An Introduction To Basics of Interfaces in Oracle Apps.: Interface Basics (AP r12 - AR - GL)
An Introduction To Basics of Interfaces in Oracle Apps.: Interface Basics (AP r12 - AR - GL)
An Introduction To Basics of Interfaces in Oracle Apps.: Interface Basics (AP r12 - AR - GL)
Interfaces are used in Oracle Applications to integrate external systems and Data Conversion.
The interfaces are mainly used to either transfer data from Oracle Applications to a flat file or data from legacy system to
Oracle Applications.
Used extensively at the time of Data Conversion from legacy/ old systems to a fresh implementation of Oracle Applications.
Used also at regular intervals when data transfer is from other live systems if the systems are not defined in Oracle
Applications implementation.
Oracle provides flexible and flexible tools in the form of Interface programs to import the master and transactional data like
Customers, Invoices, and Sales Orders etc from external systems into Oracle Applications.
Types of Interfaces
There are two major types of Interfaces:
Inbound Interface : These interfaces are used to transfer data from external systems to Oracle Applications.
Outbound Interface : These interfaces are used to transfer data from Oracle Applications to external systems.
Two other distinctions of Interfaces:
Open Interface: If the interface logic is provided by Oracle Applications, it is called an Open Interface.
Custom Interface: If the interface logic needs to be developed by the implementation team, it is called a Custom Interface.
Interface Components
First the data from the source application is loaded into a database table (called Interface table).
Then the provided validation program logic validates the records whether they are correct or not .
If the validation fails, the errors are transferred into another table (called Error Table).
If the validation succeeds, the correct records are transferred through a process into the destination application table.
Components of an Interface
a] Source Application:
You obtain data from a source application to pass on to a destination application for further processing and/or storage.
b] Source Data Issues:
Type of file, Size, Frequency of upload, Record Length (Variable or fixed), Delimiter, Datatype for each field, Any unwanted
data, Naming convention and uniqueness of file, Location of the file, Access on the file.
c] Destination Application:
You send data to a destination application so that the application can perform further processing and/or storage.
d] Interface Table:
For inbound interfaces, the interface table is the intermediary table where the data from your source application temporarily
resides until it is validated and processed into the destination application.
e] Identifier columns:
Uniquely identify rows in the interface table provide foreign key reference to both the source and destination applications.
f] Control Columns:
Control columns track the status of each row in the interface table, as it is inserted, validated, rejected, processed, and
ultimately deleted.
WHO columns are also control columns.
g] Data Columns:
For inbound interfaces, the errors table stores all errors found by the validation and processing functions.
In some cases, the errors table is a child of the interface table. This allows each row in the interface table to have many errors,
so that you can easily manage multiple errors at once.
In other cases, the errors are stored in a column within the interface table, which requires you to fix each error independently.
Developing an Interface
1] Identification:
Find out if there exists an Open Interface to carry out the functionality.
2] Creation of Pre-Interface table ( staging Table):
A table in the format of the data file which can be pruned to load as clean a data into the Interface table.
3] Load data into Pre-Interface table:
SQL*LOADER can be used to load the flat file into the pre-interface table.
4] Validate data in the Pre-Interface table:
Basic validation of the data loaded into the Pre-Interface table can be carried out like:
Once the data is as clean as you can get it, the data can be inserted into the Interface table.
At such a time, certain columns, which are necessary in Applications but not found in legacy system, need to be populated
accordingly like WHO columns.
7] Run the interface program
8] Check for Errors
9] Report on the Interface
In Oracle Apps Interfaces are generally tables, which act as a medium to transfer the data from one module to another module
or to transfer the data from legacy system into Oracle Applications. There are 352 tables provided by the Oracle Package. Each
module has its own Interface Tables.
A typical path to transfer the data from Legacy System to Oracle Apps:
What is Interfacing?
It is the process of converting the records from one format to another format. The main components of this interfacing are
Transfer Program
Interface Table and
Import Program
A] Transfer Program:
If the source modules data are implemented in Oracle Applications then the Transfer Programs are integrated with the
Package. If the source modules are implemented in external system (i.e. other than Oracle Applications) then we have to
develop our own Transfer Programs. Generally these Transfer Programs are developed using PL/SQL, JAVA or SQL Loader.
What they do?
It maps the columns of source table with the columns of Interface Tables.
It performs Row Level and Column Level validations.
It transfers the data from Source to the Interface Table.
B] Interface Tables:
The Interface tables basically have 4 types of columns.
Mandatory Columns.
Conditionally Required Columns.
Optional Columns.
Internal Processing Columns.
Mandatory Columns:
These are the main columns which are required in the destination tables (i.e. Oracle Application Module Tables). With the help
of mandatory columns only the Import Program will converts the records from source to destination.
