Anatomy MCQ 1

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The key takeaways are the anatomical structures and relationships discussed across the various pages provided.

The infratemporal fossa contains the maxillary artery and branches, the pterygoid venous plexus, the maxillary nerve and its branches, and the posterior superior alveolar branches of the maxillary nerve. It does not contain the otic ganglion and the chorda tympani.

The statement that the mylohyoid muscle is attached to the whole length of the mylohyoid line of the mandible is incorrect.


the internal carotid artery is separated from the external artery by the
following elements, except one:

a. slyloid process
b. slyloglossus
c. .hypoglossal nerve
d. stylopharyngeal
c. glossopharyngeal nerve

6. The following groups of lymphatic nodes are concerned in the lymphatic drainge of deep tissues of head
and neck, excepting:
a. Retropharyngeal nodes
b. Paratracheal nodes
c. infrahyoid, prelaryngeal and pretracheal nodes

d. Lingual nodes
e. Superficial cervical nodes


The following are branches of external carotid artery with one exception:

a. Ascending pharyngeal artery

b. Lingual artery
c. Superficial temporal artery
d. Inferior thyroid artery

e. Posterior auricular artery

8. Superior thyroid artery gives off to the following brandies with one exception

Infrahyoid artery
Cricothyroid artery
Superior laryngeal artery
Sternocleidomastoid artery
Inferior thyroid artery

9. Pterygoid Venous plexus receives the following tributaries, with one exception:
a. Sphenopalatine vein
b. Deep temporal veins
c. Pterygoid vein
d. Masseteric veins
e. Superficial temporal vein
1o. Angular artery, the terminal branch of facial artery, anastomoses with:

a. superficial temporal artery

b. Lingual artery
c. Transverse facial artery
d. Dorsal nasal branch of the ophthalmic artery
e. Zygomatico-oribital artery

11. Which one of the following muscles ring:

a. the lingual tonsil
b. the palatine tonsil
c. the tubal tonsil
d. the nasopharyngeal tonsil

e. cerebellar tonsil
12. The thyroid cartilage gives insertion to the following, except:
a. sternothyroid muscle
b. thyrohyoid muscle
c. thyrohyoid membrane
d. cricothyroid ligament
e. cricotracheal ligament

13. Which is the anatomical element which is not inserted on the cricoid arch
a. the cricothyroid muscle
b. the cricopharyngeus part of the inferior pharyngeal constrictor
c. the superior pharyngeal constrictor
d. cricotracheal ligament
e. cricothyroid ligament

14. the middle meatus contents the following elements except one:
a. the uncinate process
b. the opening of the maxillary sinus
c. the openings of the posterior ethmoidal sinuses

d. the bulla ethmoidalis

e. the openings of the middle ethmoidal sinuses
15. The roof of the nasal cavity is formed by the following bones, except one


the ethmoid bone

the frontal one
the nasal bone
d. the palaline bone

e. the sphenoid bone

16. the intrinsic musclcs of the longue are the following, excepting:
a. Superior longitudinal muscle
b. Inferior longitudinal muscle
c. Transverse muscle
d. Vertical muscle
e. Genioglossus

17. One of the following statement about the parotid gland is incorrect :
a. The external carotid artery grooves the posteromedial surface before entering the
b. The internal carotid artery and internal jugular vein are separated from the gland by
the styloid process and its muscles
c. The anteromedial and posteromedial surfaces meet at a medial margin which may
project so deeply as to be in contact with the lateral wall of the pharynx
d. The external carotid artery enters the parotid gland by its anteromedial surface
e. The external carotid artery divides into maxillary artery and the superficial temporal
artery inside the gland
18. One statement about the soft palate os worng :

Its anterosuperior border is attached to the hard palate's posterior margin

Its sides blend with the laryngeal wall
Its inferior border is free, hanging between the mouth and pharynx
A median conical process, the uvula, projects downwards from its posterior border
The palatal arches, two curved folds of mucosa containing muscle, descend laterally
from each side of the soft palate

19. the extrinsic muscles of the tongue are the following excepting :

