Cementitious Structural Insulated Panels Demos

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Cementitious Structural Insulated

Panels: Demonstrations of Advanced

Case Studies and Recommendations

By Joseph Hagerman, Brian Doherty, and Todd Gerarden

The Federation of American Scientists
1725 DeSales St, NW 6th Floor
Washington, DC 20036

This report provides monitoring and analysis comparing construction activities, construction costs,
construction timeframe, and energy efficiency of panelized houses in the Gulfcoast and Turkey.
Construction and energy analysis (completed where applicable) will provide more data on the
performance of the CSIP building system, and will inform recommendations for future projects in the
Gulf Coast and Internationally.

Table of Contents
Project Introduction. ..................................................................................................................................... 5
What are SIPs: ........................................................................................................................................... 5
A Brief History of SIPs ............................................................................................................................... 6
The SIP Impact: ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Cementitious Structural Insulated Panels & Habitat for Humanity .............................................................. 8
Abstract ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
Project Narrative ....................................................................................................................................... 8
Mobile County Habitat for Humanity and FAS: ........................................................................................ 8
Project Planning: ................................................................................................................................... 9
Construction:....................................................................................................................................... 11
Project Analysis ....................................................................................................................................... 21
Construction:....................................................................................................................................... 21
Energy Performance ........................................................................................................................... 21
Costs .................................................................................................................................................... 27
Cementitious Structural Insulated Panels & Istanbul, Turkey .................................................................... 29
Abstract ................................................................................................................................................... 29
Project Narrative. ........................................................................................................................................ 29
Project Planning: ..................................................................................................................................... 30
Project Analysis ....................................................................................................................................... 40
Construction........................................................................................................................................ 40
Energy Performance ........................................................................................................................... 42

Costs .................................................................................................................................................... 42
Conclusions and Recommendations ........................................................................................................... 43
To Avoid Problems in CSIP Construction: ............................................................................................... 43
Recommendations for the Gulfcoast & Habitat for Humanity ............................................................... 51
Impacts and Conclusion from the Gulf Coast Activities ...................................................................... 53
Recommendations for Future International Projects ............................................................................. 54
Impacts and Conclusion from International Activities ........................................................................ 56
Appendix A - Product Certification and Evaluation.................................................................................... 60
Appendix B - Panel Testing ......................................................................................................................... 65
Appendix C - Construction and Weatherization Details ............................................................................. 72
Appendix D Panel Fabrication .................................................................................................................. 83

About the Federation of American Scientists

The Federation of American Scientists (FAS) is a nonprofit organization founded in 1945 by members of
the Manhattan Project, who were concerned about the implications of the atomic bomb for the future
of humankind. Endorsed by 68 Nobel Laureates in chemistry, economics, medicine and physics, FAS
addresses a broad spectrum of issues in carrying out its mission to promote humanitarian uses of
science and technology.

About the Building Technologies Program

FASs Building Technologies Program works to mitigate climate change and advance social justice and
environmental responsibility through the building industry. Buildings are the leading consumer of
electricity and energy in our country, and energy production and use are responsible for 85 percent of
human greenhouse gasses. With this in mind, the main focus of FASs work is to improve energy
efficiency without sacrificing affordability and life safety. While current research trends are moving
towards expensive technologies, such as solar power and phase changing materials, FAS believes energy
consumption and access to efficient technologies should not be socially or economically stratified. With
this in mind, FAS has chosen to focus on developing static conservation technologies that are affordable,
efficient, and obtainable by all socio-economic classes. To guide these efforts, FAS has defined the
following areas to direct current and future research:
1. Policy working to create guidelines, evaluation systems, and incentives to improve energy
efficiency standards and to reduce the environmental impact of the built environment on a
national scale.
2. New Technologies the development of new technologies that improve the energy efficiency
and reduce the environmental impact of the built environment, as well as providing for their
practical implementation.
3. Training developing training programs to teach building inspectors about energy efficiency
standards, energy audits, and advanced building systems. This helps ensure energy incentives
can be properly measured and implemented, and advanced building systems can be properly
evaluated by building inspectors.
4. Affordable Housing Applying energy efficient, environmentally responsible technologies to
affordable housing projects. This is done through demonstration projects, working with
affordable housing groups, and developing appropriate building systems at a price comparable
to traditional systems.
5. Emergency Housing providing economically viable, energy efficient, environmentally
responsible housing stock for emergency relief in a temporary and intermediate timeframe.
6. Demonstrations Constructing demonstration buildings to show the real-life potential of these
technologies and advanced building systems on a local scale. FAS partners with charitable
organizations, such as Habitat for Humanity, to build energy efficient, affordable housing, while
simultaneously allowing for real-time monitoring of new building systems.
FAS works to create strategically optimized solutions within these categories through academic,
professional, and industry partnerships to have a real and positive effect on the global impact of our
built environment.

Project Introduction.
FAS began this task to investigate the properties of Cementitious Structural Insulated Panels through
two real-time demonstration projects. The first project was to build two homes through a partnership
between FAS and Habitat for Humanity in Mobile, Alabama. The second project was a house built
outside Istanbul, Turkey with ILHAS Holding A.S., a leading construction company in Turkey. Both
projects, started in 2006 by the Federation of American Scientists, were to be analyzed for construction
time and cost, as well as energy performance.
FAS has formatted this document by examining each project individually, explaining the performance
variables of CSIPs that can be best leveraged for each project, and a narrative description of the project
planning and description. Following this, the process of each is analyzed, and important lessons are
highlighted. The report concludes with general recommendations, as well as recommendations specific
to future Habitat construction, and for future International projects.
At the beginning of this project, and the relationship between the Federation of American Scientists and
its partners, is an appreciation for advanced building technologies, and more specifically, Structural
Insulated Panels. To begin this narrative, we must first answer the following question: what are
structural insulated panels?

What are SIPs:

Commonly referred to as their acronym, SIPs, Structural Insulated Panels are high performance building
panels used in floors, walls, and roofs for residential and light commercial buildings. The panels are
typically made by sandwiching a core of rigid foam plastic insulation between two structural skins. These
panels are fabricated in a factory and shipped to a construction site, where they can be assembled
quickly to form a tight, efficient building envelope. Cementitious Structural Insulated Panels (CSIPs) are
one type of SIPs, using cement-fiber board as the structural facing material.
Typically, SIPs are fabricated from CAD drawings of a specific building. These drawings are converted to
CNC fabrication machines, and panels are cut to the specific and exact dimensions required by the
project. Chases, or channels for electrical wiring are cut or formed into the foam core, and the core is
recessed around the edges to accept connection splines or dimensional lumber. SIPs are typically
available in thickness ranging from 4 inches to 12 inches. Walls are commonly between 4 and 6
inches, and roof panels are generally thicker (often up to 12-inches, depending on climate conditions).
Panels are typically cut to be 4 foot by 8 foot panels, but can be made as large as 9 ft. by 28 ft. Custom
sizes are also available, and many manufacturers also offer curved SIPs for curved roof applications. 1

Structural Insulated Panels Product Guide. SIPA and APA. December 2007.

This design flexibility, as well as the different combinations of core and facing materials allows for
unique performance properties for each project. These design capabilities, as well as the exceptional
strength and energy saving potential, makes structural insulated panels an important twenty-first
century building material for high performance buildings.

A Brief History of SIPs

SIPs were developed nearly 75 years ago when the Forest Products Laboratory, established by the U.S.
Department of Agriculture, built the first SIP house in 1935 in Madison, WI. FPL engineers speculated
that plywood and hardboard sheathing could take a portion of the structural load in wall applications.
Their prototype structural insulated panels (SIPs) were constructed using framing members within the
panel combined with structural sheathing and insulation. These panels were used to construct test
homes, which were continually tested and monitored for the next 31 years. 2
Following the laboratorys experiment, Alden B. Dow son of the founder of DOW Chemical Company
and a student of Frank Lloyd Wright created the first foam core SIP in 1952. By the 1960s, rigid foam
insulating products were readily available, making for the production of SIPs as they are today.
In 1990, the Structural Insulated Panel Association (SIPA) was formed to provide support and visibility
for those manufacturing and building with this emerging building technology, and to increase SIPs
market share through a partnership with the Engineered Wood Association (APA). This coincided with
the development of advanced computer aided manufacturing (CAM) technology. Using these systems,
computerized architectural drawings (CAD drawings) can be converted to the necessary code to allow
automated cutting machines to fabricate SIPs to the specific design of a building. CAD to CAM
technology has streamlined the SIP manufacturing process, bringing further labor savings to builders.

The SIP Impact:

Today SIPs offer an affordable high tech solution for residential and low rise nonresidential buildings.
Advances in computer aided design and manufacturing allow SIPs to be produced with amazing accuracy
to deliver flat, straight, and true walls.
Even though SIPs have been on the market for a long time, they only make up approximately 2% of the
residential construction market. 3 Although SIPs have been slow to leave their mark on the construction
industry, there is an increase in overall awareness due to growing interest in energy-efficiency. Taking
advantage of this growing interest, SIPA collaborated with the Partnership for Advanced Housing

The History of SIPs, http://www.sips.org/content/about/index.cfm?PageId=37 , 6/18/08

E-Build: The Professionals Guide to Building Products, Construction Products Overview: Structural Insulated
Panels, <http://www.ebuild.com/guide/resources/product-news.asp?ID=353470&catCode=15> 8 Nov. 2006

Technology (PATH) to develop a set of prescriptive performance standards, which were submitted for
inclusion in the International Code Council's Residential Code (IRC). 4 Structural insulated panel wall
systems were adopted into the International Residential Code (IRC) on May 22, 2007. The 2007 IRC
Supplement and subsequent editions of the code include prescriptive standards for SIP wall construction
in Section R614.
Cement Fiber Board faced SIPs, referred to as CSIPs and the focus of this research, are a smaller portion
of the market than OSB, but carry many added benefits. CSIPs are typically manufactured of cellulose
reinforced cement boards, for inside and outside skins. Buildings constructed with CSIPs typically will
last longer and require less maintenance than other types of SIPs panels. Fiber-Cement Board used as
skins will not rot, burn, or corrode. It has a higher fire rating than OSB faced SIPs, and in most residential
applications no drywall would be necessary. Cement fiber boards will not support black mold growth,
and has a high resistance to moisture absorption. They are rot and vermin resistant, and are not
significantly affected by water vapor. Fiber-cement panels can have different finished looks, such as a
wood grain, stucco, or smooth. With the smooth finish, stucco, vinyl siding, brick or stone can be
installed. 5
While there are many benefits to CSIPs, there are negative aspects as well. CSIPs are significantly heavier
than OSB SIPs, weighing 120lbs for a 4x8 panel. This makes CSIPs more difficult to deal with during
construction. In addition, due to free silica contained in most cement fiber, in field modifications
(especially with rotary saws) should be avoided. In addition, limitations in the prescriptive method of the
International Residential Code calling out OSB as the facing material require every CSIP building to be
engineered to show equivalence to the code. The final difficulty with CSIP panels is the relative infancy
of the industry. There are currently very few manufacturers of CSIPs, and no large scale organizations,
making prices higher for the consumer than need be, as well as making service less reliable and
consistent. While it is difficult to quantify improvements in this area, this will change with time as the
industry grows and completes more projects, and should not be viewed as a long-term problem with the
technology or the industry.

Get Energy Smart.org What Are SIPs?<http://www.getenergysmart.org/Files/Presentations/HYR%20NYSERDA%20Presentation.ppt> 8 Nov. 2006



Cementitious Structural Insulated

Panels & Habitat for Humanity
In June of 2006, the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) collaborated with Habitat for Humanity in
Mobile County, Alabama on a project exploring alternative construction techniques in Habitat
developments. The goal of the collaboration was to produce two 1056-1200 sq ft demonstration homes
out of Cementitious Structural Insulated Panels (CSIPs) in a larger Habitat subdivision in Mobile,
Alabama. SIP panels offer an opportunity for high energy efficiency both because of the insulating
properties of the expanded polystyrene and because the panels do not require studs or other structures
that form 'thermal short circuits' through the walls and roofs. CSIPs that are pre-cut in the factory
ensure that virtually no scrap is produced on site. The two homes have been finished, and two families
have moved in.

Project Narrative
Mobile County Habitat for Humanity and FAS:
The partnership between the
Federation of American
Scientists and Habitat for
Humanity planned to construct
two CSIP homes in Mobile
County, Alabama. The goal of the
collaboration was to produce
two 1056-1200 sq ft CSIP
demonstration homes in a larger
Habitat subdivision in Mobile,
Alabama. The project would
complete monitoring and
analysis comparing construction
activities, construction costs,
construction timeframe, and

energy efficiency of the panelized houses with regular Habitat stick-built houses.
Additionally, the homes were to be documented for Habitat so that best lessons learned can be
determined for future CSIP/SIP application to the Habitat Home building process. The project helped
FAS gather more data on the performance of the CSIP building system, but also helped guide decisions
by Habitat for Humanity International to consider alternative construction and green materials across
the US and internationally.

Project Planning:
The first step in project planning was the selection of Cementitious Structural Insulated Panels for the
homes. FAS felt that the advantages of CSIPs could be leveraged to address the requirements of Habitat
for Humanity very well. Some of these major characteristics of SIPs/CSIPs are:

Thermal Performance: Insulation is crucial to the structural make-up of a SIP, and it follows that
the end product carries high quality thermal performance. Panel connections are designed to
eliminate thermal bridging, a common problem in stick frame construction. What results is a
building envelope with a higher total wall insulation value. While there are many benefits of
this, a key factor for Habitat is the reduced energy use and energy costs, an often heavy burden
for families in Habitat provided housing.

Ease of Construction: CSIPs fit together like puzzle pieces, making their construction simple and
straightforward. In addition, the cement fiber board facings do not require further finishing,
removing several steps from construction. This is a significant benefit for Habitat for Humanity,
who relies upon heavily inexperienced volunteer labor.

Construction Time: It is difficult to quantify increases in construction time, as this differs

significantly between projects. However, because SIPs constitute an entire wall assembly and
are shipped to a job site ready to be placed on a foundation, construction is simple and quick.

This is a significant benefit for Habitat, as volunteer crews are usually operating on a weekly

Increased comfort: Heating and cooling is more evenly distributed in a SIP home. As shown in
the following diagram, SIP walls have a more consistent temperature, free of the spikes found
with frame wall construction. This is a difficult quality to measure, but has a significant impact
on occupant comfort.

