Spratt Jun1974 A

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By George G. Spratt EAA 17426
Media, Pa. 19063
(PRo lesy of the Author)

1908 Glider. Wing rocks fore and aft, lateral contro
by aileron. Single surface circular arc airfoil.

reasons why the 219 million don't pilot aircraft have

INTRODUCTION been well aired - they are too young, too old, too
afraid, too poor, too lazy ... or, and this may be
the greatest deterrent of them all, their wives won't
Rudder, aileron, elevator . . . the principal com- let them.
There are other factors - many centering around
ponents of a "conventional" system for controlling an
the aircraft itself. Some persons can't tolerate turbu-
lence, some detest the cabin noise and some simply
But not the ONLY way. find the conventional three control system too diffi-
Stalls, spins . . . dreaded killers or great fun, cult for them to master ... or, at least to ever feel
depending on whether you are an N.T.SJ3. accident comfortable with when they fly only 30 or 40 hours
inspector or an aerobatic pilot. per year.
But not an inevitable handmaiden of flight . . . Are there alternatives that might make the air-
there are aircraft incapable of stalling or spinning. craft itself more acceptable to a significant number
What do you want of an aircraft? Are you satis- of people who, for their own varied reasons, have
fied with the machine in its present form? What chosen not to fly? Is there a better choice for the
would you change? It is doubtful that many existing
pilot who wants to fly occasionally but can't spare
pilots give any of these questions a great deal of the time to stay current in existing, "conventional"
thought. Finding the time and money to fly at all is
challenge enough for most of us. Still, these are George Spratt (EAA 17426), an aeronautical
legitimate questions and probing for the answers engineer, has spent much of his lifetime - as did his
brings us face to face with one of the more perplex- late father before him - attempting to answer the
ing problems of aviation - to wit, why do so few foregoing questions in the affirmative.
people fly? This month we begin a two part story of the Spratt
The population of the United States is, according Controlwing, a story that could point the way to
to the Census people, inching up around the 210 mil- acceptance of private flying for many more people
lion mark, yet the F AA tells us that considerably less
than enjoy it today.
than one million living Americans have at one time in
their lives held a pilot's license. All the obvious Jack Cox, Editor-in-Chief
48 JUNE 1974

J. HE "FATHER OF AVIATION", Octave Chanute,

once told my father that two young men he was helping
in their attempt to fly would probably succeed but he was
afraid it would not be in the best way.
Chanute felt that their system, using a controlled hor-
izontal vane ahead of the lifting airfoil for longitudinal
control was not desirable. In fact, he felt so strongly
about it that he designed a "rocking wing" aircraft and had
Mr. C. H. Lamson in California build it and send it to the
Wright brothers at Kitty Hawk. Chanute wanted them to
fly and compare this "rocking wing" type control with the
"elevator" they were using.
Unfortunately, the brothers made no attempt to fly
this machine but abandoned it to destruction by the ele-
ments when they left their camp at Kitty Hawk.
Thus two opposing theories for controlling dynamic
flight were taking shape even before powered flight was
achieved. On the one side a rigid, stable aircraft con-
trolled in its flight path by movable vanes. These vanes PHOTO NO. 2
located far enough from the CG to supply moments power- 1912 land plane powered by Curtiss air cooled V8. Wing
ful enough to overcome any stability built into the air- rocks fore and aft and laterally.
craft and to correct the adverse effect of other compon-
ents of the aircraft and of turbulence.
On the other hand, aircraft with movable wings so
hinged that they would yield to the forces of turbulent
air without transmitting these loads to the structure. At
the same time these wings would be so controlled that it
would not be necessary to overcome the stability of the
aircraft in changing the flight path. Nor would it be pos-
sible to fall into an uncontrolled flight condition such as a
stall or spin. In other words, the object was an aircraft
inherently stable under any and all conditions.


