Lean Sigma-Not Just A Whim

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Global Journal of researches in engineering

General engineering
Volume 12 Issue 1 Version 1.0 March 2012
Type: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal
Publisher: Global Journals Inc. (USA)
Online ISSN: 2249-4596 & Print ISSN: 0975-5861

Lean Sigma- Not just a whim. It is here to Stay

By Saif Imam, Ashok Tripathi & Sudipto Sarkar

Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences, Allahabad- Uttar Pradesh, India
Abstract - The aim of this paper is to illustrate the evolution and brief history of Lean and Six
Sigma and trace it to its role at present. Also, the paper gives its arguments why they are not
mere whims or fads that fade away with the passage of time. The findings in the paper suggest
that the implementation of these philosophies of management in industries and other business
processes help these enterprises in the reduction of cost and in the of working on improvement
of the quality issues. Thus using these two strategies, either individually or together to maximize
the gain of an organization may be a logical conclusion. In the present work, we have tried to
show that these two strategies are helpful to satisfy cost and quality constraints whether related
to products or services and are not just fads, as have been considered to be by some of its

Keywords : Lean manufacturing, Six sigma, Value-stream mapping, DMAIC.

GJRE-J Classification: FOR Code: 030599

Lean Sigma- Not just a whim. It is here to Stay

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Lean Sigma- Not just a whim. It is here to Stay

Saif Imam , Ashok Tripathi & Sudipto Sarkar

Keywords : Lean manufacturing, Six sigma, Valuestream mapping, DMAIC.



mprovement is needed today, perhaps more than

ever before. Various methodologies have been used
over the years to improve businesses. Each new
approach has its building blocks on the previous
approaches but also goes a step ahead from its
predecessor by adding new concepts, apart from
adopting the effective aspects and eliminating the
limitations of the older approach. Dean (1997) showed
in his work that Taylor had begun the improvement as
we know about it today, with his work on scientific
management. Later during the century, during the
difficult financial times cash flow became essential to
keep an organization running. The lean six sigma
approach is the latest among the approaches of
process improvement. The greatest advantage of this
approach is that it improves bottom-line results that are
needed to fuel innovation and growth and as well as
enhancing customer satisfaction. Apart from this Lean
Six Sigma has also been widely accepted as an
effective leadership tool. Lean Six Sigma works better
than previous approaches because it integrates the
human and process aspects of process improvement.


The roots of lean management originated from

the Toyota production system (TPS), a manufacturing
philosophy conceptualized by the Japanese engineers
Taiichi Ohno and Shigeo Shingo (Inman, 1999) and the
concept of mass production was established in the early
19th century by Henry Ford (1913). The development of
this approach of manufacturing began soon after the
Second World War when companies were faced by
acute shortage of capital as well as resources. Eiji
Toyoda, employed by the Toyota Motor Company,
instructed his workers to eliminate all waste. Furthering
on this philosophy, through a process of trial and error a
new manufacturing system, also known as Toyota
Production System was achieved. This lean operations
management design approach, which was adapted by
US as the Just in Time Approach (JIT), focused on the
elimination of waste and excess from the tactical
product flows at Toyota and represented an alternative
to mass production. Holweg (2007) showed that Lean
manufacturing extends the scope of the Toyota
production philosophy by providing an enterprise-wide
term that draws together the five elements of the
management process, the customer management
process, and the policy focusing process for the whole
enterprise .The main target of lean, as defined by Hines
and Rich (1997) is value stream (identifying value-added
and non-value added activities), and to eliminate all
waste, or muda, in all areas and functions within the
system. Seven forms of waste have been identified as;
1) Over-production;
2) Defects;
3) Unnecessary inventory;
4) Inappropriate processing;
5) Excessive transportation;
6) Waiting; and
7) Unnecessary motion.

