Gothic Earth Bestiary
Gothic Earth Bestiary
Gothic Earth Bestiary
Format: Movement, Armor Class, Hit Dice, Number of Attacks (Attack Bonus), Damage (Method of
Attack), Morale, Special Abilities & Rule Exceptions.
Accursed Wight
Accursed Wights are Saxon warriors who once sided with a usurper and have, as a consequence of their
treason, been cursed with an eternity of rotting servitude. In undeath they are charged with protecting the
burial mounds of the ancient rulers of Albion.
Move: 90' (30') AC: 16 HD: 5 Attacks: 2 (AB +5) Dam: 1d6 (short sword) Mor: 8
Special Abilities: Spiritual Sever anyone hit by an Accursed Wight's sword feels their connection to the
spiritual cosmos rent and torn; this effect causes the victim to lose 1d4 points of Wisdom. This Ability
Score damage can be repaired by a Restoration or Heal spell. Undead.
Animate Hide
An Animate Hide is nothing more than the outer skin of a creature that has been given unlife through a
disgusting ritual in which the hide is peeled from a still-living being.
Move: 90' (30') AC: 11 HD: 2 Attacks: 1 (AB +2) Dam: 0 Mor: 12 Special Abilities: Envelop on
a successful attack, an Animate Hide envelops its victim; once enveloped, the victim automatically takes
1d4 points of suffocation damage per round. The victim's friends must be careful not to harm the person
enveloped by this creature if they attack it. Undead.
Awakened Sorcerer
Awakened Sorcerers are spirits of long-dead wizards who have transcended death itself; they possess the
animated bodies of corporeal undead creatures. While inhabiting the form of an undead creature, an
Awakened Sorcerer gains all of its powers and limitations; thus, it behooves an Awakened Sorcerer to
inhabit the body of a powerful type of undeadthough it sometimes serves their obscure purposes to take
over the body of a minor form of undead (such as a skeleton or zombie) so that they might better pursue
their goals without drawing undue attention.
Move: as per host creature AC: as per host creature HD: as per host creature +3
Attacks: as per host creature Dam: as per host creature Mor: 8 Special Abilities: Grave Wizard an
Awakened Sorcerer is always at least a 5th level magic-user. Symbiotic Spirit a Dispel Evil or Exorcise
spell automatically destroys an Awakened Sorcerer, but leaves the host creature intact. Undead.
Barnacle'd Chanter
Barnacle'd Chanters are the re-animated remains of sailors who have died at sea, sunk to the furthest
reaches of an underwater hell, and returned to impart horrific revelations to the living.
Move: 90' (30') AC: 18 HD: 6 Attacks: 1 (AB +6) Dam: 1d6 (short sword) Mor: 12
Special Abilities: Damnable Secrets a Barnacle'd Chanter continually sings the dreadful secrets of the
grave; anyone who can hear these dreadful revelations must make a Saving Throw vs. Terror. Briny
Death anyone struck by a Barnacle'd Chanter's attack must make a Saving Throw vs. Death or have
their lungs fill with spectral salt water; a character must spend the next round expelling this water or
drown. Undead.
Battering Hound
Places of Satanic cult activity are often guarded by Battering Hounds. Battering Hounds are demonic
creatures that look like massive war-hounds who have corroded metal plates fused with their flesh;
instead of a head, a Batter Hound instead has a metal battering ram.
Move: 160' (60') AC: 17 HD: 5 Attacks: 1 (AB +5) Dam: 2d8 (battering ram) Mor: 11
Special Abilities: Demon. Juggernaut Anyone hit by a Battering Hound's battering attack must make a
successful Saving Throw vs. Death or be knocked prone for a round.
Bird with the Crystal Plumage
These birds are an unholy fusion of a large hawk-like bird and a crystalline construct. Birds with the
Crystal Plumage are filled with multicolored, luminescent liquids. When a Bird with the Crystal Plumage
pecks a foe it injects its victim with the magical elixir contained within its body.
Move: Flight: 180' (60'), On foot: 60' (20') AC: 17 HD: 3 Attacks: 1 (AB +3) Dam: 1d6 (beak)
Mor: 5 Special Abilities: Chaotic Injection anyone hit by a the Bird's beak attack must make a
successful Saving Throw vs. Poison or be injected with a liquid that has the effects of a random potion.
Blood(thirsty) Hound
These undead canines are vampiric wolf-hounds who often serve vampire lords or liches.
Move: 120' (40') AC: 13 HD: 1 Attacks: 1 (AB +1) Dam: 1d6 (bite) Mor: 10
Special Abilities: Blood-drinker when a Blood(thirsty) Hound bites a victim it regains Hit Points equal
to half the amount of damage it has inflicted. Undead.
Brain in a Jar
Sometimes wizardly apprentices favored by liches have their brains preserved in jars; sometimes these
jars are given enchanted mechanical legs with which to move and pursue their master's strange agenda.
Move: 90' (30') AC: 15 HD: 2 Attacks: 0 Dam: 0 Mor: 6
Special Abilities: Mentalist a Brain in a Jar can use Suggestion and Telekinesis at will.
Cambion Seducer
Cambions are the product of unholy unions between mortal women and demons. A Cambion Seducer
plots to obtain power through guile and charm. They might appear human, but somewhere on their body
is a feature that tells of their infernal heritage.
Move: 120' (40') AC: 13 HD: 9 Attacks: 1 (AB +9) Dam: 1d6 (rapier) Mor: 9
Special Abilities: Devilish Phantasmagoria a Cambion Seducer casts spells as a 9th level illusionist.
Cambion Conqueror
Cambions are the product of unholy unions between mortal women and demons. A Cambion Conqueror
plots to obtain power through military prowess and battlefield stratagem. They have blood-red skin and
prominent horns atop their heads.
Move: 120' (40') AC: 18 HD: 10 Attacks: 3 (AB +10) Dam: 1d8 (longsword) Mor: 11
Special Abilities: Gaze of the Conqueror the gaze of a Cambion Conqueror can act as a Hold Person
spell three times per day. Brutal a Cambion Conqueror re-rolls all 1s rolled for damage. Warmage a
Cambion Conqueror casts spells as a 5th level magic-user. Demon.
Cambion Enigma
Cambions are the product of unholy unions between mortal women and demons. A Cambion Enigma is a
devilish figure completely wrapped in chains that floats three feet off the ground. What a Cambion
Enigma is after is usually a complete mystery; they are inscrutable plotters who play games with the lives
of men as if it were nothing more than a game of chess.
Move: Flight 180' (60') AC: 18 HD: 12 Attacks: 4 (AB +12) Dam: 2d8 (chain whip) Mor: 10
Special Abilities: Bad Juju a Cambion Enigma casts spells as a 12th level magic-user. Brutal a
Cambion Enigma re-rolls all 1s rolled for damage. Fortress of the Iron Mind a Cambion Enigma is
immune to all forms of mind-reading, charm effects, and scrying. Demon.
Cambion Hellknight
Cambions are the product of unholy unions between mortal women and demons. Cambion Hellknights
are devil-spawn who have completely given themselves over to the infernal corruption that lives in their
hearts. Hellknights are always encountered in rune-etched armor with full helms; none know what such a
being looks like beneath their casque.
Move: 120' (40') AC: 17 HD: 12 Attacks: 2 (AB +12) Dam: 2d10 (greatsword or greataxe) Mor: 11
Special Abilities: Brutal a Cambion Hellknight re-rolls all 1s rolled for damage. Staggering Strike a
successful attack by a Cambion Hellknight also drains 1d6 points of Strength. Infernal Magicks a
Hellknight can use the following spell-like abilities once per day: Cause Fear, Death Spell, and Symbol.
Candy Golem
Candy Golems are strange automatons made of rock candy used to guard the fantastical confection
laboratories of a nattily-dressed man known only as Wilhelm Wonke.
