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International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences

Keikhaee R et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2014 Feb;2(1):222-227

pISSN 2320-6071 | eISSN 2320-6012

DOI: 10.5455/2320-6012.ijrms20140243

Research Article

The effectiveness of oral health education by peers on knowledge and

performance of students in Zabol, Iran
Razieh Keikhaee1, Fatemeh Rakhshani2, Soleiman Fijan3, Marzieh Keikhaee4,
Javad Sharifi Rad5,6,7*, Fatemeh Roostaee8

Department of Health Educations, Zahedan University of Medical Science, Zahedan, Iran

Department of Health Education, Zahedan Health Promotion research Center, Zahedan, Iran
Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Dentistry, Rafsanjan University of Medical Science,
Rafsanjan, Iran
Department of Periodontology, Kerman University of Medical Science, Kerman, Iran
Department of Zabol Medicinal Plants Research Center, Zabol University of Medical Sciences, Zabol, Iran
Department of Pharmacognosy, Zabol University of Medical Sciences, Zabol, Iran
Department of Cereal Health Research Center, Zabol University of Medical Sciences, Zabol, Iran
MSc Student Psychology-Health and Deputy of Zahedan university of Medical Science, Zahedan, Iran

Received: 3 November 2013

Accepted: 13 November 2013
Dr. Javad Sharifi Rad,
E-mail: [email protected]
2014 Keikhaee R et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction
in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Oral diseases are the extensive human diseases, especially among children and more than 99% of people suffer from
this disease. Oral and dental education by peers provides a good condition to form the health behaviors before
adulthood. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of oral and dental education by peers on knowledge and
behavior of first grade female students in Zabol, Iran. In this quasi-experimental study conducted in 2012, 287 female
primary students were randomly selected and studied in Zabol. Pre-test and post-test performed with the completing a
questionnaire that was designed to assess knowledge and behavior of brushing and using sodium fluoride mouthwash.
The validity of the results was determined through expert panel and the reliability was determined by Cronbach`s
alpha (N=30, =0. 77). One person from each class in the intervention group was selected as a peer educator and was
educated via an education plate. The post-test was performed after one month of education. For data analysis,
descriptive and analytical tests (paired and independent t-test) in SPSS 18 software were used. There was a significant
difference between the mean scores of two groups in knowledge and behavior after education, so that the mean score
of knowledge and behavior of students who were educated by peers were higher than that of them before education
(P<0.001). Oral and dental education of students by peers is a simple, inexpensive, and effective method which can be
used by health system, truly.
Keywords: Oral health, Peer group, Education, Students

Oral health is one of the important branches of public
health that has a significant impact on individuals health.1
World Health Organization (WHO) considers it as a
necessity and states that the poor oral and dental and
untreated oral diseases can have a profound impact on the

quality of life. Failure to meet the oral and dental

behaviours are associated with negative influences science
with eating, talking, voice quality, and speech. Thus,
paying attention to this issue is one of the programs of the
World Health Organization in the area of chronic disease
prevention and health promotion.2 Oral and dental diseases
are the most pervasive and common human diseases,

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Keikhaee R et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2014 Feb;2(1):222-227

especially among children.3 Approximately after six

months and six years of age, primary and permanent teeth
start to grow respectively. Tooth decay usually begins
during childhood, but symptoms may be kept hidden for a
few years from the eyes of children, parents, and the
dentist.4 More than 99% of human population are suffering
from tooth decay and only a few people can be found that
had no rotted teeth in their lifetime. With changes in
urbanization, the incidence of tooth decay increased and
reached to the current situation.5
In the last 5 years, a reduction in these verities and
prevalence of oral diseases among the population is seen in
developing countries. Dental cares have been
systematically organized to increase the oral health care
among children and adolescents. These advances,
improved dental health of children and altered the decay
pattern.6 But its dimensions in developing countries are so
vast that has been appearing as epidemic and if neglected
and ignored, the number of patients will be increased
daily.7 By the efforts of public health institutions and
WHO in nine industrial countries, the prevalence of caries
between the years 1994 to 2004 decreased 30 to 50%. At
the same time the prevalence of caries in developing
countries began to increase,8 tooth decay growth trends in
our country was upward due to not knowing or weak
public knowledge towards the role and importance of
maintaining oral hygiene and dental health.9
Recent results of oral and dental status of children aged 3
to 6 show that Iranian children spend their 3rd year of life
with about 2 rotten primary teeth and 6year of their life
with 5rotten primary teeth.7
Health promotion and disease prevention is an important
goal of health system.10 According to the studies around
the world, it is proven that although societies are
developing and a variety of methods are used to provide
better and heal their food, oral diseases are still widely
seen in most people.11 Reducing diseases particularly oral
diseases is indebted to create prevention thought and
promote public health knowledge. Today, all medical and
dental schools worldwide have concluded that effective
health education can be the best and the easiest way to
ensure public health.12 Since the 1970s, prevention and
health promotion has been proposed as a practical
strategy to improve community health strategy. So, oral
and dental diseases and problems like periodontal disease
and tooth decay are preventable with the strategies of
lifestyle and behavior change. Reduction of sugar intake,
proper use of fluoride compounds, and oral hygiene
habits like brushing are emphasized and oral health
education, helping the improvement of eating habits, and
promoting preventive behaviors are the main goals of
community oral health promotion programs.13 The minigolf health education is to change health behavior in
individuals through their participation.14 One of the
educational methods is the use of peers. Through the
ways that health personnel cannot, by engaging the peers,
trained peers can communicate with their peers and