Decreased Job Site Waste: By using prefabricated panels in construction, significant waste is
avoided on the construction site. It also makes for an easier to maintain job site especially
helpful when working with untrained and inexperienced volunteers.

After deciding upon CSIPs for the construction system, FAS selected a CSIP vendor in nearby Florence,
Alabama. Working with the vendor, FAS and Habitat created a set of plans, optimizing a traditional
Habitat design for panelized construction. This included planning for two different foundation types: a
slab system and a pier system.
The initial construction kick-off date for construction, originally set for September 26th, was postponed
consecutively, as Habitat for Humanity encountered problems finding and sheltering volunteers for the
construction of a 100-house subdivision that also included the two CSIP houses. The surge of volunteers
to the Gulf Region in the aftermath of Katrina caused misallocation of labor that either resulted in
shortages or abundance, depending on the location.
In parallel to Habitats problems of securing volunteers, the CSIP manufacturer reported a shortage of
raw materials needed to produce and deliver panels for construction. By late October, FAS and Habitat

for Humanity reconsidered the kick-off date and mutually agreed on mid-November, which was once
again delayed due to Habitat for Humanity Internationals plans to hold 500th house celebrations in
Mobile. Fearing that Habitat International would steal the spotlight from the CSIP project, the project
kick-off was rescheduled for December 5, 2006.

Construction of the two homes began in December of 2006. The following narrative, based on field
notes taken by FASs Building Technologies Program Manager Joe Hagerman, describes the construction
process and the problems encountered. Lessons learned from this process will be synthesized as
conclusions and recommendations in the following section.

Nothing out of the ordinary was

observed during delivery and staging of
the panels. The panels are
considerably heaver than wood sips
and smaller (wood SIPs often come in
8x24 panels). Habitat supervisors
indicated that the panels arrived on
site very late in the night when delivery
was scheduled for early afternoon.
This speaks to the overall quality of
services provided by the manufacturer.


The pier, or stem wall, house had the

floor system already installed when I
arrived on site. Note: the panel splines
are made only on the topmost surface
(the manufacturer stated that the
bottom splines are optional) and
fasteners are only made on the
topmost side. There are no
intermediate members running
through the panels. All the panels are
simply resting, on their edges, to the
beams spanning between the piers. A
secondary member is needed tying the
panels into the beams and making the
beam rigid. A general note, more wood
and proper fasteners are needed in the
floor system. Connections between
the floor system and the piers/stem
wall need further consideration.
Generally the floor system details are
poor. The manufacturer instructed the
Habitat supervisors to deviate from the
engineering specifications set forth in
the drawing set. Habitat had originally
intended to put dimensional lumber in
the floor panels.
A better view of the floor system of the
house on piers; note no intermediate
members are tying the panels


Volunteers are tying the bottom plate

(here a treated 2x6) to the piers at the
treated plate resting on the piers. To
accomplish this they are driving 12
panel screws through the 8 splines at
an angle. They cannot drive them
straight because the screws will hit the
concrete foundation. These screws are
tying both the bottom plate of the wall
and the floor system to the foundation
plate not the concrete piers. This
detail was modified by the
manufacturer and clearly deviates
from the engineering drawing set.

Bottom plates at the corners are

touching, therefore requiring the panel
corners to be cut or notched out. This
causes the panel facings not to rest
directly on the slab. This asymmetry
on loading the panels could cause
cracking and other construction
irregularities. This detail is not
approved by the larger SIP industry
instead they require the plates to be
separated by the width of the panel


Notching of panels is inconsistent with

industry practices and may create
stress fractures at the joint. Because
this is an end panel, there is
dimensional lumber at the end and the
stress fractures should be contained,
but this can easily be avoided with
plate modifications.

Pictured is a comparison of the anchor

bolts, every 4 o.c. and the panel
screws that are being used to hold
down the floor system. This is not a
direct comparison as the screws are
placed on an angle so that the 12
length wont hit the concrete 10
below. It is unknown whether these
screws have been designed for this
type of installation. It is also unknown
what the pull through, and pull out
strength of these connections is. Note,
the larger threaded rods are being
spread over a washer to hold the
bottom plate. This is another deviation
from the engineering drawing that the
manufacturer implemented.


The floor system must be notched to

work around anchor bolts. Also, note
the drywall screws are the only tie of
the pier top plate and the floor system
until a panel screw is recommended by
the manufacture. This detail needs a
proper connection to insure that the
system is tied together and the floor
system is tied into the beam and piers.
This detail is lacking.

The first panel being set by The

manufacturer and Habitat. Note, the
2x located at the joint falls short of the
top plate. Also, note that the crew is
pushing the near corner in first, which
may cause cracking on the panel. This
may be necessary because the treated
bottom plates were installed without
cutting them to the size of the panel
(i.e. 5.5). Treated lumber swells and
must be sized so that the panels fit
easily onto the bottom plate track.
This panel was not damaged during the
first set, but was damaged after it had
to be removed and the panels around
it were removed. The
installing/uninstalling of panels
contributed to a poor quality of the
installation all due to a poorly
fabricated package.


The second panel in the corner is set.

It must be leveled to insure that the
wall plane is square. Typically this
work is done from the far corner out
towards the front of the house, instead
of starting at the front of the house.

Brian, Habitats construction

supervisor, notices that the roof pitch
was incorrectly fabricated on the
panels. At this point, we notice also,
that the beam pockets are also


Progress on day two cannot be judged

by the progress being made in
installing the panels, because as the
team was installing the panels, we
noticed that the panels were not
fabricated correctly and panels were
being uninstalled, repaired, and re-set.
Progress is typically started on one
corner (the far corner) and works out
in two directions. In Mobile, there was
no structure to the installation and no
shop drawings to help coordinate the
panels being set. Because a lot of the
panels were installed then uninstalled,
the finish quality is poor, yet this is also
compounded by poor quality from the
factory and poorly aligned and set
interior panels.
The manufacturer personnel making
modifications and cuts to the panels.
Using a circular saw, the panels kick up
a lot of dust and no one on the jobsite
was wearing a respiratory. Habitat
volunteers and staff did not cut any
panels. Most companies use circular
saws in the field because they are
common place, but most use panel
routers in the factory to get clean cuts
and to easily collect the dust (Routers
dont throw debris like circular


The concentrated load transferred at

this panel location requires
dimensional lumber (as a column) to
be integrated into the panel. This type
of connection is traditionally made at
the panel spline (the point where two
panels connect) but because the
manufacturer left it out, it had to be
field cut and placed in a location that is
not preferred.

Here volunteers are going panel joint

to panel joint to screw the splines into
place. However, we noted that a lot of
splines did not pull to the face of the
panel because of excessive cuts in the
foam pockets too deep and too large
and because the panel splicing
material is also cementitious. Screws
holding into cement fiber board do not
hold as well as screws in wood. It
should be recommended that the
splicing material is either wood or
metal. To accomplish this, a super
spline (SIP used as a spline) should be
produced with metal or wood facings.


A crane was used to lift the CSIP panels

onto the roof an unconsidered
additional cost. Habitat elected to
have the panel manufacturer install
the roof panels so volunteers wouldnt
be at risk.

The two CSIP homes were enclosed

just in time for a March 21, 2007
ribbon cutting ceremony held in
Mobile to mark the 500th house
erected in the Gulf Coast by Habitat for
Humanity International. This allowed
Habitat to begin working on the
interior of the homes.
Here the building is shown roughly
60% complete.


Despite the considerable and

unexpected construction difficulties
faced, Habitats construction crews
finished the two homes in the Spring of

On April 10th of 2008, a dedication and

key ceremony was held for the two
homes. At this time the homes were
turned over to the two families for
FASs Senior Director for Corporate,
Foundation and Public Outreach Jeff
Aron was on hand for the dedication.


Project Analysis
One of the goals of the project was to complete monitoring and analysis comparing construction
activities, construction costs, construction timeframe, and energy efficiency of the panelized houses
with regular Habitat stick-built houses.

As described in the previous section, there were many major issues with the construction of the two
homes. Unfortunately, these complications have resulted in delays, less than perfect construction, and
significantly higher than anticipated costs.
One of the major issues from this project was the selection of a reliable vendor. Unfortunately the
vendor failed to meet the deadline for the delivery of panels, as only the first installment had arrived by
the first day of construction. In addition, approximately 20 percent of all panels endured small amounts
of damage during transportation, and not all panels were cut precisely. This meant they did not have a
perfect fit and were mismatched, making the lego-like construction far more difficult. All of these issues
slowed construction and required extra work by Habitat staff.
This also extended the time-table of construction. The shell of a typical SIP home can be enclosed within
3 days; the two Mobile houses took weeks longer than originally planned, which caused problems with
volunteer schedules. This extended the total construction deadline by 4 months.
While CSIPs and SIPs in general are relatively straightforward and less labor-intensive to build
compared to traditional construction, the Habitat project demonstrated the need to have a sufficient
number of trained personnel on site to guide volunteers, many of whom were unfamiliar with formal
construction processes and of course unfamiliar with SIPs. FAS Building Technology Project Manager
Joseph Hagermans presence on the site was a valuable asset for managing the manufacturer quality
that was received on site; both FAS and Habitat for Humanity were disappointed with the overall quality
of the product supplied from the vendor
While these results are unfortunate and can skew the perception of CSIPs, they do demonstrate the
importance of many constructability issues. FAS has made recommendations, both specific and general,
for avoiding these issues in future construction projects. These can be found in the Conclusions and
Recommendations section of this report.

Energy Performance
In order to determine the effectiveness and appropriateness of SIP construction techniques for Mobile
Habitat for Humanity, the energy consumption of this SIP house was modeled in parallel with that of a

traditional stick-built home. These houses have the same dimensions but are not identical; instead they
follow industry practice for each product. These differences will be discussed in more detail below.
EnergyGauge USA served as the tool for this analysis. This software uses DOE-2 hourly building energy
simulation software. It then couples DOE-2 outputs with local energy costs to estimate annual
electricity expenditures. In addition, this tool estimates emissions due to energy use, produces HERS
ratings, and confirms IECC compliance. The following analysis considered only the effects of different
wall systems on heating and cooling, as other end uses would not vary significantly between two
identical homes with identical inhabitants. In addition, this analysis applies only to Mobile County
Habitat for Humanity, as different climates and building practices would change the applicability of this
Two primary characteristics were used to differentiate between the SIP and traditional houses using
EnergyGauge USA. First, the SIP components were modeled by changing the R-value and framing
fraction of wooden framed walls. These changes in insulation levels resulted in corresponding changes
in energy consumption. Although EnergyGauge does not include SIPs in its library, this approximation is
appropriate. Other energy modeling programs include some basic SIPs, but these programs lack many
of the features included in EnergyGauge (HERS ratings, IECC compliance, etc.). Modeling SIPs by
changing R-values and framing fractions is common to many energy modeling programs. The second
varying characteristic is that the SIP house was modeled with a vaulted ceiling while the traditional
house was modeled with an unconditioned, vented attic. The effects of this drastic change in
conditioned volume will be discussed later.
Each construction type was modeled twice, once according to code and once below code. The object of
this test was to investigate and gain a quantifiable understanding of the effects of quality control in both
SIPs and traditional construction. The models of houses to code represent theoretical results from the
house design. The houses modeled below code represent realistic expectations due to errors in
manufacturing and construction. Therefore, the SIP not Code house most closely resembles the house
constructed during this project. The insulation grade, framing fraction, and infiltration were varied to
differentiate between the two instances of each house. These additional models proved the importance
of effective construction techniques: conditioning the houses built below code would cost
approximately ten percent more each year than the houses built to code.
The Habitat Hybrid model is a house of SIP walls and a framed roof with an unconditioned attic. In
addition, an online insulation tool (discussed later) was used to determine the most cost-effective level
of insulation for the climate in Mobile. These two points are discussed later in our recommendations,
but the Habitat Hybrid analysis results are included in the aggregate data for ease of comparison.
The Energy Star model is an extension of the Habitat Hybrid. This theoretical house was modeled to
reach an HERS rating lower than 85 in order to qualify as an Energy Star residence. In order to do this,
the Habitat Hybrid was augmented by 6 SIP walls, R-50 insulation in the ceiling, and a radiant barrier
system. By dealing with structural characteristics, this design does not interrupt the existing supply
chain for windows, doors, and other components by requiring advanced products for these applications.
This model is also included in the aggregate data below.

Annual Energy Consumption and Expenditures



SIP to Code

Wood to Code

SIP not Code

Wood not














































































Per Volume

0.246 $0.020

0.325 $0.026

0.273 $0.022

0.361 $0.029


Energy Star

0.355 $0.028

0.286 $0.023

Annual Emissions6





to Code Wood to Code not Code Wood not Code Habitat Hybrid Star
SO2 (lbs/ft^3)







NOX (lbs/ft^3)












CO2 (tons/ft^3) 0.0003

Figures also include emissions due to lighting and miscellaneous end uses.


HERS Ratings




SIP to Code

Wood to Code

SIP not Code

Wood not Code

Habitat Hybrid

Energy Star







IECC Compliance




Sip to Code

Wood to Code

SIP not Code

Wood not Code

Habitat Hybrid

Energy Star








eRatio 7







Energy Consumption and Expenditures:
Under a strict comparison, EnergyGauge USA concluded the home built using traditional construction
techniques consumes less energy and costs less to condition over the course of one year. The well-built
SIP house performed comparably to the poorly built wood frame house. Throughout several modeling
iterations, the SIP homes consistently demanded more energy to cool. Meanwhile, traditional
construction techniques resulted in higher heating loads. In Mobile, annual cooling degree days
dominate the demand for energy. Therefore, the results of this analysis cannot be applied to any
climate; similar construction techniques in colder climates could yield completely different results.

The eRatio is a figure produced by EnergyGauge to quantify the score of a home for IECC compliance (as opposed
to a simple pass/fail). Each house must achieve a 1.0 to pass the IECC compliance test. As with HERS ratings, lower
eRatios are awarded to more efficient homes.