Due primarily to the energy, persistence and single-
mi ndedness of the Wright brothers the rigid concept was
the first to make practical powered flights. Once this was
accomplished the vast majority of experimenters built on
this success. How the Wright brothers succeeded in doing
in three years what others had unsuccessfully spent time,
fortunes and even their lives on is a fascinating story. PHOTO NO. 3
In THE STORY OF FLIGHT by Wilbur Wright pub- Water glider wing rocks fore and aft as well as laterally
lished several years after his death in Aeronautics, April about an axis sloping forward and down. Built 1929.
1915, Wilbur said: "My brother and I became seriously
interested in the problem of flight in 1899. We accordingly
decided to write to the Smithsonian Institution and in-
quire for the best books relating to the subject. We had
heard that the Smithsonian was interested in matters re-
lating to human flight. In response to our inquiry we re-
ceived a reply recommending Langley's "Experiments in
Aerodynamics", Chanute's "Progress in Flying Machines"
and the "Aeronautical Annual" of 1895, 1896 and 1897.
These last were yearly publications, edited by James
Means, giving from year to year reports of efforts being
made to solve the flying problem. The Smithsonian also
sent a few pamphlets extracted from their annual reports
containing reprints of Mouillard's "Empire of the Air",
Langley's "Story of Experiments in Mechanical Flight"
and a couple of papers by Lilienthal relating to experi-
ments in soaring."
After carefully studying this literature the brothers
saw three fundamental weaknesses in the work that had
been done. These were the problems that required first PHOTO NO. 4
attention; 1934 land plane. Used primarily to test various directional
1) While Lilienthal and Pilcher had contributed much control axes.
to the art, their system of stabilizing and controlling the Lilienthal and Pilcher — both loosing their lives through
aircraft by moving the CG was not practical. Control must structural failure of their gliders.
be by "utilizing dynamic reactions of the air instead of 3) Some way must be found that would let the oper-
shifting the weight." ator gain more experience in a shorter time before ven-
2) Particularly if an engine was ever to be used, a more turing into free flight. At the time of his fatal accident
practical structure must be found. This was confirmed by
THE CONTROLWING . . . creased angle would go down and to the rear. Actually
(Continued from Preceding Page)
what they found was that the pair with increased angle
Lilienthal had been flying for five years and had spent instead of going up and forward would go down and to the
approximately five hours in the air. This average of one rear. Usually landing with this wing dragging in the sand.
hour per year consisted of many glides, even the longest At the time Wilbur said, "When we left Kitty Hawk at the
being measured in seconds. Wilbur remarked that it would end of 1901, we doubted that we would ever resume our
be unsafe even for a person to ride a bicycle in traffic with experiments. At this time I made the prediction that man
this training. would sometime fly, but that it would not be within our
In his book Mouillard described a flight of 138 feet lifetime."
he made in 1865 using an aircraft with the wings so After returning home and discussing the problem with
hinged, "that the angle of the wings with each other could Chanute and others, they realized what was happening.
be varied at pleasure." Perhaps this was the dynamic The wings with increased angle not only produced more
control they were looking for. lift but more drag as well. This drag decreased the speed
In the Aeronautical Annual for 1897 Chanute describ- of this wing which more than wiped out the increase in
ed tests with his bridge trussed double decker. Here was lift.
a structure that could be made light yet as strong and In solving this problem Wilbur said, "We reasoned
rigid as desired. Interestingly, this same article mentions that if the speed of the right and left wings could be
that the erect position of the pilot, "produces a body controlled, the advantage of the increased angle of inci-
resistance due to about 5 square feet of surface, while it dence of one wing and the decreased angle of the other
would be that due to only about 1 square foot if the man could be utilized as we had originally intended. Two ways
were placed horizontally, as in the body of a bird." Also, of controlling the relative speed of the wing tips were open
he described the advantages of using starting rails. to us — one consisted in providing variable resistance to
In this same Annual there was also an article written the wing tips at the will of the operator so that the wing
by A. M. Herring mentioning his "Equilibrium Paradox", that tends to forge ahead could be retarded; the other con-
