Using and Maintaining Oracle Approvals Management (AME) Student Guide
Using and Maintaining Oracle Approvals Management (AME) Student Guide
Using and Maintaining Oracle Approvals Management (AME) Student Guide
Approvals Management
Student Guide
Internal Use Only
Ratna Kuplish
Technical Contributors and Reviewers
John Cafolla, Sarju Shah, Kev Koh, Bill Kerr
This book was published using:
Table of Contents
Using and Maintaining Oracle Approvals Management..............................................................................1-1
Using and Maintaining Oracle Approvals Management (AME) ...................................................................1-2
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................1-3
Topics Covered..............................................................................................................................................1-4
Using and Maintaining Oracle Approvals Management - Introduction.....................................................2-1
Using and Maintaining Oracle Approvals Management (AME) Introduction ..............................................2-2
Business Processes or Transactions and Approvals.......................................................................................2-4
What is AME? ...............................................................................................................................................2-6
When Can I Use AME? .................................................................................................................................2-7
Business Requirements..................................................................................................................................2-8
Overview of AME Components ....................................................................................................................2-9
Mapping Business Requirements ...................................................................................................................3-1
Mapping Business Requirements ..................................................................................................................3-2
Approval Policies ..........................................................................................................................................3-3
Approval Policies Attributes.......................................................................................................................3-5
Examples of Approval Policies .....................................................................................................................3-6
Vision Gift Basket Scenario ..........................................................................................................................3-7
Vision Gift International" Organisation Chart...............................................................................................3-9
Setup Required for Gift Basket Rules............................................................................................................3-10
Building List Creation Rules - 1 .....................................................................................................................4-1
Building List Creation Rules Part 1..............................................................................................................4-2
Approval Policies ..........................................................................................................................................4-4
Approval Policies Rule Components..........................................................................................................4-5
Steps For Defining List Creation Rules.........................................................................................................4-6
List Creation Rule - Attributes .....................................................................................................................4-8
List Creation Rules - Conditions ...................................................................................................................4-10
Conditions Numbers and Ranges..................................................................................................................4-11
Approval Types and Rule Types ...................................................................................................................4-12
Approval Types for List Creation Rules........................................................................................................4-13
Supervisor Approval Type.............................................................................................................................4-15
Overview of Rules .........................................................................................................................................4-17
Setup Required for Defining List Creation Rules..........................................................................................4-18
Practice - Building List Creation Rules - 1................................................................................................4-20
Solution Building List Creation Rules - 1...............................................................................................4-22
Testing the List Creation Rule........................................................................................................................5-1
Testing The List Creation Rule......................................................................................................................5-2
Testing Rules with Transactions....................................................................................................................5-4
Test Tab Creating Test Transactions ............................................................................................................5-5
Testing List Creation Rule Transaction .........................................................................................................5-6
Practice - Testing The List Creation Rule..................................................................................................5-7
Solution Building List Creation Rules - 1...............................................................................................5-8
Test Tab Viewing Approvals........................................................................................................................5-10
Building List Creation Rules - 2 .....................................................................................................................6-1
Building List Creation Rules Part 2..............................................................................................................6-2
Approval Policy.............................................................................................................................................6-4
Steps For Defining List Creation Currency Rule...........................................................................................6-5
Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2003. All rights reserved.
Please note that this class is a follow up to the AME overview class, which is available from
OUOL. The overview class covers the basic concepts of rules, conditions, attributes and
The focus of this class on the practices that will follow each topic whereby the options of
defining different types of rules are demonstrated.
Topics Covered
Topics Covered
Please access the Oracle Approvals Management Overview eclass for an overall understanding
of rules, attributes, conditions, groups and testing rules.
For example, you may have different routing rules for expenses and purchasing, or for
different departments; or you may require different levels of approval based on the total
value of an order, or based on specific details in the document.
Approvals usually involve a combination of notifications and standard responses to
notifications. For example, Oracle Applications use Approve, Reject and Return as
standard responses.
4. When finally approved the underlying records are updated.
What is AME?
What Is AME?
Calling application refers to the application that is using AME components to define the
approval process. Calling applications can be Oracle applications or any application that is uses
PL/SQL code.
Business Requirements
Mapping Business
Chapter 3
Approval Policies
Approval Policies
The management has asked for these approvals to be defined and tested in AME.
Approval Policies
Approval Policies
At the end of this topic the demonstration will show you how to define the 3 rules mentioned
The rules are all list creation rules which use an approval type of chains of authority based
supervisory levels. The number of items in the basket determine how high up the chain the
approval needs to ascend.
The above rule requires you to define a number of items attribute.
There will be 3 different conditions created as the approval levels vary according to the number
of items in the basket.
Finally you will need to define 3 different rules each using one of the conditions defined.
4. Testing this is a very useful step as it allows you to create test transactions by entering the
values to test, rather than having to fetch values from actual SQL tables only to find that a
rule is missing a particular test criteria.
po_transaction_all ai, po_system_parameters_all asp
ai.purchase_order_id = :transactionId
ai.org_id = asp.org_id
You define dynamic usages of an attribute and in the usage field by entering SQL statements
which will retrieve the data from tables and columns specified.
User defined attributes are listed as non-mandatory attributes since these are defined according
to the requirements of the transaction.
Note that AME also has:
Mandatory attributes are system level attributes and cannot be deleted. These attributes
are delivered with AME to meet most business requirements.
Required attributes are required for certain approval types.
For dual chains of authority (useful, for example, when a person is being transferred from
one manager to another), you must define usages for first and second starting point
When you transfer a person from one manager to another, dual chains of authority can be
used with the selected persons current manager as the first starting point in the chain and
the proposed manager as the second starting point.
