Air Flow Analysis For Defroster and Ventilation System of A Passanger Car

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International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science ISSN:2319-7242
Volume 3 Issue 7 July, 2014 Page No. 6859-6862

Survey on Recent trends in Computational &

Experimental Technique to Evaluate Performance of
Air Flow in Defrost/Demist System for Automobile
Saiprasad N. Patil, Prof. P. D. Sonawane
Student, M.E. Design Engineering,
MAEERs Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Pune
Pune, India.
[email protected],
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mechanaical Engineering
MAEERs Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Pune
Pune, India.
[email protected]
Abstract the safety and comfort aspects of passenger car are significant sales argument and it become a topic of rising importance
during development process of new car. Maintaining adequate visibility at all times through a vehicle windshield is important. Vehicle
Defrost systems are required to defrost the windshield and side windows in considerable time after the blower has been switched on.
The ability of windshield defrosting and demisting system to quickly and completely melt ice on the outer windshield surface and mist
formed on the inner surface is therefore is important.
The current study gives methodology for Computational techniques used in industries to evaluate actual performance of
defrost/demist system of automobile at manufacturing stage. Some experimental and computational efforts are elaborated in this paper
from previous studies so as to study current scenario in Windshield defroster system. This paper summarizes state of knowledge for
improving evaluation efforts. The objective of this study is to enhance computational techniques to get improved outcome.
Index TermsMethodology





In mid 1970 automobile air conditioning system was
conceptualized. This was to cater the comfort requirements of
closed cabin vehicles which were becoming more and more
popular then. Defrost and demist systems are integral parts of
automobile air conditioning system. Automotive air
conditioning systems were conceptualized for improved
comfort of automobile occupants. These systems included
limited scope of providing ergonomically comfortable
environmental conditions inside the automobile. With the
advances in automotive technologies, scope of automotive air
conditioning kept broadening. Therefore air conditioning also
started fulfilling functions such as maintaining quality and
quantity of air, providing regional comfort (for example
passenger feet heating, rear air conditioning) and aiding the
drivers visibility in extreme weather conditions. Broadly
system aiding drivers visibilities in extreme weather
conditions by facilitating transparency through the windshield
can be called as defrost and demist function. Exemplary
extreme weather conditions where aid to drivers visibility may
be required are subzero cold conditions, high humidity at lower

Frost means formation of a layer of ice in cold condition

right across the outside face of the wind screen.
Mist means a film of condensate on the inside face of the
glazed surfaces.
A system responsible for removal of frost is called as
defrosts system and system responsible for removal of mist is
called as demists system. [1]
The Windshield area requiring cleaning for safe driving is
prescribed by SAE standards. The minimum windshield area
that shall be defrosted is described by the use of two specified
areas identified in Table 1 as area A and C.
Min. %

Angles, Deg.

Defrost in
30 Minute












Saiprasad N. Patil, IJECS Volume 3 Issue 7 July, 2014 Page No.6859-6862

Page 6859

For instant, SAE J902 requires that 100% C zone and

80% A zone of the windshield must be cleared in 30 minutes.
FMVSS 103 requires that 80% C zone of the windshield
must be cleared in 20 minutes as in Figure 1. [2]



Velocity Inlet

Fig. 2. Geometry of Automobile

Fig. 1. Typical Location of Areas 'A' And 'C' As Viewed From Interior Of

To achieve these de-icing performance standards, several

design parameters should be considered, such as defroster
nozzle outlet location, air impingement angle, cross-section
area of the defroster nozzle and its optimum shape, and finally
the number of nozzle outlets needed which depends on the
vehicle and the packaging space. Among these parameters, the
most significant parameter is the impingement angle and air
velocity. These two parameters need to be optimized to insure
that the air jet leaving the defroster nozzle travels along the
windshield without any significant separation from the
windshield. Also, the air circulation between the windshield
and the Instrument panel need to be minimized.
Considering all this parameters OEM states required air
velocity pattern on windshield. Accordingly manufacturers
need to design Defrost duct system to fulfill required customer
needs. Thus basically manufacturers does not deals with actual
windshield defrosting i.e. they are only interested in maintain
OEM stated velocity conditions. To evaluate performance of
manufactured or in-process parts (Design) various experimental
as well as computation techniques are used. In this paper
various techniques are explained.
Till the date trial and error and prior experience
methods are used in prediction of performance of ventilation
and defrosting system. But research and development and
increased production efficiency has generated a more interest to
develop more sophisticated design tools such as computational
fluid dynamics (CFD).
Before believing upon CFD for prototype design testing,
the computational models must be tuned, tested, and validated.
This is especially important when CFD is used in a competitive
industry such as the automobile, aeronautical industry. To do
this, an extensive and accurate experimental data set of relevant
quantities (such as the velocity field, turbulence field,
temperature field, etc.) is necessary.

