S08 - Sanderson, 2002

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The increasing emphasis on the need for evidence-based policy indicates the continuing influence of the modernist faith in progress informed by reason. Although
the rationalist assumptions of evidence-based policy making have been subject to
severe challenge from constructivist and post-modernist perspectives, it is argued
that the attempt to ground policy making in more reliable knowledge of what
works retains its relevance and importance. Indeed, its importance is enhanced by
the need for effective governance of complex social systems and it is argued that
reflexive social learning informed by policy and programme evaluation constitutes
an increasingly important basis for interactive governance. The expanded use of
piloting of new policies and programmes by the current UK Government is considered to provide limited scope for evaluation to derive reliable evidence of
whether policies work. There is a need for greater clarity about the role of evaluation in situations where piloting essentially constitutes prototyping. More emphasis should be placed on developing a sound evidence base for policy through longterm impact evaluations of policies and programmes. It is argued from a realist
position that such evaluation should be theory-based and focused on explaining and
understanding how policies achieve their effects using multi-method approaches.

The legacy of the Enlightenment is proving robust against post-modernist
attacks on notions of rationality. In spite of the rage against reason
(Bernstein 1991) conducted in the name of post-structuralist deconstruction,
the forces of optimism about the role of scientific inquiry in pursuit of progress still prevail. The realist tradition of social explanation provides a
strong and resilient basis for such optimism in its quest to provide
. . . explanatory purchase on substantive social problems (Archer 1995,
Ian Sanderson is at the Policy Research Institute, Leeds Metropolitan University.
Public Administration Vol. 80 No. 1, 2002 (122)
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p. 12). This quest to understand and explain what works for whom in what
circumstances underpins the notion of evidence-based policy making in
that the latter relies on the assumption that we can make policies work
better if we understand how policy mechanisms bring about change in
social systems to achieve desired outcomes (Pawson and Tilley 1997).
The optimistic assumptions of modernity, of progress driven by scientific
advance, have been defended by Bronk (1998). Bronk argues that we can
preserve the force of these assumptions by developing a strong framework
of morality, social cohesion and rational, evidence-based government intervention. This modernist-rationalist project is reflected in the drive to reform
the public sector across OECD countries over the past two decades. With
increasing questioning and scrutiny of public intervention in economic and
social spheres, governments are turning to evidence of performance for
legitimacy since it is no longer guaranteed solely by democratic political
processes. Indeed, the OECD (1994) has argued that results-oriented management provides a new management paradigm.
Concern with the relationship between social science and public policy
is, of course, not new. Bulmer (1987) identified the mid-1960s as the takeoff point for social science in Britain. The Report of the Heyworth Committee on Social Science recommended an expansion in social science research
and led to the establishment of the Social Science Research Council (SSRC).
Moreover, the rapid growth in expenditure on public services created a
demand for information about the nature of social problems and the effect
and impact of public policies (ibid., pp. 34). However, the relationship
between social science and policy making has always been problematical
in the UK due to a political culture which, as Bulmer (ibid., pp. 69) argues,
has been largely resistant to the influence of rational knowledge. Progress
has been made in the health field, on the other hand, since the early 1990s
with the establishment of the Cochrane Collaboration, with a centre in the
UK, to bring evidence from reviews of the effects of healthcare interventions
to bear upon decision making. In 1999 this initiative was emulated in the
fields of social and educational policy with the launch of the Campbell Collaboration.
Throughout its life, the SSRC (and subsequently the Economic and Social
Research Council ESRC) has been concerned with the role of social science
in informing public policy but has had to acknowledge the continuing
struggle to bring the results of social science research to bear effectively on
public policy (Newby 1993). In February 2000 the then Secretary of State
for Education and Employment, David Blunkett, in a keynote lecture to the
ESRC also highlighted a range of problems relating both to the relevance
of research and the culture of anti-intellectualism in government (DfEE
2000a). Nevertheless, in this lecture, Mr Blunkett emphasized the commitment of the Labour Government to . . . using information and knowledge
much more effectively and creatively at the heart of policy making and
policy delivery . . . (ibid., p. 2) in the context of the agenda for modernizing

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government. On the face of it, modernization provides a new lease of life

for the notion of effective government action informed by reason, a promise
of a new post-ideological approach to government, . . . an approach where
evidence would take the centre stage in the decision making process
(Davies et al. 1999, p. 3).
There are two main forms of evidence required in this approach to
improving governmental effectiveness. The first is evidence to promote
accountability in terms of results evidence that government is working
effectively. The second is evidence to promote improvement through more
effective policies and programmes evidence of how well such policies
and programmes work in different circumstances. These two forms of evidence are different in nature. The first is primarily in the form of information
on attributes of performance and is reflected in the growth of performance
management in government the increasing use of performance indicators
and targets, for example, in government departments Public Service Agreements (PSAs) with the Treasury (HM Treasury 2000). The second form of
evidence is qualitatively different from the first. Here we are talking about
knowledge of how policy interventions achieve change in social systems.
Conventionally, we assume that reliable knowledge provides a sound basis
for effective action; it is explanatory and theoretical, providing an understanding of how policies work.
The focus of this paper is on this second form of evidence and the role
of evaluation of public policies and programmes in helping to generate it
and thereby improve policy making. Increasingly, we hear from government ministers that what matters is what works; evidence of what works
is to be provided through substantially increased research and evaluation
programmes in government departments and greater use of pilot projects
to test out new approaches (Martin and Sanderson 1999). Thus, according
to Secretary of State Blunkett, again, research will . . . help to determine
what works and why, and what types of policy initiatives are likely to be
most effective . . . and . . . must vastly improve the quality and sensitivity
of the complex and often constrained decisions we, as politicians, have to
make (DfEE 2000a). The creation of the new Centre for Management and
Policy Studies in the Cabinet Office was intended to provide a window
at the heart of government for research and evaluation evidence (Cabinet
Office 2000).
The overall purpose of this paper is to explore the notion of evidencebased policy making in the context of policy intervention in increasingly
complex social systems and the potential role of piloting and evaluation.
The next section discusses the rationalist basis of the notion of evidencebased policy making and critiques from constructivist and post-modernist
perspectives. I then go on to discuss the implications of the growing
appreciation of the complexity of social systems both for the quest to derive
reliable social knowledge to guide policy action and for approaches to governance, arguing that a greater burden is placed upon policy experimentation,