Overview of Rules
By combining rule types with conditions and approval types, you produce different effects on a
transactions approver list.
You must define your approval groups before using the pre or post list approval types.
List-creation rules will generate a chain of authority for your transaction.
List-creation exception is used with the list creation rule, but it creates an exception to the
list generated.
List-modification rules modify the default chain of authority that is generated by the list
creation and exception rules.
You can use substitution rules to replace an approver with another specified approver in
the chain of authority.
You can use the pre and post approval groups rules to insert a group of approvers either
before or after in the chain of authority.
Note that you will need to create multiple conditions for each of the ranges
3. Create multiple list creation rules to match the conditions defined earlier. Each rule,
which will have an approval type of chains of authority based on number of supervisory
levels. and the approval will determine how high to go in the approval list. Finally you
select the condition with the value range when defining rules.
4. Test the rule by selecting the create a test transaction option. This is because we are
using a fictitious application called Vision Gift Basket and the attribute usage was
defined as static. Testing is covered in more detail in the next topic.
You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.
The names used throughout this practice are for the purpose of the practice and bear no
resemblance to any particular organization or individuals
Prefix all names of rules, attributes and conditions with your assigned unique group
number or your initials.
Use the General Business User responsibility for all practices unless stated otherwise
Defining Attributes
You will need to define one non-mandatory header number attribute for the 2 rules mentioned
above. This attribute will then be associated with the condition and rule that will be defined later.
Note: this rule is going to use the supervisory approval type, which has 2 required attributes.
When you are defining attributes check that the following required attributes do appear on
the attributes page:
Defining Conditions
You will need to define three ordinary header conditions for the ranges of items in the basket
specified. These ranges will be from 0 5, 6- 10 and 11 upwards.
Defining Rules
You will define three list creation rules, which will use the attributes, conditions and approval
types defined. The ranges of the 3 rules will be as follows:
0 5 items
6- 10 items
11 or more items
Change the transaction type to VGB Clothing Basket from the list of values available and
select the continue button.
Scroll to the end of the page and select the Add Attribute button
Select Create New Name button from the Create an Attribute Step 1 page.
Enter XXs number of items in basket in the description field. (Replace XX with your name
or terminal number.)
Defining Conditions
Navigate to the Conditions window.
Change the transaction type to VGB Clothing Basket from the list of values and select the
continue button.
Scroll to the end of the conditions page and select Add a Condition button.
Select the continue button to enter the first range of items( from 0 5).
Defining Rules
Navigate to the Rules window.
15. Change the transaction type to VGB Clothing Basket from the list of values and select the
continue button.
16. Scroll to the end of the attributes page and select the Add A Rule button to define the first
rule for a range of items within 0 5.
64. Select the Quit button to return back to the approvals menu page.
You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.
The names used throughout this practice are for the purpose of the practice and bear no
resemblance to any particular organization or individuals
Use the General Business User responsibility for all practices unless stated otherwise
Testing Rules
You will test three list creation rules, using the test tab. The ranges of the 3 rules are as follows:
0 5 items
6- 10 items
11 or more items
Change the transaction type to VGB Clothing Basket from the list of values and select the
continue button.
Enter Bellem in the Last Name field and select the search button.
Note: AME will retrieve all records that match the search criteria. In this case there is only
one employee record with this name, Sarah Bellem.
In the Mandatory Attributes section turn off the following attributes by changing the value
to no:
Scroll down the page to display the non-mandatory attributes available with the VGB
Clothing Basket transaction type.
Note: AME will insert Sarah Bellems name as the
10. Enter no against any attributes that you do not want to be checked with this rule for
11. Enter a value less than 6 (for example 5) in the attribute called
Note: The only rule being applied for this test transaction is a list creation rule called
VGB_NO_OF_ITEMS_IN_BASKET, which we had defined earlier.
12. Select the note pad icon to display full details about this rule.
13. Scroll to the end of the page and select the view approval list button.
Note: In the list of approvers you will see Mike Morneys name.
14. Select the Change Attribute Values button.
15. Change the value for the XX_VGB_NO_OF_ITEMS_IN_BASKET attribute to 7.
Note: There is a different rule being applied to this transaction as the value of the number of
items in the basket has changed from 5 to 7.
16. Select the View Approval Process button.
You will see Mike Morney and Geoff Walkers names as the approvers
17. Select the Change Attribute Values button.
18. Change the value for the XX_VGB_NO_OF_ITEMS_IN_BASKET attribute to 17.
Note: There is a different rule being applied to this transaction as the value of the number of
items in the basket has changed to 17.
19. Select the View Approval Process button.
You will see Mike Morney, Geoff Walker and Susan Price as the approvers
20. Select the Quit button to return back to the Test Type page.
21. Select the Quit button to return to the main menu page.
In AME go to the test tab and select the view a real transactions approval process feature.
AME will prompt you to enter the transaction id
All the transactions details will now be loaded and displayed in AME.
Note that you cannot change any of these details and they have been fetched directly from
the calling applications API Transaction tables.
AME will then display the order in which the rules are going to apply to the transaction.
AME generates the list of approvers for that transaction.
from per_people_x
where last_name = 'PJS US New Employee 2')
/*and hat.transaction_id in (
select transaction_id
from hr_api_transaction_steps
where api_name = 'HR_PAY_RATE_SS.PROCESS_API'
and hat.creation_date between sysdate-1 and sysdate+1
order by hat.transaction_id desc
Approval Policy
Approval Policy
At the end of this topic the demonstration will show you how to define the list creation rule
mentioned above which is similar to the previous rule however it has the following
The approval type is a relative job level rather than supervisory level as we want the
chain to start relative to the transaction requestor.
