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Answer Key

Hey There! 1

Placement Test A

Unit 2

1. a; 2. c; 3. a; 4. c; 5. b; 6. d; 7. b; 8. c; 9. b;
10. d; 11. c; 12. d; 13. d; 14. a; 15. d; 16. a;
17. c; 18. d; 19. b; 20. a; 21. d; 22. b; 23. b; 24. d;
25. a; 26. b; 27. d; 28. c; 29. a; 30. c; 31. d; 32. b;
33. b; 34. b; 35. c; 36. b; 37. b; 38. b; 39. d; 40. a;
41. d; 42. c; 43. a; 44. a; 45. b; 46. c; 47. b; 48. a;
49. c; 50. b

Level 1

1 1. parents; 2. cousin; 3. sister; 4. uncle; 5. aunt
2 1. short; 2. beautiful; 3. small; 4. thin; 5. friendly
3 positive; negative; neutral; friendly; unfriendly;
short; beautiful; ugly; new
4 1. childrens; 2. Janies; 3. grandparents; 4. cousins;
5. brothers; 6. friends
5 1. My; 2. His; 3. Our; 4. Her; 5. Their; 6. Its; 7. your
6 1. men; 2. toys; 3. people; 4. babies;
5. grandchildren; 6. girls; 7. cities

Placement Test B

7 1. Joey and Paula; 2. Ms. Leigh; 3. The Kartners;

4. her cousins Rosy and Fiona

1. a; 2. b; 3. c; 4. c 5. c; 6. b; 7. c; 8. b; 9. b; 10. a;
11. b; 12. a; 13. a; 14. d; 15. b; 16. c; 17. b; 18. a;
19. c; 20. a; 21. d; 22. b; 23. a; 24. b; 25. a; 26. c;
27. d; 28. d; 29. a; 30. a; 31. b; 32. c; 33. c; 34. c;
35. d; 36. b; 37. c; 38. d; 39. b; 40. d; 41. b; 42. a;
43. c; 44. d; 45. a; 46. a; 47. b; 48. b; 49. c; 50. a

Unit 1

8 1. F; 2. F; 3. T; 4. F;
9 1. (a.) Thats Margaret!

Level 1

2. (b.) No, shes my aunt.

3. (e.) Shes from New York.

4. (c.) I dont know. About 40, I think.

5. (f.) Yes, she has a daughter.

6. (d.) Shes kind and funny.

1 1. February; 2. classroom; 3. geography; 4. nine;
5. principal
Unit 3

2 1. second; 2. fourth; 3. fifth; 4. seventh; 5. eighth;

6. ninth

Level 1


3 1. subject; 2. technology; 3. PE; 4. teacher; 5. social


1 1. board; 2. eraser; 3. desk; 4. paper; 5. pen;

6. ruler; 7. pencil; 8. book; 9. backpack;
10. notebook


2 1. on; 2. next to; 3. in; 4. under; 5. between;

6. behind

4 1. is; 2. are; 3. are; 4. Is; 5. arent

5 a. 3; b. 5; c. 4; d. 2; e. 1
6 1. Where; 2. What; 3. What; 4. When; 5. How old


7 1. in; 2. on; 3. On; 4. on; 5. in

3 1. an; 2. a; 3. an; 4. an; 5. a

4 1. There is; 2. There are; 3. There arent; 4. There
isnt; 5. There are; 6. There arent


5 1. this; 2. this; 3. That; 4. These; 5. That

8 1. b; 2. a; 3. a; 4. a; 5. b; 6. a; 7. a; 8. a

6 1. There arent any interesting magazines.

9 1. Whats your name?

2. Where are you from?

3. Do you like the new school?

4. Math and science.

5. Its 12:30.

6. Lets go.

2. There is an eraser in my backpack.

3. Is that your cell phone?

4. These are their science projects.

5. Those are her new CDS.

6. There arent any notebooks on the table.

7 1. backpack; 2. desk; 3. ruler; 4. homework;
5. science book; 6. test
8 1. with my sister; 2. on my desk; 3. under my bed;
4. in my backpack; 5. There are; 6. behind

Hey There! 1 Mixed-Ability Tests


Copyright 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use

Answer Key
Unit 4

Hey There! 1


Level 1

1 1. teeth; 2. a shower; 3. breakfast; 4. up;
5. homework; 6. home; 7. school; 8. bed

1. Animal

Great white shark

2 1. watch; 2. visit; 3. listen. 4. have; 5. get; 6. take;

