Types of Letters
Types of Letters
Types of Letters
Always make a rough draft of such letter including the points that are
supposed to be in the drafted letter. There are many formats and forms of
these available on the internet. You can choose one of those or you can
write one on your own. A letter of agreement can also be hand written.
Take the printout of the letter if possible so that it is easier to read.
Include the dates. The date from which the agreement will be in effect and
the date on which it will be terminated should be mentioned clearly. The
names of the parties involved in the agreement should be included. While
mentioning the names, never use nicknames. Always use full legal name
of each party. 'a.k.a' can be included which means 'also known as'.
A valid signature with date is very important in this letter. All the parities
that are involved should sign the letter. It will be best to have this letter
notarized to avoid unwanted disputes. Make two copies of it always.
If you have not drafted an agreement letter but are supposed to sign, or
one of the involved parties, read and re read the letter before
commitment. Check for any loopholes and do not sign if you have even a
fraction of a doubt. Get the things solved and cleared before you agree for
an agreement.
Be selective in choosing every word. You should not use flowery language
and long sentences should be avoided unless necessary.
If you are not well versed with the subject matter, get some help from a lawyer
or a professional of the relate field.
Letter of agreement should always be addressed to the person with whom the
agreement has to be made. This letter provides detailed information about the
person such as name, company, address, and purpose of agreement, terms and
conditions of agreement, date and also the name and address of the second party
who is making the agreement. These are formal letters and the language used to
write these letters should always be professional.
Mr. Smith K Jones
General Manager-Daimler Enterprises Pvt. Ltd
The date that you plan to or wish to move out should be indicated in the lease
termination letter. While writing the lease termination letter it is also necessary to
mention the date on which the leaseagreement started and the total length of
the lease term so that your landlord is clear that you've fulfilled the complete
term and are not subject to early termination penalty.
If in case there is any penalty, discuss with your landlord the plan or procedure to
pay if you are using an early termination clause. If you're ending the contract
early, write a lease termination letter that lets your landlord know if you will be
paying the remaining rent in full, along with any additional fees if any.
The day you move out of the apartment or the commercial property, schedule a
walk through by your landlord. This will allow your landlord to check the area for
damage to decide the amount of the security deposit that you will get back. List
the dates you will be available in the lease termination letter.
Mention the dates that you'll have the utilities turned off so that your landlord will
be able to arrange new services for future tenants or for selling the property.
While writing a lease termination letter one important thing to mention is when
you will return the keys and where your landlord can send your security deposit
or future documents.
It is very important to have all the general information regarding the lease in
your letter, your name and address, your tenants name and the location of the
property that you are renting from him. You should mention the time period till
when you are renting the property or apartment. This is necessary as it varies
from state to state and at the time of moving out it will not be a problem. It is
recommended that you also mention the reason for leaving the apartment or
property on the letter.
As mentioned earlier there may be many reasons for which you will have to write
lease termination letter. One example is given below; you can take it as a
reference and make changes as per the situation.
You are a Tenant and writing a termination lease agreement letter to your
landlord as the condition of the apartment is not proper.
Dear Landlord,
I am writing this letter to inform you that I would wish to terminate the lease
early due to quality of the apartment in which I am living. I do appreciate your
assistance in trying to resolve the problems; however the fact remains that the
environment of the apartment is not favorable to quality of life which I was
looking forward to.
It is my decision to move out from our lease without any failure on February 28,
2011. I would be glad to and will cooperate in showing the apartment to any
future tenant so that you don't face any difficulty or any financial loss. If I can be
of any help to make the process move smoothly and up to your satisfaction
please let me know.
Thank you for your kindness.
Yours sincerely,
- Tenant
The letter should be typed on aletter head if it is for professional use. For
personal confirmation letters, you have to use good quality paper.
The letter should begin with name and address of sender and receiver. A
date should feature in the beginning. The two addresses as well as date
should be aligned to the left side.