- For example is Sarah is the transaction requestor and she submits a transaction for
300 EUROS the approvers should be Geoff Walker and Susan Price. Mike Morney
is not selected as he is Sarahs immediate supervisor.
The rule is still a list creation rule, which is going to use an approval type of chains of authority
which are based on relative job levels. The Euro value of the basket will determine if the
approval is going to be done by Geoff and Susan.
Type relates to the Rate Type field on the GL Daily Rates table. This type field is the
currency conversion type and can have values such as Corporate, User or Spot which
denote where the currency exchange rate information has come from.
If you decide to use dynamic usage then queries for the currency data type must select three
columns; amount, code and type. The amount selected must be converted to a varchar2 by:
fnd_number.number_to_canonical (amount)
3. Create your rule selecting the attribute and condition defined earlier. The rule will have
an approval type of chains of authority based on relative job levels. and the approval
will determine how high to go in the approval list. Finally you select the condition with
the value range when defining rules.
3. Test the rule by creating a test transaction and viewing the list of approvers generated by
You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.
The names used throughout this practice are for the purpose of the practice and bear no
resemblance to any particular organization or individuals
Prefix all names of rules, attributes and conditions with your assigned unique group
number or your initials.
Use the General Business User responsibility for all practices unless stated otherwise
Defining Attributes
You will need to define one non-mandatory header currency attribute for the rule mentioned
above. This attribute will then be associated with the condition and rule that will be defined later.
Note: this rule is going to use the relative job level approval type, which has 2 required
attributes. When you are defining attributes check that the following required attributes do
appear on the attributes page:
Defining Conditions
You will need to define 1 ordinary header conditions for the EURO value of the basket to say
that the condition applies for all transactions over EUR 100.
Defining Rules
You will define 1 list creation rules, which will use the attributes, conditions and approval types
You will test the rule created above by creating a test transaction. The first test will be to use
Sarah Bellem as the person submitting the transaction for 300 Euros. Then change the value to
30 Euros and still have Sarah Bellem as the transaction requestor. Finally enter Mike Morneys
name as the person submitting the transaction for 300 Euros.
Change the transaction type to VGB Clothing Basket from the list of values available and
select the continue button.
Scroll to the end of the page and select the Add Attribute button
Select Create New Name button from the Create an Attribute Step 1 page.
Enter XX total value of items in basket in the description field. (Replace XX with your name
or terminal number.)
Defining Conditions
Navigate to the Conditions window.
Change the transaction type to VGB Clothing Basket from the list of values and select the
continue button.
Scroll to the end of the conditions page and select Add a Condition button.
Defining Rules
Navigate to the Rules window.
14. Change the transaction type to VGB Clothing Basket from the list of values and select the
continue button.
15. Scroll to the end of the attributes page and select the Add A Rule button to define the first
rule for a range of items within 0 5.
16. Enter XX_VGB_TOTAL_OVER_EUR100 in the description field.
17. Select list-creation rule in the rule type field.
18. Accept the default system date as the start date.
19. Enter none in the end date.
20. Select the continue button.
21. Select the approval type of chains of authority based on relative job level.
22. Select the continue button.
Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2003. All rights reserved.
23. In the approval field select Require approvals at most 2 levels up.
24. Select the continue button.
25. Select XX_VGB_TOTAL_VALUE_OF_BASKET in the Ordinary Conditions Header
Attributes field.
26. Do not select anything in the Ordinary Conditions Line Item Attributes field.
27. Select the continue button to display Add A Rule Step 5 page.
28. Check the ordinary condition 100 EUR <= XX_VGB_TOTAL_VALUE_OF_BASKET
from the list available.
29. Select the continue button.
30. AME will confirm the rule being successfully added.
31. Select the Quit button to return back to the approvals menu page.
Navigate to the Test window.
40. Scroll down the page to display the non-mandatory attributes available with the VGB
Clothing Basket transaction type.
Note: AME will insert Sarah Bellems name as the
41. Enter no against any non-mandatory attributes that you do not want to be checked with this
rule for example:
48. Enter a value of 300 in the attribute field called
49. Select EUR from the list of values available in the
50. Select Corporate from the list of values available in the
RK_VGB_TOTAL_VALUE_OF_BASKET Conversion Type field
51. Select the View Approval Process button to see the rule(s) AME will execute for this test
Note: The only rule being applied for this test transaction is a list creation rule called
XX_VGB_TOTAL_VALUE_OVER_EUR100, which we had defined earlier.
52. Scroll to the end of the page and select the view approval list button.
Note: In the list of approvers you will see Mike Morney and Geoff Walkers name.
53. Select the Change Attribute Values button.
54. Change the value for the XX_VGB_TOTAL_VALUE_OF_BASKET attribute to 30.
Note: AME displays that there are no rules that apply to this Euro value. .
55. Scroll down the page and select the Change an ID Attribute Value button.
58. Enter morney in the last name field
59. Select continue. AME will replace Sarahs name with Mikes name as the transaction
requestor person ID
60. Enter a value of 300 in the XX_VGB_TOTAL_VALUE_OF_BASKET amount attribute.
Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2003. All rights reserved.
Note AME will retain the other attribute values selected previously such as the currency
code and the conversion type.
61. Select the View Approval Process button
Note: In the list of approvers you will now see Geoff Walker and Sarah Prices name.
