Schedule of Fees
Schedule of Fees
Schedule of Fees
3. Registration of Amended Articles of incorporation or By-Laws P5,000.00 of a Corporation or Amended Articles of partnership
4. Engagement in cases or other matters before the Securities P10,000.00 and Exchange Commission
5. Preparation and notarization of Resolutions of corporations P500.00 or partnerships, certification, and Minutes of meetings
6. Appointment as Corporate Secretary P2,000.00 a month
V. Acceptance Fees
Written contract shall control the amount to be paid for legal services (Sec. 24, Rule 138, Revised Rules of Court). Generally a
contract of professional services may either be oral or in writing. The fees stipulated may be absolute or contingent; it may for a
fixed percentage of any amount recovered in the action. The contract may call for a down payment; it may be a combination of
these arrangements; (Agpalo Legal ethics, 80 ed., p 321).
For Acceptance fee, the following minimum schedule is recommended:
A. Civil Case
1. Municipal Circuit Trial Court, Municipal Trial Court and Municipal Trial Court in Cities;
a. Exercise of original, delegated, special jurisdiction P10,000.00 and special proceedings
2. Regional Trial Court:
a. Exercise of exclusive or concurrent jurisdiction P20,000.00
b. Exercise of appellate jurisdiction P25,000.00
3. Court of Appeals:
a. Exercise of original (exclusive or concurrent with SC and RTC P35,000.00
b. Exercises of Appellate (ordinary appeal or appeal by petition P35,000.00 for Review) jurisdiction
c. Petitions for review from the RTC in cases appealed thereto P35,000.00 from the lower courts
4. Supreme Court:
a. Exercise of original (exclusive or concurrent with CA or RTC) P50,000.00 jurisdiction, such as petitions for certiorari,
prohibition, mandamus under Rule 65, habeas corpus and quo warranto
b. Exercise of appellate jurisdiction such as petitions for review P50,000.00 certiorari under Rule 45
B. Criminal Cases:
1. Municipal circuit Trial Court, Municiapl Trial Court and Municiapl trial Court in Cities
a. Exercise of exclusive original jurisdiction P15,000.00
2. Regional Trial Court
a. Exercise of exclusive original jurisdiction P25,000.00
b. Exercise of exclusive appellate jurisdiction P25,000.00
3. Sandiganbayan
a. Exercise of exclusive original jurisdiction P35,000.00
b. Exercise of exclusive appellate jurisdiction P35,000.00
c. Petition for review P35,000.00
4. Courts of Appeals P35,000.00
a. Exercise of original (exclusive or concurrent with SC
and RTC jurisdiction
b. Exercise of exclusive appellate jurisdiction (by appeal P35,000.00 or by petition for review
5. Supreme Court
a. Exercise of original (exclusive or concurrent with CA P50,000.00 or RTC) jurisdiction
b. Exercise of exclusive appellate (by appeal or petiiton for P50,000.00 review on certiorari)
C. Administrative Cases:
1. Quasi-judicial agencies in the exercise of their original quasi- P20,000.00 judicial functions
2. Quasi- judicial agencies in the exercise of their appellate P25,000.00 quasi- judicial functions
For IBP Cebu City Chapter: For IBP Cebu Province Chapter:
President President
Attested Attested:
Secretary Secretary