a model made of two triangular pieces of bristol board. sisted in providing a surface at the rear with which a
The large triangle is the wing with the smaller triangular torque about the vertical axis could be created to counter-
piece glued erect in the center. Weighted thumb tacks balance that produced by the difference in resistance of
were placed in this keel near the apex and some distance the wing tips. We decided to use the surface at the rear
from the wing surface. Herring explains the paradox by on account of its greater dynamic efficiency since every
saying: "If not weighted too heavily, it will always fly with pound of push in the propeller while the surface at the
the fin side up, even if dropped with the weight and fin rear exposed almost edgewise eight or ten pounds of turn-
side undermost." ing power could be obtained at an expenditure of one
To the perceptive eyes of the brothers here were all the pound backward resistance or of one pound of propeller
ingredients of a practical flying machine: The rugged thrust."
strength of Chanute's trussed biplane. The "paradox"
which showed that the aircraft would be stable with the
engine and prone body of the pilot above the lifting sur-
face. The upper surface of the biplane would supply the
drag of the vertical fin and the apex of the triangle could
be made adjustable to control the angle of attack and the
longitudinal flight path.
For lateral control Mouillard's differential wing inci-
dence system looked good. There was one problem, how-
ever. To differentially rotate the right and left wings
about some transverse axis would destroy the continuity
of the bridge-trussed biplane that was the heart of the
design. As has happened in aviation many times since,
a compromise was made. The tips of the wings only
would be rotated, thus twisting or warping the wings.
After working out a mechanism for flexing the forward
horizontal rudder and twisting the wings, a glider was
built and taken to Kitty Hawk in the summer of 1900.
Here steady winds of 20 to 30 miles per hour are common
and it was planned to attach the glider to a short horizontal
rope letting it float a few feet from the ground. This way
they could practice manipulating the front rudder and
wing warping allowing the operator ample time to
acquaint himself with the new feel. Unfortunately, lift PHOTO NO. 5
was much less than expected and they found it would be The 1937 Bendix ship, the first Controlwing to use the
necessary to resort to gliding to get enough velocity. thick, stable N.A.C.A. 23112 airfoil. This aircraft had
Such a glider was built and taken to Kitty Hawk in the backing of Vincent Bendix and the Bendix Corporation
1901. for a time, however, the company's board decided
At first the wing warping control was made rigid and against further development on the grounds that as a
only the forward horizontal rudder used. Since flying al- major supplier of aircraft components, they should not
titude was only a foot or two the aircraft could be quickly be building planes in competition with their customers.
landed at the onset of a roll or yaw. The craft was eventually sold in the South Bend area
Of the next move Wilbur said: "After we had acquired for $50!
some skill handling the horizontal front rudder, we loosen-
ed the warping wires and attempted to control the lateral In the fall of 1902 they returned to Kitty Hawk with a
balance also, but when we did this we found ourselves machine fitted with a fixed vertical vane at the rear. Wil-
completely nonplussed." bur continued, "When we tried the apparatus, we found
It was expected that the pair of wings having increased that under favorable conditions the appartus performed as
angle would go up and forward while the pair with de- expected, so that we could control lateral balance or steer
50 JUNE 1974
to the right or left by the manipulation of the wing tips.
But as we proceeded with our experiments, we found that
the expected results were not always attained. Sometimes
the machine would turn up sidewise and come sliding to
the ground in spite of all the warp that could be imparted
to the wing tips. This seemed very strange. The apparatus
would sometimes perform perfectly and at other times,
without any apparent reason, would not perform at all.
Every now and then it would come tumbling to the ground
and make such a rough landing that we often considered
ourselves lucky to escape unhurt."
After much observation of the nature of this action
Wilbur reasoned as follows: "If the tilt happened to be a
little worse than usual, or if the operator was a little slow
in getting the balance corrected, the machine slid sideways
so fast that the sidewise movement of the machine caused
the vertical vane to strike the wind on the side towards
the low wing, instead of the side toward the high wing, as
it should have done. In this state of affairs, the vertical PHOTO NO. 5A