62. Select the Quit button to return back to the Test Type page.
63. Select the Quit button to return to the main menu page.
Approval Policy
At the end of this topic the demonstration will show you how to define the substitution rule
mentioned above.
The rule will substitute Fred Masons name with John Doe. When defining the condition you
enter the name of the person you want to substitute; in our example this is going to be Fred
Mason. In this planning department Guy Wire reports to Fred Mason and Fred reports to Bob
Taylor and Bob reports to Mr. C. Jones. Thus if the transaction is submitted by Guy Wire it
would normally go to Fred for approval, however since we are going to substitute Fred with
John Doe it will go to John Doe an then onto Bob and C. Jones.
Note that we do not need to define any new attributes as we can use the number of items in
basket attribute defined earlier.
Note that in the demonstration for this practice we will view person details record to
verify that Guy Wires supervisor is Fred Mason according to the HR record.
2. Approval - Create the name of the person you want to substitute Fred Mason with, in this
case John Doe by using the pre-defined substitution approval and adding the approval
3. Rule - Create your substitution rule and select substitute John Doe as the approver.
4. Test - Create your test transaction with Guy Wire as the transaction requestor.
Note that this demonstration will execute 2 rules the number of items in the basket and then
the substation rule.
Note : Prior to running through the above creation steps it is worth view Guy Wires HR
record to verify that he does report to Fred Mason so that when John Doe appears in the
approval list we know that this is because of the rule being actioned.
You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.
The names used throughout this practice are for the purpose of the practice and bear no
resemblance to any particular organization or individuals
Prefix all names of rules, attributes and conditions with your assigned unique group
number or your initials.
Use the General Business User responsibility for all practices unless stated otherwise
Use the List creation rule defined earlier for the number of items in the basket with the
list modification condition that you will define in this practice.
Viewing Person Details
View Guy Wires person details to ensure that Fred Mason is his supervisor.
Defining Conditions
You will need to define 1 list modification conditions selecting John Doe as the approver. This
condition is going to be used with the number of items in the basket condition defined in an
earlier practice.
Defining Approvals
You will need to select the approvals tab and select the substitution approval type and add the
name of the person you are going to substitute Fred Mason with. In this case John Doe.
Defining Rules
You will define 1 substitution rules, which will use the list modification conditions defined in the
task above.
You will test the rule created above by creating a test transaction, which is going to be submitted
by Guy Wire.
The test will select two rules:
The list creation rule based on the number of items in the basket
Substitution rule which should select John Doe as the approver rather than Fred
Mason even though Guy Wires supervisor in Fred Mason.
Defining Conditions
Responsibility = AME General Business User
Navigate to the Conditions window.
Change the transaction type to VGB Clothing Basket from the list of values and select the
continue button.
Scroll to the end of the conditions page and select Add a Condition button.
In the Search for an Approver page enter mason in the last name field.
In the Choose Approver Type page select an approver type of any approver.
10. Select the create Condition button to save the list modification condition.
Defining Approval
Navigate to the Approvals window.
Note that you do not need to select the transaction type, as approvals are common to all
transaction types.
11. Select the substitution approval type from the list displayed.
12. Select the Add Approval button.
13. Enter doe in the last name field to search for John Does record.
14. Select the continue button and AME will add the name as the substitute.
Defining Rules
Navigate to the Rules window.
15. Change the transaction type to VGB Clothing Basket from the list of values and select the
continue button.
16. Scroll to the end of the attributes page and select the Add A Rule button to define a
substitution rule.
17. Enter XX VGB_SUBSTITUTION_RULE in the description field.
18. Select substitution in the rule type field.
19. Accept the default system date as the start date.
20. Enter none in the end date.
21. Select the continue button.
22. Select the approval type of substitute one approver for another.
Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2003. All rights reserved.
Navigate to the Test window.
41. Scroll down the page to display the non-mandatory attributes available with the VGB
Clothing Basket transaction type.
Note: AME will insert Guy Wires name as the
42. Enter no against any attributes that you do not want to be checked with this rule for example:
48. Enter a value of 45 in the attribute called
49. Select the View Approval Process button.
Note: AME will apply 2 rules to this transaction:
50. Scroll to the end of the page and select the view approval list button.
Note: In the list of approvers you will see John Doe, Bob Taylor and C. Jones.
51. Select the Quit button to return back to the Test Type page.
52. Select the Quit button to return to the main menu page.
Approval Policy
At the end of this topic the demonstration will show you how to define a pre - list approval
group rule mentioned above.
The rule will check to see if the transaction is a new basket and if gift wrapping is required. If
both of these conditions are true then AME will generate the names of the people who work in
the gift wrapping department as approvers before the remaining approvers in the chain.
Note that we do need to define two new boolean attributes for the rule above.
Approval Groups
Approval Groups
By using approval groups, you can combine a list of names of approvers who have no
reporting relationships.
These lists can be:
- Static, that is, you select the names of the approvers (employees) or the usernames
and enter these into the group
- Dynamic, where a PL/SQL statement can be entered to select all employees in a
particular department, such as HR or a group of employees from the employee table
based on a particular column id.
For example, in the select statement below, the group will consist of all
employees whose payroll number begins with 10:
select 'person_id:'||person_id
from per_people_x
where employee_number like '10%
You can also nest approval groups within existing groups. For example in the diagram
above, static list 2 could nest within static list 1 and therefore you would only have one
approval group but with two lists of employee names.
You can toggle the Active List button's values without deleting either the static list or the query
ALLOW_EMPTY_APPROVAL_GROUPS allows you to define an approval group with no
members. This will use AME to generate a list of approvers but no approval action will be
required by the approvers.