It maps the columns of the Interface Table with one or more columns in the destination table.
It performs row level and column level validation.
It imports the data from Interface Table to the Destination tables, if the records validated successfully.
It deletes all the successfully validated records from Interface Table.
If the record fails its validation then the Import Program will update the status and error message columns of Interface Table.
What is Migration?
Migration of data means moving the data from one system to another using Interface Programs/APIs where both the systems
have same structure of data.
Process of Migrating of data:
Identify the data to be imported to new system (Business requirement).
Extract the data into flat file/Staging table
Load the data into Interface Table(using SQL* Loader/DB Link/Others) after validation(If loading the data using Interface)
What is Conversion?
Conversion of data means translating the data to suite target system (data should be formatted according to target system
) and then move the translated data using Interface Programs/APIs.
Identify the data to be imported to new system (Business requirement).
Extract into flat file/Staging table
Translate/Convert/Format the data
Load the data into Interface Table(using SQL* Loader/DB Link/Others) after validation(If loading the data using Interface) and
then launch standard Interface concurrent program to load the data to Oracle Apps Base Tables
If using API, fetch the data, validate it and then call API to import the data
There are good numbers of parameter on which they can be categorized. Take few of them:
Conversions/Migration are a one time event
interfaces are ongoing
Occurrence in the project timeline
conversions/Migration executed before production
interfaces executed during production
Manner of execution
Conversions/Migration are batch
Interfaces may be batch or real time
Conversion/Migration does have very complex, its totally depends upon the data mapping activity.
Coordinating with other systems make interfaces more complex
Maintenance of interface is bit cost intensive task.
During my work on a projects conversion, I came accros this very nice document. This document is very informative and so
sharing with you all. Happy reading!
Main Article:
In this article I will be explaining the general steps involved in any Conversion/Data Migration of Oracle Projects module.
At the end of this article, you would have learned:
Company XYZ is using a Project Management and Accounting Software for years long. The Management has decided to
move from their existing system to Oracle Projects module because of its vast functionality and integration with other financial
Setting up cost rates for employees is not mandatory. But if you need to cost the hours that are migrated in the system, the
labor cost distribution process in Oracle Projects do need the rates setup in order to calculate the costs.
But if you are migrating the costs directly from the legacy instead of hours then this step is not needed. But ideally the cost
rates are required in a general production scenario wherein the employees/contractors enter their timecards.
You can setup job rate schedule, employee level rate schedule or employee level overrides. Alternatively, the costing client
extension can be setup to calculate the cost according to the business scenario.
Refer to the Oracle Projects User Guide for how to setup the employee cost rates.
Parameter Type
Parameter Value
Expenditure Type
Expenditure Type
Transaction Source
Product Code
Product code
Publish Workplan
Baseline Workplan
Cost Budget
Revenue Budget
This control table is looked upon by the migration program. So whenever there is a change in the templates, expenditure types
it is easy to change this control table instead of the code. So the advise is never hard code any values in the code, always
handle it using the control table.
Also it will be better to have a form based on this table, so that this table data can be changed from the front end.
Second Stage & Third Stage: Validate and Format the Data
I am coupling the second and third stage because both are interdependent. Validating data is very important and it prevents
some of the time consuming tasks in actual migration such as trouble shooting the errors due to the invalid data.
Below are some of the key validations that need to be done before doing the actual migration.
Projects/Tasks Migration:
Though the projects and tasks are in different staging tables, the migration of projects/tasks is doing using a single program.
We can always migrate projects and tasks separately, but the issue is with the performance when adding task by task to each
project. So it always better to create projects and tasks together because of the bulk loading of tasks.
Validate if the project name is unique. Project with the same name should not exist in Oracle Projects.
Validate if the project number is unique. Project with the same number should not exist in Oracle Projects.
Validate if the project long name is unique. Project with the same long name should not exist in Oracle.
Validate the project reference(this field is mandatory in the projects file, it can be the projects identifier of the source project or
project number of the source project, but it has to be unique in the source system as well. This field needs to be populated in all
the converted projects in order to track back and identify the project in the source system)
Project name and project number should be 30 chars in length. Project long name should be 240 chars in length. Project
Description should be 250 chars in length. Project description is not a mandatory field when creating project.
Check if the project has a project manager and the project manager is active in Oracle HR and has an assignment and a Job
assigned. Also the project manager has to be active from the project start date, else you cannot create a project with that
project manager.
In case of contract projects, check if the customer of the project is a valid customer defined and with a valid Bill To site
Apart from the above necessary validations, you may have to validate the additional data such as Projects DFF Data you may
want to populate with your custom field values. For example you may want to populate the Project cost center value in the
Segment1 of the Project DFF. In such case you have to validate if the cost center value is a valid value for that Segment1
(sometimes you may have attached an LOV to that segment1, so in that case, the cost center has to be validated against that
LOV Values).