Author : Research Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering,

Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Sam Higginbottom Institute of
Agriculture, Technology & Sciences, Allahabad- Uttar Pradesh, India.
E-mail : [email protected]
Author : Professor, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Sam
Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences,
Allahabad- Uttar Pradesh, India.
E-mail : [email protected]
Author : Associate Professor,Department of Mechanical Engineering,
G.L.Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management Greater NoidaUttarPradesh, India. E-mail : [email protected]

Womack and Jones(1990) identify five key

principles of the lean organization
1) The elimination of waste (or muda);
2) The identification of the value stream;
3) The achievement of flow through the process;
4) Pacing by a pull (or kanban) signal; and
5) The continuous pursuit of perfection.
2012 Global Journals Inc. (US)

March 2012



Global Journal of Researches in Engineering ( D

J ) Volume XII Issue vI Version I

Abstract - The aim of this paper is to illustrate the evolution

and brief history of Lean and Six Sigma and trace it to its role
at present. Also, the paper gives its arguments why they are
not mere whims or fads that fade away with the passage of
time. The findings in the paper suggest that the
implementation of these philosophies of management in
industries and other business processes help these
enterprises in the reduction of cost and in the of working on
improvement of the quality issues. Thus using these two
strategies, either individually or together to maximize the gain
of an organization may be a logical conclusion. In the present
work, we have tried to show that these two strategies are
helpful to satisfy cost and quality constraints whether related
to products or services and are not just fads, as have been
considered to be by some of its critics.

March 2012

Lean Sigma- Not just a whim. It is here to Stay

Global Journal of Researches in Engineering ( D

J ) Volume XII Issue vI Version I


Rother and Shook (1999) showed the

emergence of Value stream mapping for the role to
identify value added and non-value adding processes.
VSM brings together all of the lean techniques like the
provision of a common language when considering
manufacturing processes. In the initial period of
awareness of lean during the 1990s, the main
weaknesses of lean manufacturing were its automotive
manufacturing-based view and limited appreciation of
how to handle variability in demand. The implementation
was tool-focused, and generally neglected the human
aspects of the high-performance work. Later on, after
the 1990s; there was a widening of focus away from the
shop floor. After 1990, there was a gradual widening of
focus away from the shop -floor. This evolution focused
on quality during the literature of the early 1990s,
through quality, cost and delivery in the late 1990s, to
customer Value from 2000 onwards. Hines et.al (2004)
has identified the concept of Lean to have undergone a
significant evolution and expansion beyond its origins in
the auto industry, and its narrow definition around shopfloor improvement.

a) Shortcomings of Lean

et al. (2008) have identified various elements of Six

Sigma programs such as management involvement,
improvement specialists, performance metrics, a
systematic procedure, and project selection and
prioritization. Rajagopalan et. al. (2004) argued Six
Sigma programs improve operational performance in
order to enhance customer satisfaction with a
companys products and services. Six Sigma has today
evolved into a business improvement system that has
taken hold at many high-performing organizations.
Thomas and Fisher (2007) mentioned six sigma
organizations use the five-step DMAIC (pronounced
da-MAY-ik) as shown in fig.1. The root of Six Sigma
lies in the concept of total quality management where
everyone in an organization is responsible for the quality
of goods and services produced by the organization.
Sower et. al. (1999) concluded other components of Six
Sigma that can be traced to Total Quality Management
(TQM) include the focus on customer satisfaction when
making management decisions, and a significant
investment in education and training in statistics, root
and other

