Deliverance Manual

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Through The Eyes of a Prophet

Kingdom Builders For Christ


Melania Adams

Melania Adams- was born in 1974 to Willie Mae Wilson and Donald Ray Adams. She
grew up on the south side of Chicago, Illinois, in a neighborhood called
Englewood. Even at a ripe young age, Melania had a spiritual connection with the
Lord. At the age of five she began to have, prophetic visions about her life and
the things around her. The Lord truly had something special in store for this
young lady. As she got older her gifts began to grow, but without spiritual
guidance, she had a lack of understanding as to what was going on with her. As the
years went by, her confusion grew; leaving her vulnerable to the attack of the
enemy. Melania no longer wanted to see these visions and began to suppress them.
As a result, Melania went through a series of trials such as molestation, and
child abuse. As she began to approach her adolescent years, more trials seemed to
come her way than ever before. With having an unsaved mother and an absent father,
Melania had enough of the abuse and decided there was no other choice but for her
to run away. At the young age of thirteen, the streets were no place for a child
as herself, and the harshness of her situation began to slowly tear away at her
psyche. With nowhere to turn, she found refuge with a local street gang. They
became what she thought was her family. Melania quickly realized that there were
repercussions to joining a gang, and found herself being abused more than ever.

The years went by and her need for love and support grew stronger, so she began to
look toward older men for support and affection. This led her deeper into mental
emotional confusion and she found herself being introduced to a lifestyle of
prostitution and an addiction to crack cocaine. By the age of sixteen, she found
herself pregnant with her first child; a baby boy. Given her current lifestyle,
she decided that it would be best if he were raised by someone else and turned him
over to the custody of her grandmother. Melania continued to live on the street
where she carried on a life of gang banging, drug trafficking, and drug abuse. By
the age of 22 years old, Melania had already given birth to her fourth child, two
of which were in the custody of her grandmother. Melania began to sink into a deep
depression, giving up on her life completely. She was ready for a change. She soon
would accept Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. As her relationship with the
Lord grew stronger, her visions returned and he began to use her as a prophetess
in his kingdom. God gave her a new career, a career she could be proud of. She
began to show a lot of promise in the ministry of Evangelism and Prophetic word.
She began to undergo spiritual training under some of the most prestigious
spiritual leaders in Chicago. Once her training was complete, she began to travel
all over the area ministering to God’s people in different churches. Melania now
knew that God had a tremendous calling on her life. She set out to explore her
gifts and how she could be used to further God’s kingdom. She then began to
reflect back on the torments and strongholds that Satan put in her own life and
developed a strong passion for setting people free from spiritual captivity. She
started asking the Lord on how to set people free and began to take classes
concerning deliverance ministry. Soon Melania obtained a special gift from the
Lord to cast out demons and spiritual wickedness. It was not long before God had
given Melania everything she needed to fight the enemy. He made her sword long,
and her armor strong. She was ready for war. She began to deliver people by the
multitudes in the name of the Lord. Satan grew angry with her and placed attacks
on her life like never before, but it was too late. The Lord had already given her
everything she needed to defeat him and she could not be moved. Over time, the
Lord increased her gifts and made her countenance bright. Through many prophetic
words, Melania was told that it was time for her to bless the people with the
ministry given to her by the Lord. Having an overseer
that was in agreement with her mission, She began going out on the streets and
minister sometimes all night. She developed a church entitled Kingdom Builders for
Christ that she Co-Pastor with her husband, Apostle William Thomas. With this
ministry her goal is to minister to the outcast , and the broken hearted. This
ministry is also for women that have been broken. {Rich women, poor women it does
not matter to Prophetess Melania, in her eyes, brokenness is all the same.


1.We as the teachers are to take the class through deliverance after the fifth
lesson ,bind the strong man after each lesson.

2. We as the teachers are to restore the gift’s after each lesson.

3.Before each class there need to be warfare prayer

4. After each class leave time for testimonies and personal prayer.

5.During each class activate the class to prophesy

6.When activation is going fourth have worship music on

7. If demons manifest cast them out and keep the class in worship.

8.You will teach the class to be sensitive to the voice of God.

9.The students will experience and identify the mind of Christ

10. The students will learn how to discern the enemy

11. Activation will be fun and creative

12. Teachers are to identify the gift that’s in the students and activate them.
If Prophetess Melania is needed for any event or teaching she can be reached by
message or email: 773)905-3461 William & Melania Thomas Ministries P.O. Box 368942
Chicago, IL 60636-8942 [email protected]
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any means without
written permission from Kingdom Builders for Christ Ministries. Address all
permission requests to the ministry.

Melania Thomas is co-laborer in ministry with her loving and devoted husband,
Apostle William Thomas. They are the pastors of Kingdom Builders for Christ
Prophetic Deliverance Ministry in Chicago, IL. Together they have blessed the
lives of many people by opening their home to those in need of food, prayer,
deliverance or an encouraging word. Their ministry holds classes in the areas of
the Prophetic, Deliverance, and Evangelistic Ministry to those that have a desire
to learn in the school of the Holy Sprit given to them by the Lord. Her main goal
in life is to bless the God’s people through her life experiences. Melania is
working in stride to birth her visionary projects such as {Daughters of Destiny
Boarding House for young women}
{Kingdom Builders for Christ life Center Temporary Housing Program}{Food for
Thought Feeding Program}{Ambassador’s for Christ Youth Recreational Center}{Safe
House Independent Living Program for Young Adults} just to name a few. Melania has
been activated in Prophetic Deliverance Ministry through Christian International
Ministries. She has received training from House of Prayer Ministries (Apostle
David Rodgers). Most of her prophetic training comes from a father in ministry
(Pastor Ricardo Patterson/ For My People Ministries). Melania expresses
appreciation to the many people who have pushed and encouraged her all the way.
Melania has also received impartation from many sources such as tapes, books,
conferences, motivational speakers, mentoring classes, and different ministries.
She is very passionate about Street Ministry and giving back to less fortunate
communities. One of her visions is to travel and witness throughout the world
evangelizing and winning the lost for Christ.

INTRODUCTION Before you read this book I encourage every reader to understand that
this book was totally inspired by the Holy Spirit. The Calling of a Prophet is not
just a calling, but, also a life’s journey. These pages are full of true
testimony. I believe
that the reader will gain a deeper understanding of the calling that is upon their
lives and others. This message is not only for the church, but it is a universal
message of healing for the world in hopes that gaining a glimpse at the trials the
Lord has delivered me out of, will inspire the hearer to make Jesus Christ their
Lord and Savior. My prayer is that this book is read in churches, group homes,
prisons, Battered Women Shelters, and wherever else the Lord sees fit. There are
so many people called of God struggling with past abuse, past hurts and
addictions. The enemy has told them that they’re worthless. I want to let them
know that the Lord loves them and that he has a purpose and a plan for their
lives. The Lord has revealed to me that there are gifted individuals with
supernatural callings on their lives locked up in Mental hospitals. Some have
never been taught the Word of God or knew and never had relationship with Jesus.
When a person is destined to be used greatly for the Lord, problems arise to
hinder them. Most of our children are not crazy but gifted and called of the Lord
and they lack understanding. So many kids in fosters homes have been mishandled
and sexually abused so their self-esteem is very low at this point. They have been
or are still apart of gangs, sex and violence, God is calling for them, wanting to
use them for his glory and it’s my job to let them know it doesn’t matter how far
they have gone, the Lord desires to pull them into his family. This book is also
for leaders. It is time to get the
churches in order. My prayer is for deliverance and healing to go forth in the
lives of every one that read what the Lord has inspired and to also tap into the
spirit of Christ and to get out of the flesh.

