Paper 3

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Social Science (Std. X)

Name : _______________________________________
Roll No. : _________ Batch : ____________

❐ All the 15 given below questions carry equal marks. Each question is of one
mark. Choose and write the correct option from the given options. 15
1. Who were considered to be most ancient people of India ?
(a) Aryans (b) Dravadian (c) Australoid (d) Negritoit
2. Who has written ‘Sangeet Makrand’ ?
(a) Kalidas (b) Narad (c) PT Vishnu Narayan (d) Bhas
3. Which caves have dramatic events from Hindu mythology ?
(a) Ajanta (b) Elephanta (c) Ellora (d) Udaigiri
4. Who composed Ashtadhyay ?
(a) Kautilya (b) Panini (c) Ashwagosh (d) Thiruvalluvar
5. Whose book is ‘Brihatsamhita’ ?
(a) Varahmihir (b) Aryabhatta (c) Chandragupta (b) Brahmagupta
6. Which place is known as the ‘City of Seven Caves’ ?
(a) Mahabalipuram (b) Chajucaho (c) Hampi (d) Champaner
7. Which type of soil is ‘Khadar’ ?
(a) Alluvial (b) Laterite (c) Mountainous (d) Red
8. With whose help ‘Crocodile Project’ was started in 1975 ?
(a) FAO (b) UNESCO (c) UNICEF (d) WHO
9. What is conducive to the growth of wheat ?
(a) Frost (b) Fog (c) Wind (d) Dew
10. France obtained electricity through tidal energy in _____ .
(a) 1875 (b) 1910 (c) 1925 (d) 1945
11. There are about ______ sugar mills in India.
(a) 280 (b) 460 (c) 840 (d) 960
12. ______ is an immobile factor of production.
(a) Land (b) Capital (c) Labour (d) Entrepreneur
13. When was WTO established ?
(a) 1998 (b) 1997 (c) 1996 (d) 1995
14. Average life in India was _____ years in 2003.
(a) 63 (b) 75 (c) 99 (d) 50
15. When was Anti-corruption Bureau established ?
(a) 1965 (b) 1966 (c) 1964 (d) 1963

❐ All the questions from 16 to 30 carry equal marks. Each question carries 1
mark. Answer each question in one sentence. 15
16. What is heritage ?
17. What was the speciality of Dhaka Muslim ?
18. What is a stupa ?
19. What are sangams ?
20. Who is known as first architect of Gods ?
21. What is Fatehpur Sikri also known as ?
22. How much percentage of land in India is covered by forest ?
23. Which temple is known as ‘Black Pagoda’? Why ?
24. Which canal was constructed in the year 1882 ?
25. Between which cities National Highway No.2 passes ?
26. What are developing countries ?
27. What is globalization ?
28. What is Human Development Index ?
29. State the main objective of forming ‘National Minority Commission’.
30. What is meant by Corruption ?
❐ All the questions from 31 to 42 carry equal marks. Each question carries 2
marks. There is internal option. 24
31 Which ancient tribes have been included in India ?
32. Write briefly about the public bath of Mohen-jo-daro.
33. Give information about the Buddhist literature.
Explain : Gupta age ushered in golden age of Sanskrit literature.
34. How many vedas are there ? Name them.
35. Which institutions have been established in Gujarat for the development of
agriculture ?
Wheat is known as the ‘King of Grains’? Why?
36. Which are the less expensive techniques for recharging around water ?
37. What is resource planning ? Name its stages.
38. There is a deep connection between man and mineral resources. Explain.
39. Explain any two features of a developing economy.
40. State the main objectives of ‘WTO’.
What is woman empowerment ? What obstacles are faced in it ?
41 What is meant by Insurgency ? Which states of India are affected by it ?
42. State the constitutional measure for child development and safety
❐ All the questions from 43 to 49 carry equal marks. Each question carries three
marks. There is internal option. 21
43. Name the various types of Indian dance form. Give information about ‘Kathakali’.
44. Write on progress in Chemistry achieved by ancient India.
Which information does Vastu Shastra contain in it.
45. Give information about Ellora.
46. Mention the steps to nurture wild life.
Mention the steps for preservation of forests.
47. Describe the impact of globalization on Indian agriculture.
48. Differentiate between Anthracite and Bituminous coal.
49. State the adverse effects of casteism ?
State the social effects of terrorism ?
❐ All the questions from 50 to 54 carry equal marks. Each question carries equal
marks. Each question carries five marks. There is internal option. 25
50. Describe the ways to protect and preserve the heritage.
51. Write a short note on Industrial Pollution’.
Write a short note on ‘Classification of Industries’.
52. Fill in the following details in the given outline map of India.
(a) One region producing Cotton (with name).
(b) One state producing Sugarcane (with name).
(c) Nagarjuna Sagar Project.
(d) One centre of Chemical industry (with name).
(e) Rail route from Delhi to Kolkata with a junction.
53. What is poverty ? State its causes and solutions in detail.
Explain the meaning of unemployment and discuss its types.
54. Discuss in detail the rights and duties of the consumer.
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