1. Implementation of Lean is costly and time

2. There is still a fair deal of misunderstanding of the
contingent nature required to apply Lean thinking.
3. Lean is often criticized to be de-humanizing and
exploitative because of the high pressure it puts
on the shop floor workers to achieve the highest
Barney (2002) quoted Six Sigma as strategic,
company-wide, approach. It focuses on variation
reduction that gives projects the potential of
simultaneously reducing cost and increasing customer
satisfaction. The approach originated in Motorola in
1987. Six Sigma was conceptualized as a quality goal in
the mid- 1980s at Motorola because technology was
becoming so complex that traditional ideas about
acceptable quality levels were inadequate. As the
number of opportunities for defects increased, the
percentage of perfection had to rise. In 1989 Motorola
announced a five-year goala defect rate of not more
than 3.4 parts per millionsix sigma. This initiative
challenged ideas of quality in the U.S. and changed the
concept of quality levels. It was quickly no longer
sufficient to measure quality as percentages (defects
per hundred opportunities). Now the bar was raised, to
measure defects per million or billion. In 1994 Larry
Bossidy, CEO of Signal, introduced Six Sigma as a
business initiative to produce high-level results,
improve work processes, expand all employees skills
and change the culture. Later on, the implementation of
Six Sigma at General Electric began in 1995. Schroeder
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Fig. 1 : The DMAIC model

Revere et. al. (2002) concluded Six Sigma has
evolved over the years, which now includes designing,
improving, and monitoring business processes. Now it
becomes multifaceted, encompassing everything from
simple process improvement to broad initiatives, such
as project management, change management,
leadership, culture change, rewards and compensation,
defect definition, teaming, and problem solving.
Applications of six Sigma span over a variety of
industries, from the manufacturing sectors like Motorola
and GE mentioned in Pande et. al (2000) construction
industry mentioned in Stewart and Spencer (2006) and
accounting practices mentioned in Brewer and
Bagranoff (2004) as well as in the service sector
mentioned in Chakrabarty and Tan (2007).

Lean Sigma- Not just a whim. It is here to Stay



Sheridan (2000) described the lean Six Sigma

phrase as the integration of lean and Six Sigma
philosophies. Lean Six Sigma is a business strategy and
methodology that increases process performance
resulting in enhanced customer satisfaction and
improved bottom line results. With disparate roots but
similar goals, Six Sigma and lean management are both
effective on their own. However, some organizations that
have adapted either Six Sigma or lean management
might eventually reach a point of diminishing returns. In
order to improve business processes on some periodic
basis, all organizations need a methodology for problem
solving and improvement. A systematic approach to
improvement is needed to improve performance as
measured by quality, cost, delivery and customer
satisfaction. Bottom line improvements also provide the
cash needed to fuel innovation and growth. Bendell
(2006) has stated that the concept of lean Six Sigma as
an approach to process improvement has yet to fully
mature into a specific area of academic research. Smith
(2003) said that in practice the majority of efforts to fully
and comprehensively implement a lean Six Sigma
initiative to its full potential have not been realized.
Cusumano, (1994) regarded as a failure to sustain a
change towards continuous improvement can be
attributed for one, to the lack of commitment from
management. Bendell, (2006) quoted that in the case
of fusing lean and Six Sigma, the two approaches have
often been implemented in isolation, creating lean and
Six Sigma subcultures to emerge within the
organization, which can conflict of interest and a drain
on resources. The integration of lean and Six Sigma
aims to target every type of opportunity for improvement
within an organization. Smith (2003) stated Six Sigma is
only implemented by a few specific individuals within a
company, lean levels the empowerment and education
of everyone in the organization to identify and eliminate
non-value adding activities. The integration of the two
methodologies attempts to provide empowerment even
at the higher-level process analysis stages, so that
employees have true ownership of the process. Figure 2

March 2012

1. Antony (2004) focuses the adverse effect of

colour qualification belts in six sigma (green,
black, master black belts etc.) used for training
effects as non standardized and can be source
lead to bureaucracy within an organization and
thus drive the focus away from the performance
2. The organizational improvement philosophy of Six
Sigma is still not well understood or explored and
thus faces the threat of being oversold or
incorrectly used.
3. Use of Six Sigma for solutions and as well as its
training can be expensive for many businesses.
4. Six Sigma alone cannot dramatically improve
process speed or reduce invested capital.

