Sarf in Short
Sarf in Short
Sarf in Short
بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم
َّ investigates the behaviour of the word ( )الْ َكلِ َمةindividually i.e. not in
(1) الص ْرف
ِ ال
(a) ْف ْع ِل ص ْرف
َ (Morphology of the Verb),
ًاالس ِم َمعا ِ
(c) ْ ص ْرف الْف ْع ِل َو
َ (Morphology of the Verb and Noun together), also called "
الص ْرف ال ُْم ْشَت َرك
َّ " (Shared Morphology i.e. the Morphology common to the Verb and
ص ْرف ال ِْف ْع ِل
ِ ال
(5) ْف ْع ِل ِ
َ investigates the الْف ْع ِلfrom seven perspectives:
ص ْرف
(e) the presence or absence of the ِ ( الْ َفdoer / subject of the verbal sentence)
(6) The first perspective: the time of the occurrence of the action
Thus, the الثُّالَثِيis sub-divided into:
ِ ِ
َ ( الثُّالَث ّي ال ُْمnaked / divested triliteral), which is any ثُالَث ّيdivested and stripped
(i) ج َّرد
of any additional letters such that it only consists of root letters, like: "ج َ ( " َخ َرwent
out), "ِح
َ ( "فَرwas happy), "س َن
ُ ( " َحwas good), etc. and
(ii) ْم ِزيْد
َ ال ( الثُّالَثِ ّيincreased / augmented triliteral), which is any ثُالَثِ ّيwhose root form
is increased by the addition of up to three letters, like: "ج َ ( "أَ ْخ َرput out, threw out), "
( "تَ َخ َّر َجgraduated), "( "اِ ْستَ ْخ َر َجtook out, extracted), etc.
ِ الرب
Likewise, the اعيَ ُّ is sub-divided into:
(i) ج َّرد ِ ُّ (naked / divested quadriliteral), which is any اعي
َ الربَاع ّي ال ُْم ّ َ ُربdivested and
stripped of any additional letters such that it only consists of root letters, like: "ج َ " َد ْح َر
(rolled), "ن
َ َ( "طَ ْمأput at ease), etc. and
(ii) ْم ِزيْد ِ الرب ِ
َ الاع ّيَ ُّ (increased / augmented quadriliteral), which is any ُربَاع ّيwhose root
form is increased by the addition of up to two letters, like: "ج َ ( "تَ َد ْح َرwas rolled), "
َّ ( "اِط َْمأwas at ease), etc.
(NB! For more details see the Appendix 1 at the end of the book)
(8) The third perspective: the presence or absence of َح ُرف ِعلَّ ٍة
ْ ( أweak letters,
namely: the ال َْواو, the األَلِفand the ) الْيَاءamong the root letters
ِ الص
(a) ح ْيح َّ (sound / strong), which is a فِ ْعلwhose root letters are free from َح ُرف ِعلَّ ٍة
(weak letters), and consists of three types:
(i) السالِم
َّ الص ِح ْيح
َّ (super sound / strong), which is a ص ِح ْيح ِ ْ َّالت
َ that is free from ضع ْيف
(doubling i.e. have two identical root letters) and ( ال َْه ْمزhaving one of the root letters
as a ) َه ْم َزة, like: "ج
َ " َخ َر , "ب
َ َ " َكت, etc.
(ii) اعف
َض َ ال ُْم َ الص ِح ْيح ال ُْم
/ ض َّعف َّ (doubled strong), which is a ص ِح ْيح
َ that has two
identical root letters, like: "( " َم َّدextended, lengthened), "ْز َل
َ ( " َزلquaked, shook), etc.
(b) ل ِ
ّ َ( ال ُْم ْعتweak), which is a ف ْعلwhose root form constitutes at least one of the three
َح ُرف ال ِْعلَّ ِة
ْ أand comprises four types:
ِ ( الquasi-sound), which is a
(i) ْمثَال ُم ْعتَ ّلwhose first root letter is a ( َح ْرف ِعلَّ ٍةweak
letter), like: "ل ِ
َصَ ( " َوreached, arrived), "س َ ( "يَبwas dried), etc.
(ii) َج َوف
ْ ( األhollow), which is a ُم ْعتَ ّلwhose second root letter is a َح ْرف ِعلَّ ٍة, like: "ال
َ َ"ق
(said), "اع
َ َ( "بsold), etc.
(iii) ( النَّاقِصdefective), which is a ُم ْعتَ ّلwhose last root letter is a َح ْرف ِعلَّ ٍة, like: "" َد َعا
(called, invited), "( " َر َمىthrew, cast), etc.
