Self Renewal
Self Renewal
Self Renewal
The ability to reprogram somatic cells to induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), exhibiting properties similar to those of
embryonic stem cells (ESCs), has attracted much attention, with many studies focused on improving efficiency of derivation
and unraveling the mechanisms of reprogramming. Despite this widespread interest, our knowledge of the molecular
signaling pathways that are active in iPSCs and that play a role in controlling their fate have not been studied in detail. To
address this shortfall, we have characterized the influence of different signals on the behavior of a model mouse iPSC line.
We demonstrate significant responses of this iPSC line to the presence of serum, which leads to profoundly enhanced
proliferation and, depending on the medium used, a reduction in the capacity of the iPSCs to self-renew. Surprisingly, this
iPSC line was less sensitive to withdrawal of LIF compared to ESCs, exemplified by maintenance of expression of a NanogGFP reporter and enhanced self-renewal in the absence of LIF. While inhibition of phosphoinositide-3 kinase (PI3K) signaling
decreased iPSC self-renewal, inhibition of Gsk-3 promoted it, even in the absence of LIF. High passages of this iPSC line
displayed altered characteristics, including genetic instability and a reduced ability to self-renew. However, this second
feature could be restored upon inhibition of Gsk-3. Collectively, our data suggest modulation of Gsk-3 activity plays a key
role in the control of iPSC fate. We propose that more careful consideration should be given to characterization of the
molecular pathways that control the fate of different iPSC lines, since perturbations from those observed in nave
pluripotent ESCs could render iPSCs and their derivatives susceptible to aberrant and potentially undesirable behaviors.
Citation: Orlando L, Sanchez-Ripoll Y, Foster J, Bone H, Giachino C, et al. (2012) Differential Coupling of Self-Renewal Signaling Pathways in Murine Induced
Pluripotent Stem Cells. PLoS ONE 7(1): e30234. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0030234
Editor: Andreas Androutsellis-Theotokis, Universitatsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus an der Technischen Universitat Dresden, Germany
Received September 29, 2011; Accepted December 12, 2011; Published January 23, 2012
Copyright: 2012 Orlando et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: This work was supported by Marie Curie Early Stage Training program MEST-CT-2005-019822 and a VIP Award 087870/Z/08/Z from the Wellcome Trust.
The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
* E-mail: [email protected]
Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are somatic cells
reprogrammed to pluripotency by the over-expression of specific
sets of genes. Mouse iPSCs were first generated by introducing the
combination of Oct3/4, Sox2, Klf4 and c-Myc [1] and they have
now been obtained using many approaches [2]. Since the
discovery of iPSCs, the main goal of researchers has been to
obtain them with increased efficiency and using techniques that
could allow for their use in clinical applications. Many initial
studies focused on the similarities between embryonic stem cells
(ESCs) and iPSCs, including assessment of pluripotency by testing
for their ability to contribute to formation of chimeras (germline
transmission) [37], as well as assessing histone modifications [8]
and methylation patterns [9]. In spite of significant technical
improvements in the ability to achieve reprogramming, as well as
in understanding the biological mechanisms underlying iPSC
generation, an in-depth analysis of the fine molecular regulation of
iPSC fate and the response of iPSCs to different stimuli is still
lacking in literature. In fact, despite the similarities in morphology
and the ability to pass the most stringent test of pluripotency
(germline transmission), it has become apparent more recently that
iPSCs exhibit some important differences when compared to
Dependency of murine iPSC fate on culture conditions
There have been few studies examining the influence of
extracellular factors on and the molecular signaling pathways
involved in the regulation of cell fate of iPSC lines. Therefore, we
have undertaken a study, using one of the earliest murine iPSC
lines generated as our model [3], to characterize both the influence
of different stimuli on the fate of this line and compare these
responses to those of a widely used murine ESC line, namely
E14tg2a [36]. Importantly, the iPSC line selected has been
demonstrated to be pluripotent and able to give rise to chimeras
[3]. Both lines express GFP under the control of the endogenous
Nanog promoter, providing a facile means of assessing cell fate.
The extracellular environment can influence the ability of ESCs
to self-renew and retain pluripotency and so we first examined the
effect of different culture conditions on the growth and fate of our
model iPSC line in comparison to murine ESCs. As the iPSC line
was originally cultured on a feeder layer of mouse embryo
fibroblasts (MEFs), we investigated the effect of culturing this iPSC
line on gelatin-coated plates, instead of MEFs, in different media.