SEEING IN THE SPIRIT REALM AS A CHILD At the age of five, I remember seeing in the
realm of the spirit, and not being able to tell anyone, knowing they wouldn’t
understand. I was living a life of fear at the time. No one in my family was born
again or church-going, so I had no spiritual up-bringing. Growing up around
alcohol abuse, there was a lot of cursing and fighting, so I ended up living with
my grand parents. I used to see shadows that had the shape of men walking around
the house. There were times when I could fell
someone sit on the side of my bed, but I couldn’t see what it was. I was living a
life not being able to express myself, being called strange, walking around
paralyzed with fear. Seeing demons that were attached to alcohol, I remember
moving in with my mother at the age of ten. At my mother’s house, the atmosphere
was totally different. There were drugs and men around all the time. I was
tormented almost every night, afraid to sleep. When my mother’s boyfriend moved
in, I began going through hell. This man was sent straight from hell. I would look
at him and see a big, nasty demon. At first, I didn’t understand why I saw him
that way, but I soon found out. He would come in my bedroom and torment me in the
middle of the night. He would stand in the doorway just staring at me, and do
things to put fear in me. I learned to compress my pain and not say anything,
because I knew that no one would listen. I remember about the age of thirteen
going to the restroom in the middle of the night. I looked into my mother’s
bedroom as I was walking pass, and I saw the ugliest demon in my mother’s bed. I
thought it had killed my mother, so I jumped in the bed and begin to beat this
ugly demon until I heard a scream. It sounded just like my mother, and it was. I
opened my eyes and cried. I told her how sorry I was and begin to explain to her
what I saw. She wanted to put me away in a bad girls home, but she didn’t. Then it
came to me that what I saw in that bed was the
demon that had her bound. I was seeing in the realm of the spirit. There were so
many times we wondered what was wrong with me, and I know that there are other
people out their wondering what’s wrong with their kids who may be seeing or
experiencing these things. Why are they so afraid to go to sleep? There are many
children called by God (Jeremiah Chapter 1). The Lord wants to use them. They are
destined as Prophets from the womb. Not only do parents need to raise their
children in a Bible-based, praying home, but spiritual church leaders should be
open to what children tell them in and out of the church building. The worse thing
a child can go through, is being called of God and not know who God is. The enemy
would love to get a young gifted child and pervert the gift that God has given.

Realizing that something was going on with me spiritually, and not being able to
understand it, I turned to a life of drugs and alcohol abuse because I didn’t want
to see things that weren’t there anymore. And on top of that, I was having
problems at home. I was running right into the arms of Satan. My life was going
down hill. My mind was being tormented and I didn’t know if I was coming or going.
At times it was as if my mind was being slowly taken away. I was a young child
crying out for help and no one was listening.
Seeing in the realm of the spirit as a child Chapter 1–Jeremiah 1:45

1. Read the scripture and explain how the prophets are alike.

2. After reading the lesson, explain what demonic spirits were in operation.

3.What does the author spiritual leaders .


4. Are you a person that the Lord has gifted to see in the spirit? If so explain.

5. Do you know children that are being used of God?

6. If yes, who and how are they being used?

7. Find two scriptures where a child was being used of the Lord.

A HEART FULL OF PAIN My heart was cold and dry. I was fighting love on every side,
because I thought if I loved, it would make me weak. I guarded my heart not
knowing that the pain would soon take over me causing me to grow cold and alone.
Afraid, I trained my self not to feel and not to love. The only thing I could
relate to was pain. I was overwhelmed with pain before I was born. I lived in a
womb full of pain. My mother thought after she gave birth to me, that I would take
all of her pain away. My father was very abusive towards her. I heard that a
little while after having me he beat her, and then he left us (that’s what I was
told). Giving birth to me didn’t make him stick around. My mother would get drunk
and say, “You look just like him”. She had to work two jobs to take of me, so she
would drop me off with my grand parents at the age of five. I remember her giving
me a lot of things, when all I needed was love. I loved my mother so much. I
wanted to be like her at first. She would go out partying every
night at the club she worked. Sometimes she would come over to my grandparents
house early in the morning after drinking all night. I used to think to myself
that she didn’t love me; that’s when the spirit of pain began calling my name in
the middle of the night. I know pain. I grew up with it. But this was the
beginning of my pain. Late one night, my mother came to get me from my
grandparent’s house. Even though I was happy to be with my mother, my grandparents
house was the only home I knew. My grandmother told her not to take me because I
wasn’t used to her lifestyle. I ended up moving with my mother, and my grandmother
was right. I had never been around drugs, until then. She had a boyfriend to move
in and he baby-sat me while she went to work. He would strip naked, watch sex
movies, and smoke drugs while he made me sit on his lap. The smell of his breath
stuck with me for years. When I would look at him I wouldn’t see a man, I saw a
monster. How could a man have his way with a little girl? Pain came back again. I
was happy for a little while being with my mother, but pain was calling me,
pulling away from reality. I was at a place where I needed help and couldn’t find
any. Pain caused me to run away; to live my life worse than my mother ever did. I
promised myself that I wouldn’t be like her, until I had a daughter and dropped
her off with her grandparents. I was having kids, but at the same time running
away from responsibility. I realized pain was the only love that I knew. Pain was
me when I was going through troubles; never realizing the reasons that I was going
through was because of pain. God has restored my relationship with my mother. And
we love each other very much there is nothing too hard for God.

A HEART FULL OF PAIN 1. Find in scripture twice where a generational curse

displayed between father and son.

2. Define generational curse .

3.Explain how you or your family has been effected by these demons.
PRAYER TO BREAK GENERATIONAL CURSES I receive Jesus Christ as my Lord and
savior ,and I renounce every curse of my ancestors ,Satan I renounce every evil
work of yours, and now I receive adoption in to the kingdom God .I am a son not a
curse and I break the curse off my blood line over one thousand years back I bind
and destroy the forces of------------and my blood line now is free Jesus I seal
this prayer in your blood. And I bind up the demons the curse---------------- and
I loose freedom in Jesus name .Amen

OVERCOMING MOLESTATION In between the time of living with my mother it was never
normal. I remember having
chicken pox, and my mother told me that before I go to bed take a bath, because
she was about to go to work. Now this is the time her boyfriend was baby-sitting,
(I was twelve years old). We didn’t have a lock on our bathroom door that I can
remember because he was always coming in on me. I was getting into the tub he
walked in and asked if he could rub my body down with calamine lotion? I told him
no, and to get out! He said that if I didn’t let him he would kill my mother. I
was so afraid. I loved my mom and didn’t want any thing to happen to her, so he
went under the water with his hands and hurt me. I remember him saying, “You don’t
even have pubic hairs yet.” After he finished, I tried to sit in that cold water
all night, when I got out of the tub he made me sit on his lap. I was so sick. He
would always make me go to bed before my mother came home like nothing had ever
happened. I was in so much emotional pain that I would wake up in the middle of
the night, go into the bathroom, and hurt my self. I would put rubbing alcohol in
my eyes and try to cut my wrist, but I never could. I started drinking the alcohol
that my mom would leave around the house. He would tell lies on me to my mother so
that I get put on punishment, so that I would have to stay in the house with him.
He always wanted me in the house because he was scared that I might tell someone.
My mom got a phone call from his wife telling her that if she had a daughter to
put him out of her house, because he’s been to jail for raping his own biological
daughter. My mother was so in love with him that, she didn’t believe his wife’s
report. My mom thought his wife wanted him back. Late one night it was storming
hard, my mother was taking sleeping pills that he would give her. He came into my
room and put his hands all over me. I jumped up and called my mom but she didn’t