(i) اح ٍد ِّي إِلَى َم ْفعُ ْو ٍل
َ ْ ( ال ُْمَت َعدtransitive to one direct object only i.e. singly transitive),
like: "ب
َ َ " َكتin for example: "َالر َسالَة
ِّ ب َزيْ ٌد
َ َ( " َكتZayd wrote the letter),
/ generous), and "َرى
َ "أin "ًَس ْهلَة َ س الطَّال
َب ال َْم ْسأَلَة ُ ( "أ ََرى ال ُْم َد ِّرThe teacher made the
student see the problem as being easy)
Some scholars add a third category, namely: that which is neither الَ ِزمnor ُمَت َع ٍّد, and
comprises verbs such as "ن
َ " َكاand its sisters and "اد
َ " َكand its sisters.
(10) The fifth perspective: the presence or absence of the ِ ( الْ َفdoer / subject
of the verbal sentence)
(a) ( ال َْم ْبنِ ّي لِل َْم ْعلُ ْوِمactive form of the verb), which is a فِ ْعلwhose اعل
ِ الْ َفis mentioned
(even in the implied and implicit sense) in the sentence and not dropped, like:
ِ ِ
َ َ " َكتin "اب
َ َالْخط ُ ب الطَّال
ب َ َ( " َكتThe student wrote the letter),
"ب ِ ِ َّ
ُ ُ "يَ ْكتin "اب
َ َب الْخط ُ ب الطال ُ ُ( "يَ ْكتThe student is writing the letter), and
"ب َ ْب [أَن
ْ ُ "اُ ْكتin "]ت ْ ُ[ "اُ ْكتWrite (you)]
"ب ِ ِ ِ
َ " ُكتin "اب
ُ َالْخط بَ ( " ُكتThe letter was written) and
"ب ِ
ُ َ "يُ ْكتin "اب
ُ َب الْخطُ َ( "يُ ْكتThe letter is being written)
(11) The sixth perspective: flexibility and inflexibility (i.e. rigidity)
(a) ص ِّرف
َ َ( ال ُْمتflexible), which is of two types:
ِ التَّص ُّر
(i) ف َّام ِ ِ
َ ّ ( التfully-flexible), which is a ف ْعلthat exists in all three states of the الْف ْعل,
that is: the اضي ِ
ْ ال َْم, the ضارِعَ ال ُْمand the األ َْمر, like:
ِ الْم
اض ْي ضارِع
َ ال ُْم األ َْمر Meaning
بَ ََكت بُ ُيَ ْكت بْ ُاُ ْكت
to write, record
َ ض َر
َ ُ ض ِر
ب ْ َي ْ ض ِر
ب ْ ِا To hit, beat, strike
ِ التَّص ُّر
(ii) ف ( النَّاقِصsemi-flexible), which is a فِ ْعلthat exists in only two of the three
states, that is: the اضي ِ
ْ ال َْمand the ضارِع
َ ال ُْمonly, or the ضارِع
َ ال ُْمand the األ َْمرonly, like:
ِ الْم
اض ْي ضارِع
َ ال ُْم األ َْمر Meaning
َ َك اد
ُ يَ َك
to be on the verge, almost, nearly
َ (ما) َزَ ال
ُ (ما) َي َز
to continue
ِ ( الْجrigid), which is a
(b) امد فِ ْعلthat exists in only one of the three states, like:
ِ الْم
اض ْي ضارِع
َ ال ُْم األ َْمر Meaning
َ ل َْي
ُ يَ ِه ْي
ط shouts, makes a noise
َ َت َع Come!
ِ َه
ات Give!
فِ ْعلthat has either the ُن ْون الت َّْوكِْي ِد الث َِّق ْيلَة
َّ ( ال ُْم َؤcorroborated), which is a
(a) كد
(emphatic ُّون ِ ِِ
ْ النof corroboration) or the ( ُن ْون الت َّْوك ْيد الْ َخف ْي َفةnon-emphatic الن ُّْونof
corroboration) suffixed to it.
(b) ك ِد
َّ ال ُْم َؤ ( غَْيرnon-corroborated), which is a فِ ْعلthat does not have the
ُن ْون الت َّْوكِْي ِد الث َِّق ْيلَةor the ُن ْون الت َّْوكِْي ِد الْ َخ ِف ْي َفةsuffixed to it.