For tasks, values for task types, work type, task manager has to be validated. Task types and work types have to be defined in
Oracle Projects before the task with those values are migrated, else the task will not be created.
Cost/hours validation
Setup Validations:
Budgets Validation
Setup Validations:
Validate the project template has the required financial plan type attached. Financial plans are the project management
versions of the Budget types in the Forms applications.
Budget amount has to be greater than zero.
There is no need to create revenue budgets if the Baseline funding without budget option is checked at the project or project
type level. Whenever the funding is created for the contract project and is baselined, the revenue budget is automatically
created and baselined. If that option is not checked, it is necessary that a revenue budget with the same amount as the funding
amount needs to be created and baselined in order to baseline the funding.
Data Validations:
The cost budget for the project can be from the source systems budgeting system. If there is no budgeting in the source
system, a cost budget with the total cost of the project can be created in Oracle Projects.
For revenue budgets, it has to be equal to the funding amount of the project. If there is no funding amount in the source system,
the sum of the revenue amount can be the funding amount and it is the revenue budget amount as well.
Hard Limits can be setup according to business rules. If the hard limits are setup for revenue and invoice then the revenue and
invoice has to be within the funding limits for that project.
Funding amount has to be within the Agreement amount.
If the funding at the top task level, then the Customer at top task has to be enabled and the customer should have been
assigned at the top task.
Funding amount should be same as the Revenue budget amount which in general will be same as the total revenue amount
for that project. If there are no hard limits then the revenue or invoice can exceed the funding amounts.
Records which fail the above validations have to be rectified before doing the actual migration.
Projects/Tasks Conversion
Budgets Conversion
For Transactions (cost/hours) migration, there is no APIs to create the expenditures in Oracle. The pa_transaction_interface_all
table needs to be populated with the migration data and once it is populated, the PRC: Transaction Import process with the
Transaction source as parameter needs to be run in Oracle Projects. All invalid records need to be rectified in order to migrate
all the transactions.
The rejected records can be found in the same interface table with the transfer_status_code as R.
Conversion Tips:
1. Make sure the templates are defined properly and exactly the way it is needed. Once the projects are created using the
templates and the template was wrongly defined, then it takes ages to rectify the converted projects.
2. Create the conversion program to operate in two modes: Validate, Run. A concurrent process with a parameter called
mode accepting Validate/Run can be created. So the same concurrent program can be used to validate as well as run the
actual migration.
3. It is a good practice to have source Project id / Project Number as parameter to the projects conversion program. This will
allow us to test the conversion for a single project and validate the data for that project.
4. The validation process can write the invalid records to the output file. So once validation process completes, the output will
have all the invalid records which needs to be rectified.
5. Create a separate concurrent program to know the status of the already running migration process. If you want to know
where the migration process is in terms of the number of records migrated, number of records rejected etc. If the volume of the
migration data is huge, then it is likely possible that the conversion programs may run for hours. So in these scenarios this
concurrent program can be helpful in finding the status of that migration process.
6. For Transactions migration, the custom program written to populate the interface table can kick off the PRC: Transaction
Import process and wait for its completion. Once the transaction import completes, the custom process can print the invalid
records from the interface table to the output file.
7. There are APIs to publish and baseline the workplans created as a part of projects migration. But these APIs need to be
used with care. There are lot of performance issues and bugs when using these APIs.
This is the open interface table for AP Suppliers. It holds Supplier information which is loaded by the user for import. The
columns in the table map to corresponding columns in the PO_VENDORS table. The Oracle Payables application uses this
information to create a new Supplier record when the Supplier Open Interface Import program is submitted. Each row in the
table will be identified by a unique identifier, the VENDOR_INTERFACE_ID.
Mandatory Columns:
This is the open interface table for AP Supplier Sites. It holds Supplier Site information which is loaded by the user for import.
The columns in the table map to corresponding columns in PO_VENDOR_SITES_ALL table. The Oracle Payables application
uses this information to create a new Supplier Site record when the Supplier Sites Open Interface Import program is submitted.
Each row in the table will be joined to the appropriate Supplier using the VENDOR_ID column.
Mandatory Columns:
This is the open interface table for AP Supplier Site Contacts. It holds Supplier contact data. The columns in the table map to
corresponding columns in PO_VENDOR_CONTACTS table. The Oracle Payables application uses this information to create a
new Supplier Contact record when the Supplier Sites Open Interface Import program is submitted. Each row in the table will be
joined to the appropriate Supplier Site using the VENDOR_SITE_CODE and ORG_ID.