He told me that I was dreaming, because he knew about all the things I told my
mother that I was seeing, and my mother told him that I had mental problems (he
wanted me to believe that I was crazy). I knew I wasn’t dreaming. He made me touch
him. When I said no, he said that he would kill me, and then my mother. After it
was over, he got back into the bed with my mother. At that moment, I made up my
mind that I wanted to die. I wanted him to kill me. I went into my mother’s
bedroom where they were and tried to wake her up. He grabbed me and made me lay in
between them all night. I laid there stiff as a board until the next morning. When
I heard him leave out and lock the door, I woke my mother up. She went to the
bathroom to get ready for work. I told
her what was happening and she looked at me and said, “If all that happened, what
was you doing in our bed?” I told her that he made me get in the bed, and she
didn’t believe anything that I said. Because I was known as the liar of the
family, I was so hurt and ashamed that hatred built up in my heart for her at that

I told my aunt and my grandfather. They listened to me, but I didn’t tell anyone
all that he had done. After my grandfather told my mother off, she put her
boyfriend out and made me spend the night over my aunt’s house. The next day I
went home. The door was kicked in and my mother was at the hospital. When I saw
her later that day, her face had been beaten very badly. I thought to myself, I
shouldn’t have told; because my aunt said if I had been there, he would have hurt
me, too. After that I ran away one rainy night. I began wondering what it would
feel like to be buried alive underground, so I dug a hole and buried myself. But
someone saw me and pulled me out before I could experience the feeling. At times,
there would be so many thoughts in my head telling me to afflict pain up on
myself. I thought that there wasn’t any help for me. I would blame myself because
I told on my abuser, and he beat my mother. I know she
was hurting not because he beat her, but because she wanted to be with him. If I
had never told, she would have been happy. Men were the only thing that mattered
to her, that’s how I felt. So many of the men took advantage of me because I was
taught in so many ways to let a man do what ever he wanted to me. I would run away
even though I had family to live with every now and then. At this point, my life
was changed. The street’s was my family. I haven’t seen my mother’s exboyfriend
since. But I’ve learned to forgive him in order for the Lord to forgive me. It is
a must that we forgive others.

I was beaten and misused out there. But something in me felt like I deserved
everything life was throwing at me. So when a man walked up and spit in my face, I
thought that was all I was worth. Men knew that myself worth was very low in the
beginning of my being on the streets. I would do almost anything for a man. I
trained myself to believe that I was in love with pain; that if I thought that I
loved pain it wouldn’t hurt so bad. When I was sixteen, I had my first child. Not
long after that, my mother moved to Georgia. I was broken because I wanted to be
with her, but by that time, my life was on the streets. My grandparents took care
of my baby because my mind wasn’t stable enough to raise a child.
Two years later I had a daughter, and that scared me. I never wanted a daughter
because I was afraid that she would turn out just like me. (A REAL MOTHER DOES
WHAT SHE FEELS IS BEST FOR HER CHILD). She ended up living with her father’s
mother, and they took very good care of her. I felt as if I was protecting her
from me. I also gave a daughter up for adoption (there’s not a lot of people that
know that). Her father abused me. He would beat me and torture my mind to the
point that I would hide from him. He had three other girls pregnant at the same
time. I hated to see him. I was at the point of killing myself or him, but I know
now that it was the Lord that stopped me all those times. I’ve made a lot of
mistakes, and still making them, I just pray that Jesus Christ gets glory out of
all I’ve been through.

Lord sometimes I don’t love certain people because they hurt me or disappointed
me. I have held un-forgiveness in my heart for them, and I need you Lord to help
me forgive them. I forgive them (say the names living or dead). Lord I pray that
you bless them (if they are living). I now forgive myself in the name of Jesus.

OVER COMING MOLESTATION 1.Read the chapter 2 Sam 23:1-32 and explain the
operations of the demonic forces. and how they operated then and now as you read
the author story.
2.What could the young girl’s mother do differently.

3.And what spirit do you think the mother was under.

4.How do you think this blood line curse began?

5.Do you believe the mother was aware of what was going on? If so explain.

6.Look up and define strongholds .

7.Name five strongholds that were in operation in this lesson.

8.Have you ever been molested? If so do you need to be healed.


ADOPTED BY A GANG I was adopted by a gang at fifteen years old. We had rules to
follow and they were, you go down with your brothers or sisters. While I was
living on the streets I formed a special bond with girls. They were the sisters
that I never had. I knew they were cut throat type of girls and would stab me in
my back, but we had that understanding. I never really belonged, that’s what
everybody told me. Mostly all the guys that I was in relationship with belonged to
the same gang, that’s why I couldn’t call the police. We had a no stool-pigeon
policy, which was, you don’t tell on your brothers and sisters.
I sold drugs to make a little money, although most of my money went on alcohol and
partying. We had to get mouth shots (hit in the mouth) if we did something wrong
like talk too much; or if we didn’t help someone fight. We even got pumpkin heads.
This is when you are being beaten and you can fight back, but you had to fight
three people or more. Sometimes two people would hold a person down and beat them
continually in their face. It happened to me once. I was going with someone in an
opposite gang, and the guy I broke it off with in my gang got angry and told on me
to our chief (the leader of the gang). When he found out, he sent ten men to my
friend house (I was staying there for while with her family). They kicked the door
in, held me down on the bed, and each one of them put leather gloves on and took
turns beating me in my face. I woke up in the hospital. My head felt so heavy. I
looked in the mirror and my head was so big, and my face was purple. It was
horrible! I looked like something not of this world. As soon as I made it out of
the hospital, I went right back to those same people that beat me like that. The
Lord showed me afterwards that there’s an occult spirit attached to gangs. Even
though I went through all of that, I was addicted to that lifestyle. When you’re
in a gang, the person that’s superior over you becomes your god. You pay dues to
them, have monthly meetings, and feel obligated to do what they say.
If you’re in a gang or know someone in a gang, its idolatry and I encourage you to
get out. I know that it’s not easy when the gang is the only family you know.
Looking back, most of us in the gang came from broken homes, mothers on drugs, or
abusive relationships. Because we understood each other’s pain, we were all we
knew. We loved one another in a crying out for help way. I left that life behind
me, but sometimes I can’t help wondering how many others made it out. Sense I’ve
been out of the gang, I’ve heard that over twenty fellow gang members got killed.
I feel obligated to preach the Gospel wherever I go because if I only had someone
to preach to me years ago it would have saved me so much pain. (REV. 12:11)
Protect your mind (Eph 6:17) 2) Protect your children minds (1Cor 7:14; John
17:12; Isaiah 54:13 Ephesians 6:18)

ADOPTED BY THE GANG 1. 1 John 5:21 explain in your own words what this scripture
has do with gangs.
2. What spirit was driving the author back to these people.

3. Name the major demon that was in control.

4. Find three scriptures of idol worship and explain in what ways of worship they

5. Name the spirit that author faults the most.


I OVERCAME DRUGS THROUGH JESUS CHRIST I got this title from a church I used to
attend. A very good friend of mine has a beautiful deliverance ministry called
overcoming drugs through Jesus Christ. The first time I ever tried drugs was at
the age of fifteen. I started drinking strong alcohol at twelve years old. The
first drug I ever tried was PCP, because this guy that liked me said it took all
of his pain away. Of course he was trying to get me in bed, and he did. He was
seventeen years older than me, and he knew all about drugs He told me that PCP
didn’t have any effect on me after he gave me some and it didn’t
get me high. That’s when I saw him put white powder that he crushed up into a
rolling paper and told me to smoke it. That was my first time trying crack
cocaine. After that, I used crack cocaine for seven years on and off. Every time I
felt myself slipping into this numb place (a place of no emotion, no love, no
feelings, and no reality. A place where even if my children were standing in front
of me, it would not affect me) something would bring me out. I know now that God
had a plan for my life. There was a time in my life where I would go to different
cities with this drug dealer I was dating and get high. I was only nineteen at the
time, and he was forty-five. He had sold drugs all of his young adult life. This
is when I realized that I was out there bad.