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evaluation and social learning. This is followed by a brief discussion of the

UK Governments commitment to the piloting of new policies and programmes, in particular the limited scope provided for evaluation to derive
sound evidence of whether policies work. The penultimate section argues
that there is a need for greater clarity about the role of evaluation when
such piloting essentially constitutes prototyping and that more emphasis
should be placed on developing a sound evidence base for policy through
long-term impact evaluations of policies and programmes. I argue from a
realist position that such evaluation should be theory-based and focused
on explaining and understanding how policies achieve their effects using
multi-method approaches. The final section draws together conclusions and
some issues requiring further attention.
The notion of evidence-based policy making has gained renewed currency
in the UK in the context of the current Labour Governments commitment
to modernize government (Davies et al. 1999). In this vision of modern
government, policy making is more forward-looking, joined-up and strategic; public services are more responsive to the needs of users and are
more efficient, effective and delivered to higher quality standards (Cabinet
Office 1999a). A key driver of modernization is evidence-based policy making and service delivery the new ministerial mantra is what matters is
what works (Cabinet Office 1999b). However, the concept of evidencebased policy making is rarely defined explicitly; one attempt to do so is
provided by Plewis (2000, p. 96):
New Labour proclaims the need for evidence-based policy, which we
must take to mean that policy initiatives are to be supported by research
evidence and that policies introduced on a trial basis are to be evaluated
in as rigorous a way as possible.
Evidence can inform the development and implementation of policy in
a number of ways. The emphasis is usually placed upon the two aspects
included in Plewis definition: first, evidence of the likely effectiveness of
policy options to inform decisions on what policy action to take; and,
second, evidence from evaluations of policies as implemented to inform
decisions on whether to continue or how to adjust and improve policies
and to contribute to the evidence base to inform future consideration of
policy options. Rather less attention is given to two other important aspects
of the policy process. The first of these is evidence of problems and needs
requiring public policy intervention; a better understanding of the specific
nature and incidence of social problems is fundamental to improving the
effectiveness of policy responses. The second related aspect concerns the
process of objective setting; thus, an improved understanding of the problem to be addressed and of the effectiveness of possible policy options will

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help to inform the deliberations of key stakeholders in the process of setting objectives.
In the notion of modern government, evaluation in particular is required
to play an enhanced role in providing information on performance to
enhance accountability and control by results, and in providing evidence
of what works to inform policy learning and improvement. However, this
position is underpinned by certain assumptions about the nature of the
policy-making process and the nature of valid social knowledge and these
are contested, something which undermines the notion that there is one
best way to improve evidence-based policy making. It is possible to see this
renewed emphasis on evidence-based policy as a recourse to rationalism of
a kind that has been seriously challenged, most vehemently in contemporary writing about post-modernity. On one level, the emphasis on evidence
can be interpreted as simply contributing to the legitimation of policies and
political commitments. According to Walker (2000, p. 623), research is but
one influence on the policy process and . . . is not always influential, supplanted by the powerful political forces of inertia, expediency, ideology and
finance. Kogan (1999) argues that governments will seek to legitimize their
policies with reference to the notion of evidence-based decision making but
use research evidence only when it supports politically-driven priorities.
Cook (1997, p. 40) emphasizes that . . . the politicians prime goal is to be
re-elected rather than to respect technical evidence . . . As J.M. Keynes once
famously said: There is nothing a politician likes so little as to be well
informed; it makes decision-making so complex and difficult. (quoted in
Davies et al. 1999, p. 3).
There is a long history of research on the relationship between social
science and public policy making (Cook op. cit.; Weiss 1995a; Nutley and
Webb 2000). The ideal model of evidence-based policy making is predicated
upon certain assumptions relating to: the nature of knowledge and evidence; the way in which social systems and policies work; the ways in
which evaluation can provide the evidence needed; the basis upon which
we can identify successful or good practice; and the ways in which evaluation evidence is applied in improving policy and practice. Nutley and
Webb (op. cit., p. 25) argue that the notion of evidence-based policy and
practice . . . fits well with a rational decision-making model of the policy
process. Such a conceptualization of the process of policy formulation and
implementation has long dominated the field of policy studies (Colebatch
1998). Thus, it appears to be rational common sense to see policy as a purposive course of action in pursuit of objectives based upon careful assessment of alternative ways of achieving such objectives and effective
implementation of the selected course of action. Moreover, rationality is
enhanced by being clear about the objectives we wish to achieve and by
evaluating the extent to which the policy as implemented actually achieves
these objectives. If policy is goal-driven, evaluation should be goal-oriented.