The outcomes of this analysis are not completely transparent. After close examination of inputs and
outputs, we concluded that ceiling and roof construction complicated this analysis, obscuring the
results. The SIP house was modeled with vaulted ceilings; the traditional wood frame house was
modeled with an unconditioned attic. In order to account for this difference in construction, energy use
and expenditures were scaled by cubic foot of conditioned volume. The results of each method are
displayed graphically below:

Annual HVAC Expenditures

Annual HVAC Expenditures per Cubic Foot








To Code


Not To Code







To Code


Not To Code





As these figures depict, the effects of unconditioned attic space can be significant. The approximate
conditioned volume of the SIP house is 13,442 cubic feet; the traditional house, 9,152 cubic feet (a
difference of almost fifty percent). As a result, the volumetric cost of heating and cooling favors SIP
construction by a difference of nearly thirty percent. The Habitat Hybrid and Energy Star concepts
attempt to resolve this issue through a combination of SIPs and traditional construction.

The emissions for these homes correlate directly with the energy use and expenditures summarized
above, although these estimates also include emissions from lighting and miscellaneous use. Because
each model home uses the same fuel (electricity), these results do not reveal any new points for
consideration. However, it is still important to analyze and understand annual emissions, particularly
when dealing with houses consuming different fuel types or using electricity from different power plants
(although electricity source is not included in the analysis by EnergyGauge USA).

2006 HERS Index:

EnergyGauge USA produced favorable HERS ratings for the SIP houses. In fact, the difference in ratings
between the two wood homes and the two SIP homes far exceeded the effect of proper construction.
The HERS ratings varied by just over one percent due to code compliance. Meanwhile, the two types of

construction differed by almost ten percent. These results, although seemingly contrary to the annual
energy consumption analysis, confirm the effect of conditioned volume. While the SIP homes must use
more energy to condition a greater volume, they are more efficient than traditional construction. The
two alternative houses for future consideration scored exceptionally well under this test. The graph
below compares the results of this HERS test with a red line representing the benchmark for Energy Star
homes; these homes must score under 85 to qualify for the Energy Star label.

IECC 2006 Section 404 Compliance:

The tests of International Energy Conservation Code compliance reconfirmed the effect of conditioned
volume. Surprisingly, the two stick-built homes failed the compliance test altogether. Again, even the
poorly constructed SIP home outperformed the well-built traditional construction techniques.


EnergyGauge USA automatically estimates appropriate HVAC hardware during each simulation.
Therefore, the capacities of the heating and cooling systems in each house varied significantly. While
this is appropriate for house design and modeling, it is not necessarily realistic. Analyzing each house


with a fixed HVAC system may produce different results, but it could also unfairly favor a particular

This analysis only considered electricity as a fuel source for all end uses. Therefore, the discussion of
emissions and comparisons of costs do not reveal any important trends hidden by the electricity usage
estimates. However, fuel source would be an important aspect to consider in future analyses,
particularly because of the difference in emissions from each fuel source.

Other components of the houses could have affected the results. These include windows, doors,
lighting, and appliances. While all of these were fixed across the different models, these factors could
also be changed to design a cheaper and more efficient home.

FAS does not believe the cost of this project is representative of CSIPs as a technology. While this is
unfortunate, it has provided a valuable lesson for the importance of specific variables, including
constructability. This analysis will describe the project as it happened, and use these shortcomings to
inform recommendations to avoid future problems.
The typical cost of a Habitat house is approximately $40,000-50,000 while the costs for the two
demonstration projects were approximately $75,000. The major areas of extra cost are due to the
defective panels and the panels requiring extra field modification by the manufacturer. However,
electrical subcontractor costs (because of additional work), additional material and labor for finishing
the houses, and additional fees to operate the jobsite were also incurred. Because the entire house was
made of cementitious panels the costs were compounded due to the defects, which lead to overruns,
overages, and cost inefficiencies.
Additionally, the increase price in the panels because the entire house was constructed out of CSIPs
increased the overages. The final budget for the houses was $75,000 each. There was little or no
difference in cost due to the traditional foundation or the slab. The overages and additional materials
were shared on each house to an exact number is hard to determine. These additional costs made the
project 50-100% more than a typically constructed habitat house.
These results should not be seen as representative for the following five reasons:
1. The house had to be constructed and unconstructed due to the panel defects. This ultimately
costs excessive amount of time because the panel supplier had to correct the panels not Habitat
or volunteers. Additionally these in the field modifications to the panels resulted in subsequent
costs for habitat to absorb to insure the house was well constructed, well finished, and
ultimately durable for the long term.

2. The modifications to the panels required extensive repair on the interior and exterior that was
not in the original architectural details and additionally sealing and insulating which could have
been avoided. These types of problems can be avoided by following the constructability issues
presented earlier in this report. Ultimately, constructability resulted in additional costs and time
for volunteers.
3. The vaulted space required additional finishing and detailing that is atypical of habitat
construction. While this design takes advantage of the properties of the SIPs, it takes additional
work for Habitat and ultimately requires more energy to operate given the increase in volume.
4. The electrical subcontractors were unfamiliar with sips, and the panels were manufactured with
atypical raceways which were difficult to wire and finish. The additional work to habitat is
approximately at $10,000 alone.
5. Habitats construction advantages, lots of labor requiring often little supervision, was not
properly leveraged using panels throughout the building, using panels with defects, and using
panels that were heavy and in need of modification.
Despite the unexpected and unrepresentative results, the experience provided FAS with many
important lessons for future design projects. These recommendations will be included in the
Conclusions and Recommendations section of this report.


Cementitious Structural Insulated

Panels & Istanbul, Turkey
Turkey has many populated areas located near large geological fault lines and is struggling to find a way
to build safe housing and commercial structures at an affordable price. Any technology adopted by
Turkish construction firms will affect the entire region since Turkish firms are major providers of
construction services in Central Asia. FAS worked with IHLAS, one of a largest construction firm in
Turkey, to build several demonstration homes in Turkey using the Cementitious Structural Insulated
Panel system. The collaboration will also work in the future to ensure that the panel system complies
with Turkish building codes. Also, FAS worked to help deliver information to the partners to evaluate if
plants for fabricating the panels can be built quickly in Turkey.

Project Narrative.
The Federation of American Scientists, Washington, D.C., USA, and IHLAS Holding A.S., Istanbul, Turkey,
initiated activity in 2006 on advanced building technologies that are earthquake-resistant, energyefficient and affordable.
Seismic and energy goals are especially important in Turkey, as well as the United States, leading to the
joint activity. The major joint undertaking is the construction of a demonstration housethe Lale villa,
in the Gzelehir development on the Sea of Marmara. A critical element in the preparation of the final
designs of buildings using SIPs is that they meet the Turkey earthquake-resistant building standards. In
future projects this will require coordination between the U.S. earthquake-engineering research and
standards activity and the similar activity in Turkey, such as the work at ITU and METU, to get SIP panels
fully tested and certified to all Turkish codes.
The ultimate goal of this demonstration is the international transfer of advanced building technologies.
The FAS work on advanced composite materials and their applications has promising international
applications, particularly in seismic active areas that currently rely primarily on masonry construction.
The international technology transfer also provides important social, economic, and political benefits.


Project Planning:
The first step in project planning was the selection of Cementitious Structural Insulated Panels for the
homes. FAS felt that the advantages of CSIPs could be leveraged to address the requirements of
International development very well. Some of these major characteristics of SIPs/CSIPs are:

Seismic Robustness: SIPs inherently can carry seismic loads and offer responses that differ from
traditional concrete construction. The SIP industry is currently evaluating SIPs and CSIPs for its
seismic response factor, robustness, and connection optimization. Some of this research is funded
by FAS and is recognized to be critical at long term success as a product and to address code
concerns. FAS sponsored research conducted by Professor Khalid Mosalem of the University of
California Berkeley should prove to overcome this roadblock. Mosalem is employing the use of
pseudo-dynamic analysis to study the system performance of SIPs under seismic loading. While this
research is still not completed (and the seismic resisting value of SIPs is not fully known), CSIPs are a
potentially valuable technology in seismic regions.

Thermal Performance: Insulation is crucial to the structural make-up of a SIP, and it follows that
the end product carries high quality thermal performance. Panel connections are designed to
eliminate thermal bridging, a common problem in stick frame construction. What results is a
building envelope with a higher total wall insulation value. While there are many benefits of
this, a key factor for Habitat is the reduced energy use and energy costs, an often heavy burden
for families in Habitat provided housing.


Ease of Construction: CSIPs fit together like puzzle pieces, making their construction simple and
straightforward. In addition, the cement fiber board facings do not require further finishing,
removing several steps from construction. This is a significant benefit for Habitat for Humanity,
who relies upon heavily inexperienced volunteer labor.

Construction Time: It is difficult to quantify increases in construction time, as this differs

significantly between projects. However, because SIPs constitute an entire wall assembly and
are shipped to a job site ready to be placed on a foundation, construction is simple and quick.
This is a significant benefit for Habitat, as volunteer crews are usually operating on a weekly

Increased comfort: Heating and cooling is more evenly distributed in a SIP home. As shown in
the following diagram, SIP walls have a more consistent temperature, free of the spikes found
with frame wall construction. This is a difficult quality to measure, but has a significant impact
on occupant comfort.

Decreased Job Site Waste: By using prefabricated panels in construction, significant waste is
avoided on the construction site. It also makes for an easier to maintain job site especially
helpful when working with untrained and inexperienced volunteers.

After deciding upon CSIPs for the construction system, FAS selected a CSIP vendor. Working with the
vendor, FAS and IHLAS created a set of plans, optimizing a traditional IHLAS design for panelized
construction. Panels were fabricated in Florence, Alabama, and then packaged and shipped to Turkey for



The construction consisted of three key events which had to be overcome to complete the project: 1)
Damage to the panels from exporting, 2) delays and re-engineering due to making use of the shipped
panels, 3) modifications to insure the final design was seismically safe. These three areas are the focus
of this report.

Damage Due to Panel Export

At the location on the dock of the loaded flat racks, a surveyor determined whether the cargo was ready
for shipping. Based upon the restacking, the shipping company accepted the panels for shipment and
the vessel. The purpose of the inspection was to determine if the restacking had caused damage to the
panels and whether the restacking was done in such a way as to prevent damage during the shipment
from the US to Istanbul.

The restacking had caused significant damage to many of the panels according to visual inspection. The
panels, most frequently 4 by 10 or 12, were loaded in stacks, two abreast, in three rows the length of
the flat racks, and making six stacks on each flat rack.

Two major changes were made in the restacking. The expanded polystyrene (EPS) blocks on which the
stacks of panels were initially loaded had been replaced by 4x4 wooden blocks. A second fiberglass
strap had been placed over the tops of the stacks and cinched down to double the tension on the top of
the stacks.

As a result of these changes, there was a significant increase in tension on the cementitious panels. The
exposed side of each of the stacks of panels was examined, noting any damage that would be likely to
destroy or greatly reduce their structural integrity and serviceability. The most serious breakage was to
the cement panel facings on the top edge of panels on the top of the stack adjacent to the second strap
and on the cement facing on the bottom of the panels near where the 4x4 wooden blocks had replaced
the EPS foam blocs. The close proximity between the breaks in the cement board facings and the added
straps and 4x4 wooden blocs indicated that the changes during the restacking were the cause of the


The damage differed somewhat from flat rack to flat rack. In addition to these severely damaged
panels, many additional panels had minor damage, such as small breaks in the cement board or minor
pieces cut from the ESP foam. This can be compensated for on-site with additional foamed insulation,
glue or mortar and minor repairs.

In addition to the damaged panels, the manner in which the panels were restacked appeared to make
some of them vulnerable to additional damage during shipment. On five of the stacks of panels, the
straps over the top panel came down over the edge of a cement board facings without supporting 2x4s
to absorb the tension of the tightened straps. The motion during shipping and handling will make these
cement board facings vulnerable to breakage. The horizontal plane of the panels on the bottom of the
stacks showed some distortion as the pressure by the 4x4 blocks caused a compression of the panels
and some expansion in the areas between the blocks. This could worsen during shipping and could
make the panels unusable.

It is estimated that about 30 percent of the panels were severely damaged in shipment. Much of the
damage appeared to have been made by the straps that went over the top of the stacks of panels. In
addition, the panels were the only product that was still on the flat racks. None of the splines, fasteners,
equipment or glue that were shipped with the panels were in the shipment that arrived in Istanbul.

Ongoing Construction Difficulties

Our Turkish partners had serious problems in the construction of the demonstration "Lale" villa, but
persevered and learned along the way. The demonstration developed slowly because of problems with
the panels, the engineering drawings, and the weather.

The foundation and first floor of the panels were completed in three weeks. According to the Turks,
there were a number of problems with the panels and engineering drawings, in addition to the broken
panels. Chases were not cut in the correct locations. There was not a tight fit between the panels to
facilitate a consistently good connection to the splines. Some of the window and door openings were
not precise enough. The screws to secure the second floor panels weren't long enough and it took some
time to find longer screws. The Turks reported that about 30% of panels were damaged during shipping.
In addition, the Turks were worried that the extra set of panels shipped (for testing) may not reach the
Istanbul Technical University due to the panel deficit in the house. Afterwards, the steel beams arrived
and work began on the second floor. The head of the construction company, didnt believe the panels
themselves are strong enough to support the second floor and the roof, so steel columns are being


added to provide additional support. There were some questions as to why the roof panels had to be so
thick and heavy, adding to the need for the steel supporting columns.

Many of these problems relate to quality control. Any shipments from the U.S. need to be protected
from damage. This can be achieved by the creative use of closed containers, as well as local fabrication.
Turkey manufactures some alternative facing materials that have greater strength.
Modifications to Insure Seismic Safety
During a trip to Turkey, Henry Kelly, Joseph Hagerman and John Millhone had the opportunity to visit
the construction site, where the shell of the house was almost complete. Due to the large number of
damaged panels, Turks had opted in for a conventional roof with steel beams and wood panels. The
damaged panels also forced Turks to consider alternative ways to improve panels structural elements,
which resulted in a large steel frame built to hold the panels up.

The timing of the FAS trip to Turkey was very fortunate as Joseph Hagerman got a chance to view the
house prior to its completion. Upon observing the construction methods Turks employed to reinforce
the two-story, 3000-square-foot house, Mr. Hagerman made suggestions to modify places where SIPs
structural advantages could be optimized. Suggestions to enhance the homes structural stability

Stiffen the Floor Diaphragm and Tie the Floor Diaphragm into the Steel Framing,

Re-skin Cut Walls,

Tie the top plate of the first floor, the second floor system, and the second floor bottom plate
with metal strapping or plates, and

At the Corners of the exterior walls, tie the exterior wall diaphragms together.