Move: 60' (20') AC: 13 HD: 2 Attacks: 2 (AB +2) Dam: 1d4 (sticky fists) Mor: 12
Special Abilities: Delicious in Death upon reaching zero Hit Points, a Candy Golem shatters into a pile
of completely edible candy. Each inert Candy Golem produces enough sweets for ten servings; when
consumed, the remains of a Candy Golem cause a massive sugar-rush, granting the eater the effects of a
Haste spell. Construct.
Carrion Vulture
Carrion Vultures are created by necromancer-priests to act as sentries and spies. They are animated
through inhuman rites in which a normal vulture is fed a diet of zombie flesh, killed ritualistically, and
then raised as undead creatures. A Carrion Vulture has an unbreakable telepathic bond with its creator
that allows the priest to see what the it sees.
Move: Fly 480' (160') AC: 13 HD: 5 Attacks: 3 (AB +5) Dam: 1d6/1d6/1d8 (claw/claw/bite)
Mor: 12 Special Abilities: Necrotic Wounds Any damage dealt by the bite of a Carrion Vulture will
not heal through natural means. Undead.
Chrono-crone Hag
Chrono-crones are women whose appearance is bifurcated lengthwise down their bodies; the left half of
their bodies is withered and old, while the right half of their bodies is youthful and blooming. Chronocrones are often magically linked to enchanted clocks. If the clock is tampered withfor example, if the
hands of the clock are moved manuallythe room first goes black, is then filled with eerie, spectral light,
and then the Chrono-chrome appears. Chrono-crones summoned in this way will offer to strike a bargain
with a group of adventurers, such as providing the effects of a Haste or Time Stop spell when they most
need it, because any tampering with the orderly flow of time does honors their strange, otherworldly
Move: 120' (40') AC: 14 HD: 10 Attacks: 2 (AB +10) Dam: 1d4 (claw) Mor: 6
Special Abilities: Stasis Touch anyone hit by a Chrono-crone's claw attack must make a successful
Saving Throw vs. Petrify or be struck with a Hold Person effect. Mistress of Time A Chrono-crone can
cast Haste and Slow at will, Passwall, Dimension Door, and Teleport three times per day, and Time Stop
twice per day.
Drowned Witch
In the moors of Yorkshire it was once tradition to seal demon-worshiping witches into wells as
punishment for their blasphemy. The witches drown within the well, but sometimes seek vengeance
beyond death and return as Drowned Witches. Drowned Witches are pallid, water-logged wretches; their
faces are continually obscured by long manes of sodden black hair.
Move: 120' (40') AC: 15 HD: 9 Attacks: 2 (AB +9) Dam: 1d6 (claws) Mor: 11
Special Abilities: Spectral Blinking a Drowned Witch possesses the blinking ability of a Blink Dog.
Accursed Touch anyone hit by a Drowned Witch's claws must make a Saving Throw or be afflicted by
Bestow Curse; the curse is averted if the victim tricks someone else into her clutches within 7 days.
Ebony Butterfly Swarm
Ebony Butterfly Swarms are whirling masses of black-winged death. Ancient Japanese legends hold that
each butterfly in the swarm is the reincarnated soul of a peasant who somehow displeased the gods.
While no one knows whether this legend is true, it is known that the wings of the butterflies who make up
the Ebony Butterfly Swarm are as sharp as steel. Ebony Butterfly Swarms are carnivorous and have been
known to attack livestock in fields and have occasionally descended on mass to feast upon human
villagers in the countryside.
Move: 10' (5') AC: 13 HD: 5 Attacks: none (see special abilities) Dam: none Mor: 12
Special Abilities: Rending Cloud an Ebony Butterfly Swarm doesn't really attack per se. Rather, the
swarm covers an area of 20'; any living creatures within the swarm suffer the follow effects: if the being
has 3 Hit Dice or less it must make a Saving Throw or be slain by the cutting wings of the ebony
butterflies. If the being has more than 3 Hit Dice it must make a Saving Throw or suffer 3d8 points of
Ectoplasmic Fiend
Ectoplasmic Fiends are semi-corporeal spirits who are lured onto the material world and trapped in
warded jars by enterprising necromancers. These necromancers often use trapped Ectoplasmic Fiends as
parts of traps; once the trap is sprung, the jar is broken and the Fiend released to attack the trespasser.
Move: 120' (40') AC: 12 HD: 3 Attacks: 2 (AB +3) Dam: 1d8/1d8 (chilling touch) Mor: 10
Special Abilities: Ectoplasmic because an Ectoplasmic Fiend's corporeal form is made of ectoplasm, it
only takes half damage from all physical attacks. Possessor an Ectoplasmic Fiend may use Magic Jar
as a spell-like ability three times per day. Undead.
Flayed Walker
Flayed Walkers are zombies that are created through unwholesome rites known only to the necromancerpriests that revere Nyarlathotep. The victim of these rites is first stripped of his or her skin whilst still
alive, dosed with alchemical potions, and then buried prematurely. When the victim claws their way out
of their grave seven days later they emerge as a Flayed Walker, a skinless zombie whose musculature has
become dense and hardened.
Move: 120' (40') AC: 12 HD: 3 Attacks: 1 (AB +3) Dam: 1d6 (claw) Mor: 12
Special Abilities: Disquieting Aura because of their horrific appearance, anyone who sees a Flayed
Walker must make a saving throw or suffer the effects of a Cause Fear spell. Brutalized Physiognomy
due to the damage already inflicted upon them, Flayed Walkers are tough and difficult to wound further.
All weapon attacks directed against them do half the normal amount of damage. Undead.
Forsaken One
A Forsaken One is the undead remains of a child who has died due to being abandoned by its parents. A
Forsaken One has a body of shriveled flesh and a skeletal head. (Their heads sometimes resemble animal
skulls rather than human.)
Move: 120' (40') AC: 11 HD: 2 Attacks: 3 (AB +2) Dam: 1d4/1d4/1d4 (claw/claw/bite)
Mor: 9 Special Abilities: Voice Thief anyone struck by the bite attack of a Forsaken One must make a
successful Saving Throw vs. Spells or lose their power of speech. This loss persists until the Forsaken
One is destroyed. If a Forsaken One steals a person's voice, it then gains the ability to speak in that
character's voice. Undead.
Frost Maiden
Frost Maidens are ghostly undead women of great beauty who haunt the countryside of the Japan. In life
they were the geisha, but during a puritanical purge by a local lord they were driven out and their home
was burned to the ground. As they huddled together for warmth, they made a pact that they would not let
their deaths go unavenged. Their bodies died of exposure, but their spirits live on to attack the living and
demand the whereabouts of the lord and his soldiers.
Move: 120' (40') AC: 14 HD: 7 Attacks: 1 (AB +7) Dam: 1d10 (freezing touch) Mor: 10
Special Abilities: Undead. Ectoplasmic a Frost Maiden only takes half damage from physical attacks.
Breath of Winter a Frost Maiden may exhale a Cone of Cold in lieu of attacking with her freezing touch.
A Frost Maiden can use this ability three times per day. Heart of Ice Frost Maidens are immune to both
cold and fire attacks. Furthermore, a Frost Maiden exudes an aura of intense cold that gives a -2 penalty
to-hit to anyone in close combat with her.
Galvanic Zombie
Galvanic Zombies are the creations of the American spiritualist John Murray Spear. Spear was obsessed
with harnessing the power of electricity for spiritual ends; his experiments managed to use lightning both
as an animating force for his zombies as well as using it to bestow upon them a dangerous method of
Move: 120' (40') AC: 13 HD: 3 Attacks: 1 (AB +3) Dam: 2d6 (electrical touch) Mor: 12
Special Abilities: Galvanic Field anyone attacking a Galvanic Zombie with a metal weapon or
implement takes 2d6 points of damage from the electrical current running throughout its body.