I would wake up sometimes in a tub of water with all of my clothing on. One time I
woke up with the house filled with smoke because I tried to barbeque in the dark
on a wooden porch and it caught fire. I know the Lord was with me. I’ve had so
many near death experiences. No one never really knew that I was getting high
because I would stay away from my fellow gang members and my family while I was
high. I thought I was fooling everybody, but it had nothing to do with my
manipulation. It was God covering me, not allowing me to go so deep that I
couldn’t get out.
There’s so much more that I want to share. My prayer is that through this book,
people that are where I was will believe on Jesus Christ. And the people that are
saved will strongly consider allowing the Lord to use them on a greater level.
There’s much deliverance and healing needed in the world. I was a young woman
tricked and misused by men that had a lot more experience than I did. The hurt
that I was going through helped me to make poor choices in life. I want the
readers to know that I didn’t go though hell for myself only, but there are others
out there that I have endured pain for so that they will come out victorious. I
want them to know that they are not alone. It was only the grace of God that I am
still alive and have my right mind. I called out to a God one night that I didn’t
know and asked, if He was real to take this addiction away, and He did. I have
never been to an AA meeting, or any other rehabilitation center. There is nothing
wrong with these places, it’s just that God had His supernatural hand of
deliverance in my life.
I OVERCAME DRUGS THROUGH JESUS CHRIST Witchcraft :the practice of magic,especially
the use of spells and the invocation of evil spirits.

1. Explain how drugs are attached to Witchcraft.

2.When the author spoke about a numb place what was she referring to in your own

3. Name three spirits that were in operation in this lesson.

4.Read and explain what did the use of drugs lead to.

5.Do you know someone that’s using drugs right now. If so who
6.At what age did she start to drink.

JESUS CHRIST GAVE ME A NEW MIND I had lost my mind a long time ago. I was abused
all of my life mentally and physically. My thinking wasn’t rational. I have lived
in the worse places in my mind and it was okay. I lived in a very small shack with
my son; feces covered our floors every time it rained. (The Lord allowed me to
forget so much until he was ready for me to tell my story about how he brought me
out). This was when I was going to different cities with the drug dealer that I
was dating. He had total control over my mind. I couldn’t think for myself. He
sold drugs but my son and I was basically living on the streets. He never hit me.
He didn’t have to, because he had the one thing that allowed him to do what
ever he wanted to do to me, my mind. My son and I were starving. We would go to
the crack houses sometimes and eat. We ate whatever they ate; at this point they
were family.

I remember sleeping in cars. Sometimes me and my son would sleep in shared hotel
rooms with people I didn’t know. They would smoke crack around my son all night.
It’s strange how I never could get high around my kids. After being with him under
these conditions for two years, someone called the police on my drug dealer
boyfriend. But I was holding the drugs when the police came. I was eight months
pregnant at this time. I know now that it was God that was with me, because the
man officer looked at me and said, “If you turn him in we’ll let you go.” But I
wouldn’t do it, and they let me go anyway. When the police told me to leave with
my son, I saw my boyfriend watching from across the street. I had on my sleeping
clothes, and my son wasn’t properly dressed either. He always told me that if the
police ever came to the house, for me to met him at the bus station. I only had
enough money to get there. I felt like I couldn’t function without him telling me
what to do. I stayed at that bus station for three days waiting on him, begging
for food, and eating out of the trash. I remember one time I found my picture in
side of both of his shoes. He had been walking on me (literally) for almost three
years. When I had a mind to call my grand father he sent me a ticket to come back
to Chicago. There were many abusive relationships
after that one. As you read on, you will understand how the Lord restored my mind.
God for salvation.

I thank

BREAKING SOUL TIES PRAYER Lord, in the name of Jesus, I submit my spirit, soul,
and body to you. I confess all of my ungodly spirit, soul, and body soul ties as
sin. I confess and renounce all of my sexual relationships outside of my marriage.
I forgive myself, and those that I have sinned with and I release them. I repent
of my involvement in all ungodly soul ties Lord. Forgive me Father. I break all
soul ties with (say their names) and I release myself from them and them from me.
Lord I ask you to supernaturally remove them out of my soul and to draw me back to
myself. Let every part that was wrongfully tied in bondage to another person by
healed. I loose myself and I ask that the Holy Spirit come and heal me in every
area of my life,
so that I can give my soul totally to you and to my husband/ wife. Lord I forgive
myself and I thank you for forgiving me and never remembering my sins any more,
and cleansing me from all unrighteousness. AMEN

JESUS CHRIST GAVE ME A NEW MIND 1.Define Mind-control.

2. How did this demon enter her life?

3. What other demon was in control?

4 Why do you think Satan wanted to destroy her life so badly?

5 How do we overcome. as believers?


The first time I was abused physically by a man I was only sixteen. He hit me in
my mouth because I didn’t do something he had told me to do. After he hit me, he
said he would never do it again. I believed him even though I was hurt and
ashamed. Two days later he stumped me in my face for going to a party. If I would
have stood my ground and not took him back, I wouldn’t have ended up a battered
woman. I was already sexually abused as a child, which brought low self- esteem. I
would do almost anything for love. The abuse went on in that relationship for two
years. He went to jail and I was free, until my next boyfriend. This one had a
different face but the same abusive spirit. When he hit me, I was shocked and
didn’t know why it surprised me because everyone told me that he believed in
beating on women. I thought I was different and I could change him, I thought
wrong. I would always see the good in a person and that was part of it. The other
part was I actually thought I couldn’t do any better and that abuse was what I
deserved. This went on for years with different relationships. Not being able to
call the police because of the gang that I was in. So I got used to abuse. I made
my self cold and hard mentally. I was just hanging on. Having men spit in my face,
sexually mishandle me, and dog me out, I felt worthless all the time. I was scared
to speak, always nervous. I use to shake when someone mention their names. I was
tried of being abused. I would think to myself no one good will want me. I thought
I was all used up. Sisters, when the
Lord sends you a loving husband he can’t give back your self worth, because some
of us are still battered women mentally. I thought that men love me when they
abuse me. That is a trick of the devil because I had and an abuser’s mentality.
This led me to become abusive in other relationships because I actually thought
real men fought and hit; and that’s what was suppose to happen in relationships.
Even after I got saved, I was still abusive and mentally distraught until I
allowed Jesus Christ to change me from the inside out. I was the same person,
thinking men were all the same. How could I, the mother of four boys ever be a
real wife, or role model for young women? I needed my mind renewed in Christ. All
you have to do is come honest before the Lord and He will honor that. I know
deliverance is a process, so get started. There is life after domestic violence.
(Read Is 26:3; Mark 5:15; Rom 8:7, 27; 2Tim 1:7; Col 3:2). I didn’t understand the
thrill a man would get out of beating on a woman. I had my nose and ribs cracked
all at the same time. I was kicked down stairs when I was pregnant with one of my
sons, because the father wanted me to abort the baby. When I didn’t, he made me go
into an early labor. After having the baby, the next night I came home and he beat
me in my face, bust my lips, and kicked me in my stomach. I encourage those in
unhealthy relationships to get out and run as fast as you can.
became a battered women. 2. Name three demons that were in control of her
thoughts. 3. Have you ever been abused? If so when.

4. What advice did the author give to people living with abuse ?

5. Why do you think the ones being abused stay with there abuser’s .
6. Do you know of some one living with abuse right now.

7. If yes, tell them to seek help ,prayer and deliverance.

8. Have you ever been a abuser? If so do you need to be delivered.

9. After class speak to your teacher about whatever problem you may have. 10. When
did the author receive warning to get out?