All the details that you want to confirm need to be explicitly mentioned in
the openingparagraph of the letter. This will help the reader to understand
the main idea that is conveyed through the letter.
The main body of the letter should begin with salutations. The word "Dear"
followed by the name of the person whom the letter is addressed is the
format that has to be followed.
The letter has to be directly addressed to the concerned person who needs
confirmation about his service, documents, appointment etc.
The letter should end with a line like please inform me if you need further
information about..__ please write to me if you need to add ..__. This
helps the recipient in replying you back if he/she has some issues.
The letter should end with a complimentary closure. The phrases like
thanking you, yours truly, etc. can be used for closing letter followed by
your name and signature.
The letter should use professional fonts like Times New Roman and Arial.
The font size should be readable.
Confirmation Letter
A confirmation letter is written to confirm a business deal or an employee in an
organization. A confirmation letter has various purposes like clarifying the terms
and conditions of a business proposal, solving the misunderstanding about the
situation or event. This letter helps in giving an assurance to the client that
he/she has received your report, proposal and has started working on it.
This type of letter uses an assertive tone. The letter has to be clear, accurate and
direct. This sort of letter helps all the members in a team to get latest updates on
current happenings. This letter helps in building good will and trust about the
November25, 2009
Neil Jackson
34473 Golden Lantern Street,
Dana Point, CA,
United States
(949) 496-0606
any changes in the leave policies, you will be informed about it in a separate
letter in the future.
The senior management has looked into your contribution to the company and
your hard work has paid as you have been confirmed before your probation
period of six months. This is due to your diligent performance and handling the
responsibilities well.
We wish you all the best! I hope you will fulfill your goals and company's goals
with the same sincerity and trust shown in the last three months
Yours truly,
George Shelley
Take a look at following points that will help you in writing a complaint letter:
The letter has to begin with your name and address followed by the
receiver's name and address. The letter has to address the specific person
who will solve your concern.
This letter has to mention the facts like dates, people concerned, amount
invested, etc. This will help the officials in understanding the nature of
your complaint at the first glance.
The letter should have a polite, positive, and soft tone. Your anger and
aggression should not come out through the letter. The letter should show
respect towards the authorities.
Honesty is the best policy. Go with this saying when you draft this sort of
letter. This will help the people whom you are complaining to understand
the real state and how you are suffering.
Do not use the letter as a means of threatening the company for giving
you a bad product or service. After many complaint letters, the situation
remains same then you can use stern voice tactfully in the letter. If you
are really going for a legal action then mention it in the letter.
Do not use the letter as a means of threatening the company for giving
you a bad product or service. If it is first letter of complaint, then make it
sound more like a request than a complaint. Ask the authorities to look
into the matter and resolve the problem. Even after several warning
letters, if the situation remains same then you can use stern voice tactfully
in the letter of complaint. If you are really going for a legal action then
mention it in the letter.
The letter has to be signed with your full name at the end. The letter has
to carry your contact numbers and email address, so that the authorities
can contact you.
Proofread the letter before dispatching it. The letter should not have
typographical, spelling, or grammatical errors.
Complaint Letter
A complaint letter is used to complaint about a product, service or a person to the
higher authority. The complaint letter should be concise, clear and factual. The
letter has to clearly mention what actually the problem is. The letter has to
describe the problem in a precise manner. All the dates, details, requirements,
etc. have to be mentioned so that it helps the reader understand the problem
Even if you are angry and frustrated, the letter should use a friendly tone. This
helps the other party in reciprocating and the action is taken quickly. All the main
points of the problem that you are facing need to be highlighted in the letter.
Henry Richardson
Customer Service
CL Sports Ltd.
2025 East River Parkway,
Minneapolis, MN,
United States
(612) 596-6100
shop. As I have already bought a pair, you can credit the amount to my account
once you receive the parcel.
