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Proceedings of the Twentieth (2010) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference

Beijing, China, June 2025, 2010

Copyright 2010 by The International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE)
ISBN 978-1-880653-77-7 (Set); ISSN 1098-6189 (Set); www.isope.org

Design Development of BOG Handling System in LNG-FSRU

Youngsoon Sohn, Donghyuk Kim, Sunghee Choi, Youngmyung Yang
R & D Division, Korea Gas Corporation
Incheon, Korea

The concept of an offshore floating, storage and regasification unit has
been proposed as alternatives to conventional onshore LNG import
terminals. The advantage is that risk to the public is negligible and it
could be remobilized at any time. But it is more vulnerable to storms
than the land based terminal for LNG trans-shipment.

The concept of an offshore floating, storage and regasification

unit(FSRU) has been proposed as alternatives to conventional onshore
LNG import terminals. The advantage is that risk to the public is
negligible and it could be remobilized at any time. Boil-off gas(BOG)
consists of the gas which is produced by the vaporization of a small
portion of LNG storage tanks due to ambient heat leak into the storage
tanks and their associated pipe works. The other major source of BOG
is the gas which is displaced by incoming LNG when a ship is unloaded
into the LNG storage tank. In abnormal and emergency operation, the
flare system is provided for the safe disposal of hydrocarbon vapors
from the LNG-FSRU. The capacity of the flare will be sufficient to
handle vapor from operational upset conditions in the storage and vapor
handling areas. Simulations have been developed using HYSYS v7.1.
This suite of simulations will allow equipment to be sized for the
possible BOG handling methods.
This study is to determine the optimum method of handling the boil-off
gas produced from LNG storage tanks during the operation of LNGFSRU. We quantify the amount of BOG produced in the worst case
scenarios while a ship is unloaded and in abnormal and emergency

The capacity of the hull of the FSRU provides a nominal 270,000 m3

LNG storage capacity. The deck space available for the topside
equipment is 300 m by 50 m. The FSRU is anchored to the sea bed by
an internal turret mooring system which allows it to weather vane.
Transfer of LNG from the tanker to the FSRU is in a side by side
arrangement in mild environmental sea conditions while in hostile
conditions a tandem arrangement. Process and utility facilities are
located above the storage tanks. Generation of electric power and some
utilities are necessary. LNG vaporization equipment needs to operate
with FSRU moving with winds and waves. The shell and tube
vaporizers which are not motion sensitive are used. Gas export to shore
occurs through the turret mooring system. The system includes internal
that swivel which allow the high pressure gas to pass from the process
area to the export pipeline on the sea bed while allowing the FSRU to
weather vane. Onshore equipment spacing standards can not be applied
due to lack of space and risk analysis is used to determine of the design
is acceptable. Some progress has been made in the development of
guidelines for the design of offshore LNG facilities by organization
such as Lloyds Register and Den Norske Veritas.

KEY WORDS: LNG; FSRU; BOG; Regasification


boil-off gas
floating, storage and regasification unit
high pressure
intermediate fluid vaporizer
knock out
liquefied natural gas
low pressure
pressure control valve
process flow diagram
turn down ratio

Figure 1 Conceptual Layout of LNG-FSRU


The FSRU topside facilities comprise of process modules for cargo

sendout, regasification, metering and boil-off gas handling system.
LNG is exported from the cargo tanks by submerged LP pumps and HP
pumps elevate the pressure to the required level before regasification.
Vaporized gas is subsequently metered and exported via internal turret.
There are several methods to vaporize the LNG for export. The use of
compact heat exchangers in LNG/Seawater contacting is not practical
due to the freeze up & fouling risk. Compared to the direct seawater
vaporizers, the use of an intermediate fluid circulation system is often
considered for the actual vaporization in LNG-FSRU. The heating
medium is typically seawater or a water glycol mixture with a freezing
point below -30.


