CIP13 Concrete Blisters

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What, Why & How?

Concrete Blisters
WHAT are Blisters?

CIP 13

Blisters are hollow, low-profile bumps on the concrete

surface, typically from the size of a dime up to about 1
inch (25 mm), but occasionally even 2 or 3 inches (5075 mm) in diameter. A dense troweled skin of mortar
about 18 in. (3 mm) thick covers an underlying void
that moves around under the surface during troweling.
Blisters may occur shortly after the completion of finishing operations. In poorly lighted areas, small blisters may be difficult to see during finishing and may
not be detected until they break under traffic.


WHY Do Blisters Form?

Blisters may form on the surface of fresh concrete when
either bubbles of entrapped air or bleed water migrate
through the concrete and become trapped under the
surface, which has been sealed prematurely during the
finishing operations. These defects are not easily repaired after concrete hardens.
Blisters are more likely to form if:



Insufficient or excessive vibration is employed.

Insufficient vibration prevents the entrapped air
from being released and excessive use of vibrating screeds works up a thick mortar layer on the
An improper tool is used for floating the surface
or it is used improperly. The surface should be
tested to determine which tool, whether it be wood
or magnesium bull float, does not seal the surface. The floating tool should be kept as flat as
Excessive evaporation of bleed water occurs and
the concrete appears ready for final finishing operations (premature finishing), when, in fact, the
underlying concrete is still releasing bleed water
and entrapped air. High rate of bleed water evaporation is especially a problem during periods of

Concrete Blister





high ambient temperatures, high winds and/or low

Entrained air is used or is higher than normal.
Rate of bleeding and quantity of bleed water is
greatly reduced in air-entrained concrete giving
the appearance that the concrete is ready to float
and further finish causing premature finishing.
The subgrade is cooler than the concrete. The top
surface sets faster than the concrete in the bottom and the surface appears ready to be floated
and further finished.
The slab is thick and it takes a longer time for the
entrapped air and bleed water to rise to the surface.
The concrete is cohesive or sticky from higher
content of cementitious materials or excessive


fines in the sand. These mixtures also bleed less

and at a slower rate. Concrete mixtures with lower
contents of cementitious materials bleed rapidly
for a shorter period, have higher total bleeding and
tend to delay finishing.
A dry shake is prematurely applied, particularly
over air-entrained concrete.
The slab is placed directly on top of a vapor retarder or an impervious base, preventing bleed
water from being absorbed by the subgrade.

HOW to Prevent Blisters

The finisher should be wary of a concrete surface that
appears to be ready for final finishing operations before it would normally be expected. Emphasis in finishing operations should be on placing, striking off
and bull floating the concrete as rapidly as possible
and without working up a layer of mortar on the surface. After these operations are completed, further finishing should be delayed as long as possible and the
surface covered with polyethylene or otherwise protected from evaporation. If conditions for high evaporation rates exist, place a cover on a small portion of
the slab to judge if the concrete is still bleeding. In
initial floating, the float blades should be flat to avoid
densifying the surface too early. Use of an accelerating admixture or heated concrete often prevents blisters in cool weather. It is recommended that non-air
entrained concrete be used in interior slabs and that
air entrained concrete not be steel troweled.
If blisters are forming, try to either flatten the trowel
blades or tear the surface with a wood float and delay
finishing as long as possible. Under conditions causing rapid evaporation, slow evaporation by using wind
breaks, water misting of the surface, evaporation retarders, or a cover (polyethylene film or wet burlap)
between finishing operations. Further recommendations are given in ACI 302.1R and ACI 305.

1. Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction, ACI 302.1R,
American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI.
2. Slabs on Grade, ACI Concrete Craftsman Series, CCS-1,
American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI.
3. Hot Weather Concreting, ACI 305R, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI.
4. Concrete Slab Surface Defects: Causes, Prevention, Repair,
IS 177, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, IL.
5. Concrete Surface BlisteringCauses and Cures, Carl O.
Peterson, Concrete Construction, September 1970.
6. CIP 14 - Finshing Concrete Flatwork; CIP 20 - Delamination
of Troweled Concrete Surfaces, NRMCA CIP Series.
7. Finishing, Concrete Construction, August 1976, p. 369.
8. Finishing Problems and Surface Defects in Flatwork, Concrete
Construction, April 1979.

Follow These Rules to Avoid Blisters


Do not seal surface before air or bleed water from below have had a chance to escape.
Avoid dry shakes on air-entrained concrete.
Use heated or set-accelerated concrete to promote even setting throughout the depth of the slab in cooler weather.
Do not place slabs directly on polyethylene vapor retarder sheeting.
Protect surface from premature drying and evaporation.
Do not use a jitterbug or excessive vibration such as a vibratory screed on slumps over 5 inches (125 mm).
Air entrained concrete should not be steel troweled. If required by specifications, extreme caution should be
exercised when timing the finishing operation.

Technical information prepared by

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association
900 Spring Street
Silver Spring, Maryland 20910
Printed in U.S.A.

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association.

All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, including
photocopying or other electronic means, without permission in writing
from the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association.


CIP 13/1090/10.0/DMSC

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