Personal Procedure For Faculty Staff of BRACU

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Personnel Procedure

Academic Staff of BRACU

Policies on Appointment, Confirmation, Tenure and Benefits of Faculty Members

Preamble: BRAC University will have provisions for appointment of three categories of teachers:
a. Regular Service
b. On contract (full time)
c. On contract (Part Time/Course wise/semester wise)
1. Appointment, contract period, probation, confirmation and extension of full time faculty members:
1.1 Appointment in any teaching post Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Assistant Professor and Professor in
categories a and b will initially be for a year. On completion of the year, the performance of the Teacher will be
evaluated on the basis of teaching, research and service to the university.
1.1.1 Following will be the evaluation areas and criteria for evaluation:
Performance Areas
a) Teaching
b) Research and

c)Service to University
and Community

Student evaluation of teaching
Peer evaluation of teaching
Papers published in reputed refereed journals/
Research Papers written /presented in Conferences
Books authored/ edited
Professional work. e.g., Architectural design, Software
design, system design etc.

Maintenance of office hours

Attendance in meetings
Contribution to departmental and corporate activities
Contribution to Co-curricular activities
Contribution to outside community

Performance under each criterion will be measured on scale and points earned by a teacher and
added up. The total points earned will be compared against a set standard to take decision regarding
confirmation/increment/benefits etc. Performance under each criterion will be measured on scale and points
earned by a teacher and added up. The total points earned will be compared against a set standard to take
decision regarding confirmation/increment/benefits etc. Details are provided in Annex A.
1.2 Appointment/Contract of Lecturers
1.2.1As mentioned above, the appointment in the post of Lecturer shall be initially for one year probation.
1.2.2 The performance of the Lecturers will be evaluated annually.
a) If the performance of the teacher in the 1st year is very good (8 points), the
service will be confirmed.
b) If it is good (6 points), the appointment/contract may be extended for six months to one more year
and if found satisfactory the service will be confirmed.
c) In case of unsatisfactory performance, appointment/contract shall be terminated at the end of first
1.2.3 In case a teacher has earned a higher degree and /or has publications or high quality professional
work and has highly satisfactory performance, he may be appointed on a higher position,, if s/he has
earned requisite points. (Vide Annex B)

1.3 Appointment in the post of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and

1.3.1 A candidate may apply for direct appointment in the post of Assistant Professor/Associate
Professor/Professor if s/he has the requisite points for the post. If selected, the appointment will be for
three years on annual evaluation basis. Rules for termination/ extension of appointment/ contract will be
same as in case of lecturers.
1.4 Confirmation of Service: Appointment of a full time teacher in any post mentioned above will be
confirmed after successful completion of service for one year. Only those teachers whose services have
been confirmed are entitled to the benefits and facilities mentioned in section 5. Teachers on contract will
not be entitled to the benefits mentioned in section 5.
1.5 Salary and Benefits:
1.5.1 A teacher shall receive competitive salary at the prescribed scale. In addition, s/he will be entitled to
allowances for house rent, medical and conveyance at the prescribed rates. If provided, they may also
avail transport facilities of the university in lieu of transport allowance. On Regularization of service, s/he
will be entitled to the following also:

Group/Self Insurance
Contributory Provident Fund @ 5% of basic salary
Festival Allowance One months basic pay split into halves for two occasions
Gratuity: One months basic salary on completion of every year of service

1.5.2 Part time Option: In order to attract and retain competent faculty, present system of part-time
appointment on contract basis for 20 hours/10 hours per week workload may continue.

