YES WE CAN Speech Exercise

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Thank you New Hampshire

Thank you ( Repeat)

O BA MA ----- ( chant and cheering by the crowd)

I love you back…. Thank you

I am still fired up and ready to go….Thank you


Well first of all, I want to ______________Senator Clinton

on a hard-fought victory here in New

Hampshire. Give her a big round of _______________.

A few weeks ago, no one ____________ that we'd have

accomplished what we did here

tonight in New Hampshire. No one could have

imagined it. For most of this _____________, we were far

___________, and we always knew our

climb would be ___________. But in record numbers, you

came out and spoke up for change.

And with your _________ and your votes, you made it

clear that at this _________ – in

this election – there is something happening in


There is __________ happening when men and women in

Des Moines and Davenport; in

Lebanon and Concord come out in the _______ of

January to wait in lines that __________

block after block because they ________ in what this

country can be.

There is something __________ when Americans who are

young in age and in __________

who have never before participated in __________ – turn

out in numbers we've never

seen because they know in their ________that this time

must be different.

There is something happening when people _____ not

just for the party they belong

to but the hopes they hold in ________ – that whether

we are ______ ___ _______; black or

white; Latino or Asian; whether we hail from Iowa or

New Hampshire, Nevada or

South Carolina, we are ready to take this country in a

______________ new

direction. That is what's happening in America right

now. ___________ is what's

happening in America.

You can be the new ___________ who can lead this

nation out of a long political

darkness – Democrats, ______________ and Republicans

who are tired of the _________

and _____________ that has clouded Washington; who

know that we can disagree without

being disagreeable; who understand that if we

___________ our voices to challenge the

money and____________ that's stood in our way and

_________ ourselves to reach for

something better, there's no problem we can't solve –

no _________we cannot


Our new American _________ can end the outrage of

unaffordable, ____________ health

care in our time. We can bring doctors and patients;

workers and businesses,

Democrats and Republicans together; and we can tell

the _______ and insurance

industry that while they'll get a seat at the ________,

they don't get to buy every

chair. Not this time. Not now. Our new ___________ can

end the tax _________ for

corporations that ship our jobs _____________ and put a

middle-class tax cut into the

pockets of the working Americans who __________it.

We can stop sending our _________ to schools with

corridors of _______ and start

putting them on a _________ to success. We can stop

________ about how great teachers

are and start ____________ them for their greatness. We

can do this with our new


We can _________ the ingenuity of farmers and

scientists; citizens and ___________

to free this nation from the _________of oil and save our

_________ from a point of no

return. And when I am ____________, we will end this

war in Iraq and bring our troops

home; we will ________ the job against al Qaeda in

Afghanistan; we will care for our

_____________; we will restore our moral standing in the

world; and we will never _________

9/11 as a way to ________up votes, because it is not a

tactic to win an election, it

is a ______________ that should unite America and the

________ against the common threats

of the twenty-first century:__________ and nuclear

weapons; climate change and

poverty; ___________ and disease.

All of the __________ in this race share these goals. All

have good ideas. And all

are patriots who serve this country ___________.

But the reason our campaign has always been

__________ is because it's not just

about what I will do as President, it's also about what

you, the _________ who love

this country, can do to change it.

That's why tonight __________ to you.

It belongs to the organizers and the __________ and the

staff who believed in our

___________ journey and rallied so many others to join.

We know the battle ahead will be long, but always

remember that no _________ what

obstacles stand in our way, nothing can ___________ the

power of millions of voices

calling for change. We have been told we cannot do

this by a ________ of cynics who

will only grow louder and more __________ in the weeks

to come.

We've been asked to _________ for a reality check.

We've been ________ against offering

the people of this nation ______ hope.

But in the unlikely story that is America, there has

never been anything false

about hope. For when we have faced down __________

odds; when we've been told that

we're not ready, or that we ___________ try, or that we

can't, _________ of

Americans have responded with a simple _______ that

sums up the spirit of a people.

Yes we can.

It was a creed written into the founding documents

that __________ the destiny of a


Yes we can.

It was __________ by slaves and abolitionists as they

blazed a trail toward freedom

through the darkest of nights.

Yes we can.

It was sung by __________ as they struck out from

distant shores and pioneers who

pushed westward against an _____________ wilderness.

Yes we can.

It was the call of workers who organized; women who

reached for the _________; a

President who chose the ________ as our new frontier;

and a King who took us to the

_____________ and pointed the way to the Promised


Yes we can to justice and _________. Yes we can to

opportunity and _________. Yes

we can heal this nation. Yes we can _________ this

world. Yes we can.

And so tomorrow, as we take this campaign South

and West; as we ______ that the

_________ of the textile worker in Spartanburg are not

so different than the

plight of the _________in Las Vegas; that the hopes of

the little girl who goes

to a _________ school in Dillon are the same as the

_______of the boy who learns

on the streets of LA; we will remember that there is

something happening in

America; that we are not as divided as our politics

__________; that we are one

people; we are one nation; and together, we will

begin the next great _________ in

America's story with three words that will ring from

coast to coast; from sea to

_________sea – Yes. We. Can.

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