DON’T BRING YOUR MESS INTO YOUR MARRIAGE For those of us who are going through
marital difficulties, and the Lord restore your marriage, you and your spouse
still have work to do. Never take your hurt and pain out on your spouse;
everything that past relationships put you through. It would cause a person to
wonder why there is such a lack of intimacy in marriages. You can be very
attracted to your spouse, but if there is a soul tie from a past relationship, it
will be difficult to for intimacy to take place in a new marriage. I had no
control over what I felt because of soul ties. I took on the residue of men that I
was intimate with and a piece of them were attached to me. It is very unfair to
our spouses, and at the same time and we truly need to understand Godly intimacy
between a husband and a wife. What I had with other men was just sex, or rape, so
it was uncomfortable for me to open up my heart. I encourage single people to make
sure God ordains it before getting married. If the both of you are not virgins,
deliverance is needed in the area of sex sins, or you will have a lot of
unnecessary problems. If you and your spouse both had been hurt and misused in
previous relationships, there is so much that is needed to cleaned up when you
arrive at this point. I’ve learned to cast my cares on the Lord because He cares
for me. Don’t dump your mess on your spouse. Jesus delivered me from soul ties and
now I am in a beautiful marriage, but we as in all marriages go through different
storms; that’s what keeps the marriages strong. I believe strongly in couple’s
deliverance. It should be one of the largest ministries in the church, because
when there’s a strong marriage, there’s also a strong foundation. I thank God for
my husband–Apostle William Thomas. When he asked me to marry him, he knew that I
already had four kids. (Ladies, when God sends you a good Christian man, get
delivered. Don’t bring your mess into your marriage!).
Soul ties formed by fornication and immorality: And when Shecem the son of Hamor
the Hivite, prince of country, saw her, he took her and lay with her defiled her.
And his soul was strongly attracted to Dinah the daughter of Jacob’ and he loved
the damsel...(GEN 34:2-3) Marriage Heb 13:4 1cor 7:3334 DON’T BRING YOUR MESS INTO
YOUR MARRIAGE Heb 13:4 4 Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but
whoremongers and adulterers God will judge 1COR 7:2 2 Nevertheless, to avoid
fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own

1. What can we do as the body of Christ to help marriages .

2. Do you believe in couples deliverance.

3.What demons needed to be cast out of the author in this lesson?

FIGHTING AGAINST HELL FOR MY CHILDREN It all started one night I was very sad. As
I was getting ready for bed, as soon as I laid my head on the pillow, a very small
demon came up out of the floor and took me into a realm of the spirit. He showed
me all four of my kids in caskets dead. I started to cry and the demon spoke and
said, “If you confess Jesus Christ I will kill all of your kids”. At this point in
my life I heard of Jesus from different ministers and I knew there was a God, but
I didn’t know Him. I woke up the next morning and forgot the vision. Later that
day I went to the church. I was already drunk because I was drinking all morning.
When I got to the church, Vacation Bible School was taking place. I came looking
for money so that I may get more to drink. I knew that my behavior was
embarrassing. The church had pray warriors to pray for me. I remember one of the
ladies’s said the Lord told me to tell you that he loves you very much. And that’s
all I needed to hear. I broke down and cried like a baby. At that moment, I wanted
to know who Jesus Christ was and why did He love me so much. As the Lord began to
deliver me, every thing wasn’t perfect. I had to fight to keep my deliverance.
Five years later, my son Donald was at the playground when he fell down and broke
his elbow in half. The bone specialist told me in all of his thirty-three years of
practice he had never seen a break like that. I knew right off that this was a
demonic attack. About two weeks later, my eldest son Ronell was going to the store
and got hit by a car. It was only by the grace of God he
didn’t have broken bones. About a month later, I noticed that my youngest son
Anthony was ill. He was very tired and couldn’t stand on his own. Anthony was in
the hospital for about four days when one of my middle children had gotten sick
very fast. I felt as if I was losing my mind. We had to rush Angelo (my middle
son) to the hospital. They took so long to see him, and he was getting worse by
the minute. Angelo passed out and began to have a seizure after being in the
waiting room for two hours. The doctors told us that they didn’t know what was
wrong, that when someone has a seizure they’re only out of it for about forty
minutes. By this time Angelo was out for hours. I went back into the room where
Angelo was and I saw his body begin to cramp. His hands and feet were curled up
from a lack of oxygen. I saw the spirit of death, and I even smiled its terrible
odor. It was so much going on that night. It was as if the doctors weren’t there.
I started binding and losing calling on the name of Jesus. My husband had to go
and check on the kids that were at home. I was warring against the pits of hell
for my kids’ lives. They finally called another hospital to come and get him. I
was thinking about Donald at home with a broken elbow. Anthony was in the same
hospital Angelo was being transferred to. When the ambulance arrived, they warned
me that he might die on the way to the other hospital. Right then the Lord sent
help, a very dear friend and prayer warrior came to the hospital. I rode in the
with her because I couldn’t take if he had died; at this point my faith was
shaken. After we made it to the other hospital, we got on the elevator and three
young men got on with us. They were drunk and their clothing bloody. They stopped
the elevator so that they could go to the basement with their dead friend that had
gotten shot. I felt like dying. I didn’t know what was going on with my son. Some
how the police came and we got to the floor that Angelo was on. When we got there,
he had stopped breathing. The doctors put him on a ventilator. I remember sitting
in ICU shocked. The next day Anthony was released and I got a chance to see him
before he went home. I was on my fifth day without food, water, or sleep. I prayed
in tongues the whole time. The doctor said that Angelo had an infection on his
brain. The very same day I got a call that my eldest son was at home sick. He got
a ride to the hospital and was admitted. I knew that the Lord was working behind
the scene. I stayed on my face the whole time. Then all at once, I heard the Lord
say all is well with thee.

That same day, I heard my son Angelo calling me. He said, “mama”. I told the
doctors. They said, “It’s impossible”. But the Lord sent me and angel, a Jewish
doctor. He looked at me and said, “I’ve been praying for your son”. Every sense
he’s been here. The other doctors thought I had lost it, because they showed me
all of the equipment
that he was on and what every thing meant. Basically his brain wasn’t responding
to the meds. Every day I was speaking in an un- known tongue. I told the Lord that
I knew Angelo would serve him all of his life. I remembered the promises that the
Lord made me. The Doctors told me that my eldest son Ronell had to stay for a few
more days for tests. He also had infection, but in his chest. The Jewish doctor
came in with papers for me to sign stating that if anything happens to Angelo,
they were not responsible. I signed the paper. They took the tube out of his
throat, and to their surprise he said, “mama”. The devil tried to say every thing
that he could right at that moment to shake my faith, but it didn’t work. The
doctors said he would never see, that was a lie. They said he would never hear
that, was a lie. And that he would never walk, that was a lie. They even said that
he would always read at a first grade level, that was a lie. Angelo is doing great
in school, thank God. I remember the vision from five years back. I am here to
serve the devil notice that nothing will be able to separate me from the love of
CHRIST (tried in the fire). Angelo and his brothers have a clean bill of health.
Angelo told me that he was standing in heaven holding Jesus’ hand. And the Lord
looked down and told Angelo he had to go back. Angelo said the Lord never opened
his mouth; they talked with their minds. Angelo told the Lord that he wanted to
stay, but Jesus told him that he couldn’t. Angelo says that he was outside of a
golden gate and it
was cloudy, but the light was very bright. is about to be twelve years old.


FIGHTING AGAINST HELL FOR MY CHILDREN EX 1:7-17 7 And the children of Israel were
fruitful, and increased abundantly, and multiplied, and waxed exceeding mighty;
and the land was filled with them. 8 Now there arose up a new king over Egypt,
which knew not Joseph. 9 And he said unto his people, Behold, the people of the
children of Israel are more and mightier than we: 10 Come on, let us deal wisely
with them; lest they multiply, and it come to pass, that, when there falleth out
any war, they join also unto our enemies, and fight against us, and so get them up
out of the land. 11 Therefore they did set over them taskmasters to afflict them
with their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh treasure cities, Pithom and
Raamses. 12 But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew.
And they were grieved because of the children of Israel. 13 And the Egyptians made
the children of Israel to serve with rigour: 14 And they made their lives bitter
with hard bondage, in mortar, and in brick, and in all manner
of service in the field: all their service, wherein they made them serve, was with
rigour. 15 And the king of Egypt spake to the Hebrew midwives, of which the name
of the one was Shiphrah, and the name of the other Puah: 16 And he said, When ye
do the office of a midwife to the Hebrew women, and see them upon the stools; if
it be a son, then ye shall kill him: but if it be a daughter, then she shall live.
17 But the midwives feared God, and did not as the king of Egypt commanded them,
but saved the men children alive.