Fig. 3. Computational mesh of the Vehicle interior

The flow and temperature field on the windows and in the

passenger compartment is calculated with many CFD codes
like StarCCM+, fluent, powerflow etc. The basic conservation
equations, namely the Navier Stokes equations are solved
numerically using the finite volume technique as implemented
in Fluent. There are many turbulence models which can be
employed for numerical prediction. The turbulent nature of the
flow is modeled by using standard k- model with logarithmic
law of the wall. Constant Pressure is specified at the inlet to the
defroster nozzles and the side duct, where the air is sucked in.
At the slot in the back of the compartment the air is leaving the
compartment. The flow is considered as steady,
incompressible, viscous, Newtonian and isotropic. [3]
The three-dimensional steady-state incompressible Navier
Stokes Equations are
Mass (continuity) equation:
Momentum Equation:


The model of the passenger compartment, including the
windshield and side windows of interest here, are drawn using
AutoCAD package and then imported for pre-processing as an
(IGES). Hypermesh, ANSA, Fluent's T-Grid are used to
generate the tetrahedral volume mesh.

Energy Equation:
is the Laplacian Operator
E is the internal energy per unit mass

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Page 6860

is the rate of dissipation of mechanical energy per unit

mass or called more often the viscous dissipation function per
unit mass,

v is the kinematic viscosity

k is the coefficient of thermal conductivity
T is the temperature
A. Turbulence modelling
There are several methods for turbulent flow simulation to
numerically close the product of state variables in (1) (3).
One such RNG based standard k- turbulence model of Yakhot
and Orszag [4] contains the following two equations, one for
turbulence kinetic energy k and the other for its dissipation rate
, respectively


The RNG based k- turbulence model is derived from the
instantaneous Navier Stokes equations, using a mathematical
technique, called renormalization group (RNG) methods.
The equation (4) and (5), the left hand side shows the
diffusion and generation terms and the right hand side involves
dissipation rate terms. The turbulent viscosity is modeled as

Where C=0.0845 [5]. The standard coefficients are

C1=1.42 and C2=1.68
The turbulent viscosity is not a fluid property, but rather a
property of the flow fluid. Its value is added to the molecular
viscosity and yields an effective viscosity eff , which is used in
the computational model. The k and at the inlet are calculated
from the following expression


There are numerous methods of measuring velocities, but
most of them rely upon a physical probe being inserted into the
airflow of interest. [7]
A. Hot Wire Anemometer
Hot-wire anemometry provides quantitative velocity
measurements that are useful for determining defroster and
windshield air flow and validating the numerical simulations.
The standard technique to perform hotwire measurements on
the windshield entails the use of a Plexiglas template to replace
the windshield. It is used in this investigation. A straight hotwire anemometer probe is inserted through the holes of the
template. An insertion depth of 7 mm is typically used to
account for the growing boundary layer flow field over the
windshield. The probe is rotated around its central axis until a
maximum signal is detected on the signal processor. The
magnitude and direction of the velocity is then determined,
with the direction being the normal to the straight hot-wire. [8]
To overcome the shortcomings of the standard technique, a
modified hot-wire technique was developed to yield more
accurate experimental measurements of the velocity field in the
vicinity of the defroster nozzle jet flow and windshield inner
surface. A complete array of hot-wire results were presented
showing consistency with the wall jet velocity profile (in
magnitude and direction) due to the impingement of the
defroster jet flow on the windshield.

Fig. 4. Setup hot-wire anemometer measurement grid on the windshield

Where Tu is turbulence level and L is a characteristic length.

B. Convergence
The solution is declared convergent when the maximum
residual for each of the state variable is smaller than a
convergence criterion of . The convergence of a solution
vector U on node n is defined as the norm:

Convergence criterion selected for different equations is

10 for continuity, momentum, k, and and 10-6 for the energy
equation. This convergence criterion was selected as
numerical simulations with the criteria resulted in a good
correlation with experimental results [6].