Description of Process Flow
LNG is delivered to the FSRU in the storage tanks. The LNG ship
normally contain approximately 75,000 to 220,000 m3 of LNG stored in
three or four separate compartments within the ship.
Once the tanker is moored and the loading arms have been connected,
the LNG is pumped using the ships in-tank pumps. During the transfer
of the LNG into the FSRU storage tanks, vapor is displaced from these
tanks. Some of this vapor is returned to the ship via a separate loading
arm to make up the volume of LNG removed from ship. Additional
vapor is generate in the storage area due to various energy inputs into
the system such as heat leak and pumping energy and flashing due to a
higher operating pressure in the ships tanks relative to the FSRU
storage tanks.
The vapor leaving the storage area passes to the BOG compressors
which discharge the vapor at a suitable pressure for distribution within
the FSRU. After supplying the ships vapor make up requirements, the
balance of the compressed vapor is distributed between the fuel system
and the high pressure compressor. Any excess vapor is routed to flare.
Depending on the level of LNG in the storage tanks, the vapor leaving
the tanks varies in temperature from - 160 to - 90.

Figure 2 Schematic flow diagram of IFV

Boil-off gas consists of the gas which is produced by the vaporization
of a small portion of LNG storage tanks due to ambient heat leak into
the storage tanks and their associated pipe works. The other major
source of BOG is the gas which is displaced by incoming LNG when a
ship is unloaded into the storage tank. In abnormal and emergency
operation, the flare system is provided for the safe disposal of
hydrocarbon vapors from the FSRU. The capacity of the flare is
sufficient to handle vapor from operational upset conditions in the
storage and vapor handling areas. Simulations have been developed
using HYSYS v7.1. This suite of simulations allows equipment to be
sized for the possible BOG handling methods.

Sendout from the FSRU is accomplished by pumping the liquid from

the storage tanks and passing it through vaporizers. During periods of
no ship loading liquid discharging from the LP pumps is circulated
through the loading system to keep it cool. Vaporized natural gas is
exported via an internal turret to the gas network. A metering system is
provided on the sendout stream. The topside process block diagram of
FSRU is shown in Figure 3.




To Power



This study is to determine the optimum method of handling the boil-off

gas produced from LNG storage tanks during the operation of LNGFSRU. We quantify the amount of BOG produced in the worst case
scenarios while a ship is unloaded and in abnormal and emergency


LNG Tank










To Gas



Table 1 Design Basis Specification of LNG-FSRU



LNG loading

Cargo storage tank

Mooring system
BOG handling system
LNG Vaporizer

Max. 600 mmscfd
80 barg, 5C
TDR = 1 : 10
Peak rate 12,000 m3/h
Side-by-side loading
Availability up to 220K LNGC
Capacity 270K
45,000 m3 x 6
Design pressure 25 kPa
Boil-off rate 0.15 %/day
Internal turret mooring system
IFV circulation system

Figure 3 Topside process block diagram of FSRU

BOG Handling System

One or more boil-off gas compressors are required to handle boil-off
gas generated during normal operation. The balance of the installed
boil-off compressors are required to the additional boil-off gas
generated during ship unloading. A desuperheater is provided in the
compressor inlet line so that a sufficiently low suction temperature can
be achieved by the injection of LNG into the inlet stream. After
compression, vapor is condensed into the cold LNG sendout by
contacting in the recondenser vessel. Some of the vapor is routed to the
fuel gas system for consumption by the power generation units and


During ship unloading some vapor is returned to the ship tanks in order
to maintain the ship pressure. This vapor transfer occurs by virtue of
the difference in operating pressure between the FSRU storage tanks
and the ship tanks. The balance of the vapor is preferentially sent to the
recondenser. At low sendout rates, when the recondenser is fully loaded,
vapor is sent to fuel gas or to the flare for final disposal.

and no ship unloading mode at maximum sendout, to allow the sizing

of the LNG pumps. Four cases have been considered:

The recondenser also acts as a liquid buffer volume for the sendout
pumps. The recondenser and associated lines are designed to achieve a
hydraulic capacity equivalent to maximum sendout rates.

In the cases of ship unloading(operation cases 1A and 1B), the

simulation models the ships discharge pumps and associated heat leaks
from the ship unloading lines, loading arms and lines from the loading
arms to the storage tank. The boil-off gas rate generated from each tank
is modeled as a sub-flowsheet. The sub-flowsheet is used to define tank
parameters such as discharge rate, tank volume, boil-off percentage,
tank pressure and temperature. The aim of the main flowsheet is to
model each mode of operation and develop stream data for those
streams marked on the relevant PFDs. Unit operations are used to
allow input of heat leak and pressure drop data, as well as routing of
appropriate flows.