vane instead of counteracting the turning of the machine Another shot of the 1937 Bendix ship — with the fabric
about a vertical axis, as a result of the difference of resist- on. Powered by a two cylinder Aeronca engine driving
ance of the warped wings on the right and left sides, on the a ducted, pusher prop via a belt drive and drive shaft,
contrary assisted in its turning movement and the result plus a tricycle gear makes this little aircraft look like a
was worse than when the vertical vane was absent. We current project rather that one 37 years old!
felt that if this were a true explanation, it would be nec-
essary to make the vertical vane movable."
After some experimenting with movable vanes Wilbur
said, "With this apparatus we made nearly 70 glides in the
two or three weeks following. We flew it in calm and we
flew it in winds as high as thirty-five miles an hour. We
steered it to the right, or left, and performed all the evolu-
tions necessary for flight."
The basic rudder-elevator-aileron had now emerged. At
first the rudder was connected to the wing warping but
was later made a separate control. Even later the elevator
was moved to the rear and the machine made "headless."
By 1911 ailerons had replaced the cumbersome wing
It is to the eternal credit of the Wright brothers that in
three years of part time work, (during which, incidentally,
they at no time allowed this hobby to seriously interfere
with their business of building bicycles), they had answer-
ed the age old problem of mechanical flight. They had PHOTO NO. 6
developed a controllable aircraft. 1939 Flying boat with sloped directional axis. Powered
Or was this aircraft really controllable? Sometimes by Lycoming 65 in bow.
despite all the operator could do, the machine would
suddenly drop its nose and plunge to the earth, or, possibly,
shore of Lake Michigan, just north of the station of Miller,
spin its way down with equally disasterous results. These
Indiana. The first flights were made with the Lilienthal
are occurrences that even today, according to safety rec-
machine but he found it dangerous. The following quota-
ords, account for some 7(X? of aircraft fatalities in private
tion is directly from his report:
"Having discarded the Lilienthal machine, we next
When questioned about this, Wilbur replied that time
would be better spent training the pilots to avoid this
turned our attention to the apparatus after my own design.
This was based upon just the reverse of the principle
condition than to try to design out this defect. Or that
involved in the Lilienthal apparatus. Instead of the man
"the remedy for the difficulty lies in more skillful opera- moving about to bring the center of gravity under the cen-
tion of the aeroplane." ter of pressure, it was intended that the wings should
This decision has probably cost more lives than any move automatically so as to bring the movable center
other ever made in aircraft history. of pressure back over the center of gravity, which latter
should remain fixed. That is to say that the wings should
THEGRADUALDEVELOPMENTOFTHECONTROLWING move instead of the man. To establish priority of inven-
Now that we have briefly reviewed the development tion, a patent has been applied for."
of the fixed wing aircraft, let us now study in more The apparatus consisted of 12 wings each 6 feet long
detail the development of the controlwing aircraft. To the by 3 wide, each pivoted at its root to a central frame so
best of my knowledge Octave Chanute was the first to that it could move fore and aft. The main frame was so
build movable wing aircraft that successfully flew. constructed that the wings could be grouped in various
Chanute had for many years studied the physical prin- ways. "After considerable testing 5 of the pairs of wings
ciples of flight and carefully followed the work of others. had accumulated at the front, and the operator was dir-
In 1894 he published the book "Progress in the Flying ectly under them, while the sixth pair of wings formed a
Machine", a complete and detailed report of all known tail at the rear, and being mounted so as to flex upward
work done in aviation up until that time. behind in flight, preserved the fore and aft balance. It
Chanutebuilthis first man-carrying, movable wing air- was at once demonstrated that this apparatus was steady,
craft in 1896 and on June 22 of that year took it and a safe and manageable in winds up to 20 miles per hour.
Lilienthal machine for testing to the sand hills on the south With it about 100 glides were made."
THE CONTROLWING . . . moves rapidly rearward until at 0° it may be off the trail-
(Continued from Preceding Page) ing edge of the airfoil. This means that the airfoil is stable
After returning to Chicago July 4th, Chanute wrote: from high angles down to perhaps 15°, but unstable