Immune to Electrical Attacks a Galvanic Zombie takes no damage from electrical attacks.
Germ-Free Adolescent
Germ-Free Adolescents are the alchemical children constructed by the men of Stepford, Connecticut.
These adolescent children are vastly different from the stereotypical teenager. They always agree with
their parents, are fanatically opposed to any sort of rebellion or non-conformity, and are obsessed with
tidiness, cleaning, and are overly cheerful.
Move: 120' (40') AC: 11 HD: 1 Attacks: 1 (AB +1) Dam: as per weapon Mor: 6
Special Abilities: Aura of Banality while within 30' of a Germ-Free Adolescent, a character must make
a successful Saving Throw vs. Spells to do anything untoward, illegal, or impolite. If the character fails
the Saving Throw, they find themselves behaving in what is likely an uncharacteristically pleasant way. If
they pass the Saving Throw they may act as normal. Hatred of Riotous Sound Germ-Free Adolescents
take 1d6 points of damage per round when exposed to loud, discordant music or noise. Construct.
Glass Eye Zombie
Glass Eye Zombies are made from normal zombies that have had their eyes removed by the necromancer
who animates them; after removing the original eyes, the necromancer replaces them with enchanted
glass eyes that give the undead creature additional powers. Glass Eye Zombies are often found guarding
treasure vaults secret beneath the old cemeteries of Boston.
Move: 120' (40') AC: 12 HD: 4 Attacks: 1 (AB +4) Dam: 1d8 (slam) Mor: 12
Special Abilities: Baleful Eye Rays in addition to its normal slam attack, a Glass Eye Zombie can use
the power granted by its enchanted glass eyes once per round. The power granted by the necro-artificial
eyes is determined by their color (choose or roll 1d6): 1. Blue Dominate 2. Brown - Ray of
Enfeeblement 3. Green Feeblemind 4. Hazel - Hold Person 5. Gray - Disintegrate 6. Violet
Enervation. Rare Glass Eye Zombies are fitted with two differently-colored glass eyes. Such creatures
gain both powers granted by their magical glass eyes, but can only use one per round. Some claim that if
an enchanted eye is taken from a Glass Eye Zombie it can be fitted to the empty socket of a living
creature; researchers at Miskatonic University believe that a living creature could learn to call forth the
powers of such an itemalbeit in a much more limited fashion. Undead.
Holy Word
Cause Blindness
Dispel Magic
Cause Fear
Call Lightning
Flame Strike
Sticks to Snakes
Cause Disease
Bestow Curse
Blade Barrier
Spiritual Weapon
Insect Plague
Headhunter Worm
Headhunter Worms are large, violently pink worms whose bodies culminate in a fang-lined maw. Their
bodies are covered with replicas of the faces of creatures they have bitten.
Move: 60' (20') AC: 16 HD: 7+1 Attacks: 1 (AB +7) Dam: 1d10 (bite) Mor: 8
Special Abilities: Headhunter anyone bitten by a Headhunter Worm must make a successful Saving
Throw vs. Death or lose 1 point of Intelligence. Furthermore, a character thus bitten loses one of its
senses; roll a d4 to determine which sense is lost: 1smell, 2sight, 3hearing, or 4taste. This sense
can only be regained if the Headhunter Worm is slain. Additionally, once a character has been bitten the
Headhunter Worm sprouts a face on its body that looks exactly like that character's visage.
Heikegani appear to be giant crabs with human-like faces. In truth, they are the reincarnated spirits of
bushi who chose to flee battle instead of rallying to the defense of their lord. Cursed by a Shinto priest
for their cowardice, they now wait within the seas to challenge warriors who happen by their lairs, for it is
only through dying in battle that their souls will be allowed a place in the afterlife. Heikegani can sense
warriors of virtue and will seek them out in preference to all other foes.
Move: 60' (20') AC: 16 HD: 3 Attacks: 2 (AB +3) Dam: 1d6 (claw) Mor: 9
Special Abilities: Entrapping Claw on a natural to-hit roll of 18-20, a heikegani is able to grab an
opponent's weapon and disarm them in lieu of doing damage.
Hopping Vampire
Hopping Vampires are an unusual species of undead native to China. They are said to come into being
when an undead creature becomes inhabited by a demonic spirit; the commingling of the powers of
undeath and the powers of Hell result in this strange abomination. Hopping Vampires are easily
recognizable due to their elongated fingernails and, of course, their peculiar form of locomotion.
Move: 90' (30') AC: 17 HD: 7 Attacks: 2 (AB +7) Dam: 2d6+3 (Ki-draining claws) Mor: 10
Special Abilities: Undead. Demon. Obsessive if grains of rice are spilled in front of a Hopping
Vampire it must stop to count them. Foetid Breath once per round a Hopping Vampire can release a 10'
cloud of foul breath; anyone within that area must make a successful Saving Throw vs. Poison or suffer
the effects of Type 12 poison.
Hungry Shroud
Hungry Shrouds are undead creatures made of burial shrouds that have been stitched together in a
humanoid shape. The Hungry Shroud is then inflated (and thus animated) by an angry ethereal spirit
captured from beyond the veil.
Move: 150' (50') AC: 11 HD: 2 Attacks: 1 (AB +2) Dam: 1d8 (necrotic touch) Mor: 10
Special Abilities: Prone to Leaks with each attack that hits a Hungry Shroud, it sustains a wound and
begins to leak its spectral essence. Once it has sprung a leak, the Hungry Shroud takes a -1 penalty to
attack rolls and damage rolls. If the Hungry Shroud is damaged again it receives another cumulative -1
penalty to attack and damage rolls. Additionally, the round after a Hungry Shroud has sprung a leak it
emanates spectral essence that has the effects of a Stinking Cloud spell, but this cloud of choking spectral
gas only lasts 1 round. Undead.
Infernal Crocus
The Infernal Crocus is an immense mobile flower that is renowned for the brilliant orange, red, and
yellow pedals that adorn its monstrous face. When provoked, an Infernal Crocus chants a death hymn to
its foes.
Move: 90' (30') AC: 13 HD: 7 Attacks: 2 (AB +7) Dam: 2d4 (fiery burst) Mor: 12
Special Abilities: Heart of Flames twice per day an Infernal Crocus can spew forth a Fire Ball as if it
were a 7th level magic-user. Infernal Crocuses are immune to all fire attacks. Demon.
La Llorona
La Llorona are the ghosts of women who have abandoned their children in order to be with a man. Once
such a woman dies she will be barred entry into the afterlife until she has been re-united with and made
amends to her children. Unfortunately, if the woman's children have died before her she is likely cursed
to walk the world in search of children who no longer exist. A La Llorona will seize upon any child she
finds and attempt to carry them off; a La Llorona will mistake any child she encounters for one of her
Move: 120' (40') AC: 16 HD: 3 Attacks: 1 (AB +3) Dam: 1d6 (mournful wail) Mor: 12
Special Abilities: Ectoplasmic a La Llorona takes half damage from all physical attacks. Mournful
Wail in combat a La Llorona attacks by unleashing a terrible, heart-rending shriek in the face of a foe;
any foe struck by the force of the wail must make a successful Saving Throw vs. Spells or become
demoralized with grief. Such a character takes a -2 penalty to all rolls until they have had a chance to
mourn on their own.
Memento Mori
A Memento Mori is a spirit bound to a location such as a crypt or vault. These spirits are usually called
forth from beyond the veil to guard a coffer of treasure, but they sometimes remain in the world of their
own accord to safeguard a treasure dear to them in life. They appear to be spectral skeletons dripping
with ectoplasm.