BRAC University
Full time Faculty Members are expected to remain present for at least five hours a day on all working
days and in total 40 hours per week, out of which 25 hours have to be Academic Load as per the
following distribution:

Classroom Contact
9 hours
Student Consultation
9 hours
Administrative work
4 hours
Service to the University
3 hours
25 hours
e) Preparation for course 5 hours
f) Script checking,
5 hours
Assignments, quizzes
g) Research, seminar
5 hours
40 hours
Full time faculty members of BRACU are not allowed to engage in teaching or income earning activities
outside BRAC University without permission from the University. The class/duty hour may be in the day, in the
evening or in both depending upon the need of the University. Reporting time to duty shall be between 08:00
am to 10:00 am. A teacher with classes in the evening may report later. In either case, a teacher shall set his/her

reporting time in consultation with the Dean/Chairperson/Head/Director of the School/Department at the

beginning of a semester. Faculty workload in a particular semester will be worked out based on a discussion
between faculty and the Dean/Head/Chairperson of the Department.
1. Teaching:
1.1 The course load for fulltime faculty members is 9 credits (3 courses/sections) per semester.
1.2 Deans/Chairperson of Departments take 3 credits less than the above. i.e. minimum 6 Credit Hours, 2
Courses (6 hours of class contact sessions per week).
1.3 Teaching load may be decreased to 2 courses (6 credits) in a semester if a faculty member is engaged in
research or is in charge of an administrative position or have additional administrative duties. The
faculty will have to obtain an approval for reduced teaching load from the Dean/Chairperson.
1.4 Faculty taking classes in Savar Campus, may get less teaching load by applying to the Dean/Chairperson
of the School/Department.
2. Student Consultation: A teacher must maintain office hour @ 3 hours per week per course for student
consultation and advising. The schedule of availability must be posted outside the office room and
website, so that the students know when they may contact the teacher for consultation.
3. Examination: Preparing Questions, Invigilating Tests and Exams, Marking and Grading scripts and
4. Service to the University: Attend meetings, guide and supervise Teaching Assistants and perform
academic, co-curricular and administrative tasks assigned by the Department or University.
5. Teaching and Consultations within the BRAC University and in other Institutions





Teaching Public Universities. All BRAC University teachers may be allowed to teach in public
universities outside his/her office time up to maximum of 3 credits per semester with the permission
from the Vice Chancellor.
Teaching in Training Programs: All BRAC University teachers may teach in the training
programs organized by a Institute/School/Department of the university and receive fees if s/he has
fulfilled the normal workload or beyond his/her normal working hours.
Professional Work / Consultancy / Advisory Services, Funded Research BRAC University aims
at providing education relevant to organizations and society. The teachers should therefore be able to
bring in and disseminate in the classroom experience from real life and work situation. BRAC
University encourages teachers to get exposed to and gain work experience in organizations through
professional work/consultancy/ advisory services assignment. While the teachers are allowed to
engage in professional work / consultancy / advisory services, they shall seek permission of the Vice
Chancellor through Chairperson of the Department before accepting any such work. If they do such
work outside their office hours, they shall pay the University 15% of the income earned from such
assignment. However, such arrangement shall not exceed 26 workdays a year. If they have to do
such work within the office hours, they must take leave without pay and 15% charge on income will
be levied even when the teachers are on leave without pay for such assignments.
The University may also provide consultancy services to clients and engage the teachers for this
purpose at a rate of compensation to be decided by the University.
The teachers may provide consultancy services to BRAC or BRAC related institutions like BRAC
Bank, Aarong, BRAC Dairy etc. at a discount of 25 %. In such cases, the fees charged and the actual
payment to the teachers involved may be negotiated depending on nature of service.
Teaching in another Institute/School/ Center/Program at BRAC University. BRACU teachers
may teach or facilitate in a training program, workshop, seminar or short course program organized
by the school/ department of the University within normal or after working hours. For these

additional teaching assignments, he or she may receive fees from the department as per following
a) BRACU will deduct 15% from his or her fees/honorarium.
b) Teaching time frame should not exceed 3 credits or 42 hours in a semester.
The above rule will also be applicable to BRAC University Management Officials.

Teaching in own or another Department/School. BRACU teacher/management staff/ may teach

another course organized by own/another school/department of the University and receive fees
provided that he or she has fulfilled the regular workload (9 credits/6 credits):
c) Payment will be made on the course contractual basis and BRACU will deduct 25% from his or
her course contractual fees/honorarium.
d) Teaching time frame should not exceed 3 credits or 42 hours in a semester.