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Such evaluation completes the cycle and provides feedback to improve the
policy (ibid.; Parsons 1995).
Within this rational model, then, the focus is on improving the instrumental use of research and evaluation. Schwandt (1997, p. 74) argues that
within this model of instrumental rationality, . . . policymakers seek to
manage economic and social affairs rationally in an apolitical, scientized
manner such that social policy is more or less an exercise in social technology. The ideal form of knowledge to provide a firm basis for this project
is seen as derived through quantitative methodologies, empirically-tested
and validated. Thus, Shaw (1999, p. 3) argues that the new enthusiasm for
evidence-based policy gives a new lease of life to . . . preoccupations with
measurement, traditional worries regarding reliability and validity, and
other concerns captured within quantitative methodology. This perspective
is illustrated by a recent study by the Performance and Innovation Unit of
the UK Cabinet Office (2000) on improving the role of analysis in policy
making which emphasizes the need for more and better data, better modelling, especially econometric, and more use of longitudinal and experimental
research designs an essentially quantitative agenda. Another Cabinet
Office report on developing professional policy making considers new
skills needed by policy makers, amongst which are . . . a grounding in economics, statistics and relevant scientific disciplines in order to act as intelligent customers for complex policy evidence (Cabinet Office 1999b,
para. 11.12).
This set of ideas about policy making maintains its influence in spite of
sustained critique (Colebatch op. cit.). An important basis for criticism has
been the constructivist or interpretivist position (Crotty 1998; Guba and
Lincoln 1989), which argues that knowledge of the social world is socially
constructed and culturally and historically contingent. From this perspective the notion of knowledge and its role in policy making becomes more
complex; the quantitative agenda is seen as offering limited potential for
improving the evidence base of policy making. It is argued that scientific
knowledge can have no unique claim to objectivity, and that research does
not simply inform policy development in an instrumental way but rather
plays an important role in promoting broader enlightenment of policy
makers. From a constructivist perspective, policy development is seen as a
. . . process of deliberation which weighs beliefs, principles and actions
under conditions of multiple frames for the interpretation and evaluation
of the world (Dryzek (1990) quoted in Van der Knaap 1995, p. 202). Policy
learning involves a socially-conditioned discursive or argumentative process of development of cognitive schemes or frames which questions the
goals and assumptions of policies. Evaluation research, and social science
research generally, is seen as used more often in a conceptual rather than
an instrumental way, reaching decision makers in unsystematic and diffuse
forms, percolating into the policy arena and influencing thinking about
policy issues, providing policy makers with . . . a background of infor-

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mation and ideas that affected the ways that they viewed issues and the
alternatives that they considered (Weiss 1995a, p. 141).
The constructivist position in epistemology has generated a strong current of uncertainty, of contingency of thought and meaning, which is not
sympathetic to traditional notions of evidence-based policy making. Indeed,
this current has been strengthened by the work of postmodernist thinkers
who, based upon a . . . comprehensive dissatisfaction with the western
humanist tradition. . ., have set . . . a massive bonfire. . . under modern
rationalist assumptions (OSullivan 1993, p. 22). The postmodernist critique
of reason rejects the notion of an objective, external world and the search
for a metanarrative to provide a secure foundation for knowledge. It is
argued that there can be no certainties; everything is contingent upon a
radicalised subjectivity; our understanding of the world is a matter of
interpretation through particular forms of thought and language in particular social and political contexts. According to Smart (1999, p. 63): We
find ourselves abroad in a world in which social theory and analysis is no
longer able, with any credibility, to provide a warrant for political practice
and ethical decision-making.
However, there is a real problem of reconciling these implications of the
postmodernist position with the practical requirements of processes of collective decision making and action that rely on assumptions of grounded
knowledge. Oakley (2000, p. 298) argues that: The contention that there
are no objective realities would obliterate the purpose of feminist (and
other) emancipatory political projects. Indeed, there is something of a paradox here. The conditions that have generated the postmodernist bonfire of
the certainties do not signal the end of the need for an analytical or cognitive basis for decision making and action. On the contrary, if anything they
increase this need as the sense of the complexity of the social world is
heightened. Thus, Smart (ibid.) argues that . . . questions concerning political responsibility and ethical decision-making, the difficulties of adjudicating between the expression and pursuit of self-interest and the promotion
and adequate provision of the public domain, as well as the problems
encountered in everyday social life of making a choice or taking a stand,
have if anything become analytically more significant. . ..
The implications of the growing appreciation of the complexity of economic
and social organization do indeed appear to be momentous. In Giddens
(1990) analysis of late modernity, the conditions of wholesale reflexivity
undermine the notion of certainty in relation to social knowledge and the
notion that . . . more knowledge about social life . . . equals greater control
over our fate. . . (ibid., p. 43). On the contrary, knowledge of the social
world actually contributes to its instability, to conditions of uncertainty and
ambivalence. There will always be unintended and unanticipated consequences of action which undermine our capacity to predict and control on

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the basis of knowledge. But this does not imply that systematic knowledge
of human action is not possible; it implies that there are no foundationalist
guarantees but nevertheless that our knowledge of the social world can
help us . . . in our attempts to steer the juggernaut (ibid., p. 154).
Of course, epistemological dispute continues about the basis upon which
reliable knowledge of the social world can be derived, but the realist tradition in the philosophy of social science is enjoying something of a revival
in the context of the concern to make policy making more evidence based
(Archer 1995; Archer et al. 1998; Kirk 1999; Pawson and Tilley 1997; Searle
1995; Trigg 2001). Realists argue that there are social phenomena independent of cognition to be explained in terms of underlying mechanisms
(which may not be directly observable) and that the task of social science
is to understand the way in which mechanisms work in conjunction with
contextual factors to generate social outcomes. As Trigg (2001, p. 237)
argues from this standpoint, . . . there is little point in furthering social
science if it is useless in helping to deal with the human world in which
we are situated. According to Pawson and Tilley (op. cit.), the task is to
understand what works, for whom, in what circumstances, and why as a
basis for piecemeal social reform; indeed, the phrase what matters is what
works has become something of a mantra in evidence-based policy circles.
Realists argue that they provide the basis for a middle ground between the
over-optimistic claims of objectivists on the one hand and over-pessimistic
nihilism of relativists on the other (Trigg 2001).
Realism therefore offers the prospect of steering the juggernaut on the
basis of a better understanding of what is likely to work in terms of public
policies and programmes. This provides a potentially important basis for
effective governance but a broader institutional framework is required to
deal with social complexity that goes beyond traditional command and control models (Mulgan 1998). Amin and Hausner (1997) have developed the
notion of interactive governance as the basis for strategic guidance of
increasingly complex societies. They argue that the idea of society as a web
of interlocking networks of affiliation and interaction, structured around a
multiplicity of formal and informal institutions, constitutes . . . a powerful
metaphor for grasping the problems of social complexity (ibid., p. 10). Networking (or relational interaction), involving both state and non-state
governance structures, provides a basis for overcoming the rigidities associated with hierarchy interactive, deliberative networks with a multiplicity of shared values and responsibilities being more discursive and
democratic (ibid., pp. 1419). Strategic guidance the ability to co-ordinate,
arbitrate and facilitate multiple governance networks is seen as the quintessence of governing social complexity (ibid., p. 18).
Jessop (1997, p. 111) argues that a key element of such strategic guidance
is . . . reflexive monitoring and dynamic social learning. . .. Other
commentators have recognized the need for an enhanced capacity for learning as a means of reconciling the implications of increasing social com-