Move: 120' (40') AC: 17 HD: 4 Attacks: 1 (AB +4) Dam: 1d8+4 (chilling touch) Mor: 12
Special Abilities: Bound Spirit a Memento Mori cannot be turned. However, a Dispel Magic spell
causes the Memento Mori to dissipate; it returns in 1d4 rounds. A Memento Mori takes half damage from
all physical attacks due to its ectoplasmic form. Creeping Chills a Memento Mori gains in strength as it
fights interlopers; each round after it damages an opponent it gains an additional 1d8 damage die. (After
the first time a Memento Mori hits a foe it does 2d8+4 damage on the next hit.) Undead.
Morgue-Dwellers were serial murderers in life who have been brought back in a state of undeath by the
will to kill again. These creatures look like skeletal remains with chunks of flesh adhering to their frames
here and there; in a Morgue-Dweller's chest cavity is an abnormally-long, pulsating tongue. This tongue
fills the chest and spills out of the creature's mouth.
Move: 120' (40') AC: 17 HD: 9 Attacks: 3 (AB +9) Dam: 1d8/1d8/1d6 (claw/claw/tongue lash)
Mor: 12 Special Abilities: Paralytic Saliva anyone struck by a Morgue-Dweller's tongue lash attack
must make a successful Saving Throw vs. Paralyze or be paralyzed for 1d6 rounds. Undeath's Herald
anyone killed by a Morgue-Dweller immediately rises again as a zombie under its control. Undead.
Mucazoid Tree
The Mucazoid Tree looks like a stunted, gnarled tree that is in a state of perpetual rot. Its bark is coated
in a glistening layer of mucus-like slime. Its trunk features many mouths that mutter incomprehensible
words and randomly titter as if laughing at some unheard joke.
Move: 120' (40') AC: 16 HD: 8 Attacks: 2 (AB +8) Dam: 1d10 (branch smash) Mor: 12
Special Abilities: Poison Mucus anyone coming into contact with a Mucazoid Tree (for example, if
they are hit by its branch smash attack) must make a successful Saving Throw vs. Poison or suffer the
effects of Type 4 poison. Demon.
Mucus Gob(lin)
Mucus Goblins look like regular Goblins, except their skin has a pronounced slimy sheen to it. They are
not, in fact, fey creatures like usual goblins, but are instead alchemical constructions made by the goblins
to serve as decoys.
Move: 60' (20') AC: 11 HD: 1-4 Hit Points Attacks: 1 (AB +0) Dam: as per weapon Mor: 12
Special Abilities: Snot Bomb when reduced to 0 Hit Points, a Mucus Goblin explodes into a mass of
sticky, foul-smelling slime in a 10' radius. Anyone in the blast radius must make a successful Saving
Throw vs. Poison or spend their next round frantically wiping the goo off of themselves. Construct.
Necrotic Sphinx
The leaders of the modern Set cult in Egypt employ scavengers to bring them any sphinx corpses they
find in the wild-lands. The priests use these corpses as the raw material to create Necrotic Sphinxes
horrific combinations of automaton constructs and undead beasts.
Move: 180' (60') AC: 17 HD: 7 Attacks: 3 (AB +7) Dam: 2d6/2d6/1d8 (blade/blade/stinger)
Mor: 12 Special Abilities: Poisonous Stinger any creature hit by the tail stinger of a Necrotic Sphinx
must make a Saving Throw or suffer the effects of Type 17 poison. Undead. Necrotic Breath once per
round a Necrotic Sphinx exhales a 30' cloud of gas. To determine what kind of gas the Necrotic Sphinx
exhales, roll once every round on the following chart:
Gas Type
Nerve Toxin Cloud Save vs. Poison or lose 1d4 points of Dexterity
Obsidian Soldier
Obsidian Soldiers are mindless warriors constructed from shards of black stone that are held together by
dark magic. Obsidian Soldiers are sometimes found in the retinues of German warlocks.
Move: 120' (40') AC: 14 HD: 1 Attacks: 1 (AB +1) Dam: 1d8 (longsword) Mor: 12
Special Abilities: Wave of Mutilation when reduced to 0 Hit Points, an Obsidian Soldier explodes in a
30' cloud of black stone shrapnel. Anyone caught in this area of effect must make a successful Saving
Throw vs. Breath Weapons or take 1d6 points of damage. Construct.
Ocular Fiend
Ocular Fiends are demonic creatures often sent to the world to act as spies and sentries for the leaders of
witchcults. They are dog-like creatures whose bodies are covered in spikes; they possess one large central
eye that never blinks.
Move: 180' (60') AC: 15 HD: 6 Attacks: 1 (AB +6) Dam: 1d8 (bite) Mor: 10
Special Abilities: Necrotic Bite anyone bitten by an Ocular Fiend must make a successful Saving
Throw vs. Petrify or take an additional 1d6 points of damage. All-seeing an Ocular Fiend can see
invisible creatures, can see through disguises (even magical ones), and is never surprised. Demon.
Offal Golem
Offal Golems are mindless constructs made of stitched-together innards.
Move: 90' (30') AC: 13 HD: 6 Attacks: 2 (AB +6) Dam: 2d6 (thump) Mor: 12
Special Abilities: Dirty Bomb when an Offal Golem reaches 0 Hit Points it explodes in a 30' of intestinal
wreckage; anyone within that area must make a successful Saving Throw vs. Poison or contract a random
disease. Construct.
A Penanggalan is a woman cursed with undeath. During the day, a Penanggalan appears to be a normal
human woman. (She often has class levels like a player character.) At night, the woman's head detaches
from her body and flies about in search of preytrailing beneath it a writhing mass of innards that drip
horrid acidic secretions. Penanggalan feed off the blood of the living; they use their powers of hypnotism
to ensnare mortal slaves and to create their own personal herd of feeding thralls. Penanggalan prefer to
make victims of beautiful womenthey only feed off of men when no better option is available.
Move: Human form: 120' (40') Flying head: 180' (60') AC: 11 (human form) or 13 (flying head) HD: as
per class level (human form) or human form +4 (flying head) Attacks: 1 (human form) or 2 (flying head)
(AB class level +4) Dam: by weapon (human form) or 1d6/1d4 (bite/acidic tendrils) Mor: 10
Special Abilities: Maddening Blood Drain the bite of a Penanggalan drains 1 point each of Intelligence
and Wisdom. Hypnotic Eyes the gaze of a Penanggalan have the effect of a Hypnotism spell, but any
Saving Throw against it has a -3 penalty. If a character has been previously hypnotized by the creature it
takes a cumulative -1 additional penalty equal to the number of times it has been hypnotized by the
Penanggalan. Acidic Tendrils anyone hit by the Pennanggalan's intestinal-tendrils takes 1d4 points of
acidic damage until they wash off the slime that coats its intestinal appendages. Horrifying Decapitation
anyone who witnesses a Penanggalan's head detach from its body must make a successful Saving
Throw vs. Spells or fall unconscious for a day; thereafter they suffer the effects of Feeblemind for an
additional three days. Human Form Immunities in its human form a Penanggalan is immune to things
that usually work against undead, such as Turn Undead, curative magic, holy water, etc. Undead.
Primordial Betrayer
Primordial Betrayers are hunch-backed vulture-men who were formerly Native American shamans
serving the world's primal spirits, but they betrayed their nature gods and diverted their power to the
white man's devils. Primordial Betrayers were blessed with their current form as a reward for serving
devils; they may only eat carrion and often stink of rotting flesh.
Move: 120' (40') AC: 14 HD: 4 Attacks: 2 (AB +4) Dam: 1d4 (claw) Mor: 4
Special Abilities: Blinding Gesture a Primordial Betrayer may forgo one of its claw attacks to instead
make a blasphemous gesture toward a character; that character must make a successful Saving Throw vs.
Spells or be blinded for 1d6 rounds. Summoner a Primordial Betrayer can summon 1d4 Shadows per
day. Five or more Betrayers working together can summon a Vrock.
