Logic and Critical Thinking Syllabus

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Syllabus for Logic and Critical Thinking (PHIL 208)


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Course Description
The most fundamental question of logic is this: Given any two statements, does the one follow
from the other? Thus, the follows from or entailment relation is central to the study of logic. The
course is not about how people actually reasona subject more appropriate for psychology or sociology
but how one should and should not reason. At the very least, the object is to introduce students to some of
the necessary features of sound reasoning through a study of both its formal and informal features. Hence,
the course has a strong normative component. Thus, in addition to thinking of logic as the study of
entailment, one could think of it as the study of the difference between good and poor reasoning,
particularly as these are exemplified in arguments. Topics covered include, but are not limited to, the nature
of arguments, deduction and induction, syllogistic logic, propositional logic, quantified predicate logic,
fallacious reasoning, and scientific reasoning. There is also an aesthetic component to the course. Logic is
beautiful and one of the goals of the course is to demonstrate this.
Also to be stressed is the role of logic in thinking critically. Critical thinkingor as I prefer,
thinkinglike good writing skills, is necessary not only to a well-rounded education, but also to getting
along well in ones private and professional life. Logic alone is not the same as critical thinking. Moreover,
one can no more expect critical thinking to be taught in a single course than one would expect good writing
or effective speaking skills to be taught in a single course. On the other hand, thinking cannot be critical
if it violates elementary logical norms. The discipline of logic brings one to awareness of logics norms,
and can thereby be ones best friend in the attempt to think critically.
Logic and Critical Thinking and General Education
Logic and Critical Thinking is an elective in the menu of general education. General education is designed to
implement the following philosophy:
General Education is the study of humans in their global setting. The general education curriculum, therefore,
acts as the heart of a university education by developing the capacities that typify the educated person and by
providing a basis for life-long learning and intellectual, ethical, and aesthetic fulfillment. General education
examines the world around us and fosters an understanding of our interactions with the world and our place
in the universe. General education celebrates the creative capacities of humankind and helps to preserve and
transmit to future generations the values, knowledge, wisdom, and sense of history that are our common
Logic and Critical Thinking should aid one in meeting the following goals and objectives of the general education:

Demonstrate the ability to formulate and solve problems using the tools of mathematics (I.3).
Demonstrate the ability to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information in problem solving (II.1).
Articulate a problem and develop a logical and reasonable response to it using the appropriate sources (II.2).
Demonstrate the ability to analyze and synthesize information (II.4).

Course Objectives
1. Students should come away from Logic and Critical Thinking with an appreciation of the fact
that logic is both an object of study and an aid in thinking clearly. Thus, logic has both a theoretical and a
practical side. The tool of logic has been refined through the centuries by making logic itself an object of
study. This course touches on both aspects of logic.
2. Students should be able to make distinctions among and identify (a) the truth or falsity of
beliefs and the truth or falsity of statements (b) the truth or falsity of statements and the validity or
invalidity arguments, (c) the emotional appeal of an argument and its logical force, (d) deduction and
induction, (e) arguments and explanations, (f) decision procedures and proofs.