deliver information effectively and be effective on

individuals of their own age as an available model. Also
by promoting empathy and trust become a good interface
between health clinics and schools.15 Peer education in
schools is widely used. Advocates suggest that this is an
effective method based on the belief that information,
particularly sensitive information, is more easily shared
between individuals of an age group. This concept
suggests that peer effects can be more than adults such as
teachers and professionals. Peers use different methods
such as presentations, theatrical productions, support
resource centers, hotlines, and person to person
counseling. Peer education is not only known to school
children and also includes live-in caregiver and elderly
service projects. The reviewed literatures suggest that
peer education can be more effective in creating positive
changes in health behavior than adults interventions.16
Since such a study has not been done in the city of Zabol,
the aim of this study was to investigate the impact of oral
health education by a person's knowledge and
performance of first-grade female students unusable.
In this quasi-experimental study conducted in 2012, 287
first-grade female students were randomly selected from
two primary schools from the center of the city and two
schools from the suburbs and were studied in the two
groups of intervention (149 persons) and control (138
persons) using a questionnaire which included
demographic information (8 questions), knowledge
measurement (13 questions), and behaviour (7 questions).
The range of changes in 13questionsabout knowledge
was from zero to13 and for 7 questions about behaviour
was from zero to 10. The validity of the questionnaire
and its reliability were determined through a panel of
experts and by Cronbach's alpha (N = 30, = 0.77)
respectively. In this way that, to determine validity of the
questionnaire, it was delivered to 10 experts in education
and health and dental promotion field to comment on its
face and content validity. Consequently, CVR and CVI
were achieved 0. 68 and 0.80 respectively.
In this study, first a pre-test was given, and then a student (3
persons preschool) who had better information and the
ability to communicate than the others was selected in the
comments of the teacher, students, and based on his own
desire as a peer educator in each class of the intervention
group. In addition, before beginning the educational,
students ability to transfer the contents was checked out.
Peer educators in the intervention group school received
four educational sessions of 45-30 minutes in person, using
an educational CD with story content about proper eating
habits, using a toothbrush, and using mouthwash. For oral
health education, peer educators held a 45-minute
educational session using an educational disc and through
practical display and distribution of toothbrushes,
toothpaste, and mouthwash for their classmates. After one
month, the same students were given the test. Data collected
from descriptive tests (frequency, percentage, mean, etc.)

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Page 223

Keikhaee R et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2014 Feb;2(1):222-227

And analytical tests (Chi-square, Mann-Whitney, t-test, and

paired t-test) were analyzed in SPSS18 software.
Most parents of students in the experimental group
(94.3% of mothers and 92.1% of fathers) and in control
group (93.0% of mothers and 94.5% of fathers) had
primarily to high school education. Moreover, mothers of
123 subjects (82.6%) in the intervention group and
113subjects (81.9%) in the control group were
housewives and also76fathersin the intervention group
(51.0%) and72fathers in the control group (52.2%) were
self-employed. There were statistically no significant
differences between fathers (P=0.066) and mothers
education (P=0. 200) and also between fathers (P=0.235)
and mothers occupied (P=0.23) in both groups.
Mean scores of both groups were similar before education
and there was no significant difference (P=0.31), while the
mean score of the intervention group was more tangible
and significantly different after the treatment by peers.
Mean score changes in knowledge for individuals educated
by peers is more than that of uneducated individuals.
Independent sample t - tests showed statistically significant
differences between the two groups' knowledge scores
after education (P<0.001) (Table 1).

Comparison of the mean scores of subcategory of

knowledge in intervention and control groups that
included the difference between permanent and milky
teeth, taking care of teeth, brushing times during the day,
toothbrush replacing time, identifying mouthwash and its
time of use which before and after education by peers in
the two groups showed that most scores of the group
educated by peers was more than the control group in this
subset (Table 2).
Mean scores of behaviour were similar in both groups
before education but the independent t-test showed a
significant difference (P=0. 01), also after the education,
there was a significant difference. Mean changes in the
behaviour of individuals educated by peers are higher
than that of untrained individuals. Independent sample ttest showed statistically significant difference between
behaviour score changes of the two groups after the
education (P<0.001) (Table 3).
Comparison of sub-behaviour means scores in the two
groups of intervention and control which included
brushing, the way and frequently of brushing, using
mouthwash, and the way and frequency of its use,
revealed that most scores of education group in this
subset were more than that of the control group before
and after education by peers in the two groups (Table 4).