Superior longitudinal muscle

20. Which is the wrong statement about the anatomical elements in the occipital triangle ?
a. The accessory nerve pierces the levator muscle scapulae
b. The accessory nerve crosses on the levator scapulae obliquely down and back to the
deep surface of the trapezius
c. Cutaneous and muscular branches of the cervical plexus emerge at the posterior
border of the sternocleidomastoid
d. Below, supraclavicular nerves, transverse cervical vessels and the uppermost part of
the brachial plexus cross the triangle
e. Lymph nodes are arranged along the posterior border of the cleidomastoid from the
mastoid process to the root of the neck
21. On the deep aspect of the lateral pterygoid there are the following elements, excepting :
a. The upper part of medial pterygoid
b. The sphenomandibular ligament
c. The middle meningeal artery

d. The mandibular nerve

e. The facial nerve
22. Which one of the following statement is incorrect ?
a. The neurocranium develops from paraxial mesenchyme in the head
b. The neurocranium develops from the first five somites and the unsegmented
somitomeres rostral to the first somite
c. The neurocranium develops from endoderm via the neural crest
d. The viscerocranium derives from ectoderm via invaginated head neural crest
e. Bones of the viscerocranium form in the main from membranous ossification
23. Which affirmation about the palpebral part of the orbicularis oculi is not true ?
a. The palpebral part is thinner and paler than the orbital part
b. It arises from the medial palpebral ligament, chiefly from its superficial, but also
from its deep, surface (although not from its lower margin)
c. It not arises from the bone immediately above and below the ligament
d. The fibers sweep across the eyelids anterior to the orbital septum interlacing at the
lateral commissure to form the lateral palpebral raphe
e. A small group of fine fibers, close to the margin of each eyelid behind the eyelashes,
is called the ciliary bundle
24. The following elements are situated on the superficial surface of the masseter muscle,
excepting :

Zygomaticus major
Submandibular gland

25. all the following statement about the development of the neurocranium are correct,
with one exception :
a. All elements pass first through a mesenchymatous phase
b. The blastemal skull (desmocranium) begins to appear at the end of the first month
c. The desmocranium begins to appear as a condensation and thickening of the
mesenchyme which surrounds the developing brain
d. The first masses of condensed mesenchyme are in the temporal region
e. The first masses of condensed mesenchyme outline the basilar (ventral) part of the
occipital bone
26. The peripheral attachment of the risorius may include some or all of the following
elements, except one :
a. The zygomatic arch
b. The parotid fascia

c. Fascia over the masseter anterior to the parotid

d. Fascia enclosing pars modiolaris of platysma
e. Fascia over the styloid process
27. One of the following affirmation about the submental triangle is wrong :
a. The submental triangle, unpaired, is demarcated by both digastrics muscles (anterior
b. Its apex is at the chin
c. Its base is at the body of the hyoid
d. Its floor is formed by the geniohyoid muscles
e. Its contains lymph nodes and small veins uniting to form the anterior jugular
28. From the following statements, about the development of the face, which one is
incorrect ?
a. The frontonasal prominence is formed by the proliferation of mesenchyme ventral
to the forebrain (prosencephalon)
b. The frontonasal prominence constitutes the cranial boundary of the stomodeum
c. The paired maxillary prominences of the first brachial arch form the lateral
boundaries, or sides, of the stomodeum
d. The paired mandibular prominences of the same arch constitute the caudal
boundary of the stomodeum
e. The human circumoral first pharyngeal arch consists, on each side, of two main
regions: a dorsal part or mandibular prominence and a ventral part or maxillary
29. Which one of the following statements about the temporal fossa in incorrect ?
a. It is the area bounded by the temporal lines above and the zygomatic arch below
b. Its roof is the cranial vault
c. The zygomatic bone and the zygomatic processes of the frontal bone and maxilla are
in the anterior wall
d. The supramastoid crest continues the line of the upper margin of the zygomatic arch
e. The fossa is filled by the temporalis muscle and the overlying fascia
30. In the carotid triangle the following branches of the external carotid are encountered,
excepting :

The inferior thytoid runs antero-inferiorly

The lingual anteriorly with its upward loop
The facial anterosuperiorly
The occipital posterosuperiorly
The ascending pharyngeal medial to the internal carotid

31. From the following statements about the development of the face, which one is
incorrect ?

a. The olfactory placodes are the anlage of the olfactory and vemeronasal epithelia
which derive from the rostral neural folds
b. The rostral neural folds also give rise to respiratory epithelia of the nasal cavity
c. The medial nasal prominences are separated by the median remainder of the
frontonasal field
d. The lateral nasal prominences project caudally the lateral nasal prominences
e. Each nasal sac has a ventral fold from which develops and epithelial nasal in passing
caudally to fuse with the stomodeal roof
32. Which statement about the rectus capitis posterior major is incorrect ?
a. Rectus capitis posterior major originates in a pointed tendon on the spine of the axis
b. It attaches to the lateral part of the inferior nuchal line and the occipital bone
immediately below it
c. As the muscles of the two sides pass upwards and laterally, they leave between
them a triangle space in which parts of the recti capitis posteriors minors are visible
d. It flexes the head
e. It is supplied by the dorsal ramus of the first cervical spinal nerve
33. the following muscles are derived from the first (madibular) branchial arch, excepting :