As shown in Figure 1A, when cultured in KnockOut-DMEM
(KO) supplemented with KO Serum Replacement (SR) and LIF,
the iPSC line exhibited a morphology typical of that observed with
ESCs, with compact, phase-bright colonies predominating. When
KO medium was supplemented with serum (we retained SR
supplementation in this medium so that we could assess the effect
of different treatments using the same basal conditions) the
morphology of both ESCs and iPSCs were similar, with a mixture
of compact and flattened colonies typically observed. However,
when cultured in GMEM plus 10% Hyclone serum (HY) the
morphology of iPSCs quickly changed such that they had a more
flattened appearance, resembling cells with a more differentiated
phenotype. ESCs cultured in the same conditions exhibited a more
flattened morphology, but still grew tightly packed within colonies.
Figure 1. Culture conditions influence iPSC self-renewal and proliferation. A ESCs or iPSCs (passage 21) were plated onto gelatin-coated
dishes in KnockOut-DMEM (KO) supplemented with KO Serum Replacement (SR) and LIF in the presence or absence of 10%(v/v) Hyclone serum (HY)
or GMEM supplemented with LIF and 10% (v/v) HY, as indicated. 48 hours after plating cultures were observed by light microscopy and photographs
taken. Representative images are shown, scale bar = 200 mm. B The self-renewal capacity of ESCs and iPSCs were evaluated by alkaline phosphatase
(AP) expression in clonal assays following 4 days culture in different conditions described in A. The average percentage of AP positive colonies 6 SEM
are shown from three independent experiments. Two-tailed paired t-tests indicate the following significance *** = p,0.005. C and D Cells where
plated at day 0 in KO SR+LIF (C) or the same media supplemented with 10% (v/v) HY (D). Rapamycin (5 nM) or DMSO (1:10000, as control) were
added 24 hours after seeding, and kept in the medium for the duration of the experiment. Cells were harvested after 48 (D2) 72 (D3) and 96 (D4)
hours and counted in triplicate. The average values 6 SEM are shown from three independent experiments. E ESCs or iPSCs were seeded in KO
SR+LIF at 8000 cells/cm2. After 24 h DMSO 1:10000 (ctrl), 5 nM Rapamycin (Rap), 10% (v/v) Hyclone serum (HY) or serum and rapamycin together (HY
Rap) were added to the cultures. After 24 h treatment protein extracts were prepared, separated through 10% acrylamide gels using SDS PAGE and
immunoblotted using the antibodies indicated.
Figure 2. iPSCs are less sensitive to LIF withdrawal than ESCs. ESCs or iPSCs were plated at a concentration of 8000 cells/cm2, harvested after
4 days and analyzed for Nanog-GFP expression by flow cytometry. Cells were grown in KO SR (A), KO SR supplemented with 10% (v/v) Hyclone serum
(HY) (B) or GMEM supplemented with HY (C) in presence or absence of LIF, as indicated. Numbers shown on the histograms are the mean of FL1
fluorescence intensity (MFI). One representative experiment out of four is shown. D ESCs or iPSCs were seeded at 8500 cells/cm2 in KO SR in the
presence or absence of LIF. Protein extracts were prepared after 4 days incubation and immunoblotting performed with the antibodies indicated.
Following detection of pY705 Stat-3, blots were stripped and reprobed to detect total levels of Stat-3. E and F Cells were seeded at 8500 cells/cm2 in
KO SR plus 10% (v/v) HY (E) or GMEM supplemented with 10% (v/v) HY (F), in the presence or absence of LIF. After 48 h protein extracts were
prepared and immunoblotting performed as indicated.
renewing cells, i.e., Nanog expression and Stat-3 Y705 phosphorylation, for extended periods in the absence of LIF.
