12habitudes of Hi12Habitudes of Highly Scuccessful Traders - Pdfghly Scuccessful Traders

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The key takeaways are that preparedness is essential for any profession including trading. Successful traders are fully committed to preparation psychologically, strategically, and financially. Traders need to prepare their mindset and come to trading with the right psychological attitude.

According to the passage, the essential preconditions for any profession are readiness, training, and having the appropriate tools.

The passage says you need to come to trading psychologically prepared to execute your plan and that trading requires mental toughness and a mindset that may not come naturally. A successful trader trains his mind for high power trading and gets a coach or mentor if needed.

The Habitude of Preparedness ~ Chapter 1


The Habitude of Preparedness

To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual
means of preserving peace.
George Washington
Preparedness is an essential precondition for any profession. Whether it be medicine, the military, professional sports,
or even carpentry, readiness, training, and the appropriate tools
are essential. We know what military preparedness involves. A
professional athlete would never think of going into a game
without extensive training and practice. You dont expect a carpenter to come to your home without a hammer, a saw, and
know how. Trading is no exception to the need for readiness.
Successful traders have a habit of being fully prepared.
They come to trading prepared psychologically, strategically,
and financially. They have an attitude of full commitment to
preparation for trading success.


Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders


You need to come to trading psychologically prepared
to trade. Your own personality is the multiplier effect of your
trading results. Your strategy, plus your money management,
plus your capital, multiplied by YOU equals results.
Strangely enough, this is the last place most traders think
they need to prepare. They simply assume they have what it
takes to enter into this arena and excel. How surprised they are
when they find themselves doing things they said theyd never
do and not doing the things they said they would surely do. And
even when they realize that they are the cause of their failure,
they are reluctant to get help.
I have talked with many traders who are sabotaging their
trading results. Some cant pull the trigger and sit there day
after day doing nothing but watch and marvel. Some are unwilling to take a loss and will let loss after loss eat up their trading
account until the pain of keeping that loss is greater than the
pain of taking that loss. Some get in trouble by not following
their trading rules. Others cant consistently follow a trading
system and find themselves skipping the big winners and taking
the losers.
And yet, while they may call me to find out about my
coaching, they delay signing up for mental training. If I call
them back a year later, theyre still repeating the same behavior
and still reluctant to pay for coaching. I should be able to handle
this myself. they say. But they cant, and they dont. Its the
winners who seek assistance for their trading weaknesses. And
its the winners who correct their trading foibles by strengthening their weaknesses and their strengths.

The Habitude of Preparedness ~ Chapter 1

You need to psychologically prepare yourself to execute
your plan. Trading requires a mental toughness. Trading demands a mindset that may not come naturally. You cannot charm
the market. You cannot persuade the market. You cannot bully
the market. You cannot cheat the market. You cannot merely
study or research the market. You have to TRADE what the
market gives you.
A successful trader trains his mind for high power trading. If he needs a coach or mentor, he gets one. He takes the
time for meditation, self suggestion and positive visualization.
He learns helpful questions to ask himself. He does whatever it
takes to prepare himself mentally to trade.


You need to come to trading strategically prepared.
You have to have a plan for putting the probabilities in your
favor. You need to know what to do and how to do it and when
to do it. Im continually amazed at how many traders have no
written plan. Discover what works. Make certain yourself that
it does work. These are preconditions to trading.
George kept losing more than he was making trading
stocks. When I asked him what his guidelines for buying a stock
were, it seemed he had none. It seemed his decisions were made
simply from what others in a chat room were doing. His decisions were simply impulsive and random, and it wasnt working. He needed to create a viable entry and exit strategy, and he
A successful trader takes precaution; that is, he is cautious before he begins. He has taken the time to study the situa13

Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

tion and to explore the probabilities that will lead to success. He
doesnt just shoot from the hip willy nilly. He has written down
his guidelines for entering and exiting trades. He knows what
his risk is, and he knows when to say that a trade is complete.
He knows when to reenter and when to add to a trade. He has
rules for telling himself whether a market is trending and what
that trend is.
The successful trader understands the dangers of hucksterism and doesnt just buy any old system that claims to produce 3,000% profit in the last year. He makes certain that real
time forward trading has produced the acclaimed results: he
doesnt accept the validity of computerized curve fitted back
He realizes that any method or system will have its ups
and downs, and he decides in advance what would have to happen for him to change methods. The drawdown would have to
exceed historical drawdowns by x percent, or the troughs of the
drawdowns would have to come with unprecedented frequency,
or the losing period would have way outlasted past losing periods. The winning trader would know in advance when he would
step aside and when he would resume trading the method.
If he trades from intuition and discretion, he still has
indicators and conditions that must line up before he enters or
exits a trade. He checks out his hunches against his indicators.


You need to prepare a solid money management or
position sizing approach. How much of your money will you
risk on any one idea? When will you add to a winning position?

The Habitude of Preparedness ~ Chapter 1

When will you start taking money off the table? How much
will you risk in order to make how much?


It takes money to trade. You cant start with a paltry
sum and expect it to last. You cant expect to get lucky on your
first few trades.
For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth
not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?
Bible: St. Luke
The winning trader is prepared with sufficient capital. He understands that he cant trade on a shoe string. He has
decided in advance how much he needs and how much hes
willing to risk. Risk capital is money that you can lose and still
maintain your life-style and still maintain your peace of mind.
He doesnt start trading with capital he needs to live on.

The winning trader has made a commitment to the process of effective trading. Its not a random bet or two. He has
laid down the foundations for success. This profession demands
training, groundwork, practice, and readiness.
This does not mean that you should over prepare, or
strive for a perfection that does not and cannot exist. Thats
research, not trading. As soon as you have something that puts
the probabilities strongly in your favor, youre ready to begin.
You dont want to begin too soon, and you dont want to begin
too late.

Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

You dont want to fall into the trap that Jason, a retired
engineer, found himself in. He practiced simulated trading in
financial futures for five years. He took over 80,000 simulated
trades. His trading was profitable on paper, but he never made
any actual money because he never put on a real trade. Every
day he planned to, but he never did. In the meantime the money
in his account dwindled because of his living expenses. By the
time I spoke with him, he had barely enough to trade, and he
really couldnt risk it. He had been able to trade before he started
his extensive research, but he researched too long and lost the
ability to act.
Sow an act, and you reap a habit. Sow a habit, and
you reap a character. Sow a character, and you reap a destiny.
Charles Reade


You need to prepare yourself with timely and reliable data and information. If you are day trading, you need
instant data, not delayed. If youre position trading, end of the
day data will do. Make sure you have all the information you
need and have it when you need it. Youre trading to make money.
Dont stint on the costs of data and information. It will show up
on your bottom line.
Stack the probabilities in your favor. Get a strategic and
mental edge. Take precaution and be prepared.
Decide what you want from your trading. Figure out
what steps need to be taken to get there. What resources will


The Habitude of Preparedness ~ Chapter 1

you need? What training will you need? Get willing to pay the
price. Remember, commitment is the beginning of all great


Were playing our mind games
Creating the future, out of the now
John Lennon in his song Mind Games
First, put your goal into words. Form a sentence that
is specific, simple, short, positive, in the present tense, and possible. S.S.S.P.P.P. (No, not S&P)
S. Say specifically what you want. I take every signal
my system offers me.
S. Keep it simple. I trade with courage.
S. Make it short. I trust my methods.
P. Word it positively. I always use stops. Not I stop
getting stuck in trades.
P. Say it in the present tense because the future is always a distance away, and the past you cant do
anything about. I make money trading. Not I will
make money trading.
P. Choose something that is possible and achievable.
I follow my system.
Second, make a mental movie of yourself with the goal
Third, step into the movie and live it and feel it as if it
is already true.


Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

Fourth, design the steps necessary to take to get to the
Fifth, commit yourself to doing the steps and make a
timetable to do them.
Take care to get what you like or you will be forced to
like what you get.
George Bernard Shaw


The Habitude of Detachment ~ Chapter


The Habitude of Detachment

Disinterested intellectual curiosity is the life blood of
real civilization.
G. M.Trevelyan
A trader came to see me who was clearly tense. His demeanor
reminded me of the expression strung tighter than a drum. I
inquired what the difficulty was, and he replied, Ive had 28
winning S&P trades in a row. I congratulated him on the feat.
He responded, But what if I have a losing trade? I remarked
that he would have quite a cushion to fall back on. But Ill lose
my self esteem! If I lose my self esteem, Ill lose everything!
This trader had put himself in the untenable position of
never having a loss. Hed tied his self respect to a perfect record.
It was only a matter of time, and we both knew it. He needed to
change his expectations, and he needed to detach his self image
from his trading. He did.
Detachment from trading results is a subtle emotion. The
attitude of a successful trader is not indifference, nor is it intense concern. The attitude of detachment is something like alert
and interested unconcern. An aloof interest.

Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

A successful trader cares about results. Of course, she
cares whether she is making money. However, she is not overly
concerned about the results of any given trade. Furthermore,
her well being and self esteem are not dependent on the results
of any given days trading. She realizes that she is more than her
trading. She has drawn a boundary between her trading results
and her sense of self. She is confident in who she is regardless
of her trading results.


Its very easy to identify with your trading, to become
what you do. You say, I am a trader. And, of course, you are.
But you are a lot of other things as well. If all you are is a trader,
then you become intricately involved with how good a trader
you are, and your self esteem can rise and fall with results. You
become too connected to the trading.
People often become overly sensitive to the question,
What do you do for a living? They interpret it as a question
that establishes their value, their worth to and in society. They
dont hear, What do you do to make money to live? No.
Instead they hear, Who are you and how important are you?
Notice how we often answer the question about what
we do with what we are. Instead of saying, I trade futures, we
say, I am a futures trader. This takes it to the level of identity.
We become what we do. Its common. I am a doctor. I am a
dentist. I am an accountant. I am an engineer. I am a
full time Mom. And so forth.
We have become the role, and if we do not inherently
value that role, we diminish our self esteem by answering the

The Habitude of Detachment ~ Chapter

question; and we become subject to the opinion of the listener
as to the importance of our role.
Personally, I am a trading psychologist, a trading coach,
a trader, a professional hypnotist, and a writer. I feel confident
about the value of each of these roles. It does not concern me in
the least how you respond to the importance of any of these
By saying, I am, I have lifted these activities to the
level of identity. I am, of course, more than what I do; and I
have even more roles than those I listed.
Those who become completely and solely identified with
the roles they play can become depressed and adrift when they
cease to perform that role. A mother can become devastated
when her children leave home. A corporate employee can become immobilized when downsized. A professional can become
depressed upon retiring.
When you become fully and solely identified with a
particular role, you can become depressed when its not going
well. A mother becomes deeply discouraged when one of her
children is having difficulty or when a relationship with a child
becomes strained. A trader goes into the dumps when hes experiencing what will end up to be a temporary drawdown.
If you are not comfortable taking your activities to an
identity level, answer and think on a doing level. For example,
I am Tony, an optimistic (or whatever) kind of guy. I play golf
to have fun, and I trade to make money.


Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

Because it is natural to identify with our major activity,
and since others automatically define us by our profession, most
people take their business to an I am level. Since this is so, it is
vital to believe in the value of what we have chosen to do for a
living. We need to feel good about what we do as traders. We
need to be proud of our participation.
Its hard to detach from trading results when youre fully
identifying with the role, and only that role. So make a list of
the other things you do and are. Identify with the whole scope
of your being. You are so much more than your trading.


Another way to detach from trading results is to focus
on the process of trading. Look at trading as a game, a game
youre good at. Trading is applying a process to the market. Of
course, before you begin that process, you need to confirm that
it will lead to success over time.
Then youll trust that if you follow the process, the probabilities are that you will make money. Place your attention on
the process rather than the money. This will enable you to execute with confidence. Your focus and your faith are in the process. The process becomes more important than any intermediate results.
Now faith is not certainty: its simply faith. Probabilities
are only probable: theyre not assured. Unfortunately, in trading
and investing, probabilities are all we have. We have no certainties. You just have to accept that or get out of the game.


The Habitude of Detachment ~ Chapter

Becoming attached to the results of any given trade can
create havoc with the trading. For example, if a trader becomes
too attached to the results of a trade, she may fail to take the
trade. She may add to a losing trade in an effort to turn it into a
winner. She may grab the profit too soon, or overstay her welcome. She may put on too big or too small a position. By becoming too attached to the results, she will allow her personality and hopes and fears to interfere in the process.

We need to have a boundary between ourselves and
our trading. We are not our trading. We do our trading.
We need to have a boundary between present trading
and past trading. Yesterdays trade has nothing to do with todays
trade. Absolutely nothing. Those who confuse yesterdays trading with todays trading inevitably get into trouble.
Now a good boundary is just that. It lets us know where
one thing begins and another thing ends. A boundary sets limits.
A boundary is not a wall, and its not a merging or becoming
one with a trade.
Walls completely separate us from what weve walled
off and dont allow us to take in relevant information. Of course,
there are times when something is so painful or destructive, we
need to construct a wall. And we can, but first we would be
wise to see what if any lessons we can learn.
There are times when we want to merge with a person
or an experience or maybe even the trading. You dont need
boundaries when youre bonding with a baby or making love or

Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

watching a sunset. There may be times when you dont need
boundaries when youre in the zone trading. Most of the time,
however, if you merge with a trade, you develop tunnel vision
and lose perspective. You become overly attached to the results.


In practical life most thinking takes place in the perception area: how we get to look at things.
Edward de Bono
One way to detach from the trading results is to develop a different perceptual position. What would I think if I
werent in this trade? What would I think if I were some other
trader I know or know about? What would I think if I were a
neutral observer, a fair witness? Get out of yourself and look at
the trade or the trading from a different point of view.
In our relationships with others and in our relationship
with trading, there are three different perspectives we can take.
The three perceptual positions are self, other, and neutral observer.
To practice the different perceptual positions, remember a minor dispute you had with somebody in your physical
presence. Run it through looking out of your own eyes. Now
move into the role of neutral observer and look at it from a
position eye level and equidistant between the two of you. Then
move into the other person and look at it through their eyes. Go
back to neutral observer. End up looking out of your own eyes.
Notice how much more understanding you have of the situation.

The Habitude of Detachment ~ Chapter

When were in the self position, were engaged. This is
where the juice is. But we may lack perspective.
When were in the observer position, were disengaged.
We may have more perspective, but we can become like a cold
When were looking at the situation through the eyes of
another, we have more empathy, more understanding. But we
may find ourselves playing the role of a doormat or not taking
our own needs into account.
Experiment with bringing different perceptual positions
to your trading. Try placing a couple of chairs near your trading
station. Let one represent a mentor. Let the other represent a
neutral observer. Sit in the different chairs literally or in your
imagination and look at the trading from those perspectives. It
will give you insight and help you detach.


Of all the traps and pitfalls in life, self-disesteem is
the deadliest, and the hardest to overcome; for it is a pit designed and dug by our own hands, summed up in the phrase,
Its no useI cant do it.
Maxwell Maltz
The ego has no place in trading. An unstable ego will
attach itself to anything you do. And trading is no exception.
You cannot use the trading arena as an area to prove your worth
or your capability. It will just bring your trading and your self
esteem to new lows.


Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

If your ego is getting in the way of your trading, you
need to build up yourself esteem. One way to do this is to begin
to appreciate yourself. Pay attention to what youre doing thats
good. Give yourself recognition for the little things you do as
you go through the day. Make lists of your accomplishments.
Make lists of your positive attributes. Each day ask yourself,
What did I do today that Im proud of? Ask yourself, In
what ways am I improving?
A secure ego does not need to prove itself. If youre
having trouble separating your ego from the trading, read Chapter Eight in my book Exceptional Trading: The Mind Game
(Traders Press, 1999).

Anxiety is a forward looking emotion that tells you that
there is something in your future for which you need to prepare.
Ask yourself, What can I do to prepare for this?
And do whatever you can.
Then, in your imagination go out into the future to just
after the successful conclusion of the event you were worried
about. Imagine and visualize the successful conclusion of the
Most people do just the opposite of this. They go out
into the future in their imagination and picture and feel the unsuccessful conclusion of an occurrence. How many times have
you gotten an entry signal and imagined how bad youll feel
when youre stopped out? Dont do this. Imagine instead that
the trade goes where the probabilities tell you it will go.


The Habitude of Detachment ~ Chapter

One trader said to me, But, Ruth, if I imagine making
money on a trade, Ill feel so bad when I lose!
I replied, Do you want to feel bad both before and
Detach. Detach. Detach. Trading is no be-all and endall. You are so much more than your trading. Value yourself.
Focus on the verified process of your trading over time. Enjoy
the process. Play the game. Draw a boundary. Look at it from
different perspectives. Imagine your success.


Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders


Whether I get out at a profit or loss does not matter.
Bernard Oppetit

Taking a loss does not make you a loser. This is so important, Im going to say it again. Taking a loss does not make
you a loser. In fact, taking a loss can keep you from becoming a
Successful traders accept loss as a simple part of the
process of trading. Since loss is an integral part of trading, you
have to be willing to accept the inevitability of losing trades.
Profits and losses are like night and day, like rain and sunshine,
summer and winter, spring and fall. Both profits and losses are
natural to trading. By totally accepting the necessity of taking
some loss, you ease the intensity of trading.


View it as cost of doing business. If youre going to
open a grocery store, you cant object to buying food. You cant

The Habitude of Willingness to Accept Loss ~ Chapter 3

say, Oh, I hope dont have to purchase any more groceries this
week! Likewise, if you trade, you cant say, Oh, I hope I
dont have any losses this week!
A business person hires people to do work for him. This
is an expense of the business. Generally speaking, the business
person doesnt view the payroll as a net loss to the business but
rather as a debit against future profit. A successful trader views
losses in the same manner. He expenses losses against profits.


Many people think that its their job as a trader is to
choose only winning trades. Since that is impossible, its a foolish way to look at trading. It sets you up for failure. You cannot
hold yourself to the standard of the impossible. I often say to
my clients, Write this down. Its not my job to know whether a
trade will be a winner or a loser. It is my job to recognize the
signals and act upon them.
Im not saying that trading is not about winning. Trading is about winning, about winning over time. Its about slowly
growing an increasing equity curve.


Its also about being a winner. Winners expect to win.
Losers expect to lose. You expect to win even as youre willing
to have losses.
As a trader you want to think of yourself as a winner.
Think of yourself as a winner who does the things that winners
do. Winners accept loss.

Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

Winners and losers are self determined. But only
winners are willing to admit it.
John Wooden
Trading is about both winning and losing. With a winning mindset you will view trading losses as insignificant and a
natural part of the game. You can be a winner even when youre
losing. Individual losses and individual draw down periods happen. That is undeniable fact.
If you dont like this fact, you might as well get out of
the game. Theres no way you can trade if you resist any and
every loss. Youll only frustrate yourself and your methods.
Youll only disappoint yourself. If you really dont want to lose,
forgive yourself, and put your money into safe interest bearing
instruments. If youre not willing to lose, you may not be able
to actually trade. Its a common malady. Let me tell you a story.

It was as if she were all dressed up with nowhere to go.
More than anything in the world, Melanie wanted to successfully trade S & P futures. And yet, here she sat, after all the
training, after all the courses, day after day, watching the signals go by; and she never put on a trade.
Whats the matter with me? shed ask. Why cant I
just put on a trade?
It was like trying to swim through glue just sitting there
in front of the computer. Shed see the opportunities come and
go. And she wouldnt do anything. Shed sit frozen like an ice
sculpture melting. Then, as the trades went on to make money,
shed feel even worse.

The Habitude of Willingness to Accept Loss ~ Chapter 3

Each day shed start determined to trade yet feeling at
the mercy of the markets. It was as if she were throwing herself
into the abyss. Or rowing out into a tumultuous sea in nothing
but a small boat.
Day after day after day, she felt demoralizing grief at
her inability to act. The protagonist in Melanie wanted to trade.
Freedom! I can support myself trading! I can go anywhere,
do anything, buy myself expensive clothes! I can take care of
myself! Freedom shouted.
The antagonist in Melanie stopped her dead in her tracks.
Fear! What if Im wrong? What if I lose? What if it goes the
other way? Fear would whisper.
Freedom and Fear were doing the shadow dance in
Melanies heart. Todays the day! Freedom would proclaim.
Its not safe! Fear would respond. Push-pull. Advance-retreat. A circular dance.
What is the worst that could happen? Freedom would
plead. I can only lose a little bit of money. Thats got to be
preferable to sitting here stuck.
What if you really cant do this? Fear would ask.
Youll lose your dream, and then where will you be?
Freedom kept Melanie at the computer. Fear kept her
inactive. Day after day after day afternothing.


Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

Ironically, traders who seek to avoid loss frequently end
up losing and often losing big. Some miss opportunity by failing to pull the trigger. Some wait for confirmation only to enter
when the trade is mostly over. Some lose because they refuse to
recognize a losing situation when theyre in it. Some, in a losing
trade, will avoid taking that loss only to find it get bigger and
bigger. Only when the pain of holding unto the loss is greater
than the pain of getting out of the trade will they get out.
Clearly the quicker you take a loss, the less damage
youll do to yourself both financially and psychologically. Losing trades are like dirty dishes in the sink. Youre going to have
to take care of them sooner or later, so you might as well do it
right away. Once out of a trade, your mind is free to look for
new opportunities. And youve stopped tormenting yourself.
The desire not to take a loss is also behind the disastrous
policy of adding to a losing trade. The worse it gets, the greater
you raise the stakes by putting more money into an untenable


Nicholas Leeson, the trader who brought down the
Barings Bank in February, 1995, is a made to order example of
the business of not facing up to a loss and getting out. Hes also
a perfect example of the dangers of adding to a losing position
in hopes of digging your way out. The Barings Bank was the
bank that lent the United States the money to make the Louisiana Purchase. When Nicholas Leeson finished his trading for
the bank, Barings was sold for the equivalent of $1.40.

The Habitude of Willingness to Accept Loss ~ Chapter 3

You remember the story. I analyze it at length in Exceptional Trading. Leeson started with a bet that the Nikkei would
remain stable at around 19,000. He sold an option straddle. By
January 13 he was net long the Nikkei by 3,024 contracts. (Keep
in mind that according to the rules of the Simex where he was
trading, a person should not be net long or net short more than
1,000 contracts in all contract months combined.)
On January 17, the Kobe earthquake hit and the Nikkei
began selling off, gradually at the beginning, and then picking
up speedfirst breaking 19,000, then 18,000, and finally breaking 17,000 before those left to handle Leesons mess could liquidate the position.
Leeson had time after the earthquake to get out of the
position and manage the loss. He could have reversed the position and gone short. He didnt. He kept adding to his position as
the Nikkei went down and down and down. By January 20, he
had 7,135 long contracts. By January 27, he was long 16,852
Nikkei contracts. Then, by Friday, February 24, Leeson was
long a total of 61,280 Nikkei futures contracts on three exchanges. On top of that he was short 25,900 Japanese government bond futures that were also losing.
As the losses got bigger, the prospect of realizing them
became more and more terrifying. In the end he was throwing
up in the mens room. Finally, he skipped the country leaving a
note saying, Im sorry. In just two months of over trading, of
not taking taking a loss, and of adding to a losing position, Nicholas Leeson single handedly brought the 233 year old Barings
Bank to its knees.


Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders


Its a simple rule of trading. We all know it. Cut your
losses. Let your profits run. And yet many traders dont. Why?
They fear the loss. When theyre losing, they dont want to acknowledge theyre losing. They hope it will go away.
When theyre winning, they fear theyll lose their profits. Instead of anticipating that the profits will continue to develop, they grab the little they have and let the big money go.
In the one case they hold on with hope, and in the other
they jump out with fear. Its almost as if were hard wired to do
the opposite of what we need to do to make money. We need to
think differently when we trade. We need to short circuit
losses by accepting and taking them. We need to ride out
the winners until our methods tell us the trip is over.
Nicholas Leeson is an outsized example, to be sure. All
of us know times when we or others didnt take that first loss,
got stubborn, or sloppy, only to learn one more lesson. Ive seen
a floor trader in the bond pit lose a weeks worth of careful
earnings in one careless silver trade where he didnt bother to
place a stop. Ive seen a currency trader stick with a losing
position for over a year! Ive seen a dreamy kind of trader not
even aware that his $60,000 profit had now turned to a $30,000
loss. Ive seen a careful, frugal woman buy Qualcom at $200
and ride it down to $57. Ive seen a one lot S & P day trader end
up taking home 5 losing S & P contracts. Ive seen a trader
make a simple error and end up trading that error into an extensive losing position as if it were a trade of immense conviction.


The Habitude of Willingness to Accept Loss ~ Chapter 3

It happens. But not to those who easily accept losses as
a normal part of the trading game. Its the resistance to loss, to
the absolutely inevitable, that gets you what you dont want.
Part of the resistance comes from making an individual
trade too important. One trade viewed as but one in a series of
trades will not take on such a life and death struggle against
loss. Each trade is statistically unimportant.
Part of it comes from thinking that you have to be right.
You try to work it out so you can prove yourself right. When
you accept the fact that you dont have to always be right about
what is basically unknowable, you take a huge burden off yourself. Remember, its not your job to know, so why should you
need to be right?
Part of the struggle comes from tying your self-esteem
to a trade. You try to avoid loss to prop up your self-opinion.
Respect yourself even when you take losses.
Part of it comes from not focusing on probabilities, but
rather focusing on the possibility. Remember probability is much
stronger than possibility. Youre ready for possibility, but you
focus on what is probable. You want to focus on where you
expect the trade to go. When you look solely at your risk, you
begin to imagine it; and it becomes difficult, if not impossible,
to take the trade.
Some of the resistance to taking losses comes from thinking theres a limited supply of money. True your financial resources are finite but your financial possibilities are unlimited.
Think positively.

Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

Resistance can be overcome by changing your thinking.
Let me finish the story I told you earlier in the chapter.
Melanie called me and left a message on my answering
machine. This is Freedom! I just dipped into the S & P, and
took out five points!
I laughed with joy when I heard the message. Melanie
had learned to imagine probability of success and accept the
possibility of loss.
Freedom had learned to ask, What if this trades a big
And that trumped Fears asking, What if I lose?


We need to look at our trading as we can look at any
other endeavor in lifethat there is no such thing as failure,
there is only feedback. We do something, and we get results.
Results give us information that help us make another decision
and take another action. Living and trading are a rich processes
filled with give and take. Losses are not failure. They are feedback. And feedback takes us forward.


The Habitude of Willingness to Accept Loss ~ Chapter 3

If you can dreamand not make dreams your master;

If you can thinkand not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same
Yours is the earth and everything in it
Andwhich is moreyoull be a man, my son!
Rudyard Kipling


Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders


Since the beginning of recorded history, gambling
the very essence of risk takinghas been a popular pastime
and often an addiction
Human beings have always been infatuated with gambling because it puts us head-to-head against the fates.
Peter L. Bernstein


Successful traders are willing to risk in order to have the
joy of winning. The joy of winning is far more rewarding than
the sting of any little setback. Successful traders enjoy the intensity of risk. To them, risk is exciting, not frightening. It makes
life come alive for them.
They are not reckless. They are not gambling in the popular understanding of the term. Their risk is managed and in proportion to their expectation for gain. They know that if they live
by the sword, they can die by the sword. (Their metaphor, not

The Habitude of Taking Controlled Risk ~ Chapter 4

mine. I dont like war metaphors for trading.) Still, when the
moment comes to step forward and risk, they do it unhesitatingly.
They do not shrink from the opportunity. The lines from Eliots
poetry do not apply to them:
I have seen the moment of my greatness flicker,
And I have seen the eternal Footman hold my coat,
and snicker,
And in short, I was afraid.
T. S. Eliot
Not to make a decision is not to exercise choice. To not
act upon a decision is to not have made a decision. Successful
traders decide and act. Theyre people of supreme choice. They
choose to make money. They choose to risk. They have an appetite to go forward with the risk and the opportunity.

They do it, though, based on the odds. Probability is the
mathematical center of wise risk. Successful traders risk to
Without numbers, there are no odds and no probabilities; without odds and probabilities, the only way to deal
with risk is to appeal to the gods and the fates. Without numbers, risk is wholly a matter of gut.
Peter L. Bernstein1


Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders


Risk taking goes beyond trading. It can be a life style
tendency and preference. Among my clients are some highly
successful day traders. Im always curious about what they do
when theyre not trading.
Some go to Atlantic City or Las Vegas to gamble. Others go rock climbing or snow boarding or skiing. Some go scuba
diving or surfing. Others ride motor cycles or race cars. Being
on the edge is an important part of their aliveness. Here also
they control their risk. They dont take chances where they dont
think they can win. They develop their skills, and they only
undertake what they think they can do successfully.
Some years ago I was in a supermarket in Laguna Beach,
Ca. I saw a large title on Surfer Magazine saying THE JOY
OF FEAR. Immediately I thought of the traders I work with.
I bought the magazine and even subscribed. The parallels of
surfing to trading are uncanny. In the magazine was the following quote:
We must travel in the direction of our fear.
John Berryman
Well, I would add, We must travel in the direction of
our fear and expect success. Surfers are a type who relish the
dangerous edge and are like those traders who love the action
and love to trade. Both need to practice their craft, be in shape,
be alert, know what theyre doing, and exercise superb control
as they work with the phenomenal forces in which they play.


The Habitude of Taking Controlled Risk ~ Chapter 4

Why would a surfer get in front of a 20 foot wave?
Because he thinks he can make it. There are dangers to be sure.
That is the challenge. Mark Foo, a champion surfer, was killed
in 1995 while surfing. Sometimes even the best dont make it.
Winners expect to win. Losers expect to lose. And both
realize their expectations more often than not. We go in the direction of our dominant thoughts, and we bring those thoughts
into our reality.

The same shot of adrenaline that creates excitement in
some creates fear in others. When you feel that adrenaline pump
as you start to trade, do you interpret it as a possibility that
something wonderful could happen or as a signal that something awful could happen?
Whether you feel excitement or anxiety depends on how
you run your imagination. Sure, theres a possibility of loss and
theres a probability of profit if youve stacked the probabilities
in your favor. For the risk taker and risk manager this uncertainty between small loss or large profit is where the fun lies.

Fear can be a spur to action. Fear creates the fight or
flight syndrome. Good judgement and experience tells you which
to do and when to do it. You dont leave it just to your emotions. You exercise choice. A good trader takes risks, but he is
in control. Controlpersonal skillis a vital part of any risk
taking action. In interviews with stunt men, the need to be in
control comes out clearly.2

Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

Successful traders, traders who last, dont take dead end
chances just for the thrill of it. There is a distinction between
playing for the excitement and playing to win. The same is true
in other forms of stimulation seeking.
This distinction between arousal-seeking which aids
and enhances development, and that which stunts it, is the
same as the distinction between exploration and violence.
Michael J. Apter3
We all have a zone of risk taking in which we can perform optimally. It doesnt pay to push it beyond our limits, nor
to stay under our limits. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi calls this flow.4
Flow is the state of mind in which a person is totally
absorbed in what shes doing. She feels as if shes flowing along
with it. Such a state can be intensely gratifying. A person will
be able to step up to a spiral of challenges at an optimal rate of
change. But these challenges never become too great for the
persons knowledge and skill, even as they continue to create
interest and response.
An example would be playing tennis with a player who
is sufficiently better than you to make you play at the top of
your game but not so much better than you to make you feel

Risk makes certain people come alive. Others are risk
averse. These are our individual differences. We all have different degrees to which we need, experience, and respond to excitement. The important goal is to balance that risk propensity

The Habitude of Taking Controlled Risk ~ Chapter 4

and desire or aversion so that we can grow and protect our money
optimally as we trade.
I think great traders certainly have to have a psychological stability about themselves, but not too much stability,
because one has to have a certain flair for risk. It is a fine
psychological blend you have got to look for in a trader; the
ability to take risk, the ability to have some courage, coupled
with stability in the psychological make-up.
Pat Arbor5
If you tend to over trade or over risk, you need to pull in
your frame of safety. You need to establish trading guidelines
that will protect you. You need to be alert to your propensity to
over risk and step back every time you catch yourself over extending.
If you tend to avoid risk, you need to expand your frame
of safety. You need to slowly add risk to your trading so that
you become emotionally inoculated. Decrease your trading size
and/or change to a trading vehicle that is less volatile. When this
is comfortable, slowly increase size and volatility.
Remember trading should be fun, but trading should also
be profitable. Under or over trading does not enhance the equity
curve. Find an arena and an approach to trading in which you
can trade in a state of flow and profitability.


Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders


Peter L. Bernstein, Against The Gods, The Remarkable Story of Risk, New
York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1996
S. Piet, What motivates stunt men Motivation and Emotion, 11 (2) 1987,
pp. 195-213
Michael J. Apter, The Dangerous Edge, The Psychology of Excitement,
New York: The Free Press, 1992
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience,
New York: Harper and Row, 1990
Alpesh B. Patel, The Mind of a Trader, London: Financial Times, 1997


The Habitude of Thinking in Probabilities ~ Chapter 5


The real trouble with this world of ours is not that it
is an unreasonable world, nor even that it is a reasonable
one. The commonest kind of trouble is that it is nearly reasonable, but not quite. Life is not an illogicality; yet it is a trap
for logicians. It looks just a little more mathematical and regular than it is; its exactitude is obvious, but its inexactitude is
hidden; its wildness lies in wait.
G. K Chesterton
The wildness lies in wait. Still we must think in terms of
probabilities. Why? Because that is all we have.

Oh, we could do remote viewing. We could call on
psychics. We could look to astrology. We could call for divine
intervention. We could, and some of us do. Our trading is either
in the hands of the fates, the gods, guesswork, or probabilities.
I prefer probabilities. Even if theyre not always probable. Not
always is the operative word. Patterns occurbut not always.
Systems workbut not always. Fundamentals dictate price
but not always.

Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

Relax. If there were an always, the game would be over.
Theres no such thing as tomorrows Wall Street Journal today.
Thats why trading on inside information is a crime. Inside information predictsbut not always. Even the crime is not a
sure thing.
What can we do? Accept what we have. Think in terms
of probabilities, and act upon them. Let probabilities be enough
for you. Go one furtherbe grateful for them. After all, probabilities are probable.
But to us, probability is the very guide of life.
Bishop Butler
Successful traders think in terms of probabilities. They
put themselves in alignment with the probabilities. They grade
them. Slightly probable. Probably probable. Highly probable.
They will risk more on a highly probable trade than on a slightly
probable trade. This is where their money management or position sizing comes in.


We get very scientific about all this with our new computer driven enhancement of probabilities. Neural networks.
Genetic algorithms. Volatility compilations. We use the computer to expand beyond the capacity of a single human mind.
And what do we get? Soothing reassurances mathetically born.
And what do we really get? More probabilites that are probablebut not always. The wildness lies in wait.
We cannot program the data of the future into a computer, because we do not have that data. We can program the

The Habitude of Thinking in Probabilities ~ Chapter 5

past into the computer and predict the future, but the past is not
the futurealways. The wildness lies in wait.
We need to accept our limitations and the limitations of
our craft and art. We need to get comfortable with approximate
predictions and interpretations. We need to go with what currently is, and trust that the probabilities will keep a current move
going for a while.


Some people see themselves singled out by some perverse force as destined to fail in trading. These people will buy
system after system, only to find that when they start to trade
the system, it destructs in ways that it never did in the past.
Putting aside the thought that the system could have been curve
fitted to the past, what can this person make of this?
I have spoken with many thwarted traders who came to
believe that they were personally doomed. If they took a trade
or traded a method, it would of necessity go against them. To
them it seems as if it always has, and by extrapolationit always will.
Not only have such traders considered themselves
doomed in the eyes of the universe (and it may well be that we
need to keep an illusion of positive expectations to thrive), they
have laid aside probabilities. How could it be probable that if
they trade a previously successful methodology, it will enter an
unprecedented drawdownalways? How could it be probable
that if they sell, its the bottom, that if they buy, its the top
always? It cannot. And this is where probabilities thinking would
bail them out.

Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

What likely is happening to these traders is that their
belief about their personal certainty to fail causes them to unconsciously choose those trades or those methods that will not
work. This belief causes them to unconsciously filter out the
good trades and reliable methods.
The point I want to make here is that if you continue to
view your trading through probabilities glasses, through the prism
of likelihoods, you will not be able to see yourself isolated by
the fates to failure. The belief in probabilities will keep you
searching for the key to success. You will sort through probabilities for ways to succeed.

Probable impossibilities are to be preferred to improbable possibilities.


Successful traders know that probabilities are all they

have. For these traders probabilities are enough. Probabilities
are more than enough. Probabilities mean they will probably
succeed. If not now, later. Probabilities are their safety net.
Granted, nets have holes, but still they are nets.


Thinking in terms of probabilities, keeps traders out of
trouble. If you know a trade has a probability to make money,
youll go ahead and put it on in a timely manner. Why would
you not? Its probably going to make money.


The Habitude of Thinking in Probabilities ~ Chapter 5

On the other hand, if you know a trade is only probable,
youll put in a protective stop loss. Since its only probable,
youre mindful of other possibilities. It could be a losing trade.
Therefore, you protect yourself.
Probabilities keep you in a balanced frame of mind.
Thinking in probabilities is quite the opposite of thinking in certainties. Remember there are no certainties in trading. By thinking in probabilities, you keep your perceptions cleared to pick
up contradictory indicators or information. Perceptual clarity
keeps you in touch with current reality. You wont be telling
yourself hypnotic stories about what has to happen or is about
to happen.
Theres no room for self delusion.
Thinking in probabilities keeps you from tying your ego
to a trade. Since any decision is only about probabilities, its no
big deal if you win, and no big deal if you lose. Because your
focus is on probabilities, you keep it on the market rather than
on yourself. The moment you start viewing the market in relationship to yourself, you get in trouble. First, you distort your
vision. You cannot see what is right in front of your nose. Second, you distort your valuation. Your trading becomes too important. When the trading becomes overly important, all kinds
of distortions and misdeeds arise. Youve started trading to prove
your self worthy, and not to make money.


Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

Probabilities are your power. They give you an edge.
Without an edge were simply at the risk of luck. And luck
wont last, not without building a bias towards it. You need to
create your own luck. You do that by letting probabilities guide
your analysis, your trading, and your feelings.


The Habitude of Taking the Long Term View ~ Chapter 6


The Habitude of Being

He is no wise man who will quit a certainty for an
Samuel Johnson

And yet we must. The moment we leave a money market or T Bill for a moving market, we have moved from certainty into uncertainty. For some, this is an uncomfortable place
to be. Some see it as an unwise place to be.


Nothing is certain but the unforeseen.
Successful traders realize that within the unknowable,
there is a rich opportunity for profit. They understand that the
future of any trade is not knowable in advance. They accept that
all they have are simple probabilities.

Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

For these traders probabilities are enough. They welcome the uncertainty, walk easily into it, even as they take precautions against having a trade go against them. They always
manage the risk by using actual or mental stop loss orders. They
limit the risk because they know they dont know.


Accepting uncertainty makes an important difference in
the way you trade. When the outcome of any trade is uncertain,
and you fully acknowledge that uncertainty, you will not be
blinded by stories or opinions. You understand that so called
gurus and experts dont know the future either. You dont over
trade or under trade because there is no reason to under or over
invest. You protect yourself against undue risk. You are willing
to act in a timely fashion because you understand that you will
never have certainty until its history.
Since the future is unknowable, you fully grasp that it is
not your job as a trader to know whether any given trade will be
a winner or loser. Realizing this, you relieve yourself of a huge
burden. It is your job to recognize your entry and exit signals
and act upon them. You feel no need to second guess yourself
because youve created methods that put the probabilities in your
favor, and those probabilities will work for you over time.


Some people have an inordinate need to be right. Deep
inside they feel that something terrible will happen if theyre
wrong about something. This can have multiple effects on their


The Habitude of Taking the Long Term View ~ Chapter 6

First, such a trader cannot act quickly. She will hesitate
before entering a trade and once in may hesitate to get out because it would prove she was wrong. Shes always looking for
confirmation because she needs to be right. By the time confirmation comes, however, its usually too late.
Second, such a trader may be so endowed with the need
to be right that she cannot receive information contrary to her
position. The market could be screaming turn aroundstop and
reverseas she clings for dear life to the original position. If
you need to be right, youll build your case despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. And youll pay the price.
Its a sad state of events when it becomes more important to be right than to curtail a loss. Let me tell you a story
about a man who got into trouble trading because of a tormenting need to be right and a refusal to accept that he was wrong.

Clint Johnson is on line three, his secretary was saying.
He felt the familiar lump in his throat, a sense of shame
and guilt. Tell him Ill call him back, he said.
Hubert Hunchley was trapped in a nightmare that would
not go away. How could he face his clients after losing them so
much money in this last trade? And his own account was down
even more than the clients! He had put on way too large a position.


Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

Yet hed been so sure.
He was certain of his research. This company was not
going to make money. It would be years before it could turn a
profit. The short side was the right side. And yet the damn stock
kept going up! The idiots on the internet kept telling themselves
nonsense about prospects for future earnings.
Hed gone short at 60, and now the stock was at 85.
With every point rise, he could feel the tightening around his
throat. He couldnt take it off here. It was too late.
Hed called a trading consultant up in New York. Shed
said, Put a protective buy stop above the highs for half the
position and another stop 5 points above that for the other half.
He could not, hed told her. If he did that, hed just get
stopped out before the stock collapsed.
Do you want me to do it for you? shed asked. Being
right is not just getting the fundamentals right. Being right is
cutting your losses. Being right is watching the price. Price is
Easy for her to say. Her reputation wasnt on the line.
His was. Hed done extensive research and had the courage to
invest upon that solid research. Price is reality. Well, there
was more to this company than price. Debt is reality. No earnings is reality. Bad management is reality.
Damn. The stock was 8686 ! 8787 ! He undid
his tie. God he was hot!