7. hang out; 8. brush

2. Length

20 feet long

3. Weight

4,000 pounds

4. Habitat

Southern coast of Australia,

South Africa, and California


5. Color

gray (and white)

3 1. b; 2. c; 3. a 4. a; 5. b; 6. c

6. Food

fish, small sharks, dolphins,


2. My parents dont love to dance.

7. Reproduction

lay eggs

3. Sandras parents dont eat meat.

8. Life (years)

(more than) 40 years

4. My mother doesnt cook a big meal.

5. My uncle doesnt sing and (/or) play the guitar


6. We dont have school on holidays.

9 1. What is it; 2. Does it bite; 3. What does it eat; 4. it

loves bananas; 5. No, it doesnt; 6. but it plays a lot,

4 1. I dont eat a big meal in the afternoon.

5 1. My brother takes a shower in the morning.

2. We like to play computer games.

3. My parents sometimes see a film on Saturdays.

4. I brush my teeth before I go to bed.

5. I hang out with my friends on the weekend.

6. She doesnt have lunch at school.

Unit 6

Level 1



1. supermarket; 2. Internet caf; 3. library;

4. hairdressers; 5. movie theater; 6. bank

6 1. November 5th; 2. fireworks; 3. Guy; 4. old

clothes and newspapers; 5. cold; 6. potatoes and
hotdogs; 7. noisy; 8. great

2 1. post office; 2. sports center; 3. gas station;

4. shopping mall; 5. bank


3 1. see; 2. get; 3. send; 4. see; 5. borrow; 6.

withdraw; 7. get; 8. go; 9. play; 10. send

7 1. go to school; 2. ice cream; 3. chocolate cake;

4. family; 5. at home; 6. friends; 7. dance;
8. midnight

4 1. boxes; 2. stores; 3. cities; 4. fishes (or fish);
5. watches

Unit 5

Level 1




1 1. snake 2. sheep 3. monkey 4. hand 5. scorpion



2 1. wings; 2. trunk; 3. claws; 4. tongue; 5. scales;

6. feathers





3 1. e; 2. d; 3. a; 4. c; 5. b





4 1. dont; 2. Do; 3. doesnt; 4. Does; 5. Do

6 1. a; 2. some; 3. some; 4. a; 5. any

5 1. What do condors eat?

2. How often do birds lay eggs?


3. Does an African elephant have big ears?

7 1. a; 2. b; 3. b; 4. b; 5. a; 6. a; 7. a; 8. a

4. Where do lizards go in the winter?

5. Does your dog sometimes feel sad?

6 a. 4; b. 5; c. 2; d. 3; e. 1
7 1. Can; 2. cant; 3. can; 4. cant; 5. can

Hey There! 1 Mixed-Ability Tests


Copyright 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use

Answer Key

Hey There! 1



8 1. (b.) Lets go to the shopping mall.

2. (e.) Yes, but I think they are too expensive.

3. (a.) I only have $15.

3 1. m going to watch; 2. re going to have; 3. are

going to go; 4. s going to meet; 5. re going to stay;
6. s going to take; 7. re going to play; 8. s going to

4. (c.) Thats a great idea!

4 1. Are you going to change schools next year?

5. (f.) Great. Lets meet there.

2. Is it going to rain tomorrow?

6. (d.) Thats fine.

3. Are your parents going to buy a new television this


4. Are we going to invite our English teacher to the


5. Is Shakira going to make a new album next year?

Unit 7

Level 1

5 a. 4; b. 1; c. 5; d. 2; e. 3

1 1. bike; 2. car; 3. subway; 4. ferry; 5. plane


2 1. bus; 2. taxis; 3. bike; 4. trains; 5. plane;

6. subway; 7. car; 8. ferries

6 1. a; 2. b
7 1. Mallorca; 2. wants; 3. park; 4. four; 5. isnt;
6. big; 7. purple and black; 8. going to

3 1. e; 2. d; 3. a; 4. b; 5. c


4 1. buying; 2. listening; 3. asking; 4. reading;

5. chatting; 6. waiting; 7. eating

8 1. doing; 2. finishing; 3. were going; 4. is it;

5. were meeting; 6. What time; 7. Were leaving;
8. Bye

5 1. re taking; 2. studies; 3. m learning;

4. s running; 5. have; 6. eat
6 1. Andy isnt studying for his math test.