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plexity with the requirements of effective public policy intervention. Donald Campbells notion of the experimenting society was founded upon a
commitment to innovation, social reality-testing and learning (Campbell
and Russo 1999). As Oakley (2000, p. 320) states:
The experimenting society would be active, preferring innovation to
inaction; it would be an evolutionary, learning society and an honest
society, committed to reality testing, to self-criticism and to avoiding selfdeception; it would be non-dogmatic, accountable, decentralized and
scientific. . ..
Some years ago Dunsire (1986) argued that under conditions of uncertainty about the ex ante correctness of policy decisions, and about
capacities to implement policies as intended, there is a need to strengthen
the role of evaluation in providing up-to-date, relevant information on
actual performance, and to build the capacity to take action to modify policy design and implementation in the light of such information. The implications of Reschers (1998) analysis of complexity point towards increasing
need for monitoring and evaluation of how matters work themselves out:
The fact is that in situations of unmanageable complexity, practice in
matters of public policy is often guided more effectively by localized
experimental trial-and-error than by the theorizing resources of an intellectual technology unable to cope with the intricacy of interaction feedbacks and impredictable (sic) effects. (ibid., p. 189)
In this situation, a major burden is placed upon policy experimentation and
evaluation as key institutional practices in interactive governance to provide the basis for reflexive social learning. With a realist commitment in
policy and programme evaluation to expanding the evidence base on what
works, coupled with governance processes that embody a serious commitment to learning from such evaluation, we can potentially achieve a rational
basis for the guidance of social change towards collectively desired ends.
On the face of it, at least, the UK governments commitment to the piloting
of new policy developments, accompanied by increasing emphasis on
evaluation as a key basis for evidence-based policy making, appears to be
consistent with this model of interactive governance.
The scale of piloting and testing of new policy developments by the New
Labour Government in the UK has indeed been significant in areas such
as crime prevention, employment and welfare policy, health, education and
local government. Employment and welfare policy has been a significant
area for piloting given its importance to the governments Welfare-to-Work
agenda. Thus, the New Deals which have been developed for various
groups experiencing particular disadvantage in the labour market (e.g.

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young people, lone parents, disabled, long-term unemployed) were all subject to initial piloting or prototyping before being extended on a national
basis (Hasluck 2000). The Single Work-Focused Gateway for welfare benefits (later branded ONE), designed to provide a single point of entry to the
benefits system for those of working age but not in full-time work, was
piloted in 12 areas across Great Britain starting in June or November 1999
(Chitty 2000). Health Action Zones (HAZs) were developed as pilot projects
designed to explore mechanisms for breaking through current organizational boundaries to tackle inequalities and deliver better health service and
health care, encouraging co-operation across the National Health Service.
Eleven HAZs were established in April 1998 as trailblazers and 15 more
were set up in April 1999 (Judge, et al. 1999).
In relation to education policy, the Sure Start initiative was developed
as a key element of the governments drive to tackle child poverty and
long-term social exclusion. Its aim is to develop improved and co-ordinated
local services, owned by the local community, for families, which will
enable children to thrive when they are ready to enter primary school. During 19992000, 126 trailblazer programmes were established (Sure Start
Unit 2000). A final example of piloting comes from the UK governments
agenda for the modernization of local government, a key element of which
has involved the introduction of a new statutory duty of Best Value to
replace the previous regime of Compulsory Competitive Tendering (CCT).
This duty requires local authorities to secure continuous improvement in
their performance defined in terms of an extensive set of performance indicators and designated targets and standards. Authorities are required to
undertake performance reviews of all services over a five-year cycle and
produce an annual Local Performance Plan for local people. There is also
a rigorous regime of audit and inspection, backed by new powers, allowing
government intervention in the event of clear performance failure. Pilot
projects were established in 40 local authorities and two police forces in
England (with a separate piloting exercise in Wales) commencing in April
1998, which ran for over two years (Martin and Sanderson 1999).
All of these pilot programmes have been (or are being) subject to comprehensive evaluation. Although they have obviously differed in specific
terms, nevertheless they have all involved a combination of an assessment
of impact with the analysis of implementation processes. In conventional
terms, they have sought to combine summative and formative evaluation.
At least at the stage of developing the evaluation design, the ostensible
intention has been to provide policy makers with feedback both on outcomes, effects and impacts achieved (and, in most cases, value for money)
and on the effectiveness of approaches to delivery of the programmes and
lessons in terms of good practice. On this basis, therefore, evaluations have
been set up to answer two key questions: first, does it work?; and, second,
how can we best make it work?
The relative balance of emphasis that can be placed upon these two ques-