"It may safely be asserted that more was learned con- below this angle. This instability was more than could be
cerning the practical requirements of flight during the reasonably corrected with a horizontal rudder and lead
two weeks occupied by these experiments than I had gath- to many early mishaps. This is the reason my father rec-
ered during many previous years of study of the principles ommended to the Wrights that they change from the arc
involved, and of experiments with models. The latter are to an airfoil having more stable characteristics, even if
instructive, it is true, but they do not reveal all the causes some lift was lost.
for the vicissitudes which occur in the wind. They do not Although my father could see no other immediate solu-
explain why models seldom pursue exactly the same tion, he did not consider the suggested airfoil a final
course, why they swerve to the right or left, why they answer and realized much more knowledge of airflow
oscillate, or why they upset. When a man is riding on a would be needed to build an inherently stable aircraft.
machine, however, and his safety depends upon the obser- He gave to the Wright brothers the design of his wind
vance of all the conditions, he keenly heeds what is hap- tunnel which they adopted and used. Continuing his own
pening to him, and he gets entirely new and more accur- approach, he soon realized that while his pressure testing
ate conceptions of the character of the element which he device showed where the line of force passed through the
is seeking to master." surface it did not show the direction of this force. If he
On August 21 of the same year the party of five left were to assume the skin friction on the circularly arched
Chicago by sailing vessel for the sand hills. With them surface was zero, this force vector could only be normal
were three aircraft; first, the rebuilt movable wing mach- to the point where it passed through the surface. If this
ine, now equipped with ball bearings in the pivots; the were so, all flight vectors would pass through a single
second, a rather large machine designed by Mr. William point, the center of radius of the airfoil.
Butusov, who had been present at the preliminary trials With the center of gravity of the aircraft at this point,
in June and the third, a machine containing an automatic wind turbulence might change the angle which the air
stability device designed by Mr. Herring. "Having on the struck the wing but could not tend to nose the aircraft up
previous occasion found the vicinity of Miller too accessible or down. Wind tunnel tests and then scale models con-
to the public, we went this time, five miles further down firmed this theory.
the beach, where the hills were higher, the solitude great- Photo No. 1 is a glider of this type built in 1908.
er, and the path more obscure to the railroad, which it The wings were a typical Chanute bridge-trussed biplane
reached at a sand pit station consisting of a single house, having a span of 21 feet and chord of 4 feet. A pivot was
called Dune Park. The distance from our camp was about located midway between the wings in the center of the
two miles, through a series of swamps, woods, and hills, span and chord. This allowed the wings to be rocked fore
so that intending visitors not infrequently got lost." and aft by the lever extending downward. As the machine
Besides the improved bearings, the spacing between weighed but 40 lbs. the weight of the pilot sitting on the
wings had been increased bringing the top of the machine triangular framework of the landing skids lowered the cen-
to 10.5 feet above ground. This proved difficult to handle ter of gravity to coincide with the radius of the two
so the top pair of wings was removed. In this shape it was concentric airfoils.
steady and manageable and made flights twice as long with Ailerons were used to keep the craft level for the only
the same fall as had the original machine in June. The object of this machine was to prove the automatic longi-
flight path could be controlled up or down by moving both tudinal equilibrium of this configuration. The tow car was
wings forward or backward. It could be controlled to the furnished by Mr. Rupert Bonsall, the local Studebaker
right by moving the left wing forward or to the left by dealer. Both the longitudinal control and stability came
moving the right wing forward. entirely up to expectations. It was now time to put the
Despite this apparent success there is a note of dis- power in the aircraft and also to develop a better lateral
couragement when Chanute said of these tests: "It must and directional control.
be confessed that the results of this apparatus were rather Incidentally, the small assistant in the foreground is
disappointing, and yet the principle is believed to be your author.
sound." Photo No. 2, taken in 1912, was the first powered