6. Studio and lab classes. One contact hour equivalent to 0.75 credit hours.
7. Thesis/ Internship.
a. Supervising one thesis is equivalent to 0.5 credit hours. One faculty member can supervise
maximum of 6 thesis/Internships.
b. Visiting faculty would be paid remuneration for supervising the thesis in the undergraduate

programs. The amount will be fixed in accordance with the academic load allocated to the
faculty. Supervising 6 thesis would be equivalent to teaching 3-credit course.


BRAC University
Confirmation of Service of Faculty Members

Self-assessment Form
Name of the Faculty Member :__________________________________ Dept. _______
Position :__________________________________
Date of joining __________________ Period of service : _______ yr. __________months
Instructions to the Faculty member :
Please consult the criteria and points given over leaf and record your points below. You may contact the
Chairperson of your Dept. to collect scores for the items marked with (*)
Please attach all supporting documents copy of publications, teaching evaluation reports, etc
and submit to Chairperson of your Department.

1. Teaching
a) Evaluation by Students
out of 37.5)
b) Evaluation by Sr. Teacher*
(Out of 37.5)
2. Service to University*
(Out of 20)
3. Service to Community
(Out of 5)



4. Publications



Signature of the Faculty member


Chairperson/Director of the Department/School/Program:

Please verify the information and documents submitted, put your initial against the figures in the points
column and record your comments below:


Please turn over leaf for Criteria and Points >>>>

Extract from Policies on Appointment , Confirmation. Tenure and benefits of Faculty members
Criteria and Points


Type of publication
1. Book (International Publication)
2. Book (Local Publication)
3. International publication (per paper)
4. Local Publication (per paper)
5. International Conference Proceedings (per paper)
6. Local Conference Proceedings (per paper)
7. Creative Professional Work


Notes :
* Points will be shared equally among coauthors in case joint publication
International Publication:
International publication refers to papers published in reputed refereed journals notably in Australia, New Zealand, Europe,
U.S.A., Canada, and Japan (exceptions to be determined by the Board Members of BRAC University). Articles published in
journals which are not referred will not be considered as valid publication.

Local publication:
Local publication refers to papers published in reputed refereed journals in Bangladesh and neighboring countries.
Each Department has to prepare a list of journals which will be considered refereed journals in relevant disciplines.

Conference/Proceeding Paper:
The articles published in international or local conference/ proceedings fall under this category. The paper is required to be
based on an original research and goes through a review process before it is published.
The applicant must submit a copy of the published article to the Board. For articles accepted for publications in a
forthcoming issue of a journal, a copy of the article along with the acceptance letter must be submitted.

Creative professional Work:

Creative professional work refers software design, architectural design, system design, creative literary work or other work
which are considered innovative and original.


Teaching Evaluation:
Teaching Evaluation consists of student and peer evaluation.
For teaching evaluations by students, add your scores of all sections including tutorial sections you have taught so far and
divide the total by the number of sections to get the average score . Quote this average score in the self- assessment form.
Collect the Sr. teacher evaluation score from your Chairperson.


Service to University: Excellent = 10; Very Good = 8; Good = 6; Fair = 4; Poor = 2.

Service to University involves maintaining office hours, attending meetings, contributing to departmental and corporate
activities, and contributing to co-curricular activities. For arriving at the points to be assigned to a teacher for contribution to
university service, you should consider the following :
1. Attendance and Participation in the dept. activities like meeting, seminar, social events etc.
2. Time and effort given for the Forums/clubs
3. Participation in corporate activities like attendance in admission test activities
4. Participation in student advising, study tour for students etc.


Community Service: Excellent = 10; Very Good = 8; Good = 6; Fair = 4; Poor = 2.

Community Service means participation in community activities (such as blood donation, fund raising for flood victims,
serving on commission /committees outside the University etc.) membership in different community and social clubs and
honorary membership in national and international organizations. (Please relevant documents). These activities eventually
promote the image and reputation of the university.

For Lecturers, this may be substituted by student advising, attendance in Conference /seminar/training etc.
and anyone having community service may be awarded bonus point.