1. Pray and allow the Lord to deal with you concerning this scripture.

2.Now what was the names of the demons in scripture and in thee lesion.

3.Find another scripture that Satan tried to kill the men children.
HEAVENLY VISITATIONS I can hear souls crying out in the night looking for change
in a place of darkness where there’s no light, living a life full of pain they
can’t sleep, they need a way out. Sometimes the Lord will take me in the spirit
and show me lost souls stuck in the blackest clay, fighting to be free. We should
have the power and anointing to pull them out. I remember one night hearing the
souls crying. I went into a vision; in the vision I stood on a large rock reaching
down in this sticky clay and I begin pulling these souls out one by one. Even
though I was in the realm of the spirit, Jesus put the joy in my heart by letting
me know that these lost souls were freed. In reality, my heart got heavy again
because of the ones that I couldn’t reach. What if all of the body of Christ
started pulling out lost souls? Just maybe if we worked together, we could pull
them all out. Another night I was flying in the air to what I believe was a place
in Africa. When I got on the ground, I walked into this run down clinic. The
doctor was trying his best to help these very sick people. I looked around and
every thing was black. I asked the angel that was with me where are the lights?
How can this doctor help these people in the dark? There were people that needed
operation. I said, “This man cannot operate on these people without light.” And
the angel spoke to me and said, “It’s just like some pastors who are trying to
pastor the people without the love of Christ.” It’s a disaster cutting in the
dark, putting parts where they don’t belong, and not being able to find the proper
tools. It’s impossible to operate in the dark. Just like it’s impossible to pastor
without the love of Christ. We don’t have a monopoly on God. He uses his people in
different ways, so let’s not discriminate against the gifts that are operating in
the body of Christ. FOOD FOR THOUGHT
HEAVENLY VISITATIONS 1. Find in scripture where someone had a heavenly visitation.

2. Have you ever had a visitation from heaven? If so explain.

3. When the author talked about flying what realm was she in and how is this
VISITATIONS FROM HELL I had many visitations from hell over the years. I am only
going to write about a few in this book. I remember one night about three o’clock
in the morning; I was awakened by evil spirits escorting me into a place in hell.
It was very dark at first and I was so scared. I couldn’t say anything. I remember
going down some stairs, then being thrown to the floor. And I saw a big fat juicy
demon sitting on a throne with a large crown on his head. When I looked up at him,
he whipped out his long fiery fingernail; that’s when I saw angels coming to get
me. The demon took his nail and cut me in my face. I felt my face burst open in
the vision. The Angels lifted me up and carried me back to my bed and healed my
face. I remember them putting their hands on my face and all I could see was
light. When I woke up the next morning, I thought that I had a dream until I
looked in the mirror and saw a long burn going down the side of my face. After
that, I would pray and the glory of God showed up. There was very thick fog with
little crystal lights inside of the fog because of the residue left by the angels.
That’s when the warfare got great. I have been through so many different levels of
warfare. The things that I experienced when I was younger was nothing compared to
what I was going through at this point. I have even experienced snakes being
thrown on me. I could feel them crawling all over me, but I couldn’t see them. I
started pleading the blood of Jesus and it lifted. Witches hate
deliverance ministers. They would have what appears to be their bodies come into
my bedroom; at first it would scare me. I begin crying out to the Lord and the
Holy Spirit would teach me how to war at the forces with the Word of God. And what
they were trying to do, he taught me not fear and walk in my God given authority
and demonstrate the power of the Holy Ghost. On another level Some times demons
come by legions but God didn’t give me a spirit of fear I have power, love, and a
sound mind. (2TIM 2-1-7) I get great pleasure in casting out demons seeing the
people set free we have power over the enemy (LUKE 10:19).

VISITATIONS FROM HELL 2SAM 22:6 The sorrows of hell compassed me about; the snares
of death prevented me 1.Do you believe hell is a real place? 2.Have you ever
experienced anything like this? If yes, explain. 3.Define warfare. 4.Find in
scripture where someone visit hell.
WHAT ARE DEMONS Demons are the spiritual agents acting in all idolatry. The idol
itself is nothing, but every idol has a demon associated with it who induces
idolatry, with it’s worship and sacrifices (1Cor 10:20-21; Rev 9:20;Deut 32:17;
Isaiah 13:21; 34:14; 65:3,11). They disseminate errors among men, and seek to
seduce believers (1Tim 4; 1) As seducing spirits they deceive men into the
supposition that through mediums {those who have familiar spirits} Lev 20; 6,20
they can converse with deceased human beings. And the destructive deception of
spiritism, forbidden in scripture (Lev 19:31; Deut 18:11; Isaiah 8:19 demons
tremble before God (James 2:19) they recognized Christ as Lord and as their future
judge (Matt8: 29;Luke 4:41) Christ cast them out of human beings by his own power;
his disciples did so in his name, and by exercising faith (Matt 17:20) Acting
under Satan (Rev16: 13-14) demons are permitted to afflict with bodily disease
(Luke 13:16) being unclean they tempt human beings with unclean thoughts (Matt
10:1 ; Mark 5:2 ; 7:25; Luke 8:27-29; Rev. 16:13; 18:2) They differ in degrees of
wickedness (Matt 12:45)They will instigate the rules of the nations at the end of
this age to make war against God and His Christ (Rev 16:14)
DISCERNING OF SPIRITS Sometimes the Lord will warn us in dreams or visions about a
spirit that’s around us, or what’s about to come. I was having problems with a
person that I’ve known for years, and I always felt that they were in my life to
look down on me. This person was controlling and I was ready for the socalled
friendship to be over. God was showing me the spirit from the beginning, but I
said it was me; thinking that it wasn’t the Lord. I’ve learned that the best
training is hands on experience from the Holy Ghost. When I was ready to end the
friend ship, I would pray that the Lord break the soul tie because the friendship
wasn’t healthy. I remember falling asleep after praying one night, and I started
to dream. The dream started off beautiful. I was lying on the bed, it was so
bright. I looked at the window, standing there appeared to be Jesus in a long
white robe, dressed with a gold belt. The robe had a hood, and I thought to
myself, “that’s strange”. I wanted to see Him, and have Him speak to me. I longed
for that day. My heart was joyful, but something was wrong. He had a gold crown in
His hand full of jewels. He said, “this is yours when you get to
heaven”. I said, “Lord come talk to me, and take your hood off”. He came over to
the bed and lay down, knowing I needed a father and that’s the way it was. I laid
my head on his chest and said, “father”. As I looked up at him under the hood, it
was the ugliest demonic face imitating Jesus. I jumped up screaming and warring,
pleading the blood of Jesus. I woke up so confused and deceived. Suddenly the Lord
spoke to me and said, “There’s a spirit of deception all around you”. The next day
that spirit manifested its self through my friend. God will reveal the plan of the
enemy to you, but you must be open to receive. I was discerning that spirit the
whole time, but because I was seeking for friends I totally ignored what the Lord
was showing me.