In the case of the َ ال ُْمthe suffixing of the ُن ْون الت َّْوكِْي ِدis either:
(i) necessary, which is when the ضارِع َ ال ُْمdenotes the future and is in the affirmative
in an oath construction with the س ِم َ الالم( الَم الْ َقof oath) not being separated from it,
like: "ام ِة ِ ِ
َ َ( " َواهلل لَنُْب َعثَ َّن َي ْو َم الْقيBy Allah! We will be raised on the Day of Resurrection), ﴿
ْ اهلل أَل َكِ ْي َد َّن أ
َصنَ َام ُك ْم ِ َ( ﴾تBy Allah! I will play a trick on your idols), or
" "إِ َّما, like: "ح ِ َ ْ( "إِ َّما تَ ْجتَ ِه َد َّن فَأَنIf you really work hard, then you will be successful),
ٌ نَاج ت
(iii) often, which is when the ضارِع ٍ َ( أ ََداة طَلparticle of request
َ ال ُْمis preceded by an ب
such as command, prohibition, supplication, gentle or urgent request, wishing,
َ الظَّالِ ُم ْو
inquiring), like: ﴿ن ( ﴾ َوالَ تَ ْح َسبَ َّن اهللَ غَافِالً َع َّما َي ْع َم ُلDo not think that Allah is
unmindful of what the wrongdoers are doing)
(iv) rare, which is when the ضارِع َ ال ُْمis preceded by the negative "َ "الor the additional
َّ ص ْيبَ َّن الَّ ِذيْ َن ظَلَ ُم ْوا ِم ْن ُك ْم َخ
" " َما, like: ﴿ًاصة ِ ُ( ﴾و َّات ُقوا فِ ْتنَةً الَ تAnd guard yourselves against
ْ َ
a severe punishment which will not only afflict the wrongdoers …)
َ ال ُْمis preceded by "َم ٍ
(v) very rare, which is when the ْ "لor an أ ََداة َج َزاء
(conditional word) other than "( "إِ َّماand it makes no difference whether it is in the
َّ or الش ْر ِط
position the الش ْرط َّ ) َج َوابand is found mostly in poetry, like:
Whosoever you find of them will not return - ever - and killing Banu Qutaybah is a healing
(vi) disallowed, which is when one of the conditions for the necessary corroboration
َ الظَّالِ ُم ْو
is violated, like: "ن اهلل الَ ي ْفلِ ُح
ِ ( "وBy Allah! The wrongdoers will not be
االس ِم
ْ ص ْرف
(13) االس ِم
ْ ص ْرف
َ investigates the االسم
ْ also from seven perspectives:
(a) the stripping or addition of additional letters
(e) number
(f) diminution
The االسم
ْ from this perspective is divided into two categories:
(a) ج َّرد
َ ( ال ُْمnaked or divested), which is an اسم
ْ divested and stripped of any
additional letters and comprises three types:
(i) الثُّالَثِي ( ال ُْم َج َّردtrilateral naked), like: "( " َر ُجلman), "( " َف َرسhorse, mare), etc.
ِ الرب
(ii) اعي ( ال ُْم َج َّردquadriliteral naked), like: "( " َج ْع َفرJa’far, brooklet), "( " ِد ْر َهمdirham),
ّ َ ُّ
ِ الْ ُخم
(iii) اسي ( ال ُْم َج َّردquinqueliteral naked), like: "( " َس َف ْر َجلquince), etc.
The Increased / Augmented Form Root Form Additional Letter(s)
Triliteral Root
ِ َ( فsomeone understanding)
اهم َف ْهم the األلف
ض ُر ْوب ْ ( َمbeaten, coined) ض ْرب
َ the الميمand الواو
( ُم ْستَ ْس ِهلsomeone finding something َس ْهل the السين, الميمand التاء
( اِ ْستِ ْخ َراجextracting, taking out) خرج the , السين, همزة الوصل
التاءand األلف
( ُم َد ْحرِجsomeone rolling something) َد ْح َرج the الميم
( ُمتَ َد ْحرِجsomething being rolled) َد ْح َرج the الميمand التاء
The االسم
ْ from this perspective is divided into two categories:
ِ ( الْجrigid / non-derived), which is an
(a) امد اسم
َ ْ that is not derived from anything and
comprises two types:
ِ الذ
(i) ات ْ or اسم ال َْع ْي ِن
اسم ْ (concrete noun), which is an اسم
ْ that is not only non-
derivative but also none of the derived nouns is derived from it, and refers to an
entity or essence the nature of which is that it can be qualified and described by
highlighting a quality or attribute in it, like: "جل
ُ ( " َرman), "( " َف َرسhorse, mare), and
ْج َمال ِ
[Thus, if something possesses the quality of َ الyou can say that it is َجم ْيل
ضبَ َ( الْغanger) you can say that he is ضبَان
(beautiful), or if someone is in a state of ْ َغ
ِ ( الwriting) you can say that he is
(angry) or if someone performs the action of ْكتَابَة
(b) ق
ّ َ( ال ُْم ْشتderivative), which is an اسم
ْ that is formed from the ص َدر
ْ ال َْمon a specific
pattern or patterns to indicate the particular manner in which the quality, state or
action is related to someone or something (i.e. a vague entity or essence), and
comprises seven types:
ِ الْ َف
(i) اع ِل اسم
ْ (active participle), which is an اسم ُم ْشتَ ّق
ْ formed from the ص َدر
ْ ال َْمon a
specific pattern to indicate that someone or something is performing the action
indicated by the ْ ال َْمin a non-permanent sense, like: "( " َكاتِبsomeone writing), "
ص َدر
( "قَائِ ٌمsomeone or something standing), "( " ُم َسافِ ٌرsomeone traveling), etc.