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tions depends, in turn, on two key factors: first, the degree of weight or
importance attached to them by policy makers; and, second, the extent to
which sound evidence can be obtained as a basis for providing a convincing
answer. Taking the latter issue first, it is clear that there have been significant limitations on the ability of pilot evaluations to provide convincing
evidence to answer the question does it work? Thus, there are a number
of problems that limit the scope for impact evaluation in the context of pilot
programmes. The first problem concerns the time needed for the effects of
new policies to be manifested and to become capable of measuring and
isolating from other factors, particularly where policies are seeking to tackle
deep-seated economic and social problems. It may take some considerable
time for pilot projects to become fully established so as to represent the
conditions under which a policy would work when fully implemented. If
the policy aims to change attitudes and behaviour or achieve institutional
reform, effects may be difficult to achieve during the course of a pilot
This problem is exacerbated by political considerations that constrain the
length of time for pilot programmes to operate. When policy initiatives arise
from political manifesto commitments, policy makers are understandably
impatient to receive results that will provide evidential support for
decisions to proceed with full implementation. Such a political interest
potentially conflicts with the interests of evaluation research, the interests
of which are served by long-term, in-depth analysis of the effects of pilots.
As Walker (op cit., p. 162) argues, . . . the short-term horizons of policy
making will outpace those of research. Political considerations, with an
upper and lower case p, will continue to have precedence over those to
do with research design. Therefore, on the one hand, the time made available for piloting may be insufficient for the analysis of impact. On the other
hand, even within the timescale of the pilot, as Chitty (op cit., pp. 910)
emphasizes, policy makers and politicians will be looking for results as
early as possible to enable them to plan the way ahead.
Related to the problem of timescale, a second set of difficulties arises in
seeking to isolate effects of pilot programmes from exogenous change and
from the effects of other initiatives that may also be having an impact on
the same problems as those addressed by the pilot. There are two key problems here. First, the size of the impact may not be substantial and therefore
may be difficult to measure at an acceptable confidence level. For example,
from a cross-national comparison of the effectiveness of welfare-to-work
polices, White (1999, p. 69) concludes that the effects, though positive,
. . . are generally moderate rather than large. The second problem is that
of attribution given observed and measured outcomes, how can the
effect of the piloted measures be isolated from other influences. This is
especially difficult in the context of area-based initiatives (ABIs), which are
targeted on particular areas of greatest need, and which are playing a particularly important role in the UK governments polices to address social

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exclusion (DETR 2000a). ABIs that are being (or have been) piloted include
Health Action Zones, Education Action Zones, Sure Start and Employment
Action Zones. A key feature of these policies is the aim of joining up programmes and mainstream services through holistic approaches on the
assumption that the whole will be more than the sum of the parts. In such
a situation it is extremely difficult to isolate the effects of any one initiative
and the effect due to interaction with other initiatives and with mainstream services.
In such a context, evaluators face severe difficulties in seeking to isolate
policy and programme impacts. In particular, the feasibility and validity
of the experimental design, involving randomized controls to isolate net
additional impact (i.e. net of deadweight effects), is undermined because
the ceteris paribus requirements cannot be fully satisfied. In relation to ABIs,
the range and variety of policy initiatives and the scale of change in local
government renders strict control impossible (Granger 1998). In national
initiatives, such as the New Deal programmes, the use of control groups
is, as Hasluck (op cit., p. 63) argues, not practical primarily due to ethical
objections to denying some eligible people the benefits of the initiative. In
such situations, a range of quasi-experimental approaches can be pursued
(as in the New Deal evaluations) but these will not provide the kind of
unequivocal results that policy makers seek.
There are a number of other problems that add to the complexity of
evaluation and create difficulties for impact evaluation. In the situation of
piloting there is considerable scope for variation in the implementation of
a policy; such variation may indeed be encouraged to generate different
approaches for the purposes of evaluation. Thus, there is also likely to be
a lack of stability over time in the form of intervention. Indeed, these problems are to some degree built in to pilots when results of evaluations of
implementation process provide the basis for ongoing improvement and
sharing of good practice. Moreover, where the aim is to tailor help to the
specific needs of individuals or groups (as is increasingly the case in, for
example, welfare-to-work initiatives), it becomes difficult to define a discrete, standard intervention of the kind required by experimental designs.
Finally, there are a number of other reasons why a pilot may not be typical
of the policy as it would ultimately be implemented. For example, as Hasluck (op cit., p. 63) points out, . . . the resources devoted to the pilot may
exceed that (sic) available at national roll out. There may also be a greater
level of commitment and a pioneering spirit amongst staff involved in
Indeed, it could be argued that there is a structural danger of unrepresentativeness of pilots in a context where there is a strong political commitment to a policy, and the pilot receives generous resourcing in order to
make it work. This brings us back to the question posed earlier regarding
the relative weight given by policy makers to knowing whether a policy
works as opposed to how it can be made to work. We have seen that there