3. Students should be able to (a) test the validity of arguments using Venn diagrams, truth tables,
and truth trees and (b) construct formal proofs using rules of inference and rules of equivalence. In order to
develop these skills it will be necessary to learn the fundamental principles of elementary term logic and
elementary propositional (or sentential) logic.
4. Students should appreciate the roles of both deduction and induction in science, including the
ways in which these forms of reasoning are used and abused in pseudo-science. Particularly relevant to
these questions is learning to mark the distinction between auxiliary and ad hoc hypotheses.
5. Students should understand the differences between formal and informal logic and they should
be able to identity the most common fallacious forms of reasoning in each form of logic. This aspect of the
course sensitizes one to the varieties of ways that language is used in the process of reasoning well and
reasoning poorly.
Required Textbook and Textbook Requirements
The textbook for the course is Logic for Non-Vulcans: An Introduction to Logic (2007 edition) by Donald
W. Viney. The author receives absolutely no financial remuneration from the sale of his book.
Because the textbook is a central element of the course students should take the time to familiarize
themselves with its layout and features. Please note the following: (i) Every chapter contains numbered
exercises; the first number indicates the chapter and the second number indicates the sequence of exercises
in the chapterfor example, 2.6 means second chapter, sixth set of exercises. (ii) Answers to prime
numbered exercises (with the exception of number 1) are given in the final section of the book beginning
on page 251thus, answers are given to each question 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 and so forth. (iii) There is a glossary of
terms and concepts used in the text, which are printed in bold face in the body of the text, beginning on
page 233. (iv) On page v, just after Table of Contents, there is a list of charts, tables, and diagrams used in
the text.
Course Requirements and Grading
Instructors philosophy of grading: Grades are not given on the basis of the work done, the amount of work
done, or the tuition paid. Grades are earned by the student and awarded by the instructor on the basis of
merit. It follows that students are neither clients nor customers and that university degrees cannot
legitimately be traded, sold, or purchased. A grade of A represents outstanding work; B means work of
high quality; a grade of C is awarded when a student shows a basic grasp of the material; D is for work of
substandard but passing quality; F means failure. Grammar, spelling, and the quality of reasoning that goes
into a students work are all relevant to the grade awarded. Grammar and spell checks make it much easier
to avoid grammatical and orthographical errors. Unfortunately, no one has written software for checking
fallacious reasoning (fallacy check): then again, checking for fallacious reasoning is an important part of
what this course is about!
1. The final grade is figured as a percentage of the total points earned on quizzes and exams (90%
and above = A; 80-89% = B; 70-79% = C; 60-69% = D; 59% and below = F). Students may examine their
current standing in the course by checking their scores on Angel.
2. There will be at least twelve quizzes and at least three exams, varying in point values between
20 and 80. The total point value in the course will likely reach into the 500s. Quiz and exam questions are
often drawn directly from the book. All quizzes and exams will be announced ahead of time and notices
placed on Blackboard.
3. Make-up work and extra credit: There are no make-up quizzes or exams so it is imperative that
you be in class on the days that quizzes and exams are given. On many quizzes there will be extra credit
points. Also, there is one major extra credit assignment involving chapter 4 that will be discussed when the
time comes. These extra credit opportunities should be enough to compensate anyone who, for whatever
reason, misses a quiz or an exam.

Schedule of Course Work
Although the instructor will, at one time or another refer to all parts of the textbook, students will not be
required to read and master all the material in the book. Here is an outline of the topics and skills to be
Chapter 1
Be able to explain and give examples of the variety of things we do with language.
Be able to identify the difference between statements (propositions) and other sorts of sentences.
Be able to define argument, premise, and conclusion
Be able to identify the premises and conclusions of arguments
Be able to explain and identify the differences among (i) statements, (ii) beliefs about statements,
(ii) the truth or falsity of statements (and beliefs), and (iv) justifications for holding beliefs about
Define and be able to identify deductive and inductive arguments.
Define and be able to explain the difference between the validity and soundness of arguments.
Be able to explain why logic, as studied in this course, is a normative discipline.
Be able to explain why logic is not the same as psychology.
Be able to state the fundamental question of logic.
Chapter 2
Be able to explain in what sense Aristotles logic is a formal logic.
Be able to explain Aristotles theory of categorical propositions (statements)
Be able to identify the properties of a categorical proposition, that is, its quality and quantity
Be able to identify the parts of a categorical proposition, that is to say, its subject and predicate
terms, its quantifier, and its copula.
Be able to explain what a Venn diagram means both with and without Xs and zero-slashes.
Be able to draw Venn diagrams of the four types of categorical propositions.
Be able to identify the categorical propositions represented in a Venn diagram.
Be able to perform the operations of immediate inferenceconversion, contraposition,
obversionon any categorical proposition and to explain whether the operation yields a valid or
an invalid inference.
Be able to identify the valid and invalid inference relations on the square of opposition. The
inference relations are contrary, contradictory, subcontrary, and subaltern.
Be able to explain Aristotles oversight and the existential fallacy.
Be able to identify the elements of an Aristotelian syllogism, its three terms (major, minor, and
middle), its three statements (major premise, minor premise, conclusion).
Be able to name the mood and figure of any Aristotelian syllogism.
Be able to use Venn diagrams to determine the validity or invalidity of any Aristotelian syllogism.
Be able to identify the various fallacies of invalid syllogisms.
Be able to state the fundamental question of logic.
Chapter 3 and part of chapter 4
Be able to explain how the formalism of modern logic differs from the formalism of Aristotles
logic, but how it is similar to ancient Stoic logic.
Be able to explain and identify the difference between simple and compound propositions.
Be able to identify the five basic truth-functions used in the text by their truth tables.
Be able to explain what a truth function is.
Be able to explain the principle used in the construction of each of the truth tables.
Be able to explain the difference between exclusive and inclusive disjunction.
Be able to distinguish between the antecedent and the consequent of a conditional statement and to
distinguish sufficient and necessary conditions.
Be able to explain the difference between the expressions if and if and only if.

Be able to explain the so-called paradox of material implication.
Be able to explain the difference between a conditional statement and an implication.
Be able to distribute a negation through a conjunction or a disjunction using De Morgans rules.
Be able to construct a truth table for a proposition with any number of elementary variables.
Be able to explain the differences among tautologies, contradictions, and contingent statements.
Be able to classify propositions as belong to the same or different equivalence classes.
Be able to identify the sixteen basic truth-functions.
Be able to construct and correct truth tables for arguments.
Be able to identify the top ten argument forms (modus ponens, modus tollens, etc.)
In the case of constructive and destructive dilemmas, know the difference escaping between the
horns of a dilemma and grasping a dilemma by its horns.
Be able to identify the difference between theory confirmation and theory disconfirmation.
Be able to identify an auxiliary hypothesis and explain whether or not it should be classified as an
ad hoc hypothesis.
Be able to explain how the difference between auxiliary and ad hoc hypotheses helps to clarify the
difference between science and pseudo-science.
Be able to explain the variety of uses for contradictions.
Be able to state the fundamental question of logic.
Chapter 5 and Chapter 7
Be familiar with the rules of inference and the rules of equivalence.
Be able to identify substitution instances of the rules of inference and equivalence.
Be able to construct proofs using the rules of inference and equivalence.
Be able to construct proofs using the rules of conditional proof and indirect proof.
Know the difference between a proof of validity and the proof of a statement.
Know the difference between a decision procedure and a proof of validity.
Be able to explain the difference between a formal fallacy and an informal fallacy.
Be able to name and identify the major formal fallacies.
Be able to name and identify the major informal fallacies.
Be able to state the fundamental question of logic.
Some Friendly, But Hopefully Not Too Patronizing, Advice
The professor follows the layout of the textbook. Thus, it will not be difficult to follow the progress of the
class through the semester. However, the time and the subject matter will fly by very rapidly so students
should be diligent in keeping abreast of the assignments. Logic is not the kind of subject for which most
students find it easy to cram. Waiting until the last minute to study or to do the assignments will almost
certainly result in a less than satisfactory performance.
Academic Misconduct/Scholastic Dishonesty
Any act that violates the rights of another student in academic work, is disruptive of proper class order, or
that involves the misrepresentation of your own work, will result in penalties up-to and including dismissal
from the course with a failing grade. Scholastic dishonesty and academic misconduct include, but are not
limited to, cheating on assignments or examinations; plagiarizing (which means misrepresenting as your
own work any part of work done by another); submitting the same or substantially the same paper to meet
the requirements of more than one class without the consent of all of the instructors involved; depriving
another student of necessary course materials; or interfering with another student's work.
Americans with Disabilities Act
Pittsburg State University adheres to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you need
an accommodation under this Act due to a physical disability, contact the Office of Equal Opportunity, 218
Russ Hall, phone: 235-4185. If you need an accommodation due to a learning disability contact Steve
Mayhew at 235-4452.

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