Both John Millhone and Joseph Hagerman agree that constructability issues mimic those endured in
other case studies, and that technology transfer remains a challenge despite Turks efforts to familiarize
themselves with a brand new concept in construction.
The following pictures, taken during by Joseph Hagerman during this visit, illustrate these
constructability issues.


Rendering of Lale House.

Near complete shell. This shell was

completed with mix-and-match
panels because of the panel
shipment problems. As such, the
local engineers had to reinvent how
the shell was to be constructed and
had to figure it out themselves as
how to integrate CSIPs into their
traditional construction practices.


This detail shows CSIP panels resting

within the web of floor trusses, thus
spanning the distance between the
floor trusses to act as floor joists.
However, the CSIPs are simply resting
in the web and do not form a
continous diagphram. FAS identified
a method to correct this by tying the
floor diaphram together by redecking
the second floor.

This detail shows what quality of

panels the Turks had to work with.
Almost all the panels where broken,
thus requiring the local engineers to
mix and match panels to re-engineer
the building without any experience
with SIPs. This problem led to
construction inefficiency and delays.
In some areas, FAS recommended
reskinning these panels.


Here, steel c-channels were used to

construct the interior walls.
Originally, these walls were to be
CSIPs, but the broken panels lead to
many of these to be used on the
exterior shell and interior, local
framing used to frame the interior

The Turks cut panels to fit plumbing

and electrical because chases were
left out or improperly fabricated.
This problem is a result of poor
QA/QC in the fabricator due to
vendor problems. These types of
problems led to construction
inefficiency and delays.


This detail also shows what quality of

panels the Turks had to work with. In
some instances (such as this), FAS
recommended reskinningpanels.

Here, the Turks used metal columns, yet broke the columns at the second floor rather than continuing
the columns to the top. Therefore, there is very little material tying the two floor systems together. FAS
identified this problem and recommended tying the wall systems together and floors together through
exterior metal ties.

FAS inspected the panels to be used

in testing and found many were too
damaged to lead to product approval
in Turkey. It is recommended that
proper tech transfer be developed by
leveraging the countries assets rather
than importing new products into the
country. If anything, the US should
be exporting the equipment, QA/QC
measures, testing services, and

As shown here, almost all the panels

where broken due to improper
shipment.This problem is a result of
poor QA/QC by the fabricator.


Project Analysis
One of the goals of the project was to complete monitoring and analysis comparing construction
activities, construction costs, construction timeframe, and energy efficiency of the panelized houses
The introduction of advanced SIP panels in Turkey and, potentially, in other countries in the region, will
require a considerable investment of time, attention, and financial resources. This task will begin the
assessment of the potential market for the buildings that could incorporate the SIP technology. Because
of shipping costs and to ensure quality control, a SIP manufacturing plant would need to be constructed
in Turkey. In addition, an education and marketing campaign would need to be launched to inform
prospective buyers of the earthquake-resistance and energy-efficiency advantages of the buildings.

The SIP plants in the United States range from those that are quite simple, such as the ThermaSAVE
plants, to more modern plants. To make an informed decision on a Turkey plant, it will be important to
become familiar with the full range of the existing U.S. plants and obtain the recommendation of an
experienced industrial engineer on a plant design that would meet the requirements of the Turkey
business plan. The most critical component of the panels is the facing material. Turkey has
manufacturers of cement board facings which appear to be of good quality. Arrangements should be
made to include a SIP panel using the Turkey cement board facings in these tests.

As described in the previous section, there were many major issues with the construction of the home.
Unfortunately, these complications have resulted in delays, less than perfect construction, and
significantly higher than anticipated costs.
Some constructability issues began long before the panels arrived on the job site. Some of these issues
can be avoided if the unique characteristics of the SIP panels should be considered from the beginning
of the engineering and architectural design process. While the panels can be cut to fit a wide variety of
designs, this adds significantly to their cost, construction complexity, and construction time.
Engineering and architectural members of our team prepare a list of the potential modifications to SIPdesigned building, starting with the most basic changes and proceeding to those that are optional and
more expensive. This approach would provide the information needed to make trade-offs between
costs and features.


The structural strength of SIPs should be
incorporated into the design so they arent
treated simply as curtain walls
Steel supports should be added, as necessary
SIP panels should fully enclose the living area
SIP panels are not necessary for the roofs or
interior walls.
An attic fan and air vents reduce heat build up
in the attic
Add energy and temperature monitoring
Balconies are a high priority in Turkey
Steel support columns should extend from the
foundation to the roof, with a break
Plumbing and wiring should minimize
penetration of SIPs
Heating and cooling equipment can be reduced
in size because of improved thermal efficiency
Insulation of foundation exterior may lower
heating costs
High reflective roof tiles
Add solar energy system to Lale Villa
Meets Green Building standards

Lowers cost of structural elements

Lowers cost

Provides structural strength

Energy savings. Increased comfort
Improves ease of construction

Lower costs
Lowers costs

Reduces air conditioning load

Lowers costs

Identifies energy savings, problems

Increases house value
Structural strength

Added costs

Eliminates energy losses

Equipment sized to load

Lowers costs

Reduces air conditioning load

Demonstrates renewable energy
Demonstrates high efficiencies

Lowers costs
Some costs

Table 1: Proposed Modifications to the Future Turkey/International Demonstrations

However, simply optimizing projects for CSIPs to make construction easier does not solve all
constructability problems. One of the major issues from this project was the selection of a reliable
vendor. Unfortunately the vendor failed to export the panels safely, failed to provide engineering
drawings that the Turks could use, and failed to provide technical support on the ground. All of these
deficiencies lead to compounding problems. Proper shop drawings must be done, and panels must be
cut exactly to project requirements. Care must also be taken during shipment, and panels should be
made locally if possible to reduce shipment requirements.


These pre-construction issues caused significant delays on the job site. However, the project also
demonstrated the need to have a sufficient number of trained personnel on site to guide workers, all of
whom were unfamiliar with SIPs. In future demonstrations, more emphasis must be placed on training
construction crews and engineers rather than actual construction because it is more important that the
international engineers, project managers, and construction personnel are trained using panels, else we
leave the technology up to them to figure out. Therefore, proper technology transfer is the biggest
issue to focus on in international projects.
FAS has made recommendations, both specific and general, for avoiding these issues in future
construction projects. These can be found in the Conclusions and Recommendations section of this

Energy Performance
While Energy Performance is a key issue in the reasons to use CSIPs, this projects energy performance
and efficiencies are unrealistic if technology transfer is successful. Because FAS didnt directly manage
construction on the ground, there is no assurance as to the construction details including spline, joints,
etc, and air tightness. In addition, alterations made on the job site, such as increased steel framing,
significantly alter the energy performance of the home. For these reasons, the energy performance will
not be estimated.

While Costs are a key issue in the reasons to use CSIPs, this projects cost are unrealistic if technology
transfer is successful. The improper shipping led to excessive damages and re-engineering and
modification that were atypical. This led to higher costs for other materials (used to compensate), extra
construction time for modifications, re-engineering costs, etc. Unfortunately, it is not possible to remove
these variables from the total cost of the house, making any analysis reflect less on CSIPs as a
technology and instead on the well-documented constructability issues. While these problems have
been studied to avoid cost-creating problems in future projects (with recommendations made in the
conclusions and recommendations section of this report), a strict cost analysis will not be reported in
this document.


Conclusions and Recommendations

While both construction projects were delayed and difficult due to factors outside the partnerships
control, the results and lessons learned were successful at demonstrating that SIPs are:

a competitive product (if the vendor is chosen correctly),

new technology can be easily integrated into their housing model (if all the relationships are in
place during the initial project planning), and
energy savings is essential in a tightening economy to insure affordable houses are affordable to
purchase, operate, and maintain.

Despite various problems and setbacks that are all too common in demonstration/construction projects,
FAS feels that both projects have been truly invaluable in establishing a growing partnership with
Habitat for Humanity and with International builders that has allowed FAS to observe and record data
on the construction of alternative building systems. The research project was instrumental in
understanding constructability issues faced in the use of CSIPS in particular and in Gulf Coast
reconstruction efforts in general. After analyzing the cost, energy, and construction data, FAS has
generated a large list of recommendations for future projects. These recommendations include general
and basic approaches to any CSIP construction project that will help avoid many of the basic problems
encountered, as well as specific recommendations to optimize CSIP construction for the Habitat model
and for future international projects.

To Avoid Problems in CSIP Construction:

Construction problems compound themselves, and can significantly impact the cost of a building and its
ultimate performance. When undergoing any CSIP project, there are several basic lessons to follow to
avoid these pitfalls. Some of these steps might seem like common sense and some may be more
unexpected, but each is crucial to the success or failure of the project.
To successfully construct a CSIP building, you must:

Choose the right system for your project, needs, and location,
Choose the right manufacturer for the job,
Choose a team and communicate from the beginning,
Take the correct approach when planning with the project delivery team, and


Deploy the proper construction techniques dont invent, and dont deviate from the plans in
the field.


Each of these is important to a successful final product. We will elaborate on each, explaining our
experiences and the mistakes made, the problems weve identified, and the best ways to avoid them.

STEP ONE: Choosing the Right System

The first step is to pick the correct building system. This is the fundamental building block for a
successful project. It may seem like common sense, and in a lot of ways it is. In the same way that you
wouldnt try to build an Igloo in Arizona, you wouldnt try to build an Adobe in the Arctic. And while this
may seem like an obvious choice, making the correct decision can be significantly more complicated. To
make the correct decision means understanding the intents of your project, the basic relationships
between the integrated systems, and how the costs and benefits of each system fits into that complex
system of needs.
The first step in choosing the correct system is to identify your project needs. No two projects are the
same, and each calls for a specific solution based on a complicated set of requirements. What
circumstances are driving your project? Which priorities are the most important? There are many areas
to focus on when answering these questions. To begin formulating these, take a look at the people,
building, and environmental priorities listed in chapter one. Having considered those, identify the
limiting factors of your project. This can include (but arent limited to): climate, availability of materials,
project size and budget, special safety needs (for example, being located in a seismic or hurricane zone),
operational specific requirements, local code requirements, etc. Other issues, such as environmental
concerns and minimizing energy use, should be priorities regardless of these other project
Once you have identified the driving forces behind your project priorities and requirements, you should
look into how those fit within the functional relationships of the systems in a building. A building can be
broken down into the building enclosure, sub systems and components, and its fit and finish. All of these
pieces are interrelated, and changing an element can change the performance of a number of
assemblies, potentially changing major characteristics of the building.
The building enclosure includes the roof assembly, the wall assembly (including paint, siding, sheathing,
insulation, and drywall), and the foundation assembly. The foundation is largely selected by building
size, as well as the soil type and topography of the site. This influences the wall assembly, which in turn
helps determine the roof type. Inside the building enclosure is a set of sub-systems, made up of the
electrical/power system, the heating/cooling/ventilation system (which includes ducts, air handlers,
controls, and sealants), and the plumbing system. Each of these is dependent on the building enclosure,
and the requirements of each help inform decisions about the building enclosure. The fit and finish of
the building includes appliances, fixtures, and furnishings, providing the final character to the building.
Having investigated the functional relationships of a building in addition to your projects priorities and
requirements, you can identify which building system provides the best solution for your specific
situation. Each carries costs and benefits, and how each applies changes with differing circumstances.


From our vantage point, the following is a partial, qualitative list of the ups and downs of each
construction system
Wood Framed Walls Steel Stud Framed

Wood Facings

Cement Facings

Advantages Mature, adopted

technology in
covered by
prescriptive codes,
no regulatory
barriers, low cost

Lighter weight when

panelized, mature,
adopted technology
in commercial
covered in
prescriptive code,
no regulatory
barriers, low cost

Increased strength,
increase energy
efficiency, large wall
panels are possible
(i.e. 8x24),
duration, no need
for skilled labor
(panel installation is
relatively easy),
manufacturers are
widespread in the
US. Different facing
options make the
system adaptable.