BOG Generation
The maximum vapor generation from the cargo storage tanks occurs
when LNG ship is unloaded at maximum rates and when there is no
sendout from the FSRU. Normally, a FSRU as a receiving terminal is
operated such that prior to ship unloading the desired operating
pressure is raised so that the heat leak into the system goes into the
LNG liquid in storage. Heat will continue to accumulate in the liquid
phase until the liquid has reached a temperature equivalent to its bubble
point at the operating pressure. Vapor generation in the storage tank
during ship unloading mode is composed of the following elements.


Table 2 Principle Parameters of Simulation Basis

LNG composition
Loading rate
Ship pressure
Ship heat leak basis
Storage tank pressure
Storage tank vapor temperature
Storage tank heat leak basis
Recondenser pressure
Sendout rate

Heat leak into the system

l Energy input due to the ships pump (A1)
l Heat leak in the piping in FSRU (A2)
l Heat leak into the cargo storage tanks through the walls of the
tank (A3)
Displacement due to the incoming liquid (A4)
Vapor generated due to the pressure difference between the ship
and the FSRU storage tanks (A5)
Displacement due to the sendout liquid (A6)

Thus the net vapor from storage tanks with ship unloading is A1 + A2
+ A3 + A4 A5 A6.

Lean/Rich LNG
12,000 m3/h
130 mbarg
0.15% per day
190 mbarg
0.15% per day
6 barg
600 mmscfd

These scenarios are used to calculate the maximum amount of BOG

produces and hence to size the BOG compressors and their associated
equipment. BOG generation rate for the operation modes is shown in
Table 3.

Ship unloading is a relatively infrequent operation occurring once or

twice a week depending on the sendout from the FSRU. Thus for a
large proportion of the time the FSRU operates in a no loading mode.
In this mode the basic requirement of maintaining the liquid filled
piping cool is still valid. If there is no sendout from the FSRU, the
circulating liquid stream is returned to the tanks where it flashes giving
up the heat leak that it has absorbed and generates flash vapors. When
there is a sendout requirement from the FSRU, part of the circulating
liquid stream is routed to the vaporizers to satisfy the demand and as a
result some of the absorbed heat leak is exported thereby reducing the
flash vapors generated in cargo storage. Vapor generation during the no
unloading and maximum sendout case occurs as a result of the
following factors.

Case 1A : Ship unloading with maximum sendout

Case 1B : Ship unloading with minimum sendout
Case 2A : No ship unloading with maximum sendout
Case 2B : No ship unloading with minimum sendout

Table 3 BOG Rate of Operation Modes


Ship/Max. sendout
Ship/Min. sendout
No Ship/Max. sendout
No Ship/Min. sendout

BOG rate (t/h)


Sendout rate (t/h)


From the process simulation the boil-off rates from the FSRU storage
tanks were found to range from 5.2 - 19.2 t/h. Boil-off when there is no
ship unloading is in the range 5.2 - 7.5 t/h. Boil-off when ship
unloading is in the range from 16.7 - 19.2 t/h. The BOG flows are
handled by centrifugal compressors driven by electric motor. From
considerations of maintenance and operability it is proposed that three
50% centrifugal compressors are installed since they are in continuous

System heat leak (A1)

Energy input to the recirculation stream returning the storage
tank (A2)
Displacement gas make-up for the liquid removed (A3)

Thus the net vapor from storage tanks with no ship unloading is A1 +
A2 A3.

For sendout rates below approximately 180 t/h then the sendout gas
compressor with a discharge pressure of approximately 80 barg will be
required. The decision to install a spare is dependent on the frequency
of the low sendout rate scenarios and whether flaring is an acceptable
alternative to vapor recovery of the compressor is unavailable.
Assuming that low sendout rates may be frequent in the years of
operation, and that flaring product is financially and environmentally
unacceptable, it is recommended that spare machine is installed.

Process Simulation
Simulations have been developed using HYSYS v7.1. This suite of
simulations allows equipment to be sized for BOG handling system. In
essence there are two operating cases to be modeled i.e. ship unloading
at minimum sendout, for the sizing of the BOG handling equipment,


B. BOG compressors running

C. Barometric pressure increase


The total flow required for the make up gas control valve is A + B + C.