ِ الْ َف
(iii) )اع ِل ْ ِالص َفة ال ُْم َشَّب َهة (ب
اس ِم ِّ (descriptive noun), which is an اسم ُم ْشتَ ّق
ْ formed from
the ص َدر
ْ ( ال َْمof an intransitive verb) on specific patterns to indicate that someone or
something is the bearer or possessor of the quality indicated by the ص َدر
ْ ال َْمand is
not confined to any particular tense but rather stretches from the past into the
continuous present, like: "ل ِ
ٌ ( " َجم ْيbeautiful), "( " َح َس ٌنgood), "( "أ َْبيَضwhite), "ضبَان
ْ َ"غ
(angry), etc.
ِ الت ْف
(iv) ض ْي ِل اسم
َّ ْ (comparative or superlative form), which is an اسم ُم ْشتَ ّق
ْ formed from
ْ ال َْمon the pattern of " "أَ ْف َع ُلto indicate that someone or something is
the ص َدر
ِ والْم َك
(v), (vi) ان ِ الزم
ان ِ ان م ْشَت َّق
ِ ْ formed
َ َ َ َّ اس َما
ْ (nouns of time or place), which are ان ُ اس َم
from the ص َدر
ْ ال َْمon specific patterns to indicate the time or place in which the action,
denoted by the ْ ال َْم, is occurring, like: " " َم ْش ِر ٌقand "( " َمطْلَعtime or place of the
ص َدر
rising of the sun), "ب ٌ ( " َمغْ ِرtime or place of the setting of the sun), "( " َم ْد َخلentry), "
( " َم ْخ َرجexit), etc.
ِ اآلل
(vii) َة اسم
ْ (noun of tool or instrument), which is an اسم ُم ْشتَ ّق ْ formed from the
ص َدر ِ ِ ِ
ْ ال َْمon the patterns of " "م ْف َعلَة, " "م ْف َعلor " "م ْف َعالto indicate the tool or instrument
with which the action indicated by the ص َدر ِ
ْ ال َْمis accomplished, like: "( "م ْب َردfile), "
( "ِم ْكنَ َسةbroom), "( "ِم ْفتَاحkey), etc.
The االسم
ْ from this perspective is divided into two categories:
َّ ( ُم َذmasculine), like: "( " َر ُجلman), "( " َجبَلmountain), "( " َقلَمpen), etc.
(a) كر
ّ ( َم ْعنَ ِوfeminine in meaning only), which is an
(ii) ي ْ whose meaning is ُم َؤنَّثbut
whose form is كر َّ ُم َذdue to it not having one of the ث ِ َعالَمات التَّأْنِْيsuffixed to it, like: "
( " َم ْريَمMaryam, Mary), "( " َز ْينَبZaynab), "( " ِه ْندHind), etc.
يّ ( لَ ْفظ ّي َو َم ْعنَ ِوfeminine in both form and meaning), which is an اسم
(iii) ْ that is ُم َؤنَّثin
both form and meaning, like: "اط َمة ِ َ( "فFatimah), "( "سلْمىSalma), "( "أَسماءAsma), etc.
َ َ َْ
ِ التَّأْنِْي
The ث َعالَ َماتare two in number:
The االسم
ْ from this perspective is divided into five categories:
( ال َْم ْم ُد ْودlengthened), which is any declinable اسم ِ
(c) ْ that terminates in an أَلفwhich
is extended by a ( َه ْم َزةi.e. "-َ) "اء, like: "ح ْم َراء ِ
َ " (red fem.), "ص ْح َراء
َ " (desert), ""ك َساء
(type of cloth or clothing), "شاء َ ْ( "إِنcreating, producing, establishing), etc.
ِ الص ِح ْي
(d) ح الشبِْيه
َّ ِبَّ (quasi-strong), which is every declinable اسم ْ terminating in a َواوor
يَاءpreceded by a ( ُس ُك ْونi.e. "-ْ " ًًٌٌٍوand "-ٌْي
ًًٌٍ " ), like: "( " ُحل ٌْوsweet), "( "ظَْب ٌيdeer), etc.