Fig. 5. Schematic representation of the standard windshield hot-wire

measurement technique (straight hot-wire anemometer is placed at 7mm
to the inside of the windshield interior surface)


B. Thermal Imaging
Thermal imaging is another method to map temperature
contours on the windshield of outer surface. It is non instructive
method. Instead of direct measurement of air temperature at
specific point in space, it measures air temperature range in

Saiprasad N. Patil, IJECS Volume 3 Issue 7 July, 2014 Page No.6859-6862

Page 6861

vicinity of windshield. A thermal imaging camera is used to

record the thermal evaluation of the windshield flow as well as
a video recorder together with a computer system is used for to
capturing and analyzing an image obtained. Thermal imaging
camera is situated outside the vehicle at a certain distance (let
3m) in front of the plane of windshield. Thermographic system
is set before turning on HVAC system. Thermal maps are
recorded in time at intervals of 30 seconds from the moments in
which heating is turned on.

Fig. 6. Thermal Imaging Experimental Setup

C. Laser Sheet Evaluation (LSV)

Laser Sheet Visualization (LSV) is another method to
evaluate flow fields. LSV involves projection on a sheet of
laser light which is 2mm thick inside the cabin. Such images
are recorded for scattering particles on a single photographic
negative or on a video film. An 18 W continuous wave, Argon
lon laser is used as light source. The light source is guided to
the position of intersect through an optical fibre. A sheet
forming optical arrangement is attached to fibre end. Such
tracer particles are neutrally buoyant with good light reflection

Fig. 7. LSV of the defroster jet flow

D. Cold Room Test Facility

For cold climatic operation of a vehicle, windshield
defrosting system is an important condition. After soaking
phase defrosting test is carried out until all vehicle components

are cooled down to 18 below zero. With the help of uniform

spray of very fine water mist (0.044 g/cm2) an ice layer is
formed on windshield. The vehicle as well as newly formed ice
layers is soaked for further 30-40 minutes before the test
begins. [9]

This study investigates current experimental and
computational techniques to monitor performance of
defrost/demist system. In such cases velocity, pressure,
temperature etc. of air is monitored.
CFD simulation helps to give appropriate results by saving
time and computational efforts. Factors such as mesh density,
cell geometry, turbulence modeling could impact on speed and
accuracy of numerical simulation.
CFD tools used for such simulations are very costly. Due to
limited node licensing computational time is also restricted.
There are few open source tools like OpenFOAM are
available, which will reduce licensing cost and computational
time. Thus such open source tools should incorporated for
simulation purpose.
[1] V. S. Khairatkar, M. Srenivasulu and A. V. Mannikar,
Methodology for Defrost and Demist Test, SAE Paper No.
[2] SAE J902_200307 Passanger Car Windshield Defrosting
System, SAE Recommended Practice.
[3] S. Rasipuram and K. Nasar, A parametric computationallybased study of windshield heat transfer subjected to impinging
airflow, SAE Paper No.2004-01-1382.
[4] V. Yakhot and S. A. Orszag, Renormalization group analysis of
turbulence - Basic Theory, Journal of Scientific Computing,
Vol. 1, 1989, pp 3-51.
[5] S. H. Lam, On the RNG theory of Turbulence, Physics of
Fluids A 4, Vol. 1, 1992, pp. 1007-1017.
[6] S. Roy, K. Nasar, P. Patel and B. AbdulNour, An experimental
and numerical study of heat transfer of an inclined surface
subjected to an inclined surface subjected to an impinging
airflow, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.
45, 2002, pp. 16151629.
[7] A. Aroussi, A. Hassan, B. Clyton and B. AbdulNour, An
Assessment of vehicle side-window defrosting and demisting
process, SAE Paper No. 2001-01-0289.
[8] B. S. AbdulNour, 1999, CFD Prediction of Automotive
Windshield Defrost Pattern, Automotive Climate Control Design
Elements, SAE Paper No. 1999-01-1203.
[9] B. S. AbdulNour 1997, Hot-Wire Velocity Measurements of
Defroster and Windshield Flow, Automotive Climate Control
Design Elements, SAE Paper No. 970109.

Saiprasad N. Patil, IJECS Volume 3 Issue 7 July, 2014 Page No.6859-6862

Page 6862

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