summarizes the nature of improvements that may occur

in organizations that practice lean management or Six
Sigma, and the corresponding improvements that an
integrated program could offer. The horizontal axis
represents the customers perspective of value,
including quality and delivery performance. The vertical
axis represents the producers cost to provide the
product or service to the customer. Under either system,
improvements will be made, but a improvements will
begin to level off at a certain point in time. With Six
Sigma alone, the levelling off of improvements may be
due to the emphasis on optimizing measurable quality
and delivery metrics, but ignoring changes in the basic
operating systems to remove wasteful activities. Higgins
(2005) argued that with lean management alone, the
leveling off of improvements may be due to the
emphasis on streamlining product flow, but doing so in
a less than scientific manner relating to the use of data 25
and statistical quality control methods.
A Lean Six Sigma (LSS) organization would
capitalize on the strengths of both Lean management
and Six Sigma. A LSS Organization would include the
following three primary tenets of lean management:

Fig. 2 : Customer View Point Source Arnheiter and

Maleyeff (2005)

1) It would incorporate an over-riding philosophy that

seeks to maximize the value-added content of all
2) It would constantly evaluate all incentive systems
in place to ensure that they result in global
optimization instead of local optimization.
3) It would incorporate a management decisionmaking process that bases every decision on its
relative impact on the customer.
Similarly, a LSS organization would include the
following three primary tenets of Six Sigma:
1) It would stress data-driven methodologies in all
decision making, so that changes are based on
scientific rather than ad hoc studies.
2) It would promote methodologies that strive to
minimize variation of quality characteristics.
3) It would design and implement a company-wide
and highly structured education and training
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Global Journal of Researches in Engineering ( D

J ) Volume XII Issue vI Version I

a) Shortcomings of Six Sigma

Lean Sigma- Not just a whim. It is here to Stay

March 2012


Global Journal of Researches in Engineering ( D

J ) Volume XII Issue vI Version I



Gibson and Tesone (2001) stated that it is often

argued that a method that is marketed and promoted as
new is actually a reassembled version of a previous
method. The early disintegrating fads leave their
remnants that under new names become new fads.
Abrahamson (1996) stated that these fashion-like cycles
may be created by organizations continually searching
for improvement in their operations. New procedures
may be adopted when they are widely hailed as
solutions to human and organizational problems, and
then dropped after the promised results fail to
materialize or are superceded by another. However,
improvement approaches come and go, but improving
the bottom line never goes out of style. The integration
of Lean Six Sigma is not just about Lean Six Sigma, but
addresses a major issue which is the improvement of
business processes. The financial crisis is encouraging
leaders and organizations to view Lean Six Sigma as an
approach to reduce costs and keep the cash flowing.
Lean Six Sigma is the method to realize improvement.
The supporters of Lean Six Sigma have given numerous
arguments as to why this is not just a fad. To further
justify this argument, a look at what fads are is
important. Fads tend to follow a seven-stage life cycle:
1) An academic article is written on a new discovery
or theory;
2) The study is discussed, summarized, and
3) The concept is popularized in a best-selling book;
4) Throngs of management consultants carry the
new technique to their client base;
5) Managers embrace the fad and champion the
6) Time passes, enthusiasm dims, and doubts and
cynicism arise; and
7) New discoveries occur and consultant interest
turns elsewhere.
However, over the years both Six Sigma and
lean management have evolved into comprehensive
management systems. These philosophies have not
suddenly emerged, but over the years, through trial and
errors have undergone several changes to now
encompass common features, such as an emphasis on
customer satisfaction, high quality, comprehensive
employee training and empowerment. These goals are
not time or demand specific, but are the basic building
blocks that are highly critical to the success of an
organization. It can be argued that these goals are
essential to the growth and success of an organization
and any management strategy that offers solution at this
grass root level is likely to survive beyond the hype that
is associated with a fad. An increase in productivity is
the ultimate solution that the combination of lean six
sigma offers.
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Fig.3 : Productivity a Reflection of Lean Six Sigma

As shown in figure 3 while cost can be
considered as mirror image of Lean, and quality that of
Six Sigma, the combination of the two, i.e., cost and
quality helps in increasing productivity. Although to
maximize the advantages from Lean Six Sigma method,
it is important to implement the two policies
harmoniously, so that it can achieve both strategic and
operational improvement in productivity.