Thank you for patiently reading this letter. I have been a loyal customer of your
company for last five years. I never had a problem with any of your products.
This has happened for the first time. Will get back to you if I need any sports
equipment in the future.
Yours truly,
Ellen Johnson
Here are some suggestions that will help you in drafting a letter of inquiry:
Letter of Inquiry
A letter of inquiry is written to inquire about a product or service offered by the
company. In this letter, you request the concerned person from the company to
give you information. Some students, who want to seek an admission for a course,
write a letter of inquiry to get information about new courses available on the
A graduate who wants to get an entry level job, writes this sort of letter to gather
information about the vacant job positions. An inquiry letter should specify the
purpose of writing the letter in the very beginning. You have to be courteous
while writing this letter. Ask the information only if you don't get it on the
internet. Keep in mind that your request for the information will be a time
consuming job for the other party.
You have to understand that when you are writing a letter of inquiry.
Management. This featured under the category of green education. That really
interested me as I have completed my honors in Environmental Science. I love
nature and want to do some thing to nurture it through my profession.
I feel waste management is a course that will help me fulfill my dream. A lot of
jobs are available in this field of management as many countries have started
feeling the heat of global warming. I have some knowledge about the basics of
this course but I need detailed information, so that I can take a decision to
pursue my post graduate degree in waste management.
I request you to send me the detailed course structure, curriculum and admission
procedure for the course as these details are not available on the website. The
website gives information about fee structure, duration of course and eligibility
criterion for admission.
You can send me information on my email address - charles_taylor@hotmail.com.
This will be great help for me. I know it is a tough task and it will be time
consuming. I look forward to your positive reply.
Yours truly,
Charles Taylor
1) Your Address
The return address should be written in the top right-hand corner of the letter.
2) The Address of the person you are writing to
The inside address should be written on the left, starting below your address.
Different people put the date on different sides of the page. You can write this on the right or the left on
the line after the address you are writing to. Write the month as a word.
Salutation or greeting:
1) Dear Sir or Madam,
If you do not know the name of the person you are writing to, use this. It is always advisable to try to
find out a name.
2) Dear Mr Jenkins,
If you know the name, use the title (Mr, Mrs, Miss or Ms, Dr, etc.) and the surname only. If you are
writing to a woman and do not know if she uses Mrs or Miss, you can use Ms, which is for married and
single women.
Ending a letter:
1) Yours faithfully
If you do not know the name of the person, end the letter this way.
2) Yours sincerely
If you know the name of the person, end the letter this way.
3) Your signature
Sign your name, then print it underneath the signature. If you think the person you are writing to might
not know whether you are male of female, put you title in brackets after your name.
enc. = enclosure (when you include other papers with your letter)
pp = per procurationem (A Latin phrase meaning that you are signing the letter on somebody else's behalf; if they
cc = carbon copy (when you send a copy of a letter to more than one person, you use this abbreviation to let them
WRITING a formal letter can be difficult for some students but with the right guidance and
some practice it can be made easy.
When writing a formal letter, you must pay attention to the format/layout of the letter.
Besides, you must also keep it short and to the point.
Also, make sure your points or ideas are well-presented. Most importantly, pay attention
to the tone and language. A formal letter must be polite.
There is no need to be rude even if you are expressing your unhappiness or
dissatisfaction. Remember, you should not use informal language or contractions in a
letter of this nature.
These days there are several formats available for writing formal letters but we will only
look at the format which is used in Malaysian government departments and taught in the
Malaysian school system.
Guidelines for Writing a Formal Letter
1. Your address
The date is written on the right along the same line as the last line of the recipients
The month should be spelt out (i.e. it should be in words, not numbers). It must be written
in full (do not use abbreviations such as Sept) and in capital letters.
5. Salutation/Greeting
If you know the name of the recipient, then do use his surname (Dear Mr Tan)
If you do not know the name of the person to whom you are writing, then use Dear Sir or
6. Subject heading
The subject heading gives the reader an idea what the letter is about.
