Cal - Office of Traffic Safety - Tracks - Fall - 2009 - Tracks
Cal - Office of Traffic Safety - Tracks - Fall - 2009 - Tracks
Cal - Office of Traffic Safety - Tracks - Fall - 2009 - Tracks
Business, Transportation
n an effort to help make safety trainings are taking place and Housing Agency
Dale E. Bonner, Secretary
communities a safer place to in high risk areas throughout
walk, a series of 12 pedestrian California. The program, funded by Office of Traffic Safety
Christopher J. Murphy, Director
a grant from the Office of Traffic Chris Cochran, Editor
Safety, has already conducted
OTS Tracks is a newsletter published
trainings in Glendale, Santa Ana, by the Office of Traffic Safety. Content and
Delano, Stockton, and the Crenshaw editorial control is maintained solely by the
district in Los Angeles, with trainings Office of Traffic Safety.
CA Law Enforcement Challenge Winners Announced
T he California Highway Patrol (CHP) recently
announced the winners of the 2008 California Law
Enforcement Challenge (CLEC). CLEC is a
contributions to traffic safety. It recognizes and rewards
the best overall traffic safety programs in California, with
areas of concentration including efforts to enforce laws
competition between similar sizes and types of law and educate the public about occupant protection,
enforcement agencies which recognizes the valuable impaired driving and speeding.
First place allied agency winners included: First place winners in the CHP
1-15 Sworn Cloverdale Police Department competition included:
16-25 Sworn Norco/Riverside County Sheriff’s Department 1-19 Sworn CHP San Andreas
26-50 Sworn El Cerrito Police Department 20-23 Sworn CHP Buellton
51-70 Sworn Petaluma Police Department 24-26 Sworn CHP Chico
71-85 Sworn Napa Police Department 27-33 Sworn CHP Auburn
86-105 Sworn Livermore Police Department 34-50 Sworn CHP Santa Barbara
106-160 Sworn Roseville Police Department 51-65 Sworn CHP Westminster
161-250 Sworn Oxnard Police Department 66-100 Sworn CHP Baldwin Park
251-500 Sworn Riverside Police Department 101+ Sworn CHP El Cajon
501-2000 Sworn San Jose Police Department California’s Law Enforcement
2000+ Los Angeles City Police Department Challenge is modeled after the
National Law Enforcement Challenge
Special awards included: Program and is funded by a grant from
Multi-Jurisdictional Avoid the 12 – Santa Barbara County the Office of Traffic Safety to the CHP.
Colleges/Universities California State University, A complete listing of award winners
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and list of past winners is available
Commissioner’s Award Napa Police Department & CHP Auburn at For additional
Impaired Driving Petaluma Police Department & CHP Quincy program
Underage Alcohol Bakersfield Police Department & information,
CHP Moorpark contact
Child Passenger Safety Livermore Police Department & CHP San Jose
Stacy Barr or
Speed Awareness Ontario Police Department & CHP San Jose Officer
Bicycle/Pedestrian San Francisco Police Department Tony Yao at
Technology Award Ripon Police Department (916) 657-2777 or via email
First-Time Entry Lake Elsinore Police Department at [email protected] or
Commercial Vehicle El Cerrito Police Department [email protected]. l
OTS Awards $3 Million for
Next Generation Click It or Ticket
Click It or Ticket will begin with a presence throughout the year, we
highly publicized seat belt mobilization hope to get the message across to
November 17-30, overlapping with all motorists in California that seat
the peak Thanksgiving holiday travel belts are mandatory for drivers and
period, with a second mobilization passengers, without question.”
scheduled for May 24-June 6, 2010.
California’s 2009 seat belt use
To promote nighttime seat belt rate is 95.3 percent, down slightly
use, mini-grantees will conduct at from 95.7 percent in 2008. The
Ticket $132 least one nighttime enforcement National Highway Traffic Safety
operation in each mobilization Administration (NHTSA) estimates
period, in addition to intensified that 1,424 Californian lives were
O TS recently awarded monthly enforcement efforts during saved at the current seat belt use rate
$3 million to 158 agencies daytime or nighttime hours. last year.
for the 2009-2010 Next
Generation Click It or Ticket seat belt “Our goal is to reach a seat belt Free Click It or Ticket campaign
enforcement campaign. This includes use rate of 96 percent in 2010,” materials, including posters, window
68 more agencies than participated said Office of Traffic Safety clings and magnetic bumper stickers
in the mini-grant program in Director Christopher Murphy. “By can be ordered online at http://www.
2008-2009. maintaining a sustained enforcement l
The 2009 CPSW campaign promoted the ‘4 Steps for Kids’ guidelines to help
parents know when to graduate their child from a rear-facing infant seat, to a
convertible seat, to a booster and finally to a seat belt at the proper time.