Report on the Service to the University by the Faculty Members

Name of the faculty : _____________________________
Department : ____________________________________

Period of service : from _________ to ____________200

In the table below, please assign points on a scale of 1 to 10 on each service. You should share the report
with the faculty concerned.
1. Students Advising
2. Attendance in meetings
3. Leading/organization of co-curricular activities
4. Managing academic programs
5. Attendance in corporate activities like invigilation of admission
tests, attending BU seminars, university functions etc
6. Others, if any



Overall Remarks of the Chairperson/Director, if any.



BRAC University
Faculty Recruitment and Promotion
Self-assessment Form
Name of the Applicant :___________________________________ Dept. ________________
Position applying for : _____________________________________
(Please tick mark the position you are applying for, consult the criteria and points given in attachment and note your points below the
required ones in the following form. Please record your remarks, if any, over leaf) )
1. Academic
Minimum Points Required
Evaluation Service
Lecturer - I

Lecturer II

Lecturer III

Senior Lecturer

Masters Degree (4
yr bachelor degree
+1 Yr Masters) with
Three First
Div/classes & CGPA
3.0 *
For School of
Engineering &
Computer Sciences:
4 yr bachelor degree
from reputed
University with Two
First Div/classes &
CGPA 3.0 *
Masters Degree
((3yr Hons+ 1 Yr.
Master + addl.
master) with Three
First Div /Classes
OR Masters Degree
(4 yr bachelor degree
+1 Yr Masters) with
2 First Div & CGPA
3.0 *
Masters Degree (3yr
Hons+ 1 Yr. Master
+ addl. master ) with
Three First
Div*/Classes OR
Master with 4 yr
bachelor degree with
2 First Div & CGPA
Masters Degree (3yr
Hons+ 1 Yr. Master
+ addl. master or 4
Yr. hons + one year
master ) with Three
First Div*/Classes
OR Master with 4 yr
bachelor degree with
2 First Div & CGPA


Not Required


Not Required

Not Required


10 points

Not Required

Not Required


20 points


Not Required


30 points


Not Required



1. Academic

Minimum Points Required








Not Required

Not Required


3.0* Plus an
additional master


(exception can

be made only
in case of
and BRAC
provided the
candidate has
as a teacher
and has

Ph. D.
Masters Degree :
Three First
Div*/Classes OR 4
yr degree with 2
First Div* & CGPA
Plus M Phil or an
additional master
Degree preferably
from abroad with
outstanding teaching


Ph. D.


Ph. D.

(3 years )

70 points
(7 yrs :
4yrs as
(14 yrs :
5yrs as

Not Required



---------------Not Required




incl. 3 as
Asst. Prof)
incl. 4 as
Assoc. Prof)




Criteria and Points

* For candidates with GCE , O-Level in five subjects and A-Level in two subjects with a CGPA of 4 in O level and 3 in A level
according to BRAC University scale : A= 5, B= 4, C= 3, D=2 & E=1.

** The Selection Board may trade off scores of one criteria for another to a maximum of 50%
5. Academic Qualifications:
Terminal degrees for all ranks except Junior Lecturer must be from an accredited University. Candidates from the
traditional background should have at least three First Classes/ Divisions in all public examinations with no Third
Class/ Division at any level.
6. Teaching Experience:
One year of full-time teaching at BRAC university or equivalent university = 10points.
7. Publication:
Type of publication
8. Book (International Publication)
9. Book (Local Publication)
10. International publication (per paper)
11. Local Publication (per paper)
12. International Conference Proceedings (per paper)
13. Local Conference Proceedings (per paper)
14. Creative Professional Work
Notes :
* Points will be shared equally among coauthors in case joint publication
International Publication:
International publication refers to papers published in reputed refereed journals notably in Australia, New
Zealand, Europe, U.S.A., Canada, and Japan (exceptions to be determined by the Board Members of BRAC
University). Articles published in journals which are not referred will not be considered as valid publication.

Local publication:
Local publication refers to papers published in reputed refereed journals in Bangladesh and neighboring countries.
Each Department has to prepare a list of journals which will be considered refereed journals in relevant

Conference/Proceeding Paper:
The articles published in international or local conference/ proceedings fall under this category. The paper is
required to be based on an original research and goes through a review process before it is published.
The applicant must submit a copy of the published article to the Board. For articles accepted for publications in a
forthcoming issue of a journal, a copy of the article along with the acceptance letter must be submitted.