Figure 3. Expression and phosphorylation status of key signaling intermediates in ESCs and iPSCs. A and B ESCs or iPSCs were seeded
8000 cells/cm2 in KO SR plus LIF. After 24 hours, 10% (v/v) Hyclone serum (HY) was added where indicated (A), or cells were washed 3 times with PBS
before LIF-containing or LIF-free KO SR was added to the cultures as indicated (B). After a further 24 hours incubation, protein extracts were
prepared, separated through 10% acrylamide gels using SDS-PAGE and immunoblotted using the antibodies indicated. Blots in A and B(i) were all
generated using cell extracts from one replicate and those in B(ii) from an independent experimental replicate. C ESCs or iPSCs were seeded at 8500
cells/cm2 in GMEM 10% (v/v) Hyclone serum (HY) plus LIF, then 24 h later washed and deprived of LIF and serum for 4 h. 5000 U/ml of LIF or 10% (v/
v) HY were added and proteins extracted following 0, 5, 30 min treatment with LIF or 30 min treatment with serum. The phospho-proteins indicated
were detected by immunoblotting of the same membrane, which had been cut referring to the size of the protein marker, then stripped and reprobed with the corresponding pan antibody. Results generated from the same blots are grouped, with each series terminating with the respective
Gapdh as loading control.
Figure 4. iPSCs demonstrate enhanced responsiveness to Gsk-3 inhibition. A ESCs and iPSCs were plated at a density of 8000cells/cm2 in
KO SR plus or minus LIF as indicated. After 24 hours, inhibitors were added to the medium at the following concentrations: LY294002: 5 mM; BIO:
2 mM; 1 m: 2 mM; DMSO 1:10000 as control, and cultured for 4 days. Following treatment, Nanog-GFP expression was assessed by flow cytometry and
the mean of fluorescence intensity (MFI) of Nanog-GFP was calculated for each condition. The histogram bars represent the variation in Nanog-GFP
MFI in treated samples, compared to the KO SR plus LIF (DMSO treated) control condition, expressed as a percentage. The mean of three
independent experiments 6 SEM are shown. Two-tailed paired t-tests indicate the following significance values: *** = p,0.005, * = p,0.05 are
referred to the DMSO plus LIF condition; {{{ = p,0.005 { = p,0.01 are referred to the DMSO minus LIF condition; # = p,0.01 is referred to the plus
LIF 1 m-treated condition. B The percentage of alkaline phosphatase positive ESC or iPSC colonies generated in KO SR plus LIF in the presence or
absence of 10% (v/v) Hyclone serum (HY) were measured. The data represent the percentage variation in alkaline phosphatase (AP) positive colonies
compared with the DMSO treated control. The average values 6 SEM are shown from three independent experiments. Two-tailed paired t-test:
*** = p,0.005, * = p,0.05 are referred to the DMSO plus LIF. C iPSCs were cultured in KO SR without LIF and supplemented with 10% (v/v) HY. The
total numbers of colonies generated are shown and are compared with the total number of colonies generated by ESCs and iPSCs in KO SR plus LIF
plus serum. The percentage of alkaline phosphatase positive colonies are shown in histogram D.
In this study we undertook a comparison of the molecular
signaling pathways that contribute to maintenance of the stem cell
state of mouse iPSCs and ESCs. Our studies demonstrate that the
iPSC line we used as our model exhibits a significant response to
factors contained within serum, accompanied by reduced
sensitivity to the withdrawal of LIF. While basal levels of
expression and phosphorylation of components of a number of
signaling pathways known to regulate self-renewal of mouse ESCs
were similar in iPSCs and ESCs, our studies revealed a key role for
Gsk-3 in controlling iPSC fate. Upon LIF withdrawal, inhibition of
Gsk-3 was able to maintain iPSCs in a self-renewing state for short
periods, a response not observed with ESCs. Furthermore,
inhibition of Gsk-3 improved survival of iPSCs in the absence of
LIF and also increased the ability of high passage iPSCs to selfrenew. High passage iPSCs exhibited evidence of genomic
instability and altered responsiveness. Together our findings
highlight the importance of characterizing not only the molecular
signatures of reprogrammed iPSCs, but also their responses to the
external environment and signals controlling their behavior.