Muscles of mastication
Mylohyoid and anterior belly of digasric
Tensor tympani
Tensor veli palatine
Muscles of facial expressions

34. middle meningeal artery is a branch of the :


Maxillary artery in its first segment

Superficial temporal artery
Mandibular artery
Occipital artery
Ophthalmic artery

35. the following skeletal structures are derived from the second brachial arch, except one :

Styloid process
Lesser cornu of hyoid
Upper part of body of the hypid bone

36. From the second pterygoid part of the maxillary artery arise the following branches with
one exception :

Deep temporal branches

Pterygoid branches
Masseteric artery
Infraorbital artery
Buccal artery

37. superficial temporal artery is a terminal branch of :


External carotid artery

Common carotid artery
Internal carotid artery
Maxillary artery
Facial artery

38. Choose the incorrect statement from the following :

a. Each nasal sac grows dorsally, dorsal to the developing brain
b. At first, the nasal sacs are separated from the oral cavity by the oronasal membrane
c. The rupture of the oronasal membrane brings into communication the nasal and
oral cavities
d. The regions of continuity between the nasal and oral cavities are the primitive
e. The primitive choanae lie posterior to the primary palate
39. External jugular vein is formed by the :

Anterior division of retromandibular vein and facial vein

Posterior division of retromandibular vein and posterior auricular veins
Anterior division of retromandibular bein and posterior aurticular veins
Facial vein and posterior auricular vein
Anterior jugular vein and posterior jugular vein

40. Which statement from the following is incorrect ?

a. During the recanalization of the larynx, the laryngeal ventricular form
b. The laryngeal ventricles are bounded by folds of mucous membrane that become
the vocal folds and the vestibular folds
c. The epiglottis develops from the caudal part of the hypobranchial eminence
d. The hypobranchial eminence is produced by proliferation of mesenchyme in the
ventral ends of the third and fourth branchial arches
e. The laryngeal muscles develop from myoblasts in the third and fifth branchial arches

41. Occipital artery arises from :


Lateral aspect of external carotid artery

Anterior aspect of internal carotid artery
Posterior aspect of external carotid artery
Subclavian artery
Facial artery

42. One statement from the following is incorrect :

a. The palate develops from two primordial: the primary palate and the secondary
b. Palatogenesis begins toward the end of the fifth week
c. Development of the palate is not complete until about the twelfth week
d. The primary palate develops at the end of the seventh week
e. The primary palate develops from the deep (internal) part of the intermaxillary
segment of the maxilla
43. inferior alveolar artery is a branch of :

Maxillary artery
Facial artery
Superficial temporal artery
Occipital artery
Lingual artery

44. One the anterior surface of the frontal bone one can notice the following detail:

Crista galli
Foramen caecum
Nasal spine
Frontal bossae
Foramen magnum

45. from the following arteries which one belongs to the facial branches of the facial artery ?
a. Ascending palatine artery
b. Tonsillar artery
c. Glandular branches which supply the submandibular salivary gland and lymph
nodes, adjacent muscles and skin
d. Submental artery
e. Inferior labial artery
46. the superior constrictor of the phaynx has the following parts, excepts one :

Cricopharyngeal part
Pterygopharyngeal part
Buccopharyngeal part
Mylopharyngeal part

e. Glossopharyngeal part
47. Which statement about the body of the sphenoid bone is false :

One the superior side it has the clinoid processes

Posteriorly it articulates with the squamous part of the occipital bone
Inferiorly it corresponds to the rhinopharynx
Anteriorly it has a crest that articulates with the vomer
The anterior surface has cells which are completed by the ethmoid bone

48. Which is the incorrect answer ?

a. The oropharynx extends from the soft palate to the upper border of the epiglouls
b. The oropharyngeal isthmus is demarcated by the palatoglossal arch
c. The lateral wall of the oropharynx consists of palatopharyngeal arch and palatine
d. The palatoglossal arch lies behind the palatopharyngeal arch
e. The tonsillar fossa of the oropharynx contains the palatine tonsil
49. Which statement about the greater wing of the sphenoid bone is FALSE ?
a. The anterior surface contributes to the lateral wall of the orbit
b. On the lateral surface is an insertion of the pterygoideus lateralis muscles

c. Close to the medial border is the foramen ovale, which transmits the
maxillary nerve
d. It articulates with both the petrous and squamous parts of the temporal bone
e. Posteriorly to the foramen spinosum is the sphenoid spine, on which the
sphenomandibular ligament is attached
50. the lateral wall of the nasopharynx has the following details, except one :