ِ الص
(e) ح ْيح َّ (strong), which is every declinable اسم
ْ that does not terminate in any of
the four previous endings, like: "( "كِتَابbook), "جل
ُ ( " َرman), etc.
(18) The fifth perspective: number (singular, dual and plural)
The االسم
ْ from this perspective is divided into three categories:
ِ َّص ِح ْي
(i) ح ْ الت َج ْمعor السالَ َم ِة
َّ ( َج ْمعsound plural), which is when the singular form
remains intact and unbroken when forming the plural form and which in turn
comprises two types:
َّ ( َج ْمع ال ُْم َذ َّك ِرsound masculine plural), which is any اسم
ْ that denotes three or
more males by suffixing the ال َْواوand ( الن ُّْونi.e. "-ُ " ْو َنin the case of الرفْع
َّ ) or the َالْي
اءand ( الن ُّْونi.e. "- "يْ َِنin the case of َّصب
ْ النand ْج ّر
َ ) ال, like:
َّ ثِ َّ( جمع الْم َؤنsound feminine plural), which is any اسم
ُ َْ ْ that denotes three or
more females by suffixing the األَلِفand ( التَّاءi.e. "-َات
ٌٍ " ) to the singular form after
dropping the كة ِ ( تَاء التَّأْنِْيvowelled التَّاءof femininity), like: "ات
َ ث ال ُْمتَ َح ِّر ٌٍ َ( "طَالِبthree or
more female students)
ِ التَّ ْك
(ii) س ْي ِر ( َج ْمعbroken plural), which is when the singular form changes when
forming the plural form and which in turn comprises two types:
( ُج ُم ْوع ال ِْقلَّ ِةplurals of paucity), which are plural forms that denote three to ten
objects and comprise four forms:
ْ َ"أ
"ش ُهر (months) (sing. "ش ْه ٌر
َ") أَ ْفعُل
""أَ ْع ِم َدة (pillars, columns) (sing. ") " َع ُم ْو ٌد أَفْ ِعلَة
""أَ ْق َفال (locks) (sing. "ل
ٌ ) " ُق ْف أَ ْف َعال
""فِ ْتيَة (young lads) (sing. ") " َفتًى فِ ْعلَة
( ُج ُم ْوع الْ َك ْث َر ِةplurals of multitude), which are plural forms that denote eleven to an
infinite number of objects, and comprise the following forms:
"س ُفن
ُ" (ships) (sing. "ٌس ِف ْينَة
َ") ُفعُل
"ش ْهب
ُ" ْ َ) "أ
(gray) (sing. "ش َهب ُف ْعل
"" ُبغَاة (tyrants, oppressors) (sing. "اغ
ٍ َ) "ب ُف َعلَة
"ص َور
ُ" (pictures, images) (sing. "ص ْو َرة
ُ ") ُف َعل
" ضى
َ " َم ْر ٌ ْ) " َم ِري
(sick people, patients) (sing. "ض َف ْعلَى
"" ُقلُ ْوب (hearts) (sing. "ْب
ٌ ) " َقل ُفعُ ْول
َ ِ"ب
"حار (seas) (sing. "ح ٌر
ْ َ) "ب فِ َعال
"" ِعبَر (lessons) (sing. "ٌ) " ِع ْب َرة فِ َعل
"ْمان ِ فِ ْعالَن
َ "غل (young lads, servants) (sing. ") "غُالَ ٌم
"ش ِقيَاء
ْ َ"أ ٌّ ) " َش ِق
(wretched, villain) (sing. "ي أَفْ ِعالَء
"" َع َملة (workers, labourers) (sing. "ل ِ
ٌ ) " َعام َف َعلَة
""قُطَّاع (people severing or cutting) (sing. "ع ِ
ٌ ) "قَاط ُف َّعال
ْ ُ"ق (sticks, branches) (sing. "ب ِ
ٌ ) "قَض ْي ُف ْعالَن
""فَِيلَة (elephants) (sing. "ٌ) "فِ ْيلَة فِ َعلَة
""عُلَ َماء (scholars, learned people) (sing. "م ِ
ٌ ) " َعال ُف َعالَء
"ش َّرد
ُ" (fugitive, stray, defectors) (sing. "شا ِر ٌد
َ") ُف َّعل
ِ " َدر
"اهم (dirhams) (sing. "م ِ َف َعالِل
َ ٌ ) "د ْر َه
"" َدنَانِْير (dinars) (sing. "ار ِ
ٌ َ) "د ْين َف َعال َْيل
In the grey ships the tyrants are images of sick-hearted people while the seas are lessons
Their children work for the wretched, cutting off branches because the elephants
And the scholars are astray and the final of their plurals ends finishes in the seventeenth
NB! In the final analysis the division of the َج ْمع التَّ ْك ِس ْي ِرinto َج ْمع ال ِْقلَّ ِةand َج ْمع الْ َك ْث َر ِة
is not a crucial one as the two types of plural are often interchangeable, such that
there is no hard-and-fast rule stating that the one has to be used rather than the
other. Often just one of the two types exist per noun in which case it can be used for
either type.