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are problems with the evidential basis for answering the first of these questions. There are also grounds for arguing that policy makers and politicians
have also placed more weight on the second question. I have already
referred to the dominance of short-term political considerations and Walker
(op cit., p. 161) suggests that . . . the use of pilots has been more akin to
prototyping than to experimentation. . .. An example is provided by the
Best Value pilot programme in Great Britain. As Martin and Sanderson (op
cit.) argue, the relative emphasis on summative and formative evaluation
shifted significantly towards the latter during the course of the pilot programme. Early in the programme, in advance of any substantial evaluation
results, the government published a series of key policy documents outlining the way in which it expected the Best Value framework to operate.
Martin and Sanderson conclude (ibid., p. 254) that:
it is . . . clear that, at this stage in the policy and electoral cycle at least,
central government is not primarily interested in or particularly receptive
to alternatives to Best Value. The Best Value principles are not up for
debate ministerial advisers claim to have known what was required
before Labour came to power. Piloting is not therefore designed to test
whether the Best Value framework should replace CCT ministers are
already committed to this course of action. There is some scope for single loop learning focused on ways of making the framework operate
more effectively at local level. However, the piloting process is not so
much about experimenting as about exemplifying. The main aim seems
to be to create a cadre of trail blazing authorities that will provide
instances of good practice that can be adopted by other councils.
There are grounds, therefore, for questioning whether the governments
commitment to evidence-based policy making extends to using piloting as
genuine experimentation to obtain evidence about whether policies work.
The endemic problems that exist in seeking to obtain sound and convincing
evidence of the impact of piloted policy initiatives, together with the uncertain role of research and evaluation in informing key policy commitments,
raise doubts about the role of pilot programme evaluation. If policy makers
are not able to create the conditions for piloting that would enable robust
impact evaluation to be undertaken (as occurs much more in the USA
see Riccio 2000), then we might legitimately question whether it is worth
persisting with the notion that pilots can genuinely inform decisions on
whether to proceed with a policy.
Consequently, there is a need for greater clarity about the role of piloting
and, therefore, the purpose of evaluation. In particular, there is a need to
be clear when piloting is primarily about prototyping in which . . . greater
emphasis is placed on how it works than whether it works . . . and
. . . evaluation is as much about identifying good practice as about identifying the counterfactual. . . (Chitty 2000, op cit., p. 13). In this context,

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the form of evaluation required is close to action research, with a focus on

identifying how implementation can be improved, working closely with
practitioners. However, we are then left with the problem of how to obtain
better evidence about whether policies work and about what works and
why in different circumstances. Can piloting make a significant contribution
in this respect?
This would require genuine policy and programme pilot experiments in
which considerations of evaluation design played a major role, so as to
create the conditions under which robust evidence could be obtained. Such
evidence is required both about the nature of effects and impacts of policies
and about how these effects are produced in the circumstances in which
they are implemented (where relevant, in combination with other policy
measures). However, the prospects of developing such an approach to
piloting in the UK policy context is uncertain given the rather short-term
horizons of policy making and a political culture that has long been unsympathetic to rational knowledge. In this respect, there is a stronger tradition of experimentation in the USA, which has permitted evaluators to
properly assess the effectiveness of social programmes in pilot situations
(Riccio 2000, p. 1).
In the UK context, therefore, it may be that the most feasible strategy for
strengthening evidence-based policy making comprises two related
elements. First, as Chitty (op cit., p. 12) argues, there is a need to ensure
that all the currently available relevant research and evaluation evidence
is thoroughly reviewed and synthesized and used to inform policy thinking
and appraisal. Indeed, there have been significant developments in this
direction, and UK government departments and agencies are placing more
emphasis on such review and synthesis work. A recent example is a review
commissioned by the DETR of the evidence base for regeneration policy
and practice with a view to . . . ensuring that policy and practice are informed through a more rigorous and challenging evidence base (DETR 2000c).
A key development was the establishment in 1992 of the Cochrane Foundation in the health field, the aim of which is . . . to help people make
well-informed decisions about healthcare by preparing, maintaining and
promoting the accessibility of systematic reviews of the effects of healthcare
interventions (Cochrane Collaboration 1999, p. 1). The UK Centre was
established in 1992 with support from the National Health Service (NHS).
In 1999, the Campbell Collaboration was established to emulate the
Cochrane Collaboration in the fields of social and educational policy
(Boruch, et al. 1999). The Department for Education and Employment
(DfEE) has recognized the importance of review and synthesis of research
evidence and has expanded its research budget to fund dedicated research
centres as . . . foci for the synthesis of knowledge as well as adding to it. . .
in relation to key topics in education and employment (DfEE 2000b).
The Cochrane Collaboration is regarded as a success but a number of
important issues and questions have been raised about the potential for

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successful research synthesis and review in areas of social policy (Oakley

1999). The key difficulties are those that bedevil impact evaluation in the
context of complex social initiatives; some of these were discussed in the
previous section. Thus, many social interventions comprise packages of
approaches, with component elements treating different groups, and interventions classified together may comprise different specific measures. A
focus on outcomes . . . might lose much of the variety and detail about
interventions in which practitioners and policy makers are most interested,
and which they view as critical in distinguishing between different
approaches (ibid., p. 4). Moreover, many social interventions are explicitly
targeted at multiple outcomes. Finally, reviews may have difficulty
addressing underpinning theory . . . unless review activity is structured to
cross problem/outcome areas, and allow for the classification of interventions according to their theoretical base (ibid., p. 5).
These difficulties undermine the potential to derive clear messages about
what works from reviews and syntheses of research and evaluation studies
of social policy interventions. The last issue referred to above, relating to
the theoretical basis of policy intervention, is of particular concern from a
realist perspective, where the key focus is on identifying and explaining
what works in terms of underlying policy mechanisms operating in particular contextual circumstances. Thus, Pawson (2000) criticizes dominant
approaches to research synthesis, which he labels numerical meta-analysis
and narrative review, with their concern to identify best buys for policy
makers. He argues that they do not achieve decisive results, the former
making no effort to understand how programmes work in different contexts, the latter unable to provide transferable lessons. Pawson argues for
a realist approach to synthesis that focuses on families of mechanisms and
produces tailored, transferable theory.
The next few years should provide some important lessons on the value
of research synthesis and review in terms of providing policy makers with
a better understanding of what works, for whom, in what circumstances
in areas of social policy. At the present time, there are grounds for concern
about the nature of research and evaluation evidence available in many
areas. From a realist perspective, much of the available evidence fails to
provide the basis for a theoretically-grounded understanding of transferable lessons about what works and why (Pawson, op cit.).
This brings us to the second element of the strategy for improving the
evidential basis of policy making: better generation of new evidence
through long-term evaluation of new policy initiatives once they are
implemented (after any prototyping or piloting). Such evaluation needs to
be planned jointly with implementation in order to provide the best possible conditions for detailed longitudinal research from a well-defined baseline position.
Some recent initiatives by the UK government to put in place long-term
evaluations of key policy initiatives offer some hope for this strategy, with