The opening of the pharyngotympanic tube

The salpingopharyngeal fold
The nasopharyngeal tonsil
The salpingopalatine fold
The pharyngeal recess of fossa of Rosenmuller

51. About the tympanic part of the temporal bone, one statement is incorrect :
a. Its concave posterior surface forms the anterior wall, floor and part of the posterior
wall of the external acoustic meatus
b. Medially on the posterior surface is a narrow tympanic sulcus for attachment of the
tympanic membrane
c. The quadrilateral and concave anterior surface is the posterior wall of the
mandibular fossa
d. Its rough lateral border forms most of the margin of the internal acoustic meatus
e. The inferior border is sharp, splitting laterally to form, at its roof, a sheath of the
styloid process (vaginal process)

52. Which is the incorrect answer ?


The glottis is delimited anteriorly by the vocal folds

The glottis is delimited posteriorly by the arytenoids cartilages
The anterior part of the glottis is the intermembranous part
The posteriorpart of the glottis is the intercartilaginous part
Its width and shape don't vary with the movements of the vocal folds and arytenoids
cartilages during respiration and phonation

53. Which muscle does not take insertion on the mastoid process of the temporal bone :

Occipital belly of the occipitofrontalis

Rectus capitis lateralis
Splenius capitis
Posterior belly of the digastrics
Longissimus capitis

54. Which statement about the maxilla is true :

a. The zygomatic process separates the orbital surface from the infratemporal surface
b. The palatine process articulates posteriorly with the vertical plate of the palatine
c. The frontal process is situated between the nasal bone posteriorly and the ethmoid
bone anteriorly
d. The opening of the maxillary sinus corresponds to the middle meatus of the nasal
e. The infraorbital foramen is the end of the palatine canal
55. the opening of nasolacrimal duct is situated in the :

Inferior meatus
Inferior concha
Middle concha
Middle meatus
Superior concha

56. One the anterior surface of the maxilla one can notice :

The opening of the maxillary sinus

Incisive eminence with the attachment of depressor septi
Canine eminence with the attachment of levator anguli oris
Inferaorbital foramen below the canine fossa
Attachment of the levator labii superioris above the infraorbital foramen

57. Which statement about the palatal arches is incorrect ?

a. The anterior palatal arch, the palatoglossal arch, contains the palatoglossus muscle

b. The palatoglossal arch descends to the side of the tongue at the junction of its oral
and pharyngeal parts
c. The palatoglossal arches form the lateral limits of the oropharyngeal isthmus
d. The posterior palatopharyngeal arch contains the palatopharyngeal muscle
e. The palatopharyngeal arch descends on the lateral wall of the nasopharynx
58. the inferior nasal concha does not articulate with :

The maxillary conchal crest

The palatine conchal crest
The ethmoid uncinate process
The descending lacrimal process and the edges of the nasolacrimal groove on the
medial maxillary surface
e. The zygomatic process
59. the palatine muscles include the following, except one :

Levator veli palatine

Tensor veli palatine

60. Which statement about the palatine bone is FALSE :

a. Anteriorly it antriculates with the maxilla
b. It contributes to the orbital floor by its orbital process
c. The posterior border of the perpendicular plate articulates with the lateral pterygoid
d. The inner surface of the vertical plate articulates with the inferior and middle
e. Through the sphenopalatine foramen the nasal cavity comminucates with the
pterygopalatine fossa
61. One statements about the superficial part of the submandibular gland is incorrect :
a. It has an inferior, a lateral and a medial surface
b. It is partially enclosed between two layers of superficial cervical fascia extending
from the hyoid's greater conua
c. One layer of deep cervical fascia passes to the mandible's lower border, covering
the gland's inferior surface
d. The other layer of deep cervical fascia passes to the mylohyoid line on the medial
surface of the mandible and covers the gland's medial surface
e. The inferior surface is covered by skin, platysma and deep fascia
62. Which statement about the sublingual gland is incorrect ?
a. Above the gland is the mucosa of the oral floor , raised as a sublingual fold


Below is mylohyoid
In front is the anterior end of its fellow
Behind lies the superficial part of the submandibular gland
Lateral is the mandible above the anterior part of the mylohyoid line and medial is

