed. All of the participants
agreed to being contacted for a follow-up interview and
additional testing 5 years after the initial testing. At Time 2,
all participants were administered the SSAGA again. To
compensate them for their time, the youth and their fathers
each received a payment of $100 at Time 1 and $150 at
Time 2. The attrition rate between Time 1 and Time 2 was
15%. Individuals who did not participate at Time 2 did not
significantly differ from those who did participate at Time 2
on any of the demographic variables (e.g., gender, age) or
substance use variables.
Structural equation modeling was used to examine the
underlying relations involved in the relationship between
paternal alcoholism and substance abuse. In all models,

Figure. Final standardized trimmed model.


paternal depression, paternal ASPD, and youth problem

drinking (the Time 1 MAST score) were included as covariates. The first model tested a fully saturated model. This
model did not fit the data well, 2 (19) 291.86, p .00;
comparable fit index (CFI) .88; root mean square error of
approximation (RMSEA) .27. The second model was
identical to the first model, with the exception that nonsignificant direct paths were deleted. The overall fit of this
model was similar to the first model, 2 (24) 297.11, p
.00; CFI .88; RMSEA .24. In the third model, the
nonsignificant specified paths from the previous model were
deleted. This model also did not fit the data well, 2 (35)
307.88, p .00; CFI .88; RMSEA .20.
Examination of modification indices indicated that the
disturbance terms between the endogenous variables should
be allowed to be correlated. Therefore, a fourth model was
conducted. In this model, the disturbance terms between the
negative affect scales, conduct problems, and risk taking,
and the substance abuse indicators were allowed to correlate
with each other, respectively. The data fit this model well,
(2 (32) 74.35, p .00; CFI .98; RMSEA .08). Of
note, paternal depression and ASPD did not predict any of
the endogenous variables. However, paternal alcoholism
significantly predicted the frequency of drinking to get
drunk or high (beta .14, p .05). As shown in Figure 1,
significant indirect paths between paternal alcoholism and
substance abuse also were observed. More specifically, paternal alcoholism significantly predicted youth hostility
(beta .15, p .01); hostility subsequently predicted risk
taking (beta .34, p .001); and risk taking, in turn,
significantly predicted the MAST (beta .23, p .01) and
frequency of drinking to get drunk or high (beta .15, p
.05). Sobel tests confirmed that risk taking significantly mediated the relations between hostility and the MAST (critical


C. McCauley Ohannessian and V.M. Hesselbrock / Journal of Adolescent Health 42 (2008) 198 200

Table 1
Means and standard deviations of study variables by COA status

Conduct problems
Risk taking
Drinking to get drunk/high**











Note: n 200.

p .10; * p .05; ** p .01.

ratio 2.74, p .01) and between hostility and frequency of

drinking to get drunk or high (critical ratio 1.97, p .05).
Of note, sadness was not involved in any of the indirect
paths between paternal alcoholism and the substance
abuse indicators.

In this study, COAs had higher levels of hostility than
non-COAs (Table 1). In addition, consistent with the literature [9,10], hostility significantly predicted risk taking;
which in turn, significantly predicted substance abuse. Importantly, this study extended the literature by simultaneously examining these indirect relations over time as
adolescents transitioned into early adulthood, a critical period for the development of substance abuse problems.
In contrast to the results for hostility, sadness did not
play a significant role. This finding conflicts with the literature; however, it should be noted that many depression
measures include items relating to aspects of depression
other than sadness (e.g., irritability). Therefore, it may be
that sadness alone is not related to substance abuse.
Although the present investigation extends the current
literature, caveats should be noted. As noted, the sample
assessed was a high-risk sample. Caution should be used
when generalizing the results to community samples. Mothers also did not participate in the study. Therefore, possible

distinctions between paternal and maternal alcoholism

could not be addressed.
Nonetheless, this study underscores the importance of
longitudinally examining the underlying relations involved
in the relationship between paternal alcoholism and youth
substance abuse. Moreover, it highlights the importance of
assessing distinct components of negative affect when examining the role that negative affect plays in the development of substance abuse problems.
We would like to thank all of the participants in the
study. We also would like to acknowledge Cheryl McCarter
for her unmatched dedication to the project. This research
was supported by NIH Grants 5P50-AA03510 and 1K01AA015059.
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