2. It isnt raining right now.

3. We arent eating in the cafeteria today.

4. Mom isnt making sandwiches for the team.

5. Im not playing in the concert this year.

Unit 1

Level 2

1 1. Thursday; 2. science; 3. third; 4. principal
2 1. music; 2. social studies; 3. technology; 4. math;
5. PE; 6. science

7 1. F; 2. T; 3. T; 4. T; 5. F; 6. T; 7. F; 8. F

3 1. subject; 2. principal; 3. technology; 4. classmates;

5. second; 6. math

8 1. (f.) Im having a great time.


2. (e.) Betty and I are planning our day.

4 1. is; 2. are; 3. are; 4. Is; 5. are

3. (d.) Were talking about going to an art museum,

and then eating a picnic lunch in the park.

5 1. Im not; 2. he is; 3. she/he isnt; 4. it isnt; 5. they


4. (b.) The sky is clearing and the sun is coming out.

6 1. Where is your school?

5. (a.) So do I.

2. What is her favorite subject?

6. (c.) Thats for sure!

3. When (What time) is art class?

4. When is his birthday?

5. How old is your sister?

Unit 8

7 1. in; 2. on; 3. on; 4. on; 5. in

Level 1



1 1. d; 2. a; 3. b; 4. e; 5. f; 6. c

8 1. T; 2. F; 3. T; 4. F; 5. T; 6. T; 7. F; 8. T


1. feed; 2. set; 3. vacuum; 4. wash; 5. do; 6. take out;

7. iron; 8. make

Hey There! 1 Mixed-Ability Tests

9 1. your name; 2. are you from; 3. Do you like;

4. your favorite subjects; 5. what time is it; 6. go


Copyright 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use

Answer Key
Unit 2

Hey There! 1


Level 2

4 1. a; 2. a; 3. a; 4. an; 5. a; 6. an; 7. an; 8. an


5 1. there arent; 2. there are; 3. there isnt; 4. there is;

5. there isnt

1 1. parents; 2. cousin; 3. sister; 4. uncle; 5. aunt

2 1. short/average height; 2. beautiful/cute; 3. small;
4. thin; 5. friendly/nice

6 1. Is there a new French teacher at our school?

3 (Answers will vary)

2. Are there any (some) extra tickets?

3. Is there enough food for everyone?

4. Are there any (some) interesting new books?














7 (Suggested answers)

4 1. childrens; 2. Jaimes; 3. grandparents;
4. brothers; 5. dogs; 6. friends
5 1. My; 2. His; 3. Our; 4. Her; 5. Their; 6. Its; 7. your
6 1. men; 2. toys; 3. people; 4. babies;
5. grandchildren; 6. girls
7 1. Masie; 2. Mrs. Leigh; 3. the Kartners; 4. Masies
uncle and aunt
8 (Suggested answers)

1. Janie needs help because she cant find her


2. Janie thinks its on her desk, at school.

3. All of her books, notebooks, and everything else

she needs for school are in her backpack.

4. She has pencils, pens, and a ruler.

5. She needs her books and notebooks.

6. Theres a science test tomorrow.

7. Janie can go to Anas after lunch.

8. Janie can return the book tonight.


1. It isnt very big, but its comfortable.

2. Theres a lot of traffic, and its very noisy.

3. The come into Masies garden and catch the birds.

4. They are very kind. They have a baby.

8 (Students own answers)

Unit 4
9 (Suggested answers)

1. Margaret

2. shes my aunt

3. Shes from New York.

4. I dont know. About 40, I think.

5. No, she has a son.

6. Shes kind and funny.

1 (Order may vary.)

1. take a shower; 2. do my homework; 3. have

breakfast; 4. go home; 5. brush my teeth; 6. go to
school; 7. go to bed; 8. get up

2 1. I like to watch movies on the weekend (on


2. We visit relatives on Sundays.

3. I listen to music before bed.

4. I have dinner at six oclock.

5. We get up late on Sundays.


6. I take a shower before breakfast.

1 1. backpack; 2. pencil; 3. ruler; 4. board;

5. notebook

7. I sometimes hang out with a few friends.

8. I brush my teeth after meals.

Unit 3

Level 2

Level 2

2 (Some answers may vary.)

1. on; 2. next to; 3. in; 4. under; 5. between;

6. behind

3 1. go; 2. cooks; 3. come; 4. sings; 5. play; 6. has

3 1. There are extra pens in a cup on my desk.

4 1. I dont live in New York.