Pumpkinheads have the bodies of gaunt, nearly-skeletal men with great grinning jack-o-lantern-esque
heads. An eerie, burning light pours from their eye sockets and mouths. Pumpkinheads are often found
acting as bodyguards and sentries for Irish witches and warlocks.
Move: 120' (40') AC: 13 HD: 2 Attacks: 1 (AB +2) Dam: 1d4 (fist) or by weapon Mor: 8
Special Abilities: Arresting Gaze three times per day a Pumpkinhead can cast Hold Person as a gaze
attack in addition to its normal attack.
Pyrowives are mutant fire elementals created by the alchemical experiments of Spanish wizards. They
outwardly appear to be normal human women, but when they wish they can set themselves ablaze with
riotous flame. For some untold reason, Pyrowives maneuver within the marriage market to make sure
they are matched with men who own vast and ancient estateswhich the pyrowife then proceeds to burn
down in the name of sacred pyromania.
Move: 120' (40') AC: 12 HD: 1 Attacks: 1 (AB +1) Dam: 1d4 (flaming touch) Mor: 7
Special Abilities: Start a Fire anyone hit by the Pyrowife's flaming touch attack must make a
successful Saving Throw vs. Wands or be lit aflame. A burning character takes an additional 1d4 points
of damage per round until they are doused or stop, drop, and roll.
Rimed Soldier
Rimed Soldiers are the undead remains of an obscure branch of the Templars who were wiped out in
Russia under forgotten circumstances. They are the rank and file of the Rimed Host.
Move: 120' (40') AC: 14 HD: 1 Attacks: 1 (AB +1) Dam: 1d8 (longsword) Mor: 12
Special Abilities: Undead. Frostbornonly takes half damage from cold attacks on a failed save; takes
no damage on a successful save.
Rimed Knight
Rimed Knights are the undead remains of an obscure branch of the Templars who were wiped out in
Russia under forgotten circumstances. They are the upper caste of the Rimed Host.
Move: 120' (40') AC: 15 HD: 3 Attacks: 1 (AB +3) Dam: 1d10 (greatsword) Mor: 12
Special Abilities: Undead. Frostbornonly takes half damage from cold attacks on a failed save; takes
no damage on a successful save. Black Blade of Winterthe first successful attack made by a Rimed
Knight deals additional damage as per a Shocking Hands spell, but the damage is cold-related instead of
Rimed Lord
Rimed Lords are the undead remains of an obscure branch of the Templars who were wiped out in Russia
under forgotten circumstances. They are the leaders of the Rimed Host.
Move: 120' (40') AC: 18 HD: 6 Attacks: 2 (AB +6) Dam: 1d8 (longsword) Mor: 12
Special Abilities: Undead. Frostbornonly takes half damage from cold attacks on a failed save; takes
no damage on a successful save. Black Blade of Winterthe first successful attack made by a Rimed
Lord deals additional damage as per a Shocking Hands spell, but the damage is cold-related instead of
electrical. Brutalre-roll all ones rolled for damage.
Scythe Mantis
Scythe Mantises, like Necrotic Sphinxes, are bizarre combinations of the animated dead and
technomanctic contruction. They have the lower bodies of mantis-shaped automatons and the upper
torsos of skeletal humans; their heads are always encased in a fierce iron death mask and their arms end in
vicious scything talons. They are used as bodyguards and assassins by the cult of Set.
Move: 160' (50') AC: 18 HD: 5 Attacks: 2 (AB +5) Dam: 1d6 (scythes) Mor: 12
Special Abilities: Brutalre-roll any ones for a Scythe Mantis's damage rolls. Undead. Impaleon a
natural twenty on a Scythe Mantis's damage roll they do double their maximum amount of damage.
Scorpiwhales are a chaotic hybrid of killer whales and giant scorpions that haunt North America's Atlantic
Move: 240' (80') AC: 17 HD: 12 Attacks: 1 (AB +12) Dam: 2d10 (stinger) Mor: 10
Special Abilities: Poison Stinger if a Scorpiwhale hits a creature with its stinger attack they must make
a successful Saving Throw vs. Poison or be paralyzed for 1d4 rounds (which can be catastrophic at sea).
Shadowborn were once human, but they pledged their eternal service to death itself after experiencing a
great and profound personal tragedy. They appear as humans, but everything about them seems faded and
Move: 120' (40') AC: 19 HD: 12 Attacks: 3 (AB +12) Dam: 2d4 (bladed chain) Mor: 11
Special Abilities: Shadow Lament when reduced to 0 Hit Points, a Shadowborn explodes into a 30'
cloud of Darkness that persists for 10 rounds. Shadowplay once per day a Shadowborn can use the
following spells: Summon Shadow, Dispel Magic, Passwall.
Skelemingos are the animated remains of flamingos. They are sometimes used as assassins by the elderly
mages of Florida.
Move: 60' (20') AC: 13 HD: 3 Attacks: 1 (AB +3) Dam: 1d6 (peck) Mor: 12
Special Abilities: Undead. They Make You Bleed anyone hit by the Skelemingo's peck takes an
additional point of damage on the following round.
Taxidermy Avenger
A legendary order of German wizards possessed a special way of taunting their enemies: if they manage
to kill an especially hated foe, they perform unholy rites of taxidermy on the corpse and then reanimate
the body as a sentient undead creature so that it must forever endure the wizard's insults and deprecations.
However, this form of necromantic torture sometimes backfires; occasionally a person reanimated in this
way regains the ability to move via pure force of will and a burning desire for revenge. When this
happens, the creature is known as a Taxidermy Avengera monster that will stop at nothing to gain
revenge on the wizard who desecrated their corpse and violated their eternal rest.
Move: 120' (40') AC: 12 HD: 8 Attacks: 1 (AB +8) Dam: 1d8 (fist) Mor: 12
Special Abilities: Strangulating Killer any character hit by a Taxidermy Avenger's fist attack must
make a Saving Throw or be strangled by the monster for an additional 1d6 points of damage. Once a
Taxidermy Avenger latches on to a victim it can opt to forgo attacking to deal an automatic 1d6 points of
strangulation damage to its victim. A character who opts to do nothing else on its turn except struggle to
free itself from the creature's grasp may make an additional Saving Throw to escape. Transfixing Gaze
once per round a Taxidermy Avenger can attempt to transfix a living creature with its gaze. This gaze has
the effect of the Hold Person spell. One Track Mind if the wizard who created the Taxidermy Avenger
is nearby (a Taxidermy Avenger can unerringly sense its creator) it will ignore all other creatures (even if
they attack the Taxidermy Avenger) to find and attack their tormentor. When the wizard who created it is
nearby, a Taxidermy Avenger gets a +3 bonus to hit and inflicts double damage. Undead.
Taxidermy Bulldog
Some British bulldog owners become so attached to their pets that they take the corpse of their beloved
companion to a wizard to be re-animated as mobile taxidermy by using magic stolen from German
Move: 120' (40') AC: 15 HD: 6 Attacks: 1 (AB +6) Dam: 2d6 (bite) Mor: 12
Special Abilities: Psychotronic Gaze once per round a Taxidermied Bulldog may fix its gaze on a
victim in addition to its bite attack; the victim of its gaze must make a Saving Throw or suffer the effects
of a Confusion spell. Undead.
Tiki Golem
Tiki Golems are animated wooden constructs that are used by some Polynesian magic-users to guard their
lairs and to frighten the natives into thinking that they have power over the gods themselves. Tiki Golems
have spindly arms, squat legs, and absurdly large heads; their faces are often carved into grotesque
comedic grimaces.