Write the subject heading directly below the salutation and it should be underlined
7. The body of the letter
All paragraphs should be numbered except for the first and last paragraphs.
a. In the first paragraph, you should state the reason for writing (whether it is to inform, to
complain, to invite etc).
b. From the second paragraph onwards, you should include information that is deemed
necessary, depending on what you are writing about.
The number of paragraphs depends on what you are writing.
c. In the last paragraph, state what you expect from the recipient. This is usually in the
form of an action or response. It is a common practice to end a formal letter with phrases
such as I look forward to hearing from you or I hope prompt action will be taken to solve
this problem.
A note of thanks is usually included
Do not forget to sign the letter and write your name below it in capital letters with in
increase in crime
playground not well- maintained
overgrown grass
Rajvind Gill,
10, Jalan Jujur,
Taman Jayadiri,
68000 Ampang,
The Director,
Ampang Jaya Municipal Council,
Bangunan Mentari,
Ampang Jaya,
Dear Sir,
Poor Maintenance of Taman Jayadiri
I am writing this letter on behalf of the residents of Taman Jayadiri to complain about the
dismal conditions we have been putting up with for the past three months.
2. One of the main grouses of the residents concerns uncollected rubbish (point 1).
Initially, rubbish was collected three times a week. However, since June this year the
garbage collectors have only been coming once a week. Our litter bins are always filled
to the brim and we have no choice but to leave our bags of rubbish next to the bins. The
rotting waste causes a terrible stench (point 2). Worse still, stray cats and dogs
scatter the rubbish (point 3) while looking for food. This is not only unpleasant but also
3. Most of the drains in Taman Jayadiri are clogged (point 4) with rubbish resulting in
the water becoming stagnant. It is not uncommon to see plastic bags, bottles and dry
leaves in these drains. There is an urgent need to clear these drains as the stagnant
water is an idealbreeding ground for mosquitoes (point 5). The residents are worried
as there has been a sharp increase in dengue cases (point 6) in the last two months.
4. The street lights along several roads are also not working (point 7). This has
caused several accidents at night (point 8), mostly involving motorcyclists as they are
unable to see in the dark. Unfortunately, the dark streets have also led to another
problem an increase in crime (point 9). Several residents, especially women, have
fallen victim to snatch thieves.
5. The one and only playground in our area is also not well-maintained (point 10).
The grass is overgrown (point 11) as it has not been cut for almost three months.
Besides, the playground equipment is damaged (point 12). Many of the see-saws and
swings have been spoiled by vandals.
I hope the council will look into our complaints and take prompt action to solve our
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
In today's Internet- and e-mail-driven society, the need to write a formal letter arises less often than in
the past. However, it is still occasionally necessary to present a formal letter to obtain information, to
apply for an academic program or a job, to write a complaint letter, or simply to express your opinion
in an effective and coherent manner.
such as good and nice. Be polite and respectful, even if you are complaining. Take a look at our formal
letter example to see what tone is appropriate.
Once you have written your formal letter, check the grammar and spelling carefully. Use the spellchecker on your computer and then read the letter over yourself as the spellchecker will not likely catch
every error. Use a dictionary or thesaurus, if necessary. Check the grammar and punctuation for
correctness and make sure the sentences are complete. It is usually a good idea to have someone else
proofread your formal letter, even after you have done so, as you may have overlooked errors in
something that you have read over many times. If this formal letter is important enough for you to take
the time to write, don't rush its completion. Errors may diminish the impact of the statement or
impression you are trying to make.
The heading consists of your address (but not your name) and the date. Telephone numbers and e-mail
addresses are not usually included here, but they are acceptable. Using block format, the heading goes
in the top left-hand corner of the page.