2. Your backpack is next to the computer.

3. Her shoes are behind the door.

2. Britney doesnt like fast cars.

4. His book is under the kitchen table.

3. They dont play basketball every Saturday.

5. My pencil doesnt have an eraser.

4. Rick doesnt take the bus to school.

6. Bonnies house is behind my house.

5. On Sundays we dont get up early.

6. You dont watch TV every evening.

Hey There! 1 Mixed-Ability Tests


Copyright 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use

Answer Key

Hey There! 1

5 (Answers may vary.)

6 (Suggested answers)

1. My brother takes a shower when he gets up.

1. Elephants eat leaves and other plants.

2. We play computer games in the winter.

2. Birds usually wake up at sunrise.

3. My parents watch a movie in the evening.

3. A scorpion stings its food.

4. I am very hungry after school.

4. Piranhas live in the Amazon River.

5. Jack is late for school this morning.

5. No. Fish have scales.

6. They eat ice cream on Saturdays.

7 1. Penguins swim very well.

2. Spiders can catch insects in their webs.


3. Pandas eat green bamboo, not meat.

6 (Suggested answers)

4. Birds build their nests in trees, not under rocks.

1. Bonfire Night is on November 5th.

5. Butterflies cant sting.

2. The models name is Guy.

3. The children use the money to buy fireworks.


4. They burn the Guy on Bonfire Night.

8 1. F; 2. T; 3. F; 4. F; 5. T; 6. F; 7. F; 8. T

5. The weather is usually cold in November.

6. People eat potatoes and hotdogs, and a traditional

cake called parkin.

9 1. f; 2. g; 3. a; 4. b; 5. d; 6. e

7. rockets, Roman candles, firecrackers

8. The writer likes the big rockets the most.

Unit 6

7 (Students own answers)

Level 2

1 1. supermarket; 2. Internet caf; 3. library
(bookstore); 4. hairdresser/hairdressers; 5. movie
theater; 6. bank

Unit 5

Level 2

2 1. mail a letter; 2. play soccer; 3. get gas; 4. buy a

present; 5. withdraw some money


3 (Suggested answers)

1 (Suggested answers)

1. butterfly; 2. monkey; 3. sheep; 4. condor

2 1. wings; 2. trunk; 3. horns; 4. teeth; 5. scales;

6. feathers; 7. tongue
3 1. Piranhas dont live in the San Francisco Bay. They
live in the Amazon River.

1. see; 2. get; 3. send/write/get; 4. borrow; 5.

borrow/withdraw; 6. go; 7. play; 8. mail; 9. get;
10. see


2. Foxes dont migrate. They adapt.

4 1. stores; 2. watches; 3. magazines; 4. fishes (fish);

5. boxes

3. Dogs dont sting. They bite.

5 (Suggested answers)

4. Birds dont live under stones. They live in trees.

5. Bears dont hunt in the winter. They hibernate.


4 1. Dogs dont hibernate in the winter.

2. Cows dont live in trees.

3. Horses dont eat meat.

4. Most sharks dont attack humans.

5. Scorpions do sting insects to kill them.












6 1. a; 2. some; 3. some; 4. an; 5. any (some)

5 1. What do elephants eat?

2. What time do birds usually wake up?

3. How does a scorpion kill its food?

4. Where do piranhas live?

5. Do fish have feathers?

Hey There! 1 Mixed-Ability Tests


Copyright 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use

Answer Key

Hey There! 1



7 (Suggested answers)

5 1. Anna is writing the letter.

1. Grants is in the center of town.

2. Anna is staying with Laura.

2. You can buy presents on the first floor.

3. Shes writing from Golden Gate Park.

3. Grants sells all kinds of music.

4. The weather in San Francisco is beautiful.

4. You can send e-mails and eat or drink.

5. Laura and her friends are helping Anna.

5. Blends is a clothing store.

6. Everyone is so nice.

6. They sell surfing, snowboarding, and

skateboarding clothes.

7. Anna wants to walk across the Golden Gate Bridge.

7. No, its not cheap.

8. She wants Sophie to be there, too.

8. Its open seven days a week.

6 (Students own answers)

8 1. (b.) Should we buy Sarah a present for her

Unit 8

Level 2


2. (e.) OK. What should we buy her?

3. (d.) Why dont we buy her some sunglasses?

4. (g.) No, theyre very expensive.

5. (a.) Well, lets buy her a purse.