63. Which statement about the temporomandibular joint is FALSE :

a. The posterior belly of the digastrics muscle pulls the mandible backwards
b. The temporal muscle elevates the mandible
c. The articular disc helps to stabilize the joint, as the articulating surface fit together
d. The fibrous capsule is attached below to the mandibular coronoid process
e. The anterior belly of the digastrics muscle depresses the mandible
64. Which statement about the elements in the digastrics triangle is the wrong one ?
a. Variably related to the submandibular gland there are the submandibular lymph
b. Its posterior region contains the lower part of the parotid gland
c. The external carotid passes superficial to the stylohyoid
d. The external carotid , which is superficial to the internal carotid, crosses it
e. Deeper and separated from the external carotid by styloglosses, stylopharyngeus
and the glossopharyngeal nerve, are the internal carotid artery, internal jugular vein
and vagus nerve.
65. Which statement about the lacrimal bone is FALSE :

On the lateral (orbital) surface it has a horizontal crest

The anterior border articulates with the frontal process of the maxilla
The posterior border articulates with the ethmoid bone
The inferior border articulates with orbital surface of the maxilla
The superior border articulates with the frontal bone

66. Choose the incorrect statement about the cheeks :


The cheeks are continuous in front with the lips

Each cheek contains the buccal fat pad (bichat)
Also present in the walls of the cheek are buccal mucous (salivary) glands
The cheek is covered on outer surface by mucosa
The mucosa lining the inferior of the cheek is reflected via the vestibule on to the
external surfaces of the maxilla and mandible

67. Which statement about the temporo-mandibular joint is true :

a. The condylar surface is elliptical, with the greater axis oriented antero-posteriorly

b. The capsule is attached above anteriorly to the articular tubercle, posteriorly to the
lips of the squamotympanic fissure
c. The sphenomandibular ligmanent descends from the spine of the sphenoid to reach
the mylohyoid line
d. The posterior fibers of the temporal muscle depress the mandible
e. The platysma elevates the mandible
68. the deep surface of the temporal muscle has the following relations, excepting :

The temporal fossa

Lateral pterygoid, the superficial head of medial pterygoid
A small part of superior pharyngeal constrictor
The maxillary artery and its deep temporal branches
The deep temporal nerves and the buccal nerve and vessels

69. Anteriorly , the superficial surface of buccunator is related to the following structures,
excepting :

Zygomaticus major and risorius

Levator and depressor anguli oris
The parotid duct, which pierces it opposite the third upper molar tooth
It is crossed by the facial artery, facial vein and branches of the facial and buccal
e. Its related to the buccal glands and mucous membrane of the mouth
70. Which one of the following statements about the epicranial aponeurosis is wrong ?
a. On each side it is thinner, and continues over the temporal fascia to the zygomatic
b. Over the cranial vault it is united ti the skin by the fibrous superficial fascia
c. It is connected more loosely to the pericranium by areolar tissue
d. It moves freely, carryin with it the cranian vault
e. Acting alternately, the occipital and frontal parts can move the enture scalp
backwards and farwards
71. Which of the following is not a mastricatory muscle ?

Orbicularis oris
Medial pterygoid
Lateral pterygoid

72. Which of the following statement about the mylohyoid is incorrect ?

a. Mylohyoid lies inferior to the anterior belly of digastrics
b. With its contralateral fellow, froms a muscular floor for the oral cavity

c. It is a flat, triangular sheet attached to the whole length of the mylohyoid line of the
d. The posterior fibers pass medially and slightly downwards to the front of the body of
the hyoid bone near its lower border
e. The middle and anterior fibers from each side decussate in a median fibrous raphe
which stretches from the symphysis menti to the hyoid bone
73. One of the following statements about the anatomical elements in the supraclavicular
triangle is incorrect :
a. At a higher level there are the transverse cervical artery and vein
b. The external jugular vein descends behind the posterior border of the
sternocleidomastoid to end in the brachiocephalic vein
c. External jugular vein receives the transverse cervical and suprascapular veins
d. Occasionally the external jugular vein is joined by a small vein crossing the clavicle
anteriorly from the cephalic vein
e. The nerve to the subclavius also crosses tlus triangle
74. the infratemporal fossa contains the following excepting :

The maxiilary artery and branches

The pterygoid venous plexus
The maxillary nerve and its branches
The otic ganglion and the chorda tympani
The posterior superior aleveolar branches of the maxillary nerve

75. Which one of the following affirmation about the sternohyoid is incorrect ?

Sternohyoid arises from the posterior surface of the medial end of the clavicle
Sternohyoid arises from the posteror sternoclavicular ligament
Sternohyoid arises from the upper posterior aspect of the manubrium sterni
It ascends medially and is attached to the inferior border of the body of the hyoid
e. Sternohyoid elevates the hyoid bone after it has been depressed is deglutition.

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