Increased durability
and energy
duration, little or no
wood, resistant to
termites and mold,
little or no need for
skilled labor


OVE framing not

widespread, a lot of
steel used, labor
intensive, uses
labor, poor energy
difficult to find

Connections are
residential in scope,
heavily reliant on
wood; price
fluctuations as a
result; application
limited to structures
under 3 stories,
costly; must finish
interior and exterior
sides of panels for

Application so far
limited to structures
under 3 stories high,
dimensions of
panels limited by
cement board;
brittle in
transportation and
constructability, few
manufacturers, lack
of sound structural
data to date

OVE framing not

widespread, a lot of
wood used as a
result, labor
intensive, uses
labor, poor energy
quality of materials
and construction
standards is rapidly
is decreasing,
difficult to find


A building isnt built with only one specific material, so we cant expect each of the three criteria
explained earlier to apply when evaluating the merits of SIPs. That said, considering them within this
holistic framework of priorities gives a better understanding of their unique nature, as well as their
contribution to a buildings overall design and performance.
There are many advantages to SIP construction. SIPs offer excellent structural safety and air quality,
soundproofing, and temperature control. They are also best known for their energy saving potential,
reducing energy use and operating costs. Other advantages include environmental benefits from
minimal on-site debris, rapid construction, better quality control, and an efficient use of material. SIPs
are also especially versatile, as the panels can be used in both load-bearing and non-structural
applications. Cement faced SIPs offer these SIP advantages and have less reliance on wood and the
price fluctuations in the wood industry.
This demonstration project was done in conjunction with Habitat for Humanity, and one of the project
goals is to influence their future construction projects to embrace advanced building systems such as
SIPs and CSIPs. With that in mind, specific constraints and priorities are in place. Houses are to be safe,
decent, and affordable. They are to be of a simple design, to be constructed at as low a cost as possible,
should be erected quickly, and should not require overly skilled labor (as Habitat employs mostly
volunteers for short term stints).
First of all, SIP construction creates a good, safe, comfortable building. SIP panels have been tested to
code-regulated structural standards based on the performance of the assembly and the durability
performance of the parts. This testing focuses on transverse loading, racking-shear loading, and axial
loading (all performed according to ASTM E72 standards). In addition to meeting these baseline
standards, SIP panels have proven to perform well in simulated seismic and hurricane conditions,
making them a good building system for disaster-prone areas.
SIPs also support exceptional indoor air quality. The degree of building tightness capable in SIP
construction better enables mechanical ventilation to filter allergens and dehumidify air. This helps
prevent mold problems, as mold and dust mites cannot survive in low humidity environments. Also, the
solid core insulation of SIPs is free of the voids, compressions, or thermal bypasses often associated with
mold growth in wood frame, fiberglass insulated construction.
In addition to making for high standards of indoor air quality, this tight building envelope allows for easy
temperature control and soundproofing. While initial testing shows positive performance of SIPs in
areas of fire safety and moisture control, more substantive testing must be done. For example, while
many SIP producers have passed the 15 minute residential fire test under the auspices of UBC 26-3
rating, more vigorous fire codes for commercial or multi-family housing may oblige SIP manufacturers to
design systems that can withstand hour-long tests. Also, moisture performance in SIPs has been rather
difficult to document as current moisture tests do not necessarily measure permeability or absorption
rate effectively for SIP assemblies and connections. Further research is also necessary to fully
understand the cost of SIP construction. While we know that SIPs are more energy-efficient than
traditional stick-built homes and cheaper to operate in the long run, there is insufficient data on capital

and life-cycle costs. Even with these unproven areas, SIPs provide well for Building Sciences People
Beyond these people priorities, the most apparent advantage of SIPs is their incredible energy efficiency
as a building system. A SIP building envelope provides high levels of insulation and is extremely airtight.
Wood framing in traditional stick built construction acts as a thermal bridge, transferring heat through
the wall and lowering its overall insulation value. These thermal bridges are virtually nonexistent in SIP
construction, making for a more efficient building shell. This reduces the amount of energy used to heat
and cool a home by up to 50 percent. Seen on a small scale this means significantly lower operating
costs for a home owner. However, this is also important seen within the big picture. Energy used to
power homes and commercial buildings is responsible for a large portion of greenhouse gasses emitted
into the atmosphere, and by using SIPs to reduce the amount of energy used in buildings, architects,
builders, homeowners, and YOU can contribute to a cleaner environment for the future.
SIPs also make efficient use of resources. The insulation used in SIPs is a lightweight rigid foam plastic
composed of 98% air, and requires only a small amount of petroleum to produce. The foam insulation
used in panel cores is made using a non-CFC blowing agent that does not threaten the earths ozone
layer. In fact, the average SIP home saves nineteen times the energy it took to make the EPS insulation
in the first year of installation. Construction waste is also reduced by the use of SIPs in a building
project. SIPs are prefabricated in a factory, cut to the exact shape and size needed for the project. This
minimizes the amount of excess material that gets sent to a landfill, which is often up to 30% of material
sent to a construction site and amounts to over 130 million tons annually. Also, many manufacturers
recycle factory scrap to make other foam products, further maximizing the life of each piece and
minimizing construction waste.
Finally, SIP construction (if done correctly) can be a very quick process. The building envelope of a SIP
home can be put up in a matter of 2-3 days, which is ideal for Habitat for Humanity, who uses volunteers
on a weekly basis. In addition, if they are properly cut in the factory, SIPs fit together like puzzle pieces.
This makes construction simple it is intuitive how to put panels together correctly, and unskilled
volunteers can provide the majority of the labor.
All of these attributes make SIPs and CSIPs an ideal building system for many residential building
projects, and more specifically, for those done by Habitat for Humanity. Proceeding with the assumption
that CSIPs are the correct building system for your project, you must then.

STEP TWO: Choose the right manufacturer for the job.

Now that you have chosen CSIPs as the right building system for your project, it is important to select
the right manufacturer for the job. Due to the precise nature of their assembly, the manufacturer plays
a very large role in a CSIP project. SIPs are like a gigantic, oversized puzzle, and pieces must fit together
precisely. Just like if two puzzle pieces arent cut precisely to match they wont fit together, if SIPs arent
manufactured and delivered to the site correctly, the project is doomed from the start.


With this in mind, the following is a list of suggestions for choosing the right manufacturer for anyone
starting a building project with SIPs, either as a newcomer or an experienced professional. It is our
recommendation that you:
Work with a company that has current code approval
This is a basic prerequisite. A current code approval will help ensure several things. First of all, it tells you
that the manufactured product meets defined baseline limits for safety and performance. It also ensures
that you will not encounter major problems in getting a building permit for your project. Even if local
building officials are unfamiliar with advanced building systems such as SIPs, a manufacturers current
code approval will help move your project through code inspection. And finally, it is a level of assurance
that the manufacturer chosen is legit.
Work with a company that knows the limitations, discusses these limitations, and talks about things
SIPs cant do,
Be suspicious of companies that think their products work everywhere and anywhere, and ask questions
about where the products shouldnt be used. These questions will help you understand the weaknesses
of the systems and the necessary steps you must take in planning and ultimately building with the
system. If it sounds too good to be true, it just might be!
Work with a company that has detailed shop drawings and in-plant QC, and
After an architect designs the building project, he will give copies of drawings to the panel
manufacturer. This manufacturer should then create a set of shop drawings. Shop drawings are a
more detailed version of the buildings construction documents, drawn to explain the fabrication of the
panels to the manufacturers production crew. This may seem redundant, but the increased level of
detail is crucial to achieving the precision and accuracy needed to assemble a successful SIP house.
This was a major mistake in this demonstration project. Rather than fabricate the panels from a set of
shop drawings, they were made from the architectural drawings. The level of detail was insufficient, and
the final product suffered. Construction, which is quick and easy if the correct preparation is taken, was
slow and arduous. Panels needed to be re-cut on the job site. This was problematic, as rotary saws used
for this throw debris into the air, which is hazardous if inhaled. Making additional cuts to panels also
compromises the structural integrity of the panels, making the final product questionable.
Work with a company that has a list of Engineers that are familiar with their product and are licensed
in the municipality you are building.

STEP THREE: Choose a competent building team and communicate.

With any technology integration or adoption of technology, success usually depends on the user. If the
team wants a project to be successful, they will be diligent and take the time to get things right, and

they will make the project succeed. If the projects ultimate success isnt your main goal, youll shortcut
everything and make it fail. This strategy works with any new, team based venture. If the team is behind
it, youll be surprised how well and successful the system is. If one link is weak, then the whole team
has already failed. Its this mindset that will help you rationalize, plan, and prepare for a successful
project. Its this mentality that makes SIPs effective as a building solution, system, and green building
component. In a lot of ways SIPs become the material in the project that make the team rally to meet
all green building goals successful.
FAS believes that SIPs are a great foundation for green building for residential construction. Green
Residential Buildings start with SIPs because it forces everyone on the team, all the subcontractors and
staff, to re-examine how theyve been building buildings to look at the specifications and notes to be
sure that performance, material selection, and ultimately goals are being met.
While Habitat for Humanity is embracing SIPs and other advanced techniques on an organizational level,
it is important that this construction knowledge gets passed down to Habitats construction managers
over-seeing site production. Having knowledgeable, strong leadership that is capable of working with
SIPs will help Habitats teams communicate and build effectively.

STEP FOUR: Take the correct approach with the system-project-team.

One of the largest problems with SIPs is constructability issues at the job site what to do, how to do it,
and the changing of details from the prescriptive methods.
For SIPs to be successful we all have to plan properly. This means being responsive, getting ahead of
problems, communicating effectively with all parties involved in the project, and coordinating all work
well before it begins. This also means embracing the limitations of the technology knowing where SIPs
are effective and quite simply where they dont make sense. If you lean on the manufacturer alone,
they tend to sell to increase their volumes only. Therefore, they say SIPs are good anywhere and
everywhere, that its just like stick frame construction only better, etc. The truth of the matter is its a
great insulation and envelope technology with high R-value, limited thermal shorts, and long-term
sustained R-values. However, they are not a magic bullet for all parts of home construction, and
shouldnt be used as such.

STEP FIVE: Deploy the proper construction techniques dont invent

SIP construction has the potential to be a very successful as a long-term, efficient building system so
long as constructability issues are managed, panels are not misrepresented and limitations are
discussed, and the core competencies of all parties are leveraged. Success means letting the panels
perform like they have been tested, and only using details that are tried and true. SIPs are a highly
engineered solution, with each piece of its puzzle carefully and scientifically examined. Each connection

has been tested to understand its performance, and the system has been engineered to optimize the
performance of each piece. Trust this past research, put your work into getting the design and planning
correct, and leave invention for the laboratory, not the job site.
These steps seem simple, and frankly, they are once we engage SIPs. And thankfully, this easy,
straightforward approach is key in making your next building project the success it should be. It is also
the same key that will build the Green Building market because Green building is not about materials
selection, but about proper communication with all parties on goals to make sure the building performs
to protect and respect the environment.

After reviewing our past mistakes we recommend that the industry develop

a more robust and building science driven construction detailing standards to properly seal
the build and insure that no vapor drive into the assemblies is possible which may otherwise
compromise the long term integrity of the building,

a more systematic approach to the generation of the shop drawings, their review, and the
fabrication of the panels from these drawings,

a more sophisticated and sound connection standard which will decrease the onsite labor and
increase the overall quality of the house, and

panelized stick build interior walls with CSIP exterior walls and a Wood SIP roof to maximize
construction efficiencies.


Recommendations for the Gulfcoast & Habitat for Humanity

In addition to these general rules of avoiding problems in CSIP construction, this project has provided
the following recommendations as to how to further optimize CSIPs for the Habitat model

Alternative Construction:
Ultimately, the factors influencing energy performance and lifecycle costs extend beyond construction
and volume issues. Therefore, the following recommendations were designed for Mobile Habitat for
Humanitys future projects considering wall construction alternatives.
Energy modeling and analysis made clear the importance of minimizing conditioned space and avoiding
vaulted ceilings to lower energy consumption and costs. In order to minimize energy consumption,
Mobile Habitat for Humanity should consider combining SIP and traditional construction techniques,
forming the Habitat Hybrid modeled in this analysis. We recommend using SIPs to lay the floor and
walls while building a traditional roof with trusses anchored to the SIP walls. Insulation could then be
installed in the attic, leaving it unconditioned with ventilation. This technique would capture the best of
both construction types: improved insulation and ease of installation from SIPs with minimal
conditioned space from trusses.
The results of the Habitat Hybrid simulation confirm some of these expectations. For example, the
annual energy bill of the Habitat Hybrid decreased by over two percent compared to the SIP house. The
change in HERS rating also proved favorable. To qualify for the Energy Star label in Mobile, Alabama, a
home must obtain an HERS rating of 85 or lower. In order to achieve the Energy Star label, the Habitat
Hybrid could be improved by thicker walls (6 SIPs), R-50 insulation in the attic, and a radiant barrier
roof, decreasing the energy demand for air conditioning. This house, the Energy Star described earlier
and analyzed above, scored an HERS rating of 81 in our analysis, well under the limit of 85 for Energy
Star homes. With the recommended changes, it may be possible to attain this product branding,
increasing the financial and environmental value of the house and community.
In addition to its excellent HERS rating, analysis of the Energy Star home showed that it consumed the
least electricity annually, resulting in lower utility bills. In addition, it passed the IECC compliance test by
the greatest margin (given by the eRatio). We recommend that Mobile Habitat for Humanity investigate
the potential of employing the techniques found in the Energy Star house in future construction due to
the favorable results of this analysis.
Insulation Tool:
Oak Ridge National Laboratory developed a tool to determine the most cost-effective level of insulation
for homes in different climates. This tool was used to model the Habitat Hybrid house. We recommend

that Mobile Habitat for Humanity use this tool to determine proper construction specifications. It
requests basic information on construction and appliance characteristics, returning values for attic,
cathedral ceiling (if applicable), wall, and floor insulation.
Construction Practices:
It is evident that construction quality affects energy efficiency and lifecycle costs. As these models
illustrated, low quality construction can cost homeowners up to ten percent more every year on their
energy bills. It is possible that SIP construction offers less risk of inefficiency due to lower construction
quality. In order to fulfill its mission and propagate affordable housing, Mobile Habitat for Humanity
should evaluate the effects of construction quality in both SIP and traditional construction.

In addition to these recommendations to improve energy performance, there are several steps to be
taken to make the project more cost-effective. Recommendations derived from cost analysis of the
houses are:

CSIP walls should be used in the exterior of the building only.

CSIP walls should be optimized for the floor plan so they need NO field modification
Panelized interior walls (made from dimensional lumber) should be used in the interior.
CSIPs and SIPs should not be used in the ceiling or roofs. Dimensional trusses should be used in
for the roof, attic, and ceiling.
CSIPs should be obtained from SIP manufacturers who have a known local track record in the
community to be served, additionally; it is preferable that the SIP manufacturer be a member of
SIPA. SIPA members are known for their quality, service, etc.
Habitat should follow the constructability guide included in this report with best lessons
The manufacturer of the CSIP should hold a short training and educational seminar for the
volunteers prior to starting any work.
The manufactured of the CSIP should work with Habitat and its subcontractors before starting
any planning/work, cutting any panels at the factory, and in the field construction. A
manufacturers rep should be on site at all times during CSIP erection.

The Future:
In order to fulfill the project goals and to demonstrate what SIPs (or CSIPS) are truly capable of, Habitat
for Humanity and FAS are planning to build a third house. FAS has taken steps to prevent the mistakes
made during the construction of the first two homes by producing shop drawings to optimize
architectural blueprints for SIPs. FAS will expand its research by using the third house as another data
point for energy consumption and continue to partner with Habitat for Humanity.
While finalized cost data has been generated from the construction of the two homes, further energy
analysis is planned. FAS will monitor the actual energy use of the homes for the next year to establish a
real-time baseline of how the homes perform. In addition, a Home Energy Rating (HERS) will be
performed for both houses.