Seven years later the Wrights were flying with their machine. Longitudinal control was the same as in the gli-
rudder-elevator-aileron system and very few researchers der but the wings also rocked about a longitudinal hori-
of the time continued to buck the trend. One who did was zontal axis for lateral control. The engine, now in the
my father, Dr. George A. Spratt, who started a develop- Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, was a Curtiss eight
ment that I have carried on since his death in 1934. cylinder air cooled job that developed about 40 h.p. Longi-
Over the years many people have designed, written tudinal control and stability were good but the lateral wing
about or made models of controlwing airplanes. Only a few rocking left much to be desired. We were again being
have actually built and flown full scale powered aircraft. told that all controls must be dynamic.
Still fewer have achieved anything like practical flight Three other powered craft were built and flown be-
characteristics. Exceptions are Professor A. A. Merrill, tween this and the water glider shown in Photo No. 3,
formerly of the California Institute of Technology, and Mr. taken in 1929. Towing this craft behind a boat taught us
Louis P. de Monge of France. many things, probably the most important was the advan-
My father, a medical doctor forced to discontinue prac- tage of testing over the water. There was always an unob-
tice because of a heart ailment, started devoting full time structed landing field below, no end of the runway and, if
to the study of mechanical flight about 1895. He became desired, flights could be made only a foot or two above
a close friend to Octave Chanute and the Wrights. the surface. This experience proved valuable for our
During his early study of air flow over airfoils in a wind later water work.
tunnel he was the first to discover the reversal of center The first powered aircraft to do any real flying was a
of pressure travel on a circular arc airfoil. monoplane built in 1934 and shown in Photo No. 4. While
When an airfoil made of the segment of an arc is held we were studying the geometry of the controlwing in actual
at 90° angle of attack, the center of pressure is at 50% of flight, this model went through many modifications. It was
the chord, as the angle is decreased the center of pres- simple and light, weighing but 180 lbs. without pilot. It
sure moves forward to some position determined by the was powered by an outboard motor, the original liquid
curvature used. Then with further decrease in angle it cooled cylinders having been replaced by finned cylinders
52 JUNE 1974
for air cooling. This engine is now in the EAA Museum
at Hales Corners.
In theory, rocking the wings from side to side about a
longitudinal horizontal axis should slope the lift vector
to one side or the other of the low center of gravity and
roll the aircraft. It did reasonably well at low speed but
at high speed the response was far from positive.
Recalling Chanute's movable wing glider, a vertical
axis was tried. This way one wing would go ahead and
the other to the rear. With proper dihedral and vertical
fin area aft of the fuselage to overcome adverse yaw,
control at high speed was quite good, although very de-
ficient at low speed. Although control forces were light,
still they were unstable at high speed. It was realized
that longitudinal stability in the aircraft was not enough,
the control forces must also be stable.
With the help of my good friend Burke Wilford and the • TITLt •

design guidance of Elliot Daland, this aircraft was re- VECTOR DIAGRAM
designed and the next model, shown in Photos No. 5 and
No. 5A, built by Bendix at South Bend. A complete
study of airfoils then available showed that there was
one, NACA 23112, having just as sharp focal point in the
flight range as the circular arc but much higher. The vec-
tor diagram in Figure 1 shows it is actually above the
This would give two advantages, not only the stable
control force needed but allow the wing to be much closer
to the center of gravity, making a lower and more prac-
tical machine. A multiple V belt drove the propeller with-
in a Venturi at the rear. This not only increased the thrust
at low speed but assures directional stability of the fuse-
lage, a requirement of this design.
The 1939 flying boat, Photo No. 6, had a Lycoming
engine mounted in the bow ahead of the passengers. A
long shaft drove the propeller located over the transom
between the extended hull sides. This was by far the most
practical aircraft up to now. It flew for many years, being
used for some test work as recently as 1960. If the identi-
fication number looks strange it is because it is licensed
as a boat, not an aircraft.
8' 6' " if V 7 f «" 8' 'O' '2' '4

The present day Spratt Controlwing flying boat. Land

versions are also under development.


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