Move: 120' (40') AC: 16 HD: 6 Attacks: 1 (AB +6) Dam: 2d6 (headbutt) Mor: 12
Special Abilities: Construct. Wooden a Warp Wood spell, or similar effect, deals 3d8 points of damage
to a Tiki Golem. Intoxicating Breath once per day a Tiki Golem can exhale a cloud of intoxicating mist
in a 50' spray from its mouth. Roll on the following table to see what kind of intoxicating mist is exhaled
by the golem:
Bahama Mama Mist each character caught in the spray must make a successful Saving Throw
vs. Breath Weapons or suffer the effects of a Slow spell.
Blue Hawaiian Mist each character caught in the spray must make a successful Saving Throw
vs. Breath Weapons or be demoralized for 2d10 rounds. A demoralized character suffers a -2
penalty to all attack rolls.
Captain's Grog Mist each character caught in the spray must make a successful Saving Throw
vs. Breath Weapons or suffer the effects of a Confusion spell.
Mai Tai Mist each character caught in the spray must make a successful Saving Throw vs.
Breath Weapons or suffer the effects of a Phantasmal Killer spell.
Tropical Storm Mist any character in the spray takes 6d6 points damage from hail and
lightning. A successful Saving Throw vs. Breath Weapons results in half damage.
Zombie Mist any character killed by the Tiki Golem will immediately reanimate as a zombie
under the golem's control on the next round.
Verminous Skull
A Verminous Skull is a human skull that has had bat-like wings attached via sorcery; they are often used
as spies and guards by Tibetan necromancers and witches.
Move: Flight: 180' (60') AC: 13 HD: 1-4 Hit Points Attacks: 1 (AB +1) Dam: 1d4 (bite)
Mor: 12 Special Abilities: Vomit of Worms once per round a Verminous Skull can vomit a mass of
writing worms on a character instead of attacking; the victim of this attack must make a Saving Throw vs.
Horror. Undead.
A Weirdbeard is the re-animated corpse of a lumberjack that has been possessed by an ectoplasmic spirit
of the Pacific Northwest. Weirdbeards appear to be zombie lumberjacks, save for the fact that a number
of writhing, spectral tentacles emerge from their thick beards.
Move: 120' (40') AC: 13 HD: 2 Attacks: 1 (AB +2) Dam: 1d8 (axe) Mor: 12
Special Abilities: That Beard is Weird in addition to a Weirdbeard's attack, they get 1d4 additional
beard-tentacle attacks per round; these attacks do 1d4 points of damage. Undead.
Whispering Ghoul
Whispering Ghouls are peculiar undead creatures who prowl the wastelands of the Middle East; a
Whispering Ghoul constantly makes comments to itself in low, chattering voice. At night, sentries posted
in wilderness encampments listen intently for the tell-tale sign that a Whispering Ghoul is approaching.
Move: 90' (30') AC: 15 HD: 4 (Turn as HD 5) Attacks: 3 (AB +4) Dam: 1d6/1d6/1d6 (claw/claw/bite)
Mor: 9 Special Abilities: Fiendish Whispers once per round a Whispering Ghoul may use its voice as
a Charm effect on one creature within earshot. For this power to be effective, the creature must be able to
hear the Whispering Ghoul's voice. Paralytic Touch characters struck by a Whispering Ghoul's attacks
must make a successful Saving Throw or be paralyzed for 2d4 turns. Call of Undeath a Whispering
Ghoul can summon 1d6 ghouls from beneath the earth. Undead.
The Wormfrond is a mobile plant that is so named because it resembles a gigantic festering mass of
writhing, jet-black worms. Despite its size and ungainly appearance, it slithers into combat quickly and
Move: 180' (60') AC: 17 HD: 10 Attacks: 3 (AB +10) Dam: 2d4 (claws) Mor: 12
Special Abilities: Sorcerous Plant twice per day a Wormfrond may cast Polymorph Other. Once per
day a Wormfrond may cast Charm Person, Invisibility, and Cloudkill. A Wormfrond gains a +2 bonus to
all Saving Throws vs. Spells. Demon.
Zombie Liege
For reasons not yet known by researchers into the necromantic arts, zombies occasionally "awaken
gaining sentience, intelligence, and power over their fellow undead. These awakened zombies are known
as Zombie Lieges.
Move: 120' (40') AC: 16 HD: 13 Attacks: 2 (AB: +13) Dam: 1d10 (slam) Mor: 10
Special Abilities: Lord of the Dead Zombie Lieges can control undead as a 13th level cleric. Also, even
if uncontrolled by the Zombie Liege, mindless undead will never attack such a creature. If commanded to
do so, mindless undead will simply stand inert in the presence of a Zombie Liege. Even intelligent
undead will be reluctant to attack a Zombie Liege. Secrets of the Grave Zombie Lieges cast spells as a
10th level cleric or magic-user. Brutal re-roll all ones rolled for damaged caused by a Zombie Liege.
Variant Ability
Blood Lust once an opponent has been wounded, the vampire gains a +1 bonus to attack and
damage rolls, but can never retreat from combat.
Caustic Blood anyone who wounds the vampire in melee combat takes 1d6 points of damage
from the vampire's acidic blood.
Master of Degeneration the vampire drains double the amount of levels or ability score points
for its type.
Master of Stone the vampire can summon 1d4 gargoyles per day to do his or her bidding.
Master of the Dead any mindless undead under the vampire's control are as difficult to turn as
the vampire itself.
Master of Tooth and Claw the vampire can cast Summon Animal III as an 8th level druid once
per day.
Mesmeric Eyes in place of the vampire's usual Charm Person ability, roll 1d6 to determine
what power their gaze possesses: 1 Amnesia 2 Scare 3 Hold Person
4 Fumble 5 Hypnotic Pattern 6 Phantasmal Killer.
Unconstrained the vampire can cast Passwall three times per day.
Unusual Animal Form instead of transforming into either a wolf or a bat, roll a d12 to see
what kind of creature the vampire can become: 1 raven 2 great cat 3 enormous armadillo 4
war-hound 5 nightmare 6 phase tiger 7 dire bear 8 giant spider
9 carcass scavenger 10 giant wasp 11 vermin swarm 12 catoblepas
Variant Ability
Alchemical Vampirism the vampire was not created by the bite of another vampire, but rather
attained its vampiric status through alchemical experiments. As such, this vampire is immune to
all of a vampire's normal vulnerabilities (sunlight, holy symbols, etc.).
Detachable Hands the vampire's hands can detach as independent crawling claws.
Feeds on Energy the touch of the vampire has the effects of a Slow spell.
Master of the Years the vampire's touches causes the victim to age 1d6 years.
Spectral Form the vampire can become ethereal three times per day.
Unseen Master the vampire can become invisible three times per day.
Unusual Species the vampire belongs to a non-human species. Roll 1d20 to determine its race:
1 elf 2 dwarf 3 halfling 4 gnome 5 drow 6 merman 7 goblin 8 orc 9 troll 10
ogre 11 kobold 12 hobgoblin 13 giant 14 troglodyte 15 deep one 16 satyr 17 gnoll
18 yeti 19 snakeman 20 lizardman
Basilisk Eyes the flesh golem has been given the eyes of a basilisk; any character looking at the
flesh golem must make a successful Saving Throw vs. Petrify or be turned to stone. A character
who attacks the golem without looking at it suffers a -4 penalty to attack rolls.
Brain Transplant the flesh golem has been given the brain of a talented individual instead of the
brain of a common drudge; the golem retains whatever class abilities the person whose brain has
been transplanted possessed.
Brute Arms the flesh golem has the arms of some monstrously strong creature, such as an ogre
or an owlbear; +2 to hit, +2 to damage.
Extra Arms the flesh golem has four arms instead of the usual two; +2 attacks per round.
Ghostsilver Shards the flesh golem has shards of ghostsilver embedded in its knuckles; anyone
hit by its slam attack loses 1d4 points of Dexterity.