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a strong emphasis on building the evidence base to improve the effectiveness of future policy intervention. Two such evaluations will be very briefly
considered, the first relating to the New Deal for Communities programme
and the second to the Best Value regime for local government, the pilot
phase of which was discussed above.
The New Deal for Communities (NDC) is a key programme in the
governments National Strategy for Neighbourhood Renewal, the development of which was led by the Social Exclusion Unit (Cabinet Office 1998).
Launched in September 1998, NDC is focused on small areas (10004000
households) suffering from the worst problems of deprivation and social
exclusion. It aims to close the gap between them and the rest of Britain in
terms of worklessness, health, crime, educational achievement and broader
economic prosperity and quality of life. Bids were developed by inclusive
local partnerships, which were required to . . . harness the active involvement of local communities (DETR 1999, p. 1). Successful partnerships
developed long-term (10-year) strategies for their neighbourhoods that built
on existing services and programmes to produce . . . joined up solutions to
joined up problems . . . (ibid.). By May 2001, 39 partnerships had been
approved, comprising 17 pathfinders and 22 second round partnerships.
Of the total of 39 partnerships, nine are in London boroughs and 17 are in
metropolitan local authorities.
Considerable effort and resources are being put into evaluation of NDC
by the government. Local partnerships are required to undertake their own
evaluation work and this is complemented by a national evaluation. The
Department for the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR)
commissioned a development project to work up proposals and
recommendations for the national evaluation in view of its scale and potential complexity. A key feature is its long-term nature, potentially up to the
whole 10 years of the programme, thus providing scope for robust analysis
of impact. The DETR (re-designated the Department of Transport, Local
Government and the Regions DTLR following the 2001 General Election)
saw the evaluation as comprising much that is conventional in the regeneration evaluation world: the analysis of outcomes and impacts, addressing
sustainability and additionality; addressing the problem of attribution,
potentially through comparison areas; the analysis of implementation processes; the assessment of value for money; and the provision of feedback
on quick wins and early lessons (ibid.).
However, there are some aspects of the evaluation, receiving particularly
strong emphasis, that require more innovative development of evaluation
approaches and methodologies. First, the national evaluation was required
to work alongside and support local partnerships and avoid a heavy, topdown approach; indeed, the DETR considered action research to be a key
element in the approach to help partnerships to improve their effectiveness
through useful and timely feedback. Second, given the emphasis in NDC
on joining up, there was a need for robust approaches to analysing syn-

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ergy effects: how NDC links with and adds value to other area-based
initiatives and mainstream programmes and services; and how the latter
are re-oriented over time in a sustainable way better to meet the needs of
the locality. Third, the evaluation was required to identify what works and
how it works and to strengthen the evidence base about effective practice
in tackling a wide range of problems at the neighbourhood level. Given
the complexities of NDC strategies, there is considerable potential in this
evaluation to make a significant contribution to the development of evaluation approaches and methods, especially in the realm of theory-based
evaluation employing multi-method designs.
Turning to the second example, I argued above that the pilot phase of
the introduction of the Best Value regime in local government in England
and Wales provided a good case of prototyping, with the emphasis more
on learning how to implement the regime effectively than on understanding
whether and how it worked. However, with the introduction of the new
regime throughout local government from April 2000, the opportunity
arose for a long-term evaluation of its impact in the context of the broader
modernization agenda for local government. The DETR indeed commissioned such an evaluation, which is analysing over a five-year period
the way in which authorities have implemented Best Value processes, the
effects of such processes through organizational and cultural change, and
the impact of the changes on the performance of authorities (DETR 2000b).
Again, this is a complex evaluation, presenting some significant design
and methodological challenges in terms of capturing and measuring key
changes; attributing such changes to different aspects of Best Value as
implemented in different socio-economic, policy and organizational contexts (together with other aspects of the local government modernization
agenda); and understanding how the changes are brought about, feeding
back lessons on . . . which mechanisms . . . appear to be most suitable and
effective in particular circumstances and why (ibid., p. 13). Therefore, as
with the NDC evaluation, there is a strong emphasis on developing the
evidence base about effective practice. Within a longitudinal design, the
need for a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods was emphasized.
These include multi-variate statistical analysis, using local authority service
performance data and survey data to identify relationships between
processes, contextual factors, organizational and cultural changes and performance outcomes, and in-depth longitudinal case study research to
understand how and why (or why not) process and organizational changes
have worked to produce improved performance.
The need to develop such an understanding and make a real contribution
to the evidence base for policy development presents some major challenges for evaluation. It is beyond the scope of this paper to discuss these
in detail (see Sanderson 2000) but some key points can be addressed briefly.
First, I would argue that evaluation must move beyond its traditional concern with measuring effect sizes and degrees of goal achievement to

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embrace a theory-based approach to explanation. As Chen (1990) and Weiss