Creative professional Work:

Creative professional work refers software design, architectural design, system design, creative literary work or
other work which are considered innovative and original.


Teaching Evaluation: Excellent = 10; Very Good = 8; Good = 6; Fair = 4; Poor = 2.

Teaching Evaluation consists of student and peer evaluation. This is a weighed average score of a candidates
teaching evaluation.
(Teaching evaluations for each section taught by a faculty member during his/her teaching at BRAC University
will be considered. For example, if a candidate teaches 50 sections during the last four years at BRAC University


and his/ her teaching evaluation is Excellent in 10 sections, Very Good in 30 sections and, and Good in 10
sections, his weighed average score will be [(100 x 10)- (80x 30) (60x10)]/50 = 80. )
9. Service to University: Excellent = 10; Very Good = 8; Good = 6; Fair = 4; Poor = 2.
Service to University involves maintaining office hours, attending meetings, contributing to departmental and
corporate activities, and contributing to co-curricular activities.
10. Community Service: Excellent = 10; Very Good = 8; Good = 6; Fair = 4; Poor = 2.

Community Service means participation in community activities (such as blood donation, fund raising for flood
victims, serving on commission /committees outside the University etc.) membership in different community and
social clubs and honorary membership in national and international organizations. These activities eventually
promote the image and reputation of the university. Community service will be assessed by the SelectionPromotion committee.

Note: Provisions and rules of Private University Act and of University Grants Commission will prevail if
any of the policies mentioned above is contradictory.



BRAC University
Full time Faculty Members are expected to remain present in the University for at least six hours a day on all
working days and in total 40 hours per week. They are not allowed to engage in teaching or income earning
activities outside BRAC University without permission from the University. The class/duty hour may be in the
day, in the evening or in both depending upon the need of the University. The reporting time to duty shall be
between 08 am to 10:00 am; however, a teacher with classes in the evening may report later. In either case, a
teacher shall set his/her reporting time in consultation with the Chairperson of the Department at the beginning
of a semester. Following is a distribution of responsibilities of the full time Faculty Members:
1. Teaching:
Deans/ Chairpersons: Minimum 6 Credit Hours = 2 Courses (6 hours of class contact sessions per week)
Professor: Minimum 9 Credit Hours = 3 courses (9 hours of class contact sessions per week)
Associate Professor: Minimum 12 Credit Hours = 3 courses (9 hours of class contact sessions per week)
Asst. Professor/Lecturer: Minimum 15Credit Hours = 3 Courses (9 hours of class contact including tutorial/lab.
sessions per week)
A teacher who is working in a research project may apply to the Chairperson for a reduced teaching load.
2. Student Consultation: A teacher must maintain office hour @ 3 hours per week per course for student
consultation and advising. The schedule of availability must be posted outside the office room and website, so
that students know when they can contact the teacher for consultation
3. Examination: Preparing Questions, Invigilating Tests and Exams, Marking and

Grading scripts and

4. Service to the University: Attend meetings, guide and supervise Teaching Assistants and perform academic, cocurricular and administrative tasks assigned by the Department or University.
Your workload in a particular semester will be worked out based on a discussion between you and the Chairperson of the


Full time Faculty Members
(Regular & Contract)
Type of leave


1. Earned Leave:

21 days

2. Earned leave accumulation:

3. Sick Leave:

Maximum 60 days earned leave encashment on termination of service

10 days

4. Quarantine Leave: 21 days (Incase of Infectious Diseases like jaundice, chicken pox, mumps and on
certification by the BRACU Medical Officer)
5. Study Leave: Maximum of 2 years for Masters with out pay and 4 years for Ph.D with Pay (for confirmed
staff served two years at BRACU)
6. Sabbatical Leave: 1year maximum on completion of every 6 years of continuing and satisfactory service with pay (for confirmed staff).
7. Maternity Leave: All confirmed female teachers would be entitled to get 6 months maternity leave
(continuous 180 days )with pay. If necessary another 6 months leave without pay may be granted. A teacher/
staff is entitled to avail this leave only twice during her entire period of service.
8. Paternity Leave: All confirmed male teachers would be entitled to get 7 days (continuous) paternity leave
with pay. A teacher/ staff is entitled to avail this leave only twice during her entire period of service.
9. Duty Leave: Vice Chancellor of BRAC University may grant duty leave to teachers for attending seminars
/conferences /short academic programs in his/her subject within or outside the country based on the merit of
each case up to a maximum 21 days in a year.