Lean Concepts

Six Sigma



Create Flow


Pull on Demand




Identify Value

Synchronizing Bridge
Lean Six Sigma


Fig.4 : Lean Six Sigma Bridge

Figure 4 reflects the five main tenets of both
Lean and Six Sigma. The main features of Lean are to
help in reducing cost, whereas the key principles of Six
Sigma are used to reduce the variability of products.
However, in any organization or industry the main aim is
to ultimately improve the quality of its products or
services. These issues can be addressed only by
reduction in costs achieved by application of Lean and
as well as process improvement by reducing variability
to the six sigma levels.
The author shortlisted 25 major industries in and
around Delhi, India that were using Lean and/or Six
Sigma as their company policy. The questionnaire that
was used for the purpose of the study was tested for



Based on the results of the questionnaire it was

seen that considering the fact that lean six sigma is a
relatively new policy, it has already been adapted by a
significant number of major industries in northern India.
It was also seen that most of the industries became
aware of this policy through professional papers and
other such publications. By the responses given, it was
observed that the respondent companies were using
this policy for more than a year and the most common
reasons for using the policy were to improve customer
satisfaction and remain competitive in the international
market. The companies were seen to have a positive
experience of using lean six sigma and were convinced
of using it in the future because of the advantages it
gave them in maintaining their quality and eliminating
waste and thus helping in cost reduction. On the basis
of all the results that were obtained with the help of the
questionnaire the following conclusion was made.


approaches and solutions have been offered in order to
increase the outputs of an organization and to gain
maximum customer satisfaction. Several of these have
been unable to retain with the due passage of time.
However, as can be concluded from the results of the

present study, unlike such previous concepts, Lean Six

Sigma can be considered to be fairly successful in
helping organizations achieve their targets. From the
responses given it can be seen that the industries had
used lean six sigma before and were convinced of using
it in the future as well. Companies and organizations are
always in lookout for methods to improve their
productivity which Lean Six Sigma can definitely provide
them with. At the end of the paper, it can be concluded
that a policy like lean six sigma that has its fair share of
supporters who have been using it and hope to continue
doing so in the future, is definitely not a fad as it has
been considered by some of its critics and it holds the
key for managing the cost and quality issues of
industries, and specially so for those in the developing


1. Carol Carlson Dean, (1997) "The Principles of
Scientific Management by Fred Taylor: Exposures in
print beyond the private printing", Journal of
Management History (Archive), Vol. 3 Iss: 1, pp.4
2. Inman, R. (1999). Are You Implementing A pull
System By putting A Cart Before The Horse?
Production And Inventory Management Journal , 40,
3. Holweg, M. 2007. The genealogy of lean production.
Journal of Operations Management 25(4): 20-437.
4. Peter Hines, Nick Rich, (1997) "The seven value
stream mapping tools", International Journal of
Operations & Production Management, Vol. 17 Iss:
1, pp.46 64
5. Womack, J., Jones, D. and Roos, D. (1990), The
Machine that Changed the World, Rawson
Associates, New York, NY
6. Rother, M. and Shook, J. (1999), Learning to See,
The Lean Enterprise Institute, Cambridge, MA.
7. Peter Hines, Matthias Holweg, Nick Rich, (2004)
"Learning to evolve: A review of contemporary lean
thinking", International Journal of Operations &
Production Management, Vol. 24 Iss: 10, pp.994
8. Barney, M. (2002). Motorolas second generation.
Six Sigma Forum Magazine, 1(3): 13-16.
9. Schroeder, R.G., Linderman, K., Liedtke, C., Choo,
A.S., 2008. Six Sigma: definition and underlying
theory. Journal of Operations Management 26 (4),
10. Rajagopalan,R.,Francis,M.,Suarez,W.,2004.
Developing novel catalysts with Six Sigma
ResearchTechnology Management 47,1316.
11. Thomas D. McCarty, Sally A. Fisher, (2007) "Six
sigma: it is not what you think", Journal of Corporate
Real Estate, Vol. 9 Iss: 3, pp.187 196
12. Sower, V., Savoie, M. and Renick, S. (1999), An
Engineering, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
2012 Global Journals Inc. (US)