(1995) have argued, social programmes are based upon explicit or implicit
theories about how and why the programme will work and the task of
evaluation is to surface those theories, identify the key assumptions and
test their validity.
However, theory-based evaluation, while holding out considerable promise for the development of knowledge to underpin more effective policy
making, nevertheless presents significant challenges in terms of articulating
theories, measuring changes and effects, developing appropriate tests of
theoretical assumptions, and in terms of the generalizability of results
obtained in particular contexts. A key challenge is provided by the problem
of causal attribution, which is central to theory testing (Chen 1990). Traditionally, evaluations have sought to isolate effects by establishing the
counterfactual and measuring deadweight (what would have happened in
the absence of the intervention); these have tended to be seen essentially
as problems of measurement and estimation. However, theory-based evaluation requires an understanding of how effects have been produced and,
particularly from a realist perspective, this requires an analysis of the mechanisms at work (Pawson and Tilley 1997). In the context of complex, multifaceted social interventions, Granger (1998) argues that it is virtually
impossible to achieve precise and clear-cut causal attribution and that we
need clear, strong theories as a basis for counterfactual reasoning and causal
inference, which at best may achieve a modest standard.
In the context of policy responses to complex economic and social problems, it is now widely argued that the best hope for generating trustworthy
causal inferences, as Granger (ibid.) puts it, is through mixed methodology
or multi-method evaluation designs. Such an argument, in fact, has a sound
pedigree in the work over the years of Donald Campbell who, although
associated with experimental evaluation, nevertheless maintained a critical,
post-positivist position from which he argued, for example, that:
experimental research is equivocal and ambiguous in its relation both to
the real physical process involved and to scientific theory. This
equivocality calls for use of multiple methods, none of them definitional,
triangulating on causal processes that are imperfectly exemplified in our
experimental treatments and measurement processes. (Campbell and
Russo 1999, pp. 1323)
As Riccio (op cit.) argues in the context of welfare-to-work and employment
evaluations, since randomized social experiments are . . . often too blunt a
method for testing important theories or hypotheses underlying a particular
social program. . . (ibid., p. 1), . . . new efforts to augment social experiments with nonexperimental and quasi-experimental strategies . . . hold
promise for improving our capacity to understand the efficacy of social
initiatives, and for assessing, with greater scientific rigor, the validity of

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theoretical assumptions upon which they rest (ibid., p. 16). This trend is
also highlighted by White (1999, p. 69) in the UK context:
(T)o learn more about welfare-to-work programmes will require greater
co-operation between what have in the past been distinct approaches
to evaluation. Rigorous quantitative evaluation will continue to be
important, but so will the use of qualitative, case-study and organisational research. Only if this takes place will we be able to learn not only
what works better, but how it works better.
The resurgence of interest in evidence-based policy making indicates the
continuing force of optimism about the potential to achieve social progress
through the application of reason. This paper has sought to present a case
for evaluation as playing an increasingly important role in this project, but
evaluation conceived somewhat differently than in traditional accounts. A
focus on the role of evaluation in reflexive policy learning is required to
resolve a paradox in late modern society: that while increasing complexity
of social systems progressively undermines notions of certainty in social
knowledge it simultaneously raises the stakes in relation to rational guidance of those systems.
Consideration of the implications of complexity raises our awareness of
the limits to prediction and control of non-equilibrium social systems and
the increasing significance of unintended consequences of our actions.
While we can retain some confidence in our ability to understand and
explain the behaviour of such systems, this needs to be tempered with a
degree of modesty about what we can achieve. Thus, we need to recognize
that policies are essentially conjectures based upon the best available evidence. In most areas of economic and social policy this evidence will provide only partial confidence that policy interventions will work as intended.
Consequently, such policy conjectures must be subject to rigorous testing.
Evaluation is required to assess and understand how policies have worked
(or not) and why, so that lessons can be learned to inform improvements.
I have argued that policy making and evaluation need to be conceived as
instances of practical reason rather than as solely technical exercises. If
evaluation is to fulfil its potential for driving policy learning, it must be
fully integrated into the ongoing discourse, able to sustain advocacy of the
evidential voice and help policy makers to . . . think more intelligently
about the domain in which they worked (Weiss, op cit., p. 141).
A key requirement of this model of policy learning, then, is the strengthening of evaluation as an explanatory enterprise. I have referred to the
resurgence of interest in realist philosophical stances, which pose the key
evaluation question in explanatory terms: what works for whom under
what circumstances, and why? The key challenge lies in allying this to
complexity in the context of non-equilibrium social systems where the isolation of simple context-mechanism-outcome configurations is limited in

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terms of both feasibility and usefulness. Again, as Schmid (1996, p. 205) has
autioned, . . . some deliberate eclecticism and modesty. . . may be required
with greater emphasis on developing a sounder descriptive base to explanatory efforts through, for example, policy mapping and pattern recognition
approaches to identifying emergent properties of systems.
Such a note of caution should be taken seriously. To realize the promise
of theory-based evaluation in the context of policy initiatives to address
complex economic and social problems represents a major challenge,
especially where integrated policy solutions are sought to address problems
in joined up ways. Some implications for the practice of evaluation have
been discussed but in conclusion it is possible to point up two issues requiring further attention. The first concerns notions of theory that are relevant
in the pursuit of theory-based evaluation in this context. I have referred to
the argument that we may have to accept modest standards of causal inference and this raises questions about the forms of theoretical knowledge
that can be derived and about how robust such knowledge can be.
The second related issue concerns the role of better analysis and understanding of social problems and needs in improving the effectiveness of
policy responses. As argued earlier, this receives somewhat less attention
in the evidence-based policy debate than does the role of evaluation. However, such fundamental research can be seen as complementary to better
theory-based evaluation, providing the basis for clearer and more specific
elaboration of hypotheses for testing in evaluation research and thus helping to offset the limitations discussed above relating to standards of causal
inference. Of course, such fundamental research has been the focus of substantial support over the years, for example from the ESRC and Joseph
Rowntree Foundation, but the argument here implies the need for closer
links between such research and government-sponsored evaluations that
are long term, theory-based and designed to build the evidence base of
what works in policy terms.
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