The equivalency between iPSC lines and ESC lines is still
somewhat controversial. Many reports indicate that there is a high
degree of similarity between the cell types [3,7,9,40,41], but more
recently important differences have also been reported [16,17,42
44]. Although we have only examined the responses of one iPSC
Figure 6. High passage iPSCs exhibit altered morphology and response to stimuli. Cells were plated at a density of 8500 cells/cm2 in KO SR
plus LIF. A iPSCs changed morphology after several passages (iii), compared with ESC (i) or iPSC low passage (ii), but reinstate an ESC-like morphology
after 24 h treatment with 2 mM 1 m (iv). iPSCs were considered as low passage (iPSC LP) with passages ,25 and high passage (iPSC HP) with
passages .40. B Chromosome spreads of ESCs and low/high passage iPSCs. The arrow indicates chromosome aberrations in iPSC HP. One
representative karyotype out of 20 from each cell line is shown. C 4 days after seeding, ESC or iPSC proteins were extracted, separated through 10%
acrylamide gels using SDS-PAGE and immunoblotted using phospho-S15 p53 antibody. b-actin antibody was used as loading control. As a positive
control, protein extracted from irradiated T lymphocytes was used. D Cells were plated at day 0 and then harvested after 48 (D2), 72 (D3) and 96 (D4)
hours. Cells were counted in triplicate. The average doubling times 6 SEM are shown from two independent experiments. Doubling times were
calculated using free software available from Two-tailed paired t test: ** = p,0.01 * = p,0.05. E iPSCs low/high passage or
ESCs were harvested 4 days after seeding and Nanog-GFP expression analyzed by flow cytometry. Contour plot graphs are shown and the missing
Nanog-GFP low population in iPSC HP indicated by an arrow. F and G Alkaline phosphatase positive colonies were counted after growing in KO SR
plus LIF supplemented with (F) or without 10% (v/v) Hyclone serum (HY, G). After 24 hours, 2 mM 1 m was added and kept in the medium until the
cells were fixed and stained. The average values 6SEM are shown from three independent experiments.
pan b-catenin (CST 9562), anti-pan Akt (CST 9272); 1:2000 antipan Erk (panErk, Santa Cruz Biotechnology, sc-93), anti-pan
STAT-3 (panStat-3, sc-482), anti-pan SHP-2 (sc 293), anti-pan
mTOR (CST 2983) anti-pan p70S6 kinase (CST 9202) anti bActin (SIGMA A5316) and anti GAPDH (CST 2118). An antirabbit secondary antibody conjugated to horseradish peroxidase
(DAKO) was used for detection and blots were developed using
ECL according to the manufacturers directions (GE Healthcare).
Protein relative quantification was carried out using an ImageQuantTM RT-ECL imager and analyzed using ImageQuantTM
TL software (GE Healthcare). Blots were stripped and reprobed as
previously described [53].
Cell proliferation
Cells were cultured on 24-well trays coated with gelatin at a
starting concentration of 24000 cells/cm2 for the KO SR
condition and 8000 cells/cm2 for the KO SR HY condition. At
each time point cells were harvested, stained with trypan-blue and
viable versus non-viable cells counted in triplicate using a
Neubauer chamber. Doubling times were calculated by the freesoftware available from the web site
Cells were seeded 8000/cm2 24 h before treatment, then
0.1 mg/ml Colcemid (Sigma) was added into the medium and cells
were incubated for 4 h at 37uC. Cells were then trypsinized,
incubated for 10 min in 0.075 M KCl solution and then fixed with
3:1 methanol: glacial acetic acid. Fixed cells were then dropped on
to a cooled glass slide from a height approximately 1 meter, air
dried and DAPI stained. The karyotypes of 20 independent cell
spreads from each cell line were counted (Table S1).
Supporting Information
Figure S1 ESCs and iPSCs were plated at a density of
8500 cells/cm2 in GMEM plus 10% (v/v) Hyclone serum
plus or minus LIF as indicated. After 48 h proteins were
extracted and immunoblotting performed with the indicated
Table S1 After chromosome spreading and DAPI staining, 20 single nuclei fields were counted for each cell
line. The different chromosome counts were expressed as a
percentage and shown in the table.
We are grateful to Ian Chambers for the gift of Nanog-GFP ESC cells and
RIKEN cell bank for provision of the iPSC line. We wish to thank Adrian
Rogers in the University of Baths Bioimaging Suite for assistance with flow
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: LO YS-R HB MJW. Performed
the experiments: LO YS-R JF HB. Analyzed the data: LO CG MJW.
Wrote the paper: LO CG MJW.
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