The االسم
ْ from this perspective is divided into two categories:
(a) صغَّر
َ ( ال ُْمdiminutive), which is any اسم
ْ that denotes the diminutive of the original
ْ from which it is formed, and comprises three forms:
(b) كبَّر
َ ( ال ُْمoriginal non-diminutive), which is the original ْ from which the صغَّر
االسم َ ال ُْم
is formed, like:
(20) The seventh perspective: relation
The االسم
ْ from this perspective is divided into two categories:
(a) س ْوب
ُ ( ال َْم ْنrelative noun), which is any اسم ِ َّس
ْ that has the ب َ ( يَاء النi.e. the الْيَاءof
relation and ascription, that is: "ي
ّ " ) suffixed to it in order to show that the االسم
bearing that الْيَاءis related to the original االسم ِ َّس
ْ before the suffixing of the ب َ يَاء الن,
ِ ِ
ّ ص ِر
"ي ْ ( "مEgyptian) from "صر
ْ ( "مEgypt),
ْ ِ( "إIslamic) from "( "ا ِإل ْسالَمIslam),
" كيِّ َّ
ّ ( " َمMeccan) from "( " َمكةMecca),
"( " َم َدنِيMedinan, civil, municipal, urban) from "ْم ِد ْينَة
َ ( "الMedina, city), etc.
(b) إِل َْي ِه
س ْوب ُ ( ال َْم ْنnoun related to), which is the original االسم ْ before the suffixing of the
ِ ِ
َ يَاء الن, like: ""م َّكة
ِ َّس
ب َ , " "ا ِإل ْسالَم, "صر
ْ "مand " "ال َْمد ْينَةin the previous examples.
الص ْرف ال ُْم ْشَت َرك
ِ اis when the first of two identical letters is assimilated into the second so
(22) إل ْدغَام
as become one emphatic letter. Thus, instead of pronouncing them twice they are
pronounced once only. The following are some of the important rules pertaining to
ا ِإل ْدغَام:
(a) When two identical letters meet and the first of them is unvowelled and the
second vowelled, then the first is assimilated into the second becoming one
emphatic letter, like:
" " َم ٌّدwhich was originally " " َم ْد ٌدon the pattern of "ل
ٌ " َف ْع, the first of the two ( الدَّاالَ ِنi.e.
two Dals) is assimilated into the second becoming " " َم ٌّد.
(b) When two vowelled identical letters meet in one word and they are preceded by
another vowelled letter, then the first of them is first unvowelled and then assimilated
into the second becoming one emphatic letter, like:
" " َم َّدwhich was originally " " َم َد َدon the pattern of "ل
َ " َف َع, the first of the two ( الدَّاالَ ِنi.e.
two Dals) is then unvowelled becoming " " َم ْد َدand then assimilated into the second
(c) When two vowelled identical letters meet in one word and they are preceded by
an unvowelled letter, then the first of them is first unvowelled by transferring its
vowel to the preceding unvowelled letter and then assimilated into the second
becoming one emphatic letter, like:
" "يَ ُم ُّدwhich was originally " "يَ ْم ُد ُدon the pattern of "ل ِ
ُ ُ " َي ْفع, the first of the two الدَّاالَن
(i.e. two Dals) is unvowelled by transferring its vowel to the preceding unvowelled ال ِْم ْي
مbecoming " "يَ ُم ْد ُدand then assimilated into the second الدَّالbecoming " "يَ ُم ُّد.
(d) When two identical letters meet and the first of them is vowelled and the second
unvowelled and they are preceded by an unvowelled, then it is optional for the first of
the two identical letters to be unvowelled by transferring its vowel to the preceding
unvowelled letter, such that two unvowelled letters meet and to escape the meeting
of two unvowelled letters the second of them is vowelled either with:
a س َرة
ْ ( َكdue to it being the primary ْح َر َكة
َ الused for the meeting of two unvowelled
َ ( َف ْتdue to it being the lightest of the three ْح َر َكات
َ ) ال, or
the ْح َر َكة
َ الcorresponding the previous ْح َر َكة
َ ال, like:
"يَ ُم َّد
َم ْ "لor "َم يَ ُم ُّد
ْ "ل, "َِّم يَ ُمد ْ "لwhich was originally "َم يَ ْم ُد ْد
ْ "لon the pattern of "َم َي ْفعُ ْل
ْ "ل,
the first of the two الدَّاالَ ِنis optionally unvowelled by transferring its vowel to the
preceding unvowelled ْم ْيم ِ الbecoming " "لَم يم ْد ْدand then the two unvowelled الدَّاالَ ِن
َُ ْ
meet and to escape their meeting the second is vowelled either with a َف ْت َحة, َك ْس َرةor
the َّمة
َّ الضwhich is the ْح َر َكة
َ الthat corresponds to the َّمة َّ الضon the preceding ال ِْم ْيم,
thus becoming either "َم يَ ُم َّد ْ "لor "َم يَ ُم ُّد
ْ "ل, "َِّم يَ ُمد ْ "ل.