“It’s important for parents to take advantage of the child safety seat checks
available throughout the state, both as part of Child Passenger Safety Week
and all year long,” said Office of Traffic Safety Director Christopher Murphy.
“The safety seat must fit right to work right. That means the right seat for
the right child in the right vehicle. The most important thing a parent can
do is to make sure their child rides properly restrained on every trip.”
California’s 2009 child safety seat use rate is 91.1 percent, down from 94.4
percent in 2008. Estimates from NHTSA indicate that 33 children age four
and under were saved in California in 2008 by being properly restrained in a Free car seat checks were held throughout
California as part of Child Passenger Safety
child safety seat. l Week September 12-19.
OTS and Sacramento Kings Flip the Chip
Partnership Has Rewards
T he Office of Traffic Safety (OTS), in partnership
with the National Basketball Association’s
Sacramento Kings, recently launched the Flip the
Chip anti-DUI campaign at the beginning of the Kings
2009 season in October. The promotion is scheduled
to run through April 2010. OTS and the Sacramento
Kings worked closely to create the Flip the Chip campaign driver for the night before they begin drinking. Patrons
look and feel, aimed at encouraging fans to think about will find table tents on bar tops, reminding designated
how they will get home safely before going out. drivers that “being the sober driver has its rewards.”
Designated drivers will keep the Kings chip to register
“We wanted this campaign to be fun, while making online for a chance to win various Kings prizes. Bars
fans stop to think about the consequences of their with the highest registration of chips will be eligible to
actions,” said OTS Assistant Director for Marketing and win special Kings viewing parties.
Public Affairs, Chris Cochran. “The Kings brand will
help OTS reach fans and deliver the Designate a Sober “A DUI arrest can cost more than $10,000 in fines, or
Driver message in a social setting.” worse, a life,” said Cochran. “We’re hopeful that the Flip
the Chip campaign will send the message that neither is
Fifty local sports bars in the greater Sacramento area a choice anyone can afford.”
are helping encourage fans to designate a sober driver
and watch Kings games responsibly. Kings fans flip the Visit to learn more about the promotion,
special “chip” to determine who will be the designated prizes and local viewing parties. l
El Cerrito Bike Patrol Gets the Job Done
D rivers generally know when they’re doing
something wrong, like speeding or running a red
light. They’re used to being on the lookout for
the flashing lights or sirens, but how about a bicycle?
‘A Step Closer,’ from Page 1
usage remains over 95 percent, one of deaths is indeed heartening,” said attack the drunk driver problem, from
the highest in the nation. California Highway Patrol increases in youth public awareness
Commissioner Joe Farrow. “The programs to hospital and jail based
“With this third year of declines decrease in lives pointlessly lost can intervention programs to expanding
in DUI deaths, we can truly call be traced back to hard, innovative prosecution and probation efforts.
it a trend, a trend of life saving work in education, enforcement,
importance,” said Christopher engineering and emergency medical For over two years California state,
Murphy, Director of the California services. Our primary objective county, and local governments, as
Office of Traffic Safety. “Law remains to continue this trend and well as numerous advocate groups,
enforcement, state and local agencies, have more people make it home safe businesses, community organizations
Mothers Against Drunk Driving, and alive each day.” and individuals, have been actively
other safety advocates, and the people pursuing work on over 150 specific
of California have come together to Murphy points to increases in DUI actions contained within the
address this deadly problem and are checkpoints, the 41 county ‘Avoid’ California Strategic Highway Safety
now seeing the results. As positive DUI Taskforces program, the Report Plan. The Plan is an unprecedented
as these figures are, though, we can Drunk Drivers. Call 911 campaign, collaboration of those working across
never let up until we achieve our goal and the operations of over 450 law the entire spectrum of traffic safety,
of zero deaths.” enforcement agencies as being with the goal of significantly reducing
particularly beneficial. Many different deaths, injuries and economic losses
“This significant decline in traffic tactics have been used recently to resulting from traffic safety crashes. l
Pedestrian Safety Assessment Program Takes Statewide Honor
T he California Pedestrian Safety Assessment (PSA)
program, funded by the Office of Traffic Safety,
recently won the American Planning Association
Award from the Institute of Transportation Engineers
(ITE). Upon request, two pedestrian safety experts will
visit your city to review pedestrian conditions and to
(APA) California 2009 Best Practices Award. This award discuss concerns of your city. The experts analyze relevant
honors innovative projects that serve as statewide models. data, perform field observations, meet with key staff, and
The PSA program is now under consideration for a recommend improvement measures and strategies. For
National APA award, which will be announced later this more information on this free service, please visit:
year. The PSA program also received the Best Program l
Nov 17-30
Next Generation Click It or Ticket California Mobilization
Dec 18-Jan 3 Report Drunk Drivers. Call 911 California Mobilization
Contact: Wayne Ziese, (916) 509-3023, [email protected]
Sacramento, CA