I’ve also learned that in discerning spirits, you don’t always dream or see the
demons. One time this lady came to my house for prayer. I wasn’t getting any
instructions from the Lord concerning her. I prayed a little while longer and
started to smell this terrible odor. Then the Lord began to let me know that she
had cancer. She confirmed what I was getting from the Lord as she told me that she
did years ago. That spirit of cancer was trying to come back. She went through
deliverance and has a clean bill of health. I can usually smell sickness, sex
sins, and even drugs abuse. These demons don’t have to be active in the person’s
life; I can sometimes smell through the bloodline.
Some times people will act out side of their character. Like one day, one of my
sons was just acting evil fighting his brothers. He didn’t want me to look him in
his face. I knew right off that it was demonic, because that day he went over a
friend house came back a different person. When I looked at him, I saw a shadow of
complete darkness and I commanded that in the name of Jesus it release my son. The
witchcraft spirit that attached it self to my son released him. I started binding
and casting out the evil spirit. After it was over, he was back to his loving
self. With this gift and all the others, it’s important to always show love and
stay in the presence of the Lord.

DISCERNING OF SPIRITS It’s name implies that it is the supernatural ability to

discern what spirit is motivating human words or actions. There are three sources
of spirits – Human, God, and Satanic. With this gift, the person is able to
determine the spiritual source of a word attitude individual action’s atmosphere
or environment the sources can be
heavenly, human, or demonic the ability to identify these specific spirits and
their devices is to safeguard your self from deception. Mark 9) Matthew 16:15-23
Acts 8:23 Acts 13:9-12 Acts 16:1618 Discerning of spirits is motivated by the Holy
Spirit and activated by your faith. 1cor 14:39-40 always depends on the Holy

1. Do you have the gift to discerning?

2. How do you know?

3. Are you a dreamer?

4. How do the Lord speak to you?


DISCERNING ANGELS One evening a young man called me very upset. He was living a
homosexual lifestyle and had just found out that he had HIV. He was at a very low
place. He had a relationship with the Lord years ago, and he wanted to be
delivered from those strongholds. So I called two prayer warriors to go with me to
his house. Once we arrived at his home, a great demonic presence met us at the
door. It was so dark and cold. I looked at the pain in his face; I gave him a big
hug and kiss on his face. We started the deliverance session, and it was a great
war going on. After an hour of massive deliverance, the young man was free and
filled with the Holy Spirit, and spoke in heavenly tongues. I felt so tired. When
I got home after the
deliverance, I could tell that I was drained and depleted by the demonic forces. I
wanted so badly for that man to be set free that I interceded and warred with
every thing in me. I was at home in a bath after this deliverance session, and I
prayed that the Lord would restore me. I cried and prayed all night. All of a
sudden I sensed the presence of Angels and I felt fire consume my body, it was a
heat that I can’t explain. The heat of the fire of God dwindled down into a little
ball that went slowly through my body. I said, “ Lord in order for me to continue
casting out demons, I want to be totally clean my self”. I laid down for bed and
the fire was still slowly moving in my body. I slept was sleeping on off, when I
heard someone reading scripture in my ear. I turned and looked; there was a man
sitting on a stool next to my bed reading the Bible to me I knew in my spirit that
this was a Angle I felt so much love and peace. He was telling me my role as a
prophet, I can’t remember all that he said but I know that my spirit heard it all.
When the Angle left the ball of fire hit the pit of my stomach and I received my
deliverance that night. I have never seen an Angle in human form to my knowledge I
all ways see them in there glorified from. (John 1; 5051) Luke 22:43) John 20: 1-
DISCERNING ANGELS angel >noun 1 a spiritual being believed to act as an attendant
or messenger of God, conventionally represented as being of human form with wings.
2 a person of great beauty, kindness, or virtue. 3 theatrical slang a financial
backer. 4 a former English coin bearing the figure of the archangel Michael
killing a dragon. –PHRASES on the side of the angels on the side of what is right.
–ORIGIN Greek angelos 'messenger'. 1.Have you ever discerned a angel?

2.Explain if yes

3.What was the fire the author was speaking of in lesson.

4.Find three scriptures that speak of discerning of angels. DISCERNING HUMAN

SPIRITS As a child I had the ability to discern spirits but I didn’t understand
what was happening. I just had this knowing about a person, whether
they were bad or good. Even now that gift is strong in my life. It’s nothing I can
do on my own; the Holy Spirit controls it. When people come into my life to harm
me, I often know their motive, but that doesn’t mean I cut them off. I love them
and pray that they have a heart of repentance, and then I listen for the Lord to
tell me what to do concerning the counterfeit. Judas was a counterfeit and Jesus
knew it, but the disciples didn’t discern it. Jesus knew that it was predestined
that Judas betray him. I always want to show love. That doesn’t mean allow a
person to harm you, or use you; it just means show love in whatever situation you
find your self in. Every gift should always operate in love (John 2:23-25). The
Lord often shows me the gifts that are laying dormant in person’s life, and
sometimes He will allow me to see the anointing out lined on a person’s body, it’s
a great bright light. I also see the bad in a person, and it looks like black
smoke over a person. This does not mean for us as Prophets to treat a person badly
because the Lord allowed us to see this. Our job is to pray that he or she is set
free from the darkness that has them bound. There have been times when I’ve heard
what a person was thinking about me, and I’ve heard motive of their hearts, and
wept inside because its sad how people smile in your face and inwardly hate you,
or hate any one at all (Acts chapter 8). I thank God for the gifts of discernment.
DISCERNING HUMAN SPIRITS human >adjective 1 of, relating to, or characteristic of
humankind. 2 showing the better qualities of humankind, such as sensitivity. >noun
a human being. –DERIVATIVES humanly >adjective humanness >noun. –ORIGIN Latin
humanus, from homo 'man, human being'. 1. Where in scripture was human discernment
was present ?

2. Do you see in the spirit? If yes, explain.

spirit >noun 1 a person's non–physical being, composed of their character and

emotions. 2 this regarded as surviving after the death of the body, often
manifested as a ghost. 3 a supernatural being. 4 the prevailing or typical
character, quality, or mood: the nation's egalitarian spirit. 5 (spirits) a
person's mood. 6 courage, energy, and determination. 7 the real meaning or
intention of something as opposed to its strict verbal interpretation. 8 chiefly
Brit. strong distilled liquor such as rum. 9 a volatile liquid, especially a fuel,
prepared by distillation. >verb (spirited, spiriting) (spirit away) convey rapidly
and secretly. –PHRASES in spirit in thought or intention though not physically.
when the spirit moves someone when someone feels inclined to do something.
–ORIGIN Latin spiritus 'breath, spirit', from spirare 'breathe'.

PROPHETIC DELIVERANCE There's an anointing in prophetic ministry that the Lord

will take some prophets into. We know that God uses all of his prophets in
different ways, but this anointing is two ministries mixed into one. With this
ministry of Prophetic deliverance, it comes natural to the prophet (or whoever God
chooses to use) to know the spirit that's in operation, and is inspired by the
Holy Spirit to speak in past tense to the persons as far back as hundreds of years
into their bloodline. This is one of the ministry's the Lord allows me to flow in,
and I love it. When I minister to someone, I can see the demons that have the
person bound, sometimes before I even meet the person. Instead of calling out a
list of demons, I go straight to the root. I remember a time when a lady came to
my house for private deliverance. She wanted to be delivered from drugs, but I saw
something else. I saw the reason why she couldn't keep her deliverance. It was
because she was in an extramarital relationship with a warlock, and he was using
witchcraft to keep her bound. She was already delivered from drugs; it was so much
deeper than that. I had her to repent and renounce all involvement with adultery
and witchcraft; she did and was freed that same hour. She stayed free for six
months then went back to that relationship and become bound to drugs again. After
some time, she came back and ask me
how did I know that she was hiding information, I told her it was the Holy Spirit
not me. I will no longer perform deliverance on her because she's not ready to
give up that life style. Another young lady had come to my house for many
sessions, but this time I saw a demon sitting on top of her and it was in control.
She said it was nothing wrong, she was going though some hurt from her marriage,
but this demon’s name was not hurt, its name was incest. As I started operating in
deliverance, the prophetic took over and I commanded that the snakes come out of
her vaginal area. The demon manifested and told me and the workers in Latin
language that it’s been there for a time and its not going. I knew it was Latin
because the Holy Spirit interpreted the language for me and told me that it was an
ancient demon. I commanded in the name of Jesus that the demon lose her and her
bloodline. She screamed and her face changed. I called her name and command in
Jesus name that she come to the surface. I told her to renounce incest she cried
and said that she was having sex with her relative and the family knew about it.
After she confessed and repented, we cast the demon out and she was free. There
have been several times demons have tried hide but they couldn’t hide from the
Holy Ghost (Acts 16:16).
PROPHETIC DELIVERANCE deliverance >noun 1 the process of being rescued or set
free. 2 a formal or authoritative utterance. 1.Do you need deliverance wright now
if so from what?