123 Elm Ave.
Treesville, ON M1N 2P3
November 23, 2008
Inside Address
The inside address consists of the name and address of the person to whom you are writing. You should
try to address the formal letter to a specific person, but if you do not know his or her name, at least try
to include his or her title. This address is usually placed four lines below the heading if a word
processor is used or one line below the heading if the letter is handwritten.
Mr. M. Leaf (name)
Chief of Syrup Production (title)
Old Sticky Pancake Company
456 Maple Lane
Forest, ON 7W8 9Y0
Skip one line after the inside address and then type the salutation. Your choice of salutation depends on
whether or not you know the intended recipient of the formal letter. The most usual greeting is
followed by the person's name and punctuated with a colon. If you don't know whether
the person you are addressing is a man or a woman, you may begin with
. may be used if you don't know the marital status of a woman. Furthermore, if the
person has a specific title such as
, make sure that you use it.
Dear Mr. Trunk:
Skip one line after the salutation and begin typing the body of the formal letter. This is the main part of
the letter. Keep in mind the rules outlined above regarding brevity and coherence. It is best to use short,
clear, logical paragraphs to state your business.
Yours sincerely,
LETTER writing is an important aspect of any writing course. This is because letter
writing is a very important activity in our daily lives, be it for business or personal
In the Malaysian secondary school system, students are taught to write two types of
letters formal letters and informal letters although the latter is a dying art in this age of
e-mails and text messages.
Informal letters are easier to write in terms of format, language and tone. These letters
are sometimes called social or friendly letters. Examples of informal letters include letters
to family members and friends.
Lets look at some important aspects of an informal letter.
Dear Raihan,
It was a lovely surprise to hear from you after such a long time. I know I lost a good
friend when you moved to another town but I understand you had no choice as your
father had to take up the new posting.
In your letter you asked me for some advice on what you should do to become a
successful student. If you want to be successful, you must set goals. People who set
goals accomplish more than those who do not. Write these goals on a piece of paper and
put it up on the wall near your study table. This way, you will be reminded of your goals
every day.Moreover, you must be motivated. When you are motivated you will have a
strong desire to do well and to achieve your goals. I have put up some inspiring
motivational posters on the walls in my room. In addition,you must pay attention in
class. Listen actively and focus on what the teacher is teaching. If you have disruptive
classmates, sit in front of the classroom, away from them. Always ask questions if you
do not understand. Seek clarifications from your teachers or your friends if you are shy to
approach the former.
Another important tip to being a successful student is to be organised. You can use
a planner or notebook to write down all your assignments when they are given. This way
you will not forget your homework, dates of tests or projects. Remember, if you are
organised, you will be well- prepared and you will have less stress. You must
alsocomplete your homework on time. Homework helps reinforce what you have learnt.
It helps you understand and remember the information your teachers have conveyed in
their lessons.
To be a successful student you must prepare well for exams. A successful student
is one who prepares for exams well in advance, and not at the eleventh hour. You must
have diverse interests if you want to be an outstanding student. You should take part in
co-curricular activities in order to become a well-rounded person. These activities help
develop leadership skills and teamwork besides instilling values like cooperation and
tolerance. Discipline is an important aspect of our lives. No matter where you go or what
you do, you will be subjected to rules and regulations. Hence, it is crucial that you obey
the school rules. Besides, you must respect everyone. You must respect your parents,
your teachers, the school staff and also your friends. You must respect other peoples
feelings and opinions.
There are also several things you must avoid if you want to be a successful
student. You must avoid wasting time. These days many teenagers spend hours
chatting online on social networks such as Facebook or playing computer games. These
are a waste of time and will not benefit you in any way. Remember, Time and tide wait
for no man. Also, avoid skipping school. Some students feel that school is a waste of
time as they can learn better from their tuition teachers. This is not true. Your teachers
are experienced and well qualified. They are also experienced examiners and they know
how to impart knowledge effectively
I have to stop here. I hope the above tips will come in handy. Till I hear from you,
take care.