4. Create your rule and choose per list approval group. Next decide if this group is going to
be checked before the chain of authority or when the pre - approver is selected at runtime.
Select the approval and choose the header and or line attributes this applies to and test the
5. Test the rule with Mike Morney as the person submitting the transaction and test the rule
when both conditions and met and also see what happens when one of the conditions is
not met.
You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.
The names used throughout this practice are for the purpose of the practice and bear no
resemblance to any particular organization or individuals.
Prefix all names of rules, attributes and conditions with your assigned unique group
number or your initials.
Use the General Business User responsibility for all practices unless stated otherwise.
Defining Attributes
You will need to define two Boolean non-mandatory header attributes. One for the New Basket
attribute and the other for the gift-wrapping service attribute. These attributes will be associated
with the 2 conditions defined in the next task.
Note: this rule is going to use the group approvals before chain of authority approval type,
which has 1 required attribute. When you are defining attributes check that the following
required attributes does appear on the attributes page for the transaction type of VGB
Clothing Basket:
Defining Conditions
You will need to define 2 ordinary header conditions for the Boolean attributes defined earlier
using the true false values as appropriate.
Defining Approval Groups
You will need to define an approval group for the gift-wrapping department. This group will
consist of 2 people: - Mr. Warren Peace and Ms. Sandy Beach.
Defining Rules
You will define a pre-list group approval rule, which will use the attributes, conditions and
approval group defined in the previous tasks.
Testing Rule
You will test the rule by creating a test transaction. The requestor is Mike Morney and when
submitting the rule the attributes not required will be turned off. The gift-wrapping and new
basket attributes will be set to yes.
Change the transaction type to VGB Clothing Basket from the list of values available and
select the continue button.
Scroll to the end of the page and select the Add Attribute button
Select Create New Name button from the Create an Attribute Step 1 page.
Enter XX_VGB_IS_GIFT_WRAPPED in the name field and select the continue button.
(Replace XX with your initials or your terminal number.)
Enter XX is gift wrapping required in the description field. (Replace XX with your name
or terminal number.)
Defining Conditions
14. Navigate to the Conditions window.
15. Change the transaction type to VGB Clothing Basket from the list of values and select the
continue button.
16. Scroll to the end of the conditions page and select Add a Condition button.
17. Select an ordinary header condition type.
18. Select the continue button.
19. In the attribute field select XX_VGB_IS_GIFT_WRAPPED from the list of values.
20. Select the continue button to select the value true.
21. Select the Create Condition button.
22. AME will confirm the condition being added successfully.
23. Repeat steps 2 to 8 for the second condition XX_VGB_IS_A_NEW_BASKET with a
usage of true.
Note that Approval groups are common to all transaction types therefore you will not be
asked to select a transaction type.
25. Scroll to the end of the page and select the Add Group button.
26. Enter XX_VGB_GIFT_WRAPPING_GROUP as the name of your approval group.
27. Enter VGB group for gift wrapping service in the description field.
28. Select static in the Active List field as we are going to define the names of the approvers
rather than selecting names via a query.
29. Select the Create Group button. AME will confirm the group being successfully added,
however you have to now define the members of this group.
30. Select the Add Approver button found at the bottom of the page.
31. Enter peace in the last name field to search for Mr. Warren Peaces record from HR.
32. Select approver type of person.
33. Select the search button.
34. Select the continue button after AME finds Warren Peaces record and displays the full
name and employee number.
35. Select the Order number of 1 for this record i.e. Warren is the first person in this
approval group.
36. AME will add Warrens name in the members list.
37. Repeat steps 21- 27 to add Ms Sandy Beach into this approval group.
Defining Rules
38. Navigate to the Rules window.
39. Change the transaction type to VGB Clothing Basket from the list of values and select the
continue button.
40. Scroll to the end of the attributes page and select the Add A Rule button to define the first
rule for a range of items within 0 5.
41. Enter XX_VGB_GIFT_WRAPPING_SERVICE in the description field. (Replace XX with
your initials or your terminal number.)
42. Select pre-list approval-group rule in the rule type field.
43. Accept the default system date as the start date.
44. Enter none in the end date.
45. Select the continue button.
46. Select the approval type of group approvals before the chain of authority.
47. Select the continue button.
48. In the approval field select Require pre approvals from XX_VGB GIFT WRAPPING
49. Select the continue button.
Ordinary Conditions Header Attributes field. (XX is replaced with your initials or your
terminal number.)
51. Do not select anything in the Ordinary Conditions Line Item Attributes field.
52. Select the continue button to display Add A Rule Step 5 page.
Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2003. All rights reserved.
Note: The only rule being applied for this test transaction is the pre approval rule called
XX_VGB_GIFT_WRAPPING_SERVICE, which we had defined earlier.
68. Select the note pad icon to display full details about this rule.
69. Scroll to the end of the page and select the view approval list button.
70. Note: In the list of approvers you will see Mr. Warren Peaces name first in the list followed
by Sandy Beachs name.
71. Select the Change Attribute Values button.
72. Change the value for the XX_VGB_IS_A_NEW_BASKET to no.
73. Select the View Approval Process button.
Note AME comes back with an error message saying that at least one rule must apply to
the transaction. The Gift Wrapping rule could not apply in this instance because the basket
was not new.
74. Select the Quit button to return to the main menu page.
In this topic we look at ordinary and exception rule combinations as an introduction to
handling multiple rules.
In a later topic within this eclass we will look at combinations of multiple types and multiple
rules with rule priorities.
Approval Policy
At the end of this topic the demonstration will show you how to define an exception rule
mentioned above.