Impacts and Conclusion from the Gulf Coast Activities

Attention to SIPs is at the forefront of the gulf coast reconstruction, thanks to the partnership between
Habitat for Humanity and FAS. The strong working relationship the two groups have formed has
resulted in increased awareness in the gulf coast of alternative means of construction durable, storm
resistant housing that is energy efficient and cost effective. Even though the project faced numerous
challenges, as any technology demonstration project does, FAS and Habitat successfully promoted the
advancement of technology in affordable housing.
This demonstration project helped move the FAS Building Technologies Project toward a different and
more productive path by providing the
opportunity to test technical and
theoretical research in practice. FAS
worked with Habitat for Humanity that
ultimately helped to move the FAS
research forward by pinpointing possible
areas for improvement (i.e. shopdrawings, vendors, oversight, etc).
The project was also pivotal in
demonstrating the importance of
translating theoretical research into
practical data, as FAS had been
researching alternative construction
methods without evaluating differing
technologies on construction sites.
Through this project, FAS has had the
opportunity to observe constructability
issues and how they affect the course of
the construction. FAS is grateful for the
opportunity to work with Habitat on
future projects to apply the lessons
learned from the research made
possible by this grant.
Ultimately, this project also had tangible
impacts as two families were provided
new, innovative, and efficient homes to
raise families and the future of Mobile,


Recommendations for Future International Projects

In addition to these general rules of avoiding problems in CSIP construction, this project has provided
the following recommendations as to how to further push CSIPs into new international markets. The
main recommendation of this report centers on proper technology transfer. The Lale House project
consisted of three key events which had to be overcome to complete the project:

Damage to the panels from exporting,

Delays and re-engineering due to making use of the shipped panels, and
Modifications to insure the final design was seismically safe.

These issues have been addressed in earlier sections. However, they could be avoided in future projects
by taking several steps towards proper technology transfer. The introduction of advanced SIP panels in
Turkey and other countries in the region will require a considerable investment of time, attention,
and financial resources. This will include significant education initiatives and testing to demonstrate
the advantages of the technology, the proper approach to fabricating and using the technology, and
code acceptance of the technology. This will also require the leveraging of local resources.
The first, and perhaps most critical issue, for future SIP projects internationally, is education. The
builders building the Lale House did not know how to integrate CSIPs, and did not trust their structural
properties. If this is to be avoided, an education and marketing campaign would need to be launched to
inform builders and buyers of the earthquake-resistance and energy-efficiency advantages of the
buildings. As a result the CSIP walls are simple curtain walls on a steel frame.
The following groups must be trained

Public officials to support new technologies and their adoption,

The inspectors for code compliance and quality assurance (this may be a subset of the general
The home buyers to build interest in CSIP construction,
The general contractors and home builders who will build with CSIPs, and

Public officials must be trained to support the adoption of CSIPs into local building codes, and inspectors
for code compliance must be trained to recognize their proper construction. There are many steps that
must happen for this education, including proper testing of materials and proper quality control and
quality assurance. FAS highly suggests that any product used abroad follow the established quality
control and quality assurance procedures set in place in America. This includes creating acceptance
criteria for panels, and third party verification that a plants quality control manual will meet these
standards. Additionally, the testing regime of this composite can be conducted locally per the local
codes, or if no codes exist, can follow the testing protocols in the US. In Turkey, for example, this may
occur by leveraging tests at the Istanbul Technical University or Middle East Technical University.


For more information on the developed systems for this verification currently in place in America, see
FASs paper titled Product Certification and Evaluation: A Comparison of Approaches to Building
Product Approval (Appendix A) and the attached information regarding panel testing (Appendix B).
In addition to educating those in charge of code regulation, it is crucial to train local contractors and
builders on how to properly build with CSIPs. We shouldnt ask locals to invent how to build with new
technologies or how to inspect for proper construction. It is evident that construction quality affects
energy efficiency and lifecycle costs. Low quality construction can cost homeowners up to ten percent
more every year on their energy bills. It is possible that SIP construction offers less risk of inefficiency
due to lower construction quality if properly inspected. In order to fulfill its mission and propagate
affordable housing, International Builders should evaluate the effects of construction quality and train
local work forces to properly install products and inspect after installation has occurred. This will entail
using industry accepted details and standards.
Following proper construction details are crucial to ensure building tightness and the full energy
efficient gains of SIP technology. For proper adoption of CSIP technology abroad, currently accepted
construction practices should be adopted. The Structural Insulated Panel Association (SIPA) has
published a book of accepted construction practices, titled Builder's Guide to Structural Insulated
Panels, which can act as a guide. In addition, FAS has included a guideline for common construction and
weatherization details as APPENDIX C.
In addition to these recommendations to improve energy performance, there are several steps to be
taken to make the project more cost-effective. Recommendations derived from cost analysis of the
houses are:

CSIP walls should be used in the exterior of the building only.

CSIP walls should be optimized for the floor plan so they need NO field modification.
Panelized interior walls (made from dimensional lumber or lightweight steel studs) should be
used in the interior.
Some combination of trusses and CSIPs should be used for the roofs (even potentially metal roof
CSIPs should be obtained from SIP manufacturers who have a known local track record in the
community to be served, additionally.
Users should follow the constructability guide included in this report with best lessons learned.
The manufacturer of the CSIP should hold a short training and educational seminar for all
workers involved in the project prior to starting any work.
The manufactured of the CSIP should work with all subcontractors before starting any
planning/work, cutting any panels at the factory, and in the field construction. A manufacturers
rep should be on site at all times during CSIP erection.

CSIP homes should only be built with quality engineered drawings. The Lale house required reengineering due to poor engineered drawings for the panels (in addition to severely broke panels),


sacrificing construction time and end quality. Avoiding these pitfalls is crucial to easily adopting new
technologies, and can be avoided by having proper engineered drawings.
In addition to proper education, proper technology transfer requires the leveraging of local resources.
CSIPs should not be imported from the US to International locations, but rather, CSIPs should be
manufactured locally with local supplies of EPS and Cement board to further increase the educational
and awareness capacity of the projects.
The SIP plants in the United States range from quite simple to more modern. To make an informed
decision on a Turkey plant, it will be important to become familiar with the full range of the existing U.S.
plants and obtain the recommendation of an experienced industrial engineer on a plant design that
would meet the requirements of the Turkey business plan. Additionally, the establishment of a CSIP
plant should be optimized following US plants as a model. If equipment is needed, US equipment should
be imported (including CNC equipment, presses, and glue spreaders). Please see APPENDIX D for the
Optimization of a CSIP Plant.
Effort should also be placed on acquiring locally produced materials (facings, core insulation, and
adhesives). The most critical component of the panels is the facing material. In this particular example,
Turkey has manufacturers of cement board facings which appear to be of good quality. Arrangements
should be made to include a SIP panel using the Turkey cement board facings in any certification tests.

Impacts and Conclusion from International Activities

The Lale House demonstration project has provided FAS with an opportunity to understand the
opportunities and difficulties with CSIP construction abroad. FAS continues to support the transfer of
advanced structural insulated panels systems to Turkey in cooperation with the IHLAS Holding A.S., a
leading Turkish construction company.
In early August 2008, FAS met with Erdogan Bayraktar, President, Housing Development Administration
(HDA), Republic of Turkey to discuss future CSIP project and collaboration. This was significant follow-on
work with SIPs and CSIPs in Turkey and the neighboring countries. FAS has supported a multi-year
program designed to develop energy-efficient, hazard-resistant, cost-effective technologies and building
designs. Compared with conventional masonry constructions, SIPs can provide superior insulation and
are light in weight, provide both structural wall and curtain wall features, and simplified assembly. The
work has underscored the importance of quality control in the manufacture of the panels, in
incorporating their unique features in building designs, and in on-site construction. FAS expressed
interest in sharing the results of this work with the HDA. It was discussed that there is a high priority
given to expanding the construction of energy-efficient, safe, and affordable housing. The meeting
provided a productive exchange in terms of moving forward to adopt CSIPs.
FAS identified tasks for Turkey to adopt CSIPs. It includes five tasks:
1) Completion of the Lale Villa (complete),
2) Review of the changes and advances in SIP options,

3) Assessment of the market for buildings using SIPs,

4) Architectural and engineering plans for the use of SIPs in new buildings, and
5) Preparation of a business plan to introduce SIPs into the Turkey regional market.
Task 1 will document these lessons and how they are being addressed. Task 2 will broaden the selection
of available SIPs. Task 3 will show the size of different SIP markets. Task 4 will combine this information
in the preparation of the engineering and architectural plans for a new building, or buildings, using SIP
The SIP panels used in the Lale Villa were manufactured in the US. They have cementitious (cement
board) facings which have performed well in a shake table test and resist moisture, mold and mildew.
The FAS recently has expanded its program to evaluate different types of SIP panels with different
performance characteristics and different potential applications in order to optimize the buildings
The differences in SIP panels include:

Facings. The most common facing is oriented strand board (OSB) -- +95% of the market.
Other facings include metal, magnesia board, and other planar building materials. The facings
differ in their weight, fire protection, structural strength, brittleness, and connections to other
SIPs and a buildings structural framework. In a seismic region, the panels brittleness and
strength at the connections may be the most important factors to consider.
Insulation. The panels are a sandwich with insulating materialof different thicknesses,
depending primarily on performance objectivesbetween the facings. The most frequent
insulating material due to cost and performance -- is expanded polystyrene (EPS), but other
material may have preferable fire, durability and other characteristics desirable in some
Structural Glue. The glue holds the facings to the insulation. A variety of different glues are
available with different performance features and time and pressure setting requirements
which could affect the manufacturing cost. The glue, however, plays a significant role in the
Seismic performance. The performance of the all existing CSIPs is documented primarily from
legacy teststests that were performed prior to the more recent earthquake-resistant
standards and not independently tested. Currently, an FAS- and U.S. Department of Energysupported project is evaluating a wide variety of advanced panels in a test program at the
University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA. Dr. Mosalam is leading that research project.
Lengths and widths. The application of SIPs often has been limited by the size of the available
facings, particularly the cementitious SIPs. The most common U.S. SIPs are 4 feet x 8 feet. In
Turkey, this may be 1 meter x 3 meters. A greater choice of dimensions would increase the
cost-effective application of SIP panels in different architectural designs and reduce the need
for interior supports.
Costs. The choice of facings, insulation, glue and available sizes, described above, will affect
the cost of the panels and their cost-effectiveness in different applications. However, the size
of the company greatly influences price the larger SIP manufacturers get volume pricing that
result in lower first costs, better quality products and better service.


The growing appreciation for the diversity of the performance and costs for different types of SIP panels
is moving away from the one-size-fits-all perspective. The future is likely to provide a menu of
different SIP panels that are combined in a wall assembly or structure to create the various different
interior environments desired in a building.
The review of the SIP options will consider those that are available currently or can be available in the
near future as well as those under research and development that have the potential for improved
performance and lower costs within the next two to five years. Because of shipping costs, the
introduction of the use of SIPs in Turkey probably will require the construction of a SIP manufacturing
plant in Turkey. SIP manufacturers in the region or China may be able to ship panels to Turkey and sell
them at a reasonable price. During this task, the potential for importing panels from China and other
possible sources should be determined and added to the mix of options being considered. The
performance and quality control of any panels, whether imported or manufactured in Turkey, should be
evaluated. When considering the construction of the plant, the availability in Turkey of different facings,
insulation, etc. and their job creation and economic benefits should be considered. The flexibility to
transition from the initial manufacture of panels using current- or near-term technology to the
manufacture of panels using advanced technologiesas they become availablealso should be
considered. No matter what option is followed, fabrication in Turkey is mandatory. There is no good
reason to import fully fabricated panels at risk of damage when labor costs in Turkey are low.
Market assessments require the professional talent of experts trained and experienced in this field
especially from local resources. The information will be combined to prepare plans for the potential
construction of new buildings using SIPs. SIP panels have attractive features as a building product, but
there are a number of things to be done differently there based upon what is known about local
Perhaps the most significant lesson from the Lale Villa is that the unique characteristics of the SIP panels
should be considered from the beginning of the engineering and architectural design process. While the
panels can be cut to fit a wide variety of designs, this adds significantly to their cost, construction
complexity, and construction time.
The suggested approach is that the engineering and architectural members of our team prepare a list of
the potential modifications to SIP-designed building, starting with the most basic changes and
proceeding to those that are optional and more expensive. This approach would provide the
information needed to make trade-offs between costs and features. The experience with Lale Villa
illustrates this most easily.
In the design of a different type of building, such as a high-rise, multi-family apartment building, while
there would be fewer design details, a table could explore the design variations and their benefits and
costs. The table would be useful in selecting a final design.
A critical element in the preparation of the final designs of buildings using SIPs is that they meetand
we are able to show that they meetthe Turkey earthquake-resistant building standards. This will


require coordination between the U.S. earthquake-engineering research and standards activity and the
similar activity in Turkey, such as the work at ITU and METU.
The product of Task 4 will be the design of one, or more, building types that incorporate the lessons
learned from the completion of the Lale Villa, that include an optimal mix of available SIP panels, and
that target a significant market for new buildings in Turkey.
The introduction of SIPs into the Turkish building market would require a significant investment.
Because of shipping costs and to ensure quality control, a SIP manufacturing plant would need to be
constructed in Turkey. In addition, an education and marketing campaign would need to be launched to
inform prospective buyers of the earthquake-resistance and energy-efficiency advantages of the
buildings. The business plan would bring this information together in a form useful to the decision
The prior tasks are useful primarily in providing information on the market side of the equation. They
pull together experience, science and technical information that can be used to document the
performance advantages of the buildings. Theyve designed buildings for the most promising markets.
The designs can be used to estimate many of the construction costs, which is necessary to assess their
market appeal.
FAS is confident in the ability of CSIPs to provide quality energy efficient construction abroad. FAS will
continue to research these opportunities and educate international players about proper construction
practices and approaches, as well as proper code development and testing.


Appendix A - Product Certification and Evaluation

Behind the built environment lies a complicated series of legal regulations, created to specify the
minimum acceptable level of safety for constructed assemblies and products as they relate to the
construction and occupancy of buildings and structures. This is where product evaluation and
certification lies, as every building component specified must be shown to meet the applicable building
codes and to perform as equivalent to the prescriptive method outlined. This paper will explain two
processes for manufacturers to demonstrate this compliance, as well as the costs and benefits of each.
By making these distinctions clear, a product manufacturer will be able to optimize the process of
product certification and significantly reduce the amount of time and money spent.