Talon Terror Hooks the flesh golem has the hooks of a Talon Terror in place of the usual
cadaverous hands; re-roll any 1s rolled for damage.
Promethean Core the flesh golem has been animated by a bound fire elemental; three times per
day it may expel a Fire Ball as if it were cast by a 5th level magic-user.
Soul Stone the flesh golem has been animated by a bound infernal spirit; it may use whatever
spell-like abilities are native to the animating type of demon or devil.
Troglodyte Glands the flesh golem has been implanted with the scent glands of a troglodyte;
any creature who comes near the flesh golem must make a successful Saving Throw vs. Poison or
suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls due to the horrific stench.
Troll Blood Infusion the flesh golem has the blood of trolls infused directly into its system;
after 3 rounds have passed since the flesh golem has taken damage, it begins to regenerate Hit
Points at a rate of 3 per round.
Black Ring Assassin the claws of the lycanthrope drip with black venom; anyone hit by the
lycanthrope's claw attack must make a successful Saving Throw vs. Poison or suffer the effects of
a random poison.
Blessed by Satan the lycanthrope is favored by Satan; re-roll any 1s that come up on the
lycanthrope's damage rolls.
Bone-shaking Howl once per day the lycanthrope can unleash a terrifying howl that
immediately triggers a Saving Throw vs. Horror.
Claws of Filth and Fury while the bite of a lycanthrope famously carries their horrible disease,
this lycanthrope's claws also carry contagion; any character hit by the lycanthropes claws must
make a successful Saving Throw vs. Poison or contract a random disease.
Impenetrable Hide the lycanthrope's hide is especially difficult to pierce; it gains a +2 bonus to
Armor Class.
Legendary Beast the lycanthrope is hardier and tougher to kill than the average example of its
kind; it gains +1 Hit Point per Hit Dice and regenerates an additional Hit Point per round.
Lunatic Frenzy there is a 50% chance each round that the lycanthrope gains an additional attack
that round.
Packmaster the lycanthrope holds an uncanny dominion over the world's beasts. Once per day
the lycanthrope can cast Animal Summoning III.
Ravenous Gaze once per round the lycanthrope can attempt to paralyze a character with its everhungry gaze; the gaze has the effects of a Hold Person spell.
Shaman of the Beast Gods the lycanthrope can cast druid or cleric spells as a member of those
classes with a level equal to its Hit Dice.
Spirit of a Tainted Nature the lycanthrope exists partially on another plane of existence. As
such, anyone hit by its bite attack runs the risk of having his or her connection to the earthly realm
severed; anyone who is bit by the lycanthrope must make a successful Saving Throw vs. Death or
die instantly.
Variant Ability
Binding Sarcophagus once per round the mummy may make use of an ability that mimics the
Hold Person or Hold Monster spells. Anyone effected by this ability feels like they have been
encased in a sarcophagus and buried alive for the duration.
Chant of the Damned in combat the mummy intones a dire chant that gives all within earshot
a -2 penalty to all their actions.
Dominating Gaze three times per day the mummy can cast any combination of the Hypnotic
Pattern, Charm Person, and Charm Monster spells.
Esoteric Secrets of the Pharaohs the mummy is a master of the occult arts. It can cast spells
as a magic-user or illusionist of a level equal to its Hit Dice.
Fragrant Resins the mummy's corpse-like body is covered in fragrant, but highly sticky,
resins and incense. Anyone attacking the mummy with a weapon must make a successful
Saving Throw vs. Petrify or have their weapon adhere to the mummy's body, rendering it
Friendly Guise the mummy may cast Alter Self at will. Once per day the mummy can cast
Polymorph Self.
Hieroglyphic Hexes the mummy's bandages are scribed with powerful enchanted
hieroglyphics. These hieroglyphics increase the efficacy of the disease spread by the mummy's
touch; all Saving Throws made against the disease face a -2 penalty.
Master of Canopic Cats once per day the mummy may summon 1d6 mummified great cats;
these mummified cats have the abilities of normal tiger plus the usual undead immunities.
Power of the Pyramids once per day the mummy can unleash a mental blast that effects
everyone within a 60' cone. All within the area of effect must make a successful Saving Throw
vs. Wands or be stunned for 3d4 rounds.
Reflecting Seals any spell that is negated by the mummy's Magic Resistance rebounds back
upon the caster.
Unearthly Step the mummy may cast a Fly spell three times per day.
Venomous Master once per day the mummy can summon 1d6 giant snakes.
Unusual Trait
Baleful Stare once per day the bat may unleash a death-dealing stare upon one character; the
power of this stare has the effect of a Disintegration spell.
Blood-dripping Maw anyone who comes within 30' of the bat must make a Saving Throw vs.
Deadly Keening once per day the bat can let loose a terrible screech; anyone within 30' of the
bat must make a successful Saving Throw vs. Death or die instantly. Any character who passes
this Saving Throw is deafened for 2d4 rounds.
Double-headed the bat has two heads; each head may attack with a bite per round.
Firebrand three times per day the bat may breath a gout of flame in a 30' cone; the flames do
4d6 points of damage, but a successful Saving Throw vs. Breath Weapons results in half damage.
Gripping Claws if both of the bat's talon attacks hit, the character must make a successful
Saving Throw vs. Death to break free from the bat's clutches. On any round that the character
fails to break free from the bat, he or she takes and automatic 3d4 points of rending damage and
the bat may attack as normally with its bite attack.
Plague-mouthed anyone bitten by the bat must make a successful Saving Throw vs. Death or
contract Chiroptic Plague. Anyone thus afflicted only receives half of the benefits of magical and
mundane healing.
Poisonous Fangs anyone bitten by the bat must make a successful Saving Throw vs. Poison or
suffer the effects of Type 11 poison.
Sickening Keening once per day the bat can let loose a terrible screech; anyone within 30' of
the bat must make a successful Saving Throw vs. Spells or take a -2 penalty to all actions for
1d10 turns. Additionally, each character who fails this Saving Throw is deafened.
Unseen Assassin the bat can become invisible three times per day as per the Invisibility spell.
Arachnid Juggernaut the spider regenerates 2 Hit Points per round and is immune to poison and
Blinding Venom once per round the spider can spout a jet of blinding toxin on any character
engaged in melee combat with it; that character must make a successful Saving Throw vs. Breath
Weapons or be blinded for 1d4 rounds.
Caustic Webs once per day the spider can eject the equivalent of a Web spell; however, anyone
caught in the web takes 1d4 points of damage as the web is made from an uncannily acidic
Crystalline Terror the spider's body is embedded with scintillating crystalline tumors; once per
round it may emit a Prismatic Spray as per the spell.
Cursed by God the spider was once a priest, but was cursed with the form of a spider for some
blasphemy. The spider can still vocalize as a man and has turned to the worship of dark powers
since its fall. It casts spells as a cleric; its level equals its Hit Dice.
Hideous Shriek the spider emits an ear-piercing shriek when engaged in combat; everyone
within the vicinity must make a successful Saving Throw vs. Spells or be deafened for 2d10 turns.
Lightning Warped the spider crackles with electrical energy. Anyone striking it with a metal
weapon takes 2d6 points of damage.
Mechaspider the spider is part mechanical monstrosity; its Armor Class is improved by 2 points
and it is immune to sleep, illusions, and any mind-effecting powers or spells.
Petrifying Bite anyone bitten by the spider must make a successful Saving Throw vs. Petrify or
be turned to stone.
Polymorphed Sorcerer the spider was once a human wizard but was permanently transformed
into a spider by a wizardly rival. The spider can still vocalize as a man. It casts spells as a magicuser; its level equals its Hit Dice.
Scything Mandibles re-roll all 1s and 2s rolled for damage inflicted by the spider's bite.
Shadow Lurker the spider can choose to engulf itself in an area of Darkness that covers a 30'
radius. This pool of magical darkness travels with the spider.
