Sustainability Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ)
Sustainability Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ)
Sustainability Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ)
Association of
2001 ULSF
Thank you.
This questionnaire was developed as part of ULSFs Sustainability in Higher Education Indicators
Project from February 1998 through June 1999. The SAQ has been continually updated since then. We
are grateful for the advice of numerous experts in the field who were part of an informal Advisory Group
for the duration of the project and gave constructive feedback on the design and content of the SAQ. For
a list of the Advisory Group, go to <>. The SAQ can be
downloaded from the web at <>.
Definitions of sustainability:
Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
- Brundtland Commission (United Nations), 1987
Historically, the term sustainable arose among those with environmental concerns, and
most of the literature and assessment instruments reflect this emphasis. However, it is
increasingly recognized that sustainability cannot be achieved without addressing social
justice issues. There can be no sustainable communities and institutions without social
justice. So too is humane consideration toward the whole community of life an essential part
of true sustainability. An academic institution committed to sustainability should help
students understand the roots of todays injustices and motivate them to seek justice and
humaneness in full integration with understanding the roots of environmental degradation
and modeling environmentally sustainable practices.
- John B. Cobb Jr., Sustainability and the Liberal Arts conference, 1998
Date: _____________________
Name: ____________________________ Position: ________________________________
Institution: ________________________________________________________________
1. Indicate the extent to which your institution offers courses which address topics related to
sustainability. (Such topics could include globalization and sustainable development;
environmental policy and management; environmental philosophy; nature writing; land
ethics and sustainable agriculture; urban ecology and social justice; population, women and
development; sustainable production and consumption; and many others.)
[Please circle t he appropriate number on this and the following questions]:
0 (dont know)
1 (none)
2 (a little)
3 (quite a bit)
4 (a great deal)
Please list any courses you are aware of in which such topics are taught: ___________________
2. What courses do you regard as essential that are not being taught?
3. Indicate the extent to which sustainability is a focus woven into traditional disciplinary
education in science, math, literature, history, the arts, etc.?
0 (dont know)
1 (none)
2 (a little)
3 (quite a bit)
4 (a great deal)
______ Yes
5. The shift to sustainability requires critical thinking about the role of the institution in its
social and ecological systems. Circle which of the following your institution (through
individual, group or departmental efforts) attempts to teach its students:
a - how the campus functions in the ecosystem (e.g. its sources of food, water, energy, as
well as the endpoint of waste and garbage)
b - a sense of place: the natural features, biota, history and culture of the region
c - the institutions contribution to a sustainable economy and sustainable local communities
d - how the institution views and treats its employees (such as staff and faculty involvement
in decision-making, their status and benefits)
e - the basic values and core assumptions that shape the content and methods of the
academic disciplines
Comments: ____________________________________________________________________
1 (none)
2 (a little)
3 (quite a bit)
4 (a great deal)
Please list any faculty research or scholarly activities you are aware of related to sustainability:
b) Estimate the amount of student research or scholarship being done in the various
disciplines in the area of sustainability.
0 (dont know)
1 (none)
2 (a little)
3 (quite a bit)
4 (a great deal)
Please list any student research or scholarly activities you are aware of related to sustainability:
9. The chart below lists some of the operational practices emphasized by institutions moving
toward sustainability. Please complete the chart, adding a check ( ) for prime project areas
and for more information needed, and indicating the extent to which your institution has
implemented these practices using the following scale: 0 dont know; 1 none; 2 a little;
3 quite a bit; 4 a great deal.
CO2 and air pollution reduction practices
(including alternative fuel use, renewable energy
sources, e mission control devices, etc.)
Indoor air quality standards and practices
Building construction and renovation based on
ecological design principles
Energy conservation practices (in offices,
laboratories, libraries, classrooms and
Local or organic food purchasing program
0 4
Please comment
0 4
Please comment
10. What do you see when you walk around campus that tells you this is an institution committed
to sustainability?
11. To what extent are your operations practices integrated into the educational and scholarly
activities of the school?
0 (dont know)
1 (none)
2 (a little)
3 (quite a bit)
4 (a great deal)
1 (none)
2 (a little)
3 (quite a bit)
4 (a great deal)
1 (none)
2 (a little)
3 (quite a bit)
4 (a great deal)
1 (none)
2 (a little)
3 (quite a bit)
4 (a great deal)
1 (none)
2 (a little)
3 (quite a bit)
4 (a great deal)
Please describe recent faculty or staff development opportunities in these areas: _____________
1 (none)
2 (a little)
3 (quite a bit)
4 (a great deal)
17. Institutions committed to sustainability provide students with specific opportunities and
settings. Please check ( ) which of the following are present on your campus:
______ Student Environmental Center
______ Ecology House or Sustainable Dormitory
______ Orientation program(s) on sustainability for students
1 (none)
2 (a little)
3 (quite a bit)
4 (a great deal)
21. Institutions committed to sustainability create certain positions and committees, as well as
engage in certain practices, which reinforce this commitment. Please check () which of the
following are present on your campus:
______ Environmental Council or Task Force
______ Environmental Coordinator- ( )student or ( )staff member
______ Dean of Environmental Programs or Director of Sustainability Programs
(a high level officer responsible for these activities)
______ Energy Officer
______ Green Purchasing Coordinator
______ Institutional Declaration of Commitment to Sustainability/Environmental
______ Orientation programs on sustainability for faculty and staff
______ Socially responsible investment practices and policies
______ Regularly conducted environmental audits
______ Other: ______________________________________________________
22. How is a concern for, and commitment to, sustainability given broad visibility on your
campus (for example, with guest speakers, conferences, Earth Day celebrations, etc.)? Please
describe key events that have happened in the past year:
23. Please describe the greatest strengths and weaknesses of your institution in educating for
24. a) What next steps are planned at your college or university to strengthen your
commitment to sustainability (suc h as an EMS, a course requirement on sustainability, or a
new strategic plan reflecting sustainability)?
b) What next steps do you feel ought to be taken?
Please add any additional comments below: