Trial - Lecture (Autonomous Underwater Robotics)
Trial - Lecture (Autonomous Underwater Robotics)
Trial - Lecture (Autonomous Underwater Robotics)
Goals and Motivations
Groups/Projects With Recent Publications
Low-Level Control
Sensor Systems
Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM)
Other Topics
Underwater robotics typically refers to Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs).
At this time, two types of UUVs are in common usage:
Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) are tele-operated vehicles, that can be used
to perform inspection and intervention missions under water, by being a mobile
platform for sensors and manipulators.
An ROV is an Underwater Vehicle-Manipulator System (UVMS).
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) are autonomous vehicles, which are
used as mobile sensor platforms that can undertake survey and inspection
missions under water, without human interaction.
Autonomous underwater robotics, is here defined as an autonomous UVMS.
Essentially: combining the capabilities of ROVs and AUVs.
Dirty Dangerous Distant Dull
Examples of areas:
Examples of tasks:
Robofish (University of
An ROV performing a valve operation on a subsea structure.
An overall goal for unmanned vehicles is increased autonomy.
Essentially getting rid of the infrastructure needed for tele-operation, expanding
the capabilities of underwater robotics.
Yuh and West [2001], Antonelli et al. [2008], Antonelli [2006], Yuh et al. [1998], Prats et al. [2011a],
Sheridan and Verplank [1978]
Autonomy Definitions
Types of autonomy:
Levels of automation/autonomy:
Parasuraman et al. [2000], Sheridan and Verplank [1978], Hagen et al. [2009]
Autonomy Goals
The overall goal for autonomous UVMSs is to be able to issue very high-level
commands, e.g.,
move from location A to location B, inspect the pipeline, unplug the
connector, retrieve the treasure chest from the sunken pirate ship
without having to specify all the sub-task needed to solve the mission (like to
ROV operator does now, or the the driver or a car).
Best current examples might be the EUREKA Prometheus Project, DARPA
Grand Challenge, and the Google Driverless Car.
Intermediate goals will be to find ways to assist ROV operators
(semi-autonomy); letting the ROV operators focus on higher level tasks, rather
than controlling everything.
Station keeping/dynamic positioning, automatically solving kinematic redundancy
and trajectory generation problems, compensating for time-delay (augmented
reality, predictor diplays), ...
Luettel et al. [2012], Yuh and West [2001], Hagen et al. [2009], Marani et al. [2009], Wang et al. [1995],
Prats et al. [2012a], Candeloro et al. [2012], Sheridan and Verplank [1978]
Marani et al. [2009], Prats et al. [2012a], Evans et al. [2003], Prats et al. [2011a]
Movies - ALIVE
Movies - TRIDENT
Surveying simultaneous
localization and mapping (SLAM).
Localization using maps, INS, DVL.
Navigating to the proximity of the
Finding the target and approaching.
Visual servo control for station
Visual servo control for interacting
with and retrieving a Black Box
Virtual/augmented reality for
mission control.
Vehicle dynamics:
Mv + Cv () + Dv () + gv (RB
) = v
= 1 T , 2 T = [u, v, w, p, q, r]T
Je (RB
= Je
= 1 T , 2 T = [x, y, z, , , ]T
Vehicle-manipulator dynamics:
M (
q )+C(
q , )+D(
q , )+g(
q , RB
= 1 T , 2 T , q
added mass
skin friction
q , RB
, , )
R n
UVMS: n = (n + 1)n,v .
Modeling Thrusters
Yoerger et al. [1990], Healey et al. [1995], Antonelli et al. [2008], Antonelli [2006]
Modeling Challenges
kinematic redundancy
Antonelli et al. [2008], Antonelli [2006], Srensen and Refsnes [2009], Yuh and West [2001]
Low-Level Control
Currently (SAUVIM + TRIDENT/RAUVI) proportional-integral-derivative (PID)
control or feed-forward control is used for vehicle and manipulator control.
PID control can take the form (for the vehicle, using quaternions, but usually
done using Euler angles):
Z t
v = gv (RB
) +KD p + KP p + KI
p(t0 )dt0
| {z }
p = 1 T QT R7 , p =
1,d 1
d Q)
v = v + m (RB
, q, , )
The assumption is then that the manipulator has a fixed base, and regular
manipulator control schemes are used (kinematic and dynamic control).
Prats et al. [2012b], Marani et al. [2009], Antonelli [2006], From et al. [2010]
Low-Level Control
persistency of excitation
Antonelli [2006], Srensen and Refsnes [2009], Yuh and West [2001], Antonelli et al. [2008], Jordan and
Bustamante [2009], Antonelli et al. [2004a]
Sensor Systems
Autonomous operation requires perception of the vehicles local environment.
Pigeon: keen eyesight + learning capabilities
(vs. Manual Control to Line of Sight)
Basis for computer vision, and is used for visual servo control to provide
measurements to solve a task (relative position, shapes, colors, orientation, ...)
Examples of tasks: station keeping, pipeline tracking, recovering objects, valve
operations, clearing debris, welding, ...
Prats et al. [2012b], Antonelli et al. [2008], Marani and Choi [2010], Prats et al. [2011a], Horgan and
Toal [2009], Hutchinson et al. [1996]
obstacle avoidance
Extracts features (landmarks) from image data and correlates them with
position measurements (sensor fusion).
Luettel et al. [2012], Ferreira et al. [2012], Ribas et al. [2008], Ferreira et al. [2011],
Durrant-Whyte and Bailey [2006]
Sensor Fusion
s Truly Autonomous
(in B)
in L
Velocity (in L)
Specific Navigation
Error state
(of errors in
equations and
colored sensor
k diagram
of et
[2009] integrated inertial navigation system.
Other Topics
Mission Control
Optimization methods
Waypoints and Line of Sight
Artificial intelligence
Real-time operating systems
Semi-autonomous operation
Control PID
Sensor fusion simple models and Kalman filters
Computer vision well defined geometrical shapes
Autonomy Petri nets (finite state machines)
Kinematic redundancy limiting the workspace
Mathematical modeling
Fault detection
Yuh and West [2001], Antonelli et al. [2008], Antonelli [2006], Yuh et al. [1998], Prats et al. [2011a]
References I
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G. Casalino, A. Caiti, A. Turetta, and E. Simetti. RT2: real-time ray-tracing for underwater range evaluation.
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References II
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