The rule will check to see if the value of the basket is more than 200 Euros and if gift-wrapping
is not required. If both of these conditions are met then AME will generate the name of the
immediate supervisor of the person submitting the transaction.
Note that we dont need to define attributes for the rule mentioned above as we can use the
attributes of Value Of Basket and Gift Wrapping which we defined for earlier.
Note:in this topic we are not considering the impact of rule priorities at this point. Rule
priorities will be discussed in a later topic.
2. Rule - Create your list creation exception rule with an approval type of chain of authority
based on number of supervisory levels and an approval of Require approvals up to the
first superior, at most.
3. Test - Test the rule using the test tab and create a test transaction with Geoff Walker as
the transaction requestor. The approval list should show Susan Price as the approver as
she is Geoffs immediate supervisor.
You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.
The names used throughout this practice are for the purpose of the practice and bear no
resemblance to any particular organization or individuals
Prefix all names of rules, attributes and conditions with your assigned unique group
number or your initials.
Use the General Business User responsibility for all practices unless stated otherwise
Defining Conditions
You will need to define 2 conditions using the attributes we have defined already. The ordinary
condition for number of items in basket will be defined for the EUR value of 200 or over, while
the Boolean condition VGB is gift wrapped will be defined as an exception condition with the
value set to false.
Defining Rules
You will define an exception rule, which will use the conditions defined in the previous tasks.
You will test the rule by creating a test transaction. The requestor is Geoff Walker.
Change the transaction type to VGB Clothing Basket from the list of values and select the
continue button.
Scroll to the end of the conditions page and select Add a Condition button.
Defining Rules
Navigate to the Rules window.
22. Change the transaction type to VGB Clothing Basket from the list of values and select the
continue button.
23. Scroll to the end of the attributes page and select the Add A Rule and Usage button..
24. Select RK_VGB_>=EUR200_NO_GIFT_WRAP in the description field. (Note the XX
will be replaced with your initials or your terminal number.)
25. Select list-creation exception in the rule type field.
26. Accept the default system date as the start date.
27. Enter none in the end date.
28. Select the continue button.
29. Select the approval type of chain of authority based on number of supervisory levels.
30. Select the continue button.
31. In the approval field select Require approvals up to the first superior, at most.
32. Select the continue button.
33. Select XX_TOTAL_VALUE_OF_ITEMS_IN_BASKET in the Ordinary Conditions Header
Attributes field. (XX is replaced with your initials or your terminal number.)
34. Do not select anything in the Ordinary Conditions Line Item Attributes field.
35. Select the continue button to display Add A Rule Step 5 page.
36. Check the ordinary conditions 200 EUR <=
37. Select the continue button.
38. In step 6 of defining a rule select the XX_VGB_IS_GIFT_WRAPPED as the exception
condition header attribute.
Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2003. All rights reserved.
You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.
The names used throughout this practice are for the purpose of the practice and bear no
resemblance to any particular organization or individuals
Prefix all names of rules, attributes and conditions with your assigned unique group
number or your initials.
Use the General Business User responsibility for all practices unless stated otherwise
Defining Approval Groups
You will need to define an approval group with John Doe as the only member.
Defining Rules
You will define a list creation rule, which will use the attributes and condition defined for topic 2
(number of items in basket less than 5).
You will test the rule by creating a test transaction. The requestor is Sarah Bellem and when
submitting the rule the attributes not required will be turned off.
Note that Approval groups are common to all transaction types therefore you will not be
asked to select a transaction type.
Scroll to the end of the page and select the Add Group button.
Enter VGB Approval Group for Future Date Rule in the description field.
Select static in the Active List field as we are going to define the names of the approvers
rather than selecting names via a query.
Select the Create Group button. AME will confirm the group being successfully added,
however you have to now define the members of this group.
Select the Add Approver button found at the bottom of the page.
Enter doe in the last name field to search for Mr. John Does record from HR.
Defining Rules
14. Navigate to the Rules window.
15. Change the transaction type to VGB Clothing Basket from the list of values and select the
continue button.
16. Scroll to the end of the attributes page and select the Add A Rule button to define the first
rule for a range of items within 0 5.
17. Enter XX_VGB_FUTURE_DATED_RULE_JOHN_DOE in the description field. (Replace
XX with your initials or your terminal number.)
18. Select list creation rule in the rule type field.
19. Enter 04-01-2004 as the start date. (This will be 1st April 2004)
20. Enter none in the end date.
21. Select the continue button.
22. Select the approval type of chain of authority includes an approval group.
23. Select the continue button.
24. In the approval field select Require approval from
25. Select the continue button.
26. Select XX_VGB_NO_OF_ITEMS_IN_BASKET. (XX is replaced with your initials or your
terminal number.)
27. Do not select anything in the Ordinary Conditions Line Item Attributes field.
28. Select the continue button to display Add A Rule Step 5 page.
29. Check the ordinary conditions 0 <= XX_VGB_NO_OF_ITEMS_IN_BASKET <= 5 from
the list available.
30. Select the continue button.
31. AME will confirm the rule being added successfully.
32. Select the Quit button to return back to the approvals menu page.
33. Navigate to the Test window.
Approval Policy
At the end of this topic the demonstration will show you how to define the list creation rule
mentioned above. This rule will be using line item attributes which are string attributes.
2 new attributes will need to be defined
2 ordinary line level conditions for the Item Type of Golfing Items and Item Name of
Golf Clubs will need to be defined
When creating the rule the approval type of one job level chain of authority per line item
will be selected.
Attribute Levels
line_item_id =:lineItemIdList
order by
For example if you set the attribute option to Yes when testing the rule and the attribute
usage is set to true then AME will apply the restriction to all line items in the PO to
execute the rule.