The Habitude of Taking the Long Term View ~ Chapter 6

Price is reality. Indeed. Well, he knew for sure what
wasnt reality. Reality was not the drivel the president of the
company was spewing over television. He just couldnt.
He just wouldnt. It had to go down!
8888 ! 89! Okay! Hed put the stops in at 95 and
100. Why was he paying a consultant if he wasnt going to take
advice? This was entirely too much stark reality for him.
George Leon on line 4, his secretary announced. I
cant speak to him now. Tell him Ill get back to him. Hubert
Hunchley felt his face flush and his throat constrict. He just
could not explain to George, of all people, why he was so certain about this.
As the market closed, the stock eased back a couple of
points. Well, thats a relief! Hed do some more research on the
company and fax the results to his restive clients.
The next morning Hubert was back in the office burned
out after another sleepless night. Richard Brighten had reached
him at home and closed his account. No more discretionary.
Richard had said. That was a punch in the gut. Brighten was a
respected leader in the community. If he could meet with Brighten
face to face he could persuade him, but Brighten had said no.
Just close the account.
The stock was trading up 3 points in the extended market. Well, hed wait and see how it traded when the market
opened. 9091 ! 9293! It was going to hit his stop! Hubert
picked up the phone and canceled the 95 stop just in time. Damn!
The stock was 96! Hed better take out the 100 stop.

Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

George Leon is on line 2. He says its important.
Ill be right with him. Tell him to wait. Hubert said.
He felt sick to his stomach. Quickly he canceled the stop. He
dreaded the conversation, but he couldnt put George off another day.
George, I know Im right on this. If we get out here,
itll just turn around. Did you read the fax I sent you?
George, please trust me. This companys a piece of
I know. I know. Its real money youre losing. Itll turn
around. It has to. Youll see. Well make it back on this trade or
another one.
Thanks, George. Yeah, Ill watch it real close.
How could he not? 979899101! Hubert couldnt
believe it. He knew he was right, but he was losing too much
money. The humiliation, the ache of being wrong, the pain of
losing was just too much.
Finally, Hubert unraveled the position at 105, 106, and
107. Only when the agony of losing became greater than the
humiliation of being wrong was Hubert able to get out of the
trade. Once out of the trade, he didnt feel much reliefonly
remorse and the thought of what might have been.
Maybe he should buy some puts on the stock just in
case the world came back to its senses. And that is just what
Hubert Hunchley did.

The Habitude of Taking the Long Term View ~ Chapter 6


Since the successful trader has no particular need to be
right, she can keep an open mind to the information that the
market gives her. She wont pit herself against the market. She
can want what the market wants and go with the flow. She can
accept the inherent rightness of the market. For a trader who
wants to win (as against be right), price is reality.


To stay on track there are certain questions you can ask
yourself as you trade. Questions are very important because
they direct the focus of our minds. Therefore, it makes sense to
ask those questions that will take us where we want to go.
Because the market direction is uncertain, you dont ask
yourself unanswerable questions such as, Will this trade be a
winner? Will the market go up or down? Instead you might
ask yourself the following questions:
How much could I probably make? (This gets you
thinking about the potential for profit.)
What is my risk? (Only after establishing a potential
for gain do you turn your thoughts to the possibility for loss.)
What will have to happen to tell me I am wrong? (This
keeps you alert and on the outlook for contrary indicators even
as it keeps your hand steady on the trade as you let your profits


Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

What is the market showing me now?
What does the market want?
Is there anything Im not seeing, anything Im missing?
What are the probabilities?
Am I asking the right questions?
What is the significant question I should be asking
Such questions will keep your mind alert to unfolding
market conditions, to developing reality. Such questions accept
the underlying truth that market movement is uncertain and knowable only in degrees of probability.
The future is not knowable. A successful trader fully
accepts the uncertainty and even enjoys the mystery. Herein lies
the art and the excitement of trading. After all, if we could know
for certain, the game would be over.


The Habitude of Taking the Long Term View ~ Chapter 7


The Habitude of Taking the Long Term View

Time is the great physician.
Benjamin Disraeli

As we grow older, we begin to get a perspective on

events and things. A baby will collapse into tears, totally distraught over some little thing. For the baby, survival is implied
in getting what they want or need right now. Adults see a broader
picture. Unfortunately, some traders tend to take a babys point
of view to trading. Each trade, each tick, becomes all important
in the moment. Each trade becomes endowed with the significance of survival.


By taking the long view, a trader keeps herself from
being caught up in euphoria or despair or panic. We all know
what these emotions can do to a trader. The long view gives you
balance and equanimity. The long view gives you wisdom. And
wisdom takes away the immediacy of each trade which is just
one step in the long journey of trading.


Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

The successful trader views each trade as but one in a
series of possibilities and probabilities. As Tom Basso puts it,
Each trade is but the first of the next 1,000 trades. When this
is true for you, each trade is relatively meaningless. A loss? So
what, the next one could be a profit. A profit? Well, thats nice,
but the next one could easily be a loss. The order of the profits
and losses doesnt matter.


When you take the long view, you dont sweat the small
stuff. If you get all hot and bothered about something during the
trading day, ask yourself, How important will this be tomorrow or next week or next month?
Did you get a bad fill? Look at your fills as a whole. If
theyre usually fair, keep going. The next fill will be better. If
theyre usually terrible, you need to change the way you execute or you need to change your broker. Taking the long view
also means that you dont keep doing what doesnt serve


Skipping trades, overtrading, bad fills, slow data and so
forth when projected over time spell disaster. Traders who take
the long view come to terms with what is not working. They
dont keep on doing what doesnt work.
Is it a problem with your own mind set? You need to
find a way to change this. Get a coach. Do effective mental
rehearsal. Meditate. Create new beliefs that support you. Change
mental associations. My book, Exceptional Trading: The Mind
Game will show you how to do this.

The Habitude of Taking the Long Term View ~ Chapter 7

Does your strategy for entering and exiting the market
work? Analyze your trades in groups of 10 or 20. Look at each
group as a whole. Be brutally honest with yourself. Project your
past and current trading strategy into the future. What will your
trading be like if you keep trading like this? Change what needs
to be changed.
Find out what works. Verify that it does work. Then and
only then you can trade it. A trader who takes the long view
wont rush into trading a new method or system until she has
fully checked it out to make sure she truly does have an edge.


When you have a verified trading method that works for
the most part, you can be comfortable with setbacks. As you
project trading your method into the future, you can anticipate
winning over time. Because of this youre willing and able to
tolerate losses. You detach from the importance of individual
and current results.
Since losses are an integral part of trading, its important to take them in stride. Losses are a necessary cost of doing
business. They are like inventory to a merchant or food to a
restaurateur. A restaurateur doesnt whine, Oh, I hope I dont
have to buy food today! Nor does he complain, Oh, I had to
buy so much food last week! Of course not. Expenses are
planned for and accepted. Losses are an expense of trading. By
accepting loss we remove its sting.
Only a loser fears loss. Winners accept it. Fear attracts
what we fear. We attract that which we focus on, and we focus
on what we fear. Dont lose. says a trader and sooner or later,

Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

usually sooner, that trader creates losses. By taking the long
view the concern about losing diminishes. The focus is shifted.
The concept of losing loses its magnetism for fear and more
By taking the long view a trader ceases to define herself
by todays trading. She and her trading are part of a much larger
picture. She creates a boundary between herself and her trading. She creates a boundary between one trade and all the rest of
her trading.
The long view allows a trader to view a drawdown as a
temporary situation. When a drawdown is only temporary, it
loses its power to discourage. By taking the long view, a successful trader can remain optimistic even as he experiences a
losing period. He can even get excited because he knows that
drawdowns are usually followed by periods of large profits.
When a drawdown is believed to be merely a passing
phenomena, it wont disrupt a traders faith in his proven methods. A drawdown becomes a simple detour on the road to certain success. Its merely a pause in a winning strategy.

The long view enables a trader to be optimistic about
the future even as he remains realistic in the present. With an
optimistic view of the future, a trader is able to accept with
clarity current market conditions. A clear view of current price
action is essential to successful trading.
A successful trader accepts the information the market
is giving him even if it goes against his current position. He can

The Habitude of Taking the Long Term View ~ Chapter 7

even say, Wow! I was wrong. I was so wrong, Im reversing
my position. By not remaining overly caught up in the moment, he is able to stop and reverse. He doesnt try to fight his
way out of a losing position only to dig the hole deeper and lose
more. He can remain flexible and take full advantage of the turn
of events.


Time is an elusive concept. Its here today and gone
tomorrow. The present becomes past even as it turns into the
future. The only place we can act is in the present, but we have
the past to teach us and the future to anticipate. As T.S. Eliot
Time present and time past
Are both perhaps present in time future,
And time future contained in time past.
T. S. Eliot
As traders we have the whole range of time to entertain
in our minds even as we act in the focused present. The expanded range of time thought enables us to do with clarity what
needs to be done right now. How would it effect your trading if
you could habitually take an expanded view of it?


Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders


The Habitude of Abundance Consciousness

When big money begins to come, it comes so quickly
and in such large amounts, you wonder where it was hiding
all those lean years.
Napolean Hill

At the root of many trading problems is a sense of scarcity or a lack of belief in the abundance of wealth and opportunity. With abundance we have more than enough. With scarcity
we have barely enough or not enough.
Successful traders have confidence that the markets will
provide abundant and recurring opportunity and that they can
identify and take advantage of those opportunities.
The same is true in general of people who are successful in life. Successful people believe that life offers a cornucopia of opportunities and that they can identify and take advantage of some of them. For them its really a matter of selecting
which opportunities they will commit to and go after.

The Habitude of Abundance Consciousness ~ Chapter 8

When you have an attitude of plentiful source, you also
have a sense of deserving to participate in that plenty. If there
were only a limited amount of substance, you could feel greedy
or unworthy to take more than a limited amount. When you
believe in ever flowing abundance, you feel free to partake liberally.


Do you believe in the limited pie formula, or do you
believe in unlimited abundance? Whatever you believe will have
an influence on your trading results. Successful traders and entrepreneurs see unlimited opportunity. They expect it. They look
for it. They affirm it wherever they see it.


A look at successful traders and entrepreneurs also shows
that they have been able to survive failure as many times as they
have had to. They use failure as feedback. They learn from it
and make changes and go on. Many super traders have experienced crushing loss in their early trading years. All of them
picked themselves up, and with the sure belief that they could
make it back, and they did just that.
Confronted with a drawdown, a trader who comes from
lack will stop trading or change methods or systems only to
junk the new methods or systems at the next drawdown. Of
course, Im not saying a trader should stupidly keep doing what
doesnt work. What I am saying is that a trader with a sense of
abundance and a verified methodolgy wont crumble under temporary loss because shell know shes simply passing through a
difficult time that will end.

Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

Strangely enough, failure is often a necessary stepping
stone to success. Those who are too fearful of failure may never
get to the success they long for. Fear can lead us not only away
from the thing we fear but also away from the thing we seek.
Ironically, fear can also lead us directly into the thing we fear.
My thesis is that underneath fear of failure is a sense of scarcity.
After all if there isnt enough to go around, you cant afford
even temporary failure.


A sense of scarcity can freeze a trader and keep him
from pulling the trigger when he needs to get into or out of a
trade. Can keep him from ever trading. Can keep him researching, researching, researching until his time and money run out
and he still hasnt traded.
A sense of scarcity is also behind the fear of missing
out. When a trader is fearful of missing out, he can over trade in
terms of size and frequency. He can jump the gun on a trade or
force trades that dont fit his criteria. Enough early or forced
trades will ultimately result in loss, thus bringing the very opposite of what the trader intended.
Fear of missing out can cause a trader to throw away
good money management principles and trade in excessively
large size. Over trading, while occasionally bringing a windfall,
will ultimately overtax the account and sometimes lead to financial ruin.
Underlying the fear of missing out is the notion that there
are only a limited number of opportunities. Thus, greed is produced. Greed is based on the panicky feeling that there will not

The Habitude of Abundance Consciousness ~ Chapter 8

be enough. For the truly greedy person, whether the greed is for
food or money, there never will be enough. There cant be, because if there is universal scarcity, how can there be enough?
Have you ever experienced overwhelming remorse for
a missed trade or a missed investment? Traders often report
that the anxiety and regret of a missed trade is far more painful
than a trading loss. At the core of such remorse is the lack of
awareness or focus on opportunities yet to come.
A belief in limited resources is also often the cause of a
profit ceiling, a wealth cut-off point. I see this with traders who
get their accounts up to a certain amount and each time proceed
to give it all back. Such traders doubt their worthiness to accumulate wealth. Underneath this thought is the belief that there is
not enough to go around. If there is a limited source, what right
do they have to have so much? They feel unworthy to have
more than what they consider their fair share.


One way to avoid such a personalized limit is to find a
cause you truly care about. Find something larger than yourself
and begin to tithe your trading profits to this cause. The more
you make, the more you can give. The more you give, the more
you can make. Youve made an end run around a lurking sense
of unworthiness.

In talking about an abundance consciousness, Im not
talking about easy come, easy go. No. Thats the inability to
value wealth and let it grow. A spendthrift doesnt honor the

Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

accumulation of wealth. Those who divest themselves of their
wealth as soon as they get it dont see wealth as something
good that they deserve.
We need balance. We need to save money and let money
flow. We earn. We save. We spend. We invest. We give. We
wisely enjoy our money even as we make it grow.
With a sense of abundance we invest and we risk.. We
can afford to riskin a calculated and controlled waybecause
there is more out there.
There is a need here for balance. Its important to value
wealth and value opportunity, not squander them. You dont
want to squander and you dont want to grasp. You do want to
enjoy wealth and you do want to affirm it.


To you the earth yields her fruit, and you shall not
want if you know how to fill your hands.
Kahlil Gibran
Nature is abundant. Go out at night and count the stars.
You cant. There are so many of them. Go for a walk in the
woods. The trees and wild flowers are countless. Walk through
any major city and marvel at the wealth manifested in the buildings. Sit down to any meal and delight in the variety and richness. Affirm the natural abundance all around you.
Value opportunity. How? Be alert to it and take advantage of it. Select carefully. Dont reach for opportunities that
dont exist and dont grab too much of those that do exist.

The Habitude of Abundance Consciousness ~ Chapter 8

Dont treat opportunity with indifference or casualness. As a
trader, take trading seriously and trade with grateful reverence
knowing that the rewards can be even greater than you dreamed.
If, however, you do miss a trade or leave a trade too
soon, theres no need to stress over it. Bless it and let it go.
Learn from it and vow to do better in the future. After all, there
is an abundance of future opportunity waiting for you.
Now, I know its easy to focus on lack and poverty and
homelessness and the genuine suffering in the world and fail to
notice that opportunity is all around us waiting to be discovered
and utilized.
Its easy to overlook the supply. What one thing do we
know about our supplythe markets? They are there and will
continue to be there with plenty of movement and possibility.
They provide us with unlimited possibility. Pay attention to that.
Count on it.


Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders


The Habitude of Optimism

These success encourages. They can because they
think they can.
We all have to have a somewhat positive picture about
trading or we wouldnt keep trading and would never have gotten into it in the first place. Successful traders maintain an optimistic view of the future of their tradingeven while they remain clearly realistic about the present and the past.
How do you think after a setback in your trading? Do
you maintain your confidence in your methods and yourself?
Do you look for learnings and ways to improve? Do you expect
things to turn around? Or do you get discouraged? Do you say
it cant be done? Do you say youll never do it?
How do you think after a big win or winning period?
Do you expect it to continue? Or do you think it cant last?


The Habitude of Optimism ~ Chapter 9

The way you respond to winning and losing periods will
depend largely upon your explanatory style. How do you explain misfortune? How do you explain good fortune? In short,
are you basically optimistic or pessimistic in regards to trading?
Martin Seligman has done pioneering work on this subject.1
When a good thing happens to an optimist, he says its
permanent, pervasive, and personal. When a good thing happens to a pessimist, he says its temporary, specific, and not
personal. Conversely, when a bad thing happens to an optimist,
she says its temporary, specific, and not personal. When a bad
thing happens to a pessimist, she says its permanent, pervasive,
and personal.

Lets break it down into typical comments. After a large
winning trade or series of winning trades, an optimistic trader
will say such things as:
Im a really good trader. Ive developed a really good
system. I have a good feel for the market. Ive got market
savvy. Note these are all personal comments taking credit for
the good trading.
Wow! Im going to make a lot of money. My system
is going to do really well. Soon Ill be trading even larger as
I make more money. These comments suggest that the good
fortune will continue, and therefore is permanent.
This method works well with the bonds, but itll make

Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

even more with the currencies. If I can make money with
stocks, I can also make money with stock options. I can trade
futures as well as equities and increase my profit potential.
Here the speaker is seeing the good fortune as pervasive.
Now when an optimist has one or a series of losing trades,
he does just the opposite.
It had nothing to do with me. It was the broker/the slippage/the market/the times/a defect in the system/etc. In short,
the losses were not personal.
The next trade will be a winner. Ill get another stake,
and make it back. The systems due to have a big winning
streak. In this case, the losses are temporary.
Ill do better with the currencies than with the grains.
They trend more. Ive lost money in futures, but I can always
make money with equities. The speaker sees the situation as
specific to the areas in which he lost.
The pessimist will think and say just the inverse of the
optimist. The difference is summed up by the following poem:
One ship drives east, another west
By the selfsame winds that blow.
Tis the set of the sails and not the gales,
That tell us the way to go.

After a large win or series of winning trades, a pessimistic trader will make comments such as the following:

The Habitude of Optimism ~ Chapter 9

I just got lucky. That was a fortunate piece of advice. Anybody can make money in a trend like that. In short,
the good fortune was impersonal.
It wont last. Im due for a big loser. Thats a once
in a lifetime trade. The winning streak is impermanent or temporary.
Just because I happened to make money in stocks
doesnt mean I can do it in futures. Everybody loses in futures.
I cant make money in choppy markets. The good fortune is
specific to a particular situation.
On the other hand when a pessimist has a losing trade or
a drawdown, he will reverse the explanations.
Why am I such a loser? How can I be so blankety
blank stupid? Im such a stupid idiot, I dont deserve to win.
The losses are definitely personal.
If I keep this up, Ill lose my shirt. What if I lose all
my money? Ill never get it right. In short, the losses are
It just figures. No matter what I do, I lose. My bad
luck follows me wherever I go. The markets a jungle. Theyre
out to kill you. The misfortune is pervasive and follows him
wherever he goes.
Its all a matter of explanatory style. Whats really important about this is that the meaning we give to an event has
more impact upon us than the event itself. Once you have labeled yourself as a personal, permanent, and pervasive loser,

Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

you have severely limited your ability to win. Fear of loss follows you. You hesitate too long to grab an opportunity. You
jump out of a winning trade only to watch it roar away without
you. Then, desperately, youll jump into an iffy or random trade,
only to lose.
On the other hand, if you label yourself as a personal,
permanent, and pervasive winner, you will have put yourself
into a viable position to find out what works, verify that it works,
and do what works in a winning way. Youll have a plan, and
youll execute the plan in a timely fashion.


Because the optimistic trader looks with bright enthusiasm towards the future, she is able to be realistic about what has
happened in the past and is happening in the present. On the
other hand, a pessimistic trader who has limiting doubts about
his future trading, may be unwilling to admit what has happened or is actually occurring.
When youre optimistic about the future, you can easily
kick out a losing trade. Youre looking forward to the next trade,
and the next. If you leave money on the table, you can bless it
and let it go. Youre looking for the next opportunity. Where is
the next trade? you say automatically in response to a closed
out trade.
When youre optimistic about the future, you can learn
from past mistakes. You can make a clear assessment of your
trading without feeling threatened. You can look with unfettered honesty at what is not working and stop doing that. You
can note what is working and do more of that. And youre free
to test out what might work.

The Habitude of Optimism ~ Chapter 9

When youre optimistic about the future of your trading, theres no need to tell yourself stories about what is happening or could happen. Wait and see is your motto.


One of the most amazing phenomena of life is that it
isnt what happens to us, but rather the meaning we give to what
happens that makes the difference in our lives. Your explanatory style definitely impacts the significant events in your life.

You can give the EEC test to your trading. Let the first
E stand for the event. Something happens: thats the event and
it creates its own reality. Let the second E stand for the explanation you give to the event. This explanation becomes your
belief about the meaning and importance of the event. Let the C
stand for the consequences of the explanation you gave the
event. The consequences will be the actions you take in the
future based on the belief engendered by the explanation. Lets
look at some possible examples.
EVENT: You lost money on a trade.
EXPLANATION: Just the cost of doing business.
CONSEQUENCE: You take the next trade your methods offer you.
EVENT: You lost money on a trade.
EXPLANATION: Its impossible to make money in this market.
CONSEQUENCE: You skip the next trade which turns out to be a

Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

EVENT: You lost money on a trade.
EXPLANATION: If I dont make money, Ill be a loser. Ill lose my
self esteem.
CONSEQUENCE: You force the next trade and dig the losing hole
EVENT: You lost money on a trade.
EXPLANATION: The probabilities are that the next trade or the
next will be a big winner.
CONSEQUENCE: You keep following your methods until you finally become profitable.
How you frame the event also has an effect upon the
explanation and the consequence. In the above examples we
simply said you lost money on a trade. That could have been
broken down into more specific descriptions. For example: You
hesitated and then chased a trade. You took a random trade.
You didnt get out when your methods told you to, and a winner
turned into a loser. You listened to your broker instead of following your methods. Each of these event descriptions would
call forth a different kind of explanation. Lets take the first one
as an example.
EVENT: You hesitated and then chased a trade.
EXPLANATION: Its dangerous to trade.
CONSEQUENCE: You stop trading and sit there frozen.
EVENT: You hesitated and then chased a trade.
EXPLANATION: Its important to take a signal immediately.
CONSEQUENCE: You take the signals immediately.