2 1. feed; 2. set; 3. vacuum; 4. wash/do; 5. do; 6. take

out; 7. iron; 8. make

6. (f.) Good idea. This orange one is nice, and its only


1 1. bed; 2. bookshelf; 3. poster; 4. blanket; 5. closet;

6. pillow

Unit 7

3 1. m going to watch; 2. re not going to have lunch;

3. s not going to call; 4. is going to see; 5. re going
to stay; 6. is going to take; 7. Are going to play;
8. Is going to sleep

Level 2


4 1. Are you going to change schools next year?

1 1. bike; 2. bus; 3. taxi; 4. subway; 5. car; 6. plane;

7. train; 8. bus
2 (Students own answers)

2. Is it going to rain tomorrow?

3. Are your parents going to buy a new television this


4. Are we going to invite our English teacher to the

5. Is Shakira going to make a new album next year?

3 1. Were taking the bus to school this week.

2. Isabel always studies before dinner.

5 (Students own answers.)

3. Im learning how to ski.

4. My dad is running in a marathon next month.


5. They have an old car.

6 1. Sol

6. We eat dinner together on weekends.

7. Chloe is planning an end of year party.

7 1. Anil is in Mallorca.

4 1. are waiting; 2. m working; 3. re doing; 4. re

standing; 5. m sitting; 6. s listening; 7. s moving;
8. re wasting

2. Sol tells Anil about his new house.

2. Yes, he does.

3. The house is next to the park.

4. There are ten rooms.

5. Yes, it is.

6. Sol is going to paint his bedroom walls black and


7. No, he isnt.

8. Hes going to Greece.

8 1. are you doing; 2. my science project; 3. were
going to see; 4. to come; 5. Where is it; 6. were
meeting; 7. What time; 8. See you there

Hey There! 1 Mixed-Ability Tests


Copyright 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Answer Key
Final Exam

Hey There! 1

summer. Do they usually go to the mountains in the

summer?; 3. We dont have a fantastic vacation in
Aruba. Do we have a fantastic vacation in Aruba?;
4. There arent two swimming pools in our town. Are
there two swimming pools in our town?

Level 1

1 1. aunt; 2. ant; 3. bank; 4. eraser; 5. subway;
6. art; 7. bathroom; 8. tongue
2 1. short; 2. unfriendly; 3. old; 4. fat; 5. cute; 6. kind

8 1. Am going to play; 2. Take a shower; 3. Are you

working; 4. Are not waiting; 5. Do you sleep; 6. Do
you neighbors play;

3 1. hide; 2. trunk; 3. shower; 4. fireworks; 5. post

office; 6. set
4 1. a; 2. b; 3. a; 4. a

9 (Students own answers)

10 a. 7; b. 2; c. 5; d. 4; e. 1; f. 3; g. 6

5 1. on; 2. next to; 3. some; 4. go; 5. her; 6. in

11 (Students own answers)

6 1. d; 2. b; 3. f; 4. a; 5. e; 6. c

12 Writing; playing; Saturday; oclock; back; night

7 1. isnt making; Ismaking; 2. dontgo; Dogo;

3. didnt; Did.have; 4. arent; Are there
8 1. am playing; 2. take; 3. does she work; 4. dont
eat; 5. Are you sleeping; 6. Do
9 1. There are; 2. that; 3. Those; 4. an; 5. these
10 1. F; 2. T; 3. T 4. F; 5. T; 6. T; 7. F
11 1. f; 2. d; 3. a; 4. b; 5. e; 6. c
12 1. e-mail; 2. writing; 3. playing; 4. oclock;
5. back; 6. night

Final Exam

Level 2

1 1. aunt; 2. ant;; 4. eraser; 5. subway; 6. art;
7. bathroom; 8. tongue
2 1. short; 2. unfriendly; 3. old; 4. fat; 5. cute;
6. kind;
3 1. hide; 2. trunk; 3. shower; 4. fireworks; 5. post
office; 6. set;
4 1. a; 2. b; 3. a; 4. a
5 1. Your books are on the table; 2. The bank is next
to the supermarket; 3. I have some money in my
pocket; 4. Lets go to the movies today; 5. Thats not
your book, its her book; 6. We usually have exams
in June.
6 1. Wheres my phone?; 2. What time does the movie
start?; 3. When is the English test?
7 1. She isnt making her bed. Is she making her bed?;
2. They dont usually go to the mountains in the

Hey There! 1 Mixed-Ability Tests


Copyright 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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