Global Journal of Researches in Engineering ( D

J ) Volume XII Issue vI Version I

reliability using Cronbach's alpha test. The questions

were designed such that they all had a standardized
Cronbachs alphas range from a low of 0.74 to a high of
0.84. The questionnaire formulated was then sent to the
selected industries through mail. Out of the industries
selected, only 10 responses were received. The main
purpose of the questionnaire was to know about the
experiences of these industries in using Lean and/or Six
Sigma, either together or as separate entities. The first
part of the questionnaire asked the individual
respondent about the position they occupied in the
company. It was observed that the employees
belonged to different levels of the industrial
hierarchy from shop floor technicians to the
production managers. The next part of the
questionnaire addressed questions about how the
companies became aware of either lean or Six Sigma
and also the duration from which they were using it. The
respondent companies were then asked about their
reasons and experiences of the implementation of either
lean and/or six sigma in their companies and also on the
reasons for further using these in the future considering
the advantages it gave in the cost reduction and quality
issues. The individual questions were designed such
that the respondents had to give their responses to the
questions or statements on a 5 point Likert scale (1-5)
starting from Very high to Very low as two extremes of
continua, that were divided in five intervals of
measurement. In addition, the approximations were
used in terms of numbers and/or percentages for

March 2012

Lean Sigma- Not just a whim. It is here to Stay

March 2012

Lean Sigma- Not just a whim. It is here to Stay

Global Journal of Researches in Engineering ( D

J ) Volume XII Issue vI Version I


13. Revere, L., Black, K. and Huq, A. (2004),

Integrating six sigma and CQI for improving patient
care, The TQM Magazine, Vol. 16 No. 2, p. 105.
14. Pande, P.S., Neuman, R.P. and Cavanagh, R.R.
(2000), The Six Sigma Way, McGraw-Hill, New York,
15. Pande, P.S., Neuman, R.P. and Cavanagh, R.R.
(2000), The Six Sigma Way, McGraw-Hill, New York,
16. Stewart, R.A. & Spencer, C.A. (2006) 'Six-sigma as a
strategy for process improvement on construction
projects: a case study.
17. Brewer, P.C. and N.A. Bagranoff. 2004. Near zerodefect accounting with Six Sigma. Journal of
(January/February) 6772.
18. Chakrabarty, A. and Tan, K.C. (2007), The current
state of six sigma application in services,
Managing Service Quality, Vol. 17 No. 2, pp. 19420
19. Antony, J. 2004, Six Sigma in the UK service
organisations: Results from a pilot survey,
Managerial Auditing Journal, vol. 19, no. 8, pp.
20. Sheridan, J.H. (2000), Lean Sigma synergy,
Industry Week, Vol. 249 No. 17, pp. 81-2.
21. Bendell, T., 2006. A review and comparison of Six
Sigma and the lean organizations. The TQM
Magazine 18 (3), 255262
22. Smith, B. (2003), Lean and Six Sigma a one-two
punch, Quality Progress, Vol. 36 No. 4, pp. 37-41.
23. Higgins, K.T. (2005), Lean builds steam, Food
Engineering: The Magazine for Operations and
24. Gibson, J. W., and Tesone, D. V. (2001),
Management fads: Emergence, evolution, and
Management Executive, 15(4), 122-133.
25. Abrahamson, E. (1996), Management fashion.
Academy of Management Review, 21(1), 254285.Abrahamson, E., and Fairchild, G. (1999),
Management fashion: Lifecycles, triggers, and
collective learning processes. Administrative

2012 Global Journals Inc. (US)

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