If you set the attribute option to Yes when testing the rule and the attribute usage is set
to false, when testing only 1 line item in the PO will need to meet the rule criteria to be
selected using the edit line item button. The approver list generated should show Mike
Money and Geoff Walker.
You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.
The names used throughout this practice are for the purpose of the practice and bear no
resemblance to any particular organization or individuals
Prefix all names of rules, attributes and conditions with your assigned unique group
number or your initials.
Use the General Business User responsibility for all practices unless stated otherwise
Defining Attributes
You will need to define two line level string attributes for the Item Type and Item Name. These
attributes will then be associated with the condition and rule that will be defined later.
Defining Conditions
You will need to define 2 ordinary line level conditions for the Item Type of Golfing Items and
Item Name of Golf Clubs.
Defining Rules
You will define 1 list creation rules, which will use the attributes, conditions and approval types
defined above.
You will test the rule created above by creating a test transaction. The requestor will be Sarah
Bellem .
Change the transaction type to VGB Clothing Basket from the list of values available and
select the continue button.
Scroll to the end of the page and select the Add Attribute button
Select Create New Name button from the Create an Attribute Step 1 page.
Enter XX_VGB_ITEM_NAME in the name field and select the continue button. (Replace
XX with your initials or your terminal number.)
Enter XX VGB name of item in the description field. (Replace XX with your name or
terminal number.)
Defining Conditions
14. Navigate to the Conditions window.
15. Change the transaction type to VGB Clothing Basket from the list of values and select the
continue button.
16. Scroll to the end of the conditions page and select Add a Condition button.
17. Select an ordinary line item condition type.
18. Select the continue button.
19. In the attribute field select XX_VGB_ITEM_NAME from the list of values.
20. Select the continue button
Note that the page displayed is asking for Attribute Value information.
21. Enter Golf Clubs in this field.
22. Select the Continue button to see the text value of the condition.
23. Select Quit to save the condition.
24. Repeat step 2 9 above to add the second condition of Item Type with the following values:
Select XX_VGB_ITEM_TYPE from the list of values
Enter Golfing Items as the attribute value.
Defining Rules
25. Navigate to the Rules window.
26. Change the transaction type to VGB Clothing Basket from the list of values and select the
continue button.
27. Scroll to the end of the attributes page and select the Add A Rule button to define a
substitution rule.
28. Enter XX VGB_LINE_ITEM_RULE in the description field.
29. Select list creation in the rule type field.
30. Accept the default system date as the start date.
31. Enter none in the end date.
32. Select the continue button.
33. Select the approval type of one job level chain of authority per line item.
34. Select the continue button.
Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2003. All rights reserved.
44. Navigate to the Test window.
1. Sarah Bellem
2. Mike Morney
3. Bob Taylor
4. C. Jones
The test transaction will then be modified to change the starting point person in the first
chain, from Sarah Bellem to Mike Morney and the result will be as follows:
1. Mike Morney
2. Geoff Walker
3. Bob Taylor
4. C. Jones
4. Test the rule using the test tab. The testing will be done with Sarah Bellem as the starting
point person for the first chain and Bob Taylor as the starting point person for the second
chain. The test transaction will then be modified to change the attribute ID value so that
the starting point person for the first chain is Mike Morney instead of Sarah Bellem to see
how the list of approvers will change.
You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.
The names used throughout this practice are for the purpose of the practice and bear no
resemblance to any particular organization or individuals
Prefix all names of rules, attributes and conditions with your assigned unique group
number or your initials.
Use the General Business User responsibility for all practices unless stated otherwise
Defining Rules
You will define 2 list creation rules, which will use the attributes, conditions and approval types
defined above. The list creation rules will have an approval type of chain of authority, which will
include two sub chains based on job level. Both rules will have the same condition.
You will test the rule created above by creating a test transaction. The requestor will be Sarah
Bellem. When testing the rule you will determine the starting point person ids of both chains.
Change the transaction type to VGB Clothing Basket from the list of values and select the
continue button.
Scroll to the end of the attributes page and select the Add A Rule button to define a list
creation rule for the first chain of authority.
Select the approval type of chain of authority includes two sub chains, each based on job
19. Scroll to the end of the attributes page and select the Add A Rule button to define the second
list creation rule for the second chain of authority.
20. Enter XX VGB_CHAIN_2 in the description field.
21. Select list creation in the rule type field.
22. Accept the default system date as the start date.
23. Enter none in the end date.
24. Select the continue button.
25. Select the approval type of chain of authority includes two sub chains, each based on job
26. Select the continue button.
27. In the approval field select Require approvals at least 1 level up in the second chain.
28. Select the continue button.
29. In the Ordinary Conditions Header Attributes field select
30. Do not select anything in the Ordinary Conditions Line Item Attributes field. .
31. Select the continue button to display Add A Rule Step 5 page.
32. Select the conditions check box displayed for
33. Select the continue button to save the rule.
34. AME will confirm the rule being successfully added.
35. Select the Quit button to return back to the approvals menu page.
36. Navigate to the Test window.
You can therefore reduce maintenance in AME by defining generic rules which can be
selected across multiple transaction types and customise the behaviour of these rules by
modifying the conditions and attribute usages.
You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.
The names used throughout this practice are for the purpose of the practice and bear no
resemblance to any particular organization or individuals
Prefix all names of rules, attributes and conditions with your assigned unique group
number or your initials.
Use the General Business User responsibility for all practices unless stated otherwise
Instructor needs to define a new basket configuration called VGB Accessories Basket
using the admin tab.