Code Compliance Where the Pieces Fit

While final decisions of code compliance on all levels are left up to local code officials, several avenues
have been created to aid this decision process. These options can be seen as two basic approaches:
product evaluation, and product certification. Two subsidiary companies of the International Code
Council (ICC) 8 the ICC-Evaluation Service (ICC-ES) and the International Accreditation Service (IAS)
each provide manufacturers with one of these methods to demonstrate to builders and code officials
that their product meets applicable standards. As subsidiaries of the ICC, they both carry the weight of
an industry recognized, impartial third party dedicated to ensuring building safety through building
codes. The two provide a similar outcome, but the process and approach of each makes them very
distinct and separate services.

Product Evaluations and The ICC-ES Evaluation Report

As its name suggests, the ICC-ES is an example of a product evaluation service. Essentially, the
organization verifies that specified testing has been done to show a building product, component,
method, or material performs at a level compliant with applicable codes. If this is found to be the case,
the ICC-ES issues a report to this affect, acting as a credible argument to agencies that enforce building
regulations to help determine code compliance. This is valuable to a product manufacturer, as it allows
for the easy implementation of their product within the scope of the I-Codes (codes used in the majority
of the country that are developed by the ICC).

The ICC is a non-profit organization dedicated to consolidating building codes. It has created a series of
comprehensive codes (the I-codes), most notably the International Building Code (IBC) and the International
Residential Code (IRC). Most U.S. cities, counties, and states have adopted and ratified the I-Codes, modifying
them to reflect local circumstances as needed. This allows code enforcement officials, architects, engineers,
designers and contractors to work with a consistent set of requirements throughout the United States.


The process of obtaining an evaluation report

begins long before a company submits an
application to the ICC-ES. Prior to this point, a
product manufacturer must select a testing
laboratory, contract and direct the appropriate
testing, and procure an engineer to evaluate the
results. For new and innovative products where
accepted testing criteria does not exist, the
applicant must work with the ICC-ES Technical staff
and the industry to establish one. 9 These test
results are then documented, compiled, and
submitted to the ICC-ES. If the product is new or
innovative, the burden of what to submit to the
ICC-ES also falls on the companys hands.
Upon receipt of this information, the ICC-ES
evaluates the data to check compliance with either
the building code or the ICC-ES acceptance criteria
provided. All data submitted by the manufacturer
and each decision made by the applicant in the
testing process is scrutinized. Anything that is
deemed inadequate or incomplete must be redone,
revised, and resubmitted for re-evaluation.
Depending on the product, the manufacturers
grasp on required testing procedures, and existing
precedents for a product, this process can be
especially long and circuitous. Once the applicant
has satisfactorily answered all questions posed by
ICC-ES Product Approval Process
the ICC-ES and has fulfilled other applicable
requirements, an evaluation report is issued lasting for one year (and reissued at one or two year
intervals). 10
This end product is a positive step for a manufacturer, but there are sacrifices of time and effort made in
this process. The length of the evaluation process depends heavily on such factors as the complexity of
the product under consideration; whether an acceptance criteria needs to be developed and approved;
and the applicant's promptness and thoroughness in submitting data. For new or innovative
technologies, a lengthy wait is all but ensured. Even with these variables in a manufacturers favor, there
is likely a long turnaround that is both costly and draining for the manufacturer. According to the ICC-ES,
the average time required to get a new ICC-ES report ranged from three months to 23 months during

ICC-ES Criteria Development: http://www.icc-es.org/Criteria_Development/

More information on the ICC-ES approval process can be found online at http://www.icc-es.org



the organizations first two years. The average evaluation time for products ultimately found to meet
code was 11 months. 11
In addition to these holdups, this evaluation report merely provides a snapshot in time. It only shows
that at the moment the testing was conducted, the product performed at a level that is acceptable by
code. While this is a good thing to show, it is far from ideal. It does not assess ongoing quality standards,
and does not verify that the product delivered will be comparable to the one tested. In addition, this
approach does not allow a manufacturer to easily adapt his certification with changes to a product, code
requirements, etc. All things considered, an important end goal is reached for a manufacturer by
obtaining an ICC-ES report, but the path taken to get there is far from optimal.

Product Certification, the IAS, and ISO Guide 65 Product Certification Agencies
The other route provided to manufacturers is product certification. One means of doing this is through a
program conducted by the International Accreditation Service (IAS). Through a program initiated in early
2007, IAS accredits testing agencies as Product Certification Agencies (PCAs) under International
Organization for Standardization/International
Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC) Guide 65, General
Requirements for Bodies Operating Product Certification
Systems. With this accreditation, these PCAs are able to offer
a much different avenue for manufacturers to demonstrate
their products meet applicable codes on an ongoing basis.
This difference stems from the basic relationship between
the evaluation agency and the manufacturer, especially in
regards to who must demonstrate a products compliance.
While the ICC-ES requires that the manufacturer prove to an
evaluation service that a product performs up to code, the
ISO sponsored route places that burden on the certification
agency. The PCA is directly responsible for all aspects of the
evaluation process, from identifying and running the
appropriate tests (i.e. following the I-code acceptance
criteria) to documenting the results and delivering final
product review and final product certification. The slow and
bothersome back-and-forth process of identifying and filling
in data gaps present in the ICC-ES approach is eliminated,
significantly expediting the process and reducing the
expense of obtaining a certification report(depending on lab
turnaround time and schedules).This allows manufacturers


IAS/ISO Guide 65 Certification



to concentrate on their core competency rather than on product certification.

In addition to a more efficient delivery of an accepted initial certification, future certification measures
are optimized by this process. By being so heavily involved in the entire process, the certification agency
becomes intimately aware of the products configuration, uses, and limitations. This allows the
certification agency to respond quickly and competently to changes in the product, to changes in
applicable codes, or to inquiries by the end user. Also, the PCA has the ability to pull a report, putting a
company in bad standing and effectively cutting off their ability to sell a code compliant product if they
deviate from the certification report, the in-plant quality control program, or take shortcuts that subvert
the life safety goals outlined by the I-codes. 12

Case Study: Florida

This important distinction between product evaluation and product certification is shown in the state of
Floridas Building Code. The state of Floridas Building Code is independent from the IBC or IRC, and does
not refer to the ICC-ES or the IAS, but still clarifies the different routes for product approval and treats
each differently. Within the Florida code, a building product must receive local code approval to be used
(statewide approval is an optional secondary measure). There are several acceptable methods for
demonstrating this: a test report, an evaluation report from an evaluation entity (ICC-ES, Miami-Dade,
etc.), an evaluation report from a Florida architect or engineer, or a certification mark or listing. If the
evaluation report includes engineering analysis of any kind--which most do--then it must be sealed by a
FL registered Engineer. Seen simply, these are essentially two methods: evaluation processes, and a
certification process, each roughly comparable to the ICC-ES and the IES/ISO Guide 65 routes.
The first three methods are product evaluation approaches, in many ways comparable to the ICC-ES
route. A product must be tested to specified conditions in a standardized way, and then the ICC-ES, a
Florida architect, engineer, or testing agency must sign off on the products compliance to code. To do
this, however, the testing agency or evaluating architect or engineer must certify independence from
the manufacturer. Also, products will only be accepted if manufactured under a properly audited quality
assurance program. Any changes to approved products or installations must also be approved by a
testing agency, architect or engineer. This is essentially this allows another independent party to take
assume the role of the ICC-ES, and this evaluation becomes a piece of the argument for a products local
The fourth option is that of a certification agency. Like the ISO Guide 65 program run by IAS, this
approach consolidates all the necessary components in one place. In this case, a certification agency
evaluates products based on test results and/or rational analysis; conducts quality assurance; certifies
compliance with standards; and lists and labels products. For all purposes, this is identical to the IAS
Product Certification Agency, as an agency must follow the same set of guidelines (ISO Guide 65) to be


More information about IAS/ISO Guide 65 Product Certification can be found at



approved in the state of Florida. This streamlines the process, as products bearing a listing or label from
an approved agency require no further documentation to establish compliance with the code. 13
While this may seem small, this approach to product certification in the Florida building codes
demonstrates the important distinctions between both product approval options. It also shows the extra
steps required to verify an evaluation process, further evidence of the different level of ease and
simplicity inherent in each model. 14

Impact Potential
Seen simply, the two product approval processes are similar. In each case, a manufacturer receives an
industry recognized and respected verification that his product performs up to code, allowing for easy
local approval and use under the I-Codes. However, the balance of responsibility and the short and long
term value of each process is significantly different. ICC-ES product evaluation requires more effort on
the part of the manufacturer, takes longer to complete, but is currently more readily recognized
throughout the industry. The IASs PCA certification takes less effort on the part of the manufacturer to
figure things out, is typically completed faster, and the ongoing relationship between the testing
facility and the manufacturer expedites future developments. However, IAS/ISO Guide 65 certification is
a relatively new option, making it less recognizable throughout the industry (although no less
legitimate). Regardless of a manufacturers decision and circumstances, having multiple options allows
for the optimization of the evaluation and certification process, and a means for potentially drastic
savings in both time and money.


More information about Florida code approval can be found at:


Appendix B - Panel Testing

The next step is for the designer to determine if the system is compliant with the industry consensus
standards listing the test requirements, the safety factors, and other quality assurance/quality control
needs (STEP 3b). This data can be obtained in the acceptance criteria for the code (AC04, AC05, AC10,
etc) 15. Ultimately, these documents will also be supplemented by the ANSI standards that SIPA is
helping develop. If in the engineers review of these acceptance criteria to the test results are not
sufficiently adequate then the engineer should best choose another system as theres no assurance that
the results are consistent with best practices.
Note: The ICC defines three principle tests for sandwich panels: transverse load test, axial load test, and
shear wall tests (discussed in section 2.1.1). Factor of safety (F.S.) as calculated by ICC are:

F.S. = 2.0, ultimate load determined by bending failure for allowable live loads up to
20psf (958 Pa) and wind loads.
F.S. = 2.5, ultimate load determined by bending failure for allowable snow loads.
F.S. = 2.5, ultimate reaction at failure for all loading conditions.
F.S. = 3.0, ultimate load at shear failure for all loading conditions.

Use the process diagram below to determine whether the listed values are ultimate loads or allowable
loads. This step is critical as many testing labs unfamiliar with SIP testing and SIP standards list incorrect
allowable loads.


ICC Acceptance Criteria


The designer should review the in plant QA/QC protocols to insure the panels tested are those that in
fact still manufactured, consistently manufactured and inspected, and consistently tested to show
conformance to the results being used to design the structure. The designer should insure all the parts
and pieces are certified as independent components (like the facing materials, the EPS, and most
importantly the glue which is governed by AC05).
The designer should review the test results and resulting design values listed to AC04 to determine the
appropriate safety factors are applied. Ultimately these design values will be the basis for the design.

Transverse Loads
A transverse load is a load applied perpendicularly to the plane of the longitudinal axis of a structure.
How a panel deals with transverse loads is crucial for its performance in walls (dealing with wind loads),
roofs (snow loads), or floors (the live and dead loads associated with occupancy).
Due to the relationship between transverse loads and shear stress, sandwich panels have advantageous
characteristics for carrying these loads. In a similar fashion to the case of bending moments, the
internal shear stress () in a simply supported beam is inversely related to the moment of inertia:

IA t

In contrast to the case of normal stress due to bending moments (where faces experience the greatest
stress), the core of the panel experiences the greatest shear stress due to transverse loads (Figure 1).
To measure the performance of CSIPs in dealing with transverse loads, structural tests have been
specified by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and specified by the International
Code Council (ICC) in the standard building codes ratified by most municipalities.
The Transverse Load Test measures deflection when a load is applied perpendicular to the panel surface.
For panels with brittle materials as facings, ICC requires that with a 5-pound-per-square-foot (239Pa)
horizontal loading imposed, the interior wall panel deflections shall not exceed L/240 for use under the
following code standards: Boca National Building Code (BNBC), State Building Code (SBC), Uniform
Building Code (UBC), where L is the length of the panel.
The ICC requires loads to be imposed in increments to failure, with deflections measured at each load.
Deflection is monitored at mid-span within 3 inches (76mm) of each edge and at the center of the
panels width. ICC criteria for transverse load tests call for panels tested over a double span are to
have the same three deflection readings taken at the expected maximum deflection point based on
Transverse load testing is conducted in accordance with Sections 4.2 and 4.3 of ASTM E72 standards,
where a panel is placed horizontally on two steel beams that function as framing members. Two equal
loads are applied by two hydraulic cylinders each placed at a distance of one quarter of the span from
the supports, toward the middle of the span. ICC requires a preload of approximately 10% of the
anticipated ultimate load to be applied to set the panel in the test apparatus and the deflection to be
recorded (see Figure 1 below). The panel is then loaded in increments to failure with deflection readings
taken with each load at mid-span, within 3 inches of each edge, and at the center of the panel width.
Deflection for the span is calculated by averaging the deflections obtained from each of the two
The following are sample test results from CSIP manufacturers demonstrating typical design test results
and design values. It is important to note, however, that any values listed in this report should not be
used in the engineering or design of a SIP building. Products differ with varied manufacturing techniques
and quality control procedures, and only values from a certified report from a trusted third party
organization (the ICC-ES, IAS Guide 65 Product Certification Program, etc.) should be used in the
engineering of a SIP construction project.


The approximate design values for the transverse loading of CSIPs (with a safety factor of 3) is around
60 pounds per square foot (psf). However, actual design values should only be taken from
manufacturer product evaluation or certification reports.

Axial Loads
An axial load is a load applied along or parallel to and concentric with the primary axis of a structural
member. This is typically in relation to a bearing wall or a column, and usually refers to vertical loads
such as the weight of the building itself.
These loads result in normal stresses similar to those of bending moments. However, their distribution
across the panels cross-section does not have the same linear relationship. Using a combination of
displacement and force equilibriums, the resultant normal stresses found in the face and core (constant
throughout each) can be calculated as follows:


Ec P
Ac E c + A f E f
Ef P
A f E f + Ac E c

By calculating values using these formulae, it is clear that the faces experience higher levels of normal
stress than the core; this explains why the faces generally fail due to axial loads.