2. Have you ever gone through deliverance?

3.What are demons?

4.Give scripture of casting out devils.

DELIVERANCE MINISTRY AND FORGIVENESS Deliverance Ministry is much needed in our
churches and homes. There was a time I felt so bound, and darkness was all around
me. One morning I woke up and looked in the mirror, there was a dark shadow over
my face. I had been doing a lot of deliverance sessions out of my home, and it was
a lot of stress on me because I was warring even the harder because I had to cover
my children who were also in the house. I noticed when certain people came over
for the deliverance services, the children would have bad dreams and demons would
torment them. I didn’t understand, we would spiritually clean the house after
everyone left, and I would pray and ask God what was released in our home. The
spirit of fear had over taken me to the point I wasn’t able to sleep at night. I
was jumping up looking out of the windows, and checking the doors three times a
night. I was bound and didn’t know why. I had been doing deliverance for about six
years, and I knew that my job was to tear Satan’s kingdom down. The Lord promised
me that if I stayed Holy, He wouldn’t let any evil transfer to me; and my God is
not a man that He should lie. I stopped having the services because it had to be
an area in my life that wasn’t clean. The next day after I decided to stop the
prayers, my chest started to hurt very badly. My husband took me to the hospital,
and I was threatening a heart attack at the age of thirty- three. I was in the
hospital for three days. After I got home, I screamed and yelled at the enemy. I
went crazy on
the devil and his host of demons. I went all over my house with blessed oil
praying in tongues, and casting out every evil that was left in my home. After the
warfare was over, I cried out to the Lord for deliverance. I needed to be
delivered. Then the Lord showed me that unforgiveness and the root of my problem
was hurt. The Lord spoke to me and He said, “many will come, but that doesn’t mean
they’re sent by me”. Then he showed me the hurt that I covered up from people
using and deceiving me into believing they were something that they weren’t. I had
built up unforgiveness with out knowing (Psalm 142). I repented and forgave those
people, and then I forgave my self because I was very disappointed in my self. How
can I preach one thing, and at the same time walk around with a hard heart? The
hurt and unforgiveness gave the demons legal ground to oppress me and to touch my
body. After the Lord revealed all of this to me, I was able to go through self-
deliverance. The reason a person must forgive is because it ties them in bondage
to the one they have not forgiven. And it’s gives the devil and his demons legal
rights to the person so that they can’t receive there deliverance. Its very
important to make sure your not carrying unforgiveness, and the ones you take
through deliverance, because if you’re doing the praying and haven’t forgave, you
will find your self in more bondage as well as the persons receiving deliverance
ministry. (Luke 11:25-26)
MATT 6:14-15,LUKE 6:37, MARK 11:26 WEBSTER’S DICTIONARY Definition of forgives;
1.To grant pardon for or remission of something. 2.To cease to blame or feel
resentment against; 3.To show forgiveness. Sin. Absolve, excuse or exonerate. The
NIV(New International Version) STUDY BIBLE Definition of forgiveness; 1.pardon and
release from penalty for wrongdoing; 2.God’s delivery from sin’s wages (Rom6: 23);
3.The Christian act of freeing from guilt and blame those by whom one has suffered
wrong. (Matt 6:14, Col 2:7;3:13). forgive >verb (past forgave; past part.
forgiven) 1 stop feeling angry or resentful towards (someone) for an offense or
mistake. 2 excuse (an offense, flaw, or mistake). –DERIVATIVES forgivable
>adjective forgiver >noun forgiving >adjective. –ORIGIN Old English.
HOW DID I GO FROM POWER TO DEPRESSION I can remember asking myself questions like,
“how can one moment I prophesy into a person’s life commanding that cancer dry up,
and the next minute be full of fear and depression crying telling the Lord that I
don’t want to move in the supernatural gifts and anointing anymore”? People called
me for prayer and I refused to pray, I closed the ministry down that was given to
me by the Holy Spirit. How did I get here? I would ask myself that all the time. I
was at a place of giving up on everything. As I write this, my heart is
overflowing with compassion for leaders everywhere. The warfare is great, but the
Lord is greater. We need to get back to a place of just loving on Jesus. The
prophet Elijah went through some spiritual storms too. One moment by his words he
spoke a drought (1Kings 17), he revived the widows son moving in such power from
God (1 Kings17: 17). Elijah was a prophet that didn’t play! He was obedient to the
Lord and at the same time, very bold. He didn’t take any mess when it came to the
things of God. I am also a very obedient prophet. I love the things of God. Every
day I looked forward to new spiritual levels. I thought that I would never find
myself sitting at a bar stool getting drunk because of
depression. All the while I was sitting at the bar stool, prophetically receiving
words for everyone there, but I couldn’t flow because of condemnation. I was drunk
and no one would receive anything from me. So I sat and asked the Lord how did I
get here? The prophet Elijah stood in the faces of four hundred and fifty false
prophets and told them to choose their god. He asked them how long will they be
caught between two opinions? Some of us need to ask ourselves that same question
(1 King 18:20-21). After asking the question, he challenged them and their gods.
The Lord caused fire to fall from heaven so that the people would know there’s
only one true living God (1 Kings 18:22-38). The false prophets cut themselves put
on a show and nothing happened. Elijah told the people to grab the false prophets,
and he killed them all (1Kings 18:40). I know for a fact that Satan was very
angry. Now his main goal is to find out Elijah’s weakness. He’s looking to see if
there are any doors open. Remember, after every great accomplishment the enemy is
coming with everything he has. First of all, you’re at a place where you need to
be restored. Elijah out ran a chariot with supernatural power from on high. The
anointing was resting on his life, so how can we explain how fear over took him
causing him to run from a woman named Jezebel (chapter 19). After all the
miracles, signs, and wonders, how could this be? How did he get to a wilderness
place of depression that over took him to the point he prayed that he might die?
Elijah said to the Lord, “take my life. I am no better than my fathers”. Some
leaders go wrong in the fact that just because the Lord chose to use us in
supernatural abilities doesn’t mean that were greater than any one else (1 Kings
19:4). The Lord sent an angel to minister to the prophet strength after going into
a battle with the forces of hell. We have to be restored, or we will crash under
the weight of the calling. After a journey, the prophet went into a cave (1Kings
19:9). So many times as leaders we find ourselves wondering into caves, the
darkest dampest places, thinking we’re the only ones living right, and the only
ones standing in obedience to God. Another lie fed to us by the enemy, Elijah was
speaking to the Lord about the children of Israel and how they have disrespected
His loving kindness (1Kings 19:10). We as leaders sometimes take on the tasks that
have not been set before us. We can’t do the Lord’s work on our own, because we
are human men with a supernatural God.

depression >noun 1 severe despondency and dejection, especially when long–lasting

and accompanied by physical symptoms. 2 a long and severe recession in an economy
or market. 3 the action of depressing. 4 a sunken place or hollow. 5 Meteorology a
cyclonic weather system.
1. Explain in the words given to you by the Lord of why did Elijah run.

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