The Habitude of Optimism ~ Chapter 9

EVENT: You hesitated and then chased a trade.
EXPLANATION: If you dont get into a trade right at the beginning, its too late.
CONSEQUENCE: You sit there while the market is steaming up or
down and you say its too late now and miss the entire move.
EVENT: You hesitated and then chased a trade.
EXPLANATION: If youre late getting into a trade, you better use
a fairly tight stop.
CONSEQUENCE: If it looks like theres more movement ahead,
you enter, and you use a close stop.

Examine your trading from the EEC viewpoint. Look at

several important or recent events. Phrase each event with an
accurate description. Explore your explanation. Note what are
the likely consequences of your actions in response to the description and the explanation.

If you are a pessimist about your trading, you can train
yourself to become an optimist by setting goals and creating


Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

positive expectations and bright pictures of your future. You
can develop an explanatory style that supports you in what you
want to do and be. What would it be like if you could be optimistic about your trading and your life as well?

Learned Optimism, Martin E. P. Seligman, Ph.D., Alfred A. Knopf, 1991.


The Habitude of Open Mindedness and Clarity

of Thought and Perception ~ Chapter 10


Why sometimes Ive believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.
Lewis Carroll
If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in
doubts; but if he will be content to begin with doubts, he shall
end in certainties.
Francis Bacon
The successful trader is open minded. He is willing to
take on information that is difficult to accept but which is factual, nonetheless. He is flexible and willing to shift course at a
moments notice. He stops telling himself stories that dont square
with price action. He maintains an attitude of acceptance. He is
willing to want what the market wants.
Such an attitude toward market action seems like a normal given. Its logical. But its not the normal human condition.
As humans, our perceptual apparatus necessarily deletes, dis79

Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

torts, and generalizes. We do this in order to build our models
of the world. And then we reinforce our models of the world
through more deletion, distortion, and generalization. We interpret our perceptionsthat information we receive through our
five sensesin the light of our past experiences. And we do
that again and again. We create a bias.


A lively, disinterested, persistent liking for truth is
extraordinarily rare.
Henri Amiel
We all of us have multiple biases. We are Republicans.
We are Democrats. We are conservative. We are liberal. We are
Catholics. We are Baptists. We are Jews. We are vegetarians.
We are meat eaters. We are optimists. We are pessimists. We
are idealists. We are pragmatists. We have certain settled principles. We no longer examine those principles. Those formed
values are the tracks on which we run our lives.
For the most part it works for us. We dont have to get
up each morning and rethink our beliefs. There is a predictability of our model of the world. The mind is economic in its efforts. We cant keep rethinking everything. Wed never get anywhere. We put things into categories and into patterns. New
information that comes in is simply altered and put into those
preset arrangements.


The Habitude of Open Mindedness and Clarity

of Thought and Perception ~ Chapter 10

It goes even further than simple economy of thought.
We resist changing our biases because they have become our
identity. Our survival is hooked to our identity. Our identity is
attached to our beliefs, our loyalties, and our history. Once we
have identified ourselves as certain kind of thinkers, believers,
or people who behave in a certain way, we will not easily let go
of that. That is simply who we are. That is simply the way it is.


What can we know, or what can we discern,
When error chokes the windows of the mind?
Sir John Davies
Bias may work in the normal day to day activity, but
when we take it into trading, we are endangered. The most expensive attitude you can have in trading is a closed mind. It will
cost you money over and over again.
Some traders have a bullish bias. Theyre always thinking markets are going up, continuing to go up, or just about to
go up. Others have a bearish bias. They love to short what they
consider to be tops and love to sell into a sell off even when it
may already be spent.
Some traders have a seasonal bias. For example, they
anticipate the stock market will run up at the end of every year.
Or that the stock market will collapse in September and October. Others like to buy orange juice in early winter in anticipation of a freeze. To be sure, history supports them to a considerable degree, but is it happening now?

Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

Other traders have a predisposition to certain markets. I
remember when gold was advancing towards $850, many were
certain that it would go to $1,000. The Aden sisters said it would
go to $4,000, and many believed them.
That takes us to the guru bias. Some traders will see
evidence where none exists, that what their favorite prognosticator has said is starting to happen or will happen.
Others have a scenario bias. Theyve told themselves
stories or listened to the stories others have told. The story has
them mesmerized into believing that its already happening or
just about to take place.
How much money would you make if you could keep
your natural biases from effecting your trading?

As you think about your trading, think about these words,
and see if any of them has at some time applied to your trading:
inclination, bent, propensity, predilection, partiality, penchant,
predisposition, attachment, proneness, leaning, fondness, disposition, liking, preference, susceptibility, weakness, proclivity,
drift, slant, impulse, attraction, desire, whim, idiosyncrasy, persuasion, swayed, convinced, cajoled, or just plain certain.
Or maybe you have a negative bias. Think about these
words, and see if they apply to your trading: aversion, disinclination, distaste, distrust, dislike, doubt, unconvinced, rejection,
disenchanted, disillusioned, disgusted, or just plain dont believe it.


The Habitude of Open Mindedness and Clarity

of Thought and Perception ~ Chapter 10


You need to develop some impartial indicator that will
let you know whether or not your biasyour hunchis in fact
occurring. You need to create an unbiased set of rules for telling
you whether a market is trending and what that trend is. And
you need to pay attention to that indicator and factor it into your
calculations. You could call it your no-nonsense detector. Keep
asking yourself, What is my no-nonsense detector telling me
Certain questions can help us be alert to market action.
What is the market showing me now? What is the market
telling me now? What do I feel in my bones the market is
doing? Is there a clear trend? What is the trend? Where is
the opportunity on the long side? Where is the opportunity on
the short side? Is there anything Im not noticing? What
would I think if I werent in this trade? What does the price
tell me? Are there lower highs and lows or are there higher
lows and highs? Is price in a neutral range?
The market gives us immediate and long term feedback.
Feedback tells us if what we are doing is working or not. As
traders we need to keep our perceptions clear so that we can
respond to the feedback.
Sometimes a trader becomes so fearful of failure that he
distorts or denies the accuracy of the feedback. Feedback is not
failure, and it never has been. Feedback is simply information
that what we are doing is working or not working. If what we
are doing is not working, we need to do something elsesoon.


Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

As traders we need to long for the truth. We need to be
buddies with the unadulterated facts. Of course, what is true
now may not be true a minute from now. We are on an express
train into the future. Unfortunately, we can only act in the now.
Therefore, we need to see clearly, think clearly, and act decisivelyNOW!


The Habitude of Courage ~ Chapter 11


The Habitude of Courage

Courage is fear that has said its prayers.
American Proverb

Courage is not recklessness, and its not confident ease.

It is a stepping up to do what needs to be done regardless of the
possible negative consequences. If you know how to do it, and
the results are certain to be positive, you dont need courage.
Since there are no sure things in trading, and since loss is always a possibility, it takes courage to trade.

The good news is that courage can become a habit. The
more you exercise courage in your trading, the easier it is to be
courageous. As Thomas Jefferson said, The more you do, the
more you can do. Or as William Shakespeare said, Act the
part and become the part. Ask yourself, How would I trade
if I were already courageous?


Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

Strangely enough, when things are difficult or challenging, we become stronger. And happier. Watch when people become excited about something and their eyes are shining, theyre
often talking about a difficult challenge or an adversity overcome. They might be speaking about their first marathon run, a
challenging tennis tournament, a speech in front of a large audience, a tough days trading, or a business turn around.
We talked before about the word flow coined by Mihaly
Csikszentmihalyi. Flow is the experience where a person is creating new responses to new challenges. To be in a state of flow,
one needs to be challenged, but not too much. For example, you
play cards with someone who is better than you, but not so
much better that you cant compete. The rate of challenge never
becomes so great that its beyond a persons knowledge or skills,
but the challenge is right at the edge of ability where the person
is on her toes and totally and deeply absorbed.
If trading seems overwhelming to you, adjust your trading size downward until its comfortable for you. If trading a
one minute or five minute chart intraday has you at your wits
end, move to a larger time frame. Give yourself some breathing
room. You want to be challenged but not over challenged. Theres
nothing wrong with taking baby steps before you take long

Trading, indeed all of thinking, is about asking questions. Sometimes it takes courage to ask the right questions. Is
my trading profitable? Is what Im doing working? Am I
up or down on the year? Is there something Id rather be doing? Could I make more money doing something else? Am

The Habitude of Courage ~ Chapter 11

I getting better at what I do? Do I need mentoring or coaching?
Many years ago the President of Ford Motor Company
had the courage to ask some significant questions. He asked his
chief designer, Do you like the cars you design? The designer
answered, Well, frankly, no. The President had the courage to
ask the designer to design a car he would like. The designer
took him at his word and designed the Ford Thunderbird. The
rest is history.
Walt Disney also had the courage to ask input from his
whole company. He would story board a new movie and write
above it, How can we improve this? The employees would
respond and Walt Disney would take the input and make the
changes essential to a better movie.
No courageous questions, no outstanding results. What
is the question you need to ask to make your trading better?
Now, keep in mind there are questions that propel you
forward and questions that debilitate. Why am a such a loser?
is a question that can take you nowhere. First, it assumes that
you are a loser and answering the why only convinces you further. Whats the matter with me? is another question that will
take you down a dead end alley. Much better to ask, How can
I become a winner? How can I become a wiser/ stronger/
more adventurous trader?


Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders


Courage does not mean recklessness. Successful traders have a deferential regard for the power of the market. They
respect the potential force of current and future market moves.
They realize that even when a market is moving back and forth
lazily in a range, it can burst out of the range in a moments
notice. They respect the possibility of a trend to go and go and
goand also to reverse abruptly. They are prepared mentally
for the unexpected because the unexpected often occurs. Just as
a sailor respects the force of weather and tides, so the successful trader respects the hidden and apparent force of the market.
Respect applies to all aspects of trading. Live orders are
viewed as live ammunition and are treated accordingly. Orders
are checked and rechecked. Stop loss orders are cancelled immediately after a trade is finished. Resting orders are also reviewed to be certain they are current.
Successful traders have respect for their capital. They
know what it can do for themselves and others. They know how
hard they worked to create it and to grow it. They do not treat
their capital as easy come, easy go. They value it.
Successful traders have respect for their verified methods. If their method tells them the market is going down, they
believe it, and abide by it. If their method tells them its time to
enter the market, they do it promptly. If their method tells them
to exit a trade, they do it. Because of their respect for their
method, they allow it to guide them. They would not dare to
trade on the opposite side of their methods.


The Habitude of Courage ~ Chapter 11

No. Courage is not foolhardiness. You know what they
say about pilots. There are old pilots and bold pilots, but there
are no old, bold pilots. The same is true of traders. The old,
bold trader has lost his capital. In trading courage is a careful
walk in the face of uncertainty. Trading is a brave, open minded
walk through what often appears to be chaotic conditions. That
is why successful traders respect the unknown and take advantage of insurance mechanisms such as risk management and
money management to protect themselves.


It has been said that each of us is on a heros journey.
According to Joseph Campbell1 , myths of many cultures relate
the story of a heros journey. We can look at the myth of a
heros journey as a metaphor for our own journey on our lifes
path. Myths are to cultures as dreams are to individuals. According to Campbell, the journey is composed of a series of
First, there is the calling. The calling relates to our
identity, life purpose or mission. We can choose to either accept
or ignore the calling. When did you first hear your calling to
trade, to enter an arena rich with rewards and corrections?
Second, we accept the calling. This leads us to confront
a boundary or threshold in our existing abilities or perception of
life and the world. Remember when you first began to trade
and stepped into this arena where you needed new abilities and
Third, crossing the threshold thrusts us into some new
life territory, and it forces us to grow and evolve. We need to

Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

find support and guidance. How did you evolve in your trading? Where did you first look to find support and guidance?
Fourth, finding a guardian or mentor is something that
often comes naturally from having the courage to cross a threshold. Remember the saying that when the student is ready, the
teacher appears. What mentors and coaches have appeared to
assist you in your development as a trader?
Fifth, facing a challenge (or demon) is also a natural
result of having crossed the threshold. These demons are not
necessarily evil or bad. They represent a type of energy or power
that we need to learn to deal with. Often they are a reflection of
our own inner shadows or weaknesses. What demons have
you confronted in your trading? How have you contended with
them? How have you accepted them?
Sixth, as heroes we transform the demon into a resource or advisor. We develop special skills. We discover special resources or tools. How have you transformed your limitations in trading into skills and strengths? What personal resources have you brought to bear on the issue? What tools assist you to overcome the inherent weaknesses in the process of
your trading?
Seventh, finding the way to fulfill the calling is ultimately
achieved by creating an inner map or interpretation of the world
that incorporates the growth and discoveries brought about by
the journey. What new descriptions of life and trading have
resulted from your journey into trading?


The Habitude of Courage ~ Chapter 11

Eighth, we return home as a transformed or evolved
person. In what ways has trading helped you to evolve as a
trader and a person? In what ways would you like to keep evolving?
Yes, as a trader you are on a heros journey. Each trading day is part of that journey. Each day you bring your courage
to the days trading, and each day you become wiser and more
powerful. As J. M. Barrie says, Courage is the thing. All
goes if courage goes. You maintain your courage.

The Power of Myth, Joseph Campbell, 1988.


Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders


Diligence is the mother of good luck.
Benjamin Franklin

Discipline is one of those words that evokes going to the

principals office or facing an angry father when he comes home.
We think of discipline and we think of punishment, limits, and
curbs. We may even think of outside unbending authoritarian
The original use of the word discipline involved the education or training of disciples. Later the word came to include


When I speak of discipline in trading, Im talking about
self discipline. Im talking about both education and control of
the self. Im talking about self chosen disciplined designs for
trading. Im talking about disciplined limits and actions imposed
by the self.

The Habitude of Discipline ~ Chapter 12

People resist discipline including self discipline. When
I ask my clients to write down their trading rules, some object.
They dont like rules and authoritarian constraints. Okay, I
say, write down a set of guidelines or principles for clarity of
To some people, discipline is doing what you dont want
to do. For me, discipline is doing whatever needs to be done to
achieve your goals. If your goal is a healthy, trim body, that
means healthy eating, exercise, and sufficient sleep. If your goal
is wealth, then there are certain actions you need to take in relation to spending, saving, investing, and trading. There are no
short cuts to these results. You do what needs to be done whether
or not you feel like it.


Disciplined trading means trading with integrity. For me,
integrity is being what you say you are, and doing what you say
youll do. To trade in integrity you need clean and speedy data,
verified indicators and methods that give you an edge, sufficient capital, and a mind set that supports trading. Successful
traders discipline themselves through mental training to do what
will most probably work.
Many traders are willing to spend plenty of time and
money on systems development, but unwilling to spend time
and money on their own self development. This is understandable in that its natural to deny that theres anything remiss about
oneself. The answer, they thinkor so the ads would convince
uslies out there in some magnificent system, some holy grail.


Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

A system, no matter how good, is not enough because it
is administered by a trader. That traders personal mental control and flexibility has a multiplier effect upon any systems
results. There are no short cuts around the trading self.
Successful traders have schooled their minds to think
clearly and act in concert with their thinking and their methods
regardless of how they may feel. Discipline means cutting your
losses and letting your profits run. It means trading in the right
sizenot too much and not too little. It means acting in a timely
fashion, making a decision and acting upon that decision at the
right time. You cant jump the gun, and you cant wait too long.
It means doing your homework and being prepared. It means
doing what you say youre going to do, and being who you say
you are.
Trading discipline involves integrity of thought and action. If I have a goal, then my actions support that goal. If I
dont act upon my goal, then Im just wishing. Successful traders know what needs to be done, and they do it. No excuses. No
evasions. Simple, clean thought and action.


If at first you dont succeed, try, try again.
We all grew up with the proverb. Try and try until you
succeed. And it seemed like wholesome, good advice. But I
would submit that trying has a negative component. Let me ask
you this. Are you trying to stop over trading your account? Are


The Habitude of Discipline ~ Chapter 12

you trying to stop hesitating before entering a trade? Are you
trying to stop fighting your way out of losing trades instead of
just getting out? Are you trying to follow your trading rules?
It comes down to this. If youre trying, youre not succeeding. When somebody tells you that theyll try to get to your
party, you know they wont come. I remember once a motivational speaker asked a member of the audience to try and pick
up a bunch of papers. When the person picked them up, the
speaker said, No. Dont pick them up. Try and pick them up.
Finally the audience member placed his hands on the papers
and pretended to try unsuccessfully to pick up the papers.
Remember the childrens story about the little engine
that could? The engine said, I think I can. I think I can. Finally, the little engine said, I thought I could. I thought I could.
Success came to the little engine who took action. It wasnt a
story about the little engine that tried.
What is it about trying that seems to work against us?
The first definition of the Oxford American Dictionary for try is
to attempt, to make an effort to do something. Perhaps effort or
attempt does not contemplate success but rather struggle.
One of my clients reported to me that he used to try very
hard not to get stuck in losing trades, not to fight against the
market. And yet he invariably would from time to time refuse
to take off a losing trade and find himself fighting against his
very own indicators struggling not to have a losing trade or a
losing day. Hed dig the hole deeper and deeper and end up the
failure he didnt want to be. Now, he says hes not trying, and
hes not doing it.


Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

Through our work something shifted for this client. His
intentions changed. His confidence level rose. His beliefs
changed. His perceptions altered. His automatic response to a
losing trade or losing day was different. He interpreted a losing
trade or day as simply that. No big deal. He was still the competent trader who would go on to win.
The little engine that could had confidence in its ability
to get to the top of the hill. It intended to succeed. It perceived
the uphill journey as an adventure of possibility.
If youre trying to do or not do something in your trading and youre not succeeding, you need to shift something.
Ask yourself, What would I need to believe in order to do or
not do this? How would I have to interpret this event in order
to handle it differently? What are my real underlying intentions in regard to this situation? How would I have to feel
about myself in order to succeed at this?
If youre trying and not succeeding in some aspect of
your trading, dont try, try again. Do something different. Discipline is doing, not trying. Change your interpretations. Modify
a belief. Alter your guidelines. Allow yourself to feel differently about the consequences of the behavior youre trying to
do or not to do. What if you can become the little trader that
can? What if you can become the big trader that could?


Set down in writing your trading goals. What do you
need to do to achieve these goals? What skills do you need to
acquire? What do you need to believe? What resources do you
have and what do you need to develop? Who can help you with

The Habitude of Discipline ~ Chapter 12

this? List a set of actions that will help you get to your goals.
Set a time table for yourself. See it accomplished out there in
your future.


While youre at it, write out a set of trading rules for
yourself. Write your rules for entry and your rules for exit
with a profit and with a loss. You can also write a set of rules
for telling yourself whether or not a market is trending and what
that trend is. Watch to see how clearly you adhere to your rules.
If you cant adhere to your trading rules, your guidelines, then
you know you need mental coaching. Its not a lost cause. There
are state of the art techniques for acquiring a mental toughness
and a clear will to win. I work every day with traders to install
a winning discipline.


Keep in mind that trading with discipline is more than
simply adhering to a set of rules. Trading is an art as well as a
discipline. It is an art to pick a set of guiding principles and an
art to know when to strictly apply them and when to suspend
them. Trading is an artful discipline and a disciplined art.
Trading is also an adventure filled with surprisessome
delightful and some startling. Successful traders love the process of trading. And they bring to the process a disciplined
adventurousness and an adventurous discipline. They trade with
both heart and mind.


Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

Superb trading is balanced. The twelve habitudes of
highly successful traders all work together to provide a winning
balance. Each habitude enhances and modifies the others. For
example, we have detached preparation and prepared
datachment. We have courageous open mindedness and open
minded courage. We have risk taking optimism and optimistic
risk taking. We have disciplined abundance consciousness and
abundant thinking discipline.
Also each of the habitudes applies to itself to intensify
itself. For example, we have detached detachment, willing willingness to accept loss, risk taking acceptance of risk, probabilities thinking assessment of probabilities, optimistic optimism,
open minded open mindedness, courageous courage, and, of
course, disciplined discipline.
Highly successful trading is a holistic blend of many
habitual attitudes. It is a balanced trading combining desire and
caution, equanimity and power, heart and head, art and science,
adventure and discipline. Let these attitudes and approaches to
trading become your habits of mind. And do it with heart.


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