Dear Raihan,
It was lovely to hear from you after such a long time.
In your letter you asked me for some advice on how to become a successful student.
If you want to be successful, you must set goals.Moreover, you must be motivated.
Motivation makes you work hard. This will help you to achieve your goals. In
addition, you must pay attention in class. Focus on what the teacher is teaching. You
mustalways ask questions if you do not understand. You can ask your teachers to
explain things to you.
The sample above is meant to show weak students how they can get marks for format
and content. Most of the sentences are simple sentences and the elaborations are simple.
Remember when you write an informal letter:
Do not use slang words
Do not use words which are in a language other than English. This means you cannot
write Dear Abah, or Dear Amma even if that is how you address your parents.
Do not sign off with Love and Kisses. Keep that for your personal letters.
The address and date should be in the right hand corner. If I were writing
to a person in another country, I would have preferred to add the
following details:
Hillcrest Secondary School,
P.O Box 60453,
7th February 2004
Since she already lives in Zambia, it is not necessary to include the
country and the postcode i.e. 10101. However, if you are writing to
someone outside the country, always include your country and post code.
After you have written the address, leave a line and write the date.
2. Salutation
The most common salutation in an informal letter is Dear.
Note that it is followed by a comma.
Dear Mimi,
However, some go extremely informal and use Hey! or Hi!
You should use your discretion. Obviously if you are writing to your father,
you would not use Hey! unless of course you are extremely close.
3. Body
Here are a few things you should take note of:
Since informal letters are usually written by hand, the paragraphs
are usually indented. However, with more people using their
computers to do most of their writing(and I have a bad feeling
most people will forget how to write with their hands), it is
I was going to town yesterday when a dog bite me and I ran all the
way to the hospital.
Here is a sentence with starts in the past tense and then right in
the middle, the tense changes to present and then finally reverts
to past. Even if your friend is very understanding, this is still
Ask questions
It is always a good idea to ask questions in the body of the letter
that you would like the person to answer in their reply. Questions
work as a good base on which to write a letter, and they give the
recipient motivation to reply:
How are those wonderful brothers of mine?
Did I tell you that I am librarian too, eh?
4. Complimentary close
This is where you sign off, i.e. say toodle- oo:
Take care,
In informal letter writing, the complimentary close is always very friendly:
Lots of love,
Best wishes,
Missing you lots,
Yours forever,
Remember, a comma always follows the complimentary close.
5. Post Script
Use P.S. to add a short message after the complimentary close. Use it
especially to write down something that you may have forgotten in the
body of the letter.
Ah, I am certain that these tidbits will help you write a great informal letter!
Oh, what was that you are asking? How do I properly write the recipients
address on the envelope?
No problem, I have that covered. check the example below:
N.B:You may choose to leave out the commas after each line in the address.
I would love you to take note of the following in these informal letter sample:
...What I did tell him was that your radiant smile is lighting up the
entrance of the MTN offices.
In my own opinion, it is a good idea to mention the by-the-way and less
essential things first, and then concentrate on the important things in the
The content of your letter should be tailored in such a way that it elicits a
response on its own. In short, it should be substantial enough to prod the
reader to respond (It is weak and totally uncool to beg for a reply).
A teasing statement like:
I am sure that the very idea of marrying a jobless and destitute man
repels you enormously!
is bound to elicit a response, especially a defensive one. Learn to write in
a manner that will compel the reader to reply. I am sure we are past the
'Pliz reply' postscript!
It is true that most people remember most what they read last, so in your
concluding paragraph, mention something substantial. George uses the
last paragraph to emphasise the closeness of their bond:
Yours forever,
Dearest George
3. Be wary about using abbreviations.If you are to use them, make sure that
you write them out in full in parenthesis if your reader will not know what
they mean. In our example, Lisa uses the abbreviation TLC and does not
write it in full because she is certain that George knows what it means.
4. Note too the very affectionate complementary close:
Lots of love,