1. Leave calculation is based on working days only
2: Those teachers on Contract service for working four hours a day & twenty hours a week will be entitled to 21
days of earned leave and 10 days of sick leave. They will not be entitled to leave accumulation or other leave
related benefits.
3: Those teachers who are employed on a Course Contract basis will not be entitled to any leave or leave
4. All staff except Course Contract teachers of BRACU seeking leave must fill up leave application beforehand
approving from proper authority/supervisor and after returning from leave will submit it to the Human Resource

Policy on Attending Seminars/Conferences and Visits to Academic Institutions
1. BRAC University encourages its faculty members to engage in research work, writing papers and sharing
their knowledge through publications in journals and participation in seminars and conferences. Opportunity to
interact with professional colleagues in seminars and conferences at home and abroad helps faculty members
get new ideas, broaden their exposure, update their knowledge and establish a network of academic relationship.
2. BRAC University shall earmark a sum of money in its annual budget to provide full or partial financial
support to faculty members for attending national and international seminars and conferences under certain
rules and conditions, which are outlined below:
a) The seminar/conference (where the faculty has submitted the paper and the paper has been accepted by the
sponsor) and the organizing institution is of high repute and acceptable to the Fellowship Award Committee;
b) The paper submitted by the faculty member has been refereed and accepted for the seminar/conference .
Exception to this rule will be in case of a faculty member who has been invited to chair session(s) or participate
in the seminar/ conference/workshops.
c) The faculty has been formally invited to present the paper.
3. A faculty member seeking financial support from BRACU to attend the seminar/conference shall apply
(Form Attached) to the VC/Pro-VC through the Chairperson of his/her Department. However, before applying
s/he should have an effort to get full or at least partial support from the organizer of the international
seminar/conference or from other sources. If s/he has got full financial support from the organizer or sponsor,
s/he will not be entitled to the financial support of BRACU.
4. The decision of the authority to provide (or not to provide) financial support and the amount to be given to a
faculty shall depend upon:
a) Meeting the criteria mentioned above in 1,2 and 3
b) total amount sought by the faculty for travel and stay (partial support shall get preference over full
c) the fund availability.
5. The BRACU authority shall formulate policy on travel costs and per diem, and shall formulate further rules
and criteria for this purpose.
6. The officials of the University (Vice Chancellor, Pro-VC, Treasurer, Registrar, Deans, Chairpersons and
other officers) may also attend seminars/conferences/academic or administrative programs, or visit universities
or related institutions for development and promotion of interest of BU through collaboration and relationship
building and may seek financial support. In case of visit of the VC, Pro VC or Treasurer, approval should be
sought from Chairperson of the Governing Board of BRACU.


BRAC University: Application for Financial Support for Academic Purpose

Name. .Appointment
Department.PIN No.
Purpose for which financial support is sought (To attach supporting papers such as invitation letter etc):

Details of Organiser/Sponsor(To include Tel #, Fax and E-mail):

Venue, duration and address while abroad (If applicable):

Details of Leave (If required):

Present Academic Responsibility:
Financial support from Organisers

Financial support sought from BRACU:

Details of any financial support received in the past:

Dean/Chair/Director: (Recommendation to include academic responsibility to be borne by)


Registrar:(Current employment status, leave availability etc)

Head of Accts: (To check budget availability and support provided in the past)

Recommended/Not Recommended
--------------------------------------------Pro-VC, Brac University

Approved/Not Approved

-----------------------------------Vice Chancellor, BRAC University


Head of Accts

Head of HR


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