Defining Rules
You will define rule usages (share these rules) with the accessories basket. These rules currently
being used by the VGB Clothing Basket configuration:
You will test the rule created above by creating a test transaction. The requestor will be Guy
Wire (in the planning department). When testing the rule you will determine the number of items
in the basket and the value in Euros.
Change the transaction type to VGB Accessories Basket from the list of values and select
the continue button.
Scroll to the end of the attributes page and select the Add Usage button to select the rules
you want to share with the Accessories basket.
Select the transaction type of add usage for rule used by another transaction type in step 1
of adding a rule usage.
Select the continue button to define the dates from when you want to start to share these
Select the Transaction type, which has the rules currently, defined. So this example you will
select VGB Clothing Basket from the list of transactions types.
Select the List of Values in the Rules field and this will display all rules, which are currently
available with the VGB Clothing basket.
10. Accept the default start and end which should be the system date.
11. Accept the default value of none in the end date and the rule will be active until you enter an
end date.
12. Select the create Usage button and AME will confirm this rule to be added to the VGB
Accessories transaction type.
13. Repeat steps 2-11 above for the remaining rules that you want to share with the Accessories
basket transaction type.
14. Select the Quit button to return back to the approvals menu page.
15. Navigate to the Test window.
32. Scroll to the end of the page and select the Change An Attribute ID Value button.
33. Select the Second Starting Point Person ID .
34. Select Query for SECOND_STARTING_POINT_PERSON_ID button.
35. Select Continue button to search for the name of the requestor in the first chain.
36. Enter taylor as the last name and select the search button.
Note that AME will retrieve Mr. B.Taylors record
37. Select continue to return back to the Test Transaction Attributes Values page.
38. Select the View Approval Process button.
39. AME displays the list creation rules that it will execute.
40. Select the View Approver List button
41. AME displays the approvers for this rule. The list consists of Sarah Bellem, Mike Morney,
Mr. B. Taylor and Mr. C. Jones
42. Select the Change An Attribute ID Value button.
43. Select the First Starting Point Person ID.
44. Select Query for FIRST_STARTING_POINT_PERSON_ID button.
45. Select Continue button to search for the name of the requestor in the first chain.
46. Enter morney as the last name and select the search button.
Note that AME will retrieve Mike Morneys record.
48. Select continue to return back to the Test Transaction Attributes Values page.
49. Select the View Approval Process button.
50. AME displays the list creation rules that it will execute.
51. Select the View Approver List button
52. AME displays the approvers for this rule. The list consists of Mike Morney, Geoff Walker,
Mr. B. Taylor and Mr. C. Jones
53. Select the Quit button to return back to the Test Type page.
54. Select the Quit button to return to the main menu page.
Rule Priorities
Chapter 14
Rule Priorities
Chapter 14 - Page 1
Rule Priorities
Rule Priorities
Chapter 14 - Page 2
Rule Priorities
Chapter 14 - Page 3
Rule Priorities
Rule Priorities
Chapter 14 - Page 4
Rule Priorities
Chapter 14 - Page 5
Rule Priorities
Chapter 14 - Page 6
If rule priority is being used and the threshold is set to 2 then AME will remove Rule A and
execute Rule B to determine the list of approvers.
Relative process rules according to their ranking order.
For example using the 2 rules mentioned above, if the threshold value is 2 and mode is
relative both rules would qualify because we have allowed 2 highest stringent qualifying
rules to be accepted.
Disabled simply turns off any rule priorities in AME and does not display the ranking option
when defining rules.
Rule Priorities
Chapter 14 - Page 7
Rule Priorities
Chapter 14 - Page 8
Rule Priorities
Chapter 14 - Page 9
4. Select the Rules tab and modify all list creation rules to have a priority value of 1, 2 etc.
For the 2 rules mentioned above enter a value of 1 on the first rule and 2 for the second
5. Create a test transaction with the same values and using the same attributes as before to see
the effect of setting absolute rule priority has with a threshold value of 1.
6. Change the threshold value to 2 and test the rule again.
Rule Priorities
Chapter 14 - Page 10
Select the test tab and create a test transaction for the accessories basket
Select EUR (Euros) as the value (currency) from the list of values available
Rule Priorities
Chapter 14 - Page 11
Select Maintain Transaction Types option and then select the continue button.
Change the Use Default Value field to Yes so that AME will now start to use rule
Select the absolute button for the list creation priorities. This will set the rule priorities at
absolute for all list creation rules for the Accessories Basket transaction type.
10. Select the Rules tab and select the transaction type of Accessories Basket.
Ame will display all rules that are currently defined for the accessories transaction type.
Since the rule priorities are being used after the rule has been defined, you will need to
define the rule priority number for each list creation rule.
11. Select the priority field and enter the value required. Ensure that you enter the following for
the 2 rules that are being actioned when creating test transactions:
12. Select the test tab and repeat steps 1- 8 above.
Note: AME will display the rules that will be actioned with the attribute values entered.
There should be 4 rules, which include the 2 list creation rules mentioned above.
13. Select the View Rules After Priority Processing button. Ame will now only select one list
creation rule to action and this should be the one which had the priority number set to 1.
14. Select the View Approval List button. AME will display the list of approvers starting with
Mike Morney, Geoff Walker and Susan Price.
Rule Priorities
Chapter 14 - Page 12
Chapter 15
Chapter 15 - Page 1
Chapter 15 - Page 2
Chapter 15 - Page 3
Topics Covered
Chapter 15 - Page 4
Topics Covered
Chapter 15 - Page 5
Chapter 15 - Page 6