(e) When the second of two identical letters has the َّ ض ِم ْير
الرفْ ِع ال ُْمتَ َح ِّرك ََُِ َف َع ْل
َ (i.e. " , "ُت
" َف َع ْل َن, " " َف َع ْلتُ َّن, " " َف َع ْلتُ ْم, " "" َف َع ْلتُ َماand " ) " َف َع ْلنَاsuffixed to it, then assimilation of the
first into second is disallowed, like: "ن َ "م َد ْد
َ , ""م َد ْدتُ َّن
َ , ""م َد ْدتُ ْم
َ , ""م َد ْدتُ َما ََُِ " َم َد ْدand "
َ , "ُت
" َم َد ْدنَا.
and to escape this meeting the weak letter which is the unvowelled ال َْواوis
dropped, thus becoming "ل
ْ ُ "ق.
The following are some of the most important rules pertaining to ا ِإل ْعالَل:
"ً"د ْع َوة
َ – "" َد َعا" – "يَ ْدعُ ْو
"ً" َق ْوال
– ""ي ُق ْو ُل
َ – "ال
َ َ"ق
"ً"ر ْميا ِ – ""رمى
َ – ""ي ْرم ْي َ ََ
َ – "اع" – "يَبِْي ُع
"ً"ب ْيعا َ َ"ب
but because the ْواو َ الin each case is unvowelled and occurs after a َك ْس َرة, it is
transformed into a يَاء. The original form of the الْيَاءcan be determined from the ْف ْعل ِ ال
ِ الْمand/or the ص َدر
اض ْي ْ ال َْم, for example:
"ً"و ْعدا
َ – "" َو َع َد" – "يَِع ُد
َ – "" َو َز َن" – "يَ ِز ُن
"ً"و ْزنا
(f) When the الْواوoccurs at the end of a word after a َك ْس َرة, it is transformed into a يَا
ء, like "ض َي ِ "رwhich was originally "ضو ِ
َ َ " َر, but because the ال َْواوoccurs at the end
after a س َرة ْ َك, it is transformed into a يَاء. We know that the الْيَاءwas originally a َواو
because the ص َدر ْ " ِرand the popular view is that the ال ِْف ْعلis derived from
ْ ال َْمis "ض َوان
the ص َدر
ْ ال َْم.
(i) When the ْواو
َ الor the الْيَاءoccurs at the end of a word after a vowelled letter, then
their كة
َ ْحر
َ الis dropped if it is a ض َّمة
َ or a ( َك ْس َرةbut retained if it is a ) َف ْت َحة, like: " تَ ْدعُ ْو
ِ "إِلَى النwhich was originally "َّاد ِي
َّاد ْي ِ "تَ ْدعُو إِلَى الن, but because the الْواوof " "تَ ْدعُوbears
ُ َ ُ
a ض َّمة ِ "النa َكسرةand both these letters occur after a vowelled
َ and the الْيَاءof "َّاد ِي َْ
letter, the َّمة َّ الضon the ال َْواوand the الْ َك ْس َرةon the الْيَاءare dropped. This also applies
to "ْجانِي ِ ِ ِ
ِ اضي َعلَى ال ِ
ْ َ " َي ْقض ْي الْ َقاض ْي َعلَى الwhich was originally "ْجان ِي َ ُ " َي ْقض ُي الْ َق.
(j) When the second root letter (also called the “"كلِ َم ِة
َ ْال ) َع ْينis a vowelled weak letter
(i.e. a vowelled َواوor ) يَاءand occurs after an unvowelled strong letter, then the
ْح َر َكة
َ الof the second root letter is transferred to the unvowelled strong letter.