The flare system is designed for the safe disposal of hydrocarbon

vapors and liquids in the FSRU. This system is designed according to
API RP521 and EN 1473.

As part of the topside design of the LNG-FSRU, the method of
handling the vapor generated within the FSRU were studied. This vapor
arises from the general boil-off from the storage tanks. A number of
operating scenarios need to be looked at ship unloading, peak and
minimum sendout as well as the possible range of imported LNG
compositions. These scenarios are used to calculate the maximum
amount of BOG produces and to size the BOG compressors and their
associated equipment. From previous experience of the onshore LNG
terminal it has shown that it is the most cost effective to utilize a
recondenser to condense boil-off vapor which is routed to the sendout

Vent and relief valve discharges are routed to a single elevated flare
stack. During normal operation, the FSRU does not produce any excess
vapors for discharge to the flare system. In the event of total power
failure, the FSRU is shut down and any loading operation is stopped
and boil off gas from the storage tanks is routed to the flare header
system. In the case of partial power failure, it will affect some or all the
boil off gas compressors. An unloading operation may have to be
reduced in rate or shutdown to match the vapor which can be returned
to the ship in order to minimize flaring.
The capacity of the flare will be sufficient to handle vapor resulting
from operational upset conditions in the storage and vapor handling
areas. Excessive vapor loads due to equipment failure or mal-operation
are relieved to atmosphere. The flare system is sized for the disposal of
vapor produced during abnormal and emergency operation.

The flare system is sized for the disposal of hydrocarbon vapors and
liquid resulting from abnormal operating conditions and emergencies.
The FSRU is designed in accordance with a philosophy of minimum
flaring. The capacity of the flare is sufficient to handle vapor resulting
from operational upset conditions in the storage and vapor handling

An assessment of relief loads for various vapor generating scenarios is

based on the methods in EN 1473 and NFPA 59A. These flows are
based on worst case scenarios with allowance for barometric pressure
change. Flows comprising the flare relief system are given below.

Daejun Chang, et al. (2007). "Safety and Environmental challenges in
Developing a Closed-circuit LNG Regasification System for Offshore
Natural Gas Export" 26th Int Conf on Offshore Mech and Art
Eng, San Diego, USA.
Y. S. Han, et al. (2002). "Design Development of FSRU from LNG
Carrier and FPSO Construction Experience" 2002 Offshore
Tech Conf, Houston, USA
KOGAS R & D CENTER (2009) "Samchuck LNG Receiving Terminal
Basic Engineering Data Book"
Youngsoon Sohn, et al (2005), Expansion of Pyeongtaek LNG
Receiving Terminal of Korea Gas Corporation Proc 15th Int
Ocean and Polar Eng Conf, Seoul, ISOPE, Vol 1, www.isope.org

Vapor displacement during tank filling

Flash vaporization of hot ship unloading
LP pump at recirculation, flash vaporization
Storage tank heat leak
LNG tank roll-over
Piping heat leak
Drop in barometric pressure
Make-up control valve failure

Pressure relief scenarios and design cases are as follow.


Power failure : C + D + F + G
Zero sendout : A + C + D + F + G
Hot ship unloading : A + B + C +D + F + G
LNG tank Roll-over : C + D + E + F + G
Make-up contol valve failure : A + C + D + F + G + H

The maximum continuous venting rate to the flare occurs during makeup control valve failure and rollover case. This gas is relieved through
the tank atmospheric relief valves. The design flow for the flare system
is selected for the zero sendout case. The flare stack is designed for safe
and efficient combustion of natural gas at flow rates up to the design
capacity. The stack incorporates pilots to ensure the continuous
availability of the flare, as well as flame-out alarms and igniters.
The storage tanks are protected from under pressure by the letdown of
the send-out gas via a pressure control valve. This PCV is sized for all
of BOG compressors running at the rated capacity, LP pump out from
the storage tanks plus barometric pressure change. In the event of this
make up gas failing the ultimate under protection is provided by
atmospheric vacuum breakers at each tank. An assessment of the loads
for the vacuum relief system is based on the methods in EN 1473 and
NFPA 59A. These flows make allowance for barometric pressure
change. Flows comprising the vacuum relief system are given below.
A. Maximum liquid withdrawal


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