Special Feature
Bone carapace the troll is covered by an exoskeleton of bone. Its Armor Class is improved by
two points.
Brainiac the troll has an elongated skull that houses a gigantic brain. Because the troll can
more efficiently process information it acts as though it were the recipient of a permanent Haste
Deafening Screech the troll can emit a terrifying, bone-shaking screech. All that hear it must
make a Saving Throw vs. Petrify or suffer the effects of a Hold Person spell and deafness for the
duration of the effect.
Devotee of Satan the troll's flesh has been branded with runes sacred to Satan. These runes give
the troll a +3 bonus to all Saving Throws vs. Spells.
Devotee of Belphegor when the troll dies a random slime or ooze gushes forth from its mouth
and eyes.
Devotee of Leviathan once per day the troll may use Animate Dead.
Devotee of Mammon once per day the troll may vomit forth a Shambling Mound which is under
its mental control.
Devotee of Beelzebub once per day the troll may vomit forth a 60' stream of rot grubs.
Devotee of Lucifer the troll has pieces of demonstone embedded in its flesh. The troll's touch
(such as a successful melee attack or a touch attack against the troll) can cause mutations; the
character must make a successful Saving Throw vs. Spells or suffer a random mutation that takes
1d10 days to fully manifest.
Four-armed the troll has an extra set of arms that end in razor-sharp claws. These extra arms
give the troll two additional claw attacks per round.
Incendiary when the troll dies it explodes in a 30' radius of flaming troll chunks. Anyone in the
blast zone must make a successful Saving Throw vs. Breath Weapons or take 3d6 points of
Stonecursed when the troll dies it turns to stone. If the troll was killed by a weapon attack, the
wielder must make a successful Saving Throw vs. Death or have their weapon trapped in the
troll's stony body.
Special Feature
Corroding Flesh the troll possesses the same ability to corrode metal as a Rust Monster.
Frostchild the troll gives off an aura of unnatural cold. Anyone hit by its claw attacks takes an
additional 1d4 points of damage from cold and must make a successful Saving Throw vs. Spells
or suffer the effects of a Slow spell.
Hallucinatory Bite Anyone bit by the troll must make a successful Saving Throw vs. Spells or
suffer mind-bending hallucinations for 1d6 rounds. A hallucinating character must roll a d10 each
round to see how they act: 1-10: gibbers mildly about swirling colors; 11-15: cries and whimpers
about their parents; 16-18: runs in a random direction; 19-10: attacks the nearest creature while
screaming about wild conspiracy theories.
Lifebane the troll gives off an aura of morbidity and decay. Anyone hit by its bite attack must
make a Saving Throw vs. Spells or lose 1 point of Strength.
Shadow-builder twice per day the troll an exhale a 60' cloud of Darkness, as per the spell.
Shapeshifter once per day the troll may use Polymorph Self.
Swampstench the troll gives off a hellish stench. Anyone in close combat with the troll must
make a successful Saving Throw vs. Poison or take a -2 penalty to all to-hit rolls against it.
Telepathic Chanter when confronted the troll begins to chant, but this chant is no mere
vocalization. Rather, the troll chants directly into the minds of all sentient creatures within 60'.
Anyone who is subject to the troll's horrific, unholy chant must make a successful Saving Throw
vs. Spells or lose 1 point of Wisdom.
Tongue Lasher the troll's tongue is abnormally long, strong, and prehensile. The troll may
make an additional attack per round with their tongue that does 1d6 points of damage.
Uncanny Maw if the troll rolls a natural 20 on a to-hit roll, its jaw unnaturally extends and
swallows its foe. Once inside the troll's belly the character takes 1d8 points of damage per round,
but can hit the troll automatically for maximum damage.
Unclean! anyone hit by the troll's claws or teeth must make a successful Saving Throw vs.
Poison or contract a random disease.
Black-Blood Blister if Igor takes any damage there is a 50% it will rupture his hump, which
is, in fact, a giant blood blister filled with the Black Blood of the Earth. If ruptured, the Black
Blood takes 1d4 rounds to congeal into a coherent mass that then attacks everyone nearby (use
the stats of a Black Pudding).
Camel-like Fluid Storage Igor's hump contains a randomly-generated potion. If Igor is killed
without damaging his hump, the characters may be able to siphon it out of him as the leastappealing treasure ever.
Demonstone Tumor Igor's hump is actually a tumor caused by small pieces of demonstone
that are embedded in his back. The demonstone causes any spell cast within 30' of Igor to
trigger a roll on the Magical Mishap Table.
Embedded Meteor what looks like a hump is actually an meteor from space that collided with
Igor's back. The radiation from the meteor has been slowly mutating Igor; at the moment that is
least convenient for the player-characters Igor will transform into an evil Shambling Mound.
Hardened Bone Igor's hump is a giant knob of bone. Indeed, Igor's skeleton is hard as iron,
granting him a +2 bonus to his Armor Class.
Mold Infection Igor's hump is really a symptom of an inner mold infection. If Igor takes any
damage there is a 50% that his hump will explode into a cloud of mold spores (use the stats of a
Gas Spore).
Psychic Brain Igor's hump houses a second brain that possesses the mind blast ability of a
Brain Lasher.
Pus-filled instead of being a solid mass, Igor's hump is really a pus-filled membrane. If Igor
takes any damage there is a 50% chance that his hump bursts open, discharging a thick yellow
and green ooze. This pus takes 1d4 rounds to congeal into a coherent mass, which then attacks
everyone nearby (use the stats of a Green Slime).
Stunted Twin what looks like a hump is actually the visible portion of Igor's twin brother who
failed to develop properly in utero. The hump can detach itself from Igor's body at will to
wreck havoc (use the stats for a Gremlin).
Tentacle Cluster Igor's hump is a gift from the Demon Lord Zzorch. It can sprout a multitude
of tentacles to attack with; while the tentacles do no damage on their own, they possess the
paralytic ability of a Carcass Scavenger.
The Deal
Bring the Killer to Justice! a spate of serial murders have plagued the community, and the
crowd believes that it has the perpetrator in its clutches. Of course, this person may or may not
be the guilty party, but they are in immediate danger of being pulled limb-from-limb by the
incensed mob.
Burn Witch Burn! the mob has identified someone they suspect of being a witch, warlock, or
other consort of dark powers. This could lead to a fraudulent trial based on spectral evidence, a
dunking in a witch's stool, or a quick roast on a stake.
Grave Defilers the masses believe that their village or town is haunted by a vampire who rises
from the grave each night to suck their blood. They have identified a likely culprit (whether
recently deceased or not no matter) and are on their way to dig up that person's corpse and put
a stake through its heart.
March of the Hungry abused by conditions of famine, the crowd runs rampant as it attacks the
local food reserves. Let them eat cake isn't what they want to hear; any unlucky people of
wealth and privilege may face execution in the public square by means of a hastily-erected
Monster Hunters the mob believes that a recent death was caused by a monster inhabiting a
nearby wild-land or abandoned castle, and has gathered with pitchforks, torches, and weapons to
make war against the supernatural horrors of the world.
Religious Mania the crowd has been swept up in the mania of a new religion. The assembled
multitude rends its clothing and flagellates itself wildly as it heads to burn down an opposing
church or place of worship.
Rioting against Taxation the people are on their way to make a glorious revolution against
what they feel to be unnecessary and unjust taxation. They have bricks, clubs, and firebombs at
the ready, so the forces of authority had best beware.
Stop, Thief! the mob is in hot pursuit of a thief, who may or may not be guilty of the burglary
they are accused of; if the thief is guilty, the extenuating circumstances attached to their theft
will fall on deaf ears unless the crowd can be brought to listen to reason or at least delayed until
the law can arrive to take charge of the situation.