Mandatory Columns:
Interface programs:
AP Invoice Interface
This interface helps us to import vendor invoices into Oracle applications from external systems into Oracle Applications.
Interface tables:
This is the open interface table for importing AP Invoices from external sources and stores header information about invoices.
Invoice data comes from sources including:
EDI invoices from suppliers that are loaded through Oracle e-Commerce Gateway
Supplier invoices that are transferred through the Oracle XML Gateway
Invoices that are loaded using Oracle SQL*Loader
Lease invoices from Oracle Property Manager
Lease payments from Oracle Assets
Credit card transaction data that are loaded using the Credit Card Invoice Interface Summary
Expense Report invoices from Oracle Internet Expenses
Payment Requests from Receivables
Invoices that are entered through the Invoice Gateway.
There is one row for each invoice you import. Oracle Payables application uses this information to create invoice header
information when Payables Open Interface program is submitted.
Data in the AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE table used in conjunction with AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE table to create
Payables Invoice, Invoice lines, Distributions and Schedule payments. Data in this table can be viewed and edited using Open
Interface Invoices window.
The Payables Open Interface program validates each record in this interface table selected for import, and if the record
contains valid data then the program creates a Payables Invoice.
Important columns:
INVOICE_ID (Required) : Unique identifier for this invoice within this batch. Same value should be populated in invoices lines
in the AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE table to identify the data as belonging to the same invoice.
INVOICE_NUM (Required) : Enter the invoice number that needs to be assigned to the invoice created in Payables from this
INVOICE_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE (Optional) : Type of invoice: Credit or Standard.
INVOICE DATE (Optional) : Date of the invoice. If you do not enter a value, the system uses the date you submit Payables
This is the lines interface table for the AP Invoice Open Interface and it is used in conjunction with AP_INVOICE_INTERFACE
table. AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE stores information used to create one or more invoice distributions. Note that one row
in this table may create, during the import process, more than one invoice distribution.
Important columns:
INVOICE_ID (Required) :Enter the INVOICE_ID of the corresponding invoice in the AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE table.
INVOICE_LINE_ID : This value is not required. You can enter a unique number for each invoice line of an invoice.
LINE_NUMBER (Optional) : You can enter a unique number to identify the line.
LINE_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE (Required) : Enter the lookup code for the type of invoice distribution that you want Payables
Open Interface Import to create from this record. The code you enter must be ITEM, TAX, MISCELLANEOUS, or FREIGHT.
These lookup codes are stored in the AP_LOOKUP_CODES table.
AMOUNT (Required) : The invoice distribution amount. If you are matching to a purchase order, the AMOUNT =
QUANTITY_INVOICED x UNIT PRICE. If the total amount of all the invoice distributions does not equal the amount of the
invoice that has the same INVOICE_ID, then Payables Open Interface Import will reject the invoice.
Concurrent program:
Payables Open Interface Import
Source: Choose the source of the invoices from the list of values. Use EDI Gateway, Credit Card, or a Source type QuickCode
you defined in the Payables QuickCodes window.
Group: To limit the import to invoices with a particular Group ID, enter the Group ID. The Group must exactly match the
GROUP_ID in the
Payables Open Interface tables.
Batch Name: Payables groups the invoices created from the invoices you import and creates an invoice batch with the batch
name you enter. You can enter a batch name only if you have enabled the Use Batch Control Payables option, and if you have
enabled the Use Batch Control Payables option, you must enter a batch name. If you use a batch name and some invoices are
rejected during the import process, you can import the corrected invoices into the same batch if you enter the exact batch name
during the subsequent import.
Hold Name: If you want to place all invoices on hold at the time of import, enter an Invoice Hold Reason. You can define your
own hold reasons in the Invoice Approvals window.
Hold Reason: Payables displays the Invoice Hold Reason Description.
GL Date: If you want to assign a specific GL Date to all invoices, enter a GL Date. If you do not enter a value here, the system
will assign a GL Date based on the GL Date Payables option.
Purge: Enter Yes if you want Payables to delete all successfully imported invoice records that match the Source and Group ID
of this import. Payables does not delete any invoice data for which it has not yet created invoices. If you want to purge later,
you can use the Payables Open Interface Purge Program.
1] Firstly, lets get a unique number to be used as INVOICE_ID to the invoice to be imported. This method ensures that each
invoice has a unique INVOICE_ID assignment.
2] Then, create records in the Invoice Open Interface tables through SQL queries.
3] You can go to Payables > Invoices > Entry > Open Interface Invoices to check the details of Invoice and Invoice Lines from
the front end. If required you can do any modifications here. Alternatively you can use these forms to put invoice data in
4] Go to the front end and run the concurrent program Payables Open Interface Import to submit a request for Invoice Import.