Table 1: Comparison of mean and standard deviation of knowledge scores in both intervention and control groups
before and after education.
After intervention

Before intervention


Mean SD
1.14 10.22
1.41 5.65

Mean SD
1.32 5.50
1.21 5.34

Mean SD
1.80 4.72
1.50 0.30

Maximum score
Test results



Table 2: Mean SD of knowledge scores before and after intervention in the two groups of intervention and
Control group
Sample Question

Intervention group





The difference between primary

and permanent teeth





Taking care of teeth





Frequency of brushing per day





Time of toothbrush replacement





Identifying mouthwash





Time of using mouthwash





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Keikhaee R et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2014 Feb;2(1):222-227

Table 3: Mean and SD of behaviour scores before and after intervention in the two groups of intervention
and control.

After intervention

Before intervention



Mean and SD

Mean and SD

Mean and SD


1.10 7.90

1.33 3.21

1.60 4.69


0.96 3.01

1.08 2.84

1.09 0.16

Maximum score


Test Results




Table 4: Mean SD of behavior scores before and after intervention in the two groups of intervention and control.
Control group

Intervention group

Sample Question










Frequency of brushing





Way of brushing





Use of mouthwash





Time of using mouthwash





The way of using mouthwash





One of the important and worth mentioning points in
Islamic commands is maintaining and improving health
and emphasizing the priority of prevention over
treatment17 and health orders of Imams (peace be upon
them) also confirms this. Moreover, treatment of dental
and oral hygiene control prior to pulling teeth has been
considered by great scholars of Islamic medicine.18 Oral
health education of the community is a process that its
main steps include informing, motivating, and assisting
individuals in achieving and maintaining healthy
behaviors leading to a healthy lifestyle. In fact, the
educational program is an inseparable part of any type of
therapy, prevention, and health improving activity in
personal and social level.19
The results of this study indicated a significant increase
in the amount of knowledge of intervention group from
pre-test to post-test. In other words, the educational
intervention on knowledge and performance of the
students had a positive impact on oral health. Other
studies indicate a positive impact of education on
knowledge and performance of students and other

segments of society.17-20 About the effectiveness of

educational programs with peers, this educational method
was effective in raising knowledge and performance but
in the study of Akbarzadeh et al. about preventing AIDS,
the educational method by peers outperformed the
education by teachers only in increasing knowledge and
the results can imply that this educational method in this
age group not only can be effective in raising knowledge
but it can also be effective in improving performance. Of
course, this difference could be due to differences in
subjects of the study. The study of Azizi et al. Suggested
that methods of education by peers have been more
effective than education by press20 and also Frank Van
Der Maas showed in his study that peer education is an
effective method in relation to knowledge and
misconceptions about HIV/AIDS.22 On the other hand in
researches, the economic evaluation of education by
peers compared with other preventive educational
methods showed that education by peers is very
advantageous and more economical.17 In this study,
only12.1percentof the students before the education knew
the difference between permanent and primary teeth that
reached to97.3%after education and 23.5% knew that it is
better to brush the teeth three times a day which increased

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to 77.9% via peer education.18.8% of them brushed three

times a day before education that reflects unfavourable
condition of brushing of these students that after the
education increased to75.2%. Brushing as the ultimate
goal of health behaviour and health education was
considered in this study. Karanza illustrated it would be
sufficient if teeth are carefully cleaned with all equipment
within 24to48 hours.23
One of the factors that can prevent tooth decay is
fluorine. WHO emphasized the need for strengthening the
effective use of fluoride to prevent dental caries in the
21st century as an important factor in public health and
recommended abundant supply of fluoride toothpastes in
developing countries. He continues the experience of
dental rots in China in primary tee this high while
children show relatively less severe patterns of caries in
permanent teeth. However, recently due to the growing
consumption of sweets and inadequate use of fluoride, a
relatively increased growth in permanent tooth caries has
been observed in some parts of China.24 In this study,
7.4% of the students used mouthwash before the
education which increased to91. 9% after the education.
Considering that sodium fluoride mouth wash as
undesirable flavour, most people refused to use it and
regarding good growth in its use after the education of
peers it can be concluded that education allows learning,
feelings, attitudes, and values about the things learned
better be expressed. In addition, a peer as an available
model has some effects on people in the same age and
disseminates health information and peers as a powerful
interface between health systems and other peers by
promoting empathy and trust.17








According to the findings of the present study on the
effectiveness of peer education on knowledge and
performance of oral health in first-grade students, this
study can be applied in this age group for training health
and preventive principles as a new method of education.
Impact of peer as an educator and consultant is an
important and economically cost effective method and it is
recommended that peer education method be used to teach
about the health issues in elementary group students.


The authors would like to express their sincere
appreciation to all those who have helped us with their
rich and valuable experiences in the implementation of
this study.


Funding: No funding sources

Conflict of interest: None declared
Ethical approval: The study was approved by the
institutional ethics committee






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DOI: 10.5455/2320-6012.ijrms20140243
Cite this article as: Keikhaee R, Rakhshani F, Fijan
S, Keikhaee M, Rad JS, Roostaee F. The effectiveness
of oral health education by peers on knowledge and
performance of students in Zabol, Iran. Int J Res Med
Sci 2014;2:222-7.

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