Per the IBC, if CSIPs will be used in any structural use, including concentrated loads, eccentric and side
loads, Axial loading must be accounted for. Test procedures developed by ASTM and specified in local
codes must be followed. Axial load tests are designed to determine panels capacity to carry vertical
loads from roofs, floors and walls and to lateral loads from wind forces. The ICC Acceptance Criteria for
Sandwich Panels requires that: load-bearing wall panels shall support an axial loading applied with an
eccentricity of 1/6 the panel thickness to the interior or towards the weaker facing material of an
interior panel. ICC determines the allowable axial load by dividing the ultimate load (a load that when
applied will result in failure) by a factor of safety (see below for more information on factors of safety).
Allowed loads can also be established by finding the load at which the axial deformation is at or below
0.125 inches (if this load is lower than the load obtained by dividing the ultimate load by a factor of
The test performed is a derivative of the test apparatus that is recommended by ASTM E72. A load is
applied uniformly to the top of the panel, where two compressometers are placed 2 inches from each
corner to read the axial compressive load. Deflectometers are positioned at mid-span to measure by
how much the specimen deflects.
According to ICC, the allowable axial load is determined by dividing the ultimate load by a factor of
safety. Factors of Safety are explained above under the ICC Acceptance Criteria for Sandwich Panels
(usually 3.0, since it is used for all loading conditions).
The following are test results from CSIP manufacturers demonstrating typical design test results and
design values. It is important to note, however, that any values listed in this report should not be used in
the engineering or design of a SIP building. Products differ with varied manufacturing techniques and
quality control procedures, and only values from a certified report from a trusted third party
organization (the ICC-ES, IAS Guide 65 Product Certification Program, etc.) should be used in the
engineering of a SIP construction project.


The approximate design value for the axial loading of CSIPs (with a safety factor of 3) is around 1400
pounds per linear foot (plf). However, actual design values should only be taken from manufacturer
product evaluation or certification reports.

Racking and Shear Loads

A racking load is a load applied in the plane of an assembly in such manner as to lengthen one diagonal
and shorten the other. A shear load is any applied external, translational load which creates shear
stresses in a reacting structure. Per the IBC, if CSIPs will be used in any structural use, including shear
walls, racking and shear loading must be accounted for. Racking and shear loads must also be accounted
for in seismic zones. The requirements depend upon the local building code, as well as any regional
Racking shear tests are required for shear walls that resist wind and seismic loads. According to the ICC
Acceptance Criteria, the allowable shear load is determined from the racking load at which a net
horizontal deflection of inch (12.7mm) occurs, or by dividing the ultimate load by a factor of safety as
listed under the ICC Acceptance Criteria for Axial Wall Tests.
ASTM E 72 standards are designed to measure the resistance of panels, having a standard wood frame,
and sheathed with sheet materials such as structural insulating board, plywood, gypsum board, and so
forth, to a racking load such as would be by winds. Performance of the sheathing is, therefore, defined
as the test objective. Test set-up according to ASTM standards calls for the specimen to be attached to a
timber or a steel plate. This plate is then attached firmly to the base of a loading frame in such a way
that will not let racking to bear on the loading frame. A hold-down is also required to prevent the panel

to rise as racking load is applied, and since the amount of tension in the rods of the hold-down may
have an effect on the results of the test, nuts on the hold-down rods shall be tightened prior to load
application so that the total force in each rod does not exceed 90 N at the beginning of the test as
determined by previous calibration. Loading is then applied through the timber that is bolted to the
upper plates of the specimen. Lateral guides and deflection measuring devices are required.
Deflectometers should be located in the lower left (to measure any rotation of the panel), lower right
(to measure any slippage), and upper right corners (the total of the two plus the deformation of the
panel) of the assembly. Load is then applied continuously.
The panels are tested using a variant of the ASTM standard with some exceptions: The timber load
distribution member recommended by ASTM was eliminated and was replaced with a steel sleeve to fit
over a short block glued to the top plate; and the apparatus for measuring deformation was simplified.
The method that was used eliminated the need for uplift, crushing and sliding gauges through the use
of a light aluminum triangular frame resting on thin steel plates attached to the bottom plate.
The following are test results from CSIP manufacturers demonstrating typical design test results and
design values. It is important to note, however, that any values listed in this report should not be used in
the engineering or design of a SIP building. Products differ with varied manufacturing techniques and
quality control procedures, and only values from a certified report from a trusted third party
organization (the ICC-ES, IAS Guide 65 Product Certification Program, etc.) should be used in the
engineering of a SIP construction project.

The approximate design values for the shear loading of CSIPs (with a safety factor of 3) is around 200
pounds per linear foot (plf). However, actual design values should only be taken from manufacturer
product evaluation or certification reports.

Appendix C - Construction and Weatherization Details

Installation of Typical Wall Panels
1. Installation of bottom plate: Connection to foundation system or horizontal plate: Bottom plate is
installed with a capillary break between plate and foundation. The bottom plate must be fastened and
properly sealed to prevent air infiltration. Where required by code, metal Z-flashing can be installed on
the outer face of the top plate-SIP panel for proper water management.

2. Installation of panel one: CSIP panel slips over bottom plate. Blocking installed in window
penetrations at window opening. Note: window blocking installed at factory.


3. Installation of spline: Splines are comprised of 19/32 OSB or better splines, cut 5.5 wide to prevent
telegraphing or saw toothing of panels. This detail recognizes the industry need to give generous
spline widths and meet code minimums for fastening depth through the spline. More spline types are
detailed later in this report.

4. Installation of panel two: Refer to step 2.

5. Installation of panel splines: Refer to step 3.


6 & 7. Installation of band plate and top plate: installed with 2x6 #3 or better. Plates must be tied
together horizontally with and to the panel, and must be tied together vertically.


This concludes installing a basic panel. Subsequent panels tie directly into the installed panel to
continue the wall plane.

Construction of Weather Barrier and Window/Other Penetrations

The construction of the weather barrier follows. These details are shown both as an individual panel
and two combined panels.
8. CMU block fill primer: After all panels are set, the panels are primed to provide a continuous
unbroken base finish using CMU block filler in all exposed surfaces and joints and potential surface
defects and irregularities. The simple goal in this step is to specify a paint to fill imperfections, reduce
water infiltration in pores, and seal all cracks and constructability issues. These paints should be
specified with some latex qualities i.e. elasticity to stretch and give.


9a. Installation of pan flashing: Using self-adhering flexible flashing for pan flashing such as Dupont
FlexWrap or StraightFlash to protect horizontal penetrations. This flashing must be cut ends to extend
past window openings and fasten inner legs into jamb (minimum 1) by slitting the flashing so one leg
turns up the jamb and the other leg continues straight on the wall. Pan flashing must fit tight into the
opening. When using multiple pieces, pan flashing must overlap 3 min. Note: if mechanical fastening is
required, fasten only at the exterior face.
9b. Installation of jamb flashing: Using self-adhering flexible flashing protect vertical penetrations by
cutting the flashing ends to extend past window open and fasten inner legs into jamb/head (minimum
1) by slitting the flashing so one leg turns up the jamb and the other leg continues straight on the wall).
The flashing must fit tight into the opening; therefore, when using multiple pieces, pan flashing must
overlap 3 min. Note: if mechanical fastening is required, fasten only at the exterior face.
9c. Installation of head flashing: Using self-adhering flexible flashing protect horizontal penetrations by
cutting flashing only fit into window to cover unprotected areas (i.e. use piece to overlap only in section
unprotected by head). The flashing must fit tight into the opening. When using multiple pieces, pan
flashing must overlap 3 min. Note: if mechanical fastening is required, fasten only at the exterior face.


10a. Installation of window set: Only use windows with outer flange (i.e. nailing flange). Be sure to back
caulk window by applying sealant at window jambs and head. Use sealant at sill where required. Then
set window by installing the window level and plumb per manufacturers specifications.
10b. Installation of jamb flashing: Using self-adhering flexible flashing protect vertical penetrations. Use
continuous, unbroken piece (no mechanical fastening) and extend flashing above window a minimum of
1 and below the window a minimum of 3.
10c. Installation of head flashing: Protect horizontal penetrations using self-adhering flexible flashing.
Use continuous, unbroken piece (no mechanical fastening) and extend flashing 2 past jamb flashing.


10d. Installation of localized drainage space: Using polypropylene mesh deflection and ventilation
system (or equivalent product to capture a void), provide a space for drainage to occur between the
flashing and the trim pieces. An ideal product would be an equivalent tape, which could be stapled over
the drainage planes to promote positive drain action within this space. This creates a cavity space to
help manage water flow and drying to the outer wall.
10e. Installation of metal flashing: Install metal cap flashing above topmost trim by caulking joint
between the metal flashing and the fiber cement SIP. This is an important step because the drainage
spaces and planes will allow any trapped water to move out of the assembly. However, the caulk will
reduce the amount of water entering the space and should be considered best practices.


11. Installation of trim (a, b, c): Allow for positive drainage at all abutments and surface caulk all joints
and other distortions. Follow manufacturers specifications.

Thermal Barriers: Understanding Thermal Control Measures

The energy saving potential of building with CSIPs is the most apparent sustainable advantage of
utilizing CSIPs as walls units. A CSIP building envelope provides high levels of insulation and is extremely
airtight. This means significantly lower operating costs for an owner, as well as a smaller contribution to
the energy use and carbon emissions from your building.

Energy Flow through building panels and wall assemblies are primarily driven through two mechanism:
1) Temperature driven heat transfer: Temperature driven heat transfer is the differential between
the inside and outside temperature heat is either lost or gained through the section, frame,
and panels. This is indicated in terms of the U-factor or R-factor of the assembly (U=1/R). Heat
transfer is drive by three mechanisms
a. Conduction is the heat traveling through a solid material,
b. Convection is the transfer of heat by the movement of gases or liquids through a
system, and
c. Radiative heat transfer is the movement of heat energy through space without relying
on conduction through the air or by movement of air, and
2) Infiltration: Infiltration of heat loss or gained through the air infiltration through cracks in the
assembly. This negative effect is measure in terms of amount of air that passes through a unit area
of the panel product under different pressure conditions. Infiltration is thus driven by wind-driven
and temperature-driven pressure changes and fluctuations. Infiltration may also contribute to
interior humidity.
The following panel areas must be optimized to use CSIPs as an effective envelope system (illustrated

Baseline Panel by optimizing the CSIP panel thickness,

Substructure Joints by examining the CSIP to curtain wall unit boundaries and curtain wall units
interaction and connections,
Spline Joints by optimizing CSIP to CSIP connection, and
Penetration Joints by optimizing the CSIP to penetrating unit connections (such as windows).


For a discussion of panel optimization and how heat transfers through CSIP panels refer to section
2.3.1.Note that each manufacturer and project will have specific details that need selection, analysis,
modeling, and optimization and it is recommended designers discuss this with the panel manufacturers.

Air Barriers: Understanding Infiltration Control Measures

Air Barriers retards air passage, may be vapor permeable (to allow condensation movement) but is
liquid moisture resistant. Air barriers offered are typically mechanically fastened sheets (i.e.
"housewraps") and spray or roller applied coatings (i.e. fills like block fill for CMU construction). An air
barrier may also function as a water-resistive weather barrier.
Factors that affect building tightness are the interior seals, caulks and other treatment of interior
finishes, trim, and interactions between the two which close gaps, cracks, and imperfections in the
construction forming the air barrier. Typically air infiltration is a surface control measure which paint
and caulk may control.
There is no easy way to calculate and design for building tightness prior to final finish because it
ultimately relies on the specifications and quality of installation. The tightness is ultimately determined
by the seals between the panels to panels, panels to building, and all the penetrations which can be
evaluated after the building is constructed through similar testing methods as the blower door test.
Building tightness hinges on the weather barrier test for the panel systems and basing the assumptions
on physical tests, mock ups, and prototypes which use typical construction means and quality of that to
be used in the final design. Additionally building tightness is determined by the seals and expansion
and contraction of unit to unit interaction.
Penetrations through the envelope are key areas in which air infiltration is controlled. The proper use
of flashing and counter-flashing can minimize air infiltration as well as the properly installing window
units and preparing openings and penetration for controlled passage. The installation of windows into
the panels are outside the scope of this document, as it is clearly manufacturer specific, but each
penetration should be prepped with an elastomeric pan flashing, jamb flashing, and header flashing
followed by the installation of the window with proper sealants and mechanical fastening to the
blocking in the CSIP panel. These details may require windows with exterior flanges, but they promote
proper drainage and evacuation of water to the exterior. Counter-flashing should be installed and as
required, materials to create and maintain a drainage cavity should be installed between the counterflashing and exterior window trim. These layers of redundancy and control allow localized drainage
spaces and cavities to be built up around penetrations while relying on the flashing materials to channel
excess water to the exterior. Any moisture saturated in the wall assembly can dry out given that the
exterior and interior facing materials should be more permeable than the interior core material. Typical
window and wall details for penetrations are illustrated in section 1.5.2 and section 3.6, but have so far
been limited to residential construction.


Tests for Air Barriers are required based on Air leakage, ASTM E283 - 04 Standard Test Method for
Determining Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors Under Specified
Pressure Differences Across the Specimen


Appendix D Panel Fabrication

SIPs and CSIPs are prefabricated under factory controlled settings prior to use on a building site. The
only code requirements of SIP fabrication is that the process must be conform to quality documentation
in accordance with ICC Acceptance Criteria 10. Despite these variations from manufacturer to
manufacturer, the process is relatively similar from one plant to another.
Prior to SIP fabrication, shop drawings are created for the panels, detailing exactly how each panel will
fit into the overall building design. A count of the required panels, their dimensions, and special cuts
(such as windows and doors) is created, and each panel is made specifically for its purpose within the
Typically, fabricating EPS and XPS core SIPs begins by placing one facing out on the assembly area. The
desired thickness of core material is run through a glue-spreading machine, where the appropriate
amount of glue is spread on both sides of the core. The core section is then placed on top of the bottom
facing, and a top facing is positioned. This assembly is moved into a press, which applies even pressure
to the top and bottom facings. Specific adhesives require different pressure, curing time, temperature,
and humidity, which are all controlled.
After removing from the press, panels are set aside to cure for 24 hours. Once cured, they are moved to
the fabrication section of the plant, where windows, doors, electrical chases, and other openings
specific to the project are prepared.
The approach to urethane or isocyanurate panels is rather different. Panel facings are separated at the
required distance by spacers and the mixed components of the foam core are injected between the
facings. As the foam expands and fills the void, the foam bonds the two facings together without the
need for adhesive.
Once fabricated, SIP panels are shipped to a job site, where they are erected per the building design.
The following diagrams show a typical CSIP plant layout:






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