Thereafter, if the second root letter (which is the ال َْواوor ) الْيَاءis not the
corresponding sister letter of the ْح َر َكة
َ الthat was transferred to the unvowelled
strong letter before it, then the second root letter is transformed into the
corresponding sister letter of the transferred ْح َر َكة
َ ال. This is like:
(k) When two unvowelled letters meet and one of them is a weak letter, then it is
dropped, like:
(l) When the ال ِْف ْعلis naked triliteral starting with a ( َواوwhich is referred to as "
ِ ِ ِ
ّ ) "ثُالَث ّي ُم َج َّرد مثَال َوا ِوon the pattern of "( " َي ْفع ُلwhether it is originally on that pattern
or not), then the ال َْواوis dropped from the ضارِع
َ ال ُْم, the األ َْمرand the ص َدر
ْ ال َْمand the
latter case it is compensated for by adding a تَاء َم ْر ُب ْوطَة, like:
"ل ِ ِ
ُ "يَصwhich was originally "" َي ْوص ُل
ِ " which was originally "صل
"ص ْل ِ ِ
ْ "ا ْو
ِ " which was originally "صل
"صلَة ْ " ِو.
ِ اis a change that involves the substitution of one letter for another.
(24) إلبْدال
The following are some of the most important rules pertaining to ا ِإلبْ َدال:
ٌ "قَائwhich was originally "( "قَا ِو ٌلbecause it is from ""ي ُق ْو ُل
"ل َ – "ال
َ َ) "ق,
" "بَائِ ٌعwhich was originally "( "بَايِ ٌعbecause it is from "اع" – "يَبِ ْي ُع
َ َ) "ب
(c) When the ( الْ َفاءi.e. the first root letter) of " "اِ ْفَت َع َلis a َواوor a يَاء, then it is
substituted for by a تَاءwhich is then assimilated into the التَّاءof "ل ِ
َ "ا ْفَت َع, like:
ِ ِ ِ ِ
َصَ َّ "اتwhich was originally "ص َل َ َ "ا ْتتand then finally "َّات
َ َ "ا ْوتwhich then became "ص َل
ص َل ِ
َ " (because it is from "ص َل" – "يَص ُل َ ) " َو,
ِ ِ ِ
"س َر َ َّ "اتwhich was originally " "ا ْيتَ َس َرwhich then became " "ا ْتتَ َس َرand then finally "
( "اِتَّ َس َرbecause it is from "س ُر
ُ "ي ْي
َ – "س َر ُ َ) "ي.
(d) When the ( الْ َفاءi.e. the first root letter) of " "اِ ْفَت َع َلis a ثَاء, then it is substituted for
by a ثَاءand the first الثَّاءis then assimilated into the second, like:
ِ ِ ِ ِ
َ "اثَّأwhich was originally " "ا ْثتَأ ََرwhich then became " "ا ْثثَأ ََرand then finally " "اثَّأ ََر.
(e) When the ( الْ َفاءi.e. the first root letter) of " "اِ ْفَت َع َلis a َدال, a َذالor a َزاي, then the
التَّاءof " "اِ ْفَت َع َلis substituted for by a َدال, like:
"َّعى ِ ِ ِ
َ "ادwhich was originally " "ا ْدَت َعىwhich then became " "ا ْد َد َعىand then finally "
َّعى ِ
َ "اد,
" "اِ ْذ َد َك َرwhich was originally " "اِ ْذتَ َك َرwhich then became "( "اِ ْذ َد َك َرalso permissible
for "ك َر َ "اِ ْذ َدare: " "اِذَّ َك َرand ") "اِ َّد َك َر,
" "اِ ْز َد َه َرwhich was originally " "اِ ْزَت َه َرwhich then became " "اِ ْز َد َه َر.
(f) When the ( الْ َفاءi.e. the first root letter) of " "اِ ْفَت َع َلis a صاد
َ , a ضاد
َ , a طَاءor a ظَاء,
then the التَّاءof "ل ِ
َ "ا ْفَت َعis substituted for by a طَاء, like:
"صطََفى ِ ِ ِ
ْ "اwhich was originally "صَت َفى
ْ "اwhich then became "صطََفى
ْ "ا,
"ضطََرب ْ ِ "اwhich was originally "ب ْ ِ "اwhich then became "ب
َ ضَت َر ْ ِ"ا,
َ ضطََر
" "اِطَّلَ َعwhich was originally " "اِطَْتلَ َعwhich then became " "اِطْطَلَ َعand then finally "
"اِطَّلَ َع,
" "اِظْطَلَ َمwhich was originally " "اِظَْتلَ َمwhich then became "( "اِظْطَلَ َمalso permissible
for "م ِ َّ ِ َّ ِ
َ َ "اظْطَلare: " "اظلَ َمand ") "اطلَ َم
ِ َ َهمزتmeet in one word, and the first of them is vowelled and the
(g) When two ان َْ
second unvowelled, then the second is substitute for by a ( َح ْرف َم ٍّدletter of
prolongation) which is the corresponding sister letter of the preceding َح َر َكة, like: